Lewis County New York Obituaries Extracted From The The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, New York, 1850-1859
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1850-1859 Obituaries from The Lewis County Banner in Lowville, Lewis County New York.
ADAMS, Ira Obituary
In Lowville, March 8th, 1857, Ira Adams, M.D., aged 46. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, March 11, 1857]
AGINS, Thomas Obituary
In Lowville, on the 18th inst., Thomas Agins, aged 22 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, October 29, 1856]
ALLEN, William Obituary
At Copenhagen, April 3d, Mr. William Allen, formerly of Harrisburgh, aged 76 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, May 12, 1859]
ANGEL, Mrs. W. H. Obituary
In Watertown, on the 11th inst., Mrs. Angel, consort of W. H. Angel. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, December 16, 1858]
BARNES, Frank Obituary
In Martinsburgh, April 23d, Frank Walter, only child of Harrison and Mary A. Barnes, aged one year and nine months. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, April 29, 1857]
BARNES, Harrison Obituary
In Martinsburgh on the 29th June, Harrison Barnes, Attorney at Law, in the 37th year of his age. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, July 7, 1859]
BENEDICT, Levantia Obituary
In Rome on Sunday 4th Oct. inst., Mrs. Levantia W. wife of Hon. John Benedict, formerly of this village, aged 42 years. The deceased has been long, and intimately known in this village, and her death will be lamented by a large circle of neighbors and friends. Kind and gentle in all of the relations of life, an ornament to society, an exemplary christian, the place her death has made vacant will not soon be filled again. May "He who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb," soften this afflicting dispensation to her bereaved family. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, October 7, 1857]
BOSTWICK, Isaac Obituary
In this village, January 3d, 1857, Isaac W. Bostwick, in the 81st year of his age. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, January 7, 1857]
BOSWORTH, Constant Obituary
In Rome on the 11th June, Constant Bosworth, aged 90 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, July 7, 1859]
BOWHALL, Harrison Obituary
At Stow's Square, on the 17th, ult., Mr. Harrison Bowhall, aged 41 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, September 24, 1856]
BRADWAY, Alice Obituary
In Denmark, on the 4th inst., after an illness of twenty-four hours, of scarlet fever, Alice Henrietta, youngest daughter of William and Abaline E. Bradway, aged 5 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, June 24, 1857]
BROOKS, Alfred Obituary
In Lowville, on the 13th inst., Mr. Alfred Brooks, in the 53d year of his age. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, April 15, 1857]
BROWN, Caroline Obituary
At the residence of Mr. Cornelius P. Leonard, on the 6th inst., Mrs. Caroline Brown, aged thirty years, wife of Mr. Loren M. Brown of this village. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, December 10, 1856]
BROWN, Clarissa Obituary
At Lima, Livingston Co., N.Y., on the 31st of March last, Clarissa Brown, wife of Alanson Brown, Esq., of Lima, and oldest sister of Edward A. Brown, of Lowville, and Henry and G. F. Brown, of Greig, Lewis County, aged 58 years. The deceased, for more than two weeks prior to her death, suffered intensely, but with truly Christian fortitude and patience, from a most painful and distressing disease. Her intellect remained clear and unclouded to the last. Not a murmur of complaint escaped her lips during the terrible ordeal through which she was called to pass. Her departure was quiet, calm and peaceful as a child falling into a gentle sleep, surrounded by her family and friends. By this bereavement the Christian Church is deprived of an active consistent, eminently worthy and universally esteemed communicant; the community in which she lived, of one of its best and most highly esteemed members, and a large circle of relatives and friends, of a long-cherished and fondly-loved wife, sister, counselor and associate. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, April 7, 1859]
BROWN, Loren Obituary
In Lowville, on the morning of Monday, July 19, inst., of Consumption, Loren M. Brown, in the 32d year of his age. The funeral was attended on Wednesday by a large concourse of relatives and friend, and by the Lowville Flying artillery, of which he was a member. By his death we have lost a young man highly esteemed for integrity, and kindness of heart. He will be sadly missed; but his is the eternal gain. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, July 22, 1858]
BROWN, Nancy Obituary
In Cheshire, Mass., at the residence of Luther H. Brown, on the 18th of April last, Mrs. Nancy Brown, Mother of Jess Brown, Esq., of Lowville, aged 76 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, May 27, 1858]
BUDGE, Priscilla Obituary
Port Leyden – We learn that the wife of Rev. Mr. Budge has committed suicide by cutting her throat, a few days since. Her mind has been deranged for some time past [Priscilla Budge]. [The Lewis County Banner (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, December 14, 1859]
BUEL, Rowland Obituary
