Middlefield Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
Surnames M-Z
Transcribed by Jeffrey Tooley
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Marriage records extracted from the "Vital records of Middlefield, Massachusetts to the year 1850.
Middlefield Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850 - Surnames M-Z
- MACK, Abigail and William Elder, Sept. 21, 1815.
- MACK, Amos and Betsey Ingham, July 4, 1808.
- MACK, Anna and Isaac Clark of Becket, Apr. 17, 1806.
- MACK, Charlotte and Amos Cone, Dec. 19, 1816.
- MACK, David Jr. and Independence Peas of Sommers, CT, int. Feb. 21, 1803.
- MACK, David Jr. and Mary Ely of Longmeadow, int. Dec. 29, 1811.
- MACK, Hannah and George W. McElwain of Peru, June 10, 1817.
- MACK, John T. and Lydia Randall of Worthington, int. Feb. 25, 1805.
- MACK, Josiah and Maria Ward, Sept. 26, 1822.
- MACK, Laura and Solomon Root Jr., Mar. 16, 1815.
- MACK, Lois and Jacob Robbins, Sept. 17, 1794.
- MACK, Lucy and Selden Spencer of Hinsdale, May 13, 1813.
- MACK, Lydia and Stephen Wood, June 21, 1795.
- MACK, Mary and Ebenezer Sheldon [int. Seldon], Jan. 25, 1787, in Chester.
- MACK, Mary and Ebenezer Emmons, int. June 6, 1791.
- MACK, Mindwell [int. adds Mrs.] and Ichabod [int. Ichabud] Emmons, Dec. 9, 1799
- MACK, Phebe and Uriah Church Jr., Jan. 11, 1810.
- MACK, Sarah and Oliver Bliss [int. Blish], June 1, 1786, in Chester.
- MACK, Salla and Russell Little, Apr. 2, 1804. [Sally. CR1]
- MACK, Thankful and Royal Cooper of Windsor, Dec. 17, 1812.
- MACK, Zilpha and Azariah Smith of Manlius, NY, Aug. 29, 1811.
- MAHANNA, Peggy and Moses Hamilton 2d, May 9, 1822.*
- MAHANNA, William of Chester, and Dolly Hamilton, Feb. 12, 1816.
- MAKER, John and Theodosha Skinner of Glastonbury, int. Feb. 2, 1796.
- MALTBY, Harriet E. [int. omits E.] and John C. Drury, mercheant, of Rowe, Aug. 31, 1843 [dup. 1844]. [1843. CR1]
- MANN (Man)
- MANN, Eliza, d. John, and Orrin B. Todd, farmer, of Blandford, b. Blandford, s. ––––– of "suppose" Blanford, Mar. 1, 1843.
- MANN, John L. and Lodemia A. Todd of Blandford, int. May 8, 1846.
- MANN, Laura Ann and Avery Tracy of Blandford, Nov. 1, 1836.
- MANN, Lydia M., d. John and w., and Daniel Phelps, farmer, of Chester, b. "supposed" Chester, Oct. 5, 1845.
- MANN, Nathan [Man] and Betsey Parker of Partridgefield, int. Sept. 22, 1791.
- MANN, Sarah Elizabeth [int. 25], house keeping, d. John and w. "and Carlow Wait [int. 24], mechanic, of Blandford, b. "supposed" Blandford, s. –––––, of Blandford, Apr. 26, 1847.
- MANNING, John of Chester, and Mrs. Louisa Bartlet, int. June 10, 1801.
- MARBLE, Aurelia B., of Chester, and Nathan C. Brewer of Wendell, ––– ––, ––––. [rec. Apr. 18, 1837]. CR1
- MARBLE, Pamelia, of Chester, and Jonathan Prentice Jr. of Worthington, Apr. 5, 1837, in Chester. CR1
- MARSH, Willard and Rebecca [? Belona] Randall, of Amherst, int. May 9, 1813.
- MARTIN, Anna [int. adds Mrs.] of Washington, and [int. adds Capt.] Daniel Root, June 9 [sic, int. June 10], 1826. [Mrs. Anna of Washington, and Capt. Daniel Root, June 29. CR1]
- MARTIN, Anna and Elisha A. Wells of Washington, June 25, 1828.
- MARTIN, Asenath S. and James Noble of Hartford, CT, Apr. 3, 1832.
- MARTIN, Clark of Washington, and Anna Smith, June 19, 1806. [Clarke CR1]
- MARTIN, William of Blanford, and Judith Jones of Blanford, June 21, 1796. CR1
- MATHER, John of Westfield, and Sophia Tayior of Montgomery, Feb. 22, 1798, in Montgomery. CR1
- MATTHEWS, Lydia, Mrs., of Hinsdale. and Philip Meacham, int. Mar. 21, 1819.
- MATTHEWS, Oliver E. and Nancy M. Little of Otis, int. Mar. 27, 1830.
- MAYNARD, Jesse [int. Mainaid] and Rebeca [int. Abigail] Warner, Sept. 2, 1816. [Maynard, and Rebecca Warner. CR1]
- McELWAIN (Maklwain, McKelwain, M'Elwain)
- McELWAIN, Anna [Maklwain] [int. Macklewain] and John Shaplee, Nov. 27, 1800. [McElwain, and John Shapley. CR1]
- McELWAIN, George W. of Peru, and Hanllab Mock, June 10, 1817.
- McELWAIN, George W. and Fanny Fitch of Becket, int. May 14, 1837.
- McELWAIN, Jennet and Lewis Taylor Jr., May 30, 1815.
- McELWAIN, Jonathan and Lucy Smith, Oct. 15, 1818.
- McELWAIN, Jonathan Jr., 28, farmer, s. Jonathan, and Clarissa J. [int. Jane] Lyman, 25, housekeeper of Chester, b. Chester, d. Moses of Chester, May 20, 1847.
- McELWAIN, Luna and Reuben Smith of Becket, Sept. 18, 1817. [Lana. CR1]
- McELWAIN, Martha P. and Charles Wright of Chester, Oct. 20, 1835, [McElwaine. CR1]
- McELWAIN, Sarah and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] Solomon Hatch of Hamilton, NY, July 31, 1810.
- McELWAIN, Timothy [McKelwain] and Jane –––––, Jan. 9, 1772, in Somers, CT.*
- McELWAIN, Timothy Jr. [M'Elwain] [int. Makelwain] and [int. adds Mrs.] Zilpah Gates, Jan. 31, 1798. [McElwain. CR1]
- McKNIGHT, James of Washington, and Molly Taggart. Jan. 7, 1781. in Washington.*
- MEACH, Orrin and Orilla Bestow [int. Orrilla Bestor], Oct. 25, 1821. [Orrina Bestow. CR1]
- MEACHAM (Meachnm, Mechem, Mechum)
- MEACHAM, Abigail andDavid Hamilton of Washington, Apr. 26, 1821.
- MEACHAM, Amanda and Lyman Church, int. Apr. 18, 1839.
- MEACHAM, Ambros [Meachum], of Suffield, CT, and Lucy Risiny of Suffield, CT, Mar. 31, 1794.*
- MEACHAM, Andrew and Celena Hawes, Sept. 7, 1813.
