Carlisle Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
Surnames I-Z
Transcribed by Lynn Tooley
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- JACKSON, John, of Dorchester, and Almira Heald, Dec. 31, 1824.
- JACOBS, Hannah, and Samuel Washburn of Lempster, N.H., Nov. 15, 1810.
- JACOBS, John, and Mable Litchfield, Dec. 15, 1783.
- JACOBS, John, jr., and Maria Blood, Sept. 5, 1824.
- JACOBS, Mable, and Ebenezer Hayward of Braintree, Oct. 18, 1812.
- JACOBS, Mary, and Silas Hosmer of Acton, June 13, 1833.
- JACOBS, Ruth, and [Lt. int.] Collins Whittemore of Hancock, N.H., June 4, 1820.
- JEFTS, Simeon, of Boston, and Sarah Nicklass, Feb. 19, 1811.
- JENNER (see also Jenners), Sarah, Mrs., and Phinehas Blood, jr., Feb. 19, 1792.
- JENNERS (see also Jenner), Mary, and Peter Winn, Sept. 12, 1799.
- JEWETT, Thomas, Dr., and Rebecca Green, Oct. 12, 1800.
- JONES, John, of Concord, and Phebe Brewer, at Concord, Oct. 24, 1754.
- JONES, Peter, jr., of Concord, and Nancy Wilkins, Oct. 1, 1815.
- KELLEY, James, of Roxbury, and Susanna Procter, int. Oct. 5, 1833.
- KELLEY, Mehitable, of Lexington, and John Stearns, int. Sept. 20, 1823.
- KEMP, James, and Molley Crosby, May 24, 1791.
- KEMP, Nabby, and John Russel of Billerica, Nov. 11, 1799.
- KENDALL, Daniel, of West Cambridge, and Mary Litchfield, Apr. 18, 1824.
- KEYES, Sally, of Chelmsford, and Silas Hartwell, int. Jan. 23, 1802.
- KIDDER, Ebenezer [of Chelmsford. int.], and Esther Wilson, at Chelmsford, Nov. 23, 1786.
- KIDDER, Lucy, of Billerica, and Stephen Barrett, at Billerica, Apr. 8, 1781.
- KIDDER, Mary, and Benjamin Bauldoin, int. Jan. 5, 1805.
- KIDDER, Salley, and Samuel Adams, jr. of Chelmsford, at Concord, Sept. 5, 1780.
- KILBORN, Paul, and Hannah Hardy, both residents in Carlisle, int. Dec. 1, 1780.
- KIMBALL, Susan P[hilbrook. int.], of Lowell, and Benjamin Franklin Heald, Jan. 14, 1838.
- KING, Isaac, and Huldah Reed, both residents in Acton, Mar. 27, 1807.
- KNOWLTON, Susan W., and William P. Brown, int. Mar. 18, 1844.
- LAKEN (see also Lakin), John Grag, and Elisabeth Heald, Jan. 31, 1808.
- LAKIN (see also Laken), Caroline, and John Dana Robbins, Apr. 22, 1827.
- LAMSON, Elisabeth, and Joseph Raimond, both of Lexington, Dec. 30, 1794.
- LANCEY, Maria Louisa, and John Taylor, Dec. 3, 1837.
- LANCEY, William, and Susanna Wheat, Dec. 1, 1808.
- LANE, Hannah, of Bedford, and Isaiah Green, int. Nov. 7, 1801.
- LANE, Patty, and Tilly Green, July 14, 1811.
- LANE, Samuel, of Bedford, and Mrs. Frances Blood, May 21, 1799.
- LAUGHTON, James, of Dummerston, and Hannah Melven of Concord, May 30, 1793.
- LEE, Maria, and Jonathan Bradford Heald, int. Dec. 15, 1849.
- LEIGHTON, Amos, and Elvira Bacon of West Cambridge, int. Oct. 13, 1839.
- LEIGHTON, Reuben, and Sally Wilson, both of Westford, Apr. 4, 1805.
- LEIGHTON, Susanna, of Westford, and John Chamberlin Wilkins, int. May 20, 1802.
- LEWIS, Dorinda A., of Lowell, and Rev. Abel Fletcher, int. Oct. 1, 1843.
- LEWIS, Joseph, of Lowell, and Lucy Hodgman, int. Oct. 5, 1844.
- LITCHFIELD, Mable, and John Jacobs, Dec. 15, 1783.
- LITCHFIELD, Mary, and David Kendall of West Cambridge, Apr. 18, 1824.
- LITCHFIELD, Paul, jr., and Lucy Daviss [Davies. int.] of Acton, Sept. 11, 1801.
- LITCHFIELD, Paul, Rev., and Mrs. Sarah Capron of Braintree, int. Sept. 21, 1811.
- LITCHFIELD, Philo, and Mary Spaulding, int. Apr. 4, 1809. (forbidden by Philo Litchfield Apr. 7.)
- LITCHFIELD, Philo, and Eliza Howard, int. June 12, 1814.
- LITCHFIELD, Philo, and Mrs. Lela Spalding, May 8, 1823.
- LITCHFIELD, Roland, and Rebecca Simonds, Aug. 21, 1831.
- LITTLEHALE, Lovey, of Tyngsborough, and Asa Duren, Sept. 3, 1821.
- LITTLEHALE, Rebeca, of Tyngsborough, and Willard Duren, jr., May 25, 1817.
- LITTLEHALE, Sally [Sarah. int.], of Tyngsborough, and James Nickless, jr., Jan. 26, 1795.
- LIVINGSTON, John O., of Lowell, and Lucy H. Boynton, int. Apr. 25, 1840.
- LOVE, William, and Sarah Wallas, both residents in Carlisle, int. Mar. 20, 1781.
- LOVEJOY, Ann, and Ephraim Robbins, Dec. 13, 1821.
- LOVEJOY, Mary, and Nathan Davis of Tewksbury, May 4, 1826.
- LOVEJOY, Samuel, and Anna Heald, Dec. 1, 1796.
- McBRIDE, John, jr., of Bolton, and Mrs. Rachel Barrett, Sept. 5, 1813.
- MANNING, Jacob, jr., of Billerica, and Lucy Andrews, Apr. 26, 1796.
- MANSFIELD, Asa, of Chelmsford, and Rachel Crosby, int. Nov. 10, 1800.
- MANSFIELD, Gardner Stilman, and Eliza Robbins, int. Apr. 2, 1831.
- MARCH, Sibbel, and Samuel Heald, jr., int. Mar. 7, 1814.
