Names of Persons
for whom
Were issued by the Secretary of the Province of New York
Previous to 1784
Surnames Beginning With The Letter Y
By E. B. O'Callaghan
Printed by order of Gideon J. Ticker, Secretary of State.
Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company, 1860.
1756. Sept. 10 | Yarden, John, and Rachael Barheit | M. B. | I | 294 |
1764. Oct. 23 | Yardin, Rachael, and John Bogs | M. B. | VIII | 371 |
1773. June 17 | Yaricks, Ann, and Samuel Wilson | M. B. | XXI | 15 |
1771. June 27 | Yarrow, Eleanor, and Jonathan Delano | M. B. | XVII | 123 |
1769. April 10 | Yarrow, Thomas, and Elizabeth Surmon | M. B. | XIV | 69 |
1761. July 22 | Yates, Abraham, and Jannetie Bratt | M. B. | V | 4 |
1771. Aug. 31 | Yates, Abytee, and Christopher Barker | M. B. | XVII | 171 |
1772. Dec. 1 | Yates, Angeltie, and Cornelius Van Schaick, Jr. | M. B. | XIX | 138 |
1761. April 8 | Yates, Catherine, and John Mynderson | M. B. | XIII | 66 |
1766. June 23 | Yates, Christophel, and Catherine Waters | M. B. | X | 26 |
1774. Jan. 31 | Yates, Christopher P., and Maria Fry | M. B. | XXII | 118 |
1770. June 12 | Yates, Christopher P., and Rebeccah Van Santford | M. B. | XVI | 110 |
1761. Dec. 2 | Yates, Eva, and Johannes Peek | M. B. | V | 261 |
1669. July 22 | Yates, Francis, and Dorothy Marsh | O. W. L. | II | 474 |
1771. Mar. 28 | Yates, Hannah, and William Staats | M. B. | XVII | 42 |
1763. Mar. 4 | Yates, Hester, and Isaac Cole | M. B. | VII | 90 |
1762. Aug. 17 | Yates, Huybertje, and William Winne, Jr. | M. B. | VI | 275 |
1769. April 11 | Yates, Jellis, and Arreyantie Bratt | M. B. | XIII | 73 |
1760. Jan. 21 | Yates, John Gerse, and Catlyna Goewy | M. B. | II | 586 |
1682. Aug. 7 | Yates, Mary, and John Cornelius | O. W. | XXXII 1/2 | 144 |
1770. June 12 | Yates, Petertie, and Derick T. Van Veighten | M. B. | XVI | 108 |
1767. July 10 | Yates, Peter W., and Ann Mary Helmes | M. B. | XI | 129 |
1765. Mar. 5 | Yates, Robert, and Jane Van Ness | M. B. | IX | 62 |
1762. May 21 | Yates, Tomica, and Cornelius Van Dyck | M. B. | VI | 165 |
1760. June 30 | Yates, Tryntie, and Anthony Bryes | M. B. | III | 200 |
1761. Oct. 26 | Yats, Benjamin, and Ann Vanderbeeck | M. B. | V | 168 |
1782. Jan. 8 | Yeamy, Margaret, and John Sarvant | M. B. | XXXV | 11 |
1761. June 17 | Yeates, Christopher, and Catharine Lansing | M. B. | IV | 245 |
1761. Oct. 2 | Yeates, Christopher, and Jannetie Bradt | M. B. | V | 114 |
1776. Feb. 15 | Yeates, Elizabeth, and Cornelius Ad. Van Slycke | M. B. | XXIII | 268 |
1763. Nov. 3 | Yeates, Highbertie, and Samuel Samuelse Bradt | M. B. | VII | 427 |
1762. Oct. 7 | Yeates, Mary, and Jacobus Teller | M. B. | VI | 350 |
1762. April 24 | Yeats, Tomica, and Cornelius Van Dyck | M. B. | VI | 130 |
1764. April 9 | Yeamans, George, and Ann Lawrence | M. B. | VIII | 144 |
1760. Aug. 18 | Yeamons, John, and Lydia Himmons | M. B. | III | 259 |
1769. Feb. 4 | Yelverton, Abijah, and Margaret Dunning | M. B. | XIV | 27 |
1758. Dec. 23 | Yelverton, Anthony, and Phebe Youngs | M. B. | II | 139 |
1761. May 23 | Yelvington, Elisabeth, and Roeluf Ostrum | M. B. | IV | 204 |
1781. Sept. 17 | Yeomans, Cloe, and John Allen | M. B. | XXXIII | 68 |
1772. June 5 | Yongs, Benjamin, and Mary Farley | M. B. | XVIII | 134 |
