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Lewis County New York Obituaries Extracted From The Lewis County Democrat, Lowville, N.Y., 1867

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1867 Obituaries from The Lewis County Democrat, Lowville, Lewis County New York.

AUSTIN, Mary Obituary

Died, In Diana, July 13th, Mary, widow of Nathan Austin, aged 76 years. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, July 31, 1867.]

AVERY, Joseph Obituary

Died, In Oakfield, Wis., Sept. 17, at the residence of his son-in-law, Henry Shafer, Mr. Joseph Avery, formerly of this town, in the 79 year of his age. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 20, 1867.]

BARTLETT, Sarah Obituary

Died, At Copenhagen, Oct. 20, Sarah, wife of G. W. Bartlett, in the 30th year of her age. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, October 23, 1867.]

BASSETT, Lucy Obituary

Died, At her father's residence, May 13th, 1867, after a severe illness of three months, Lucy W., wife of James F. Bassett, and only daughter of George W. and Susan Arthur, aged 26 years 5 months and 12 days. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, May 22, 1867.]

BRADY, Thomas Obituary

Died, Fatal Accident – Monday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, Mr. Thomas Brady, residing near Deer River, came to his death in a shocking manner. Mr. B. was standing in front of a yoke of oxen attached to a large roller, and was about unhitching them, when the oxen ran against him, knocking him down and the roller turning over him, breaking his neck. He died almost instantly. He leaves a family and many friends to mourn his sudden loss. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, September 4, 1867.]

BRIGGS, William Obituary

Died, Killed by the Kick of a Horse – We are pained to learn of the death of William Briggs, a young man of most estimable character, 22 years of age, who died on Saturday last at the residence of George Hoisington in Ellisburgh. Mr. Briggs was leading a spirited horse by the halter, which in its playful antics wheeled and kicked him, hitting him in the temple, of which he died in a few hours. - Watertown Re-Union. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 20, 1867.]

BRINTNALL, Betsey Obituary

Died, At Onondaga Hollow, New York, March 8, 1867, Betsey, wife of Solva Brintnall, aged 82 years 3 months. Formerly a residence of Pinckney, Lewis county, and united 64 years ago in marriage to her husband who survives. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, May 1, 1867.]


Died, Accidental Death by Hanging – Last Thursday morning, George Oscar Butters, a boy about 10 years old, son of George O. Butters, who lives on the "Halifax Road," near Denmark village, came to a horrible death while attempting to show some smaller children the manner in which people hang themselves. They went into a smokehouse, within a few paces of his father's house, and Oscar, taking a piece of web line, tied one end to a hook on one side of the smokehouse, threw the line over a cross-beam from which hams are hung, then tying the other end around his neck, got up on a saw-horse which was standing under the beam. When in his position, loosing his balance, the horse tripped to the front and threw the boy over backward, breaking his neck by the fall, with his head only sixteen inches from the ground. A younger brother ran to the house and told his mother that "Oscar was showing them how to hang," when she went to the door and called to him, but receiving no answer, she became alarmed, and went to the smokehouse and found the boy in the position above described, with froth running from his mouth, but yet alive. She tried to loosen the line around his neck but could not, and in five or six minutes after the line was cut, the boy breathed his last.

This should be a terrible warning to boys not to attempt to illustrate deeds which only wicked or crazy men perform, to rid themselves of a world which is far too good for them. Oscar was an unusually bright an intelligent lad, loved by all who knew him, and we can but sympathize with the parents who suffer from such a sad bereavement. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, April 24, 1867.]

CARTER, Theresa Obituary

Died, At Seneca Falls, N.Y., April 13, 1867, Theresa, wife of Charles D. V. Carter, aged 24 years, 4 months and 19 days. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, April 24, 1867.]

CLARK, Sophia Obituary

Died, In Denmark, Oct. 28, Mrs. Sophia Clark, aged 70 years, 2mos., 14 days. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 6, 1867.]