- MARSH, Austin, and Mary W. Skelton of Lowell, int. Apr. 21, 1839.
- MASON, John, and Meriam Hodgman, Nov. 28, 1816.
- MASON, Molley, and John Temple of Bowdoinham, Apr. 25, 1786.
- MASON, Tilly, and Hannah Wetherbee, Feb. 28, 1788.
- MEEK, Timothy, and Betsey Munroe, July 21, 1822.
- MEEK, Timothy, a. 51 y., carpenter, s. Timothy and Mary, and Susan Nickles, a. 32 y., d. Step[hen] and Ellen, June 5, 1845.
- MELVEN (see also Melvin), Asa, of Concord, and Caroline Heald, Jan. 17, 1833.
- MELVEN (see also Melvin), Hannah, of Concord, and James Laughton of Dummerston, May 30, 1793.
- MELVEN (see also Melvin), Isaac, and Sally Mercer, both of Concord, Dec. 31, 1793.
- MELVIN (see also Melven), Mary, 2d, and Jonas Brown Adams of Plainfield, Ct., now living in Carlisle, int. Jan. 22, 1820.
- MELVIN (see also Melven), Prudance, and Benjamin Safford of New Ipswich, at Concord, Oct. 9, 1754.
- MERCER, Sally, and Isaac Melven, both of Concord, Dec. 31, 1793.
- MERRITT, May B., of Chelmsford, and Willard Durren, jr., int. Jan. 23, 1836.
- MONROE, Amos [Aaron. int.], and Lydia Caldwell [Munroe. int.] of Woburn, at Woburn, Aug. 16, 1792.
- MONROE, Mary Elizebeth, a. 24 y., d. Reuben and Rebecca, and Joseph Butters of Burlington, a. 28 y., farmer, May 30, 1844.
- MONROE, Reuben land Mrs. Rebecca Clerk of Temple. int.], Nov. 8, 1817. P.R.2.
- MOORE, Lucian, of Rutland, and Azuba Robbins Pelsue, Mar. 28, 1831.
- MORDOCK (see also Mourdock), David, now living in Carlisle, and Hannah Stearns, int. Mar. 10, 1805.
- MORGAN, Benjamin C., of Lawrence, and Sarah K. Adams, int. Oct. 15, 1847.
- MORGAN, Elizabeth Ann, a. 18 y., d. William and Betsey, and Amariah Blood, a. 25 y., mason, s. Pheneas and Ruhamah, Aug. 6, 1845.
- MORSE, Sarah A., Mrs., and John S. Eliot of Lowell, int. Mar. 31, 1834.
- MOURDOCK (see also Mordock), Eliza Ann, and Moses Hildreth of Westford [both of Carlisle. dup.], int. Sept. 3, 1825. [Mar. 8, 1826. dup.]
- MUNROE, Abijah, and Sarah Heald, Sept. 12, 1805.
- MUNROE, Asa, and Lois Spaulding, Apr. 19, 1807.
- MUNROE, Betsey, and Timothy Meek, July 21, 1822.
- MUNROE, Esther, and George Wilkins, Sept. 17, 1826.
- MUNROE, Jonas, and Sarah Henry, Feb. 12, 1782.
- MUNROE, Lydia, Mrs., of Harvard, and David Dicinson, int. Sept. 14, 1783.
- MUNROE, Lydia, resident in Carlisle, and Timothy Swan of Cambridge, Feb. 18, 1794.
- MUNROE, Mary, and Lt. Isaac Wilkins, Dec. 29, 1791.
- MUNROE, Nathan, and [Mrs. int.] Sarah Flint, May 30, 1786.
- MUNROE, Nathan Benjamin, and Lucy Barrett, May 28, 1782.
- MUNROE, Ruth, and William Severances of Washington, int. Feb. 19, 1816.
- MUNROE, Sarah, and Asa Parlin, Dec. 16, 1784.
- MUNROE, Varnum, and Sally Forbush, Apr. 25, 1831. P.R.1.
- MURREY, Lawriett, Mrs., of Lowell, and Lionard Foster, int. Jan. 7, 1836.
- NEEF, Hannah, and Daniel Williams of Concord, Sept. 5, 1797.
- NICKLASS (see also Nickles), Sarah, and Simeon Jefts of Boston, Feb. 19, 1811.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), Abel, jr., of Lowell, and Thankful Maria Boynton, int. May 3, 1833.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), Adaline, and Capt. [Asa. int.] Spaulding of Billerica, Oct. 22, 1829.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), Asa, and Olive Spaulding of Billerica, int. Nov. 17, 1844.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), Daniel, of Billerica, and Sibbel Carken of Tyngsborough, Oct. 12, 1811.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), Dorcas, and William Britan, both residents in Carlisle, int. Apr. 3, 1786.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), Elis[abeth], and Ephraim Wilson, int. Feb. 20, 1816.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), Elvira, and Thomas B. Stevenson of Lowell, June 27, 1841.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), James, Ens., and Harriot S. Reed of Bedford, int. Apr. 25, 1824.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), Jefferson, of Saco, Me., and Charlotte Belknap of Lowell, May 10, 1832.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), John, and Maria Heald, Dec. 14, 1819.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), Mary, and Elisha Brown of Billerica, int. Dec. 16, 1809.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), Paulina, and Jonathan Crafts of Charleston, S.C., June 25, 1837.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), Prescott, and Nancy B. Duren, Apr. 21, 1842.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), Sabre, and Benjamin L. Hull of Barre, int. Mar. 13, 1836.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), Sophrona, and Simon Harris of Dracut, Oct. 22, 1829.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), Stephen, and Mrs. Lucy Shed, May 22, 1825.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), Stephen J., and Martha H. Conny of Strong, Me., int. May 7, 1848.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), Susan, a. 32 y., d. Step[hen] and Ellen, and Timothy Meek, a. 51 y., carpenter, s. Timo[thy] and Mary, June 5, 1845.
- NICKLES (see also Nicklass, Nickless), Varnum, and Mrs. Rhuhamah Blood, int. Sept. 23, 1833.
- NICKLESS (see also Nickles), Abel, Ens., and Sarah Robbins, int. Nov. 4, 1804.
- NICKLESS (see also Nickles), Abigail, and Ebenezer Easte of Billerica, int. Apr. 1, 1804.
- NICKLESS (see also Nickles), Azubah, of Billerica, and John Durant, Sept. 30, 1791.
- NICKLESS (see also Nickles), Betsey, and Noah Bosworth, jr. of Butterfield, Nov. 3, 1795.
