Worthington Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
Surnames A-K
Transcribed by Jeffrey Tooley
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Marriage records extracted from the Vital Records of Worthington, Massachusetts to the Year, Published by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund, Boston, Mass. 1911.
Worthington Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850 - Surnames A-K
- ABBOT, Amelia C. and Benjamin S. Gere, Feb. 23, 1831. [Amelia C. and Benjamin J. Gere of Peru, CR.]
- ABBOT, Lucy and Jason Everett of Chesterfield, Nov. 1, 1832. CR.
- ADAMS, Chloe and Dr. Moses Brewster, Aug. 4, 1807.
- ADAMS, John and Mary Ann Bryant, Jan. 1, 1838.
- ADAMS, Polly of Canterbury, Conn., and Rufus Marsh, int.____.
- ALLEN, Benjamin T. and Sarah Prentice, Feb. 10, 1831. [Benjamin T. of Suffield, Conn., CR]
- ALLEN, Erastus G., 21, farmer, of Windsor, s. Josiah and Sarah, and Julia A. Robinson, 23, d. Silas and Cinthia, Jan. 20, 1848.
- ALLEN, Israel of Suffield, Conn., and Margaret Barker, Mar. 6 [dup. Feb. --], 1809.
- ARABLE (also see Amiable, Anibal)
- ARABLE, Catharine E., d. ____ of Chesterfield, and Duandler F. Moore, iron founder, of Chesterfield, Nov. 28, 1844. [Catherine E., CR.]
- ARABLE, Laura and William Whitney, June 19 [18151. [Anabal, CR]
- ARABLE, Mary and Medad Eames, Oct. 27, 1824. [Medad of Hinsdale, CR]
- ANNABLE (also see Anable, Annibal)
- ANNABLE, Philura and John Watt Jr., Sept. 2, 1804.
- ANNIBAL (also see Anable, Annable)
- ANNIBAL, Chester and Harriet More, Feb. 16, 1814. [Moor, CR]
- ANNIBAL, _____, wid., and Capt. William Peirce of Hinsdale, Berkshire Co., Aug. 20, 1807.
- ARMS, Daniel of Conway, and Luna Crosby, July 29, 1792.
- ARMS, Thomas and Martha Roads, Apr. 11, 1773.
- AUSTIN, John Jr. and Lodemia Daniels Sept. 4, 18o6 Minerva and Samuel Cowing, Jan. 1o [1827]. [Samuel of Chesterfield, CR
- AXTELL, Rebecca O. and Hiram Beals, Apr. —, 1334. [Rebekah O. and Hiram Beals of Cummington, Apr. 29, CR.]
- AYER (also see Ayers)
- AYER, Nathaniel and Desier, _____ , Dec. 9, 1756.
- AYERS (also see Ayer)
- AYERS, Samuel and Betsey Knowles, Apr. 19, 1829. [Samuel C. Ayer of Amherst, CR]
- BAILEY, James and Sally Phillips, Nov. 21, 1811.
- BAILEY, Philip and Lovisa Guardner, Feb. —, 1836. [Bally, and Lovisa Gardner, CR.]
- BAKER, Joel of Hawley, and Angeline B. Taylor of Norwich, June 7, 1843, in Norwich. CR.
- BAKER, Luther of La Fayette, N.Y., and Diana M. Bryant, Apr. 15, 1840.
- BALDWIN, Abigail of London, and David Clark, int. ____.
- BARDWELL, John M. of Whately, and Samantha Perry, Oct. 21, 1834. [John Morse Bardwell and Semantha Perry [ch. John and Amy (Bowen)], Oct. 9, P.R.5.]
- BARDWELL, Joseph and Sally Parrish, Oct. 5, 1815. [Parish, CR]
- BARKER, Margaret and Israel Allen of Suffield, Conn., Mar. 6 [dup. Feb. -], 1809.
- BARKER, William C., farmer, of Dalton, s. _____ of Dalton, and Lucy A. Geer, Nov. 13, 1844. [Lucy Ann, CR.]
- BARNS, Ethan, and Mary Niles, Apr. 24, 1837.
- BARRETT, Myrick, Capt., and Sarah Crosby, Oct. 25, 1829. PR12.
- BARTLET (also see Bartlett)
- BARTLET, Silas of Northampton, and Hannah Parish, Feb. 17, 1787.
- BARTLETT (also see Bartlet)
- BARTLETT, Asa R. and Polly Bartlett, Apr. —, 1836.
- BARTLETT, Calvin and Lydia Drewrey, Aug. 2, 1820. [Drury, CR.]
- BARTLETT, Edmond M. and Laura Randall, Dec. 6, 1821. [Edmond M. of Northampton, and Laura Randal, CR].
- BARTLETT, Hiram and Celemna Tower, May —, 1835. [Celemna of Cummington, CR]
- BARTLETT, Horace Ames and Harriet A. Morrison, Mar. 19, 1849, in Canaan, N.Y.
- BARTLETT, Loyd and Independence Gleason, Oct. 18, 1842. CR.
- BARTLETT, Lucius and Maria Everett, June 16, 1841. PR12
- BARTLETT, Mary and Otis French, Nov.10, 1801 [sic, ? 1831]. [Otis of Peru, Nov. 10, 1831, CR.]
- BARTLETT, Polly and Asa R. Bartlett, Apr. —, 1836.
- BARTLETT, Rebecca and Gilman Cushing, Apr. 6, 1820. [Rebekah, CR.]
- BARTLETT, Sarah and Elijah C. Benton, Jan. 11, 1825. [Elijah C. of Lee, CR.]
- BARTLETT, Stephens, widr., carpenter, and Abba Dyas, wid., of Peru, Feb. 11, 1845.
- BARTLETT, Tilson and Permelia Tower, July 8, 1830. PR21
- BARTLETT, Bersheba and Joseph Ford of Cumington, Feb. 10, 1789.
- BARTLETT, Calvin and Mary Bemiss, Nov. 17, 1791.
- BARTLETT, Chloe and Gordon Parish of Hinsdale, Apr. 21, 1842 CR. [Chloe G., PR 8.]
- BARTLETT, Emily and James T. Church of Middlefield, Feb. 14, 1839, in Cummington. [Emily L., CR.]
- BARTLETT, Isaiah and Mary Grayham, Jan. 10, 1804.
- BARTLETT, Jane, wid., of Cummington, and Ebenezer Childs, Sept. 18, 1817.
- BARTLETT, Jarum and Lucy Leonard, Feb. 4, 1793.
- BARTLETT, Mary, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], of " the New plantation Call' Number 5," and Simeon [int. Simon] Farr of " the New plantation Call' Number 5," Nov. 11, 1771.
- BARTLETT, Olive P., Mrs., and Hiram Holmes of Cummington, _____.
- BARTLETT, Sally and Samuel Reed Jr. of Chesterfield, Mar. 7, 1805.
- BARTLETT, Welcome and Chloe Granger, Feb. 17, 1833. PR8.
- BARTLETT, Zilpah and Charles Burr, Dec. I6, 1830
- BEALS, Hiram and Rebecca O. Axtell, Apr. --,1834. [Hiram of Cummington, and Rebekah O. Axtell, Apr. 29, CR.]
- BEALS, Polly and Jonathan Burr, Apr. —, 1834, in Ashfield. PR24.
- BEALS, Samuel of "No. 5," and Mrs. Sarah Sanders of Mendon, Worcester Co., int. Aug. 20, 1774.
- BELCHER, Betsey of Preston, Conn., and Jonah Brewster, Mar. I5, 1807.
- BELL, Nathan of "No. 5," and Mrs. Meriah Hill of "No. 5," int. Apr. 9, 1778.
