Dudley Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
Surnames D-J
Transcribed by Jeffrey Tooley
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- DAILY, Jacob and Aseena Gibbs of Charlton, int. April 10, 1790
- DAMON, Elener of Reding and Dr. Ebenezer Stimson, int. Sept. 1, 1748
- DALRIMPLE (see forms below)
- DALRIMPLE, Wid Elizabeth and Samuel Bacon of Woodstock, Aug. 30, 1791
- DALRIMPLE, John and Mrs. Betsey Davis, April 4, 1799
- DALRIMPLE, Sally and Joseph Goulding of Ward, May 29, 1800
- DALRIMPLE, Zoradah and Elihu Upham, March 30, 1820
- DALRIMPLME, Thomas of Colrain and Mrs. Rhoda Healy, int. June 25, 1796
- DALRYMPL, Robert and Martha Pierce of Sturbridge, int. June 19, 1790
- DALRYMPLE, [Dylrympble in int.], Dolley and Thomas McClanathan of Rutland, Nov. 22, 1781
- DALRYMPLE, Elizabeth and John Healy, April 20, 1780
- DARLING, Almira and Newell G. M. Lasure of Oxford, Aug. 30, 1824
- DARLING, Thomas and Sylvina Smith of Thompson, Conn., Dec. 1, 1829
- DAVID, Patiance [of Killingly in int.] and Samuel Pagan, July 9, 1756
- DAVIS, Anna [Anna in int.] of Oxford and Ebenezer Foster Jr., Aug. 25, 1805
- DAVIS, Aaron of South Brimfield and Mrs. Tamme Bartlett, Nov. 29, 1801
- DAVIS, Aaron and Electa Mumford of Ashford, Conn., int. Oct. 2, 1824
- DAVIS, Abigail and Thomas Stone, April 9, 1823
- DAVIS, Abel and Tryphena Hill, int. Nov. 1, 1806
- DAVIS, Amasa and Hannah Healy, April 13, 1786. [This entry crossed out in original]
- DAVIS, Amasa 2d (s. Henry, single, a. 23) and Fidella Davis, Oct. 21, 1844
- DAVIS, Asa and Polly White of Carlton, int. Sept. 7, 1817
- DAVIS, Benjamin and Sibblla Rockit of Oxford, March 13, 1734. At Oxford
- DAVIS, Betsey of Killingly and Dr. John Elliot Eaton, int. Dec. 27, 1788
- DAVIS, Betsey, and Josiah Humes, Feb. 2, 1804
- DAVIS, Betsey and Levi Upham, March 30, 1823
- DAVIS, Betsey (d. Abram and Bathsheba H., wid., a. 43,) and John Fortune, Nov. 22, 1847
- DAVIS, Mrs. Betsey and John Dalrimple, April 4, 1799
- DAVIS, Chester and Philena Town of Thompson, int. May 30, 1824
- DAVIS, Clarisa and Payton Randolph Phipps of Thompson, May 26, 1814
- DAVIS, Daniel and Harriet N. Woodward, int. Oct. 29, 1838
- DAVIS, Dolley and Lemuel Foster, June 7, 1789
- DAVIS, Dyer and Betsey Haven, Jan. 1, 1828
- DAVIS, Dea. Edward and wid. Abigail Watson of Oxford, April 22, 1776. At Oxford
- DAVIS, Edward, Jr., and Huldah Healy, Dec. 26, 1787
- DAVIS, Eliza (d. Edward and Huldah, a. 47) and Chester Curtis, Oct. 18, 1849
- DAVIS, ELsey and Ziba White, Oct. 12, 1831
- DAVIS, Emory of Oxford and Ruth Corbin of Webster, Nov. 15, 1836
- DAVIS, Fidella (d. Hezekiah H. Singli, a. 22) and Amasa Davis, 2d., Oct. 21, 1844
- DAVIS, Frederick and Lois N. Rich of Charlton, int. April 25, 1841
- DAVIS, George (s. Hezekiah H. and Sally, single, a. 24) and Lucy E. Davis, March 20, 1845
- DAVIS, Hannah and Reuben Stone, Feb. 8, 1821
- DAVIS, Harriet and Payton R. Phipps of Thompson, Conn., Oct. 25, 1831
- DAVIS, Henry and Matilda Upham, March 9, 1820
- DAVIS, Hezekiah H. and Sally H. Davis, March 20, 1830
- DAVIS, Hudah [Huldah in int.] and Jonathan Bacon Jr. of Greenfield, Sept. 29, 1813
- DAVIS, Jaen [Jane in int.] of Roxbury and Samuel Corbin, Jan. 6, 1735-6
- DAVIS, Jemima of Oxford and Elliot Mansfield, April 7, 1829
- DAVIS, Dea. John of Oxford and wid. Susannah Kidder, Oct. 1, 1778
- DAVIS, Joseph Jr. and Mary Foster, Dec. 5, 1793
- DAVIS, Joseph 2d. and Emily Clemans, Oct. 9, 1831
- DAVIS, Joshua, and Mrs. Susannah Dodge, March 13, 1799
- DAVIS, Joshua and Sally Upham, April 3, 1831
- DAVIS, Louisa M. of St. Johnsville, N.Y., and E. W. Williams, int. Sept. 24, 1838
- DAVIS, Lucy and William Brown, Oct. 14, 1773
- DAVIS, Lucy E. (d. Henry and Matilda, single, a. 20) and George Davis, March 20, 1845
- DAVIS, Lydia and Ebenezer White, Dec. 16, 1773
- DAVIS, Lydia E. and Jacob Bates, March 29, 1832
- DAVIS, Miss Lydia H. and Samuel H. Davis, Nov. 24, 1842
- DAVIS, Maria and Ira J. Bates of Webster, int. Feb. 24, 1849
- DAVIS, Mary of Oxford and Asa Robinson int., Dec. 28, 1777
- DAVIS, Mary of Oxford and Nathaniel Healy Jr., Jan. 3, 1788
- DAVIS, Matilda and Samuel Jones both of Charlton, Feb. 19, 1796
- DAVIS, Moses and Marcy Healy, April 18, 1816
- DAVIS, Phebe and Patten Johnson, Oct. 1, 1816
- DAVIS, Polley and Roger Jewett of Lanesboro, June 28, 1795
- DAVIS, Polly and Elijah Pratt, March 30, 1823
- DAVIS, Rachal and Simeon Upham, int. March 6. 1813
- DAVIS, Rebecca of Oxford and Lemuel Corbin, Dec. 8, 1763
- DAVIS, Reuben and Elizabeth D. Larned, April 10, 1833
- DAVIS, Rhoda and Archelaus T. Tourtellot, March 27, 1825
- DAVIS, Roby and Thomas Barrett, int. Aug. 27, 1831
- DAVIS, Ens. Rufus and Sally Dunber of Charlton at Southbridge [or Charlton ?], Dec. 25, 1803
- DAVIS, Ruth of Sturbridge and Marcus Vinton, int. May 4, 1839
- DAVIS, Salem and Julina Dodge of Charlton, int. March 14, 1833
- DAVIS, Sally of Oxford and Joshua Wetherill, int. Nov. 13, 1808
- DAVIS, Sally and Adam Hubbard, April 2, 1837
- DAVIS, Sally H. and Hezekiah H. Davis, March 30, 1820
- DAVIS, Samuel Jr. and Jane Benson, Jan. 2, 1817
- DAVIS, Samuel and Calista Clemans, April 5, 1832
- DAVIS, Samuel of Webster and Chloe Simpson, Oct. 22, 1837
- DAVIS, Samuel H. and Lydia H. Davis, Nov. 24, 1842
- DAVIS, Samuel H. (s. Edward and Huldah, widr., a. 35) and Sylvia H. Corbin, Nov. 5, 1846
- DAVIS, Sarah and Peter Marshall, March 20, 1744-5
- DAVIS, Sarah F. (d. Henry and Matilda, single, a. 22) and Densmore Bailey, March 20, 1845
- DAVIS, Sarah H. and Horatia Phelps of Thompson, Conn., May 22, 1825
- DAVIS, Sophia and William Healy Jr., Oct. 19, 1815
- DAVIS, Susan and George Smith, Aug. 24, 1828
- DAVIS, Tamma and Elizah Gore Morris, Nov. 26, 1790. At Charlton
- DAVIS, Thomas of Killingley and Rebecca Bracket, Dec. 25, 1783
- DAVIS, Thomus of Oxford and Rebecah Healy, Nov. 18, 1742
- DAVIS, Zenas and Juliaett Pratt of Oxford, int. Nov. 13, 1842
- DAVIS, Ziba and Cynthia Mayo of Oxford, int. Sept. 24, 1828
- DAVISON, Abigail and John Whitmore, Sept. 8, 1762
- DAVISON, Habakkuk and Elizebeth Merril of Killingly, int. Nov. 27, 1763
- DAVISON, John and Elisabeth Coburn, May 2, 1739
- DAVISON, John and Zerviah Coburn of Charlton, Feb. 11, 1762. At Charlton
- DAVISON, John and Rhoda Putney, both of Charlton, July 25, 1781
- DAVISON, Mehitabel and Stephen Cartur, May 4, 1762
- DAVISON, Ralph U. of Brooklyn, Conn., and Dolly H. Conant, March 2, 1843
- DAY (see Daye)
- DAY, Asa and Delilah Green, May [3 or] 25, 1825
- DAY, David and Mercy Fisher of Wrentham, July 3, 1776. At Wrentham
- DAY, Elizabeth and Rufus Larned of Oxford, Oct 31, 1819
- DAY, Dr. Elkanah and Jane Bacon, Jan. 8, 1761
- DAY, Mrs. Hannah and Augustus Eddy, int. Nov. 14, 1796 [1797 ?.]
