Chelsea Massachusetts Death Records to 1850
Surnames Q-T
Transcribed by Jeffrey Tooley
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Deaths in the Town of Chelsea, Suffolk County, Massachusetts to the end of the year 1850".
Chelsea Massachusetts Death Records, to 1850 - Surnames Q-T
- QUIMBY, ----, ch. of Mr., ----, [1836].
- QUIMBY, Huldah, d. of Andrew Jackson and Huldah, Feb. 5, 1849, a. 1 d. Infantile.
- RACHELS, ----, w. of ----, bur. Sept. 27, 1764, a. 75 y. C.R.1.
- RACHELS, John, bur. Dec. 28, 1767, a. 86 y. C.R.1.
- RADCLIFF, Benjamin, b. in Virginia, July 6, 1841. Smallpox.
- RAMSDALL (see Ramsdell)
- RAMSDALL, Abigail, bur. Sept. 25, 1776, a. 62 y. C.R.1.
- RAMSDELL (see Ramsdall)
- RAMSDELL, George, s. of Elbridge G. and Jane, Oct. 29, 1844, a. 16 d. Canker in bowels.
- RAMSDELL, Walter B., s. of Elbridge G. and Jane, Oct. 6, 1844, a. 1 y. 1 m.
- RAND, ----, ch. of ----, 3d day, 8th mo., 1841.
- RAND, Jefferson H., s. of Franklin and Clarisa, Aug. 8, 1841. Cholera infantum.
- RAND, Mary G., d. of F., Feb. 4, 1846, a. 2 y. Scarlet fever.
- RAND, Rachel, Dec. 12, 1847, a. 19 y. Typhus fever.
- RANDELL, Sarah of Charlestown, 11th day, 6th mo., 1834. (Mrs. Randall, bur. Aug. 11, 1834, P.R.1.)
- RANDLES, George, b. in Virginia, May 24, 1841, a. 32 y.
- RANDOLPH, Juba, Sept. 20, 1842, a. 35 y. Consumption. Colored.
- RANSOM, David, b. in New York City, Oct. 6, 1847, a. 19 y. Colored. Seaman.
- RATCHFORD, Sally, w. of William, Nov. 12, 1808, a. 29 y. G.R.1.
- RAY, George of Philadelphia, 1st day, 10th mo., 1832. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- RAYMOND, ----, wid. of ----, Nov. 24, 1811, a. 77 y. C.R.1.
- RAYMOND, Ahnira Ann, d. of William and Mary, Aug. 26, 1824, a. 17 m. 3 d. G.R.3.
- RAYMOND, John, Mar. ----, 1803, a. 75 y. C.R.1.
- READ (see Reed)
- READ, ----, ch. of Mrs., ----, [1836].
- REAM, Adam, b. in Pennsylvania, Sept. 24, 1844, a. 25 y. Typhoid fever. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- REDDING, Henrietta M., Sept. 3, 1849, a. 16 m. G.R.2.
- REED (see Read)
- REED, ----, ch. of Mr. ----. (bur. Jan. ----, 1838, P.R.1.)
- REED, Anne, d. of Sweeten, June 4, 1806, a. 38 y. C.R.1.
- REED, David, b. in Portsmouth, N.H., Apr. 23, 1848, a. 22 y. Seaman.
- REED, France M. (Frances Mary, C.R.1.), 23d day, 5th mo., 1832. (a. 10 1/2 m., C.R.1.)
- REED, Frederic O. of Portland, 9th day, 12th mo., 1838, a. 22 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- REED, Frederick of New Bedford, 4th day, 1st mo., 1837, a. 21 y. Colored. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- REED, Harriet, d. of Sweeten and Anna, Mar. 3, 1806. C.R.1.
- REED, James C., 25th day, 8th mo., 1840. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital. Diarrhoea.
- REED, Jeremiah, b. in Ireland, Mar. 12, 1848, a. 29 y. Seaman.
- REED, Leonard of Tiverton, 12th day, 9th mo., 1828, a. 17 y. Colored. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- REED, Sarah, wid., b. in Braintree, Dec. 8, 1849, a. 60 y. Cancer.
- REED, William, Nov. 18, 1848, a. 28 y. G.R.3.
- REMIS, Charles, b. in Norway, Oct. 7, 1846, a. 40 y. Consumption.
- REVEY, Charles, b. in New York, Nov. 12, 1846, a. 45 y. Colored.
- REYNOLD (see Reynolds)
- REYNOLD, Edward, b. in France, Dec. 28, 1846, a. 18 y. Apoplexy.
- REYNOLDS (see Reynold)
- REYNOLDS, William of New York, 22d day, 6th mo., 1836, a. 28 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- RHOADES (see Rhodes)
- RHOADES, Isaac, May 1, 1848, a. 67 y. Bleeding at lungs.
- RHODES (see Rhoades)
- RHODES, ---- (Mr., P.R.1.), 11th day, 8th mo., 1818. A stranger.
- RHODES, Caroline S., ----, 1842, a. 16 y. (June 22, 1842, P.R.1.)
- RHODES, Hannah, w. of Isaac, June 13, 1846, a. 58 y. 6 m.
- RHODES, John of New York, 15th day, 3d mo., 1836, a. 28 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- RHODES, Warren, s. of Amos H. and Sarah D., Sept. 29, 1841. Consumption.
- RICH, George of Portugal, Dec. 19, 1835, a. 28 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- RICHARDS, Betsy (of Weymouth, C.R.1.), 2d day, 12th mo., 1840. (Dec. 4, 1840, a. 80 8/12 y., C.R.1.)
- RICHARDSON, Hannah, w. of N. W., May 18, 1847, a. 43 y. Consumption.
- RICHARDSON, Nathaniel W., Sept. 9, 1848, a. 49 y. Lockjaw.
- RICKER, Alphonze, Aug. 14, 1842, a. 20 y. Consumption.
- RIDLER (see Ridlon, Ridlond)
- RIDLER, ----, ch. of Thomas and Maria, Sept. 9, 1842, a. 18 d.
- RIDLER, Charles B., s. of Joseph, Jan. 26, 1829, a. 8 y. G.R.1. (8 y. 6 m., G.R.3.)
- RIDLER, Charlotte L., w. of Samuel P., Jan. 30, 1845, a. 24 y. G.R.3.
- RIDLER, Isaac, s. of Joseph, Feb. 26, 1829, a. 21 y. G.R.1.
- RIDLER, Joseph, Nov. 12, 1828, a. 50 y. G.R.3.
- RIDLON (see Ridler, Ridlond)
- RIDLON, Sebastian S., s. of Thomas H. and ----, Feb. 4, 1849, a. 11 y. 4 m. Typhoid fever.
- RIDLOND (see Ridler, Ridlon)
- RIDLOND, Maria, w. of Thomas H., May 1, 1845, a. 28 y. Consumption.
- RIDLOND, Thomas, s. of Thomas H. and Maria, Mar. 24, 1845, a. 12 d. Consumption.
- RINGAUD, Joseph, b. in France, June 14, 1843, a. 40 y. Fracture of spine.
- RINGER, A. F., b. in Prussia, Apr. 12, 1844, a. 21 y. Cancer.
- RINGOT, Joseph Mark, Sept. 21, 1842, a. 57 y. 7 m. G.R.2.
- RINGOT, Nancy, w. of Joseph Mark, July 23, 1846, a. 56 y. G.R.2.
- RINGOT, William A., Aug. 4, 1849, a. 31 y. G.R.2.
- RINK, Peter, b. in Hamburg, Apr. 17, 1845, a. 27 y. Consumption. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- RIPLANEY, Janette C., b. in Cork, Ire., Apr. 30, 1848, a. 2 y. Consumption.
- RIPLEY, Jane, wid. of John, Apr. 30, 1848, a. 82 y. Consumption.
- RIPLEY, John, July 18, 1842, a. 79 y. 7 m. Gravel. (John of Boston, Aug. 16, 1842, in his 60th y., G.R.2.) (July 18, 1842, P.R.1.)
- RIVERS, Charles M., s. of Benjamin and Catherine, Sept. 11, 1848, a. 2 y. Brain fever.
