Montgomery County New York Abstracts of Wills - 1787 - 1831, Volume LVI
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SNELL, JOHANNES of Stone Arabia, will dated 14-16-1782 probated Dec. 22, 1787. Mentions: daus., Catharine Elizabeth, wife of Adam Laux; Mary Elizabeth, wife of George Aker and Peggy, wife of William Finck; son George, supposed to have been killed by the Indians; George's wife, Mary, and their children Jacob, Peggy, Catharine, Mary and Elizabeth. Executors: Andrew Finck, George Gettman. Witnesses: William Laux, Gasper Koch, Jr., Andrew Finck, Jr.
MAYER, ANNA ABALENA, widow of Felix, being old, will dated Dec. 14, 1784, probated Mar. 1, 1788. Mentions: son Adam Bellinger; Catharine Countryman, wife of Marcus; Anna Eva Snell, wife of George; heirs of Abalona, dau. of Peter Kiltz, deceased; Abalona, dau. of Marcus Countryman; Abalona, dau. of George Snell; Abalona, dau. of Frederic Countryman; Abalona, dau. of Adam Snell; Anna Elizabeth, wife of Adam Snell; heirs of Anna Maria Kiltz, late wife of Peter, deceased, and Frederic Herter. Executors: Jacob Eaker, George Eaker. Witnesses: Seferinus Dygert, Geo. Eaker, Catharine Eaker.
VAN NESTE, JOHN, of Montgomery County, will dated Aug. 13, 1788, probated Oct. 27, 1788. Mentions: Sons Hendrick and George: dau. Sarah Ten Eick; grandson Gerrit Ten Broeck, John Vorehase and Jacob Vorehase. Executors: son Hendrick, Robert Roseboom, Peter P. Dumont. Witnesses: Andrew Ten Eick, Thomas Burnside, Robert Roseboom.
WILLSON, JOHN, of Caughnawaga, will dated Nov. 1, 1788, probated Mar. 13, 1789. Mentions: wife Barbara; sons Jacob, James, John, Hendrick; daus., Barbara, Catharine, Margaret, Anatie, Alida and Elizabeth. Executors: son Jacob and son-in-law, Isaac Davis, both of Caughnawaga. Witnesses: Sampson Sammons, James Davis, Henry Seeber.
VAN DUZEN, MALGERT, of Caughnawaga, will dated Sept. 9, 1788, probated Aug. 16, 1789. Mentions: wife Nelly. Sole executrix: wife. Witnesses: Richard Atkins, John Thompson, Joseph Vansice.
GETMAN, GEORGE of Stone Arabia, will dated Dec. 2, 1783, probated Jan. 28, 1790. Mentions: wife Udelia; eldest son Frederic; sons John, Thomas and George; dau. Maria, wife of John Lewis Kring. Executors: son Frederic, John Snell, Isaac Paris. Witnesses: Christian Getman, Ludwig Rickett, Nicklas Kessler.
DEMOTH (DEMOT, DERMOT, DEAMEWOOD), GEORGE, of Fort Schuyler, will dated Jan. 3, 1788, probated Oct. 15, 1791. Mentions: wife Hannah Damewood; sons George, John, Richard, Peter, Nichlas, now living with savage Indians of America, by whom he was carried away; daus., Gerdradt, Cathrine, Anah, Elizabeth, Maria, and Marget. Executors: wife, John Smith, Melger Felts. Witnesses: William Cunningham, John Crissman, Elijah Freeman.
PARIS, ISAAC, of ----, will dated Mar. 26, 1790, probated June 21, 1790. Mentions: his mother, brothers Daniel, not yet of age, and Francis, land at Torloch. Executors: Rev. John Daniel Gros, Corn's Glen and Barent Flecker, both merchants of Albany, Paul Hochstrasser. Witnesses: Richard Young, Arnold Willkens, Robert McFarlan.
AKER, GEORGE, of Palatine, will dated Apr. 2, 1787, probated Apr. 2, 1793. Mentions: wife, sons Jacob, George and Nickolas; mentions land in Schoharie; daus., Elizabeth and Margaret. Executors: son Jacob, John Frey. Witnesses: Sefernus Dygert, Peter S. Dygert, Josiah Crane, Jr.
KLEIN, JOHN, of Mohawk, will dated Aug. 20, 1787, probated Oct. 25, 1790. Mentions: wife Maria Catherine; sons Jacob and Martinus, John Pettingall, some farm animals. Executors: Philip Frederick. Witnesses: Hendrick Putman, Peter Van Alstine, William Schuyler.
SNELL, GEORGE, of Palatine, will dated Oct. 24, 1786, probated Dec. 27, 1790. Mentions: wife Hanneke; sons Honjost, Adam, Peter, George and Jacob; daus., Maria and Appolone; brother Adam. Executors: brother Peter, Jacob Aker, George Aker. Witnesses: Josiah Crane, Josiah Crane, Jr., Samuel Avery.
HELMER, LENARD, of Palatine, will dated June 27, 1781 probated Apr. 28, 1791. Mentions: son Philip, Johannes; heirs of deceased eldest son Godfrid; grandson Hanajost of Johannes, large Bible; Brother Adam and his son Hendrick A., daus. Marimargrad, wife of John Headcock, Gertrourd, wife of Jacob Krouss. Annamagdalena, wife of Philip Peer, Elizabeth, wife of Peter Eygenbrodt. Executors: Collo'l Peter Waggoner, Peter Wormwood, of Palatine, and Peter Dygert, of Canajoharie. Witnesses: Johannes Nellis, Joahannes Flander, Richard Young.
FOX, MARGARET, widow of advanced age, of Palatine, will dated Nov. 29, 1784; probated Apr. 29, 1791. Mentions: sons George and Philip W.; son-in-law, John Hess. Executors: son George and John Hess. Witnesses: Philip Helmer, Peter Schuyler, Josiah Crane, Jr.
SMITH, JOHN, of Mohawk Town, will dated Mar. 1, 1791, probated June 6, 1791. Mentions: wife Eytie; son Jury; dau. Sophia Smith. Executors: brother Jeremiah, Chas. R. Sedarn (?), Richard Smith. Witnesses: Thomas Ostrom, Joshua Ostrom, John Smith.
FONDA, Jelles, of Palatine, will dated May 27, 1791; probated July 19, 1791. Mentions: wife Jannetie; sons Douw, Henry; daus., Mary, wife of Anthony Van Vechten, Peggy, wife of John Yates and Rachel; sister Margaret Wemple; sister Rachel Hanson; sister-in-law Folkie Swits; grandson Benjamin Van Vachten. Executors: son Douw, John Yates, brother Adam, Hendrick Frey, Abraham Van Vechten. Witnesses: Garritie De Wandeler, Samuel Merkle, James Bagges, James Lansing.
MILLER, Johannes, of Burnetsfield, will dated June 12, 1780, probated Dec. 30, 1791. Mentions: wife Anna Margreta; son of Johannes Niclas. Executors: Joacob Kessler, Johannes Eyserman. Witnesses: Johann Christ Schell, Johannes M. Petri, Conrath Kesler.
FONDA, Douw, of Mohawk district, will dated Dec. 16, 1779, probated Dec. 30, 1791. Mentions: sons Jelles, John, Adam, Peter, deceased; grand-daughter, Mary Putman, wife of Francis and daus., Margaret Wemple, widow of Barent, Rachel, wife of Peter Hansen; nephew Christopher Yates; brothers Abraham, Jacob and nephew Christopher Yates. Witnesses: Johannes Veeder, Simon Veeder, Thomas Romine.
SCHUYLER, Peter, of Palatine, will dated Nov. 24, 1786, probated Jan. 9, 1792. Mentions: wife Gertruy. Executrix: wife. Witnesses: Charles Newkerck, Douw Fonda, John Diell.
CROMWELL, John PHILLIPSE, of Canajoharie, will dated May 8, 1791, probated Feb. 4, 1792. Mentions: wife Margaret; son Harmanus; daus., Mary Egatha, Annatje, Margaret, wife of Hendrick Miller. Executors: wife and son Harmanus. Witnesses: Abraham Van Vechten, William West, John Lepper.
WAMPLE, CORNELIUS of Mohawk, will dated July 19, 1791, probated Mar. 9, 1792. Mentions: wife Sarah; eldest and only son Ephraim; daus., Nancy, Agnes; sister Lany Horn. Executors: William Wemple, Nicholas Hanson. Witnesses: John I. (or J.) Wample, Cornelius Wample, Cornelius Smith, Jr.
VAN ALLSTINE, CORNELIUS M., of Canajoharie, will dated July 12, 1787, probated Apr. 14, 1792. Mentions: wife; sons Martin, Cornelius C., Daniel, land in Half Moon, Peter; son Daniel's uncle Johanis Fort; dau. Cornellia, wife of Nichless Van Allstine; grand-daughters Cornallas, Gartrute, Nelly, all of Peter. Executors: Rynier Vanevrin (?) and sons. Witnesses: James Platto and Cornalus Vancoren, of Canajoharie, John Vancoren.