COLLINS, A. W. Obituary

Died, Mr. A. W. Collins, an old man highly esteemed resident of Turin, was buried on Sunday last, with Masonic honors; members of the fraternity from Boonville and Lowville Lodges were present to assist the Turin Lodge in performing this last, solemn and sacred ceremony, for an old and faithful member of the brotherhood. His age was upwards of seventy years. His memory is cherished by many friends. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, May 22, 1867.]

COLLINS, Malinda Obituary

Died, At the house of Dr. Seth Adams in Lowville, June 30th, Miss Malinda Collins, sister of Mrs. Adams, aged 62 years. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, July 10, 1867.]

COMSTOCK, Adam Obituary

Died, Adam Comstock, an old resident of this town, died recently at the residence of his sister, at Wabasha, Minn. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, September 4, 1867.]

CURTIS, Henry Obituary

Died, In West Martinsburgh, July 26th, Henry Curtis, age 76 years. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, July 31, 1867.]

DIEFENDORF, Rose Obituary

Died, After a short illness, near Fort Plain, N.Y., Rose S., daughter of Lysander W. Wolcott, of Leyden, and wife of A. B. C. Diefendorf, in the 26th years of her age. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 27, 1867.]

DINGMAN, William Obituary

Died, In Denmark, Oct. 18th, 1867, with cancer, William Dingman, aged 75 years, 8 months, 18 days. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 20, 1867.]

DOIG, John Obituary

Died, In Lowville, Nov. 15, of typhoid fever, John Doig, aged 48 years and 6 months on the day of his death. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 20, 1867.]

DUNHAM, Martin Obituary

Died, At Deer River, July 27, 1867, Martin Dunham, in the sixty-first year of his age. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, August 14, 1867.]

EVANS, McCellhan S. Obituary

Died, At Martinsburgh, April 7th, McCellhan S., son of Roland and Mary Evans, aged 24 days. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), April 17, 1867.]

FISK, Margaret Obituary

Died, At Leyden, Margaret, wife of Jeremiah Fisk, aged 32 years. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, May 29, 1867.]

FULTS, Lewis Obituary

Died, In Lowville, Nov. 13, of typhoid fever, Lewis H. Fults, aged 42. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 20, 1867.]

GOUTREMOUT, Phillip Obituary

Died, In Lowville, on the 10th of September, 1867, of congestion of the lungs, Phillip Goutremout, aged 82 years 2 m. 28 days.

He was an old and much respected Christian citizen who settled in this county upwards of sixty years ago, and had served in the War of 1812 as a soldier. His loss is deeply felt by a large circle of relatives and friends. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, September 25, 1867.]

GREEN, Sarah Obituary

Died, In Rio, Columbia county, Wis., Sarah Marble, wife of Francis Green, long a resident of Lowville, aged 95 years. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 20, 1867.]

HEWITT, Clark Obituary

Died, At his residence in Denmark, June 10th, 1867, of consumption, Clark I. Hewitt, aged 32 years 7 months. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, June 19, 1867.]

HOLMES, Harriet Obituary

Died, In Denmark on Thursday morning, May 9th, Harriet E., wife of George P. Holmes and only daughter of the late William Bradway, aged 23 years 11 months and 6 days. (Lewis County Democrat [Lowville, NY), Wednesday, May 22, 1867.]

HUNT, Asa Obituary

Died, At Maquoketa, Iowa, Asa T. Hunt, formerly of Governeur, St. Lawrence Co., N.Y., aged 64 years. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, May 29, 1867.]

ILLINGWORTH, Hiram Obituary

Died, In Croghan, Oct. 16, of consumption, Hiram Clinton Illingworth, aged 1[4?] years and 7 months, youngest son of Dosh Illingworth. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 20, 1867.]

KENNEDY Johannagh Obituary

Died, A Child Burned to Death – About 3 p.m. on Friday last, Thomas Kennedy's house, in the town of Martinsburgh, was burned, and a little child perished in the flames. The particulars as we learn them are painful in the extreme. Mr. Kennedy was away from home, and his wife had gone on an errand to a neighbor's, about half a mile distant, leaving her two children, respectively three and eight years of age, in the house. She had taken up some ashes previous to leaving, in which were live coals, and placed them outdoors, near the house. The supposition is that the coals were carried by the high wind which was raging in contact with the house, thus kindling the fire which led to such disastrous results. The oldest child escaped, but the younger one perished before aid could reach it.

