Grafton Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
Surnames H-L
Transcribed by Jeffrey Tooley
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Marriage Records of Grafton, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1850, Copied from the Vital records of Grafton, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, published by the Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. 1918, Thos. P. Nichols & Son Co. Printers, Lynn, Mass.
Grafton Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 - Surnames H-L
- HACKETT, Eliza A. (d. Joseph and Eliza, a. 20) and Lucius G. Hayward of Millbury, Sept 14, 1848.
- HACKETT, [Hacket in int.], Mrs. Lucinda and Jacob Harden, Oct. 14, 1839.
- HADEN (see Hayden, Haydeon, Haydon)
- HADEN, Lydia of Hopkinton and Peter Brooks, int. Sept 23, 1749.
- HAGER, Charles and Lydia Whipple of Northbridge, int. April 5, 1838.
- HAGER, Eliza and Horace Wilber, Nov. 22, 1831.
- HAGER, Elizabeth and Zadock Leland of Sutton, Sept. 24, 1820. C.R.
- HAGER, [Hagar in int.], Samuel D. (s. Betsey, a. 28) and Eleanor P. Wheeler, May 14, 1845.
- HAGER, Sarah J. and Titus V. Taft, int. Aug. 14, 1830.
- HALE, Cynthia A. and Joseph Loomis, int. Aug. 30, 1845.
- HALE, George W. and Lydia D. Flagg, April 17, 1834.
- HALE, Mrs. Ruth of Boylston and Amos Davis, Jan. 1, 1788. In Boylston.
- HALL, Aaron and Sarah Brigham, Aug. 8, 1790.
- HALL, Albert and Dorcas Bowen of Smithfield, R.I., int. June 16, 1833.
- HALL, Betty of Sutton and Jabez Leath, Nov. 8, 1776. At Brookfield.
- HALL, Candace A. and William Shurtliff of Upton, April 10, 1839. C.R.
- HALL, Caroline C. and Wilson [Willson in int.] B. Robbins of Woonsocket, R.I., April 31 (sic), 1842.
- HALL, Mrs. Deborah of Sutton and Rev. Daniel Grosvenor May 9, 1776. In Sutton.
- HALL, Elijah and Lucy Knowlton of Shrewsbury, Feb. 14, 1799. In Shrewsbury.
- HALL, Elizabeth and James Whipple Jr., June 14, 1763. C.R.
- HALL, Esther and Joseph Nickerson of Harwich, May 2, 1837.
- HALL, E. Jane and T. Russell Axtell of St. Louis, Mo., int. Feb. 2, 1839.
- HALL, Hannah and John Stow, May 22, 1755.
- HALL, Harriot and Erastus Evans, int. Nov. 23, 1842.
- HALL, Hiram K. and Louisa Whitman, Feb. 23, 1834.
- HALL, Jonathan and [Mrs. in int.] Mary Stow, Jan. 19, 1758.
- HALL, Jonathan and Mary Kimball, Oct. 12, 1780.
- HALL, Josiah and Martha White of Northbridge, int. Sept. 7, 1822.
- HALL, Josiah Gilman [Gillman in int.] (s. Josiah, a. 21) and Sarah Maria Underwood, Sept. 7, 1844.
- HALL, Lewis of Sutton and Jane Warner, int. July 19, 1845. Certificate never called for.
- HALL, Lewis of Sutton and Margaret St. George, int. Jan. 23, 1847.
- HALL, Lucy and Mathias Felton, Nov. 1, 1832.
- HALL, Martha Ann (d. Josiah and Martha, a. 21) and Augustus F. Hayden of Lincoln, Oct. 7, 1846.
- HALL, Mary and Elijah Brooks, Dec. 25, 1783.
- HALL, Mary D. and Charles Gerry, int. Jan. 26, 1839.
- HALL, Wid. Mary and Joel Brooks, Aug. 23, 1779.
- HALL, Pelthira of Sutton and Elisha Brown, Nov. 10, 1829.
- HALL, Ruth and Solomon B. Wheelock, Feb. 18, 1840.
- HALL, Sally and William Demming of Cornish, N.H., Feb. 11, 1790.
- HALL, Sally [Salley in int.] and Lt. Jonathan Stone of Ward, June 23, 1792. In Ward.
- HALL, Salmon D. and Elizabeth G. Staples, May 8, 1843.
- HALL, Samuel and Lydia Whipple, Dec. 18, 1766. C.R.
- HALL, Sanford J. of Worcester (s. Samuel and Sophia, a. 25) and Emily Prentice, May 6, 1845.
- HALL, Sarah and Jedidiah Bass of Braintree, Sept. 30, 1763. In Braintree. [Int. Oct. 1, 1763. Nov. 17, 1763, C.R.]
- HALL, Sarah and William M. Stow, Nov. 15, 1832.
- HALL, Sarah A. (d. Josiah and Martha, a. 19) and Amherst J. Ford, Aug. 29, 1847.
- HALL, Sarah A. and Lorenzo Whitney of Westborough, int. March 18, 1848.
- HALL, Sophronia W. (d. Samuel and Sophia, a. 22) and Horace Batchelor, Oct. 6, 1846. [int. Nov. 10, 1846.]
- HALL, Stephen and Clementina Clapp of Pomfret, Conn., int. Oct. 5, 1833.
- HALL, Susan E. (d. Samuel and Sophia, a. 21) and Willard A. Morse of Millbury, Nov. 17, 1846.
- HALL, Tabithe [Tabitha in int.] F. and Uriah Scarle [Searle in int.], Oct. 1, 1834.
- HALL, Willis of Sutton and Anne Coye, Dec. 10, 1756. In Sutton.
- HALLOCK, Ansel [Anson of Sutton in int.] and Elmira M. Clark, July 25, 1835.
- HALVORSON, [Harvorson in int.], Halvor and Lois Beckwith, Nov. 1, 1838.
- HAMBLETON, George W. and Elizabeth Brightman, int. July 14, 1840. Forbidden by her father.
- HAMMOND, Josiah H. and Anna G. Warren, Oct. 14, 1829.
- HANCOCK, Anson and Maria F. Barker, April 11, 1843.
- HANCOCK, Lucy A. and George F. Slocomb, June 20, 1843.
- HANCOCK, Maria E. and Lewis Griggs, Jan. 26, 1842.
- HANCOCK, Nathan and Lucy Wright, April. 15, 1818.
- HANNUM, Elizabeth (d. Grove and Amelia, a. 21) and Lafayette Case of Taunton, June 10, 1849.
- HAPGOOD, Abigail G. of Sutton and Leonard Chase, int. March 1, 1835.
- HAPGOOD, Lucy H. and Calvin Perry Jr., Jan. 11, 1837.
- HAPGOOD, Mary of Marlborough and Daniel Florence, int. March 31, 1837.
- HAPGOOD, Mary F. of Petersham and Elijah Kimball, int. March 12, 1840.
- HARBACH, Eunice of Sutton and Moses C. Hayden, int. March 12, 1814.
- HARBACH, Rufus H. and Susan S. Keith of Uxbridge, int. Oct. 3, 1835.
- HARBACH, Thomas of Sutton and Nancy Sherman, June 2, 1811. C.R.
- HARBACH, William H. and Eliza C. Lamson of Randolph, Vt., int. Aug. 18, 1832.
- HARDEN, Abbey S. and Willard [William in int.] Bellows, Jan. 24, 1841.
- HARDING, James J. and Mariah Putnam, int. April 26, 1839.
- HARDON, Jacob and Mrs. Lucinda Hackett [Hacket in int.], Oct. 14, 1839.
- HARDON, Sarah Almira, and George W. Pelsua of Rutland, int. Aug. 14, 1839.
- HARDY, Clarissa and Jonathan Flagg, Aug. 4, 1824.
- HARDY, Hepzibeth and Mark Collins of Southborough, July 8, 1756.
- HARDY, Mary L. and Elijah C. Perkins, Dec. 29, 1831.
- HARDY, Silas of Upton and Bulah Furbush, April 25, 1799. C.R.
- HARLOW, Harriet of Shrewsbury and Noah K. Meriam, int. Oct. 11, 1834.
- HARLOW, Lucius F. (s. Joseph and Abigail, a. 30) and Eliza J. Sawyer, April 16, 1848.
- HARLOW, Nathan B. and Louisa D. Kendall of Warwick, int. April 20, 1844.
- HARRINGTON (see Herrington)
- HARRINGTON, Aaron and Easther Pond, Jan. 7, 1794. At Westboro.
- HARRINGTON, Abigail and David Trask of Leicester, Dec. 4, 1808. C.R.
- HARRINGTON, Abigail of Paxton and John P. Hudson, int. March 18, 1833.
- HARRINGTON, Alanson T. of Shrewsbury and Esther E. Crosby, Aug. 29, 1837.
- HARRINGTON, Anna and Henry Prentice, int. March 3, 1779.
- HARRINGTON, Anna and Fortinatus Harrington of Paxton, March 24, 1791.
- HARRINGTON, Anna Jr. and Joel Fay, Sept 4, 1788.
- HARRINGTON, [Herrington in int.], Antipas and Levinah Brigham of Shrewsbury, July 14, 1774. In Shrewsbury.
- HARRINGTON, Betsy of Worcester and William Wesson, int. Sept. 17, 1801.
- HARRINGTON, Clarissa S. and Charles W. Marden, Jan. 14, 1836.
- HARRINGTON, David and Martha Willard, Dec. 29, 1743. C.R.
- HARRINGTON, Edmond and Sally Forbush of Westborough, int. March 6, 1824.
- HARRINGTON, Elbridge G. of Shrewsbury and Susan H. Harrington, int. March 13, 1841.
- HARRINGTON, Elbridge G. (s. Isaac and Rhoda, a. 36, widr.) and Candace Wheeler, May 26, 1848.
- HARRINGTON, Eli of Shrewsbury and Eunice G. Stowe, May 10, 1842.
- HARRINGTON, Elisabeth and Seth Miller, int. March 12, 1763.
- HARRINGTON, Eliza P. (d. George and Pressela Putnam, a. 43, wid.) and Martin Jacobs of Worcester, April 14, 1847.
- HARRINGTON, Mrs. Elizabeth A. and John Rice of Northbridge, int. March 1, 1843.
- HARRINGTON, Emory and Elezabeth Robinson, int. March 20, 1830.
- HARRINGTON, Ephraim and Prudence Leland, Feb. 26, 1789. At Westboro.
- HARRINGTON, Eunice of Shrewsbury and Charles Pond, July 4, 1829.
- HARRINGTON, Fortinatus [Fortunatus in int.] of Paxton and Anna Harrington, March 24, 1791.
- HARRINGTON, Francis and Prudence Starns of Watertown, int. Oct. 9, 1736.
- HARRINGTON, Franklin and Phebe Goodnow [Goodno in int.], April 3, 1829.
