Federal and State Census Mortality Schedules
Mortality schedules are available for the federal census years of 1850, 1860, 1870, and 1880. Mortality schedules exist in 1885 for Colorado, Florida, Nebraska, New Mexico, and North and South Dakota. In the New York state census, mortality schedules were generally recorded for the years of 1855, 1865, and 1875. They are arranged by state, then by county, and then by political subdivision (township, city, etc.). These schedules can add "flesh" to the bones of ancestors and provide information about the communities in which they lived. These schedules may be the only record of death for some individuals, as many states did not require recording of deaths until the late nineteenth century.
Mortality schedules record deaths in the year preceding the taking of the census. For example, the 1860 mortality schedules include persons who died between June 1, 1859 and May 31, 1860. For each person, the following information is listed: name, age, sex, marital status if married or widowed, state or country of birth, month of death, occupation, cause of death, and the length of the final illness.
The surviving 1890 federal census also includes the veteran's mortality schedules.
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Mortality Schedules:
- Alabama Mortality Schedules
- Alaska Mortality Schedules - No records known to exist online.
- Arizona Mortality Schedules
- Arkansas Mortality Schedules
- California Mortality Schedules
- Colorado Mortality Schedules
- Connecticut Mortality Schedules - No records known to exist online.
- Delaware Mortality Schedules - No records known to exist online.
- District of Columbia Mortality Schedules
- Florida Mortality Schedules
- Georgia Mortality Schedules
- Hawaii Mortality Schedules - No records known to exist online.
- Idaho Mortality Schedules
- Illinois Mortality Schedules
- Indiana Mortality Schedules
- Iowa Mortality Schedules
- Kansas Mortality Schedules
- Kentucky Mortality Schedules
- Louisiana Mortality Schedules
- Maine Mortality Schedules
- Maryland Mortality Schedules
- Massachusetts Mortality Schedules
- Michigan Mortality Schedules
- Minnesota Mortality Schedules
- Mississippi Mortality Schedules
- Missouri Mortality Schedules
- Montana Mortality Schedules - No records known to exist online.
- Nebraska Mortality Schedules
- Nevada Mortality Schedules
- New Hampshire Mortality Schedules - No records known to exist online.
- New Jersey Mortality Schedules
- New Mexico Mortality Schedules
- New York Mortality Schedules
- North Carolina Mortality Schedules
- North Dakota Mortality Schedules
- Ohio Mortality Schedules
- Oregon Mortality Schedules
- Oklahoma Mortality Schedules - No records known to exist online.
- Pennsylvania Mortality Schedules
- Rhode Island Mortality Schedules - No records known to exist online.
- South Carolina Mortality Schedules
- South Dakota Mortality Schedules
- Tennessee Mortality Schedules
- Texas Mortality Schedules
- Utah Mortality Schedules
- Vermont Mortality Schedules
- Virginia Mortality Schedules
- Washington Mortality Schedules
- West Virginia Mortality Schedules
- Wisconsin Mortality Schedules
- Wyoming Mortality Schedules - No records known to exist online.
If you know of a Mortality Schedule link that should be added to this list, please submit it to: add a link
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