Granville Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
Surnames D-K
Transcribed by Jeffrey Tooley
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Marriages in the Town of Granville, Hampden County, Massachusetts to the end of the year 1850".
Marriage records extracted from the "Vital records of Granville, Massachusetts to the Year 1850", Published By the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, At the Charge of the Eddy Town-Record Fund, Boston, Mass., 1914.
Granville Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850 - Surnames D-K
- DAY, Jemima of Westfield and Peter Rose, int. Oct. 14, 1798.
- DEMING, Thomas of Sandisfield and Betsy Clark, Dec. 16, 1803.
- DENSLOW, Deubartius of Sandersfield and Polley Clark, Nov. 25, 1802.
- DEWEY, David Jr. [int. of Granby] and Lois Collins, May 10, 1814. [David Jr. of Granby. PR6]
- DEWEY, John 2d of Westfield and Jane Spelman, Mar. 19, 1795.*
- DEWEY, Ruth of Westfield and Justus Rose, int. Dec. 6, 1810.
- DIBBLE (Dibol)
- DIBBLE, Adijah of Granby, CT, and Ruhamah [int. Reuhamah] D. Gibbons, Jan. 9, 1823. [Dibol of Granby, CT, and Ruhama D. Gibbons. PR6]
- DIBBLE, Heman of Granby and Clarisse Norton of Loudon, Nov. 27, 1788.* CR1
- DIBBLE, Wealthy of Granby and Aaron Rose, int. Jan. 24, 1808.
- DIBOL (Dibble)
- DIBOL, ––––– and Pliny Newton, Nov. 29, 1815.* [Dibol of Southwich and Plinney Newton. PR6]
- DIBOL, Benjamin, Dea., of Granby and Rhoda Cook, wid., of Loudon, May 17, 1787.* CR1
- DIBOL, Lucy Amada and Jerry Hine, Dec. 30, 1816.* [Lucy Amanda of Southwich, Dec. 31, in Southwich. PR6]
- DICKINSON, Elvira M. and Lyman Remington of Hartland, CT, Nov. ––, 1843.* [Nov. 1. PR6]
- DICKINSON, Hannah and Festus Spelman, int. June 2, 1799. [m. June 28. PR6]
- DICKINSON, Joseph and Polly Stow, int. June 7, 1801.
- DICKINSON, Marilla L. and Samuel H. Whitney, int. Mar. 13, 1825.
- DICKINSON, Polly and Dr. Aaron Bigelow, int. Sept. 3, 1797.
- DICKINSON, Rebeccah and Levi Cooley, Nov. 7, 1795.*
- DICKINSON, Richard and Abigail Bates, June 2, 1793.* CR1
- DIMICK, Meriam of Granby and Nathan Saunders, int. Apr. 29, 1798.
- DODGE, Betsey and Ithuriel Rogers, Oct. 5, 1800.
- DODGE, Honnah and Hophni Barns, ––– ––, [int. Nov. 14, 1802].
- DODGE, Sabra and William Slocum, Nov. 28, 1802.
- DONHAM, Jabez Jr. and Anne Gains, May 20, 1762.*
- DORMANT, Daniel Wells and Mary Remington, Nov. 8, 1807.
- DORMANT, Stephen of Wilberham and Charrity Mather, int. Oct. 18, 1807
- DOUD, Elihu and Susanna Barnes, Apr. 21, 1788.* CR1
- DRAKE, David Jr., 25, farmer, of Westfield, s. David and Cloe of Westfield, and Eliza J. Bancroft, 26, d. Alpheus and Orpha, May 9, 1845.* [Eliza Jane, Mar. 10. PR6]
- DRAKE, Enoch G. and Hariet Bancroft, int. Jan. 3, 1819. [Enoch Griswold Drake and Harriet Bancroft, m. Jan. 28. PR6]
- DRAKE, Orsamus L. and Climena S. Strong, int. Mar. 29, 1829. [Orsamus Lucius and Sarah Climena Strong, m. Apr. 30. PR6]
- DRAKE, Sibyl and Dan Holcomb of Southwick, int. Feb. 21, 1808.
- DRAKE, Sibyl S. and William C. Moore of Torringford, CT, int. Mar. 25, 1827.
- DUNCAN, Lavinia A., Mrs., of Tolland, and William S.L. Parsons of Wintonbury, CT, July 4, 1826.*
- DUNHAM (see Donham)
- EGGLESTONE, William of Canton, CT, and Ruth B. King, May 28, 1839.* PR6
- ELDRED (Eldridge)
- ELDRED, Sally and Elsworth Cornwell, int. Nov. 24, 1805.
- ELDRIDGE (Eldred)
- ELDRIDGE, Amey and Andrew Brown Jr., Apr. 28, 1800.
- ELDRIDGE, Polly and Ebeneser Fox, int. June 29, 1805.
- ELDRIDGE, Susanah and William Manchester, Jan. 18, 1809.
- ELLIOTT, Lambert N. [dup. Lambert B. Elliot], 28, blacksmith, of Penn Yan, NY, b. Penn Yan, NY, s. George B. and Mariah and Penn Yan, and Sarah Spelman, 25, d. Elijah and Temperance, June 1, 1845.*
- ELLIOTT, Marilla and Noah Bartlett of Southwick, int. Dec. 27, 1813.
- ELMORE, Joseph B. and Sophia Robinson, Sept. 27, 1795.*
- ELMORE, Nathaniel, Dr., and Lucy Harvey, Oct. 29, 1797.
- ELY, John and Lucy Cook of Blanford, Mar. 18, 1790. [both of Blandford. CR1]
- EMERSON, Anna of Blandford and Henry Hinds of Blandford, Apr. ––, 1801.* PR6
- ENO, Amelia C. and Charles G. Woodruff of Springfield, Mar. 22, 1837.* PR6
- ENO, Reuben [int. Jr. of Simsbury, CT.] and Loanna Cooley, Nov. 14, 1815. [Reuben. PR6]
- ENSIGN, Clarissa and Joel Root, Mar. 13, 1811.
- ENSIGN, Huldah of Hartland, CT, and George Gillet, int. Sept. 12, 1805.
- ENSIGN, Polly, Mrs., of Pittsfield, and Thomas Clark, int. June 21, 1801.
- ENSIGN, Mary and Warren Graham of Canton, CT, Feb. 26, 1823.
- ENSIGN, Parmelia [int. Permelia] and Israel W. Graham [int. of Canton, CT.], Oct. 29, 1817. [Parmelia and Israel W. Graham of Canton. PR6]
- ENSIGN, Salley and Joel Root, int. Jan. 22, 1804. [Salley, m. Feb. 16. PR6]
- EVERITT, Experience of Granby and Asher Moore, int. Mar. 12, 1797.
- FAIRCHILD, Abigail, Mrs. [dup. omits Mrs.], of Middletown and Jabez Adkins, int. June 30 [dup. June 29], 1805.
- FAIRCHILD, Daniel and Betsey Cook, Feb. 23, 1817.