ANTIS, COANRAD, of Currytown, will dated May 28, 1791, probated May 28, 1792. Mentions: wife; nephew Coanrad Antis, being eldest son of my youngest brother. Executors: wife, William Carrall, Jr. Witnesses: John Antis, Ruloff Johnson, Abraham Gardenear.
WOLGEMUTH, JOHANNIS, of Palatine, will dated July 17, 1788, probated May 31, 1792. Mentions: sons Johannes, William. Executors: son William, Abbraham Oathout of Schenectady. Witnesses: Abraham Cathout, Nichola Hall, Jonas Oothout.
BARNHARD, SAMUEL of Mohawk district, will dated Aug. 31, 1789. While the will is copied, together with other data, it was not probated in this county and foot note says, "above record is void and of no force as testator resided in Canada." The date of attempted probate is between May 31, 1792 (the preceding will) and Sept. 7, 1793 (the following one). Mentions: wife Mary; sons Samuel, Charles, John, David, all real estate after wife's death; daus., Elizabeth, Sarah, Lydia, Mary, Anna and Catherine. Executors: wife and son David of Mohawk. Witnesses: Eliaz Ellis, William Ellis, Ezra Murray.
JOHNSON, ANDREW of County Montgomery, will dated May 18, 1793, probated Sept. 7, 1793. Mentions: wife Jane; sons John, Andrew; daus., Eva and Nancy. Executors: wife and Stephen Reynolds, of Mohawk district. Witnesses: Jacob Schuyler, of Mohawk, Israel Reynolds, Mary Pryor.
BOURN (BOUM, BAUM), WILLIAM of Mohawk, will dated July 5, 1793, probated Sept. 21, 1793. Mentions: wife Jane; sons Nicholas and John; daus., Hannah Polly, Elizabeth, Nancy and Jane. Executors: Peter Voorhis, Daniel McDonald. Witnesses: Peter Voorhas, Nathaniel Doolittle, Daniel McDonald, Thomas Philips.
STERNBERG, JACOB of Marlit's Bush, will dated Sept. 4, 1793, probated Oct. 26, 1793. Mentions: wife Elizabeth, dau. Eve; son Jacob Frederick; Jacob Enders, Sr. Executors: Jacob Enders, Sr., Jacob Campbell. Witnesses: Samuel De Riemer, Matthew V. Valkenburgh, Jacob Enders, Jr.
FINCK, ANDREW of Stone Arabia, will dated July 15, 1786, probated Nov. 13, 1793. Mentions: wife Catharine, sons Honyost, Andrew, Christian; daus., Catharine, wife of John Sealy, Margret, wife of Jacob Eaker, Mary, wife of Nicholas Koppernol; grandson Andrew, of Christian; step-father Michael Franck; brother-in-law Henry Louks. Executors: Jacob Eaker, Henry Louks. Witnesses: Harmon and Arent Brower, Josiah Crane.
BROWER, ARNDT, of Stone Arabia, will dated July 10, 1793, probated Nov. 13, 1793. Mentions: brother Harmon and his children, John, Wilhelmus, Arndt, Harmon, Cornelius, Rebecka, Deborah, and Sarah, wife of ---- Doxstedder; sister Elizabeth; sister Maria's dau., Margareth Hanson, Maria Newkirk and Rebecca and Nancy Putman; sister Anenetche Wemple's daus., Rebecca ans Sarah; sister Maria's son William Brower Garrison; Father William, deceased; Arendt A. Vedder; Anenetche Doxstedder; Harmon Visscher, son of Fred; will mentions money due from manager for building the new Reformed Protestant Dutch Church at Stone Arabia. Executors: nephews Arndt Brower and William Brower Garrison, Andrew Finck. Witnesses: Severnes Koohe, George Smith, Baltus Smith, Andrew Finck.
McDANELL, CATHARINE, widow of James, late of the city of Quebec, will dated Sept. 2, 1793, probated June 7, 1794. Mentions: son John, of Montgomery County. Executor: Son John. Witnesses: William Hammill (?), Chattwill Parsons, Moses Swartwout.
WINDEKER, JOHANNIS of Canajoharie, will dated June 25, 1791, probated Nov. 10, 1794. Mentions: wife Catharine; George Hann; George Jacob Diffindorf and his sons, George and John; Elizabeth House, of Nicholas. Executrix: wife. Witnesses: John Fox, Jacob G. Klock, William Cunningham.
HENDRICK, FELLING, of Canajoharie, will dated Jan. 30, 1789, probated Feb. 9, 1795. Mentions: Wife Elizabeth; sons John and Henry; daus., Maria, Elizabeth and Anna, wife of Chattwell Parsons. Executors: wife, son John, John Frye. Witnesses: Christopher P. Yates, Sally Yates, Elizabeth Vanderlip.
SNYDER, ANDRIUS, of Johnson's Bush, will dated Aug. 2, 1783, probated Feb. 12, 1795. Mentions: wife Dorothy; son-in-law, James Warner. Executors: James Warner, Mathias Lynk, Johannis Walter. Witnesses: Mathias Lynk; Johannis Walter; James Livingston.
YOUNG, JACOB, of Canajoharie, will dated Mar. 22, 1790, probated Mar. 17, 1795. Mentions: wife Dorothy, sons Jacob, Peter and Hendrick; daus., Catharine, Margaret and Elisabeth. Executors: sons Jacob and Peter. Witnesses: John Seeber (?), Elizabeth Vanderlip, Christopher P. Yates.
DILLENBACH, HENDRICK, of Stone Arabia (Co. Albany, Province of New York), will dated Feb. 11 (?), 1764, probated June 13, 1795. Mentions: wife Annamarkret; sons Antus, Hendrick and Johannes; daus., Annamarkret, Annamaria, Lissabet, Katarina, Magtalenna and Annabarwel, last syllable not clear. Executors: Johannes Felling, Christian Dillenbach. Witnesses: Wilhelmus Dillenbach, Mardenus Dillenbach and Marttinus, Jr.
PERKINS, WILLIAM, of Duanesburgh (Albany Co.), will dated May 30, 1794, probated Aug. 17, 1795. Mentions: wife Elizabeth; son William; dau. Elizabeth. Executors: wife and friend Charles Wright of Sandersfield, Mass. Witnesses: Adoniram (?) Kimball, Benjamin Jacobs, Benjamin Egelston, Isaac Delamater.
WERLYTZ, MICHAEL, of Palatine, will dated June 25, 1795, probated Oct. 24, 1795. Mentions: Christian Shipperman, of Palatine. Executor: Peter Grems, Jr. Witnesses: James Cochran (?), John Hess
WAGAR, Peter, of Broad Albian, will dated Oct. 28, 1795, probated Jan. 18, 1796. Mentions: wife Lucy; sons Mars and Hutor; brother Daniel; father Nicholas. Executor; father. Witnesses: William Thompson, David Wagar, Daniel Wagar.
HEIKY (HICHY), MICHAEL, of Canajoharie, will dated Jan. 8, 1796, probated Mar. 12, 1796. Mentions: wife Mary; sons John, George and Jacob; daus., Margut, Elizabeth, Gartrude, Hannah and Olicie (?), Catharine Camp. Executors: wife and son George. Witnesses: Frederick Wallar, Petter Walrad, Samuel Heick
FOX, WILLIAM, of Mayfield (Fulton Co.), will dated Aug. 20, 1796, probated Sept. 6, 1796. Mentions: first wife Mary; present wife Esther; daus., Eunice, Polly, Lois and Susannah; sons Luke and Consider. Executors: friend Consider Fox and Hezekiah Gorton. Witnesses: Solomon Bates, Thomas Harman, Michel Freligh.
RANDEL, BENEJAH, of Palatine, will dated Dec. 23, 1795, probated Dec. 16, 1796. Mentions: wife Lydia, sons Samuel, William and Benajah; dau. Orpha, unborn child. Executors: wife and William Harris. Witnesses: Cornelius Humfrey, Samuel Nichols, C---- Gillet.
DIMMICK, SOLOMON, of Palatine, will dated Jan. 26, 1797, probated Mar. 1, 1797. Mentions: wife Electa; sons William B., Solomon and Augustus; daus., Elizabeth and Polly. Executrix: wife. Witnesses: Ariel Bradly, Jr., Ambrose Graw, Isaac Bird.
LIPE, JOSEPH, of Canajoharie, will dated Mar. 20, 1797, probated Apr. 10, 1797. Mentions: father from whom he secured land; brothers Abraham and Casper; sisters Maria Elisabeth Young, Anna Walrath, Caty Kilts and Margaret Kilts. Executors: Abrm. Arndt, Jacob Mathace, Robert McFarlan. Witnesses: Nicholas Dygert, John A. Lipe, Conrad Mates.
ROMEYN, THOMAS, of Caughnawago, will dated Aug. 20, 1792, probated May 24, 1797. Mentions: wife Susannah; sons Abraham, Nicholas, Jacobus, John, Benjamin and Thomas. Executors: wife, sons Abraham, Nicholas, Jacobus, John and Abraham Van Vechten. Witnesses: James Lansing, ---- (?) Fonda.
DOCKSTADER, LEONARD, of Johnstown, will undated, probated July 1, 1797. Mentions: wife Hannah; sons Frederick, Marks and Leonard; daus., Magdalena, Elizabeth, Ann, Gitty, Catharine, Maria, Margaret, Jane and Sarah. Executors: wife and brothers Fred and George. Witnesses: William Carrol, James Platto, John ---- (?).
