Names of Persons
for whom
Were issued by the Secretary of the Province of New York
Previous to 1784
Surnames Beginning With The Letter G
By E. B. O'Callaghan
Printed by order of Gideon J. Ticker, Secretary of State.
Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company, 1860.
1764. Aug. 7 | Gaanswort, John, and Effy Beeckman | M. B. | VIII | 276 |
1783. Aug. 6 | Gabel, John, and Catharine Fea | M. B. | XXXIX | 113 |
1762. April 10 | Gaddus, Joseph, and Ann Glenn | M. B. | VI | 102 |
1764. July 18 | Gadey, Catharine, and John Forsyth | M. B. | VIII | 262 |
1778. Dec. 15 | Gage, Arthur, and Mary Jebereau | M. B. | XXVI | 122 |
1769. Sept. 5 | Gaine, Hugh, and Cornelia Wallace | M. B. | XV | 37 |
1759. Oct. 23 | Gaine, Hugh, and Sarah Robbins | M. B. | II | 471 |
1781. Mar. 20 | Galatian, Elizabeth, and Charles Christian | M. B. | XXXI | 78 |
1770. Dec. 22 | Galatian, Peter, and Elizabeth Warner | M. B. | XVI | 305 |
1777. Dec. 16 | Galbreath, James, and Rachel Hunter | M. B. | XXIV | 198 |
1779. May 7 | Galbreath, Robert, and Elizabeth Tucker | M. B. | XXVII | 127 |
1781. Feb. 17 | Galbreath, Sarah, and Thomas Ellis | M. B. | XXXI | 47 |
1770. May 7 | Gale, Abel, and Phebe Denton | M. B. | XVI | 80 |
1772. July 1 | Gale, Anne, and Thomas Cornell | M. B. | XVIII | 154 |
1763. June 2 | Gale, Benjamin, and Elenor Carpenter | M. B. | VII | 210 |
1759. May 16 | Gale, Dorothy, and Verdine Elsworth | M. B. | II | 286 |
1765. July 30 | Gale, Keziah, and Roger Townsend | M. B. | IX | 223 |
1757. May 9 | Gale, Joseph, and Catharine Haviland | M. B. | I | 526 |
1762. Aug. 27 | Gale, Mary, and Edward Willett | M. B. | VI | 294 |
1757. June 3 | Gale, Samuel, and Christina De Key | M. B. | I | 551 |
1773. June 15 | Gale, Samuel, and Rebecca Wells | M. B. | XXI | 5 |
1780. Aug. 22 | Galilee, Roger, and Ann Simons | M. B. | XXIX | 144 |
1759. Feb. 7 | Galladet, Leah, and Joshua Temple De St. Croix | M. B. | II | 184 |
1768. July 13 | Gallant, Susannah, and William Ross | M. B. | XIII | 159 |
1760. Sept. 26 | Gallasha, Mary, and Matthias Warner | M. B. | III | 330 |
1776. May 7 | Gallatian, David, and Rebecca Banks | M. B. | XXIII | 307 |
1770. Nov. 24 | Gallaudet, Elisha, and Naemoe Reade | M. B. | XVI | 268 |
1760. Aug. 7 | Gallaudet, John, and Charity Richards | M. B. | III | 242 |
1783. July 14 | Gallaudet, John, and Mary Williams | M. B. | XXXIX | 91 |
1765. Jan. 21 | Gallaudet, Paul, and Anna Hazard | M. B. | IX | 27 |
1779. Mar. 7 | Gallaudet, Sarah, and Seaman Doty | M. B. | XXVII | 59 |
1758. Jan. 17 | Gallot, Joseph, and Jane Van Valkenbergh | M. B. | I | 785 |
1775. Sept. 19 | Galloway, James, and Catharine Thurston | M. B. | XXIII | 158 |
1756. Sept. 6 | Galloway, James, and Isabel St. Clear | M. B. | I | 286 |
1779. Aug. 25 | Galloway, Joseph, and Isabella Williams | M. B. | XXVIII | 58 |
1758. Sept. 12 | Galloway, Mary, and John Farrell | M. B. | II | 18 |
1757. Sept. 3 | Gambauld, Catherine, and Christopher Holt | M. B. | I | 631 |
1758. Jan. 3 | Gamble, Jane, and Aaron Van Gelder | M. B. | I | 764 |
1783. April 11 | Gamble, John, and Catharine Lefferd | M. B. | XXXVIII | 90 |
1760. Feb. 7 | Gamble, Samuel, and Mary Tobin | M. B. | III | 25 |
1759. June 25 | Gandell, William, and Mary Ann Marchant | M. B. | II | 338 |
1774. Mar. 16 | Gander, Catharina, and Jacob Brouwer | M. B. | XXII | 150 |
1761. Feb. 4 | Gano, Mary, and Thomas Erskine | M. B. | IV | 52 |
1752. Nov. 27 | Gansevoort, Elsie, and Barent Ten Eyck | M. B. | I | 15 |
1770. April 10 | Gansevoort, Leonard, and Hester Cuyler | M. B. | XVI | 56 |
1762. May 4 | Gansevoort, Sarah, and John Ten Broeck | M. B. | VI | 142 |
1766. June 17 | Ganter, Mary, and William Dudley | M. B. | X | 19 |
1776. May 2 | Ganter, Michael, and Mary Hemelsburgh | M. B. | XXIII | 306 |
1773. Aug. 20 | Ganter, Peter, and Elizabeth Trenchard | M. B. | XXI | 78 |
1760. Feb. 2 | Ganthy, Michael, and Apoloney Greenwalden | M. B. | III | 21 |
1783. Aug. 30 | Garabrance, Elizabeth, and Leonard Conine | M. B. | XL | 16 |
1781. Jan. 6 | Garabrants, Mary, and Daniel Hugunie | M. B. | XXXI | 14 |
1783. May 31 | Garbrance, Ahasuerus, and Margaret Curtis | M. B. | XXXIX | 34, 35 |
1757. Aug. 10 | Garbrants, Cornelius, and Jannetje Van Horne | M. B. | I | 610 |
1766. July 9 | Garbrants, Elizabeth, and Jacobus Van Sice | M. B. | X | 45 |
1758. Sept. 21 | Garbrantz, Christian, and Mary Post | M. B. | II | 28 |
1782. May 21 | Garden, William, and Jane Rapelye | M. B. | XXXVI | 14 |
1758. Feb. 16 | Gardenear, Susannah, and Peter Miltonberry | M. B. | I | 823 |
1759. Aug. 9 | Gardener, Andries, and Sarah Hanson | M. B. | II | 381 |
1775. May 31 | Gardenier, Derick, and Elizabeth Van Alen | M. B. | XXIII | 50 |
1765. Sept. 18 | Gardenier, Johannis, and Cornelia Vosburgh | M. B. | IX | 267 |
1760. Sept. 19 | Gardenier, Neltie, and Johannis Vosburgh | M. B. | III | 321 |
1773. Sept. 23 | Gardenier, Nicholas, and Mary Missick | M. B. | XXI | 120 |
1771. Sept. 26 | Gardenier, Rachel, and Samuel Moral | M. B. | XVII | 195 |
1761. June 27 | Gardinear, Susannah, and Richard Varian | M. B. | IV | 265 |
1772. May 14 | Gardineer, Castintye, and Nicholas Miller | M. B. | XVIII | 111 |
1770. Sept. 15 | Gardiner, Charles, and Susannah Lynon | M. B. | XVI | 187 |
1766. Dec. 4 | Gardiner, David, and Jerusha Buel | M. B. | X | 193 |
1764. May 11 | Gardiner, David, and Mary Stiren | M. B. | VIII | 187 |
1761. Dec. 23 | Gardiner, Elizabeth, and William Thorn | M. B. | V | 297 |
1766. Nov. 27 | Gardiner, Hannah, and John Forgorsen | M. B. | X | 184, 185 |
1763. June 30 | Gardiner, Helena, and Johannis Van Slik | M. B. | VII | 252 |
1737. April 21 | Gardiner, Isaac, and Mary Woodward | M. B. | I | 6 |
1766. June 24 | Gardiner, Janetie, and Mathew Vosburgh | M. B. | X | 28 |
1783. April 22 | Gardiner, Magdalean, and William Black | M. B. | XXXVIII | 106 |
1772. May 19 | Gardiner, Mary, and Isaac Thompson | M. B. | XVIII | 114 |
1763. Sept. 8 | Gardiner, Samuel, and Christiana Groadt | M. B. | VII | 330 |
1765. May 15 | Gardiner, Sarah, and John Abraham Vosburgh | M. B. | IX | 127 |
1768. June 16 | Gardinier, Abraham, and Arriantje Verplank | M. B. | XIII | 129 |
1778. July 24 | Gardinier, Jacob, and Catherine Garlick | M. B. | XXV | 140 |