- HARRINGTON, Hannah and Benjamin Grover, Aug. 25, 1767. C.R.
- HARRINGTON, Harriet and Arthur Clark of Providence, R.I., June 12, 1831.
- HARRINGTON, Henry W. and Sybil Snow of Paxton, int. Nov. 1, 1834.
- HARRINGTON, Isaac S. and Maria R. Knowlton of Shrewsbury, April 24, 1839. In Shrewsbury.
- HARRINGTON, Isaac S. and Mary A. Flint of Oakham, int. June 1, 1844.
- HARRINGTON, Jane and Charles Stratton, int. Nov. 1, 1834.
- HARRINGTON, John and Caroline A. Stow, int. April 17, 1845.
- HARRINGTON, Joseph of Westboro and Ruth Merriam, May 29, 1764. C.R.
- HARRINGTON, Levi M. and Judith Chase, Oct. 28, 1841.
- HARRINGTON, Louisa and Isaac C. Field of Philadelphia, Pa., June 2, 1835.
- HARRINGTON, Lucrecia and Martin Newton, both of Shrewsbury, Feb. 10, 1794.
- HARRINGTON, Lucy and Joseph Winchester, April 15, 1756.
- HARRINGTON, Lucy and Perley Goddard, Nov. 8, 1795.
- HARRINGTON, Martha B. [W. in int.] and Arnold Taft of Mendon, Sept. 3, 1815. In Ward [?].
- HARRINGTON, Martha G. and Austin Holbrook, Nov. 28, 1816. C.R.
- HARRINGTON, Mrs. Mary and Thomas Drury, Sept. 26, 1745. C.R.
- HARRINGTON, Mary and Nathaniel Adams, Feb. 8, 1784.
- HARRINGTON, Mary of Worcester and Oliver Witherby, int. Oct. 25, 1816.
- HARRINGTON, Mary A. and Henry [Henry A. in int.] Ball, April 12, 1836.
- HARRINGTON, Mary P. and Samuel Harrington of Westborough, Sept 15, 1813. C.R.
- HARRINGTON, Meriam of Shrewsbury and Rufus Wesson Jr., July 23, 1840. In Shrewsbury.
- HARRINGTON, Miriam and William Ayers 3d of Brookfield, Feb. 5, 1761.
- HARRINGTON, Moses Jr. and Hannah Prentice, May 7, 1782.
- HARRINGTON, Nancy M. and Edwin Wesson, June 10, 1838. In Marlborough.
- HARRINGTON, Nathan S. and Aurelia [Aurilla in int.] Crosbee, March 31, 1836.
- HARRINGTON, Nathaniel M. and Elizabeth A. Morse, April 9, 1840.
- HARRINGTON, Phebe and Samuel Whitney of Shrewsbury, Sept 2, 1752. C.R.
- HARRINGTON, Prudence L. and Simon B. Whipple, May 4, 1820. C.R.
- HARRINGTON, Sally and Zebidee Redding Jr., Dec. 15, 1793. In Sutton.
- HARRINGTON, Sally B. and Moses Marsh, Nov. 27, 1806. C.R.
- HARRINGTON, Samuel of Westborough and Mary P. Harrington, Sept. 15, 1813. C.R.
- HARRINGTON, Samuel and Hannah H. Warren, May 23, 1827. C.R.
- HARRINGTON, Samuel 2d and Elizabeth Leggate [Legate in int.] of Shrewsbury, Nov. 28, 1834.
- HARRINGTON, Sarah E. and Stillman Douty, Dec. 22, 1835.
- HARRINGTON, Sibillah and Jonathan Newton of Shrewsbury, Sept. 25, 1765. In Shrewsbury.
- HARRINGTON, Solomon Willard [Willard in int.] of Conway and Elisabeth Putnam, April 8, 1790.
- HARRINGTON, Stephen and Melinda A. Bryant of Westborough, int. April 16, 1831.
- HARRINGTON, Stephen of Millbury and Sarah [B. in int.] Holbrook, May 10, 1842.
- HARRINGTON, Susan H. and Elbridge G. Harrington of Shrewsbury, int. March 13, 1841.
- HARRINGTON, Susanna and Cyrus French, Oct. 4, 1780. C.R.
- HARRINGTON, Wiliam B. and Eliza Putnam Oct. 4, 1825. C.R.
- HARRINGTON, Zipporah and Solomon Wheeler of Shrewsbury, Aug. 26, 1717. In Shrewsbury.
- HARRIS, Arad Jr. of Worcester (s. Arad and Maria, a. 24) and H. Maria Morse, Oct. 26, 1846.
- HARRIS, Elmira and Francis B. Mason, int. Sept. 13, 1834.
- HARRIS, Sarah A. and William Andrews Jr. of Providence, R.I., Nov. 8, 1841.
- HARRISON, James Munroe (s. Joseph H. and Ruth, a. 23) and Harriet M. Collis, Aug. 20, 1847.
- HARVEY, Nathaniel of Shutesbury and Ruth Wait, int. April 16, 1774.
- HARVEY, Mrs. Ruth and Daniel Druce, int. Dec. 8, 1775.
- HARWOOD, Nathaniel of Leicester "Alias Grafton" and Eve Eliza Grover, int. Sept. 24, 1809.
- HASKELL, Caroline M. and Hiram Johnson, June 27, 1830.
- HASSOM, [Hashom in int.], Betsy and Oliver Whipple, Aug. 26, 1792.
- HASTINGS, Benjamin Jr. of Southbridge and Susan Marble of Milbury, Sept. 24, 1834.
- HASTINGS, Catharine [Cate in int.] of Shrewsbury and Joseph Whipple, Oct. 15, 1797. In Shrewsbury.
- HASTINGS, Eliza G. and Charles Daniels, Jan. 1, 1823.
- HASTINGS, George W. and Prusha Ann Sherman, Aug. 25, 1836.
- HASTINGS, George W. of Millbury and Laurinda Shepardson, int. March 31, 1841.
- HASTINGS, Isaac of Warwick and Sarah Whipple, April 13, 1806. C.R.
- HASTINGS, Jonas and Polly Pearce, int. March 25, 1815.
- HASTINGS, Mary E. of Millbury and Joseph A. Carpenter, March 21, 1833.
- HATCH, Dolly P. of Upton (d. Lyman and Polly, a. 17) and Charles E. Brooks, Jan. 1, 1849.
- HATCH, Sarah J. of Upton (d. Lyman and Polly, a. 18) and Augustus W. Brooks, Aug. 27, 1845.
- HATHAWAY (see Hatheway)
- HATHAWAY, Charles and Maria Chamberlin, int. May 25, 1845.
- HATHAWAY, Dexter B. and Nancy M. Fay of Shrewsbury, int. Aug. 26, 1836.
- HATHAWAY, Elizabeth B. of Northbridge and Ephraim Wilson, int. Nov. 3, 1832.
- HATHAWAY, Leonard W. and Caroline M. Thompson, int. March 4, 1831.
- HATHAWAY, Lucy Emily and Norman C. Munson of Hampton, N.H., Dec. 22, 1841. [1842?]
- HATHAWAY, Mary K. and Luther Stowe, Sept. 11, 1839. C.R.
- HATHAWAY, Russel [Russell in int.] and Sarah [G. in int.] Redfield, Nov. 26, 1835.
- HATHEWAY (see above)
- HATHEWAY, Salmon of Sutton and Lucy G. [Goulding in int.] Wadsworth, March 16, 1809. C.R.
- HAVEN, Abigail [of Hopkinton in int.] and John Richardson, July 23, 1789. In Hopkinton.
- HAVEN, David of Framingham and Jerusha Whipple, Nov. 28, 1754.
- HAVEN, Emerline of Hopkinton and Harvey Goddard, int. Feb. 23, 1834.
- HAVEN, Mrs. Hannah of Framingham and Nahum Stone, int. March 24, 1775? 1755?.
- HAVEN, Martha and Joseph Adams, Dec. 19, 1813. C.R.
- HAVEN, Moses of Framingham and Anne Stow, May 23, 1751.
- HAWKINS, Amos A. (s. Amos, a. 25) and Angeline Davis, June 2, 1844.
- HAYDEN (see Haden and below)
- HAYDEN, Augustus F. of Lincoln (s. William and Lucy, a. 41) and Martha Ann Hall, Oct. 7, 1846.
- HAYDEN, Betty [Betsy in int.] and Jonathan Forbush, a minor, Nov. 5, 1782.
- HAYDEN, Daniel and Submit Flagg, June 9, 1773. In Sutton.
- HAYDEN, Elmira [Almira in int.] C. and Solomon Trask, April 10, 1834.
- HAYDEN, Hannah and Levi Thirstin, July 13, 1794.
- HAYDEN, Henry R. Jr. and Lucretia Gregory of Northampton, int. Nov. 9, 1833.
- HAYDEN, John and Hannah Belknap of Sutton, int. Dec. 11, 1806.
- HAYDEN, John P. and Lois Taft, April 15, 1832.
- HAYDEN, Jonathan Jr. and Sally Perry of Holden, int. Feb. 16, 1800.
- HAYDEN, Levina [Mrs. Lavina in int.] and Nathaniel G. Wood, April 16, 1793.
- HAYDEN, Lois and Perley Batcheller Jr., May 11, 1802. C.R.
- HAYDEN, Lucy and Timothy Thirstin, Jan. 10, 1796.
- HAYDEN, Mary E. [C. in int.] and Moses C. Woodbury, May 3, 1842.
- HAYDEN, Moses Jr. and Susanna Maynard of Westborough, int. March 23, 1821.
- HAYDEN, Moses C. and Eunice Harbach of Sutton, int. March 12, 1814.
- HAYDEN, Moses C. and Eliza B. Shurtleff of Upton, int. Nov. 3, 1838.
- HAYDEN, Oliver and Sarah Wood of Uxbridge, int. May 4, 1808.
- HAYDEN, Polly and Josephus Cheney of Holden, April 23, 1799. C.R.
- HAYDEN, Solomon and Nancy Bond, Nov. 25, 1798.
- HAYDEN, Willard A. (s. Artemas and Mary, a. 23) and Elizabeth P. Turner, both of Waltham, Oct. 26, 1846.
- HAYDEON, Betsey [Elisabeth in int.] and Edward Lesure [Lasure in int.], Jan. 15, 1795.
- HAYDON, [Hayden in int.], Submit and Rev. James Tufts of Wardsborough, Vt., Feb. 1, 1807. C.R.
- HAYES, Stephen and Meritta Brown of Sutton, int. July 9, 1831.
- HAYWARD (see Heyward, Heywood)
- HAYWARD, Alexander and Martha S. Whitford, Nov. 30, 1825. C.R.
- HAYWARD, Levi and Hannah Leland, July 14, 1800. C.R.