- DAY, Jabez and Salley Eddy, int. Nov. 14, 1797[?]
- DAY, John of Westminster, Vt., and Polley Barns, int. Dec. 4, 1790
- DAY, John and Polly Bacon, Feb. 20, 1791
- DAY, Lieut. John E. and Betsey C. Houghton of Thompson, int. Aug. 20, 1826
- DAY, John H. and Patty Kidder, Sept. 9, 1821
- DAY, Jonathan and [wid.] Lydia Lovell of Medfield, Dec. 7, 1780. At Medfield
- DAY, Rebeca and Parker Palmer, Nov. 21, 1802
- DAY, Sally and Abiel Healy, Sept. 15 or Oct. 20, 1825
- DAY, Zebina of Sutton and Thankfull Vinton, int. Feb. 4, 1837
- DAY, Zynecia and Allen Hancock Jr., March 25, 1824
- DAYE (see above)
- DAYE, Dr. Alkanah [Elkanah in int.] and Mary Corbin, June 29, 1753
- DEAN (see Deane)
- DEAN, Dolly and Thomas Larned of Oxford, Feb. 18, 1829
- DEAN, Marcy and Aldrich Wiley, int. May 26, 1770
- DEAN, Mary and John Chase of Thompson, April 4, 1821
- DEAN, Waity and Daniel Brennan, Oct. 27, 1825
- DEANE (see Dean)
- DEANE, Eliza of West Woodstock, Conn., and Francis Fitts, Nov. 1, 1835. In West Woodstock
- DEANE, Julia A. of Woodstock, Conn., and Pitt Sharp of Pomfret, Conn., March 19, 1838. In Woodstock
- DELEHUNT, Patrick and Mary Gardner, Jan. 8, 1831
- DELINE, Mary of Chalton and Simeon Wakefield, Nov. 7, 1759
- DELONCHAMP, Francis and Emily Loverly, int. Sept. 30, 1849
- DENNIS, Benjamin and Abigail Lillie, int. June 29, 1741
- DENNIS, Betsey and John Briley of Worcester, Oct. 14, 1841. In Worcester?
- DENNIS, Damaris and Joseph Clemens, June 22, 1750
- DENNIS, Elizebeth and John Lillie Jr., April 1, 1747
- DENNIS, Elizabeth. of Sutton and Benajah Ha11, Feb. 7, 1744-5. At Sutton
- DENNIS, Erasmus of Oxford and Mrs. Chloe Taft, int. May 23, 1827
- DENNIS, Eunice and Caleb Pond, int. Oct. 31, 1776
- DENNIS, Joanna and Milven Cotton of Hartford, Vt., Jan. 30, 1783
- DENNIS, Jonathan and Mehitibel Curtis, May 14, 1752
- DENNIS, Nathan Jr. and Sarah Mackintier of Oxford, Nov. ? 1753
- DENNIS, Nathan and wid. Rebecca Jewel, Feb. 6, 1781
- DENNIS, Sally of Oxford and William Mayo, June 21, 1825
- DENNIS, Unis and Caleb Pond, int. Oct. 20, 1759
- DEXTER, Lucy and Thomas Taylor, July 8, 1765
- DEXTER, Mary of Charlton and Eseck Tourtellot, int. Oct. 31, 1823
- DICKE, Benjamin and Bettie Richerds of Tompson Parrish in Killingly, int. Aug. 13, 1743
- DICKE, Ebenezer and Abigail Call of Oxford, int. Dec. 3, 1743
- DICKERMAN, Moriah of Killingly and Elisha Sabin Jr., int. Oct. 26, 1754
- DICKSON, Capt. John Jr. of Volingtown and Mary Stephens, int. April 26, 1772
- DIKE, Jeams and Mary Naremore of Thomson Parrish, int. April 11, 1742
- DIKE, Jerusha and Daniel Rider, Nov. 20, 1757
- DIKS, James and Elizebetb Bixby of Sutten, int. Nov. 7, 1740
- DILLEBER, Benjamin and Priscilla Robbins of Southbridge, May 11, 1823
- DIMMOCK, Jesse of Mansfield and Rachel Kidder, May 19, 1751
- DODGE, Altheda and William Fisher of Elba, N.Y., int. June 22, 1822
- DODGE, Andrew and Jane Carriel of Sutton, May 8, 1777. At Sutton
- DODGE, Andrew and wid. Dorathy Hill, Dec. 7, 1817
- DODGE, Daniel of Killingly and Rebecah Chamberline, int. May 3, 1760
- DODGE, David and Tamer Wakefield, Dec. 21, 1809
- DODGE, Dorcas and William Fisher, Jr., April 3, 1796
- DODGE, Elisabeth and Ira Green, April 5, 1770
- DODGE, Elizebeth and Simon Chamberline, March 7, 1756
- DODGE, Wid. Elisabeth and John Bacon, Jan. 1, 1776
- DODGE, Gibbs of Charlton and Polly Wakefield, April 19, 1820
- DODGE, Harvey and Sally W. Barton, April 24, 1825
- DODGE, Jennison of Charlton and Susannah Corbin, June 21, 1818
- DODGE, Joseph and Sarah Tayler, June 21, 1750
- DODGE, Julina and Selem Davis of Charlton, int. March 14, 1833
- DODGE, Lucy and Benjamin Newell, May 7, 1765
- DODGE, Lucy and Curtis Phillips of Charlton March 27, 1828
- DODGE, Mark and Bethia Hill, both of Oxford, Nov. 19, 1789. At Oxford
- DODGE, Lieut. Mark and Hepzibah Bigelow, Feb. 20, 1793, In Brookfield
- DODGE, Wid. Mary and Daniel Barret of Killingley, Sept. 18, 1777
- DODGE, Mollay and Jacob Willson, April 22, 1777
- DODGE, Noah and Mary Wyllee of Oxford, int. Feb. 21, 1761
- DODGE, Paul and Elisabeth Heart of Redding, int. March 1, 1767
- DODGE, Paul and Mrs. Rhoda White of Carlton, int. April 22, 1798
- DODGE, Robert of Charlton and Chloe Mansfield, March 7, 1813
- DODGE, Mrs. Susannah and Joshua Davis, March 13, 1799
- DODGE, Thomas and Abigail Putney, Feb. 23, 1779. At Sturbridge
- DODGE, William and Elizebeth Thoits, June 8, 1758
- DORRANC, Mrs. Hannah and Ziba Coman of Whitestown, N.Y. int. Nov. 14, 1797 ?
- DOUGLASS, Polly of Mendon and Elhanan W. Bates, int. Dec. 21, 1821
- DREPER, [Dresser?], Moses of Chesterfield and Abigail Blood of Charlton, May 7, 1777
- DRESSER, Artemus and Mrs. Sylvia White, both of Charlton, March 14, 1802
- DRESSER, Benjamin and Jemima Scot, both of Charlton, April 8, 1778
- DRESSER, Isaac of Charlton and Susanna Taft, Dec. 20, 1780
- DRESSER, John of Oxford and Sarah Scott, int. Feb. 2, 1739-40
- DRESSER, Julia Ann, of Charlton and Nelson P. Town, int. Aug. 9, 1828
- DUDLEY, Molley of Douglass and William Robinson, int. March 5, 1792
- DUGAR, Charles and Welthene J. Pike, July 28, 1839
- DUGAR, Mary of Charlton and Joel Barnes, int. April 14, 1804
- DUGAR, Mary A. and Elnathan W. West, both of Southbridge, Oct. 15, 1837
- DUNBER, ally of Charlton and Ens. Rufus Davis. At Southbridge [or Charlton ?] Dec. 25, 1803
- DUNCAN, Wid. Lucy and Jonathan Perry of Charlton, Dec. 6, 1803
- DUNCAN, William of Oxford and wid. Lucy Warren, Oct. 2, 1796. At Oxford
- DUNCAN, William and Zilpha Dunham, int. July 21, 1829
- DUNHAM, Caleb and Emeline Fox, of Woodstock int. Sept. 6, 1828
- DUNHAM, Eliza and Daniel N. Wood, July 4, 1823
- DUNHAM, Phebe and George Greaves, Dec. 26, 1819
- DUNHAM, Zilpha and William Duncan, int. July 21, 1829
- DUNHAM, Zylpha and Nathan Handy of Burrelville, R.I., Jan. 12, 1829
- DUPRES, Charles of Webster and Margaret Sumeter, int. Jan. 8, 1848
- DWIGHT, Daniel and Mrs. Mary A. Karen of South Woodstock, Conn., int. March 5, 1841
- DWIGHT, Darius of Thompson, Conn., and Elizabeth Winsor, Nov. 17, 1808
- DWIGHT, Ralph and Sally Sears of Dennis, int. April 9, 1836
- DWIGHT, Susan and Rev. Vincent Shepherd of Plainfield, N.J., April 8, 1840
- DWIGHT, Theodore of Thompson and Lucy Nichols, May 31, 1801
- DYER, Emilia of Carlton and Edward Chamberlain Jr., int. Dec. 28, 1806
- DYER, John and Mrs. Polley Chamberlain, int. Feb. 20, 1799
- DYER, Winthrop of Sturbridge and Mrs. Polley Vinton, int. April 22, 1798
- EAMS (see Ames)
- EAMS, Samuel and Sarah Cartur, Nov. 27, 1755
- EASTABROOKS (see Estherbrook)
- EASTABROOKS, John S. of Woodstock, Conn., and Louisa Taft, int. April 22, 1839
- EASTON, Martha of Gocester and Nathan Inman, int. June 30, 1775
- EATETON, Joshua and Phebe Mackentiah of Thompson, int. March 19, 1743
- EATON, Elizabeth and Morris Larned, Nov. 29, 1810
- EATON, Harlot and Dr. Samuel P. Knight, May 22, 1811
- EATON, Dr. John Elliot and wid. Beriah Marcy, April 12, 1781
- EATON, Dr. John Elliot and Betsey Davis of Killingly, int. Dec. 27, 1788
- EATON, Lydia Woolcot and George Bowen of Woodstock, Conn., Oct. 13, 1812
- EATON, Sally and Amasa Nichols, Dec. 28, 1802
- EDDY, Augustus and Mrs. Hannah Day, int. Nov. 14, 1796 [1797 ?]