1773. Nov. 30 | Gardinier, Joanna, and Evert Vosburgh | M. B. | XXII | 54 |
1760. Nov. 25 | Gardinier, Seyntie, and Peter Van Slyck | M. B. | III | 443 |
1780. June 10 | Gardner, Elizabeth, and Robert Morris | M. B. | XXIX | 85 |
1770. Dec. 31 | Gardner, Fytie, and Philip Harder | M. B. | XVI | 311 |
1782. Sept. 21 | Gardner, Isabella, and Walter McDonald | M. B. | XXXVII | 8 |
1765. May 31 | Gardner, James, and Margaret Way | M. B. | IX | 149 |
1781. Jan. 6 | Gardner, Mary, and James Selkrig | M. B. | XXXI | 15 |
1771. Nov. 9 | Gardner, Sarah, and Henry Humphrys | M. B. | XVII | 244 |
1779. Jan. 22 | Gardner, Susanah, and George Smith | M. B. | XXVII | 23 |
1773. Sept. 16 | Gardner, Thomas, and Jane Hart | M. B. | XXI | 111 |
1780. Nov. 9 | Gardner, William, and Magdalean McWhirten | M. B. | XXX | 99 |
1777. Mar. 24 | Garing, Catherine, and Robert Hill | M. B. | XXIV | 51 |
1781. May 28 | Garish, Elizabeth, and William Willson | M. B. | XXXII | 58 |
1758. Oct. 4 | Garison, Amey, and William Steves | M. B. | II | 38 |
1782. Mar. 22 | Garison, Ann, and Abraham Bogart | M. B. | XXXV | 95 |
1669. April 20 | Garland, John, and Susannah Verplanck | O. W. L. | II | 417 |
1762. Oct. 18 | Garland, Robert, and Sarah Donnely | M. B. | VI | 370 |
1779. Oct. 2 | Garlick, Barbara, and David Babcock | M. B. | XXVIII | 95 |
1778. July 24 | Garlick, Catherine, and Jacob Gardinier | M. B. | XXV | 140 |
1762. April 22 | Garman, Rueben, and Esther Vail | M. B. | VI | 126 |
1762. Feb. 25 | Garrabrants, Eleanor, and Egbert Haughwout | M. B. | VI | 57 |
1761. Aug. 14 | Garrabrants, Peter, and Eleanor Lang | M. B. | V | 42 |
1783. April 15 | Garrebrants, Catharine, and John Clarke | M. B. | XXXVIII | 96 |
1766. June 27 | Garret, William, and Chrishe Faulke | M. B. | X | 37 |
1762. Nov. 27 | Garretse, Esther, and John Vanness | M. B. | VI | 464 |
1769. Oct. 5 | Garretsen, Samuel, and Margaret Remsen | M. B. | XV | 49 |
1783. Sept. 22 | Garretson, Allathea, and William Carty | M. B. | XL | 51 |
1781. April 2 | Garretson, Ann, and Nicholas Journeay | M. B. | XXXI | 90 |
1762. Jan. 13 | Garretson, Anne, and Cornelius Boyce | M. B. | VI | 11 |
1769. Nov. 2 | Garretson, Annetje, and Peter Van Belt | M. B. | XV | 74 |
1783. Aug. 28 | Garretson, Gertrude, and Xenophon Jouett | M. B. | XL | 13 |
1781. Oct. 9 | Garretson, John, and Martha Codmas | M. B. | XXXIII | 94 |
1762. April 14 | Garretson, Margaret, and Richard Osborne | M. B. | VI | 103 |
1771. Mar. 18 | Garrick, Elizabeth, and George Faircloy | M. B. | XVII | 35 |
1764. April 25 | Garrick, Margaret, and James Gordon | M. B. | VIII | 167 |
1779. July 9 | Garrish, Thomas, and Elizabeth Jordan | M. B. | XXVIII | 19 |
1761. April 27 | Garrison, Abraham, and Maria Brower | M. B. | IV | 169 |
1762. Mar. 15 | Garrison, Anne, and Daniel Lake | M. B. | VI | 70 |
1773. Oct. 27 | Garrison, Catalina, and Tunis Clearwater | M. B. | XXI | 149 |
1780. June 12 | Garrison, Catharine, and Charles Johnston | M. B. | XXIX | 87 |
1773. Jan. 30 | Garrison, Elinor, and John Brookman | M. B. | XX | 33 |
1775. July 24 | Garrison, Elizabeth, and Cornelius Van Cleft | M. B. | XXIII | 104 |
1781. Aug. 20 | Garrison, Elizabeth, and Henry Miller | M. B. | XXXIII | 42 |
1737. Dec. 27 | Garrison, Elizabeth, and Simon Vaname | M. B. | I | 8 |
1762. Oct. 28 | Garrison, Gilbert, and Elizabeth Cornish | M. B. | VI | 389 |
1764. Oct. 11 | Garrison, Hannah, and Simon Swain | M. B. | VIII | 352 |
1779. Mar. 25 | Garrison, Hannah, and William Jacocks | M. B. | XXVII | 146 |
1769. July 28 | Garrison, Hester, and Richard Christopher | M. B. | XV | 6 |
1783. Jan. 4 | Garrison, John, and Anne Bedell | M. B. | XXXVIII | 4 |
1777. Oct. 11 | Garrison, Lenah, and Samuel Stillwell | M. B. | XXIV | 161 |
1779. April 10 | Garrison, Mary, and John Kingston | M. B. | XXVII | 103 |
1772. April 28 | Garrison, Nathaniel, and Tamer Rickaw | M. B. | XVIII | 95 |
1770. Sept. 6 | Garrison, Samuel, and Ealtie Ryder | M. B. | XVI | 181 |
1737/8. Feb. 20 | Garritson, Mary, and Edmund Arrowsmith | M. B. | I | 9 |
1767. Oct. 14 | Gasherie, Joseph, and Catharine Wynkoop | M. B. | XII | 62 |
1780. Aug. 25 | Gaskin, Elizabeth, and John Ford | M. B. | XXX | 1 |
1778. Mar. 7 | Gasling, Jacob, and Mary Lawrence | M. B. | XXV | 34 |
1771. Sept. 18 | Gasner, John, and Entye Underdunk | M. B. | XVII | 185 |
1767. May 22 | Gassra, John, and Catherine Fonseus | M. B. | XI | 93 |
1766. Oct. 24 | Gatfield, Archibald, and Mary Van Evera | M. B. | X | 140 |
1772. Feb. 13 | Gatfield, Benjamin, and Rachel Beets | M. B. | XVIII | 37 |
1764. Feb. 16 | Gathry, John, and Sarah Barber | M. B. | VIII | 62 |
1779. July 5 | Gault, Robert, and Elizabeth Hallett | M. B. | XXVIII | 16 |
1775. June 15 | Gault, Mathew, and Lydia Brett | M. B. | XXIII | 62 |
1779. Dec. 14 | Gautier, Apoline, and Francois Girom | M. B. | XXVIII | 171 |
1762. July 21 | Gautier, Catharine, and Christopher Duyekinck | M. B. | VI | 249 |
1783. Jan. 11 | Gautier, Daniel, and Ann Brandon | M. B. | XXXVIII | 13 |
1760. Feb. 11 | Gautier, Hunty, and Jenkin Williams | M. B. | III | 31 |
1783. Oct. 6 | Gautier, Margaret, and Andrew Hamersly | M. B. | XL | 64 |
1783. Oct. 16 | Gay, Alexander, and Elizabeth Long | M. B. | XL | 81 |
1771. July 25 | Gay, Charles, and Rebeccah Smith | M. B. | XVII | 143 |
1774. Jan. 7 | Geamester, William, and Catherine Walsh | M. B. | XXII | 96 |
1782. Aug. 23 | Geary, Martha, and Stephen Shakespear | M. B. | XXXVI | 118 |
1736. June 12 | Gebrink, Hendrica, and Benjamin Davis | M. B. | I | 1 |
1761. Nov. 16 | Gedney, Ester, and Joseph Bull | M. B. | V | 223 |
1783. April 10 | Geldersleve, Ruth, and John Smith | M. B. | XXXVIII | 89 |
1769. July 18 | Gell, John, and Ann Tate | M. B. | XIV | 155 |
1760. Aug. 5 | Geller, David Frederick, and Margaret Eman | M. B. | III | 234 |
1769. Aug. 24 | Gelston, David, and Phebe Mitchel | M. B. | XV | 28 |
1764. Nov. 20 | Gelston, Elizabeth, and David Pearson | M. B. | VIII | 413 |
1773. June 9 | Gelston, Hugh, and Mary Foster | M. B. | XX | 142 |
1765. June 5 | Gelston, John, and Margaret Thompson | M. B. | IX | 157 |
1737. Oct. 15 | George, Hannah, and John Richards | M. B. | I | 7 |
1764. Mar. 29 | George, Hannah, and Thomas Whitefield | M. B. | VIII | 123 |
