Dudley Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
Surnames S-Z
Transcribed by Jeffrey Tooley
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- SABIN (see Sabins)
- SABIN, Abisha and Mary Gordan [Jordan ?) int. Dec. 13, 1783
- SABIN, Betsey and Benjamin Barton, Feb. ----, 1803
- SABIN, Dolley and William Vinton, int. March 6, 1799
- SABIN, Dorathy and David Cutten, March 4, 1770
- SABIN, Easter [Esther in int.] and Joseph Putney, March 4, 1761
- SABIN, Edmund and Mary Albee, Sept. 6, 1784
- SABIN, Elisha Jr. and Moriah Dickerman of Kingly, int. Oct. 26, 1754
- SABIN, Gideon and Freelove Searl, Jan. 21, 1768. In Sturbridge
- SABIN, Hannah and Caleb Amidown, April 14, 1758
- SABIN, Jemima and Abijah Sairles of Sturbridge, int. June 24, 1786
- SABIN, Jesse [Jessa in int.] and Rhoda Waters, April 16, 1772
- SABIN, Joseph and Wid. Sarah Newell, Nov. 2, 1758
- SABIN, Joseph Jr. and Dorothy Weld of Sturbridg, int. May 5, 1759
- SABIN, Joseph Jr. and Susanna Adams of Killingsley, March 16, 1769
- SABIN, Joseph and Prudence Smith, Jan. 5, 1788
- SABIN, Obediah and Elezeboth Lenard, Dec. 17, 1752
- SABIN, Phebe and Benjamin Kidder, Nov. 9, 1775
- SABIN, Rhoda and Younglove C. Carpenter, March 17, 1824
- SABIN, Royal and Mrs. Salley Woodard of Charlton, May 11, 1800
- SABIN, Sarah and John Mason, April 20, 1773. At Sturbridge
- SABIN, Sarah and Joel Barret of Rockingham, now resident at Dudley, Jan. 11, 1787
- SABIN, Zilpha. [Zilpher in int.] and Abijah Searle, July 2, 1767. In Sturbridge
- SABINS (see above)
- SABINS, Jeremiah and Roxana Raiment [Raymond ?] of Sturbridge, int. Aug. 4, 1817
- SAILES (see Sales, Sayles)
- SAILES, Royal of Glocester, R.I., son of Isarel Sailes Esq. of Glocester and Watea Aldrich of Douglass, March 9, 1786
- SAIRLES (Searl, Searls, Serls, Sirls)
- SAIRLES, Abijah of Sturbridge and Jernima Sabin, int. June 24, 1786
- SALES (see Sailes, Sayles)
- SALES, Zerviah and John Albee, Feb. 26, 1778
- SAMPSON, Almon of Millbury and Lucy Pratt of Charlton, Aug. 17, 1836. In Charlton
- SAMPSON, Mary and Joseph Pagan, April 9, 1787
- SANDERS, Daniel Alexander of Charlton and Sally Smith, Jan. 16, 1792. In Charlton
- SANDERSON, David of Brandon, Vt., and Lucy Elwell, Jan. 18, 1827
- SANGER, [Sango in int.], Mary and John Jeffords, Feb. 20, 1764
- SANGER, Olive and John Ammidon of Charlton, June 19, 1783
- SANGER, Polly and John Callaghan, both of Webster, May 18, 1834
- SAYLES (see Sailes, Sales)
- SAYLES, Daniel and Rhoda Vinton, Jan. 19, 1820
- SAYLES, George and Caroline Vinton, March 18, 1833
- SAYLES, Polly and Lewis Corbin, Dec. 16, 1821
- SAYLES, Sally and Ezra Vinton, Jan. 25, 1816
- SAYLES, Waity and Winsor Bruce, int. Aug. 25, 1828
- SCARBOROUGH, Mrs. Bethiah of Roxbury and Rev. Charls Gleason, int. Oct. 2, 1747
- SCARBROUGH, Abigail of Woodstock and Philip Newell, int. Feb. 5, 1743
- SCHOLEFIELD (see Scholfield)
- SCHOLEFIELD, Harriet F. and Truman G. Perry, int. May 11, 1844
- SCHOLEFIELD, Mary H. and John W. Marsden of Oxford, int. Sept. 21, 1844
- SCHOLEFIELD, Sarah and William Bowley, int. Nov. 20, 1847. (Void.)
- SCHOFIELD (see above)
- SCHOFIELD, Ellen J. and James M. Shumway of Webster, int. April 8, 1848
- SCHOFIELD, Eliza and William Corbin, March 8, 1841
- SCHOFIELD, John and Sarah P. Plumstead, Sept. 5, 1830
- SCHOFIELD, Joseph and Betty Howard, Feb. 27, 1815
- SCOT, Jemima. and Benjamin Dresser, both of Charlton, April 8, 1778
- SCOTT, Ebenezer and Mary Shappley, int. Oct. 18, 1742
- SCOTT, Hannah and William Edmunds, Dec. 26, 1738
- SCOTT, Joseph and Mary Edmunds, Dec. 27, 1738
- SCOTT, Mary and Ebenezer Taylor, Oct. 13, 1768
- SCOTT, Rebecca and Daniel Smith Jr., int. May 31, 1767
- SCOTT, Sarah and John Dresser of Oxford, int. Feb. 2, 1739-40
- SCRIVENGER, Elizabeth and George Leighton, int. Oct. 24, 1828
- SEAGRAVE, Waity G. of Uxbridge and Danford Upham, int. Nov. 14, 1830
- SEAGRAVES, Jacob T. of Providence, R.I., and Polly Bracket, April 20, 1828
- SEAMAN, Mrs. Polly and William Kimball of Oxford, int. Sept. 15, 1827
- SEAMANS, Lewis T. and Polly Robinson, July 26, 1821
- SEARL (see Sairles, Serls, Sirls, etc.)
- SEARL, Fanny of Southbridge and Eaton Eddy, int. Jan. 25, 1818
- SEARL, Freelove [Trulove in int.], Gideon Sabin, Jan. 21, 1768. In Sturbridge
- SEARLE, [Searles in int.], Abijah and Zilpha Sabin, July 2, 1767. In Sturbridge
- SEARLS, Henry and Urana Ammidown, both of Charlton, Aug. 8, 1793
- SEARS, David and Betsey Wakefield, int. March 29, 1821
- SEARS, Sally of Dennis and Ralph Dwight, int. April 9, 1836
- SEAVER, [Sever in int.], Nickolus of Roxbery and Mary Putney, April 3, 1759
- SEGOURNEY, Andrew and Elizabith Wolcott, both of Oxford, July 26, 1787
- SENAH, Zachariah and Hannah Primas, July 22, 1785
- SERLS (see Sairles, Searl, Sirls, etc.)
- SERLS, Martha and Mehaman Smith of Sturbridg, int. Oct. 11, 1771
- SHAPLEY, (see Shappley in int.), Lydia and Phinehus Mixer, Jan. 1, 1744-5
- SHAPLEY, Phebee of Killingly and Ebenezer Coburn, int. Dec. 31, 1737
- SHAPPLEY (see above)
- SHAPPLEY, Mary and Ebenezer Scott, int. Oct. 18, 1742
- SHARP, Mrs. Martha and John Stone, Oct. 20, 1757
- SHARP, Pitt of Pomfret, Conn., and Julia A. Deane of Woodstock, Conn., March 19, 1838. In Woodstock
- SHATTUCK, [Shadock in int.], Jonathan of Oxford and Hulda Curtis, Nov. 30, 1769
- SHAW, Eliza and William Souls of Webster, April 26, 1835
- SHAW, Louisa of Stafford, Conn., and Peter R. Wakefield, int. Dec. 27, 1827
- SHAW, John Jr. and Percis D. Gilbert of North Brookfield, int. Aug. 9, 1829
- SHEFFIELD, Joseph of Killingley and Theody Carter, Feb. 19, 1784. [Int. Oct. 24, 1783 ?]