- ROACH, Samuel of New York, 2d day, 10th mo., 1830. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- ROATH, Charles, b. in Norwich, Conn., Dec. 5, 1849, a. 49 y. Fistula. Md.
- ROBBINS, Joanna, Oct. 14, 1846, a. 38 y. Consumption.
- ROBBINS, John, b. in Spain, Oct. 7, 1842, a. 35 y. Ulceration of bowels.
- ROBBINS, Mary W., w. of Joseph, Nov. 19, 1846, a. 38 y. Consumption.
- ROBERSON (see Robinson)
- ROBERSON, Elizabeth (w. of ----, C.R.1), 3d day, 9th mo., 1834. (a. 42 y., C.R.1.)
- ROBERTS, Andrew, b. in Centreville, Md., Sept. 6, 1843, a. 35 y. Cholera morbus.
- ROBERTS, James of Long Isle, 20th day, 9th mo., 1837, a. 45 y. Colored. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- ROBERTS, Jordan, 24th day, 4th mo., 1837, a. 30 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- ROBINSON (see Roberson)
- ROBINSON, ----, Mr., ----, 1838.
- ROBINSON, Charles of Bermuda, 28th day, 3d mo., 1829. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- ROBINSON, Emma Comfort, d. of N. W. and E. B., Oct. 14, 1847. G.R.3.
- ROBINSON, John T., ----, 1841. G.R.3.
- ROBINSON, Julia C., d. of George and Nancy, b. in Boston, Aug. 26, 1849, a. 45 y. Unm. Dysentery.
- ROBY, Z. Spaulding, Sept. 7, 1848. G.R.3.
- ROGERS, Frank B., s. of J. W. H. and Abby Ann, Aug. 2, 1848, a. 1 y. 8 m. 18 d. Dysentery.
- ROGERS, George Augustus, s. of Alvan and Mary Dillaway, Sept. 20, 1840. G.R.3.
- ROGERS, Mary Adelaid, d. of Robert B. and Lucy M., Sept. 8, 1848. G.R.3.
- ROGERS, Mary Emily, d. of Alvan and Mary Dillaway, Apr. 22, 1838. G.R.3.
- ROLLINS, Albert H., s. of T. and Ann M., Apr. 8, 1843, a. 19 m. G.R.3.
- ROLLINS, Ann M., w. of T., July 26, 1844, a. 29 y. G.R.3.
- ROLLINS, Elizabeth A., d. of T. and Ann M., May 4, 1843, a. 3 y. 3 m. G.R.3.
- ROQUE, Ellen, d. of James and Mary Ann, Dec. 24, 1848, a. 2 y. 7 m. Dysentery.
- ROSE, ----, w. of ----, Mar. 8, 1848. Worcester, P.R.1.
- ROSSITER, Joseph B., s. of Capt. Joseph and Lydia C., ----, 1837. G.R.3.
- ROSSITER, Josephine, d. of Capt. Joseph and Lydia C., ----, 1847. G.R.3.
- ROULSTONE, William W., Aug. 15, 1845, a. 29 y. Killed at fire in Brattle Sq., Boston. G.R.3.
- RUSSELL, Mary E., d. of Edwin E. and Mary A., June 4, 1849. G.R.3.
- RYAN, Samuel of New Haven, 21st day, 4th mo., 1838, a. 34 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- RYDER, Howes, Jan. ----, 1827, a. 32 y. G.R.3.
- RYDER, Reuben, lost at sea, Nov. 25, 1834, a. 18 y. G.R.3.
- SADLER, Robert of Scotland, 15th day, 12th mo., 1828, a. 29 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SALE, Almira (d. of Col. John and Hannah, C.R.1.), 3d day, 3d mo., 1834. (a. 22 y., C.R.1.)
- SALE, Deborah, w. of (Col., C.R.1.) John, Dec. 18, 1804, a. 31 y. G.R.1.
- SALE, Huldah, wid. of ----, bur. May 3, 1780, a. 92 y. C.R.1.
- SALE, James Penn, s. of Col. John (and Deborah, G.R.1.), bur. Sept. 10, 1801, a. 3 y. C.R.1.
- SALE, John, Capt., bur. Sept. 19, 1763, a. 77 y. C.R.1.
- SALE, John, Dea., Apr. 20, 1803, a. 76 y. G.R.1.
- SALE, John (Col., C.R.1.), Aug. 31, 1835. (a. 78 y., C.R.1.)
- SALE, Nancy, Aug. 11, 1815, a. 62 y. C.R.1.
- SALE, Sarah, d. of John and Sarah, 12th day, 10th mo., 1756.
- SALE, Sarah, w. of Dea. ----, bur. June 22, 1785, a. 59 y. C.R.1.
- SALE, William (s. of Col. John, C.R.1.), 5th day, 9th mo., 1831. (a. 14 y., C.R.1.)
- SAMPSON, Samuel, (bur. Sept. ----, 1837, P.R.1.)
- SAMSON, ----, ch. of ----, bur. Apr. 5, 1790, a. 20 m. Negro. C.R.1.
- SANBORN, Deborah, Mar. 24, 1830, a. 14 m. 15 d. G.R.3.
- SANBORN, George H., Apr. 23, 1832, a. 5 y. 9 m. 23 d. G.R.3.
- SANBORN, James A., May 7, 1844, a. 4 y. 6 m. G.R.3.
- SANBORN, Lewis G., Aug. 31, 1835, a. 20 m. G.R.3.
- SANBORN, Martin L., Dec. 6, 1848, a. 4 m. 19 d. G.R.3.
- SANDFORD (see Sanford)
- SANDFORD, Gelston, s. of Joseph H. and Mary J., Aug. 9, 1846, a. 10 m. 12 d. G.R.3.
- SANFORD (see Sandford)
- SANFORD, Clarissa, d. of Aaron W. and Hannah Atkins, Dec. 29, 1839, a. 7 y. G.R.3.
- SANFORD, Joseph, s. of Aaron W. and Hannah Atkins, Oct. 20, 1842, a. 1 y. 3 m. G.R.3.
- SANFORD, Mary, w. of ----, ----, 1837. (bur. Aug. ----, 1837, a. 56 y., P.R.1.)
- SANFORD, Robert, s. of Aaron W. and Hannah Atkins, Mar. 26, 1843, a. 4 y. G.R.3.
- SARGEANT (see Sargent, Seargeant, Sergeant, Sergent)
- SARGEANT, ----, s. of Benjamin and Sarah, Feb. 6, 1802, a. 15 h. C.R.1.
- SARGEANT, Daniel, Nov. 24, 1801, a. 44 y. C.R.1.
- SARGEANT, Ebenezer, bur. July 15, 1794, a. 46 y. C.R.1.
- SARGEANT, Lois, d. of Samuel and Lois, Oct. 18, 1781, a. 27 y. G.R.1. (28 y., C.R.1.)
- SARGEANT, Lois, w. of ----, bur. May 30, 1801, a. 82 y. C.R.1.
- SARGEANT, Samuel Jr., bur. Dec. 26, 1787, a. 43 y. C.R.1.
- SARGEANT, Samuel, Oct. 28, 1803, a. 86 y. C.R.1.
- SARGEANT, Sarah, w. of Benjamin, Nov. 16, 1812, a. 49 y. C.R.1.
- SARGEANT, Susannah, wid. of ----, bur. Jan. 2, 1796, a. 77 y. C.R.1.
- SARGEANT, William, bur. Apr. 3, 1784, a. 27 y. C.R.1.
- SARGENT (see Sargeant, Seargeant, Sergeant, Sergent)
- SARGENT, ----, ch. of Gilman and Mary H., May 3, 1848. Stillborn.
- SARGENT, Benjamin, bur. Jan. 28, 1835, a. 30 y. P.R.1.
- SARGENT, Charles B., s. of Nathaniel B. and Mary S., Mar. 28, 1832, a. 4 y. 7 m. G.R.3.
- SARGENT, Charles B., s. of Nathaniel B. and Mary S., Apr. 20, 1844. a. 1 y. 4 m. G.R.3.