1769. Jan. 10 | George, Joseph, and Ellinor Vanderbelt | M. B. | XIV | 10 |
1780. May 17 | Gerard, William, and Christiana Glass | M. B. | XXIX | 60 |
1760. Nov. 14 | Gerbrantz, Elizabeth, and Peter Post | M. B. | III | 415 |
1768. Sept. 19 | Gerdenier, Elizabeth, and Hans Muller | M. B. | XIII | 189 |
1757. June 30 | Gereau, Mary, and John Shields | M. B. | I | 577 |
1780. May 30 | Geree, William, and Rebecca Van Denham | M. B. | XXIX | 72 |
1760. Oct. 7 | German, Elizabeth, and Richard Hussey | M. B. | III | 347 |
1762. Oct. 20 | German, Elizabeth, and William Sands | M. B. | VI | 375 |
1736. Nov. 22 | German, Isaac, and Catherine Huff | M. B. | I | 3 |
1736. July 26 | German, Susannah, and Lawrence Huff | M. B. | I | 2 |
1780. Sept. 21 | German, William, and Jane Ludet | M. B. | XXX | 33 |
1773. Jan. 14 | Germond, Susanna, and Turpin Holroyd | M. B. | XVIII | 13 |
1780. June 23 | Gerow, Jane, and Robert Dickson | M. B. | XXIX | 93 |
1782. Aug. 2 | Gerow, Phebe, and Jonathan Sherwood | M. B. | XXXVI | 97 |
1763. July 29 | Gerrald, Ann, and John Charter | M. B. | VII | 286 |
1763. Nov. 14 | Gerrard, Benjamin, and Philethea Dayton | M. B. | VII | 448 |
1768. June 28 | Gerrebrants, Heyltye, and John N. Bogert | M. B. | XIII | 144 |
1760. Dec. 6 | Gerretie, Annatje, and Barent Vosburgh | M. B. | III | 462 |
1764. Mar. 17 | Gerretson, Johannes, and Jannetje Williamson | M. B. | VIII | 107 |
1753. May 15 | Gerretson, Guysbert, and Elizabeth Courtright | M. B. | I | 30 |
1675. May 26 | Gerritse, Peter, and Christien Pieterse | W. O. P. | III | 96 |
1757. Dec. 8 | Gerritsen, Samuel, and Matje Hagerman | M. B. | I | 730 |
1759. April 19 | Gerritson, Harmanus, and Altje Simerson | M. B. | II | 247 |
1764. Jan. 6 | Gerritson, John, and Cornelia Middigh | M. B. | VIII | 8 |
1769. May 8 | Gerritson, Margaret, and Abraham Crocheron | M. B. | XIV | 97 |
1736. Sept. 6 | Gerrittsen, Maria, and Jacobus Bevois | M. B. | I | 2 |
1676. July 21 | Gerritz, Mactell, and Cornelys Buys | W. O. P. | III | 202 |
1767. Oct. 26 | Gertson, Mary, and Isaac Hogen | M. B. | XII | 67a |
1757. April 27 | Gest, Elizabeth, and John Griffith | M. B. | I | 517 |
1782. April 15 | Gestner, John, and Mary Dash | M. B. | XXXV | 123 |
1763. Aug. 18 | Gettens, Phillip, and Catharine McIntosh | M. B. | VII | 306 |
1771. Oct. 15 | Geuero, Jacob, and Catherine Powers | M. B. | XVII | 209 |
1737. Aug. 17 | Gibb, Richard, and Catherine Vannenburgh | M. B. | I | 7 |
1757. May 17 | Gibb, Robert, and Jane Taylor | M. B. | I | 535 |
1778. Oct. 30 | Gibbons, Margaret, and Stephen Bluck | M. B. | XXVI | 77 |
1770. Nov. 28 | Gibbons, William, and Maria Yandel Cranmur | M. B. | XVI | 273 |
1685. May 26 | Gibbs, Elizabeth, and Thomas Ashton | C. M. | XXXIII | 131 |
1762. Nov. 18 | Gibbs, Hannah, and John Dusenberry | M. B. | VI | 442 |
1760. June 3 | Gibbs, John, and Sarah Leycraft | M. B. | III | 174 |
1761. April 9 | Gibbs, Mary, and Isaac Corsa | M. B. | IV | 140 |
1764. Jan. 27 | Gibbs, Patience, and John Storm | M. B. | VIII | 39 |
1771. June 18 | Gibbs, Sarah, and Gilbert Bates | M. B. | XVII | 113 |
1771. Mar. 9 | Gibbs, Sarah, and John Sebring | M. B. | XVII | 28 |
1769. Dec. 13 | Gibson, Ann, and John Jonsline | M. B. | XV | 122 |
1768. Dec. 21 | Gibson, Elizabeth, and Abraham Vandervoort | M. B. | XIII | 270 |
1782. Jan. 2 | Gibson, John, and Rebecca Case | M. B. | XXXV | 3 |
1763. April 30 | Gibson, James, and Mary McCaller | M. B. | VII | 159 |
1780. Dec. 2 | Gibson, Mary, and Benjamin Cornwell | M. B. | XXX | 136 |
1773. Aug. 20 | Gibson, Mary, and Charles Sprainger | M. B. | XXI | 80 |
1760. May 28 | Gibson, Mary, and James Brewster | M. B. | III | 166 |
1759. Feb. 12 | Gibson, Mathew, and Ann Haney | M. B. | II | 189 |
1782. May 28 | Gibson, Thomas, and Hannah Vandebargh | M. B. | XXXVI | 28 |
1780. Nov. 20 | Gibson, William, and Mary Anderson | M. B. | XXX | 115 |
1783. June 13 | Gidney, Deborah, and Bernard Rapelye | M. B. | XXXIX | 57 |
1778. Dec. 31 | Gidney, Elizabeth, and Benjamin Hunt | M. B. | XXVI | 136 |
1783. June 6 | Gidney, Elizabeth, and David Hallett | M. B. | XXXIX | 43 |
1780. Dec. 9 | Gidney, Frances, and Alexander Morrison | M. B. | XXX | 148 |
1779. Dec. 23 | Gidney, Hester, and Williams Hunt | M. B. | XXVIII | 177 |
1736. July 31 | Gidney, Isaac, and Sibe Nelson | M. B. | I | 2 |
1763. Feb. 1 | Gidney, Jacob, and Mary Seacord | M. B. | VII | 48 |
1760. Dec. 10 | Gidney, John, and Elizabeth Bates | M. B. | III | 470 |
1758. Nov. 4 | Gidney, Joseph, and Phebe Bates | M. B. | II | 82 |
1763. Jan. 24 | Gidney, Martha, and Joshua Barnes | M. B. | VII | 32 |
1783. June 10 | Gidney, Patty, and Nathaniel Moore | M. B. | XXXIX | 48 |
1758. Nov. 4 | Gidney, Phebe, and Robert Sutton | M. B. | II | 81 |
1773. Nov. 2 | Gidney, Solomon, and Hannah Horton | M. B. | XXII | 60 |
1757. April 9 | Gidney, Tamar, and William Sutton | M. B. | I | 495 |
1782. Aug. 3 | Gidney, Teamor, and Thomas O'Brien | M. B. | XXXVI | 99 |
1780. Sept. 11 | Gierson, James, and Ann Hardman | M. B. | XXX | 23 |
1769. Oct. 23 | Giew, Jane, and John Townsend | M. B. | XV | 60 |
1772. Dec. 4 | Giffin, Elizabeth, and John Brown | M. B. | XIX | 142 |
1772. June 15 | Giffin, Mary, and George Cummings | M. B. | XVIII | 139 |
1772. April 13 | Giffin, Rachel, and John Mandevel | M. B. | XVIII | 75 |
1773. Oct. 28 | Gifford, Mary, and John Dubois | M. B. | XXI | 150 |
1762. Oct. 13 | Gifford, William, and Mary Ryder | M. B. | VI | 363 |
1780. April 1 | Gifford, William Bernard, and Ann Voorhies | M. B. | XXIX | 11 |
1756. July 9 | Gilbert, Aaron, and Hannah Mandavel | M. B. | I | 248 |
1776. Feb. 7 | Gilbert, Alitha, and John Sickles | M. B. | XXIII | 263 |
1766. Nov. 8 | Gilbert, Ann, and Ephraim Brasher | M. B. | X | 158 |
1783. Aug. 8 | Gilbert, Anne, and Robert Carter | M. B. | XXXIX | 117 |
1776. April 27 | Gilbert, Catherine, and Richard Bragaw | M. B. | XXIII | 303 |
1766. Nov. 19 | Gilbert, Cornelia, and Martin Vosburgh | M. B. | X | 171 |
1781. Feb. 23 | Gilbert, Ebeneazer, and Margaret Sprung | M. B. | XXXI | 55 |
1756. Dec. 24 | Gilbert, Elizabeth, and Beekman Van Bueren | M. B. | I | 398 |
1769. Dec. 28 | Gilbert, Henry, and Ann Shaw | M. B. | XV | 132 |
