Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Sangamon County, Illinois
Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Illinois by Mrs. Harriet J. Walker, Reprinted for the web.
In the preparation of this work, every effort has been made to obtain the records of these soldiers, to verify them, and to ascertain their places of burial. This has been accomplished in various ways, by ascertaining the names of all who were pensioned and where the application was made. This does not always locate the burial place owing to the changing of the boundary lines of the counties of the state, making it necessary to obtain from the U. S. Treasury department the time and place of payment of the last pension.
Revolutionary War Graves of Soldiers Buried in Sangamon County Illinois:
On October 19, 1911, the 130th anniversary of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis, the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution of Springfield, dedicated a bronze tablet upon which were the names of the soldiers of the War for Independence who are buried in Sangamon county. The tablet was placed upon the base of one of the stone columns at the south entrance of the court house. The exercises were held in the circuit court room which has become memorable in the history of Sangamon county. Col. Charles F. Mills, president of the S. A. R. of Springfield, presided at the meeting and introduced the speakers.
Invocation--Rev. George C. Dunlop.
Song (Quartet)--America
Introductory Remarks--Col. Charles F. Mills, President Sons of the American Revolution. Greetings from the State of Illinois--Hon. Charles S. Deneen, Governor of Illinois. Greetings from Illinois Daughters of the American Revolution--Mrs. George A. Lawrence, State Regent.
Historical Sketch of the Revolutionary Soldiers buried in Sangamon county--Mrs. Edwin S. Walker.
Song--"Freedom's Sons," words by Mrs. George Clinton Smith. Tune, "Illinois."
Dedicatory Address--Hon. William A. Northcott.
Poem--Mrs. George Clinton Smith.
Presentation of the Tablet to Sangamon County--Mrs. James H. Paddock, Regent, Springfield Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution.
Unveiling of the Tablet, by Mary Lawrence Radcliff, and Harold C. George, descendants of Joel Maxey, and Philip Crowder.
Acceptance of the Tablet on behalf of Sangamon County--B. L. Barber, Esq., Chairman of Board of Supervisors.
ISAAC BAKER was born in Fredericktown, Maryland. He served as a fifer during the last two years of the war. It is not known in what regiment he served. The Maryland records are far from complete. He came to Illinois in 1828, settling in Rochester township where he died in 1848, aged 96 years. So thoroughly was he imbued with the spirit of patriotism, that in the Harrison campaign of 1840, at the advanced age of 88 years, yet with the ardor of a lad, he rode through the streets of Springfield in a log cabin drawn by thirty-two yoke of oxen; the cabin was lined with deer and coon skins, while the barrel of cider with which the campaigners were regaled, spoke eloquently of the apple crop in the forties. Isaac Baker is buried in the Rochester cemetery. "County and Family Histories."
MOSES BROADWELL was a native of New Jersey, born in Elizabethtown, in 1764. He entered the army when a mere lad, serving a limited time near the close of the war in the Third New Jersey Regiment under Col. Elias Dayton, 1780. He came to Illinois in 1820, settling near Pleasant Plains, where he died in 1827. He is buried in Oak Ridge cemetery, Springfield. "New Jersey in the Revolution."
GEORGE BRYAN--A native of North Carolina, born in 1758. When quite young, he removed with his parents to Virginia and from there to Kentucky in 1781. He rendered service in defending the Fort, which was named in his honor, against an attack by the Indians. The bravery of one of the young maidens exhibited during this attack of the Indians, won the heart of young Bryan, and a wedding followed in the early antumn. In 1834, Mr. Bryan came to Sangamon county with his children and grandchildren, dying in 1845, and is buried in the Woodside burying ground. He was pensioned.
JOHN BURTON--Born in Mecklinburg county, Virginia, in 1761, enlisted from that county in 1780, for three months in Capt. Asa Oliver's company, Col. Charles Fleming's regiment, and again in 1781, for three months in Stephen A. Berry's company, Virginia troops. He was at the siege of Yorktown. A pension was granted him in 1833, then a resident of Sangamon county. He died here in 1839; is buried in Chatham township. He was pensioned.
ENOS CAMPBELL--A Scotchman, early espoused the cause of the Colonies, enlisting in New Jersey, serving six years, for which service he was pensioned. After the war he removed to Pennsylvania and from there to Ohio, thence to Sangamon county in 1835, settling in Gardner township. Mr. Campbell lies buried in Salisbury township. He was pensioned.
CHRISTIAN CARVER--A native of Northampton county, Pennsylvania, born in 1759, entered the service in Surrey county, North Carolina, serving three months from August, 1777, in Capt. Henry Smith's company, and again for the same length of time, November, 1777, in Capt. John Crouse's company. Mr. Carver removed to Sangamon county, where he died and is buried in Clear Lake township. His widow, a second wife, received a pension at his death.
