Lewis County New York Obituaries Extracted From The Northern Journal, Lowville, NY, 1838-1849
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1838-1849 Obituaries from The Northern Journal in Lowville, Lewis County New York.
ADAMS, Anice Obituary
In Lowville, on the 16th instant, Anice Lousia, youngest daughter of Melas Adams, aged 1 year and 7 months. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, January 21, 1841]
ALLEN, J. Monroe Obituary
In Turin, on the 1st inst., J. Monroe Allen, son of Ichabod Allen, aged 23 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, August 13, 1840]
BANCROFT, Edward Obituary
In St. Clair county, Michigan, at the residence of his son, sometime in April, Hon. Edward Bancroft, formerly of this county. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, May 12, 1842]
BENJAMIN, Rachel Obituary
In East Martinsburgh, on the 27th ult., Mrs. Rachel Benjamin. Mrs. Benjamin was the wife of Mr. ? Benjamin, who early in life, in the beginning of the War of the Revolution, enlisted in the U.S. Army, and followed the fortunes throughout the fierce struggle which resulted in our independence. She discharged the duties of a wife for ? years, justly and affectionately, and sustained the relation of mother in such a manner, that her children now rise up and call her blessed. She was brought up in the Church of England, was married in 17--, and in after life embraced religion and united with the Open Communion Baptist Church, in which she lived and died a christian. Of 5 sons and 7 daughters, one died in infancy; of her grand children there are ?; of great grand children 41, making all her descendents 11. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 10, 1842]
BICKFORD, Mary Obituary
In the town of Lowville, on the 25th ult. After a protracted illness, Mrs. Mary P. Bickford, aged 55 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, December 3, 1840]
BLODGETT (infant) Obituary
In Denmark, of the measles, on the 11th inst., an infant daughter of Harrison Blodget, Esq., aged fifteen months. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, April 23, 1840]
BOSWORTH, Catherine Obituary
Suddenly, on the 21st ult. At Harmonsburgh, Pa., on her way from Iowa, to visit her friends in this State, Mrs. Catherine, wife of Marther Bosworth, late of this town, aged 36 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, June 9, 1842]
BOSWORTH, Jay Obituary
In Fowler, St. Lawrence Co., on the 7th inst., Jay N. Bosworth, formerly of Lowville, son of Dea. M. Bosworth, aged 28 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, February 13, 1840]
BOSWORTH, Thankful Obituary
In this town, on the 11th inst., Mrs. Thankful Bosworth, mother of Dea. Bosworth, aged 88 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, February 13, 1840]
BRAINARD, Mary Obituary
At Leyden, on the 25th ult., Mrs. Mary Brainard, wife of Mr. Jesse Brainard, aged 57 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, May 12, 1842]
BREWSTER, Parmelia, Obituary
BREWSTER - Died, At Rochester, Monroe county, on Thursday the 26th ult., Mrs. Parmelia Bosworth, in the 40th year of her age, daughter of Mr. Ira Stephens, of this village. [Northern Journal, (Lowville, NY), Thursday, May 3, 1838.]
At Rochester, Monroe county, on Thursday the 26th ult., Mrs. Parmelia Brewster, in the 40th year of her age, daughter of Mr. Ira Stephens, of this village. (An error in the above notice was not observed till a portion of our edition was worked off last week. - we therefore give it another insertion. [Northern Journal, (Lowville, NY), Thursday, May 10, 1838]
BUCK, Lucretia Obituary
In this town, on the 21st inst., Mrs. Lucretia Buck, wife of Chester Buck, Esq., aged 50 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, April 28, 1842]
BUEL, Jesse Obituary
Died, In Danbury, (Conn.) on Sunday afternoon last, Judge Jesse Buel, of Albany, in the 63d year of his age. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY - October 10, 1839.]