- FAIRCHILD, Harriet and Rev. Laban Clark, ––– ––, [int. Aug. 8, 1808].
- FAIRCHILD, N. [int. Harvey, omits N.] of Woodbury, CT, and Wealthy Hamilton, Jan. 5, 1824. [N. of Woodbury, CT, and Welthy Hamilton. CR1]
- FAIRCHILD, Sally and Samuel Curtiss, int. Aug. 11, 1810. [m. Oct. 9. CR1]
- FANCHER, Newman of Norfolk, CT, and Parthena Tinker, int. Sept. ––, 1807. [m. Oct. 13. PR6]
- FARNAM (Farnham, Farnum)
- FARNAM, Clarissa and Elihue Morgan of Blandford, ––– ––, [int. Dec. 5, 1806].
- FARNHAM (Farnam, Farnum)
- FARNHAM, Justin and Lucinda Frost, int. [Oct. ––], 1814. [Farnum, m. Dec. 1. CR1]
- FARNHAM, Lucretia and Martin Clap of Southampton, ––– ––, [int. Nov. 29, 1806].
- FARNHAM, Noah Jr. of Blandford and Rhoda Bancraft, ––– ––, [int. June 22, 1805]. [Bancroft, Aug. ––, 1805. PR6]
- FARNUM (Farnam, Farnham)
- FARNUM, Esther E., 27, d. Justin, and Milo Phelps, 29, farmer, of Otis, s. Stephen and Sally of Otis, Nov. 25, 1847.*
- FARNUM, Kezia and William Clark of Blandford, int. July 1, 1816. "Sham-imposition upon an old maid. " [This entry crossed out.]
- FERRIN, Micah and Lucinda Conant, Apr. 26, 1815.* [Lucinda of Southwich. PR6]
- FILLEY, Ammi of Windsor, CT, and Mary Elma Marvin, Jan. 1, 1829.
- FITCH, Nancy of Becket and John Hunt, int. Mar. 22, 1818.
- FLOWER, Elisha of Lenox, Berkshire Co., and Alcy M. Cooley, Sept. 28 [dup. Sept. 18, int. Sept. 25], 1815. [Alcy Marie, Sept. 18. PR6]
- FOOTE, Edwin of Southwick and Julia Ann Bancroft, int. Feb. 28, 1830. [m. Mar. 24. PR6]
- FOOTE, Emily of Southwich and Hon. John Mills, Nov. 23, 1818, in Southwich.* PR6
- FOOTE, William [int. Foot of Chester] and [int. Mrs.] Jane Lloyd, Oct. 2, 1815. [Foote of Chester and Jane Lloyd. PR6]
- FORBES (Forbs)
- FORBES, Melissa Ann and Lester Wadsworth of Hartford, CT, Nov. 3, 1827. [Forbs. PR6]
- FORBES, Sally of Windsor and Andrew Hall, int. Sept. 30, 1798.
- FORBS (Forbes)
- FORBS, Horato and Attamira Bancroft, int. June 14, 1805. [Horatio and Alltermira Bancroft, m. ––– [rec. before Aug. ––]. PR6]
- FORBS, Mahitebel and Rubin Swetman, Mar. 19, 1761.*
- FORBS, Rebeckah and Thomas Hamilton, July 20, 1763.*
- FORMAN, Simpson of Vernon, NY, and Hannah Ward, Feb. 18, 1809. [Simpson Larmon of Vernon, NY. CR1]
- FORWARD, Joseph M. and ––––– Moore, ––– ––, [rec. between Feb. 27 and Apr. 26, 1815].* [Capt. Joseph M. and Frances Moore of Southwich, ––– ––, [rec. between Feb. 27 and Apr. 26], 1815. PR6]
- FOSTER, Anna and David Fowler, Apr. 30, 1767.*
- FOSTER, Fenner and Elizebeth Tharp, Mar. 5, 1766.*
- FOSTER, James and Elizebeth Bancroft, June 19, 1765.*
- FOWLER, Almira and [int. Capt.] John H. [int. Hastings] Allen of Sandisfield, Oct. 2, 1823. [Almira Porter and John N. Allen of Sandisfield. CR1]
- FOWLER, Catharine and Judah Twining, int. Oct. 31, 1806.
- FOWLER, Daniel and Sally Word, July 2, 1797. [Ward. CR1]
- FOWLER, David and Anna Foster, Apr. 30, 1767.*
- FOWLER, John and Rachel Moor, July 15, 1787. [Rachael. CR1]
- FOWLER, Julius of Durham, Middlesex Co., CT, and Martha Moore, Dec. 18, 1803.
- FOWLER, Loring and Harriot Granger, int. Aug. 17, 1810.
- FOWLER, Olive [sic] and Rebekah Cook, Mar. 20, 1765.*
- FOWLER, Porter and Sally Atwater, Sept. 26, 1816.* [Porter of Westfield and Sally Atwater of Russell, m. in Russell. PR6]
- FOWLER, Titus and Hannah Burritt, Apr. 9, 1765.*
- FOX, David Jr. and Levey Osborn of Hartland, Hartford Co., CT, int. Mar. 8, 1806.
- FOX, Ebeneser and Polly Eldridge, int. June 29, 1805.
- FOX, Lovicy of Blandford and Heman Crooks of Blandford, Nov. 26, 1801.* PR6
- FRANKLIN, Benjamin and Amy Norton, Sept. 12, 1826.
- FRARY, Hannah of Blandford and Samuel Blair of Blandford, Nov. 28, 1804.*
- FRARY, Sally and Capt. Ely Strong, Dec. 17, 1833.* PR6
- FREEMAN, Salina F. of Tolland and James Ross Bignall of Salisbury, CT, Mar. 8, 1823.*
- FROST, Esther and Silas Rose, int. Apr. 26, 1818.
- FROST, Jacob G. and Lydia Bowers of Blanford, int. Sept. 2, 1803.
- FROST, Jacob Green and Hulah Remington, int. Oct. 25, 1807.
- FROST, Lucinda and Justin Farnham, int. [Oct. ––], 1814. [Farnum, Dec. 1. CR1]
- FROST, Roxy and Rowland Noble of Blandford, int. Sept. 29, 1817.
- FROST, Urial and Rhoda Smith of Blandford, int. Dec. 24, 1804.
- FULLER, James "of York state" and Mary Marshal, Jan. 21, 1798.* CR1
- FULLER, Samuel of Albany, NY, and Mary J. Bancroft, Sept. 24, 1826.
- FULLINGTON, William and Elizabeth Strong, Jan. 24, 1782.*
- GAINES (Gains)
- GAINES, Lydia and Harvey O. Bancroft, farmer, Mar. 13, 1844.*
- GAINS (Gaines)
- GAINS, Abigail and Ephraim Howe Jr., int. Jan. 23, 1803.