- MEACHAM, Dorcas [Mechum] [int. Mechem] and Parker Fellows of Norwich, May 29, 1793.
- MEACHAM, Emily and Levi Olds, Oct. 9, 1818.
- MEACHAM, Harry and Electa A. Bottom, July 22, 1830.
- MEACHAM, James and Huldah Ball, wid. Windsor, int. Feb. 27, 1814.
- MEACHAM, Laura and Milton Coomes, int. Mar. 4, 1821.
- MEACHAM, Lucy and Allyn Payn [int. Pain] Jr. or Peru, Dec. 27, 1814. [Allen Payne Jr. CR1]
- MEACHAM, Parsons P. of Cato, NY, and Sally Smith, int. Sept. 10, 1820.
- MEACHAM, Parsons P. of Cato, NY, and Asenath Smith, int. Sept. 3, 1838.
- MEACHAM, Phillip [Mechem] and Nabby Leland, Nov. 20, 1794. [Meacham. CR1]
- MEACHAM, Philip and Mrs. Lydia Matthews of Hinsdale, int. Mar. 21, 1819
- MEACHAM, Philip 2d and Sally Little of Peru, int. Mar. 5, 1820.
- MEACHAM, Sally and Ambrose Newton, int. May 6, 1822.
- MEACHAM, Sarah A., 26, of Peru, b. Peru, d. Philip and Sally of Peru, and George W. [int. omits W.] Ayers, 24, farmer, b. Hauly, s. Moses and Jane of Hauley, July 1, 1847.[George W.Ayres. CR1]
- MEACHAM, Tabatha [Mechum] [int. Mechem] and Martin Starr [int. Star] of Norwich, May 16, 1793.
- MEACHAM, Tamson and Pierpont E. Newton. June 23, 1825. [Tamsen. CR1]
- MERRYFIELD, Oliver [int. Meryfield] of Becket, and Expiriance Norcott [int. Mrs. Experience Norcatt], Mar. 15, 1798 [Experience Norcott. CR1]
- MERRYFIELD, Ozem and Jenny Grayham [int. Mrs. Genna Graham], Apr. 17, 1798. [Jenny Graham. CR1]
- METCALF, Harriet and Morgan Pease, int. Apr. ––, 1839.
- METCALF, John of Herkimer, NY, [int. omits NY,], and Lucina Root, Sept. 28, 1795. [of Herkimer, NY. CR1]
- METCALF, John and Mrs. Nancy Taylor of Chester, int. Mar. 24, 1838.
- METCALF, Julia, d. John and Lucina, and Asa Smith, widr. [int. omits widr.], farmer, s. Calvin and Anna, Mar. 11, 1846.
- METCALF, Lucina and Samuel Smith, int. June 24, 1822.
- METCALF, Mary and Alpheus Smith, Apr. 9, 1828.
- METCALF, Sarah and Alexander Dickson 2d, int. Oct. 14, 1821.
- METCALF, Thankful and Thomas D. Durant, int. Mar. 23, 1834.
- METCALF, Walter and Mary Ward, int. Sept. 10, 1820.
- MILLARD, Flavia and Edward Crane of Becket, July 4, 1826.
- MILLER, Daniel and Jennet Bisbee of Plainfield, int. Nov. 5, 1826.
- MILLER, James and Lucy Starr, May 14, 1824.
- MILLIKAN, Dolly C. of Washington, and Amos Cone, int. Mar. 24, 1849.
- MOODY, Heman E. of Belchertown, and Electa S. Elder of Chester, Apr. 26, 1841, in Chester. CR1
- MOORE (More)
- MOORE, Anna [int. Moor] of Chester, and Tabor Pelton, Apr. 25, 1790, in Chester.
- MOORE, Benjamin G. [More] [int. Gillet] of Cambridge, NY, and Polly B. [int. Bigalow] Cone, Mar. 24, 1806. [Moore. CR1]
- MOORE, Cynthia [int. Synthia] and Capt. Simeon Leonard of Hinsdale, Apr. 18, 1811. [Cynthia. CR1]
- MOORE, Ruth [More] and Seth Partridge of Worthington, Nov. 4, 1805. [Moore. CR1]
- MORGAN, Archippus of W. Springfield, and Pamela Taylor of Montgomery, Sept. 25, 1800, in Montgomery. CR1
- MORGAN, Edmund P. and Laura Nash, Sept. 16, 1834.
- MUNYAN, James L. of Northampton, and Nancy E. Church, Oct. 23, 1842.
- NASH, Alvan and Abiah Shelden of Westfield, int. Sept. 20, 1828.
- NASH, Eunice and Milton Brewster of Worthington, Oct. 6, 1831.
- NASH, Jonathan, Rev., and Eunice Taylor of Montgomery, Oct. 10, 1793, in Chester.
- NASH, Jonathan, Rev., and Rebeca Russell, int. June 20, 1803.
- NASH, Laura and Edmund P. Morgan, Sept. 16, 1834.
- NASH, Milton and Mary Pelton, May 12, 1839.
- NEWTON, Ambrose and Sally Meacham, int. May 6, 1822.
- NEWTON, Pierpont E. and Tamson Meacham, June 23, 1825. [Tamsen. CR1]
- NICHOLS, Silvanus E. and Melvina Green of Dalton, int. Mar. 15, 1844.
- NOBLE, James of Hartford, CT, and Asenath S. Martin, Apr. 3, 1832
- NOBLE, William Jr. of Hartford, CT, and Portia Alderman, Apr. 22, 1833.
- NORCUTT (Norcott)
- NORCUTT, Expiriance [Norcott] [int. Mrs. Experience Norcatt] and Oliver Merryfield [int. Meryfield] of Becket, Mar. 15, 1798. [Experience Norcott. CR1]
- NORCUTT, Jarvis [dup. Jarves, int. Norcott], farmer, of Becket, b. Becket, s. John Norcut and w. Becket, and Emerancy Graves, d. Amasa and Sally, Sept. 28, 1843 [dup. 1844]. [Jarvis Norcutt, 1843. CR1]
- O'BRIAN, Patrick [Obrien] [int. O. Brine] and Rhoda Cone, Dec. 19, 1826. [O'Brine. CR1]
- OLDS (Oles)
- OLDS, –––, Miss, and Duane Leonard of Hinsdale, int. Mar. ––, 1839.
- OLDS, Caroline E. and Lyman Johnson of Chester. Dec. 6, 1838.
- OLDS, Emily and Zeba P. Jennings of Dalton, Feb. 11, 1830.
- OLDS, Emily Catharine, 19, teacher, d. Levi and Emily, and Rufus Hyde, farmer, of Chesterfield, Aug. ––, 1848.
- OLDS, Emeline and Israel Hale, int. Mar. or Apr. ––, 1839.
- OLDS, Harriet and James Coleman [int. Jr.] of Hinsdale, Nov. 25, 1841. [Colman. CR1]
- OLDS, Justus Jr. and Anna Leach, int. Aug. 20, 1826.
- OLDS, Justus Jr. and Elizabeth Granger of Southwick, int. Apr. 30, 1831.