- SHEFFIELD, Joseph and Sally Allen, Sept. 14, 1787
- SHEFFIELD, Joseph and Polly Bowers, March 7, 1799
- SHEPHARD (see below)
- SHEPHARD, [Shepherd in int.], Simeon and Wid. Betsey Reynolds, May 19, 1817
- SHEPHARD, Sophia and Jacob Barton of Charlton, int. April 20, 1818
- SHEPERD, Fanny and Hiram Corbin, both of Leicester, Nov. 17, 1833
- SHEPHERD (see above)
- SHEPHERD, Permelia and Ebenezer Plumer of Thompson, Conn., June 1, 1809
- SHEPHERD, Sabra [Sabre in int.] and John White, Jan. 17, 1805
- SHEPHERD, Titus Vespatian and Lucy Mills of Thompson, int. Dec. 10, 1803
- SHEPHERD, Rev. Vincent of Plainfield, N.J., and Susan Dwight, April 8, 1840
- SHERBROOKS, Susannah of South Brinfield and Richard Aarnold, int. Nov. 26, 1815
- SHORT, Asa of Glocester and Olive Burrel, int. July 21, 1776
- SHUMAWAY (see Shumway)
- SHUMAWAY, [Shumway in int.] Chloe of Oxford and Simeon Wood, Dec. 14, 1803
- SHUMWAY (see above)
- SHUMWAY, Elizabeth [Betsey in int.] of Oxford and Jonathan Kingsbury, Aug. 4, 1791. At Oxford
- SHUMWAY, James M. of Webster and Ellen J. Schofield, int. April 8 1848
- SHUMWAY, Polly of Woodstock, Conn., and Abraham Haven, int. Sept. 2, 1832
- SHUMWAY, Sophia of Oxford and John Marsh, int. Nov. 2, 1839
- SIBLEY (see Sibly)
- SIBLEY, Betsey and William Hudson of Leicester, April 24, 1836
- SIBLEY, Harriet M. of Southbridge and Abner C. Walker, int. March 21, 1846
- SIBLEY, Polley of Sutton and Rufus Moffit, Dec. 2, 1803
- SIBLEY, Silas and Almira Joy of Thompson, int. Sept. 13, 1829
- SIBLY (see Sibley)
- SIBLY, Adaline and Francis Lamb, both of Charlton, Jan. 1, 1838. In Charlton
- SIMMONS, Gelson [Gilson in int.] of Ashford, Conn., and Fanny Talbut, Aug. 23, 1827
- SIMPSON, Mrs. Beeca [Bena ? in int.] and Henry Willard, Nov. 26, 1801
- SIMPSON, Betsy of Charlton and Israel Alexander, Oct. 20, 1799
- SIMPSON, Chloe [Chloe C. in int.] and Samuel Davis of Webster, Oct. 22, 1837
- SIMPSON, Tyler and Cynia Clemans of Charlton, int. Nov. 12, 1827
- SIRLS (see Searl, etc.)
- SIRLS, Clarisa and John Baker, July 3 1815
- SISSON, Adeline of Sturbridge and Leonard Vinton, int. March 29, 1823
- SKELTON, Desier and Jacob Burrel [?] int. May 21, 1815
- SKINNER, Daniel and Eliza Frazier, Aug. 31, 1828
- SKINNER, Harris of Craftsbury, Vt., and Elmira Elwell, Feb. 23, 1834
- SLADE, Thompson of Ashford, Conn., and Dolly Corbin, April ----, 1836
- SLATER, George and Cyrane Tripp of Ludlow, int. Sept. 20, 1824
- SLATER, George B. and Miss Lydia Haskell both of Oxford, May 6, 1825
- SLY, Azor of Southbridge and Sarah G. Bates, Feb. 28, 1832
- SLY, Celia Ann and Thomas Thornton, Nov. 11, 1838
- SLY, David of Franconey and Mary Mansfield, int. Oct. 8, 1785. Forbid by her
- SLY, Elizabeth and Ziby Edmands of Thompson, Conn., June 9, 1811
- SLY, Harriet and Hiram Spalding of Carlton, int. March 19, 1831
- SLY, Jacob and Sally Town, May 26, 1802
- SLY, Joanna and Zebedee Appleby of Smithfield, June 19, 1775
- SLY, Julitta and Parmenus Keith, Feb. 2, 1832
- SLY, Lucetta and John A. Brown of Woodstock, Jan. 6, 1825
- SLY, Lucretia and Rodman Fuller, March 31, 1813
- SLY, Mansfield and Delia Tiffany of Thompson, Conn., April 20, 1829
- SLY, Maria and Stephen Spaulding of Webster. [Return dated April 15, 1841]
- SLY, Merrick and Miss Mary Ann Fowles, April 25, 1841
- SLY, Nathan and Elizabith Mansfield of Killingley, int. July 7, 1781
- SLY, Nathan Jr., and Cynthia Corbin, Nov. 29, 1810
- SLY, Patience and John Applebee of Smithfield, April 16, 1778
- SLY, Sally and [Daniel in int.] Tourtelot of Thompson, Conn., Aug. 23, 1813
- SLY, Sally and David Bates of Fitskburg [Fitchburg ?] Mass., int. April 17, 1836
- SMITH, Abigail of Andover, Mass., and Jonathan Wakefield, June 22, 1733. At Andover
- SMITH, Anna [Ama ?] and Perly Stone, Nov. 5, 1793
- SMITH, Anna S. of Holliston (d. Newell and Susan Rockwood, wid., a. 19), and Nathan H. Johnson, June 3, 1847
- SMITH, Benjamin and Mrs Penelopy Holley of Oxford South Gove, March 13, 1800
- SMITH, Daniel Jr., and Rebecca Scott, int. May 31, 1767
- SMITH, Daniel B. of Oxford and Betsey Marsh, int. Nov. 20, 1832
- SMITH, Elizabeth of Oxford South Gore and Thomas Barret of Woodstock, Feb. 13, 1782. At Oxford South Gore
- SMITH, Franklin and Clarissa Nichols, both of Charlton, May 14, 1837. In Charlton
- SMITH, George [Capt. in int.] and Susan Davis, Aug. 24, 1828
- SMITH, Grace and John Cortis, Dec. 28, 1760
- SMITH, Hannah of Oxford and Ephraim Ammidown, Feb. 24, 1742-43. At Oxford
- SMITH, Hannah and Abijah Tainter, June 27, 1821
- SMITH, Joanna and Reuben Smith, Aug. 21, 1793
- SMITH, Jonathan of Warwick and Elizabeth Harbridge, Nov. 30, 1769. In Oxford
- SMITH, Mary and Benjamin Elwell, Oct. 9, 1808
- SMITH, Mehaman of Sturbridg and Martha Serls, int. Oct. 11, 1771
- SMITH, Nancy and William Richardson, May 23, 1820
- SMITH, Nathan Jr., and Elisheba Atwood, Feb. 2, 1786
- SMITH, Patience and Asa Corbin, Nov. 16, 1769
- SMITH, Prudence and Joseph Sabin, Jan. 5, 1788
- SMITH, Rhoda and Rowland Perry, int. Jan. 11, 1795
- SMITH, Royal of Sturbridge and Caroline Williams, Dec. 11, 1828
- SMITH, Ruben and Joanna Smith, Aug. 21, 1793
- SMITH, Sally and Daniel Alexander Sanders Jr., Jan. 16, 1792. At Charlton
- SMITH, Samuel W. of Oxford (s. Samuel and. Asenath of Oxford, single, a. 24) and Elizabeth Haskell, Jan. 4, 1848
- SMITH, Shadrach and Joanna Albee, Feb. 26, 1778
- SMITH, Susannah and Daniel Allerd of Thompson, April 10, 1792
- SMITH, Sylvina [Silvina in int.] of Thompson, Conn., and Thomas Darling, Dec. 1, 1829
- SMITH, Welthan and. Aaron Brown of Woodstock, Aug. 6, 1781
- SMITH, William and Hannah Aldbee, Nov. 8, 1775
- SMITH, William Jr., and Ruth Taft of Uxbridge, Sept. 22, 1797. At Uxbridge
- SMITH, Lieut. William and Mrs. Rebeca Morriss, Feb. 27, 1799
- SMITH, Lieut. William and Wid. Betsey Holbrook, both of Charlton, Jan. 2, 1804
- SNELL, Joseph of Ashford and Abigail Barton of Oxford, Jan. 27, 1783
- SOULS, William of Webster and Eliza Shaw, April 26, 1835
- SOUTHWICK, George of Gloucester, R.I., and Selinda Walden, April 26, 1829
- SOUTHWICK, Sarah and John Brock of Woodstock, int. Oct. 5, 1743
- SPALDING (see Spaulding)
- SPALDING, Hiram of Charlton and Harriet Sly, int. March 19, 1831
- SPARROWES, William and Damaras Propter, of Killingly, int. March 30, 1793
- SPAULDING (see Spalding)
- SPAULDING, Stephen, of Webster and Maria Sly. [Return dated April 15, 1841.]
- SPEAR, Mary and Thomas West, Nov. 12, 1772
- SPENCER, Mahitable of Sturbridge and Dyer Freeman, int. March 18, 1832
- SPRAGUE, Caesar and Wid. Salley Bemon of Framingham, int. Nov. 9, 1793
- SPRAGUE, Joseph and Phebe Hutchinson of Malden, Jan. 7, 1747-8. At Malden
- SPRAGUE, Lucy and Joseph Inman, Aug. 17, 1775
- SQUIER, Lorenzo L. and Adaline Stacy of Monson, int. Sept. 9, 1843
- STACY, Adaline of Monson and Lorenzo L. Squier, int. Sept. 9, 1843
- STAR, Ebenezer of Killingley and Mary Stephens, int. Sept. 18, 1772
- STARR, Amelia of Oxford and Harris Palmer, int. Feb. 4 1830
- STEEN, Ellen and William Mercer, int. Nov. 4, 1848
- STEERE, Daniel of Woodstock, Conn., and Clarisa Cheney, June 23, 1816
- STEERE, Martha of Woodstock and Hyram Chenny, int. June 17, 1815
- STEPHENS (see Stevens)
- STEPHENS, Jonathan of Carlton and Elizabeth Marcy, Jan. 12, 1812
- STEPHENS, Mary and Capt. John Dickson Jr. of Volingtown, April 26, 1772
- STEPHENS, Mary and Ebenezer Star of Killingley, int. Sept. 18, 1772
- STERNE, [Stearne in int.], Dr. Thomas and Sarah Gleason, March 5, 1769
- STERNS, David and Hannah Burnul, Sept. 7, 1756
- STERNS, Mary of Suttin and Joseph Lillie, Sept. 14, 1756
- STEVENS (see Stephens)
- STEVENS, Betsey of Charlton and Polaski Bacon, int. Jan. 9, 1830
- STEVENS, Cynthia of Charlton and Bradford Marcy, int. Feb. 5, 1814
- STEVENS, Ivory of Uxbridge and Harriet Edmund "within a year" preceding April 6, 1827. [Int. Oct. 5, 1826.]
