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Lewis County New York Obituaries Extracted From The Lewis County Republican, Martinsburgh, N.Y., 1850-1859

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1850-1859 Obituaries from The Lewis County Republican, Martinsburgh, Lewis County New York.

BAILEY, Seymour, Obituary

Died, In Rome, Oneida County, on Sunday morning, the 23rd inst., of typhus fever, Seymour Bailey, aged 25 years, son of the editor of this paper. [The Lewis County Republican, (Martinsburgh, NY), Wednesday, October 26, 1853]

EARL, Jane C., Obituary

Died, On the 21st June, at the Globe Hotel, Syracuse, Jane C., wife of Charles Earl, and only daughter of Apollos Stevens, Esq., of Copenhagen, Lewis Co., N.Y. - Aged 32. [Lewis County Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, July 7, 1852]

GRAVES, Harriet Obituary

Died in Boonville, on Saturday, the 15th inst., Harriet, daughter of Henry Graves, aged 6 years. [The Lewis County Republican, (Martinsburgh, NY), Wednesday, May 3, 1854]

HICHCOCK, Isaac J. Obituary

Died, at Ashford, Cattaraugus Co., N.Y., on the 10th day of July, after an illness of one day with the cholera, Mr. Isaac J. Hichcock, aged 68, formerly of Leyden, Lewis Co. [The Lewis County Republican, (Martinsburgh, NY), Wednesday, August 30, 1854]

HOARD, Susan, Obituary

Died, In Watertown, on the 21st ult., Mrs. Susan Hoard, consort of Charles B. Hoard, of consumption, aged 44 years. [The Lewis County Republican, (Martinsburgh, NY), Wednesday, August 10, 1853]

HOUSE, Edwin E., Obituary

HOUSE.- Monroe Co., NY - Died - At the residence of his uncle, in Rochester, on Sunday, the 20th of Nov., 1853, Edwin E. House, son of Mr. Joseph House, of Houseville, in the 24th year of his age. [The Lewis County Republican, (Martinsburgh, NY), Wednesday, November 30, 1853.]

JACKSON, Mary Ann Obituary

Died in Boonville, on the 18th inst., Miss Mary Ann Jackson, aged 2[5?] years. [The Lewis County Republican, (Martinsburgh, NY), Wednesday, March 1, 1854.]

LOCKWOOD, Johiel B., Obituary

Died In Sackets Harbor, Sept 29, of consumption, Mr. Johiel B. Lockwood, Printer, in the 22d year of his age. [The Lewis County Republican, (Martinsburgh, NY), Wednesday, October 19, 1853]

MATTHEWS, Sylvia L., Obituary

Died In Carthage Nov. 18th, Sylvia L., wife of James B. Matthews, aged 22. The deceased has left a bereaved husband and a large circle of friends to mourn her loss. [The Lewis County Republican, (Martinsburgh, NY), Wednesday, December 7, 1853]

MITCHELL, Asaph Obituary, Wednesday, February 15, 1854

Died in Boonville, on the 9th inst., Asaph Mitchell, aged 67 years. [The Lewis County Republican, (Martinsburgh, NY), Wednesday, February 15, 1854.]

NOLAN, Mary Obituary

Died, In Boonville, on the morning of the 11th, Mrs. Mary Nolan, in the 3[?]th year of her age. [The Lewis County Republican, (Martinsburgh, NY), Wednesday, September 21, 1853.]

OSTRANDER, Charles Obituary

Sad Event--Mr. Charles Ostrander, of Greig, in company with his brother, went out a fishing in the Moose River, on Saturday the 10th inst. While at Brown's mill about two miles from Lyonsdale, he undertook to cross over from the dam on a fallen tree. It seemed that he had been warned not to make the attempt, but he ventured. His foot slipped, and he was plunged into the swift water, amid the rock below. Although a swimmer, he was not able to sustain himself in the strong current. A board was thrown to him, but he was too nearly exhausted to save himself by it and those with him, could not in safety help him. His body was carried down the stream a short distance and was recovered in about two hours after the event. Mr. O. leaves a young wife and three small children, who were deprived of an own mothers' care about one year since. [The Lewis County Republican, (Martinsburgh, NY), Wednesday, September 28, 1853]

OWENS, Leah H. Obituary

Died, In Boonville, March 29, Leah H., consort of E. P. Owens, aged 28 years. The deceased was loved and respected by all who knew her; she was a member of the Baptist church for the last six years, and died in the hope of blessed immortality. [The Lewis County Republican, (Martinsburgh, NY), Wednesday, April 14, 1852]

REAMER, George W., Obituary

Died, In Watertown, on the 11th inst., George W., son of D. D. Reamer, Esq., aged 12 years. [Lewis County Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, January 21, 1852]

ROWLAND, Mary F., Obituary

Died, In Rutland, Jefferson co., Aug. 1[2?], Mary F., youngest daughter of Rufus Rowland, aged 23 years. [The Lewis County Republican, (Martinsburgh, NY), Wednesday, September 7, 1853]

SCHUYLER, Philip M. Obituary

Died in Boonville on the 10th, Philip M. Schuyler, aged 49 years. [The Lewis County Republican, (Martinsburgh, NY), Wednesday, February 15, 1854]

SMITH, George A., Obituary

Died, In Wilna, July 14th, of inflammation on the lungs, Geo. A. Smith, son of Ephraim Smith, Jr. aged 21 years. [The Lewis County Republican, (Martinsburgh, NY), Wednesday, August 10, 1853]

SPENCER, W. G. Obituary

Died in Boonville, on the 6th, W. G. Spencer, aged 22 years. [The Lewis County Republican, (Martinsburgh, NY), Wednesday, May 3, 1854]

WILBER, Josiah Obituary, Wednesday, June 23, 1852

Died, At Lee Centre, on the 12th inst. of consumption, Mr. Josiah Wilber, late of this village.

WILSEY, Mariette Obituary, Wednesday, October 19, 1853

Died, In Boonville, on the 11th inst., Mariette, only daughter of Hiram and Cordelia Wilsey, aged [5?] years.

WOOD, Charles M. Obituary, Wednesday, February 4, 1852

Deaths - Suddenly, at Rome, of the 1st inst., Charles M., eldest son of Cornelius H. Wood, aged 5 years and [8?] months.

WOOD, Frank C. Obituary, Wednesday, March 17, 1852

At Rome, N.Y., on the 14th inst., Frank C., youngest son of C. H. Wood, Esq., formerly of this village, aged about 2 years.