- OLDS, Levi and Emily Meacham, Oct. 9, 1828.
- OLDS, Lucintha and Aaron Whittemore Jr., int. Oct. 26, 1822.
- OLDS, Lucintha [int. adds Mrs.] and [int. adds Capt.] Joseph Smith, Jan. 8, 1829. [Lucintha, wid., and Capt. Joseph Smith. CR1]
- OLDS, Maria and Henry Sanderson [int. Saunders] Jr. of Dalton, Nov. 29, 1827. [Saunders. CR1]
- OLDS, Mary and John Hamilton Jr. of Washington, Nov. 29, 1821.
- OLDS, Reuben and Elmira Ferguson of Cummington, int. Mar. 11, 1837.
- OLDS, Samuel [Oles] [int. Olds], farmer, s. Levi and w., and Mary Smith, d. John and Lucy, Dec. 26, 1843 [dup. 1844]. [Olds, 1843. CR1]
- OLDS, Sarah D. and Edmund Johnson, int. Feb. 24, 1844.
- OLMSTED, Albert of Enfield, CT, and Miranda Smith, Dec. 29, 1842.
- OSBORN, Assahel of E. Windsor, CT, and Mrs. Betsey Shaw, int. Nov. 6, 1797.
- OTIS, William K., Thomsonian Doctor, and Mary C. Smith, d. Ambrose and Nancy, May 4, 1843.
- PACKARD, Charles of Springfield, and Rhoda P. Little, Dec. 17, 1829. [Rhoda R. CR1]
- PAINE (Payn)
- PAINE, Allyn Jr. [Payn] [int. Pain] of Peru, and Lucy Meacham, Dec. ?7, 1814. [Allen Payne Jr. CR1]
- PARISH, Hirman, widr. [int. omits widr.], farmer, of Worthington, and Lydia Dickson, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], Aug. 19, 1845.
- PARKER, Betsey of Partridgefield, and Nathan Man, int. Sept. 22, 1791.
- PARKER, Jonathan of Partridgefield, and Polly Robins, Mar. 26, 1801. [Robbins. CR1]
- PARKHURST, Nathan and Chloe Stewart, int. Apr. 20, 1790.
- PARTRIDGE, Ebenezer of Worthington, and Rachell [int. Rachel] Loveland, Dec. 10, 1795. [Rachel. CR1]
- PARTRIDGE, Hezekiah of Worthington, and Katharine Seldan [int. Selden], May 9, 1793.
- PARTRIDGE, John [int. Jr.] of Worthington, and Roxana [int. Mrs. Roxany] Loveland, Nov. 29, 1797. [John Jr. CR1]
- PARTRIDGE, Seth of Worthington, and Ruth More, Nov. 4, 1805. [Moore. CR1]
- PEASE (Peas, Pees)
- PEASE, Amanda and George Crane of Washington, Oct. 20, 1841.
- PEASE, Arnold, 29, farmer, s. Dan, and Charlotte Stevens, 26, housekeeper, of Chester, b. Chester, d. Joshua of Chester, June 15, 1848 [not in Middlefield].*
- PEASE, Dan [Peas] [int. Poas] and Salla Wright, Jan. 27, 1802. [Pease, and Sally Wright. CR1]
- PEASE, Dan Jr. and Mary Root, int. Feb. 27, 1825.
- PEASE, Eldridge and Persis Ballou of Peru, int. Apr. 6, 1834.
- PEASE, Hannah [Peas] [int. Pees, adds Mrs.] and Sylvester Emmons, Oct. 4, 1798. [Pease. CR1]
- PEASE, Hariet [int. Harriet], d. Dan and Sally, and Hezekiah Taylor, farmer, of Westfield, b. Westfield, s. ––––– of Westfield, Oct. 28, 1846.
- PEASE, Independence [Peas], of Sommers, CT, and David Mack Jr., int. Feb. 21, 1803.
- PEASE, Israel Jr. and Nancy Gillet, int. Apr. 27, 1817.
- PEASE, Israel and Mrs. Polly Pease, wid. Gad, June 6, 1827.*
- PEASE, Laura A., 22, d. Dan and Sally, and William Stevens, widr., 31, farmer, of Chester, b. Chester, s. Joshua and Nancy of Chester, June 15, 1848.*
- PEASE, Lovisa [Pees] [int. adds Mrs.] and Joseph Smith, Apr. 29, 1798. [Pease. CR1]
- PEASE, Lovisa and Elias Ballou 2d [int. omits 2d] of Peru, Mar. 6, 1832.
- PEASE, Mary, see Nancy.
- PEASE, Polly, wid. Gad, and Israel Pease, June 6, 1827.*
- PEASE, Morgan and Harriet Metcalf, int. Apr. ––, 1839.
- PEASE, Nancy [int. Mary] and Chauncey Coats, Dec. 29, 1813. [Mary and Chauncey Coates. CR1]
- PEASE, Nancy and Alvah Benjamin of Worthington, May 18, 1820.
- PEASE, Sally [int. Salla] and James Dickson Jr., Apr. 21, 1808. [Sally. CR1]
- PEASE, Sally and Harvey Root, Jan. 24, 1822. [Hervey. CR1]
- PEASE, Sibil [int. Sibel] and Ebenezer Smith, Nov. 5, 1829.
- PEASE, Walter and Mary Ingham, Feb. 23, 1831.
- PELTON, Anna [int. Ann] and Elias Wares, Oct. 27, 1802. [Anna and Elias Waires. CR1]
- PELTON, Asahel and Anna Denio of Bernardston [int. Mrs. Anna Dinier of Barnardstown], Nov. 17 [int. Nov. 26, sic] 1798, in Bernardstone.
- PELTON, Ezra and Chloe Wright of Chester, May 10, 1796, in Chester.*
- PELTON, Hesekiah and Hannah Hathaway Axdell of Partridgefield, int. Mar. 5, 1804.
- PELTON, Ithamer Jr. and Mrs. Charlotte Star of Partridgefield, int. May 7, 1798.
- PELTON, Joel and Ruth Field of Partridgefield, int. Aug. 9, 1803.
- PELTON, Joel of Savoy, and Lovice Babcock, int. Aug. 3, 1823.
- PELTON, Lucy and Alanson Hewett of Westford, NY, Nov. 29, 1832.
- PELTON, Lyman of E. Windsor, CT, and Mary W. Pelton, Sept. 23, 1830. [of E. Winsor, CT. CR1]
- PELTON, Mary W. and Lyman Pelton of E. Windsor, CT, Sept. 23, 1830. [Lyman of E. Winsor, CT. CR1]
- PELTON, Mary and Milton Nash, May 12, 1839.
- PELTON, Priscilla and Reuben Ellsworth of E. Windsor, CT, Dec. 27, 1827. [Reuben of E. Winsor, CT. CR1]
- PELTON, Tabor and Anna Moore [int. Moor] of Chester, Apr. 25, 1790, in Chester.
- PERKINS, Asenath and Richard Hardy of Washington, Dec. 11, 1800.