- HAYWARD, Lucius G. of Millbury (s. Thomas and Sarah, a. 27) and Eliza A. Hackett, Sept 14, 1848.
- HAYWARD, Mrs. Priscilla of Mendon and Ebenezer Wheeler, Sept. 5, 1753. In Mendon.
- HAYWARD, William and Lidia Aldrich of Mendon, int. June 14, 1795.
- HAYWOOD, [Haward in int.], Amaziah of Upton and Polly Whipple, July 24, 1791. In Sutton.
- HAYWOOD, [Hayward in int.], Putnam H. and Azubah S. Lathe, Oct. 20, 1828.
- HAZELTIN, Cloe and Phinehas Wood of Mendon, int. June 26, 1791.
- HEALD, Warren of Winslow District of Main and Patty Whitney, Oct 25, 1818. C.R.
- HEALE, Susan of Carlisle and Charles Goddard, int. Oct. 23, 1824.
- HEARD (see Hurd)
- HEARD, Percis of Rutland and Elijah Stanton, int. June 7, 1800.
- HEARSEY, Harrison G. O. and Eliza D. Borden of Troy, int. Oct. 6, 1832.
- HEATH, Henry F. of Barre (s. Joseph and Priscilla, a. 23) and Ellen M. Knight, June 6, 1847.
- HEATH, Mrs. Sarah A. and Abner P. Carpenter of Upton, int. Sept. 10, 1842.
- HECTOR, John and Susanna Toney of Worcester, int. Sept. 18, 1816. Negroes.
- HECTOR, Monday and Lucy Gimbee [Gimbey in int.], Sept. 22, 1791.
- HECTOR, Sarah of Sutton and Forten Burnee, Nov. 8, 1781. Negroes.
- HEMENWAY, Jonathan of Framingham and Sarah Chapin, Sept. 19, 1763. C.R.
- HEMINGWAY, Eliphalet and Silva Drake, both of Milford, Jan. 23, 1800. C.R.
- HEMINWAY, Daniel and Abigail Wheelock, both of Shrewsbury, Nov. 4, 1783.
- HEMINWAY, Jacob of Bridport in the District of Vermont and Sarah Sadler, Jan. 29, 1789.
- HEMINWAY, Mary and Daniel Knowlton of Shrewsbury, March 1, 1804. C.R.
- HENDRICK, James of Greenwich and Sopha Lathe, March 15, 1798.
- HENDRICK, Moses, "a native as he says of Acton but now resident of Grafton" and Polly Johns, int. Aug. 30, 1817. Colored.
- HENERY (see Henry)
- HENERY, Sarah A. and Samuel B. Parmenter of Worcester, int. Nov. 3, 1847.
- HENEY, Jane and John E. King, int. Oct. 6, 1834.
- HENRY (see Henery)
- HENRY, Francis and Elizabeth Smith, Aug. 21, 1833. C.R.
- HENRY, Harriet of Rutland and Jeremiah S. Holmes, int. April 10, 1830.
- HENSHAW, Elizabeth of Brookfield and Chester Merritt, int. NOV. 4, 1826.
- HERINGTON, James and Hannah Goldsbury, Dec. 21, 1737.
- HERRICK, Benjamin F. and Mary Ann Freeland of Hopkinton, int. July 19, 1835.
- HERRINGTON (see Harrington)
- HERRINGTON, [Harrington in int.], Isaac Jr. and [Mrs. in int.] Hannah Whipple, Aug. 25, 1757.
- HERRINGTON, Joshua and Polly Adams, Nov. 29, 1798.
- HERRINGTON, Martin and Mira Willard, June 24, 1822. C.R.
- HERRINGTON, Polley [Patty in int.] and Martin Smith of Shrewsbury, June 29, 1794.
- HERRINGTON, [Harrington in int.], Samuel and Abigail Putnam [Nabby Putnum in int.], Aug. 8, 1795.
- HERRINGTON, Sarah of Worcester and John Geliason, int. July 30, 1808.
- HEWETT, Valentine G. of Sutton and Caroline A. Mowrey, int. June 12, 1836.
- HEWITT, Elbridge and Nancy Wadsworth, Feb. 20, 1828.
- HEYWARD, Benjamin and Hannah Heyward, int. Sept. 19, 1806.
- HEYWARD, Hannah and Benjamin Heyward, int. Sept. 19, 1806.
- HEYWOOD (see Haywood)
- HEYWOOD, Benjamin Jr. (s. Benjamin and Hannah, a. 37) and Jane Abigail Dennis, April 1, 1844.
- HEYWOOD, Catherine Amelia (d. Charles L. and Catherine, a. 17) and Calvin Parkman Hinds of Boston, Nov. 2, 1845.
- HEYWOOD, Charles L. and Catharine L. Phillips, Jan. 2, 1827.
- HEYWOOD, Charles L. and Sarah P. Baker of Boston, int. July 23, 1842.
- HEYWOOD, Hannah L. and John M. Case of Worcester, July 13, 1831.
- HEYWOOD, Levi C. and Sarah B. Stow, Oct. 31, 1827.
- HEYWOOD, Marietta of Shrewsbury and Elijah Stow, int. Dec. 8, 1827.
- HEYWOOD, Sabra L. and Benjamin F. Baker of Boston, Nov. 28, 1841.
- HEYWOOD, Sarah M. and Oliver Kimball of Quincy, Ill., April 18, 1841.
- HEYWOOD, Sarah M. (d. Levi C. and Sarah B., a. 20) and Joseph D. Elliot of Leicester, Nov. 29, 1849.
- HIBBARD, Ira Day and Sarah Jane Wood, Oct. 13, 1839.
- HICKS, Fanny of Sutton and Phelex Brown, int. Oct. 31, 1818.
- HIDE (see Hyde)
- HIDE, William and Mary Pike of Hopkinton, int. Nov. 4, 1816.
- HILL (see Hills)
- HILL, Anna of Cambridge and Rev. Rufus A. Johnson, int. Feb. 2, 1834.
- HILL, [Hills in int.], Julia and Ezekiel Johnson of Uxbridge, Jan. 12, 1801. C.R.
- HILL, Leonard B. of Millbury and Delocia Lathe, June 15, 1843.
- HILL, Molly and Moses Sherman, int. July 26, 1776.
- HILL, [Hills in int.], Nancy and George Washington Taft of Uxbridge, Aug. 21, 1803. C.R.
- HILL, Polley of Sturbridge and Stephen Sadler, int. Jan. 29, 1797.
- HILL, Phineas L. and Submit Edes, Sept. 26, 1837.
- HILL, William and Eliza Newton, Feb. 24, 1833.
- HILLS (see Hill)
- HILLS, Benjamin and Elizabeth Stevens, Feb. 28, 1765. C.R.
- HILLS, Elizabeth and Jonathan Morse, March 10, 1772. C.R.
- HILLS, Esther and Enoch Forbush, May 28, 1793.
- HILLS, James Jr. and Rebekah Eliot, both of Sutton, Oct. 4, 1786.
- HILLS, Peggy and Timothy Thurston, Nov. 29, 1787.
- HIMES, Lamira and Harrison G. Whitaker of West Boylston, Jan. 2, 1842.
- HIMES, Lavira and Samuel Whitaker of Worcester, int. Jan. 6, 1843.
- HINDS, Alanson G. and Diantha R. McKnight, Oct. 4, 1838.
- HINDS, Calvin Parkman of Boston (s. Calvin and Eliza, a. 27) and Catherine Amelia Heywood, Nov. 2, 1845.
- HINDS, Elisha W. [s. Warner and Axy, a. 25] and Martha E. Goddard, Aug. 29, 1844.
- HINDS, Elmira of Millbury and Charles Wheeler, int. April 20, 1833.
- HISCOK, Nathan and Wid. Hannah Goodel, int. Aug. 26, 1743.
- HODGE, Roswell B. of Croydon, N.H., and Elizabeth Redding, Nov. 9, 1837.
- HODGES, Lucian [Lucien in int.] of Warren and Sarah H. Phillips, Dec. 24, 1837.
- HOGERNY, [Hodgerny in int], Jonathan and Mrs. Mercy Boydon, March 15, 1840.
- HOIT (see Hoyt)
- HOIT, Lucy and Comfort Chaffee, Sept. 25, 1781.
- HOIT, Reuben of New Braintree and [Mrs. in int.] Lucy Stow, June 20, 1779 [int. June 23, 1779].
- HOLBROOK, (see Holebrook), Anna and Daniel Rice of Sutton, Aug. 24, 1784.
- HOLBROOK, Asenath and David Woodward, Dec. 4, 1834.
- HOLBROOK, Austin and Martha G. Harrington, Nov. 28, 1816. C.R.
- HOLBROOK, Catharine H. and Philip C. Scott of Cumberland, R.I., April 4, 1841.
- HOLBROOK, Charles A, (s. Austin and Martha, a. 27) and Sarah W. McNamara, Jan. 25, 1849.
- HOLBROOK, Christopher C. [G. in int.] and Caroline M. Lazelle [Lazell in int.], July 6, 1841.
- HOLBROOK, Daniel and Sabra Ward, both of Upton, Nov. 19, 1797.
- HOLBROOK, Elisabeth of Upton and Peter Thurston, int. Oct. 23, 1779.
- HOLBROOK, Hanna [Hannah in int.] G. and Orra Goodell of Millbury, April 6, 1843.
- HOLBROOK, John and Elizabeth Edgar of Hopkinton, Dec. 22, 1748. In Hopkinton.
- HOLBROOK, John and [Mrs. in int.] Abigail Warrin, Jan. 16, 1758.
- HOLBROOK, Josiah and Mary Sherman, Feb. 26, 1784.
- HOLBROOK, Josiah of Sutton and Anna Sherman, Jan. 18, 1787.
- HOLBROOK, Lucina and Silas Chase of Sutton, Nov. 8, 1809. C.R.
- HOLBROOK, Lydia [Lydea in int.] and Nathaniel Robbins [Robins in int.] Jr., May 26, 1791.
- HOLBROOK, Martha H. and Lorenzo Leland of Attawa, Ill., Oct. 5, 1841.
- HOLBROOK, Mary and John Emerson of Millbury, April 13, 1831.
- HOLBROOK, Moses and Mary Whipple, Jan. 15, 1767. C.R.
- HOLBROOK, Moses Jr. and Sarah Mellen of Holliston, Jan. 12, 1792. In Holliston.
- HOLBROOK, Patty and Robert Cunningham, Oct. 4, 1801. C.R.
- HOLBROOK, Robert M. and Clarrissa J. Peirce, Dec. 17, 1816. C.R.
- HOLBROOK, Ruth and Jonathan Eames of Holliston, June 11, 1744.