In Martinsburgh, Lewis Co., Sept. 27th, Rowland Buel, in the 78th year of his age. He emigrated to Lewis Co., from Westfield, Mass., about the year 1804, and settled in Martinsburgh, being one of the first settlers of that town. Like other Pioneers of this section on whom the frosts of advancing age are settling, he was energetic, industrious and persevering. Spotless integrity guided his footsteps, virtues which are characteristic of our earliest settlers. His life terminated, surrounded by: "All that should accompany old age As honor, love, obedience." Esteemed and respected by all who knew him, none can say but that he has done his duty well. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, October 1, 1856]
BUELL, Milton Obituary
At Watertown, on Friday the 2d inst., Milton Buell, formerly of Lowville, aged 43 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, December 7, 1859]
BUSH (child) Obituary
Sad Casualty – We are informed that a little boy, child of Mr. Bush, of Denmark, while with his father, who was threshing with horses, one day last week, had his brains kicked out. The little fellow at the time was singing, "We're going home to die no more," little thinking that while the song was upon his lips, the invisible Angel stood beside him. He has "gone home." [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, December 9, 1857]
CHOTE, Amos Obituary
In Carthage on Sunday evening, June 19th Mr. Amos Chote, aged 73 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, July 7, 1859]
CLARK, Elizabeth Obituary
On Thursday, June 10th, Elizabeth Clark, wife of Joseph A. Clark, of Lee, Oneida County, aged 72 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, June 24, 1858]
COLE, Gilbert Obituary
At Houseville, on the 29th ult., Mr. Gilbert Cole, aged 77 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, September 2, 1857]
COLTON, Helen Obituary
In West Turin, on the 22d inst., Helen E., eldest daughter of Leonard Colton, Esq., aged 26 years.
Miss Colton was respected and beloved, not only in the circle at home, but among all who knew her. The prospect before her was fair – friends and the world were peculiarly attractive – but admonished by the presence of [disease?], she yielded her heart to the renewing power of Divine grace, and the present was denied by the brighter future. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, September 2, 1857]
COMSTOCK, Daniel Obituary
Burned To Death – On Sunday night, April 4th, the house of Mr. Daniel Comstock, near Evans' Mills, Jeff. Co., was consumed by fire, and Mr. C. and his four children perished in the flames. The wife and mother was at Auburn, under treatment for cancer, at the time of the distressing occurrence. [The Lewis County Banner (Lowville, NY) – Thursday, April 15, 1858]
DAVIS, Augusta Obituary
In Turin village, on Tuesday, June 28th, Augusta, wife of John O. Davis, and only daughter of Mrs. Delia Devoe, aged 22 years. In her death, her family and friends have sustained an irreparable loss. A near and dear one has been suddenly torn from their embraces and consigned to an early tomb. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, July 7, 1859]
DUFF, James Obituary
At the residence of his Father in Constableville, Tuesday, Nov. 11th, James T. Duff, aged 20 years and 6 months – only son of J. C. Duff. [The Lewis County Banner [Lowville, NY – Wednesday, November 19, 1856]
ELLSWORTH, Grove Obituary
At Windsor, Ca., on the 3d inst., Grove Ellsworth, formerly of Lowville, N.Y., in the 73d year of his age. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, November 19, 1856]
FELSHAW, Desire Obituary
At High Market, in this county, on the 2th ult., Mrs. Desire Felshaw, widow of the late John Felshaw, aged 84 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, February 25, 1858]
FRALEY, Mrs. Obituary
In Martinsburgh, at the residence of her son-in-law, Edwin Lee, on the 25th ult., Mrs. Fraley, aged 84 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, April 8, 1857]
GIBSON, Richard Obituary
In Martinsburgh, on the 3d inst., Richard Stanley, only son of John and Mary Gibson, aged 4 years and 3 months. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, December 9, 1858]
GILLETTE, Mary Obituary
In this place on the 30th ult., Mary Jane, wife of Abner C. Gillette, of Consumption, aged 28 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, January 20, 1858]
GOULD, Sarah Obituary
At Lyon's Falls, Sept. 8th Sarah Jennie, daughter of Gordius H. and Mary E. Gould, aged 14 months and 17 days. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, September 14, 1859]
GOUTREMOUTH (child) Obituary
Drowned – A little son of Mr. Nicholas Goutremouth, aged about 7 years, while at place on the ice on Mill Creek in this village, on Friday last, fell into an open space, and went under. Every effort was made by a large number of our citizens, to rescue him, but without success. Several hours after, the body was found under the ice, by Chas. P. Leonard, Esq. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 10, 1859]
GOWDY, Henry Obituary
In this town on the 16th inst., of Inflammation of the Bowels, Henry H., son of Norman and Julia Gowdy; aged 14 years, 4 months and 22 days. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, December 16, 1857]
GREENE, Alfred Obituary
Constableville, Dec. 10, 1859
Ed. Banner
Sir: On Wednesday evening last the dwelling of Mr. David H. Greene, situated about one and a half miles north of this village, was entirely consumed by fire, and two children – Ruston V. R. and Alfred A. aged respectively 10 and 8 years, perished in the flames.