- PERKINS, Betsy and Peter Harvey [int. Harvy] of Windsor [int. of W. Windsor, CT.], Dec. 7, 1802. [Peter of Windsor. CR1]
- PHELPS, Benjamin and Thankful Alderman, May 9, 1792, in Chester.
- PHELPS, Daniel, farmer, of Chester, b. "supposed" Chester, and Lydia M. Mann, d. John and w., Oct. 5, 1845.
- PHELPS, David and Lucina Wood, Feb. 23, 1796.
- PHELPS, Edmund of Waterbury, VT, and Lucina Wood, Jan. 15, 1837.
- PHELPS, Samuel of Water Velliete [? Watervliet], NY, and Clarissa Skinner, int. Aug. 26, 1791.
- PIERCE, Alvah B., 21, farmer, of Peru, b. Peru, s. Isaac and Mary of Peru, and Betsey Smith, 19, d. Ambrose and Nancy, Nov. 25, 1847.
- PINNEY (Pinny)
- PINNEY, Benjamin [Pinny] [int. of Becket] and Cynthia Robins, Jan. 20, 1801. [Pinney of Becket, and Cynthia Robbins. CR1]
- PINNEY, Cynthia D. and Seth Wait Jr. of Chester, May 31 [int. June 13, sic]. 1829.
- PINNEY, John [int. Jr.] [Pinny] and [int. adds Mrs.] Electa Clapp [int. Clap] Sept. 28, 1797.
- PINNEY, Peter [Pinny] and Olive Abot [int. Oliva Abbat], Jan. 18, 1808. [Pinney, and Oliva Abbot. CR1]
- POMEROY, Mercy of Southampton, and Simeon Clapp, int. May 2, 1808.
- PRATT, George and Betsey Hamilton, Mar. 23, 1809.
- PRENTICE (Prentiss)
- PRENTICE, Abigail F., 19, d. Fanny T., wid., dec'd, and Cyrus P. Loveland, 21, laborer, s. Ambrose and Ludy, Nov. 13, 1845.
- PRENTICE, Alpheus and Sarah Ward, Mar. 30, 1829. [Prentiss. CR1] Jonathan Jr. of Worthington, and Pamelia Marble of Chester, Apr. 5, 1837, in Chester. CR1
- PRENTICE, Eliza W. [Prentiss], of Chester, and Abner I. Ames of Becket, May 3, 1848, in Chester.* CR1
- PRENTICE, Lucy E. of Chester, and Nathan W. Robbins, int. Sept. 11, 1830.
- PRENTICE, Phineas of Worthington, and Fanny Collins of Worthington, May 29, 1794. CR1
- PRENTICE, Phineas [Prentiss] and Eunice H. Cushman of Worthington, int. Sept. 22, 1832.
- PRENTICE, Phineas, wi dr. [int. oInits widr.], tanner, b. "supposed" Chester, s. ––––– dec'd, and Mary M. Hamilton, teacher, d. John and w., Apr. 8, 1846.
- PRENTICE, Rufus [Prentiss], of Worthington, and Emily Ward, Apr. 12, 1825. [Prentice. CR1]
- PUTNAM, Sardis and Dorea Starr, int. June 7, 1834.
- RANDALL, Lydia of Worthington, and John T. Mack, int. Feb. 25, 1805.
- RANDALL, Rebecca [? Belona] of Amherst, and Willard Marsh, int. May 9, 1813.
- REMINGTON, Elizabeth of Hinsdale, and Edmund D. Leonard, int. Oct. 22, 1829.
- REYNOLDS, Stiles of Hinsdale, and Nancy A. Blush, int. May 18, 1833.
- RHODES, Isaac [Rhods] and Cynthia Snow, int. July 28, 1790.
- RHODES, Joanna [Rhods] and Benjamin Thomas, int. July 1 [?], 1791.
- RHODES, Joseph [Roads] and Rhoda Wheeler, int. Dec. 8, 1789.
- RHODES, Mary [Rhoads] and Jeremiah Rider int. Oct. 10, 1784.
- RHODES, Obadiah [Rhoads] and Lydia Conant of Oxford, Jan. 10, 1796. [Rhoades. CR1]
- RHODES, Silas [Rhods] and Lydia Ward, int. May 28, 1790.
- RICE, Rebecca C. of Worthington, and Walter R. Bush Esq. of Albany, Apr. 24, 1838.* CR1
- RICH, Reuben of Carsanova [int. Carsanva] and Lucina Ford, Feb. 3, 1805. [of Cazenova. CR1]
- RICHMOND, Asseneth of Partridgefield, and Ebenezer Robbins, int. Aug. 1, 1793.
- RICHMOND, Elihu of Partridgefield, and Betsy [int. Betsey] Robbins, Apr. 10, 1794.
- RIDER, Jeremiah and Mary Rhoads, int. Oct. 10, 1784.
- RIDER, Jeremiah and Mehitable Lucass of Becket, int. Mar. 29, 1792.
- RISINY, Lucy of Suffield, CT, and Ambros Meachum of Suffield, CT, Mar. 31, 1794.*
- ROBBINS (Robins)
- ROBBINS, Cynthia [Robins] and Benjamin Pinny [int. of Becket], Jan. 20, 1801. [Robbins, and Benjamin Pinney of Becket. CR1]
- ROBBINS, David [Robins] and Salla Skinner, June 3, 1802. [Robbins, and Sally Skinner. CR1]
- ROBBINS, Ebenezer and Asseneth Richmond of Partridgefield, int. Aug. 1, 1793.
- ROBBINS, Betsy [int. Betsey] and Elihu Richmond of Partridgefield, Apr. 10, 1794.
- ROBBINS, Jacob and Lois Mack, Sept. 17, 1794.
- ROBBINS, Job [Robins] and Cyntha –––––, Apr. 2, 1767, in Attleborough.*
- ROBBINS, Job [int. Jr.] [Robins] and Polly Wright, Oct. 7, 1802. [Job Robbins Jr. CR1]
- ROBBINS, Job [int. Jobe], Dea., and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Martha Gates, Mar. 23, 1808.
- ROBBINS, Job 3d and Sally Gates, Mar. 15, 1825.
- ROBBINS, Lorenzo C. and Dolly Ann Gibbs of Blandford, int. July 29, 1841.
- ROBBINS, Polly [Robins] and Jonathan Parker of Partridgefield, Mar. 26, 1801. [Robbins. CR1]
- ROBBINS, Nathan W. and Lucy E. Prentice of Chester, int. Sept. 11, 1830.
- ROBBINS, Samuel and Sophronia Gamwell, int. Apr. 16, 1834.
- ROBBINS, Sally and Isaac Cody of Schenectady, NY, Nov. 10, 1811.
- ROBBINS, Thomas D. and Mary Little, int. Dec. 2, 1843.
- ROBERTSON, Elizabeth of Boston, and Rev. Isaac Childs, int. Nov. 12, 1820.
- ROCKWELL, Anson of Worthington [int. Ansel of Washington], and Mercy Blossom, Mar. 8, 1814.
- ROOT (Roots)
- ROOT, Daniel and Electa Wardwell, int. Mar. 8, 1790.
- ROOT, Daniel and Mrs. Sally Shepherd of Chester, int. Dec. 10, 1815.