- HOLBROOK, Mrs. Sarah and Capt. Joel Brooks of Petersham, May 27, 1818. C.R.
- HOLBROOK, Sarah and William T. Lesure, Oct. 3, 1820. C.R.
- HOLBROOK, Sarah P. and George W. Pennock, Sept. 19, 1843.
- HOLBROOK, Sarah [B. in int.] and Stephen Harrington of Millbury, May 10, 1842.
- HOLBROOK, Silence and Samuel Goodale of Sutton, Oct. 20, 1743.
- HOLBROOK, Stephen and Sally Goddard, May 16, 1799. C.R.
- HOLBROOK, Stephen and Elizabeth Stiles of Millbury, Jan. 20, 1825. C.R.
- HOLBROOK, Sylvanus and Elizabeth Farnum, int. March 9, 1816.
- HOLBROOK, William and Adaline Pratt of Millbury, Nov. 22, 1832.
- HOLDEN, Alfred and Lucy M. Newton of Shrewsbury, int. March 30, 1838.
- HOLDEN, Andrew J. and Ernaline [Emeline in int.] F. Brigham, Aug. 16, 1837.
- HOLDEN, Elizabeth and James W. White, Sept. 11, 1838. At Templeton.
- HOLDEN, John G. and Serena B. Lathe, April 3, 1833.
- HOLDEN, Josiah F. of Stow and Mary H. Maynard, int. Jan. 5, 1844.
- HOLDEN, Ruth of Worcester and Linn Parker, int. June 6, 1835.
- HOLDEN, William and Phebe Brigham, April 9, 1832.
- HOLEBROOK (see Holbrook)
- HOLEBROOK, John and Joannah Upton of Reading, int. July 17, 1752.
- HOLEBROOK, William and Sarah Batchellor, May 15, 1753. C.R.
- HOLMAN, Thomas of Sutton and Sarah Cooper, April 30, 1759.
- HOLMES, Abigail of Thompson, Ct., and Winthrop Hamilton Ballard, int. Oct. 1, 1825.
- HOLMES, Jeremiah S. and Harriet Henry of Rutland, int. April 10, 1830.
- HOLMES, Jeremiah S. (s. Jeremiah, a. 38, widr.) and Sarah A. Congdon, Aug. 28, 1844.
- HOLMES, Mrs. Mary and Stephen Stearns of Shrewsbury, int. June 6, 1839.
- HOLT, Abial of West Boylston and Mrs. Miriam Jenks, Feb. 27, 1828. C.R.
- HOLT, Zilpah B. (d. John and Prudence Bruce, a. 29, wid.) and Jason Knowlton, April 24, 1845.
- HOLTON, Susanna of Sutton and Benjamin Cogswell of Uxbridge, now of Grafton, Aug. 29, 1779. In Oxford.
- HOUGH, Samuel A. and Cynthia W. Moffitt of Oxford, int. March 11, 1837.
- HOUGHTON, Joel and Julia A. Parker of Newton, int. Sept. 12, 1846.
- HOUGHTON, Mary Ann of Bolton and Martin R. Hunting, int. Feb. 20, 1845.
- HOUGHTON, Rebeckah W. and Leander Lackey of Sutton, May 13, 1834.
- HOUSE, Rev. A. H. of Nashua, N.H. (s. Frederic and Polly, a. 37), and Ursula S. Pinkham, Aug. 16, 1849.
- HOW (see Howe, see also Stow)
- HOW, Anne and Moses Haven of Framingham, May 23, 1751. C.R.
- HOW, Eunice [Unice in int.] of Malbrough and John Sharman, Dec. 12, 1739.
- HOW, Gardner and Nabby Sherman, both of Shrewsbury, Oct. 29, 1789.
- HOW, Jazaniah and Anna Lyon, April 14, 1760.
- HOW, Joshua and Lydia Robins, July 21, 1736.
- HOW, [Stow?], Silence and Samuel Chase, May 29, 1751. C.R.
- HOWARD, Angeline and Thomas Anderson of N.Y., Aug. 21, 1834.
- HOWARD, Henry D. and Nancy Turner of Bath, Me., int. Nov. 4, 1843.
- HOWARD, Jonathan Jr. of Upton and Levina Fisher, int. Oct. 18, 1794.
- HOWARD, Lucy A. of Leicester and Levi G. Paine, int. Sept. 15, 1849.
- HOWARD, [Mrs. in int.] Martha of Easton and Nathaniel S. Prentice, Oct. 13, 1757. In Easton.
- HOWARD, Mary (d. Jonathan and Dorcus L., a. 19) and Lemuel W. Howe, Nov. 12, 1845.
- HOWARD, Molly and John Willard, int. Jan. 23, 1780.
- HOWARD, Sarah of Berlin and David A. Fay, int. Nov. 2, 1849.
- HOWE (see How)
- HOWE, Adolphus and Lucretia G. Fairbanks, Dec. 7, 1834.
- HOWE, Anna and Levi Leland, March 13, 1777.
- HOWE, Benjamin and Sally Brooks of Westminster, int. Feb. 3, 1828.
- HOWE, Curtis P. of Mexico, Me., and Lucy Gleason of Sutton, May 16, 1841.
- HOWE, Elmira and Amos T. Newell of Holden, int. Aug. 5, 1848.
- HOWE, Eunice M. (d. Abel and Lydia, a. 23) and Augustus Johnson, Nov. 19, 1846.
- HOWE, Flint and Sarah Ann Fulton, Sept. 9, 1843.
- HOWE, Hannah of Worcester and John Simmons, int. April 11, 1829.
- HOWE, John P. and Mary W. Putnam, Oct. 12, 1830.
- HOWE, Lemuel W. (s. Lemuel and Sarah, a. 21) and Mary Howard, Nov. 12, 1845.
- HOWE, Lucinda of Boylston and Jonas B. Brigham, int. March 15, 1835.
- HOWE, Lydia A. (d. Abel and Lydia, a. 22) and Truman W. Rice, Nov. 31, 1848.
- HOWE, Lyman and Susannah Winn of Holden, int. Sept. 27, 1835.
- HOWE, Martin R. and Pollina S. Bosworth, March 16, 1842.
- HOWE, Dr. Peter of Hopkinton and Lucy Barnes, int. Sept. 6, 1806.
- HOWE, Sarah [I.] and John Rice, Jan. 1, 1840. C.R.
- HOWE, Sarah T. of Fitzwilliam, N.H., and Nehemiah Upham, int. July 31, 1840.
- HOWE, Stephen of Northboro and Patty Stow, Jan. 5, 1819. C.R.
- HOWE, Susan of Hopkinton and Barnard Adams, int. July 28, 1832.
- HOWELL, Barnabas F. and Olive Peirce of Sutton, int. March 6, 1830.
- HOWLAND, Mary of James Town, R.I., and Col. Luke Drury, int. Jan. 3, 1795.
- HOWLETT, Amanda of Worcester and Luke B. Tilton, int. Sept. 20, 1835.
- HOYT (see Hoit)
- HOYT, Jemima of Shrewsbury and Samuel Stearnes, Aug. 19, 1752. In Shrewsbury.
- HUBBARD, George L. and Cornelia B. Crosby, Oct. 3, 1843.
- HUBBARD, John M. and Eliza W. Fairbanks of Holden, int. April 5, 1844.
- HUDSON, Charles H. and Mary A. Gray of Charlestown, int. June 20, 1849.
- HUDSON, John P. and Abigail Harrington of Paxton, int. March 18, 1833.
- HUMES, Marcy of Millbury and Edwin Livermore, int. Feb. 2, 1834.
- HUNT, Abigail of Concord and Hezekiah Taylor, Dec. 13, 1744. In Concord.
- HUNT, Albert of Upton and Susan H. French, March 3, 1833.
- HUNT, Augusta and John T. Brooks, int. Nov. 17, 1848.
- HUNT, Betsey of Northboro and Abel Rice, int. May 29, 1813.
- HUNT, Daniel and Maria F. Wood, int. Jan. 18, 1849.
- HUNT, Dolly (d. Timothy and Mary, a. 22) and J. Chandler Bennett, April 8, 1847.
- HUNT, Elizabeth of Concord and Andrew Adams, Oct. 15, 1741. m. Concord.
- HUNT, John and Mary Palmer, Dec. 25, 1735.
- HUNT, John of Upton and Caroline E. Fay, Jan. 1, 1833.
- HUNT, Kendrick and Nancy G. Brooks, Sept. 19, 1843.
- HUNT, Marcy of Gloucester, R.I., and Isaac Mason, int. March 18, 1831.
- HUNT, Mary and Elijah Allen, Nov. 27, 1744.
- HUNT, Mary of Upton and Jonathan W. Stow, int. Aug. 7, 1831.
- HUNT, Peter and Maria Olivia Flagg, Jan. 2, 1842.
- HUNT, Silence and Thomas Stow, June 2, 1748.
- HUNT, Timothy of Stoddard, N.H. (s. Timothy, a. 56, widr.), and Olivia R. Flagg, April 2, 1844.
- HUNTER, Susan and Thomas James, both of Boston, Oct. 25, 1835.
- HUNTING, Martin R. and Mary Ann Houghton of Bolton, int. Feb. 20, 1845.
- HURD (see Heard)
- HURD, Dea. John of Oxford and Mary Brigham, May 5, 1825. C.R.
- HUSE, Josephene of Millbury and Wilson L. Sibley, int. Dec. 15, 1849.
- HUTCHINSON, Margery Jr. and Samuel Wadsworth April 2, 1772. C.R.
- HUTCHINSON, Mrs. Mary and Elisha Aldridge, int. Aug. 12, 1775.
- HUTCHINSON, Samuel (s. Moses and Mehitable, a. 21) and Mary L. Barnes, Sept. 29, 1847.
- HUTCHINSON, Sophronia and Thomas R. Wood, April 9 [20 in dup.], 1820. C.R.
- HYDE (see Hide)
- HYDE, Keziah and James Dean Jr., int. Sept. 21, 1832.
- INGRAHAM, Catherine F. of Smithfield, R.I., and Charles Putnam, int. April 26, 1839.
- INGRAHAM, Sarah and Joseph H. Whitney, Jan. 7, 1834.
- INMAN, Christaney (d. James and Sharlotte, a. 17) and Bradford Stetson of North Bridgewater, Nov. 16, 1845.
- INMAN, James (s. Henry and Sarah, a. 39, widr.) and Nancy Rugg, March 20, 1847.
- IRWIN, John of New York (a. 26) and Nancy M. Carlton, Jan. 29, 1849.
- JACKSON, Charles and Nancy Smith of Northbridge, int. April 10, 1846.
- JACKSON, Charles H. (s. George and Hannah, a. 24) and Lucy Nelson, Nov. 25, 1846.
- JACKSON, Jonathan of Northbridge and Elizabeth P. Brigham, Nov. 13, 1832.