- EDDY, Deborah and John Chandler of Woodstock, Conn., Jan. 8, 1807
- EDDY, Eaton and Fanny Searl of Southbridge, int. Jan. 25, 1818
- EDDY, Jesse and Amy Austin of Ward, April 26, 1827
- EDDY, Col. John Jr. and Nancy Meritt of Charlton, int. Oct. 10, 1817
- EDDY, Louisa (d. John and Nancy, single, a. 25) and Francis Orr, Oct. 15, 1845
- EDDY, Polly and Nathaniel Kidder [of Wardsborough, Vt.], Feb. 12, 1792
- EDDY, Salley and Jabez Day, int. Nov. 14, 1797 [?]
- EDMANDS, [Edmonds in int.], Ziby of Thompson, Conn., and Elizabeth Sly, June 9, 1811
- EDMONDS, [Edmands in int.], Gorton and Lucretia Haskell, Feb. 25, 1818
- EDMUNDS, Abigail and Nathaniel Ellit, Nov. 1, 1744
- EDMUNDS, Asa E. and Barbara Marcy, March 18, 1827
- EDMUNDS, Benjamin and Mehitebel Trusdil of Pomfret, int. Sept. 26, 1747
- EDMUNDS, Benjamin and Eunice Parker, Aug. 30, 1775
- EDMUNDS, Cynthia and Abel Buckman of Woodstock, May 7, 1805
- EDMUNDS, Ebenezer Jr. and Hannah Newell, Dec. 14, 1752
- EDMUNDS, Ebenezer and Molly Gail, May 16, 1776
- EDMUNDS, Hannah and Edward Chamberlain of Oxford, Jan. 22, 1745-6
- EDMUNDS, Wid. Hannah and William Abbot of Pomfret, June 4, 1778
- EDMUNDS, Harriet and Ivory Stevens of Uxbridge "within a year" preceding April 6, 1827. [Int. Oct. 5, 1826.]
- EDMUNDS, Hosea and Ursula Burgess of Thompson, int. Nov. 21, 1822
- EDMUNDS, [Edmonds in int], John and Silence Emerson, May 19, 1768
- EDMUNDS, John and Hannah Graton, Feb. 12, 1777
- EDMUNDS, John Jr. and Experiance Pratt, Sept. 1, 1783
- EDMUNDS, John Jr. and Huldah Bowers, Jan. 10, 1805
- EDMUNDS, Dea. Joseph and Mrs. Bathsheba Holms of Woodstock, int. July 12, 1748
- EDMUNDS, Joseph Jr. and Ruth Putney, Dec. 20, 175-[1750]
- EDMUNDS, Joseph Jr. and Phebe Andrus of Pomfret, March 28, 1776
- EDMUNDS, Joseph and Wid. Rachel Green of Woodstock, int. July 29, 1779
- EDMUNDS, Lemuel and Hannah Peake, Dec. 1, 1779
- EDMUNDS, Luther and Betsy Allen, Nov. 12, 1807
- EDMUNDS, Mary and Joseph Scott, Dec. 27, 1738
- EDMUNDS, Wid. Mehitibel and Joshua Vinton, April 22, 1762
- EDMUNDS, Molly and Henry Hooker, July 12, 1770
- EDMUNDS, Obadiah and Mary Willington of Thompson, int. April 6, 1823
- EDMUNDS, Ruth and Peter Parker, Jan. 5, 1784
- EDMUNDS, Sarah and David Cuttin, int. Jan. 11, 1744
- EDMUNDS, Stephen and Sara Kidder, Jan. 15, 1778
- EDMUNDS, William and Hannah Scott, Dec. 26, 1738
- EDMUNDS, William and Lucy Fuller of Killingly, int. Aug. 11, 1775
- EDMUNDS, Zephaniah and Adeline Jewell, Feb. 25, 1827
- EDMUNDS, Maria M. (born Southbridge, resident in Dudley, d. Jacob and Lucy, a. 20) and Charles C. Moore, Nov. 30, 1848
- EDMUNDS, Ophelia of Southbridge and George Healy, int. Oct 21, 1826
- ELDRIDGE, Mason and Betsey Reynolds, March 30, 1824
- ELIOT (see Ellit)
- ELIOT, [Elliott in int.], Mehitabel of Smithfield, R.I., and Daniel H. Humphrey, July 9, 1809
- ELIOTT, Sarah H. of Thompson, Conn., and Stephen E. Tuft, int. Sept. 11, 1814
- ELLIS, Baxter of Brookfield and Lucy Upham, July 9, 1817
- ELLIS, Rosana [Rosanna in int.] T. of Franklin, Conn., and Thomas Pope, Jan. 15, 1815
- ELLIT (see Eliot)
- ELLIT, Nathaniel and Abigail Edmunds, Nov. 1, 1744
- ELWELL, Ablel and Rachel Foster, April 15, 1801
- ELWELL, Benjamin and Mary Smith, Oct. 9, 1808
- ELWELL, Callina F. and John D. May, Sept. 28, 1841
- ELWELL, Charles B. and Mary Prince, Jan. 2, 1832
- ELWELL, Elmira and Harris Skinner of Craftsbury, Vt., Feb. 23, 1834
- ELWELL, Louisa and James H. Kingsbury, Feb. 4, 1839
- ELWELL, Lucy and David Sanderson of Brandon, Vt., Jan. 18, 1827
- ELWELL, Lieut. Mark of Killingley and Dorothy White, Aug. 29, 1774
- ELWELL, Mark and Salley Barnes, Nov. 26, 1801
- ELWELL, Mark and Susanna Bell, Dec. 24, 1843
- ELWELL, Marke of Tompson [Killingly in int.] and Mary Hebberd, April 14, 1754
- ELWELL, Mary Ann and Ebenezer Phelps, Jan. 2, 1832
- ELWELL, Rachel R. and Manning Mumford of Eastford, Conn., June 3, 1827
- ELWELL, Sally and Linus Tenney, int. Nov. 28, 1827
- ELWELL, Savilla and Laban T. Wilson, Nov. 6, 1822
- EMERSON, Betsey and Thomas Tracy, int. Dec. 29, 1825
- EMERSON, Ebenezer of Thompson and Chloe Brown of Oxford South Gore, Nov. 11, 1802
- EMERSON, Lucina and William Wakefield, Aug. 5, 1823
- EMERSON, Lydia of Thompson and John Mallalieu, int. March 29 1818
- EMERSON, Silence and John Edmonds, May 19, 1768
- EPHRAIM, Philena and Primus King, people of Color, int. Dec. 26, 1826
- EPHRAIMS, Joshua of Nattick and Ruth Pagon, int. Nov. 30, 1766
- EPHRAM, Mary and ---- Measom(?) of Thompson, int. March 28, 1812
- EPHRIM, John of Natteck and Sarah Quittecus, int. Aug. 30, 1740
- ESTER, Almira and Orin Wakefield, int. Nov. 3, 1827
- ESTER, Celia and Oliver Adams, April 6, 1823
- ESTER, Martha and Asa Perkins, Sept. 12, 1824
- ESTER, Olney and Isabella Chase of Douglass, int. Dec. 17, 1815
- ESTER, Olney and Freelove Alger of Smithfield, R.I., int. July 10, 1819
- ESTHERBROOK (see Eastabrook)
- ESTHERBROOK, Polly of Pomphret, Conn., and Joseph Winship, int. May 2, 1813
- EVENS, Ruth of Woodstock and Philip Newell Jr., int. May 5, 1759
- FABANKS (see forms below)
- FABANKS, [Fairbank in int.], Benjamin and Mary Trumbell, June 23, 1755
- FAIRBAND, Lieut. Samuel and Wid. Derathy White, int. July 9, 1771
- FAIRBANK, Jonas and Mary Carter, Dec. 5, 1768
- FAIRBANKS (see Farebanks)
- FAIRBANKS, Benjamin and Dorcis Corbin, March 1, 1749
- FAIRBANKS, Dell Louisa of Sturbridge and Artemas Wiswall, int. Dec. 16, 1827
- FAIRBANKS, Hannah and Joseph Jewell Lee, Feb. 22, 1803
- FAIRBANKS, Horace and Polly Kemp, Sept. 21, 1823
- FAIRBANKS, James and Mrs. Hannah Bacon, both of Sturbridge, March 9, 1798
- FAIRBANKS, Molly and John Willington, Aug. 18, 1791
- FAIRBANKS, Samuel Jr. and Hannah Corbin, Jan. 8, 1745-6
- FALES, Azuba B. of Wrentham and George A. Tufts, int. Sept. 9, 1822
- FAREBANKS (see Fairbanks)
- FAREBANKS, Sarah and Ephraim Bacon of Woodstock, int. March 15, 1741
- FARNHAM (see Farnum)
- FARNHAM, Joshua and Louis Bacon, both of Sturbridge, March 30, 1794
- FARNUM (see above)
- FARNUM, Calvin of Grafton and Mrs. Bathshebe Jewell, Jan. 4, 1798
- FARNUM, Erastus, otherwise Eastman of Uxbridge and Rebecca Chamberlain, Jan. 22, 1800