Beside this sad bereavement, Mr. Kennedy suffers the loss of nearly all his earthly possessions. None of his furniture or clothing were saved, and a sum of money which he had lately received for cheese and other products of the season's labor, was also destroyed. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 13, 1867.]

KENT, Byantha Obituary

Died, In Leyden, April 16th, of consumption, Byantha, wife of Dwight Kent. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, May 1, 1867.]

KING, Andrew Obituary

In Lowville, April 29th, after an illness of 24 hours, Andrew S., son of Andrew and Elizabeth King, aged 15 years, 8 months and 14 days.

The funeral services will be held at the Presbyterian church on Sunday next, at 10 ½ o'clock a.m. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, May 1, 1867.]

KNOX, John Obituary

Died, In Lowville, Dec. 19, 1867, John Jay Knox, aged 36 years 6 months. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, December 25, 1867.]

LANPHER, Lucy Obituary

Died, In this town, June 27th, 1867, of heart disease, Lucy, wife of Pardon Lanpher, aged 74 years, 11 months and [?] days. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, July 3, 1867.]

LEE, John Obituary

Suicide, John B. Lee, a son of Chas. S. Lee, of Martinsburgh, aged 20 years, committed suicide about 11 o'clock Saturday night last, at his father's house, by shooting himself with a shotgun. Mr. Lee borrowed a gun of a neighbor, saying he was going to shoot some geese. He was found Sunday morning a few feet from a back door of the house, the gun laying across his arm. It is thought he was lying on his back when the deed was committed, with the muzzle of the gun placed against his right cheek, and stick run through the guard in front of the trigger, against which he pressed with his foot to fire the fatal shot which sent him into eternity. The right side of his face and skull was blown entirely off, and his brains and hair scattered to a distance of twenty feet. No one in the house heard the shot, but a neighbor near by thinks he heard the report about 11 o'clock. No cause is given for the rash act, as the young man was in good health, and of temperate habits. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, July 3, 1867.]

LEONARD, Ella Obituary

Died, At Syracuse on the 22d inst., after a painful illness of four years, Ella L., daughter of Mrs. S. H. Leonard, aged 21 years, 9 months and 15 days. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, September 4, 1867.]

LOLLIER, Joseph Obituary

Drowned, Just as we are going to press we learn that Joseph Deloyer, who resides at French Settlement, was drowned on one of the Oswegatchie ponds, in Croghan, on Monday last. Mr. Deloyer and a young gentleman from Troy were in a boat, crossing the pond to shoot deer, and when near the centre of the pond the boat upset, throwing them both into the water. Deloyer, who was a good swimmer, struck for the shore, but became entangled in some weeds or brush near the bank, and in his endeavors to get out, became exhausted and sunk before help could reach him. Mr. Deloyer was 45 years of age, and leaves a wife and four children to mourn his sad fate.

The other gentleman, who could not swim, clung to the boat and drifted safely ashore. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, July 17, 1867.]

Errata – Joseph Lollier, instead of Deloyer, was the name of the man drowned on the Oswegatchie pond. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, July 24, 1867.

LOOMIS, Justin Obituary

Died, At his residence in Harrisburgh, July 15th, Justin Loomis, aged 59 yrs. 4 mos. 27 days. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, July 17, 1867.

LOW, Sarah Obituary

Died, In Lowville, Nov. 14, of typhoid fever, Sarah B., wife of Douglass M. Low, and daughter of Simon Brown, of Lowville, aged [3?]0 years. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 20, 1867.]

LOWDEN, James Obituary

Died, At Plainfield, Will county, Ill., July 18, 1867, Rev. James Lowden, formerly of Lewis county, N.Y. Aged 85 years 6 months. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, August 7, 1867.]