CRANKHITE, TEUNIS, of Canajoharie, will dated May 24, 1797, probated July 15, 1797. Mentions: wife Mary; sons Henry, John, Arny, Abraham, Peter and Isaac. Executors: Cornelius Cronkhite, Peter Smith, John Oxbury. Witnesses: James Hurly, Anthony Frame, Elizabeth Ford.
VANDERBELT, DOUWE, of Mayfield, will dated July 27, 1797, probated Sept. 6, 1797. Mentions: wife Maria; my children. Executrix: wife. Witnesses: Cornelius and Daniel D. Haring, Woodhul Sarneur (?).
STALLEY, HARMANUS, of ----, will dated Aug. 3, 1793, probated Oct. 3, 1797. Mentions: wife Mary; my children; brothers Hendrick and George. Executors: Hendrick and George. Witnesses: Nathaniel Campbell, John Taylor, Jacob Bodine.
HALL, WILLIAM, of Charlestown, will dated Oct. 4, 1797, probated Nov. 8, 1797. Mentions: brother John; sister Agnes; niece Margaret Hall's son Aaron Vedder. Executors: Gideon Marlett, William Wample. Witnesses: John Becker, Alexander Elsworth, Nicholas Van Slycke.
KLOCK, JACOB, of Palatine, will dated May 8, 1798, probated June 13, 1798. Mentions: wife Catharine; grand daus., Eva Klock, wife of Christian Klock, their mother is named Anna; Anna, wife of Rev. Henry Dyeslin; son Adam; grandsons John, Peter and Henry March. Executors: John Bellinger, Adam A. Walrath, Robert Anderson. Witnesses: Michael Van Der Voort, Joseph G. Klock, Jacob G. Klock.
STEPHENS, JOHN, of Canajoharie, will dated June 19, 1798, probated Aug. 29, 1798. Mentions: sons John, Joseph, Septimus, William and James; daus., Unis and Polly; brother James. Executors: brother James, William Bartlett, Jr., Benjamin Burton. Witnesses: Charles Powell, Cornelius Lane, Caleb Clark.
CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD, of Johnstown, N. Y., will dated July 14, 1798, probated Sept. 6, 1798. Mentions: brothers John, Colin, Nicol and Donald; sisters Jannet, Nancy, Peggy, Mary and her kinsman Archibald Campbell of Glenmore; Donald Ranald Campbell, wine merchant, Market St., Jamaica; Donald Campbell, merchant, Port Royal St., Jamaica; William Beckford, Rock River Estate, Parish Clarendon, Jamaica; Marshall and Syins, merchants of London. Executors: Donald Campbell of Port Royal St., Jamaica; Peter McKinlay, merchant of 119 Fleu (?) Market St., New York and James McDonald of Johnstown. Witnesses: Stephen Walker, Peter Forbes, W. A. Reid.
ROOF, JOHANNIS, of Canajoharie, will dated Apr. 18, 1798, probated Dec. 26, 1798. Mentions: wife Mary; sons John, Adam, Daniel, Andrew, Martin, land in Dorlach, Schoharie County and Cherry Valley, Otsego County; daus., Susanna, Barbara and Mary. Executors: wife, John Jacob Diefendorf, George Kraus, Christopher Yates. Witnesses: Nicholas Van Slyke, Jacob Burhart, James McEakeran (?).
PEACOCK, HUGH, of the town of Florida, will dated Sept. 15, 1799, probated Oct. 9, 1799. Mentions: wife Jane; brothers David and Robert of Great Britain. Executors: John Grull, Thomas Keachy. Witnesses: Jeremiah McCartney, Robert McGrady, Hugh Sample.
MATHEWS, JOHN, of Johnston, will dated Feb. 16, 1800, probated June 7, 1800. Mentions: wife Anna; sons Henry, Barnard and John; daus., Susan, wife of Abner Reeves, Anna, wife of William Bently, stepmother Juliana; dau. Betsey, wife of Andrew Moore, land in Springfield; half-sister Elizabeth Mathews. Executors: wife and son Henry. Witnesses: John McArthur, Michael Johnston, Daniel Paris, Richard Dodge, John Slattery.
VAN DERBILT, CATHARINE, late of Stony Point, Bergen Co., N. J., will dated Aug. 7, 1792, probated July 3, 1800. Mentions: dau. Cornelia, widow of Daniel Mushroe; dau. Catharine, wife of John Veghte; son John and his children Catharine, Beilaby, John and Aaron; son Jacob; grand dau. Sarah Price. Executors: Jacob Vanderbilt, John Veghte. Witnesses: Abraham Veghte, John and Daniel Walker.
MILES, DANIEL, of the town of Amsterdam, will dated Feb. 5, 1800, probated Sept. 9, 1800. Mentions: wife Ruth, sons William Erastus and Daniel Baldwin; daus., Ruth and Polly Miles, Nancy, wife of Elias Barber, Hannah, wife of Elias Herrick. Executors: son William, Thomas McEntee. Witnesses: William R. McDonald, Loring Parsons, William Browey.
McMASTER, DAVID, of the town of Florida, will dated Mar. 17, 1798, probated Oct. 15, 1800. Mentions: wife Esther; son David (eldest). Executrix: wife. Witnesses: Robert Casey, David Deming, Hugh Mc Master.
VAN ALSTINE, CORNELIUS J., of Charleston, will dated Aug. 22, 1800, probated Jan. 12, 1801. Mentions: wife Annatie; son John; daus., Eve, Nancy and Wyntie; step-mother Wyntie; sister Neeltie. Executors: Nicholas H. Gardinier, Isaiah Depuy, Abraham C. Van Alstine. Witnesses: John Starin, John C. Van Eps, James Lansing.
WELLS, GEORGE, of Caughnawago, will dated Jan. 29, 1794, probated Jan. 30, 1801. Mentions: wife Eunice; sons George and William; daus., Charlotte, Polley and Eunice. Executors: wife and Thurston Wells, John Bove. Witnesses: Calvin Young, John Rogers, Asael Park.
ZIMMERMAN, GEORGE, of Manheim, will dated Feb. 7, 1800, probated Feb. 7, 1801. Mentions: son John and his son Daniel, called Timerman; daus., Caty, Margrate, Lana, Elizebeth, Anna, Mary, Anniss, Gartrude, wife of William Smith, Annaleas Syver (female). Executors: son John, Abnor Reed, Cornelius C. Beekman. Witnesses: John Ja Failing, Jacob Zimerman, Cornelius C. Beekman.
LYKER, HENRY, of Canajoharie, will dated Nov. 29, 1796, probated Feb. 24, 1801. Mentions: wife Elizabeth; sons-in-law John Runkel, Jacob Moshell; dau. Margareth, wife of John Runkel; son Henry; dau. Caty, wife of Jacob Moshell; dead dau. Maria's dau. Elizabeth Olman; dead dau. Sophia's dau. Elizabeth Orlough. Executors: wife and son Henry. Witnesses: Johan Daniel Gros, John Malich, Aaron Clement.
BROWN, ROGER PURDY, of Broadalbin, will dated June 24, 1800, probated June 12, 1801. Mentions: wife Mary; father William; mother Mary; brother William; sisters Mary, Elizabeth and Gitty. Executors: wife, brother William, brother-in-law John Armentage. Witnesses: Peter Mc Lean, Richard Barclay, George Wightman.
AYRES, ELEXANDER, of Salisbury, will dated Aug. 17, 1799, probated June 12, 1801. Mentions: father Jabez; brother Stephen. Executors: father and brother. Witnesses: Cornelius Humfrey, Aaron Heckley, Daniel Marsh.
GUNSOLUS, JOHN, of Broadalbin, will dated Aug. 27, 1798, probated July 7, 1801. Mentions: wife Martha; sons Matthew, Manuel, Cornelius, Joseph, John and Bastian; daus., Sarah, Fanny, Angel, Betty, Marble and Nancy. Executors: Henry Bonta, William Lewis. Witnesses: Daniel MacIntyre, Gerreat Van Vrancken, Christian Bredt.
DEYGERT, PETER S., of Minden, will dated Feb. 25, 1801, probated Oct. 13, 1801. Mentions: wife Sarah; sons Nicholas and Henry; daus., Mary Dorothy, Cathrout, Nancy, wife of David Moyer. Executors: son Nicholas, David Moyer, Joseph Herkimer. Witnesses: Cornelius Waldron, Jacob Terpenny, Alexander Schrom.
CRAMER, CHARLES, of the town of Florida, will dated June 15, 1801, probated Nov. 14, 1801. Mentions: step-daus., Elizabeth Barrick, Caty Howk and her brother Jacob; step-son Peter Howk's dau. Christina; step-son-in-law Philip Barrick. Executors: Philip Barrick, Jacob Enders, Jr. Witnesses: John Becker, Hallat Greenman.
SPOORE, MARY, of Charleston, will dated Feb. 26, 1798, probated Mar. 13, 1802. Mentions: sons John and Nicholas; daus., Eva Van Olinder, Lenoa Hogoboom, Mary Cottom, Sarah Spoore and Catrine Spoore. Executors: Dirck Van Vechten, John Spoore. Witnesses: Nathaniel Campbell, Mary Van Vaughten, Rachel Van Veghten.
