New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

Town of Mendon, Worchester County Massachusetts Warnings Out, 1737-1788

Transcribed by Matthew Tooley

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"Warnings Out" for the Town of Mendon, Worchester County, Massachusetts for the years of 1737-1788.

Abbreviations: w. for wife; ch. for child or children. The first date in each entry is that of the return of the warrant to the Court.

Mendon, Massachusetts Warnings Out, 1737-1788

May 14, 1754ATWOOD, Eldad, w. and children, poor, at house of Jane Scammel, widow, May 6, 1754
Nov. 5, 1755ALBEE, Ebenezer, w. Esther, ch. Sarah, Keziah Samuel, at house of Samuel Rawson, Sept. 15, 1755. Also Aug. 1760. All of above with ch. Eleazer, Amphilis, June, 1760
May 10, 1763ALDRICH, Noah, w. Rachel, ch. Abraham, Jesse, Noah, from Uxbridge, Oct. 1762
May 8, 1764ALDRICH, David, w. Phebe, from Douglas, Mar. 20, 1764
May 21, 1765ALDRICH, Jane, from Uxbridge, Apr. 22, 1764
May 8, 1753BOSWORTH, Jonathan, w. four ch., at house of Elisha Thompson
May 8, 1753BOWEN, William, w. and child, poor people, residing with Daniel Southwick, who is warned not to entertain them
Nov. 2, 1756BAKER, Samuel, w. Hannah, ch. Reuben, Sarah, residing with Daniel Holbrook, Sept. 28, '56
Sept. 1759BOOZE, James, w. Elinor, son James, from Natick, June 9, 1758
May 10, 1763BUMP, Jacob, w. Dinah, son Stephen, Nov. 24, '62
Aug. 16, 1763BLAKE, Benjamin, w. Sarah, ch. Hulda, May 16, '63
Feb. 7, 1764BOLSTER, Mary, from Uxbridge. Nov. 28, 1763
May 21, 1765BURR, Asa, w. Rhoda, ch. Sarah, from Hingham, Dec. 1764
May 21, 1765BRAGG, Martha, ch. Mary, from Cumberland, R. I., Sept. 1764
May 21, 1765BARTLETT, Jacob, w. Lydia, from Smithfield, Nov. 22, 1764
May 11, 1766BARTLETT, David, a tinker, from Smithfield, Jan. 1, 1765
Jan. 6, 1767BATTLE, James, ch. Joseph, from Holliston, Apr. or May, 1766
Mar. 24, 1781BACON, Hannah, from Northbridge
Mar. 25, 1783BUNNETT, Hosea, w. Sarah, ch. Polly, Russell
May 8, 1753CARY, Sarah, poor, at home of Oliver Heywood
Jan. 6, 1767CONVERSE, Sarah, from Woburn, May 3, 1766
Sept. 1778CLEMMONS, Abigail, from Upton. May, 1778
Aug. 21, 1759DAVIS, Phineas, w. and children
Sept. 1759DAVIS, Jane, poor, from Dedham, Nov. 8, 1758
Nov. 3, 1761DEMING, George, w. Margaret, servant, Abigail Grant, from Holliston, May 27, 1761
Aug. 16, 1763DAVISON, Elizabeth, from Boston. Sept. 21, '63
May 11, 1766DYER, Hannah, wife of Jonas, ch. James, John, from Smithfield, R. I., Apr. 1765
June 1779DEWING, Andrew, w. Esther, ch. Leonard, Chloe, from Sherburne
Feb. 7, 1764EVANS, Mary, from Hopkinton, Jan. 4, 1764
May 21, 1765EMERSON, Ebenezer, from Uxbridge, Jan. 15, '64
Jan. 6, 1767ELLIS, John, w. Maty, ch. Moses, John, Mary, Seth, Nathan, Abigail, from Bellingham, Mar. or Apr. 1766
Aug. 1760FISH, Ruth, ch. John, from Douglas, May 21, '60
May 10, 1763FREELIGH, William, son Hezekiah, May 5, 1763
Feb. 7, 1764FREEMAN, Nathan, w. Ann, ch. Salisbury, from Bellingham. Nov. 8, 1763
May 11, 1766FREEMAN, Ralph, poor, from Bellingham, May 15, 1765
May 10, 1748GOSS, John, and family
Nov. 7, 1749GALLOWAY, Deborah
May 8, 1752GAMBEL, Joseph and w.
Sept. 1759GALLOWAY, John, poor, from Hopkinton. Feb. 19, 1759
