Lewis County New York Obituaries Extracted From The Journal And Republican, Lowville, NY, 1870-1879
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1870-1879 Obituaries from The Journal And Republican in Lowville, Lewis County New York.
ALFORD, Roxy Obituary
In Perry, Ohio, Roxy, wife of Carlton D. Alford, and daughter of Edward Lee, formerly of Martinsburgh, aged 29 years 4 months and 5 days. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, June 1, 1870]
BABCOCK, MASON E. Obituary, Sept. 21, 1870
Died: In Buffalo, Sept. 10, 1870, Mason E. Babcock, son of Martin and Mary Babcock, aged 17 years 4 months and 9 days, formerly of Lowville. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY) - September 21, 1870.]
CLARK, Samuel Obituary, Nov. 16, 1870
Died, In Watertown, 11th inst., at the residence of his son-in-law, Henry Wilson, Samuel Clark, of Diana, aged 88 years. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, November 16, 1870]
FOOT, Osmon C. B. Obituary, Nov. 16, 1870
Died – At Wesleyan University, Middleton, Ct., 10th inst., Osmon C. B. Foot, son of Rev. J. B. Foot, of Syracuse, N.Y., aged 19 years. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, November 16, 1870.]
HENDEE, Sabra Obituary, Jan. 11, 1871
Died, In Carthage, Jan. 8th, Sabra E., wife of Dr. H. S. Hendee, aged 43 years and 9 months. The funeral will be attended from the residence of Dr. Hendee on Thursday, the 12 inst., at 10 o'clock a.m. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, January 11, 1871]
HOUGH, Abigal Obituary, June 29, 1870
Died, in West Martinsburgh, Tuesday, June 26, 1870, Mrs. Abigal Hough, widow of Asahel Hough, aged 97 years.
The deceased was born in Middletown Ct., in 1773, and was a daughter of Nathaniel Bacon of that place. She was married in Middletown May 28, 1794; removed to the eastern part of New York, near the Catskill mountains, and in 1795, settled in Leyden, were her husband began the first improvements upon the farm now owned by Gen. Ela Merriam. Here they encountered the full share of hardship incident to pioneer life, and witnessed the beginning of settlement in that beautiful portion of the country. In 1802, Mr. Hough purchased land, and cleared a farm still owned by his son, near the village of West Martinsburgh, where he died in 1842, at the age of seventy three years. [The Journal And Republican, (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, June 29, 1870]
HUNT, Thomas Obituary, Apr. 20, 1870
Died, In Watertown, at the house of his son, Thomas Hunt, on the 5th inst., of paralysis, Mr. James Hunt, formerly of this county, aged 92 years 1 month and 5 days. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, April 20, 1870]
MARTIN, Kate Obituary, June 23, 1875
Died, In Watertown, N.Y., Monday, June 14th, 1875, of consumption, Kate, daughter of David T. and Catharine L. Martin, formerly of Martinsburgh, N. Y., in the 25th year of her age. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, June 23, 1875]
PELTON, Edward A., Obituary
Died, In Middletown, Conn., April 10, Alma M., widow of the late Edward A. Pelton, of this town, and wife of Oliver Z. Pelton, of the former place. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY), Wednesday, April 13, 1870]
SMILEY, Ella E. Obituary, Dec. 28, 1870
Died, In Adams, Dec. 2[?]th, of typhoid fever, Ella E., only child of R. E. Smiley, Esq., aged 22 years, [4?] months and 2[?] days. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, December 28, 1870]
STILLMAN, David Obituary, Sept. 14, 1870
Died In Carthage, on the 9th inst. after a short illness, David Stillman, aged 49 years. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, September 14, 1870]
TAYLOR, Stillman Obituary, Jan. 18, 1871
In Antwerp, Dec. 23d, of lingering consumption, Stillman Taylor. His remains were brought to Harrisburgh, where funeral services were held, and then interred in West Lowville. He leaves a widow and two small children. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, January 18, 1871]
YOUNGER, Elizabeth Obituary, May 28, 1873
Died: In Brownville, May 26th, Elizabeth, wife of Robert Younger, and mother of Mrs. C. R. Blodget, of this village, aged 49 years and 11 months. [The Journal And Republican (Lowville, NY) – Wednesday, May 28, 1873]