Dover Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
Surnames K-Z
Transcribed by Matthew Tooley
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- KEEP, David of Deerfield, and Fanny Robinson, int. Oct. 31 [1830].
- KEITH, Charles of Oakham, and Ann Thrasher, int. Oct. 27, 1828.
- KENNADY, Lemuel of Windsor, Berkshire Co., and Rebecca Pope, Feb. 14, 1782.
- KEYS, Nabby of Winchendon, and Jeduthan Sawyer, int. Aug. 30, 1802.
- KEYS, Sally of Western, and William Tuffs, int. June ----, 1807.
- KIMBALL, David of Leverett, and Mary G. Bartlett, int. Sept. 12, 1823.
- KIMBALL, Eunice [of] Brookfield, and Ens. Daniell Gould, int. Mar. 4, 1805.
- KING, Maryann and Horrace Morse, int. Nov. 29, 1831.
- KING, Sarah of Newton, and Nahum Ayres, int. June 7, 1830.
- KITTERIDGE, Thomas, Dr., [of] Brookfield, and Lucinda Hunter, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Mar. 4, 1805].
- KNIGHT, Ann and Addison Arnold, int. ---- [rec. between Mar. 23 and Oct. 2, 1829].
- KNIGHT, Binjamin Franklin and Adaline Whittemore, int. Apr. 21, 1828.
- KNIGHT, Isaac of Athol, and Mrs. Lucy Whipple, Nov. 5, 1802.
- KNIGHT, Prince and Lydia Barnes, int. Apr. 18, 1831.
- KNIGHT, Royal and Mary Ann M. Hunter, int. Oct. 16, 1829.
- KNIGHT, ----, [female] and ---- Arnold, int. June ----, 1828.
- KNOLTON, Paul [int. Knowlton] of Adams [int. adds Berkshire Co.], and Lucy Whipple, ---- [rec. between Apr. 29, 1800, and Apr. 29, 1801] [int. Apr. 1, 1800].
- LAMB, Samuell and Mary Jane Holmes, int. Mar. 10, 1830.
- LARNED (see Learned, Lerned)
- LARNED, Harriet [int. Harriot] and Dwight Tyler, Mar. 16, 1848.
- LAURANCE, Ebenezer of Hardwick, and Lydia Richmond, Dec. 18, 1763.
- LEARNED (see Larned, Lerned)
- LEARNED, Lucy and Ebenezer Barstow, int. Sept. 9, 1811.
- LEARNED, Mary [int. Larned] and Cook Simmons, Dec. 3, 1818.
- LEARNED, Sally and William D. Foster, int. Jan. 1, 1818.
- LEE, David, Capt., of Barre, and Adalade Peirce, int. Oct. 21, 1823.
- LEE, Samuell, Col., [of] Barre, and Mary Mister, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806].
- LELAND, Abigail [of] Sutton, and Sylvanus Morse, int. Apr. 11, 1815.
- LELAND, Hannah B. D., Mrs., of Grafton, and Hon. Joseph Bowman, int. Dec. 20, 1845.
- LELAND, Martha of Grafton, and Franklin Smith, int. May ----, 1844.
- LERNED (see Larned, Learned)
- LERNED, John of Palmer, and Polly Barr, int. Oct. 27, 1828.
- LEWIS (see Luice)
- LILLY, Susanna of Barre, and William Olliver, ----, 1802.
- LINCOLN, Caroline A. and Eldad R. Chandler, Feb. 10, 1842.
- LINCOLN, Hervey of Western, and Betsy Reed Foster, int. Feb. 19, 1804.
- LINCOLN, Julia A. of Oakham, and James Miller, int. Oct. 28, 1848.
- LINCOLN, Michael and Hannah Chandler, [Aug.] 29 [1813].
- LINCOLN, Ruth and Henry Chase, July 11, 1771.
- LINCOLN, Zerviah and Joseph Parker Jr., Feb. 6, 1766.
- LISCOMB (see Lyscomb)
- LISCOMB, Martha and Daniell Mathews, int. Sept. 24, 1820.
- LISCOMB, Rachal D. and Ebenezer N. Barr, int. Nov. ----, 1817.
- LITTLE, Abigail W. and George Merriam, int. Apr. 28, 1828.
- LITTLE, Benjamin, Lt., and Hannah Allen, int. Mar. 4, 1805.
- LITTLE, Betsey [int. Bettsey] and Josiah Gilbert, ---- [rec. between Dec. 27, 1791, and Jan. 17, 1792] [int. July 4, 1791].
- LITTLE, Joseph and Elizabeth Wilson, May 29, 1764.
- LITTLE, Joseph and Perthena Cutler [int. Parthena Cutlar], Jan. 15, 1794.
- LITTLE, Mary and Joseph Shaw, Nov. 12, 1787.
- LIVERMORE, Thankful M. and Pliny Pepper, int. Sept. 27, 1828.
- LOCK, John of Wilmington, Vt., and Phebe Mathews, Feb. 27, 1787.
- LOCK, Kezia of Barre, and Reuben Luice, int. Mar. 5, 1792.
- LOCKWOOD, Orin I. and Clarissa Humphrey, int. Apr. 25, 1840.
- LOVELL, Hannah and John Peters, Jan. 6, 1786.
- LOVETT, Nabbey, Mrs., of Mendon, and Dr. Thomas Fletcher, int. Oct. 19, 1789.
- LOVEWELL, Tabitha and Robert Rickey, Nov. 25, 1783.
- LUICE, Reuben and Kezia Lock, int. Mar. 5, 1792.
- LYMAN, Dorcus and Micah R. Barr, Mar. 27, 1834.
- LYSCOMB (see Liscomb)
- LYSCOMB, Polly and William Thomson, int. Nov. 27, 1822.
- MACOMBER, Polly of Oakham, and Samuell Thrasher Jr., int. Jan. ----, 1815.
- MAKEPEACE (see Makepeice)
- MAKEPEACE, Augustus of Brookfield, and Nancy Meria Gleason, int. Apr. 28, 1828.
- MAKEPEACE, Roxany of "Arvins Gor" [? Erving's Gore], and George Mullet, int. Nov. 29, 1814.
- MAXEPEICE (see Makepeace)
- MAXEPEICE, Mary N., 27, b. Brookfield, of Chagrin Falls, O., d. ---- of Brookfield, and Josiah P. Gleason, Dec. ----, 1849.
- MARRET, Sarah, Mrs., of Ware, and Jacob Pepper, June 24, 1802.
- MARSH (see Mash)
- MARSH, Dorcus [int. Dorcas] and Lyman Alden, Mar. 9, 1843.
- MARSH, Mary of Ware, Hamphshire Co., and Jacob Pepper Jr., May 25, 1785.
- MARTIN, James and Caroline Thompson, Aug. 26, 1833.
- MARTIN, Louisa [int. Louiza] M. and Nahum [int. adds T.] Humphrey, Apr. 17, 1836.
- MARTIN, Oramel, Dr., and Elmina Borden, Mar. 28, 1837.
- MASH (see Marsh)
- MASH, Joel S. [int. Marsh] of Hardwick, and Abby [int. Abigail] D. Gleason, June 6, 1837.
- MATHEWS (see Matthews)
- MATHEWS, Daniell and Martha Liscomb, int. Sept. 24, 1820.
- MATHEWS, Elisha, s. Daniel and Huldah, and Hannah Snow, Mar. 20 [dup. Mar. 17], 1788.
- MATHEWS, Elisha and Lucy Bowman, June ----, 1802.
- MATHEWS, Increase, Dr., and Nabby Willis, int. Apr. 8, 1799.
- MATHEWS, John and Mary B. Converse, int. Dec. 14, 1827.
- MATHEWS, Lucy and Samuel Edmonds, int. Nov. 27, 1797.
- MATHEWS, Lydia and Samuel Collins, Oct. 12, 1783.
- MATHEWS, Lydia, Mrs., and Lt. Joseph Barnes, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1804, and Apr. 1, 1805] [int. Aug. 20, 1804].
- MATHEWS, Mary and Jonathan Dickinson, Mar. 20, 1786.
- MATHEWS, Phebe and John Lock, Feb. 27, 1787.
- MATHEWS, Rhoda and Moses Ayres, Oct. ---- [int. Oct. 5], [17]89.
- MATHEWS, Sarah and Joseph Willson, Apr. 18, 1782.
- MATHEWS, Solomon Jr. and Anne Shaw, Dec. 27 [1789].
- MATTHEWS (see Mathews)
- MATTHEWS, Elisha and Mrs. Lucy Ball, int. May 25, 1802.
- MATTHEWS, Elizabeth [dup. Mathews] and John Hunter, Jan. 28, 1773.
- MATTHEWS, Hannah S. and Danforth H. Tufts, Sept. 22, 1835.
- MATTHEWS, Silas of Brookfield, and Presilla Woods, Sept. 10, 1765.
- MATTHEWS, Solomon Jr. of Brookfield, and Prudy Holbrook, ---- [rec. between Apr. 29, 1800, and Apr. 29, 1801] [int. Apr. 1, 1800].
- MAY, Naomi and John [int. adds C.] Blanchard, Nov. 28, 1845 [int. Nov. 9, 1844].
- MAYNARD, Hervy [int. Harvey] and Reliefe [int. Relief] Wallis, [Nov.] 24, 1790.
- McCLINTOCK (see McKintock)
- McCLINTOCK, Sally and George Nye, int. Oct. 15, 1806.
- McKINTOCK (see McClintock)
- McKINTOCK, Saviah [of] Brookfield, and Rufus Thrasher, int. ---- [? 1810].
- McWHARTER, Anne and Lemuel Swift Jr., Jan. 29, 1784.
- MEAD, Joseph and Elisabeth Willcox, int. Apr. 30, 1798.
- MEAD, Lydia, Mrs., of Harvard, and Seth Frost, int. Oct. 7, 1820.
- MELLEN, Betsey of Milford, and Rev. John Fisk, int. Dec. 26, 1796.
- MERRIAM, George of Brookfield, and Abigail W. Little, int. Apr. 28, 1828.
- MESSER, Abigail and John Cannon, Jan. 13, 1763.
- MILLER, Comfort and Dolly Dean, int. Jan. 28, 1810.
- MILLER, James and Julia A. Lincoln, int. Oct. 28, 1848.
- MILLER, Jarid and Lucinda Blackmor, int. Aug. 26, 1805.
- MILLER, Rebecca [of] Western, and Thomas J. Bowker, int. Aug. 26, 1811.
- MILLER, Sally D. and Solomon M. Edmonds [int. Mathews Edmonds], Nov. 27, 1833.
- MILLET (see Mullet, Mullit)
- MILLET, Benjamin and Anna Chase, int Apr. ----, 1809.