Mr. Green was away from home at the time, Mrs. G. with five children (these two being the oldest) and a young girl, a relation, being alone in the house. The family retired to rest at about 9 o'clock – and at 10 1 2 Mrs. G. was awakened by an unusual crackling sound and the smoke in her room. She immediately roused the too children and the girl who slept below and started to go up stairs for the boys, but before reaching the head of the stairs was chocked by the flames and smoke, and fell back. She then ran to the front of the house and called to them to jump from the windows, but they could not. They were undoubtedly suffocated by the smoke. Before any assistance from the neighbors could arrive it was too late to attempt to enter the then entire blazing building.
The remains of the children were found about one o'clock, but so charred as scarcely to be recognized as human forms. One of them evidently never moved from the bed as his body was found in the cellar and directly under where his bed stood and under and around it were fragments of burned clothing &c. while the other was found on the opposite side of the house.
So rapid was the fire that not a single article was saved, those who escaped having nothing but their night clothes.
Our entire community unite in their Sympathy for the bereaved family.
In haste Yours, R. Sanford Miller. [The Lewis County Banner (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, December 14, 1859]
GREENE, Ruston Obituary
Constableville, Dec. 10, 1859
Ed. Banner
Sir: On Wednesday evening last the dwelling of Mr. David H. Greene, situated about one and a half miles north of this village, was entirely consumed by fire, and two children – Ruston V. R. and Alfred A. aged respectively 10 and 8 years, perished in the flames. [The Lewis County Banner (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, December 14, 1859]
GUIWITTS, Isaac Obituary
In Boonville, Dec. 27th, Isaac Guiwitts, aged 61. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, January 7, 1857]
HALL, Ira Obituary
In Leyden, on the 1st inst., Ira Herbert, only son of Isaac and Amanda Hall, aged 4 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 18, 1858]
HALL, Lucy A. Obituary
In Watertown, the 25th inst., departed this life in the hope of a glorious immortality, Lucy A. Hall, aged 36 years, wife of A. H. Hall, of the firm of Hall, Rogers & Co.
Thus has departed another of the virtuous and the good. She was one of the few of whom it may be said. - Her whole life was an exhibition of courtesy, kindness and affection. She possessed a highly intelligent and cultivated mind, confiding as a companion, calm and unruffled amid the charge of life, beloved by all and most appreciated by those who best knew her. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, August 5, 1857]
HAMLIN, Charlotte Obituary
In Lowville, on the 1st inst., of consumption, Charlotte J., daughter of Mr. L. Hamlin, aged 12 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, May 5, 1859]
HART, Stephen Obituary
In Turin, on the 12th ult., Stephen Hart, a worthy citizen and pioneer of the town, aged 90 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, September 2, 1857]
HENNING, Caroline Obituary
In Plano, Kendall Co., Illinois, Mrs. Caroline, wife of Mr. Jones Henning, and daughter of the late Johnson Foster, formerly of Turin, Lewis Co., aged 29 years. She leaves a husband and 4 children, with a large circle of friends to mourn her early loss. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, June 3, 1857]
HENRY, Lucy Obituary
At the residence of Mr. Harvey Henry, in Lowville, Mrs. Lucy Henry, aged 79 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, September 3, 1856]
HENRY, Sarah Obituary
At Carthage, N.Y., April 3d., Sarah, wife of Horace Henry and was daughter of the late Levi Adams, aged 51 years, 6 months and 20 days. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, April 8, 1858]
HIGBY, Newell Obituary
Fatal Accident In Croghan
January 27th, Newell D. Higby, eldest son of Gilbert C., and Ann J. Higby, was instantly killed, aged 15 years.
The particulars are as follows: While engaged with another boy in rolling logs down a hill, he stood leaning against a log; the ground gave away under it, which set it rolling, a knot caught in the skirt of his coat, and he rolled down the hill with the log, a distance of some twenty feet. Two of his limbs were broken, and his head and shoulders severely bruised, although not injuring his countenance a great deal. When assistance reached him it was too late – his spirit had taken its everlasting departure and all that was left of the once noble youth, was his bruised and mangled body.
