Dudley Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
Surnames A-C
Transcribed by Jeffrey Tooley
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- AARNOLD (see Arnold)
- AARNOLD, Richard and Susannah Shewbrooks of South Brimfield, int. Nov. 26, 1815
- ABBOT, William, of Pomfret [Abbington, C.R.] and wid. Hannah Edmunds, June 4, 1778
- ADAMS (see Addlams)
- ADAMS, Benoni and Susannah Chamberlain, May 8, 1777
- ADAMS, Eunice and Elijah Preston of Rutland, March 25, 1832
- ADAMS, James and Abigail Carpenter, int. Jan. 24, 1768
- ADAMS, Oliver [Jr. in int.] and Celia Esten, April 6, 1823
- ADAMS, Polly and Samuel Cottrill, int. March 1, 1796
- ADAMS, Rachal and Ebenezer Jones, Aug. 11, 1839
- ADAMS, Susanna and Nathan Willard, Nov. 28, 1799
- ADAMS, Susanna of Killinsley and Joseph Sabin Jr., March 16, 1769
- ADAMS, Willard [of Brooklyn in int.] and Abigail Marcy, Dec. 28, 1790
- ADDAMS (see above)
- ADDAMS, Thomas of Charlton and Abigail Corbin, int. Sept 2, 1776
- AINSWORTH, Chester of Brookfield and Emeline Brown of Charlton, Jan. 7, 1838. In Charlton
- AINSWORTH, Danniel of Woodstock and Elisabeth Corbin, int. Dec. 22, 1765
- AINSWORTH, Wyman [Wiman in int.] and Elizabeth How, Jan. 31, 1781
- ALBEE (see Aldbee)
- ALBEE, Aaron and Martha Willard, Aug. 1, 1783
- ALBEE, Asa of Charlton and Rachel Brown, Feb. 3, 1829
- ALBEE, Asahel jr. and Hannah Fowles, int. Dec. 2, 1838
- ALBEE, Barbara and Alfred Marcy, April 7, 1830
- ALBEE, Benjamin and Abigail Gore, May 14, 1797
- ALBEE, Charlotte W. and Nathan Hewett, June 7, 1838
- ALBEE, Cloa and Henry Willard, May 14, 1788
- ALBEE, Daniel and Betsey May, March 17, 1791
- ALBEE, Diania and Ezra Jacobs Jr. of Thompson, Conn., int. Nov. 21, 1834
- ALBEE, Joanna and Shadrach Smith, Feb. 26, 1778
- ALBEE, John and Zerviah Sales, Feb. 26, 1778
- ALBEE, John and Polley Pratt, int. Jan. 7 1804
- ALBEE, Capt. Joesph and wid. Phebe Turtelot of Killingley, Nov. 29, 1781
- ALBEE, Julia Ann and William Coburn of Millbury, Oct. 10, 1832
- ALBEE, Lucinda of Charlton and James McCouch, Nov. 21, 1825
- ALBEE, Mary and Edmund Sabin, Sept. 6, 1784
- ALBEE, Parthena and William Webster of Thompson, Conn., March 15, 1810
- ALBEE, Wid. Polly and Pearley Rawson of Thompson, Conn., Nov. 27 1816
- ALBEE, Reuben of Charlton and Polly Fitts, May 28, 1806
- ALBEE, Rhoda [Rhoday in int.] of Charlton and Daniel Mansfield, Oct. 14, 1789. At Charlton
- ALBEE, Mrs. Ruth and Timothy Corbin Jr., April ----, 1801
- ALBEE, Sally of Charlton and Samuel Corbin, July 31 1814
- ALBEE, Silas and Marcy Curtis, both of Charlton, Jan. 1, 1794
- ALBEE, Sylvia and John B. May of Woodstock, Conn., June 17, 1813
- ALBEE, Sylvia and Ephraim Willard, Oct. 11, 1781
- ALBEE, Thompson T. of Conn. and Lorean Foster, April 26, 1835
- ALBEE, Willard and Mrs. Dorcas White, both of Charlton, Dec. 6, 1801
- ALBEE, Willard Jr. of Waterford Village, Mendon, and Miss Hannah Corbin, Nov. 28, 1839. At Webster
- ALDBEE (see above)
- ALDBEE, [Albee in int.], Hannah and William Smith, Nov. 8, 1775
- ALDEN, Dexter of Southbridge and Lefa Fitts, March 23, 1820
- ALDRICH, Amos Jr. and Betsey L. Nolen of Hopkinton, int. March 2, 1821
- ALDRICH, Edward of Oxford and Sibil White, int. Sept. 12, 1827
- ALDRICH, Fenner and Tamison F. Penniman, July 27, 1828
- ALDRICH, Jonathan of Douglas and Betsey Robinson, May 28, 1820
- ALDRICH, Mary of Oxford and Jeremiah Upham, int. Nov. 2, 1829
- ALDRICH, Samuel and Abigail Marsh, Oct. 5, 1836. In Webster. ? Thomas of Oxford and Mary M. Winn, int. Dec. 6, 1823
- ALDRICH, Watea of Douglass and Royal Sailes of Gloucester, R.I., March 9, 1786
- ALEXANDER, Daniel Jr. and Sally Smith, Jan. 16, 1792. At Charlton
- ALEXANDER, Israel and Betsy Simpson of Charlton, Oct. 20, 1799
- ALGER, Freelove of Smithfield, R.I., and Olney Esten, int. July 10, 1819
- ALLERD (see Allerd)
- ALLERD, Esther of Woodstock and Samuel Munroe, int. April 14, 1793
- ALLERD, [Allerd in int.], Mary of Woodstock and Samuel Burnul, Jan. 22, 1756
- ALLERD, Mary of Woodstock and Joseph Vinton Jr., int. Feb. 21, 1784
- ALLERD, Orlin of Hopkinton and Sally Whittemore, June 12, 1831
- ALLEN (see Allin)
- ALLEN, Amy [Ame in int.] and Timothy Barton of Charlton, Jan. 20, 1767
- ALLEN, Augustus T. of Charlton and Aurelia C. Wakefield, Oct. 15, 1839
- ALLEN, Betsy [Bettey in int.] and Nathanel May, April 20, 1786
- ALLEN, Betsy and Luther Edmunds Nov. 12, 1807
- ALLEN, Mrs. Caty and Edward Blyss of Weston, int. May 6, 1796
- ALLEN, Ebenezer and Phebe Healy, March 16, 1786
- ALLEN, Hannah and Ebenezer Plummer, Sept. 25, 1783
- ALLEN, Jane [Jean Allin in int.], of Sutton and Andrew Coburn, Jan. 9, 1733-4. At Sutton
- ALLEN, Joseph P. and Mary Nowell of York, Me., int. Sept. 30, 1826
- ALLEN, Jude (s. Simeon and Betsey, widr., a. 38) and Sophronia Cortis, Dec. 3, 1848
- ALLEN, Wid. Keziah of Oxford South Gore and Jonathan Bixby, June 3, 1784. At said Gore
- ALLEN, Keziah and Willis Wood, Oct. 4, 1807
- ALLEN, Miss Mary and George Pope, Nov. 27, 1828. In Charlton
- ALLEN, Phineas and Polly Carroll of Thompson, int. Dec. ----, 1800
- ALLEN, Phinehas and Mary Wetherel, int. Dec. 18, 1768
- ALLEN, Polley and Daniel Wiman, int. Nov. 28, 1790
- ALLEN, Polly [Polley in int.] and Nathaniel Blood, Jan. 26, 1792
- ALLEN, Sabin of Munson and Anna Corbin, int. March 5, 1792
- ALLEN, Sally [Salley in int.] and Joseph Sheffield, Sept. 14, 1787
- ALLEN, Salley and Hezekiah Willard [March ?] 27, [1793 ?]
- ALLEN, Samuel of Gildford and Jane Coburn, int. May 15, 1773
- ALLEN, William of Wardsborough, Vt., and Huldah Curtis, Feb. 26, 1790. At Charlton
- ALLERD (see Allard)
- ALLERD, Daniel of Thompson and Susanna Smith, April 10, 1792
- ALLIN (see Allen)
- ALLIN, Hannah and Samuel Burnull, int. April 25, 1755
- ALTON, Amasa of Charlton and Silence Leach of Sturbridge, Sept. 28, 1794
- ALTON, Moses of Charlton and Miriam Prince, int. Nov. 18, 1786
- ALTON, Olive and Asa Fenton, both of Charlton, Dec. 25, 1793
- ALVERSON, David W. and Rhoda Pratt, int. Nov. 14, 1827. No certificate
- ALVERSON, David W. and Adaline Rogers, int. Oct. 12, 1827
- AMES (see Eams)
- AMES, Sophia of Sturbridge and David Putney, int. July 24, 1813
- AMIDON (see forms below)
- AMIDON, Isaac 2d and Lois Lovan Howland of Douglass, int. June 7, 1831
- AMIDON, Mary L. of Webster and Waldo M. Healy, int. Nov. 10, 1846
- AMIDON, Rufus and Hannah Larned May 24, 1821
- AMIDON, Rufus 2d and Lydia Marshall, Aug. 15, 1830
- AMIDON, Susannah of Southbridge and Lieut. John Haskell 3d int. March 2, 1817
- AMIDOWN, Caleb and Hannah Sabin, April 14, 1758
- AMIDOWN, Ithamar and Ruth Curtis, int. June 5, 1736
- AMIDOWN, Jacob and Elizabeth Curtis, Dec. 27, 1744
- AMIDOWN, Lewis of Southbridge and Deborah Barnes, April 13, 1820
- AMIDOWN, Lydia of Southbridge and Alvin Powers, int. Oct. 18, 1820
- AMIDOWN, Mehitible [Mehetibell in int.] and William Curtis, Dec. 2, 1742
- AMIDOWN, Nancy and William Larned Jr., Oct. 13, 1785
- AMIDOWN, Roger and [wid.] Rachel Rice, Feb. 28, 1757
- AMMIDON, Alpheus and Rutha Whipple of Smithfield, int. March 22, 1794
- AMMIDON, Isaac and Hannah Foster, int. March 1, 1794. [Married March 9. C.R.]
- AMMIDON, John of Charlton and Olive Sanger, June 19, 1783
- AMMIDOWN (see above)
- AMMIDOWN, Caleb and Betsy Barret of Sturbridge, int. Aug. 2, 1807
- AMMIDOWN, Callina of Southbridge and Moses Barnes, int. March 10, 1821
- AMMIDOWN, Ephraim and Hannah Smith of Oxford, Feb. 24, 1742-43. At Oxford
- AMMIDOWN, Hannah of Charlton and Lieut. Zephaniah Brown, int. March 6, 1799
- AMMIDOWN, Mrs. Hitte [Mehitable in int.] of Charlton and Dr. James Walcot, Dec. 5, 1799
- AMMIDOWN, Otis and Sally May, int. Aug. 2, 1807
- AMMIDOWN, Urana [Lurany in int.] and Henry Searls, both of Charlton, Aug. 8, 1793 (?)
