Granville Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
Surnames L-R
Transcribed by Jeffrey Tooley
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Marriages in the Town of Granville, Hampden County, Massachusetts to the end of the year 1850".
Marriage records extracted from the "Vital records of Granville, Massachusetts to the Year 1850", Published By the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, At the Charge of the Eddy Town-Record Fund, Boston, Mass., 1914.
Granville Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850 - Surnames L-R
- LADD, Laura and Oliver Baker of Vernon, CT, int. Nov. 21, 1814. [m. Dec. 7. CR1]
- LAMBSON (Lampson, Lamson)
- LAMBSON, Apollos and Lovisa Kellogg, int. June 14, 1819.
- LAMBSON, Jesse and Mrs. Betsy Roby of Southwick, int, Feb. 20, 1814.
- LAMPSON (Lambson, Lamson)
- LAMPSON, Japhet, widr., 58, farmer, s. Jesse and Ruth, and Mary Messenger, wid., 51, of Granby, CT, d. Amisa Holcomb and Ruth of Granby, CT, Apr. 15, 1845.*
- LAMPSON, Jepthah and Polly Smith, int. Oct. 12, 1828.
- LAMSON (Lambson, Lampson)
- LAMSON, Joseph and Piety Holcomb, int. Oct. 4, 1801. [m. Oct. 28. PR6]
- LANE, Abigail and Chancey Stiles of Suffield, CT, int. Nov. 6, 1815. [m. Dec. 1. CR1]
- LANE, Enos of Hartland and Abigail Cornwell, Mar. 17, 1791. [Enos of Hartland, CT. CR1]
- LANE, Loring and Laura Goodwin, Jan. 1, 1817. [Loren. CR1]
- LANE, Loring Jr. [dup. omits Jr.], innkeeper, of Hartford, CT, s. Loring and Laura of Hartford, and Marytta Parson, 26, d. Joseph and Eliza, Nov. 27, 1845.* [Loring Jr. of Hartford, CT. CR6]
- LARMON, Simpson, see Simpson Forman.
- LEE, Maria of Middletown, CT, and George A. Parsons, int. Apr. 20, 1817.
- LEISTER, Lucy and Samuel Coe, ––– ––, [int. Sept. 25, 1805].
- LEONARD (Lonarde)
- LEONARD, Chester of Blanford and Anne Cockran of Blanford, Jan. 27, 1801.*
- LEONARD, Nathaniel of Suffield and Olive Tibbals, Jan. 8, 1788. [Nathaniel of Sheffield. CR1]
- LEWIS, George of W. Suffield, CT, and Emoline Spelman, int. May 10, 1829. [Emeline, m. May 27. CR6]
- LILLIE, Abiather of Sturbridge and Mary Hill of Southwick, Nov. 9, 1791. [Abiathar Lilly of Sturbridge and Mary Hill of Granville. CR1]
- LINSLEY, Russel of Branford, CT, and Nancy Squire, int. May 6, 1822. [Squires, m. May 20. CR1]
- LLOYD (Loyd)
- LLOYD, Alexander of Blandford and Clarissa Goodley, int. June 30, 1804.
- LLOYD, Darcas of Blanford and John Watson Jr. of Blanford, Mar. 6, 1796.*
- LLOYD, Jane [int. Mrs.] and William Foote [int. Foot of Chester], Oct. 2, 1815. [Jane and William Foote of Chester. PR6]
- LLOYD, Robert and Cynthia Moore, Oct. 26, 1809.*
- LONARDE (Leonard)
- LONARDE, Seth and Comfort Blancher, Nov. 14, 1771.*
- LOOMIS (Loomiss)
- LOOMIS, Ammarilla of Southwick and Horatio N. Wright, int. Nov. 30, 1828.
- LOOMIS, Aurelia of Southwick and James S. Rowell, int. Sept. 28, 1828.
- LOOMIS, Caroline L. and Roswell Warner of Barnard, VT, Sept. 5, 1841.* PR6
- LOOMIS, Charles of W. Springfield and Sarah Ann E. Seymour, Apr. 25, 1832.* PR6
- LOOMIS, Electa of Westfield and John Shepard of Westfield, Jan. 18, 1802.* PR6
- LOOMIS, Milton B. of Suffield, CT, and Eliza H. Gillet, Apr. 18, 1838.* PR6
- LOOMISS (Loomis)
- LOOMISS, Hannah and Gurdon Tillotson, Oct. 12, 1812, [Loomis. PR6]
- LOWEL, Polly and Harley Osborn of Litchfield, Dec. 22, 1820.* CR1
- LOYD (Lloyd)
- LOYD, Elizabeth and Robert Spelman, Jan. 11, 1787.* CR1
- LOYD, Mary of Blandford and Amos Hitchcock of Blandford, Apr. 17, 1787.* CR1
- LOYD, Rachel of Blandford and Nathan Knox of Blandford, Dec. 28, 1786.* CR1
- LUCE, Lorenzo of Canton, CT, and Charlotte A. Winchell, Sept. 6, 1837.* PR6
- MANCHESTER, Lois and Ebenezer Murphy of Brookfield, int. Nov. 23, 1807.
- MANCHESTER, Polley and Enoch Horton of Colebrook, int. Apr. 20, 1806.
- MANCHESTER, Sally and Robert Wilcox, int. Nov. 3, 1804.
- MANCHESTER, William and Susanah Eldridge, Jan. 18, 1809.
- MARKS, Dennis of Burlington, CT, and Almira M. Bacon, int. July 13, 1828. [m. ––– ––, 1828. PR6]
- MARSHAL (Marshall, Marshel)
- MARSHAL, Hannah [dup. Marshall] and Ezekiel Hale Jr., Sept. 16 [dup. Sept. 17], 1784.
- MARSHAL, Mary and James Fuller "of York State," Jan. 21, 1798.* CR1
- MARSHALL (Marshal, Marshel)
- MARSHALL, Almira A. and Rev. Tertius S. Clarke of Deerfield, Sept. 10, 1828.
- MARSHALL, Lucina of Tolland and Roger Morrison, Dec. 8, 1821.* CR1
- MARSHALL, Orpha M. and Patrick Boise, June 6, 1816. [Bois. CR1 Orpha and Patrick Boise Esq. PR6]
- MARSHALL, Thomas Henry of Hartford, Hartford Co., CT, and Nancy Phelps, int. Dec. 22, 1825. [Thomas N. of Hartford, CT, m. Jan. 5, 1826. CR1]
- MARSHEL (Marshal, Marshall)
- MARSHEL, Gaius and Polly Miller, Jan. 3, 1799.* [Marshall. CR1]
- MARSHEL, Susanna and Noah Brockway of Bristol, July 4, 1791. [Marshall, July 1. CR1]
- MARVIN, Almira and Willson Reed of Granby, CT, Aug. 15, 1832.* PR6
- MARVIN, Eliza N., 25, d. William and Harmon Colton, 22, joiner, of Granby, CT, b. Granby, CT, s. Samuel of Granby, Mar. 27, 1849.* [Cotton of Granby, CT. PR6]
- MARVIN, Elvira and Milton Hayes of Granby, CT, May 25, 1832.* PR6
- MARVIN, Jasper of Ontario Co., NY, and Comfort Monson, Jan. 31, 1793. [Jasper of Granville and Comfort Munson. CR1]
- MARVIN, Mary and Israel Parson, June 28, 1787.