- GAINS, Anne and Jabez Donham Jr., May 20, 1762.*
- GAINS, Daniel of Southwick and Corinthia West, Mar. 8, 1814. [Gaines of Southwich and Olive Cornithia West. PR6]
- GAINS, Nancy and Stephen Trunkey of Hartland, May 28, 1812. [Gaines. PR6]
- GAINS, Samuel and Mrs. Abigail Pomeroy of Suffield, int. Feb. 17, 1805.
- GAINS, William of Granby, CT, and Mercy Webster, int. Nov. 29, 1829. [Gaines of Granby, CT, m. Dec. 16. PR6]
- GARRITT, Mathhias [int. Matathias Garrit of Simsbury, CT.] and Theda Bacon, Jan. 22, 1817. [Mattathias Garret of Simsbury. PR6]
- GATES, Marthar and Nathan Barlo, Mar. 29, 1748.*
- GATES, Marvin of Bloomfield, NY, and Rachel Coe, int. Jan. 14, 1798.
- GIBBINS (Gibbons)
- GIBBINS, Clarissa Harlow and Seymour Pomeroy of Franklin, NY, int. Feb. 13, 1803.
- GIBBONS (Gibbins)
- GIBBONS, Abigail Almeida and Elizur Merriam of Whitelake, Mar. 20, 1839.* PR6
- GIBBONS, Adah and Samuel Spelman, Oct. 17, 1821. [Oct. 18. PR6]
- GIBBONS, Alpheus and Tirzah [dup. Tirza] Spelman, May 7, 1817. [Tirza. PR6]
- GIBBONS, Amorett and Israel Godard of Granby, Hartford Co., CT, Jan. 20, 1824.
- GIBBONS, Apphia, see Affa.
- GIBBONS, Affa and Samuel Spelman, Nov. 20, 1810. [Affey. PR6]
- GIBBONS, Carlos and Almira Tinker, Feb. 27, 1815. [Mar. 1. PR3 Feb. 27. PR6]
- GIBBONS, Corintha and Gideon D. Seymour, ––– –– [int. Dec. 5], 1824.
- GIBBONS, Dameris and Lucius Gibbons, July 9, 1823. [Demaris. PR6]
- GIBBONS, Eliza and William Stannard of Westfield, int. Jan. 26, 1828.
- GIBBONS, Betsy and Orrin Ranney of Chatham, Nov. 20, 1810. [Betsey. PR6]
- GIBBONS, Elizabeth C. and Edward Holcomb, Jan. 12, 1847.* PR3
- GIBBONS, Hiram B. and Cynthia P. King of Suffield, CT, int. Mar. 22, 1824.
- GIBBONS, James [int. adds H.] and Philura Gibbons, Mar. 1, 1820. [James, Mar. 3. PR6]
- GIBBONS, Lucius and Dameris Gibbons, July 9, 1823. [Demaris. PR6]
- GIBBONS, Lucretia and Lyman Smith, Dec. 3, 1846.* PR3
- GIBBONS, Lucy K. and Eliakim Pomroy of Suffield, CT, Nov. 30, 1826. [Eleakim Pomeroy of Suffield, CT. PR6]
- GIBBONS, Lydia, 28, d. Carlos, and John B. Holcomb, 25, whip maker, of Granby, CT, b. Granby, CT, s. Phyletus of Granby, May ––, 1849.* [May 8. PR3]
- GIBBONS, Martha N., 22, spinster, d. Carlos and Almira, and Edgar Holcomb, 26, cabinet maker, b. Granby, CT, s. Harlow of Granby, Dec. 30, 1847.*
- GIBBONS, Polly and Timothy Hoag [int. of Laughkanick, NY], Oct. 29, 1816. [Timothy of Toughanock, NY. PR6]
- GIBBONS, Nancy and Timothy Botsford, May 19, 1819.* [Timothy of New Milford. PR6]
- GIBBONS, Orsamus L., 22, farmer, s. Lucius, and Sarah A. Noble, 20, d. Reuben, May 21, 1848.*
- GIBBONS, Peter and Sarah –––––, Nov. 7, 1751.*
- GIBBONS, Philura and James [int. adds H.] Gibbons, Mar. 1, 1820. [James, Mar. 3. PR6]
- GIBBONS, Ruhamah [int. Reuhamah] D. and Adijah Dibble of Granby, CT, Jan. 9, 1823. [Ruhama D. and Adijah Dibol of Granby, CT. PR6]
- GIBBONS, Timothy Jr. and Abigail Seymour, Nov. 21, 1808.
- GIBBONS, Timothy Wells and Ruby Seymour, Apr. 6, 1820.
- GIBBONS, Watson and Elizabeth Parsons, Apr. 30, 1834.* PR6
- GIBBS, Abigail and Jonathan Beebe of Wilbraham, Jan. 27, 1790.* CR1
- GIBBS, John M. of Becket and Almira Clark, Oct. 12, 1831.* CR1
- GIBBS, Joseph J. of Becket and Mercy Church, Mar. 29, 1837.* PR6
- GIBBS, Luther S. of Blandford and Mary Bacon, Nov. 25, 1828.
- GIDDINGS, Silas of Hartland and Hannah Cornwell, Feb. 20, 1794.*
- GILBERT, Noah of Blanford and Betsy Messenger of Berkhempsted, Mar. 28, 1793.
- GILES, Mercy of Blandford and Archibald W. Keep, int. Feb. 17, 1823.
- GILLET (Gillett)
- GILLET, Abijah of Litchfield, NY, and Sally Jones, Feb. 12, 1798. [Feb. 11. PR6]
- GILLET, Annis and Jonathan Barlow, int. Oct. 13, 1804. [Anniss, m. ––– –– [rec. between June 20 and Nov. 14]. PR6]
- GILLET, Daniell and Edith Bates, int. Oct. 14, 1806. [Daniel, merchant, m. Nov. 20. PR6]
- GILLET, Eliza H. and Milton B. Loomis of Suffield, CT, Apr. 18, 1838.* PR6
- GILLET, Elizabeth, see Elisebeth.
- GILLET, Elisebeth and Moses Allen, May 12, 1761.*
- GILLET, George and Huldah Ensign of Hartland, CT, int. Sept. 12, 1805.
- GILLET, Polly and Seth Holcomb of Canadagua, Feb. 18, 1796.*
- GILLET, Thomas and Elsebeth Barlo, June 12, 1744.*
- GILLETT (Gillet)
- GILLETT, Abigail and Paul Harman Jr. of Suffield, int. Mar. 6, 1831.
- GILLETT, Ama and Stephen Remington of Suffield, int. Nov. 3, 1799. [Amy Gillet, m. Nov. 27. PR6]
- GILLETT, Chloe and Elisha Kasson of Colesville, NY, int. Apr. 15, 1827.
- GILLETT, Jarvis and Lucy Clark, int. Dec. 31, 1825.
- GILLETT, Joel and Betsey Black of Southwick, int. Feb. 14, 1830.
- GILLETT, Laura and Sela Tallmage of Southwick, Feb. 2, 1814. [Gillet and Selah Talmadge of Southwick. PR6]
- GILLETT, Lucinda and Josiah Kent Jr. of Southwick, Jan. 16, 1810.