- MILLET, Mary and Samuell Hildreth, int. May 26, 1816.
- MIXTER, Asenath and Joseph Green, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Feb. 19, 1804].
- MIXTER, Betsey and Ebenezer Tidd Jr., May 19, 1793.
- MIXTER, Mary and Col. Samuell Lee, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Mar. 4, 1805].
- MIXTER, Sally and Asa Pope, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. July 4, 1803].
- MIXTER, Samuel, Col., and Clarissa Harlow Moore, int. June 1, 1823.
- MONDEL, Oliver [int. Mundel] and Lydia Bowker, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1807, and Apr. 1, 1808] [int. Dec. 4, 1807].
- MONROE (see Munroe).
- MOOR (see Moore)
- MOOR, James H. of Worcester, and Jane Delano, int. Apr. 21, 1828.
- MOORE (see Moor)
- MOORE, Artemas and Eliza Phelps, [Mar.] 27 [1815].
- MOORE, Clarissa Harlow and Col. Samuel Mixter, int. June 1, 1823.
- MOORE, Isaac [int. More] and Harriet Winter, Apr. 13, 1837.
- MOORE, Polly and Aaron Wetherell, int. Mar. 3, 1794.
- MORGAN, William F. of Oxford, and Eliza M. Russel, int. Mar. 20, 1832.
- MORSE, Caleb of Spencer, and Mrs. Hannah Nye, Sept. 20. [1812].
- MORSE, Calvin of Ware, and Hannah Wait, Dec. 29 [1808].
- MORSE, Calvin of Ware, and Lucinda Wait, int. June 8, 1816.
- MORSE, Elijah of Paxton, and Abigail Howe, Dec. 11, 1783.
- MORSE, Horrace and Maryann King, int. Nov. 29, 1831.
- MORSE, Silvester and Lucy Hutchinson, int. Oct. 31, 1808.
- MORSE, Sylvanus and Abigail Leland, int. Apr. 11, 1815.
- MOULTON, Nathan and Mary Wilcot, int. ---- [rec. after Oct. 7, 1820].
- MOULTON, Nathaniel of Randolf, Vt., and Abiah Cobb, int. Dec. 25, 1802.
- MULLET (see Millet, Mullit)
- MULLET, Abraham and Prisilla Barrett, int. ---- [rec. between Aug. 4 and Sept. 27, 1828].
- MULLET, George and Roxany Makepeace, int. Nov. 29, 1814.
- MULLIT (see Millet, Mullet)
- MULLIT, James of Barre, and Joanna Thomas, Oct. 29, 1787.
- MUNDELL (see Mondel).
- MUNROE, Lucretia and James G. Briant, int. Jan. 30, 1826.
- MUNROE, Sarah and Thomas L. Reed, int. Mar. 23, 1829.
- NELSON, James of Savoy [int adds Berkshire Co.], and Sally Dow, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Sept. 26, 1803].
- NEWEL, Jonas, Lt., and Sarah Dorr, int. Sept. 16, 1811.
- NEWTON, Abigail and James Steward, June 4, 1783.
- NEWTON, Prudence of Hardwick, and Aaron Day, Jan. 19, 1797.
- NICHOLS (see Nickols)
- NICHOLS, Betsy [int. Betsey] and William Foster, Sept. 5, 1799.
- NICHOLS, Joanna [int. Nickols, adds Mrs.] and Nathan Thomson, Nov. 4, 1790.
- NICHOLS, John and Susanna Robinson, int. Jan. 26, 1796.
- NICHOLS, Mary and Simeon Cannon, Jan. 21, 1773.
- NICHOLS, Sally and John Allen Farrell, int. Nov. 13, 1797.
- NICHOLS, Theodosha. and Roswell Converse, int. Mar. 19, 1807.
- NICKOLS (see Nichols)
- NICKOLS, Fanny [int. Nichols] and Samson Peirce, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Apr. 4, 1803].
- NICKOLS, Jacob [int. Nichols] and Hannah Davis, May 29, 1814.
- NICKOLS, Katharine [int. Nichols] and Daniel [int. Daniell] Granger, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Aug. 4, 1805].
- NORTON, Allen and Mehitable Suell, int. Oct. 2, 1812.
- NORTON, Elijah 2d and Hannah West, Nov. 25, 1776.
- NORTON, James of Salem, N.Y., and Charlottee Wesst [int. Charlotte West], ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1804, and Apr. 1, 1805]. [int. Feb. 12, 1805].
- NORTON, Nabby and Roswel Converse, int. Mar. 11, 1804.
- NUTTING, Philinda of Barre, and Elijah C. Thrasher, int. Mar. 13, 1847.
- NYE, Anna and Joseph Barr, Mar. 29, 1759.
- NYE, Betsy and John Barnes, Sept. 22, 1800.
- NYE, Caroline E. [int. C.], 20, and Otis N. Rawson, May 10, 1849.
- NYE, Darkis and Charles Duncan, int. May 21, 1804.
- NYE, Deborah and James Barr, Apr. 16, 1767.
- NYE, Ebenezer and Thankfull Dean, July 7, 1768.
- NYE, Ebenezer and Lucy Woods, June 13, 1790.
- NYE, Electa, d. Luther and Electa, and David Wetherell, June 9, 1847.
- NYE, George and Mrs. Jane Finton, Apr. 26, 1764.
- NYE, George and Sarah Gilbert, Jan. 25, 1785.
- NYE, George and Sally McClintock, int. Oct. 15, 1806.
- NYE, Hannah and Joseph Pepper, May 25, 1800.
- NYE, Hannah, Mrs., and Caleb Morse, Sept. 20 [1812].
- NYE, Harriette of N. Brookfield, and William Bowdoin, int. Mar. 8, 1845.
- NYE, Horrace and Parmilla Earl, int. Apr. 1, 1817.
- NYE, Ichabod [int. Icabod] and Lucinda Barr, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Aug. 15, 1803].
- NYE, Ichabod and Mrs. Patty Wait, Dec. 22 [1808].
- NYE, John and Elizabeth Witherly, May 4, 1775.
- NYE, John of Barre, and Hannah Pope, Feb. 18, 1796.
- NYE, Jonathan and Margret Barr, Feb. 16, 1775.
- NYE, Jonathan Jr. and Betsy Howe, int. Apr. 12, 1808.
- NYE, Jonathan Esq. and Mrs. Mary Ayres, int. Sept. 2, 1816.
- NYE, Keziah and John Winslow 3d, int. Mar. 25, 1816.
- NYE, Lois and West Winslow, int. Sept. 16, 1811.
- NYE, Luther and Electa Earl, int. Feb. 2, 1810.
- NYE, Lydia and Lott Whitcomb, Dec. 9, 1762.
- NYE, Margaret and Thomas Tripp, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Aug. 4, 1805].
- NYE, Mary of Oakham, and Bowman Chaddock, Sept. 5, 1782.
- NYE, Maryanni [int. Mariamna] and Elijah M. Pepper, Sept. 5 [1812].
- NYE, Percis, Mrs., and Dea. Daniel Chamberlain [int. Dea. Daniell Chamberlin], Apr. 18 [1809].
- NYE, Philip and Percis Pollard, Dec. 16, 1784.
- NYE, Philip and Fanny Earl, Sept. 10 [1809].
- NYE, Prince of Hardwick, and Dinah Joslin. Dec. 15, 1774.
- NYE, Rebecca of Barre, and Joseph Barnaby, Jan. 13, 1791.
- NYE, Salley and Simeon Gilbert, July 13, 1786.
- NYE, Salley of Barre, and Alexander Dunn, Apr. 19, 1787.
- NYE, Sally and Washington Grainger, int. May 7, 1798.
- NYE, Samuel of Hardwick, and Mrs. Mehitable Cannon, Sept. 16, 1756.
- NYE, Tirzah [int. Tirza] and Apollos [int. Apollas] Warner, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1804, and Apr. 1, 1805] [int. June 25, 1804].
- OLIVER (see Oliver)
- OLIVER, Nathaniell [of] Hardwick, and Lucy Bridges, negroes, int. Dec. 28, 1812.
- OLLIVER (see Oliver)
- OLLIVER, Nathaniel of Hardwick, and Hester Green, int. Sept. 10, 1830.
- OLLIVER, William of Barre, and Susanna Lilly, ----, 1802.
- ORCUT, Abigail of Wendall, and William Anderson, int. Sept. 9, 1822.
- ORR, Betsey and John Peters, Feb. 18, 1790.
- PACKARD (see Pickard)
- PACKARD, Hannah and Adam Holmes, Dec. 30, 1802.
- PACKARD, Molly of Oakham, and Phinehas Houghton, Mar. 13, 1783.
- PAGE (see Paige)
- PAGE, Thomas of Hardwick, and Susannah Warner, int. Apr. 23, 1798.
- PAIGE (see Page)
- PAIGE, Charles [of] Hardwick, and Eliza Sergent [int. Seargent], Mar. 22, 1810.
- PAIGE, David, widr. [int. omits widr.], 74, b. Hardwick, of Hardwick, s. ---- of Hardwick, and [int. adds Mrs.] Fanny N. Peirce, Sept. 3 [int. Sept. 5, sic], 1845.
- PAIGE, Salley of Hardwick, and Jonathan Warner 2d, ---- [rec. between Apr. 28, 1788, and Apr., 1789].
- PARISH, Augustin and Clyanna Colburn, int. June 1, 1823.
- PARKER, Abigail and Solomon Gilburt, Feb. 5, 1762.
- PARKER, Joseph Jr. and Zerviah Lincoln, Feb. 6, 1766.
- PARKER, Molly, Mrs., of Newbedford, Bristol Co., and Capt. Abisha Delano, int. Nov. 16, 1795.
- PARKER, Nathan and Sarah Walker, Feb. 18, 1762.
- PARKER, Stephen and Mary Gilbert, Jan. ----, 1793.
- PARKER, Triphena [int. Trifena] and Beriah Warner, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1807, and Apr. 1, 1808] [int. Mar. 7, 1808].
- PARKMAN, Apphia and Aaron Hall, Nov. 10, 1785.
- PARKMAN, Edward and Betsy [int. Betsey] Tidd, Oct. ----, 1799.
- PARKMAN, Henry and Aruthusa Briggs, int. Oct. 12 [1830].
- PARKMAN, Mary, Mrs., and Benjamin Bradshaw, Aug. 7, 1774.
- PATRICK, John [int. Jr.] of Barre, and Miriam White, Mar. 4, 1790.
- PATTEN, Sally and Lt. Stephen Witt, int. Apr. 4, 1791.
- PATTERSON, Sarah, Mrs., of Greenwich, and Jacob Pepper, int. July 18, 1803.
- PEACOCK (see Peocock)
- PECK, Milton of Hubbardston, and Mary Dexter, Oct. 20, 1823.