- MARVIN, Mary Elma and Ammi Filley of Windsor, CT, Jan. 1, 1829.
- MARVIN, William, Capt., and Jemima Rose, int. Dec. 6, 1829. [Gemima, m. Dec. 23. PR6]
- MATHER, Charrity and Stephen Dormant of Wilberham, int. Oct. 18, 1807.
- MATHER, Lucy and Aulderton Pratt, Oct. 9, 1788 [? in Southwick]. [Lucy of Southwick and Aldeston Pratt. CR1]
- MATHER, Sally and Joshua W. Bartlett of Otis, Berkshire Co., int. Apr. 6, 1821.
- MAY, Eleazer of Westminster and Huldah Robinson, Sept. 23, 1792. [Elegar. CR1]
- McCULLUM, Catharine [dup. and int. Mclallam] and Eber Peters, May 23, 1787. [McCullom. CR1]
- McKINSLEY (see Mikindsley)
- MERRIAM, Elizur of Whitelake and Abigail Almeida Gibbons, Mar. 20, 1839.* PR6
- MERRILL, Ebenezer Esq. of Rowe and Sophia Coe, int. Apr. 19, 1829. [Morrill, m. May 17. CR1]
- MERRITT, Relief of Blandford and John Richards of Blandford, Jan. 31, 1822.*
- MERRY, Anna and Caleb Burt, Sept. 8, 1788.*
- MERRY, Luther and Amah Spelman, Feb. 7, 1788. [Murry (?) and Anna Spelman. CR1]
- MESSENGER, Betsy of Berkhempsted and Noah Gilbert of Blanford, Mar. 28, 1793.
- MESSENGER, Mary, wid., 51, of Granby, CT, d. Amisa Holcomb and Ruth of Granby, CT, and Japhet Lampson, widr., 58, farmer, s. Jesse and Ruth, Apr. 15, 1845.*
- MIKINDSLEY, Betsey and Jabez Smith, int. May 17, 1807.
- MILLAR (Miller)
- MILLAR, George Fredrick of Hartland and Issabeth Millar, ––– –– [rec. between June 17 and Aug. 27], 1789.* CR1
- MILLAR, Issabeth and George Fredrick Millar of Hartland, ––– –– [rec. between June 17 and Aug. 27], 1789.* CR1
- MILLER (Millar)
- MILLER, Amos, Capt., of Middletown, CT, and Miranda Miller, Dec. 27, 1826.
- MILLER, Eliakim and Rhoda Pratt, Dec. 30, 1790.
- MILLER, Eunice and Aaron Torrey of Poultney, Rutland Co., VT, Jan. 3, 1799.
- MILLER, Hannah and Joseph Moor, Oct. 28, 1784.*
- MILLER, Isaac, Lt., and Hannah Robinson, int. Dec. 2, 1797.
- MILLER, Jerusha and Ransom Williamson, int. Dec. 10, 1797.
- MILLER, Jesse and Lois Miller, Feb. 10, 1804.
- MILLER, Joseph and Ledah Stow, Dec. 6, 1752 [? in Middletown].*
- MILLER, Lois and Jesse Miller, Feb. 10, 1804.
- MILLER, Lucinda and Isaac Hale, int. May 7, 1810.
- MILLER, Marcellus C. of Otis, Berkshire Co., and Charity Clark of Tolland, Apr. 19, 1821.*
- MILLER, Polly and Gaius Marshel, Jan. 3, 1799.* [Marshall. CR1]
- MILLER, Polly and Cornel Coe of Middletown, int. Oct. 7, 1810. [Cornal of Middletown, m. Nov. 15. CR1]
- MILLER, Miranda and Capt. Amos Miller of Middletown, CT, Dec. 27, 1826.
- MILLER, Persis and Luke Winchell, Sept. 14, 1826.
- MILLER, Phile and Joseph Moor of Blanford, int. Feb. 9, 1800.
- MILLER, Phebe and Samuel Steadman Jr., Feb. 19, 1789. [Millar and Samuel Stedman Jr. CR1]
- MILLER, Rebeckah, d. Joseph and Lydia, and Elijah Rose, s. John and Ruth, Jan. 9, 1777.*
- MILLER, Recompence and Eunice Root of Southwick, int. July 22, 1798.
- MILLER, Sally and John Northrop of Tyringham, Jan. 7, 1798.
- MILLER, Timothy Jr. and Susanna Roberts, Apr. 1, 1798. [Susannah. CR1]
- MILLER, Timothy B. and Sally Baldworn of Hartland, int. Aug. 24, 1807.
- MILLER, Warham of Pomfret, VT, and Rhoda Smith, int. Aug. 19, 1809. [Millar of Pomfret, VT, m. Oct. 9. PR6]
- MILLS, Chauncey and Merinda Moore, June 26, 1806.
- MILLS, Jedediah and Mabel Barns, Apr. 23, 1791. [Jedidiah and Mabel Barnes, Apr. 23, 1793. CR1]
- MILLS, John, Hon., and Emily Foote of Southwich, Nov. 23, 1818, in Southwich.* PR6
- MILLS, Lucy and David Scillinger Osbourn of Granby, Apr. 26, 1805.
- MINER, Christopher of Stonington, CT, and Fanny Steward, int. Jan. 7, 1824.
- MINER, Elisha F. of Blandford and Adoline J. Spelman, Nov. 8, 1837.* PR6
- MINER, Joseph, joiner, b. Stonington, CT, s. Adam, and Jane Spelman, 28, d. Roderick, May 28, 1849.* [Joseph F. PR6]
- MINER, Melissa L., d. A., and James W. Spelman, farmer, s. R., June ––, 1843.*
- MINER, Nancy M., d. Adam, and Dr. Henry K. Spelman, s. Roderick, June ––, 1843.*
- MINER, Nathaniel P., farmer, s. Adam and –––––, and Abigail T. Parsons, d. Levi and –––––, Mar. ––, 1844.*
- MINER, Phinehas Esq. of Litchfield, CT, and Eliza Parsons, Feb. 28, 1821. [Minor Esq. and Elisa Parsons, Feb. 1. CR1]
- MINER, Priscilla of Blandford and Luman B. Parsons, int. Jan. 31, 1830.
- MINER, Thomas Jr. of Colebrook and Sally Snow, int. Jan. 1, 1809.