June 1779GOULD, Benjamin, w. Betty, ch. Hepzibah, Margaret, Beba, George, Betty, Fila, from Cumberland, R. I.
Mar. 25, 1783GREENE, Isaac Adams, w. Hannah, ch. Luther, Calvin, Moses, Otis, Perez
Feb. 1739HICKS, Nicholas and family
Aug. 1739HUTCHERSON, Richardson and family
Aug. 20, 1745HAYWARD, Abigail and child
May 8, 1753HEYWOOD, Oliver
May 10, 1748HAGER, Hannah, inmate at Thomas Chapin's
May 9, 1749HILLIARD, Mary and child
Nov. 7, 1749HOVEY, Samuel and family
Feb. 4, 1755HILL, William, w. Joanna, ch. Merriam, Jesse, Daniel, poor, from Holliston, Middlesex Co., Nov. 19, 1754, now at house of William Rawson, Jr., who is warned not to keep them
Feb. 7, 1758HILL, Daniel, w. Elizabeth, ch. John, Samuel, Daniel
Feb. 7, 1758HILL, Ruth, mother of Daniel, from Douglas, all tenants of George Aldrich
May 10, 1763HOLBROOK, Daniel, w. Catherine, ch. Job. Paul Phineas, Catherine, Anna, from Uxbridge, Apr. 1763
May 10, 1763HANDY, Job, w. Mary, ch. Abigail, from Gloucester, Oct. 1, 1762
May 10, 1763HAWEY, Jacob, w. Mary, ch. Benjamin, Noa. Zadock, Marcy, Lucy, Mary, Apr. 1763
Nov. 1, 1763HOLBROOK, William, from Uxbridge, Sept. 2, '6-
June 1779INGLEY, Timothy, from Bridgewater, Apr. 177-
Feb. 7, 1758JONES, Ruth, dau. Thankful, from Upton. Oct. 5, 1757
May 10, 1763JONES, Berzilla, w. Martha, ch. Elias, Stephen from Holliston, Apr. 30, 1763
May 21, 1765JEPERSON, Margaret, poor girl, from Uxbridge, Apr. 16, 1764
May 11, 1766JACKSON, Bathsheba, w. of Joseph, ch. Nathan, Marvel, poor, from Uxbridge, Jan. 15, 1766
Jan. 6, 1767JOSLIN, Abraham, w. Naomi, ch. Es---, Mary, Thankful, from Smithfield, R. I., Apr. or May, 1766
Aug. 18, 1741KNOX, Elizabeth
Nov. 5, 1755KENDALL, Thomas, from Framingham, Middlesex County, Oct. 31, 1755
Feb. 7, 1758LEWIS, Samuel, w. Sarah, ch. Thomas, Joseph, Benjamin, from New Hartford, Conn., Dec. 1, 1758
Jan. 6, 1767LINSEY, John, w. Rebecca, ch. Benjamin, from Colchester, Apr. 21, 1766
Aug. 21, 1750MCFARLAND, Robert, w. and children
May 14, 1754MILLET, Samuel, w. two ch., at house of Phineas Dair, May 6, 1754
May 14, 1754METHES, Thomas, w. Elizabeth, two ch. poor, at house of Samuel Warren, May 6, 1754
Nov. 5, 1764MADDIN, Micah, w. Mary, and child, from Holliston, Apr. 1764
May 14, 1765MARSH, Joseph, w. Deborah, ch. Beulah, Daniel, from Douglas, Mar. 12, 1765
May 11, 1766MORSE, Benaiah, w. Elizabeth, ch. Elizabeth, Abigail, Obadiah, Marcy, from Douglas, Apr. 24, 1765
May 11, 1766MORSE, Sarah, widow, from Holliston, Aug. 14, 1765
Mar. 25, 1783MATTHEWSON, Sarah, from Smithfield, R. I., Mar. 10, 1783
Feb. 7, 1758NEWCOMB, Ruth, transient person, inmate with Oliver Hayward, May 25, 1757
Sept. 1759NEWTON, Jason, w. Hannah, ch. Abigail, from Framingham. Feb. 19, 1759
Aug. 20, 1751PERRY, Obadiah, w. and children
Nov. 3, 1761PARMENTER, Elizabeth, from Upton. Aug. 5, '61
Nov. 3, 1761PICKERING, Jonathan, w. Elizabeth, from Bellingham. Aug. 17, 1761
May 10, 1763PHILLIPS, Sarah, ch. Nehemiah, from Westerly, May, 1762
Aug. 16, 1763POWERS, Stephen, w. Rachel, son Uriah, May 16, 1763
Feb. 7, 1764PHILIPS, Charles, from Westerly, R. I. Nov. 28, 1763
May 21, 1765PARMENTER, Bethia, from Hopkinton, Jan. 30, '65
Aug. 20, 1765PALMER, Sarah, from Westborough, July 1, 1764
Jan. 6, 1767PATRIDGE, Abigail, from Smithfield, July 18, 1766