He was a boy of uncommon qualities, highly respected and loved by all that knew him. He was kind to his parents, and wherever he went, he won the affection of his associates. [?] one of earth's fairest buds of promise has been snatched away by the rude hand of death. The pride of the parent's heart has been laid away in the silent grave; a bright link has been taken from the chain of friendship, no more to be replaced. With him was buried many a cherished hope, many a bright prospect for the future; but he has left a good name, and a character unstained by the vices of this vicious world. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, February 3, 1858]
HIGBY, Russel Obituary
In Newville, Indiana, Oct. 12th, Russel Higby, aged 57 years, formerly of Lewis County. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 31, 1859]
HILL, W. W. Obituary
Mr. W. W. Hill, a highly respected citizen of this town, died on Monday evening last. His loss will be severely felt by a large circle of relatives and friends; and, as a useful member of society, and a kind, a noble-hearted man, his decease leaves a place not readily to be filled. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, June 17, 1858]
HOSKINS, William Obituary
At Lo? Ill, on the 28th of October, of typhoid fever, Wm. C. Hoskins, formerly of Turin, Lewis county aged 21 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, November 30, 1859]
HOUCK, Casper Obituary
Sudden Death – Casper Houck, Jr., a respectable German farmer of West Turin – residing some four miles south of Constableville – was found dead on the road, about half a mile from that village, on Tuesday, the 11th inst., at about 6 o'clock, P.M. He had been to Constableville with an ox-team, carrying a grist to mill, and, getting it ground, started for home at about 5 P.M. When last seen, he was standing on his sled apparently as well as ever. - An examination by physicians resulted in conclusive evidence of apoplexy. He had for years been subject to premonitory symptoms of it. He was about 35 years of age and leaves a wife and several children, as well as a large circle of relatives to mourn his loss. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, January 13, 1859]
JACKSON, Henrietta Obituary
Mrs. Henrietta M., wife of Cornelius R. Jackson of West Lowville, and daughter of William and Susan Florida of Harrisburgh, died of consumption on the 13th inst., after an illness of more than eight months. (The Lewis County Banner [Lowville, NY – Wednesday, November 26, 1856]
JENKINS, Timothy Obituary
Death of Hon. Timothy Jenkins
It is with feelings of the deepest sorrow that we announce the sudden death of Hon. Timothy Jenkins, of this County, which occurred at Martinsburgh, Lewis Co., Saturday p.m. On Tuesday of last week Mr. Jenkins, in company with his son Hiram T. Jenkins, the District Attorney elect, started from this village with a horse and sleigh to attend the Circuit Court in session at Martinsburgh. That day it will be remember was a bitter cold one, one of the severest of the season, and it going over the hills and through the open country from here to that place, he must have become pretty thoroughly chilled, of this, however we are without positive information. Wednesday morning he was taken ill, and continued to grow worse, a messenger reached this village about 8 p.m. Saturday for Dr. H. H. Pope, to go to Martinsburgh to see Mr. J., the same messenger took the 8 ½ p.m. train for Oneida Castle to notify Mrs. J. of the critical condition of her husband. Dr. Pope was to start to Martinsburgh Sunday morning but at midnight, Saturday, another messenger arrived from Martinsburgh, bringing the sad and startling news of Mr. Jenkins' death! Sunday morning Mrs. Jenkins arrived in this village on her way to Martinsburgh, but here learned the distressing intelligence of the fatal termination of her husband's disease. He was attacked with billious fever, of which, we hear, he died. His remains passed through this village about 4 p.m. Sunday, for Oneida Castle.
We have not the materials at hand, even if our feelings would permit, to write a fitting obituary of the deceased. The prominent part he has acted in the politics, and at the Bar of this County and State, has established for him a reputation, which is not by any means confined to the geographical limits of New York. In an official capacity, as district Attorney, and as Member of Congress for three terms, he discharged his duties with that remarkable ability and fidelity, as to leave upon his fair fame no blot, no, not even the taint of breath of suspicion. As a lawyer he ranked amongst the first in the State, and the trial or argument of cases, his antagonist, no matter who he was, found in Timothy Jenkins, a "foeman worthy of his steel."
As a citizen, as a neighbor, in all the private walks of life, in the social or family circles, he was peculiarly attractive and deservedly popular. To strangers at first sight, he might seem reserved and forbidding, but a brief acquaintance dissipated all such ideas, for he was in conversation one of the most social and entertaining of men. To young men, particularly those of the legal profession, struggling for success, he was a very kind, social and obliging, and it was for these qualities that made him so popular with his neighbors, and endeared him so highly to the junior members of the Bar.
But he has departed, a noble specimen of a man, with the finest of feelings, the tenderest sensibilities, and with rare and generous impulses, has gone to his rest, with a mind unimpaired by time, and intellect undimmed by use. Timothy Jenkins has gone to his long home, leaving behind him many, many warm friends, who will mourn with true sorrow the loss of a noble friend. He was not quite sixty years of age. The time of his funeral has not as yet been fixed, as we hear.