- ROOT, Daniel Jr. and Susannah Church, int. Aug. 15, 1819.
- ROOT, Daniel [int. adds Capt.] and [int. adds Mrs.] Anna Martin of Washington, June 9 [sic, int. June 10], 1826. [Capt. Daniel and Mrs. Anna Martin of Washington, June 29. CR1]
- ROOT, Ebenezer S.S., farmer, s. Ebenezer dec'd and W. dec'd, and Electa D. Root, d. Daniel Jr. and w. PA, Dec. 31, 1845.
- ROOT, Electa and Daniel Alderman, int. Apr. 13, 1823.
- ROOT, Electa D., d. Daniel Jr. and w. PA, and Ebenezer S.S. Root, farmer, s. Ebenezer dec'd and w. dec'd, Dec. 31, 1845.
- ROOT, Ellice [int. Ellis], Mrs., and Green H. [int. omits H.] Church, July 10, 1802. [Allis. CR1]
- ROOT, Elvira and John Smith, May 19, 1841.
- ROOT, Emeline H. and Charles Coit of Worthington, int. Nov. 7, 1846.
- ROOT, Fanny and Oliver Smith, Sept. 10, 1816.
- ROOT, Hannah, Mrs., of S. Wilbraham, and Green H. Church, int. June 10, 1822.
- ROOT, Harvey and Sally Pease, Jan. 24, 1822. [Hervey. CR1]
- ROOT, Independence [Roots] [int. Root] and William Fay of Chester, May 16, 1838.
- ROOT, Julia A. and George N. Elder, int. Apr. ––, 1836.
- ROOT, Laura M. and Louis [int. Lewis] D. Boise of Lowell, Feb. 25, 1839.
- ROOT, Lucina and John Metcalf of Herkimer, NY, [int. omits NY,], Sept. 28, 1795. [John of Herkimer, NY. CR1]
- ROOT, Mariah D. and Matthew Smith Jr., int. Mar. ––, 1840.
- ROOT, Maryette [int. Maryett], d. S.E. and Mary, and Enoch D. [int. Dwight E.] Graves, farmer, s. Stephen, July 4, 1843 [dup. 1844]. [Maryett and Dwight E. Graves, 1843. CR1]
- ROOT, Mary and Dan Pease Jr., int. Feb. 27, 1825.
- ROOT, Mahitabel and Benjamin Taggart Jr. of Blandford, May 20, 1812. [Benjamin of Blanford. CR1]
- ROOT, Nathan and Mary M. Abbot of Chester, int. Oct. 20, 1832.
- ROOT, Rhoda and Nial Little, Sept. 14, 1803. [Niel. CR1]
- ROOT, Salla and John Spencer [int. Jr.], Nov. 23, 1800. [Sally and John Spencer Jr. CR1]
- ROOT, Sally and Asa Smith, May 15, 1810.
- ROOT, Selden and Mary Hubbard of W. Springfield, int. Oct. 14, 1821.
- ROOT, Selden [int. Seldan] and Waitee [int. Waita] I. Graves, Sept. 23, 1834. [Selden and Waitta I. Graves. CR1]
- ROOT, Solomon and Mary Seldan, Apr. 2, 1789.
- ROOT, Solomon Jr. and Laura Mack, Mar. 16, 1815.
- ROOT, Solomon F. and Anna Smith, int. Nov. 17, 1849.
- ROOT, Sylvester, of Rockdale, PA, and Mercy Thomas of Worthington, Oct. 5, 1824.* CR1
- ROOT, Timothy, of Lenox, and Amanda Emmons, May 14, 1818.
- RUSS, Benjamin of Partridgefield, and Electa Clark of Deerfield, Nov. 14, 1798, in Deerfield.*
- RUSS, Ebenezer and Hannah Hovey of Dalton, int. Oct. 15, 1787.
- RUSS, Hesekiah and Mrs. Melody Hardy of Washington, int. Oct. 20, 1800.
- RUSS, Hesekiah and Ruth Wright, Dec. 19, 1803. [Hezekiah. CR1]
- RUSS, Joseph and Elizabeth Blish, Nov. 26, 1792. [Elizabeth, wid. CR1]
- RUSSELL (Russel)
- RUSSELL, Alpheus [Russel] and Rebecca Clarke of Becket, int. May 6, 1794.
- RUSSELL, Alpheus C. and Elizabeth Conant of Becket, int. Apr. 12, 1818.
- RUSSELL, Gideon [Russel] [int. Russell] and Jemima Alvord of S. Hadley, Feb. 9, 1786, in S. Hadley.
- RUSSELL, Mary and Benjamin Tagert, int. Apr. 30, 1787.
- RUSSELL, Rebeca and Rev. Jonathan Nash, int. June 20, 1803.
- RUSSELL, Rebecca and [int. adds Lt.] Nored Elder of Chester, Feb. 20, 1823. [Russel. CR1]
- RUST, Benoni, of Amherst, and Clarrissa Loomis, Aug. 3, 1828.
- SAMPSON, Ira B. and Julia Ann Blush, June 10, 1834. [June 9. CR1]
- SAMUELS, Nathan of Chester, and Ann L. Googood of Chester, Aug. 22, 1838, in Chester.*
- SANDERSON (Saunderson)
- SANDERSON, Elijah [Saunderson] [int. Sanderson of Chester] and Saloma [int. Salomi] Babcock, Oct. 19, 1795, in Chester.
- SANDERSON, Henry Jr. [int. Saunders] of Dalton, and Maria Olds, Nov. 29, 1827. [Saunders. CR1]
- SANDERSON, Samuel of Chester, and Permela Skinner, int. Aug. 7, 1824.
- SAUNDERS, Frederick [int. Sander], laborer, b. Germany, and Emeline Damon, d. John and Armitta, Apr. 16, 1843.
- SAUNDERS, Henry Jr., see Henry Sanderson Jr.
- SEARS, Nabby of Ashfield, and Dr. Joseph Warren, int. June 2, 1816.
- SEGAR, Charles H. of Becket, and Priscilla Taylor, int. Mar. 6, 1825.
- SELDON (Seldan)
- SELDON, Katharine [Seldan] [int. Selden] and Hezekiah Partiidge of Worthington, May 9, 1793.
- SELDON, Mary [Seldan] and Solomon Root, Apr. 2, 1789.
- SELDON, Saly [int. Mrs. Salla Selden] and Seth Bull, May 31, 1798. [Sarah Selden. CR1]
- SENNET, Eliza Ann of Blandford, and William D. Blush, int. May 25, 1833.
- SHAPLEY (Shaplee)
- SHAPLEY, Joel [int. Shaplee] and Mercey Clapp [int. Mercy Clap], Jan. 26, 1803. [Marcy Clapp. CR1]
- SHAPLEY, John [Shaplee] and Anna Maklwain [int. Macklewain], Nov. 27, 1800. [Shapley, and Anna McElwain. CR1]
- SHAW, Betsey, Mrs., and Assahel Osborn of E. Windsor, CT, int. Nov. 6, 1797.