- AMSDEL, wid. Abigail of Southboroh and Joseph Upham, int. Jan. 12, 1777
- ANDREWS, Fanny of Northbridge and Thomas Wilcott, int. April 12, 1816
- ANDRUS, Phebe of Pomfret and Joseph Edmunds Jr., March 28, 1776
- ANSON, Dr. John and Esther Wood of Uxbridge, Nov. 11, 1798. At Uxbridge
- ANWOONSIMANG (see Wonsimug)
- APPLEBEE, [Applebey in int.], John of Smithfield and Patience Sly, April 16, 1778
- APPLEBY, Zebedee of Smithfield and Joanna Sly, June 19, 1775
- ARMSBY (see Ormsbee, Ormsby)
- ARMSBY, Enos of Sutton and Damaris Bacon, Feb. 16, 1849
- ARMSBY, Thomas of Thompson and Mary Bracket, April 8, 1788
- ARNOLD (see Aarnold)
- ARNOLD, Anna and Abraham Wilber, March 25, 1810
- ARNOLD, Cynthia and Dyer Upham of Thompson, int. Oct. 27, 1827
- ARNOLD, Daniel and Nancy Brown, March 25, 1779
- ARNOLD, Dolley of Thompson, Conn., and Joseph Brown, int. Jan. 29, 1814
- ARNOLD, Hannah of Thompson, Conn., and George Tracy, int. Dec. 18, 1830
- ARNOLD, Lydia and Maturin Bacon of Woodstock, Conn., May 7, 1806
- ARNOLD, Richard and Mrs. Dolley Greene of Thompson, int. Dec. 19, 1802
- ARNOLD, Richard of Thompson and Diadama Stockewell, May 1, 1816
- ARNOLD, Smith of Thompson, and Mrs. Lucy Curtis, Jan. 18, 1801
- ARNOLD, Sylvester [Sylvestus in int.] of Thompson, Conn., and Locia Webster, April 25, 1816
- ARNOLD, Welcome and Mrs. Rhoda Lee of Douglas, int. Feb. 10, 1804
- ATKINS, Ruth [Ruth H. in int.] and Charles Wait, March 28, 1830
- ATTWOOD, Sarah of Killingley and Samuel Palmer, int. Dec. 18, 1773
- ATWOOD, Elisheba and Nathan Smith Jr., Feb. 2, 1786
- ATWOOD, Elizabeth and Jacob Larned of Oxford, Jan. 8, 1784
- ATWOOD, Joshua and Prudence Parker, Feb. 29, 1780
- AUSTIN, Amy of Ward and Jesse Eddy, April 26, 1827
- AUSTIN, Rhoda and Ishmael Nichols, May 29, 1820
- AUSTIN, Wid. Lydia and John Bracket Jr., Feb. 10, 1796. At Oxford
- AYRS, Joseph of Lamstown and Mehiteble Newell, Nov. 22, 1738
- BABCOCK (see Badcock)
- BABCOCK, Charles A. of Lowell (s. Samuel H. of Boston, single, a. 27) and Emeline Knight, Aug. 20, 1844
- BACON, Abigail and William Cartur, May 17, 1750
- BACON, Abner and [Mrs. in int.] Polly Vinton, May 13, 1804
- BACON, Beuler [Bulah in int.] and James McClallen Jr. of Sutton, Nov. 23, 1784
- BACON, Charles and Nancy Barrett, Aug. 20, 1826
- BACON, Cyrel L. and Betsey Ann Morgan of Woodstock, int. Nov. 4, 1821
- BACON, Cyrill and Mrs. Betsey Fay of Thompson, Sept. 27, 1795
- BACON, Damaris and Enos Armsby of Sutton, Feb. 16, 1809
- BACON, Daniel of North Woodstock and Esther Jones, March 3, 1770
- BACON, Diadama and Eliphalet Perry of Thompson, [Aug. 25, 1792 ?]
- BACON, Ebenezer Jr. and Phebe Parker of Coventry, int. Jan. 4, 1767
- BACON, Elias and Polley Chamberlain, July 31, 1803
- BACON, Wid. Elizabeth and Amariah Preston of Uxbridge, Nov. 18, 1777
- BACON, Elizabeth A. and Jonas L. Rice, both of Charlton, Nov. 27, 1837. In Charlton
- BACON, Ephraim of Woodstock and Sarah Farebanks, int. March 15, 1741
- BACON, Ephraim Jr. of Sturbridge and Mrs. Lucy Chamberlain of Charlton, Jan. 24, 1802
- BACON, Mrs. Hannah and James Fairbanks both of Sturbridge, March 9, 1798
- BACON, James of Woodstocke and Martha Jewell, March 6, 1760
- BACON, James G. and Mary B. Harding of Oxford, int. Nov. 7, 1830
- BACON, Jane [Jaen in int.] and Dr. Elkanah Day, Jan. 8, 1761
- BACON, Ens. Jephtha and Mrs. Joanna Child of Woodstock, int. Jan. 19, 1801
- BACON, John and Mary Jewell, Nov. 19, 1772
- BACON, John and Wid. Elisabeth Dodge, Jan. 1, 1776
- BACON, John and [Mrs. in int.] Amity Brown, Sept, 27, 1801
- BACON, Jonathan and Wid. Sara Kidder, Feb. 3, 1785
- BACON, Jonathan Jr. of Greenfield and Hudah Davis, Sept. 29, 1813
- BACON, Mrs. Kizoa and Luther Farnum, both of Sturbridge. Jan. 3, 1797
- BACON, Louis and Joshua Farnham, both of Sturbridge, March 30, 1794
- BACON, Lucius F. and Roxana Bassette of Killingly, Conn., int. Feb. 15, 1833
- BACON, Luther 2d and Mary W. Vinton, int. Aug. 19, 1838
- BACON, Mary and Willard Bruce, Dec. 3, 1829
- BACON, Mary and David Vinton, Nov. 19, 1834
- BACON, Maturin of Woodstock, Conn., and Lydia Arnold, May 7, 1806
- BACON, Nathaniel of Woodstock and Lois Newell, April 20, 1758
- BACON, Patiance of Woodstocke and James Cady, Dec. 13, 1759
- BACON, Wid. Phebe and Capt. Andrew Coburn of New Molborough [N.H.], Nov. 27, 1774
- BACON, Polsiski and Betsey Stevens of Carlton, int. Jan. 9, 1830
- BACON, Polly and John Day, Feb. 20, 1791
- BACON, Prissllla of the Gore and Thaddeus Walker of Charlton [April 10, 1792 ?]
- BACON, Rachel and Clement Corbin Jr., Nov. 18, 1753
- BACON, Samuel of Woodstock and wid. Elizabeth Dalrimple, Aug. 30, 1791
- BACON, Sarah of Woodstock and Moses Corbin, int. Oct. 13, 1769
- BACON, Sarah I. (d. Cyril L. and Betsey, single, a. 20) and Edward P. Newton, Nov. 20, 1849
- BACON, Sophia of Carlton and Abner Taber, int. July 10, 1842
- BACON, Susan and Martin Crane of Southbridge, Sept. 15, 1828
- BACON, Zilpha and Samuel Kidder, Sept. 27, 1787
- BADCOCK, Mary of Charston, State of Rhodiland (now residing in Dudley) and Nathaniel Sunsam (?) int. July 18, 1795
- BADKOCK (see Babcock)
- BADKOCK, Simeon and Mary Townsend, int. Feb. 22, 1767
- BAILEY (see Bayley)
- BAILEY, Densmore (s. Sampson and Sophia, single, a. 26) and Sarah F. Davis, March 20, 1845
- BAILEY, Resolved (s. Thomas and Lucy, widr., a. 50) and Lydia Healy, Dec. 7, 1848
- BAKER, Artemissa and Joseph Perkins of Woodstock, Conn., Sept. 10, 1837
- BAKER, Brad F. of Charlton and Hannah Gore, April 15, 1823
- BAKER, Darius and Harriot Blood of Charlton, int. March 12, 1837
- BAKER, Elijah and Mrs. Sally Blacknor, int. Dec. 10, 1801
- BAKER, Enoch E. and Maryann Webster, int. May 6, 1826
- BAKER, Jacob and [Wid.] Marcy Morris, Sept. 22, 1811
- BAKER, John and Clarisa Sirls, July 3, 1815
- BAKER, Leonard and Polly Thompson of Charlton, March 20, 1838
- BALDWIN (see Boldin)
- BALDWIN, Asa and Miss Eliza Preston, Aug. 24, 1828
- BALDWIN, Rhoda of Spencer and Amasa Hobbs of Sturbridge, Oct. 1, 1835. In Spencer
- BALECH, Josiah and Pataince Chamberlane of Killingly, int. Jan. 17, 1735-6
- BALL, Edwin S. and Mary Cummings of Auburn, int. Dec. 7, 1844
- BALLARD, Hamilton and Ruth B. May of Thompson, Conn, int. Dec. 10, 1842
- BALLARD, Joshua of Balston, N.Y., and Partheny Polley, Aug. 16, 1798
- BALLARD, Martha and James Bates, Jan. 8, 1789
- BALLARD, Mehitable [Hitte in int.] and Obadiah Bates, Oct. 29, 1789
- BALLARD, Sarah of Oxford and Micaial Robinson, May 29, 1783
- BANISTER, George S. and Sophia Brewer of Southborough, March 16, 1828
- BARKER, Benjamin and Harriet Reynolds, May 6, 1820
- BARKER, Salley and Dr. Aaron Tufts, May 23, 1790
- BARKER, William and Nancy Larned, Dec. 19, 1791
- BARNABY, Horace of Belchertown and Betsey Viner, int. March 13, 1830
- BARNES (see Barns)
- BARNES, Adah and Riel Conyers of Thompson, Conn., April 21, 1811
- BARNES, Alcy and Charles Cheney, Sept. 15, 1811
- BARNES, Benjamin and Nancy Stockwell of Millbury, int. March 12, 1819
- BARNES, Bradford and Mary Marcy, int. Dec. 28, 1778
- BARNES, Bradford and Sarah Howard, Oct. 23, 1780
- BARNES, Celia A. and Erastus Ormsbee, Aug. 27, 1832
- BARNES, Deborah and Lewis Amidown of Southbridge, April 13, 1820
- BARNES, Experience of Plymouth and Elisha Corbin, July 19, 1772. At Plymouth
- BARNES, Fitts A. and Lavinia E. Nichols of Oxford, int. May 21, 1827
- BARNES, Joel and Mary Dugar of Charlton, int. April 14, 1804
- BARNES, John and Catharine Stone of Charlton, int. Sept. 29, 1832
- BARNES, Josiah and Rebecca Kidder, Nov. 25, 1779
- BARNES, Moses and Callina Ammidown of Southbridge, int. March 10, 1821. [Married April 16. C.R.]