- GILLETT, Olive and Bazaleel Bristol of Turin, NY, int. Apr. 30, 1811.
- GILLETT, Sarah and Phineas Rose, Jan. 1, 1782.*
- GILMAN, Matilda and Gamaliel Bancroft of Blandford, int. Jan. 28, 1810. [m. Feb. 22. CR1]
- GLAZIER, Elizabeth F. and Alfred Hodge, farmer, s. Asa of Westfield, Dec. 24, 1846.*
- GLEASON, Asa and Jerusha Norton, Nov. 11, 1762.*
- GLEASON, Joel and Keziah Smith, Aug. 27, 1789. [Koziah. CR1]
- GOAL (Gould)
- GOAL, Thomose and Eunice Bancraft, Apr. 10, 1758.*
- GODARD (Goddard)
- GODARD, Israel of Granby, Hartford Co., CT, and Amorett Gibbons, Jan. 20, 1824.
- GODDARD (Godard)
- GODDARD, Asaph of Granby and Mabel Rowell, Dec. 25, 1833.* PR6
- GOFF, Rosannah and Joseph P. Hart of Farmington, CT, Mar. 9, 1825. [Rosanna Goffe and Joseph C. Hart of Famington, CT, Mar. 17. PR6]
- GOFF, Stephen and Rebeckah Scovil, Nov. 30, 1803.
- GOODHUE, David of Hartland, CT, and Abigal Winchel, int. Mar. 20, 1803. [Nabby Winchell, m. ––– ––, 1803. PR6]
- GOODLEY, Clarissa and Alexander Lloyd of Blandford, int. June 30, 1804.
- GOODWIN, Horatio N. of New Hartford and Laura Ames, ––– –– [rec. between Apr. 16 and Apr. 30], 1834.* PR6
- GOODWIN, James M., 28, farmer, s. Theodore, and Elizabeth S. Atkins, 23, d. Josiah, Oct. 12, 1848.*
- GOODWIN, Laura and Loring Lane, Jan. 1, 1817. [Loren. CR1]
- GOSSE, Sarah and Enos Seward, Oct. 31, 1765.*
- GOUDY (Gowdy)
- GOUDY, Amanda of Russell and John W. Barnes, int. June 14, 1824.
- GOULD (Goal)
- GOULD, Samuel P. of Rochester, NY, and Caroline E. Hatch, Oct. 2, 1827. [Col. Samuel P. of Rochester, NY, and Caroline Elizabeth Hatch. PR6]
- GOWDY (Goudy)
- GOWDY, Noble C. of Blandford and Lydia W. Graves, Oct. 7, 1835.* PR6
- GOWDY, Porter E., 25, joiner, of Cabotville, b. Russell, s. Alexander and Bethia of Russell, and Julia H. Bates, 20, d. Charles F. and Julia, Jan. 1, 1845.* [Porter E. of Springfield, Jan. 1, 1846. PR6]
- GOWDY, Salome B. of Russell and Lucas B. Chapin of Springfield, Aug. 7, 1840.* PR6
- GRAHAM, Isaac of Suffield and Judith Graves, ––– ––, 1802.* PR6
- GRAHAM, Israel W. [int. of Canton, CT.] and Parmelia [int. Permelia] Ensign, Oct. 29, 1817. [Israel W. of Canton and Parmelia Ensign. PR6]
- GRAHAM, Warren of Canton, CT, and Mary Ensign, Feb. 26, 1823.
- GRANGER, Clarissa and Amasa Dutton Gridley of Southington, CT, int. Jan. 19, 1818. [Clarasy and Amaza D. Gridley, m. Jan. 20. CR1]
- GRANGER, Heaton [int. of Granby CT.] and Amanda Cooley, Nov. 13, 1815. [Heaton of Granby. PR6]
- GRANGER, Eliza and Horace Perkins of Southwick, int. Apr. 11, 1830.
- GRANGER, Betsy and Allin Bidwell, Oct. 9, 1805.
- GRANGER, Harriot and Loring Fowler, int. Aug. 17, 1810.
- GRANGER, Jared of Newhaven, CT, and Narcissa Rowell, int. Mar. 29, 1824.
- GRAVES, Asher and Elizabeth Spelman, Sept. 30, 1788.*
- GRAVES, Chloe and John Bates, Apr. 20, 1766.*
- GRAVES, Clarissa, see Statira.
- GRAVES, Enoch of Champlain, Clinton Co., NY, and Doritha Tibbals wid., int. Nov. 28, 1802.
- GRAVES, Isachar and Ruth Blakely [dup. Blakeley] of Hartland, CT, int. Nov. 23, [dup. Dec. –– crossed out], 1807.
- GRAVES, John of Guilford, CT, and Rebecca Willcox, Sept. 22, 1816. [John of Hartford, CT, and Rebecca Wilcox, "Oct. or Sept.," CR1]
- GRAVES, Jonah [dup. Josiah] and Hannah Cooley [dup. Cooley written below Whitney crossed out], Feb. 7, 1798. [Josiah and Hannah Cooley. PR6]
- GRAVES, Josiah Dwight of Belchertown and Abigal Whelock Pomery, Feb. 5, 1799. [Abigail Wheelock Pomeroy. CR1]
- GRAVES, Judith and Isaac Graham of Suffield, ––– ––, 1802.* PR6
- GRAVES, Laurilla S. and Salem P. Rose, Apr. 9, 1829. [Laurilla P. and Salem Patric Rose. PR6]
- GRAVES, Lydia W. and Noble C. Gowdy of Blandford, Oct. 7, 1835.* PR6
- GRAVES, Statira and John Phelps of Colebrook, Litchfield Co., int. Oct. 3, 1802. [Clarissa, m. ––– ––, 1802. PR6]
- GRAVES, Susanna, see Susannah Hale.
- GREEN, Abigail of Blandford and David Mott (?) of Blandford, Apr. 17, 1787.* CR1
- GRIDLEY, Amasa Dutton of Southington, CT, and Clarissa Granger, int. Jan. 19, 1818. [Amaza D. and Clarasy Granger, m. Jan. 20. CR1]
- GRIFFIN, Anna of Granby and Roswell Rose, int. Mar. 6, 1797.
- GRISWOLD (Griswould)
- GRISWOLD, Harvey of Suffield, Hartford Co., CT, and Susan P. Parsons, Nov. 18, 1819.
- GRISWOLD, Homer [int. of Granby, CT.] and Abigail Winchel [int. Winchell], Sept. 28, 1819. [Homer of Granby, CT, and Abigail Winchell. PR6]
- GRISWOULD (Griswold)
- GRISWOULD, David of Granby and Lydia Clark, wid., int. Dec. 27, 1812.
- GRISWOULD, Hannah and Aaron Curtis, May 11, 1763.*
- GROSS, Elizabeth T. of Southwick and Aaron Spelman 2d, int. Oct. 31, 1814.