It is somewhat of a strange coincidence that just a year ago at this time, Mr. J. was attending the Circuit at Martinsburgh when the hotel was burned where he was stopping, he was awakened in the night by a sense of suffocation, and had reason and strength enough left to get up and raise a window, without even then knowledge what aided him, soon the flames burst in the entire building, and Mr. J. has frequently said since that in three of five minutes longer, if he had not awoke, he would have been past recovery. From the Rome Sentinel [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, December 28, 1859]
JONES, Sophronia Obituary
In Martinsburgh, April 2d, Sophronia, wife of A .S. Jones, aged 45 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, April 8, 1857]
KIRLY, Patrick Obituary
In Watson, Dec. 12, 1858, Patrick Kirly, aged 45 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, December 16, 1858]
LAKIN, Olive Obituary
At Hubbards Corners, Madison Co., NY, March 25, 1857, Mrs. Olive Lakin, wife of John Lakin, aged 81 years, 1 month and 30 days. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, April 8, 1857]
LAMPHERE, Alvira Obituary
In Winona, Iowa, on the 11th of August, Mrs. Alvira Lamphere, wife of Morris Lampher, late of Lowville, Lewis County, in the 38 year of her age. She moved west last spring with her husband and four children. After the lapse of a few months, she was called to bid a final adieu to her family and friends. Mrs. Lamphere had for some time sustained the Christian Character and approached death in peace, and in the assurance of faith. Having given her parting Counsel to her friends, and commended her children to the divine care and protection, her spirit joyfully took its flight to the mansions of rest. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, September 17, 1856]
LEE, Daniel Obituary
At his residence in the village of Watertown, on Sunday, the 17th inst., Daniel Lee, Esq., aged 61 years.
The deceased was a valued citizen. He had held many important and responsible positions, and he was Treasurer of the Watertown and Rome Railroad until recently. His loss will be severely felt in that vicinity. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, September 3, 1856]
LETTAGE, Noel Obituary
At Constableville, on the 11th inst., Noel Lettage, aged 62 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, September 14, 1859]
LYMAN, Harlow Obituary
In Lowville, on the morning of the 1st inst., of congestion, ending in effusion, or dropsy of the brain, Harlow S. Lyman, aged 22 years.
By this dispensation of Providence a widowed mother is bereaved of a dear, affectionate, and dutiful son, and sorrowing brothers and friends, of a beloved one, whose dissolution, with all their efforts and care, they were unable to prevent. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, May 5, 1859]
MILLER, Hanibal Obituary
At Hastings in Minnesota, on the 19th of October, Hanibal Miller Esq., formerly of this place, and aged 46 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, October 29, 1856]
MOORE, Electa Obituary
In Lowville, on the 17th inst., Electa, wife of Morris D. Moore, aged 39 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY] – Thursday, March 25, 1858]
MYERS, Frank Obituary
At Deer River, on Friday morning, the 20th inst., of congestion of the brain, Frank Leon, only child of James M. and Elcia A. Myers, aged 2 years, 4 months and 9 days. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, March 25, 1857]
NORTHROP, Lyman Obituary
In Collinsville on the morning of the 13th inst., Mr. Lyman Northrop, aged 72 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, May 27, 1857]
O'KANE, Jimmey Obituary
Far away in the solitude of the forest, which skirts the eastern border of Lewis County, lived the Hermit Hunter and Trapper, Jimmey O'Kane.
More than twenty miles east of Lowville and some twelve miles beyond the most distant habitation of man, in that direction his lonely "Shanty," located in a little clearing, near the confluence of Twitchell Creek with Beaver River, has attracted for ten years or more the attention of the traveler, who in search of business or pleasure, has chanced to journey in the wilderness. In solitude and alone lived "Jimmey," amid the dreary scene. Why he thus absented himself from the "haunts and the converse of men," and voluntarily chose this mode of life, still remains a mystery. Whether he became disgusted with the vexations trails of life, with the perfidy of man or the frailty of woman, or whether he sought in the dark recesses of the dim old wood the retirement and seclusion he deemed the necessary accompaniment of that meditation upon things eternal which is rewarded with "that peace which the world cannot give," must be forever left to the conjecture of the curious student of the philosophy of the mind, or the imagination or the romantic observer of the changing vagaries of the human heart.
Perhaps he was an ardent student of nature, and loved to gaze upon the sheen of silver waters, the loveliness of the wild flowers, the magnificence of forest scenery, rocks, hills, mountains, rivers, lakes, streams, stretching afar off from his solitary home in the extended lines of changeless beauty. Then again we may be led to suspect that the pleasures of the chase were his only solace, and that he chose this resort where he might roam unmolested in pursuit of deer, or search with line and spear for the tribes of speckled trout, which fill the waters of the wilderness. His only companions in the shape of books, consisted of a worn copy of the "Gospel," and a work on the piscatory art. He died alone in his shanty on the first day of the new year, in about the seventieth year of his age.
His body was found lying on his couch, near the fire, his head and shoulders somewhat elevated, and his hands crossed on his breast.