- BEMIS (also see Bemiss)
- BEMIS, Joshua, Capt., of Chester, and Mary Clark of Chester, Dec. 18, 1828. CR
- BEMISS (also see Bemis)
- BEMISS, Mary and Calvin Bates, Nov. 17,1791.
- BENJAMIN, Asa and Polly Brumbly, Jan. 4, 1787.
- BENJAMIN, Chloe and Joseph H. Clark of Auburn, N.Y., Jan. 8, 1822.
- BENJAMIN, Delight and John Skiff, Apr. 1, 1173.
- BENJAMIN, Eli and Sally Kingman, May 10, 1827. [Sally, wid., CR.]
- BENJAMIN, Elisha and [int. adds Mrs.] Amy Curtis, Jan. 18, 1774.
- BENJAMIN, Eliza and Benjamin Bryant of Chesterfield, June 26, 1823.
- BENJAMIN, Eunice and Spencer Parish, Jan. 26, 1812. [Eunice, in 24th y., and Spencer Parish, in 24th y., PR16.]
- BENJAMIN, James and Eunice Worthington, int._____.
- BENJAMIN, Jonathan and Nancy Parrish, Dec. 4, 1817. [Parish, CR.]
- BENJAMIN, Jonathan and Susan Hazen, Jan. 1, 1821.
- BENJAMIN, Keziah and Jesse Stone, Jan. 1, 1818.
- BENJAMIN, Nancy P., Mrs., and Salmon Loomis of Hinsdale, Mar. 3, 1841.
- BENJAMIN, Polly and Elijah Curtis, Dec. 30, 1816.
- BENJAMIN, Prcillah [int. Mrs. Precillah] and Samuel [int. Samull] Clapp, Oct. 5, 1773.
- BENJAMIN, Prissilla [int. Prisscl'lla] and Simon Huntington, Nov. 6, 1783.
- BENTON, Elijah C. and Sarah Bartlett, Jan. 11, 1825. [Elijah C. of Lee, CR.]
- BENTON, James and Nancy Lyman, June 4, 1818 PR17.
- BISBE (also see Bisbee)
- BISBE, Susan and Ephraim Prentice, Mar. 9, 1831. [Bisbee, CR]
- BISBEE (also see Bisbe)
- BISBEE, James and Dollouisa Parish, May 11, 1830. [Dellouisa, CR.]
- BISBEE, James, widr., 46, farmer, s. Jonathan and Susanah, and Martha Brewster, 45, d. Moses and Lucy, Nov. 18, 1847.
- BISBEE, Lydia and Luther Gear, May 30, 1832. CR
- BISBEE, Martha and Capt. James Kelly, Mar. 10, 1842.
- BISHOP, Irene and Shubal Parish, June —, 1836.
- BLAIR, David, 28, farmer, of Chester, and Eunice Niles, 32, d. Peter and Rebecca [dup. Rebbecca], Oct. 16, 1845 [dup. 1846, sic].
- BLAIR, Ralph E. and Sophronia Smith, May —, 1837. [Ralph E. of Clayton, N. Y., CR.]
- BOISE, Otis, Dr., and Elvira Clark, May 28, 1829.
- BOWEN, Amy and John Perry, Sept. 22, 1805 [? in Worthing-ton]. PR5.
- BOYD, John and Eunice Loveland, Sept. 27, 1827. [John of Northampton, CR.]
- BRANCH, Alfred and Mary Brewster, Oct. 28, 1824.
- BREWER, Nathan C. and Aurelia B. Marble, Apr. 5, 1837 [? in Worthington]. PR1
- BREWER, Samuel of Wendell, and Fanny Watt, July 3, 1808.
- BREWSTER, Andrew and Phebe Parsons, Apr. 13, 1826.
- BREWSTER, Benjamin and Maria Eager, Apr. 1, 1828. [Mariah, CR]
- BREWSTER, Betsey and John H. Coit of Bennington, Vt., July 7, 1822.
- BREWSTER, Elisha and Sarah Huntington, Apr. 24, 1788.
- BREWSTER, Elisha H. and Sophronia M. Kingman, June 8, 1832.
- BREWSTER, Eliza and Benjamin] Mills, July 24, 1826. [Benjamin of Vandalia, Ill., CR]
- BREWSTER, Elizabeth and Andrew T. McReynolds, Aug. ---,1835 [Elizabeth M. and Andrew T. McReynolds of Detroit, Mich., CR]
- BREWSTER, Jonah and Betsey Belcher of Preston, Conn., Mar. 15, 1807.
- BREWSTER, Jonathan Jr. and Eliza Prentice, Apr. 28, 1842. CR
- BREWSTER, Lucinda and Elisha Mitchell of Cunmmington, Jan. 7, 1818. [Mitchel, CR]
- BREWSTER, Lucretia and Azariah Parsons, Dec. 31, 1815.
- BREWSTER, Lucy and Elbridge Hazen, Oct. 1, 1828.
- BREWSTER, Martha and Darwin Gleason, Mar. 2, 1841.
- BREWSTER, Martha, 45, d. Moses and Lucy, and James Bisbee, widr., 46, farmer, s. Jonathan and Susanah, Nov. 18, 1847.
- BREWSTER, Mary and Alfred Branch, Oct. 28, 1824.
- BREWSTER, Moses and Lucy Watt, Dec. 5, 1793.
- BREWSTER, Moses, Dr., and Chloe Adams, Aug. 4, 1807.
- BREWSTER, Sally and John W. Stanton of Norwich, Dec. 13, 1813.
- BREWSTER, Theodosia and Eliphalet Parish, May 24, 1809.
- BREWSTER, Zipporah and Joseph Marsh, Sept. 28, 1780.
- BREWSTER, Zipporah and Eliphalet Parish, May 23, 1827. [Eliphalet of Bergen, CR]
- BRIDGMAN, Edward of Westhampton, and Sarah C. Sherman, Jan. 14, 1840. [Edward C., CR]
- BRIGGS, Abigail and Roswell Cushing, Nov. 20, 1821.
- BRIGGS, Huldah and W. H. Draper, July —, 1835. [William H. of Abington, CR.]
- BROWN, Abner and Desire Kinne, Sept. 25, 1788.
- BROWN, Alfred and Paulina Spalding, Jan. 12, 18---. PR19.
- BROWN, Christopher and Mary Sherman, Nov. 26, 1829.
- BROWN, Elizabeth and Horrace Minor of Peru, July 15, 1823. [Bruce, and Horace Miner of Peru, CR]
- BROWN, John W. and Mercia Leonard, Apr. 2, 1815. [Mar. 2, CR]
- BROWN, Louisa and Mortimer L. Higgins, Oct. 18, I840.
- BROWN, Martha H. [dup. omits H.] 22, d. Alfred and Pollina, and David Jones, 29, carpenter, s. John and Nancy, June 12, 1845. [Martha H., CR]
- BROWN, Mary S. and Capt. William Starkweather, Oct. 18, 1840.
- BROWN, Milcah and Daniel Gates of Kanedague, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1794.
- BROWN, Timothy H., Dr., and Ermina Drury, Oct. 17, 1839.
- BROWNSON (also see Brunson)
- BRUCE, Elizabeth (also see Elizabeth Brown).
- BRUCE, Phinehas and Polly Convers, Jan. 14, 1819. [Phineas, CR]
- BRUCE, Thomas of Cambridge, N.Y., and Surviah Cleavland, Oct. 23, 1787.
- BRUMBLY, Polly and Asa Benjamin, Jan. 4, 1787.
- BRUNSON, Bethena and Nathaniel Loomiss of Suffield, int._____.
- BRYANT, Benjamin of Chesterfield, and Eliza Benjamin, June 26, 1823.
- BRYANT, Cyrus and Julia Everett, May 13, 1834, in Cummington. PR12.