1760. June 2 | Yoole, Christian, and John Fferguson | M. B. | III | 172 |
1759. Oct. 22 | York, Edward, and Jane Salisbury | M. B. | II | 469 |
1779. Nov. 12 | York, Elizabeth, and Richard McKildo | M. B. | XXVIII | 137 |
1779. Dec. 6 | Yorke, Richard Whiston, and Ellena Reley | M. B. | XXVIII | 162 |
1764. Sept. 14 | Yorkse, Helena, and Hendreck Blauvelt | M. B. | VIII | 306 |
1760. Oct. 7 | Youll, Christian, and James Finlay | M. B. | III | 349 |
1761. Nov. 19 | Young, Abigail, and William Pierce | M. B. | V | 234 |
1762. April 21 | Young, Birdseye, and Rachel Strong | M. B. | VI | 119 |
1760. Oct. 24 | Young, Daniel, and Hannah Macoun | M. B. | III | 380 |
1779. April 20 | Young, Elizabeth, and Jacob Moell | M. B. | XXVII | 113 |
1768. Jan. 30 | Young, Elizabeth, and James McCready | M. B. | XIII | 21 |
1775. July 12 | Young, Elizabeth, and Thomas Sample | M. B. | XXIII | 96 |
1759. Sept. 5 | Young, Esther, and John Grahams | M. B. | II | 430 |
1756. Sept. 21 | Young, Experience, and Garrat Noel | M. B. | I | 299 |
1780. April 21 | Young, Francis, and Rebecca Paul | M. B. | XXIX | 32 |
1779. Aug. 2 | Young, John, and Elizabeth McBride | M. B. | XXVIII | 42 |
1762. Oct. 1 | Young, John, and Elizabeth Swinney | M. B. | VI | 342 |
1771. Feb. 7 | Young, John, and Johanna Man | M. B. | XVII | 15 |
1758. Oct. 11 | Young, John, and Mary Jesson | M. B. | II | 49 |
1753. May 7 | Young, John, and Mary Offenmout | M. B. | I | 25 |
1760. Sept. 3 | Young, Margaret, and Richard Anderson | M. B. | III | 278 |
1763. May 25 | Young, Martha, and Joseph Sutton | M. B. | VII | 201 |
1768. Feb. 10 | Young, Mary, and John Roy | M. B. | XIII | 29 |
1761. Aug. 20 | Young, Mary, and Patrick Allen | M. B. | V | 49 |
1770. Sept. 30 | Young, Mary, and Safereenus Bessinger | M. B. | XXI | 126 |
1779. Aug. 20 | Young, Matthew, and Catherine Frankfort | M. B. | XXVIII | 53 |
1767. Nov. 21 | Young, Moses, and Barbara Christie | M. B. | XII | 91 |
1760. Nov. 11 | Young, Philip, and Hannah Sickels | M. B. | III | 402 |
1772. Dec. 23 | Young, Rachel, and Thomas Rafter | M. B. | XIX | 162 |
1772. April 15 | Young, Rachel, and Zachariah Backas | M. B. | XVIII | 78 |
1738. Dec. 11 | Young, Robert, and Anne Sherwood | M. B. | I | 12 |
1763. Mar. 5 | Young, Sarah, and James Giles | M. B. | VII | 93 |
1753. Nov. 12 | Young, Seth, and Martha Fairley | M. B. | XXII | 23 |
1759. June 9 | Young, Thomas, and Altje Van Deusen | M. B. | II | 318 |
1781. May 30 | Young, Thomas, and Nancy Burger | M. B. | XXXII | 65 |
1781. Nov. 20 | Young, William, and Catharine Brothers | M. B. | XXXIV | 49 |
1756. Oct. 7 | Yeates, Mary, and Jacobus Teller | M. B. | VI | 350 |
1762. April 24 | Yeats, Tomica, and Cornelius Van Dyck | M. B. | VI | 130 |
1764. April 9 | Yeamans, George, and Ann Lawrence | M. B. | VIII | 144 |
1760. Aug. 18 | Yeamons, John, and Lydia Himmons | M. B. | III | 259 |
1769. Feb. 4 | Yelverton, Abijah, and Margaret Dunning | M. B. | XIV | 27 |
1758. Dec. 23 | Yelverton, Anthony, and Phebe Youngs | M. B. | II | 139 |
1761. May 23 | Yelvington, Elisabeth, and Roeluf Ostrum | M. B. | IV | 204 |
1781. Sept. 17 | Yeomans, Cloe, and John Allen | M. B. | XXXIII | 68 |
1772. June 5 | Yongs, Benjamin, and Mary Farley | M. B. | XVIII | 134 |