- BARNES, Moses and Eliza Larned, April 16, 1829
- BARNES, Salley and Mark Elwell, Nov. 26, 1801
- BARNES, Sally and Lorenzo Jordan of Thompson, Conn., April 25, 1832
- BARNES, Samuel and Betsey Jewell, March 26, 1809
- BARNET, John (s. James and Margaret B., single, a. 30) and Jennett McDonald, Oct. 9, 1846
- BARNS (see Barnes)
- BARNS, Experance and Elisha Corbin Jr., Feb. 27, 1775
- BARNS, Polley and John Day of Westminster, Vt., int. Dec. 4, 1790
- BARNS, Polley of Woodstock and Joseph Blackmar, int. March 1, 1794
- BAROT, [Barret in int.], Wid. Chloe and Ezekiel Robbins of Sturbridge, Jan. 4, 1815
- BARRET (see Barrett)
- BARRET, Aaron of Killingsley and Mary Williams, Dec. 3, 1772
- BARRET, Almira and Joshua Corbin Jr., Jan. 25, 1824
- BARRET, Betsey of Sturbridge and Josiah Hovey Jr, int. Oct. 24, 1802
- BARRET, Miss Betsy of Sturbridge and Caleb Ammidown, int. Aug. 2, 1807
- BARRET, Daniel of Killingley and Wid. Mary Dodge, Sept. 18, 1777
- BARRET, Hervey and Louisa Pratt, both of Oxford, Oct. 4, 1828
- BARRET, Jacob of Roxbury School Farm (so called), near Dudley and wid. Hannah Robinson, April 13, 1775
- BARRET, Joel of Rockingham, now resident at Dudley and Sarah Sabin, Jan. 11, 1787
- BARRET, Lucinda of Douglas and James F. Talbut, int. Jan. 15, 1825
- BARRET, [Barrett in int.], Rebecca and John Haskell 2d, July 5, 1827
- BARRET, Thomas of Woodstock and Elizabeth Smith of Oxford South Gore, Feb. 13, 1782, at Oxford South Gore
- BARRETT (see Barret)
- BARRETT, Anna and Samuel Robinson, int. Aug. 9, 1794
- BARRETT, Joseph of Sturbridge and Chloe Vinton, March 3, 1779. At Sturbridge
- BARRETT, Joseph Jr. of Sturbridge and Mrs. Polley Vinton, int. Sept. 30, 1798
- BARRETT, Mary and Beriah Wetmore of Gill, transiently at Dudley, Nov. 13, 1796
- BARRETT, Nancy and Charles Bacon, Aug. 20, 1826
- BARRETT, Thomas and Roby Davis, int. Aug. 27, 1831
- BARTHOLOMEW, Eunice and John Morse, Jan. 12, 1769
- BARTLET, Nathaniel and Polly Foster, int. June 5, 1814
- BARTLETT, Amos of Thompson and Hannah Robinson, April 8, 1821
- BARTLETT, Betsey and George Clapp, int. Nov. 18, 1826
- BARTLETT, Catherine and John F. Tucker, of Providence, R.I., May 8, 1815
- BARTLETT, Fanny and Silas Goddard of Montpelier, Vt., Oct. 6, 1825
- BARTLETT, Levi and Eliza Bracket, int. April 14, 1827
- BARTLETT, Luther and Maria N. Winsor, Oct. 5, 1824
- BARTLETT, Mary [Mrs. Maria in int.] and Rev. David Van ALstine of Princeton, Sept. 9, 1834
- BARTLETT, Stephen Jr. and Hannah Wesson of Worcester, int. July 9, 1814
- BARTLETT, Mrs. Tamme and Aaron Davis of South Brinfield, Nov. 29, 1801
- BARTLETT, Zephaniah and Mrs. Polley Wood, Nov. 29, 1798
- BARTON, Abigail of Oxford and Joseph Snell of Ashford, Jan. 27, 1783
- BARTON, Azubah of Oxford and Joseph Winter, Oct. 6, 1773
- BARTON, Benjamin and Sarah Stone, March 1, 1787
- BARTON, Benjamin [Benjamin S. in int.] and Betsey Sabin, Feb. ----, 1803
- BARTON, Ebenezer and Hannah Barton, Jan. 24, 1748-9. At Oxford
- BARTON, Hannah and Ebenezer Barton, Jan. 24, 1748-9. At Oxford
- BARTON, Jacob of Charlton and Sophia Shepard, int. April 20, 1818
- BARTON, Sally W. and Harvey Dodge, April 24, 1825
- BARTON, Timothy of Charlton and Amy Allen, Jan. 20, 1767
- BARTON, Timothy Stow [Stone in int.] of Whintingham and Phebe Stone, June 20, 1782
- BARTON, William T. and Mary A. Stone, both of Charlton, Nov. 14, 1836. In Charlton
- BASSETT, Mary of Bridgewater, Mass. and Hartwell Keith, int. March 10, 1816
- BASSETTE, Roxana of Killingly, Conn., and Lucius F. Bacon, int. Feb. 15, 1833
- BASTOW, Lydia and John Bayley of Killingley, Aug. 6, 1777
- BATCHELOR, Mrs. Meriarn of Charlton and Leonard Cheny, int. May 16, 1802
- BATES, Capt. Alanson and Lavena Brown of Thompson, Conn., int. Sept. 28, 1814
- BATES, Alanson Jr. and Betsey Keith, Dec. 30, 1819
- BATES, Anna (d. Joshua, single, a. 27) and James Davie Butler, April 21, 1845
- BATES, Bathsheba and Hiram Mills of Thompson, April 30, 1822
- BATES, Chloe and Amos Craggin Taft of Uxbridge, Jan. 15, 1809
- BATES, David of Fitskburg [Fitchburg ?] Mass., and Sally Sly, int. April 17, 1836
- BATES, Elhanan W. and Polly Douglass of Mendon, int. Dec. 21, 1821
- BATES, Ephraim of Thompson and Jerusha Cody, Feb. 14, 1787
- BATES, Esther C. of Thompson and John Jewett, int. Dec. 17, 1825
- BATES, Mrs. Fanna of Thompson and Stephen Bracket, int. April 1, 1803
- BATES, Ira J. of Webster and Maria Davis, int. Feb. 24, 1849
- BATES, Ens. Jacob and Sally Rhodes of Thompson, int. Oct. 25, 1818
- BATES, Jacob and Lydia E. Davis, March 29, 1832
- BATES, James and Martha Ballard, Jan. 8, 1789
- BATES, John and Cynthia Rawson of Oxford, int. Sept. 3, 1825
- BATES, John 3d and Mary Ann Jacobs of Thompson, Conn., int. Feb. 1, 1832
- BATES, Mary and Nathan Bixby of Thompson, Conn., May 27, 1812
- BATES, Nelson and Lucia Jacobs of Thompson, int. April 19, 1824
- BATES, Obadiah and Mehitable Ballard, Oct. 29, 1789
- BATES, Ruth [Rutha in int.] and Samuel Jocelin of Thompson, Nov. 7, 1793
- BATES, Sarah G. and Azor Sly of Southbridge, Feb. 28, 1832
- BATES, Sibel and James Haven, Jan. 1, 1822
- BAYLEY (see Bailey)
- BAYLEY, [Bailey in int.], John of Killingley and Lydia Bastow, Aug. 6, 1777
- BEERS, Mary S. and Elijah Hammond, both of Charlton, Dec. 21, 1836. In Charlton
- BELL, Susanna and Mark Elwell, Dec. 24, 1843
- BELLOWS, Eleazer of Oxford and [wid.] Abigail Putney, Oct. 27, 1763
- BELLOWS, [Bellus in int.] Hezekiah and Mary Newell, Aug. 3, 1759
- BEMIS, Jane (adopted d. Phinehas, single, a. 24) and Oscar Fisher, Aug. 26, 1844
- BEMIS, Phinehas and Mary Chamberlain, July 16, 1809
- BEMON, Wid. Salley of Framingham, and Caesor Sprague, int. Nov. 9, 1793
- BENNETT, Nelson (s. Rufus and Nancy, of Griswold, Conn., born Plainfield, Conn., single, a. ----) and Lucy F. Conant, Dec. 30, 1844
- BENSON, Jane and Samuel Davis Jr., Jan. 2, 1817
- BENSON, Maryann and Willis Wood, int. Aug. 29, 1838
- BENSON, Sarah and Harvey Perry, Dec. 14, 1824
- BENSON, Sarah K. and John S. Richardson, int. Sept. 27, 1845
- BETTIS, Lucy and James Town of Charlton, Aug. 6, 1778
- BIDWELL, Samuel of Hartford, Conn. (s. Martin and Martha, single, a. 27), and Abigial P. Killam, April 15, 1847
- BIGELOW, Charles and Orrel Talbut, Oct. 2, 1825
- BIGELOW, Hepzibah, and Lieut. Mark Dodge, Feb. 20, 1793. In Brookfield
- BIXBY, Alanson B. and Phebe Marsh, April 1, 1839
- BIXBY, Elizebeth of Sutten and James Diks, int. Nov. 7, 1740
- BIXBY, Jonathan and wid. Kezia Allen of Oxford South Gore, June 3, 1784, at Said Gore
- BIXBY, Joseph P. of Thompson, Conn., and Lucy Perry, April 11, 1832
- BIXBY, Levira of Webster and Alexander Joslin of Thompson, Conn., April 1, 1840
- BIXBY, Nathan of Thompson, Conn., and Mary Bates, May 27, 1812
- BIXBY, Richard and Esther Tayler, Jan. 4, 1742-3
- BIXBY, Salmon and Nabba Chamberlain, Sept. 26, 1798
- BLACKMAR (see Blackmor)
- BLACKMAR, Anna and Eneas Lamb, Nov. ----, 1792
- BLACKMAR, Charles and Elenor Gould, both of Charlton, Nov. 8, 1837
- BLACKMAR, Joseph and Polley Barns of Woodstock, int. March 1, 1794
- BLACKMAR, Mary and Joshua Thornton, Feb. 29, 1837. In Webster?
