1835 Organizational Church Members
Old Congragational Church
Town of Cassville
Oneida County, New York
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"Cassville, Feb. 19, 1835. We Jas. Marsh and Truman Benham presiding officers of a meeting held in Cassville Cong. meeting house on Feb. 18, 1835, which meeting was duly notified according to law for the purpose of organizing a religious society in said place and appointing trustees, do certify that Jas. Marsh, Miles Stanley and Gaius Smith were duly appointed by a plurality of votes given by ballot at said meeting as trustees of the society to be known by the name of Cassville Cong. Society. Given under our hands and seals this 19th day of Feb. A. D. 1835.
Signed: Jas. Marsh and Truman Benham
in presence of Edwin Beers and A. W. Benham, both Oneida Co.
Jan. 27, 1835. "At a meeting held at Cassville, present, Rev. Wm. Tompkins, Alfred Hough and B. B. Hotchkin, the Rev. Wm. Tompkins was chosen Moderator and Rev. A. Hough scribe." The following persons were present and were organized into a Congregational Church and consecrated by Rev. William Tompkins:
- James Marsh
- Elizabeth Marsh
- Truman Benham and Ruth Benham
- George Brownell and Mary Brownell
- Horace Phelps and Sarah E. Phelps
- Benj. Dobell and Harriet Dobell
- Gurdon Turner
- Margaret Beers
- Reynold Kirkland
- Lydia E. Phelps
- Hiram Marsh and Laura S. Marsh
- Miles Stanley
- Caroline Eggleston
- Josiah Dewolf
- Eliza Ann Beers
- Levi S. Stanley
- Mary Brownell
- Reuben Sweet
- Jane Ann Brownell
- Edwin Beers
- Nancy Lewis
- Asahel Stanley
- Mary Lewis
- Luke E. Marsh
- Laura Turner
- Rice Austin
- Sophia Turner
- Jeremiah Knight
- Jane Turner
- Sophronia Luce
- Thomas Sweet
- Sarah Marsh, 2nd
- Laura Johnson
- Lydia C. Phelps, 2nd
- Sophronia Axtelle
- Catherine Phelps
- Lucy Smith
- Lois Marsh
- Mary Ann Smith
- Betsey Stone
- Fanny Town
- Harriet Fosket
- Lucia Burchard
- Clarinda Sweet
- Mercy Flint
- Charlotte Judson
- Lucy Damon
- Mary Ann Austin
Feb. 8, 1835 (From records of 1st Cong. Ch. of Bridgewater). "The following persons were granted letters of dismission from the 1st Cong. Ch. of Bridgewater to the Cong. Ch. of Cassville:
- Andrew Hackley
- Edwin P. Luce
- Harriet A. Bennett
- Eliza Howard
- Abigail Judson
- Nancy P. Kirkland
- Caroline Turner
- Maria Stanley
- Ann B. Gaskell
- Christiana Denison
- Nancy L. Burchard
- Ann Denison
- Rhoda Austin
- Lucia Knight
- Sophronia Monroe
- Asahel W. Benham
- Maria Benham
- Jacob B. Kinney
- Amy Wilson
- Amanda King
- Eliza Brown
- Sarah Marsh
- Caroline Denison
- Philinda Stone
- Achsah Dewolf
- Mary Austin
- Sarah Burchard
- Cornelia Monroe
- Harriet Monroe
- Margaret Beers, 2nd
L. Hull, clerk.
June 11. 1837. Letter granted to Jerusha Robbins from 1st Cong. Ch. Bridgewater to Cong. Ch. at Cassville. (From records of 1st Cong. Ch., Bridgewater).
Note. No further records of this church have been found. It probably did not remain long in existence. - G. E. B.