- SHELDON (Shelden)
- SHELDON, Abiah [Shelden], of Westfield, and Alvan Nash, int. Sept. 20, 1828.
- SHELDON, Ebenezer [int. Seldon] and Mary Mack, Jan. 25, 1787, in Chester.
- SHELDON, Lydia of Sommers, and Elihu Church, int. June 5, 1786.
- SHEPERD, Sally, Mrs., of Chester, and Daniel Root, int. Dec. 10, 1815.
- SKINNER, Clarissa and Samuel Phelps of Water Velliete [? Watervliet], NY, int. Aug. 26, 1791.
- SKINNER, Scynthia [int. Cyntha] and Oliver Eggleston [int. Egleston], Nov. 27, 1787, in Washington.
- SKINNER, Dorotha [int. Doratha] and Jesse Wright, May 29, 1817. [Ens. Jesse. CR1]
- SKINNER, Betsey and Samuel Jones Jr., int. Apr. 23, 1792.
- SKINNER, Hannah and John Jones, Nov. 12, 1795.
- SKINNER, John and Rachel Clapp, July 24, 1817. [Rachal. CR1]
- SKINNER, Permela and Samuel Sanderson of Chester, int. Aug. 7, 1824.
- SKINNER, Rachell [int. adds Mrs.] and Jonathan Woodard, June 27, 1799. [Rachel. CR1]
- SKINNER, Salla and David Robins, June 3, 1802. [Sally and David Robbins. CR1]
- SKINNER, Theodosha of Glastonbury, and John Maker, int. Feb. 2, 1796.
- SKINNER, William Jr. and Clarasa Tinker of Chester, int. Apr. 18, 1803.
- SLADE, John and Polly Herrick of Worthington, int. Apr. 17, 1814.
- SMITH, Achsah and Amasa Little, Mar. 17, 1825.
- SMITH, Alpheus and Mary Metcalf, Apr. 9, 1828.
- SMITH, Ambrose and Nancy Alderman, May 13, 1819.
- SMITH, Anna and Clark Martin of Washington, June 19, 1806. [Clarke. CR1]
- SMITH, Anna and Daniel Ingham, Sept. ––, 1808. [Sept. 8. CR1]
- SMITH, Anna and Solomon F. Root, int. Nov. 17, 1849.
- SMITH, Asa and Sally Root, May 15, 1810.
- SMITH, Asa, widr. [int. omits widr.], farmer, s. Calvin and Anna, and Julia Metcalf, d. John and Lucina, Mar. 11, 1846.
- SMITH, Asenath and Parsons P. Meacham, of Cato, NY, int. Sept. 3, 1838.
- SMITH, Asenath [int. Asceneth], d. Matthew and Betsey, and Elisha Strong, farmer, of N. Hampton [int. Northampton], b. N. Hampton, s. ––––– of "suppose NH," Oct. 30, 1844.
- SMITH, Azariah of Manlius, NY, and Zilpha Mack, Aug. 29, 1811.
- SMITH, Azubah and Nelson Gravs, int. Jan. 29, 1845.
- SMITH, Calvin, farmer, s. Asa and Sally Root, and Aurelia Loveland of Hinsdale, b. Hinsdale, d. ––––– of Hinsdale, Sept. 19, 1844.
- SMITH, Caroline, 23, d. Asa and Sally, and Edwin E. Dudley, 23, farmer, of Cato, NY, b. Cato, NY, s. Sardis and Anste of Cato, NY, June 5, 1845.
- SMITH, Charles T. [int. Smyth] and Amantha Spencer, June 2, 1831.
- SMITH, Charles, farmer, s. Orrin and Sally, and Louisa Combs [dup. and int. Coomes], d. Milton and Louisa [Laura, written below in pencil], Mar. 27, 1843. [Coomes. CR1]
- SMITH, Ebenezer and Sibil [int. Sibel] Pease, Nov. 5, 1829.
- SMITH, Eliza and Elias T. Spencer, int. Aug. 15, 1839
- SMITH, Betsey [int. Betsy] and William Ingham, Mar. 3, 1806. [Betsy. CR1]
- SMITH, Betsey, 19, d. Ambrose and Nancy, and Alvah B. Pierce, 21, farmer, of Peru, b. Peru, s. Isaac and Mary of Peru, Nov. 25, 1847.*
- SMITH, Eunice of Chester, and Daniel Ames of Hinsdale, Oct. 25, 1848, in Chester.* CR1
- SMITH, John and Lucey Blish, int. Sept. 21, 1790.
- SMITH, John Jr. and Wealthy Church, Sept. 3, 1818.
- SMITH, John and Elvira Root, May 19, 1841.
- SMITH, Joseph and [int. adds Mrs.] Lovisa Pees, Apr. 29, 1798. [Pease. CR1]
- SMITH, Joseph [int. adds Capt.] and [int. adds Mrs.] Lucintha Olds, Jan. 8, 1829. [Capt. Joseph and Lucintha Olds, wid. CR1]
- SMITH, Lorinda, 22, teacher, d. Obadiah, and Rev. Edward King, 23 [int. "Methodist Elder on Middlefield Cercuit from N York "], b. New Lebanon, NY, s. ––––– dec'd, Sept. 1, 1847 [not in Middlefield].
- SMITH, Lucy and Jonathan McElwain, Oct. 15, 1818.
- SMITH, Lucy, 21, milliner, d. Oliver and Abi, and Oliver Church, 27, merchant, s. Uriah and Phebe, July 23, 1849.
- SMITH, Madison and Eunice Crow of Montgomery, int. Feb. 6, 1841.
- SMITH, Mary C., d. Ambrose and Nancy, and William K. Otis, Thomsonian Doctor, May 4, 1843.
- SMITH, Mary, d. John and Lucy, and Samuel Oles [int. Olds], farmer, s. Levi and w., Dec. 26, 1843 [dup. 1844]. [Olds, 1843. CR1]
- SMITH, Matthew, Lt., and Betsey Ward, Dec. 2, 1813.
- SMITH, Matthew Jr. and Mariah D. Root, int. Mar. ––, 1840.
- SMITH, Milton, farmer, s. Oliver and Fanny S., and Mary S. Browning, d. Justus dec'd and [Mary Mack] dec'd, May 2, 1843.
- SMITH, Miranda and Albert Olmsted of Enfield, CT, Dec. 29, 1842.
- SMITH, Obadiah and Seviah Tower of Peru, int. Aug. 14, 1824.
- SMITH, Oliver and Fanny Root, Sept. 10, 1816.
- SMITH, Oliver 2d and Abi Starr, Feb. 16, 1826.
- SMITH, Orrin of Camillus, NY, and Sally Wheeler, Sept. 5, 1815. ["Sally Wheeler (known by the name of Sally Blush)," CR1]
- SMITH, Reuben of Becket, and Luna McElwain, Sept. 18, 1817. [Lana. CR1]
- SMITH, Samuel and Lucina Metcalf, int. June 24, 1822.
- SMITH, Sally and Parsons P. Meacham of Cato, NY, int. Sept. 10, 1820.
- SMITH, Sarepta and Artemas Ward, Mar. 1, 1821.