- BLACKMAR, Stephen of North Woodstock and Lydia White, int. Feb. 6, 1773
- BLACKMAR, Tamison G. of Thompson and Aaron Bracket, Feb. 24, 1825
- BLACKMOR (see above)
- BLACKMOR, Mrs. Salley and Elijah Baker, int. Dec. 10, 1801
- BLISS (see Blyss)
- BLISS, Mrs. Selah of Oxford South Gore and Perry Holley, March 13, 1800
- BLOOD, Abigail of Charlton and Moses Dreper [Dresser?] of Chesterfield, May 7, 1777
- BLOOD, Harriot of Carlton and Darius Baker, int. March 12, 1837
- BLOOD, John of Charlton and wid. Mary Chamberlain, int. March 31, 1773
- BLOOD, Mary [Massey ? in int.] of Charlton and Obed Warren, Sept. 20, 1780. At Charlton
- BLOOD, Nathaniel and Polly Allen, Jan. 26, 1792
- BLOOD, Polly of Charlton and Elihu L. Upham, June 21, 1843
- BLYSS (see Bliss)
- BLYSS, ---- (?) of Weston Edward and Mrs. Caty Allen, int. May 6, 1796
- BOLDIN (see Baldwin)
- BOLDIN, wid. Hannah of Stonham and John Vinton, Esqr., int. April 4, 1752
- BOLLES, Erastus of Sturbridge and Hannah Cheney, Jan. 28, 1813
- BOOTH, Joseph and Lucy Ann Kemp, Dec. 2, 1830
- BOWDISH, Hannah and Henry Post, Feb. 3, 1805
- BOWEN, Ereck of Providence, R.I., and Betsey Brown, Oct. 7, 1821
- BOWEN, George of Woodstock, Conn., and Lydia Woolcot Eaton, Oct. 13, 1812
- BOWEN, Mary of Woodstock and William Hancock (at Woodstock?), Dec. 11, 1817
- BOWERS, Charles and Clarisa Chamberlain, Oct. 6, 1803
- BOWERS, Huldah and John Edmunds, Jan. 10, 1805
- BOWERS, John and Rebecah Carpinder of Woodstock, Nov. 6, 1755
- BOWERS, John and Sarah Inman, March 7, 1780
- BOWERS, John and Maria Healy, Dec. 1, 1836
- BOWERS, Matilda and Henry Hull of Sturbridge (people of Color), Nov. 9, 1815
- BOWERS, Polly and Joseph Sheffield, March 7, 1799
- BOWERS, Zelotes and Fanny Vinton, April 8, 1807
- BOWLEY, William and Sarah Scholefield, int. Nov. 20, 1847. (Void.)
- BOWMAN, Ezra and Elizabeth Campbell, int. April 4, 1770
- BOWMAN, Martha of Worcester and Joseph Pagin, int. Dec. 31, 1737
- BOYLE, Rose of Worcester and Peter Carney, int. July 8, 1848
- BRACKENRIDGE, Rebecca, of Palmer and Joseph Bracket, int. Oct. 30, 1813
- BRACKET (see Brackett, Brackit)
- BRACKET, Aaron and Tamison G. Blackmar, of Thompson. Feb. 24, 1825
- BRACKET, Asa and Mrs. Huldah Princ, of Thompson, int. March 15, 1801
- BRACKET, Betsey and Danford Upham, March 17, 1824
- BRACKET, David and Patty Hurd of Oxford, June 29, 1803
- BRACKET, David Jr. and Plure B. Chaffee, of Thompson, Conn., int. March 15, 1834
- BRACKET, Eliza and Levi Bartlett, int. April 14, 1827
- BRACKET, Ichabod and Abigail Corah of Plainfield, Conn., int. Feb. 3, 1816
- BRACKET, John Jr. and Wid. Lydia Austin, Feb. 10, 1796. At Oxford
- BRACKET, Josep and Phebe Rarnilton of Palmer, int. April 8, 1810
- BRACKET, Joseph and Rebecca Brackenridge of Palmer, int. Oct. 30, 1813
- BRACKET, Lucy and David Brock Jr. of Woodstock, Conn., int. Nov. 8, 1807
- BRACKET, Lydia and John Warren, May 9, 1808
- BRACKET, Martha and Sanford Gorton of Charlton, Sept. 7, 1829
- BRACKET, Mary and Thomas Armsby of Thompson, April 8, 1788
- BRACKET, Mariam and Abijah Roggers of Sturbridge, int. Oct. 19 1806
- BRACKET, Millisant and Elijah Nichols, March 29, 1791
- BRACKET, Moses Jr. and Lucinda Stone, int. April 30, 1815
- BRACKET, Peter and Polly Upham, Jan. 14, 1830
- BRACKET, Polly and Jacob T. Seagraves, of Providence, R.I., April 20, 1828
- BRACKET, Rebecca and Thomas Davis of Killingley, Dec. 25, 1783
- BRACKET, Sally and Ezra Harwood of Charlton, int. Sept. 28, 1810
- BRACKET, Stephen and Mrs. Fanna Bates of Thompson, int. April 1, 1803
- BRACKETT, Asa of Webster and Semantha Perry, int. April 30, 1837
- BRACKETT, Dolley and Samuel Thompson, May 22, 1814
- BRACKIT (see above)
- BRACKIT, Ebenezer Jr. and Hannah Goodale, of Woodstock, Conn., int. Sept. 1, 1806
- BRACKIT, John and Jerusha Newell, May 6, 1762
- BRADBURY, John and Joanna Perry, both of Webster, April 5, 1838. In Webster
- BRADFORD, Benjamin of Woodstock, Conn., and Sarah Healy, Sept. 27, 1831
- BRADFORD, Sally of Woodstock, Conn., and Hammond Healy, int. Oct. 1, 1815
- BRENNAN, [Brennen in int.], Daniel and Waity Dean, Oct. 27, 1825
- BREWER, Sohpia of Southborough and George S. Banister, int. March 16, 1828
- BRIDGE, Elizabeth of Roxbury and Daniel Harris, June 20, 1745. At Roxbury
- BRIDGES, Anna and Timothy Guy, Sept. 20, 1770
- BRIGGS, Olive of Oxford and Abijah Upham, int. March 20, 1814
- BRIGGS, Rufus of Oxford and Patty Upham, int. March 10, 1816
- BRILEY, John of Worcester and Betsey Dennis, Oct. 14, 1841. In Worcester ?
- BROCK, David of Woodstock and Mrs. Hannah White, int. [probably Dec. 1794 or Jan. 1795]
- BROCK, David Jr. of Woodstock, Conn., and Lucy Bracket, int. Nov. 8, 1807
- BROCK, John of Woodstock and Sarah Southwick, int. Oct. 5, 1743
- BROCK, Wid. Sarah of Woodstock and William Havens, Sept. 21, 1775
- BROGAN, Mary and Peter Flinn, int. Aug. 11, 1849
- BROWN, Aaron of Woodstock and Welthan Smith, Aug. 6, 1781
- BROWN, Alexander of Killingley and Hannah Kidder, Aug. 17, 1775
- BROWN, Almira of Thompson and Dr. David Holman, int. June 20, 1830
- BROWN, Alvin and Hannah Stone, both of Oxford South Gore, at said Gore, Feb. 5, 1804
- BROWN, Ama of Charlton and Elijah Houghton, int. Dec. 11, 1812
- BROWN, [Mrs. in int.] Amity and John Bacon, Sept. 27, 1801
- BROWN, Bethiah of Killenly and Samuel Hall, int. Dec. 23, 1732
- BROWN, Betsey and Eseck Bowen of Providence, R.I., Oct. 7, 1821
- BROWN, Caleb and Polley Corbin, Oct. 22, 1802
- BROWN, Caleb and Albemarle King, March 28, 1824
- BROWN, Caroline M. and William Makepeace Jr. Esq. of Franklin, Nov. 21, 1832
- BROWN, Caroline of Sturbridge and George Linus of New Haven, Conn., Oct. 5, 1834. In Sturbridge
- BROWN, Chad and Betsey Healy, May 4, 1800
- BROWN, Charles of Johnston and Dinah Fenner, April 15, 1782
- BROWN, Charles and Eunice Upham, Sept. 11, 1788
- BROWN, Chloa of Killingley and Solomon Wakefield, int. March 28, 1784
- BROWN, Chloe of Oxford South Gore and Ebenezer Emerson of Thompson, Nov. 11, 1802
- BROWN, Deborah of Killingly and Eliakim Robinson, int. June 21, 1767
- BROWN, Deborah and William Fessenden, int. March 15, 1794
- BROWN, Emeline of Charlton and Chester Ainsworth of Brookfield, Jan. 7, 1838. In Charlton
- BROWN, Esther and Elijah Humphrey of Killingley, Sept. 13, 1778
- BROWN, George and Lucy Tracy, May 29, 1821
- BROWN, Gideon and Miranda Child, March 28, 1824
- BROWN, Hannah and Henry Brown, March 14, 1782
- BROWN, Henry and Hannah Brown, March 14, 1782
- BROWN, James and Sarah Oaks, Dec. 9, 1779
- BROWN, James and Salley Woodcock of Attleborough, int. March 12, 1809
- BROWN, John of Charlton and Lucy Corbin, Oct. 30, 1808
- BROWN, John [John 2d in int.] and Clarisa Hayward of Oxford, Feb. 8, 1816
- BROWN, John A. of Woodstock and Lucetta Sly, Jan. 6, 1825
- BROWN, Joseph of Thompson and Jemima Larned of Oxford, Oct. 25, 1787
- BROWN, Joseph and Dolley Arnold of Thompson, Conn., int. Jan. 29, 1814
- BROWN, Joseph Jr. and Lydia Gleason, both of Oxford, Nov. 11, 1823
- BROWN, Josiah and Dinah Wetherlll, Jan. 14, 1772
- BROWN, Lavena of Thompson, Conn., and Capt. Alanson Bates, int. Sept. 28, 1814
- BROWN, Loren [Lorin in int.] of Woodstock, Conn., and Rhoda Willard, Oct. 22, 1812
- BROWN, Lovisa and Benjamin A. Corbin of Oxford, int. Nov. 22, 1835
- BROWN, Lucinda and Caleb Wakefield, March 2, 1818
- BROWN, Lucinda and Reuel Moffitt of Oxford, int. May 11, 1825
- BROWN, Lucinda and Richard Gamage Jr. of Oxford, int. Dec. 27, 1846
- BROWN, Lucy (d. George and Lucy, a. 22) and Oliver Sumner, March 23, 1848
- BROWN, Wid. Lydia of Cantubary and Lieut. John Warren, int. April 22, 1791
- BROWN, Mrs. Marcy and Zebulon Morriss, int. March 6, 1797