- FARNUM, Hannah C. of Webster (d. Joshua and Lois, single, a. 36) and Hale C. Cady, March 6, 1849
- FARNUM, Henry C. of Enfield, Conn. (s. Obadiah and Abigail F., single, a. 26) and Rebecca A. Killam, June 26, 1845
- FARNUM, Luther and Mrs. Kizoa Bacon, both of Sturbridge, Jan. 3, 1797
- FARNUM, Nancy and Levi Moulton, Nov. 29, 1814
- FARROW, Susanna and Samuel Warren, Jan. 4, 1769
- FAY, Mrs. Betsey of Thompson and Cyrill Bacon, Sept. 27, 1795
- FAY, Mrs. Hannah of Thompson and Samuel Moore, int. Nov. 26 1801
- FAY, Mrs. Phebe and Daniel Greenwood, Oct. 17, 1830
- FAY, Samuel of Killingly and Mary Kimbal, int. Jan. 1, 1764
- FELCHER, Wid. Sabrey of Killingly and Stephen Coman, int. Feb. 17, 1786
- FENNER, Dinah and Charles Brown of Johnston, April 15, 1782
- FENNER, John and wid. Mary Brown, April 10, 1792
- FENTON, Asa and Olive Alton, both of Charlton, Dec. 25, 1793
- FENTON, James and Almira Green of Thompson, int. Feb. 23, 1828
- FENTON, Margaret and George F. Fitzgerald, int. Sept. 17, 1825
- FESENDEN, John and Rebecah Curtis, May 14, 1760
- FESENDEN, William and Deborah Brown, int. March 15, 1794
- FESSENDEN, Caroline and Alvin Child, Sept. 21, 1828
- FESSENDEN, Emeline of Charlton and Rufus Moore, int, Nov. 20, 1830
- FISHER, John of Northbridge (s. George and Naome, widr., a. 34) and Mary R. Pope, April 22, 1847
- FISHER, Mercy [Marcy in int.] of Wrentham and David Day, July 3, 1776. At Wrentham
- FISHER, Oscar (s. ----, of Woodstock, Conn., single) and Jane Bemis, Aug. 26, 1844
- FISHER, William Jr. and Dorcas Dodge, April 3, 1796
- FISHER, William and Mrs. Eunice Hovey of Charlton, int. Sept. 8, 1798
- FISHER, William of Elba, N.Y., and Altheda Dodge, int. June 22, 1822
- FISK, Sanford and Miss Lucy A. Tourtelott, March 29, 1841
- FITTS, Caleb and Rachel Patch of Oxford, Aug. 24, 1780. At Oxford
- FITTS, Ebenezer Jr. and Mary Mansfield, Dec. 15, 1785
- FITTS, Francis and Eliza Deane of West Woodstock, Conn., Nov. 1, 1835. In West Woodstock
- FITTS, Lefa and Dexter Alden of Southbridge, March 23, 1820
- FITTS, Judith and David Lamb of Charlton, March 12, 1778
- FITTS, Naomi and Joseph Mason, Oct. 6, 1799
- FITTS, Polly and Reuben Albee of Charlton, May 28, 1806
- FITTS, Sally and Caleb Pope, Oct. 18, 1820
- FITTS, Samuel and Eunice Case of Brooklyn, Conn., int. Oct. 26, 1812
- FITZGERALD, George F., and Margaret Fenton, int. Sept. 17, 1823
- FLETCHER, Nathan and Huldah Clemons, Aug. 2, 1778
- FLINN (see Flyn)
- FLINN, Peter and Mary Brogan, int. Aug. 11, 1849
- FLINT, [Flynt in int.], Marcia and William C. Holmes of Woodstock, Conn., May 2, 1827
- FLORENCE, Mary of Webster and Rufus Hill, int, Nov. 22, 1832
- FLYN (see Flinn)
- FLYN, Richard and Miss Polley Rickards, Aug. 22, 1790
- FORTUNE, John (s. George and Isabella, single, a. 41) and wid. Betsey Davis, Nov. 22, 1847
- FOSGET, Lucy of Charlton and Josiah Conant Jr., int. Oct. 22, 1795
- FOSKET (see forms below)
- FOSKET, Lucy of Carlton and Jacob Warren Jr., Jan. 17, 1775
- FOSKET, Samuel of Charlton and Sarah Hunt, March 29, 1775
- FOSKETT, David of Carlton and Polly Town, int. July 19 1799. Afterwards forbid
- FOSKETT, William of Charlton and Clarissa Conant, April 23, 1809
- FOSKITT (see above)
- FOSKITT, Ebenezer and Susanah Richardson of Woburn, int. March 25, 1738
- FOSTER, Chloe [Cloa in int.] and Jedediah Kidder, May 5, 1789
- FOSTER, Ebenezer Jr. and Aanna Davis of Oxford, Aug. 25, 1805
- FOSTER, George and Willoba Chamberlain of Woodstock, int. [No date given, probably 1795 or 1796.]
- FOSTER, Hannah and Amos Hooker, March 10, 1768
- FOSTER, Hannah and Isaac Ammidon, int. March 1, 1794
- FOSTER, Hanna and Gideon Parker of Coventry, int. Nov. 14, 1797 [?]
- FOSTER, Jonathan and Mrs. Hannah Turtalott of Thompson, int. Jan. 22, 1802
- FOSTER, Lemuel and Dolley Davis, June 7, 1789
- FOSTER, Lorean and Thompson T. Albee of Conn., April 26, 1835
- FOSTER, Mary [Molly in int.] and Joseph Davis Jr., Dec. 5, 1793
- FOSTER, Wid. Mary and Josiah Perry, May 4, 1803
- FOSTER, Mary P. and Jarius Putney, May 30, 1830
- FOSTER, Nancy and Reuben Taft of Uxbridge, March 5, 1805
- FOSTER, Parley [Pearley in int.] and Mary Willard, Sept. 21, 1808
- FOSTER, Pheebe [Phebe in int.] and Asa Hall of Thompson, July 5, 1789
- FOSTER, Polly and Nathaniel Bartlet, int. June 5, 1814
- FOSTER, Rachel and Abiel Elwell, April 15, 1801
- FOSTER, Rebeckah and Gamaliel Newell of Woodstock, int. March 20, 1790
- FOSTER, Richard and Lydia Titas, Dec. 6, 1770
- FOSTER, Salley and Ephraim Upham of Thompson, June 26, 1796
- FOSTER, Silas and Mrs. Lucina Pickering of Mendon, int. Jan. 4, 1805
- FOSTER, Susanna and Aculas Town of Thompson, int. Nov. 4, 1796
- FOSTER, Timothy and Keziah Lyon, May 17, 1754
- FOSTER, Timothy Jr. and Rachel Robinson, Dec. 9, 1762
- FOSTER, William and Mary Brown, Jan. 13 or Feb. 8, 1781
- FOWLES, Hannah and Asahel Albee Jr., int. Dec. 2, 1838
- FOWLES, Mary Ann and Merrick Sly, April 25, 1841
- FOX, Emeline of Woodstock and Caleb Dunham, int. Sept. 6, 1828
- FOX, Walter W. of Pomfret, Conn., and Maria E. Tower, int. July 31, 1842
- FRANEY, John and Elon Hogan, int. June 19, 1845
- FRAZIER, Eliza and Daniel Skinner, Aug. 31, 1828
- FREEMAN, Betsey and Orrin Raymond of Thompson, int. Dec. 13, 1827
- FREEMAN, Clementine and Oliver H. P. Thayer, June 24, 1838
- FREEMAN, David and Mrs. Dorothy L. Hill, May 5, 1800
- FREEMAN, Dolly and Josiah F. Taylor, both of Oxford, Sept. 11, 1828
- FREEMAN, Dyer and Mahitable Spencer of Sturbridge, int. March 18, 1832
- FREEMAN, George of Oxford and Adaline Towne, Nov. 29, 1832
- FREEMAN, Mary [Marcy in int.] of Killingley and William Brown, March 25, 1779
- FREEMAN, Mary of Sturbridge and Jacob Chamberlain, Sept. 6, 1774. At Sturbridge
- FREEMAN, Rufus A. and Clarisa D. Phipps, int Jan. 7, 1838
- FREEMAN, Thamer and James Jones, March 11, 1827
- FRINK, William of Underhill, Vt., and Lucretia Curtis, Dec. 12, 1799
- FULLER, Lucy of Killingly and William Edmunds, int. Aug. 11, 1775
- FULLER, Rodman and Lucretia Sly, March 31, 1813
- GAIL, Molly [Molley in int.] and Ebenezer Edmunds, May 16, 1776
- GALE, Sarah and Ichabod Chamberlain, March 19, 1767
- GAMAGE, Richard Jr. of Oxford and Lucinda Brown, int. Dec. 27, 1846