COUCH, GEORGE of Johnstown, will dated Aug. 15, 1801, probated June 17, 1802. Mentions: George, Christopher and Hendrick Cough; daus., Cristiner Conner, Catherin Fosburgh and Mary More. Executors: George Cough, Stephen Gillet. Witnesses: Joseph Hollett, William Mason, Stephen Gillet.
WODDOMS, ICHABOD, of Johnstown, will dated Apr. 20, 1802, probated July 14, 1802. Mentions: wife Lucinda. Executrix: wife. Witnesses: William Throop, Daniel Garfield, Banzillai Tomson.
DUNLAP, JOSEPH, of Charleston, will dated July 12, 1802, probated Aug. 21, 1802. Mentions: wife Elizabeth; our children; brother William. Executors: brother William, brother-in-law James Carey. Witnesses: Andrew Middleton, Mary Warrick, William Dunlap.
COOK, BADUS (BEADUS KOCH), of Palatine, will dated June 19, 1802, probated Sept. 13, 1802. Mentions: wife; sons John, Casper and Peter; daus., Elizabeth, wife of Jacob Laucks, Ana, wife of Richard Laucks and Catharina, wife of Adam Lype. Executors: John, Casper and Peter Cook. Witnesses: Henry Cook, Susanna Scut, Jacob Snell.
OSTRANDER, AARON, of Minden, will dated Sept. 3, 1802, probated Sept. 20, 1802. Mentions: wife Mary; sons Cornelius, Henry and Peter; dau. Hannah and my other daus. already married. Executors: son Jacob, Jacob Eaker and Jacob Snell. Witnesses: Johannes B. Cook, Nathaniel Kimball, Phinehas I. Kimball.
FLINT, ROBERT, of Canajoharie, will dated May 19, 1802, probated Nov. 10, 1802. Mentions: wife Deborah; sons William, Joshua, George, Samuel, David, Robert and James; dau. Elizabeth. Executors: wife, John Bowman, Charles Powell. Witnesses: Samuel Cooper, Edward O. Dare, Charles Powell.
WALRADTH, WILLIAM, of Canajoharie, will dated Aug. 11, 1802, probated Nov. 19, 1802. Mentions: wife Cathreen; sons Peter, Abraham and Garret; dau. Elizabeth Seeber. Executors: wife, Adolph Walradth, Peter Walradth. Witnesses: Peeter and Adolph Walrad, Charles Powell.
VEEDER, JOHANIS, of Johnstown, will dated May 16, 1798, probated Jan. 18, 1803. Mentions: wife Elisebeth; sons Simon and his dau. Elisebeth, John Volkert and Abraham; daus., Eve Simmons, Annatie Van Antwerp, Maria, John Wemp's children, Jannetie, John Davis' children; John W. Wallace. Executors: son Simon, Jacob H. Schermerhorn. Witnesses: Cornelius Haring, William Goetz, Christopher Shuttis.
KELLY, PETER, of the Town of Florida, will dated Feb. 24, 1798, probated Jan. 28, 1803. Mentions: wife Anne; sons Thomas and John; daus., Jannit, Elisabeth and Sarah; granddau. Elisabeth Melroy. Executors: Thomas Mc Clumpha, Robert Simpson. Witnesses: James Mc Bride, David Mc Clumpha, Alexander Melroy.
GAYLORD, ELEAZOR, of Mayfield, will dated Jan. 8, 1803, probated Feb. 15, 1803. Mentions: wife; sons Eleazor P. and Gilbert; daus. Executors: wife, Joseph Newton. Witnesses: Ashbel Cornwell, Alexander Murray.
HILLS, SAMUEL, of Canajoharie, will dated June 29, 1798, probated Mar. 1, 1803. Mentions: wife Thankful; sons Adoni, Nathaniel and Samuel; daus., Lidia, Sarah, Roxana (all Hills) and either a son or a dau. named Gui Hills. Executors: Adoni Hills, Nathaniel Hills, Abijah White. Witnesses: Abijah White, Hannah White.
ADAIR, JOHN, of the town of Floraday, will dated Dec. 25, 1801, probated Apr. 7, 1803. Mentions: sons John, Alexander and Alexander's children, John, Alexander, Jean and Jenet; daus., Pegey (Margaret), Adir, Agnes, Jenet and Jean Adair. Executors: wife, Alexander Adair, John Kechi, Alexander Gilchrist. Witnesses: George Dunbar, John Kelley, Alexander Adair, Alexander Gilchrist, wife, but name not given.
DORN (DORANE), ALEXANDER, of the town of Florida, will dated Mar. 31, 1802, probated Apr. 7, 1803. Mentions: wife Rachel; sons John A. L., Thomas and Jacob; daus., Nancy, Hannah, Mary, Leah and Nelly; twin grandsons both named Alexander Dorane. Executors: son John A. L., Charles Pattison, Nathaniel Campbell. Witnesses: John Radcliff, T. C. V. Brugman, Hanna Schermerhorn.
MILLER, PETER, of Canajoharie, will dated Mar. 26, 1798, probated June 13, 1803. Mentions: wife Anna Maria; sons John and Conrad; dau. Anna, wife of Johanes Monk; dead dau. Elizabeth's (wife of Thomas Young) dau. Elizabeth Young. Executors: Henry Moyer, Henry Walrath. Witnesses: Jacob Wagoner, Hanry Keller, John Winn.
CHASE, EBEN, of the town of Florida, will dated July 29, 1801, probated June 14, 1803. Mentions: wife Elizabeth; son Smith, eldest; daus., Polly and Betsey. Executors: Stephen Reynolds, David Cady. Witnesses: Stephen Reynolds, David Cady, Thomas Tulloch.
CASE, BENONI, of Johnstown, will dated Jan. 21, 1801, probated July 4, 1803. Mentions: wife Polly; sons William and Benoni. Executor: Stephen Gillett. Witnesses: Stephen Gillett, Ezekiel Case.
GROAT, WILHELMUS, of Minden, will dated Aug. 1, 1803, probated Sept. 30, 1803. Mentions: wife Lena; sons Henry, Peter, Jacob, William, John, Jeremiah and Frederick; daus., Hannah Groat, Lena, wife of Casparus Shult, Gertrude, wife of George Adam Sater, Catherine, wife of Peter Shoefelt. Executors: son Henry, Joakim Van Valkenburgh, Robert Spoor. Witnesses: Jacob Eaker, Benjamin Hilliker, Joseph Herkimer.
PICKLE, JOHANNIS, of Stone Arabia, will dated Oct. 22, 1803, probated Oct. 31, 1803. Mentions: wife Anna Maria; Lutheran Church of Stone Arabia $250. for bell; son Johannis, now residing in Germany, at a place called Oberbesinger in der Grasshoft Sicht 12 Stund von Frankfort am Mayn; daus., Margaret, Elizabeth, 12 Stund von Frankfort am Mayn. Executors: Rev. Philip Groz, Johannis Cook, Henry Shier. Witnesses: Peter Steller, John B. Cook, Sefrnes Wek.
DENNE, BARENT, of Mayfield, will dated May 17, 1785, probated Nov. 14, 1803. Mentions: sons Jacob, Nicholas and Henry; grandson Barent Thurston; ---- Thurston (John Thurston's 2nd son), daus., Catharine, money due from people in Spencertown and Nobletown; Catharine's dau. Elizabeth; daus., Mary, Jane, Christee, Hannah, Don (This may be meant for Hannah's last name or the first part of another name, but parts of the record are missing); grand dau. Catharine, of Hannah. Executors: son Jacob. Witnesses: Christian Yanney, Selah Woodworth.
BELLINGER, PHILIP, of Canajoharie, will dated Mar. 4, 1802, probated Dec. 12, 1803. Mentions: wife Elizabeth; youngest son Andrew. Executors: wife Andrew and Christian Finck. Witnesses: John Barns, Henry Van De Warkin, J. M. Charlesworth.
SMITH, HENDRICK, of New Dillenburgh, will dated Jan. 24, 1789, probated Dec. 12, 1803. Mentions: wife Anna Mary; sons William and Philip; daus., Elizabeth, Mary Suviena, Mary, wife of John Wolkamuth, Mary Elizabeth. Executors: Andrew Finck, Adam Laucks. Witnesses: Henry Cook, Samuel Billington, Magdalena Laucks.
BLANK, DELIA, of Minden, will dated Sept. 3, 1802, probated Feb. 11, 1804. Mentions: sons Joseph House, Jacob Right; dau. Margretha, wife of Hoseah Lions. Executors: Abraham Copeman, Peter Wagner, Jr. Witnesses: Abraham Arndt, John Mackey, Jacob Wright, Jr.
FREDERICK, PETER, of Florida, will dated Mar. 9, 1804, probated June 12, 1804. Mentions: wife Margaret; sons Philip and my 2 others; my daughters. Executor: David Cady. Witnesses: George Serviss, Moses Tuttle, Stephen Reynolds.