- BRYANT, Diana M. and Luthur Baker of La Fayette, N.Y., Apr. 15, 1840.
- BRYANT, Job S. of Chesterfield, and Pamelia Cole of Chesterfield, July 5, 1820.
- BRYANT, Mary Ann and John Adams, Jan. 1, 1838.
- BRYANT, Sarah and Caleb M. Damon of Chesterfield, Dec. 12, 1837.
- BUCK, Franklin, farmer, of Chesterfield, s. ____of Chesterfield, and Bethiah Smith, June 8, 1843. [Bethia C., CR.]
- BUCK, John and Elisibith Selfridge of Pelham, int. Dec. 25, 1772.
- BUCK, John and Esther Clark, int. May 9, 1780.
- BUCK, Mary and Moses Cole, Apr. 2, 1776.
- BUCK, Relief of Chesterfield, and Ira Torry of Hinsdale, Oct. 10, 1841.
- BUCK, Samuell and Susannah Palmaar, Feb. 14, 1771.
- BURNHAM, Cordelia of S. Egremont, and John Cottrell, farmer, s. Rufus, Oct. 8, 1845.
- BURR, Ames, and Relief Eager, Nov. 13, 1822.
- BURR, Betsey and Eben Leonard Jr., Jan. 27, 1811. CR.
- BURR, Betsey and Elkanah Ring Jr., widr., toolmaker, Nov. 30, 1843.
- BURR, Calvin and Fanny Warner, Apr. 18, 1814.
- BURR, Charles and Zilpah Bates, Dec. 16, 1830.
- BURR, Clement and Louisa Kelly, Sept. 21, 1826. [Sept. 10, 1827, PR7]
- BURR, Elmira and Eliphalet Metcalf, Nov. 1, 1820.
- BURR, Franklin and Persis M. Knapp, June 20, 1844. PR7.
- BURR, Franklin E., 25, farmer, of Blueker, N.Y., s. Ames and Relief, and Emily A. Robinson, 22, d. Silas and Cynthia, Oct. 11, 1849. [Franklin E. of Bleeker, N.Y., CR]
- BURR, Hannah and Jacob Porter, Feb. 7, 1816.
- BURR, Jane E., 22, d. Ames and Relief, and George M. Rice, 23, farmer, s. William and Wealthy, Sept. 6, 1848. [Jane C., CR]
- BURR, Jonathan and Nancy Moore, Jan. 3, 1815. [Moor, CR]
- BURR, Jonathan and Polly Beals, Apr. —,1831, in Ashfield. PR24.
- BURR, Joseph and Harte Kelly, Jan. 7, 1834. [Joseph M. and Hearty Kelly, Feb. —, CR]
- BURR, Louisa K. and S. Nelson Parsh, Oct. 18, 1840. [Louisa H., CR]
- BURR, Rebecca and Lyman Purdy, Feb. 13, 1822. [Rebekah, CR] [Rebecca A.. Feb. 12, PR7.
- BURT, Zenas H. and Lucy Thomas, Apr. 21, 1830 . [Zenas H. of Pittsfield, CR]
- BURTON, Annis and Jacob Knapp, Oct. 27, 1803.
- BURTON, Ephraim, farmer, and Orra R. Mason of Cummington, d. _____of Cummington, June 3, 1845.
- BURTON, Sabra and Asa Sherman of Providence, R.I., Apr. 12, 1792.
- BURTON, Sally and Rosiel Parish, Feb. 13, 1812. [Rossel, CR]
- BURTON, Solomon of Norwich, and Laura Mettcalf, _____. [Metcalf, Oct. 17, 1816, CR]
- BUSH, Walter R. of Albany, and Rebecca C. Rice, Apr. 24, 1838.
- BUSSEY, Jesse of Windsor, and Nancy Morse, Feb. 12, 1791.
- CADY, Allen of New Canaan, N. Y., and Elvira Parrish, Mar. 8, 1818. [Parish, CR]
- CALDWELL, Polly and Edmond Hubbard, Oct. 17, 1815.
- CAMPBELL, Albert G. and Maria E. Moore, Sept._,1836, [Albert G. of Chester, CR]
- CAMPBELL, William B., merchant, of Norwich, and Mary Ann Granger, May 18, 1843. [May 22, PR8.]
- CARTER, L. of Preston, Conn., and Hannah Partridge, June 25, 1804.
- CHAPMAN, Ezra and Sarah Searl, Apr. 20, 1830. [Ezra of Windsor, CR]
- CHIBBOCK, Betty, Mrs., of Abbington, and Ezekiel Garner, int. Feb. 20, 1775.
- CHILDS, Cyrus and Mariam Sylvester, Dec. 12, 1813.
- CHILDS, Ebenezer and Jane Bates, wid., of Cummington, Sept. 18, 1817.
- CHILDS, Lydia and Ira Daniels, Oct. 4, 1810. CR
- CHILDS, Rowena and Edmund Taylor. Mar. 22, 1827. [Tayler, CR]
- CHURCH, Franklin of Middlefield, and Angeline Higgins, ___, 1838. [Dec. —CR]
- CHURCH, James T. of Middlefield, and Emily Bates, Feb. 14, 1839, in Cummington. [Emily L., CR ]
- CLAP (also see Clapp)
- CLAP, Stephen, Capt., and Keturah Wheeler, int. ____.
- CLAPP (also see Clap)
- CLAPP, Abigail and Fordyce Sampson, Apr. 8, 1820. [Apr. 3, CR]
- CLAPP, Chloe and Solomon P. Fitch, Nov. 9, 1817.
- CLAPP, Julia M. and Simeon Clapp, Aug. 21, 1826.
- CLAPP, Levi and Laura Drewry, Oct. 15 [1821]. [Drury, CR]
- CLAPP, Lucindy, Mrs. [int. Lucenda, omits Mrs.], and Asa Cottrel [int. Cottrel of Saulsbury], Dec. 6, 1770.
- CLAPP, Samuel [int. Samull] and Prcillah.[int.iMrs. Precillah] Benjamin, Oct. S, 1773.
- CLAPP, Sarah W., 35, d. Charles and Abigail, and Austin Ware, 22, farmer, of S. Deerfield, s. of S. Deerfield, Nov. 27, 1844.
- CLAPP, Simeon and Julia M. Clapp, Aug. 21, 1826.
- CLARK (also see Clerk)
- CLARK, David and Abigail Baldwin of London, int. ____.
- CLARK, Eber, Rev., and Mary Starkwather, Sept. 8, 1812. [Clarke of Chatham, Conn., and Mary Starkweather, CR.]
- CLARK, Elvira and Dr. Otis Boise, May 28, 1829.
- CLARK, Esther and John Buck, int. May 9, 1780.
- CLARK, Joseph H. of Auburn, N.Y., and Chloe Benjamin, Jan. 8, 1822.
- CLARK, Lucretia B. and Thomas Ring, Apr. _, 1837.
- CLARK, Margaret, Mrs., of Stirbridg, and Elijah Dix, int. Mar. 20, 1773.
- CLARK, Mary of Chester, and Capt. Joshua Bemis of Chester, Dec. 18, 1828. CR
- CLARK, Mary E., 21, d. Joel and Eliza, and Stephen S. Wadsworth, 27, farmer, of Becket, s. Stephen and Rachel, Sept. 15, 1847.
- CLARK, Phebe and James Everett, Feb. 21, 1803 PR12.
- CLEAVLAND, Surviah and Thomas Bruce of Cambridge, N.Y., Oct. 28, 1787.
- CLEMMONS, Mary and Dan Howard, int. _____.
- CLEMMONS, Mehitabel and Hollowell Merrils of Wells, Vt., Mar. 9, 1789.