- BROWN, Marcy and Eli Bullard of Holliston, May 27, 1812
- BROWN, Martha of Glocester and Peter Cooms, int. Sept. 18, 1787
- BROWN, Mary of Killingley and Jonathan Groe, int. Feb. 20, 1773
- BROWN, Wid. Mary and John Fenner, April 10, 1792
- BROWN, Mary and William Foster, Feb. 8 [Jan. 13 in dup.], 1781
- BROWN, Mary P. and Albert Lyon, both of Woodstock, Conn., April 22, 1838. In Woodstock
- BROWN, Mehitibel of Tompson Parish in Killingly and Joseph Putney Jr., int. May 20, 1748
- BROWN, Mercy [Marcy in int.] and Elijah Cary, Oct. 6, 1817
- BROWN, Nancy and Daniel Arnold, March 25, 1779
- BROWN, Nathaniel and Abi Lenerd of Dugliss, int. Jan. 26, 1757
- BROWN, Philip and Louis Upham, Sept. 28, 1775
- BROWN, Rachel and Asa Albee of Charlton, Feb. 3, 1829
- BROWN, Rhoda and Samuel Underwood, Oct. 10, 1816
- BROWN, Roxlaney [Roxalana in int.] and Stephen F. Humphry, May 27, 1812
- BROWN, Ruth W. and Frederick Goodell, Jan. 1, 1829
- BROWN, Waity [Waity M. in int.] and Marcus Trumble of Byron, Ga., Aug. 19, 1832
- BROWN, William and Lucy Davis, Oct. 14, 1773
- BROWN, William and Mary Freeman of Killingley, March 25, 1779
- BROWN, William and Mrs. Rebeca Robinson, Aug. 11, 1799
- BROWN, William and Sally Moffit, both of Oxford, Dec. 5. 1802
- BROWN, William S. and Sarah Ann McCrackin of Webster, int. Oct. 13, 1848
- BROWN, Lieut. Zephaniah and Hannah Ammidown of Charlton, int. March 6, 1799
- BROWN, Mrs. Zilpha and Walter Jewell, June ----, 1801
- BROWN, Maj. ---- and Lucy ----, Oct. 29, 1808
- BRUCE (see Bruse)
- BRUCE, Elisabeth A. of Sturbridge and Ephraim Upham Jr, int Dec. 7, 1839
- BRUCE, Willard and Mary Bacon, Dec. 3, 1829
- BRUCE, Winsor and Waity Sayles, int. Aug. 25, 1828
- BRUSE (see above)
- BRUSE, Charles of Brookfield and Abigail Carter, int. July 6, 1774
- BUCK, Lucy of Killingly, Conn., and Calvin Leffingwill, int. Sept. 6, 1813
- BUCKMAN, Abel of Woodstock and Cynthia Edmunds, May 7, 1805
- BUCKMAN, Susanah and Benjamin Stone, April 28, 1757
- BUGBEE, George of Woodstock, Conn,, and Juliet Haskell, Nov. 30, 1843
- BUGBEE, Surlinday and Silas Johnson, March 6, 1792
- BULLARD, Eli of Holliston and Marcy Brown, May 27, 1812
- BULLARD, Ethan and Ama Cory of Sturbridge, int. June 2, 1816
- BULLARD, Ethan Jr. (s. Ethan, single) and Faustina Reynolds, June 27, 1844
- BURGESS, Danforth of Thompson and Lovicy Marsh, int. April 13, 1838
- BURGESS, Ursula of Thompson and Hosea Edmunds, int. Nov. 21, 1822
- BURK, John and Mrs. Laura Wynn, int. Jan. 26, 1823
- BURLINGAME, Calvin W. and Lydia Cole of Sturbridge, int. Feb. 12, 1835
- BURLINGHAM, Anson of Thompson, Conn., and Almira Wakefield, int. Nov. 29, 1834
- BURNUL (see Burnull)
- BURNUL, Hannah and David Sterns, Sept. 7, 1756
- BURNUL, [Burnil in int.], John and Mary Carter, Jan. 4, 1742-3
- BURNUL, Joseph and Hannah Tucker of Pomfrit, int. Jan. 20, 1743-9
- BURNUL, Mary and John Whitmore of Killingly, Nov. 29, 1750
- BURNUL, Samuel and Mary Allard of Woodstock, Jan. 22, 1756
- BURNUL, Sarah and Ebenezer Trusdell, Sept. 5, 1751
- BURNULL (see above)
- BURNULL, Samuel and Hannah Allin, int. April 25, 1755
- BURREL [?]
- BURREL, Jacob and Desier Skelton, int. May 21, 1815
- BURREL, Olive and Asa Short of Gloucester, int. July 21, 1776
- BURREL, Phebe of Billingsley and Samuel Kimbell, int. Feb. 16, 1771
- BURT, Eli and Nancy Weaver, int. May 15, 1814
- BURT, Eunice of Killingley and Daniel How, int. Nov. 27, 1773
- BURT, Mollee of Wairriver and Robert Webster, int. April 25, 1761
- BUSH, Judith and Lemuel Corbin, Nov. 15, 1796. In Brookfield
- BUTLER, James Davie (s. James of Rutland. Vt., single, a. 27, Minister Cong. Ch.) and Anna Bates, April 21, 1845
- BUTLER, Peter of Oxford and Mehitable Corbin, Nov. 23, 1800
- BUTLER, Sally and Jeremiah Kingsbury, int. Aug. 27, 1831
- BUTTERWORTH, Nancy (d. Paul of Sturbridge, single, a. 20) and Davis Vinton, Sept. 4, 1844
- CAEZAR, Betsey and Henry White, people of Color, int. Aug. 20, 1827
- CAEZAR, Julius and Patient Pagan, int. Aug. 24, 1789
- CABBOT, Justus and Lydia Robinson, both of Oxford South Gore, May 29, 1737, at said Gore
- CADY (see Cody)
- CADY, Mrs. Damaris of Killingley and Rev. Perley Howe, int. Sept. 27, 1735
- CADY, James and Patiance Bacon of Woodstocke, Dec. 13, 1759
- CADY, Hale C. of Woodstock, Conn., and Sally Perry, Nov. 3, 1829
- CADY, Hale C. (s. Joseph and Mary, widr., a. 45) and Hannah C. Farnum, March 6, 1849
- CALL, Abigail of Oxford and Ebenezer Dicke, int. Dec. 3, 1743
- CALLAGHAN, John and Polly Sanger, both of Webster, May 18, 1834
- CAMP, William of Southbridge and Fanny Comins of Charlton, May 1, 1837. In Charlton
- CAMPBELL, Elisabeth and William Gleason, int. Dec. 12, 1768
- CAMPBELL, Elisabeth and Ezra Bowman, int. April 4, 1770
- CARGILL, Rhoday of Pomphret and Ezbon Carter, int. Jan. 9, 1791
- CARGILL, William and Lucretia Carter, late of Dudley, then in Westminster, Vt., March 3, 1786. At Bennington, Vt
- CARPENTER (see Carpinder, Carpinter)
- CARPENTER, Abigail and James Adams, int. Jan. 24, 1768
- CARPENTER, Anna of Sturbridge and John Gore Jr., int. April 24, 1813
- CARPENTER, Charles and Polly Perry, March 28, 1830
- CARPENTER, Elects of Woodstock and Walter Upham, int. April 3, 1827
- CARPENTER, Emely of Charlton and Daniel Prince, int. Aug. 21, 1842
- CARPENTER, Hannah and John Gore, Nov. 23, 1775
- CARPENTER, Leonard and Matilda Reynolds, both of Sutton, July 7, 1817
- CARPENTER, Rebecca and Peter Hunt of Glocester, int. March 18, 1776
- CARPENTER, Preston of Millbury and Betsey Upham Larned, Oct. 20, 1831
- CARPENTER, Younglove C. and Rhoda Sabin, March 17, 1824
- CARPINDER, Rebecah of Woodstock and John Bowers, Nov. 6, 1755
- CARPINTER (see above)
- CARPINTER, Martha and Jonathan Webster, Nov. 17, 1776
- CARRIEL, [Carrel in int.], Jane of Sutton and Andrew Dodge, May 8, 1777. At Sutton
- CARRIEL, [Carrel in int.], Hannah of Sutton and Asa Curtis, Dec. 25, 1767. At Sutton
- CARNEY, Peter and Rose Boyle of Worcester, int. July 8, 1848
- CARROLL, Arthur of Thompson and Polly Munyan, Oct. 8, 1822
- CARROLL, Eliza of Oxford and Dan Munyan, July 11, 1826
- CARROLL, Mrs. Mary and John Nichol, July 3, 1836
- CARROLL, Polly of Thompson and Phineas Allen, int. Dec. ----, 1800
- CARTER (see Cartur)
- CARTER, Abigail and Stephen Child of Woodstock, Conn., Dec. 24, 1812
- CARTER, Abigail and Charles Bruse of Brookfield, int. July 6, 1774
- CARTER, Ezbon and Rhoday Cargill of Ponaphret, int. Jan. 9, 1791
- CARTER, Lucretia, late of Dudley, then in Westminster, Vt., and William Cargill, March 3, 1786. At Bennington, Vt
- CARTER, Mary and John Burnul, Jan. 4, 1742-3
- CARTER, Mary and Jonas Fairbank, Dec. 5, 1768
- CARTER, Sally and Augustus Marcy, April 17, 1822
- CARTER, Sylvia and Benjamin Morriss Jr., Oct. 5, 1786
- CARTER, Theody [Altheoda in int.] and Joseph Sheffield of Killingley, Feb. 19, 1784
- CARTER, William Jr. and Hannah Mayo, Dec. 18, 1777
- CARTUR (see Carter)
- CARTUR, Abigail and Nathaniel Healy, Sept. 9, 1756
- CARTUR, Sarah and Samuel Eams, Nov. 27, 1755
- CARTUR, Stephen and Mehitabel Davison, May 4, 1762
- CARTUR, William and Abigail Bacon, May 17, 1750
- CARY, Elijah and Mercy Brown, Oct. 6, 1817
- CARY, Sylvester R. and Catharine Green of Warwick, R.I., int. Aug. 6, 1820
- CASE, Eunice of Brooklyn, Conn., and Samuel Fitts, int. Oct. 26, 1812
- CASE, Mary of Warwick, R.I., and William Wakefield, int. Oct. 8, 1831
- CHACE (see Chase)
- CHACE, Isaac and Anna White, Nov. 30, 1797
- CHAFEE (see forms below)
- CHAFEE, Eliza of Thompson, Conn., and Benjamin H. Johnson, int. Dec. 5, 1843
- CHAFEE, Phidelia of Ashford, Conn., and Ephraim Martin Jr., int. March 21, 1812