1762. Aug. 17 | Gilbert, Mary, and William Gilbert | M. B. | VI | 276 |
1762. Aug. 17 | Gilbert, William, and Mary Gilbert | M. B. | VI | 276 |
1757. April 22 | Gilbert, William, and Mercy Bond | M. B. | I | 508 |
1767. May 27 | Gilbert, William W., and Catherine Cozine | M. B. | XI | 98 |
1782. Mar. 9 | Gilbertson, Mary, and John Barthram | M. B. | XXXV | 80 |
1780. May 16 | Gilbertson, William, and Mary Regen | M. B. | XXIX | 56 |
1770. April 26 | Gilchrist, Margaret, and William Stephens | M. B. | XVI | 70 |
1768. Jan. 18 | Gilchrist, Rebecka, and James Taylor | M. B. | XIII | 10 |
1759. May 8 | Gilchrist, Richard, and Mary Bolitho | M. B. | II | 271 |
1781. Jan. 1 | Gildersleeve, John, and Kezia Ketcham | M. B. | XXXI | 1 |
1763. May 3 | Gildersleeve, Joseph, and Jane Wiley | M. B. | VII | 163 |
1768. July 7 | Gildersleeve, Phebe, and Abel Bennett | M. B. | XIII | 152 |
1737. Dec. 23 | Gildersleeve, Richard, and Phebe Oldfield | M. B. | I | 8 |
1769. Mar. 15 | Gildersleeve, Ruth, and David Davis | M. B. | XIV | 53 |
1782. June 5 | Gildersleeve, Sarah, and Zopher Roggers | M. B. | XXXVI | 39 |
1773. Dec. 2 | Gildersleeves, Elizabeth, and Gershom Bowne | M. B. | XXII | 59 |
1783. Aug. 8 | Gildersleve, Sarah, and Edmund Bunce | M. B. | XXXIX | 118 |
1738. June 17 | Gildersleves, Mary, and Joseph Griffen | M. B. | I | 10 |
1759. Oct. 27 | Gildo, Mary, and James Hill | M. B. | II | 475 |
1755. Aug. 20 | Giles, Gilbert, and Elizabeth Nelson | M. B. | I | 153 |
1767. Mar. 24 | Giles, Gilbert, and Margaret Collins | M. B. | XI | 48 |
1763. Mar. 5 | Giles, James, and Sarah Young | M. B. | VII | 93 |
1781. Nov. 13 | Giles, John, and Hester Marschalk | M. B. | XXXIV | 29 |
1759. May 12 | Giles, Samuel, and Frances Helme | M. B. | II | 280 |
1759. Dec. 13 | Gilford, Samuel, and Penelope Codwise | M. B. | II | 542 |
1783. Mar. 25 | Gill, Robert, and Wilhelmina Anthony | M. B. | XXXVIII | 76 |
1783. Oct. 6 | Gilladate, George, and Catharine Connoway | M. B. | XL | 65 |
1773. Nov. 10 | Gilleas, Robert, and Hester Steel | M. B. | XXII | 19 |
1782. April 23 | Gilledet, Charity, and Ludwick Herman | M. B. | XXXV | 132 |
1780. Dec. 5 | Gilles, Archibald, and Sarah Whitehead | M. B. | XXX | 138 |
1771. Aug. 5 | Gilles, William, and Mary Maer | M. B. | XVII | 152 |
1768. Feb. 25 | Gillesby, John, and Mary Elsworth | M. B. | XIII | 43 |
1781. Dec. 4 | Gillespie, John, and Susannah Bartow | M. B. | XXXIV | 71 |
1780. June 2 | Gillespy, Nelly, and Wilham Cuningham | M. B. | XXIX | 77 |
1761. Sept. 24 | Gillihen, James, and Susanah Brasier | M. B. | V | 96 |
1762. July 9 | Gilliland, James, and Judith Rose | M. B. | VI | 232 |
1769. Dec. 30 | Gilliland, John, and Catherine Zeegaart | M. B. | XV | 135 |
1759. Feb. 8 | Gilliland, William, and Elizabeth Phagen | M. B. | II | 185 |
1782. Aug. 31 | Gilmore, Aggness, and Isaac Brower | M. B. | XXXVI | 133 |
1757. July 25 | Gilmore, Hugh, and Catharine Pinkeman | M. B. | I | 600 |
1757. Mar. 8 | Gilmore, Margaret, and Philip Duly | M. B. | I | 460 |
1777. Feb. 1 | Gilmore, Margaret, and William Haggs | M. B. | XXIV | 22 |
1759. Mar. 31 | Gilmore, Robert, and Mary Edwards | M. B. | II | 230 |
1763. July 14 | Giraud, Andrew, and Elizabeth Henderson | M. B. | VII | 266 |
1758. April 24 | Giraud, Ann, and John Tomlinson | M. B. | I | 883 |
1779. Dec. 14 | Girom, Francois, and Apoline Gautier | M. B. | XXVIII | 171 |
1763. Aug. 4 | Gisling, Elias, and Elizabeth Quackenboss | M. B. | VII | 290 |
1763. Jan. 18 | Gislingh, Breghtie, and Gerret Van Vranke | M. B. | VII | 21 |
1758. Jan. 28 | Gittins, John, and Mary Kemp | M. B. | I | 804 |
1758. Feb. 27 | Glaghorn, Janet, and Richard Bogg | M. B. | I | 831 |
1780. May 17 | Glass, Christiana, and William Gerard | M. B. | XXIX | 60 |
1764. Jan. 24 | Glassford, James, and Rosamond Cooper | M. B. | VIII | 33 |
1779. Mar. 30 | Glean, Anthony, and Martha Tippet | M. B. | XXVII | 85 |
1771. April 30 | Glean, Elizabeth, and Jacob Emmens | M. B. | XVII | 73 |
1779. Mar. 24 | Glean, Mary, and Peter Prindle | M. B. | XXVII | 75 |
1775. June 6 | Glean, Samuel, and Jane Parsons | M. B. | XXIII | 54 |
1769. July 14 | Glean, Susannah, and Matthew Cook | M. B. | XIV | 153 |
1775. April 15 | Glean, Susannah, and Matthew Smith | M. B. | XXIII | 10 |
1779. April 11 | Gleaves, Brachey, and James Tillery | M. B. | XXVII | 105 |
1764. May 3 | Gleen, Abigail, and Thomas Ogilvie | M. B. | VIII | 183 |
1761. April 27 | Gleen, James, and Mary Williams | M. B. | IV | 168 |
1760. Mar. 1 | Gleghorne, Violet, and William Hall | M. B. | III | 57 |
1762. April 10 | Glen, Ann, and Joseph Gaddus | M. B. | VI | 102 |
1765. June 5 | Glen, Annatje Sanderse, and Hermans Van Slyck | M. B. | IX | 159 |
1762. May 21 | Glen, Catharine, and Harmanus Wendell | M. B. | VI | 163 |
1764. Aug. 16 | Glen, Cornelius, and Elizabeth Nicholls | M. B. | VIII | 283 |
1762. Nov. 9 | Glen, Henry, and Elisabeth Visher | M. B. | VI | 422 |
1764. Mar. 5 | Glen, Jane, and Abraham Cuyler | M. B. | VIII | 93 |
1759. May 4 | Glen, John, Jr., and Catharine Veeder | M. B. | II | 266 |
1762. Sept. 3 | Glenn, John S., and Sarah Saunders | M. B. | VI | 304 |
1765. April 9 | Glenn, Thomas, and Margaret Mahony | M. B. | IX | 84 |
1755. Sept. 16 | Gleson, Catharine, and John Stevens | M. B. | I | 178 |
1760. Nov. 22 | Gleves, Matthew, and Margaret Rote | M. B. | III | 434 |
1737. July 26 | Glieves, Hester, and Isaac Bedlow | M. B. | I | 7 |
1783. April 22 | Glover, Anne, and Stephen Carey | M. B. | XXXVIII | 109 |
1738. Dec. 8 | Glover, Hester, and John Bisset | M. B. | I | 12 |
1771. June 15 | Glover, John, and Esther Grondine | M. B. | XVII | 111 |
1757. Sept. 21 | Glover, Martha, and Stephen Dwight | M. B. | I | 639 |
1755. Sept. 8 | Goar, John, and Effie Van Veghte | M. B. | I | 169 |
1780. Oct. 7 | Gockh, Mary, and Jonathan Baxter | M. B. | XXX | 60 |
1737. Dec. 3 | Goddard, Christopher, and Mary Kennedy | M. B. | I | 8 |
1770. Mar. 5 | Goddard, Mary, and Benjamin Calder | M. B. | XVI | 30 |
1778. Oct. 27 | Godwin, Ann, and Paul Brown | M. B. | XXVI | 74 |
1763. Jan. 3 | Godwin, Samuel, and Magdalen Wallagrave | M. B. | VII | 4 |
1757. Jan. 20 | Godwood, Mary, and Robert Moore | M. B. | I | 422 |
1780. Dec. 21 | Goeddecy, Charles, and Mary Moutchell | M. B. | XXX | 162 |