He seemed not to have suffered from the pangs of hunger, for plenty of provisions were in his shanty.
The writer of this article recollects of seeing him at his shanty in June last. He was then quite feeble from disease, and exposure, and no one expected he would long survive.
He had crawled out to the bridge across the creek, and set his poles for fish the very day our party passed on our journey to the lakes, which lie beyond.
The traveler who passes his shanty the coming summer, will visit his grave on the bluff, he select for his burial. A rude wooden monument marks the head, and an oar the foot of his last resting place.
He was buried on the 5th inst., by a party from Watson, consisting of Elder Robinson, Peter Kirley, J. Armon, Wm. Glenn, E. Harvey, T. Kirley, F. Robinson and A. Wetmore.
Thus lived and died one of the Hermits of the wilderness.
While the busy throng in crowded cities were reveling in the gay festivities which ushered in the glad New Year, "Jimmey" heard a footstep upon the threshold of his shanty door, and the King of Terrors stood before him; he pulled his cap down over his eyes (for thus he was found) and he was carried across the dark waters. [The Lewis County Banner (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, January 20, 1858]
PINNEY, George Obituary
In Greig, August 7th, George Pinney, aged 66 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, September 2, 1857]
POWELL, Eliza Obituary
In this place on the 14th inst., Eliza A., wife of Griffin Powell, of Dropsy, aged 33 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, January 20, 1858]
REED, Ida Obituary
In Lowville, January 11th, 1858, of Scarlet Fever, Ida A., daughter of Elihu and Julia Reed, aged 4 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, August 19, 1858]
REES, William Obituary
Died at his late residence in West Turin, Lewis County, on the evening of Sept. 14, 1858, after a brief illness, Mr. William Rees, aged 82 years.
Mr. Rees was born in Wales, May 3d, 1776, and immigrated to this country in 1801. He was amongst the early residence of this town; a man of strong common sense and unusually efficient in whatever he undertook. He was extensively in whatever he undertook. He was extensively known, especially in the south part of this county, and known only to the respected and esteemed. By his industry and economy he had become wealthy, and had a heart to use the means he possessed for the glory of God and the good of his fellow men. Over fifty years since, he experienced the grace of God, in its renewing and sanctifying power, and was baptized into the fellowship of the Baptist Church, in Leyden, where he held his membership until he was released, we doubt not, to join the church triumphant.
Although he commenced in the world poor, and acquired what he possessed by hard labor, yet he had a benevolent heart and a liberal hand. Not only the Church and cause of God generally, but the poor, were objects of his kindly regard. In his family he was kind and affectionate, and, in return, highly beloved. His life was that of the godly man – his death peaceful and happy – and his future state, no doubt, glorious. In his death, his children and grandchildren are bereft of one whom they truly loved – the Church of a tried and valuable member – and the community of an esteemed citizen.
In view of the disappearance of the generation of men, to which the subject of this brief notice belonged, we may exclaim - "The Fathers, where are they?" The remains of the deceased were committed to the tomb, in the family burying ground, on the 16th ult., after which an appropriate discourse was delivered from 2d Tim, 4th, 7th and 8th. Subject - "The Christian Warfare and Final Triumph." [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, December 30, 1858]
RITTS, George Obituary
Another Accident – We had scarcely recorded the accident which occurred in New Bremen ere intelligence of another, of a still more painful character, reached out car. A lad, some 16 years of age, named George Ritts, while in the barn of Mr. Stowell, of Harrisburgh, was standing near one of the doors, leaning on a piece of rakes tail, when the door was suddenly closed by a gust of wind, driving the rakes tail violently through the abdomen of the unfortunate young man. For three days he endured the greatest agony, when – on Thursday, the 15th – death came to his relief. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, September 21, 1859]
ROOT, Stephen Obituary
In this town, on the 28th ult. Mr. Stephen Root, aged 79 years. He was one of the band of pioneers who settled near this village when it was an unknown forest. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, September 2, 1857]
ROUCHER, Peter Obituary
The body of Peter Roucher who was drowned in Sugar Creek, March 18th, was found by his father, Tuesday, on the farm of Pierce Owen, where it had lodged under a log and was partially imbeded in the sand. The body could not have been recognized except by clothing. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, May 12, 1859]
RUMBLES, Mary Obituary
In Little Rock, Ill, Nov. 30, Mary Eliza Rumbles, wife of Chas. Rumbles, and daughter of Sherman Miller?, of Leyden, Lewis Co., aged 21 years and 8? months. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, January 7, 1857]
RYEL, Margaret Obituary
In Denmark on the 22d. ult., of Consumption, Margaret Ryel, in the sixty-second year of her age. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, July 1, 1857]
SACKETT, Catharine Obituary