- NICKLESS (see also Nickles), Esther, and Dr. Samuel Frink of Buckfield ["Bucktown." int.], Feb. 2, 1800.
- NICKLESS (see also Nickles), Ezekiel, Capt., and Rebecca Wilkins, June 12, 1803.
- NICKLESS (see also Nickles), James, jr., and Sally [Sarah. int.] Littlehale of Tyngsborough, Jan. 26, 1795.
- NICKLESS (see also Nickles), Job, of Jaffrey, and Polly Frost of Billerica, June 3, 1794.
- NICKLESS (see also Nickles), Lucy, and John Barrett, Apr. 21, 1803.
- NICKLESS (see also Nickles), Mary, of Billerica, and Willard Durant, Dec. 10, 1789.
- NICKLESS (see also Nickles), Rhoda, and Benjamin Crosby, jr., Apr. 12, 1797.
- NICKLESS (see also Nickles), Sarah, and Benjamin Foster of Stoddard, Nov. 2, 1786.
- NICKLESS (see also Nickles), Stephen, and Elenor Parker, Feb. 9, 1805.
- NICKLESS (see also Nickles), William, and Susanna Brown, int. Sept. 2, 1791.
- NORCROSS, George L., of Westford, a. 26 y., shoemaker, b. Westford, and Lucy H. Proctor, a. 22 y., d. Ben[jamin] and Mary, May 16, 1844.
- NUTING (see also Nutting), Amos, and Sarah Heald, Apr. 30, 1782.
- NUTTING (see also Nuting), Amos [Heald. int.], and Hannah Heald, Dec. 24, 1812.
- NUTTING (see also Nuting), Cyrus, and Hannah Wilkins, Dec. 4, 1817.
- NUTTING (see also Nuting), Hannah, Mrs., and Dea. Joseph Heald, June 20, 1839.
- NUTTING (see also Nuting), Hannah, a. 27 y., d. Cyrus and Hannah, and John Abbott of Lowell, a. 30 y., machinist, s. Dyer and Sarah, Oct. 26, 1845.
- NUTTING (see also Nuting), Hannah Page, and Will[ia]m Green Heald, Dec. 1, 1842.
- NUTTING (see also Nuting), Jonathan, of Billerica, and Lucy Parker, Dec. 30, 1804.
- NUTTING (see also Nuting), Sally, and Paul Heald, Apr. 21, 1807.
- OSGOOD, Phinehas, of Billerica, and Hannah Davis, Apr. 20, 1784.
- PAGE, Daniel Harrington, of Bedford, and Charlotte Heald, int. Nov. 8, 1845.
- PAGE, Elizebeth, and Nathan Taylor, Nov. 2, 1837.
- PAGE, Harriett, and W[illia]m Green, 2d, Dec. 28, 1837.
- PAGE, Isana, and Caleb Sumner Brown of Billerica, int. Feb. 9, 1828.
- PAGE, Maria, and Silas B. Blood, Nov. 8, 1840.
- PAINE (see also Pane), Louisa, a. 17 y., and Reuben Green of Concord, a. 22 y., laborer, b. Concord, s. Reuben and Patty, Oct. 24, 1848.
- PANE (see also Paine), Hannah, Mrs., and John Green, int. Sept. 18, 1836.
- PARKER, Artemas, and Sarah A. Bennett, int. Apr. 6, 1846.
- PARKER, Benjamin [of Chelmsford. int.], and Betty Reed [resident in Carlisle. int.], at Chelmsford, Oct. 28, 1784.
- PARKER, Dorcas, of Westford, and Zebulun Spaulding, jr., int. Mar. 15, 1806.
- PARKER, Elenor, and Stephen Nickless, Feb. 9, 1805.
- PARKER, Emeline, and Stephen Taylor, Apr. 26, 1838.
- PARKER, Fanny [Alicia. int.], a. 20 y., d. Jonas and Anna, and John F[rye. int.] Baldwin of Billerica, a. 23 y., farmer, s. Joel and Mary B., of Billerica, Dec. 24, 1846.
- PARKER, Hannah, and Dennis Townsend of Andover, int. July 17, 1784.
- PARKER, Hannah, and John Cummings of Mason, at Concord, May 29, 1787.
- PARKER, Jeptha, of Chelmsford, and Mary Amanda Spaulding, at Boston, Nov. 9, 1843.
- PARKER, Jonas, and Olive Bailey of Billerica, Jan. 1, 1809.
- PARKER, Jonas, Maj., and Anna Adams, June 28, 1818.
- PARKER, Levi [jr. int.], and Lucy Buttrick of Concord, at Concord, Mar. 28, 1790.
- PARKER, Lucy, and Jonathan Nutting of Billerica, Dec. 30, 1804.
- PARKER, Lucy, and Ebenezer Shed, jr. of Chelmsford, Apr. 7, 1808.
- PARKER, Lydia, and Ephraim Harwood of Westford, Mar. 24, 1816.
- PARKER, Mary, and Jonathan Harwood of Chelmsford, Mar. 20, 1810.
- PARKER, Molly, and Capt. Daniel Belknap of Framingham, int. Dec. 28, 1799.
- PARKER, Rebecca, and Thomas Hodgman of Mason, N.H., int. Sept. 15, 1780.
- PARKER, Rebeckah, and Nathaniel Dutton of Billerica, int. Aug. 30, 1793.
- PARKER, Reuben, of Chelmsford, and Betsey Hartwell, June 14, 1810.
- PARKER, Sally, and Joseph Thompson of Salem, int. Oct. 15, 1808.
- PARKER, Sally, and Ephraim T. Fox of Milford, N.H., Apr. 25, 1819.
- PARKER, Sarah, and Jonathan Snow [of Chelmsford. int.], at Chelmsford, Apr. 9, 1786.
- PARKER, Sarah, and Eli Buttrick of Concord, at Concord, Sept. 29, 1791.
- PARKER, Simeon, of Chelmsford, and Thankful Walker, Nov. 29, 1787.
- PARKER, Thomas, and Thankful Harress of Concord, Jan. 4, 1791.
- PARKER, William, of Billerica, and Lucy Spaulding, int. Sept. 22, 1780.
- PARKER, Zacheus W., of Chelmsford, and Rachel Brown, int. Nov. 12, 1825.
- PARKHURST, William M., a. 28 y., blacksmith, and Sarah Elizabeth Heald, a. 23 y., d. Thomas and Betsey, Nov. 27, 1845.
- PARLEN (see also Parlin), Asaph, and Sarah F. Saunderson of Lowell, int. Apr. 22, 1836.
