The Anoka Star Obituaries, 1863-1865
Anoka, Anoka County, Minnesota
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1863-1865 Obituaries from The Anoka Star, in Anoka, Anoka County Minnesota.
WATSON, Emily Adelia Obituary
Died, In Saint Paul, on Monday evening, February 8th, Emily Adelia, wife of Burnham K. Watson, aged 23 years. But a few weeks since was recorded the death of her babe-tender bud, soon withered, that tried to blossom in our chilling air-and now, she too is transplanted to our Father's garden, where Faith whispers us, they will grow together in immortal beauty-one day to bless with heavenly loveliness the eyes that now are weeping bitter tears of parting. [The Anoka Star, (Anoka, MN), February 13, 1864, P.1.]
WHITNEY, David M. Obituary
Died, In Freeport, Maine, Nov. 25th David M. Whitney, aged 36. The deceased was for several years a resident of the town of Ramsey, in this county. About six months ago he went East, on a visit to his friends. On the 6th of November, while engaged in cutting timber, he was struck on the head by a broken limb of a tree, which resulted in his death on the 25th. [The Anoka Star, (Anoka, MN), December 12, 1863, P.1.]