- SARGENT, David B., s. of Benjamin and Mary Ann, b. in Boston, Sept. 4, 1849, a. 6 y. Dysentery.
- SARGENT, Emeline, d. of Aaron and Sarah, ----, 1842. G.R.3.
- SARGENT, Hellen, w. of Frederick W., May 14, 1849, a. 21 y. Brain fever.
- SARGENT, Mary Ellen, d. of Gilman and Mary H., Apr. 28, 1849, a. 5 y. 3 m. Scarlet fever.
- SARGENT, Otis, s. of Christopher G. and Julia, Feb. 5, 1849, a. 5 y. 7 m. Scarlet fever.
- SARGENT, Phebe Ann, d. of Gilman and Mary H., Apr. 25, 1849, a. 10 y. 4 m. Scarlet fever.
- SARGENT, Rebecca W., d. of Christopher G. and Julia, b. in Gloucester, Jan. 22, 1849, a. 9 y. 5 m. Scarlet fever.
- SARGENT, Richard, b. in New Orleans, La., May 30, 1847, a. 26 y. Seaman.
- SARGENT, Sarah O., d. of Nathaniel B. and Mary S., Sept. 8, 1833, a. 1 y. 11 m. G.R.3.
- SAUNDERS, Charles of Wilmington, N.C., 6th day, 5th mo., 1836, a. 31 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SAVAGE, Sarah Elisebeth, only d. of Capt. John H. and Mary A., Dec. 6, 1845, a. 4 y. 10 m. G.R.3.
- SAVEL, Sarah A., d. of James M. and Sarah A., Mar. 1, 1842. Croup.
- SAWIN, Charlotte S., d. of John and Charlotte, Mar. 4, 1844, a. 1 y. 2 m. Inflammation of lungs.
- SAWIN, Harriet W. L., d. of John and Charlotte, Nov. 24, 1843, a. 3 y. 1 m. Scarlet fever.
- SAWYER, George, s. of William L. and Ellen, June 12, 1844, a. 2 y. 10 m. Croup.
- SAWYER, Henry Weeks, Sept. 1, 1848, a. 4 m. G.R.3.
- SCHOPF, ----, ch. of Charles E. and Eliza P., June 5, 1847. Stillborn.
- SCHONILL, Sophia Loiza, 24th day, 6th mo., 1823.
- SCHULTOR, Charles of Denmark, 22d day, 4th mo., 1837, a. 28 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SCOTT, John, Sept. 21, 1842, a. 25 y. Inflammation of lungs.
- SCOTT, Samuel P., b. in Newport, R.I., Mar. 28, 1844. Consumption.
- SCOVILL, ----, w. of ----, bur. June 24, 1823. P.R.1.
- SEAGER, ----, ch. of ----, Dec. ----, 1842. P.R.1.
- SEAMAN, Harriet M., b. in Boston, Aug. 25, 1848, a. 8 m. Dysentery.
- SEAMAN, Mark T., s. of Nathan and Eliza N., b. in Boston, Aug. 25, 1848, a. 5 y. Dysentery.
- SEAMAN, Nathan, b. in Maine, Aug. 25, 1848, a. 31 y. Dysentery.
- SEARGEANT (see Sargeant, Sargent, Sergeant, Sergent)
- SEARGEANT, John, bur. Jan. 13, 1776, a. 59 y. C.R.1.
- SEARS, John (Joshua, P.R.1.), 27th day, 10th mo., 1827. (A stranger, C.R.1.)
- SENTER, Warren P., s. of Aaron and Rebecca, b. in Burlington, May 6, 1849, a. 26 y. Consumption.
- SERGEANT (see Sargeant, Sargent, Seargeant, Sergent)
- SERGEANT, John Jr., bur. Jan. 3, 1767, a. 22 y. C.R.1.
- SERGENT (see Sargeant, Sargent, Seargeant, Sergeant)
- SERGENT, John of Gloucester, 24th day, 6th mo., 1829. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SESSIONS, Abraham of Virginia, 26th day, 7th mo., 1829. Colored. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SEVERANCE, Anna Frances, d. of Charles and Charlotte, Sept. 16, 1848, a. 2 y. 1 m. Dropsy on brain.
- SEWARD, Mary F., d. of Thomas and Martha A., Apr. 14, 1841.
- SEWELL, ----, ch. of ----, Mar. ----, 1842. P.R.1.
- SHAHAN, Benjamin of Salem, Feb. 21, 1836, a. 53 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SHANLEY, John, s. of Thomas and Catherine, July 25, 1846, a. 7 m. Croup.
- SHARP, Collins, b. in New York City, June 1, 1847, a. 33 y. Seaman.
- SHARP, John, Sept. 29, 1836, a. 49 y. G.R.3.
- SHASTER, Abraham of Maryland, 24th day, 10th mo., 1830. Colored. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SHAW, Jonathan of Bridgton, 13th day, 3d mo., 1832. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SHAYS, George, 18th day, 12th mo., 1833. Colored. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SHEARMAN, John of Island, 15th day, 2d mo., 1829. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SHED, Hiram of Salem, 16th day, 10th mo., 1827. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SHEPHERD, David, b. in Connecticut, Oct. 10, 1841, a. 25 y. Consumption.
- SHEPLARD, John S., 21st day, 9th mo., 1837, a. 23 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SHERMAN, Clark, b. in Rhode Island, May 4, 1841, a. 27 y. Chronic diarrhoea.
- SHIELDS, Frank, b. in Ireland, Jan. 9, 1849, a. 56 y. Consumption.
- SHILLABER, Benjamin P., Aug. 8, 1844. G.R.3.
- SHINE, John, b. in Bangor, Me., Aug. 31, 1846, a. 20 y.
- SHIPLEY, Cornelia B., d. of Simon G. and Judith, Dec. 13, 1835, a. 2 y. 9 m. G.R.3.
- SHIPLEY, Elizabeth R., d. of Simon G. and Judith, June 30, 1843, a. 2 y. 11 m. G.R.3.
- SHIPLEY, Francis W., s. of Simon G. and Judith, June 9, 1831, a. 4 y. G.R.3.
- SHIPLEY, Francis W., s. of Simon G. and Judith, May 19, 1832, a. 18 m. G.R.3.
- SHIPLEY, John, Oct. 4, 1829, a. 59 y. G.R.3.
- SHIPLEY, Judith, w. of Simon G., June 20, 1843, a. 45 y. G.R.3.
- SHUTE, Bathsheba, d. of Richard and Mary, 25th day, 1st mo., 1770.
- SHUTE, Huldah, 10th day, 9th mo., 1822.
- SHUTE, Lois (w. of Jacob, C.R.1.), 27th day, 6th mo., 1823. (a. 33 y., C.R.1.)
- SHUTE, Sarah, Nov. 26, 1842, a. 72 y. Palsy.
- SIBLEY, Catherine A., d. of Charles and Catherine, Sept. 21, 1847, a. 6 y. 5 m. Dysentery.
- SIBLEY, Charles Jr., b. in Barre, Dec. 29, 1849, a. 41 y. Typhoid fever. Md.
- SIBLEY, Charles E., s. of Charles E. and Catherine, Sept. 26, 1847, a. 12 y. 7 m. Dysentery.
- SIBLEY, James B., s. of Jamesy and Catharine, Oct. 9, 1843, a. 9 m. Whooping cough.
- SIBLEY, Mary L., d. of Charles and Catherine, Sept. 20, 1847, a. 2 y. 7 m. Dysentery.
- SIEMONS, William C., s. of Harm and Jane, June 2, 1841, a. 17 m. G.R.2.
- SIEMONS, William C., s. of Harm and Mary J., June 22, 1844, a. 9 m. Teething.
- SIGOURNEY, Elisha, merchant, of Boston, Sept. 10, 1811, a. 58 y. G.R.1.
- SIMMONS, John of St. Thomas, 14th day, 8th mo., 1839, a. 32 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SIMONS, George of New York, Jan. 10, 1835, a. 28 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SIMONTON, Peter of Sweden, 6th day, 10th mo., 1831. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SIMPSON (see Simson)
- SIMPSON, Sarah A., d. of Thomas W. and Ellen, Nov. 11, 1848, a. 2 w. G.R.2.