- GARDNER, Mary and Patrick Delehunt, Jan. 8, 1831
- GARGILL, Mrs. Salley of Palmer and Rev. Abiel Williams, int. Jan. 22, 1802
- GASKILL (see Ghaskill)
- GASKILL, Sarah of Mendon and Artemas C. Pickering, int. Sept. 14, 1840
- GEFFERDS, Mrs. Lydia and George Robinson, int. Nov. 10, 1750
- GHASKILL (see Gaskill)
- GHASKILL, Hosea and Maryann Grant of Smithfield, R.I., int. Dec. 6, 1828
- GIBBS, Aseena of Charlton and Jacob Daily, int. April 10, 1790
- GIBBS, Assenah of Charlton and David Morse, Jan. 19, 1794
- GILBERT, Percis D. of North Brookfield and John Shaw Jr., int. Aug. 9, 1829
- GILMORE, B. [Benjamin in int.] F. and Abigail Hill, March 22, 1836
- GILMORE, Hiram and Caroline H. Richerds of Southbridge, int. Dec. 4, 1842
- GILMORE, William and Orinda C. Gould of Woodstock, Conn., int. Sept 5, 1830
- GLEASON, Rev. Charls and Mrs Bethiah Scarborough of Roxbury, int. Oct. 2, 1747
- GLEASON, Eunice and Thomas Cheny, Jr., int. April 15, 1769
- GLEASON, Hale C. of Oxford and Hannah Kemp, int. Nov. 22 1824
- GLEASON, Lydia and Joseph Brown Jr., both of Oxford, Nov. 11, 1823
- GLEASON, Mary and Winthrop Chandler of Killingley, Feb. 11, 1773
- GLEASON, Paul of Adams, Berkhire Co., and Juda Warren, Feb. 16, 1802
- GLEASON, Sarah and Dr. Thomas Sterne, March 5, 1769
- GLEASON, Wid. Susannah of Charlton and Peter Phillips, July 24, 1760
- GLEASON, William and Elisabeth Campbell, int. Dec. 12, 1768
- GLEASON, Dr. William and Mary Kidder, May 30, 1774
- GODDARD, [Godard in int], Deborah of Woodstock and John Coburn, Dec. 11, 1740
- GODDARD, Silas of Montpelier, Vt., and Fanny Bartlett, Oct 6, 1825
- GOODALE, Wid. Fanny and Dr. Hosea Rich of Thompson, Jan. 6, 1803
- GOODALE, Hannah of Woodstock, Conn., and Ebenezer Brackit Jr., int. Sept. 1, 1806
- GOODELL, Frederick and Ruth W. Brown, Jan. 1, 1829
- GOODELL, Ruth E. of Charlton and Joshua Vinton [March ?] April 25, 1843
- GOODELL, Warren and Clarinda Healy, June 15, 1836
- GOODNOUGH, Samuel and Phebe Chase of Charlton, int. Oct. 30, 1808
- GOOGIN, William H. and Matilda Wood, int. April 20, 1833
- GORDEN, [Gordon in int.], Garner of Woodstock and Irena Clark, Sept. 26, 1787
- GORDAN, [Jordan ?], Mary and Abisha Sabin, int. Dec. 13, 1783
- GORE, Abigail and Benjamin Albee, May 14, 1797
- GORE, Eliiah and Rebekah Vinton, int. March 7, 1739-40
- GORE, Hannah and Brad F. Baker of Charlton, April 15, 1823
- GORE, John and Hannah Carpenter, Nov. 23, 1775
- GORE, John Jr. and Anna Carpenter of Sturbridge, int. April 24, 1813
- GORE, Polley and Benjamin Lee Jr., March 15, 1803
- GORE, Prusilla [Priscila in int.] and Artemos Cheany, May 20, 1790. At Charlton
- GORE, Rebeccah and Orland Prince, April 4, 1810
- GORE, Rebeckah and John Morris, int. June 15, 1763
- GORSE, Dolly and Jefferson Innman, int. Jan. 2, 1826
- GORTON, Sanford of Charlton and Martha Bracket, Sept. 7, 1829
- GOUGH, George H. (s. James and Hannah, widr, a. 27) and Betsey Corbin, both of Blackstone, July 12, 1846
- GOULD, Aaron of Charlton and Jemima C. Jewell, April 2, 1832
- GOULD, Bathsheby of Woodstock and Richard Perry, int. March 5 1827
- GOULD, Bezaleal of Douglass and Bathsheba Robinson, April 9, 1778
- GOULD, Elenor and Charles Blackmar, both of Charlton, Nov. 8, 1837.
- GOULD, Lydia and Elisha Town, Nov. 24, 1796. At Charlton
- GOULD, Orinda C. of Woodstock, Conn., and William Gilmore, int. Sept. 5, 1830
- GOULD, Thomus of Woodstock and Susannah Corbin, May 12, 1757
- GOULDING, Joseph of Ward and Sally Dalrimple, May 29, 1800
- GRAHAM, John and Lydia Curtis, Nov. 28, 1833
- GRANT, Maryann of Smithfield, R.I., and Hosea Ghaskill, int. Dec. 6, 1828
- GRANT, William H. of Wrentham and Charlotte Love, April 28, 1824
- GRATON, Hannah and John Edmunds, Feb. 12, 1777
- GREAVES, George and Phebe Dunham, Dec. 26, 1819
- GREEN (see Greene)
- GREEN, Abigail of Killingly and Joseph Jewell, int. Aug. 5, 1738
- GREEN, Aldrich and Polly Rawson of Oxford South Gore, Sept. 20, 1820
- GREEN, Almira of Thompson and James Fenton, int. Feb. 23, 1828
- GREEN, Catharine of Warwick, R.I., and Sylvester R. Cary, int. Aug. 6, 1820
- GREEN, Delilah and Asa Day, May [3 or] 25, 1825
- GREEN, Ebenezer of Killingly and Mary Wakfeild, int. June 8, 1750
- GREEN, Hannah of Stoneham and Thomas Vinton, March 31, 1742. At Stoneham
- GREEN, Holden R. and Anna S. Williams of Thompson, Conn., int. Jan. 10, 1812
- GREEN, Ira and Elisabeth Dodge, April 5, 1770
- GREEN, Mary of Stoneham and Benoni Vinton, April 29, 1742. At Stoneham
- GREEN, Mary of Volingtown and Samuel Chamberlain, int. May 27, 1770
- GREEN, Miriam of Killingly and Uriah Richardson, int. Nov. 22, 1740
- GREEN, Wid. Rachel of Woodstock and Joseph Edmunds, int. July 29, 1779
- GREEN, Willard of Oxford and Roxelina Weaver, int. Jan. 2, 1814
- GREENE (see above)
- GREENE, Mrs. Dolley and Richard Arnold of Thompson, int. Dec. 19, 1802
- GREENWOOD, Daniel and Mrs. Phebe Fay, Oct. 17, 1830
- GREENWOOD, Lucy R. of Millbury and Levi Morris Jr. of Jepferson, N.Y., Jan. 22, 1818
- GREENWOOD, Rosella and Tubel Wakefield, Sept. 19, 1816
- GREENWOOD, Sukey and John Mann of Worcester, Jan. 1, 1817
- GRIGS, Ebenezer and Mehitabel Putney, Dec. 10, 1745 [dup.]
- GRIGGS, Orlando of Brimfield and Nabby Lee, Sept. 25, 1823
- GROE, Jonathan and Mary Brown of Killingley, int. Feb. 20, 1773
- GROO, [Grow in int.], Elizabeth of Oxford and Jonathan Stone, Nov. 29, 1768. At Oxford
- GROVER, Wealthy of Mendon and Eunice Cheney, Nov. 13, 1814
- GULLY, William and Mary Howland, Nov. 26, 1829
- GUY, Timothy and Anna Bridges, Sept. 20, 1770
- HAGAR, [Hagur in int.], Hannah of Waltham and Ebenezer Hubbard, Nov. 21, 1771. At Waltham
- HALL, Asa of Thompson and Pheebe Foster, July 5, 1789
- HALL, Benajah and Elizabeth Dennis of Sutton, Feb. 7, 1744-5. At Sutton
- HALL, David of Killingly and Sarah Robinson, April 21, 1763
- HALL, Elizebeth and Seth Hinds of Sturbridge, int. Feb. 1, 1755
- HALL, Lydia of Claremont, N.H., and Waldo Lyon, int. Jan. 23 1837
- HALL, Samuel and Bethiah Brown of Killenly, int. Dec. 23, 1732
- HALL, Wid. Sarah and Moses Lenard of Ruthland, int. Nov. 12, 1757
- HALLEWELL, Joseph and Mary Stone, int. Sept. 20, 1828. (?)