- GROSS, Joseph K. and Mary Spelman, Mar. 1, 1814.
- GUNNER, Lorenzo (Gunner ?) and Sophronia Moore of Tolland, Mar. 16, 1836. CR1
- HALE, Ezekel and Sarah Stow, Dec. 25, 1760.*
- HALE, Ezekel Jr. and Hannah Marshal [dup. Marshall], Sept. 16 [dup. Sept. 17], 1784.*
- HALE, Annorah and Jared Munson, June 10, 1762.*
- HALE, Isaac and Lucinda Miller, int. May 7, 1810.
- HALE, Mina and Bela Rogers, Apr. 4, 1808.
- HALE, Roxanna and Stillman Wilcox, Dec. 18, 1796.*
- HALE, Susannah and Samuel Sexton of Amenia, NY, Apr. 1, 1801. [Susanah Graves and J. Sexton of Armenia, NY. CR1]
- HALEY, Nathaniel and Harriett Moses, Dec. ––, 1836.* CR1
- HALL, Amos of Blandford and Phebe Parsons, Nov. 10, 1824. [Phebe Powers, Nov. 30. CR1]
- HALL, Andrew and Sally Forbes of Windsor, int. Sept. 30, 1798.
- HALL, Curtiss and Rachel Barns, June 14, 1820.*
- HALL, David of Blandford and Lucy Barns, int. Nov. 12, 1812.
- HALL, Elijah of Brunswick, OH, and Emma Baldwin, int. Dec. 20, 1818. [m. Jan. 12, 1819. PR6]
- HALL, Eliza and Elihu Pomeroy Jr., Nov. ––, 1808.
- HALL, Betsy and Timothy Twining, Oct. 26, 1809.
- HALL, Jesse and Nanny Publis, Aug. 26, 1788. [Nancy Pebble. CR1]
- HALL, Joel and Elisabeth Smith, Feb. 26, 1801. [Elizabeth. CR1]
- HALL, John Jr. of Loudon and Polly Bancroft, int. Oct. 10, 1805.
- HALL, Lucy and Selah Butler, June 17, 1789.
- HALL, Lucy E., d. William and Nancy, and Samuel Bates, farmer, of Blandford, b. Blandford, s. Kilbourn and ––––– of Blandford, June ––, 1844.
- HALL, Nancy and Jesse D. Hawley of Morgon, Ashdabula Co., OH, May 14, 1809. [Jessy D. of Morgan, NY, May 1. CR1]
- HALL, Rachel of Blandford and Zelotes Robinson, int. Sept. 28, 1809.
- HALL, Sarah and Seth Coe Jr., int. Nov. 22, 1819. [Sarah Hill, m. Nov. 21 sic. CR1]
- HALL, Susan and Joseph Williams, int. Dec. 5, 1809.
- HALL, William of Blandford and Nancy Parson, Nov. 20, 1823.
- HAMBLETON (Hamilton)
- HAMBLETON, James of Blanford and Mrs. Huldah Waters, int. Mar. 18, 1798. [m. Apr. 2. CR2]
- HAMILTON (Hambleton)
- HAMILTON, Elcina and John Osborn, Oct. 23, 1806.
- HAMILTON, Anna and Amos Baldwin Jr., –––––– [int. Nov. 14, 1805].
- HAMILTON, Anna and Isaac Bumpus of Cazenovia, Herkemer Co., NY, int. Feb. 1, 1806.
- HAMILTON, Daniel of Tolland and Catharine Coe, int. May 17, 1813. [m. Apr. 30 sic. CR1]
- HAMILTON, Diana of Tolland and Thomas J. Peebles of Tolland, Sept. 24, 1826.*
- HAMILTON, Dolly and Theodore Bushnell of Hartland, June 28, 1810.
- HAMILTON, Elizabeth and Salathiel Bumpus, May 5, 1791. [Elisabeth and Salathiel Bumpus Jr. CR1]
- HAMILTON, Esther, see Hester.
- HAMILTON, Eunice and Harvey Peebles [dup. Pebbles], Oct. 7, 1796.* [Peebles, Oct. 7, 1797. PR6]
- HAMILTON, Alcina, see Elcina.
- HAMILTON, Hester and John Baldwin, Nov. 11, 1792. [Esther. CR1]
- HAMILTON, Jonathan and Huldah Scoville, int. Oct. 20, 1798.
- HAMILTON, Laban D. and Harriet B. Robinson, int. May 31, 1829. [Mariett B., m. June 18. CR1]
- HAMILTON, Lois and John Seers, int. Oct. 23, 1798.
- HAMILTON, Loring and Emeline Morgan, int. July 22, 1827.
- HAMILTON, Pegga and Jonathan Wright, Mar. 17, 1788. [Peggy, Mar. 13. CR1]
- HAMILTON, Polly and Dr. Jabez Wright, Feb. 7, 1799.*
- HAMILTON, Mila A. [dup. omits A.] and Fredrick B. Hatch of Utica, NY, Apr. 25, 1825. [Mila N. and Fredrick B. Hatch of Utica, NY. CR1]
- HAMILTON, Rebekah and Jabish M. Phelps of Granby, int. Dec. 1, 1804.
- HAMILTON, Robert and Margrit Cooley, Jan. 1, 1767.*
- HAMILTON, Samuel W. and Sally Parsons, Mar. 9, 1824.
- HAMILTON, Sarah Ann of Tolland and Ethan Spelman, int. Feb. 26, 1824.
- HAMILTON, Thomas and Rebeckah Forbs, July 20, 1763.*
- HAMILTON, Thomas Jr. and Content Moor, Mar. 3, 1788.
- HAMILTON, Thomas and Mrs. Judith Underwood of Sandisfield, int. Oct. 25, 1801.
- HAMILTON, Wealthy and N. [int. Harvey, omits N.] Fairchild of Woodbury, CT, Jan. 5, 1824. [Welthy and N. Fairchild of Woodbury, CT. CR1]
- HANCOCK, Cynthia, see Synthicer Hickcox.
- HANNAHS, Maria of Bethlem, CT, and Jabez Adkins, int. Dec. 5, 1827.
- HARDIN (Harding)
- HARDIN, Isaac and Sarah Rogers, Oct. 27, 1791. [Harding. CR1]
- HARDING (Hardin)
- HARDING, Sarah, Mrs., and George Bidwell, June 13, 1809.
- HARDING, Timothy and Eliza Woolcot of Sandisfield, int. Nov. 7, 1805.
- HARGER, Fanny and Olsen C. Baldwin, May 25, 1825. [Orsen C. CR1]
- HARGER, Joel and Tabitha Coe, May 21, 1799. [Hargir and Tabathy Coe, May 23. CR1]
- HARGER, Joel D. and Nancy Belden, int. Apr. 18, 1830. [L.D. Harger, m. May 12. CR1]
- HARGER, Leander and Marcia Coe, int. Jan. 3, 1830. [m. Jan. 27. CR1]
- HARGER, Sarah [dup. Sally] and Albert G. [dup. J.] Smith of Hartland, CT, Nov. 6, 1825. [Sally and Albert Smith of Hartland, CT. CR1]
- HARMAN (Harmon)
- HARMAN, Paul Jr. of Suffield and Abigail Gillett, int. Mar. 6, 1831.