MATHEWS, HENRY, of Johnstown, will dated ----, 1803, probated Apr. 3, 1804. Mentions: wife Prudence (interest on shares of the Mohawk Turnpike and Bridge Co.); sons John, Barent, David, Henry, Stephen and Ezekiel; brother Barent; daus., Hannah, Seina and Prudence. Executors: wife and Daniel Cady. Witnesses: Abraham Lake, William Wilson, Daniel Bedford.
LUTZ, JOHN, of Florida, will dated Oct. 31, 1803, probated May 28, 1804. Mentions: daus., Eve Hubbs, Mary Dinke; grandchildren John Daniel, Cornelius, Jeremiah, Polly, Peggy, Anne and Eve, all Hubbs. Executors: Gr'son John Hubbs, John Green, Jr. Witnesses: John Green, Jr., Susannah Green, Clother Allen.
VAN DEUSER, NELLY, of Johnstown, will dated Feb. 27, 1797, probated Sept. 21, 1804. Mentions: all to son David, he to give any of it to his brothers or sisters as he may see fit. Executor: son David. Witnesses: Matthew Van Deuser, Gershom Kittle, William Carrol.
LAWYER, JACOB FREDERICK, at Schoharry, Co. Albany, will dated May 27, 1795, probated Sept. 26, 1804. Mentions: wife Elizabeth; sons Johannes, Jacob, Lawrence, Nicholas, David and Lampert, dead; daus., Elizabeth, dead and her children Jacob Frederick and Eva Sternberg, Catherine, wife of Lambert Lawyer; son-in-law Jacob Sternberg, deceased. Executors: sons Johannes, Jacob Lawrence and Nicholas. Witnesses: Henricus Schaefer, John Ingold, Jr., George Frederick Reinhard.
PUTMAN, FRANCIS I., of Tribes Hill, will dated Mar. 17, 1804, probated Oct. 6, 1804. Mentions: wife Ann. Executrix: wife; Witnesses: Richard Duncan, Jacob Weegar, Alexander Rose.
FREDERICK, PHILIP, of the town of Florida, will dated May 7, 1804, probated Nov. 6, 1804. Mentions: wife Sarah; wife's son Samuel Roadwell; my son Francis; my grandson Philip Frederick; my daus. Margaret, Sophiah, Elizabeth, Eve, Lanah, Hannah and Mary. Executors: David Cady, Cornelius Van Horn, son-in-law. Witnesses: David Cady, James Parsons, Easton Tallman.
FONDA, JOHN D., of Half Moon, Saratoga Co., will dated Sept. 18, 1802, probated Dec. 21, 1804. Mentions: wife Moiaca, this may be meant for Maria; sons Eldert, John, Jacob, Douw, Abraham, Cornelius, Isaac, Peter; daus., Hannah, wife of John Schermerhorne, Lana, wife of Peter Hollenbeck, Aultie Wendell; grandsons John, of Abraham, John, of Cornelius, John, of Peter, John, of Isaac. Executors: wife, sons Eldert and Cornelius, Mass. Vandenbergh. Witnesses: Abraham Lake, Hazael Shepard, Giles Shepard.
CONDERMAN, ADAM, of Minden, will dated Sept. 6, 1802, probated Feb. 25, 1805. Mentions: son Conrad, dead and his dau. Margareth, Catherine, Anna, Elizabet, and Maria; dau. Anna; son-in-law Johann Peter Dunkel; brother George. Executros; son John, brother George, Johann Peter Dunkel. Witnesses: Johann Daniel Gros, Lawrence Gros, Adam Hawn.
WASHBURN, JOEL, of Canajoharie, will dated Jan. 19, 1805, probated Apr. 27, 1805. Mentions: wife Elizabeth; son Isaac and Stephen; daus., Elizabeth, wife of Amasa Tourteloot, Zillah, wife of Conrad Zoller, Patience, wife of Godfrey Ratanour. Executors: wife and Joseph Herkimer. Witnesses: Daniel Washburn, Sr. and Jr., Pheby Bostwick.
HAGGART, DANIEL, of Johnstown, will dated Mar. 14, 1801, probated May 3, 1805. Mentions: wife Catherine; sons Daniel, John and Gilbert; dau. Elizabeth, wife of Alexander Hay. Executors: Duncan McArthur, David Walker, Daniel Walker. Witnesses: James Paul, Ananias Crell, George Chandler.
CRONKITE, CORNELIUS, of Minden, will dated Apr. 17, 1805, probated June 3, 1805. Mentions: wife Hannah; sons John, William and Henry; daus., Mary, Hannah, Elizabeth and Margaret. Executors: James and Cornelius De Long. Witnesses: Asa Fisk, John Ford, Robert McFarlan.
FOX, PETER G., of Palatine, will dated Apr. 9, 1805, probated Aug. 10, 1805. Mentions: wife Catherine; sons Peter, Abraham, Nicholas and Elisha. Executors: wife, John C. Nellis, Jacob Snell. Witnesses: C. Nukerck, Gabriel S. Cooper, John C. Fox.
FERGUSON, DANIEL, of Charleston, will dated Feb. 9, 1801, probated Oct. 9, 1805. Mentions: wife Mary; sister's son Thomas Hart; John Kirk; nephew John A. Putman, of Aaron. Executors: Peter Putman, Simon Mabee. Witnesses: Cornelius Phillips, John Post, Garret Putman.
SHEW, GODFREY, of Northampton, will dated Feb. 20, 1805, probated Oct. 16, 1805. Mentions: son Godfrey and his wife Cathrine and their eldest dau. Susanar; sons Jacob, Stephen, Heneary, Jacob's oldest son Godfrey; daus., Mary Jackson, Sarah Jackson. Executors: Jacob and Godfrey Shew. Witnesses: Caleb Watson, Prudence Park, Samuel Scribner.
LIPE, ADAM, of Minden, will dated Feb. 27, 1804, probated Nov. 11, 1805. Mentions: wife Elizabeth; sons John Adam and Daniel; daus., Ann, Maria, Caty, Margaret, Marelis and Elizabeth. Executors: brother John, Sr., Abraham Arnot, Robert McFarlan. Witnesses: Peter Young, John Roth, George Krause.
ANDERSON, JOHN, SR., of Johnstown, will dated Jan. 20, 1806, probated Feb. 8, 1806. Mentions: wife Jane; sons Daniel, John and his dau. Mary. Executors: Robert Robertson, John MacMartain. Witnesses: Archibald McLaren, Alexander Cameron, Peter MacPherson.
HARDENBERGH, JACOB, of Johnstown, will dated Jan. 31, 1806, probated Mar. 4, 1806. Mentions: wife Sarah; sons Cornelius , Elias Depui, Jacob, John, Peter, Isaiah, daus., Rachel, Maria and Jude. Executors: wife, friend Isaac Depui, Victor C. Putman. Witnesses: John Putman, James Lansing, Cornelius Hoffman
SHAUT, THEODARUS, of Minden, will dated Dec. 9, 1801, probated Mar. 11, 1806. Mentions: wife Mary; sons John, George and Jacob; dau. Hannah, wife of Peter C. House and her dau. Mary. Executors: Christopher Monk, Abraham Coopman. Witnesses: Christopher Monk, Christiana Monk, Adam Oliver.
SMITH, FREDERICK, a tailor, of Kingsborough, will dated May 6, 1806, probated June 30, 1806. Mentions: father Gerrard, sons Elias, a cooper, Gerrard, a farmer; Executors: the two sons. Witnesses: Jonathan and Thomas Carpenter, Salmon Bard.
VANDERVEER, JACOB, of the town of Florida, will dated Oct. 17, 1805, probated Sept. 3, 1806. His signature was V: D: Veear. Mentions: wife Anna; dau. Nelly; sons Garret, John and Samuel; my first wife's children; Tunas, probably a son; grand-dau. Lydia Stillwell; last wife's children, son Asher, daus., Polly and Sally. Executors: son Samuel, Albert Covenhoven, Tunis Vanderveer. Witnesses: David Cady, Charles and John Hubbs.
HOKE, JOHANNIS, of Minden, will dated Dec. 28, 1798, probated Sept. 8, 1806. Mentions: wife Mary; sons John, Christopher and Peter; daus., two eldest Elizabeth, wife of John Conterman, Mary, wife of Joseph H. Fox, five younger, one named Christina; Johannes Shnyder, to be maintained by my sons. Executors: wife, son John, Joseph H. Fox. Witnesses: John Roth, Christopher Monk, Ulrich Bader.
CONTERMAN, JOHN M., of Minden, will dated Nov. 26, 1805, probated Nov. 1, 1806. Mentions: wife Barbara; sons Marcus, John and William; all my daughters oldest one is marked to Englehard Waggoner. Executors: wife, brother Conrad M. Englehard Waggoner. Witnesses: Daniel Tice, Adam Zieger, Adam M. Conterman.
EIGENBRODT (EIGABROUDT), Peter, of Palatine, will dated May 20, 1805, probated Dec. 13, 1806. Mentions: son George, large family Bible; grandsons Peter Eigabrout, John Eigabrout, Joseph and one not named yet; daus., Margaret, wife of Jacob Huvel (?), Elizabeth, wife of Jellis Miller, Anna, wife of Paul Miller and Helena, wife of Jacob Clause. Executors: son George, James Cochran, Charles Nukerck. Witnesses: Charles Nukerck, James Cochran, Gabriel S. Cooper.