- JACKSON, Maria H. of Claremont, N.H., and Orren E. Fisk, int. Aug. 21, 1830.
- JACOBS, Martin and Betsey Puree of Smithfield, R.I., int. July 16, 1825.
- JACOBS, [Dea. in int.] Martin of Worcester (s. Jesse of Thompson, a. 46, widr.) and Eliza P. Harrington, April 14, 1847.
- JACOBS, Rock (s. Lewis and Mary, a. 21) and Harriet J. Allen, Oct. 10, 1847.
- JACOBS, Thomas L. and Sophronia S. Robinson, int. March 7, 1848.
- JAMES, Thomas and Susan Hunter, both of Boston, Oct. 25, 1835.
- JENCKS (see Jenks)
- JENCKS, Hannah E. of Millbury and Edwin Smith, int. April 16, 1846.
- JENKINS, James and Patty Johnson of Southborough, int. Oct. 8, 1800. Forbidden by James Jenkins.
- JENKINS, James Wright of Hardwick and Betsy Whipple, April 4, 1804. C.R.
- JENKINS, Sarah A. and Dexter D. Ball, Dec. 23, 1833.
- JENKS (see Jencks)
- JENKS, Fills [Phillis in int.] and Thomas Fraizer of Worcester, Nov. 11, 1807. Negroes. C.R.
- JENKS, Liberty of Springfield and Louisa T. Morse, int. Nov. 26, 1842.
- JENKS, Mary L. of Uxbridge and Brigham Fuller of Douglass, March 16, 1837.
- JENKS, Mrs. Miriam and Abial Holt of West Boylston, Feb. 27, 1828. C.R.
- JENKS, Reuben and Mariam Wood, Nov. 20, 1800. C.R.
- JENISON, Christiana [Christianna in int.] (d. Gardner and Sarah, a. 20) and Thomas T. Brewer, March 21, 1849.
- JENNINGS, Andrew and Olive Chase, int. June 6, 1840.
- JENNISON, Laura E. (d. Levi and Maranda, a. 21) and Adolphus T. Goodrich, May 14, 1845.
- JENNISON, Mary C. and Juvenis [Juvenus in int.] J. Goodridge, June 11, 1840.
- JENNISON, Miranda [Meranda in int.] C. (d. Levi and Miranda, a. 24) and Levi H. Goodrich of Hardwick, Vt., June 26, 1845.
- JENNISON, Samuel [Jr. in int.] of Shrewsbury and Sarah Drury, Dec. 10, 1789. In Shrewsbury.
- JEPHERSON, Joseph of Troy and Susan Congdon of Northbridge, March 1, 1827.
- JEWELL, Mrs. Batsheba of Dudley and Calvin Farnum, Jan. 4, 1798. In Dudley [?].
- JEWELL, Wiliam and Nancy Elliot, Sept. 13, 1838. At Uxbridge.
- FJM?, George and Jane Cotton of Hopkinton, int. April 24, 1777.
- JOHNS, Isaac and Alatheah [Allatheah in int.] Samson, Nov. 14, 1787.
- JOHNS, Polly and Moses Hendrick "a native he says of Acton but now resident of Grafton," int. Aug. 30, 1817. Colored.
- JOHNSON (see Jonson)
- JOHNSON, Abby L. of Worcester and Charles M. [W. in int.] Foster, March 30, 1842.
- JOHNSON, Ann M. (d. Amos D. and Theodocia D., a. 19) and Austin Leland, Oct. 13, 1846.
- JOHNSON, Augustus (s. William and Esther, a. 22) and Eunice M. Howe, Nov. 19, 1846.
- JOHNSON, Betsey and Joseph Knox, March 23, 1823. C.R.
- JOHNSON, Betty [Betsey Jonson in int.] and Enas Gould, March 21, 1799. C.R.
- JOHNSON, Charles and Mahala Putney, Jan. 13, 1838.
- JOHNSON, Cloe [Chloe in int.] H. and Zebulon Sprague, Oct. 4, 1840.
- JOHNSON, Ezekiel and Rachel Merrifield of Holliston, int. Dec. 11, 1773.
- JOHNSON, Ezekiel of Uxbridge and Julia Hill, Jan. 12, 1801. C.R.
- JOHNSON, Harriot E. [Harriet in int.] and Braddock Davol, April 1, 1832.
- JOHNSON, Hiram and Caroline M. Haskell, June 27, 1830.
- JOHNSON, John of Southborough and Persis Shearman, May 23, 1771. C.R.
- JOHNSON, John and Roxanna Peabody, Dec. 20, 1838.
- JOHNSON, Leonard and Mary Ann Burdon [or Bardon?] of Sutton, int. Aug. 17, 1836.
- JOHNSON, Lewis A. and Lucy Ann Larned of Northbridge, int. June 18, 1836.
- JOHNSON, Martha of Shrewsbury and Abner Rawson, int. March 18, 1820.
- JOHNSON, Mary Ann and Sanford I. [J. in int.] Smith of Worcester, Nov. 19, 1840.
- JOHNSON, Nancy M. of Franklin and Joseph J. Clark, int. Feb. 10, 1827.
- JOHNSON, Nathan and Polly Duncan, Oct. 6, 1805.
- JOHNSON, Nathan and Betsey Frost of Paxton, int July 7, 1821.
- JOHNSON, Nicholas and Perlina Brown of Sutton, int. Aug. 31, 1840.
- JOHNSON, Patty of Southborough and James Jenkins, int. Oct. 8, 1800. Forbidden by James Jenkins.
- JOHNSON, Rev. Rufus A. and Anna Hill of Cambridge, int. Feb. 2, 1834.
- JOHNSON, Sally and James Wheeler, Nov. 26, 1809. C.R.
- JOHNSON, Sally J. and Minot Amsden [Amesden in int.], Oct. 9, 1833.
- JOHNSON, Samuel and Elcy Brown, Jan. 6, 1831.
- JOHNSON, Susan of Rutland and Timothy H. Meriam, int. Dec. 7, 1833.
- JOHNSON, [Jonson in int.], Timothy and Sally Pierce of Sutton, March 8, 1798. In Sutton.
- JONES, Ann Maria and Caleb Rawson Jr. of Northbridge, int. Oct. 7, 1840.
- JONES, Cyrus and Charity Nickols, Feb. 16, 1790.
- JONES, [Rev. in int.] Daniel and Mary A. [Ann in int.] Sherman, May 1, 1842.
- JONES, Deborah and Thomas Axtill [Axtell in int.] Jr., June 10, 1777.
- JONES, Ester [Esther in int.] and Benjamin Clark of Franklin, Oct. 29, 1786. In Franklin.
- JONES, George W. and Saran H. Albee of Milford, int. Nov. 1, 1829.
- JONES, George W. and Emily Rockwood, Jan. 1, 1834.
- JONES, Olive and Samuel Adams, June 24, 1794.
- JONES, Thomas and Ellen Leaver of Woonsocket, R.I., int. June 15, 1847.
- JONSON (see Johnson)
- JONSON, Mary and Nehemiah Wood, late of Luningburg, now resident in Sutton, int. Aug. 3, 1739.
- JORDAN (see Jourdan, Jurdon)
- JORDAN, David and Susan Adams of Hopkinton, int. Feb. 26, 1825.
- JORDAN, Edith A. (d. John and Merhitable J, a. 22) and Crosby D. Melendy of Northbridge, Sept. 2, 1847.
- JORDAN, Samuel (s. Samuel and Hannah, a. 24) and Clarinda M. Miller, both of Shrewsbury, Nov. 20, 1848.
- JOSLIN, Hannah of Westborough and Amos Davis, May 18, 1768. C.R.
- JOURDAN (see Jordan, Jurdon)
- JOURDAN, Elliot E. and Sarah E. Gary of East Westmoreland, N.H., int. March 14, 1844.
- JOURDAN, William H. of Worcester (s. David and Susan, a. 23) and Emely B. Saunders, Oct. 11, 1849.
- JURDON (see Jordan, Jourdan)
- JURDON, Mrs. Mary A. and Liberty Aldrich, May 27, 1838.
- JUSHAM, Louisa and Joseph Snow, int. Oct 13, 1848.
- JUSHAM, Mary and Frederick Sweet, int. Jan. 6, 1849.
- KEITH, Clarissa Ann and Isaac H. Southwick of Madison, India [Indiana in int.], Aug. 8, 1837.
- KEITH, Deborah and Orray Taft of Northbridge, Sept. 24, 1821. C.R.
- KEITH, Georgiana M. and Jonathan S. Fisk, March 5, 1838.
- KEITH, Louisa and Daniel Kimball of Charleston, S.C., Sept. 28, 1825. C.R.
- KEITH, Nabby [Abigail in int.] and Alpheus Dean of Sutton, May 26, 1802. C.R.
- KEITH, Nathan and Mary Kimball of Milford, int. Oct. 3, 1809.
- KEITH, Rebeckah [Rebeck Keith in int.] and Barnabas Sibley [Barnabus Silbly in int.], Jan. 7, 1796.
- KEITH, Royal and Deborah Adams of Northbridge, Dec. 28, 1797. In Northbridge.
- KEITH, Royal of Sutton and Abigail Williams, int. Oct. 9, 1848.
- KEITH, Samuel and Unice Lathe, Aug. 29, 1796.
- KEITH, Sarah C. (d. Royal and Deborah, a. 31) and William A. Wheelock of Oxford, Jan. 2, 1849.
- KEITH, [Kieth in int.], Simeon and Olive Pond, April 8, 1789.
- KEITH, Susan S. of Uxbridge and Rufus H. Harback, int. Oct. 3, 1835.
- KEITH, William and Susan Pettis of Milford, Dec. 26, 1841. In Milford.
- KELLEY (see Kellogg)
- KELLEY, Daniel B. and Mahala Crane, int. May 6, 1837.
- KELLEY, Eliza and Andrew M. Crane, April 15, 1832.
- KELLEY, John and Ann Morin, int. Aug. 13, 1842.
- KELLOGG (see above)
- KELLOGG, [Kelley in int.], Prudence E. and James Ray, Dec. 18, 1833.
- KEMP, Abby L. and William Lewis of Hubbardston, int. July 19, 1845.
- KEMP, Elizabeth T. and Franklin Bigelow, Dec. 29, 1842.
- KEMP, Mary C. and Ezra Cooper of Northbridge, int. Oct. 1, 1836.
- KEMP, Rhoda Ann (a. 24) and Lewis H. Bigelow, April 2, 1844.
- KENDALL, Andrew L. and Avis B. Fuller of Millbury, int. Nov. 28, 1846.
- KENDALL, Louisa D. of Warwick and Nathan B. Harlow, int. April 20, 1844.
- KENDALL, Lydia S. of Athol and Ezekiel G. Davis, int. Sept. 8, 1827.