- HAM, Caroline of Burrelville, R.I., and George Tourtellott, int. Feb. 25, 1838
- HAMILTON, Phebe of Palmer and Josep Bracket, int. April 8, 1810
- HAMMON (see Hammond)
- HAMMON, Easter of Charlton and Moses Healy, int. Nov. 28, 1789
- HAMMON, Lucyna of Wordsborough, Vt., and Hosea White, int. Oct. 4, 1835
- HAMMOND (see above)
- HAMMOND, Elijah and Mary S. Beers, both of Charlton, Dec. 21, 1836. In Charlton
- HAMMOND, Isaac and Louisa Rice of Brookfield, Oct. 8, 1835. In Brookfield
- HANCOCK, Allen Jr. and Zynecia Day, March 25, 1824
- HANCOCK, Elizabeth Davis and Elisha Knight, Dec. 5, 1816
- HANCOCK, Hannah and William Larned, int. April 5, 1813
- HANCOCK, William and Mary Bowen of Woodstock (at Woodstock?), Dec. 11, 1817
- HANDY, John and Lucy Park, Nov. 22, 1827
- HANDY, Nathan of Burrelville, R.I., and Zylpha, Dunham, Jan. 12, 1829
- HARBACH, Abigail of Sutton and John Corban, Jan. 30, 1765. At Sutton
- HARBRIDGE, Elizabeth and Jonathan Smith of Worwick, Nov. 30, 1769. In Oxford
- HARDING, Alpheus Jr. of New Salem, Mass., and Maria P. Taft, Sept. 6, 1842
- HARDING, Mary B. of Oxford and James G. Bacon, int. Nov. 7, 1830
- HARLOW, Hannah of Plymoth and Elkanah Corbin, int. Oct. 2, 1773
- HARRIS, Daniel and Elizabeth Bridge of Roxbury, June 20, 1745. At Roxbury
- HARRIS, Sarah and Hollis Witt of Charlton, Jan. 9, 1820
- HASKEL (see Haskell)
- HASKEL, James and Elizabeth Vinton, June 3, 1784
- HASKEL, Jeremiah and Hannah Newell, April 8, 1777
- HASKEL, John and wid. Rachel Larned of Killingley, int. Nov. 17, 1781
- HASKELL (see above)
- HASKELL, Christopher and Betsey Wood, int. Sept. 16, 1838
- HASKELL, Clarisa and Samuel Webster, Feb. 15, 1816
- HASKELL, Elizabeth (d. John and Susannah, a. 24.), Jan. 4, 1848 and Samuel W. Smith, Jan. 4, 1848
- HASKELL, Hannah (d. John, a. 26) and Lucian Lyon, Sept. 23, 1845
- HASKELL, Henry and Nancy Vinton, March 25, 1830
- HASKELL, John Jr. and Wid. Mary Chamberlain, April 13, 1794
- HASKELL, Lieut. John 3d and Susannah Amidon of Southbridge, int. March 2, 1817
- HASKELL, John and wid. Ruth Cumstock of Woodstock, int. July 5, 1818
- HASKELL, John 2d and Rebecca Barret, July 5, 1827
- HASKELL, Juliet and George Bugbee of Woodstock, Conn., Nov. 30, 1843
- HASKELL, Lucretia and Gorton Edmonds, Feb. 25, 1818
- HASKELL, Lydia and Asa Walker of Charlton, Feb. 27, 1788
- HASKELL, Lydia and George B. Slater, both of Oxford, May 6, 1825
- HASKELL, Nancy and Edward S. Keys Esq. of Ashford, Conn, Dec. 16, 1829
- HASKELL, Prudence and Orrin Vinton of Woodstock, Conn., May 26, 1830
- HASKELL, Samuel and Lydia Robinson, Dec. 17, 1817
- HASKELL, Stephen and Rachal Larned, Sept. 15, 1785
- HASKELL, Tamar and Jonathan Putney, May 29, 1776
- HASKELL, William and Sylvany Williams of Cranson, R.I., March 23, 1809
- HART (see Heart)
- HART, Michael and Mary Ann Noon of Oxford, int. March 29, 1835
- HARTWELL, Seth of Oxford (North Gore) and Isabella Henderson, int. Aug. 3, 1823
- HARVEY, Betsey of Thompson and Amos Tourtellot, int. Nov. 23, 1821
- HARWOOD, Ezra of Charlton and Sally Brachet, int. Sept. 28, 1810
- HARWOOD, Huldah of Carlton and Nathan Child Jr., int. Nov. 19, 1809
- HARWOOD, Polly of Holland and David Healy, int. March 20, 1813
- HATCH, Abigail and Joseph Hill of Chalton, April 15, 1756
- HATCH, Elezebeth and Jacob Hill of Upton, May 8, 1760
- HAVEN (see Havens)
- HAVEN, Abraham and Polly Shumway of Woodstock, Conn., int. Sept. 2, 1832
- HAVEN, Betsey and Dyer Davis, Jan. 1, 1828
- HAVEN, James and Sibel Bates, Jan. 1, 1822
- HAVEN, Mrs. Mary A. of South Woodstock, Conn., and Daniel Dwight, int. March 5, 1841
- HAVEN, Mary E. and John Marsh, int. March 1, 1845
- HAVEN, Nancy and Asa Worden, Jan. 17, 1830
- HAVENS (see above)
- HAVENS, [Haven in int], Abram of Woodstock and Bathsheba Vinton, May 12, 1796
- HAVENS, [Heaven in int.] Mary and John Webster, July 26, 1789
- HAVENS, William and Wid. Sarah Brock of Woodstock, Sept. 21, 1775
- HAWKINS, Mrs. Clarissa and Daniel Mansfield, int. May 6, 1848
- HAYDEN, Elijah and Lurany Pierce, March 6, 1787
- HAYDEN, Mary [Marcy in int.] and Dan Warren, May 3, 1782
- HAYDEN, Silas and Rebecca Morriss, Feb. 10, 1785
- HAYWARD (see Howard)
- HAYWARD, Clarisa of Oxford and John Brown, Feb. 8, 1816
- HAYWARD, Hannah of Quinsy and Samuel Robinson 2d, int. Oct. 13, 1811
- HAYWARD, Simeon [of Northboro ?] and Abigail Wetherill, int. Nov. 15, 1773
- HEALD, Calvin and Tamer Ward of Charlton, int. Dec. 23, 1824
- HEALY (see Hele)
- HEALY, Abiel and Sally Day, Oct. 20, 1825
- HEALY, Abigail and Jeremiah Knight of Cranston, R.I., April 20, 1829
- HEALY, Becca D. and A. Waldo Williams Dec. 10, 1829
- HEALY, Betsey and Chad Brown, May 4, 1800
- HEALY, Chandler and Amity B. McKinstry of Southbridge, Sept. 18, 1837
- HEALY, Clarinda and Warren Goodell, June 15, 1836
- HEALY, Clarissa and Lathan Pratt, Feb. 25, 1819
- HEALY, Daniel L. and Triphena Kidder of Wordsborough, Vt., int. Dec. 29, 1816
- HEALY, David and Polly Harwood of Holland, int. March 20, 1813
- HEALY, Davis and Zeruiah S. Williams, Jan. 16, 1833
- HEALY, Deborah and Jacob Chamberlain Jr. of Millbury, March 5, 1817
- HEALY, Dolly and Harvey Conant, May 13, 1819
- HEALY, Eliza W. and George Healy, Feb. 24, 1831
- HEALY, Eliza W. and James White of Worcester, Sept. 17, 1833. [?]
- HEALY, Enoch and Susan Kidder of Wardsborough, Vt., int. Aug. 20, 1818
- HEALY, Esther and Jedediah Marcy of Southbridge, Nov 29, 1816
- HEALY, Ezra and Betsy Holbrook, Jan. 18, 1791
- HEALY, George and Ophelia Edwards of Southbridge, int. Oct. 21 1826
- HEALY, George [2d in int.] and Eliza W. Healy, Feb. 24, 1831
- HEALY, Hammond and Sally Bradford of Woodstock, Conn., int. Oct. 1, 1815
- HEALY, Hannah and Amasa Davis, April 13, 1786
- HEALY, Hannah and Chester Pratt of Providence R.I., Aug. 28, 1817
- HEALY, Harriet and Charles W. Vinton of Southbridge, Nov. 18, 1828
- HEALY, Hezekiah and Mrs. Becca Corbin, Nov. 14, 1798
- HEALY, Huldah and Edward Davis Jr., Dec. 26, 1787
- HEALY, John and Elizabeth Dalrymple, April 20, 1780
- HEALY, Joseph and Mary Whitmore Jan. 2, 1754
- HEALY, Joseph Jr. and wid. Ruth Conant of Oxford, Jan. 21, 1790
- HEALY, Joshua Jr. and Sarah Newell, Dec. 19, 1747
- HEALY, Joshua and Alice Howlet of Woodstock, int. Oct. 5, 1823
- HEALY, Lemuel and Dolly Corbin, Jan. 7, 1790
- HEALY, Lemuel Jr. and Sylvia Conant, Dec. 4, 1817
- HEALY, [Capt. in int.] Lemuel Jr. and Eliza Warden, Sept. 1, 1830
- HEALY, Lucy and George Waters of Thompson, Conn., May 11, 1820
- HEALY, Lydia (d. Nathaniel and Mary single, a. 43) and Resolved Bailey, Dec. 7, 1848
- HEALY, Marcy [Mercy in int.] and Moses Davis, April 18, 1816
- HEALY, Maria and John Bowers, Dec. 1, 1836
- HEALY, Mary and Jedediah Marcy, Dec. 1, 1748 [dup.]