- PARLIN (see also Parlen), Ann, and Samuel Hosmer of Concord, at Concord, June 5, 1755.
- PARLIN (see also Parlen), Asa, and Sarah Munroe, Dec. 16, 1784.
- PARLIN (see also Parlen), Asa, and Susanna Ross of Concord, at Concord, Oct. 14, 1788.
- PARLIN (see also Parlen), Asa, jr., and Polly Wheeler, July 21, 1808.
- PARLIN (see also Parlen), David, jr., and Phebe Waters, June 29, 1790.
- PARLIN (see also Parlen), Elisabeth, and Silas Green, Dec. 22, 1799.
- PARLIN (see also Parlen), Lucy, and Lt. Phinehas Wheeler, both of Acton, Jan. 23, 1800.
- PARLIN (see also Parlen), Lydia [Mrs. int.], and Jesse Willis, Apr. 8, 1813.
- PARLIN (see also Parlen), Nathan, jr., and Mrs. Aphia Waters, Aug. 30, 1812.
- PARLIN (see also Parlen), Rebecca, and Francis Blood, jr. of Temple, Nov. 25, 1790.
- PARMENTER, Amos, of Antrim, N.H., and Mrs. Hannah Heald, 2d [wid. Capt. Timo[thy]. int.], Oct. 15, 1820.
- PEASE, Lucy Ann F., and George F[rederick. P.R.7.] Duren, at Concord, July 6, 1843.
- PECKENS, Horace, of Chelmsford, and Jemima Robbins, May 6, 1807.
- PELSUE, Azuba Robbins, and Lucian Moore of Rutland, Mar. 28, 1831.
- PELSUE, Betsey, Mrs., and Elias Barron, Mar. 29, 1821.
- PENIMAN (see also Penniman), Nathaniel, of Concord, and Sarah Hutchinson, Jan. 12, 1792.
- PENNEMAN (see also Penniman), Otis H., and Elizebeth R. Heald of Westford, int. Oct. 1, 1843.
- PENNIMAN (see also Peniman, Penneman), Otis, of Windsor, Vt., and Rebecca Hutchinson, June 27, 1819.
- PERKINS, Jesse [resident in Carlisle. int.], and Elizeb[e]th Proctor of Westford, at Westford, May 29, 1781.
- PIERCE, Mary, Mrs., of Bedford, and Ebbenezer Hayward, int. Mar. 6, 1832.
- POLLARD, Mary, of Bedford, and Rev. William Gragg, int. Jan. 14, 1833.
- PRESCOTT, Esther, of Westford, and Thomas Hutchins [jr. int.], at Westford, June 18, 1792.
- PRESCOTT, Mary, of Westford, and Eliakim Hutchins, at Westford, Feb. 22, 1793.
- PROCTER (see also Proctor), Benjamin Franklin, and Lydia H. Adams of Concord, int. Sept. 5, 1835.
- PROCTER (see also Proctor), Betsy, of Dunstable, and Abraham Hutchins, int. Nov. 1, 1834.
- PROCTER (see also Proctor), Mariah, of Roxbury, and James Taylor, int. Mar. 24, 1847.
- PROCTER (see also Proctor), Mary, of Westford, and Josep Heald, May 17, 1804.
- PROCTER (see also Proctor), Sally, and Leonard Snow of Leominster, Mar. 21, 1824.
- PROCTER (see also Proctor), Susanna, and James Kelley of Roxbury, int. Oct. 5, 1833.
- PROCTOR (see also Procter), Alfred, of Chelmsford, a. 24 y., wheelwright, s. Jonas R. and Syebl, of Chelmsford, and Harriet E. Taylor, Sept. 10, 1846.
- PROCTOR (see also Procter), Almira, and Moses Hadley, both of Lowell, Oct. 8, 1829.
- PROCTOR (see also Procter), Benjamin, and Mary Heald, Jan. 14, 1802.
- PROCTOR (see also Procter), Elbridge, and Hannah Fisher Gilgrist, Jan. 14, 1844.
- PROCTOR (see also Procter), Elizebeth, of Westford, and Jesse Perkins [resident in Carlisle. int], at Westford, May 29, 1781.
- PROCTOR (see also Procter), Ezekiel, of Dunstable, and Sarah Blood, May 1, 1793.
- PROCTOR (see also Procter), Ezekiel, and Phebe Brown of Concord, int. Apr. 23, 1831.
- PROCTOR (see also Procter), Hannah, and James Warren Wilkins, int. Sept. 12, 1829.
- PROCTOR (see also Procter), Levi, and Sariah Emery of Townsend, at Townsend, Aug. 23, 1781.
- PROCTOR (see also Procter), Lucy, and John Green, both of Chelmsford, Jan. 5, 1809.
- PROCTOR (see also Procter), Lucy H., a. 22 y., d. Benjamin and Mary, and George L. Norcross of Westford, a. 26 y., shoemaker, b. Westford, May 16, 1844.
- PROCTOR (see also Procter), Mary, and Jabes E. Gamon, both of Lowell, Oct. 8, 1829.
- PROCTOR (see also Procter), Molly, of Westford, and Joel Wheeler, at Westford, Jan. 22, 1784.
- PROCTOR (see also Procter), Rebecca, and John Davis, Mar. 7, 1824.
- PROCTOR (see also Procter), Rhuhamah, and Phinehas Blood, jr., May 31, 1818.
- PROCTOR (see also Procter), Sarah, of Chelmsford, and Moses Robbins, int. Dec. 17, 1806.
- RAIMOND (see also Raymond), Joseph, and Elisabeth Lamson, both of Lexington, Dec. 30, 1794.
- RAYMOND (see also Raimond), Nancy, of Westford, and Benjamin Slater [now resident in Carlisle. int.], May 19, 1818.
- RAYMOND (see also Raimond), William, and Betsey Wheeler, Oct. 6, 1811.
- READ (see also Reed), Nancy, of Acton, and John Wilson, int. Jan. 4, 1824.
- REED (see also Read), Betty [resident in Carlisle. int.], and Benjamin Parker [of Chelmsford. int.], at Chelmsford, Oct. 28, 1784.
- REED (see also Read), Harriot S., of Bedford, and Ens. James Nickles, int. Apr. 25, 1824.
- REED (see also Read), Huldah, and Isaac King, both residents in Acton, Mar. 27, 1807.
- REED (see also Read), Jacob, of Acton, and Rachel Duren, Dec. 13, 1819.
- RICHARDS, Mary, Mrs., of Boston, and Jonathan Barrett, int. Oct. 31, 1846.