- CHAFFEE, Allice and Josiah Conant, int. April 8, 1829
- CHAFFEE, Eliza of Woodstock and Asa Robinson Jr., int. April 23, 1825
- CHAFFEE, Plure B. of Thompson, Conn., and David Bracket Jr., int., March 15, 1834
- CHAFY, [Chafee in int.], Thomas of Woodstock and Mary May, April 8, 1779
- CHAMBERLAIN (see forms below)
- CHAMBERLAIN, Calvin and Charlotte How, int. Oct. 24, 1790
- CHAMBERLAIN, Calvin and Anna Warren, Jan. 12, 1794
- CHAMBERLAIN, Calvin 2d and Julia H. [F.?] Woodard of Sturbridge, Jan. 7, 1838
- CHAMBERLAIN, Chloe and Moses Curtis, March 23, 1807
- CHAMBERLAIN, Clarisa and Charles Bowers, Oct. 6, 1803
- CHAMBERLAIN, Edward of Oxford and Hannah Edmunds, Jan. 22, 1745-6
- CHAMBERLAIN, Edward and Sarah Champney of Southborough, int. July 28, 1770
- CHAMBERLAIN, Edward Jr. and Emilia Dyer of Charlton, int. Dec. 28, 1806
- CHAMBERLAIN, Elizabeth and Calvin Mower [Collins Moore is correct] of Oxford, July 11, 1787. At Charlton
- CHAMBERLAIN, Ichabod and Sarah Gale, March 19, 1767
- CHAMBERLAIN, Jacob Jr. and Mary Vinton, Nov. 22, 1774
- CHAMBERLAIN, Jacob and [Wid.] Mary Freeman of Sturbridge, Sept. 6, 1774
- CHAMBERLAIN, Jacob Jr. of Millbury and Deborah Healy, March 5, 1817
- CHAMBERLAIN, John and Mary Lee, Sept. 19, 1782
- CHAMBERLAIN, Joshua of Homer, N.Y. and Chloe Curtis, Jan. 16, 1805
- CHAMBERLAIN, Lucy and Edward Curtis, Oct. 4, 1770
- CHAMBERLAIN, Mrs. Lucy of Charlton and Ephraim Bacon Jr. of Sturbridge, Jan. 24, 1802
- CHAMBERLAIN, Luther and Hannah Curtis, April 5, 1787
- CHAMBERLAIN, Luther and Phebe Polley, int. April 16, 1796
- CHAMBERLAIN, Lydia and Larned Marcy, Oct. 9, 1831
- CHAMBERLAIN, Wid. Mary and John Blood of Charlton, int. March 31, 1773
- CHAMBERLAIN, Wid. Mary and John Haskell Jr., April 13, 1794
- CHAMBERLAIN, Mary and Phinehas Bemis, July 16, 1809
- CHAMBERLAIN, Moses and Hephzibah Nurse, residing in Reading, April 20, 1775. At Reading
- CHAMBERLAIN, Nabba and Salmon Bixby, Sept. 26, 1798
- CHAMBERLAIN, Phebe and John Polley of Charlton, April 12, 1770
- CHAMBERLAIN, Mrs. Polley and John Dyer, int. Feb. 20, 1799
- CHAMBERLAIN, Polley and Elias Bacon, July 31, 1803
- CHAMBERLAIN, Rebecca and Erastus, otherwise Eastman, Farnum of Uxbridge, Jan. 22, 1800
- CHAMBERLAIN, Reubin and Rebecca Healy, April 25, 1776
- CHAMBERLAIN, Sabra and Clement Corbin, int. Sept. 17, 1791
- CHAMBERLAIN, Samuel and Mary Green of Volingtown, int. May 27, 1770
- CHAMBERLAIN, Sarah and Stephen Streeter of Oxford, int. June 20, 1778
- CHAMBERLAIN, Sarah [Salley in int.] and John Rickards. April 7, 1791
- CHAMBERLAIN, Wid. Sarah and Capt. Samuel Healy, May 24, 1797. At Charlton
- CHAMBERLAIN, Susannah and Benoni Adams, May 8, 1777
- CHAMBERLAIN, Willoba of Woodstock and George Foster, int. [No date given, probably 1795 or 1798
- CHAMBERLANE, Pataince of Killingly and Josiah Balech, int. Jan. 17, 1735-6
- CHAMBERLIN, Hannah and Stilman Plimpton, April 30, 1816
- CHAMBERLIN, Jacob and Phebe Vinton, int. Feb. 26, 1742-3
- CHAMBERLIN, Simon and Abigail Taller of Suttin, int. Dec. 27, 1735
- CHAMBERLINE (see above)
- CHAMBERLINE, Rebecah and Daniel Dodge of Killingly, int. May 3, 1760
- CHAMBERLINE, Simon and Elizebeth Dodge, March 7, 1756
- CHAMPNEY, Sarah of Southborough and Edward Chamberlain, int. July 28, 1770
- CHANDLER, John of Woodstock, Conn., and Deborah Eddy, Jan. 8, 1807
- CHANDLER, Winthrop of Killingley and Mary Gleason, Feb. 11, 1773
- CHALKCOM, Hepsibath of Natick and Jonathan Pegan, March 28, 1758. At Hopkinton
- CHASE (see Chace)
- CHASE, Elisha and Emeline Jourden, int. Sept. 1, 1827
- CHASE, Ellice and Ebenezer Cummins, July 9, 1791
- CHASE, Eseck of Oxford and Mrs. Ruth Hill, int. Feb. ---- 1805
- CHASE, Isabella of Douglass and Olney Esten, int. Dec. 17, 1815
- CHASE, Phebe of Charlton and Samuel Goodnough, int. Oct. 30, 1808
- CHASE, Silas of Douglas and Harriet Corbin, May 31, 1843
- CHASE, John of Thompson and Mary Dean, April 4, 1821
- CHASE, Solomon of Uxbridge and Anna Patch, int. Sept. 16, 1786
- CHEANY (see Cheney, Cheny)
- CHEANY, [Cheney in int.], Phillis and Will, negro servants to Capt. Thomus Cheany, Jan. 16, 1748-9
- CHEANY, [Cheney in int.] (see Cheney) Will and Phillis, negro servants to Capt. Thomas Cheany, Jan. 16, 1748-9
- CHEANY, [Cheney in int.], Artemos and Prusilla Gore, May 20, 1790. At Charlton
- CHECKERING (see Chickering)
- CHECKERING, George [George C. Chickering of Shrewsbury in int.] and Mary A. Jewell, Dec. 24, 1837
- CHECKIES, Martha of Woodstock and Samuel Peegun, April 8, 1739
- CHENEY (see Cheany, Cheny, Chenny)
- CHENEY, Caroline of Southbridge and Andrew Putney, int. March 5, 1832
- CHENEY, Charles and Alcy Barnes, Sept. 15, 1811
- CHENEY, Clarisa and Daniel Steere of Woodstock, Conn., June 23, 1816
- CHENEY, Eunice and Wealthy Grover of Mendon, Nov. 13, 1814
- CHENEY, Hannah and Erastus Bolles of Sturbridge, Jan. 28, 1813
- CHENEY, John and Lura Warren, Jan. 12, 1794
- CHENY (see Cheany, Cheney)
- CHENY, Leonard and Mrs. Meriam Batchelor of Charlton, int. May 16, 1802
- CHENY, Mrs. Lucy and Benjamin Morse of Sturbridge, int. Oct. 10, 1802
- CHENY, Sally and Ruggles Morse of Charlton, int. Dec. 2, 1794
- CHENY, Thomas Jr. and Eunice Gleason, int. April 15, 1769
- CHENNY, Hyram and Martha Steere of Woodstock, int. June 17, 1815
- CHEVER, Hannah and Joseph Learned of Oxford, int. Jan. 20, 1747-8
- CHICKERING (see Checkering)
- CHICKERING, Lucy M. of Shrewsbury and Stephen W. Jewell, int. March 17, 1840
- CHILD, Alvin and Caroline Fessenden, Sept. 21, 1828
- CHILD, Danford and Semira P. Town, March 9, 1828
- CHILD, Elijah of Killingly and Rachel Palmer, March 29, 1759
- CHILD, Emily of Webster and Otis Stone, July 20, 1834
- CHILD, Erastus of Woodstock and Ronda M. Rickard, Feb. 26, 1824
- CHILD, Harriet and Thomas Pope 2d, April 21, 1832
- CHILD, Mrs. Joanna of Woodstock and Ens. Jephtha Bacon, int. Jan. 19, 1801
- CHILD, Marcus and Chloe Talbut of Killingly, Conn., Sept. 16, 1830
- CHILD, Miranda and Gideon Brown, March 28, 1824
- CHILD, Nathan Jr. and Huldah Harwood of Charlton, int. Nov. 19, 1809
- CHILD, Otis and Elizabeth Marcy Rice, both of Sturbridge, March 28, 1833
- CHILD, Polley and Samuel May Jr., both of Charlton, Dec. 20, 1803
- CHILD, Samuel and Lydia Stratton of Cambridge, Oct. 24, 1734. At Cambridge
- CHILD, Stephen of Woodstock, Conn., and Abigail Carter, Dec. 24, 1812
- CLAPP, George and Betsey Bartlett, int. Nov. 18, 1826
- CLARK (see Clerk)
- CLARK, Irena and Garner Gorden of Woodstock, Sept. 26, 1787
- CLARKE, Thomas of Leicester and Sally B. Howe of Charlton, Jan. 31, 1836. In Charlton
- CLAYES (see Cloice)
- CLAYES, [Cloice in int.], Benjamin and Esther Pratt of Sturbridge, Aug. 21, 1792
- CLEAVERLAND (see Cleveland)
- CLEAVERLAND, [Cleavling in int.], John and Caty May, March 15, 1781
- CLEMANS (see Clemons)
- CLEMANS, Calista [Celestia in int.] and Samuel Davis, April 5, 1832
- CLEMANS, Chester and Louisa P. Curtis, May 17, 1829
- CLEMANS, Chester and Julia Corbin, May 17, 1837
- CLEMANS, Cynia of Carlton and Tyler Simpson, int. Nov. 12, 1827
- CLEMANS, Emily and Joseph Davis 2d, Oct. 9, 1831
- CLEMANS, Asa of Charlton and Mary Warren, Oct. 4, 1789
- CLEMANS, [Clemuns in int], Joseph and Damaris Dennis, June 22, 1750
- CLEMONS (see above)
- CLEMONS, Huldah and Nathan Fletcher, Aug. 2, 1778
- CLERK (see Clark)
- CLERK, John Jr. of Hampton, Conn., and Phebe Curtis, March 7, 1793
- CLEVELAND (see Cleaverland)
- CLEVELAND, E. C. and Mary A. Marble of Charlton, Oct. 13, 1835. In Charlton
- CLISSOLD, Thomas [Thomas S. in int.] and Catharine Knoon, May 9, 1830
- CLOICE (see Clayes)
- CLOICE, Wid. Abigail of Fraimingham and Maj. Nathaniel Healy, int. Feb. 15, 1788