1776. Jan. 30 | Goelet, Alice, and Andrew Lott | M. B. | XXIII | 256 |
1755. Aug. 28 | Goelet, Catharin, and Peter T. Curtenius | M. B. | I | 159 |
1764. Nov. 20 | Goelet, Jane, and John Zabriski | M. B. | VIII | 412 |
1770. Dec. 4 | Goelet, Peter, and Mary Ludlow | M. B. | XVI | 283 |
1770. Oct. 12 | Goes, Elizabeth, and Burger Huick | M. B. | XVI | 209 |
1775. May 10 | Goes, Jane, and Cornelius Sebring | M. B. | XXIII | 27 |
1766. Nov. 21 | Goes, Johannis, Jr., and Elizabeth Vosburgh | M. B. | X | 174 |
1776. Jan. 25 | Goes, John D., and Mary Quackenboss | M. B. | XXIII | 251 |
1764. Nov. 22 | Goes, Louris, and Catharine Hoffman | M. B. | VIII | 418 |
1767. Nov. 24 | Goes, Mary, and Johannes I. Van Alen | M. B. | XII | 97 |
1770. June 30 | Goes, Mary, and John Bronck | M. B. | XVI | 131 |
1760. June 2 | Goes, Mathew, and Helena Van Duesen | M. B. | III | 171 |
1757. April 28 | Goes, Myndert, and Margaret Forsburgh | M. B. | I | 519 |
1776. Feb. 24 | Goetchius, Catherine, and Rynier Van Nest | M. B. | XXIII | 273 |
1758. Oct. 14 | Goetschius, Johannes Mauritius, and Catrina Huger | M. B. | II | 56 |
1759. May 2 | Goetz, John Michael, and Catharine Webern | M. B. | II | 264 |
1760. Jan. 21 | Goewy, Catlyna, and John Gerse Yates | M. B. | II | 586 |
1781. May 12 | Goff, Catherine, and Michael Fullhan | M. B. | XXXII | 46 |
1775. May 20 | Goff, Elizabeth, and Jacob Roose | M. B. | XXIII | 40 |
1760. Nov. 8 | Goff, Jane, and John Smith | M. B. | III | 399 |
1765. Aug. 14 | Goff, Jenny, and Coenradt Wolfe | M. B. | IX | 236 |
1773. Mar. 30 | Goff, Mary, and Richard Banks | M. B. | XX | 78 |
1760. May 16 | Goforth, William, and Catharine Weeks | M. B. | III | 155 |
1760. Sept. 3 | Gold, Anne, and John McColme | M. B. | III | 280 |
1781. July 24 | Golden, John, and Pheby Volintine | M. B. | XXXIII | 14 |
1760. Nov. 14 | Golder, Dorothy, and Thomas Southerd | M. B. | III | 413 |
1774. Feb. 9 | Golder, Joseph, and Elizabeth Gripman | M. B. | XXII | 125 |
1782. Dec. 17 | Golder, Letitia, and John Staats | M. B. | XXXVII | 123 |
1761. Dec. 18 | Golder, Michael, and Altje Van Noorstrandt | M. B. | V | 285 |
1737. April 14 | Golder, Wanechy, and Abraham Hendrickson | M. B. | I | 5 |
1763. Feb. 10 | Golding, Ann, and Daniel Polhemus | M. B. | VII | 58 |
1782. Jan. 28 | Golding, Ephraim, and Hannah Fly | M. B. | XXXV | 35 |
1781. April 26 | Golding, Nathaniel, and Sarah Devoo | M. B. | XXXII | 18 |
1765. April 10 | Golding, Rebecca, and Daniel Libbey | M. B. | IX | 87 |
1773. Nov. 15 | Goldsmith, Richard, and Lydia Rider | M. B. | XXII | 28 |
1759. Mar. 8 | Goldthwait, Michael Burrell, and Sarah Farman | M. B. | II | 213 |
1761. Jan. 26 | Goldtrap, Thomas, and Margaret Martin | M. B. | IV | 29 |
1759. Oct. 29 | Goldwin, Sarah, and Dennis MacGwier | M. B. | II | 477 |
1768. Aug. 5 | Gons, Francis, and Ann Kingston | M. B. | XIII | 169 |
1764. Sept. 18 | Gonzales, Elizabeth, and Johannes Bevier | M. B. | VIII | 313 |
1773. Dec. 3 | Gonzales, Manewal, Jr., and Sarah Bevier | M. B. | XXII | 61 |
1773. Mar. 23 | Goodbylet, Catherine, and John Parker | M. B. | XX | 68 |
1737. May 16 | Goodland, Mary, and Dennis Hicks | M. B. | I | 6 |
1781. Oct. 15 | Goodman, John, and Hannah Pennell | M. B. | XXXIII | 100 |
1778. Oct. 5 | Goodrich, Bartlett, and Mary Wilson | M. B. | XXVI | 110 |
1736. July 1 | Goodwin, David, and Catharine Drinkwater | M. B. | I | 2 |
1764. April 14 | Goodwin, Elizabeth, and Thomas Wiggins | M. B. | VIII | 155 |
1771. Jan. 18 | Goodwin, Richard, and Elizabeth Lewis | M. B. | XVII | 7 |
1773. Dec. 6 | Googlet, Hendrick, and Amy Cornish | M. B. | XXII | 62 |
1782. Jan. 16 | Goold, Amy, and Alexander Sammis | M. B. | XXXV | 19 |
1782. Oct. 3 | Goold, Benjamin, and Elizabeth Platt | M. B. | XXXVII | 26 |
1774. Mar. 2 | Goold, Edward, and Sarah Child Huggins | M. B. | XXII | 138 |
1773. Nov. 17 | Goot, Dirck G., and Harantie Wimp | M. B. | XXII | 33 |
1762. Feb. 22 | Gorbacker, John, and Elizabeth Stanton | M. B. | VI | 56 |
1761. Aug. 5 | Gordan, John, and Catharine Bayley | M. B. | V | 26 |
1771. June 26 | Gordon, Alice, and William White | M. B. | XVII | 122 |
1772. Feb. 12 | Gordon, Catherine, and Valentine Nutter | M. B. | XVIII | 34 |
1775. Nov. 2 | Gordon, Elizabeth, and Isaac Demilt | M. B. | XXIII | 197 |
1770. Oct. 13 | Gordon, Elizabeth, and Joshua H. Smith | M. B. | XVI | 211 |
1764. April 25 | Gordon, James, and Margaret Garrick | M. B. | VIII | 167 |
1770. Nov. 10 | Gordon, Margaret, and Alexander Richie | M. B. | XVI | 245 |
1764. Feb. 25 | Gordon, Mary, and John Dougan | M. B. | VIII | 78 |
1763. Jan. 29 | Gordon, Thomas, and Martha Needham | M. B. | VII | 39 |
1761. Feb. 3 | Gormley, Samuel, and Mary Atkison | M. B. | IV | 48 |
1761. Dec. 7 | Gorsline, Jost, and Martha Smith | M. B. | V | 266 |
1770. June 1 | Gortser, Christiana, and Hendrick Andrew Smith | M. B. | XVI | 101 |
1772. July 15 | Gose, Elizabeth, and Leonard Van Alstyne | M. B. | XVIII | 167 |
1773. Aug. 20 | Gose, Matthew, and Jane Van Valkenbergh | M. B. | XXI | 79 |
1773. April 21 | Gose, Stantia, and Thomas L. Witbeek | M. B. | XX | 99 |
1669. Feb. 12 | Gosen, Maria, and James Matthews | C. A. | II | 467 |
1756. Sept. 14 | Gosline, John, and Judith Realer | M. B. | I | 296 |
1759. Oct. 2 | Gosline, Joseph, and Sarah Leverich | M. B. | II | 442 |
1773. June 14 | Gosline, Patience, and William Loweree | M. B. | XXI | 3 |
1762. July 31 | Gosline, Richard, and Antje Albertus | M. B. | VI | 258 |
1738. Oct. 11 | Gosline, Samuel, and Judah Wood | M. B. | I | 11 |
1780. Nov. 14 | Gosling, Elizabeth, and Normand McLeod | M. B. | XXX | 105 |
1764. Feb. 6 | Gosling, Jacob, and Sarah Hallett | M. B. | VIII | 53 |
1782. May 28 | Goswelling, Mary, and John Hatch | M. B. | XXXVI | 29 |
1756. Sept. 30 | Gotier, Magdalin, and Samuel Foster | M. B. | I | 314 |
1758. Feb. 23 | Gould, John, and Catherine Menee | M. B. | I | 826 |
1780. Dec. 23 | Gould, John, and Lellis Edo | M. B. | XXX | 167 |
1757. July 19 | Gould, Rebeccah, and John Kerly | M. B. | I | 594 |
1737. May 12 | Gouverneur, Alida, and John Broughton | M. B. | I | 6 |
1769. July 5 | Gouverneur, Herman, and Mary Broughton | M. B. | XIV | 412 |