- MITCHEL (Mitchell)
- MITCHEL, Sylvanus of Blandford and Betsey Knox of Blandford, Nov. 9, 1803.*
- MITCHELL (Mitchel)
- MITCHELL, Marilla of Tolland and Hazard Hull of Tolland, Sept. 5, 1822.*
- MONSON (Munson)
- MONSON, Comfort and Jasper Marvin of Ontario Co., NY, Jan. 31, 1793. [Munson and Jasper Marvin of Granville. CR1]
- MONSON, Jese and Meraum Rowley, Apr. 22, 1767.*
- MONTAGUE, Velah of Bridgewater, VT, and Electa Winter of Blandford, Jan. 11, 1787.* CR1
- MOOR (Moore)
- MOOR, Content and Thomas Hamilton Jr., Mar. 3, 1788.
- MOOR, Joseph and Hannah Miller, Oct. 28, 1784.*
- MOOR, Joseph of Blanford and Phile Miller, int. Feb. 9, 1800.
- MOOR, Rachel and John Fowler, July 15, 1787. [Rachael. CR1]
- MOORE (Moor)
- MOORE, Asher and Experience Everitt of Granby, int. Mar. 12, 1797.
- MOORE, Cynthia and Robert Lloyd, Oct. 26, 1809.*
- MOORE, Frances, see ––––– Moore.
- MOORE, ––––– and Joseph M. Forward, ––– ––[rec. between Feb. 27 and Apr. 26, 1815].* [Frances of Southwich and Capt. Joseph M. Forward, ––– ––[rec. between Feb. 27 and Apr. 26], 1815. PR6]
- MOORE, John H., 22, manufacturer, of Springfield, s. David and Lucy of Springfield, and Margaret Phelon, 20, d. Gad and Lovanah, May 30, 1844.*
- MOORE, Laura and William Slocum, Nov. 21, 1805.
- MOORE, Maria L. of Torringford, CT, and Jonathan Whitney, int. Aug. 26, 1827.
- MOORE, Merinda and Chauncey Mills, June 26, 1806.
- MOORE, Martha and Julius Fowler of Durham, Middlesex Co., CT, Dec. 18, 1803.
- MOORE, Reynold Marvin and Mary Robinson, Oct. 30, 1754.*
- MOORE, Roger Sherman Esq. of Southwick and Sarah Ann Root, Sept. 6, 1841.* PR6
- MOORE, Sophronia of Tolland and Lorenzo Gunner (?), Mar. 16, 1836.* CR1
- MOORE, Thomas and Jane Tibbals, Jan. 16, 1772.*
- MOORE, William C. of Torringford, CT, and Sibyl S. Drake, int. Mar. 25, 1827.
- MORGAN, Elihue of Blandford and Clarissa Farnam, ––– ––[int. Dec. 5, 1806].
- MORGAN, Emeline and Loring Hamilton, int. July 22, 1827.
- MORGAN, Sewall of Russell, NY, and Clarissa Peters, Jan. 31, 1811. [Sewal. PR6]
- MORRILL, Ebenezer, see Ebenezer Merrill.
- MORRISON, Roger and Lucina Marshall of Tolland, Dec. 8, 1821.* CR1
- MOSES, Harriett and Nathaniel Haley, Dec. ––, 1836.* CR1
- MOSES, Martin Jr. and Hannah Rose, May 29, 1813.
- MOSES, Stephen G. of Hartford, CT, and Mary H. Atkins, d. Josiah and A., Dec. ––, 1843.*
- MOTT, Asahel B. of Philadelphia, PA, and Mary B. White, int. Nov. 25, 1822.
- MOTT, Charles and Maria Culver, int. Nov. 12, 1815.
- MOTT, David (Mott ?) of Blandford and Abigail Green of Blandford, Apr. 17, 1787.* CR1
- MOTT, Ebenezer and Luna Cooley, Sept. 21, 1812. [Sept. 22. PR6]
- MOTT, Luna and Ormond Rose, Sept. 14 [int. Sept. 21], 1814. [Orman of Granville, Ohio, Sept. 14. PR6]
- MUNN, Olever and Susanah Ball, Jan. 29, ––––.*
- MUNSON (Monson)
- MUNSON, Edward and Nancy Ann Squier, June 2, 1836.* CR1
- MUNSON, Jared and Annorah Hale, June 10, 1762.*
- MURPHY, Ebenezer of Brookfield and Lois Manchester, int. Nov. 23, 1807.
- MURPHY, Polly and Silas Judson of Bridgewater, Oneida Co., NY, Dec. 13, 1802.
- MURRY, Luther, see Luther Merry.
- NEWBURY, Chauncey of Bloomfield, CT, and Sophia E. Seymour, d. Ardon, Jan. 26, 1847.* [Chauncy Newberry of Bloomfield, CT. PR6]
- NEWELL, Solomon of Barkhamsted, CT, and Sally Stedman, int. Oct. 11, 1807.
- NEWTON, Anna of Russell and Silas Butter of Blandford, May 31, 1802.* PR6
- NEWTON, Pliny and ––––– Dibol, Nov. 29, 1815.* [Plinney and ––––– Dibol of Southwich. PR6]
- NOBLE, Hannah of Blandford and Almon Peebles, int. Sept. 23, 1827.
- NOBLE, John of Blandford and Irene Robinson, int. Jan. 12, 1815. [Nobles and Irena Robinson, m. Jan. 28. CR1]
- NOBLE, Olive of Blandford and Oren Robinson, int. Oct. 18, 1818.
- NOBLE, Orville, 26, farmer, s. Reuben, and Caroline A. Bates, 26, d. C.F., Nov. 25, 1846.*
- NOBLE, Rowland of Blandford and Roxy Frost, int. Sept. 29, 1817.
- NOBLE, Sarah A., 20, d. Reuben, and Orsamus L. Gibbons, 22, farmer, s. Lucius, May 21, 1848.*
- NORTHROP, John of Tyringham and Sally Miller, Jan. 7, 1798.
- NORTHWAY, Achsah L. and William Bowers of Hartland, CT, int. May 10, 1829. [m. May 25. PR6]
- NORTHWAY, Aurilla, see Orrilla.
- NORTHWAY, Orrilla and Josephus Rose, Sept. 19, 1813. [Aurilla. PR6]
- NORTHWAY, Charles and Marytta Williams, int. Dec. 3, 1826.
- NORTHWAY, Eliza and Aaron Spelman, Sept. 11, 1808. [Eliza, 18, and Aaron Spelman, 17. PR6]
- NORTHWAY, Elnora and Jacob S. Root, May 3, 1842.* PR4
- NORTHWAY, Ira and Betsey Spelman, int. July 27, 1807. [m. Aug. 27. CR6]
- NORTHWAY, Jeremiah and Mina Spelman, Dec. 8, 1814. [Jermiah. PR6]
- NORTON, Amy and Benjamin Franklin, Sept. 12, 1826.