- CLUNE, Mary and Nicholas O. Brine, int. Sept. 20, 1834
- COATS, Eliphalit and Susanah Turner, Nov. 29, 1759
- COBURN, Andrew and Jane Allen of Sutton, Jan. 9, 1733-4. At Sutton
- COBURN, Andrew Jr. and Hannah Morsse of Woodstock, int. July 3, 1762
- COBURN, Capt. Andrew of New Molborough [N.H.] and wid. Phebe Bacon, Nov. 27, 1774
- COBURN, Asa and Mary Mecluer of Brookfield, int. March 20, 1762
- COBURN, Mrs. Bathsheba of Oxford and Joseph Marsh, int. Feb. 2, 1802
- COBURN, Benjamin and Hannah Corbin of Woodstock, Sept. 25 [or 26], 1746
- COBURN, Bethia and Paul Rich, Feb. 10, 1733-4. At Oxford
- COBURN, Daniel and wid. Rachel. Pierce of Walpole, Oct. 22, 1761
- COBURN, Easter and Samuel Upham, Nov. 7, 1750
- COBURN, Ebenezer and Phebee Shapley of Killingly, int. Dec. 31, 1737
- COBURN, Edward of Windham and Sarah Wiman, Jan. 20, 1774
- COBURN, Elisabeth and John Davison, May 2, 1739
- COBURN, Elizebeth and Georg Holt of Windham, int. Aug. 5, 1738
- COBURN, Henry of Charlton and Rhoda Mansfield, June 4, 1815
- COBURN, Jane and Samuel Allen of Gildford, int. May 15, 1773
- COBURN, John and Deborah Goddard of Woodstock, Dec. 11, 1740
- COBURN, Lucy and John Webster, Dec. 17, 1758
- COBURN, Polley of Thompson and Roswell Lee, int. Jan. 10, 1801
- COBURN, Rufus of Thompson, Conn., and Phebe Nichols, Nov. 3, 1807
- COBURN, Sarah and Benjamin Webster, April 4, 1755
- COBURN, William and Abigail Upham of Killingly, int. Feb. 17, 1759
- COBURN, William of Millbury and Lefa Mansfield, Dec. 30, 1822
- COBURN, William of Millbury and Julia Ann Albee, Oct. 10, 1832
- COBURN, Zerviah [Zeruiah in int.] of Charlton and John Davison, Feb. 11, 1762. At Charlton
- CODY (see Cady)
- CODY, Jerusha and Ephraim Bates of Thompson, Feb. 14, 1787
- CODY, Jerutia and Samuel How of Hopkinton, Sept. 17, 1811
- CODY, Nancy and Joseph Richerds Jr. of Hopkinton, Nov. 27, 1806
- CODY, Nathan and Rhody Wakefield of Oxford, int. Oct. 9, 1810
- COLBURN, Polly of Charlton and Hosea Mansfield, int. Sept. 16, 1814
- COLE, Lydia of Sturbridge and Calvin W. Burlingame, int. Feb. 12, 1835
- COLE, Sarah Jane of Southbridge (d. Elisha and Mary of Southbridge, single, a. 20) and Renslow S. Parker, Oct. 15, 1845
- COLLAR, Rufus of Boylston and Mrs. Betsey Warren of Charlton, March 31, 1801
- COLLER, Abigail, resident in Shrewsbury and Southwick Hibberd, March 21, 1757. At Oxford
- COLLIER, Francis of Southbridge and Eliza Humes, Oct. 12, 1823
- COLLINS, Catherine and Thomas Monks of Webster, int. Sept. 6, 1834
- COLLINS, Ebenezer and Mrs. Susan Tyson, both of Oxford, Nov. 25, 1823
- COMAN, [Wid. in int.], Sabra and Salem Town Esq. Jan. 10, 1792
- COMAN, Stephen and wid. Sabrey Felcher of Killingley, int. Feb. 17, 1786
- COMAN, Ziba of Whitestown, N.Y., and Mrs. Hannah Dorranc, int. [Nov. 14, 1797 ?]
- COMBS (see Cooms)
- COMBS, Joseph and Mrs. Zilphar White, Jan. 13, 1801
- COMBS, Thankful and William Vinton at Ward, May 31, 1781
- COMICHER, [Speer?], Hulday of Natick and Josheph Pagin, int. Oct. 10, 1735
- COMINGS, Frances L. of Charlton and Charles Stowell, int. Nov. 2, 1839
- COMINS, Fanny of Charlton and William Camp of Southbridge, May 1, 1837. In Charlton
- COMINS, Pamelia of Charlton and Samuel Tourtelott of Sutton, June 15, 1836. In Charlton
- COMINS, Susan and Schuyler Morris, both of Charlton, March 29, 1838. In Charlton
- COOMS (see Combs)
- COOMS, Peter and Martha Brown of Glocester, int. Sept. 18, 1787
- COMSTOCK (see Cumstock)
- COMSTOCK, Mrs. Clarisa and Japhet Curtis Jr. of Thompson, int. Jan. 5, 1806
- CONANT, Benjamin and Lydia Lamb, Sept. 17, 1745
- CONANT, Clarissa and William Foskett of Charlton, April 23, 1809
- CONANT, Dolly and Andrew King of Charlton, Oct. 24, 1816
- CONANT, Dolly H. and Ralph U. Davison of Brooklyn, Conn., March 2, 1843
- CONANT, Ezra and Millecent Newell, Jan. 1, 1745-6
- CONANT, Harvey and Dolly Healy, May 13, 1819
- CONANT, Hephisbah, and Asa Mann, Feb. 16, 1792
- CONANT, Hosea and Lucy King of Charlton, int. May 10, 1818
- CONANT, Jonathan and Lucy Corbin, July 9, 1772
- CONANT, Josiah and Martha Conant, May 25, 1757
- CONANT, Josiah Jr. and Lucy Fosget of Carlton, int. Oct. 22, 1795
- CONANT, Josiah and Allice Chaffee, int. April 8, 1829
- CONANT, Lodemy and Joseph Rich of Charlton, June 14, 1787
- CONANT, Lucy and John White, April 15, 1779
- CONANT, Wid. Lucy and Thomas Keith, Oct. 16, 1816
- CONANT, Lucy F. (d. Hervey, a. 24) and Nelson Bennett [of Woodstock, Conn.], Dec. 30, 1844
- CONANT, Lydia and Andrew White, Feb. 14, 1744-5
- CONANT, Lydia and Elihu Moffitt, int. Aug. 9, 1795
- CONANT, Martha and Josiah Conant, May 25, 1757
- CONANT, Polley and David Nichols Jr., June 30, 1796
- CONANT, Rufus of Charlton and Ruhanna Johnson, April 3, 1838
- CONANT, Rufus and Dolley White, May 11, 1790
- CONANT, Wid. Ruth of Oxford and Joseph Healy Jr., Jan. 21, 1790
- CONANT, Sylvia and Lemuel Healy Jr., Dec. 4, 1817
- CONGDON, James of Sturbridge and Pamelia Phinney, int. Oct. 3, 1840
- CONGDON, John and Chloe Kidder, Dec. 23, 1827
- CONGDON, Martha B. of Sturbridge and Zebulon Morris, int. March 14, 1829
- CONVERS, Riel of Thompson, Conn., and Adah Barnes, April 21, 1811
- CONVERSE, Elijah of Killingley and Experience Hibberd, Jan. 25, 1770
- CONVESS, Esther and Daniel Hebberd, Jan. 5, 1775
- COOPER (see Coopper)
- COOPER, Aaron of Thompson, Conn., and Roxy Perry, Nov. 27, 1800
- COOPER, Joseph of Brookfield and Elizabeth Warren, Nov. 16, 1818
- COOPER, Katherine of Kovintree and John Warrin, int. Feb. 2, 1766
- COOPPER (see above)
- COOPPER, Anne and Thomas Peagun, Oct. 1, 1739
- CORAH (see Cory)
- CORAH, Abigail of Plainfield, Conn., and Ichabod Brackett, int Feb. 3, 1816
- CORBAN, John and Abigial Harbach of Sutton, Jan. 30, 1765. At Sutton
- CORBEN, Zerviah and Jesse Jewell, June 1, 1775
- CORBIN, Abigail and Thomas Addams of Charlton, int. Sept. 2, 1776
- CORBIN, Abigail and Hollis Wood, Dec. 18, 1807
- CORBIN, Anna and Sabin Allen of Munson, int. March 5, 1792
- CORBIN, Asa and Patience Smith, Nov. 16, 1769
- CORBIN, Mrs. Becca, and Hezekiah Healy, Nov, 14, 1798
- CORBIN, Benjamin A. of Oxford and Lovisa Brown, int. Nov. 22, 1835
- CORBIN, Betsey (d. Royal and Mary, single, a 23) and George H. Gough, both of Blackstone, July 12, 1846
- CORBIN, Calista of Charlton and Charles A. Raillion, int. March 2, 1841
- CORBIN, Caroline and Anson W. Penniman of Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 5, 1842
- CORBIN, Clement Jr. and Rachel Bacon, Nov. 18, 1753
- CORBIN, Clement and Sabra Chamberlain, int. Sept. 17, 1791
- CORBIN, Cynthia and Nathan Sly Jr., Nov. 29, 1810
- CORBIN, Dexter and Cynthia Rich of Charlton, int. Sept. 15, 1816
- CORBIN, Dolly and Lemuel Healy, Jan. 7, 1790
- CORBIN, Dolly and Thompson Slade, April ----, 1836
- CORBIN, Dorcas and Edward Morriss, March 23, 1771
- CORBIN, Dorcis [Dorcas in int.] and Benjamin Fairbanks, March 1, 1749
- CORBIN, Dorarthy [Doritha in int.] and Joseph Perrin of Woodstock, July 13, 1768
- CORBIN, Elisha and Sarah Hele, int. Oct. 6, 1739
- CORBIN, Elisha and [wid.] Experience Barnes of Plymouth, July 19, 1772, At Plymouth
- CORBIN, Elisha Jr. and Experiance Barns, Feb. 27, 1775
- CORBIN, Elisabeth and Danniel Ainsworth of Woodstock, int. Dec. 22, 1765
- CORBIN, Eliza and John E. Love, April 2, 1834
- CORBIN, Elkanah and Hannah Harlow of Plymoth int. Oct. 2, 1773
- CORBIN, Hannah and Samuel Fairbank Jr. Jan. 8, 1745-6
- CORBIN, Hannah of Woodstock and Benjamin Coburn, Sept. 25 [26 ?], 1746
- CORBIN, Hannah and Willard Albee Jr. of Waterford Village, Mendon, Nov. 28, 1839. At Webster
- CORBIN, Harriet and Silas Chase of Douglas, May 31, 1843