- KENDRICK, Ellen A. and Daniel L. Emerson, int. Nov. 1, 1845.
- KENNEDY, Patrick and Mary Ann Burns, int. Feb. 9, 1849.
- KENNEY, Israel and Sible Leland of Uxbridge, int. Oct. 24, 1761.
- KENNEY, Nancy and Thomas Tucker, Dec. 2, 1830.
- KENT, Calvin and Almira Bullock of Spencer, int. Jan. 22, 1832.
- KETTREDGE (see Kittridge)
- KETTREDGE, [Kittredge in int.], Rev. Charles B. of Westborough and Sarah Brigham, July 9, 1840.
- KEYES, Elias Jr. of Shrewsbury and Sarah Trull, April 15, 1741.
- KEYES, Phebe of Shrewsbury and Jonathan Morse, Dec. 5, 1739. In Shrewsbury.
- KEYS, [Kyes in int., wid. in C.R.], Thankful of Shrewsbury and Silas Wetherbe, Oct. 9, 1738.
- KIDDER, Samuel of Alstead in the Government of N.H. and Mehitable Maynard, int. Dec. 13, 1773.
- KIMBALL, Aaron and Mary Brooks, April 5, 1753.
- KIMBALL, Aaron Jr. and Molly Goulding, Oct. 18, 1781.
- KIMBALL, Aaron Jr. and Sarah R. Grout of Westborough, Oct. 23, 1827. C.R.
- KIMBALL, Anna and Tarrant Meriam, Nov. 30, 1809. C.R.
- KIMBALL, Asahel and Jerusha Elliot of Sutton, Feb. 13, 1786. In Sutton.
- KIMBALL, Betsey and Cyrus Leland, April 27, 1809. C.R.
- KIMBALL, Catherine and Henry T. Grout, May 18, 1836.
- KIMBALL, Charles E. and Mary K. Greene [Green in int.], Oct. 6, 1834.
- KIMBALL, Daniel of Charleston, S.C., and Louisa Keith, Sept. 28, 1825. C.R.
- KIMBALL, Elijah and Eunice Taft of Petersham. int. Dec. 25, 1813.
- KIMBALL, Elijah and Mary F. Hapgood of Petersham, int. March 12, 1840.
- KIMBALL, Elisabeth and Samuel Wood, Sept. 28, 1788.
- KIMBALL, Elizabeth and Andrew Searles, Sept. 1, 1828.
- KIMBALL, Mrs. Elizabeth of Westborough and Shelomith Stow, int. Jan. 9, 1776.
- KIMBALL, Elizabeth A. (d. Moses and Elizabeth, a. 20) and Robert D. Chase, June 15, 1848.
- KIMBALL, Hannah and Benjamin Green, Nov. 30, 1815. C.R.
- KIMBALL, Hannah and Ebenezer Aldrich, Nov. 26, 1829.
- KIMBALL, Isaac of Westborough and Anna Gibson, May 17, 1790.
- KIMBALL, Isaac and Hannah Week of Boston, int. March 23, 1805.
- KIMBALL, John and Betsey Brooks, Aug. 26, 1821. C.R.
- KIMBALL, Joseph and Betsey H. Scott, May 11, 1820.
- KIMBALL, Leonard and Patty Baird of Worcester, Sept 15, 1793. In Worcester.
- KIMBALL, Leonard [Lenard in int.] and Anna Elliot of Sutton, April 19, 1797. In Sutton. [Int. March 4, 1798.]
- KIMBALL, Lucy Goulding and Ebenezer Wadsworth, Oct. 27, 1803. C.R.
- KIMBALL, Mary and Jonathan Hill, Oct. 12, 1780.
- KIMBALL, Mary and Benjamin Taft, Dec. 6, 1808. C.R.
- KIMBALL, Mary of Milford and Nathan Keith, int. Oct. 3, 1809.
- KIMBALL, Mary and Bradford Chase, March 12, 1835.
- KIMBALL, Noah and Martha W. Brown of Bath, Me., int. July 13, 1828.
- KIMBALL, Noah Brooks and Mrs. Persis Brighham, int. Nov. 2, 1775.
- KIMBALL, Noah B. and Molly Chase, Dec. 12, 1782.
- KIMBALL, Oliver and Hannah Flagg of Worcester, int. Dec. 3, 1801.
- KIMBALL, Oliver and Catherine Elliot of Leicester, int. April 7, 1810.
- KIMBALL, Oliver of Quincy, Ill., and Sarah M. Heywood, April 18, 1841.
- KIMBALL, Patty and Jonathan Chase, Oct. 8, 1801. C.R.
- KIMBALL, Mrs. Persis and John Wadsworth, int. Dec. 20, 1806.
- KIMBALL, Polly and Daniel Cook of Warwick, Jan. 26, 1800. C.R.
- KIMBALL, Sally [Lucy in int.] Brooks and Albert Stone, Jan. 11, 1804. C.R.
- KIMBALL, Sarah and Aaron Sherman, April 6, 1774. In Shrewsbury.
- KIMBALL, Sarah of Hopkinton and Cyrus N. French, int. Sept. 26, 1830.
- KIMBALL, Trifosa [Tryphosa in int.] and Ira Mansfield of Boston, Jan. 7, 1840.
- KIMBERLY, Thompson Jr. and Candace Ann Stockwell of Sutton, int. Sept. 10, 1836.
- KING, Elvesta H. (d. Jonathan and Elizabeth, a. 33) and Charles G. Parmenter of Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 31, 1846.
- KING, Gilbert of Springfield and Sarah Goddard, Feb. 13, 1839.
- KING, John E. and Jane Heney, int. Oct. 6, 1834.
- KING, Lois and Jonathan Fay of Westborough, Feb. 26, 1823. C.R.
- KING, Mary E. (d. Jonathan and Elizabeth, a. 28) and David F. Parmenter of Holden, Oct. 9, 1845.
- KING, Patty of Sutton and Turner Rawson, int. Dec. 7, 1805.
- KING, Samuel and Sabra Whitney of Upton, int. Oct. 22, 1825.
- KING, Susanna of Bolton and Micajah Fay, Dec. 18, 1777. In Bolton.
- KING, Sylvia and Otis Adams, May 16, 1825. C.R.
- KINGSBURY, Benjaman and Sally Brigham, Oct. 7, 1798.
- KINGSBURY, Benjamin and Hannah Stone, Nov. 16, 1825. C.R.
- KINGSBURY, Sally and Jeremiah Flagg, Nov. 5, 1801. C.R.
- KIRBY, Mary of Worcester and Samuel D. Baxter, int. Feb. 16, 1829.
- KITCHEN, William and Sarah Eddy of Northbridge, int. Oct. 1, 1831.
- KITCHEN, William and Sarah Prentice, int. Nov. 16, 1833.
- KITTREDGE (see Kettridge)
- KITTREDGE, Dr. Josiah of Nashua, N.H. (widr.), and Susan B. Brigham, May 10, 1844.
- KNAPP, Sibyl of Sutton and Abner Richardson, int. March 15, 1828.
- KNAPP, William A. and Julia A. [Ann in int.] Stratton, May 28, 1840.
- KNIGHT, Ellen [Ellin in int.] M. (d. John and Mary, a. 20) and Henry F. Heath of Barre, June 6, 1847.
- KNOWLES, Nancy S. [of Hopkinton, N.H., in int.] (d. Simon and Margarette W., a. 20) and Charles F. Leland, Nov. 28, 1844.
- KNOWLTON, Alone and Lovel Stow Jr., Nov. 18, 1834.
- KNOWLTON, Arternas and Huldah Lyon, both of Shrewsbury, Feb. 1, 1798. In Shrewsbury.
- KNOWLTON, Charles H. and Martha A. Boyden of Leominster, int. March 27, 1844.
- KNOWLTON, Daniel of Shrewsbury and Mary Heminway, March 1, 1804. C.R.
- KNOWLTON, Daniel H. and Aurelia, S. Pinkham, Jan. 31, 1843.
- KNOWLTON, Dolly of Shrewsbury and Joseph P. Leland, int. March 31, 1837.
- KNOWLTON, Eunice and Elbridge G. Putnam, April 26, 1831.
- KNOWLTON, Grace of Shrewsbury and Jonah Goulding, April ----, 1777.
- KNOWLTON, Irena [Irene in int.] and Washington Wakefield of Hardwick, Vt., March 11, 1821. C.R.
- KNOWLTON, Jason (s. Jesse and Mary, a. 40, widr.) and Zilpah B. Holt, April 24, 1843.
- KNOWLTON, Joel and Polly Brooks, April 5, 1809. C.R.
- KNOWLTON, John and Deidame Dunkan of Sutton, int. Dec. 2, 1804.
- KNOWLTON, John C. and Louisa Goddard, Sept. 18, 1839. C.R.
- KNOWLTON, [Knolton in int.], Lucy of Shrewsbury and Elijah Hall, Feb. 14, 1799. In Shrewsbury.
- KNOWLTON, Lura [Lury in int.] B. and Isaac Crosby of Northborough, Dec. 2, 1830.
- KNOWLTON, Lydia B. and Elisha H. Briggs of Worcester, Jan. 6, 1831.
- KNOWLTON, Maria R. of Shrewsbury and Isaac S. Harrington, April 24, 1839. In Shrewsbury.
- KNOWLTON, Martha of Shrewsbury and Seth Follet, int. March 4, 1826.
- KNOWLTON, Nancy and Horace Stow, May 2, 1832.
- KNOWLTON, Olive of Newfane, Vt., and Curtis Fay, int. March 6, 1824.
- KNOWLTON, Relief and Samuel Dispeau, int. June 12, 1819.
- KNOWLTON, Ruel F. and Sally C. Lathe, April 9, 1838.
- KNOWLTON, Ruth of Shrewsbury and Isaac Cutler, int. March 1, 1823.
- KNOWLTON, Sarah of Shrewsbury and John White of Northborough, Oct. 28, 1798. In Shrewsbury.
- KNOWLTON, Susan of Holden and Holland Greenwood, int. March 16, 1822.
- KNOWLTON, Susanna of Shrewsbury and John Smith Whitney of Westboro, Feb. 25, 1794.
- KNOWLTON, Susan W. of Shrewsbury and John Rice, int. March 18, 1837.
- KNOWLTON, Thomas of Shrewsbury and Elizabeth Batchellor, May 14, 1771. C.R.
- KNOX, Charlotte and Rufus Brigham, May 29, 1822. C.R.
- KNOX, John and Lucy Axtell, Aug. about the 22d, 1784.
- KNOX, John and Molley [Molly in int.] Daniels, April 24, 1796.
- KNOX, Joseph and Betsey Johnson, March 23, 1823. C.R.