- NORTON, Clarisse of Loudon and Heman Dibble of Granby, Nov. 27, 1788.* CR1
- NORTON, Freegrace of Southwick and Cloe Swetman [dup. Sweatman], Dec. 29, 1796.* [Sweatman, Dec. 29, 1797. PR6]
- NORTON, Jerusha and Asa Gleason, Nov. 11, 1762.*
- NORTON, Thomas of Southwick and Mrs. Polly Bigelow, int. Mar. 8, 1806. [m. Apr. 16. PR6]
- NOTT, Oliver and Elizabeth M. Keep, int. Apr. 4, 1830.
- NUGEON, William T. [int. Neugeon] of Hartland [int. adds Hartford Co., CT,] and Sophronia Cornwell, May 8, 1823. [Newgeon of Hartland and Sophronia Conwill. CR1]
- OLCOTT, Willard of Stafford, CT, and Lovice Bradley, int. Oct. 17, 1830. [George Hyde of Stafford, CT, and Lovicy Bradly, m. Nov. 16. PR6]
- OLMSTEAD, Susannah and William Peters, Jan. 1, 1787.*
- OSBORN (Osbourn)
- OSBORN, Curranty of Hartland and Gideon Hull 2d, int. Apr. 17, 1809.
- OSBORN, Dorcas of Blandford and Matthew Wolcott Keep, int. Jan. 14, 1826.
- OSBORN, Harley of Litchfield and Polly Lowel, Dec. 22, 1820.* CR1
- OSBORN, John and Elcina Hamilton, Oct. 23, 1806.
- OSBORN, Levey of Hartland, Hartford, Co., CT, and David Fox Jr., int. Mar. 8, 1806.
- OSBOURN (Osborn)
- OSBOURN, David Scillinger of Granby and Lucy Mills, Apr. 26, 1805.
- OWEN, Polly, Mrs. [dup. int. omits Mrs.], and Wyllis [int. and dup. int. Wyllys] Taylor of Hartland [int. adds Hartford Co., int. and dup. int. add CT.] Apr. 26, 1824. [Sally and Willis Taylor of Hartland, CT. CR1]
- PALMER, Squire of Russell and Polly Williams of Russell, Nov. 4, 1801.* PR6
- PALMER, Wealthy and William Beverly, Mar. 29, 1826.
- PARKER, Clarissa and George Smith of Blandford, int. Sept. 28, 1804.
- PARKER, Electa of Southwick and Alexander Seymour, int. Dec. 30, 1816.
- PARKER, Lydia and William B. Robinson, int. Feb. 3, 1812. [m. Feb. 8. CR1]
- PARKER, Susanah and Luman Spelman, int. Feb. 19, 1809.
- PARMELEE (see Pormeley)
- PARSONS, Abigail T., d. Levi and –––––, and Nathaniel P. Miner, farmer, s. Adam and –––––, Mar. ––, 1844.*
- PARSONS, Abner Jr. and Anstris Targee, Nov. 2[?], 1789.
- PARSONS, Almira and James Cooley, June ––, 1805. [James Esq., June 13. PR5 PR6]
- PARSONS, Chancey and Amanda F. Coe, int. Dec. 6, 1817.
- PARSONS, David and Rebeckah Robinson, Nov. 4, 1756.*
- PARSONS, David Jr. and Lucy Root, Dec. 14, 1788. [Dec. 11. CR1]
- PARSONS, Dennison and Wealthy Parsons, Mar. 19, 1809.
- PARSONS, Desdamonia [int. Desdemony] and Richard Tew [int. of Blandford], July 8, 1819.
- PARSONS, Eliza and Phinehas Miner Esq. of Litchfield, CT, Feb. 28, 1821. [Elisa and Phnehas Minor Esq., Feb. 1. CR1]
- PARSONS, Elizabeth and Walson Gibbons, Apr. 30, 1834.* PR6
- PARSONS, George A. and Maria Lee of Middletown, CT, int. Apr. 20, 1817.
- PARSONS, Israel and Mary Marvin, June 28, 1787.
- PARSONS, Israel M. and Marcia Curtiss, Apr. 29, 1824. [Isreal M. PR6]
- PARSONS, Joel and Phebe Parsons, Feb. 10, 1793. [Phebe Robinson. CR1]
- PARSONS, Joseph and Eliza Phelps, Jan. 7, 1813.
- PARSONS, Levi and Abigail [dup. and int. Nabby] Ward, Oct. 7, 1802. [Parson and Abigal Ward. CR1]
- PARSONS, Loviannah and Gad Phelon of Blandford, Nov. 14, 1816.*
- PARSONS, Lovisa and Rufus Hickcox, Aug. 12, 1787. [Heacock. CR1]
- PARSONS, Luman B. and Priscilla Miner of Blandford, int. Jan. 31, 1830.
- PARSONS, Marietta, see Marytta.
- PARSONS, Marytta and Benjamin Stebbins Esq. of W. Springfield, int. Mar. 9, 1818. [m. July 3. PR6]
- PARSONS, Marytta, 26, d. Joseph and Eliza, and Loring Lane Jr. [dup. omits Jr.], innkeeper, of Hartford, CT, s. Loring and Laura of Hartford, Nov. 27, 1845.* [Loring Jr. of Hartford, CT. PR6]
- PARSONS, Mary and John Remminton, Mar. 1, 1761.*
- PARSONS, Mary E. and James A. Curtiss of Durham, Ct, int. Oct. 11, 1829. [Mary C. and James A. Curtis of Durham, CT, m. Nov. 5. CR1]
- PARSONS, Mary E. and Lyman W. Cowdry of Hartford, CT, Aug. 7, 1841.* PR6
- PARSONS, Nancy and William Hall of Blandford, Nov. 20, 1823.
- PARSONS, Nathan and Sarah Bancroft, Nov. 13, 1766.*
- PARSONS, Nathan and Lucy Bartlett of Wilbraham, int. Aug. 30, 1813.
- PARSONS, Nathan C. and Elsemene Peebles, Oct. 6 [dup. Sept. 6], 1825. [Nathan Curtiss Parsons and Elsemone Peebles, Sept. 6. CR1]
- PARSONS, Noah of Sherburn, MY, and Anna Sharp, ––– ––, [int. Jan. 22, 1804] [Parson, ––– ––, 1804. CR1]
- PARSONS, Oliver and Clarissa Hatch, int. Aug. 18, 1806. [m. Sept. 13. PR6]
- PARSONS, Orpah and Rufus Rose, Jan. 15, 1803.
- PARSONS, Orpha and Milo Holcomb of Granby, CT, Apr. 10, 1828.
- PARSONS, Otis and Chloe Phelps of Huntington, int. Dec. 1, 1814.