- RICHARDSON, Harriet [Augusta, of Henniker, N.H. int.], and George Forbush, May 15, 1843. P.R.1.
- RICHARDSON, Mathew [T. int.], and Mary Maria [P. int.] Smith, July 31, 1836.
- RICHARDSON, Rebecca, of Westford, and Calvin Green, at Westford, Sept. 3, 1798.
- ROBBENS (see also Robbins), Ephraim, and Sybil Spaulding [of Billerica. int.], Apr. 30, 1782.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), Aaron, and Esther Heald, Sept. 30, 1804.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), Benjamin, and Sarah Sprague of Boston, int. Dec. 25, 1802.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), Benjamin, of Belpre, O., and Mrs. Mary Gowen, int. June 17, 1822.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), Betsey, and John Waters, jr., Dec. 21, 1803.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), Eliza, and Gardner Stilman Mansfield, int. Apr. 2, 1831.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), Ephraim, and Ann Lovejoy, Dec. 13, 1821.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), Esther, Mrs., and Silas Hartwell, Dec. 25, 1823.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), Jacob, of Westford, and Mrs. Annis Taylor of Hollis, Jan. 1, 1795.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), Jemima, and Horace Peckens of Chelmsford, May 6, 1807.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), John, 3d, and Jane Templeton, Apr. 10, 1808.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), John, 4th, and Anna Davies of Acton, int. Jan. 27, 1810.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), John Dana, and Caroline Lakin, Apr. 22, 1827.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), Lucy, and John Harwood of Watertown, Apr. 28, 1807.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), Martha, and Benjamin Foster, jr., int. Dec. 8, 1810.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), Mary, and Daniel Gowen, 3d of Wilmington, Dec. 30, 1806.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), Mary, and Albert Boynton, June 14, 1839.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), Moses, and Sarah Proctor of Chelmsford, int. Dec. 17, 1806.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), Sarah, and Daniel Clark of Townsend, at Townsend, Feb. 8, 1781.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), Sarah, and Ens. Abel Nickless, int. Nov. 4, 1804.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), Sibyl, and Eliakim Hutchins of Westford, May 7, 1818.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), Susanna, and Salathiel Byam of Chelmsford, Mar. 25, 1824.
- ROBBINS (see also Robbens), William E., and Lucia M. Hunt, int. Nov. 23, 1849.
- ROBINSON, William, and Evaline Crosby, int. Mar. 12, 1831.
- ROSS, Susanna, of Concord, and Asa Parlin, at Concord, Oct. 14, 1788.
- RUGG, Emojane W., of Lowell, a. 23 y., and Mathias Hutchins, a. 23 y., laborer, s. Benjamin and Phebe, Oct. 31, 1847.
- RUSSEL (see also Russell), Betty, and Lt. Daniel Wheat, Aug. 12, 1790.
- RUSSEL (see also Russell), Hannah, and Jesse Green, Aug. 9, 1792.
- RUSSEL (see also Russell), James, jr., and Mary Butler, Aug. 27, 1797.
- RUSSEL (see also Russell), John, of Billerica, and Nabby Kemp, Nov. 11, 1799.
- RUSSEL (see also Russell), Lydia, and James Giles, jr. of Townsend, Nov. 6, 1788.
- RUSSEL (see also Russell), Nathan, of Lexington, and Sybbil Blood, June 18, 1795.
- RUSSEL (see also Russell), Susanna, and Reuben Durant, Jan. 6, 1795.
- RUSSELL (see also Russel), Hannah, and Luther Hubbard of Hollis, int. Nov. 27, 1806.
- RUSSELL (see also Russel), Jacob, and Susanna Giles of Townsend, int. July 5, 1800.
- SAFFORD, Benjamin, of New Ipswich, and Prudance Melvin, at Concord, Oct. 9, 1754.
- SANDERS, Ebenezer M. [Saunders. int.], of Billerica, and Lydia Stearns, Jan. 31, 1815.
- SANDERSON, William, and Hannah Wheeler, July 8, 1805.
- SANDERSON, William, of Billerica, and Mrs. Azuba Stearns, July 31, 1831.
- SAUNDERSON, Sarah F., of Lowell, and Asaph Parlen, int. Apr. 22, 1836.
- SCOTT, Samuel E. [of Westford. int.], and Lawrie [Louisa E. int.] Forbush, May 12, 1844. P.R.1.
- SEVERANCES, William, of Washington, and Ruth Munroe, int. Feb. 19, 1816.
- SHAW, Susanna, and Jonathan Briggs, both of Concord, Mar. 11, 1798.
- SHEAD (see also Shed), Ebenezer, Capt., of Chelmsford, and Lucy Hartwell, May 16, 1793.
- SHEAD (see also Shed), Sally, of Billerica, and Solomon Andrews, Dec. 24, 1795.
- SHED (see also Shead), Ebenezer, of Chelmsford, and Mary Blood, int. June 1, 1780.
- SHED (see also Shead), Ebenezer, jr., of Chelmsford, and Lucy Parker, Apr. 7, 1808.
- SHED (see also Shead), Jonathan [of Chelmsford. int.], and Esther Blood, Dec. 13, 1781.
- SHED (see also Shead), Lucy, Mrs., and Stephen Nickles, May 22, 1825.
- SHEPARD, Mary, Mrs., of Salem, and Capt. Nehemiah Andrews, int. Feb. 12, 1807.
- SHERMAN, Samuel S., of Lowell, and Charlotte Blood, Nov. 14, 1830.
- SHURTLIFF, Benjamin, of Chelmsford, and Paulina Stearns, int. Jan. 2, 1841.
- SIMMONS, Elizabeth, and Luther Twitchel, int. Jan. 18, 1833.
- SIMONDS, David, and Rebecca Spalding of Billerica, int. Mar. 23, 1822.
- SIMONDS, Rebecca, and Roland Litchfield, Aug. 21, 1831.
- SIMONDS, Silas, of New Orleans, "Fla.," and Clarissa Spaulding, Oct. 20, 1834.
- SIMONDS, Susanna, of Woburn, and Joseph Wyman, int. Oct. 3, 1811.
- SKELTON, Artemas, of Bedford, and Mary Hodgman, May 21, 1822.
- SKELTON, Frances, a. 17 y., b. Candia, N.H., d. Artemas and Mary, and Henry Upton of Lowell, a. 26 y., cabinet maker, b. Tewksbury, s. Samuel and Lydia, Oct. 6, 1849.