- CLERK (also see Clark)
- CLERK, Shubel and Zipporah Gates, Dec. 30, 1789.
- CLEVELAND (also see Cleavland).
- COATES (also see Coats)
- COATES, Charles of Middlefield, and Samantha Hyde of Williamsburgh, May 18, 1842, in Williamsburgh. CR
- COATS (also see Coates)
- COATS, Easher and Robert Handy, int._____.
- COBB, Mary Ann of Cummington, and Edmund W. Tillson, Dec. 8, 1840, in Cummington.
- COENING, E. H., widr., 36, tailor, of Chicopee Falls, and Paulina Smith, 28, d. Rufus and Salome, Nov. 6, 1847. [Ezra H., CR]
- COIT, Charles, 23, farmer, s. John H. and Betsey, and Emeline H. Root, 23, d. Selden and W. Irene of Middlefield, Nov. 26, 1846. [Emiline H., CR]
- COIT, Gurdon C. and Sophronia Stone, Oct. 8, 1828. [Gurdon C. of Macon, Ga., CA.] [Gurdon C. and Sophrona Stone [ch. John Jr. and Lora (Parish)], Oct. 9, PR20]
- COIT, Harvey of Norwich, and Nancy Stone, Dec. 4, 1816. [Hervey, CR]
- COIT, John H. of Bennington, Vt., and Betsey Brewster, July 7,1822.
- COIT, Martha E. and Jason Sexton, Apr. —, 1836. [Jason of Buffalo, N.Y., CR]
- COIT, William and Huldah Watt, Mar. 16, 1806.
- COLE, Angeline, 23, d. Elijah and Freedom, and Nathaniel Healy, 30, mechanic, of Nassau, N.Y., s. David and Polly, July 4, 1846.
- COLE, Ansel and Lydia Cole, July 28, 1812. [Ansel of Chesterfield, CR]
- COLE, Betsey of Chesterfield, and Henry Crosier of Peru, May 9, 1837.
- COLE, Daniel and Hannah Niles, Mar. 27, 1814.
- COLE, Eliza of Chesterfield, and Elkanah Ring Jr., Oct. 18, 1840.
- COLE, Horace and Sarah King, May 9, 1820, in Brooklyn. PR6.
- COLE, Horace and Maria Cole Kinne, Oct. 14, 1839. PR6t.
- COLE, Isaac and Martha Hamlin, Jan. 26, 1832.
- COLE, Jonathan of Windsor, and Silence Keith, Oct. 9, 1791.
- COLE, Laura of Chesterfield, and Stiles E. Ellis of Norwich, Oct. 7, 1839, in Chesterfield.
- COLE, Lewis, 22, farmer, s. Daniel S. and Hannah, and Sarah Scevens, 16, of New York City, Nov. 16, 1847.
- COLE, Louisa and George Smith of Northampton, Sept. 14, 1841.
- COLE, Lydia and Ansel Cole, July 28 [1812]. [Ansel of Chesterfield, CR]
- COLE, Martha H., Mrs., and Samuel Dyer, June —, 1837. [Samuel of Plainfield, CR]
- COLE, Merrick and Cinthia Higgins, May —, 1836. [Merrick of Chesterfield, and Cynthia Higgins, CR]
- COLE, Moses and Mary Buck, Apr. 2, 1776.
- COLE, Nancy and Lot Drake of Chesterfield, Jan. 2, 1814. [Lot Jr., CR]
- COLE, Nancy and Benjamin Niles, May 19, 1842.
- COLE, Oliver of Chesterfield, and Dorcas Pettingill, Oct. 27, 1793.
- COLE, Pamelia of Chesterfield, and Job S. Bryant of Chesterfield, July 5, 1820.
- COLEMAN (also see Coman)
- COLEMAN, Eliphalet of Chester, and Patty Kelly, Oct. 24, 1805.
- COLLIMER, Mercy and Jedediah Dwelly, int. Apr. 6, 1782.
- COLLINS, Calvin and Ama Prentice, Oct. 23, 1788.
- COLLINS, Daniel and Anna Williams, Nov. 27, 1788.
- COLLINS, Prentice of Hinsdale, and Lois Persons, May 27, 1813. [Parsons, CR]
- COMAN (also see Coleman)
- COMAN, Freeman of Lanesboro, and Sarah M. Slade, Feb. 23, 1843. CR
- CONVERS (also see Converse, Conves)
- CONVERS, Polly and Phinehas Bruce, Jan. 14, 1819. [Phineas, CR]
- CONVERSE (also see Convers, Conves)
- CONVERSE, Betsey H. and John F. Pease, Nov. —, 1835. (Dec. 3, PR22]
- CONVERSE, Elisha R. and Harriet Wickham of Avon, N.Y., Dec. 22, 1842. CR
- CONVERSE, Lucy and Lyman J. Tower, Mar. 21, 1832.
- CONVERSE, Sarah and Erastus Pease, Mar. 27, 1827. [Erastus of Chester, Mar. 28, CR]
- CONVES (also see Convers, Converse)
- CONVES, Horace, 27, farmer, s. Elisha (Convers) and Lucy, and Laura W. Ladd, 23, of Norwich, d. John and Sarah, Nov. 11, 1847. [Converse, CR]
- COOLLEY, Joseph of Windsor, and Fanny Scott, Apr. 6, 1815.
- COTTERILL (also see Cottrel, Cottrell, Cottrill)
- COTTERILL, Dwelly and Peggy Cotton, May 31, 1798.
- COTTERILL, Lucy and Zaccheus Hanchet Jr., Dec. 22, 1793.
- COTTERILL, Nicholas of Cummington, and Nabby Warner, June 24, 1806.
- COTTON, Peggy and Dwelly Cotterill, May 31, 1798.
- COTTREL (also see Cotterill, Cottrell, Cottrell)
- COTTREL, Asa [int. Cottril of Saulsbury] and Mrs. Lucindy [int. Lucenda, omits Mrs.] Clapp, Dec. 6, 1770.
- COTTRELL (also see Cotterill, Cottrel, Cottril)
- COTTRELL, John, farmer, s. Rufus, and Cordelia Burnham of S. Egremont, Oct. 8, 1845.
- COTTRELL, Mary and Orren Granger, farmer, June 1, 1843. [Mary M., CR] [Mary and Orrin Granger, PR8]
- COTTRILL (also see Cotterill, Cottrel, Cottrell)
- COTTRILL, Asa and Hariett Stephens, Nov. 30, 1815. [Cottrell, and Harriet Stevens, CR]
- COTTRILL, Charlotte and John Smith, Nov. 5, 1817. [Cottrell, CR]
- COWING, Job and Cynthia Pomeroy, June 1, 1826. [Job of Norwich, CR]
- COWING, Samuel and Minerva Austin, Jan. 10, 1827. [Samuel of Chesterfield, CR.]
- COWING, Sybil and Nathan S. Stevens, Jan. 1, 1846. PR9.
- COWING, William L., widr., 27, farmer, of Williamsburgh, s. Thomas and Patience, and Electa Leonard, 21, dau. Lonson and Flavia, Mar. 22, 1849.
- CROSBY, Luna and Daniel Arms of Conway, July 29, 1792.
- CROSBY, Sarah and Capt. Myrick Barrett, Oct. 25, 1829. PR12.
- CROSIER, Henry of Peru, and Betsey Cole of Chesterfield, May 9, 1837.
- CROSS, Sherman of Washington, and Susan Furgerson of Cummington, Jan. 13, 1841 in Cummington. [Ferguson, CR]
- CROSS, William and Way Ann Newton, May 26, 1831. PR15.
- CUDWORTH, Edwin and Flavia Fuller, Feb. 2, 1832.