- SIMS, Michael of Danby, Conn., 13th day, 9th mo., 1829. Colored. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SIMSON (see Simpson)
- SIMSON, William of New York, 9th day, 12th mo., 1829. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SIPLE, Moses, 10th day, 1st mo., 1832. Colored. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SIRVEND, William of France, 22d day, 9th mo., 1828, a. 49 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SKERSEY, Samuel of Salem, 17th day, 4th mo., 1828, a. 52 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SKIDMORE, Emily, July 3, 1849, a. 7 y. 8 m. G.R.3.
- SLACK, Deliverance, wid. of S., Aug. 22, 1846, a. 81 y. By a fall.
- SLADE, ----, ch. of ----, bur. Apr. 6, 1786, a. 14 m. C.R.1.
- SLADE, Charles H., Feb. 25, 1840, a. 22 y. Boston, P.R.1.
- SLADE, Ellen A., d. of Levi and ----, Oct. 15, 1844, a. 1 y. 3 m. 15 d. Infantile.
- SLADE, Hannah C., Mrs., 9th day, 6th mo., 1833. (a. 21 y., G.R.1.)
- SLADE, Isaac, ----, 1830. (Aug. 24, 1830, a. 43 5/12 y., C.R.1.)
- SLADE, John, bur. Sept. 16, 1791, a. 52 y. C.R.1.
- SLADE, John, Capt., ----, 1840. G.R.3.
- SLADE, Mary Ann, w. of William J., ----, 1837. G.R.3. (Mrs. Slade, bur. Sept. 2, 1837, a. 25 y., P.R.1.)
- SLADE, Nancy, w. of ----, July 26, 1844, a. 68 y. Boston, P.R.1.
- SLADE, Robert, Nov. 8, 1819, a. 37 y. G.R.1.
- SLADER, Thomas A., s. of George R., Aug. 30, 1847, a. 1 y. 8 m. Dysentery.
- SLADER, Will, July 29, 1847, a. 57 y. Dropsy.
- SLADER, William H., s. of George R. and Sarah, Oct. 19, 1844, a. 2 y. 8 m. Croup.
- SLOANE, Odin of New Hampshire, 30th day, 8th mo., 1830. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SMALL, (Robert, C.R.1.), 5th day, 9th mo., 1838. (a. 24 y., drowned, C.R.1.)
- SMART, William of New York, 11th day, 2d mo., 1832. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SMITH, ----, ch. of ----. (1839, P.R.1.)
- SMITH, Benjamin, b. in Detroit, Feb. 28, 1847, a. 45 y.
- SMITH, Charles, Mar. 1, 1849, a. 45 y. Drowned at Cape Cod.
- SMITH, Charles True, s. of Oliver and Eunice, ----, 1849. G.R.3.
- SMITH, Ebenezer of West Cambridge, Apr. 11, 1835, a. 37 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SMITH, Edward of Boston or Bangor, Oct. 18, 1834, a. 29 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SMITH, Edward K., s. of Edward K. and Susan, 8th day, 1st mo., 1827. (a. 4 m. 20 d., C.R.1.)
- SMITH, Edward P., Nov. 19, 1842. G.R.3.
- SMITH, Elijah of Philadelphia, 25th day, 4th mo., 1839, a. 36 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SMITH, Emma Adelia, d. of Abner and Adelia M., Mar. 16, 1848, a. 5 w. 3 d. G.R.4.
- SMITH, Frederic of Sweden, 4th day, 9th mo., 1828, a. 28 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SMITH, George, b. in Italy, May 6, 1847, a. 21 y.
- SMITH, George Abner, s. of Abner and Mary Ann, June 10, 1838, a. 1 y. 5 m. G.R.4.
- SMITH, George S., s. of George S. and Susan B., Dec. 25, 1848, a. 1 y. 5 m. Scarlet fever.
- SMITH, Gorrge, b. in Naples, Italy, May 6, 1847, a. 21 y. Seaman.
- SMITH, Harriet B. P., d. of Oliver and Eunice, ----, 1849. G.R.3.
- SMITH, Henry Abner, s. of Abner and Adelia M., Aug. 20, 1846, a. 7 m. G.R.4.
- SMITH, Horace Abner, s. of Abner and Nancy, Dec. 15, 1842, a. 2 y. 7 m. G.R.4.
- SMITH, Imogene, d. of Oliver and Eunice, ----, 1849. G.R.3.
- SMITH, Jacob of Boston, 15th day, 11th mo., 1836, a. 42 y. Colored. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SMITH, James of Ireland, 19th day, 8th mo., 1832. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SMITH, James of Denmark, 2d day, 3d mo., 1836, a. 20 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SMITH, Jeffrey of Portsmouth, N.H., 15th day, 6th mo., 1837, a. 33 y. Colored. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SMITH, Joel of Long Island, N.Y., Feb. 21, 1836, a. 41 y. Colored. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SMITH, John, Capt., Sept. 21, 1706, a. 85 y. G.R.1.
- SMITH, John of New York, 18th day, 6th mo., 1832. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SMITH, John, 29th day, 11th mo., 1840. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital. Consumption.
- SMITH, John, b. in Philadelphia, July 7, 1844, a. 29 y. Phthisis. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SMITH, John A., 20th day, 9th mo., 1836, a. 31 y., of Hallowell, Me. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SMITH, Mary, w. of Capt. John, Feb. 6, 1693-4, a. abt. 48 y. G.R.1.
- SMITH, Mary, w. of Stephen, May 21, 1847, a. 51 y. Consumption. (May 23, 1847, G.R.2.)
- SMITH, Mary Ann, w. of Abner, Nov. 17, 1838, a. 24 y. G.R.4.
- SMITH, Mary E., d. of J. C. and E. M., June 4, 1841, a. 3 y. 3 m. Consumption.
- SMITH, Nancy, w. of Abner, July 11, 1841, a. 22 y. G.R.4.
- SMITH, Nathaniel, June 23, 1844, a. 52 y. Consumption.
- SMITH, Peter, b. in Sweden, Jan. 20, 1847, a. 40 y.
- SMITH, Sarah, d. of Silas and Sarah, bur. Dec. 1, 1774, a. 12 y. C.R.1.
- SMITH, Thomas, b. in Massachusetts, Jan. 17, 1847, a. 37 y.
- SMITH, William, Rev. 2d, pastor of 1st Baptist Church, July 26, 1811, a. 30 y. G.R.2.
- SMITH, William of Plymouth, 20th day, 2d mo., 1839, a. 24 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SMITH, William, b. in Maine, Oct. 12, 1841, a. 35 y. Erysipelas.
- SMITH, William, Aug. 24, 1842, a. 18 y. Inflammation of lungs.
- SNAITH, Richard Temple, ----, 1849. G.R.3.
- SNELLING, William J., b. in Boston, Dec. 24, 1848, a. 44 y. Delirium tremens.
- SNELLINGS, William of Pennsylvania, 3d day, 12th mo., 1827. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SNOW, Abby F., d. of Robert K. and Mary, b. in Boston, Oct. 26, 1849, a. 4 y. Dysentery.
- SOMERBEY (see Somerby)
- SOMERBEY, Anther of Newburyport, Jan. 15, 1835, a. 39 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SOMERBY (see Somerbey)
- SOMERBY, Charles of Prussia, Apr. 10, 1834, a. 48 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SOMERBY, Enoch, b. in Newburyport, Mar. 1, 1844, a. 33 y. Consumption.
- SOMES, ----, ch. of K. B., Oct. 7, 1845, a. 1 m. 10 d. Whooping cough.
- SOULE, ----, Mr., ----, ----, 1838.
- SOULE, James A. (James Alanson, G.R.2), s. of James M. and Mary E., 24th day, 7th mo., 1838. (July 22, 1838, a. 6 m., G.R.2.)
- SOULE, Mary E., w. of James M., Feb. 14, 1843, a. 30 y. G.R.2.