- SKELTON, Mary W., of Lowell, and Austin Marsh, int. Apr. 21, 1839.
- SLATER, Benjamin [now resident in Carlisle. int.], and Nancy Raymond of Westford, May 19, 1818.
- SMITH, Mary Maria [P. int.], and Mathew [T. int.] Richardson, July 31, 1836.
- SNOW, Jonathan [of Chelmsford. int.], and Sarah Parker, at Chelmsford, Apr. 9, 1786.
- SNOW, Leonard, of Leominster, and Sally Procter, Mar. 21, 1824.
- SNOW, Thankful, of Chelmsford, and Nathaniel Hutchinson, jr., July 14, 1785.
- SPALDING (see also Spaulding), Abel, of Chelmsford, and Harriot Blood, Mar. 30, 1823.
- SPALDING (see also Spaulding), Esther, of Billerica, and William Duren, int. Nov. 16, 1823.
- SPALDING (see also Spaulding), Hannah Adams, of Chelmsford, and Oliver Hutchins, int. Jan. 18, 1823.
- SPALDING (see also Spaulding), Lefa, Mrs., and Philo Litchfield, May 8, 1823.
- SPALDING (see also Spaulding), Mary, and Samuel Stone, jr. of Lexington, Sept. 11, 1816.
- SPALDING (see also Spaulding), Nabby, of Chelmsford, and Thomas Hutchins, int. Oct. 13, 1821.
- SPALDING (see also Spaulding), Oliver, and Ruth Wheeler, int. May 1, 1816.
- SPALDING (see also Spaulding), Rebecca, of Billerica, and David Simonds, int. Mar. 23, 1822.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Abegail, and Nathaniel Tuttle [jr. of Chelmsford. int.], at Chelmsford, Feb. 27, 1788.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Anna, and Zebulun Blood, Apr. 23, 1799.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Asa, of Concord, and Elizabeth Green, Feb. 11, 1816.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), [Asa. int.], Capt., of Billerica, and Adaline Nickles, Oct. 22, 1829.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Clarissa, and Silas Simonds of New Orleans, "Fla.," Oct. 20, 1834.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Esther, and Otis Stearns of Billerica, int. Oct. 9, 1830.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Henry, a. 28 y., blacksmith, b. Westford, s. Sam[ue]l and Mary, of Westford, and Harriatt B. Fletcher, a. 20 y., d. Aaron and Sarah, May 2, 1844.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Huldah, and Henry Fletcher of Chelmsford, Sept. 27, 1810.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), John, Dea., of Chelmsford, and Mary Hutchinson, Dec. 23, 1802.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Jonas, and Molly Wheeler, Oct. 8, 1739.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Jonathan [Lt. int.], and [Mrs. int.] Thankful Emery [of Chelmsford. int.], at Chelmsford, June 20, 1781.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Lois, and Asa Munroe, Apr. 19, 1807.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Lucy, and William Parker of Billerica, int. Sept. 22, 1780.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Lucy, and Josiah Hodgman, Nov. 5, 1818.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Lydia, and Jonas Brown, both of Billerica, May 7, 1811.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Mary, and Joseph Warren, jr. of Chelmsford, Feb. 27, 1794.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Mary, and Philo Litchfield, int. Apr. 4, 1809. (forbidden by Philo Litchfield Apr. 7.)
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Mary Amanda, and Jeptha Parker of Chelmsford, at Boston, Nov. 9, 1843.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Olive, of Billerica, and Asa Nickles, int. Nov. 17, 1844.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Oliver, and Mrs. Lucy Baldwin, Aug. 30, 1835.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Phebe, of Chelmsford, and Lt. Benjamin P. Hutchins, int. Mar. 18, 1820.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Samuel, of Chelmsford, and Leak Durant, Jan. 21, 1790.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Sarah, and Jonathan Boutwell [jr. bit.] of Wilmington, Apr. 12, 1820.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Sybil [of Billerica. int.], and Ephraim Robbens, Apr. 30, 1782.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Thomas, and Lucy Heald, Dec. 26, 1811.
- SPAULDING (see also Spalding), Zebulun, jr., and Dorcas Parker of Westford, int. Mar. 15, 1806.
- SPRAGUE, Rhoda, of Billerica, and Abijah Hodgman, int. May 30, 1801.
- SPRAGUE, Rhoda, and Daniel [David. int.] Clark of Bedford, Apr. 4, 1813.
- SPRAGUE, Sarah, of Boston, and Benjamin Robbins, int. Dec. 25, 1802.
- STEARNS (see also Sterns), Aaron, and Mrs. Mary Duren, Mar. 4, 1813.
- STEARNS (see also Sterns), Azuba, Mrs., and William Sanderson of Billerica, July 31, 1831.
- STEARNS (see also Sterns), Charlotte, and Thomas Eaton, both residents in Carlisle, Feb. 17, 1828.
- STEARNS (see also Sterns), Eliza, and Abraham Allen, both of Billerica, May 10, 1831.
- STEARNS (see also Sterns), Hannah, and David Mordock, now living in Carlisle, int. Mar. 10, 1805.
- STEARNS (see also Sterns), John, and Mehitable Kelley of Lexington, int. Sept. 20, 1823.
- STEARNS (see also Sterns), Josiah, of Billerica, and Sarah Davis, int. Jan. 30, 1783.
- STEARNS (see also Sterns), Louisa, and William Green, Dec. 4, 1843.
- STEARNS (see also Sterns), Lydia, and Ebenezer M. Sanders [Saunders. int.] of Billerica, Jan. 31, 1815.
- STEARNS (see also Sterns), Mary, Mrs., and Jacob Blaisdell, Oct. 14, 1824.
- STEARNS (see also Sterns), Otis, of Billerica, and Esther Spaulding, int. Oct. 9, 1830.
- STEARNS (see also Sterns), Paulina, and Benjamin Shurtliff of Chelmsford, int. Jan. 2, 1841.
- STERNS (see also Stearns), John, of Chelmsford, and Lydia Crosby, int. Aug. 4, 1789.
- STERNS (see also Stearns), Nathaniel, and Mrs. Azubah Duren of Billerica, int. Apr. 6, 1822.
- STEVENS, Rachel, and Edward Luther Tyler of Lexington, int. Apr. 7, 1832.
- STEVENS, Sam[ue]l P., farmer, b. Chelmsford, s. Sam[ue]l, and Elizabeth Barrett Heald, a. 25 y., d. Jonathan and Betsey, May 3, 1846.
- STEVENSON, Thomas B., of Lowell, and Elvira Nickles, June 27, 1841.