- PEIRCE (see Pierce)
- PEIRCE, Abby [int. adds H.] and Asaph Wood, widr. [int. omits widr], Apr. 15, 1845.
- PEIRCE, Adalade and Capt. David Lee, int. Oct. 21, 1823.
- PEIRCE, Ann P. [? O.] [int. Ann O. Pierce] and Moses Pollard, Apr. 5, 1843.
- PEIRCE, Catharine B., 28, d. Sampson and Fanny, and Amasa G. Davis, May 20, 1846.
- PEIRCE, Eliza [of] Hardwick, and William Pepper, int. Feb. 7, 1825.
- PEIRCE, Fanny N., wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 64, d. David Nichols and w., and David Paige, Sept. 3 [int. Sept. 5, sic], 1845.
- PEIRCE, Frances and James Joslyn, int. Apr. 21, 1828.
- PEIRCE, Samson and Fanny Nickols [int. Nichols], ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Apr. 4, 1803].
- PENIMAN (see Penniman)
- PENIMAN, H., Capt., and Sally Cutlar, int. Nov. 15 [1801].
- PENNIMAN (see Peniman)
- PENNIMAN, H., Maj., and Lucy Allen, int. Jan. 1, 1807.
- PENNIMAN, J. A. and Julia M. Crosby, int. June 10, 1845.
- PENNIMAN, James and Ann Eliza Houghton, int. Oct. 6, 1846.
- PENNIMAN, Lucy and Joseph Hawley Dorr, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1802, and Apr. 1, 1803] [int. May 25, 1802].
- PENNIMAN, Sally and Joseph Bowman Jr., int. Oct. 2, 1797.
- PENNIMAN, Sally and Edwin B. Taintor, int. May 15, 1826.
- PENNIMAN, Susan, d. Henry and Lucy, and Perez Dickinson, Apr. ----, 1845.
- PEOCOCK, John Jr. and Abigail Hastings, July 20, 1758.
- PEOCOCK, Margaret and Oliver Cobleigh, Mar. 26, 1761.
- PEPPER, Anna, Mrs., and Jonathan S[torn], Feb. 12, 1778.
- PEPPER, Annah and Asaph Barr, int. Jan. 15, 1820.
- PEPPER, Ashhel and Caroline Woods, int. Feb. 1, 1820.
- PEPPER, Becca and James Dow, Dec. 7, 1758.
- PEPPER, Betsey and John Woods, Apr. 24 [1834].
- PEPPER, Elbridge and Hannah A. Day, int. Mar. 6, 1847.
- PEPPER, Elijah M. and Maryamni [int. Mariamna] Nye, Sept. 5 [1812].
- PEPPER, Elizebeth and Benjamin Glazier, Feb. 6, 1776.
- PEPPER, Ezra Jr. and Sarah Bell, int. Apr. 4, 1803.
- PEPPER, Ezra and Mrs. Sally Cavano, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Mar. 17, 1805].
- PEPPER, Foster and Rebeccah Waterman, int. Oct. 17 [1832].
- PEPPER, Hannah and Sewel Dow [int. Dowe], Dec. 21 [1813].
- PEPPER, Henry A. and Elisabeth Gilbert, Jan. 31, 1843.
- PEPPER, Henry A. and Gerutha C. Bliss, int. Apr. 24, 1847.
- PEPPER, Jacob Jr. and Mary Marsh, May 25, 1785.
- PEPPER, Jacob and Mrs. Sarah Marret, June 24, 1802.
- PEPPER, Jacob and Mrs. Sarah Patterson, int. July 18, 1803.
- PEPPER, Joseph and Hannah Nye, May 25, 1800.
- PEPPER, Lucy and Dr. John Blair, int. Jan. 18, 1796.
- PEPPER, Pliny and Thankful M. Livermore, int. Sept. 27, 1828.
- PEPPER, Sarah and Joseph Dowe, [Apr.] 30, 1782.
- PEPPER, Sibbel and James Sturtevant Jr., June 14, 1787.
- PEPPER, "Simn" [of] Belchertown, and Sally Woods, int. Aug. 26, 1816.
- PEPPER, Stephen and Salley Simond, int. Apr. 14, 1788.
- PEPPER, Susannah [int. Susanna] and William Shaw, Apr. 16 [1791].
- PEPPER, William and Eliza Peirce, int. Feb. 7, 1825.
- PERKINS, Calvin of Oakham, and Katharine Bothwell, Dec. ----, 1788.
- PERKINS, Elizabeth and Ruben Fay, June 11, 1767.
- PERKINS, Mary and David Ayres, Mar. 17, 1768.
- PERKINS, Olive and Moses Hall, Dec. 26, 1790.
- PERKINS, Zephaniah [int. Zepheniah Parkins] of Guildhall, Vt., and Katy [int. Cata] Joslyn, Feb. 7 [int. Feb. 8, sic], 1796.
- PETERS, John and Hannah Lovell, Jan. 6, 1786.
- PETERS, John and Betsey Orr, Feb. 18, 1790.
- PHELPS, Eliza and Artemas Moore, [Mar.] 27 [1815].
- PICKARD (see Packard)
- PICKARD, Royal of N. Brookfield, and Lavina Hunter, int. Oct. 7, 1822.
- PIERCE (see Peirce)
- PIERCE, Abigail [int. Mary M.] and Phinehas Waite [int. Wait] Barr, Apr. 30, 1833.
- PIERCE, Octavia [int. Peirce] and Byram H. Hervey, Dec. 15, 1844.
- PIERCE, Phebe, Mrs., and Samuel Swinerton, June 7, 1778.
- PINE, James A. of Boston, and Caroline Harrington, Sept. 19, 1842.
- POLAND, Barnet [of] N. Brookfield, and Mrs. Sarah Foster, int. Mar. 22, 1819.
- POLLARD, Mary (Pollard) and Phinehas Warner Jr., Aug. 24, 1784.
- POLLARD, Moses of Hubbardston, and Ann P. [? O.] Peirce [int. Ann O. Pierce], Apr. 5, 1843.
- POLLARD, Percis and Philip Nye, Dec. 16, 1784.
- POPE, Anna [int. Anne] and Nathan Barnaby, Aug. 9, 1787.
- POPE, Asa and Sally Mixter, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. July 4, 1803].
- POPE, Eliza and Jonathan Brown, int. ---- [rec. between May 15 and Sept. 12, 1826].
- POPE, Hannah and John Nye, Feb. 18, 1796.
- POPE, Mary and Jeremiah Wetherby [int. Wetherbee], ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Dec. 23, 1805].
- POPE, Rebecca and Lemuel Kennady, Feb. 14, 1782.
- POPE, West and Silva Adams, int. Oct. 19, 1795.
- POTTER, Aaron and Abigail Rawson, int. Oct. 3, 1840.
- POTTER, Robert and Caroline Stone, int. Feb. 28, 1848.
- POTTER, Silas [int. John] of Brookfield, and Sally Hunter, Jan. 20, 1809.
- POWERS, Sarah and Joseph Berry, Aug. 5, 1782.
- PRATT, Danforth and Chloe Smith, May 30, 1792.
- PRATT, Hannah and Samuel Thrasher, Apr. 28, 1785.
- PRATT, Hannah, wid., and Capt. Silvester Richmond, Sept. 3, 1790.
- PRATT, Sally [int. Sarah] and Benjamin Rider, Apr. 10, 1788.
- PRATT, Hannah, wid., and Capt. Silvester Richmond, int. Sept. 13, 1790.
- PRATT, Levi and Patty Black, int. Dec. 11, 1797.
- PRATT, Relief of Barre, and Moses H. Tilton, int. Sept. 24, 1821.
- PRATT, Ruth and Samuel Clifford, Jan. 27, 1785.
- PRENTISS, Mary of Petersham, and Capt. Hollis Tidd, int. Dec. 22, 1825.
- PRESHO, Eliza A. of Oakham, and Edwin Hoar, int. May 16, 1846.
- PRESHO, Isaac of Oakham, and Sally Joslyn, int. Apr. 4, 1791.
- PRESHO, Jane H. of Pelham, and Benjamin Fay, int. Apr. 24, 1846.
- PROUTY (see Prowty)
- PROUTY, Liania of Spencer, and Charles Uriah Barton, int. Mar. 27, 1845.
- PROWTY (see Prouty)
- PROWTY, Isaac [int. 2d] of Spencer, and Mrs. Meribah Warner, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Sept. 3, 1803].
- PROWTY, Pliny [of] Spencer, and Melissa Holmes, int. Apr. 20, 1818.
- PUTMAN, John of Brookfield, and Mrs. Adaline A. Weston, int. Feb. 20, 1845.
- PUTMAN, Patty of Rutland, and Joel Whipple, int. Jan. 18, 1803.
- RAINGER (see Ranger)
- RAINGER, Emeline and Elbridge Gleason, Apr. 15, 1840.
- RAINGER, Thomas of Brookfield, and Marcy Woods, Jan. 9, 1770.
- RAND, Calvin [of] Worcester, and Betsy Holmes, int. Mar. 17, 1817.
- RAND, Jacob D. and Esther Doolittle, int. Oct. 2, 1813.
- RANGER (see Rainger)
- RANGER, Abigail [of] Brookfield, and Abraham Hunter, int. Apr. 20, 1817.
- RANGER, Job of Rutland, and Hannah Thrasher, Mar. 23 [1814].
- RAWSON, Abigail of Oakham, and Aaron Potter int. Oct. 3, 1840.
- RAWSON, Mary and Samuell Warner, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Aug. 8, 1803].
- RAWSON, Otis N., 27, b. W. Brookfield, of W. Brookfield, s. Otis and Mary, and Caroline F.. [int. C.] Nye, May 10, 1849.
- READ (see Reed)
- READ, Edwin and Adaline Wadsworth, int. Oct. 23, 1841.
- READ, Jeremiah [int. Reed] and Sally Tidd, May 8, 1794.
- READING (see Redding).
- RECORD, Daniell and Prudence Warner, Aug. 26, 1813.
- REDDING, Rebecah [int. Reading] and Thadeus [int. Thaddeus] Cutlar Gilbert, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Oct. 17, 1803].
- REDDING, Zaccharias and Elisabeth Wonnup, May 6, 1788.
- REED (see Read)
- REED, Dwight and Susannah L. Vaughn, Mar. 15, 1842.
- REED, Eliza of Rutland, and Capt. Lorenzo Converse, int. Feb. 27, 1841.
- REED, Eunice and James Barr [int. Jr.], ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Aug. 18, 1805].
- REED, Mary of Templeton, and Nathaniel Harrington Jr., Oct. 8, 1838.
- REED, Polly [int. Mary] and Jonathan Jinks, ---- [int. July 18], 1801.