- CURTIS, Amy [int. adds Mrs.] and Elisha Benjamin, Jan. 18, 1774.
- CURTIS, Beriah and Mrs. Amey [int. Amy, omits Mrs.] Leonard, Nov. 15, 1770.
- CURTIS, Delia and Eleazer Hazen, Apr. 8, 1798.
- CURTIS, Elijah and Polly Benjamin, Dec. 30, 1816.
- CUSHING, Cynthia and Abner Kinne, May 2, 1813.
- CUSHING, Eunice and Jotham Randall, Nov. 26, 1823 [Randal, CR]
- CUSHING, Gilman and Rebecca Bartlett, Apr. 6, 1820 [Rebekah, CR]
- CUSHING, Priscilla and Shubel Parish, Sept. 10, 1805.
- CUSHING, Roswell and Abigail Briggs, Nov. 20, 1821.
- CUSHING, Solomon (also see Solomon Cushman).
- CUSHMAN, Alanson of Southwick, and Eunice E. Partridge, Oct. 30, 1832. CR
- CUSHMAN, Eunice H. and Phineas Prentice of Middlefield, Oct. 31, 1832. CR
- CUSHMAN, Permelia and Curtis Warner, Nov. 2, 1824. [Curtis of Suffield, Conn., CR]
- CUSHMAN, Solomon and Betsey W. Prentice, Nov. 1, 1824. [Cushing, CR]
- CUSHMAN, Thankful P. and Daniel Higgins, Dec. 24, 1824. [Daniel of Chester, CR]
- DALEY, Polly and Stephen Niles, Nov. 9, 1788.
- DALMER, Lydian of Murreyfield, and Joseph Geers, int. Sept. 30, 1771.
- DALY (also see Daley).
- DAMON, Caleb M. of Chesterfield, and Sarah Bryant, Dec. 12, 1837.
- DANIELS (also see Danils)
- DANIELS, Chloe M. and Lot Wilder of Chesterfield, Jan. 19, 1820. [Lot Jr., CR]
- DANIELS, Frances, d. Ransloe and Nancy, and E. Andrew Hubbard, Aug. 19, 1844. [E. Andrews Hubbard, CR]
- DANIELS, Ira and Lydia Childs, Oct. 4, 1810. CR
- DANIELS, Lodemia and John Austin Jr., Sept. 4, 1806.
- DANIELS, Olive and Abraham Edwards, Apr. 22, 1804.
- DANIELS, Ranslo and Nancy Starkweather, Dec. 14 [1822]. [Ransloe, CR]
- DANILS (also see Daniels)
- DANILS, Anna, Mrs., and Benjamin Leavens, int. Nov. 25, 1771.
- DARLING, Elizabeth and Richard L. Howard, M.D., of Elyria, O., Apr. 20, 1843. CR
- DARLING, Thomas W. and Deborah Eager, Apr. —, 1835. [Thomas West Darling of Chesterfield, Apr. 2, CR]
- DAWES, Francis H. and Melissa Everett, Nov. 13, 1847, in Albany, N.Y. PR12.
- DAWES, Jonathan and Lucy W. Kingman, Sept. —, 1836. [Jonathan Jr., CR]
- DAWES, Sophronia of Cummington, and Joseph W. Rodgers of Cummington, Mar. 25, 1840, in Cummington. [Sophronia C., CR]
- DENEY, Henry F. and Cinthia Niles, June —,1837. [Dewey of Southampton, and Cynthia Niles, CR]
- DIAS (also see Dyas)
- DIAS, Abram of "No. 5," and Ruth Nash of "No. 5," int. ____.
- DICKINSON, William of Hadley, and Elizabeth Worthington, Apr. 11, 1808.
- DICKINSON, William and Sarah Ann Hancock, Nov. 25, 1841.
- DIX, Elijah and Mrs. Margaret Clark of Stirbridg, int. Mar. 20, 1773.
- DOWD, William and Mary Prouty, Nov. 16, 1788.
- DRAKE, Abraham and Lucy Follet, May 26, 1828. [Abraham Jr., CR]
- DRAKE, Coziah and Epharhum Randall, int. Aug. 21, 1778.
- DRAKE, Jotham, farmer, and Mary Sanderson, Dec. 3, 1843.
- DRAKE, Keziah (also see Coziah).
- DRAKE, Keziah and Chancey Hathaway of Windsor, May 20, 1819.
- DRAKE, Lot of Chesterfield, and Nancy Cole, Jan. 2, 1814. [Lot Jr., CR]
- DRAKE, Orril R. and Joseph M. Smith, widr., farmer, of Cummington, Aug. 5, 1844. [Aug. 15, CR]
- DRAKE, Sophia and Alonzo Sanderson, Nov. 25, 1834. [Sophia D. and Alonzo S. Sanderson, PR10]
- DRAKE, Theodore and Roxana Spelman, Jan. 23, 1822.
- DRAKE, Theodore, widr., cordwainer, and Mary A. Mayhew of Norwich, Nov. 17, 1844. [Mary Ann, CR]
- DRAPER, W. H. and Huldah Briggs, July --, 1835. [William H. of Abington, CR.]
- DRESSER, Francis, farmer, of Goshen, and Corinth D. Higgins, d. Luther and Lydia of Goshen, Feb. 16, 1847.
- DREWREY (also see Drewry, Drurey, Drury)
- DREWREY, Lydia and Calvin Bartlett, Aug. 2, 1820. [Drury, CR]
- DREWRY (also see Drewrey, Drurey, Drury)
- DREWRY, Eunice, wid., and Cypian Meech, Mar. 17, 1822. [Drury, and Cyprian Meach, CR.]
- DREWRY, Laura and Levi Clapp, Oct. 15, 1821. [Drury, CR.]
- DRUREY (also see Drewrey, Drewry, Drury)
- DRUREY, Elijah and Betsey Parsons, Nov. 30, 1809. [Drury, and Elizabeth Parsons, CR.] [Drury, and Elizabeth Parsons, Nov. 28, PR25].
- DRURY (also see Drewrey, Drewry, Drurey)
- DRURY, Abel P. and Almira C. Huntington, Nov. 14, 1844. PR25.
- DRURY, Ermina and Dr. Timothy H. Brown, Oct. 17, 1839.
- DUNBAR, Mercey and Akish Pool, Aug. 2, 1776.
- DUNCAN, Joseph and Lydia Webster, Mar. 17, 1808.
- DWELLY, Jedediah and Mercy Collimer, int. Apr. 6, 1782.
- DYAS (also see Dias)
- DYAS, Abba, wid., of Peru, and Stephens Bartlett, widr., carpenter, Feb. 11, 1845.
- DYER, Samuel and Mrs. Martha H. Cole, June —, 1837. [Samuel of Plainfield, CR]
- EAGER, Deborah and Thomas W. Darling, Apr. —, 1835. [Thomas West Darling of Chesterfield, Apr. 2, CR]
- EAGER, Jonathan H., 26, farmer, s. Nathaniel and Sybil, and Mary Parsons, 24, d. Maures and Amanda, Jan. 18, 1848.
- EAGER, Maria and Benjamin Brewster, Apr. 1, 1829. [Mariah, CR]
- EAGER, Nahun and Sarah Jeneson of Worcester, int. May 30, 1771.
- EAGER, Relief and Ames Burr, Nov. 13, 1822.
- EAMES, Medad and Mary Anable, Oct. 27, 1824. [Medad of Hinsdale, CR]
- EASTON, Justice of Cummington, and Lydia Hunt, _____ [rec. after Apr. 19, 1821]
- EDWARDS, Abraham and Olive Daniels, Apr. 22, 1804.
- EDWARDS, Albert L. and Susan B. Hathaway, ____,1838.
- ELDER, James of Chester, and Betsey Prentice, Dec. 7,1807.
