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Lewis County New York Obituaries Extracted From The Lewis County Democrat, Lowville, N.Y., 1868

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1868 Obituaries from The Lewis County Democrat, Lowville, Lewis County New York.

AGER, Susan, Obituary

In Port Leyden, on Wednesday Jan. 8th, 1868, Mrs. Susan C., wife of Ephaz Ager, aged 71 years, 9 months and 22 days. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, January 29, 1868]

ASCHBACH, Lena, Obituary

In West Martinsburgh, on Friday evening the 7th inst., Lena, only daughter of J. J. and Caroline Aschbach, aged 1 year 5 months and 14 days. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, February 19, 1868]

BLODGETT, Maria, Obituary

At Cheshire, Mass., March 3d, Maria, wife of Perley Blodgett. Her remains will be brought to Lowville for burial. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, March 4, 1868]

BONES, Lyle, Obituary

Died, at his residence in Carthage, Jan. 4, 1868, Lyle Bones, aged 59 years and 4 months. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, January 8, 1868]

BROWN, Cordelia, Obituary

At Port Leyden Dec. 25, 1867, of dropsy, Mrs. Cordelia Brown, daughter of Frederick and Lavina Wheeler, aged 26 years. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, January 8, 1868]

BURK, Harvey, Obituary

In Watson, Feb. 6, 1868, of small-pox, Harvey Burk. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, February 19, 1868]

CALHOUN, Mr., Obituary

Died, at Champion, Feb. 1st, Mr. Calhoun, aged 53 years 9 months. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, February 19, 1868]

CLARK, Flora, Obituary

In South Champion, on the 24th inst., Mrs. Flora E., wife of Charles E. Clark, of Pinckney. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, March 4, 1868]

COLLINS, Betsey, Obituary

Died, at Watertown, Jan 28, 1868, Betsey, wife of the Samuel Collins, formerly of Martinsburgh, aged 75 years, 3 mos. and 1 day. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, February 19, 1868]

EARL, Roswell, Obituary

Died In Champion, 26th ult., Mr. Roswell Earl, aged 78 years. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, February 5, 1868]

EASTON, Francis, Obituary

In this village, Feb. 13th, 1868, of heart disease, Francis M. Easton, aged 34 years 11 months and 3 days. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, February 19, 1868]

GREELEY, William, Obituary

In this village, March 1st, Wm. Henry, son of W. H. and Sarah Greeley, aged 2 yrs, 3 mos., and 27 days. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, March 4, 1868]

JOHNSON, Almyra, Obituary

In South Champion, Jan. 24th, of quick consumption, Mrs. Almyra Johnson, aged 80 years, 3 months and 15 days. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, February 5, 1868]

JONES, Arba, Obituary

At Perrysburgh, Ohio, Jan. 4, 1868, of pleurisy, Mr. Arba S. Jones, formerly a resident of Martinsburgh, Lewis county, N.Y., aged about 60 years. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, January 22, 1868]

LEE, Charles, Obituary

Mr. Charles Lee, of Martinsburgh, and for many years a well-known farmer and citizen of that town, expired on Sunday evening last, aged, we think, over 80 years. The fall and winter of 1867, from atmospherie or other causes will long be remembered as a season of unusual morality in our midst. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, January 15, 1868]

LEE, Charles, Obituary

Death of Charles Lee – On the 12th inst., Chas. Lee, one of the oldest settlers of the town of Martinsburgh, departed this life in the 86th year of his age. He was a native of Westfield, Mass., and came to Lewis county in 1809, when there were but few inhabitants in this then thinly settled region. It is the lot of but few men to live as Mr. Lee has lived, to see about him so many children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren; all his descendents, living and dead, numbering about seventy. As a neighbor and a citizen, he was upright, and in all his business transactions, fair and prompt. His generous heart could be easily touched with another's troubles, and he was ever found ready to give his assistance in all objects of public benefit. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, January 29, 1868]

LITCHFIELD, Elizabeth, Obituary

In Turin, Feb. 7th, Elizabeth, wife of Luther Litchfield, in the 71st year of her age. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, February 19, 1868]

MERRIAM, Harriet, Obituary

At Westmorland, Oneida Co., N.Y., Jan. 21st, 1868, with tumor, Harriet, wife of Timothy Merriam, formerly of Lowville, Lewis county, N. Y. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, January 29, 1868]

OTIS, Maria, Obituary

At Deer River, Jan. 3, 1868, of dropsy, Mrs. Maria A. Otis, wife of Stephen S. Otis, aged 31, 8 months and 11 days. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, January 8, 1868]

PERKINS, Arabella, Obituary

At Patridgeville, Greig, Feb. 6th, of consumption, Arabella M., wife of John Perkins, aged 23 years and 5 months.

She leaves a husband and only brother, who mourn her departure, as a loving companion and kind sister, with heartfelt grief. She has gone to meet the dear father and mother, in that better world, where sorrow is not known, the father, Hugh R. Wilcox, war one of those who starved to death in Andersonville prison. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, February 19, 1868]

ROBERTS, Mary, Obituary

In Martinsburgh, Feb. 1, 1867, of heart disease, Mrs. Mary, wife of John L. Roberts, aged 73 years 10 months and 11 days. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, February 19, 1868]

ROBINSON, John, Obituary

In this village, Feb. 18th, 1868, John Robinson (colored). [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, February 19, 1868]

ROGERS, Eliza Townsend, Obituary

In Philadelphia, N.Y., on the 28th of December, 1867, Eliza Townsend, wife of Mr. Samuel Rogers, aged 47 years. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, January 1, 1868]

SECKNOR, Jefferson, Obituary

At Harpers Ferry, Va., Feb. 4, 1865, Jefferson Secknor, aged 20 years. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, March 4, 1868]

SECKNOR, Nelson, Obituary

At Norfolk, Va., Aug. 2, 1864, Nelson Secknor, aged 22 years. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, March 4, 1868]

SHARP, Aaron, Obituary

In Denmark, on Saturday evening Jan. 25th, 1868, after a painful illness of three weeks, Aaron A. Sharp, son of Chas. and Electa Sharp, aged 12 years 2 months and 21 days. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, February 5, 1868]

VAN PATTEN, Julia, Obituary

In New Bremen, Jan. 29, of consumption, Julia Van Patten, aged 26 years. [Lewis County Democrat (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, February 26, 1868]