In West Turin, on the 30th ult., Catharine Ann, wife of C. C. Sackett, aged 32 years. Mrs. S. was the daughter of William Van Koughnet, Esq., of Constableville, and was born in Danube, Herkimer Co. She was much esteemed in the circle of her friends, and till released from her earthly cares, filled well her place as wife and mother. Fourteen years ago, she made a public profession of religion, and her confidence in Christ was steady and strong in the last and trying hour. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, April 8, 1857]
SAWYER, Mary Obituary
In Port Leyden, on Wednesday, Aug. 31st, Mary E., only daughter of William A. and Wilthina Sawyer, aged 14 years. She fell a victim to the disease so frequent among the young in the Summer, a disease which had already, of late, wrought its work of death in several of the home circles of our village. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, September 14, 1859]
SCOFIELD, Hiram Obituary
On the 3d of March, inst., at Freedom, Ohio, Hiram Scofield, formerly of Turin, Lewis Co., aged 60. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 31, 1859]
SCOVILLE, Mary Obituary
In Freedom, Ohio, on the 3d of October, 1857, Mrs. Mary Scoville, consort of Harrison Scoville, from congestion of the lungs. Aged 55 years. The deceased was formerly of Turin [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, January 13, 1858]
SCRAFFORD, Christian Obituary
In Port Leyden, on the 25th inst., Mr. Christian Scrafford, aged 72 years. Mr. S. was born in Albany County, and spent near 50 years of his life there. The last 25 years he has resided in the vicinity of Port Leyden. - In both places he has been esteemed, filling his place as a laborious, useful and good man. A large family go forth as his representatives, to continue life's battles.
On Sabbath 21st inst., he was in his place (In an arm chair at the one end of the pulpit a privileged seat, as a token of respect, and from which he was seldom absent) happy, and cheerful, expressing great delight in the services of the sanctuary. The next Sabbath we met to bury the body – while he worships in the upper temple without weakness or sin, bowing in the immediate presence of the Lamb. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, July 1, 1857]
SEARL, Mary Obituary
At the residence of her Father, in the town of Lowville, Mary C., wife of C. P. Searl, and daughter of Allen Babcock; aged 22 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, April 28, 1859]
SEARS, Elizabeth Obituary
In Lyden, on the 26th of March, Mrs. Elizabeth Sears, aged 84 years.
Mrs. S. (in early life Elizabeth Thomas), was born in Haddam, Ct. May 23d, 1773. At the age of 23, she was married to Daniel Sears, and together they resided in Middletown, or the valley of the Connecticut some 9 years; when they looked West, upon the forests of "York State" has ample field for the new settler. Fifty-three years ago, having then six children, they came as pioneer settlers to Port Leyden, occupying 20 days in the journey, and bringing all their effects in a wagon drawn by ox teams, in the months of May.
Most of the land occupied for Port Leyden Village, constituted the farm which they first occupied. Forty-seven years ago Mrs. S. became a subject of Christian experience, and united with the Congregational Church on Leyden Hill, and has ever maintained a good christian character. While her body yielded to disease, her faith was strong and hope bright. She leaves more than 45 as grand children, who are to go into the world's activities as her representatives, "The Fathers, where are they." [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, April 8, 1857]
SEARS, Norton Obituary
At Deer River, on the 10th inst., Norton, son of Ephraim and Lucy Sears, aged 3 years and 4 months. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, April 29, 1858]
SELLECK, Uriah Obituary
In this village, on Saturday evening last, 8th inst., Uriah Selleck, aged 59 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, August 12, 1857]
SHAW, Lucretia Obituary
Died of consumption at Copenhagen, on the 13th inst., after a lingering sickness, Lucretia, wife of Dr. Otis Shaw, in the fiftieth year of her age. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, December 31, 1856]
SHAW, Zenas Obituary
At Copenhagen, Oct. 2d, Zenas Shaw, Esq., of Parkersburgh, Virginia, aged 51 years. Mr. Shaw was many years a resident of Lewis Co., Funeral services were conducted by Rev. O. Wilder, at the Baptist Church, Copenhagen 4th inst. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, October 5, 1859]
SHUMWAY, Norton Obituary
In Martinsburgh, on the 25th of March, of scarlet fever, Norton L., only son of Loren and Maria S. Shumway, aged 3 years and 2 months. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 31, 1859]
SMITH, Hermon Obituary
In Lowville, of Dropsy on the Brain, July ?, 1858, Hermon M., only child of George S. and Susan M. Smith, aged 4 months and 26 days. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, August 19, 1858]
SNIDER, Harvey Obituary
Accident: Harvey Snider, a son of George Snider, aged 14, in Watson, near the Greig line, was killed on Wednesday evening of last week, about 6 o'clock – In company with his father and two brothers, he was engaged in chopping down a tree, which in falling came in contact with another tree, a limb of which struck him on the back. He died about 10 or 11 o'clock, the same morning. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, July 22, 1857]
SPENCER, Anna Obituary
In Turin, on the 18th ultimo, of "Phrenitia," or Inflammation on the Brain, Anna Maria, daughter of Chester and Susannah Spencer, aged 18 years, 1 month and 15 days.