- ELLIS, Cornelius of Becket, and Ruth Turner, May 27, 1812.
- ELLIS, Stiles E. of Norwich, and Laura Cole of Chesterfield, Oct. 7, 1839, in Chesterfield.
- ENO, David P. of Granby, Conn., and Mary Marble, Jan. 23, 1840.
- EVANS, Olive and Dwight Stone [ch. John Jr. and Lora (Parish)], May 25, 1841. PR20.
- EVERETT, Andrew and Betsy _____, Feb. 7,1803. PRI2.
- EVERETT, Betsey S. and Johnson G. Stebbins, Mar. —, 1836.
- EVERETT, Edwin and Mary Thayer, May 27, 1834, in Williamsburg. PR12.
- EVERETT, Emily and John Everett, May 7, 1835, in Newburgh, N.Y. PR12
- EVERETT, Emily and Oliver Everett, Aug. 2, 1838, in Princeton, Ill. PR12.
- EVERETT, James and and Phebe Clark, Feb. 21, 1803. PR12.
- EVERETT, James Smith and Harriett C. Hyde, Dec. 11, 1836, in Prince-ton, Ill. PRI2.
- EVERETT, Jason of Chesterfield, and Lucy Abbot, Nov. 1, 1832. CR
- EVERETT, John and Emily Everett, May 7, 1835, in Newburgh, N.Y. PR12.
- EVERETT, Julia and Cyrus Bryant, May 13, 1834, in Cummington. PRI2.
- EVERETT, Laura and Alden Tower, Dec. 13, 1832, in Cummington. PR12.
- EVERETT, Linus S. and Sophia Moore, Sept. 18, 1816. [Sept. 19, CR]
- EVERETT, Maria and Lucius Bartlett, June 16, 1841. PR12
- EVERETT, Mary S. C. and W[illia]m F. Leonard, Jan. 6, 1825.
- EVERETT, Melissa and Francis H. Dawes, Nov. 13, 1847, in Albany, N.Y. PRI2.
- EVERETT, Oliver and Emily Everett, Aug. 2, 1838, in Princeton, Ill. PR12.
- EVERETT, Oliver and Bessie Law, Feb. 5, 1845, in Dixon, Ill. PR12.
- FANNING, Fanny and Leonard Prentice, Dec. 22, 1825.
- FARR, Simeon [int. Simon] of "the New plantation Call'd Number 5," and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Mary Bates of " the New plantation Call'd Number 3," Nov. 21, 1771.
- FENTON (also see Fintin).
- FERGUSON (also see Furgerson).
- FIELD, John and Elizabeth M. Stone [ch. John Jr. and Lora (Parish)], Feb. —, 1840. PR20.
- FINTIN, John and Silence Willes, Sept. 26, 1776.
- FISK, Josiah [int. of "the New plantation Called Number two"] and Mrs. Elisibeth Mors [int. Elizabeth Morse, omits Mrs.], Dec. 6, 1770.
- FISK, Moses of Chesterfield, and Olive Porter, Dec. 11, 1821.
- FITCH, Solomon P. and Chloe Clapp, Nov. 9, 1817.
- FOLLET (also see Follett)
- FOLLET, Lucy and Abraham Drake, May 26, 1828. [Abraham Jr., CR]
- FOLLET, Sally and Branch Leonard, Nov. 26, 1807.
- FOLLETT (also see Follet)
- FOLLETT, Persis and Charles Squires, July 7, 1844. [Persis Samantha and Charles Squires of Pittsfield, CR]
- FORD, John and [int. adds Mrs.] Martha Pettingill [int. Pettingil], Nov. 18, 1773.
- FORD, Joseph of Cumington, and Bersheba Bates, Feb. to, 1789.
- FORD, Samuel and Damaras Prouty, Aug. 26, 1773.
- FREEMAN, Eunice and Moses Wheelar, Feb. 1, 1787.
- FREEMAN, Olive and Luther Gallup of Dalton, Jan. 29, 1792.
- FRENCH, Otis and Mary Bartlett, Nov. 10, 1801 [sic, ?1831]. [Otis of Peru, Nov. 10, 1831, CR]
- FRISSEL (also see Frissell)
- FRISSEL, Socratus of Peru, and Mary Scott, June 1, 1814.
- FRISSELL (also see Frissel)
- FRISSELL, Emerson S. of Peru, and Sarah Ann Granger, Apr. 21, 1842. CR
- FULLER, Eliza and Taber Wood of Chesterfield, Mar. 10, 1824.
- FULLER, Eunice and Joel Perkins, Jan. 14, 1790.
- FULLER, Flavia and Edwin Cudworth, Feb. 2, 1832.
- FULLER, Lemuel and Anna Smith, Apr. 4, 1813.
- FURGERSON, Susan of Cummington, and Sherman Cross of Washington, Jan. 13, 1841, in Cummington. [Ferguson, CR GAINS
- FURGERSON, John of "Number 5," and Catharine Power of " Number 5", int. Dec. 9, 1771.
- GALLUP, Luther of Dalton, and Olive Freeman, Jan. 29,1792.
- GARDNER (also see Garner, Guardner)
- GARDNER, Job and Lucy Gates, Nov. 28, 1788.
- GARDNER, Seth and Eunice Patch of Chesterfield, int.____.
- GARNER (also see Gardner, Guardner)
- GARNER, Ezekiel and Mrs. Betty Chibbock of Abbington, int. Feb. 20, 1775.
- GARNER, Lydia and Stephen Silvester [int. Sylvester of Chesterfield], Mar. 17, 1774.
- GARNER, Reuben and Sarah Hunt of Abbington, int. Feb. 15, 1774.
- GATES, Daniel of Kanedague, N.Y., and Milcah Brown, Feb. 9, 1794.
- GATES, Lucy and Job Gardner, Nov. 28, 1788.
- GATES, Zipporah and Shubel Clerk, Dec. 30, 1789.
- GEAR (also see Geer, Geers, Gere)
- GEAR, Luther and Lydia Bisbee, May 30, 1832. CR
- GEER (also see Gear, Geers, Gere)
- GEER, Dolly Ann, 24, d. Luther, and Daniel R. Porter, 27, farmer, s. Jacob and Hannah, May 19, 1848. [June 1, CR]
- GEER, Lucy A. and William C. Barker, farmer, of Dalton, s. _____ of Dalton, Nov. 13, 1844. [Lucy Ann, CR]
- GEER, Rosilla J. and Spencer Stewart of Middlefield, Sept. 16, 1840. [Rosilla G., CR]
- GEER, Susanna and Luther Granger, Feb. no 1813. PR8.
- GEERS (also see Gear, Geer, Gere)
- GEERS, Joseph and Lydian Dalmer of Murreyfield, int. Sept. 30, 1771.
- GERE (also see Gear, Geer, Geers)
- GERE, Benjamin S. and Amelia C. Abbot, Feb. 23, 1831. [Benjamin J. of Peru, and Amelia C. Abbot, CR]
- GIGUET, Lewis Nicholas, Dr., and Mary Phelps, Jan. 1, 1790.
- GILBERT, Lucy M. and William E. Tower, Apr. —, 1836.
- GLEASON, Darwin and Martha Brewster, Mar. 2, 1841.
- GLEASON, Emily and Dexter Howard, May —, 1836. CR
- GLEASON, Independence and Loyd Bartlett, Oct. I8, 1842. CR
- GOLDTHWAIT, John T., 25, farmer, of Savoy, s. Calvin and Hannah, and Chloe Ann Turner, 27, d. John and Chloe, June 23, 1847.
- GOLDTHWAIT, Lucy A. of Dover, Vt., and Hiram Russell, farmer, of Hoosick, N.Y., Aug. 30, 1846.
