New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

1800 - 1838 Marriage Records
Presbyterian Church
Town of Cooperstown
Otsego County, New York

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1800 - 1838 Marriage Records for the Presbyterian Church in the Town of Cooperstown, Otsego County, New York.

Many of the names in the Rev. John Smith's record of marriages (1811 to 1829) are capable of more than one interpretation. He often wrote hurriedly and always poorly; very often the names end off without the separate letters being formed at all. Take for example, "Lucia Walton", above; the woman's name might just as well be transcribed "Ludia Walter"; all that the editor can do is to try and make the names as transcribed appear reasonable. Still, there are some names where the transcription is entirely a matter of guess work; such as Walley or Walby, Kelly or Kelby.