- REED, Rebecca and James H. [int. B.] Bardwell, Mar. 29, 1843.
- REED, Samuell [int. Samuel] and Patty Warner, Aug. 10, [1808].
- REED, Thomas L. of Rutland, and Sarah Munroe, int. Mar. 23, 1829.
- RHODES, Thaddeus [int. Rhods] of Belcherstown [int. Belchertown, Hampshire Co.], and ---- [int. Susanna] Barr, July 12, 1798.
- RICE, Abigail and James Aiken, Jan. 19, 1786.
- RICE, Adaline of Brookfield, and Joseph L. Woods, int. Nov. 4, 1833.
- RICE, Ashbel [of] Hardwick, and Levina Wait, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1807, and Apr. 1, 1808] [int. June ----, 1807].
- RICE, Ephraim of Salem, N.Y., and Mehitable Granger [int. Grainger], Feb. 21, 1799.
- RICE, Levi and Betsey Trask, int. Feb. 21, 1797.
- RICE, Liberty and Charlotte Gould, int. Oct. 10, 1827.
- RICE, Nathan and Hannah Foster, int. Aug. 26, 1811.
- RICE, Polly and Samuel Hefford, int. Feb. 4, 1795.
- RICE, Ruth and James Washburn, Sept. 7, 1769.
- RICE, Ruth and Stephen R. Tenny, Mar. 28 [1809].
- RICH (see Ritch)
- RICH, Appollos and Bethiah Banister, int. Jan. 13, 1823.
- RICH, Horace P. [of] N. Brookfield, and Sarah F. Rich, int. Jan. 28, 1833.
- RICH, Mary H. and Benjamin Goddard, int. Apr. 19, 1834.
- RICH, Reed and Nancy Holmes, int. July 15, 1799.
- RICH, Sarah F. and Horace P. Rich, int. Jan. 28, 1833.
- RICHMOND (see Ritchmond)
- RICHMOND, Betsy and Thomas Spalding [int. Spaulding], July 3 [1815].
- RICHMOND, Catharine and John Duncan Jr., Mar. 13, 1803.
- RICHMOND, Elizabeth and Thomas Spalding, int. Dec. 8, 1805.
- RICHMOND, Jonathan and Hannah Duncan, int. Oct. ---- [1803].
- RICHMOND, Lucinda [int. Lusina] and Amos Chadwick, Jan. 8, 1797.
- RICHMOND, Lydia and Ebenezer Laurance, Dec. 18, 1763.
- RICHMOND, Marcy and Nathaniel Weeks, Feb. 16, 1769.
- RICHMOND, Martha and Joseph Gutis, int. July 1, 1822.
- RICHMOND, Nabby and Francis Crane, int. Dec. 25, 1810.
- RICHMOND, Silvester Jr. and Lucy Weston, Aug. 8, 1771.
- RICHMOND, Silvester, Capt., and Hannah Pratt, wid., Sept. 23, 1790.
- RICHMOND, Wealthy and George Caswell, Mar. 28, 1771.
- RICKEY, Robert and Tabitha Lovewell, Nov. 25, 1783.
- RIDER, Benjamin of Greenwich, Hampshire Co., and Sally [int. Sarah] Pratt, Apr. 10, 1788.
- RITCH (see Rich)
- RITCH, Martha. P. of Sutton, and George C. Earl, int. Nov. 10, 1821.
- RITCHMOND (see Richmond)
- RITCHMOND, Desire, Mrs. [int. Richmond], and Joseph Hill, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1802, and Apr. 1, 1803] [int. Nov. 25, 1802].
- ROBBINS, Oril M. and Daniel Hunter, May 17, 1837.
- ROBERTSON, Daniel of Munson, Hampshire Co., and Eunice Bridges, ---- [rec. between Apr. 28, 1788, and Apr., 1789].
- ROBINSON, Fanny and David Keep, int. Oct. 31 [1830].
- ROBINSON, Hannah and Benjamin Jenkins, Nov. 23, 1775.
- ROBINSON, Sally [int. Sarah] and Lewis Howe, Oct. 4 [1808].
- ROBINSON, Susan B. of Oakham, and Sumner Barr, int. Oct. 13, 1828.
- ROBINSON, Susanna and John Nichols, int. Jan. 26, 1796.
- ROBINSON, William and Mary Warner, int. Nov. 19, 1809.
- ROCKWOOD, Electa and Cheny Bothwel, int. ---- [? 1810].
- RODGERS, Betsey [int. Betssey Rogers] [of] Ware, and Branch Whitcomb [int. Wheetcombe], Feb. 21, 1792.
- RUGGLES, Benjamin 2d of Hardwick, and Mrs. Hannah Hamlin, int. July 27, 1789.
- RUGGLES, Dorcas and Edward Smith, Aug. 25, 1757.
- RUGGLES, Lucy [int. Rugless] and Elijah Chapin, ---- [int. Nov. 25] [1801].
- RUGGLES, Martha and Ebenezer Curtis, Aug. 25, 1757.
- RUGGLES, Mary, Mrs., and Dr. Joel Carpenter, Dec. 9, 1755.
- RUGGLES, Reed S. of Hardwick, and Sarah A. Sargeant [int. Sargent], May 8, 1839.
- RUGGLES, Samuel and Elizabeth Fisher, Dec. 11, 1770.
- RUGGLES, Samuel of Hardwick, and Lydia Haws, Jan. 11, 1776.
- RUSS, Nancy of N. Brookfield, and Lewis Blackmor, int. Feb. 12, 1826.
- RUSSEL (see Russell)
- RUSSEL, Caroline and Edward Woods, int. Mar. 20, 1832.
- RUSSEL, Eliza M. and William F. Morgan, int. Mar. 20, 1832.
- RUSSELL (see Russel)
- RUSSELL, Barnabas (Russell]) and Judith Spenny, Nov. 23, 1758.
- RUSSELL, Nancy of Mendon, and Henry A. Hoyt, int. ---- [rec. between Feb. 20 and Mar. 8, 1845].
- SANDERSON, Joshua of Petersham, and Mrs. Ann Barr, int. Jan. 9, 1832.
- SANFORD, Emela W. [of] Brookfield, and James H. Woods, int. Mar. 26, 1827.
- SANFORD, Henry D. and Deborah Woods, int. Mar. 25, 1833.
- SANFORD, Lucy and Joel F. Wood, int. Apr. 12, 1831.
- SANFORD, Sally [of] Brookfield, and Daniel Dow, int. Nov. 25, 1815.
- SARGEANT (see Sargent, Sergent)
- SARGEANT, Sarah A. [int. Sargent] and Reed S. Ruggles, May 8, 1839.
- SARGENT (see Sargeant, Sergent)
- SARGENT, Sophia and Bradish Cummings, Apr. 17, 1823.
- SAWYER, Jeduthan and Nabby Keys, int. Aug. 30, 1802.
- SAWYER, John [of] Templeton, and Sarah Force, int. Sept. 15 [1801].
- SAXTON, Gordon B. [of] Wilbraham, and Philina F. Severence, int. Mar. 21, 1825.
- SERGENT (see Sargeant, Sargent)
- SERGENT, Eliza [int. Seargent] and Charles Paige, Mar. 22, 1810.
- SERGENT, Polly [int. Seargent] and Edward A. Stanley [int. Edward Augustus Stanly], ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Dec. 26, 1803].
- SERGENT, Rufus and Sally Cummin, int. Feb. 12, 1809.
- SEVERANCE (see Severence)
- SEVERANCE, Harriot and Stephen G. Clements, int. Dec. 4, 1831.
- SEVERANCE, Melita and John Jenney, int. May 31, 1819.
- SEVERENCE (see Severance)
- SEVERENCE, Benjamin [int. Siverance, adds Dr.] and Betsy [int. Betsey] Joslyn, Jan. 15, 1797.
- SEVERENCE, Philina F. and Gordon B. Saxton, int. Mar. 21, 1825.
- SEWALL (see Suell).
- SHAW, Anne and Solomon Mathews Jr., Dec. 27 [1789].
- SHAW, Betsy and John Burt, int. Oct. 22 [1832].
- SHAW, Fanny and Eliphalet Dunsmoor [int. Dunsmore], Jan. 17, 1792.
- SHAW, Hannah L., 21, d. Joseph and Sophia, and Charles H. Anderson, May 17, 1849.
- SHAW, Jarvis and Annis Barr, Oct. 23, 1833.
- SHAW, Joseph and Mary Little, Nov. 12, 1787.
- SHAW, Joseph and Sophia Weston, int. Mar. 27, 1826.
- SHAW, Timothy and Silva Howard, Sept. 30, 1784.
- SHAW, Williamm and Susannah Pepper, Apr. 16 [1791].
- SHED (see Shedd)
- SHED, Emily and Jonathan Blake, Oct. 15, 1835.
- SHEDD (see Shed)
- SHEDD, Isreal P. of N. Boorkfield, and Mary Hoar, Apr. 3, 1839.
- SHIRTLEFF, Jonas [int. Shirtlieff] of Hardwick, and Dolly Haws [int. Hawes], Mar. 27, 1794.
- SIBLEY, Isaac of Sutton, and Polly Burbank, May 6 [1809].
- SIMMONS, Abigail of Brookfield, and Mathews Joslyn, int. ----, 1788.
- SIMMONS, Cook of Oakham, and Mary Learned [int. Larned], Dec. 3, 1818.
- SIMMONS, Hannah of Brookfield, and Ezekiel Hardy, Jan. 7, 1784.
- SIMMONS, Joseph of Brookfield, and Dorcas Hardy, Dec. 21, 1786.
- SIMOND, Salley of. Ware, Hampshire Co., and Stephen Pepper, int. Apr. 14, 1788.
- SLATER, Peter of Leicester, and Nancy Holmes, [May] 29 [1814] [int. May 29, 1813].
- SMITH, Anne and Abijah Joslyn, int. Sept. 10, 1792.
- SMITH, Chloe of Barre, and Danforth Pratt, May 30, 1792.
- SMITH, Edward of Hardwick, and Dorcas Ruggles, Aug. 25, 1757.
- SMITH, Emmons of Hubbardston, and Mary W. Davis. Jan. 20, 1842.
- SMITH, Enoch and Abigail Glazier, Feb. 24, 1799.
- SMITH, Franklin and Martha Leland, int. May ----, 1844.
- SMITH, Irine [int. Eirene] and Harlow Thrasher Jr., Mar. 21, 1839.
- SMITH, John of Hardwick, and Hannah Warner, Sept. 1, 1793.
- SMITH, John [of] Belcherton, and Delphia Joslyn, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1806, and Apr. 1, 1807] [int. Mar. ----, 1807].
- SMITH, Jonas and Salome Wilson, int. Oct. 2, 1813.
