New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Henderson County, Illinois

Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Illinois by Mrs. Harriet J. Walker, Reprinted for the web.

In the preparation of this work, every effort has been made to obtain the records of these soldiers, to verify them, and to ascertain their places of burial. This has been accomplished in various ways, by ascertaining the names of all who were pensioned and where the application was made. This does not always locate the burial place owing to the changing of the boundary lines of the counties of the state, making it necessary to obtain from the U. S. Treasury department the time and place of payment of the last pension.

Revolutionary War Graves of Soldiers Buried in Henderson County Illinois:

BENJAMIN BLANKENSHIP was from Hampton, Virginia. He enlisted in 1777, serving in Capt. Anthony Singleton's company, and Col. Charles Harrison's regiment. He was in the battle of Camden. He removed to Ohio and in 1836 came to Warren county, Illinois. He died in 1844 and is buried in Henderson county. He was pensioned.

SAMUEL CHAPIN was from Vermont, where he served in 1777 in Capt. Parmelee Allen's company; he also served from June 16 to July 10, 1778, in Capt. Samuel Robinson's company, and Col. Samuel Herrick's regiment. He again served in Capt. Joseph Safford's company, and Col. Ebenezer Walbridge's regiment, from August 2, to August 8, 1781. He removed to New York, then to Pennsylvania, and from there to Indiana, and about 1839 to Knox county, Illinois. He died in Henderson county, and is buried in the Oquaka cemetery. He was pensioned.

DAVID FINLEY was born in Belfast, Ireland, March 9, 1761. Coming to America when a lad, he enlisted in Capt. Samuel Miller's company, and Col. Aeneas Mackey's Eighth Regiment, Pennsylvania troops. He was in the battles of Brandywine and Germantown. In 1818 he was in Clarke county, Indiana, but removed to Warren county, Illinois. He died September 3, 1838, and is buried near Oquaka, Henderson county. He was pensioned.

EARL FRIZZELL was from Massachusetts, where he served in the war. He came to Henderson county, Illinois, where he applied for a pension. "Pension Reports."

DAVID LYNN was born in Connecticut in 1764; he enlisted in 1780 under Capt. Marvin Lord, and Lt. William Lynn (his brother), in Col. Herman Swift's regiment. About 1832 he removed to Warren county, Illinois. He is buried near the Old South Henderson Presbyterian Church. He was pensioned.

DANIEL McMILLAN was a soldier from South Carolina. He was born in 1752, and died in Henderson county, Illinois, August 1, 1838. "Family Records."

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