- CORBIN, Hiram and Fanny Sheperd, both of Leicester, Nov. 17, 1833
- CORBIN, James and Anne Tucker of Chalton, int. April 11, 1761
- CORBIN, James and Mary Pope, June 29, 1817
- CORBIN, Jedidiah and Hannah Howe, Oct. 9, 1772
- CORBIN, Jemima and Moses Jewell, July 23, 1772
- CORBIN, Joshua and Rhoda Wood, Sept. 6, 1781
- CORBIN, Joshua Jr. and Almira Barret, Jan. 25, 1824
- CORBIN, Josiah and Chloe Keith, June 17, 1802
- CORBIN, Julia and Chester Clemans, May 17, 1837
- CORBIN, Larned and Betsey P. Waldo, int. April 9, 1814
- CORBIN, Lemuel and Rebecca Davis of Oxford, Dec. 8, 1763
- CORBIN, Lemuel and Judith Bush, Nov. 15, 1796. In Brookfield
- CORBIN, Lewis and Polly Sayles, Dec. 16, 1821
- CORBIN, Louis and Samuel Wright of Brookfield, May 25, 1774
- CORBIN, Lucian and Azubah McIntire of Webster, April 19, 1837. In Douglass
- CORBIN, Lucretia and Jera Mansfield, Feb. 14, 1814
- CORBIN, Lucy and Jonathan Conant, July 9, 1772
- CORBIN, Lucy and John Brown of Charlton, Oct. 30, 1808
- CORBIN, Margerit and Benjamin Morris of Killingly, July 16, 1755
- CORBIN, Mary and Dr. Alkanah Daye, June 29, 1753
- CORBIN, Mary Ann and Daniel Whiting, April 1, 1834
- CORBIN, Maria of Oxford and John W. Wood, int. April 5, 1845
- CORBIN, Matilda and John Wakefield, int. Sept. 11, 1814
- CORBIN, Mehitable and Peter Butler of Oxford, Nov. 23, 1800
- CORBIN, Moses and Sarah Bacon of Woodstock, int. Oct. 13, 1769
- CORBIN, Philip and Wid. Mary How of Charlton, int. May 15, 1768
- CORBIN, Phillip and Roby Healy, Nov. 26, 1789
- CORBIN, Polley and Caleb Brown, Oct. 22, 1802
- CORBIN, Polly and Sanford Morris, May 10, 1829
- CORBIN, Rebecca and Jonathan Lyon of Woodstock, Dec. 22, 1763
- CORBIN, Rhoda and Sylvanus Wakefield of Charlton, Jan. 8, 1812
- CORBIN, Royal and Polly Needham of Charlton, int. Jan. 15, 1814
- CORBIN, Rufus and Hannah Wetherill, Nov. 13, 1799
- CORBIN, Ruth of Webster and Emory Davis of Oxford, Nov. 15, 1836
- CORBIN, Samuel and Jaen Davis of Roxbery, Jan. 6, 1735-6
- CORBIN, Samuel Jr. of Killingley and Lucy Larned, Jan. 18, 1781
- CORBIN, Samuel and Sally Albee of Charlton, July 31, 1814
- CORBIN, Sarah and Samuel Kidder [of Bedford], March 30, 1758
- CORBIN, Sarah and Nathaniel Miles of Killingly, April 29, 1762
- CORBIN, Sarah and Livi Wight Jr., both of Oxford South Gore, Oct. 24, 1782, at Said Gore
- CORBIN, Sarah and Calvin Vinton, May 30, 1809
- CORBIN, Sarah and Abel Larned of Oxford, int. Oct. 9, 1830
- CORBIN, Solomon James and Eliza Wheeler, people of Color, int. Dec. 27, 1823
- CORBIN, Stephen and Patience Vinton, Sept. 26, 1786
- CORBIN, Susannah and Thomas Gould of Woodstock, May 12, 1757
- CORBIN, Susannah and Jennison Dodge of Charlton, June 21, 1818
- CORBIN, Sylvia and William Walker Jr. of Ashford, Conn., May 28, 1806
- CORBIN, Sylvia H. (d. Josiah and Chloe, single, a. 29) and Samuel H. Davis, Nov. 5, 1846
- CORBIN, Timothy and Abigail Vinton, Oct. 20, 1774
- CORBIN, Timothy Jr. and Mrs. Ruth Albee, April ----, 1801
- CORBIN, William and Eliza Schofield, March 8, 1841
- CORTIS (see Curtis, Corttis)
- CORTIS, [Curtis in int], John and Grace Smith, Dec. 28, 1760
- CORTIS, [Curtis in int.], Sophronia (d. Zichri and Prudence of Thompson, Conn., single, a, 35) and Jude Allen, Dec. 3, 1848
- CORTTIS (see Cortis, Curtis)
- CORTTIS, Charles and Tabathy Upham of Killingly, int. Dec. 31, 1775
- CORTTIS, Japheth and Mary Upham of Killings, int. April 2, 1774
- CORTTIS, John and Sarah Robinson of Oxford, int. Dec. 21, 1734
- CORTTIS, Prudence of Thompson, Conn., and Willard Howland, int. Nov. 9, 1817
- CORY (see Corah)
- CORY, Ama of Sturbridge and Ethan Bullard, int. June 2, 1816
- COTTON, Milven [Melven in int.] of Hartford, Vt., and Joanna Dennis, Jan. 30, 1783
- COTTRILL, Samuel and Polley Adams, int. March 1, 1796
- COTTRILL, Thomas and Salley Murrey of Woodstock, int. Nov. 18, 1792
- COTTRILL, Thomas and Prudy Marcy, int. July 12, 1795
- CRANE, Martin of Southbridge and Susan Bacon, Sept. 15, 1828
- CUDWORTH, Lemuel and ---- Howard of Thompson, int. Nov. 14, 1797 ?
- CUDWORTH, Olive and Asa Stone, Dec. 19, 1822
- CUDWORTH, Ruth and Caleb Wight, both of Oxford South Gore, Sept. 14, 1786, at said Gore
- CUDWORTH, Sarah W. [M. ?] and Daniel L. Marsh, April 23, 1838. At North Oxford
- CUMMINGS, Eliab and Harriet Webster of Thompson, int. Dec. 14, 1828
- CUMMINGS, Mary of Auburn and Edwin S. Ball, int. Dec. 7, 1844 ?
- CUMMINS, Ebenezer and Ellice Chase, July 9, 1791
- CUMMINS, John Obed and Elsbeth Curtis, July 1, 1790
- CUMSTOCK (see Comstock)
- CUMSTOCK, Wid. Ruth of Woodstock and John Haskell, int. July 5, 1818
- CURRY, William and Mary Hogan, int. Oct. 29, 1826
- CURTIS (see Cortis, Corttis)
- CURTIS, Asa and Hannah Carriel of Suton, Dec. 25, 1767. At Sutton
- CURTIS, Chester and Lucinda Willis of Charlton, int. Oct. 25, 1818
- CURTIS, Chester (s. John and Lydia, widr., a. ----) and Eliza Davis, Oct. 18, 1849
- CURTIS, Chloe and Joshua Chamberlain of Homer, N.Y., Jan. 16, 1805
- CURTIS, Edward and Lucy Chamberlain, Oct. 4, 1770
- CURTIS, Elisha and ----Vilot (?), int. Dec. 20, 1793
- CURTIS, Elizebeth and Jacob Amidown, Dec. 27, 1744
- CURTIS, Elsbeth [Elizabeth in int.] and John Obed Cummins, July 1, 1790
- CURTIS, Emely and William F. Wood of Oxford, Nov. 27, 1832
- CURTIS, Esther and John Stone Jr. of Thompson, Conn., Jan. 28, 1810
- CURTIS, Francis and Bethia Robinson, May 1, 1732. At Oxford
- CURTIS, Hepsey, now of Underhill, Vt., late of Dudley, and Edmund Parker of Underhill, Vt., Jan. 26, 1804
- CURTIS, Hephzibah [Hiphsibeth in int.] and Abijah Newell, Dec. 6, 1753
- CURTIS, Hannah and Aaron Jewell of Chesterfield, Jan. 23, 1766
- CURTIS, Hannah and Luther Chamberlain, April 5, 1787
- CURTIS, Hulda and Jonathan Shattuck of Oxford, Nov. 30, 1769
- CURTIS, Huldah and William Allen of Wardsborough, Vt, Feb. 26, 1790. At Charlton
- CURTIS, Japhet Jr. of Thompson and Mrs. Clarisa Comstock, int. Jan. 5, 1806
- CURTIS, Jared of Carlton and Phebe Putney, Dec. 10, 1783
- CURTIS, John and Pheebey Keith of Uxbridge, April 19, 1770. At Uxbridge
- CURTIS, Lieut. John Jr. and Lydia Kieth, June 5, 1788
- CURTIS, Louisa C. (d. Chester and Lucinda, a. 20) and William Richardson, Oct. 12, 1847
- CURTIS, Louisa P. and Chester Clemans, May 17, 1829
- CURTIS, Lucretia and William Frink of Underhill, Vt., Dec. 12, 1799
- CURTIS, Lucretia and Baldwin Vinton, Sept. 5, 1824
- CURTIS, Mrs. Lucy and Smith Arnold of Thompson, Jan. 18, 1801
- CURTIS, Lydia and John Graham, Nov. 28, 1833
- CURTIS, Marcy and Silas Albee, both of Charlton, Jan. 1, 1794
- CURTIS, Mehitibel and Jonathan Dennis, May 14, 1752
- CURTIS, Melissa (d. Chester and Lucinda, a. 25) and Charles E. Kimball, June 30, 1847
- CURTIS, Moses and Chloe Chamberlain, March 23, 1807
- CURTIS, Phebe and Samuel Healy, Jan. 16, 1759
- CURTIS, Phebe and John Clerk Jr. of Hampton, Conn., March 7, 1793
- CURTIS, Phebe and Jacob Lee, Dec. 13, 1801
- CURTIS, [Cortis in int.], Rebecah and John Fesenden, May 14, 1760
- CURTIS, Rebecca and Richard Kidder, int. Oct. 12, 1793
- CURTIS, Ruth and Ithamar Amidown, int. June 5, 1736
- CURTIS, Samuel Jr. of Charlton and Mary Putney, April 3, 1776
- CURTIS, Sarah and John Thompson, int. Feb. 24, 1770
- CURTIS, William and Mehitible Amidown, Dec. 2, 1742
- CUTTEN, David and Dorathy Sabin, March 4, 1770
- CUTTIN, David and Sarah Edmunds, int. Jan. 11, 1744
Marriage Records of Dudley, Worcester County, Massachusetts, Massachusetts, To The End Of The Year 1849, Worcester, Massachusetts: Published By Franklin P. Rice, Trustee of the Fund. 1908.
Dudley Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850 - Surnames A-C
[ Surnames D-J ]