- SMITH, Lemuel of Brimfield, and Submit Cutter, Feb. 22, 1781.
- SMITH, Polly and Ebenezer Cox, int. Aug. 3, 1816.
- SNOW, Dwight M. of W. Brookfield, and Maria A. Woods, Oct. 19, 1849.
- SNOW, Hannah, b. Westboro, Worcester Co., d. Jabez and Hannah, and Elisha Mathews, Mar. 20 [dup. Mar. 17], 1788.
- SNOW, Lydia of Brookfield, and Reuben Gleason, int. Feb. 2, 1830.
- SOUTHWORTH, Josiah B. [int. R.], widr. [int. omits widr.], and Maranda Amsden, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], July 24, 1843.
- SOUTHWORTH, Nancy T. and Thomas F. Stevens, May 15, 1836.
- SOUTHWORTH, William E. and Elvira A. Davis, int. Dec. 14, 1844.
- SPALDING, Thomas [of] Milton, Vt., and Elizabeth Richmond, int. Dec. 8, 1805.
- SPALDING, Thomas [int. Spaulding] and Betsy Richmond, July 3 [1815].
- SPENNY, Elizabeth and David Ayres, Apr. 20, 1757.
- SPENNY, Judith and Barnabas Russell, Nov. 23, 1758.
- SPRING, George of Charlston, S.C., and Abba Fisk, int. Oct. 12, 1831.
- STANLEY, Edward A. [int. Edward Augustus Stanly] of Amherst [int. adds Hamshire Co.], and Polly Sergent [int. Seargent], ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Dec. 26, 1803].
- STEAL (see Steel)
- STEAL, Agnis and John Haine, June 8, 1758.
- STEAL, James and Sarah Willson, Apr. 21, 1772.
- STEAL, John and Sarah Culveson, May 8, 1766.
- STEAL, Thomas and Anna Downing, Apr. 1, 1773.
- STEARNES, Theodore [int. Stearns] of Tolland, Conn., and Martha H. Hunter, Aug. 8, 1837.
- STEEL (see Steal)
- STEEL, Sarah and Joseph Finton, Feb. 23, 1769.
- STEPHENS (see Stevens)
- STEPHENS, Betsy [int. Betsey Stephen] and Perly Hutchins [int. Perley Huchins], [Nov.] 6, 1799.
- STETSON, Job and Charity Cook, int. Feb. 27, 1836.
- STEVENS (see Stephens)
- STEVENS, Thomas F. and Nancy T. Southworth, May 15, 1836.
- STEWARD (see Stewart)
- STEWARD, James and Abigail Newton, June 4, 1783.
- STEWART (see Steward)
- STEWART, Jane and Adam Clark, Feb. 9, 1774.
- STOCKWELL, Abel of Templeton, and Betsey Force, May 9, 1792.
- STONE, Caroline and Robert Potter, int. Feb. 28, 1848.
- STONE, Eliza of W. Brookfield, and Ira Barlow, int. Oct. 25, 1834.
- STONE, Ezra B. of N. Brookfield, and Harriet [int. Harriot], Jan. 28, 1834.
- STONE, James and Melinda Barr, Nov. 8, 1825.
- STONE, Jonas of Rutland, and Lydia Hall, Oct. 19, 1785.
- STONE, Oliver and Mary Dowe, Sept. 15, 1785.
- STONE, Salley and Hugh Barr, Apr. 11, 1782.
- STONE, Silas and Polley White, int. Apr. 24, 1787.
- STURTEVANT (see Sturtuvant)
- STURTEVANT, James Jr. and Sibbel Pepper, June 14, 1787.
- STURTUVANT (see Sturtevant)
- STURTUVANT, Polley [int. Polly Sturtervant] and Comfort Barns, ---- [rec. between Dec. 27, 1791, and Jan. 17, 1792] [int. Dec. 19, 1791].
- SUELL, Mehitable [of] Ware, and Allen Norton, int. Oct. 2, 1812.
- SUMNER, William, b. Worcester, and Josephine M. Howard, ---- [rec. June ----, 1847].
- SWAN, Daniel of Hubberdston, and Thirza Barrows, int. May 3, 1830.
- SWAN, Sibal [int. Sibbel] and Jonathan Wilcox, Jan. 10, 1796.
- SWEETSER, John and Sally [int. Sarah] Woolcott, May 25 [1791].
- SWIFT, Heman and Orpah Howard, Aug. 30, 1782.
- SWIFT, Lemuel Jr. and Anne McWharter, Jan. 29, 1784.
- SWINERTON, Samuel and Mrs. Phebe Pierce, June 7, 1778.
- TAFT, David W. and Ann B. Heywood, int. Mar. 22, 1830.
- TAINTOR, Edwin B. [of] Brookfield, and Sally Penniman, int. May 15, 1826.
- TAYLOR, Mary and Oliver Woodis, Nov. 29, 1818.
- TAYLOR, Seth (Faylor) of Hardwick, and Rhoda Granger, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Jan. 29, 1804].
- TENNY, Stephen R. and Ruth Rice, Mar. 28 [1809].
- THOMAS, Amos and Sally Hudson, int. Feb. 19, 1798.
- THOMAS, Israel and Azubah Baxter, Dec. 25, 1756.
- THOMAS, Joanna of Barre, and James MUllit, Oct. 29, 1787.
- THOMAS, Reuben and Eliza Henderson, int. Dec. 11, 1831.
- THOMAS, Robert of Barre, and Polley Woodbury, Apr. 12, 1787.
- THOMPSON (see Thomson)
- THOMPSON, Abby [int. Abigail] and Henry A. Hoyt, June 13, 1833.
- THOMPSON, Amos and Polly Witt, int. Apr. 2, 1810.
- THOMPSON, Azel and Melina Crawford, int. Jan. 15, 1822.
- THOMPSON, Caroline and James Martin, Aug. 26, 1833.
- THOMPSON, Harriet [int. Harriot] and Gardner E. Goodell, Nov. 13, 1844.
- THOMPSON, James and Sally Jerrels [?], int. ---- [rec. after Oct. 2, 1813].
- THOMPSON, Jane [of] Ware, and Samuell Borden, int. Dec. 11, 1809.
- THOMPSON, Jerusha W. and Israel Allen, int. Jan. 17, 1825.
- THOMPSON, John 2d and Melissa Barr, int. Mar. 20, 1818.
- THOMPSON, Nancy [int. Thomson] and Tobias [int. Tabias] Bancroft, Nov. 15, 1817.
- THOMPSON, Parmela, Mrs., and Naham Whipple, int. Apr. 3, 1826.
- THOMPSON, Sally and Hiram Barr, int. Feb. 15, 1829.
- THOMPSON, Selina of Ware, and Jonathan G. Frost, int. Apr. 18, 1825.
- THOMPSON, Sumner, 24, s. Chauncy and Betsey of Brookfield, and Caroline Thrasher, Dec. 19, 1849.
- THOMSON (see Thompson)
- THOMSON, Agnis and William Gilcrest, Sept. 8, 1772.
- THOMSON, Anna and John Cunningham Jr., May 31, 1770.
- THOMSON, Betsey [int. Mrs. Betesey] and Samuel Joslyn Jr., ---- [rec. between Apr. 28, 1788, and Apr., 1789] [int. Mar. 23, 1789].
- THOMSON, Grace and Samuel [int. Samuell Dyer, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Mar. 1, 1803].
- THOMSON, John 2d and Pamela Barns, May 26, 1784.
- THOMSON, Nabby and Joseph Joslyn, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1802, and Apr. 1, 1803] [int. Jan. 18, 1803].
- THOMSON, Nathan (Thomson) and Mary Haws, Nov. 15, 1770.
- THOMSON, Nathan and Joanna Nichols [int. Mrs. Joanna Nickols], Nov. 4, 1790.
- THOMSON, Nathan and Polly Doty, Oct. 5, 1793.
- THOMSON, Nathan Jr. and Rebecca Haskell, int. Nov. 27, 1797.
- THOMSON, Noah of Palmer, and Rachel Thomson, Sept. 1, 1763.
- THOMSON, Percis [int. Thompson] and Moses Felton, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1807, and Apr. 1, 1808] [int. Sept. 4, 1807].
- THOMSON, Polly [int. Thompson] and Daniel Woods, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1802, and Apr. 1, 1803] [int. Apr. 15, 1802].
- THOMSON, Polly and Joel Dunn, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1804, and Apr. 1, 1805] [int. May 28, 1804].
- THOMSON, Rachel and Noah Thomson, Sept. 1, 1763.
- THOMSON, Samuel of Willminton, and Lydia Barnes, Dec. 16, 1784.
- THOMSON, Silas and Hannah Joslyn, Feb. 2, 1794.
- THOMSON, William Jr. of Licester, and Jane White, [Jan.] 18 [?], 1755.
- THOMSON, William and Susanna Winslow, int. Dec. 9, 1799.
- THOMSON, William and Polly Lyscomb, int. Nov. 27, 1822.
- THRASHER (see Thresher)
- THRASHER, Abigail and Isaah Butler, Feb. 7, 1771.
- THRASHER, Ann and Charles Keith, int. Oct. 27, 1828.
- THRASHER, Bethia [int. Bethiah] and Jonathan Blake, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Feb. 16, 1806].
- THRASHER, Bethyah and Jonathan Cunningham, Sept. 13, 1771.
- THRASHER, Caroline, 20, and Sumner Thompson, Dec. 19, 1849.
- THRASHER, David and Edatha Woodbury, int. Oct. 15, 1800.
- THRASHER, Editha and Leonard W. Davis, Oct. 19, 1836.
- THRASHER, Elijah C. and Philinda Nutting, int. Mar. 13, 1847.
- THRASHER, George and Pattey Cutter, Mar. 11, 1784.
- THRASHER, Hannah and Job Ranger, Mar. 23 [1814].
- THRASHER, Harlow and Nancy Babcock [int. Badcock], Nov. 27 [1814].
- THRASHER, Harlow Jr. and Irine [int. Eirene] Smith, Mar. 21, 1839.
- THRASHER, Harvey and Aurilia Boalster, int. Dec. 4, 1826.
- THRASHER, Lucinda of Prescott and Calvin Hervey, int. Oct. 15, 1836.
- THRASHER, Martha and William Joslyn int. Aug. 4, 1805.
- THRASHER, Martha and Charles M. Harvey, int. Mar. 28, 1825.
- THRASHER, Rufus and Saviah McKintock, int. ---- [? 1810].
- THRASHER, Ruth and Ephraim Holmes, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Feb. 16, 1806].
- THRASHER, Samuel and Hannah Pratt, Apr. 28, 1785.
- THRASHER, Samuell Jr. and Sally Harwood, int. Feb. 12, 1809.