- HEALY, Mary and Jason Phips [Phelps ?] Jr. of Thompson Dec. 27, 1787
- HEALY, Moses and Easter Hammon of Charlton, int. Nov. 28, 1789
- HEALY, Col. Moses and Wid. Ruth Marcy of Sturbridge, int. June 12, 1814
- HEALY, Nathaniel and Abigail Cartur, Sept. 9, 1756
- HEALY, Nathaniel Jr. and Mary Davis of Oxford, Jan. 3, 1788
- HEALY, Maj. Nathaniel and Wid. Abigail Cloice of Fraimingham, int. Feb. 15, 1788
- HEALY, Phebe and Ebenezer Allen, March 16, 1786
- HEALY, Mrs. Polly and Peter Rickards of Thompson, Dec. 25, 1799
- HEALY, Prudence and Parker Willard, Jan. 26, 1809
- HEALY, Rebecah and Thomas Davis of Oxford, Nov. 18, 1742
- HEALY, Rebecca and Reubin Chamberlain, April 25, 1776
- HEALY, Roby [Rhoba in int.] and Phillip Corbin, Nov. 26, 1789
- HEALY, Mrs. Rhoda and Thomas Dalrimplme of Colrain, int. June 25, 1796
- HEALY, Rhoda and Lewis Keith, March 29, 1821
- HEALY, Rosalinda and Hezekiah Palmer of Woodstock, Conn., Nov. 21, 1805
- HEALY, Samuel and Phebe Curtis, Jan. 16, 1759
- HEALY, Capt. Samuel and Wid. Sarah Chamberlain, May 24, 1797. At Charlton
- HEALY, Sarah and John Lawton, Dec. 27, 1787
- HEALY, Sarah and Benjamin Bradford of Woodstock, Conn., Sept 27, 1831
- HEALY, Stephen and Rhoda Marcy, Jan. 23, 1783
- HEALY, Sylvia and Benjamin Leavens Jr., May 13, 1819
- HEALY, Waldo M. and Mary L. Amidon of Webster, int. Nov. 10, 1846
- HEALY, William Jr. and Sophia Davis, Oct. 19, 1815
- HEART (see Hart)
- HEART, Elisabeth of Redding and Paul Dodge, int. March 1, 1767
- HEATH, [Hearth in int.], Elizabeth and Peter Jobins, April 9, 1836
- HEATH, John and Eunice Oaks, Feb. 12, 1781
- HEBBERD (see Hibberd)
- HEBBERD, Daniel and Esther Convess, Jan. 5, 1775
- HEBBERD, Mary and Marke Elwell of Tompson, April 14, 1754
- HEBBERD, Mary and Edward Poke, Sept 19, 1782
- HEBBERD, Wid. Mary and Richard Williams of a Gore of Land near Dudley, int. Dec. 11, 1779
- HEBBERD, Rachal and Samuel Roggers of Sturbridge, Feb. 6, 1775
- HELE (see Healy)
- HELE, Sarah and Elisha Corbin, int. Oct. 6, 1739
- HENDERSON, Isabella and Seth Hartwell of Oxford (North Gore), int. Aug. 3, 1823
- HEWES, Benjamin and Lydia Stringer, Jan. 14, 1747-8
- HEWETT (see Hewit)
- HEWETT, Nathan and Charlottee W. Albee, June 7, 1838
- HEWETT, Mrs. Polly of Eastford, Conn., and Dea. Simpson Larned, int. April 6, 1846
- HEWIT (see above)
- HEWIT, Albee and Eliza T. Ransom of Woodstock, Vt., int. Oct. 3, 1829
- HIBBARD (see Hebberd, Hibberd)
- HIBBARD, Samuel and Rozina White of Gloucester, int. April 1, 1790
- HIBBARD, [Hebbard in int.], Southwick and Abigail Coller, resident in Shrewsbury, March 21, 1757. At Oxford
- HIBBERD (see Hebberd)
- HIBBERD, Experience and Elijah Converse of Killingley, Jan. 25, 1770
- HILES[?], Betsey of Thompson and Elisha Raynolds, int. June 14, 1799
- HILL, Abigail and B. F. Gilmore, March 22, 1836
- HILL, Benjamin M. of Thompson, Conn., and Deverd Wright, int. Dec. 18, 1814
- HILL, Bethia and Mark Dodge, both of Oxford, Nov. 19, 1789. At Oxford
- HILL, Catharine (d. Hanson and Polly, single, a. 21) and Nelson Walker, Dec. 17, 1845
- HILL, Wid. Dorothy and Andrew Dodge, Dec. 7, 1817
- HILL, Mrs. Dorothy L. and David Freeman, May 5, 1800
- HILL, Ebenezer and Bettey Whittemore of Thompson, int. Dec. 12, 1894
- HILL, Jacob of Upton and Elezebeth Hatch, May 8, 1760
- HILL, Joseph of Chalton and Abigail Hatch, April 15, 1756
- HILL, Mary M. and Artemas Knowlton of Southbridge, May 4, 1841
- HILL, Moses of Douglass and Dinah Robinson, Sept. 20, 1780
- HILL, Rufus and Mary Florence of Webster, int. Nov. 22, 1832
- HILL, Mrs. Ruth and Eseck Chase of Oxford, int. Feb. ---- 1805
- HILL, Tryphena and Abel Davis, int. Nov. 1, 1806
- HINDS, Seth of Sturbridge and Elizebeth Hall, int. Feb. 1, 1755
- HOBART, Polly of Leicester and Abner Rice, April 27, 1794. At Leicester
- HOBBS, Amasa of Sturbridge and Rhoda Baldwin of Spencer, Oct. 1, 1835. In Spencer
- HOBBS, Clarinda of Sturbridge and A. H. Pope of Oxford, May 16, 1837. In Sturbridge
- HOBBS, David of Sturbridge and Abigail Pratt of Charlton, June 8, 1836. In Charlton
- HOBBS, Ruth and Abel Mason of Sturbridge, Dec. 30, 1762. In Sturbridge
- HOBBS, Sally of Sturbridge and Salem Pratt of Carlton, June 8, 1836. In Sturbridge
- HODGES, Anna and Ezra Holdbrook, Nov. 6, 1783
- HOGAN, Mary and William Curry, int. Oct. 29, 1826
- HOGAN, Elon and John Franey, int. June 19, 1845
- HOLBROOK (see Holdbrook)
- HOLBROOK, Wid. Betsey and Lieut. William Smith, both of Charlton, Jan. 2, 1804
- HOLBROOK, Betsy and Ezra Healy, Jan. 18, 1791
- HOLBROOK, Lieut. John of Thompson and Wid. Olive Vorce, Nov. 11, 1800
- HOLBROOK, Sabrina of Bellingham and Peter Joyce, int. June 10, 1826
- HOLDBROOK (see above)
- HOLDBROOK, Ezra and Anna Hodges, Nov. 6, 1783
- HOLLEY, Mrs. Penelopy of Oxford South Gore and Benjamin Smith, March 13, 1800
- HOLLEY, Perry and Mrs. Selah Bliss of Oxford South Gore, March 13, 1800
- HOLMAN, Dr. David and Almira Brown of Thompson, int. June 20, 1830
- HOLMES (see Holms)
- HOLMES, Mrs. Dorothy of Woodstock and John Vinton, Jan. 11, 1770. At Woodstock
- HOLMES, Lucy of Thompson, Conn., and Thomas M. Larned, int. May 8, 1839
- HOLMES, Phebe of Woodstock and Ralph Vinton, int. June 15, 1766
- HOLMES, William C. of Woodstock, Conn., and Marcia Flint, May 2, 1827
- HOLT (see above)
- HOLT, Mrs. Bathsheba of Woodstock and Dea. Joseph Edmunds, int. July 12, 1746
- HOLT, Georg of Windham and Elizebeth Coburn, int. Aug. 5, 1738
- HOOKER, Amos and Hannah Foster, March 10, 1768
- HOOKER, Arctus and Esther MerKinstry, both of Sturbridge, Sept. 10, 1834. In Sturbridge
- HOOKER, Henry and Molly Edmunds, July 12, 1770
- HOOKER, Mahala and Daniel Mullet, Nov. 14, 1816
- HOPKINS, Susan B. of Millbury and Harvey Perry, int. March 14, 1822
- HOPKINS, Weston and Sally Sweet, int. Aug. 16, 1828
- HOUGHTON, Alice H. of Webster and George W. Perry, int. Oct. 7, 1843
- HOUGHTON, Amasa and Sally Moore, July 4, 1823
- HOUGHTON, Betsey C. of Thompson and Lieut. John E. Day, int. Aug. 20, 1826
- HOUGHTON, Elijah and Ann Brown of Charlton, int. Dec. 11, 1812
- HOUGHTON, Lucy of Thompson, Conn., and Edward Howard, int. March 31, 1819
- HOUSEN, Phebe Ann and Raddai Wight, Dec. 10, 1829
- HOVEY, Mrs. Eunice of Carlton andWilliam Fisher, int. Sept. 8, 1798
- HOVEY, Ezekiel and Eunice Pease, Nov. 19, 1772
- HOVEY, Josiah and Hannah May of Pomfret, Nov. 25, 1773
- HOVEY, Josiah Jr. and Betsey Barret of Sturbridge, int. Oct. 24, 1802
- HOVEY, Olive and Albrough Runoulds of Woodstock, int. Feb. 9, 1771
- HOW (see Howe)
- HOW, Alice of Killingly and Thomas Newell, int. March 7, 1739-40
- HOW, Alice of Killingly and Perley Philips, int. Sept. 3, 1785
- HOW, Artemas and Elisabeth Parkman of Brookfield, int. Sept. 11, 1773
- HOW, Charlotte and Calvin Chamberlain, int. Oct. 24, 1790
- HOW, Daniel and Eunice Burt of Killingley, int. Nov. 27, 1773
- HOW, Elizabeth and Wyman Ainsworth, Jan. 31, 1781
- HOW, Wid. Mary of Charlton and Philip Corbin, int. May 15, 1768
- HOW, Samuel of Hopkinton and Jerutia Cody, Sept. 17, 1811
- HOWARD (see Hayward)
- HOWARD, Betty and Joseph Scholfield, Feb. 27, 1815
- HOWARD, Edward and Lucy Houghton of Thompson, Conn., int. March 31, 1819
- HOWARD, Hannah and Roger Williams of Glocester, Jan. 7, 1779
- HOWARD, Sarah and Bradford Barnes, Oct. 23, 1780
- HOWARD, Sarah and Ammon Platt, Sept. 29, 1836. In Webster ?
- HOWARD, Simeon and Abigail Wetherill, April 14, 1774
- HOWARD, ---- of Thompson and Lemuel Cudworth, int. Nov. 14, 1797 ?