- HARMON (Harman)
- HARMON, Mary (Hasmon), d. Nathaniel and Mary (Skinner) of Suffield, and James Barlow Jr., only ch. James and Sarah Huxley, Apr. 1, 1714 [? in Suffield].* CR1
- HART, Henas and Polly Knox, ––– –– [rec. between Apr. 20 and Nov. 3], 1831.* PR6
- HART, Joseph P. of Farmington, CT, and Rosannah Goff, Mar. 9, 1825. [Joseph C. of Famington, CT, and Rosanna Goffe, Mar. 17. PR6]
- HARVEY, Elizebeth and Eliphalet Benedick, Aug. 23, 1795.*
- HARVEY, Betsey Payne [int. Betsy Paine] and Parsons O. Hayes [int. Rev. Orlin Parsons Hays], June 20 [int. July 18], 1817. [Betsey Payne Harvey and Rev. Parsons O. Hayes of Granville, OH, July 20. PR6]
- HARVEY, Lucy and Dr. Nathaniel Elmore, Oct. 29, 1797.
- HASKELL (Haskil, Haskill)
- HASKELL, Betsey of Blandford and Calvin Rose, int. May 1, 1803.
- HASKIL (Haskell, Haskill)
- HASKIL, Kisiah and John Rose, June 23, 1761.*
- HASKILL (Haskell, Haskil)
- HASKILL, Sarah and Nathan Rose, Mar. 22, 1767.*
- HASKINS (see Hoskins)
- HATCH, Bonson K. and Rosett M. Cande of Watertown, CT, int. Apr. 13, 1828.
- HATCH, Caroline E. and Samuel P. Gould of Rochester, NY, Oct. 2, 1827. [Caroline Elizabeth and Col. Samuel P. Gould of Rochester, NY. PR6]
- HATCH, Clarissa and Oliver Parsons, int. Aug. 18, 1806. [m. Sept. 13. PR6]
- HATCH, Frederick R. of Utica, NY, and Mila A. [dup. omits A.] Hamilton, Apr. 25, 1825. [Fredrick B. of Utica, NY, and Mila N. Hamilton. CR1]
- HAWLEY, Jesse D. and Lidia Root, May 6, 1799.
- HAWLEY, Jesse D. of Morgon, Ashdabula Co., OH, and Nancy Hall, May 14, 1809. [Jessy D. of Morgan, NY, May 1. CR1]
- HAYDEN, Cicero of Torringford and Sophia Squires, Aug. 6, 1809.
- HAYES (Hays, Hayse)
- HAYES, Ahoniam and Oliver Coe, int. Aug. 26, 1809.
- HAYES, Elihu of Granby, CT, and Theadocia Wright, int. Apr. 5, 1820. [Theodocia, m. May 6. PR6]
- HAYES, Milton of Granby, CT, and Elvira Marvin, May 25, 1832.* PR6
- HAYES, Parsons O. [int. Rev. Orlin Parsons Hays] and Betsey Payne [int. Betsy Paine] Harvey, June 20 [int. July 18], 1817. [Rev. Parsons O. Hayes of Granville, OH, and Betsey Payne Harvey, July 20. PR6]
- HAYES, Truman of Granby, CT, and Lavina Rose, int. Apr. 8, 1827.
- HAYS (Hayes, Hayse)
- HAYS, Chancey [int. Hayes] of Granby, CT, and Parney [int. Parna] Sevile Rose, Sept. 23, 1822. [Chauncy Hayes of Granby and Parney Sivila Rose. PR6]
- HAYS, Dudley Jr. [int. of Granby, CT.] and Naomi Rose, Mar. 14, 1816. [Hayes Jr. of Granby. PR6]
- HAYS, Harlow of Granby, CT, and Maritta Rose, Mar. 17, 1828. [Hayes of Granby, CT, and Marytta Rose. PR6]
- HAYS, Obadiah [int. of Granby, CT.] and Catherine Smith Selden, Nov. 23, 1819. [Hayes of Granby, CT, and Catherine Smith Seldon. PR6]
- HAYS, Sterling [int. Starling] of Granby, CT, and Florinda [int. Floranda] Buttles, May 1, 1822. [Sterling Hayes of Granby and Florenda Buttles. PR6]
- HAYSE (Hayes, Hays)
- HAYSE, Luther and Mahitable Baldwin, Nov. 20, 1797. [Hayes and Mahittabel Baldwin. CR1]
- HEACOCK (see Heckox, Hickcox, Hickox)
- HECKOX (Hickcox, Hickox)
- HECKOX, John of Batavia, Genesee Co., NY, and Mary Taylor, Jan. –– [int. Jan. 6], 1811.
- HENRY, James of Blanford and Polly Scott of Blanford, Dec. 26, 1799.* [Dec. 29. CR1]
- HENRY, Nelson of Springfield and Mary [dup. adds H.] Seymour, d. Alexander, May 13, 1846.* [Mary M. PR6]
- HICKCOX (Heckox, Hickox)
- HICKCOX, Cynthia, see Synthicer.
- HICKCOX, Synthicer and Perry Babcock, Apr. 15, 1787. [Synthia Hancock (?). CR1]
- HICKCOX, Reubin and Dorithy Austin, Aug. 12, 1767.*
- HICKCOX, Rufus and Lovisa Parsons, Aug. 12, 1787. [Heacock. CR1]
- HICKOX (Heckox, Hickcox)
- HICKOX, Loes and Gorge Pynchon, Jan. 25, 1763.*
- HICKOX, Sarah and Thomas Spelman, Mar. 28, 1732.*
- HIGLEY, Lyman and Mrs. Orvilla Rose, int. Feb. 13, 1825.
- HILL (Hills)
- HILL, Mary of Southwick and Abiather Lillie of Sturbridge, Nov. 9, 1791. [Mary of Granville and Abiathar Lilly of Sturbridge. CR1]
- HILL, Sarah, see Sarah Hall.
- HILLS (Hill)
- HILLS, Reuben and Electa Case, Jan. 25, 1812.*
- HILLS, William P. of Oneida Co., NY, and Julia Howe, Jan. 23, 1836.* PR6
- HINDS, Henry of Blandford and Anna Emerson of Blandford, Apr. ––, 1801.* PR6
- HINE, Jerry and Lucy Amada Dibol, Dec. 30, 1816.* [Lucy Amanda of Southwich, Dec. 31, in Southwich. PR6]
- HITCHCOCK, Amos of Blandford and Mary Loyd of Blandford, Apr. 17, 1787,* CR1
- HOAG, Timothy [int. of Laughkanick, NY] and Polly Gibbons, Oct. 29, 1816. [Timothy of Toughanock, NY. PR6]
- HOALCOMB (Holcomb, Holkcomb)
- HOALCOMB, Eldad [int. Holcomb of Simsbearey] and Michal Church, Dec. 23, 1756.