- KRANSKA, Jason, residing in Grafton, and Caroline Mitilda Morse, May 6, 1804. C.R.
- LACKEY, Abigail of Sutton (d. Joshua and Azubah, a. 25) and Amasa R. Wakefield of Northborough, May 20, 1847.
- LACKEY, Cimena of Northbridge and Leander W. Greenwood, May 30, 1844.
- LACKEY, Leander of Sutton and Rebeckah W. Houghton, May 13, 1834.
- LACROSS, Cyprian of Worcester and Sarah Duso, int. Nov. 6, 1847.
- LALAND (see Lealand, Leland)
- LALAND, Deliverance and John Maynard, March 31, 1746. C.R.
- LALAND, Moses and Abigail Robbins of Littleton, Dec. 11, 1738. C.R.
- LAMB, Abner S. and Lucy Mascroft, Sept. 30, 1823. C.R.
- LAMB, Betsey and James Whipple of Cumberland, R.I., June 8, 1824.
- LAMB, Lucy and Edmond F. Dixey of Marblehead, July 2, 1821.
- LAMB, Mary Ann of Charlton and Nicholas Didiot, int. April 12, 1838.
- LAMB, Mrs. Phebe of Rutland and Rufus Putnam, int. Sept 21, 1822.
- LAMB, Sally and Abraham West [Vest in int.], Aug. 27, 1837.
- LAMSON[examine Sampson names]
- LAMSON, Daniel and Abigail Prentice, March 28, 1815. C.R.
- LAMSON, Eliza C. of Randolph, Vt., and William H. Harback, int. Aug. 18, 1832.
- LANG, John H. and Eliza Spade, Feb. 12, 1837.
- LANGMAID, Ann Eliza of Cambridge Port and Japhet Gray, int. March 9, 1840.
- LARNARD (see Larned)
- LARNARD, Asa and Anna Sharman of Westborough, int. March 2, 1806.
- LARNARD, John and Abigail Adams of Chelmsford, Sept. 14, 1733. C.R.
- LARNED (see above)
- LARNED, Daniel and Patty Miller, Aug. 21, 1806. C.R.
- LARNED, Lucy Ann of Northbridge and Lewis A. Johnson, int. June 18, 1836.
- LATH (see Lathe)
- LATH, Mrs. Sarah and Daniel Duggan of Charlton, int. Dec. 8, 1775.
- LATH, Solomon and Sophia Pratt, int. May 24, 1805.
- LATH, Unice and Samuel Keith, Aug. 29, 1796.
- LATH, Zepheniah 2d and Prudence Dodge of Sutton, May 1, 1800.
- LATHAM, Caroline [W. in int.] and Abner Rice of Wayland, Sept. 11, 1843.
- LATHAM, Mary E. and Alpheus D. Loker of Wayland, July 25, 1842.
- LATHE (see Lath, Leath)
- LATHE, Abner T. and Mary A. Burr of Millbury, int. March 5, 1836.
- LATHE, Asa and Priscilla Rawson, residing in Northbridge, Sept. 6, 1786. In Northbridge.
- LATHE, Azubah S. and Putnam H. Haywood, Oct. 20, 1828.
- LATHE, Benjamin and Sarah Stearns, Dec. 6, 1770. C.R.
- LATHE, Benjamin Jr. and Azubah Singleterry of Sutton, int. March 15, 1800.
- LATHE, Mrs. Betsey and Robert Lathe, April 16, 1840.
- LATHE, Catherine and John Phillips, Feb. 16, 1807. C.R.
- LATHE, [Laithe in int.], Cromwell (s. David, a. 26) and Mary A. Twiss of Millbury, Nov. 28, 1844.
- LATHE, Delocia and Leonard B. Hill of Millbury, June 15, 1843.
- LATHE, Eunice and Jonathan Pierce [Peirce in int.] of Hopkinton, July 14, 1760.
- LATHE, James S. and Almyra Doane of Worcester, int. March 6, 1830.
- LATHE, Levi L. and Frances Marble, Sept. 28, 1831.
- LATHE, Mary and Abiel W. Paine, Aug. 22, 1821.
- LATHE, Nancy and John Marble of Sutton, int. Dec. 17, 1807.
- LATHE, Polly and John Adams of Northbridge, March 15, 1810. C.R.
- LATHE, Mrs. Rhoda and James Torry of Upton, int. June 9, 1775.
- LATHE, Robert and Mrs. Betsey Lathe, April 16, 1840.
- LATHE, Sally and Ebenezer Phillips Jr., May 3, 1801. C.R.
- LATHE, Sally C. and Ruel F. Knowlton, April 9, 1838.
- LATHE, Serena B. and John G. Holden, April, 3, 1833.
- LATHE, Sopha and James Hendrick of Greenwich, March 15, 1798.
- LATHE, Zephaniah and Lucrecia Child, int. Sept. 7, 1780.
- LAWRENCE, Esther, an Indian, and Sharp Freeborn of Leicester, a negro, July 6, 1763. C.R.
- LAWRENCE, Harriet of Ashby and Sumner Tayler, int. Jan 12, 1833.
- LAWTON, Anna of Northbridge (d. Roberson and Ann, a. 23) and Rowland Cobb Jr., Sept. 2, 1846.
- LAWTON, Sarah N. and Henry B. Morse, Jan. 31, 1844.
- LAZELL, [Mrs. in int.] Julia A. of Spencer and Chandler M. Pratt, May 11, 1840. In Spencer.
- LAZELLE, [Lazell in int.], Caroline M. and Christopher C. [G. in int.] Holbrook, July 6, 1841.
- LEATH, [Lathe in int.] Jabez and Betty Hall of Sutton, Nov. 8, 1776. At Brookfield.
- LEAVER, Ellen of Woonsocket, R.I., and Thomas Jones, int. June 15, 1847.
- LEAVTIT, Benjamin D. and Sarah C. Bowen of North Providence, R.I., int. June 24, 1837.
- LEAVTIT, Benjamin D. and Adeliza Gardner of East Greenwich, R.I., int. Feb. 20, 1840.
- LEGATE, Daphna and Samuel A. Brigham, int. July 1, 1832.
- LEGATE, Robert and Mary Alexander, Sept. 16, 1830.
- LEGGATE, [Legate in int.], Elizabeth of Shrewsbury and Samuel Harrington 2d, Nov. 28, 1834.
- LELAND, Abigail and Dr. Timothy Darling, int. July 28, 1774.
- LELAND, Abigail and Ezra Marble of Sutton, int. Feb. 22, 1806.
- LELAND, Albert of Holliston and Eliza Chamberlin, May 25, 1831.
- LELAND, Austin (s. Oliver and Silence, a. 21) and Ann M. Johnson, Oct. 13, 1846.
- LELAND, Benjamin and Rebeckah Parker, int. June 17, 1737.
- LELAND, (see Laland, Lealand)Benjamin Jr. and Martha Brigham, March 12, 1772. C.R.
- LELAND, Benjamin and Lucy Barns, May 3, 1801. C.R.
- LELAND, Beriah [Mariah in int.] and Eliphalet Smith, June 28, 1781.
- LELAND, Betsey and Jeremy Fisher Tolman of Barre, Oct. 25, 1814. C.R.
- LELAND, Betsey and Charles Prentice 2d, Nov. 22, 1836.
- LELAND, Beulah and Jonathan Malven [Melvin in int.] of Conway, Nov. 12, 1777.
- LELAND, Caleb and Lakin Willard, April 8, 1789.
- LELAND, Caroline of Holliston and Jonas Chamberlin, int. May 29, 1829.
- LELAND, Charles and Polly Adams, June 26, 1803. C.R.
- LELAND, Charles F. (s. Ebenezer and Eunice, a. 28) and Nancy S. Knowles [of Hopkinton, N.H., in int], Nov. 28, 1844.
- LELAND, Chelden E. and Hannah G. Ellison of Worcester, int. Oct. 8, 1842.
- LELAND, Cyrus and Betsey Kimball, April 27, 1809. C.R.
- LELAND, Daniel and Mary Forbush, May 13, 1798.
- LELAND, David W. and Mary Rawson, Jan. 21, 1779.
- LELAND, Deborah and Samuel Minerd of Upton, int. Nov. 28, 1761.
- LELAND, Ebenezer and Molly Lyon, June 25, 1778.
- LELAND, Ebenezer Jr. and Hannah Putman, Sept. 5, 1802. C.R.
- LELAND, Ebenezer Jr. and Patty Brooks, int. May 3, 1800.
- LELAND, Eleazer of Croyden and Elizabeth Sherman, June 30, 1777.
- LELAND, Elizabeth and Arvin Thomson [Thompson in int.], March 26, 1834.
- LELAND, Elizabeth H. and Silas M. Brown of Sutton, April 13, 1837.
- LELAND, Ezra and Hannah Rawson of Mendon, int. March 30, 1834.
- LELAND, Gregory S. and Hannah S. Roberts, Feb. 24, 1833.
- LELAND, [Laland in int], Hannah and Joseph Rice, July 16, 1739.
- LELAND, Hannah and Elijah Stanton, March 13, 1777.
- LELAND, Hannah and Levi Hayward, July 14, 1800. C.R.
- LELAND, Hannah B. D. (d. Thomas and Sally Clark, a. 30, wid.) and Joseph Boman of New Braintree, Jan. 14, 1846.
- LELAND, Hannah E. of Shrewsbury and James L. Martin, int. March 23, 1839.
- LELAND, Huldah and Asiel Warren, Dec. 19, 1802. C.R.
- LELAND, James and Lucy Warren, June 21, 1744.
- LELAND, James Jr. and Anne Gale of Sutton, Feb. 22, 1770. In Sutton.
- LELAND, James P. and Fanny Putnam of Sutton, int. Feb. 17, 1827.
- LELAND, [Laland in int.], John and Sally Devine of Hopkinton, Sept. 30, 1776. In Hopkinton.
- LELAND, John of Springfield, Vt., and Abigail Parker, Jan. 23, 1805. C.R.
- LELAND, John L. and Sally Batchellor of Sutton, int. July 30, 1809.
- LELAND, John M. and Mary Ann Meriam, July 10, 1833.
- LELAND, John V. and Adaline H. Axtell, Oct. 7, 1828.
- LELAND, Joseph of Boston and Hannah P. Adams, int. July 30, 1814. Certificate not called for, March, 1815.
- LELAND, Joseph and Lucretia W. Wheeler, Sept. 14, 1818. C.R.
- LELAND, Joseph and Charlotte Meriam, June 29, 1831.
- LELAND, Joseph and Cynthia A. Slocomb, May 28, 1839.
- LELAND, Joseph P. and Dolly Knowlton of Shrewsbury, int. March 31, 1837.
- LELAND, Joshua and Thankful Sherman, Aug. 15, 1786.