- STEVENS, Sarah [Susannah in int.] and David Jewitt of Tomson Parrish in the town of Killingly, Oct. 9, 1734. At Oxford
- STIMSON, Dr. Ebenezer and Elcncr Damon of Reding, int. Sept. 1, 1748
- STOCKEWELL, Dianama and Richard Arnold of Thompson, May 1, 1816
- STOCKWELL, Israel Jr. of Millbury and Chloe Perry, Dec. 3, 1818
- STOCKWELL, Luther and Diantha G. McKinstry of Southbridge, int. Sept. 2, 1838
- STOCKWELL, Nancy of Millbury and Benjamin Barnes, int. March 12, 1819
- STONE, Asa and Olive Cudworth, Dec. 19, 1822
- STONE, Benjamin and Susanah Buckmen, April 28, 1757
- STONE, Benjamin Jr. and Elizabith Wilcox, Sept. 11, 1783
- STONE, Catherine of Carlton and John Barnes, int. Sept. 29, 1832
- STONE, David of Sutton and Susanna May, Sept. 8, 1788
- STONE, Gardner and Ruth Wakefield, April 21, 1814
- STONE, Hannah and Alvin Brown, both of Oxford South Gore, at Said Gore, Feb. 5, 1804
- STONE, Harriet M. (d. Reuben and Hannah, single, a. 24) and Robert Humphrey, Sept. 16, 1849
- STONE, John Jr. of Thompson, Conn., and Esther Curtis, Jan. 28, 1810
- STONE, John and Mrs. Martha Sharp, Oct. 20, 1757
- STONE, Johnathan and Elizabeth Groo of Oxford, Nov. 29, 1768. At Oxford
- STONE, Joseph of Thompson [Killingly in int.] and Lydia Webster, Dec. 5, 1751
- STONE, Lucinda and Moses Bracket Jr., int. April 30, 1815
- STONE, Mary of Oxford and Davis Larned, Dec. 6, 1810
- STONE, Mary and Joseph Hallewell, int. Sept. 20, 1828
- STONE, Mary A. and William T. Barton, both of Charlton, Nov. 14, 1836. In Charlton
- STONE, Marvin and Zilpha Stone, both of Webster, June 3, 1832
- STONE, Otis and Emily Child of Webster, July 20 1834
- STONE, Perly and Anna Smith, Nov. 5, 1793
- STONE, Pesis [Persis?] and Jessa Morse, April 9, 1792
- STONE, Phebe and Timothy Stow Barton of Whintingham, June 20, 1782
- STONE, Reuben and Hannah Davis, Feb. 8, 1821
- STONE, Reubin and Mary [Sarah ?] Wilcox, Dec. 6, 1787
- STONE, Sarah and Benjamin Barton, March 1, 1787
- STONE, Simeon of Killingley and Hannah Robinson, May 19, 1768
- STONE, Susanna and Philemon Parker, Oct. 26, 1780
- STONE, Thomas and Abigail Davis, April 9, 1823
- STONE, Zilpha and Marvin Stone, both of Webster, June 3, 1832
- STOWELL, Charles and Frances L. Comings of Charlton, int. Nov. 2, 1839
- STRATTON, Lydia of Cambridge and Samuel Child, Oct. 24, 1734. At Cambridge
- STREETER, John and Mary Morse, both of Charlton, March 24, 1784
- STREETER, Jonathan of Chalton and Abigail Vinton, May 7, 1761
- STREETER, Stephen of Oxford and Sarah Chamberlain, int. June 20, 1778
- STRINGER, Lydia and Benjamin Hewes, Jan. 14, 1747-8
- SUMETER, Margaret and Charles Dupres of Webster, int. Jan. 8, 1848
- SUMNER, Oliver of Thompson, Conn., (s. Samuel and Sally C., single, a. 22) and Lucy Brown, March 23, 1848
- SUNSAN (?), Nathaniel and Mary Badcock of Charlston, State of Rhodiland (now residing in Dudley), int. July 18, 1795
- SWEET, Sally and Weston Hopkins, int. Aug. 16, 1828
- TABER, Abner and Sophia Bacon of Charlton, int. July 10, 1842
- TAFT, Amos Craggin of Uxbridge and Chloe Bates, Jan. 15, 1809
- TAFT, Caroline and Nathaniel Thayer Jr. of Franklin, Dec. 2, 1823
- TAFT, Mrs. Chloe and Erasmus Dennis of Oxford, int. May 23, 1827
- TAFT, Jotham and Mrs. Mary Wilson of Mendon, Dec. 2, 1772. At Mendon
- TAFT, Louisa and John S. Eastabrooks of Woodstock, Conn., int. April 22, 1839
- TAFT, Maria P. and Alpheus Harding Jr. of New Salem, Mass., Sept. 6, 1842
- TAFT, Nancy and Calvin Pierce of Oxford, March 29, 1829
- TAFT, Reuben of Uxbridge and Nancy Foster, March 5, 1805
- TAFT, Reuben and Mrs. Prudence Willard, Feb. 29, 1824
- TAFT, Reuben P. and Mary A. Leavens of Webster, int. Jan. 1, 1848
- TAFT, Ruth of Uxbridge and William Smith Jr., Sept. 22, 1797
- TAFT, Susanna and Isaac Dresser of Carlton, Dec. 20, 1780
- TAINTER, Abijah and Hannah Smith, June 27, 1821
- TAINTER, Fanny and Albert Reynolds, Nov. 10, 1822
- TALBUT, Abigail and Stephen N. Kempton of Smithfield, R.I. Jan. 2, 1825
- TALBUT, Chloe of Killingly, Conn., and Marcus Child, Sept. 16, 1830
- TALBUT, Fanny and Gelson Simmons of Ashford, Conn., Aug. 23, 1827
- TALBUT, James F. and Lucinda Barret of Douglas, int. Jan. 15, 1825
- TALBUT, Orrel and Charles Bigelow, Oct. 2, 1825
- TALLER, Abigail of Sustin and Simon Chamberlin, int. Dec. 27, 1735
- TAYLER, Esther [Easter in int.] and Richard Bixby, Jan. 4, 1742-3
- TAYLER, Sarah and Joseph Dodge, June 21, 1750
- TAYLOR, Ebenezer and Mary Scott, Oct. 13, 1768
- TAYLOR, Josiah F. and Dolly Freeman, both of Oxford, Sept. 11, 1828
- TAYLOR, Rebekah of Beverly and John Pierce, April 10, 1745. At the Upper Parish in Beverly
- TAYLOR, Rufus G. and Rachel Lewis of Presson, Conn., int. Jan. 1, 1815
- TAYLOR, Thomas and Lucy Dexter, July 8, 1765
- TENNEY, Linus and Sally Elwell, int. Nov. 28, 1827
- TENNEY, Stephen R. and Polly Jewett, int. Nov. 7, 1819
- THAYER, Nathaniel Jr. of Franklin and Caroline Taft, Dec. 2, 1823
- THAYER, Beriah of Mendon and Joseph Marcy, May 27, 1778. At Mendon
- THAYER, Oliver H. P. and Clementine Freeman, June 24, 1838
- THOITS, [Thoyets in int.], Elizebeth and William Dodge, June 8, 1758
- THOMPSON, Mrs. Clarissa and John Webster, Nov. 8, 1840
- THOMPSON, John and Sarah Curtis, int. Feb. 24, 1770
- THOMPSON, John Dresser of Charlton and Clarissa Morris, April 14, 1827
- THOMPSON, Martha and Elnathan McIntire of Charlton, Dec. 7, 1780
- THOMPSON, Polly of Charlton and Leonard Baker, March 20, 1838
- THOMPSON, Samuel and Dolly Brackett May 22, 1814
- THORNTON, Joshua and Mary Blackmar, Feb. 29, (sic.) 1837. In Webster ?
- THORNTON, Thomas and Cela Ann Sly, Nov. 11, 1838
- TIFFANY, Bela and Deborah Turner of Oxford, int. Feb. 14, 1813
- TIFFANY, Delia of Thompson, Conn., and Mansfield Sly, April 20, 1829
- TIFFT, Stephen E. and Sarah H. Eliott of Thompson, Conn., int. Sept. 11, 1814
- TIFT, [Tufft in int.] Lydia and Erastus Tucker of Woodstock, Conn. Nov. 29, 1810
- TITAS, [Titus in int], Lydia and Richard Foster, Dec. 6, 1770
- TITOULOTT (see Tourtellot, Tourtalot, etc.)