NUKERCK, JOHN, of Montgomery Co., will dated Jan. 15, 1793, probated Jan. 5, 1807. Mentions: wife Rachel; dau. Nancy; sons William, John and Garret, large family bible. Executors: Garrit I. Putman, wife, son Garret. Witnesses: James Hazard, Daniel McMichel, William Shook.
MUMBRUTE, WILLIAM, of Charlestown, will dated Jan. 12, 1800, probated Jan. 8, 1807. Mentions: daus., number not given, but two mentioned Esther and Katy; granddau. Hannah Pruyne; son John. Executors: Henry Pruyne, Abraham G. Van Neste. Witnesses: Henry Pryne, Frans Pryne, Abraham G. Van Neste.
MCLEOD, ALEXANDER, of Charlestown, will dated Nov. 10, 1806, probated Jan. 20, 1807. Mentions: wife EVe; sons Eneas, Peter and Lowrence; daus., Nancy and Ginny. Executors: Samuel Jackson, Alexander Sheldon. Witnesses: Jacob, John and Peter Dingman.
GAYLORD, ELEAZOR, of Mayfield, will dated Apr. 12, 1805, probated Jan. 22, 1807. Mentions: wife Eunice; dau. Molly, dead, 1st wife of Ebenezer Warner and their children; dau. Hannah, wife of Samuel Denison, Margaret, wife of Daniel Dwight, Millicent, wife of John Brown; granddau. Fanny Cale. Executors: Samuel Denison, Ebenezer Warner. Witnesses: Thomas Denison, Rosal Churchill, Hezekiah Warner.
JONES, JOHN, of ----, will dated Mar. 7, 1807, probated May 1, 1807. Mentions: wife Abbe; sons Stephen, Moses, Isaac, Joseph and John; daus., Hannah, Rachel and Achsa. Executors: son Joseph, Samuel Jones of Amsterdam. Witnesses: Samuel Jones, Abial Peck, John Thompson, Jr.
KELLER, Johannis, of Manheim, will dated Dec. 25, 1805, probated May 6, 1807. Mentions: daus., Anna, wife of Frederic Windecker, Barbara, wife of Jacob Baum, Maria and Catharine; sons Henry and Johannis. Executors: Anthony Kaufman, Henry Becker, Henry Huber. Witnesses: William Feeter, Henrich Gerter, John Bellinger.
LEAVENWORTH, JAMES, of Johnstown (from Connecticut), will dated Apr. 9, 1805, probated June 5, 1807. Mentions: wife Jahoada; son Ebenezer; daus. Prudence, wife of Josiah Wells and her son James, Amarillis, wife of Frederick Mills, Charity, wife of Ezekiel Bearsly and Polly, dead, wife of Charles Heartshorn and their children William, Leander, Sylvester and Sylvanus. Executors: wife and son. Witnesses: Joel Skinner, Orson Bishop, Philip R. Frey.
MCCOLL, HUGH, SR., of Johnstown, will dated Feb. 17, 1806, probated July 8, 1807. Mentions: wife Peggy; sons Hugh, Daniel and Alexander; daus., Mary and Peggy. Executors: wife, son Hugh and Daniel McCall. Witnesses: Henry Bowen, Lambert Clement, John Abe.
GARDINIER, SAMUEL (his signature, Sanel Gardenre), of Charleston, will dated July 3, 1795, probated July 20, 1807. Mentions: wife Maria; sons John, Nicholas and Rynier; daus., Rachel, Jannetie and Neeltie. Executors: 3 sons, James Lansing, Cornelius Van Yeveren. Witnesses: John Fonda, Simon Veeder, Edward Ostrander.
SCHUYLER, PHILIP (the 2nd), of Canajoharie, will dated Nov. 28, 1806, probated July 20, 1807. Mentions: wife Eve; son Philip, the 3rd and Samuel; daus., Elizabeth, Anne, Eve, Mary and Margaret (Schuiler). Executors: two sons, John Schuiler (son-in-law). Witnesses: Ebenezer Hebberd, Samuel Bailey, John C. Toll.
KREMPS, PETER, of Stone Arabia, will dated June 30, 1801, probated July 24, 1807. Mentions: Sons Peter and John; daus., Peggy, wife of Johannes Keyser, Dority, widow of Philip Fox, Catharine, wife of John Leyman; grandson John Eisenlord. Executors: Son Peter, Andrew Finck, Friend, Hendrick Kremps. Witnesses: Andrew and Adam Gray, Henry Kremps, Jr.
SPRAKER, GEORGE, JR., of Canajoharie, will dated Dec. 26, 1806, probated Sept. 10, 1807. Mentions: wife Eva; son George; daus., Maria and Cady; wife's son Peter Nellis. Executors: brother Joseph, Mathias Lane, John Seeber. Witnesses: Jacob and Johannes Kramer, Margaret Seeber.
SCHUYLER, JACOB, will dated May 19, 1806, probated Oct. 7, 1807. Mentions: Wife Sarah, sons William, Daniel, John, Jacob, Philip, and Samuel: daus., Elizabeth, Christena, Caty, Margred, Anna, Eva, wife of Israel Luce and Dorado, wife of John Wiley. Executors: Son John, son-in-law Richard Fansher. Witnesses: Christian, William and John Servos, Jr.
PHILPOT, SPENCER, of Johnstown, will dated Sept. 16, 1807, probated Oct. 22, 1807. Mentions: sisters Mary, Eliza and Margaret. Executor: John McCarthy. Witnesses: Clemen Sadlier, M. B. Hildreth, P. H. Bostwick.
QUACKENBOSS, VINCINT SCOTT, of Charleston, will dated Sept. 8, 1807, probated Oct. 23, 1807. Mentions: wife Jannetie; son David V.; dau. Catharine, wife of Lambert Hugenor. Executors: Nicholas and Martin Van Slyk. Witnesses: Abraham D. and William Quackenboss, James Lansing.
BOVEE, JACOB M., of Amsterdam, will dated Aug. 26, 1807, probated Nov. 4, 1807. Mentions: wife Jane; sons Mathias, John and Phillip; daus., Polly, Sarah, Catharine and Elizabeth. Executors: wife, son-in-law Benedick Arnold, Jacob Schamehorn of Schenectady flats. Witnesses: John Esmond, Asaph Rice, Henry Bovee.
EHLE, PETER, of Palatine, will dated Feb. 15, 1791, probated Nov. 25, 1807. Mentions: wife Mary Magdalene; son Peter; daus., Mariah, Elizabeth and Anatica. Executors: son Peter, John Frey, Cornelius Jacob Van Alstine. Witnesses: Eldert Tymeson, Henry Ten Eyck, Jr., ---- Pollard.
WELLS, DAVID, of Amsterdam, will dated Mar. 19, 1807, probated Dec. 1, 1807. Mentions: wife Ruth; sons Naathan, Daniel, Rosel and David Shulton; daus., Phebe and Sally Ruth. Executors: wife, James Cushney. Witnesses: Hugh Sandford, James Cushney, Peter Randolph.
GIFFORD, Ebenezer, of Northampton, will dated Mar. 1, 1807, probated Dec. 22, 1807. Mentions: wife Elizabeth; my brother and sister; Timothy Hurley. Executors: wife, father Joseph, brother Benjamin. Witnesses: Sweet W. King, Barnaby B. Maxwell.
HOLMES, John, of the town of Florida, will dated Dec. 10, 1807, probated Jan. 11, 1808. Mentions: My two sons; my four daughters. Executors: John Green, Jr., Waterman Sweet. Witnesses: John Green, Jr., Susannah Green, Israel Shephed.
SLATTERY, JOHN, of Johnstown, merchant, Episcopalian, will dated July 8, 1807, probated Jan. 13, 1808. Mentions: wife Ann; sons John, Edmund, James, Joseph Andrew and Jeremiah, all religious books; daus., Ellen and Elizabeth Ann (?) Executors: wife, John McCarthy, John McKernon, William Conway, of Louisiana. Witnesses: Henry F. Yates, Jonathan Judd, Peter Brooks, Jr.
GREMS (GRAMS, KREMPS), Peter E., of Palestine, will dated Nov. 11, 1807, probated Jan. 19, 1808. Mentions: wife Christina; only dau. Margareth, wife of Christopher C. Fox. Executors: wife, Jacob Snell, C. C. Fox. Witnesses: John Grames, Henrich Schuls, Abraham Sternberg, Jr.
ECKER, JOHN, SR., of Minden, will dated Dec. 11, 1805, probated Jan. 25, 1808. Mentions: wife Elizabeth; sons John, George, William, Abraham and Adam; daus., Mary, Catharine, Elizabeth, Hannah and Kartrout. Executors: wife, son John, Jacob Knouts. Witnesses: Lewis Clement, William Murray, Carel Garlock.
BRONNER, JACOB, of Minden, will dated Aug. 12, 1799, probated Feb. 4, 1808. Mentions: wife Elizabeth; sons Christian, Felix and Frederick; dau. Frena. Executors: Frederick Garner, Thomas Van Horn. Witnesses: George Caine, Francis Fradrick, Philip Fradrick.