- SMITH, Sylvester E. and Julia Ann Stevens of Chester, int. Aug. 31, 1832.
- SNOW, Cynthia and Isaac Rhods, int. July 28, 1790.
- SNOW, Lucretia of Chesterfield, and Christopher Cook, int. Oct. 30, 1843.
- SPENCER, Amantha and Charles T. Smith [int. Smyth], June 2, 1831.
- SPENCER, Anna and Epaphroditus Lavland, Oct. 2, 1803. [Loveland. CR1]
- SPENCER, Elias T. and Eliza Smith, int. Aug. 15, 1839.
- SPENCER, John [int. Jr.] and Salla Root, Nov. 23, 1800. [John Jr. and Sally Root. CR1]
- SPENCER, Polly and James Coats [int. Coates], Jan. 27, 1803. [Coates. CR1]
- SPENCER, Polly F., Mrs., of Pittsfield, and Jesse F. Wright, int. Aug. 30, 1845.
- SPENCER, Nelson and Sophronia Bennet, Dec. 15, 1825.
- SPENCER, Oliver and Sally Little of Peru, int. Feb. 8, 1824.
- SPENCER, Samuel and Lucy Fisk of Partridgefield, Dec. 1, 1800.*
- SPENCER, Selden of Hinsdale, and Lucy Mack, May 13, 1813.
- SPENCER, Susannah and Warren Little, Sept. 19, 1811. [Susanna. CR1]
- SQUIRES (Squair)
- SQUIRES, Dorinda [Squair] [int. Square] and Green Hungerford Church, Oct. 31, 1792. [Squire. CR1]
- SQUIRES, Polly [int. Squirs] and Arba Jones, June 28, 1797. [Squire. CR1]
- STANNARD, Seth of Westfield, and Olive S. Johnson, int. July 4, 1843.
- STARKWEATHER (Starkwather)
- STARKWEATHER, Anne of Blanford, and Jethro Jones Jr. of Blanford, June 22, 1796.* CR1
- STARKWEATHER, Susanna [Starkwather], of Becket, and Rufus Williams, Mar. 23, 1805.*
- STARR (Star)
- STARR, Abi and Oliver Smith 2d, Feb. 16, 1826.
- STARR, Charlotte [Star], Mrs., of Partridgefield, and Ithamer Pelton Jr., int. May 7, 1798.
- STARR, Dorca and Sardis Putnam, int. June 7, 1834.
- STARR, Lucy and Moses Eggleston of Lima, NY, int. Jan. 17, 1819.
- STARR, Lucy and James Miller, May 14, 1824.
- STARR, Martin [int. Star] of Norwich, and Tabatha Mechum [int. Mechem], May 16, 1793.
- STEBBINS (Stebins)
- STEBBINS, Annis [Stebins] [int. Stebbins] and Abner Cary of Williamsborugh [int. Williamsburgh], June 10, 1807. [Stebbins, and Abner Cary of Williamsburgh. CR1]
- STEBBINS, Eliza B. of Chesterfield, and Asahel Bisbee of Chesterfield, Mar. 25, 1835, in Chesterfield.* CR1
- STEBBINS, Jairus and Salla Crowell, Nov. 23, 1806. [Sally Crowel. CR1]
- STEVENS, Charlotte, 26, housekeeper, of Chester, b. Chester, d. Joshua of Chester, and Arnold Pease, 29, farmer, s. Dan, June 15, 1848 [not in Middlefield].*
- STEVENS, Julia Ann of Chester, and Sylvester E. Smith, int. Aug. 31, 1832.
- STEVENS, William D. of Becket, and Hannah F. Jenings [int. Jennings], Feb. 16, 1820. [Jennings. CR1]
- STEVENS, William, widr., 31, farmer, of Chester, b. Chester, s. Joshua and Nancy of Chester, and Laura A. Pease, 22, d. Dan and Sally, June 15, 1848.*
- STEWART, Benjamin and Priscilla Field, Nov. 12, 1811.
- STEWART, Chloe and Nathan Parkhurst, int. Apr. 20, 1790.
- STEWART, Spencer and Rosella Geer of Worthington, int. May 4, 1840.
- STOWELL (Stowel)
- STOWELL, Experiance [Stowel], of Partridgefield, and Malachi Lovland Jr., int. Oct. 15, 1787.
- STOWELL, Franklin of Peru, and Lydia Graves, Sept. 9, 1830.
- STREETER, Elizabeth [Strater] [int. Streeter, adds Mrs.] of Becket, and Jese [int. Jesse] Wright, Feb. 8, 1798, in Chester.
- STRONG, Amos and Betsey [int. Betsy] Gordon, Oct. 9, 1788, in Chester.
- STRONG, Elisha, farmer, of N. Hampton [int. Northampton], b. N. Hampton, s. ––––– of " suppose NH," and Asenath [int. Asceneth] Smith, d. Matthew and Betsey, Oct. 30, 1844.
- SWAN, Waity Ann and William Cross of Washington, May 26, 1831.
- TAGGART (Tagert)
- TAGGART, Benjamin [Tagert] and Mary Russell, int. Apr. 30, 1787.
- TAGGART, Benjamin Jr. of Blandford, and Mahitabel Root, May 20, 1812. [of Blanford. CR1]
- TAGGART, Molly and James McKnight of Washington, Jan. 7, 1781, in Washington.
- TAYLOR, Asa and Lovicy Hoskins of Washington, int. Oct. 22, 1820.
- TAYLOR, Daniel and Ruhamah Ellis of Hebron, CT, int. Nov. 7, 1784.
- TAYLOR, Dudley and Mary Hamilton of Washington, int. Apr. 10, 1814.
- TAYLOR, Elnathan and Lydia –––––, Nov. 26, 1777, in Simsbury, CT.
- TAYLOR, Eunice of Montgomery, and Rev. Jonathan Nash, Oct. 10, 1793, in Chester.
- TAYLOR, George U. and Azuba Leonard, Dec. 1, 1808.
- TAYLOR, Graty and Lyman Leland of Hinsdale, Mar. 31, 1813.
- TAYLOR, Hezekiah, farmer, of Westfield, b. Westfield, s. ––––– of Westfield, and Hariet [int. Harriet] Pease, d. Dan and Sally, Oct. 28, 1846.
- TAYLOR, Jerusha, see Zeraptha.
- TAYLOR, Lewis and Jemima Ford, wid., int. June 6, 1784.
- TAYLOR, Lewis Jr. and Jennet McElwain, May 30, 1815.
- TAYLOR, Nancy, Mrs., of Chester, and John Metcalf, int. Mar. 24, 1838.
- TAYLOR, Pamela of Montgomery, and Archippus Morgan of W. Springfield, Sept. 25, 1800, in Montgomery. CR1
- TAYLOR, Priscilla and Charles H. Segar of Becket, int. Mar. 6, 1825.
- TAYLOR, Samuel and Sarah Jagger of Becket, May 28, 1789.
- TAYLOR, Sevila and Joseph Blish Jr., int. Aug. 9, 1784.
- TAYLOR, Sophia of Montgomery, and John Mather of Westfield, Feb. 22, 1798, in Montgomery. CR1
- TAYLOR, William and PreciIla Loveland, int. May 31, 1784.