CLARK, Henry Obituary
At Wiota, Wisconsin Territory, on the 24th ult., of billious fever, Mr. Henry Clark, aged 2? years, formerly of Martinsburgh, in this county.[Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, October 22, 1840]
CLINTON, Charley Obituary
In this village, on Sunday evening last, Mrs. [Charley ?] Clinton, widow of the late Isaac Clinton, aged 77 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, May 7, 1840]
CLINTON, Isaac Obituary
At his residence, in the village of Lowville, on the morning of the 18th inst., the Rev. Isaac Clinton, in the 82d year of his age. The deceased was a graduate of Yale College, and for more than 30 years immediately preceding his death, resided in this place. He came here at an early period of the settlement of this part of the State, and for several years thereafter, discharged the arduous and responsible duties of Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, and of Principal of Lowville Academy, in this village. He was at the time of his death a Trustee and President of that Academy. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 26, 1840]
COOK, Horace Obituary
In Lowville, on the 9th instant, of scarlet fever, Horace, aged 3 years, and George, aged 2 years, both children of Rodney R. Cook. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY] – Thursday, January 16, 1840]
COOK, Rodney Obituary
In Lowville, on the 9th instant, of scarlet fever, Horace, aged 3 years, and George, aged 2 years, both children of Rodney R. Cook. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, January 16, 1840]
CRANE, James Obituary
In Denmark, on the ?th ult. James N. son of Augustus and Lousia Crane, aged 2 years and nine months. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, December 24, 1840]
DEAN, Samuel Obituary
In Brockport, Ohio, on the 8th inst. Mr. Samuel Dean, a Soldier of the Revolution, in the 85th year of his age. He formerly resided in Martinsburgh. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, April 30, 1840]
DURRIN, Elizabeth Obituary
In this town, on the 14th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Durrin, aged 61 years wife of Rev. Noah Durrin, and daughter of Capt. Squire and Doritha Hill. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, December 30, 1841]
FRENCH, Louisa Obituary
In Denmark, on the 1[1?]th inst. Miss Louisa E. French, aged 29 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, May 14, 1840]
GARRATT, Elizabeth Obituary
Of consumption, at the residence of her father, in Leyden, on the 22d ult., Elizabeth, wife of Clark Garratt, and daughter of Nathan and Chloe Burr. She was an acceptable member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and died in peace, and has gone to rest. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, April 2, 1840]
GOWNY, Samuel Obituary
In Martinsburgh, on the 19th instant, Mr. Samuel Gowny, one of the oldest and most respectable inhabitants of that town, aged ? years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, April 23, 1840]
GREENE, Edwin Obituary
In Vernon, Oneida county, on the 12th inst., Mr. Edwin C. Greene, in the 24th year of his age, recently a resident of Lowville. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, April 23, 1840]
HARDING, Laura Obituary
In this village, on Tuesday morning last, Mrs. Laura Ann, wife of Leonard Harding, and only daughter of Charles D. Morse, aged 2? years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, June 11, 1840]
HARTWELL, Julia Obituary
In Mishawaka, Ia., on the 27th of March, Mrs. Julia Ann, wife of Mr. James Hartwell, aged 26 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, April 21, 1842]
HATHAWAY, Levi Obituary
At Tinidad, Isle of Cuba, at the residence of the Vice Counsul, on the 1st Dec. last, of malignant fever, Mr. Levi Hathaway, late of the city of New York, a native, and for many years a resident of Rome, aged 38 years. He left New York in September last, to spend the winter months in the West Indies, to escape the rigor of our climate, which from a Calarrhal affection, caused him much suffering at this season. The vessel in which he sailed, touched at Kingston, Jamaica, for a few days, at which place malignant fever was prevalent, and where he doubtless contracted it. The first attack yielded to medicine, and was thrown off, but within a few days returned, baffling all the efforts of the physician, and terminating in death, after six days. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, February 6, 1840]
HENRY, Mary Obituary
At West Martinsburgh, on the 18th ult., Mrs. Mary Ann Henry, wife of James M. Henry, aged 31 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, February 3, 1842]
HILL, John Obituary
In Martinsburgh, on Tuesday the 12th inst., of dropsy in the head, John B. Hill, in the 47th year of his age. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, January 21, 1841]