- PARSONS, Phillip [int. Philip], Sir, Sidney and Eliza Bula Coe, June 24, 1822. [Sidna P. CR1]
- PARSONS, Phebe and Joel Parsons, Feb. 10, 1793. [Phebe Robinson. CR1]
- PARSONS, Phebe of Tolland and Ezekiel Belden, Sept. 17, 1812.* CR1
- PARSONS, Phebe and Amos Hall of Blandford, Nov. 10, 1824. [Phebe Powers, Nov. 30. CR1]
- PARSONS, Sally and Samuel W. Hamilton, Mar. 9, 1824.
- PARSONS, Sophronia, see Saphronia.
- PARSONS, Saphronia and Noah Cooley, int. Aug. 16, 1819. [Sophronia, m. Sept. ––. CR1]
- PARSONS, Susan P. and Harvey Griswold of Suffield, Hartford Co., CT, Nov. 18, 1819.
- PARSONS, Susan R. and Miran Johnson, Sept. ––, 1836.* CR1
- PARSONS, Tabatha and Martin Kelly, Mar. 31, 1796.
- PARSONS, Wealthy and Dennison Parsons, Mar. 19, 1809.
- PARSONS, William S.L. of Wintonbury, CT, and Mrs. Lavinia A. Duncan of Tolland, July 4, 1826.*
- PEASE, Joanna of Southwick and William Smith of Southwick, June 21, 1787.* CR1
- PEBBLE (Peebles)
- PEBBLE, Nancy, see Nanny Publis.
- PECK, Jabes of New Marlborough and Marcy Snow, Mar. 27, 1804.
- PEEBLES (Pebble)
- PEEBLES, Almon and Hannah Noble of Blandford, int. Sept. 23, 1827.
- PEEBLES, Elizabeth and Joseph Remington, Apr. 14, 1824.*
- PEEBLES, Elsemene and Nathan C. Parsons, Oct. 6 [dup. Sept. 6], 1825. [Elsemone and Nathan Curtiss Parsons, Sept. 6. CR1]
- PEEBLES, Harvey [dup. Pebbles] and Eunice Hamilton, Oct. 7, 1796.* [Peebles, Oct. 7, 1797. PR6]
- PEEBLES, Lester of Charleston, OH, and Ann Waterman of Blandford, May 15, 1821.* [m. in Blandford. PR6]
- PEEBLES, Sylvester and Crucia Cannon of Blandford, int. Dec. 2, 1822.
- PEEBLES, Thomas J. of Tolland and Diana Hamilton of Tolland, Sept. 24, 1826.*
- PEEBLES, William and Sarah Carnahan of Blandford, int. Apr. 25, 1830. [Connahan (?) of Blandford, m. May 13. CR1]
- PELTAN, Ephram and Marah Spelman, Apr. 25, 1754.*
- PENDLETON, Polly and John Coe, Sept. 27, 1795.*
- PENFIELD, Isaac and Miriam Robinson, Dec. 2, 1786.* CR1
- PENFIELD, Polly and Abijah Sturdevant of Sandisfield, May 21, 1789. [Sturdivant. CR1]
- PERKINS, Horace of Southwick and Eliza Granger, int. Apr. 11, 1830.
- PERKINS, Orvin M. of Blandford and Nancy Howe, May 2, 1839.* PR6
- PETERS, Clarissa and Sewall Morgan of Russell, NY, Jan. 31, 1811. [Sewal. PR6]
- PETERS, Eber and Catharine McCullum [dup. and int. McIallam], May 23, 1787. [McCullom. CR1]
- PETERS, Susanna and Lyman Williams, Feb. –– [int. Feb. 17], 1812.
- PETERS, William and Susannah Olmstead, Jan. 1, 1787.*
- PETERS, William Jr. and Phebe Hungerford of Hartland, Nov. 25, 1792.* CR1
- PHELON, Cyrus, 28, farmer, s. John and –––––, and Lucy Wells, 23, d. Calvin and –––––, Apr. 4, 1844.*
- PHELON, Gad of Blandford and Loviannah Parson, Nov. 14, 1816.*
- PHELON, Margaret, 20, d. Gad and Lovanah, and John H. Moore, 22, manufacturer, of Springfield, s. David and Lucy of Springfield, May 30, 1844.
- PHELPS, Almira of Southwick and Dudly D. Sacket, int. Dec. 23, 1827.
- PHELPS, Charity of Windsor, CT, and Silvanus Tinker, int. Nov. 21, 1827.
- PHELPS, Chloe of Huntington and Otis Parsons, int. Dec. 1, 1814.
- PHELPS, Eliza and Joseph Parsons, Jan. 7, 1813.
- PHELPS, Isaac Jr. of Granby and Rhoda Bancroft, Sept. 20, 1798. [Isaac of Granby, CT. PR6]
- PHELPS, Jabish M. of Granby and Rebekah Hamilton, int. Dec. 1, 1804.
- PHELPS, John and Betsy Boies of Blanford, Feb. 9, 1792.*
- PHELPS, John of Colebrook, Litchfield Co., and Statira Graves, int. Oct. 3, 1802. [Clarissa, m. ––– ––, 1802. PR6]
- PHELPS, Marca and Emerson E. Baker, Oct. 31, 1832.* CR1
- PHELPS, Milo, 29, farmer, of Otis, s. Stephen and Sally of Otis, and Esther E. Farnum, 27, d. Justin, Nov. 25, 1847.*
- PHELPS, Nancy and Thomas Henry Marshall of Hartford, Hartford, Co., CT, int. Dec. 22, 1825. [Thomas N. of Hartford, CT, m. Jan. 5, 1826. CR1]
- PHILIPS, Alaxander and Ruth Strong, Oct. 30, 1785.*
- POMELEY, Hannah and Noah Robinson, Nov. 8, 1758.*
- POMEROY (Pomery, Pomroy)
- POMEROY, Abigail, Mrs., of Suffield, and Samuel Gains, int. Feb. 17, 1805.
- POMEROY, Eleazer and Loe Cornwell, June 10, 1805.
- POMEROY, Elihu Jr. and Eliza Hall, Nov. ––, 1808.
- POMEROY, Seymour of Franklin, NY, and Clarissa Harlow Gibbins, int. Feb. 13, 1803.
- POMERY (Pomeroy, Pomroy)
- POMERY, Abigal Whelock and Josiah Dwight Graves of Belchertown, Feb. 5, 1799. [Abigail Wheelock Pomeroy. CR1]
- POMROY (Pomeroy, Pomery)
- POMROY, Eliakim of Suffield, CT, and Lucy K. Gibbons, Nov. 30, 1826. [Eleakim Pomeroy of Suffield, CT. PR6]
- PORTER, Abigail and Alexander Stewart, Jan. 3, 1788. [Steward. CR1]
- PORTER, Almira, see Almira Fowler.
- PORTER, Rachel of Hartland and William Barns, Apr. 28, 1791. [Rachel of Hartland, CT, and William Barnes. CR1]
- POTTER, Pierpont and Cynthia Butler of Tolland, int. Apr. 15, 1822.