- SPACK, Samuel, 28th day, 7th mo., 1833. Colored. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SPADE, William H., 10th day, 3d mo. (1838, P.R.1.), a. 4 y. 9 m.
- SPAVIN, Elizabeth, w. of Robert, May 13, 1842, a. 30 y. Typhus fever.
- SPELMAN, Nathan of Elisduth City, 18th day, 11th mo., 1833. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SPENSER, William of New York, 22d day, 10th mo., 1837, a. 37 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SPICER, James, b. in Prospect, Me., May 27, 1845, a. 34 y. Consumption. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SPOONER, Charles E., Aug. 17, 1845, a. 1 y. 11 d. G.R.2.
- SPOONER, Jarrett B., Sept. 12, 1842, a. 1 y. 2 m. 14 d. G.R.2.
- SPOONER, Martha A. B., d. of Daniel and Adaline, July 10, 1847, a. 5 m. 20 d. G.R.2.
- SPOOR, Catherine D., w. of Frederick, May 10, 1843, a. 22 y. G.R.2.
- SPOOR, Ephraim, b. in New Ipswich, N.H., May 11, 1849, a. 66 y. Consumption.
- SPOOR, Juliett A., Aug. 18, 1842, a. 6 y. Dysentery.
- SPRAGUE, ----, wid. of ----, bur. June 23, 1786, a. 73 y. C.R.1.
- SPRAGUE, Caesar, Dec. 17, 1803, "black man supposed to be near 100." C.R.1.
- SPRAGUE, Lydia, w. of ----, Aug. 13, 1777, a. 69 y. G.R.1.
- SPRAGUE, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Rachel (Martha, G.R.1.), 4th day, 9th mo., 1768. (In his 23d y., G.R.1.)
- SPRAGUE, Samuel, Capt., Apr. 15, 1783, a. 70 y. G.R.1.
- STABLER, John, b. in Germany, Oct. 11, 1848, a. 38 y. Cramp.
- STAKE, Samuel of Holliston, 7th day, 11th mo., 1836, a. 25 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- STANIEL (see Staniels)
- STANIEL, Edward Carpenter (s. of Carpenter and Sarah, C.R.1.), 9th day, 3d mo., 1824. (a. 6 m., C.R.1.)
- STANIEL, George Carpenter (s. of Carpenter, C.R.1.), 22d day, 9th mo., 1827. (a. 9 m., C.R.1.)
- STANIEL, Sarah, d. of C. and Sarah, 15th day, 1st mo., 1825.
- STANIEL, Sarah (w. of Carpenter, C.R.1.), 26th day, 1st mo., 1825. (a. 24 y., C.R.1.)
- STANIELS (see Staniel)
- STANIELS, ----, ch. of Carpenter, Apr. 9, 1825, a. 3 m. C.R.1.
- STANIELS, Abby F., 11th mo., 1834. (Abby Frances, d. of Carpenter and H., Nov. 4, 1834, a. 2 10/12 y., C.R.1.)
- STANIELS, Ann, Mrs., of Boston, 7th day, 1st mo., 1834.
- STANIELS, Ann C., Miss, Oct. 18, 1846, a. 17 y. Malden, P.R.1.
- STANIELS, Charles Edward, 8th day, 12th mo., 1822. (a. 2 y., C.R.1.)
- STANIELS, Hannah, w. of ----, Mar. 11, 1843, a. 37 8/12 y. C.R.1. (Mar. 9, 1843, P.R.1.)
- STANIELS, Hiram, Aug. 19, 1847, a. 21 y. Boston, P.R.1.
- STANTON, ----, w. of ----, Sept. ----, 1842, a. 21 y. P.R.1.
- STAPLES, ----, ch. of ----, Sept. ----, 1842. P.R.1.
- STEARNS, Edward P., June 23, 1849. G.R.3.
- STEBBINS, Harriet Ann, July 3, 1849, a. 8 m. Teething. Foundling.
- STEBBINS, Rebecca, Feb. 28, 1842. G.R.3.
- STEDMAN, ----, w. of ----, 27th day, 12th mo., 1839.
- STEPHENS (see Stevens)
- STEPHENS, ----, ch. of ----, Oct. 13, 1842. P.R.1.
- STERLING, Richard of Boston, 13th day, 2d mo., 1839, a. 42 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- STEVENS (see Stephens)
- STEVENS, George, b. in St. Thomas, May 8, 1844, a. 27 y. Phthisis. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- STEVENS, Henry, s. of Newburyport, 20th day, 6th mo., 1838, a. 49 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- STEVENS, John of Maryland, 31st day, 3d mo., 1829. Colored. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- STEVENS, Lydia, wid. of ----, July 9, 1824, a. 76 y. C.R.1.
- STEVENS, Mary H., d. of Joseph G. and Mary E. T., b. in Boston, Sept. 17, 1846, a. 7 m. Dropsy on brain.
- STEWART, Adam, Dr., ----, 1842. G.R.2.
- STEWART, Elizabeth, w. of Dr. Adam, ----, 1844. G.R.2.
- STEWART, Josiah of New York, 11th day, 4th mo., 1836, a. 23 y. Colored. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- STICKNEY, ----, ch. of ----. (bur. Mar. ----, 1838, P.R.1.)
- STICKNEY, Mary P., d. of John and Hannah S., Mar. 17, 1842, a. 7 y. 6 m.
- STILLMAN, Samuel, Rev., D.D., Mar. 12, 1807, a. 70 y., "after a faithful ministry of forty-two years." G.R.3.
- STIMPSON, ----, ch. of James and Lydia, Jan. 6, 1842.
- STOCKMAN, Moody, ----, 1841. G.R.3.
- STODARD (see Stoddard)
- STODARD, ----, ----, 1839. (Mr. Stodard, Oct. ----, 1839, P.R.1.)
- STODDARD (see Stodard)
- STODDARD, Atteresta, ch. of S. K. and J. H., Mar. 19, 1841, a. 8 m. G.R.3.
- STONE, ----, ch. of ----, Aug. 16, 1842. P.R.1.
- STONE, Benjamin, bur. July 1, 1766, a. 66 y. C.R.1.
- STONE, Henry M., b. in Sandwich, Oct. 4, 1848, a. 39 y. Consumption.
- STONE, Silas, July 1, 1842, a. 25 y. Consumption.
- STONE, Thomas F., s. of Daniel S. and Aurelia J., Sept. 14, 1846, a. 6 d. Consumption.
- STORER, Seth S., b. in Maine, Jan. 12, 1842, a. 29 y. Scurvy.
- STORY, Martha Ann, d. of Asa and Martha, Nov. 16, 1840, a. 4 y. 6 m. G.R.3.
- STOWARS (see Stowers)
- STOWARS, Sally, w. of ----, 30th day, 9th mo., 1836, a. 59 y.
- STOWERS (see Stowars)
- STOWERS, ----, ch. of Samuel (Samuel S., P.R.), 23d day, 9th mo., 1839.
- STOWERS, Anna (d. of J., Esq., C.R.1.), 23d day, 6th mo., 1825, a. 20 y. 9 m.
- STOWERS, Benjamin, 12th day, 1st mo., 1805. (a. 27 y., C.R.1.)
- STOWERS, Benjamin, s. of Joseph, 4th day, 5th mo., 1827, a. 21 y.
- STOWERS, Edward (s. of wid. Abigail, C.R.1.), 7th day, 9th mo., 1820. (a. 9 y., C.R.1.)
- STOWERS, Elizabeth, w. of ----, Mar. 9, 1802, a. 85 y. C.R.1.
- STOWERS, George, s. of James Jr., dec., and Abigail, June 19, 1814, a. 1 y. C.R.1.
- STOWERS, George, Aug. 12, 1848, a. 30 y. P.R.1.
- STOWERS, James, Jan. 16, 1780, in his 64th y. G.R.1.
- STOWERS, James Jr., June 14, 1814, a. 43 y. C.R.1.
- STOWERS, James, ----, 1816, a. 74 y. C.R.1.
- STOWERS, James, Lieut. (s. of James, dec., C.R.1.), 22d day, 7th mo., 1825, a. 27 y.