Sept. 1778PALMER, Benjamin, w. from Smithfield, R. I., Apr. 15, 1777
May 8, 1753RAY, Abigail, poor, residing with Oliver Heywood
May 10, 1763RAY, Mary, Dec. 2, 1762
Feb. 7, 1764READ, Benjamin, from Uxbridge, Nov. 25, 1763
Nov. 5, 1764READ, Benjamin, w. Elizabeth, ch. Mary, Deborah, Elizabeth, from Smithfield, May 15, '64
Jan. 6, 1767RUTLER, Margaret, from Uxbridge, Nov. 1766
May 8, 1753STONE, Eben, w., poor, living with Sarah Sumner
May 9, 1749STAPLES, Nathaniel, w. and children
Nov. 2, 1756SMITH, James, with David Daniels
May 10, 1748STRONG, Ann, inmate at Thomas Sanford's
Feb. 7, 1758SARTELL, Jonas, w. Elizabeth, ch. Phebe, from Groton, Middlesex Co., Nov. 25, 1757
May 1758SHOVE, Edward, w. from Dighton, May 2, '58
Feb. 7, 1764SWIFT, Zebulun, w. Hannah, ch. Samuel, Hannah Dorothy, Rebecca, Deborah, Huldah, Barney from Bellingham, Nov. 8, 1763
May 21, 1765SLOCUM, Simon, from Wrentham, May, 1764
May 11, 1766SWIFT, Joseph, w. Marcy, from Cumberland, R. I., May, 1765
Jan. 6, 1767SHIPPE, Susanna, from Cumberland, Sept. or Oct. 1766
Mar. 25, 1783STREETER, Nathan
Aug. 21, 1750TANERION (?), Seth, w. and children
May 8, 1753TUCKER, Jonathan, poor, inmate at Sam. Daniel
May 14, 1754THOMPSON, Mary, poor, with Robert Tait, Apr. 11, 1754
Sept. 1759TYLER, Elijah, w. Ruth, ch. Nathaniel, An Stephen, Catherine, Eunice, from Upton, Sept. 1759. Also Elizabeth, Nov. 3, 1761
Nov. 5, 1764THOMPSON, Daniel, w. Jemima, son Ebenezer from Sutton, Apr. 10, 1764
Nov. 5, 1764THAYER, Jesse, w. Mary, ch. Jesse, John, Mary, James, from Uxbridge, Apr. 17, 1764
May 21, 1765THAYER, Micah, from Bellingham, Apr. 1765
Jan. 6, 1767THOMPSON, Peter, w. Bethia, ch. Nathan, Olive, Seth, from Bellingham, Mar. or Apr. 176-
Jan. 6, 1767THOMPSON, Marcy, w. of Ezra, ch. Marcy, Ebenezer, Mary, from Hopkinton, Apr. 28, 1766
Nov. 5, 1755VICKERY, John, w. Lydia, ch. Sarah, Lydia, mulatto servant, Mary, very poor, in care of Benjamin Green, in house which was Samuel Torrey's, deceased
May 1758VICKERY, ----, poor, from Gloucester, Apr. 13, 1758
May 12, 1752WHITE, Jacob, poor person
Nov. 2, 1756WHITE, Katharine, son Joseph, living with Bridget Sewall
May 14, 1754WATKINS, John, w. Patience, and children, at house of Joseph Johnson. Apr. 11, 1754
May 14, 1754WHITNEY, Gershom, w. Sarah, and children, poor, living with James Wood, May 6, 1754
Aug. 15, 1758WHARFIELD, Lydia, from Upton, May 29, 1758
May 10, 1763WATKINS, John, w. Eunice, ch. David, from Upton, Oct. 1762
May 10, 1763WILSON, John, w. Sarah, and children. Mar. 29, 1763
May 8, 1764WHEAT, Salmon, from Delaware River, Apr. 30, 1764
May 21, 1765WHITNEY, Ezra, w. Elizabeth, ch. Moses, Elizabeth, Samuel, Ezra, from Wrentham, May '64
May 21, 1765WILSON, Israel, from Attleborough, June, 1764
May 11, 1766WHITE, Deborah, poor, from Uxbridge, July 12, 1765
May 11, 1766WHITNEY, Elias, w. Elizabeth, ch. Elias, Abigail, Anna, Jonathan, from Framingham, May '65
Sept. 1759YOUNG, Joseph, poor, from Bellingham, Feb. 19, 1759
Mar. 25, 1783YOUNG, Levi, w. Deborah, ch. Daniel, Polly, Jeremiah, Joanna, from Smithfield, R. I., Oct. 1, 1782

Source: Worchester County Massachusetts Warnings, 1737-1788, With An Introduction By Francis E. Blake, Worchester, Massachusetts: Published By Franklin P. Rice, Trustee of the Systematic History Fund, 1899.