- THRASHER, Samuell Jr. and Polly Macomber, int. Jan. ----, 1815.
- THRASHER, Sarah and Seth Cole, int. June 12, 1833.
- THRASHER, Stephen and Anna Cutter, Mar. 11, 1773.
- THRASHER, Thankfull, Mrs., and Lt. Asa French, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Sept. 12, 1803].
- THRASHER, Timothy and Sally Cutter, Dec. 11, 1794.
- THRASHER, Timothy and Mrs. Mary Cole, Oct. 15 [1809].
- THRASHER, William and Thankfull Bangs, int. Oct. 15, 1792.
- THRESHER (see Thrasher)
- THRESHER, Emely and William C. Joslyn, int. Nov. 25, 1827.
- THURSTIN (see Thurston, Thuston)
- THURSTIN, Joseph and Lucy How, wid., Dec. 23, 1773.
- THURSTON (see Thurstin, Thuston)
- THURSTON, Patty and Charles Whipple, int. Apr. 5, 1796.
- THUSTON (see Thurstin, Thurston)
- THUSTON, Salley of Hardwick, and Abner Weston, Oct. ----, 1788.
- TIDD, Abigail R. and Charles Burt, Dec. 31, 1835.
- TIDD, Adaline S. of N. Brookfield, and John G. Weston, int. May 3, 1828.
- TIDD, Benjamin Jr. and Polly Gilmore, int. Dec. 16, 1803 [? 1805].
- TIDD, Betsy [int. Betsey] and Edward Parkman, Oct. ----, 1799.
- TIDD, Dorothy [int. Dolly] and Stephen Wilcox [int. Willcox], June 16, 1799.
- TIDD, Ebenezer Jr. and Betsey Mixter, May 19, 1793.
- TIDD, Grace and Isaac Denny, May 21, 1793.
- TIDD, Grace M. and Parley Ayres, int. Apr. 24, 1826.
- TIDD, Hollis, Capt., and Mary Prentiss, int. Dec. 22, 1825.
- TIDD, Lydia and George Wilkinson, int. Mar. 15, 1802.
- TIDD, Sally and Jeremiah Read [int. Reed], May 8, 1794.
- TIDD, Sally [int. 2d] and Henry Joslyn, June 19, 1794.
- TIDD, William and Salley Whipple, int. July 27, 1789.
- TILSON, Edmond of Greenwick, and Martha Gilbert, Feb. 28, 1775.
- TILSON, Jonathan [of] Pittsford, Vt., and Charlotte Woods, int. Dec. 28, 1812.
- TILTON, Moses H. and Relief Pratt, int. Sept. 24, 1821.
- TOLMAN, William H. and Sophia S. Haskins, int. Feb. 11, 1842.
- TORRANCE, Joanna and John Finton, Nov. 19, 1772.
- TOURTELOT (see Tourtelotte)
- TOURTELOT, Mirick [int. Meric Tourtellot] of Greenwich, and Herriet [int. Harriet] H. Boyden, Jan. 4, 1837.
- TOURTELOTTE (see Tourtelot)
- TOURTELOTTE, Orilla of Greenwich, and Robert F. Howe, int. Nov. 1, 1848.
- TOWN, Robert of Windsor, Berkshire Co., and Elisabeth Hawes, Nov. 28, 1782.
- TOWNSEND, Nancy of Brookfield, and Nathaniel Harrington, int. Mar. 13, 1798.
- TRASK, Betsey of New Salem, Hamshire Co., and Levi Rice, int. Feb. 21, 1797.
- TRIPP, Thomas of Sherborn [int. Sherborn, Rutland Co.], Vt., and Margaret Nye, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [nt. Aug. 4, 1805].
- TROW, Hannah, Mrs., and Francis Winch, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1806, and Apr. 1, 1807] [int. Feb. 16, 1807].
- TRUANT, Mary and Joseph Blair, Oct. 28, 1784.
- TUCKER, Hosea of Spencer, and Avelina Holmes, int. Mar. 12, 1827.
- TUFFS (see Tuffts, Tufts)
- TUFFS, William and Sally Keys, int. June ----, 1807.
- TUFFTS (see Tuffs, Tufts)
- TUFFTS, William and Jane Black, int. Apr. 22, 1799.
- TUFTS (see Tuffs, Tuffts)
- TUFTS, Danforth H. and Hannah S. Matthews, Sept. 22, 1835.
- TYLAR (see Tyler)
- TYLAR, Theodore and Mrs. Abigail Gould, int. ---- [rec. after Oct. 7, 1820].
- TYLER (see Tylar)
- TYLER, Dwight, s. Tneo and A., and Harriet [int. Harriot] Larned, Mar. 16, 1848.
- TYLER, Isaac and Catharine Gilbert, int. Mar. 29, 1834.
- UPHAM, Nathan of Brookfield, and Ellener Gilburt, Feb. 27, 1772.
- VAUGHN, Elisha of Shutesbury, Hampshire Co., and Abeir Allin, Sept. 11, 1783.
- VAUGHN, Susannah L. [int. of Prescott] and Dwight Reed, Mar. 15, 1842.
- YOKES, Nabby and Joseph Wait, int. Mar. 25, 1817.
- YOKES, Robert and Ruth Bangs, int. July 16, 1792.
- YOKES, Sally and Cheny Dane, int. Apr. 27, 1818.
- WADSWORTH, Adaline of Barre, and Edwin Read, int. Oct. 23, 1841.
- WADSWORTH, Samuel and Huldah Jenkins, int. May 1, 1841.
- WAIT (see Waite)
- WAIT, Elmar and Betsy Warner, int. Dec. 25, 1810.
- WAIT, Hannah and Calvin Morse, Dec. 29 [1808].
- WAIT, Joseph [of] N. Brookfield, and Nabby Vokes, int. Mar. 25, 1817.
- WAIT, Levina and Ashbel Rice, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1807, and Apr. 1, 1808] [int. June ----, 1807].
- WAIT, Louisa, 42, d. Phinehas and Patty, and Henry A. Delano, Dec. 31, 1847.
- WAIT, Lucinda and Calvin Morse, int. June 8, 1816.
- WAIT, Patty, Mrs., and Ichabod Nye, Dec. 22 [1808].
- WAIT, Phineas and Polly [int. Patty] Anderson, ---- [int Sept. 25] [1801].
- WAIT, Tameson and Roger Bartlet, Feb. 4, 1762.
- WAIT, Tirzah and James Bowdoin, [Dec.] 17 [1815].
- WAITE (see Wait)
- WAITE, Crishene and Jonathan Barr, int. Sept. 13, 1795.
- WAITE, David and Bersheba ----, Nov. 25, 1769.
- WAITE, David Jr. and Lena Washburn, int. Mar. 1, 1795.
- WAITE, Elisabeth of Brookfield, and Samuel Hoar, Oct. 29, 1778.
- WAITE, Katharine of Brookfield, and Jonathan Hathaway, Mar. 3, 1785.
- WAITE, Ruth of Brookfield, and Joseph Barr Jr., int. Jan. 26, 1796.
- WALCOTT (see Wolcot, Woolcott)
- WALKER, Adoniram of Brookfield, and Mary Barns, [Nov.] 25, 1790.
- WALKER, Judith and Elias Hall, May 26, 1771.
- WALKER, Judith Goss and William Holmes, int. July 6, 1789.
- WALKER, Maria of N. Brookfield, and Josiah B. Davis, int. Mar. 14, 1836.
- WALKER, Sarah of Brookfield, and Nathan Parker, Feb. 18, 1762.
- WALLIS, Reliefe [int. Relief] and Hervy [int. Harvey] Maynard, [Nov.] 24, 1790.
- WARD, Pemberton [of] Brookfield, and Isabel Wetherel, int. [rec. after Apr. 2, 1810].
- WARE, Abigail and John Joslyn, May 6, 1779.
- WARE, Abigail, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], and John Harris, July 2, 1787.
- WARE, Hannah and James Babcok [int. Badcock], June 22, 1793.
- WARE, Jesse and Anna Woods, Apr. 12, 1774.
- WARE, Jonathan and Sarah Woods, Apr. 26, 1770.
- WARE, Lucy and Ens. John Dunsmore Jr., int. Feb. 11, 1799.
- WARE, Lydia and Jonas Bigelow, Mar. 10, 1785.
- WARE, Margerrit and Dr. Persival Hall, May 10, 1764.
- WARE, Mary and Thomas Fletcher, May 17, 1773.
- WARE, Oliver and Mrs. Abigail Whipple, Mar. 5, 1778.
- WARE, Paletiah and Rebecca Blair, Dec. 27, 1758.
- WARE, Samuel and Mrs. Hannah Belding, Nov. 3, 1757.
- WARE, Unity and Samuel Warner, Apr. 11, 1769.
- WARNER, Abigail and Abraham Joslin, Dec. 9, 1773.
- WARNER, Alpheus and Meribah Hilyard, Sept. 1, 1774.
- WARNER, Amory P. and ---- Haskins, int. Mar. 2, 1829.
- WARNER, Apollos [int. Apollas] and Tirzah [int. Tisza] Nye, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1804, and Apr. 1, 1805] [int. June 25, 1804].
- WARNER, Beriah and Triphena [int. Trifena] Parker, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1807, and Apr. 1, 1808] [int. Mar. 7, 1808].
- WARNER, Betsy and Elmar Wait, int. Dec. 25, 1810.
- WARNER, Daniell [int. Daniel] and Lavina Joslyn, Jan. 1, 1809.
- WARNER, Eli and Lucia C. Cleaveland, int. Mar. 15, 1845.
- WARNER, Eunice of Brookfield, and John Grainger, int. Nov. 15, 1790.
- WARNER, Franklin O., 29, s. Royal and Peggy, and Sarah Cleavland, Sept. 5, 1848.
- WARNER, Hannah and John Smith, Sept. 1, 1793.
- WARNER, Henry and Anna Gardner Hutchinson, int. July 28, 1849.
- WARNER, Jonathan 2d of Hardwick, and Salley Paige,---- [rec. between Apr. 28, 1788, and Apr., 1789].
- WARNER, Justus of Hardwick, and Katharine [int. Katey] Hall, Dec. 27 [1791].
- WARNER, Katharine, Mrs., and Edward Whipple, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1802, and Apr. 1, 1803] [int. Jan. 25, 1802].
- WARNER, Lewis of Hardwick, and Veronacia Anderson, int. Apr. 2, 1827.
- WARNER, Mary [of] Hardwick, and William Robinson, int. Nov. 19, 1809.
- WARNER, Meribah, Mrs., and Isaac Prowty [int. 2d], ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Sept. 3, 1803].
- WARNER, Patty and Samuell [int. Samuel] Reed, Aug. 10 [1808].