- LELAND, Joshua W. and Polly Rider, March 19, 1807. C.R.
- LELAND, Julia and Leander Stockwell, Aug. 28, 1843.
- LELAND, Levi and Phebe Barton, int. June 11, 1774.
- LELAND, Levi and Anna Howe, March 13, 1777.
- LELAND, Levi and Sarah Woody of Sutton, Oct. 12, 1780 [int. Nov. 2, 1780].
- LELAND, Levi and Sybel Furbush, April 7, 1803. C.R.
- LELAND, Levi N. and Experience Taft, Nov. 29, 1827.
- LELAND, Lorenzo of Attawa, Ill., and Martha H. Holbrook, Oct. 5, 1841.
- LELAND, Lucy and Eleazer Fletcher of Sutton, int. March 8, 1760.
- LELAND, Mrs. Lucy and Caleb Rice, May 25, 1775.
- LELAND, Luke and Sally Mellen of Holliston, int. Aug. 5, 1815.
- LELAND, Luke Jr. and Submit Buxton, int. Nov. 1, 1844.
- LELAND, Lydia and Nathaniel Batcheller, Nov. 25, 1766. C.R.
- LELAND, Lydia and John Batcheller, Nov. 30, 1768. C.R.
- LELAND, Lydia [Lydea in int.] and Jonathan Whipple, July 31, 1791.
- LELAND, Mahalea [Mehalea in int.] and John Wyman of Millbury, July 4, 1816. C.R.
- LELAND, Martha R. and Jonathan Waters, April 11, 1837.
- LELAND, Martha (d. Cyrus and Betsey, a. 23) and Franklin Smith of New Braintree, May 29, 1844.
- LELAND, Martha F. of Sutton (d. David and Chloe, a. 19) and Joseph Daniels, Jan. 1, 1849.
- LELAND, Mary J. (d. Ebenezer and Eunice, a. 21) and Henry A. Gifford, Aug. 30, 1848.
- LELAND, Moses and Abigal Robins of Littleton, Dec. 11, 1738.
- LELAND, Nancy Y. and Isaac Drury of Worcester, Nov. 15, 1835.
- LELAND, Patty and Thaddeus Read Jr., Nov. 28, 1816. C.R.
- LELAND, Phineas [Phinehes in int.] and Lydia Fletcher, Sept. 19, 1749. In Sutton.
- LELAND, [Lealand in int.], Phineas and Sarah Winchester, July 6, 1774. In Shrewsbury.
- LELAND, Phinehas and Patty Rawson, Sept. 20, 1812. C.R.
- LELAND, Polly and John Page of Beverly, int. April 6, 1801.
- LELAND, Polly and Ebenezer Burril, int. April 22, 1810.
- LELAND, Polly and Tyler Adams of Sutton, April 15, 1816. C.R.
- LELAND, Prudence and Ephraim Harrington, Feb. 26, 1789. At Westboro.
- LELAND, Prudence and Gregory Stone, July 1, 1799. C.R.
- LELAND, Prudence and George Burford, Nov. 9, 1837.
- LELAND, Prudence and Nathan L. Chaffin, int. Feb. 14, 1846.
- LELAND, Prussia Warren and David Sherman Jr., Aug. 19, 1804. C.R.
- LELAND, Reuben P. and Lucretia D. Ellis, April 3, 1817.
- LELAND, Rodney and Orinda Carpenter, April 3, 1833.
- LELAND, Royal and Margaret L. Roberts, Oct. 17, 1824.
- LELAND, Ruth W. of Upton and Lewis Ellis, int. Feb. 7, 1829.
- LELAND, Sally and Joseph Meriam Jr., March 31, 1812. C.R.
- LELAND, Sally of Sutton and Leonard Snow, Feb. 6, 1826.
- LELAND, Sally Lyon and James Alexander of Southborough, Oct. 30, 1808. C.R.
- LELAND, Salmon and Ezoa Mellen of Holiston, int. Feb. 19, 1812.
- LELAND, Samuel and Abigail Gale of Sutton, Dec. 10, 1778. In Sutton.
- LELAND, Samuel and Sally Wheeler of Charlton, int. Nov. 2, 1822.
- LELAND, Samuel P. and Ruth Woodbury of Charlton, int. Sept. 7, 1811.
- LELAND, [Mrs. in int.] Sarah and Samuel Abbee [Abby in int.] of Chatham, Conn., April 4, 1776.
- LELAND, Sarah and Elijah Case, March 9, 1806. C.R.
- LELAND, Sarah S. (d. Ebenezer and Eunice, a. 25) and Adams Godfrey of Augusta, Me., Aug. 30, 1848.
- LELAND, Sherman of Eastport and Betsey Adams, Oct. 13, 1811. C.R.
- LELAND, Sible of Uxbridge and Israel Kenney, int. Oct. 24, 1761.
- LELAND, Susan and Andrew Adams of Boston, Jan. 17, 1808. C.R.
- LELAND, Tabathy [Tabatha in int.] and Solomon Prentice, Feb. 23, 1800. C.R.
- LELAND, Tabitha and John Roberts, July 6, 1780.
- LELAND, [Laland in int.], Thankfull and Lemuel Powers, June 14, 1742.
- LELAND, Thomas of Sutton and Anna Batchellor Rawson, Aug. 21, 1778.
- LELAND, Thomas and Lydia Sherman, Oct. 11 [Nov. 2 in int.], 1780.
- LELAND, Timothy of Sutton and Sarah Flagg, Sept. 21, 1815.
- LELAND, Timothy E. of Sutton and Lovicy N. Eddy, Dec. 3, 1843.
- LELAND, Zadock of Sutton and Elizabeth Hager, Sept. 24, 1820. C.R.
- LEON, Linus and Beulah Clerk of Sterling, int. Nov. 10, 1793.
- LEONARD, James and Dinah Annum of Worcester, Sept. 24, 1789.
- LEONARD, Maria R. of Swanzey, N.H., and Nathan Whitcomb Jr., int. Aug. 14, 1824.
- LEONARD, Olive of Oakham and Daniel Cutler, int. Dec. 2, 1820.
- LEONARD, Sally of Worcester and Harry Arnold, int. Oct. 18, 1817. Colored.
- LEONARD, Toney of Worcester and Moses Gimbee, int. Dec. 27, 1817. Colored.
- LEROY, Louisa of Mendon and Moses Sherman 2d, int. April 14, 1832.
- LESURE, Allen and Lucinda Lesure, int. March 31, 1827.
- LESURE, Betsey and Charles Barker, Oct. 1, 1823. C.R.
- LESURE, [Lasure in int.], Edward and Betsey [Elisabeth in int.] Haydeon, Jan. 15, 1795.
- LESURE, Louisa C. of Upton and James G. Dwyer, int. Sept. 13, 1846.
- LESURE, Lucinda and Allen Lesure, int. March 31, 1827.
- LESURE, Samuel and Susanna Temple, Dec. 5, 1822. C.R.
- LESURE, Sarah C. (d. W. T, 20) and Francis E. Arminson, April 30, 1844.
- LESURE, William T. and Sarah Holbrook, Oct. 3, 1820. C.R.
- LEWES, [Lewis in int.], William and Susannah Mowry, negroes, Jan. 13, 1802. C.R.
- LEWIS, Emaline [Emeline in int.] and Abner Smith of Oxford, April 6, 1837.
- LEWIS, Joshua O. [Orn in int.] of Pawtucket, R.I., and Sarah Pratt, Nov. 9, 1836.
- LEWIS, William of Hubbardston and Abby L. Kemp, int. July 19, 1845.
- LINCOLN, Ebenezer and Mariah Goddard of North Orange, int. Dec. 28, 1844.
- LINCOLN, Jerusha C. and Timothy W. Conant Jr., Nov. 23, 1836.
- LINCOLN, Zebina C. and Mrs. Mary M. Tripp of Warren, int. Nov. 1, 1847.
- LINDLEY, Edward I. [J. in int.] and Abby Ann Freeman, Oct. 1, 1840.
- LINDLEY, Samuel P. and Mrs. Jerusha R. Chase, May 3, 1836.
- LIVERMORE, Abigail of Water Town and Phinehas Rice [Jr. in int.], Oct. 5, 1758.
- LIVERMORE, Edwin and Marcy Humes of Millbury, int. Feb. 2, 1834.
- LIVERMORE, Elisha L. [S. in int.] and Lemira Barrus, Dec. 28, 1841.
- LIVERMORE, Mary and Joseph Allen, Feb. 19, 1732-3. At Westboro.
- LIVERMORE, Nancy of Leicester and Moses Rockwood Jr., int. Dec. 30, 1823.
- LOKER, Alpheus D. of Wayland and Mary E. Latham, July 25, 1842.
- LONGLEY, Jonas B. (s. Timothy and Mary, a. 23) and Eliza Simmons, both of Millbury, Sept. 18, 1845.
- LOOMIS, Joseph and Cynthia A. Hale, int. Aug. 30, 1845.
- LORD, Mary of Phillips, Me., and Jeremiah Staples, int. Nov. 12, 1848.
- LORING, Charles H. of Sterling (s. Daniel and Sabra, a. 24) and Maria R. Bigelow, June 2, 1846.
- LORING, John J. and Lucretia A. Davenport of Milford, int. June 23, 1833.
- LOUGEE, Stephen [Stephen N. in int.] and Caroline Spring, Oct. 1, 1834.
- LOVEL, Thomas and Eunice Putnam, int. July 23, 1743.
- LUCLAIRE, Olive and Eli B. Reed, July 5, 1837.
- LUMMAS, Eliza and Franklin B. Mansfield, int. March 8, 1834.
- LUTHER, Joseph C. and Julia A. Mason of Swansey, int. May 11, 1834.
- LYON, Aaron and Mollay Willard, May 3, 1769. C.R.
- LYON, Abigail and Nathaniel Sherman Jr., April 9, 1760.
- LYON, Anna and Jazaniah How, April 14, 1760.
- LYON, Betty and Moses Marsh, Dec. 12, 1783.
- LYON, Deborah and Charles Fay, Aug. 21, 1788.
- LYON, Ebenezer and Matilda Boon, March 30, 1779.
- LYON, Ephraim and Elisabeth Axtill, Nov. 27, 1760.
- LYON, Huldah and Artemas Knowlton, both of Shrewsbury, Feb. 1, 1798. In Shrewsbury.
- LYON, John F. and Sally Whitney of Shrewsbury, int. Feb. 6, 1777.
- LYON, Josiah Jr. and Sarah Willard, June 26, 1771. C.R.
- LYON, Lois and Joseph Warrin, March 28, 1765. C.R.
- LYON, Lydia and Daniel Gregory, both of Shrewsbury, May 13, 1790.
- LYON, Molly and Ebenezer Leland, June 25, 1778.
[ Surnames M-P ]