- TITOULOTT, Elizabeth of of Thompson, Conn, and Andrew Webster, int. Nov. 26, 1814
- TOURTELLOTT (see Titoulott, Turtalot, etc.)
- TOURTELLOTT, Abigail and Reuben Molton of Charlton, May 26, 1818
- TOURTELLOTT, Amos and Betsey Harvey of Thompson, int. Nov. 23, 1821
- TOURTELLOTT, Archelaus T. and Rhoda Davis, March 27, 1825
- TOURTELLOTT, Chloe and Jesse Ormsby Jr. of Thompson, Conn, April 1, 1821
- TOURTELLOTT, Eseck and Mary Dexter of Charlton, int. Oct. 31, 1823
- TOURTELLOTT, George and Caroline Ham of Burrelville, R.I., int. Feb. 25, 1838
- TOURTELLOTT, Lucy A. and Sanford Fisk, March 29, 1841
- TOURTELLOTT, Schuyler and Emely Mixer of Webster, int. April 2, 1837
- TOURTELOTT, Samuel of Sutton and Pamelia Comins of Charlton, June 15, 1836. In Charlton
- TOURTELOT, [Daniel in int.], of Thompson, Conn, and Sally Sly, Aug. 28, 1813
- TOWER, Maria E. and Walter W. Fox of Pomfret, Conn., int. July 31, 1842
- TOWN (see Towne)
- TOWN, Aaron of Thompson, Conn., and Mary Perry, int. April 5, 1834
- TOWN, Abigail T. of Thompson and Joshua Wakefield, int. Sept. 4, 1823
- TOWN, Aculas of Thompson and Susanna Foster, int. Nov. 4, 1796
- TOWN, Cebrice and David S. Miller, Sept. 17, [1833 ?] 1834
- TOWN, Celestina and John Pope, Jan. 20, 1822
- TOWN, Clarentine of Carlton and Andrew A. Marcy, int. Nov. 26, 1826
- TOWN, Edmund and Elizebeth Ramsdel, Dec. 12, 1752
- TOWN, Elisha and Lydia Gould, Nov. 24, 1796. At Carlton
- TOWN, Elizbeth and Dr. Samuel Waldron, June 2, 1755
- TOWN, George and Pertheny Willard, Dec. 25, 1805
- TOWN, Hannah and Joseph Perrin, int. March 2, 1807, discontinued
- TOWN, James of Carlton and Lucy Bettis, Aug. 6, 1778
- TOWN, Joel and Mrs. Betsey Willard, May 24, 1801
- TOWN, John and Mrs. Lois Willard, March 13, 1798
- TOWN, Mary Ann and Salmon Needham of Thompson, Conn., Aug. 25, 1833
- TOWN, Nelson P. and Julia Ann Dresser of Charlton, int. Aug. 9, 1828
- TOWN, Philena of Thompson and Chester Davis, int. May 30, 1824
- TOWN, Polly and David Foskett of Charlton, int. July 19, 1799, afterwards forbid
- TOWN, [Brig. Gen. int], Salem Esq. and Sabra Coman, Jan. 10, 1792
- TOWN, Sally and Jacob Sly, May 26, 1802
- TOWN, Semira P. and Danford Child, March 9, 1828
- TOWNE (see above)
- TOWNE, Adaline and George Freeman of Oxford, Nov. 29, 1832
- TOWNSEND, Mary and Simeon Badkock, int. Feb. 22, 1767
- TRACY, George and Hannah Arnold of Thompson, Conn., int. Dec. 18, 1830
- TRACY, Lucy and George Brown, May 29, 1821
- TRACY, Thomas and Betsey Emerson, int. Dec. 29, 1825
- TRIPP, Cyrane of Ludlow and George Slater, int. Sept. 20, 1824
- TRUMBELL (see below)
- TRUMBELL, [Trumble in int.], Mary and Benjamin Fairbanks June 23, 1755
- TRUMBEL, Abigail of Lescester and Jonathan Putney, int. Aug. 25, 1744
- TRUMBLE, Abia of Lescester and William Wakfeild, int. Jan. 5, 1750-1
- TRUMBLE, Hannah and Paul Robinson, Oct. 19, 1749
- TRUMBLE, Marcus of Byron, Ga. and Waity Brown, Aug. 19, 1832
- TRUMBULL, Joseph Jr. of Leicester and Susanna Richards, April 29, 1752. At Leicester
- TRUMBULL, Mrs. Lydia B. and Peter White, int. July 26, 1827
- TRUSDELL, [Trusdil in int.], Ebenezer and Sarah Burnul, Sept. 5, 1751
- TRUSDIL, Mehitebel of Pomfrit and Benjamin Edmunds, int. Sept. 26, 1747
- TUCKER, Anne of Chalton and James Corbin, int. April 11, 1761
- TUCKER, Erastus of Woodstock, Conn., and Lydia Tift, Nov. 29, 1810
- TUCKER, Hannah of Pomfrit and Joseph Burnul, int. Jan. 20, 1748-9
- TUCKER, John F. of Providence, R.I., and Catherine Bartlett, May 8, 1815
- TUFTS, Dr. Aaron and Salley Barker, May 23, 1790
- TUFTS, George A. and Azuba B. Fales of Wrentham, int. Sept. 9, 1822
- TUFTS, Sarah B. and Henry S. Wheaton, May 24, 1843
- TURNER, Deborah of Oxford and Bela Tiffany, int. Feb. 14, 1813
- TURNER, Susanah and Eliphalit Coats, NOV. 29, 1759
- TURTALOTT (see Titoulott, Tourtellot, etc.)
- TURTALOTT, Mrs. Hannah of Thompson and Jonathan Foster, int. Jan. 22, 1802
- TURTELOT, Wid. Phebe of Killingley and Capt. Joseph Albee, Nov. 29, 1781
- TYLER, Solomon of Uxbridge and Wid. Jerusia Newell, June 28, 1809
- TYSON, John and Susan White of North Providence, R.I., int. Oct. 31, 1813
- TYSON, Mrs. Susan and Ebenezer Collins, both of Oxford, Nov. 25, 1823
- UNDERWOOD, Samuel and Rhoda Brown, Oct. 10, 1816
- UNDERWOOD, Susan and Abijah Nichols of Oxford, Sept. 15, 1819
- UPHAM, Abigail of Killingly and William Coburn, int. Feb. 17, 1759
- UPHAM, Abijah and Olive Briggs of Oxford, int. March 20, 1814
- UPHAM, Amos and Polly Hurd of Oxford, int. Aug. 15, 1814
- UPHAM, Amos and Lorania Robinson of Oxford, int. March 19, 1837
- UPHAM, Benjamin and Hepsibeh Learned of Oxford, Nov. 26, 1778. At Oxford
- UPHAM, Danford and Betsey Bracket, March 17, 1824
- UPHAM, Danford and Waity G. Seagrave of Uxbridge, int. Nov. 14, 1830
- UPHAM, Dyer of Thompson and Cynthia Arnold, int. Oct. 27, 1827
- UPHAM, Elihu and Zoradah Dalrimpie, March 30, 1820
- UPHAM, Elihu L. and Polly Blood of Charlton, June 21, 1843
- UPHAM, Mrs Eliza and Davis Learned of Oxford, int. Oct. 17, 1802
- UPHAM, Ephraim of Thompson and Salley Foster, June 26, 1796
- UPHAM, Ephraim Jr. and Almira Jacobs of Thompson, int. Feb. 7, 1829
- UPHAM, Ephraim Jr. and Elisabeth A. Bruce of Sturbridge, int. Dec. 7, 1839
- UPHAM, Eunice and Charles Brown, Sept. 11, 1788
- UPHAM, Hannah of Thompson and Wyman Perry, int. Nov. 14, 1825
- UPHAM, Harvey and Mary Pratt of Oxford, int. April 20, 1839
- UPHAM, Hosea and Anna Marsh, May 29, 1803
- UPHAM, Jeremiah and Mary Aldrich of Oxford, int. Nov. 2, 1829
- UPHAM, Jeremiah and Eliphal Nichols of Oxford, March 12, 1839
- UPHAM, Jonathan of Thompson and Molly Whitney, May 19, 1789
- UPHAM, Joseph Jr. and Eunice Kidder, April 16, 1765
- UPHAM, Joseph and Wid. Abigail Amsdel of Southboroh, int. Jan. 12, 1777
- UPHAM, Joseph Jr. and Susanna Jewell of Oxford, April 15, 1791. At Oxford
- UPHAM, Josiah and Clarissa Phillips of Charlton, int. March 12, 1831
- UPHAM, Josiah and Betsey Larned of Oxford, int. March 6, 1836
- UPHAM, Levi and Betsey Davis, March 30, 1823
- UPHAM, Louis and Philip Brown, Sept. 28, 1775
- UPHAM, Lucy and Baxter Ellis of Brookfield, July 9, 1817
- UPHAM, Martha and Thomus Willson, Oct. 18, 1759
