Town of Hardwick, Worchester County Massachusetts Warnings Out, 1737-1788
Transcribed by Matthew Tooley
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"Warnings Out" for the Town of Hardwick, Worchester County, Massachusetts for the years of 1737-1788.
Abbreviations: w. for wife; ch. for child or children. The first date in each entry is that of the return of the warrant to the Court.
Hardwick, Massachusetts Warnings Out, 1737-1788
Aug. 19, 1755 | BILLINGS, Richard |
Jan. 7, 1766 | BRAYMAN, Josiah, w. Anna, son Joseph |
May 11, 1762 | CLIFFORD, Edward, from Connecticut. Dec. 4, 1761 |
May 11, 1762 | DAVIDSON, John, w. Sarah, from Pelham, Hampshire County |
Aug. 19, 1755 | EMMONS, Sarah, dau. Solomon |
May 8, 1750 | GREEN, Edward, son of Mary, from Southboro |
Aug. 18, 1767 | HALE, Israel, w. Thankful, ch. Silence, Lucy, Eunice, Abell |
May 11, 1762 | JOHNSON, Sarah, from Middleborough, Plymouth County |
Jan. 7, 1766 | JOHNSON, Sarah, w. of Solomon, resided here six months. Oct. 18, 1764 |
Feb. 4, 1752 | OLIVER, Peter |
May 11, 1762 | POWERS, Phinias, from Littleton. Dec. 4, 1761 |
Jan. 6, 1767 | PEACOCK, John, w. Abigail, ch. James, Dorothy, Martha, Lydia, from Braintree District. Feb. 10, 1766 |
May 12, 1752 | RICE, Adonijah, w. Hannah |
Aug. 19, 1755 | SPOONER, Ebenezer, w. Sarah, ch. Micah, Ebenezer, Sarah, Hannah, Al? June 11, 1755 |
Jan. 7, 1766 | WINSLOW, Dr. Shubal |
Aug. 18, 1767 | WEEKS, Thomas, w. Catharine, his father and mother, Nathaniel and Margaret, his ch. David, John, Nathan, Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah |
Aug. 18, 1767 | WHEELER, Ephraim, w. Rebecca, ch. Oliver, Jesse, Rebecca, Lois, Mary, Sarah. Nov. 3, 1766 |
Source: Worchester County Massachusetts Warnings, 1737-1788, With An Introduction By Francis E. Blake, Worchester, Massachusetts: Published By Franklin P. Rice, Trustee of the Systematic History Fund, 1899.