- STONE, Samuel, jr., of Lexington, and Mary Spalding, Sept. 11, 1816.
- STONE, Samuel, and Eliza Farmer of Lowell, int. Nov. 7, 1842.
- STONE, Sarah, and Benjamin Temple of Concord, at Concord, Dec. 22, 1791.
- SWALLOW, Elisabeth, and Benjamin Wood, at Chelmsford, Apr. 10, 1755.
- SWAN, Timothy, of Cambridge, and Lydia Munroe, resident in Carlisle, Feb. 18, 1794.
- SWETSER, Nathan W., of Westford, and Betsey W. Adams, int. Sept. 5, 1831.
- SYMMES, Edward, of Westford, and Rebeccah P. Fletcher, Nov. 19, 1840.
- TALBOT, Samuel, of Brookline, N.H., and Eliza P. Hodgman, int. Nov. 25, 1835.
- TARBOX, Mary, Mrs., and Joel Hodgman, Jan. 9, 1836.
- TAYLOR, Abel, and Sarah Hodgman, June 28, 1804.
- TAYLOR, Abraham, and Frances Blood, July 6, 1797.
- TAYLOR, Annis, Mrs., of Hollis, and Jacob Robbins of Westford, Jan. 1, 1795.
- TAYLOR, Elizibeth, and Joseph Hartwell, 2d of Bedford, Dec. 30, 1840.
- TAYLOR, Harriet E., and Alfred Proctor of Chelmsford, a. 24 y., wheelwright, s. Jonas R. and Syebl, of Chelmsford, Sept. 10, 1846.
- TAYLOR, James, and Mariah Procter of Roxbury, int. Mar. 24, 1847.
- TAYLOR, John, and Abigail Wheeler, Apr. 23, 1789.
- TAYLOR, John, and Maria Louisa Lancey, Dec. 3, 1837.
- TAYLOR, Nathan, and Elizebeth Page, Nov. 2, 1837.
- TAYLOR, Nathaniel, and Fanny Adams, Apr. 20, 1828.
- TAYLOR, Stephen, and Emeline Parker, Apr. 26, 1838.
- TEMPLE, Benjamin, of Concord, and Sarah Stone, at Concord, Dec. 22, 1791.
- TEMPLE, John, of Bowdoinham, and Molley Mason, Apr. 25, 1786.
- TEMPLETON, Jane, and John Robbins, 3d, Apr. 10, 1808.
- THOMPSON (see also Tompson), Joseph, of Salem, and Sally Parker, int. Oct. 15, 1808.
- TIBBETS, Adaline A., of Boston, and Samuel Hodgman, int. Nov. 8, 1835.
- TOMPSON (see also Thompson), Hiram, of Lowell, and Esther Heald, Apr. 24, 1827.
- TOWER, Sarah, Mrs., and James Wright, resident in Westford, Mar. 1, 1803.
- TOWNSEND, Dennis, of Andover, and Hannah Parker, int. July 17, 1784.
- TUFTS, Dorande, of Littleton, and Leonard Foster, int. Apr. 30, 1825.
- TUTTLE, Mehetable, of Chelmsford, and Capt. Stephen Blood, May 10, 1798.
- TUTTLE, Nathaniel [jr., of Chelmsford. int.], and Abegail Spaulding, at Chelmsford, Feb. 21, 1788.
- TWITCHEL, Luther, and Elizabeth Simmons, int. Jan. 18, 1833.
- TYLER, Edward Luther, of Lexington, and Rachel Stevens, int. Apr. 7, 1832.
- UPTON, Henry, of Lowell, a. 26 y., cabinet maker, b. Tewksbury, s. Samuel and Lydia, and Frances Skelton, a. 17 y., b. Candia, N.H., d. Artemas and Mary, Oct. 6, 1849.
- VOSE, H. Mariah, of Westford, and Joel S. Blaisdell, int. Nov. 19, 1848.
- WALKER, Thankful, and Simeon Parker of Chelmsford, Nov. 29, 1787.
- WALLAS, Sarah, and William Love, both residents in Carlisle, int. Mar. 20, 1781.
- WARNER, Elisabeth, Mrs., of Acton, and Zacheus Green, Oct. 21, 1795.
- WARREN, Anna, Mrs., and Dea. John Green, Nov. 5, 1818.
- WARREN, Joseph, jr., of Chelmsford, and Mary Spaulding, Feb. 27, 1794.
- WASHBURN, Samuel, of Lempster,N.H., and Hannah Jacobs, Nov. 15, 1810.
- WASHBURN, William, and Rhoda Foster, Oct. 29, 1809.
- WATERS, Aphia, Mrs., and Nathan Parlin, jr., Aug. 30, 1812.
- WATERS, John, jr., and Betsey Robbins, Dec. 21, 1803.
- WATERS, Mehetable, and Joseph Blanchard, of Billerica, June 10, 1788.
- WATERS, Molley, and Nathan Dodge of Beverly, Nov. 21, 1786.
- WATERS, Phebe, and David Parlin, jr., June 29, 1790.
- WEBBER, Theresa E., of Bedford, and Charles Blood, int. Mar. 10, 1844.
- WEBSTER, Ruth, Mrs., of Cambridgeport, and Joseph Wheeler, int. Mar. 10, 1821.
- WEBSTER, Samuel, and Sarah Wheeler, 2d, June 1, 1823.
- WEBSTER, Samuel, and Lucy Holt Blanchard, Apr. 21, 1825.
- WETHERBEE, Hannah, and Tilly Mason, Feb. 28, 1788.
- WETHERBEE, Sarah, and Silas Heald, June 22, 1786.
- WHEAT, Ai, and Irena Gibson Hutchinson, int. Nov. 21, 1829.
- WHEAT, Christia A., a. 14 y., d. Ai and Irena G., and John Henry A. Heald, n. 21 y., laborer, s. Thomas and Betsey, Dec. 30, 1847.
- WHEAT, Daniel, Lt., and Betty Russel, Aug. 12, 1790.
- WHEAT, Lucinda, and Thomas Green, int. Mar. 16, 1820.
