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Holmes County Ohio Obituaries Extracted From The Holmes County Republican, Millersburg, Ohio, 1856-1859

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1856-1859 Obituaries from the Holmes County Republican in Millersburg, Holmes County Ohio.

CLEAR, Michael, Obituary

An old Sailor named Michael Clear died at Greenwich, Conn., last week. In 1810 he was a sailor before the mast, but during the war of 1812 he was captain of the foretop on board the Constitution. Capt Clear aided in taking the Guerriere under Cora Hull, the Java under Com. Bainbridge, and the Cyane and Levant under Com. Stewart. ' The brave old salt after his sailing days were over held the position of sailing master at the Brooklyn Navy yard. [Holmes County Republican, (Millersburg, Oh.), April 22, 1858]

GREIG, John, Obituary

The Hon. John Greig, of Canandaigua, died on the 9th, aged 70. He was one of the early settlers of Western New York, and for thirty years one of the Regents of the University of New York. When Mr. Granger was appointed Postmaster General, Mr. Greig accepted a seat in Congress as his successor, but he soon retired. He was a native of Scotland, a gentleman of wealth and high social position, and when Louis Phillippe, was on exile in this country, in the time of the first Napoleon, he is said to have been especially indebted to Mr. Greig for hospitality and friendship. [Holmes County Republican, (Millersburg, Ohio), April 22, 1858]

PETERS, John S., Obituary

Ex-Gov. John S. Peters, of Connecticut, died at Hebron on the 30th ult., at the advanced age of 86. [Holmes County Republican, (Millersburg, Oh.), April 22, 1858]

RYAN, Father John, Obituary

Father John Ryan, of Buffalo, ordained in 1851 by Bishop Timon as a Catholic Priest, died on the 4th. [Holmes County Republican, (Millersburg, Oh.), April 22, 1858]