- STOWERS, Lois, w. of Joseph, 11th day, 9th mo., 1807. (a. 28 y., C.R.1.)
- STOWERS, Lydia, 7th day, 7th mo., 1824.
- STOWERS, Nathaniel, bur. Nov. 11, 1797, a. 41 y. C.R.1.
- STOWERS, Phebe Ann (d. of Samuel, C.R.1.), 9th day, 8th mo., 1831. (a. 7 7/12 y., C.R.1.)
- STOWERS, Phebe F., w. of (Samuel S., C.R.1.), 23d day, 6th mo., 1836, a. 42 y. (June 26, C.R.1.)
- STOWERS, Sally W., 11th day, 2d mo., 1825.
- STOWERS, Samuel Sprague, 27th day, 6th mo., 1805. (a. 36 y., C.R.1.)
- STOWERS, Sarah, w. of Capt. James, bur. Sept. 23, 1796, a. 53 y. C.R.1.
- STRADDEN, William of Roxbury, 16th day, 3d mo., 1832. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- STRAW, Jefferson H., ----, 1842. G.R.3.
- STUDLEY, ----, ch. of Mr., 31st day, 3d mo., 1836.
- STUDLEY, George, ----, 1847. G.R.3.
- STURGIS, ----, ch. of Charles, June 27, 1847, a. 17 m. E. Boston, P.R.1.
- STURGIS, Samuel, 13th day, 11th mo., 1825. (a. 64 y. 2 m., G.R.4.)
- SULIVAN (see Sullivan)
- SULIVAN, Hughe of New York, 20th day, 1st mo., 1839, a. 22 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SULLIVAN (see Sulivan)
- SULLIVAN, Daniel, b. in Cork, Ire., Sept. 7, 1844, a. 22 y. Phthisis. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SULLIVAN, Jeremiah, 30th day, 1st mo., 1837, a. 48 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SULLIVAN, Michael of Gloucester, 9th day, 10th mo., 1827. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SWAN, Alexander of North Hampton, 3d day, 3d mo., 1837, a. 44 y. Colored. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SWEETSER (see Sweetswer)
- SWEETSER, Flora R., d. of William H., and Caroline E. S., b. in Portland, Me., Oct. 7, 1849, a. 10 m. Teething.
- SWEETSWER (see Sweetser)
- SWEETSWER, Lydia, wid. of ----, July 24, 1843, a. 84 y. Old age.
- SWIFT, Ebenezer of Plymouth, July 2, 1835, a. 28 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SWIFT, Felix of Rochester, Mass., May 11, 1835, a. 26 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- SYMES, David, b. in Ireland, Dec. 25, 1848, a. 40 y. Consumption.
- TAFT, Jack T., ----, 1839. Colored.
- TAPLEY, John, Dec. ----, 1847, a. 74 y. P.R.1.
- TAY, ----, ch. of Isaiah, bur. Aug. 28, 1775, a. 10 m. C.R.1.
- TAY, Elizabeth, bur. Apr. 30, 1781, a. 24 y. C.R.1.
- TAYLOR, Ezekiel, b. in Lyman, Me., Mar. 22, 1849, a. 36 y. Fit.
- TAYLOR, Lucy Hall, w. of H., Mar. 3, 1848, a. 37 y. 9 m. G.R.3.
- TAYLOR, Seth, b. in Lyman, Me., Nov. 29, 1848, a. 71 y. Fit.
- TAYLOR, Ursula Jane, d. of H. and Lucy Hall, Jan. 16, 1839, a. 19 m. 13 d. G.R.3.
- TEAGUE, ----, ch. of ----, Dec. 6, 1842. P.R.1.
- TEAGUE, John R., s. of John R. and Evelina, b. in Boston, Aug. 30, 1844, a. 1 y. Convulsions.
- TEDBOLD, Charles, b. in Wales, Eng., Feb. 11, 1848, a. 24 y. Seaman.
- TEMPLE, Robert of Ireland, 28th day, 10th mo., 1830. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- TEMPLE, Thomas J., s. of Thomas G. and Sarah E., ----, 1847. G.R.3.
- TERNAN, Mary, d. of Patrick and Catherine, b. in Boston, Oct. 30, 1849, a. 2 m. 21 d.
- TEUKSBERY (see Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewksbury, Tukesbury, Tuksbery, Tuksbury)
- TEUKSBERY, John (of Pulling Point, C.R.1.), Mar. 11, 1816, a. 81 y. G.R.1.
- TEWKESBURY (see Teuksbery, Tewksbery, Tewksbury, Tukesbury, Tuksbery, Tuksbury)
- TEWKESBURY, Sarah, wid. of ----, bur. July 28, 1765, a. 56 y. C.R.1.
- TEWKESBURY, William, s. of Andrew, bur. Nov. 20, 1766, a. 2 y. C.R.1.
- TEWKSBERY (see Teuksbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbury, Tukesbury, Tuksbery, Tuksbury)
- TEWKSBERY, Bill, s. of Bill and Martha, 6th day, 3d mo., 1816. (a. 6 m., G.R.1.)
- TEWKSBERY, Bill, s. of Bill and Martha, 23d day, 5th mo., 1817.
- TEWKSBERY, Martha, d. of Bill and Martha, 11th day, 9th mo., 1814. (a. 3 y. 3 m. G.R.4.)
- TEWKSBERY, Samuel, s. of Bill and Martha, 16th day, 1st mo., 1818. (1819, C.R.1., and P.R.1.) (a. 10 m., C.R.1.)
- TEWKSBURY (see Teuksbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tukesbury, Tuksbery, Tuksbury)
- TEWKSBURY, ----, ch. of James S., bur. Nov. ----, 1822, P.R.1.
- TEWKSBURY, ----, ch. of John, bur. Feb. 9, 1828. P.R.1.
- TEWKSBURY, ----, ch. of Martin and Adaline, ----, 1841. (d. of Martin W. and Adeline, June 5, 1841, G.R.3.)
- TEWKSBURY, ----, ch. of Mrs. Mary, 24th day, 9th mo., 1841.
- TEWKSBURY, Abigale, w. of William, Jan. 21, 1812, a. 34 y. 8 m. 21 d. G.R.1.
- TEWKSBURY, Alfred, only ch. of Thomas S. and Adaline, Mar. 22, 1848, a. 5 m. G.R.4.
- TEWKSBURY, Andrew, at Deer Island, Oct. 24, 1814, a. 75 y. G.R.1.
- TEWKSBURY, Andrew Jr., [no date]. (Andrew of Point Shirley, June 26, 1835, a. 45 8/12 y., C.R.1.)
- TEWKSBURY, Andrew, Feb. 14, 1846, a. 83 y. 4 m. Old age.
- TEWKSBURY, (Angeline M., C.R.1.), d. of Andrew, 18th day, 9th mo., 1832. (At Point Shirley, Sept. 20, 1832, a. 1 10/12 y., C.R.1.)
- TEWKSBURY, Ann, d. of Bill and Martha, Dec. 11, 1848, a. 33 y. G.R.4. (Ann Tewksbury, Dec. 13, 1846, a. 33 y., P.R.1.)
- TEWKSBURY, Anna (wid., G.R.1.), 2d day, 4th mo., 1829. (a. 89 y., G.R.1.)
- TEWKSBURY, Catharine A. (d. of James, C.R.1.), 17th day, 11th mo., 1827. (a. 15 m., C.R.1.)
- TEWKSBURY, Charles E. (Charles Edwin, s. of James, G.R.1.), 18th day, 6th mo., 1839, a. 4 y. 8 m.
- TEWKSBURY, Charles E. (Charles Edwin, C.R.1.), s. of Josiah S. and ----, Sept. 24, 1841, a. 6 m. Inflammation of bowels.
- TEWKSBURY, (Clifford Wayne, C.R.1.), s. of Martin, 14th day, 1st mo., 1837, a. 2 y. (a. 20 m., C.R.1.) (Clifford W., s. of Martin W. and Adeline, Dec. 9, 1836, G.R.3.) (ch. of Martin, Jan. 14, 1837, a. 2 y., P.R.1.)