- WHEAT, Susanna, and William Lancey, Dec. 1, 1808.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Abigail, and John Taylor, Apr. 23, 1789.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Asa, and Polley Davis of Acton, at Acton, Mar. 25, 1784.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Betsey, and William Raymond, Oct. 6, 1811.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Cyrus, of Acton, and Fidelia Heald, int. Jan. 12, 1828.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Eunice, of Acton, and Henry Flint, jr., int. Nov. 5, 1819.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Hannah, and William Sanderson, July 8, 1805.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Hannah, and Elnathan Blood, int. Aug. 4, 1805.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Joanna, and Simeon Wilson of Chelmsford, June 29, 1790.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Joel, and Molly Proctor of Westford, at Westford, Jan. 22, 1784.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Joseph, and Mrs. Ruth Webster of Cambridgeport, int. Mar. 10, 1821.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Lucy, and Jonathan Wilson, Jan. 1, 1793.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Molly, and Jonas Spaulding, Oct. 8, 1789.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Nathan, and Ruth Hunt of Westford, at Concord, Nov. 16, 1785.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Olive, and Peter Barker, both of Acton, Nov. 4, 1800.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Patty, and Jacob Blazedell [both residents in Carlisle. int.], Oct. 12, 1809.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Phinehas, Lt., and Lucy Parlin, both of Acton, Jan. 23, 1800.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Polly, and Asa Parlin, jr., July 21, 1808.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Reuben, and Hepzibah Heywood of Acton, Oct. 20, 1789.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Ruth, and Oliver Spalding, int. May 1, 1816.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Sarah, Mrs., and Thomas Woodward of Billerica, Oct. 7, 1812.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Sarah, 2d, and Samuel Webster, June 1, 1823.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Simon, and Abigail Blood, Jan. 24, 1799.
- WHEELER (see also Wheler), Susanna, and Nathaniel Hutchinson, jr., int. Mar. 22, 1807.
- WHELER (see also Wheeler), Bulah, and Henry Flint, int. Mar. 5, 1781.
- WHELER (see also Wheeler), Rebecca, and Samuel Emery, Apr. 26, 1782.
- WHELER (see also Wheeler), Susanna, and Levi Flint of Concord, int. Mar. 4, 1782.
- WHITE, Eunice, of Lowell, and Alexander Wyman, int. Oct. 28, 1842.
- WHITTAKER, Mary, and James Chandler of Concord, at Concord, Apr. 14, 1756.
- WHITTEMORE, Collins [Lt. int.], of Hancock, N.H., and Ruth Jacobs, June 4, 1820.
- WILDER, Elias, of Lancaster, and Rebecca Cowdry, Apr. 19, 1807.
- WILKINS, Abigail, and Isaa Blazedell, int. June 25, 1808.
- WILKINS, Anne, and Jonas Heald of Acton, Jan. 6, 1785.
- WILKINS, George, and Esther Munroe, Sept. 17, 1826.
- WILKINS, Hannah, and Capt. Timothy Heald, Nov. 8, 1792.
- WILKINS, Hannah, and Cyrus Nutting, Dec. 4, 1817.
- WILKINS, Isaac, Lt.,, and Mary Munroe, Dec. 29, 1791.
- WILKINS, James, and Hannah Brown, Apr. 9, 1789.
- WILKINS, James Warren, and Hannah Proctor, int. Sept. 12, 1829.
- WILKINS, John, and Sarah Andrews, Jan. 2, 1810.
- WILKINS, John Chamberlin, and Susanna Leighton of Westford, int. May 20, 1802.
- WILKINS, Lucy, and Cyrus Blanchard, Apr. 23, 1820.
- WILKINS, Mary, and John Flagg [of Concord. int.], Feb. 7, 1782.
- WILKINS, Nancy, and Peter Jones, jr. of Concord, Oct. 1, 1815.
- WILKINS, Rebecca, and Capt. Ezekiel Nickless, June 12, 1803.
- WILKINS, Sally, and Aaron Craggin, Feb. 16, 1797.
- WILKINS, Timothy, and Mary Chamberlain of Billerica, at Billerica, Dec. 11, 1755.
- WILKINS, Timothy, 3d, and Lucy Green, Jan. 24, 1788.
- WILKINS, Zadock, Ens., and Rhoda Chandler of New Boston, N.H., int. June 12, 1813.
- WILKINSON, Mary Ann, and Artemas Wilson of Lowell, Nov. 28, 1839.
- WILKINSON, Robert, and Anna Duren, Jan. 1, 1818.
- WILLIAMS, Daniel, of Concord, and Hannah Neef, Sept. 5, 1797.
- WILLIAMS, Levina H., of Hiram, Me., and Levi Snow Hutchinson, int. Aug. 28, 1824.
- WILLINGTON, Josiah, of Charlestown, and Hannah Flint, Apr. 25, 1803.
- WILLIS, Jesse, and [Mrs. int.] Lydia Parlin, Apr. 8, 1813.
- WILSON, Artemas, of Lowell, and Mary Ann Wilkinson, Nov. 28, 1839.
- WILSON, Ephraim, and Elis[abeth] Nickles, int. Feb. 20, 1816.
- WILSON, Esther, and Ebenezer Kidder [of Chelmsford. int.], at Chelmsford, Nov. 23, 1786.
- WILSON, John, and Nancy Read of Acton, int. Jan. 4, 1824.
- WILSON, Jonathan, and Lucy Wheeler, Jan. 1, 1793.
- WILSON, Rebecca, and Daniel Barker of Littleton, at Concord, July 28, 1796.
- WILSON, Sally, and Reuben Leighton, both of Westford, Apr. 4, 1805.
- WILSON, Simeon, of Chelmsford, and Joanna Wheeler, June 29, 1790.
- WINN, Peter, and Mary Jenners, Sept. 12, 1799.
- WOOD, Benjamin, and Elisabeth Swallow, at Chelmsford, Apr. 10, 1755.
- WOODS, Joseph, of Francistown, N.H., and Lydia Hodgman, int. Mar. 16, 1833.
- WOODWARD, Thomas, of Billerica, and Mrs. Sarah Wheeler, Oct. 7, 1812.
- WOOLY, Rachel, and David Hartwell, at Concord, Oct. 23, 1755.
- WRIGHT, Henry, of Ashby, and Marcy Hutchins, May 18, 1785.
- WRIGHT, James, resident in Westford, and Mrs. Sarah Tower, Mar. 1, 1803.
- WRIGHT, James, of Westford, and Mrs. Olive Barker, Apr. 17, 1825.
- WRIGHT, Mary, Mrs., of Concord, and Abijah Hodgman, int. Jan. 7, 1820.
- WYMAN, Alexander, and Eunice White of Lowell, int. Oct. 28, 1842.
- WYMAN, Joseph, and Susanna Simonds of Woburn, int. Oct. 3, 1811.
Marriage Records of Carlisle, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1850.
Carlisle Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850 - Surnames I-Z
[ Surnames A-H ]