- WARNER, Phinehas Jr. and Mary Pollard, Aug. 24, 1784.
- WARNER, Prudence and Daniel Eldridge, Feb. 10, 1767.
- WARNER, Prudence and Daniell Record, Aug. 26, 1813.
- WARNER, Royal and Peggy Adams, May 14 [1808].
- WARNER, Sally and Niman Clarke [int. Neman Clark], ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Apr. 4, 1803].
- WARNER, Samuel and Unity Ware, Apr. 11, 1769.
- WARNER, Samuell and Mary Rawson, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Aug. 8, 1803].
- WARNER, Sarah A., b. Prescott, d. Dwight and Sarah A., and Philip Amidown, Nov. 30, 1848.
- WARNER, Sukey, Mrs., of Hardwick, and Capt. Artemas Howe, Feb. 16, 1786.
- WARNER, Susannah and Thomas Page, int. Apr. 23, 1798.
- WARNER, Unity and Thomas Fletcher, July 12 [1791].
- WARNER, Willard of Richfield, N.Y., and Jane Delano [int. Dellano], Feb. 9, 1794.
- WARNER, Zenus and Nancy Arnold, ----[rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. rec. between Dec. 8 and Dec. 16, 1805].
- WARREN (see Warrin)
- WARREN, Elisha and Eunice Whipple, int. Apr. 11, 1793.
- WARREN, Eilsha and Huldah G. Allen, int. Sept. 15 [1838].
- WARREN, Eliza W. and Alanson Hamilton, int. Apr. 3, 1826.
- WARREN, Peter [int. Warrin Jr.] [of] Templeton, and Anna [int. Anne] Force, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. ---- [rec. between Mar. 17 and Aug. 4, 1805].
- WARREN, Sally and James Barr 2d, int. May 16, 1796.
- WARRIN (see Warren)
- WARRIN, Levina and Thomas Wolcot, int. Apr. 7, 1794.
- WASHBURN, James and Ruth Rice, Sept. 7, 1769.
- WASHBURN, Joseph and Mary ----, Sept. 26, 1755.
- WASHBURN, Lena and David Waite Jr., int. Mar. 2, 1795.
- WASHBURN, William of Stafford, Conn., and Lucretia Darling, Oct. 9, 1783.
- WATERMAN, Hannah of W. Brookfield [int. of Brookfield], and James H. Barr, Apr. 27, 1836.
- WATERMAN, Rebeccah of Brookfield, and Foster Pepper, int. Oct. 17 [1832].
- WATKINS, Susan and Augustus Daniels, int. June 7 [1834].
- WATSON, Jacob of Walcot, and Alice Hudson, int. Sept. 16, 1811.
- WATSON, Thankful and Lt. Paul Eager, int. Oct. 23, 1797.
- WATT, Mary and William Barr, May 19, 1774.
- WEBB, Mary P. of Hardwick, and Loren [int. Loring] F. Woods, Sept. 24, 1839.
- WEEKS, Martin [of] Oakham, and Hannah Foster, int. June 8, 1818.
- WEEKS, Nathaniel and Marcy Richmond, Feb. 16, 1769.
- WELLS, Alfred of Greenfield, and Sarah Wilcox, int. Oct. 31, 1825.
- WESST (see West)
- WESST, Charlottee [int. Charlotte West] and James Norton, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1804, and Apr. 1, 1805] [int. Feb. 12, 1805].
- WEST (see Wesst)
- WEST, Betsy and Washington Allen, Dec. 27, 1800 [int. Dec. 15, 1801, sic].
- WEST, Hannah and Elijah Norton 2d [dup. omits 2d], Nov. 25, 1776.
- WEST, Otis and Hariot Brown, int. Oct. 2, 1813.
- WEST, Paul and Caty [int. Cata] Berry, Oct. 2, 1794.
- WEST, Paul and Mrs. Abigail Burbank, int. Nov. 2, 1795.
- WEST, Pheby and Lucius Gunn, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1802, and Apr. 1, 1803] [int. June 5, 1802].
- WESTERN (see Weston)
- WESTERN, Abagail D., 20, d. John G. and Adaline, and Robert Clark, Sept. ----, 1848.
- WESTON (see Western)
- WESTON, Abner of Hardwick, and Salley Thus-ton, Oct. ----, 1788.
- WESTON, Adaline A., Mrs., and John Putman, int. Feb. 20, 1845.
- WESTON, Betsy of Brookfield, and Daniell Gould, int. Jan. ----, 1801.
- WESTON, Eliza of Brookfield, and Levi Harrington, int. Feb. 29, 1796.
- WESTON, Huldah [int. Hulda] and Nathaniel Curtis, Feb. 8 [int. Feb. 9, sic] [1795].
- WESTON, John G. and Adaline S. Tidd, int. May 3, 1828.
- WESTON, Joshua and Hannah Grainger, Nov. 23 [int. Nov. 27,sic], 1787.
- WESTON, Lucy and Silvester Richmond Jr., Aug. 8, 1771.
- WESTON, Rebekah of Western, and Asa Harrington, int. Sept. 6, 1802.
- WESTON, Sophia and Joseph Shaw, int. Mar. 27, 1826.
- WETHERBEE (see Wetherby)
- WETHERBEE, Betsy and Edward Hunter, Mar. 15, 1814.
- WETHERBEE, Charles B. of Brookfield, and Abigail G. Bartlett, int. Apr. 21, 1828.
- WETHERBEE, Elisa H. of Cambridge, and Avery W. Gilbert, int. May 5, 1847.
- WETHERBEE, Seth B. and Mehitable W. Bartlet, int. Nov. 13, 1826.
- WETHERBY (see Wetherbee)
- WETHERBY, Jeremiah [int. Wetherbee] [of] Charleston, and Mary Pope, ----[rec. between Apr. 1, 1805, and Apr. 1, 1806] [int. Dec. 23, 1805].
- WETHEREL (see Wetherell)
- WETHEREL, Isabel and Pemberton Ward, int. ---- [rec. after Apr. 2, 1810].
- WETHEREL, Jonathan and Polly Willcox, int. Dec. 26, 1796.
- WETHERELL (see Wetherel)
- WETHERELL, Aaron and Polly Moore, int. Mar. 3, 1794.
- WETHERELL, David and Angeline Hunter, int. Oct. 2, 1829.
- WETHERELL, David, widr., and Electa Nye, June 9, 1847.
- WETHERELL, George and Amelia Bigelow, Sept. 18, 1783.
- WETHERELL, John and ---- Hall, int. Apr. 15, 1816.
- WETHERELL, John B. of Ware, and Parnel H. Hervey, int. Feb. 18, 1846.
- WETHERELL, Samson Jr. [int. Lt., omits Jr.] and [int. adds Mrs.] Lydia Fulton, Apr. 10, 1788.
- WHIPPLE, Abigail, Mrs., and Oliver Ware, Mar. 5, 1778.
- WHIPPLE, Charles and Patty Thurston, int. Apr. 5, 1796.
- WHIPPLE, Didamia [of] Chester, Vt., and "Jn" Ayres, int. June 26, 1818.
- WHIPPLE, Edward and Mrs. Katharine Warner, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1802, and Apr. 1, 1803] [int. Jan. 25, 1802].
- WHIPPLE, Eunice of Grafton, and Elisha Warren, int. Apr. 11, 1793.
- WHIPPLE, Joel and Patty Putman, int. Jan. 18, 1803.
- WHIPPLE, John C. and Elisabeth Q. Allen, int. Apr. 10, 1847.
- WHIPPLE, Lucy and Paul Knolton [int. Knowlton], ---- [rec. between Apr. 29, 18(?) and Apr. 29, 1801] [int. Apr. 1, 1800].
- WHIPPLE, Lucy, Mrs., and Isaac Knight, Nov. 5, 1802.
- WHIPPLE, Moses and Lucy Howe, Dec. 11, 1786.
- WHIPPLE, Naham and Mrs. Parmela Thompson, int. Apr. 3, 1826.
- WHIPPLE, Nahum and Lucinda Ashley, Apr. 11, 1782.
- WHIPPLE, Salley and William Tidd, int. July 27, 1789.
- WHITCOMB, Branch [int. Wheetcombe] and Betsey Rodgers [int. Betssey Rogers], Feb. 21, 1792.
- WHITCOMB, Lott of Hardwick, and Lydia Nye, Dec. 9, 1762.
- WHITE, Betsey of Oakham, and Percival Hall 2d, int. July 4, 1791.
- WHITE, David of Oakham, and Eunice Hunter, int. Sept. 30, 1792.
- WHITE, Elias of Barre, and Hope Cobb, Oct. 2, 1789.
- WHITE, Fanny and Josiah B. Bond, int. Aug. 20, 1824.
- WHITE, Florence [int. Florana, adds wid.] of Palmer [int. adds Hamshire Co.], and [int. adds Dr.] Saul Job [int. adds negroes], Nov. 30, 1798.
- WHITE, Horatio [int. Horasho] and Fanny Blair, Aug. 4, 1822.
- WHITE, Jane and William Thomson Jr., [Jan.] 18 [?], 1755.
- WHITE, Jonathan and Mehitable Gould, Aug. 11, 1799.
- WHITE, Lucy W. [of] Hardwick, and Parley Blanchard, int. Dec. 28, 1812.
- WHITE, Miriam and John Patrick [int. Jr.], Mar. 4, 1790.
- WHITE, Molley of Oakham, and Luther Connant, Dec. 4, 1783.
- WHITE, Polley of Granby, Hampshire Co., and Silas Stone, int. Apr. 24, 1787.
- WHITE, Stephen of Petersham, and Nabby Hudson, Mar. 6, 1792.
- WHITE, Thomas and Sarah Blair, Nov. 26, 1761.
- WHITTEMORE, Adaline of Leicester, and Biniamin Franklin Knight, int. Apr. 21, 1828.
- WIER, Davied of Murrayfield "now Chester," Hampshire Co., and Mary Barr, Nov. 8, 1781.
- WILCOT, Lucy and Rice Barton, int. Mar. 28, 1824.
- WILCOT, Mary of Western, and Nathan Moulton, int.---- [rec. after Oct. 7, 1820].
- WILCOT, Polly and Jonathan Hill, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1803, and Apr. 1, 1804] [int. Oct. 24, 1803].
- WILCOX (see Willcox)
- WILCOX, Charles and Nancy B. Holmes, int. Mar. 6, 1841.
- WILCOX, Jonathan and Sibal [int. Sibbel] Swan, Jan. 10, 1796.
- WILCOX, Sarah and Alfred Wells, int. Oct. 31, 1825.
- WILCOX, Stephen [int. Willcox] and Dorothy [int. Dolly] Tidd, June 16, 1799.