- GOODELL (also see Goodwell, Goodwill)
- GOODELL, Aaron and Minerva Tinker, Nov. 30, 1826.
- GOODRICH, Mercey and Charles E. Wood of Middlefield, Sept. 30, 1840. [Mercy, CR]
- GOODWELL (also see Goodell, Goodwill)
- GOODWELL, Justin of Chester, and Lydia Tinker, June 7, 1816. [Justus Goodwill of Chester, and Lydia H. Tinker, CR.]
- GOODWILL (also see Goodell, Goodwell)
- GOODWILL, Ruth and Luther Granger, Sept. 11, 1790 [? in Worthingtonj. PR8.
- GOSS, Patience (see Patience Kennon).
- GOVE, Betsey and William Ward, Feb. 10, 1805.
- GOVE, Dorothy, wid., and John Hamlin Esq. of Planfieid, Nov. 10, 1819. [John Hunter Esq. of Plainfield, CR]
- GOVE, Dorothy M. and Justus T. Herrick, widr., farmer, of Twinsbury, O., Mar. 23, 1848. [Dorothy Maria, CR]
- GRAHAM (see Grayham).
- GRANGER, Almarin, 21, farmer, s. Luther and Persis, and Ella McCoy Hewitt, 19, d. Daniel T. and Matilda P., June 4, 1845. [Hewett, CR] [Hewitt, PR8]
- GRANGER, Anna and Lyman White of Ludlow, Nov. 19, 1815.
- GRANGER, Chloe and Welcome Bates, Feb. 17, 1833. PR8
- GRANGER, Luther and Miriam Wait, Jan. 11, 1778 [? in Worthington]. PR8.
- GRANGER, Luther and Ruth Goodwill, Sept. 11, 1790 [? in Worthington]. PR8
- GRANGER, Luther and Susanna Geer, Feb. 25, 1813. PR8.
- GRANGER, Luther and Persis Smith, June 6, 1833. PR8
- GRANGER, Lyman and Electa F. Pierce of Peru, May 16, 1840, in Peru. [Lyman G., CR] [Lyman and Fidelia Pierce, May 6, PR8]
- GRANGER, Mary Ann and William B. Campbell, merchant, of Norwich, May 18, 1843. [May 22, PR8]
- GRANGER, Orren, farmer, and Mary Cottrell, June 1, 1843. [Mary M., CR] [Orrin and Mary Cottrell, PR8]
- GRANGER, Sarah Ann and Emerson S. Frissell of Peru, Apr. 21, 1842. CR
- GRANGER, Susanna and Otis Jones, May 30,1832. CR [Oct. 24, PR8]
- GRAVES, Israel A., 27, farmer, of Northampton, s. Israel and Fanny, and Jane E. Stone, 18, d. Oren and Jane, Apr. 26, 1849.
- GRAYHAM, Mary and Isaiah Bates, Jan. 10, 1804.
- GREEN, Benjamin Elery [dup. crossed out, omits Elery, adds of Warwick, R.I.] and Lucy Huntington, Mar. 22, 1776 [dup. crossed out, Mar. 21, 1775].
- GUARDNER (also see Gardner, Garner)
- GUARDNER, Lovisa and Philip Bailey, Feb. —, 1836. [Gardner, and Philip Baily, CR]
- HADSALL, David P. and Anna Kelsey, Dec. 2, 1824. [David P. of Hancock, and Anna Kelsa, CR]
- HALE, Daniel of Winchendon, and Mary Hall, Sept. 30,1807.
- HALE, Olive and Dan Howard, Mar. 28, 1788.
- HALL, Lydia and Benjamin E. Washburn of Cummington, Mar. 7, 1811. CR
- HALL, Lydia A. and Alanson H. Porter, Jan. 2, 1832. [Alanson H. of Williamstown, CR]
- HALL, Mary and Daniel Hale of Winchendon, Sept. 30, 1807.
- HALL, Mercy and Abner Tuttle, Nov. 2, 1806.
- HALL, Thomas and Betsey Tower, Aug. 24, 1813.
- HALY (also see Healy)
- HALY, Joshua and Harty Herrick, Sept. 13, 1801 [sic, ? 1831]. Harty Hinnes, Sept. 13, 1831, CR]
- HAMLIN, John Esq. of Planfield, and Dorothy Gove, wid., Nov. to, 1819. [John Hunter Esq. of Plainfield, CR]
- HAMLIN, Martha and Isaac Cole, Jan. 26, 1832.
- HANCHET, Polly and Asahel Rowe, Mar. 28, 1787.
- HANCHET, Zaccheus Jr. and Lucy Cotterill, Dec. 22, 1793.
- HANCOCK, Sarah Ann and William Dickinson, Nov. 23, 1841.
- HANDY, Robert and Easber Coats, int._____.
- HASCALL, Jonathan and Anna Starkwather, Mar. 11, 1790.
- HATHAWAY, Chancey of Windsor, and Keziah Drake, May 20, 1819.
- HATHAWAY, Susan B. and Albert L. Edwards, —, 1838.
- HATCH, Martha A. and Milo Wing, Mar. 14, 1843. CR
- HATCH, William and Abigail Leonard, Dec. 28, 1820.
- HAWKINS, Lydia and Josiah Pettingill, Dec. 13, 1793.
- HAZEN, Elbridge and Lucy Brewster, Oct. 1, 1828.
- HAZEN, Eleazer and Delia Curtis, Apr. 8, 1798.
- HAZEN, Susan and Jonathan Benjamin, Jan. 1, 1821.
- HEALY (also see Haly)
- HEALY, Nathaniel, 30, mechanic, of Nassau, N.Y., s. David and Polly, and Angeline Cole, 23, d. Elijah and Freedom, July 4, 1846.
- HENDRICK, Joseph of New Townsend, and Rachel Prouty, int._____.
- HENSHAW, Daniel Esq. of Winchendon, and Deborah Starkweather, Nov. 19, 1821.
- HERRICK, Edmond S. of Albany, and Lucy E. Woodbridge, Aug. 6, 1820.
- HERRICK, Eunice of Preston, and Jonas Leonard, May 31, 1781.
- HERRICK, Ezra and Nancy Ward, Nov. 6, 1806.
- HERRICK, Harty and Joshua Haly, Sept. 13, 1801 [sic, ? 1831]. [Harty Hinnes, Sept. 13, 1831, CR]
- HERRICK, Justus T., widr., farmer, of Twinsbury, O., and Dorothy M. Gove, Mar. 23, 1848. [Dorothy Maria, CR]
- HERRICK, Polly and John Slade of Middlefield, May 12, 1814. [May 18, CR]
- HERRICK, Priscilla and Nahum Ward, Aug. 26, 1808.
- HERRICK, Rufus and Elizabeth Wright, Nov. 10, 1801 [sic, ? 1831 [Nov. 10, 1831, CR]
- HEWITT, Daniel T. and Matilda Parrish, Sept. 12, 1882. [Parish, CR] [Daniel Tyler Hewitt and Matilda Parish, Sept. 13, PR23]
- HEWITT, Ella McCoy, 19, d. Daniel T. and Matilda P., and Almarin Granger, 21, farmer, s. Luther and Persis, June 4, 1843. [Hewett, CR] [Hewitt, PR8]
- HIGGINS, Amanda and Calvin Tower, May —, 1835. [Amanda M., CR]
- HIGGINS, Angeline and Franklin Church of Middlefield, 1838. (Dec.—, CR]
- HIGGINS, Barney and Polly Prentice, Sept. 8, 1792.
- HIGGINS, Charlotte and William Jackson, Oct. —, 1835.