BAZEL, or BARZILLA CLARK, was born in Pennsylvania in 1750; he was married in 1773 to Nancy -- -- --, who endured peculiar hardships during the war, being confined in a fort where for two weeks she subsisted on parched corn and water. Bazel Clark acted as private in Pennsylvania Militia, Washington county, Pennsylvania. They came to Sangamon county in 1821, settling in Salisbury township, where he died September 24, 1840. "Pennsylvania Archives."
MICHAEL CLIFFORD--Born in New Jersey in 1759, enlisted in North Carolina in 1775, serving to the close of the war, was attached to Capt. John Johnson's company in Col. Francis Locke's regiment, was in the battle of Pedee river, and the expedition against the Cherokees in Tennessee. After his death in Sangamon county, Illinois, in 1835, his widow was allowed his pension.
PHILIP CROWDER--Born near Petersburg, Virginia, in 1759, was a true patriot. An elder brother was drafted for the service, but as he had a family, Philip volunteered to serve in his place. Mr. Crowder was present at the surrender of Cornwallis. He was pensioned while living in Sangamon county in 1833, he died in 1844, and is buried in a family burying ground west of the city of Springfield.
AQUILLA DAVIS was born in St. Mary's county, Maryland. He was early taken by his parents to Farquier county, Virginia. He enlisted March 19, 1781, under Lieuts. Robert Craddock, and Luke Cannon, with Col. Thomas Posey, in the Virginia line of troops. Aquilla Davis came to Illinois in 1820, settling near Elkhart; he removed to Fancy Creek township, then back to Elkhart, where he died August 15, 1831. From the family records. it appears that he was buried in Wolf Creek cemetery in Sangamon county. He was pensioned.
JAMES DINGMAN--Born in Northampton county, Pennsylvania, in 1758, entered the service there in 1778, in Captain John Van Etten's fourth compay, Col. Jacob Stroud's regiment, sixth battalion. Near Riverton in Sangamon county, in a family burying ground, rises a marble shaft which marks his last resting place, bearing the following inscription: "James Dingman died September 3rd, 1836, aged 79 years, 11 months and 3 days; a Revolutionary patriot who fought the battles of this country without reward save a consciousness of duty well done." "Pennsylvania in the Revolution."
ROBERT FISK was one among those who heard the toesin of the American Revolution sounded April 19, 1775, at Lexington, Mass., his place of residence. Serving as a "minute man," he later enlisted for the entire war, was a sergeant in Capt. Joshua Walker's company, David Green's regiment. He was pensioned while a resident of Sangamon county, Illinois. The date of his death is not known.
JAMES HAGGARD was born in Albermarle county, Virginia, in 1757. He enlisted from that county in 1780, and again in 1781 in Col. John Lindsey's regiment. Capt. John Henderson's company. He came to Sangamon county, Illinois, to reside and died in Gardner township in 1843, and is buried in that township. A stone marks his grave. He was pensioned.
WILLIAM HAILE served in the war from Virginia, Richmond county. He was also retained in the service after the close of the war, and was killed by the Indians in 1832. He came to Sangamon county, Illinois, and is probably buried there. "Virginia and Pension Records."
EZEKIEL HARRISON was a soldier in the Virginia line of troops; he was wounded in the battle of Point Pleasant. Coming to Illinois with his wife, three sons and one daughter, in 1822, he settled in Cartwright township, where he died in 1836, and is buried on the farm where he settled. His father, Thomas Harrison, was the founder of Harrisonburg, Virgina. "Virginia Records."
THOMAS JAMES served in the war from Pennsylvania. He came to Sangamon county, Illinois, and died in Rochester November 2, 1833. He was pensioned. "Pennsylvania Archives."
WILLIAM JONES was born in Dansbury, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, March 13, 1744, but enlisted in the New Jersey line of troops in 1774 for one year with Capt. John B. Scott. He again enlisted in 1775 with Capt. John Seward, and Col. Ephraim Martin for five months, and he also served as waiting man for Gen. Putnam. He was in the battle of White Plains. He came to Sangamon county, Illinois. "Pension Reports."
JOHN LOCKRIDGE was born in Augusta county, Virginia. He early enlisted in the service, and was in many battles, principally Guilford Court House, and the Cowpens. In 1835 he came to Sangamon county, Illinois, with four sons and four daughters, settling in Ball township, where he died in 1848, aged 87 years. He was pensioned.