- UPHAM, Mary of Killings and Japheth Corttis, int. April 2, 1774
- UPHAM, Matilda and Henry Davis, March 9, 1820
- UPHAM, Nathan and Mrs. Molley Robbins, March ----, 1797
- UPHAM, Patty and Rufus Briggs of Oxford, int. March 10, 1816
- UPHAM, Polly of Thompson and Abner Perry, int. Nov. 10, 1816
- UPHAM, Polly and Peter Bracket, Jan. 14, 1830
- UPHAM, Sally and Joshua Davis, April 3, 1831
- UPHAM, Samuel and Easter Coburn, Nov. 7, 1750
- UPHAM, Semeon [Simeon in int.] and Miriam Larned of Oxford, June 22, 1785
- UPHAM, Simeon and Rachal Davis, int. March 6, 1813
- UPHAM, Susannah and David Kidder, Feb. 23, 1768
- UPHAM, Tabathy of Killingly and Charles Corttis, int. Dec. 31, 1775
- UPHAM, Thomas and Elizabeth Pratt of Oxford, Feb. 19, 1784
- UPHAM, Walter and Electa Carpenter of Woodstock, int. April 3, 1827
- UPHAM, William and Mary S. Larned, May 27, 1843
- VAN ALSTINE, Rev. David of Princeton and Mrs. Mary Bartlett, Sept. 9, 1834
- VANDORUS, Timothy and Marina Waycough of Charlton (Blacks), Nov. 3, 1823
- VILOT[?], ---- and Elisha Curtis, int. Dec. 20, 1793
- VINER, Betsey and Horace Barnaby of Belchertown, int. March 13, 1830
- VINTON, Abigail and Jonathan Streeter of Chalton, May 7, 1761
- VINTON, Abigail and Timothy Corbin, Oct. 20, 1774
- VINTON, Adaline of Sturbridge and Charles Nye, int. Sept. 1, 1849
- VINTON, Baldwin and Lucretia Curtis, Sept. 5, 1824
- VINTON, Bathsheba and Abram Havens of Woodstock, May 12, 1796
- VINTON, Benoni and Mary Green of Stoneham, April 29, 1742. At Stoneham
- VINTON, Calvin and Sarah Corbin, May 30, 1809
- VINTON, Calvin and Mrs. Lydia Joslin of Thompson, int. March 28, 1829
- VINTON, Caroline and George Sayles, March 28, 1833
- VINTON, Charles and Aurelia Morse of Southbridge, int. March 13, 1830
- VINTON, Charles W. [Wmthrop in int.] of Southbridge and Harriet Healy, Nov. 18, 1828
- VINTON, Chloe and Joseph Barrett of Sturbridge, March 3, 1779. At Sturbridge
- VINTON, David and Mary Bacon, Nov. 29, 1834
- VINTON, Davis (s. William, single, a. 22) and Nancy Butterworth, Sept. 4, 1844
- VINTON, Elizabeth and James Haskel, June 3, 1784
- VINTON, Ezra and Sally Sayles, Jan. 25, 1816
- VINTON, Fanny and Zelotes Bowers, April 8, 1807
- VINTON, Hannah and Consider Joons, March 30, 1758
- VINTON, Hiram and Orelia McKinster, int. Jan. 27, 1835
- VINTON, Jabez and Ruth Putney, Dec. 22, 1784
- VINTON, Jemima and Eleazer Putney, Jan. 27, 1799. At Sturbridge
- VINTON, John Esqr. and Wid. Hannah Boldin of Stonham, int. April 4, 1752
- VINTON, John and MrS. Dorothy Holmes of Woodstock, Jan. 11, 1770. At Woodstock
- VINTON, John Jr. and Susannah Manning of Woodstock, int. Sept. 27, 1783
- VINTON, Joseph Jr. and Mary Allard of Woodstock, int. Feb. 21, 1784
- VINTON, Joseph and Dorithy Marcey of Sturbridge, Feb. ----, 1805
- VINTON, Joseph Jr. and Polly Putney, Dec. 6, 1810
- VINTON, Joshua and Mary Polley, int. April 6, 1751
- VINTON, Joshua and Wid. Mehitibel Edmunds, April 22, 1762
- VINTON, Joshua and Ruth E. Goodell of Charlton, April 25, 1843
- VINTON, Julia and Harvey Prince, March 28, 1836
- VINTON, Leonard and Adeline Sisson of Sturbridge, int. March 29, 1823
- VINTON, Liman and Lois Leach of Sturbridge, Sept. 28, 1794
- VINTON, Lothrip and Bathsheba Putney, April 24, 1814
- VINTON, Lucretia of Sturbridge and Timothy Vinton, int. March 3, 1820
- VINTON, Marcus and Ruth Davis of Sturbridge, int. May 4, 1839
- VINTON, Mary and Jacob Chamberlain Jr., Nov. 22, 1774
- VINTON, Mary W. and Luther Bacon 2d, int. Aug. 19, 1838
- VINTON, Nancy and Henry Haskell, March 25, 1830
- VINTON, Orrin of Woodstock, Conn., and Prudence Haskell, May 26, 1830
- VINTON, Patience and Stephen Corbin, Sept. 26, 1786
- VINTON, Phebe and Jacob Chamberlin, int. Feb. 26, 1742-3
- VINTON, Mrs. Polley and Winthrop Dyer of Sturbridge, int. April 22, 1798
- VINTON, Mrs. Polley and Joseph Barrett Jr. of Sturbridge, int. Sept. 30, 1798
- VINTON, Polly and Jonathan Prince, Feb. 31, (sic) 1792
- VINTON, Polly and Abner Bacon, May 13, 1804
- VINTON, Ralph and Phebe Holmes of Woodstock, int. June 15, 1766
- VINTON, Rhoda and Daniel Sayles, Jan. 19, 1820
- VINTON, Rhoda and Luther Warren, Feb. 15, 1829
- VINTON, Rebeccah and Corbin Lyon of Woodstock, Conn., March 20, 1809
- VINTON, Rebekh and Eliiah Gore, int. March 7, 1739-40
- VINTON, Sally and Jefferson Putney, Nov. 19, 1822
- VINTON, Thankfull and Zebina Day of Sutton, int. Feb. 4, 1837
- VINTON, Thomas and Hannah Green of Stoneham, March 31, 1742. At Stoneham
- VINTON, Timothy and Lucretia Vinton of Sturbridge, int. March 3, 1820
- VINTON, William and Thankful Combs at Ward, May 31, 1782
- VINTON, William and Dolley Sabin, int. March 6, 1799
- VINTON, William Jr. and Tammy Putney, Oct. 16, 1811
- VORCCE, [Vorce in int], John and Olive Ide, Oct. 27, 1796
- VORCE, Wid. Olive and Lieut. John Holbrook of Thompson, Nov. 11, 1800
- WAIT, Charles and Ruth Atkins, March 28, 1830
- WAITE, [Wate in int], Sally and Remember Ingraham, Feb. 4, 1810
- WAKEFIELD (see Wakfeild)
- WAKEFIELD, Wid. Abigail and John Learned 3d of Oxford, Nov. 6, 1794. At Oxford
- WAKEFIELD, Almira and Anson Burlingham of Thompson, Conn., int. Nov. 29, 1834
- WAKEFIELD, Alpheus and Submittee Keith, March 7, 1816
- WAKEFIELD, Amos and Polly Knowland, both of a Gore of Land adjoining to Oxford, Oct. 10, 1783
- WAKEFIELD, Aurelia C. and Augustus T. Allen of Charlton, Oct. 15, 1839
- WAKEFIELD, Betsey and David Sears, int. March 29, 1821
- WAKEFIELD, Caleb and Lucinda Brown, March 2, 1818
- WAKEFIELD, Joel and Mehitable Marsh, March 10, 1791
- WAKEFIELD, John and Lydia White of Killingley, int. May 9, 1772
- WAKEFIELD, John and Matilda Corbin, int. Sept. 11, 1814
- WAKEFIELD, Jonathan and Abigail Smith of Andover, June 22, 1733. At Andover
- WAKEFIELD, Joshua and Lydia Mason of Douglass, int. Aug. 11, 1817
- WAKEFIELD, Joshua and Abigail T. Town of Thompson, int. Sept. 4, 1823
- WAKEFIELD, Luther of Sutton and Mary Wakefield, June 10, 1778
- WAKEFIELD, Martha and John Larned the 3d of Oxford, Dec. 6, 1781
- WAKEFIELD, Mary and Luther Wakefield of Sutton, June 10, 1778
- WAKEFIELD, Mary M. and Samuel Larned of Oxford, Dec. 28, 1837. In Webster?