- POWERS, Phebe, see Phebe Parsons.
- PRATT (Prott)
- PRATT, Aaron and Roxana Woolworth, wid., Jan. 31, 1788. [Wolworth. CR1]
- PRATT, Aulderton and Lucy Mather, Oct. 9, 1788 [? in Southwick]. [Aldeston and Lucy Mather of Southwick. CR1]
- PRATT, Julia and Lyman Seymour of Sandisfield, int. Apr. 15, 1811. [m. Apr. 28. PR6]
- PRATT, Olive and John Tibbals, Aug. 22, 1764.*
- PRATT, Olney of Collinsville, CT, and ––––– Sage, July 14, 1839.* PR6
- PRATT, Rhoda and Eliakim Miller, Dec. 30, 1790.
- PRATT, Sarah and David Coe, Sept. 9, 1785.*
- PRATT, Silas and Tamson Snow, int. Sept. 16, 1804.
- PRATT, Tabitha and Agariah Bancroft, Nov. 17, 1791.* CR1
- PRATT, Worthy and Floreny Case of Otis, Berkshire Co., int. July 15, 1811.
- PRIEST, Sylvester, see Sylvanus Twist.
- PROTT (Pratt)
- PROTT, Mary and Eleaser Strong, Jan. 31, 1788. [Pratt. CR1]
- PUBLIS, Nanny and Jesse Hall, Aug. 26, 1788. [Nancy Pebble. CR1]
- PUFFER, Hiram and Amanda Bumpus, int. Apr. 23, 1807.
- PYNCHON, Gorge and Loes Hickox, Jan. 25, 1763.*
- QUINTARD, William of Norwalk, CT, b. Norwalk, CT, s. William and –––––, and Lydia E. Treat, May 13, 1846.*
- RANEY (Ranney)
- RANEY, Elijah and Mary Cook, Mar. 2, 1763.*
- RANNEY (Raney)
- RANNEY, Betsey [int. Betsy] and Reuben Ranney [int. of Ashfield, Franklin Co.], Oct. 6, 1817. [Betsey and Rueben Ranney. PR6]
- RANNEY, Lucretia of Chatham, CT, and Lyman Rose, int. Mar. 13, 1825.
- RANNEY, Orrin of Chatham and Betsy Gibbons, Nov. 20, 1810. [Betsey. PR6]
- RANNEY, Reuben [int. of Ashfield, Franklin Co.] and Betsey [int. Betsy] Ranney, Oct. 6, 1817. [Rueben and Betsey Ranney. PR6]
- RANNEY, Sarah S., 22, d. Reuben and Betsey, and J. Austin Scott, widr., 29, merchant, of Maumee City, OH, July 7, 1847.*
- READ (Reed)
- READ, Melinda and George Taylor, Jr., int. Feb. 14, 1807.
- REED (Read)
- REED, Willson Granby, CT, and Almira Marvin, Aug. 15, 1832.* PR6
- REMINGTON (Remminton)
- REMINGTON, Fanny and William P. Barns, Dec. 25, 1809.
- REMINGTON, Hannah and Simon Clark, Apr. 17, 1817.* CR1
- REMINGTON, Hulah and Jacob Green Frost, int. Oct. 25, 1807.
- REMINGTON, John and Sally Tuttle, Jan. 20, 1809.
- REMINGTON, Joseph and Elizabeth Peebles, Apr. 14, 1824.*
- REMINGTON, Josiah and Sally Sherman, int. Feb. 14, 1807.
- REMINGTON, Lyman of Hartland, Ct, and Elvira M. Dickinson, Nov. ––, 1843.* [Nov. 1. PR6]
- REMINGTON, Mary and Daniel Wells Dormant, Nov. 8, 1807.
- REMINGTON, Stephen of Suffield and Ama Gillett, int. Nov. 3, 1799. [Amy Gillet, m. Nov. 27. PR6]
- REMMINGTON (Remington)
- REMMINGTON, John and Mary Parsons, Mar. 1, 1761.*
- REXFORD, Steuben Esq., 33, lawyer, of Syracuse, NY, b. Syracuse, NY, s. John of Syracuse, and Elizabeth R. Cooley, 24, d. Noah, Feb. ––, 1849.*
- REYNOLDS, Mary and Marcus A. Kasson of Granby, Hartford Co., CT, int. Oct. 31, 1824.
- RICE, Charity, Mrs., of W. Springfield, and Kellogg Clark, int. Aug. 12, 1814.
- RICHARDS, John of Blandford and Relief Merritt of Blandford, Jan. 31, 1822.*
- RILEY, Catharine, Mrs., and Allen Case of Canton, CT, int. Mar. 4, 1816. [m. Mar. 5. CR1]
- RISING, Abner Jr. of Litchfield, NY, and Jane Coe, Mar. 4, 1802. [Mar. 2. CR1]
- RISLEY, Hannah of Gill and Joseph Strickland, int. Nov. 7, 1805.
- ROBERTS, Statira and Hosea Cooley, int. July 29, 1811.
- ROBERTS, Susanna and Timothy Miller Jr., Apr. 1, 1798. [Susannah. CR1]
- ROBINS, Almeda, see Almeda Robinson.
- ROBINSON, Abigal and Benjamin Barnes Jr., Dec. 30, 1799.
- ROBINSON, Alice and Enos Boies of Blanford, Apr. 1, 1799. [Allis and Enos Bois of Blandford. CR1]
- ROBINSON, Almeda and Isaac Ward 2d of Pittsfield, Berkshire Co., int. Dec. 1, 1817. [Robins and Isaac Ward of Westfield, m. Dec. 5. CR1]
- ROBINSON, Catharine and Rev. Publius Vergilius Booge of Winchester, Mar. 2, 1791. [Mrs. Catharine and Rev. Publius Virgilius Booge of Winchester, CT. CR1]
- ROBINSON, Chauncy and Polly Hubbard [int. of Tolland], Apr. 19, 1820.
- ROBINSON, Clarinda and Jacob Colton Jr. of Longmeadow, Jan. 3, 1827.
- ROBINSON, Clarissa and Adam Blair of Blandford, int. Feb. 4, 1810. [Adam Jr. of Blandford, m. Mar. 1. CR1]
- ROBINSON, Destimance and Ezra Baldwin Jr., July 19, 1787. [Destimona. CR1]
- ROBINSON, Elezur and Betsy Baldwin, May 27, 1805.
- ROBINSON, Elizur and Patty Buttles, Dec. 29, 1813. [Dec. 9. PR6]
- ROBINSON, Betsey and Jeremiah Barnes Jr., int. Apr. 3, 1803.
- ROBINSON, Emma E. and Capt. Ethan Coe, June 5, 1826.
- ROBINSON, Hannah and Lt. Isaac Miller, int. Dec. 2, 1797.