WILSON, JAMES, of Minden, will dated Sept. 25, 1807, probated Feb. 15, 1808. Mentions: Wife Elizabeth; sons Jacob and John; daus., Hannah, Eve and Barbara. Executors: Friend Jacob Wilson, Cornelius V. Camp, Jr. Witnesses: John Jacob Dievendorf, Cornelius V. Camp, Jr. Witnesses: John Jacob Dievendorf, Cornelius V. Camp, Jr., Jonathan Huestis.
HAMMOND, WILLIAM, of Amsterdam, will dated Oct. 2, 1807, probated Feb. 19, 1808. Mentions: daus., Sally Simmons, Nancy Potter and Freelove Hammond; sons Stephen, Pardon, James and Reuben. Executors: son Reuben and dau. Nancy. Witnesses: John Thomson, Jr., Stephen Potter, James Hammond.
SHAVER, GEORGE, of Palatine, will dated Feb. 26, 1807, probated Feb. 27, 1808. Mentions: wife Betsey; unborn child; brothers Andrew, Henry, Nicholas, Peter and John. Executors: brothers, Nicholas and John, Jacob J. Failing. Witnesses: James Parker, Michael U. Panter, John C. House.
DODS, BARTHOLOMEW, of Benson, will dated Mar. 2, 1808, probated Mar. 18, 1808. Mentions: wife Mary; sons Bartholomew, Jacob, Cornelius, John and Thomas; daus., Anna Wilkie, Catharine Eglen, Jane Dehart, Hulda Flansburgh, Mariah Dods, Rachel Dods, Seatty Staley, and Annequilla Van Hosen. Executors: wife, son Bartholomew, Solomon Alexander. Witnesses: Clark Kingsbury, Michael Watherwax, Alexander St. John.
BROWN, WILLIAM, of Broadalbin, will dated Nov. 16, 1807, probated Mar. 29, 1808. Mentions: Wife Catharine; son Roger P.; daus. Martha, Susanna and Willimina. Executors: wife Lucas and Samuel Demorest, Jr. Witnesses: John Clarke, Peter McLean, Richard Betts.
SLATTERY, ANDREW, tallow chandler, late of N. Y. City, now of Johnstown, will dated Feb. 12, 1808, probated Apr. 5, 1808. Mentions: brother James and father John. Executors: brother James, John McKiernen. Witnesses: Clement Sadlier, Sr. and Jr., Conrad Smith.
ENDERS, JACOB, SR., farmer, town of Florida, will dated May 21, 1805, probated Apr. 11, 1808. Mentions: wife Catherine; sons John, Jacob, Christian and Peter, land in Vermont; daus., Eva, Christina and Elizabeth; Jacob Stanbury and Eva Stanbury. Executors: sons Jacob, John, Christian and Peter. Witnesses: John E. Wample, Jacob Frederic Starnbark, William Mackey.
ZIMERMAN, HENERRICH, of Manheim, will dated Aug. 25, 1805, probated Apr. 13, 1808. Mentions: Wife Margrate; sons Henry, Adam, Jacob, John and Frederich; brothers George and Lowrance; five or more daughters, one Delean. Executors: son-in-law Jacob Snell, sons Henry, Jacob, Adam. Witnesses: Lorence Zimerman, Conrad Zimerman, Cornelius C. Beekman.
CONKLING, THOMAS, of Canajoharie, will dated Mar. 26, 1808, probated Apr. 21, 1808. Mentions: wife Hannah; son Henry; all my other children. Executors: wife, Samuel Brewster, Noah Dodge. Witnesses: James Smith, Simeon Marcy, Charles Powell.
LEWIS, HENRY, of Charleston, will dated July 3, 1804, probated June 7, 1808. Mentions: son Henry; daus., Maria, Margaret, Magdalina, and Asia or Aga; grandsons Henry H. Lewis and Henry Carroll. Executors: Robert Yates, Daniel Cuck. Witnesses: Robert Yates, Daniel Cuck, Jacob Tanner.
MUDGE, ABRAHAM, of the town of Florida, will dated Feb. 22, 1804, probated June 14, 1808. Mentions: wife Sarah; sons Abraham, Ebenezer and Jonathan; daus., Anne, wife of Levi Skinner, Dinah, wife of Mathew Dorr, Sibyll, wife of Dr. Syrus Bery and Lois, wife of Benjamin Commins. Executor: son Jonathan. Witnesses: George Getman, William Earnest, Jacob Fuller.
BRADT, SAMUEL S., of Charleston, will undated, probated June 14, 1808. Mentions: wife Angelica; sons Barent, Joseph, and Samuel, daus., Jane, Annatie, Margaret and one not yet baptised. Executors: brother Joseph Yates Bradt, Jacob Clute, John Ostrom. Witnesses: Jesse Groot, John A. Vedder, Benjamin Van Vechten.
BROWNELL, ISRAEL, of Johnstown, will dated May 12, 1808, probated June 25, 1808. Mentions: wife Rachel; sons George, Anthony, Humphre, Frederick and James; daus., Elizabeth and Mahala. Executor: son George. Witnesses: Daniel Hosmer, Daniel Meeker, Jr., Adolphus Shepard.
NICHOLS, SAMUEL, of Salisbury, will dated May 13, 1808, probated July 1, 1808. Mentions: daus., Bethia Witt, Mary Harris, Lydia Streeter, and Lucy Lee; grandsons William, Benejah, Willard and Samuel Randall; granddau. Opah Randall; grandchildren, Warren, Seth and Anson Nichols. Executor: Grandson Samuel Randall. Witnesses: Elijah Ford, Rebekah Ford, Henry Shaw.
VAN WORMER, PETER, of Amsterdam, will dated Mar. 1, 1808, probated July 2, 1808. Mentions: Wife Rachel, she was a Van Hoesen; sons Casper, Lawrence and John; daughters, Judith, wife of Matthew Holliday, Mary, wife of Ire Puffer, Elizabeth, wife of Jeremiah Groot and Rachel. Executors: John and William Swart. Witnesses: John and William Swart, Philip Fairchild.
GARDINIER, JACOB N., of Charleston, will dated Oct. 9, 1806, probated July 7, 1808. Mentions: daus., Rachel and Elizabeth; sons Nicholas, Jacob, land in Bolton, Washington Co., William Hendrick and his son Jacob. Executors: Isaah Depue, Abraham I. Quackenbus. Witnesses: Isaiah Depuy, Rynier Gardinier, John S. Gardinier.
MCWILLIAMS, JOHN of Charleston, will dated July 3, 1808, probated Aug. 30, 1808. Mentions: wife Anne; daus., Susanna McMannis and Nancy McWilliams. Executors: Stephen Ostrom,
VAN ALEN, ADAM E., of Johnstown, will dated May 23, 1807, probated Sept. 26, 1808. Mentions: wife Eve; daus., Hannah, Peggy, Lydia Maria; sons John, Evart and Austin. Executors: Lawrence E. Van Alen and his son Evart, Garret Ten Broock, wife Eve, son John. Witnesses: Daniel Cady, William Vosburgh, Trustem Dunham.
NELLIS, CHRISTIAN, of Palatine, will dated Nov. 28, 1807, probated Jan. 11, 1808. Mentions: sons John C. and Jacob C.; daus., Margaret, wife of Henry I. Bellinger and Elizabeth, wife of John J. Klock, Jr. Executors: two sons and Jacob J. Klock. Witnesses: Christian Klock, Peter March, Cornelius C. Beekman.
VAN ANTWERP, SIMON, of Charleston, will dated June 11, 1808, probated Oct. 11, 1808. Mentions: wife Rebecca; sons Peter, John and Abraham; daus., Margaret, Susannah, Annatie and Sarah; sister Neltie. Executors: 3 sons. Witnesses: Benjamin Van Vechten, Joseph Bratt, John Van Patten.
MOORE, FREDERICK, of ----, will dated Mar. 9, 1805, probated Nov. 3, 1808. Mentions: wife Dorothy; sons Martin, John and Baltus; daus., Mary and Charlotte. Executors: brother John and brother-in-law Godfrey Aney. Witnesses: William A. Reid, Michael Moore, George Hogh.
PICKERT, BARTHOLOMEW, of Manheim, will dated Mar. 9, 1804, probated Feb. 11, 1809. Mentions: wife Maria Catherine; sons Frederick and John; daus., Dina, wife of William Kissner, Eche, wife of Elijah Goodell, and Maria, wife of Gerrt Van Slyke. Executors: William Feeter, Anthoney Kaufman. Witnesses: Johannes Keller, Frederick Windecker, Jr., Hendrick Keller, Jr.
KIMBALL, JESSE, of Canajoharie, will dated June 11, 1804, probated Mar. 1, 1809. Mentions: wife Lydia; Asa Kimball. Executors: Jonathan Silsbery, Charles Powell. Witnesses: Mary, John and Charles Powell.