HILLMAN, Minerva Obituary
In Livonia, Livingston county, on the 9th inst., of consumption, Miss Minerva, daughter of William and Rebecca Hillman, formerly of Lowville, but more recently of Turin, aged 28 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 26, 1840]
HITCHCOCK, Chloe Obituary
At Chautauque, March 26th, Chloe Hitchcock, wife of Amasa Hitchcock, formerly of this place. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, May 26, 1842]
JACKMAN, Esther Obituary
At Houseville, on the morning of the 24th inst Mrs. Esther Jackman, consort of Mr. Timothy Jackman, in the 43d year of her age. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, December 2, 1841]
JONES, Edward Obituary
In Denmark, on Monday last, Edward Jones, aged 35 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, December 9, 1841]
KELSEY, Eber, Obituary
Died, At Cape Vincent, Jefferson County, on the 18th inst., Eber Kelsey, formerly of Leyden, Lewis County, in the 76th year of his age. He was one of the few remaining of the early pioneers, in beating a track into this newly settled country. [Northern Journal, (Lowville, NY), Thursday, August 22, 1839]
KENTNER, Duane Obituary
At Houseville, on the 2d inst. of croup, Orrin, in his 5th years of his age, and on the 6th Duane, in the 7th years of his age, sons of John Kentner. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, June 18, 1840]
KENTNER, Orrin Obituary
At Houseville, on the 2d inst. of croup, Orrin, in his 5th years of his age, and on the 6th Duane, in the 7th years of his age, sons of John Kentner. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, June 18, 1840]
LAMBERT, Laura Obituary
In Lowville, on the 25th inst., Laura Ann, daughter of the Rev. Chandler Lambert, aged 20 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, May 28, 1840]
LAMBERT, Laura Ann Obituary
Laura Ann, the daughter of Chandley and Laura Lambert, was born in Housefield, Jefferson co., April 7, 1810. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, June 25, 1840]
LIVINGSTON, Mary Obituary
In Lowville, on the 23d ult., Mary, wife of Richard Livingston, aged 57 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, September 10, 1840]
MANLEY, Marshal Obituary
In New York, on the 28d of last May, by the Rev. Dr. Potts, Mr. Marshal D. Manley of Turin, to Miss [Lucinda ?] Maria Clark of Middletown Point, New Jersey. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 17, 1842]
MARCELLUS, B. Obituary
In West Turin, on the 28th ult. B. Marcellus, the youngest son of Enoch and Margaret Lyman, aged 3? years and 10 months. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, June 9, 1842]
MASON, Norman Obituary
In West Martinsburgh, on the 23d inst., Norman L. Mason, formerly of Middlefield, Otsego Co., aged 24? years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 5, 1840]
MASON, Theodore Obituary
At West Martinsburgh, on the 15th inst. Theodore, son of Norman L. and Louisa Mason, aged 19 years. He was a [?] and worthy young man, and his death is a severe stroke to his afflicted friends, but they mourn not as those without hope. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, November 25, 1841]
MILLER, Clarinda Obituary
In West Turin, on the 21st inst., Clarinda, wife of Rev. James Miller, aged 62?. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, July 2, 1840]
MORGAN, Catharine Obituary
At Turin, on the 4th inst., Catharine Olive Morgan, daughter of Orrin and Betsey Morgan, aged nine years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 10, 1842]
MORRISON, Prudence Obituary
In this village, on the 31st ult., Prudence Morrison, aged 68 years, wife of C. H Morrison. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, August 6, 1840]
MURDOCK, James Obituary
At the residence of his son, at Crown Point, Essex county, on the 14th inst. of apoplexy, Rev. James Murdock, in the 86th year of his age. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, January 28, 1841]
NORTHROP, Mary Parsons, Obituary
Died, At Carthage, Nov. 30th, of scarlet fever, Mary Parsons, daughter of J. A. Northrop, Jr., aged four years. [Northern Journal, (Lowville, NY), Thursday, December 6, 1838]
PACE, Dexter Obituary
In Harrisburgh, On the 31st ult., Mr. Dexter Pace, aged 50 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, February 3, 1842]
PARSONS, Elihu Obituary
In Fabius, Onondage county, on the 20th ult. Afte a short illness, Mr. Elihu Parsons, formerly of Denmark in this county. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, June 9, 1842]
PERRY, Isaac Obituary
At the residence of Gen. J. A. Willard, in this village, on the 19th ult. Capt. Isaac Perry, a Patriot of the Revolution, aged 81 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, December 3, 1840]
PIERCE, Mary Obituary