- HODGE, Alfred, farmer, s. Asa of Westfield, and Elizabeth F. Glazier, Dec. 24, 1846.*
- HODGE, Clarissa and Luther Church, int. Mar. 7, 1825.
- HODGE, Silas and Esther Alderman of Westfield, int. Dec. 7, 1828.
- HOFFEY, James and Mary Barlo, Oct. 7, 1762.*
- HOISINGTON (Hosington)
- HOISINGTON, Nathaniel and Abigail Coe, int. Jan. 25, 1811. [Hosington, m. Feb. 29. CR1]
- HOLCOMB (Hoalcomb, Holkcomb)
- HOLCOMB, Asa of Granby, CT, and Adah Strickland, Mar. 5, 1817.
- HOLCOMB, Candace and Clark Cooley Jr., Apr. 28, 1790.
- HOLCOMB, Dan of Southwick and Sibyl Drake, int. Feb. 21, 1808.
- HOLCOMB, Edgar, 26, cabinet maker, b. Granby, CT, s. Harlow of Granby, and Martha N. Gibbons, 22, spinster, d. Carlos and Almira, Dec. 30, 1847.*
- HOLCOMB, Edward and Elizabeth C. Gibbons, Jan. 12, 1847.* PR3
- HOLCOMB, Eldad Jr. and Elizabeth Cornwell, Jan. 14, 1789. [Jan. 15. CR1]
- HOLCOMB, John B., 25, whip maker, of Granby, CT, b. Granby, CT, s. Phyletus of Granby, and Lydia Gibbons, 28, d. Carlos, May ––, 1849.* [May 8. PR3]
- HOLCOMB, Michael and Zodock Cooley, Apr. 10, 1788. [Zadoc. CR1]
- HOLCOMB, Milo of Granby, CT, and Orpha Parsons, Apr. 10, 1828.
- HOLCOMB, Piety and Joseph Lamson, int. Oct. 4, 1801. [m. Oct. 28. PR6]
- HOLCOMB, Seth of Canadagua and Polly Gillet, Feb. 18, 1796.*
- HOLCOMB, Violet and Elijah Church ––– ––[rec. between Apr. 26 and Sept. 18], 1815.* [Violet of Southwich and Elijah Church of Granby, CT. PR6]
- HOLDIN, Ebenezer and Martha Holle, July 1, 1761.*
- HOLKCOMB (Hoalcomb, Holcomb)
- HOLKCOMB, Ruth and John Rose, May 9, 1745.*
- HOLLE, Martha and Ebenezer Holdin, July 1, 1761.*
- HOLMES, Stephen of New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., and Olive Tibbals, Sept. 21, 1825. [Stephen of Sheffield. PR6]
- HOOKER, Esther and Enoch Coe, Mar. 25, 1804. [Enos. CR1]
- HORTON, Enoch of Colebrook and Polley Manchester, int. Apr. 20, 1806.
- HORTON, Henry and Lidia Chapman of Suffield, CT, int. Nov. 4, 1816.
- HOSFORD, David and Hannah Bates, Mar. 1, 1810.* PR6
- HOSINGTON (Hoisington)
- HOSINGTON, Seth, 25, joiner, of Springfield, b. Gill, and Carolin Smith, 27, d. John F., June 10, 1847.*
- HOSKINS, Orrin of Washington and Celestia Spelman, int. Mar. 12, 1826.
- HOTCHKISS, Nancy and Harvey [int. Harry] Johnson of Woodbridge, CT, Oct. 1, 1826.
- HOUD, Betsy of Tolland and Rofus Hunt of Tolland, Nov. 12, 1824.*
- HOUGH, James and Phebe Stricland, Nov. 5, 1761.*
- HOUGHTON, George L. of Simsbury, CT, and Louisa R. Boise of Blandford, May 6, 1835, in Blandford.* PR6
- HOVEY (see Hoffey)
- HOW (Howe)
- HOW, Ephram and Damaras Seaward, Nov. 2, 1756.*
- HOWARD, John and Huldah Kibbe, int. Aug. 1 [Aug. 1 written above July 31], 1802.
- HOWARD, Polly and Thomas Burbank, Jan. 11, 1789. [Mary. CR1]
- HOWARD, Susanna and David Bates Jr., Jan. 1, 1794.*
- HOWE (How)
- HOWE, Ammasa P. and Julian Crocker, int. May 10, 1829. [Amasa Prosper Howe, m. May 26. PR6]
- HOWE, Ephraim Jr. and Abigail Gains, int. Jan. 23, 1803.
- HOWE, Julia and William P. Hills of Oneida Co., NY, Jan. 23, 1836.* PR6
- HOWE, Nancy and Orvin M. Perkins of Blandford, May 2, 1839.* PR6
- HUBBARD, Emily Jane and William Jewell of Rochester, NY, Jan. 17, 1832.* PR6
- HUBBARD, Julia and Charles Frederic Bates Esq. [int. of Southampton, Hampshire Co.], Mar. 5, 1818. [Charles F. Esq. of Southampton, Jan. 4. PR6]
- HUBBARD, Linus and Elvira Cooley, Nov. 13, 1832.* PR6
- HUBBARD, Lydia and George Cooley Jr., int. Sept. 3, 1809. [m. Oct. 2. PR6]
- HUBBARD, Mary and Samuell Warner, Oct. 24, 1751.*
- HUBBARD, Polly [int. of Tolland] and Chauncy Robinson, Apr. 19, 1820.
- HUBBARD, Ruth and Joseph Clark, July 27, 1767.*
- HUBBARD, Samuel and Mary Stow, Sept. 13, 1749.*
- HULETT, Asahel and Betsey Tillotson, int. Nov. 1, 1807. [Hulet, m. Nov. 29. PR6]
- HULIMAN, Hariot and Barnabas Whitney of Blandford, int. Sept. 2, 1804.
- HULL, Gideon 2d and Curranty Osborn of Hartland, int. Apr. 17, 1809.
- HULL, Hazard of Tolland and Marilla Mitchell of Tolland, Sept. 5, 1822.*
- HULL, John and Rebekkah Slocum, Apr. 28, 1791. [Rebecca. CR1]
- HULL, Peter of Farmington, CT, and Jerusha Stiles, int. June 3, 1804. [Peter of New Hartford, NY, and Gerusha Stiles, m. June 20. PR6]
- HULL, Robert and Sarah Slokum, Nov. 16, 1786.* CR1
- HUMPHREY, Timothy of CT and Rosanna Stewart of Tolland, Apr. 23, 1813.* CR1
- HUNGERFORD, Phebe of Hartland and William Peters Jr., Nov. 25, 1792.* CR1
- HUNT, John and Nancy Fitch of Becket, int. Mar. 22, 1818.