- WILCOX, Stephen and Sarah Holmes, Dec. 10 [1815].
- WILEY, Moses of Templeton, and Lydia Holms [int. Holmes], June 24, 1794.
- WILKINSON, George and Lydia Tidd, int. Mar. 15, 1802.
- WILKINSON, Mary [int. Mercy] and Abraham Hunter 2d, Feb. 23, 1800.
- WILLARD, Calvin and Malanca [int. Malancy] Freeman, Mar. 28, 1844.
- WILLCOX (see Wilcox)
- WILLCOX, Elisabeh and Joseph Mead, int. Apr. 30, 1798.
- WILLCOX, Polly and Jonathan Wetherel, int. Dec. 26, 1796.
- WILLCOX, Stephen and Mrs. Patty Allen, int. Aug. 30, 1837.
- WILLIAMS, Caroline F. and Luther Jackson, int. Dec. 7, 1844.
- WILLIAMS, Frederick of Amherst, and Caroline How [int. Howe], Nov. 26, 1833.
- WILLIS, Adam of Hardwick, and Anna Finton, Dec. 14, 1785.
- WILLIS, Azariah [of] Brookfield, and Millisent Woods, int. Mar. 7, 1808.
- WILLIS, Jonathan Jr. of Oakham, and Kezia Wooddis, Aug. 11, 1791.
- WILLIS, Nabby of Oakham, and Dr. Increase Mathews, int. Apr. 8, 1799.
- WILLSON (see Wilson)
- WILLSON, Alexender and Huldah Gilburt, [torn] [17]66.
- WILLSON, Elizabeth and Joseph Little, May 29, 1764.
- WILLSON, Joseph and Sarah Mathews, Apr. 18, 1782.
- WILLSON, Mary of Oakham, and Abraham Hunter Jr., Feb. 24, 1774.
- WILLSON, Samuel and Lydia Hunter, Dec. 8, 1785.
- WILLSON, Sarah and James Steal, Apr. 21, 1772.
- WILSON (see Willson)
- WILSON, Catharine of Petersham, and Benjamin F. Hamilton, int. Mar. 7, 1836.
- WILSON, Luther and Sally Bigelow, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1806, and Apr. 1, 1807] [int. Oct. 15, 1806].
- WILSON, Salome [of] Princeton, and Jonas Smith, int. Oct. 2, 1813.
- WINCH, Francis [of] Holden, and Mrs. Hannah Trow, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1806, and Apr. 1, 1807] [int. Feb. 16, 1807].
- WINDSOR, Mary and Francis Frink, ---- [rec. between Oct. 31 and Dec. 18, 1808].
- WINSLOW, John 3d of ToIon, Tollon Co., Conn., and Keziah Nye, int. Mar. 25, 1816.
- WINSLOW, Susanna of Brookfield, and William Thomson, int. Dec. 9, 1799.
- WINSLOW, West [of] Tolen, Conn., and Lois Nye, int. Sept. 16, 1811.
- WINTER, Harriet of N. Brookfield, and Isaac Moore [int. More], Apr. 13, 1837.
- WITHERBEE (see Wetherbee, Wetherby)
- WITHERELL (see Wetherel, Wetherell).
- WITHERLY, Elizabeth and John Nye, May 4, 1775.
- WITHERLY, Jonathan and Mehitable Fisher, Oct. 21, 1771.
- WITT, Deborah and John Fisher, Nov. 25, 1773.
- WITT, Josiah of Brookfield, and Welthy [int. Wealthy] Cobb, May 12, 1799.
- WITT, Polly and Amos Thompson, int. Apr. 2, 1810.
- WITT, Sophia and William Earl, Aug. 14 [1808].
- WITT, Stephen, Lt., and Mrs. Sally Patten, int. Apr. 4, 1791.
- WITT, Susan and Rufus Harris, int. Apr. 13, 1818.
- WOLCOT (see Woolcott)
- WOLCOT, Thomas of Oakham, and Levina Warrin, int. Apr. 7, 1794.
- WONNUP, Elisabeth and Zaccharias Redding, May 6, 1788.
- WOOD (see Wooddis, Woodis, Woods)
- WOOD, Asael of Conwey [int. Conway, Hamshire Co.], and Tiley [int. Tilia] Job, ---- [1802].
- WOOD, Asaph, widr. [int. omits widr.], of Gardner, and Abby [int. adds H.] Peirce, Apr. 15, 1845.
- WOOD, Joel F. of Grafton, and Lucy Sanford, int. Apr. 12, 1831.
- WOOD, Levinia of Barnard, Vt., and Samuel Woods, int. Sept. 20, 1838.
- WOODBURY, Edatha of Barre, and David Thrasher, int. Oct. 15, 1800.
- WOODBURY, Polley of Barre, and Robert Thomas, Apr. 12, 1787.
- WOODIS (see Wood, Woodis, Woods)
- WOODIS, Kezia of Oakham, and Jonathan Willis Jr., Aug. 11, 1791.
- WOODIS (see Wood, Woodis, Woods)
- WOODIS, Edward, Capt., and Catharine Holmes, Apr. 9, 1825 [int. Apr. 10, 1826, sic].
- WOODIS, Martha, wid., of Barre, and Joseph Chever, Apr. 15, 1847.
- WOODIS, Martha A. [int. omits A.], 20, of Dana, d. Ebenezer and Martha, and Richard T. [int. I. [?]] Davis, Mar. 1, [18]42.
- WOODIS, Oliver and Mary Taylor, Nov. 29, 1818.
- WOODS (see Wood, Wooddis, Woodis)
- WOODS, Anna and Jesse Ware, Apr. 12, 1774.
- WOODS, Asa and Lucy Barr, Jan. 12 [1791].
- WOODS, Benjamin and Sarah Adams [?], Mar. 8, 1770.
- WOODS, Betsey and James Burk, Oct. 27, 1794.
- WOODS, Caroline and Ashbel Pepper, int. Feb. 1, 1820.
- WOODS, Catharine M. and Seth Caldwell, int. Apr. 1, 1818.
- WOODS, Charlotte and Jonathan Tilson, int. Dec. 28, 1812.
- WOODS, Daniel and Betsey Jones, int. July 4, 1791.
- WOODS, Daniel and Polly Thomson [int. Thompson], ----[rec. between Apr. 1, 1802, and Apr. 1, 1803] [int. Apr. 15, 1802].
- WOODS, Daniell [int. Daniel] and Mrs. Nabby Joslyn, Apr. 17, 1815.
- WOODS, Deborah and Henry D. Sanford, int. Mar. 25, 1833.
- WOODS, Dorthy and Asa Bonney Jr., Oct. 12, 1775.
- WOODS, Edward of Barre, and Caroline Russel, int. Mar. 20, 1832.
- WOODS, Ephraim and Mrs. Mary Hall, Oct. 19, 1773.
- WOODS, Eunice (see Unice).
- WOODS, George Jr. and Darcus [int. Dorcas] Barr, Oct. 4, 1798.
- WOODS, Hannah Jr., Mrs., and Mathew Fintan, int. Dec. 3, 1792.
- WOODS, Hephzibah [int. Hepsibah] and John Brooks, [Nov.] 16, 1787.
- WOODS, Isaac B. and Precilla Alvira Barr, int. Nov. 10, 1821.
- WOODS, James Jr., and Katharine [int. Katey] Bowman, [Nor.] 17, 1787.
- WOODS, James and Cata Bowman, Nov. 15, 1797.
- WOODS, James and Roxana Barr, int. Apr. 1, 1817.
- WOODS, James H. and Emela W. Sanford, int. Mar. 26, 1827.
- WOODS, John and Lydia Woods, Feb. 5, 1767.
- WOODS, John 2d and Salley Edson, Nov. 23, 1786.
- WOODS, John [int. Wood] and Polly [int. Patty] Edson, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1804, and Apr. 1, 1805] [int. June 18, 1804].
- WOODS, John and Betsey Pepper, Apr. 24 [1834].
- WOODS, Jonathan Jr. and Lydia Barr, Nov. 28, 1784.
- WOODS, Joseph L. and Adaline Rice, int. Nov. 4, 1833.
- WOODS, Loren [int. Loring] F. and Mary P. Webb, Sept. 24, 1839.
- WOODS, Louis [female] and William Fletcher, [Apr.] 15, 1788.
- WOODS, Lucy and Ebenezer Nye, June 13, 1790.
- WOODS, Lydia and John Woods, Feb. 5, 1767.
- WOODS, Lydia [int. 1st] and Ens. David Allen, Jan. 22 [1795].
- WOODS, Marcy and Thomas Rainger, Jan. 9, 1770.
- WOODS, Maria A. and Dwight M. Snow, Oct. 19, 1849.
- WOODS, Martha and Hezekiah Hancock, May 6, 1773.
- WOODS, Mary and Jonathan Force, June 28, 1764.
- WOODS, Mehitable and Theron H. Gilbert, Aug. 6, 1835.
- WOODS, Millisent and Azariah Willis, int. Mar. 7, 1808.
- WOODS, Percis and Bille Hancock, May 7, 1767.
- WOODS, Presilla and Silas Matthews, Sept. 10, 1765.
- WOODS, Sally and "Simn"" Pepper, int. Aug. 26, 1816.
- WOODS, Samuel and Elizebeth Hemmingway, June 27, 1776.
- WOODS, Samuel of Norwich, and Mrs. Phebe Holten, May 28, 1778.
- WOODS, Samuel and Levinia Wood, int. Sept. 20, 1838.
- WOODS, Samuell Stevens and Betsy Fisk, int. Dec. 25, 1809.
- WOODS, Sarah and Jonathan Ware, Apr. 26, 1770.
- WOODS, Unice and George Barr, Sept. 21, 1769.
- WOOLCOTT (see Wolcot)
- WOOLCOTT, Ruth and George Harper, Sept. 18, 1783.
- WOOLCOTT, Sally [int. Sarah] and John Sweetser, May 25 [1791].
- WORTHINGTON, David of Belcherton, Hampshire Co., and Affa Gilbert, Nov. 24, 1778.
- WRIGHT, Ebenezer M. [of] Northampton, and Hannah Hitchcock, int. Sept. 12, 1818.
- WYLLIS (see Willis)
- Pa[torn], Isaac of Western, and Jane Anderson, Nov. 1, 1770.
- S[torn], Jonathan of Ware, Hamshire Co., and Mrs. Anna Pepper, Feb. 12, 1778.
- ----, Bersheba and David Waite, Nov. 25, 1769.
- ----, Mary and Joseph Washburn, Sept. 26, 1755.
Marriage Records of North Braintree, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1850. Published By The New-England Historic Genealogical Society, At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund. Boston, Mass., 1904.
North Braintree Massachusetts Births to 1850 - Surnames K-Z
[ Surnames A-J ]