- TEWKSBURY, Elizabeth, w. of William, July 18, 1841 (July 16, G.R.1.), a. 70 y.
- TEWKSBURY, (w. of Capt. William T. of Point Shirley, a. 70 3/12 y., C.R.1.)
- TEWKSBURY, Elizabeth, d. of William, in Charlestown, July 6, 1849, a. 22 y. G.R.1.
- TEWKSBURY, Helen Augusta, Sept. 16, 1845, a. 10 1/2 m. Boston, P.R.1.
- TEWKSBURY, James S., 28th day, 10th mo., 1840, a. 47 y.
- TEWKSBURY, John, 24th day, 2d mo., 1752.
- TEWKSBURY, John Jr. (Lieut. John S., P.R.1.), 17th day, 10th mo., 1822, a. 64 y.
- TEWKSBURY, John, s. of John and Sarah, May 10, 1824, a. 6 or 7 w. C.R.1.
- TEWKSBURY, John S. (John Sargeant, C.R.1.), Sept. 27, 1837. G.R.1. (a. 63 y., C.R.1.)
- TEWKSBURY, John Thomas (inf. s. of Capt. John, C.R.1.), 7th day, 1st mo., 1827.
- TEWKSBURY, John W., 10th day, 6th mo., 1824.
- TEWKSBURY, Joshua, s. of John and Sarah, 2d day, 2d mo., 1752.
- TEWKSBURY, Lydia (Lydia Crowell, w. of William, C.R.1.), 24th day, 9th mo., 1831. (Sept. 25, 1831, a. 42 y., G.R.1.) (a. 41 6/12 y., C.R.1.)
- TEWKSBURY, Martha (d. of Bill and Martha, G.R.1.), 5th day, 2d mo., 1837, a. 17 y.
- TEWKSBURY, Mary (w. of John I., C.R.1.), 2d day, 3d mo., 1833. (Mar. 5, 1833, a. 75 y., C.R.1.)
- TEWKSBURY, Mary, w. of (James, G.R.1.), 27th day, 4th mo., 1839, a. 90 y. (Mrs. Mary of Boston, a. 89 10/12 y., G.R.1.)
- TEWKSBURY, Mary, wid. of Andrew, Dec. 26, 1848, a. 82 y. 3 m. G.R.4. (Mrs. Mary Tewksbury, Dec. 26, 1847, a. 82 y., P.R.1.)
- TEWKSBURY, Mary Emily, 11th day, 1st mo., 1825. (d. of William and Lydia, Jan. 14, 1825, a. 22 m., C.R.1.)
- TEWKSBURY, Samuel, Oct. 19, 1849, a. 70 y. G.R.4.
- TEWKSBURY, Sarah (wid., C.R.1.), 26th day, 12th mo., 1831. (a. 66 y., C.R.1.)
- TEWKSBURY, Susan (wid. of Andrew, G.R.1.), 13th day, 5th mo., 1832. (Point Shirley, C.R.1.) (May 11, 1832, a. 90 y., G.R.1.) (a. 89 8/12 y., C.R.1.)
- TEWKSBURY, Thomas, 28th day, 10th mo., 1827. (a. 40 y., C.R.1.)
- THATCHER, Shadrac B., 10th day, 8th mo., 1840.
- THAYER, Julia, d. of Charles G. and Jane M., Oct. 12, 1836, a. 15 m. G.R.3.
- THAYER, Mason, 16th day, 1st mo., 1841.
- THAYER, Samuel Moody, s. of Charles G. and Jane M., Aug. 9, 1845, a. 1 m. G.R.3.
- THAYER, Sarah H., d. of Jarvis and ----, Oct. 8, 1847, a. 4 m. Lung fever.
- THOMAS, ----, ch. of Mr. ----, ----, 1834. (bur. Sept. 23, 1834, P.R.1.)
- THOMAS, Andrew, b. in New York, Oct. 20, 1843, a. 29 y. Chronic diarrhoea.
- THOMAS, David of Sweden, 23d day, 10th mo., 1830. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- THOMAS, Frank, b. in Western Islands, Sept. 15, 1846, a. 37 y.
- THOMAS, George, b. in Western Islands, Jan. 18, 1845, a. 23 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital. Ulcers.
- THOMAS, George, b. in Boston, June 13, 1847, a. 65 y. Colored. Seaman.
- THOMAS, Isaac of Lynn, 26th day, 3d mo., 1828, a. 54 y. Colored. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- THOMAS, William, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Aug. 12, 1843, a. 21 y. 5 m. Native of St. Agnes, Cornwall, Eng. G.R.2.
- THOMAS, William H., s. of Peter and Elizabeth, Aug. 8, 1849, a. 4 y. (4 y. 2 m., G.R.2.) Cholera morbus.
- THOMAS, William S., b. in Concord, N.H., Nov. 17, 1843, a. 21 y.
- THOMPSON (see Tompson)
- THOMPSON, Alexander, b. in Gottenburg, Sept. 24, 1843, a. 28 y. Congestive fever.
- THOMPSON, Bridget, 20th day, 4th mo. (1838, P.R.1.), a. 34 y.
- THOMPSON, Edward, b. in Boston, Aug. 18, 1849, a. 1 y. 5 m. Bowel complaint.
- THOMPSON, Hannah, w. of Ebenezer, Mar. 18, 1841, a. 61 y. 5 m. G.R.3.
- THOMPSON, James S., Jan. 30, 1843, a. 1 y. 1 m. Dropsy on brain.
- THOMPSON, Jennings, s. of Ebenezer and Hannah, Mar. 26, 1834, a. 22 y. 10 m. G.R.3.
- THOMPSON, Rufus, b. in New York, Nov. 8, 1847, a. 24 y. Congestive fever.
- THOMPSON, Susan Jennings, d. of Ebenezer and Hannah, ----, 1834. G.R.3.
- THORNTON, James of England, 18th day, 4th. mo., 1833. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- THORPE, ----, ch. of J., July 24, 1848. P.R.1.
- TIBBETS (see Tibbetts)
- TIBBETS, Lydia Matilda, w. of Israel, in Charlestown, May 13, 1845, a. 26 y. G.R.1.
- TIBBETTS (see Tibbets)
- TIBBETTS, ----, w. of ----, Oct. 2, 1845, a. 26 y. Charlestown. P.R.1.
- TIMMS, Mathew of Hamburg, 9th day, 8th mo., 1837, a. 23 y. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- TINNEY, William, 25th day, 11th mo., 1840. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital. Consumption.
- TIPPEN, (Susannah, G.R.1.), w. of ----, 25th day, 4th mo., 1832. (a. 66 y., G.R.1.)
- TIRRILL, Lemuel of Weymouth, 21st day, 5th mo., 1830. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- TOD, Samuel, Apr. 16, 1727, a. 23 y. G.R.1.
- TOLMAN, ----, ch. of ----, Sept. 26, 1847, a. 1 y. P.R.1.
- TOLMAN, James P., s. of William C. and Jane B., Oct. 4, 1846.
- TOMPKINS, William O., b. in Boston, May 15, 1849, a. 24 y. Lung fever.
- TOMPSON (see Thompson)
- TOMPSON, Adam of Helny, 28th day, 2d mo., 1838, a. 18 y. Colored. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- TOWLE, Frances Ellen, d. of William R. and Elizabeth Calder, Mar. 30, 1849, a. 5 y. 19 d. G.R.1.
- TOWN, Clarrisa, b. in Greenwich, July 9, 1849, a. 44 y. Nervous debility. Unm.
- TOWNSAND (see Townsend)
- TOWNSAND, Charles of Long Island, 2d day, 11th mo., 1827. Colored. Died at U.S. Marine Hospital.
- TOWNSEND (see Townsand)
- TOWNSEND, Alexander, Apr. 5, 1835, a. 52 y. G.R.1.
- TOWNSEND, Elizabeth (Mrs. of Boston, G.R.1.), 23d day, 6th mo., 1824. (a. 65 y., G.R.1.)
- TOWNSEND, Samuel, Dec. 21, 1704, a. abt. 66 y. G.R.1.
