Monroe County New York Newspapers
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Monroe County New York Newspaper Items
Monroe County New York Newspapers
Here is a list of some of the known newspapers in Monroe County, New York.
- Brockport Republic and Brockport Democrat, (Brockport, N.Y.), 1925-1955
- The Brockport Republic, (Brockport, N.Y.), 1856-1925
- Cardinal Courier, (Rochester, N.Y.), 2002-current
- Catholic Courier and Journal, (Rochester, N.Y.) 1929-1932
- The Catholic Courier Journal, (Rochester, N.Y.) 1945-1968
- Catholic Courier, (Rochester, N.Y.) 1989-current
- The Catholic Courier, (Rochester, N.Y.) 1933-1945
- The Catholic Journal, (Rochester, N.Y.) 1889-1929
- Courier-Journal, (Rochester, N.Y.) 1968-current
- Deutscher Wochenspiegel, (Rochester, N.Y.) 1967-1978, Language: German
- The Echo, (Rush, N.Y.) 1879-1881
- Fairport Herald-Mail, (Fairport, N.Y.) 1925-1962
- The Fairport Herald, (Fairport, N.Y.) 1873-1925
- Fairport-Perinton Herald Mail, (Fairport, N.Y.) 1980-current
- Greater Greece Press, (Rochester, N.Y.) 1959-1977
- The Greece Press, (Greece, N.Y. ;) 1934-1958
- Herald-Mail, (Fairport, N.Y.) 1962-1979
- The Hilton Record, volume (Hilton, N.Y.) 1897-1974
- The Honeoye Falls Times, (Honeoye Falls, N.Y.) 1888-1987
- Honeoye Falls Weekly Times, (Honeoye Falls [N.Y.]) 1882-1886
- Honeoye Falls Weekly Times, (Honeoye Falls, N.Y.) 1987-1989
- The Industrial School Advocate, and soldiers' Aid, (Rochester, N.Y.) 1865-18??
- The Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel, (Honeoye Falls, N.Y.) 1989-current
- Monroe County Mail, (Fairport, N.Y.) 1880-1925
- The New Greece Press, (Greece, N.Y.) 1958-1959
- The Pioneer, (Rochester, N.Y.) 1951-2001
- R.I.T. Reporter, (Rochester, N.Y.) 1951-1968
- Republic-Democrat, (Brockport, N.Y.) 1955-1974
- Rochester Abendpost, (Rochester, N.Y.) 1902-1967
- Rochester Beobachter. (Rochester, N.Y.) 1851-1870, Language: German
- Rochester Daily Telegraph, (Rochester, N.Y.) 1827-1829
- Rochester täglicher Beobachter, (Rochester, N.Y.) 1870-188?, Language: English, German
- Rochester Telegraph, (Rochester) 1818-1830
- The Social World, (Rochester, N.Y.) 1885-18??
- The Stylus, (Brockport, N.Y.) 1914-current
- The Gleaner, (Rochester, N.Y.) 1928-current
- Town & Country Gazette, (Livonia, N.Y.) 1989-1989
- Wayne County Mail, (Ontario, N.Y.) 1979-current
- The Webster Herald, (Webster, N.Y.) 1899-current
- The Weekly Times, (Honeoye Falls, N.Y.) 1888-1888