PEAK, Harrison Obituary

Distressing Accident – Man Shot – Harrison Peak, of New Bremen, was accidentally shot last night, while hunting on Burnt Creek, in Watson. He was on shore, and was mistaken for a deer by two men who were floating. One of the men fired, the shot taking effect, and Mr. Peak died in ten minutes. Frank and Alphonso Hall were the parties in the boat. We cannot give full particulars until next week. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, June 26, 1867.]

PELTON, Chas. H. Obituary

Died, In Middletown, Conn., on the [1?]2th of Dec., 1867, of consumption, Chas. H. Pelton, aged 46, 4 months. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), December 18, 1867.]

PELTON, Edward Obituary

Died, In Lowville, June 7, 1867, of consumption, Edward A. Pelton, aged 36 years. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, June 19, 1867.]

PLOPPER, Nancy Obituary

Died, At West Martingsburgh, Nov. 18th, 1867, of dropsy, Nancy, wife of Abraham Plopper, aged 57 years, 2 months. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 20, 1867.]

POST, William Obituary

Died, At his residence in Leyden, on the 28th ult., Mr. William H. Post, aged 58 years, 2 months and 21 days. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, December 25, 1867.]

RAGAN, Mary Obituary

Died, In Turin, Nov. 4th, of typhoid fever, Mary Rheuma, only daughter of Bradford Ragan, aged 22 years 3 months and 25 days. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 13, 1867.]

RYEL, Andrew Obituary

Died, In Denmark, Nov. 14, Andrew Ryel, aged 85 years, 3 months and 3 days. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 27, 1867.]

SAWYER, Elvira Obituary

Died, In Fondulac, Wis. Oct. 23, 1867, Elvira, wife of George W. Sawyer and daughter of the late Henry Curtis of West Martinsburgh, aged 36 years. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 6, 1867.]

SAWYER, William Obituary

Died, At Port Leyden, on Tuesday, Nov. 19, William A. Sawyer, aged 72 years, 10 months, 21 days. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 27, 1867.]

SNYDER, Annie Lambord Obituary

Died, At Port Leyden, April 1st, of congestion of the lungs, Annie Lambord, infant daughter of Augustus B. and Annie E. Snyder, aged 6 months and ten days. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), April 17, 1867.]

SNYDER, John Obituary

Died, At Dayansville, on the 7th inst., of typhoid fever, John R. Snyder, aged 25 years and 6 months. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, December 25, 1867.]

SQUARE, Charles Obituary

Died, In Denmark, Lewis Co., Sept. 15, Dr. Charles Square, aged 84 years. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, October 9, 1867.]

STEPHENS, Apollos Obituary

Died, At Copenhagen, Nov. 13, 1867, after a short illness, Apollos Stephens, aged 71 years. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, December 4, 1867.]

STUDEVANT, Louisa Obituary

Died, At Rome, May 29, Louisa, wife of Dr. James M. Studevant, formerly of Martinsburgh, and daughter of late Rufus Stephens, of Lowville, aged 50 years. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, June 5, 1867.]

TALCOTT, Betsey Obituary

Suicides Contagious: Mrs. Betsey Talcott, residing at Talcott's Corners, committed suicide to-day by hanging over the top of the door. She was 59 years of age, and was subject to aberration of mind. But a short time before the occurrence she had been talking over the death of Mrs. Brainard, who ended her days in a similar manner. - Reformer, July 10th. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, July 17, 1867.]

THAYER, R. Antoinette Obituary

Died, In Turin, Lewis county, N.Y., Oct 8, 1867, R. Antoinette, wife of H. J. Thayer, aged 42 years, 1 month and 4 days. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, October 16, 1867.]

TYLER, Catharine Obituary

Died, In Leyden May 17th, of consumption, Catharine, wife of Willisson Tyler, aged 59 years. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, May 29, 1867.]

WARN, Abram Obituary

Died, In Lowville, June 15, 1867, Abram Warn, of heart disease, aged 71 years. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, July 17, 1867.]

WILSON, Mercy Obituary

Died, In this village, Nov. 9th, Mercy Weller, wife of James Wilson, aged 63 years, 10 months and 18 days. [Lewis County Democrat, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, November 13, 1867.]