- TRASK, Mary E., d. of Jason and Mary A., Feb. 21, 1849, a. 1 y. 5 m. 16 d. Dropsy on brain.
- TREADWELL, Amanda, w. of Nathaniel, b. in Dresden, Me., Aug. 30, 1848, a. 26 y. Lung complaint.
- TREFETHEN, Sarah A., ----, 1847. G.R.3.
- TREPP, Carter D., b. in Ireland, Sept. 14, 1846, a. 14 y.
- TREVALLEY, George, s. of ----, July 15, 1802, a. 16 m. C.R.1.
- TREVALLEY, George, s. of ----, Aug. 27, 1803, a. 7 m. C.R.1.
- TREWERGY, Benjamin F., b. in Maine, June 22, 1849, a. 24 y. Typhus fever.
- TRUE, Ann E. (Ann Elizabeth, G.R.2), d. of C. K. and (Elizabeth B., G.R.2), Sept. 30, 1847, a. 1 y. 2 m. Dysentery.
- TRUE, Loisa A. (Louisa Ann, G.R.2), d. of Rev. Charles H., Nov. 16, 1845, a. 2 m. Whooping cough.
- TRUE, Rebecca, d. of Rev. Charles E. and Elizabeth B., in Charlestown, Aug. 17, 1849, a. 1 m. G.R.2.
- TRULL, William J., Mar. 5, 1844, a. 22 y. Nervous excitement.
- TUCKER, ----, ch. of Thomas, Nov. 16, 1846, a. 2 m. P.R.1.
- TUCKER, Elizabeth, wid. of Jeremiah, b. in Portland, Me., July 22, 1849, a. 68 y.
- TUCKER, Grace, w. of George of Marblehead, Jan. 24, 1730, in her 37th y. G.R.1.
- TUCKER, Jane E., d. of Thomas and Sarah, Dec. 30, 1843, a. 2 y. 7 m. Lung fever and whooping cough.
- TUCKER, Sarah Ann H., d. of Thomas and Filena, b. in South Reading, July 11, 1848, a. 13 y. 10 m. Consumption.
- TUCKER, Sarah E., d. of Jeremiah and Sarah, Sept. 29, 1849, a. 1 y. 8 m. 5 d. Lung fever.
- TUCKER, Stephen, 16th day, 9th mo., 1834.
- TUCKERMAN, Abigail, w. of Joseph, July 28, 1807, a. 28 y. C.R.1.
- TUCKERMAN, Ann Montague (Ann Montague Cary, d. of Joseph and Sarah, C.R.1.), 30th day, 11th mo., 1823. (a. 3 1/2 w., C.R.1.)
- TUCKERMAN, George, youngest s. of Jos. and Sarah, Feb. 27, 1822, a. 10 m. C.R.1.
- TUCKERMAN, Susan Parkman, eldest d. of Joseph and Abigail, Nov. 12, 1809, a. 5 y. 6 m. 20 d. C.R.1.
- TUKESBURY (see Teuksbery,Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewksbury, Tuksbery, Tuksbury)
- TUKESBURY, Sarah, d. of James and (wid., C.R.1.) Mary, Apr. 26, 1802, a. 9 y., 5 m. G.R.1.
- TUKESBURY, Thomas, s. of John, bur. May 18, 1783, a. 13 y. C.R.1.
- TUKESBURY, William, s. of Jon, bur. Apr. 8, 1779, a. 13 y. C.R.1.
- TUKSBERY (see Teuksbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewksbury, Tukesbury, Tuksbury)
- TUKSBERY, James, Nov. 5, 1800, a. 55 y. G.R.1.
- TUKSBURY (see Teuksbery, Tewkesbury, Tewksbery, Tewksbury, Tukesbury, Tuksbery)
- TUKSBURY, James, eldest s. of James, June 4, 1799, a. 29 y. 6 m. G.R.1.
- TUTELL (see Tuttel, Tuttell, Tuttle)
- TUTELL, Phebe, d. of Jonathan and Anne, Dec. 4, 1713, a. 12 y. 9 m. G.R.1.
- TUTTEL (see Tutell, Tuttell, Tuttle)
- TUTTEL, Abigail, d. of Samuel and Abigail, Jan. 8, 1717, a. 7 m. 2 d. G.R.1.
- TUTTEL, Abigail, w. of Edward, Jan. 23, 1723-4, a. 67 y. 11 m. G.R.1.
- TUTTEL, Edward, Jan. 20, 1730, in his 79th y. G.R.1.a.
- TUTTEL, Joseph, s. of Edward and Joanna, Jan. 16, 1713, a. 10 m. 4 d. G.R.1 a.
- TUTTEL, Joseph, s. of Edward and Joanna, May 10, 1718, a. 1 y. 4 m. G.R.1.
- TUTTEL, Mary, d. of Edward and Joanna, Dec. 24, 1718, a. 6 m. 4 d. G.R.1.
- TUTTELL (see Tutell, Tuttel, Tuttle)
- TUTTELL, John, s. of Samuel and Abigail, May 19, 1717, a. 2 y. 3 m. 5 d. G.R.1.
- TUTTLE (see Tutell, Tuttel, Tuttell)
- TUTTLE, ----, ch. of Richard, bur. Aug. 31, 1794, a. 12 m. C.R.1.
- TUTTLE, Abigail, 23d day, 1st mo., 1773. (a. 81 y., C.R.1.)
- TUTTLE, Anna., w. of Samuel, bur. July 5, 1772, a. 54 y. C.R.1.
- TUTTLE, Benjamin, bur. Sept. 10, 1775, a. 56 y. C.R.1. Damaris, Oct. 21, 1723, a. 25 y. G.R.1. Daniel Jr., bur. Dec. 7, 1762, a. 30 y. C.R.1. Daniel, bur. Aug. 11, 1771, a. 77 y. C.R.1.
- TUTTLE, (Ebenezer, G.R.1.a), s. of Edward and Joanna, Nov. 23, 1729, a. 2 y. 9 m. G.R.1.
- TUTTLE, Edward, s. of Edward and Joanna, Apr. 20, 1727, a. 20 y. 9 m. G.R.1.
- TUTTLE, Edward, bur. Feb. 1, 1768, a. 88 y. C.R.1.
- TUTTLE, Elijah, s. of Edward and Joanna, Aug. 18, 1736, a. 13 y. 10 m. G.R.1.
- TUTTLE, Elisha, bur. Oct. 3, 1775, a. 85 y. C.R.1.
- TUTTLE, Elizabeth, Sept. 4, 1706, a. abt. 4 y. G.R.1.
- TUTTLE, Elizabeth, bur. Apr. 5, 1760, a. 17 y. C.R.1.
- TUTTLE, Elizabeth, w. of Elisha, bur. Jan. 8, 1773, a. 86 y. C.R.1.zz Eunice, d. of Edward and Joanna, Sept. 18, 1728, a. 4 m. 18 d. G.R.1.
- TUTTLE, Joanna, w. of Edward, Oct. 19, 1728, a. 42 y. G.R.1.
- TUTTLE, John, Aug. 1, 1708, a. 20 y. G.R.1.
- TUTTLE, Martha, Sept. 7, 1700, a. 1 y. G.R.1.
- TUTTLE, Martha, 10th day, 4th mo., 1744.
- TUTTLE, Mary, wid. of Daniel, bur. Feb. 11, 1775, a. 63 y. C.R.1.
- TUTTLE, Samuel, Jan. 18, 1742, a. 50 y. 10 m. G.R.1.
- TUTTLE, Samuel, bur. Feb. 12, 1776, a. 67 y. C.R.1.
- TUTTLE, Sarah, d. of Edward, bur. Nov. 19, 1757. C.R.1.
- TUTTLE, Thomas, bur. Jan. 4, 1795, a. 46 y. C.R.1.
- TWYCROSS, Stephen, b. in Maine, May 11, 1841, a. 69 y.
- TYNES, Jerry, July 16, 1842, a. 40 y. Erysipelas. Colored.
- TYZZER, Mary J., Dec. 4, 1842, a. 1 y. 6 m. Scarlatina.