- ROBINSON, Harriet B. and Laban D. Hamilton, int. May 31, 1829. [Mariett B., m. June 18. CR1]
- ROBINSON, Hezekiah and Rebeckah Cooley of Longmedowe, int. Dec. 22, 1799.
- ROBINSON, Huldah and Rev. Sylvester Sage of Westminister, Jan. 20, 1791. [Mrs. Orpha and Rev. Sylvester Sage of Westminster, VT. CR1]
- ROBINSON, Huldah and Eleazer May of Westminster, Sept. 23, 1792. [Elegar. CR1]
- ROBINSON, Irene and John Noble of Blandford, int. Jan. 12, 1815. [Irena and John Nobles, m. Jan. 28. CR1]
- ROBINSON, Julia and Harvey Stebbins of Brunswick, OH, Nov. 24, 1818.
- ROBINSON, Linus and Parna Veal, June 28, 1795.*
- ROBINSON, Lois L., 23, d. Orin, and David A. Bordurthy, 28, joiner, of W. Springfield, b. W. Springfield, s. Alden (Bodurthy) of W. Springfield, May 3, 1848.*
- ROBINSON, Laurinda H. and Watson E. Boise of Blandford, Feb. 23, 1832.* PR6
- ROBINSON, Lucinda and Jacob Ward Esq. of Brunswick, OH, int. Dec. 3, 1818. [m. Dec. 16. CR1]
- ROBINSON, Marietta B., see Harriet B.
- ROBINSON, Mary and Reynold Marvin Moore, Oct. 30, 1754.*
- ROBINSON, Mary C. and Thrall Blair [int. of Blandford], Mar. 12, 1820.
- ROBINSON, Melantha, see Samantha.
- ROBINSON, Miriam and Isaac Penfield, Dec. 2, 1786.* CR1
- ROBINSON, Naomi and Newton Colton of Longmeadow, Oct. 21, 1823.
- ROBINSON, Noah and Hannah Pormeley, Nov. 8, 1758.*
- ROBINSON, Orpha, see Huldah.
- ROBINSON, Orpha N., see Orpha H.
- ROBINSON, Orpah H. and Oliver Woodford of Farmington, int. Mar. 31, 1812. [Orpha N., m. Apr. 5. CR1]
- ROBINSON, Oren and Olive Noble of Blandford, int. Oct. 18, 1818.
- ROBINSON, Phelomelia and Lt. Isaac Kneeland of Lowdin, int. Sept. 1, 1799. [Philomela, m. ––– ––[rec. between Aug. 27 and Nov. 17]. PR6]
- ROBINSON, Phebe, see Phebe Parsons.
- ROBINSON, Rebeckah and David Parsons, Nov. 4, 1756.*
- ROBINSON, Ruth and John Wright, Oct. 7, 1768.*
- ROBINSON, Samantha and Sylvanus Keep, Jan. 15, 1790. [Melantha. CR1]
- ROBINSON, Samuel and Prudence Brockway, Jan. 11, 1786.*
- ROBINSON, Seth and Maley Coe, Aug. 24, 1797. [Mala, Aug. 22. CR1]
- ROBINSON, Sophia and Joseph B. Elmore, Sept. 27, 1795.*
- ROBINSON, Timothy [dup. Timithey Roberson] and Catharine Roes [dup. Cartheran Roos], Feb. 13, 1755.*
- ROBINSON, William B. and Lydia Parker, int. Feb. 3, 1812. [m. Feb. 8. CR1]
- ROBINSON, Zelotes and Rachel Hall of Blandford, int. Sept. 28, 1809.
- ROBY, Betsy, Mrs. Southwick, and Jesse Lambson, int. Feb. 20, 1814.
- ROCKWELL, Joel and Manimia Clark of Windsor, CT, int. July 14, 1823.
- ROCKWELL, Philo A., 21, hotel keeper of Westfield, b. Westfield, s. Almon, and Helen M. Johnson, 18, b. Westfield, d. William of Westfield, Apr. 23, 1848.* [Hellen M. of Westfield. PR6]
- ROES (Rose)
- ROES, Catharine [dup. Cartheran Roos] and Timothy Robinson [dup. Timithey Roberson], Feb. 13, 1755.*
- ROGERS, Alva of Colebrook and Lydia William, int. Feb. 28, 1808.
- ROGERS, Bela and Mina Hale, Apr. 4, 1808.
- ROGERS, Ithuriel and Betsey Dodge, Oct. 5, 1800.
- ROGERS, John S., see J.S.
- ROGERS, John and Diodemia Beach of Hartland, CT, int. Feb. 11, 1801.
- ROGERS, J.S., 28, farmer, b. Westfield, s. John, and M.S. Stocking, 22, d. Halsey, Mar. 9, 1849.* [John S. and Mariah L. Stocking. PR6]
- ROGERS, Lucy M., 18, b. Westfield, d. John, and Jared V. Carpenter, 22, shoemaker, b. Granby, CT, s. John D. of CT, Dec. 31, 1849.*
- ROGERS, Martin and Betsy Scoville, Oct. 9, 1798.
- ROGERS, Sarah and Isaac Hardin, Oct. 27, 1791. [Harding. CR1]
- ROGERS, Thomas and Ruth Snow, int. Apr. 8, 1810.
- ROOT, Anna and Jess Spelman, int. Dec. 16, 1799. [Jesse, m. Dec. ––. PR6]
- ROOT, Clarissa and Bela Bancraft, int. Oct. 12, 1809. [Bancroft, m. Nov. 29. PR6]
- ROOT, Eunice of Southwick and Recompence Miller, int. July 22, 1798.
- ROOT, Horace of Westfield and Mary C. Bancroft, int. Apr. 25, 1830. [m. May 20. PR6]
- ROOT, Jacob S. and Clarimond Spelman, Apr. 9, 1839.* PR4
- ROOT, Jacob S. and Elnora Northway, May 3, 1842.* PR4
- ROOT, James and Sally Cadwell of Granby, int. Jan. 16, 1814.
- ROOT, Joel and Salley Ensign, int. Jan. 22, 1804. [Sally, m. Feb. 16. PR6]
- ROOT, Joel and Clarissa Ensign, Mar. 13, 1811.
- ROOT, John Jr. and Avis Spencer, wid., Mar. 20, 1788.
- ROOT, Lucy and David Parsons Jr., Dec. 14, 1788. [Dec. 11. CR1]
- ROOT, Lydia, see Lidia.
- ROOT, Lidia and Jesse D. Hawley, May 6, 1799.
- ROOT, Lyman and Margaret Barlow, Dec. –– [int. Dec. 6], 1814.