- WAKEFIELD, Orin and Almira Esten, int. Nov. 3, 1827
- WAKEFIELD, Peter R. and Louisa Shaw of Stafford, Conn., int Dec. 27, 1827
- WAKEFIELD, Polly and Gibbs Dodge of Charlton, April 19, 1820
- WAKEFIELD, Rhody of Oxford and Nathan Cody, int. Oct. 8, 1810
- WAKEFIELD, Ruth and Gardner Stone, April 21, 1814
- WAKEFIELD, Simeon and Sarah Reckords of Sutton, Feb. 18, 1790. At Sutton
- WAKEFIELD, Solomon and Chloa Brown of Killingley, int. March 28, 1784
- WAKEFIELD, Susanna and Simon Wood, both of Oxford South Gore, at said Gore, Nov. 10, 1803
- WAKEFIELD, Sylvanus [Salvenus in int.] of Carlton and Rhoda Corbin, Jan. 8, 1812
- WAKEFIELD, Tamer and David Dodge, Dec. 21, 1809
- WAKEFIELD, Timothy [Jr. in int.] and Mandina Wallington, Sept, 13, 1831
- WAKEFIELD, Trebal and Abigal Marsh, Feb. 14, 1793
- WAKEFIELD, Tubel [Tubal in int.] and Rosella Greenwood, Sept. 19, 1816
- WAKEFIELD, William and Lucina Emerson, Aug. 5, 1823
- WAKEFIELD, William and Mary Case of Warwick, R.I., int. Oct. 8, 1831
- WAKFEILD (see above)
- WAKFEILD, Mrs. Mary and Nathaniel Jones, living in or near Lescester, int. April 4, 1747
- WAKFEILD, Mary and Ebenezer Green of Killingly, int. June 8, 1750
- WAKFEILD, Simeon [Semeon in int.] and Mary Define of Charlton, Nov. 7, 1759
- WAKFEILD, William and Abia Trumble of Lescester, int. Jan. 5, 1750-1
- WALCOT (see Walcott, Wolcott)
- WALCOT, Dr. James and Mrs. Hitte Ammidown of Charlton, Dec. 5, 1799
- WALCUT, [Wallcott in int], Moses of Windham and Elener Putney, Oct. 20, 1762
- WALDO, Betsey P. and. Larned Corbin, int. April 9, 1814
- WALDO, Mahala and Judson Reynolds, both of Thompson, Conn., Dec. 10, 1837. In Thompson
- WALDREN, Betsey S. and Charles Nye of Thompson, Conn., Jan. 1, 1840
- WALDREN, Conelia T. (d. Jared and Sally, single, a. 16) and George W. Nye, March 1, 1848
- WALDREN, Mrs. Elisabeth and John Webster, April 13, 1800
- WALDREN, Fanny and Thaddeus R. Rider of New Milford, Conn., int. May 23, 1840
- WALDREN, Lemuel and Althusa White of Charlton, Jan. 3, 1816
- WALDREN, Marcus M. (s.----, single, a. 20), and Martha Marsh, April 7, 1846
- WALDREN, [Waldron in int.], Samuel and Betsey Pike of Charlton, Jan. 2, 1814
- WALDREN, Selinda and George Southwick of Gloucester, R.I., April 26, 1829
- WALDREN, Mary and William Comer Webster of Thompson, int. Nov. 9, 1794
- WALDREN, Nathan and Mary Willard, Dec. 15, 1785
- WALDREN, Dr. Samuel and Elizabeth Town, June 2, 1755
- WALKER, Abner C. and Harriet M. Sibley of Southbridge, int. March 21, 1846
- WALKER, Almira of Framingham and Benjamin K. Moulton, int. June 7, 1833
- WALKER, Asa of Charlton and Lydia Haskell, Feb. 27, 1788
- WALKER, Nelson of Woodstock, Conn., (s. Urich and Eunice, single, a. 26) and Catherine Hill, Dec. 17, 1845
- WALKER, Polly of Thompson and Robert Wilson, int. Nov. 24, 1826
- WALKER, Thaddeus of Charlton and Prissilla Bacon of the Gore, [April 10, 1792 ?]
- WALKER, Williams Jr., of Ashford, Conn., and Sylvia Corbin, May 28, 1806
- WALLIS, Nahum and Miss Susanna Joslin of Thompson, Conn., int. Jan. 10, 1807
- WARD, Tamer of Charlton and Calvin Heald, int. Dec. 23, 1824
- WARDEN (see Worden)
- WARDEN, Eliza and Lemuel Healy Jr., Sept. 1, 1830
- WARREN (see Warrin)
- WARREN, Anna and Calvin Chamberlain, Jan. 12, 1794
- WARREN, Mrs. Betsey of Carlton and Rufus Collar of Boylston, March 31, 1801
- WARREN, Dan and Mary Hayden, May 3, 1781
- WARREN, Elizabeth and Richard Hunt, Nov. 13, 1777
- WARREN, Elizabeth and Joseph Cooper of Brookfield, Nov. 16, 1818
- WARREN, Jacob Jr., and Lucy Fosket of Charlton, Jan. 17, 1775
- WARREN, Jacob and wid. Abigail Waters of Woodstock, int. May 20, 1786
- WARREN, Jacob and Mrs. Polly Pike of Charlton, int. Feb. 20, 1799
- WARREN, Lieut. John and wid.. Lydia Brown of Cantubary, int. April 22, 1791
- WARREN, [Lieut. in int.] John and Lydia Bracket, May 9, 1808
- WARREN, Juda and Paul Gleason of Adams, Berkshire Co., Feb. 16, 1802
- WARREN, Lucy and Samuel Webster of Upton, May 24, 1779. At Oxford
- WARREN, Wid. Lucy and William Duncan of Oxford, Oct. 2, 1796. At Oxford
- WARREN, Lura and John Cheney, Jan. 12, 1794
- WARREN, Luther and Rhoda Vinton, Feb. 15, 1829
- WARREN, Mrs. Lydia and Daniel Rawson Oxford, int. April 5, 1828
- WARREN, Manser and Rebecca Howe of Killingly, int. March 30, 1794
- WARREN, Margeret and Thomas Morriss, June 3, 1784
- WARREN, Mary and Asa Clemens of Charlton, Oct. 4, 1789
- WARREN, Obed and Mary Blood of Charlton, Sept. 20, 1780. At Charlton
- WARREN, Samuel and Susanna Farrow, Jan. 4, 1769
- WARRIN (see above)
- WARRIN, Abigail and Isaiah Putney, Nov. 29, 1764
- WARRIN, John and Katherine Cooper of Kovintree, int. Feb. 2, 1766
- WARRIN, Samuel and Elizabeth Jackson, July 15, 1756
- WATERS, wid. Abigail of Woodstock and Jacob Warren, int. May 20, 1786
- WATERS, George of Thompson, Conn., and Lucy Healy, May 11, 1820
- WATERS, Rhoda and Jesse Sabin, April 16, 1772
- WATSON, wid. Abigail of Oxford and Dea. Edward Davis, April 22, 1776. At Oxford
- WAYCOUGH, Marina of Charlton and Timothy Vandorus (Blacks). Nov. 3, 1823
- WEATHERELL (see Wetherel)
- WEATHERELL, Joshua and Hannah Williams of Sutton, April 17, 1766. At Sutton
- WEAVER, Laura [Lawry in int.] and Arnold Johnson, March 7, 1814
- WEAVER, Nancy and Eli Burt, int. May 15, 1814
- WEAVER, Roxelina and Willard Green of Oxford, int. Jan. 2, 1814
- WEBB, John Jr., and Martha Whitman Mann of Portsmouth, N.H., Nov. 7, 1830. (Discontinued.)