1779. July 12 | Govier, Joseph, and Phebe Lewis | M. B. | XXVIII | 21 |
1779. Nov. 11 | Gowey, William, and Ann Watkins | M. B. | XXVIII | 136 |
1758. Oct. 10 | Grace, John, and Sarah Stone | M. B. | II | 46 |
1761. July 7 | Grace, Rebecca, and Abraham Post | M. B. | IV | 288 |
1771. Dec. 2 | Grace, Robert, and Ann Wilkins | M. B. | XVII | 278 |
1773. April 5 | Grace, Walter, and Mary Blanchard | M. B. | XX | 83 |
1757. Aug. 5 | Grage, Elizabeth, and Peter Rose | M. B. | I | 608 |
1761. Dec. 3 | Graghburgher, Hannah, and Johan Bastian Kuysrock | M. B. | V | 263 |
1771. Aug. 16 | Graham, Annanias, and Jane Kempton | M. B. | XVII | 158 |
1737. Nov. 4 | Granger, Anne, and David Mersereau | M. B. | I | 8 |
1782. Sept. 15 | Graham, Anne, and Nathaniel Ashfoard | M. B. | XXXVII | 2 |
1783. Aug. 13 | Graham, Anne, and William Reynolds | M. B. | XXXIX | 125 |
1760. June 9 | Graham, Arthur, and Hannah Denin | M. B. | III | 182 |
1770. Feb. 17 | Graham, Austin, and Mary Van Ranst | M. B. | XVI | 18 |
1772. April 21 | Graham, Catharine, and Justice Banks | M. B. | XVIII | 86 |
1776. Mar. 25 | Graham, Catherine, and Robert Cane | M. B. | XXIII | 291 |
1768. April 18 | Graham, Daniel, and Catherina Decker | M. B. | XIII | 81 |
1768. Oct. 29 | Graham, Duncan, and Mary McCavey | M. B. | XIII | 218 |
1767. Jan. 7 | Graham, Elizabeth, and Mathew Decker | M. B. | XI | 3 |
1771. Mar. 23 | Graham, Elizabeth, and Thomas Storm | M. B. | XVII | 39 |
1763. July 21 | Graham, Ennis, and Elizabeth Wilcox | M. B. | VII | 279 |
1771. Dec. 11 | Graham, Isabella, and Jonathan Landon | M. B. | XVII | 288 |
1738. Nov. 30 | Graham, James, and Arabella Morris | M. B. | I | 12 |
1764. Dec. 21 | Graham, John, and Catharine De Witt | M. B. | VIII | 461 |
1768. Dec. 20 | Graham, John, and Elizabeth Irvin | M. B. | XIII | 268 |
1770. Sept. 28 | Graham, John, and Trientje Bruyn | M. B. | XVI | 200 |
1781. Sept. 25 | Graham, Robert, and Anne Hunter | M. B. | XXXIII | 78 |
1773. June 22 | Graham, John, and Mary Winter | M. B. | XXI | 19 |
1781. Dec. 4 | Graham, Joseph, and Hannah Hallet | M. B. | XXXIV | 70 |
1765. Aug. 23 | Graham, Malcolm, and Elinor Groves | M. B. | IX | 244 |
1773. Aug. 20 | Graham, Mary, and Edward Patten | M. B. | XXI | 77 |
1763. June 30 | Graham, Mary, and James Johnson | M. B. | VII | 248 |
1736. Dec. 14 | Graham, Mary, and John Lattimer | M. B. | I | 5 |
1764. July 16 | Graham, Peter, and Mary Revoe | M. B. | VIII | 261 |
1760. April 16 | Graham, Robert, and Mary McIntosh | M. B. | III | 110 |
1772. Sept. 28 | Graham, Sarah, and James Monnell | M. B. | XIX | 59 |
1779. Aug. 5 | Graham, Susannah, and Robert Pattullo | M. B. | XXVIII | 46 |
1764. April 14 | Graham, Thomas, and Hester Bodine | M. B. | VIII | 154 |
1766. Nov. 25 | Graham, William, and Elizabeth Wermoct | M. B. | X | 181 |
1758. Oct. 4 | Graham, William, and Margaret Easton | M. B. | II | 39 |
1763. Nov. 29 | Grahms, George, and Phebe Irwin | M. B. | VII | 481 |
1764. July 14 | Grainger, Henry, and Elenor Parsols | M. B. | VIII | 259 |
1780. July 26 | Grandine, John, and Elizabeth Shepherd | M. B. | XXIX | 120 |
1768. Oct. 7 | Grandine, Mary, and Matthias Swame | M. B. | XIII | 205 |
1765. May 23 | Grant, Daniel, and Anne McPherson | M. B. | IX | 137 |
1759. Feb. 10 | Grant, Daniel, and Ruth Moore | M. B. | II | 187 |
1761. Mar. 16 | Grant, Deborah, and George Anderson | M. B. | IV | 103 |
1762. Jan. 12 | Grant, Edward, and Mary Cragg | M. B. | VI | 9 |
1781. Feb. 10 | Grant, Elinor, and George Ross | M. B. | XXXI | 44 |
1770. Oct. 25 | Grant, John, and Rachel Wessells | M. B. | XVI | 228 |
1759. Aug. 30 | Grant, John, and Sarah Berger | M. B. | II | 403 |
1783. June 29 | Grant, John, and Sarah Clerdage | M. B. | XXXIX | 72 |
1758. Sept. 11 | Grant, Mary, and Jasper Farmer | M. B. | II | 12 |
1763. June 11 | Grant, Robert, and Esther Robinson | M. B. | VII | 226 |
1755. Oct. 30 | Grant, Thomas, and Catharine Stephens | M. B. | I | 201 |
1771. Feb. 21 | Grant, William, and Ann Doddridge | M. B. | XVII | 19 |
1764. Mar. 7 | Grant, William, and Catharine Anderson | M. B. | VIII | 96 |
1761. Aug. 8 | Grass, Othilia, and Martine Lange | M. B. | V | 34 |
1677. July 3 | Graves, Deliverance, and Josiah Hallett | W. O. P. | III | 252 |
1761. July 20 | Gravesteen, Sophia, and William Bailey | M. B. | V | 1 |
1672. May 7 | Gray, Affyance, and William Pyles | G. E. | IV | 134 |
1783. Sept. 10 | Gray, Andrew, and Elizabeth Moorehead | M. B. | XL | 35 |
1769. Aug. 1 | Gray, Andrew, and Susannah Case | M. B. | XV | 12 |
1760. Aug. 18 | Gray, Catharine, and Edmund Savage | M. B. | III | 257 |
1777. Mar. 15 | Gray, Elizabeth, and Benjamin Elsden | M. B. | XXIV | 45 |
1761. Nov. 14 | Gray, Elizabeth, and Joseph Whitehouse | M. B. | V | 219 |
1769. Nov. 6 | Gray, Jane, and Daniel Miller | M. B. | XV | 80 |
1759. Jan. 10 | Gray, James, and Elizabeth Kernaghen | M. B. | II | 148 |
1783. April 26 | Gray, James, and Eunice Thorp | M. B. | XXXVIII | 117 |
1671. Feb. 26 | Gray, Mary, and John Watson | G. E. | IV | 102 |
1760. Feb. 9 | Gray, Sarah, and Francis Turner | M. B. | III | 27 |
1779. Sept. 25 | Gray, Thomas, and Elizabeth Massane | M. B. | XXVIII | 87 |
1781. July 7 | Gray, William, and Lusina Spry | M. B. | XXXII | 106 |
1783. May 29 | Grayham, Ann, and George Clark | M. B. | XXXIX | 27 |
1780. Mar. 22 | Grayham, Margaret, and William Cook | M. B. | XXIX | 6 |
1783. June 13 | Gready, Aria, and Jacob Langrange | M. B. | XXXIX | 56 |
1765. Oct. 31 | Green, Catherine, and Matthias Compton | M. B. | IX | 347 |
1761. Nov. 16 | Green, Elisabeth, and Benajah Wiggins | M. B. | V | 221 |
1772. Dec. 21 | Green, Elizabeth, and Joseph Carpenter | M. B. | XIX | 159 |
1763. April 15 | Green, Esther, and George Felmer | M. B. | VII | 128 |
1759. Nov. 19 | Green, Jamime, and John Tur Bose | M. B. | II | 504 |
1759. Oct. 2 | Green, Jeremiah, and Elizabeth Begle | M. B. | II | 441 |
1762. Nov. 9 | Green, John, and Mary Allen | M. B. | VI | 420 |
1775. June 1 | Green, Lucy, and Thomas Wood | M. B. | XXIII | 52 |
1760. June 24 | Green, Obadiah, and Sarah Alberson | M. B. | III | 195a |
1770. Feb. 7 | Green, Phebe, and Andrew Lyon | M. B. | XVI | 13 |
1781. Oct. 16 | Green, Rachel, and Thomas Cavenagh | M. B. | XXXIII | 104 |