1760. June 2 | Yoole, Christian, and John Fferguson | M. B. | III | 172 |
1759. Oct. 22 | York, Edward, and Jane Salisbury | M. B. | II | 469 |
1779. Nov. 12 | York, Elizabeth, and Richard McKildo | M. B. | XXVIII | 137 |
1779. Dec. 6 | Yorke, Richard Whiston, and Ellena Reley | M. B. | XXVIII | 162 |
1764. Sept. 14 | Yorkse, Helena, and Hendreck Blauvelt | M. B. | VIII | 306 |
1760. Oct. 7 | Youll, Christian, and James Finlay | M. B. | III | 349 |
1761. Nov. 19 | Young, Abigail, and William Pierce | M. B. | V | 234 |
1762. April 21 | Young, Birdseye, and Rachel Strong | M. B. | VI | 119 |
1760. Oct. 24 | Young, Daniel, and Hannah Macoun | M. B. | III | 380 |
1779. April 20 | Young, Elizabeth, and Jacob Moell | M. B. | XXVII | 113 |
1768. Jan. 30 | Young, Elizabeth, and James McCready | M. B. | XIII | 21 |
1775. July 12 | Young, Elizabeth, and Thomas Sample | M. B. | XXIII | 96 |
1759. Sept. 5 | Young, Esther, and John Grahams | M. B. | II | 430 |
1756. Sept. 21 | Young, Experience, and Garrat Noel | M. B. | I | 299 |
1780. April 21 | Young, Francis, and Rebecca Paul | M. B. | XXIX | 32 |
1779. Aug. 2 | Young, John, and Elizabeth McBride | M. B. | XXVIII | 42 |
1762. Oct. 1 | Young, John, and Elizabeth Swinney | M. B. | VI | 342 |
1771. Feb. 7 | Young, John, and Johanna Man | M. B. | XVII | 15 |
1758. Oct. 11 | Young, John, and Mary Jesson | M. B. | II | 49 |
1753. May 7 | Young, John, and Mary Offenmout | M. B. | I | 25 |
1760. Sept. 3 | Young, Margaret, and Richard Anderson | M. B. | III | 278 |
1763. May 25 | Young, Martha, and Joseph Sutton | M. B. | VII | 201 |
1768. Feb. 10 | Young, Mary, and John Roy | M. B. | XIII | 29 |
1761. Aug. 20 | Young, Mary, and Patrick Allen | M. B. | V | 49 |
1770. Sept. 30 | Young, Mary, and Safereenus Bessinger | M. B. | XXI | 126 |
1779. Aug. 20 | Young, Matthew, and Catherine Frankfort | M. B. | XXVIII | 53 |
1767. Nov. 21 | Young, Moses, and Barbara Christie | M. B. | XII | 91 |
1760. Nov. 11 | Young, Philip, and Hannah Sickels | M. B. | III | 402 |
1772. Dec. 23 | Young, Rachel, and Thomas Rafter | M. B. | XIX | 162 |
1772. April 15 | Young, Rachel, and Zachariah Backas | M. B. | XVIII | 78 |
1738. Dec. 11 | Young, Robert, and Anne Sherwood | M. B. | I | 12 |
1763. Mar. 5 | Young, Sarah, and James Giles | M. B. | VII | 93 |
1753. Nov. 12 | Young, Sarah, and Martha Fairley | M. B. | XXII | 23 |
1759. June 9 | Young, Thomas, and Altje Van Deusen | M. B. | II | 318 |
1781. May 30 | Young, Thomas, and Nancy Burger | M. B. | XXXII | 65 |
1781. Nov. 20 | Young, William, and Catharine Brothers | M. B. | XXXIV | 49 |
1756. Dec. 4 | Young, William, and Mary Thibou | M. B. | I | 372 |
1781. Nov. 15 | Younghusband, George, and Mary Harned | M. B. | XXXIV | 38 |
1753. Oct. 1 | Youngs, Elizabeth, and John Lawrence | M. B. | I | 129 |
1773. Jan. 27 | Youngs, Isaac, and Amy Wood | M. B. | XX | 25 |
1772. June 7 | Youngs, Isaac, and Mary Hewlet | M. B. | XX | 5 |
1758. Dec. 23 | Youngs, Phebe, and Anthony Yelverton | M. B. | II | 139 |
1771. Oct. 29 | Youngs, Philip, and Abigail Carr | M. B. | XVII | 229 |
1771. Nov. 20 | Youngs, Samuel, and Rebecca Brush | M. B. | XVII | 260 |
1768. Aug. 10 | Youngs, Sarah, and Frederick Hudson | M. B. | XIII | 173 |
1761. June 11 | Youry, Lydia, and James Hicks | M. B. | IV | 235 |