- WEBSTER, Andrew and Elizabeth Titoulott of Thompson, Conn., int. Nov. 26, 1814
- WEBSTER, Benjamin and Sarah Coburn, April 4, 1755
- WEBSTER, Elizabeth and Nathaniel Jewell, March 20, 1739
- WEBSTER, Lieut. Hammon and Louisa Richardson of Southbridge, int. Sept. 29, 1825
- WEBSTER, Harriet of Thompson and Eliab Cummings, int. Dec. 14, 1828
- WEBSTER, John and Lucy Coburn, Dec. 17, 1758
- WEBSTER, John and Mary Havens, July 26, 1789
- WEBSTER, John and Mrs. Elisabeth Waldron, April 13, 1800
- WEBSTER, John Jr, and Mary Whittemore, March 30, 1831
- WEBSTER, John and Mrs. Clarissa Thompson, Nov. 8, 1840
- WEBSTER, Jonathan and Martha Carpinter, Nov. 17, 1776
- WEBSTER, Locia and Sylvester Arnold of Thompson, Conn., April 25, 1816
- WEBSTER, Lydia and Joseph Stone of Thompson, Dec. 5, 1751
- WEBSTER, Lydia, born in Thompson, Conn, resident in Dudley (d. Benjamin and Olive of Thompson, Conn., single, a. 37), and Danforth Rawson, Dec. 9, 1848
- WEBSTER, Maryann and Enoch E. Baker, int. May 6, 1826
- WEBSTER, Robert and Mollee Burt of Wairriver, int. April 25, 1761
- WEBSTER, Samuel of Upton and Lucy Warren, May 24, 1779. At Oxford
- WEBSTER, Samuel and Clarisa Haskell, Feb. 15, 1816
- WEBSTER, Wid. Sarah and John Maclure of Thomson Parish, June 13, 1759
- WEBSTER, William of Thompson, Conn, and Parthena Albee, March 15, 1810
- WEBSTER, William Comer of Thompson and Mary Waldron, int. Nov. 9, 1794
- WEDGE, Thomas of Brookfield and Martha White, June 29, 1786
- WELD, Dorothy of Sturbridg and Joseph Sabin Jr., int. May 5, 1759
- WELLS, Joseph and Julia A. Wicker, March 4, 1841
- WESSON, Hannah of Worcester and Stephen Barlett Jr., int. July 9, 1814
- WEST, Elnathan W. and Mary A. Dugar, both of Southbridge, Oct. 15, 1837
- WEST, Thomas and Mary Spear, Nov. 12, 1772
- WESTON, Eliphalet and Phebe Morse of Weston, int. March 3, 1820
- WETHEREL (see Weatherell, Wetherill)
- WETHEREL, Hannah and Samuel White, int. March 15, 1767
- WETHEREL, Mary and Phinehas Allen, int. Dec. 18, 1768
- WETHERELL, Joshua and wid. Mary Winter of Killingley, Oct. 23, 1783
- WETHERILL (see above)
- WETHERILL, Abigail and Simeon Howard, April 14, 1774
- WETHERILL, Dinah and Josiah Brown, Jan. 14, 1772
- WETHERILL, Hannah and Rufus Corbin, Nov. 13, 1799
- WETHERILL, Joshua and Sally Davis of Oxford, int. Nov. 13, 1808
- WETHERILL, Laura and Charles Lamb, April ----, 1836
- WETMORE, Beriah of Gill, transiently at Dudley, and Mary Barrett Nov. 13, 1796
- WHEAT, Emeline and George A. Whitehouse, May 13, 1838
- WHEATON, Charlottee of Thompson and Jesse Wood, int. Nov. 20, 1798
- WHEATON, Henry S. and Sarah B. Tufts, May 24, 1843
- WHEELER, Eliza and Solomon James Corbin, people of Color, int. Dec. 27, 1823
- WHEELOCK, Eunice A. of Sutton and William Perry, int. March 15, 1845
- WHEELOCK, Maria of Sutton and David Perry, int. Sept. 2, 1843
- WHIPPLE, Rutha of Smithfield and Alpheus Ammidon, int. March 22, 1794
- WHITE, Althusa of Carlton and Lemuel Waldren, Jan. 3, 1816
- WHITE, Andrew and Lydia Conant, Feb. 14, 1744-5
- WHITE, Andrew and Dorothy Lamb of Oxford, int. Dec. 10, 1763
- WHITE, Anna and Isaac Chace, Nov. 30, 1797
- WHITE, Derathy and Lieut. Samuel Fairband, int July 9, 1771
- WHITE, Dolley and Rufus Conant, May 11, 1790
- WHITE, Dorathy and Lieut. Mark Elwell of Killingley, Aug. 29, 1774
- WHITE, Mrs. Dorcas and Willard Albee, both of Charlton, Dec. 6, 1801
- WHITE, Ebenezer and Lydia Davis, Dec. 16, 1773
- WHITE, Mrs. Hannah and David Brock of Woodstock, int. [probably Dec. 1794 or Jan. 1795.]
- WHITE, Harriot of Charlton and Francis W. Winn of Sutton, April 12, 1835
- WHITE, Henry and Betsey Caezar, people of Color, int. Aug. 20, 1827
- WHITE, James of Worcester and Eliza W. Healy, Sept. 17, 1833. [int. Jan. 25, 1834.]
- WHITE, John and Lucy Conant, April 15, 1779
- WHITE, John and Sabra Shepherd, Jan. 17, 1805
- WHITE, Lucy of Thompson, Conn., and Zera Preston, int. April 16, 1814
- WHITE, Hosea and Lucyna Hammon of Wardsborough, Vt., int. Oct. 4, 1835
- WHITE, Lydia of Killingley and. John Wakefield, int. May 9, 1772
- WHITE, Lydia and Stephen Blackmar of North Woodstock, int. Feb. 6, 1773
- WHITE, Martha and Thomas Wedge of Brookfield, June 29, 1786
- WHITE, Peter and Mrs. Lydia B. Trumbull, int. July 26, 1827
- WHITE, Polly of Charlton and Asa Davis, int. Sept. 7, 1817
- WHITE, Prudence H. and Ezra D. Work, April 7, 1825
- WHITE, Rachel of Burrelville, R.I., and Aaron Pratt, int. Dec. 26, 1825
- WHITE, Rebeckah of Oxford and Reuben Robinson, Aug. 29, 1771. In Oxford
- WHITE, Mrs. Rhoda of Charlton and Paul Dodge, int. April 22, 1798
- WHITE, Rozina of Gloucester and Samuel Hibbard, int. April 1, 1790
- WHITE, Russel of Oxford and Lydia Marsh, April 6, 1828
- WHITE, Samuel and Hannah Wetherel, int. March 15, 1767
- WHITE, Sarah A. of Webster and George N. Perry, int. Dec. 13 [?] 1834
- WHITE, Sibil and Edward Aldrich of Oxford, int. Sept. 12, 1827
- WHITE, Mrs. Silvia and Artemns Dresser, both of Charlton, March 14, 1802
- WHITE, Susan of North Providence, R.I., and John Tyson, int. Oct. 31, 1813
- WHITE, Sylvia and Ammon Platt, Oct. 12, 1831
- WHITE, Ziba and Elsey Davis, Oct. 12, 1831
- WHITE, Mrs. Zilphar and Joseph Combs, Jan. 13, 1801
- WHITEHOUSE, George A. and Emeline Wheat, May 13, 1838
- WHITEFORD, Mrs. Sylindia of Thompson and Jesse Leavens, int. March 14, 1802
- WHITING, Daniel and Mary Ann Corbin, April 1, 1834
- WHITING, William B., to Elizabeth Murphey, April 2, 1840
- WHITMORE, John of Killingly and Mary Burnul, Nov. 29, 1750
- WHITMORE, John and Abigail Davison, Sept. 8, 1762
- WHITMORE, Mary and Joseph Healy, Jan. 2, 1754
- WHITTEMORE, Alvira of Brookfield and Nathaniel Lyon, int. July 26, 1829
- WHITTEMORE, Bettey of Thompson and Ebenezer Hill, int. Dec. 12, 1794
- WHITTEMORE, Louisa and Simon Larned of Oxford, Oct. 22, 1832
- WHITTEMORE, Mary and John Webster Jr., March 30, 1831
- WHITTEMORE, Sally and Orlin Allard of Hopkinton, June 12, 1831
- WHITNEY, James of Douglass and Mary Robinson, Nov. 24, 1793
- WHITNEY, Molly [Molley in int.] and Jonathan Upham of Thompson, May 19, 1789
- WICKER, Julia A. and Joseph Wells, March 4, 1841
- WIGHT, Caleb and Ruth Cudworth, both of Oxford South Gore, Sept. 14, 1786, at said Gore
- WIGHT, Livi Jr. and Sarah Corbin, both of Oxford South Gore, Oct. 24, 1782, at said Gore
- WIGHT, Raddai and Phebe Ann Housen, Dec. 10, 1829
- WILBER, Abraham and Anna Arnold, March 25, 1810
- WILBER, Eliza, and Aaron Humphrey of Spencer, people of Color, Sept. 26, 1821
- WILCOTT (see Walcot, Wolcott)
- WILCOTT, Thomas and Fanny Andrews of Northbridge, int. April 12, 1816
- WILCOX, [Willcocks in int.], Elizabith and Benjamin Stone Jr., Sept. 11, 1783
- WILCOX, [Wilcox in int.], Hannah and David Morse, Oct. 4, 1787
- WILCOX, Mary [Sarah Willcox in int.] and Reubin Stone, Dec. 6, 1787
- WILDER, Tamer and Amasa Marshall, March 20, 1780
- WILEY (see Willy, Wyllee)
- WILEY, Aldrich and Marcy Dean, int. May 26, 1770
- WILLARD, Mrs. Betsey and Joel Town, May 24, 1801
- WILLARD, Ephraim and Sylvia Albee, Oct. 11, 1781
- WILLARD, Henry and Cloa Albee, May 14, 1788
- WILLARD, Henry and Mrs. Beeca Simpson, Nov. 26, 1801
- WILLARD, Hezekiah and Salley Allen, March ? 27, 1793
- WILLARD, Jonathan Jr. and Mary Palmer of Killingley, int. Feb. 27, 1783
- WILLARD, Mrs. Lois and John Town, March 13, 1798
- WILLARD, Martha and Aaron Albee, Aug. 1, 1783
- WILLARD, Mary and John Newell, Sept. 28, 1767
- WILLARD, Mary and Nathan Waldron, Dec. 15, 1785
- WILLARD, Mary and Parley Foster, Sept. 21, 1808
- WILLARD, Nancy and Alexander Nichols, Jr., of Oxford, April 18, 1821
- WILLARD, Nathan and Susanna Adams, Nov. 28, 1799
- WILLARD, Oliver and Asenah Newall, May 3, 1781
- WILLARD, Parker and Prudence Healy, Jan. 26, 1809
- WILLARD, Pertheny [Parthenia in int.] and George Town, Dec. 25, 1805
- WILLARD, Phebe and Nathan Reynolds of Charlton, Oct. 20, 1813
- WILLARD, Mrs. Prudence and Reuben Taft, Feb. 29, 1824
- WILLARD, Rhoda and Loren Brown of Woodstock, Conn., Oct. 22, 1812
- WILLIAMS, A. Waldo and Becca D. Healy, Dec. 10, 1829
- WILLIAMS, Rev. Abiel Wiltinrns and Mrs. Salley Gargill of Palmer, int. Jan. 22, 1802
- WILLIAMS, Anna S. of Thompson, Conn., and Holden R. Green, int. Jan. 10, 1812
- WILLIAMS, Caroline and Royal Smith of Sturbridge, Dec. 11, 1828
- WILLIAMS, E. W. of Dudley and Louisa M. Davis of St. Johnsville, N.Y., int. Sept. 24, 1838
- WILLIAMS, Hannah of Sutton and Joshua Weatherell, April 17, 1766. At Sutton
- WILLIAMS, Henry and Molley Winter, Dec. 5, 1792
- WILLIAMS, Jonathan and Esther Wilmoth of Attleborough, int. Sept. 5, 1768
- WILLIAMS, Mary [Sarah in int.] and Aaron Barret of Billingsley, Dec. 3, 1772
- WILLIAMS, Richard, of a Gore of Lath near Dudley, and wid. Mary Hebberd, int. Dec. 11, 1779
- WILLIAMS, Roger of Glocester and Hannah Howard, Jan. 7, 1779
- WILLIAMS, Sylvany of Cranson, R.I., and William Haskell, March 23, 1809
- WILLIAMS, Zeruiah S., and Davis Healy, Jan. 16, 1833
- WILLINGTON, David and Caroline Wood of Worcester, int. Aug. 19, 1848
- WILLINGTON, John and Molly Fairbanks, Aug. 18, 1791
- WILLINGTON, Mandina and Timothy Wakefield, Sept. 13, 1831
- WILLINGTON, Martha E. of Oxford and Alvah Kelscey, int. Nov. 22, 1845
- WILLINGTON, Mary of Thompson and Obidiah Edmunds, int. April 6, 1823
- WILLINGTON, Peggy and Abijah Mansfield, June 10, 1793 ?