1765. April 27 | Green, Rebecca, and John Jabwain | M. B. | IX | 111 |
1763. Jan. 2 | Green, Sarah, and Plat Smith | M. B. | VII | 534 |
1782. June 3 | Green, Thomas, and Debby Tucker | M. B. | XXXVI | 35 |
1737. Sept. 30 | Green, William, and Mary Amos | M. B. | I | 7 |
1777. Jan. 3 | Greene, Joseph, and Hanah Townsend | M. B. | XXIV | 2 |
1764. June 22 | Greenill, Mary, and John Sloss Hobart | M. B. | VIII | 231 |
1769. Feb. 16 | Greenoak, Frances, and Walter Dalton | M. B. | XIV | 36 |
1775. June 7 | Greenoak, John, and Lydia Hallet | M. B. | XXIII | 55 |
1770. Aug. 29 | Greenoak, John, and Rebecca Clement | M. B. | XVI | 175 |
1764. Sept. 14 | Greenock, Mary, and Ludly Hare | M. B. | VIII | 309 |
1775. June 24 | Greenock, Sarah, and Melancton Lawrence | M. B. | XXIII | 77 |
1760. Feb. 2 | Greenwalden, Apoleney, and Michael Ganthy | M. B. | III | 21 |
1762. Oct. 11 | Greenwood, Joseph, and Catharine McCarty | M. B. | VI | 358 |
1781. June 26 | Greer, Samuel, and Jane McMurdy | M. B. | XXXII | 99 |
1768. Jan. 13 | Gregg, David, and Jane Curry | M. B. | XIII | 7 |
1763. Sept. 9 | Gregg, Higginbottom, and Elizabeth Sutton | M. B. | VII | 332 |
1772. Nov. 9 | Gregg, James, and Elizabeth Crookshanks | M. B. | XIX | 106 |
1760. Feb. 11 | Gregg, Jane, and Stewart Wilson | M. B. | III | 32 |
1780. Feb. 17 | Greggory, Mary, and Aitken Brown | M. B. | XXVIII | 211 |
1781. Dec. 15 | Gregory, Elenor, and Benjaman Shepherd | M. B. | XXXIV | 90 |
1782. Mar. 18 | Gregory, Mary, and Andrew Rogers | M. B. | XXXVI | 9 |
1783. Aug. 6 | Gregory, Mary, and John Patterson | M. B. | XXXIX | 119 |
1737/8. Jan. 11 | Gregory, Robert, and Mary Robinson | M. B. | I | 8 |
1758. Dec. 18 | Greiderman, Philder, and Catherine Barriton | M. B. | II | 131 |
1767. June 12 | Grenell, John, and Catherine Smith | M. B. | XI | 107 |
1766. Aug. 9 | Grenell, Thomas, and Elizabeth Stanton | M. B. | X | 72 |
1760. Mar. 20 | Gressand, Jean George, and Catharine Brand | M. B. | III | 83 |
1757. Sept. 26 | Gressman, Charles, and Anna Veronica Berg | M. B. | I | 648 |
1779. Nov. 10 | Greswould, Susannah, and Benjamin Hilton | M. B. | XXVIII | 134 |
1773. Feb. 24 | Grevorate, Henry, and Mary Van Driesen | M. B. | XX | 52 |
1736. Feb. 16 | Griffen, Elizabeth, and Job Hadden | M. B. | I | 5 |
1764. Oct. 20 | Griffin, Ame, and James Haight | M. B. | VIII | 366 |
1759. Oct. 3 | Griffin, Bridget, and Moses Griffin | M. B. | II | 447 |
1678. Jan. 4 | Griffin, Edward, Jr., and Deborah Barns | G. E. | XXXII | 21 |
1761. Oct. 14 | Griffin, Elizabeth, and James Peck | M. B. | V | 138 |
1755. Dec. 23 | Griffin, Elizabeth, and Joseph Budd | M. B. | I | 239 |
1777. April 15 | Griffin, Elizabeth, and Matthias Shacker | M. B. | XXIV | 65 |
1736. Sept. 13 | Griffin, Elizabeth, and William Fowler | M. B. | I | 2 |
1779. July 15 | Griffin, Ephraim, and Hester Vanderburgh | M. B. | XXVIII | 23 |
1681. Sept. 4 | Griffin, Honour, and Francisco | O. W. | XXXII 1/2 | 67 |
1738. June 17 | Griffin, Joseph, and Mary Gildersleves | M. B. | I | 10 |
1759. Oct. 3 | Griffin, Moses, and Bridget Griffin | M. B. | II | 447 |
1684. Jan. 7 | Griffin, Samuel, and Elizabeth Platt | C. M. | XXXIII | 75 |
1760. Oct. 15 | Griffin, Susannah, and Peleg Ransom | M. B. | III | 366 |
1768. April 6 | Griffin, William, and Mary Lowrea | M. B. | XIII | 64 |
1781. Nov. 4 | Griffis, Ann, and Alexander Brush | M. B. | XXXIV | 17 |
1759. Dec. 5 | Griffis, Margaret, and Richard Tatterson | M. B. | II | 528 |
1783. Oct. 9 | Griffith, Christian, and Cadwallader Colden, Jr. | M. B. | XI | 74 |
1736/7. Mar. 21 | Griffith, David, and Sarah Humble | M. B. | I | 5 |
1781. April 10 | Griffith, Jane, and Claudius Charles | M. B. | XXXI | 99 |
1757. April 29 | Griffith, John, and Elizabeth Gest | M. B. | I | 517 |
1762. Nov. 8 | Griffiths, Agnes, and Andrew Murray | M. B. | VI | 418 |
1766. Oct. 26 | Griffiths, David, and Hannah Colvill | M. B. | X | 136 |
1777. April 12 | Griffiths, Edward, and Eliza Clarkson | M. B. | XXIV | 61 |
1759. Oct. 16 | Griffiths, Hanah, and John Foreman | M. B. | II | 459 |
1782. Jan. 29 | Griffiths, Jane, and William Lewis | M. B. | XXXV | 37 |
1775. July 21 | Griffiths, Johanna, and James Light, Jr. | M. B. | XXIII | 113 |
1781. April 11 | Griffiths, Joseph, and Agness Van Wagenen | M. B. | XXXI | 101 |
1775. July 19 | Griffiths, Joseph, and Sarah Leonard | M. B. | XXIII | 99 |
1781. Mar. 19 | Grigg, Catharine, and James Peevey | M. B. | XXXI | 75 |
- | Grigg, Hannah, and Joseph Hildreth | M. B. | VII | 391 |
1756. July 31 | Grigg, Henry, and Catherine Ward | M. B. | I | 264 |
1781. April 24 | Grigg, Jane, and John Fegan | M. B. | XXXII | 12 |
1782. April 25 | Grigg, John, and Hannah Roome | M. B. | XXXV | 138 |
1762. Sept. 22 | Grigg, Joseph, and Helena Mills | M. B. | VI | 325 |
1761. July 23 | Grigg, Susannah, and William Cummings | M. B. | V | 6 |
1766. Sept. 29 | Grigg, William, and Helena Stout | M. B. | X | 115 |
1755. Aug. 12 | Griggs, Ann, and Bernardus Van Vorhes | M. B. | I | 145 |
1736. July 1 | Griggs, Catherine, and Cornelius Bois | M. B. | I | 2 |
1758. Feb. 2 | Griggs, John, and Martha Schenk | M. B. | I | 810 |
1757. June 8 | Griggs, Lydia, and Joost Van Brunt | M. B. | I | 555 |
1782. Jan. 2 | Grim, Catharine, and Frederick De Keller | M. B. | XXXV | 2 |
1781. Dec. 24 | Grim, David, and Mary Barwick | M. B. | XXXIV | 104 |
1781. May 2 | Grim, Elizabeth, and Joham Carl Von Altenstein | M. B. | XXXII | 28 |
1780. July 31 | Grim, Peter, and Cathalina Dikeman | M. B. | XXIX | 130 |
1770. Sept. 27 | Grimes, Mary, and James Lemusny | M. B. | XVI | 196 |
1770. Dec. 7 | Grimesly, Charles, and Mary Ryan | M. B. | XVI | 288 |
1770. Aug. 6 | Grimesly, Sarah, and Richard Northover | M. B. | XVI | 153 |
1770. Aug. 22 | Griniard, Nicholas, and Margaret Heborn | M. B. | XVI | 167 |
1775. Feb. 9 | Gripman, Elizabeth, and Joseph Golder | M. B. | XXII | 125 |
1772. Jan. 4 | Grisdall, Thomas, and Margaret Collister | M. B. | XVIII | 3 |
1760. Mar. 14 | Grisner, John, and Altje Lamberson | M. B. | III | 77 |
1772. Feb. 10 | Griswold, Elizabeth, and Benjamin Hildreth, Jr. | M. B. | XVIII | 32 |
1753. Aug. 30 | Griswold, Joseph, and Sarah Karley | M. B. | I | 104 |
1763. Sept. 8 | Groadt, Christiana, and Samuel Gardiner | M. B. | VII | 330 |