She was a young lady full of hope and anticipation, with many friends and admirers. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, November 4, 1858]
SULLIVAN, Mary Obituary
In Pinckney, April 1st, of consumption, Miss Mary Sullivan, aged 23 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, April 8, 1857]
TAILMADGE, James Obituary
At Union, Wisconsin, Oct. 11, 1856, of Quick consumption, Dr. James Tailmadge, aged 26 years, formerly of this County. Mr. T. left the Medical College at Cincinnati June last at which time and place he graduated and received his diploma as M.D. He had so confined himself to study and practice that he had fallen into a decline. He was a young man of promise, and bid fare to be one of the first in his profession. Those acquainted with him here, knew him but to love and respect him, being a ready friends upon all occasions with his associates. We regret his being so soon removed to the Spirit Land. - Martinsburgh, Nov. 7, 1856. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, November 12, 1856]
TAYLOR, Loami Obituary
Near Copenhagen, March 16th, Mr. Loami Taylor, aged 76 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 31, 1859]
TOWSLEY, Eli Obituary
In Lowville, on the 12th inst. Eli Towsley, M. D., aged 63. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 18, 1858]
TUCKER, Albert Obituary
In New Bremen, on the 17th inst., Ellen, daughter of Minot and Prudence Tucker, in the fourth year of her age. Also on the 18th inst. Albert G., son of the same parents, in the 2nd year of his age. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, February 25, 1858]
TUCKER, Ellen Obituary
In New Bremen, on the 17th inst., Ellen, daughter of Minot and Prudence Tucker, in the fourth year of her age. Also on the 18th inst. Albert G., son of the same parents, in the 2nd year of his age. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, February 25, 1858]
TYLER, Trowbridge Obituary
In Newville, Indiana, Oct. 12th, Russel Higby, aged 57 years, formerly of Lewis County. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 31, 1859]
TYRELL, Truman Obituary
In Wyoming, August 30th, Truman Tyrell, aged 30 years. A New Englander of the Puritan stock, his life was of unblemished integrity and uprightness. He was a fond husband, an affectionate father, a highly respected neighbor and a most estimable citizen. His death makes a wide breach in the community and plunges many citizens in deepest sorrow. -Wyoming Mirror.
Mr. Tyrell was formerly a resident of this place and well known to the early settlers of Lowville. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, September 10, 1856]
WATERS, Elizabeth Obituary
In Lowville, on the morning of the 25th inst., Elizabeth W. daughter of Nathan Waters, aged 16 years. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 4, 1858]
WAY, George Obituary
In Wyota, Wis., on the 9th of December, 1857, Mr. George C. Way, of quick consumption. Aged 39 years. The deceased was formerly of Martinsburg. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, January 13, 1858]
WELLES, Melancthon Obituary
In Lowville, on the 7th inst., Melancthon W. Welles, aged about 87. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Wednesday, February 11, 1857]
WHEELER, Lutherah Obituary
In Boonville, March 23d, of consumption, Lutherah, wife of Addison Wheeler, in the 28th year of her age. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, March 31, 1859]
WHITING, Susan Obituary
At her residence, near Copenhagen, on the 13th inst., of pulmonary disease, Susan Whiting, aged 36 years.
Miss Whiting was one of the oldest School Teachers in our county, having taught near thirty terms. She was a reformer in her profession, and added to her excellent private character, a womanly dignity, well befitting the position she so long and usefully occupied. In her decease the educational cause has lost one of its most honored sympathizers, and the community an intelligent and worthy citizen. Peace to her ashes! Her memory will long be blessed by the hundreds who have listened to her instructions, when the frail record of my pen shall be forgotten. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, June 24, 1858]
WILLIAMS, Barbara Obituary
In Watson, on the 13th inst., Barbara, wife of Robert D. Williams. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, December 16, 1858]
WOLCOTT, Emma Obituary
Sunday, Emma C., daughter of L. W. Wolcott, Esq., of Port Leyden, aged 12 years, fell backwards from the door of her father's house striking her head upon the stone steps, and from the effects of which she died about two o'clock the next morning. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, May 12, 1859]
WOOLWORTH, Helen Obituary
In Turin, on the 27th ult., of "Cynache Maligna," or Scarlet Fever, Helen Forence, daughter of Edwin and Charlotte Woolworth, aged 11 months and 22 days. [The Lewis County Banner, Lowville, NY – Thursday, November 4, 1858]