WINDECKER, FREDERICK, of Manheim, will dated Mar. 16, 1803, probated Feb. 11, 1809. Mentions: wife Barbara, sons Henry, John and Frederic; daus., Anna Barbara, Gertrout, wife of Jacobus Van Slyke and Catharina, wife of Frederic Pickert. Executors: John Keller, Anthony Kaufman. Witnesses: Henrich Keller, John Pickert, Bartholomew Pickert, Jr.
HALL, ROBERT, of the town of Florida, will dated Dec. 23, 1799, probated Mar. 9, 1809. Mentions: wife Margaret; son Misecordia; daus., Margret, Mary Ann and Rebeca. Executors: wife, Nicholas Hill. Witnesses: Jelles Brower, Mary Brower, Polley Bent.
WAGGONER, ANDREW, of Canajoharie, will dated Aug. 8, 1808, probated Mar. 10, 1809. Mentions: wife Catherine; son Henry; daus., Anna Rozina, Lany and Mary. Executors: Brother Jacob, Nicholas Rese. Witnesses: Amasa Millard, Henry Burns, George Wagner.
CONDERMAN, GEORGE, of Minden, will dated Apr. 28, 1808, probated Mar. 11, 1809. Mentions: wife Christina; sons Jacob, John George and Daniel; daus., Catharine, Anna, Delia, not m., Christina, Mary, Magdalena, Elizabeth and Margareth. Executors: wife, son Jacob, Abraham Coapman. Witnesses: Jonas Farr, John Blank, Christopher Glaiser.
FOX, CHRISTOPHER, of Palatine, will dated May 7, 1804, probated May 23, 1809. Mentions: wife Catherine; sons Christopher, David and Frederick; daus., Lana, wife of Denis Flander; Catherine, wife of Jacob Flander, no relation mentioned, Catharine, wife of John J. Nellis and Anna, wife of Adam Nellis, Jr. Executors: wife, sons Charles and David. Witnesses: John G. Brown, John Van Valkenburgh, Cornelius C. Beekman.
VAN DRIESEN, JOHN, of Minden, will dated Aug. 21, 1804, probated June 27, 1809. Mentions: wife Margaret. Executors: Felix Green, John H. Failing, John Safford. Witnesses: Cornelius H. Waldron, Henry Van Driesen, John Schuyler, Jr.
DE GRAAF, JEREMIAH, of the town of Amsterdam, will dated Mar. 11, 1807, probated July 20, 1809. Mentions: wife Ann; sons Isaac and Nicholas; daus., Deborah, Fransyntie, Elizabeth and Bantitey, not m. Executors: son Isaac, Henry Pawling, Nicholas Marselis. Witnesses: John J. Christie, Joseph Gunsalus.
WALRATH, JOHN J., of Palatine, will dated Nov. 11, 1806, probated Sept. 11, 1809. Mentions: wife Maria; dau. Catharine. Executors: wife, George Eaker. Witnesses: Peter Walrad, John Walratt, Jr., John Fikel.
GETMAN, CHRISTIAN, of Palatine, will dated Sept. 19, 1809, probated Sept. 27, 1809. Mentions: wife Mary; sons Abraham, Peter, Joseph, Christian, Jacob and Joshua; daus., Anne and Elizabeth. Executors: brother Jacob, Loderwick Record. Witnesses: Johan Jost Schroll, Abraham Smith, Moses Whitney.
MILLER, JACOB, of Johnstown, will dated Dec. 18, 1808, probated Sept. 27, 1809. Mentions: wife Polly; sons Philip and John; daus., Cannilio, Hannah and Helen. Executor: father Philip. Witnesses: Philip Frederick, Michael Wert, John Wemple.
ROSA, RICHARD, of Mayfield, will dated Apr. 20, 1809, probated Oct. 23, 1809. Mentions: wife Anna; sons Henry, Isaac, John and James; daus., Maria, Elizabeth and Caty Ann. Executors: wife Ashbell Cornwell, Sr., Peter Thompson. Witnesses: Coenrod Ten Eick, Roswell Churchill, Ashbell Cornwell, Jr.
REESE, SAMUEL, of Canajoharie, will dated Aug. 15, 1809, probated Nov. 6, 1809. Mentions: sons Frederick, Samuel, Jacob, Henry, Nicholas, John and George; dau. Catherine Waggoner; grandson Samuel M. Reese; grand-dau. Hannah Quackenboss. Executors: son Henry, Jonathan Eights, George Lasher. Witnesses: Jeremiah McCartney, Niclas P. Herter, Abraham Mower, Jr.
FONDA, ADAM, of Johnstown, will dated May 29, 1806, probated Nov. 9, 1809. Mentions: wife Neeltie; sons Henry and Douw; daus., Maritie, wife of John Veeder and Wyntie, wife of Alvin Harris; grandson Adam Fonda, of my dau. Wyntie. Executors: sons, brother John, Simon Veeder, James Lansing. Witnesses: William Forman, Sally Hart, Har's (?) Visscher.
MATHEWS, BARNET, of ----, will dated Dec. 9, 1809, probated Dec. 22, 1809. Mentions: wife Jane; son Henry. Executor: Bildad Mills. Witnesses: John G. Murray, Daniel Cady, Orun Johnson.
MILLS, ROGER, of Nonda, Alleghany Co., late of Canajoharie, will dated Aug. 7, 1809, probated Jan. 10, 1810. Mentions: sons Roger, Elisha, Rufus and George; dau. Mary, wife of Samuel Russel. Executor: son Roger. Witnesses: Aaron Haring, Adino Hills, Ebenezer Hebberd, Jr.
NELLIS, LUDWIG, of Palatine, will dated Aug. 8, 1809, probated Jan. 17, 1810. Mentions: wife Elizabeth; sons John, Ludwig, dead, and his son Peter; daus., Mary, wife of John Anthony Peck; Margaerth, wife of Christopher W. Fox, Catharine, wife of George Schultis and Elizabeth, wife of Adam Kilts. Executors: George Saltsman, Jacob Snell and John Frey. Witnesses: Peter and Elizabeth Markell, Jacob Snell.
MARKELL (MERCKELL), HENRICH, of Palatine, will dated Dec. 31, 1808, probated Jan. 18, 1810. Mentions: wife Margaret; sons Jacob, John and his wife and child; daus., Dillia, Mary, Margaret and Catharine. Executors: son Jacob, grandson Andrew A. Finck. Witnesses: Charles Freeman, William Scott, John Meyer.
FISHER, FREDERICK, of ----, will dated Apr. 23, 1808, probated Jan. 31, 1810. Mentions: wife Gezena; sons Daniel, William Brower, Harmen Jesse and John; dau. Catherine; grand-dau. Geneza and Alida Mabie; grandson Frederick Fisher Mabie. Executors: wife, sons Daniel and Harmen, sons-in-law Simon Mabie and Jacob S. Glen, Abraham Van Vechten. Witnesses: Peter Conyne, Sr. and Jr., James V. Peek.
SPAFFORD, THOMAS, of Manheim, will dated Dec. 28, 1809, probated Feb. 2, 1810. Mentions: wife Buly (nee Ransom); sons John, Thomas, Calvin and Luke; dau. Susana; Calvin Ransom. Executors: father-in-law Jonathan Ransom, Jacob Markel. Witnesses: Anthony Kaufman, Calvin Moffet, Calvin Ransom.
CRANDEL, CLARK, SR., of Charleston, will dated Mar. 18, 1809, probated Feb. 17, 1810. Mentions: wife Cazian; sons John and Clark, born Mar. 1, 1795; other children not named. Executrix: wife. Witnesses: Samuel and William Tallmadge, Abraham Stratton.
PERSONS, JAMES, of ----, will dated Jan. 22, 1810, probated Feb. 15, 1810. Mentions: wife Hannah; sons James, Oliver, Gurdon and John; daus., Mercy, Hannah and Lynda, wife of Daniel Bowen. Executors: sons John and Gurdon. Witnesses: Isaac and John Thrall, Eli'h Cheadel.
HOOGHKERK, LUCAS, of Palatine, formerly of Albany, will dated Jan. 25, 1810, probated Apr. 17, 1810. Mentions: wife Anna; sons John and Henry; daus., Jane Anne and Margaret. Executors: brother-in-law Rev. Isaac Labagh, cousin Lucas J. Hooghkerk, Jacob Hees. Witnesses: John T. Getman, John Eisenlord, Philip Putnam.
HESS, HENDRICK, of Canajoharie, will dated Aug. 26, 1801, probated June 13, 1810. Mentions: wife Mary Elizabeth; sons Henry and George; daus., Susanna, Magdalen, Elizabeth, Catharine, Margaret, dau. Maria, dead, and her daus., Anna, Maria, Elizabeth and Susanna. Executors: wife, George W. Gerlach, Henry Failing. Witnesses: Roger Dougherty, Hendrick Deill, Christopher P. Yates.
MOSCHELL, JACOB, of Canajoharie, will dated Aug. 24, 1805, probated June 30, 1810. Mentions: wife Gertraud, dau. of Henry Lyker; sons Daniel, Henry, Lawrence, Peter and Nicolas; daus., Eleanor, Elizabeth and Margareth; and unborn child; Uncle Johann Daniel Gros. Executors: friends and brethren-in-law John Runkel, Henry Lyker, Adam Clement. Witnesses: Johann Daniel Gros, Henry Lycker, John Runkel.