1769. June 29 | Groasbeck, Peter, and Janetje Backer | M. B. | XIV | 137 |
1759. Dec. 20 | Groasbeck, Catharine, and Thomas Lynch | M. B. | II | 553 |
1765. Oct. 24 | Groat, Anne, and Peter Philip | M. B. | IX | 315 |
1765. April 24 | Groenendyck, Mayaka, and Gerrit Probasco | M. B. | IX | 106 |
1755. Dec. 8 | Groesbeck, Ann, and Donald Drummond | M. B. | I | 228 |
1762. Nov. 4 | Groesbeck, Catharine, and Casparus Pruyn | M. B. | VI | 411 |
1765. July 17 | Groesbeck, Catlina, and Philip Wendell | M. B. | IX | 208 |
1765. Sept. 9 | Groesbeck, David, and Sarah Winne | M. B. | IX | 257 |
1766. Dec. 11 | Groesbeck, Gertrude, and Jonathan Lewis | M. B. | X | 201 |
1763. Aug. 20 | Groesbeck, Harme, and Maritie Bennoway | M. B. | VII | 318 |
1765. June 17 | Groesbeck, John, and Altje Van Aernam | M. B. | IX | 173 |
1766. June 25 | Groesbeck, Margaret, and Nicholas Marsellis | M. B. | X | 31 |
1764. Feb. 6 | Groesbeck, Maritje, and Mathew De Garemo | M. B. | VIII | 49 |
1766. June 27 | Groesbeck, Nicholas, and Gertrude Waldron | M. B. | X | 35 |
1765. Oct. 31 | Groesbeck, Rebecca, and Isaac De Fonda | M. B. | IX | 342 |
1761. May 27 | Groesbeck, Walter N., and Alida Quackenbosch | M. B. | IV | 209 |
1764. Jan. 30 | Groesbeek, Maria, and Garret Van Groesbeek | M. B. | VIII | 43 |
1779. Nov. 25 | Groff, John, and Mary Cooper | M. B. | XXVIII | 148 |
1756. Dec. 3 | Gromell, James, and Elizabeth McDonach | M. B. | I | 371 |
1757. Dec. 20 | Grondarn, Mary, and Peter Noe | M. B. | I | 748 |
1771. June 15 | Grondine, Esther, and John Glover | M. B. | XVII | 111 |
1765. April 11 | Grondine, Margaret, and John Wood | M. B. | IX | 90 |
1756. Oct. 14 | Gronendick, Nicholas, and Catharine Peterson | M. B. | I | 329 |
1769. Oct. 17 | Groome, Francis, and Rachel Crashum | M. B. | XV | 55 |
1764. April 13 | Groosbeeck, Alida, and Jacob Harsin, Jr. | M. B. | VIII | 153 |
1773. Sept. 30 | Groosbeek, John, and Cathalina Van Schaick | M. B. | XXI | 128 |
1773. June 3 | Groostine, Conrad, and Lucy Knap | M. B. | XX | 137 |
1762. Aug. 26 | Groot, Abraham, and Catherine Kittel | M. B. | VI | 293 |
1770. Aug. 10 | Groot, Catrena, and John Hall | M. B. | XVI | 157 |
1767. Nov. 6 | Groot, Hester, and Cornelius Maebie | M. B. | XII | 76 |
1762. Oct. 14 | Groot, Jacomentje, and Jesse Van Slyck | M. B. | VI | 365 |
1762. Feb. 10 | Groot, John, and Engeltje Van Patten | M. B. | VI | 45 |
1770. April 25 | Groot, Maria, and Phineas Leach | M. B. | XVI | 69 |
1773. Mar. 20 | Groote, Neltie, and Petrus Groote | M. B. | XX | 66 |
1773. Mar. 20 | Groote, Petrus, and Neltie Groote | M. B. | XX | 66 |
1771. Oct. 23 | Grosbeeck, John, and Anna Davenport | M. B. | XVII | 218 |
1764. Feb. 27 | Grosehanck, Catharine, and John Christian Wiesener | M. B. | VIII | 82 |
1779. Mar. 27 | Groshon, Elizabeth, and Joseph Bishop | M. B. | XXVII | 79 |
1768. Nov. 2 | Grote, Rebecca, and Aaron Peeke | M. B. | XIII | 221 |
1779. June 19 | Grover, Barzillai, and Catherine Simonson | M. B. | XXVII | 168 |
1765. Aug. 23 | Groves, Elinor, and Malcolm Graham | M. B. | IX | 244 |
1760. Oct. 30 | Groves, Catharine, and Anthony O'Niel | M. B. | III | 388 |
1778. Dec. 1 | Groves, Jane, and Joseph Pile | M. B. | XXVI | 105 |
1764. Mar. 29 | Groves, John, and Catharine Bree | M. B. | VIII | 122 |
1761. June 17 | Groves, Joseph, and Jane Bohannan | M. B. | IV | 246 |
1761. July 20 | Grovesteen, Sophia, and William Bailey | M. B. | V | 1 |
1760. April 19 | Growsekop, Elizabeth, and Henry Reese | M. B. | III | 116 |
1780. May 10 | Grundy, George, and Mary Carr | M. B. | XXIX | 52 |
1772. April 21 | Gruver, Catharine, and George Masserve | M. B. | XVIII | 89 |
1764. Aug. 2 | Gue, Jane, and Michael Ouray | M. B. | VIII | 273 |
1762. Sept. 14 | Guerino, John, and Susanna Besley | M. B. | VI | 315 |
1765. June 21 | Guest, Anne, and George Power | M. B. | IX | 180 |
1772. May 13 | Guest, Elizabeth, and James Rote | M. B. | XVIII | 109 |
1778. Oct. 12 | Guest, Henry, and Elizabeth Hodgson | M. B. | XXVI | 65 |
1770. Nov. 24 | Guest, Joy, and Richard Bolton | M. B. | XVI | 269 |
1777. Nov. 1 | Guest, Letty, and James Rollin | M. B. | XXIV | 773 |
1772. July 18 | Guest, Lewis, and Jane Van Sickler | M. B. | XIX | 1 |
1764. April 11 | Guest, Mary, and Barent Jansen | M. B. | VIII | 149 |
1778. July 16 | Guest, Mary, and George Oates | M. B. | XXV | 131 |
1761. June 6 | Guest, Thomas, and Catharine French | M. B. | IV | 228 |
1772. Nov. 23 | Guildersleive, Jennetye, and Roger McNeill | M. B. | XIX | 126a |
1779. Feb. 27 | Guinnell, Thomas, and Milleson Haight | M. B. | XXVII | 52 |
1767. Mar. 19 | Guion, Aletta, and Joseph Purdy | M. B. | XI | 46 |
1769. Jan. 27 | Guion, Alida, and Joseph Rodman, Jr. | M. B. | XIV | 21 |
1773. Sept. 6 | Guion, Benjamin, and Sarah Pell | M. B. | XXI | 99 |
1770. Dec. 5 | Guion, Elias, and Magdalen Soulis | M. B. | XVI | 285 |
1778. July 15 | Guion, Frederick, and Jemima Hackett | M. B. | XXV | 133 |
1771. Jan. 3 | Guion, Lewis, and Elizabeth Hooglar | M. B. | XVII | 309 |
1774. Jan. 7 | Guion, Mary, and James Colvin | M. B. | XXII | 94 |
1775. July 24 | Guion, Mary, and Thomas Fowler | M. B. | XXIII | 103 |
1782. Dec. 1 | Guire, Anne, and Samuel Whitney | M. B. | XXXVII | 103 |
1757. Aug. 18 | Gulick, Hendrick, and Famitje Cowenhover | M. B. | I | 616 |
1757. Sept. 24 | Gunther, John Heinrich, and Elenor Hendrick | M. B. | I | 647 |
1778. May 9 | Guyion, Agnes, and John Stevens | M. B. | XXV | 74 |
1765. Oct. 31 | Guyon, Abraham, and Mary Rodman | M. B. | IX | 341 |
1772. Nov. 14 | Guyon, Addra, and Peter Cortelyou | M. B. | XIX | 113 |
1765. Aug. 28 | Guyon, Addra, and Samuel Ward | M. B. | IX | 250 |
1782. May 7 | Guyon, James, and Margaret Lake | M. B. | XXXV | 152 |
1772. Sept. 26 | Guyon, James, and Susannah Martineau | M. B. | XIX | 57 |
1781. May 18 | Guyon, John, and Sarah Ward | M. B. | XXXII | 52 |
1773. Jan. 27 | Guyon, Joseph, and Ann Dissosway | M. B. | XX | 26 |
1777. Jan. 19 | Guyon, Peter, and Catherine Ketletass | M. B. | XXIV | 15 |
1781. Oct. 5 | Guyon, Peter, and Sarah Martino | M. B. | XXXIII | 87 |
1780. July 28 | Guzlin, Ann, and James Stewart | M. B. | XXIX | 124 |
1765. May 30 | Gylard, Jane, and Patrick Hannon | M. B. | IX | 145 |