ABRAM LUCAS was born in 1756 in Pennsylvania. He enlisted in Capt. Brinton's company, Col. Lachlen McIntosh's regiment, serving four months on the frontier of Pennsylvania and also during an expedition against the Indians. He served as an Indian spy. He removed to Sangamon county, Illinois, and in 1836 he applied for a pension which was not granted, as he had served less than six months. "Pension Reports."
THOMAS MASSIE was born in Albermarle county, Virginia, where he entered the service. At the close of the war he removed to Kentucky, and from there to Sangamon county, Illinois, settling in Curran township, where he died in 1835, and is buried in the Salem burying ground in Curran. He was pensioned.
JOEL MAXCY was born in Rockingham county, Virginia, in 1761. He enlisted in the Virginia line of troops, and was in the battle of Guilford Court House. He removed to Kentucky, and from there to Sangamon county, Illinois, where he died in 1844, aged 83 years. His memory of distinguished officers was clear. He is buried in the old Salem burying ground, where a government marker is placed at his grave. He was pensioned.
PETER MILLINGTON was a native of faraway Vermont, and was in the service from that state, accompanying Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold on their expedition to Quebec, was taken prisoner, but when he was released he again entered the service, enlisting under Capt. William Hutchin's company. He was made sergeant, and later lieutenant. He came to Ohio, and from there to Sangamon county, Illinois, settling in Cotton Hill township. He only lived a short time, and is buried in the township where he settled with his son. "Vermont in the Revolution" and "Family History."
JOHN PEAKE was born in 1756 in Fairfax county, Virginia. He enlisted for six months under Capt. Henry Lee. Owing to ill health he was discharged, but having recovered his health, he again enlisted in September, 1777, for three months under Capt. Benjamin Harrison, Major Martin Pickett. He removed to Kentucky and was there granted a pension in 1833. He removed to Sangamon county, Illinois, in 1730, settling in Salisbury, where he died December 21, 1841, and was buried in the old Salisbury burying ground, where his grave can still be seen. He was pensioned. John Peake kept a diary for many years which is of great interest. He never married.
WILLIAM PENNY was born in North Carolina in 1751. He served as captain of a cavalry company, and passed through great privations during the war. He removed to Pope county, Illinois, and from there to Sangamon county, settling on Richland Creek, where he died, and is buried in the Richland cemetery, Cartwright township. A stone marks his grave. He was pensioned.
GEORGE PULLIAM came from Virginia, where he served in the war. He was granted a tract of land for his services. He came to Sangamon county, Illinois, and is doubtless buried there. "Virginia Records."
JOHN PURVINES was a native of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, born in 1763, enlisted in North Carolina, serving three years under Cols. William Davis and Wade Hampton, with Capts. James White, William Penny, and Robert Burns. He was in the battle of Camden and in the last skirmish of the revolution, at Stono Ferry, South Carolina. He was given a pension after residing in Sangamon county, he died in 1833, and is buried in the Richland cemetery, Cartwright township.
WILLIAM RALSTON was a native of Virginia, enlisted there when young, was present at the surrender of Cornwallis; he removed to Kentucky, and in 1828, came to Gardner township, Sangamon county, Illinois. He died in 1835, and is buried in the Morgan cemetery, Gardner township. He was pensioned.
THOMAS ROYAL was born in Manchester, England, 1758. Coming to America, he, with a comrade, enlisted in the war for Independence. The friend was instantly killed in battle and Mr. Royal was wounded in the ankle. At the close of the war, he removed from Virginia to Ohio, and from there to Ball township, Sangamon county, Illinois, where he died in 1834, is buried in the Brunk cemetery, Ball township. He was pensioned.
JOHN STRINGFIELD was born in North Carolina about 1760. He served in the North Carolina troops, and was in the battle of King's Mountain, October 7, 1780. He came to reside in Sangamon county in December, 1821, but only lived nine days, dying January 5, 1822. He lies buried nine miles northeast of Springfield. "Family History."
JOHN WHITE was in the Pennsylvania line of troops in Capt. Benjamin Loxley's company. He enlisted in 1776, was pensioned while a resident of Sangamon county, Illinois, died here October, 1853, aged 92 years.
WILLIAM CASSADY and JAMES WADDELL are said to have served in the war, and both are buried in Rochester. "Traditional Records."
There were present at the unveiling ceremony, descendants of more than half the soldiers whose names are engraved upon the tablet; aged men and women came from long distances to attend the exercises given in honor of their Revolutionary ancestors.
Related Revolutionary War Records;
- 1818 Pensioners of the United States: Illinois Territory
- 1820 Pension List: Illinois
- 1835 Illinois Pension Roll
- 1840 Illinois Census of Pensioners
- Illinois Pensioners Of Revolutionary War Struck Off The Roll