- HUNT, Rofus of Tolland and Betsy Houd of Tolland, Nov. 12, 1824.*
- HUNT, Zurviah and Charles Church, int. Oct. 14, 1809. [Zurviar, m. Nov. 30. CR1]
- HURLBURT, Laura, 22, of Sandisfield, b. Sandisfield, and John W. Chaflin, 25, farmer, of Sandisfield, b. Sandisfield, s. Abner and Anna of Sandisfield, Jan. 1, 1845.*
- HUXLEY, Sarah and James Barlow, "was in the land division of Suffield, then MA now, CT in 1670 to 1681," ––– ––, ––––.* PR1
- HYDE, George, see Willard Olcott.
- IVES, Roland of Southwich and Charlotte Chester, Oct. 5, 1809.* PR6
- JEWELL, William of Rochester, NY, and Emily Jane Hubbard, Jan. 17, 1832.* PR6
- JOHNSON, Harvey [int. Harry] of Woodbridge, CT, and Nancy Hotchkiss, Oct. 1, 1826.
- JOHNSON, Helen M., 18, b. Westfield, d. William of Westfield, and Philo A. Rockwell, 21, hotel keeper, of Westfield, b. Westfield, s. Almon, Apr. 23, 1848.* [Hellen M. of Westfield. PR6]
- JOHNSON, John of Luden and Rhoda Clark, int. Mar. 27, 1808.
- JOHNSON, Miran and Susan R. Parsons, Sept. ––, 1836.* CR1
- JOHNSON, Roxy and Roderick Spelman, int. Sept. 12, 1813.
- JOHNSON, Silas C., widr., 28, sawyer, s. Eli, and Maria P. Wheeler, 38, d. Isaac and Cinderilla, Feb. 19, 1846.*
- JONES, –––––, wid., and Joseph Kirby of Middletown, Aug. 23, 1788.* CR1
- JONES, Ama and John Clark of W. Springfield, Jan. 1, 1787.* CR1
- JONES, Samuel Jr. of Westfield and Elvira Rose, Feb. ––, 1844.*
- JONES, Sally and Abijah Gillet of Litchfield, NY, Feb. 12, 1798. [Feb. 11. PR6]
- JUDSON, Silas of Bridgewater, Oneida Co., NY, and Polly Murphy, Dec. 13, 1802.
- KASSON, Archabald Jr. of Granby and Polly Tillotson, int. May 9, 1801. [Archibald Casson of Granby, m. June 7. PR6]
- KASSON, Elisha of Colesville, NY, and Chloe Gillett, int. Apr. 15, 1827.
- KASSON, Marcus A. of Granby, Hartford Co., CT, and Mary Reynolds, int. Oct. 31, 1824.
- KEEP, Archibald W. and Mercy Giles of Blandford, int. Feb. 27, 1823.
- KEEP, Elizabeth M. and Oliver Nott, int. Apr. 4, 1830.
- KEEP, Polly G. and Homer W. Stedman, July ––, 1836.* CR1
- KEEP, Matthew Wolcott and Dorcas Osborn of Blandford, int. Jan. 14, 1826.
- KEEP, Roswell R. and Polly P. Stedman of Tolland, Apr. 3, 1821.
- KEEP, Sylvanus and Samantha Robinson, Jan. 15, 1790. [Melantha. CR1]
- KEEP, Sylvenus and Jane Stewart, int. June 1, 1800.
- KELLEY (Kelly)
- KELLEY, Hugh and Sarah Spelman, int. Mar. 20, 1803. [Sally, m. ––– ––, 1803. PR6]
- KELLEY, Mindwell [dup Kelly] and ––––– Case [dup. Coes] of Windsor, Dec. 20, 1796.* [Kelley and ––––– Cosa of Windsor, CT. PR6]
- KELLEY, Tirza and Vinson Cook, Nov. 27, 1828.
- KELLOGG, David, 23, merchant, b. Hartland [dup. adds CT], s. Charles of Hartland, CT, and Mariah [dup. Maria] Ann Clark, 23, Aug. 7, 1845.* [Mariah Ann. PR6]
- KELLOGG, Lovisa and Apollos Lambson, int. June 14, 1819.
- KELLOGG, Luna and Claudius L. Collins of Granby, CT, int. Apr. 18, 1830.
- KELLY (Kelley)
- KELLY, Martin and Tabatha Parsons, Mar. 31, 1796.*
- KELLY, Ormon, see Orman Shelly.
- KENT, Ezra Chester of Southwick and Clarrissa Wright, int. Jan. 3, 1814. [Clarissa, m. Feb. 14. CR1]
- KENT, John and Almira Baldwin, June ––, 1837.* CR1
- KENT, Josiah Jr. of Southwick and Lucinda Gillett, Jan. 16, 1810.
- KIBBE, Daniel of Loudon and Mercy Barns, Feb. 14, 1793 [Mary Barnes, Feb. 12. CR1]
- KIBBE, Huldah and John Howard, int. Aug. 1 [Aug. 1 written above July 31], 1802.
- KING, Cynthia P. of Suffield, CT, and Hiram B. Gibbons, int. Mar. 22, 1824.
- KING, Edmund and Clarissa Bancroft, int. Aug. 25, 1818.
- KING, Betsy of Blandford and Rodolphas Bancroft, int. Jan. 9, 1803.
- KING, Hannah of Blandford and John Bancroft Jr., int. Aug. 31, 1805. [m. Sept. 19. CR6]
- KING, Julius and Eliza Rose, int. Feb. 24, 1823. [m. Apr. 3. PR6]
- KING, Ruth B. and William Egglestone of Canton, CT, May 28, 1839.* PR6
- KING, Sarah Ann and Erastus L. Cook, int. Dec. 12, 1830.
- KING, Sybil C., 22, d. Edmund and Clarissa, and James H. Andrews, 24, farmer, s. Benjamin and Mary, May 9, 1845.* [Mar. 10. PR6]
- KIRBY, Joseph of Middletown and ––––– Jones, wid., Aug. 23, 1788.* CR1
- KIRTLAND, John of Suffield and Lucy Burbank, Aug. 28, 1788.* CR1
- KNEELAND, Isaac, Lt., of Lowdin, and Phelomelia Robinson, int. Sept. 1, 1799. [Philomela, m. ––– –– [rec. between Aug. 27 and Nov. 27]. PR6]
- KNIGHT, Zenas of Lisbon and Lois Couch, Oct. 20, 1791.
- KNOX, Curtiss of Blandford and Roevina Case of Lenox, Jan. 30, 1822.* CR1
- KNOX, Betsey of Blandford and Sylvanus Mitchel of Blandford, Nov. 9, 1803.*
- KNOX, Polly and Henas Hart, ––– –– [rec. between Apr. 20 and Nov. 3,], 1831.* PR6
- KNOX, Nathan of Blandford and Rachel Loyd of Blandford, Dec. 28, 1786.* CR1
- KNOX, Nathan of Russell, St. Lawrence Co., NY, and Damaris Rose, int. Feb. 8, 1824.
- KNOX, Orpah of Blandford and Anson Barns, int. Sept. ––, 1811.