- HIGGINS, Cinthia and Merrick Cole, May —, 1836. [Cynthia and Merrick Cole of Chesterfield, CR]
- HIGGINS, Corinth D., d. Luther and Lydia of Goshen, and Francis Dresser, farmer, of Goshen, Feb. 16, 1847.
- HIGGINS, Cynthia (see Cinthia).
- HIGGINS, Daniel and Thankful P. Cushman, Dec. 24, 1824. [Daniel of Chester, CR.]
- HIGGINS, Elijah Jr. of Chesterfield, and Rhoda Pomeroy, Jan. 1, 1812.
- HIGGINS, Elijah of Chesterfield, and Mary Kinne of Chesterfield. Nov. 23, 1820.
- HIGGINS, Mortimer L. and Louisa Brown, Oct. 18, 1840.
- HILL, Meriah, Mrs., of "No 5," and Nathan Bell of "No 5," int. Apr. 9, 1778.
- HILLMAN, Justin of Conway, and Abigail Taylor, Nov. 2, 1814.
- HINNES, Harty (see Harty Herrick).
- HISCOCK, James and Nancy Sprague, Dec. 2, 1813.
- HOLBERT, Thomas [int. of Chesterfield] and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Hannah Kinne, Apr. 26, 1770.
- HOLCOMB, Elam and Sally Thomas, May 13, 1829. [Elam of Windsor, CR]
- HOLMES, Hiram of Cummington, and Mrs. Olive P. Bates,_____.
- HOTTON, Lydia, Mrs., and James Wybourn, int. Jan. 20, 1775.
- HOWARD, Dan and Olive Hale, Mar. 28, 1788. Dan and Mary Clemmons, int. Dexter and Emily Gleason, May —, 1836. CR
- HOWARD, Richard L., M.D., of Elyria, O., and Elizabeth Darling, Apr. 20, 1843. CR
- HUBBARD, E. Andrew and Frances Daniels, d. Ransloe and Nancy, Aug. 19, 1844. [E. Andrews Hubbard, CR]
- HUBBARD, Edmond and Polly Caldwell, Oct. 17, 1815.
- HUNT, Brianthy and Ichabod Mason of Cnmmington, July 24, 1817.
- HUNT, Lydia and Justice Easton of Cummington,_____ [rec. after Apr. 19, 1821].
- HUNT, Sarah of Abbington, and Reuben Garner, int. Feb. 15, 1774.
- HUNTER, John (see John Hamlin).
- HUNTINGTON, Almira C. and Abel P. Drury, Nov. 14, 1844. PR25.
- HUNTINGTON, Charlotte and Thomas Marsh, Feb. 19, 1792.
- HUNTINGTON, Lucy and Benjamin Elery [dup. crossed out, omits Elery] Green [dup. crossed out of Warwick, R.I.], Mar. 22, 1776 [dup. crossed out, Mar. 21, 1775].
- HUNTINGTON, Sarah and Elisha Brewster, Apr. 24, 1788.
- HUNTINGTON, Simon and Prissilla [int. Prisscilla] Benjamin, Nov 5, 1783.
- HYDE, Harriett C. and James Smith Everett, Dec. 11,1836, in Princeton, Ill. PR12.
- HYDE, Samantha of Williamsburgh, and Charles Coates of Middlefield, May 18, 1842, in Williamsburgh. CR
- INGRAHAM, David and Lydia Miller of Granville, int._____.
- IVES, David [dup. of N. Adams] and Sarah E. Prentice, May 1838. [David Lois of Adams, CR]
- JACKSON, ArvIla and John Pomeroy, Apr. 19, 1821.
- JACKSON, William, coloured, and Abigail Robinson, coloured, Mar. 3, 1820.
- JACKSON, William and Charlotte Higgins, Oct. —, 1835.
- JAMES, Amos of Windsor, and Hannah Lee, int._____.
- JENESON, Sarah of Worcester, and Nahun Eager, int. May 30, 1711.
- JOHNSON, Damaris of Sheffield, and Eleazer Ring, Sept. 7, 1789.
- JOHNSON, John J. and Laura Tower,_____[rec. after Apr. 19, 1821].
- JONES, David, 29, carpenter, s. John and Nancy, and Martha H. [dup. omits H.] Brown, 22, d. Alfred and Pollina, June 12, 1845. [Martha H., CR]
- JONES, Otis and Susanna Granger, May 30, 2832. CR [Oct. 24,, PR8]
- JOSLING, Abegil of Pembrock, and Elezar King, int._____.
- KEEN, William Jr. of Chesterfield, and Mrs. Lucinda Whitting of Chesterfield, Feb. 14, 1813.
- KEITH, Silence and Jonathan Cole of Windsor, Oct. 9, 1791.
- KELLY, Elizabeth and John Smith Jr. of Chester, June 14, 1804.
- KELLY, Harte and Joseph Burr, Jan. 7,1834. [Hearty and Joseph M. Burr, Feb. —, CR]
- KELLY, James and Ruby Marsh, Feb. 12, 1807.
- KELLY, James, Capt., and Martha Bisbee, Mar. 10, 1842.
- KELLY, Louisa and Clement Burr, Sept. 21, 1826. [Sept. TO, 1827, PR7.]
- KELLY, Patty and Eliphalet Coleman of Chester, Oct. 24, 1803.
- KELSEY, Anna and David P. Hadsall, Dec. 2, 1824. [Kelsa, and David P. Hadsall of Hancock, CR)
- KELTON, F. C. and Sophia L. Stone [ch. John Jr. and Lora (Parish)], Jan. 6, 1840. PR20.
- KENNON, John [int. of " No. 5"] and Patience Kennon [int. Patience Goss of "No. 5" ], Apr. 25, 1773.
- KENNON, Patience [int. Patience Goss of "No. 5"] and John Kennon [int. of " No. 5"], Apr. 25, 1773.
- KENNON, Elezar and Abegil Josling of Pembrock, int._____.
- KENNON, Isaac of Chesterfield, and Lucinda Worthington, Nov. 20,1806.
- KENNON, Sarah and Horace Cole, May 9, 18201 in Brooklyn. PR6.
- KINGMAN, Alphonso and Sally Parsons, May 13, 1824.
- KINGMAN, Lucy W. and Jonathan Dawes, Sept. —, 1836. [Jonathan] Jr., CR]
- KINGMAN, Sally and Bela Warner, Jan. 16, 1812.
- KINGMAN, Sally and Eli Benjamin, May 10, 1827. [Sally, wid., CR.]
- KINGMAN, Sophronia M. and Elisha H. Brewster, June 8, 1831.
- KINNE, Abner and Cynthia Cushing, May 2, 1813.
- KINNE, Desire and Abner Brown, Sept. 25, 1788.
- KINNE, Dorothy and Timothy Lyman of Murreyfield, int. May 26, 1769.
- KINNE, Hannah, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Thomas Holbert [int. of Chesterfield], Apr. 26, 1770.
- KINNE, Judith and Gershon Randel [int. Gershom Randle], Mar. 31, 1774.
- KINNE, Maria Cole and Horace Cole, Oct. I4, 1839. PR6.
- KINNE, Mary of Chesterfield, and Elijah Higgins of Chesterfield, Nov. 23, 1820.
- KINNE, Thomas and Mrs. Eunice Towgood of Providence, R.L, int. Feb. 27, 1775.
- KNAPP, Jacob and Annis Burton, Oct. 27, 1803.
- KNAPP, Maddison, 36, farmer, s. Jacob and Annis, and Mary E. Sherman, 20, d. George] and Betsey, Nov. 11, 1847. [Madison, CR]
- KNAPP, Persis M. and Franklin Burr, June 20, 1844. PR7.
- KNOWLES, Betsey and Samuel Ayers, Apr. 19, 1829. [Samuel C. Ayer of Amherst, CR]