- ROOT, Matthew L. of Paynesville, OH, and Emily Andrews, July 9, 1839.* PR6
- ROOT, Sarah Ann and Roger Sherman Moore Esq. of Southwick, Sept. 6, 1841.* PR6
- ROOT, Sibbel and Edmond Barlow, June 3, 1762.* [Sibyl, d. John of Hebron, CT, and Lt. Edmund Barlow, ch. James, Jr. and Mary (d. Nathaniel Hasmon [sic, Harmon] and Mary (Skinner) of Suffield). PR1]
- ROOT, Silas and Meriam Spelman, June 29, 1808. [Rev. Silas and Miriam Spelman, Apr. 11. PR6]
- ROSE (Roes)
- ROSE, Aaron and Wealthy Dibble of Granby, int. Jan. 24, 1808.
- ROSE, Abigail and Ebenezer Smith, Feb. 12, 1767.*
- ROSE, Abigail and Levi Woolworth, Jan. 8, 1794.*
- ROSE, Abigail and Elijah Strickland, Feb. 11, 1798.* [Feb. 7. PR6]
- ROSE, Anne [int. Anna] and Moses Cooley, May 14, 1814. [Arta PR6]
- ROSE, Calvin and Betsey Haskell of Blandford, int. May 1, 1803.
- ROSE, Christopher and Thankfull Babcock, Oct. 31, 1820.
- ROSE, Damerous and John Spelman Jr., June 14, 1764.*
- ROSE, Damaris and Nathan Knox of Russell, St. Lawrence Co., NY, int. Feb. 8, 1824.
- ROSE, Daniel and Achsah Ball, June 25, 1747.*
- ROSE, Elijah, s. John and Ruth, and Rebeckah Miller, d. Joseph and Lydia, Jan. 9, 1777.*
- ROSE, Eliza and Julius King, int. Feb. 24, 1823. [m. Apr. 3. PR6]
- ROSE, Elizabeth, see Elisebeth.
- ROSE, Elisebeth and Aaron Spelman, Apr. 22, 1762.*
- ROSE, Elvira and Samuel Jones Jr. of Westfield, Feb. ––, 1844.*
- ROSE, Emily Ann 34, d. Peter and Anna, and Elijah C. Spelman, widr., 46, farmer, s. Elijah and Polly, Feb. 22, 1848.* [Elijah Chapman Spelman. PR6]
- ROSE, Giles and Hannah Adkins of Hartland, CT, int. Sept. 25, 1804.
- ROSE, Hannah and Martin Moses Jr., May 29, 1813.
- ROSE, Hiram and Sabra Cooley, Apr. 29, 1790.
- ROSE, Huldah and Ritchard Spelman, Dec. 25, 1771.*
- ROSE, Isaac and Lovisa Clark, Apr. 10, 1817. [Lovicy. PR6]
- ROSE, Jemima and Capt. William Marvin, int. Dec. 6, 1829. [Gemima, m. Dec. 23. PR6]
- ROSE, John and Ruth Holcomb, May 9, 1745.*
- ROSE, John and Kisiah Haskil, June 23, 1761.*
- ROSE, Josephus and Orrilla Northway, Sept. 19, 1813. [Aurilla. PR6]
- ROSE, Justus and Ruth Dewey of Westfield, int. Dec. 6, 1810.
- ROSE, Justus Jr. and Sarah W. Bancroft, Sept. 28 [dup. Sept. 18; int. Sept. 25], 1815. [Sept. 18. PR6]
- ROSE, Lavina and Truman Hayes of Granby, CT, int. Apr. 8, 1827.
- ROSE, Levi Jr. and Polly Stow, int. Aug. 31, 1805. [m. Sept. 16. PR6]
- ROSE, Lucy and Ethan Bancroft, int. Jan. 22, 1804. [m. Feb. 9. PR6]
- ROSE, Lydia, Mrs., and Jesse Woolworth of W. Springfield, Mar. 16, 1761. [Wolcott of W. Springfield. CR1]
- ROSE, Lyman and Lucretia Ranney of Chatham, CT, int. Mar. 13, 1825.
- ROSE, Mariamne and Reuben J. Atkins of Westspringfield, int. Mar. 12, 1826. [Mariomme Ross and Reuben I. Atkins of W. Springfield, m. Mar. 30. CR1]
- ROSE, Maritta and Harlow Hays of Granby, CT, Mar. 17, 1828. [Marytta and Harlow Hayes of Granby, CT. PR6]
- ROSE, Polly and David W. Bancroft, Jan. 21, 1808.
- ROSE, Mehitable and Jesse Thrall, Jan. 25, 1791. [Mehitabel and Jesse Thrall of Rutland. CR1]
- ROSE, Naomi and Dudley Hays Jr. [int. of Granby, CT], Mar. 14, 1816. [Hayes Jr. of Granby. PR6]
- ROSE, Nathan and Sarah Haskill, Mar. 22, 1767.*
- ROSE, Olive and John Tibbals, Mar. 28, 1759.*
- ROSE, Oliver and [int. Mrs.] Wealthy Rose, Dec. 5, 1822. [Wealthy. PR6]
- ROSE, Ormond and Luna Mott, Sept. 14 [int. Sept. 21], 1814. [Orman of Granville, OH, Sept. 14. PR6]
- ROSE, Orpha and Alpheus Bancroft, Mar. 20, 1817. [Orpah. PR6]
- ROSE, Orvilla, Mrs., and Lyman Higley, int. Feb. 13, 1825.
- ROSE, Parney [int. Parna] Sevile and Chancey Hays [int. Hayes] of Granby, CT, Sept. 23, 1822. [Parney Sivila Rose and Chauncy Hayes of Granby. PR6]
- ROSE, Peter and Jemima Day of Westfield, int. Oct. 14, 1798.
- ROSE, Peter and Anner Wilcox of Symsbury, int. Oct. 18, 1801.
- ROSE, Phineas and Sarah Gillett, Jan. 1, 1782.*
- ROSE, Roswell and Anna Griffin of Granby, int. Mar. 6, 1797.
- ROSE, Rufus and Orpah Parsons, Jan. 15, 1803.
- ROSE, Ruth and Silas Winchel, int. Mar. 31, 1799.
- ROSE, Salem P. and Laurilla S. Graves, Apr. 9, 1829. [Salem Patric Rose and Laurilla P. Graves. PR6]
- ROSE, Seth and Sarah Bates, Nov. 29, 1789.
- ROSE, Silas and Esther Frost, int. Apr. 26, 1818.
- ROSE, Wealthy [int. Mrs.] and Oliver Rose, Dec. 5, 1822. [Wealthy. PR6]
- ROSS, Mariomme, see Mariamne Rose
- ROWELL, James S. and Aurelia Loomis of Southwick, int. Sept. 28, 1828.
- ROWELL, Mabel and Asaph Goddard of Granby, Dec. 25, 1833.* PR6
- ROWELL, Narcissa and Jared Granger of Newhaven, CT, int. Mar. 29, 1824.
- ROWLEY, Meraum and Jese Monson, Apr. 22, 1767.*
- RUSSELL, Thomas of Russell and Phoebe Todd of Russell, Dec. 5, 1822.* [Phebe of Russell, m. in Russell. PR6]