- WILLIS, Lucinda of Charlton and Chester Curtis, int. Oct. 25, 1818
- WILLSON (see Wilson)
- WILLSON, Jacob of Pomfret and Molley Dodge, April 22, 1777
- WILLSON, [Wilson in int.] [of Killingly in int.] Thomus and Martha Upham, Oct. 18, 1759
- WILLY (see Wiley, Wyllee)
- WILLY, [Wyllee in int.] , Margaret of Oxford and Alexander Nichols, Feb. 26, 1738-9. At Oxford
- WILMORTH, Sarah of Thompson and Stephens Robbins, in int. May 15, 1793
- WILMOTH, Esther of Attleborough and Jonathan Williams, int. Sept. 5, 1768
- WILSON (see Willson)
- WILSON, Laban T. and Savilla Elwell, Nov. 6, 1822
- WILSON, Mrs. Mary of Mendon and Jotham Taft, Dec. 2, 1772. At Mendon
- WILSON, Robert and Polly Walker of Thompson, int. Nov. 24, 1826
- WILSON, William and Judith Rowan of Boston, int. Sept. 4, 1824
- WIMAN (see Wyman)
- WIMAN, Daniel and Polley Allen, int. Nov. 28, 1790
- WIMAN, [Wymand in int.], [Wid.] Sarah and Edward Coburn of Windham, Jan. 20, 1774
- WINN (see Wynn)
- WINN, Francis W. of Sutton and Harriot White of Charlton, April 12, 1835
- WINN, Mary M., and Thomas Aldrich of Oxford, int. Dec. 6, 1823
- WINSHIP, Charles N. (s. Joseph and Mary, single, a. 24) and Alzadid Richards, Dec. 25, 1849
- WINSHIP, Joseph and Polley Estherbrook of Pomphret, Conn, int. May 2, 1813
- WINSOR, Ann Frances and Baylies Knapp, Oct. 20, 1825
- WINSOR, Elizabeth and Darius Dwight of Thompson, Conn., Nov. 17, 1808
- WINSOR, Lucy E., and Capt. Baylies Knapp, July 23, 1833
- WINSOR, Maria N. and Luther Bartlett, Oct. 5, 1824
- WINSOR, Wid. Nancy of Smithfield, R.I., and David Nichols, int. Nov. 24, 1795
- WINSOR, Salley and Jonathan Nichols of Thompson, Conn., June 7, 1802
- WINSOR, William and Eunice Nichols, May 8, 1800
- WINTER, Amasa and Rebekah Rickard, Jan. 19, 1786
- WINTER, Joseph and Azubah Barton of Oxford, Oct. 6, 1773
- WINTER, Wid. Mary of Killingley and Joshua Wetherell, Oct. 23, 1783
- WINTER, Molley and Henry Williams, Dec. 5, 1792
- WISWALL, Artemas and Dell Louisa Fairbanks of Sturbridge, int. Dec. 16, 1827
- WITT, Hollis of Charlton and Sarah Harris, Jan. 9, 1820
- WOLCOTT (see Wolcot)
- WOLCOTT, Elizabith and Andrew Segourney, both a Oxford, July 26, 1787
- WOOD, Alvin and wid. Hannah Perry, int. May 14, 1823
- WOOD, Betsey and Christopher Haskell, int. Sept. 16, 1838.
- WOOD, Caroline of Worcester and David Willington, int. Aug. 19, 1848
- WOOD, Daniel N., and Eliza Dunham, July 4, 1823
- WOOD, Elmira and Burr Lincoln of Windham, Conn., Sept. 30, 1827
- WOOD, Esther of Uxbridge and Dr. John Anson, Nov. 11, 1798. At Uxbridge
- WOOD, Hollis and Abigail Corbin, Dec. 18, 1807
- WOOD, Jerusha and Asa Newell, Oct. 17, 1785
- WOOD, Jesse and Charlottee Wheaton of Thompson, int. Nov. 20, 1798
- WOOD, John W. and Maria Corbin of Oxford, int. April 5, 1845
- WOOD, Julia Ann and Sumner Wood, int. Nov. 4, 1848
- WOOD, Matilda and William H. Googin, int. April 20, 1833
- WOOD, Nathan and Lucinda Luther of Thompson, int. Aug. 13, 1796
- WOOD, Otis and Mrs. Bathsheba Perry, Jan. 19, 1834
- WOOD, Mrs. Polley and Zephaniah Bartlett, Nov. 29, 1798
- WOOD, Rhoda and Joshua Corbin, Sept. 6, 1781
- WOOD, Sibil and Collins Moore Jr. of Oxford, Dec. 15, 1802
- WOOD, Simeon and Chloe Shumaway of Oxford, Dec. 14, 1803
- WOOD, Simeon and Huldah Rockwood, Oct. 31, 1809
- WOOD, Simon and Susanna Wakefield, both of Oxford South Gore, at Said Gore, Nov. 10, 1803
- WOOD, Stephen and Levine Newell, Feb. 11, 1782
- WOOD, Sumner and Julia Ann Wood, int. Nov. 4, 1848
- WOOD, William F. of Oxford and Emely Curtis, Nov. 27, 1832
- WOOD, Willis and Keziah Allen, Oct. 4, 1807
- WOOD, Willis and Maryann Benson, int. Aug. 29, 1838
- WOODARD (see Woodward)
- WOODARD, Julia H. of Sturbridge and Calvin Chamberlain 2d, Jan. 7, 1838
- WOODARD, Reuben of Charlton and Alice Raynolds, Dec. 29, 1805
- WOODARD, [Woodward in int.], Mrs. Sally of Charlton and Royal Sabin, May 11, 1800
- WOODCOCK, Salley of Attleborough and James Brown, int. March 12, 1809
- WOODWARD (see Woodard)
- WOODWARD, Harriet N. and Daniel Davis, int. Oct. 29, 1838
- WOOLWORTH, Alfred of Denmark, N.Y., and Mary L. Morris, June 28, 1842
- WONSIMUG, [Wonsemuge in int.], Thomus of Natick and wid. Hannah Quitticus Nov. ----, 1758
- WORDEN (see Warden)
- WORDEN, Asa and Nancy Haven, Jan. 17, 1830
- WORK, Ezra D., and Prudence H. White, April 7, 1825
- WOTKINS, [Wodkins in int.], Georg of Newmedfield and Delivorance Robbins, Oct. 15, 1735
- WRIGHT, Deverd and Benjamin M. Hill of Thompson, Conn, int. Dec. 18, 1814
- WRIGHT, Samuel of Brookfield and Louis Corbin, May 25, 1774
- WYLLEE (see Wiley, Willy)
- WYLLEE, Mary of Oxford and Noah Dodge, int. Feb. 21, 1761
- WYMAN (see Wiman)
- WYMAN, [Wymen in int.], Uzziah of Townshen and Sara Lillie, Dec. 15, 1756
- WYNN (see Winn)
- WYNN, Mrs. Laura and John Burk, int. Jan. 26, 1823
- ----, Lucy and Maj. Brown, Oct. 29, 1808
Marriage Records of Dudley, Worcester County, Massachusetts, Massachusetts, To The End Of The Year 1849, Worcester, Massachusetts: Published By Franklin P. Rice, Trustee of the Fund. 1908.
Dudley Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850 - Surnames S-Z
[ Surnames A-C ]