- HOWE (see How)
- HOWE, Francis and Hannah Robbins, Dec. 21, 1828
- HOWE, Hannah and Jedidiah Corbin, Oct. 9, 1772
- HOWE, Rev. Perley and Mrs. Damaris Cady of Killingley, int. Sept. 27, 1735
- HOWE, Rebecca of Killingly and Manser Warren, int. March 30, 1794
- HOWE, Sally B. of Charlton and Thomas Clarke of Leicester, Jan. 31, 1836. In Charlton
- HOWLAND, Barnice and Willard Howland, int. June 10, 1831
- HOWLAND, Lois Lovan of Douglass and Isaac Amidon 2d, int. June 7, 1831
- HOWLAND, Mary and William Gully, Nov. 26, 1829
- HOWLAND, Willard and Prudence Corttis of Thompson, Conn., int. Nov. 9, 1817
- HOWLAND, Willard and Barnice Howland, int. June 10, 1831
- HOWLET, Alice of Woodstock and Joshua Healy, int. Oct. 5, 1823
- HOWLET, Lucinda of Woodstock, Conn., and Stephen Kingsbury, int. May 20, 1820
- HUBBARD, Adam and Sally Davis, April 2, 1837
- HUBBARD, Ebenezer and Hannah Hagar of Waltham, Nov. 21, 1771. At Waltham
- HUBBARD, Adam and Esther Munyan, May 27, 1824
- HUCHINS (see Hutchins, Hutchings)
- HUCHINS, Edward and Lydia Perce, int. March 10, 1750
- HUCHINS, Thomus Jr. and Abigail Perce, int. Jan. 28, 1733-4
- HUDSON, William of Leicester and Betsey Sibley, April 24, 1836
- HULL, Henry of Sturbridge and Matilda Bowers (people of Color), Nov. 9, 1815
- HUMES, Eliza and Francis Collier of Southbridge, Oct. 12, 1823
- HUMES, Josiah and Betsey Davis, Feb. 2, 1804
- HUMPHREY (see Humphry)
- HUMPHREY, Aaron of Spencer and Eliza Wilber, people of Color, Sept. 26, 1821
- HUMPHREY, Dea. Ebenezer of Oxford and Wid. Abigail Marsh, int. Feb. 10, 1804
- HUMPHREY, Daniel H. and Mehitabel Eliot of Smithfield, R.I., July 9, 1809
- HUMPHREY, Elijah of Killingley and Esther Brown, Sept. 13, 1778
- HUMPHREY, Isaac Jr. and Susanna Lebert, Dec. 22, 1768
- HUMPHREY, John W. and Polly Robinson, April 27, 1818
- HUMPHREY, Robert (s. Stephen F. and Roxalana H., single, a. 24) and Harriet M. Stone, Sept. 16, 1849
- HUMPHRY (see above)
- HUMPHRY, Stephen F. and Roxalney Brown, May 27, 1812
- HUNT, Peter of Glocester and Rebecca Carpenter, int. March 18, 1776
- HUNT, Richard and Elizabeth Warren, Nov. 13, 1777
- HUNT, Sarah and Samuel Fosket of Charlton, March 29, 1775
- HUNTINGTON, Waldo of Douglas and Maria (?)ham, Sept. 26, 1837
- HURD, Patty of Oxford and David Bracket, June 29, 1803
- HURD, Polly of Oxford and Amos Upham, int. Aug. 15, 1814
- HUTCHINGS, Thomas and Eunice Oliver, Dec. 1, 1814
- HUTCHINS (see Huchins)
- HUTCHINS, [Hutchens in int.], John and Olive Rood of Sturbridge, Oct. 9, 1766
- HUTCHINSON, Charles D. of Northbridge (s. Simon of Sutton, single, a. 28) and Elizabeth W. Pope, April 24, 1844
- HUTCHINSON, [Huchinson in int], Phebe of Malden and Joseph Sprague, Jan. 7, 1747-8. At Malden
- IDE, Olive and John Vorcce [Vorce], Oct. 27, 1796
- INGRAHAM, Maria B. and Waldo Huntington of Douglas, Sept 26, 1837
- INGRAHAM, Remember and Sally Waite, Feb. 4 [int. Feb. 10], 1810
- INMAN (see Innman)
- INMAN, Joseph and Lucy Sprague, Aug. 17, 1775
- INMAN, Nathan and Martha Easton of Glocester, int. June 30, 1775
- INMAN, Sarah and John Bowers, March 7, 1780
- INNMAN (see above)
- INNMAN, Jefferson and Dolly Gorse, int. Jan. 2, 1826
- JACKSON (see Jakson)
- JACKSON, Prudance of Chesterfield and Asa Robinson, int. Aug. 1, 1779
- JACOBS, Almira of Thompson and Ephraim Upham Jr., int. Feb. 7, 1829
- JACOBS, Ezra Jr. of Thompson, Conn., and Diania Albee, int. Nov. 21, 1834
- JACOBS, Ira F. and Semantha Morse of Southbridge, int. April 8, 1841
- JACOBS, Lucia of Thompson and Nelson Bates, int. April 19, 1824
- JACOBS, Mary Ann of Thompson, Conn., and John Bates 3d, int. Feb. 1, 1832
- JACOBS, Orson of Thompson, Conn., and Diadama Perry, Jan. 28, 1838
- JACOBS, Solomon (Transient) and Patience Peagon, July 12, 1784
- JAKSON (see Jackson)
- JAKSON, Elizebeth and Samuel Warrin, July 15, 1756
- JANNINGE, [Jinnings in int.], Louis and Seth Perry of Sturbridge, June 28, 1774
- JEFFARDS, [Gefferds in int.], Lydia and George Robinson, Dec. 6, 1750
- JEFFORDS, John and Mary Sanger, Feb. 20, 1764
- JEONS (see Jones)
- JEONS, Mary of Hopkinton and Paul Robinson, int. April 23, 1737
- JEWELL, Aaron of Chesterfield and Hannah Curtis, Jan. 23, 1766
- JEWELL, Abigail and Isaac Lee Jr. of Killingsley, Dec. 4, 1766
- JEWELL, Adeline and Zephaniah Edmunds, Feb. 25, 1827
- JEWELL, Asahel and Hannah Right of Woodstock, int. Aug. 23, 1767
- JEWELL, Mrs. Bathshebe and Calvin Farnum of Grafton, Jan. 4, 1798
- JEWELL, Benjamin and Olive Lamb, May 21, 1789
- JEWELL, Betsey and Samuel Barnes, March 26, 1809
- JEWELL, Jemima C. and Aaron Gould of Carlton, April 2, 1832
- JEWELL, Jesse and Zerviah Corben, June 1, 1775
- JEWELL, John Morris and Sarah Pratt of Oxford, int. Aug. 26, 1764
- JEWELL, Joseph and Abigail Green of Killingly, int. Aug. 5, 1738
- JEWELL, Martha and James Bacon of Woodstocke, March 6, 1760
- JEWELL, Mary and John Bacon, Nov. 19, 1772
- JEWELL, Mary A. and George Checkering, Dec. 24, 1837
- JEWELL, Moses and Jemima Corbin, July 23, 1772
- JEWELL, Nathaniel and Elizabeth Webster, March 20, 1739
- JEWELL, Rebecca and William Richerds Jr. of Killingley, May 27, 1777
- JEWELL, Wid. Rebecca [Rebeckah in int.] and Nathan Dennis, Feb. 6, 1781
- JEWELL, Stephen W. and Lucy M. Chickering of Shrewsbury, int. March 17, 1840
- JEWELL, Susanna of Oxford and Joseph Upham Jr., April 15, 1791. At Oxford
- JEWELL, Walter and Mrs. Zilpha Brown, June ----, 1801
- JEWETT (see Jewitt)
- JEWETT, John and Esther C. Bates of Thompson, int. Dec. 17, 1825
- JEWETT, Polly and Stephen R. Tenney, int. Nov. 7, 1819
- JEWETT, Roger of Lanesbora and Polley Davis, June 28, 1795
- JEWETT, Sylvia and John M. Pratt, int. July 21, 1821
- JEWITT (see above)
- JEWITT, David of Towson Parrish in the town of Killingly and Sarah Stevens, Oct. 9, 1734. At Oxford
- JOBINS, Peter and Elizabeth Heath, April 9, 1836
- JOCELIN, Samuel of Thompson and Ruth Bates [Nov. ?] 7, 1793 ?
- JOHNSON, Aaron B. and Azubah L. Morse, int. April 3, 1838
- JOHNSON, Arnold and Laura Weaver, March 7, 1814
- JOHNSON, Benjamin H. and Eliza Chafee of Thompson, Conn., int. Dec. 5, 1843
- JOHNSON, Nathan H. (s. Nathan and Ruhamah, single, a. 23) and wid. Ann S. Smith of Holliston, June 3, 1847
- JOHNSON, Patten and Phebe Davis, Oct. 1, 1816
- JOHNSON, Ruhama and Rufus Conant of Charlton, April 3, 1838
- JOHNSON, Silas and Surlinday Bugbee, March 6, 1792
- JONES (see Jeons, Joons)
- JONES, Ebenezer and Rachal Adams, Aug. 11, 1839
- JONES, Esther and Daniel Bacon of North Woodstock, March 3, 1770
- JONES, James and Thamer Freeman, March 11, 1827
- JONES, Mary and Charles Ryan, int. Aug. 16, 1834
- JONES, Nathaniel, living in or near Lescester, and Mrs. Mary Wakfeild, int. April 4, 1747
- JONES, Samuel and Matilda Davis, both of Charlton, Feb, 19, 1796
- JOONS (see above)
- JOONS, consider and Hannah Vinton, March 30, 1758
- JORDAN, [Jourdan in int.], Lorenzo of Thompson, Corm., and Sally Barnes, Apra 25, 1832
- JOSLEN (see Jocelin)
- JOSLEN, Benjamin of Killingley and Susannah Robinson, Nov. 16, 1774
- JOSLIN, Alexander of Thompson, Conn, and Lavira Bixby of Webster, April 1, 1840
- JOSLIN, Mrs. Lydia of Thompson and Calvin Vinton, int. March 28, 1829
- JOSLIN, Susanna of Thompson, Conn., and Nahum Wallis, int. Jan. 10, 1807
- JOURDAN (see Jordon)
- JOURDAN, Lorenzo of Thompson, Conn., and Sally Barnes, int. April 8, 1832
- JOURDEN, Emeline and Elisha Chase, int. Sept. 1, 1827
- JOY, Almira of Thompson and Silas Sibley, int. Sept. 13, 1829
- JOYCE, [Joice in int.], Peter and Sally Williams Perry, Sept. 28, 1823
- JOYCE, Peter and Sabrina Holbrook of Bellingham, int. June 10, 1826
Marriage Records of Dudley, Worcester County, Massachusetts, Massachusetts, To The End Of The Year 1849, Worcester, Massachusetts: Published By Franklin P. Rice, Trustee of the Fund. 1908.
Dudley Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850 - Surnames D-J
[ Surnames K-R ]