In Martinsburgh, on the 4th inst., after a short illness, Mary Pierce, aged 3 years and 5 months. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, September 10, 1840]
RAGAN, Sally Obituary
In Turin, on the 10th utl., Sally, wife of Mr. Haanno Ragan, aged 43 years. She died very suddenly of a bilious cholic. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, May 12, 1842]
RATHBUN, Josiah Obituary
At the residence of his son, near the village of Copenhagen, on the 12th inst., Mr. Josiah Rathbun, in the 81st year of his age, a soldier of the Revolution. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, February 20, 1840]
RICH, Sally Obituary
In Martinsburgh, on the 2d inst., of consumption, Mrs. Sally Rich, after a long sickness of about 3 years, aged 53. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, September 10, 1840]
RICHARDS, Charity Obituary
Died – At Harrisburgh Nov. 8, 1840, Miss Charity Richards, eldest daughter of Mr. David Richards, formerly of Cummington, aged 43 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, December 10, 1840]
ROBERTS, Unknown Obituary
In this village, on the 8th inst. a daughter of Nathaniel Roberts, aged [two ?] years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, January 16, 1840]
RUGGLES, Ellen Obituary
In Lowville, on the 11th inst., Ellen, an infant daughter of Gen. George D. Ruggles, aged two years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 26, 1840]
SAFFORD, John Obituary
In Watertown, on the 5th instant, Dr. John Safford, aged 53 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, January 13, 1842]
SHALER, William Obituary
In this City of New York, on the 18th ult., William D. Shaler, Esq., of Turin, aged about 45 years. Mr. Shaler had gone to New York on business, was taken ill on his arrival there, and died before Mrs. Shaler (to whom a message was immediately sent) could reach him. He was highly respected in this community, and his death is much regretted by all his acquaintances. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, June 2, 1842]
SISEN, Thomas Obituary
In Denmark, on the 14th ult., after a short illness, Mr. Thomas Sisen, aged 74 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, January 13, 1842]
SMITH, Caroline Obituary
In this village, on Friday morning, the 4th instant, Mrs. Caroline Elizabeth, wife of James Smith, and daughter of Mr. Solmon Johnson, aged 2?3 years and 8 months. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 10, 1842]
SNELL, Olive Obituary
At Maumee City, on the 31st of July last, Mrs. Olive Snell, formerly of this county, in the 63d year of her age. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, October 15, 1840]
SPENCER, David Obituary
In Coles county, Illinois, on the 17? of February last, of pleurisy, David W. Spencer, formerly of Leyden, in this county, aged 23 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, April 14, 1842]
STEWART, Julia Adelaide, Obituary
In Carthage, on Saturday afternoon, the 2[?]th ult., Julia Adelaide, daughter of P. S. and Mary Jane Stewart, aged 2 years, 2 months and 13 days. [Northern Journal, (Lowville, NY), Thursday, July 4, 1839]
STIMSON, Laura Obituary
In Leyden, on the 4th inst., Laura Stimson, wife of Nelson Stimson, aged 34 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, August 13, 1840]
TEADMAN, Westley Obituary
At West Martinsburgh, on the 29th ult. Of scarlet fever, Westley Levi, son of Levi Teadman, aged 2 years and 8? months. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, April 7, 1842]
THOMPSON, Polly Obituary
In Martinsburgh, on Tuesday night last, Polly Thompson, wife of E. L. Thompson, aged about 35 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, February 6, 1840]
VAN DUFEN, Huldah (Loucks) Obituary
Died, At Newtown, Buck's County, Penn., on the [9?] ult., Mrs. Huldah Van Dufen, wife of John Van Dufen, [?] a merchant of Princeton, N.J., and daughter of Charles Loucks of Watson, aged 28 years. [Northern Journal, (Lowville, NY) - Thursday, June 6, 1839]
WEBBER, Edward Obituary
In Belmont? County, Ohio, on the 11th ult. Edward L. Webber, formerly of Martinsburgh, in the 39th year of his age. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 17, 1842]
WEED, Abigail, Obituary
Died, In Carthage, June 14th, Mrs. Abigail Weed, wife of Dea. Philo Weed, after a protracted sickness, aged 54 years. [Northern Journal, (Lowville, NY), Thursday, July 4, 1839]
WHITMARK, Noah, Obituary
Died, In the town of Pamilia, Jeff. Co., on the 8th ult., Mr. Noah Whitmark, formerly a resident of this town, aged 74 years and 8 months. He had, for many years, been afflicted with the palpitation of the heart, which finally terminated in the dropsical consumption. [Northern Journal, (Lowville, NY), Thursday, October 3, 1839]
WOOLWORTH, Levi Obituary
In Pinckney, on Saturday night last, of consumption, Levi Woolworth, son of Timothy Woolworth, aged 20 years. [Northern Journal, Lowville, NY – Thursday, February 20, 1840)]