- TAYLOR, Worcester and Phebe Loveland, Mar. 7, 1816.
- TAYLOR, Zeraptha of W. Springfield [int. Jerusha of Springfield], and Daniel Babcock, Dec. 4, 1787, in W. Springfield.
- THOMAS, Benjamin and Joanna Rhods, int. July 1 [?], 1791.
- THOMAS, Mercy of Worthington, and Sylvester Root of Rockdale, PA, Oct. 5, 1824.* CR1
- TINKER, Clarasa of Chester, and William Skinner Jr., int. Apr. 18, 1803.
- TINKER, John of Worthington, and Cyntha Jons [int. Mrs. Cynthia Jones], Nov. 11, 1798. [Cynthia Jones. CR1]
- TODD, Lodemia A., of Blanford, and John L. Mann, int. May 8, 1846.
- TODD, Orrin B., farmer, of Blandford, b. Blandford, s. ––––– of "suppose" Blandford, and Eliza Mann, d. John, Mar. 1, 1843.
- TORREY, Jemima of Wilbraham, and Horace West, int. Jan. 5, 1817.
- TOWER, Joshua [int. Town] of Worthington, and Elizabeth Hotchkiss, Jan. 9, 1812. [Tower. CR1]
- TOWER, Seviah of Peru, and Obadiah Smith, int. Aug. 14, 1824.
- TOWN, Joshua, see Joshua Tower.
- TRACY, Avery of Blandford, and Laura Ann Mann, Nov. 1, 1836.*
- TRACY, Walter of Hinsdale, and Betsey Durant, int. Sept. 30, 1832.
- TRYON, Charles of Southwick, and Abigail Brown, Dec. 29, 1813.
- TURNER, Eliza W.B. of Worthington, and Arnbrose O. Loveland, int. Oct. 6, 1839.
- TUTTLE, Hannah and William Hall, Mar. 2, 1809.
- WAIT, Carlow [int. 24], mechanic, of Blandford, b. "supposed" Blandford, s. ––––– of Blandford, and Sarah Elizabeth Mann [int. 25], house keeping, d. John and w., Apr. 26, 1847.
- WAIT, Seth Jr. of Chester, and Cynthia D. Pinney, May 31 [int. June 13, sic], 1829.
- WALES, Samuel of Smithfield, NY, and Mary White, Jan. 30, 1826.*
- WARD, Elmira and Samuel Elder of Farmington, OH, Apr. 8, 1834.
- WARD, Artemas and Sarepta Smith, Mar. 1, 1821.
- WARD, Betsey and Lt. Matthew Smith, Dec. 2, 1813.
- WARD, Emily and Rufus Prentiss of Worthington, Apr. 12, 1825. [Prentice. CR1]
- WARD, John and Phebe D. Church, July 4, 1837. [John Jr. CR1]
- WARD, Lucy and Neal Bently of Lanesboro [mt. Nial Bentley of Lanesborough], Aug. 28, 1828. [Nial Bentley. CR1]
- WARD, Lydia and Silas Rhods, int. May 28, 1790.
- WARD, Maria and Josiah Mack, Sept. 26, 1822.
- WARD, Mary and Walter Metcalf, int. Sept. 10, 1820.
- WARD, Minerva and Ebenezer Whipple Jr. of Chester, Mar. 24, 1830.
- WARD, Rachel and William Clark of Petersham, July 27, 1812.
- WARD, Sarah and Alpheus Prentice, Mar. 30, 1829. [Prentiss. CR1]
- WARD, Thomas, Capt. [int. omits Capt.], and Sally [mt. Sarah] Alderman, Aug. 28, 1794.
- WARDWELL, Dennis and Anna Church, Nov. 30, 1797.
- WARDWELL, Electa and Daniel Root, int. Mar. 8, 1790.
- WARES, Elias and Anna [int. Ann] Pelton, Oct. 27, 1802. [Waites, and Anna Pelton. CR1]
- WARNER, Abigail, see Rebeca.
- WARNER, Abigail A. and Neri Chapin of Springfield, Nov. 21, 1829.
- WARNER, Elizabeth A. and Charles Goff of Springfield, Aug. 29, 1828.
- WARNER, Henry and Beulah White, Oct. 3, 1821.
- WARNER, Rebeca [int. Abigail] and Jesse Maynard [int. Mainaid], Sept. 2, 1816. [Rebecca and Jesse Maynard. CR1]
- WARREN, Joseph, Dr., and Nabby Sears of Ashfield, int. June 2, 1816.
- WASHBURN (Washbourn)
- WASHBURN, Abraham [Washbourn] [int. Washbon], Capt., of Partridgefield, and Irena [int. Rena] Leland, wid. [int. omits wid.], Mar. 16, 1802. [Washburn, and Mrs. Irena Leland. CR1]
- WASHBURN, Hannah and Joseph Whitter of Washington, Mar. 5, 1783, in Washington.
- WATERS, Oliver [int. of Hallifax] and Phebe Judd, Jan. 25, 1787, in Chester.
- WEEKS, Easop, of E. Windsor, CT, and Mercey [int. Mercy] Williams, Oct. 21, 1807. [Esop and Marcy Williams. ].
- WELLS, Elisha A., of Washington, and Anna Martin, June 25, 1828.
- WEST, Horace and Jemima Torrey of Wilbraham, int. Jan. 5, 1817.
- WEST, Lloid and Prudence Damon, July 8, 1817.
- WEST, Percy [int. Persis] and Cyrus Cone, July 11, 1822. [Percy. CR1]
- WHEELER, Lucy and Eli Ely, June 7, 1832.
- WHEELER, Nancy and Eli Ela, May 6, 1819.
- WHEELER, Rhoda and Joseph Roads, int. Dec. 8, 1789.
- WHEELER, Samuel of Lovill [int. Lovell], NY, and Polly Durrant, Feb. 5, 1806. [of Black River, and Polly Durant. CR1]
- WHEELER, Sally and Orrin Smith of Camillus, NY, Sept. 5, 1815. ["Sally Wheeler (known by the name of Sally Blush)," CR1]
- WHEELER, William Jr. and Roxana [int. Ronny] Bird, Dec. 11, 1823.
- WHIPPLE, Ebenezer Jr. of Chester, and Minerva Ward, Mar. 24, 1830.
- WHITE, Beulah and Henry Warner, Oct. 3, 1821.
- WHITE, Martha of Ludlow, and Addison Everett, int. Apr. 10, 1830.
- WHITE, Mary and Samuel Wales of Smithfield, NY, Jan. 30, 1826.*
- WHITE, Submit and Samuel H. Little, June 2, 1814.
- WHITING, Abigail of Norwich, CT, and Joseph Dickson, July 2, 1789.*
- WHITTEMORE, Aaron Jr. and Lucintha Olds, int. Oct. 26, 1822.
- WHITTEMORE, Abigail and James Cross, Apr. 6, 1812.
- WHITTEMORE, Esther and William Ingell of Chester, Sept. 21, 1813.
- WHITTER, Joseph of Washington, and Hannah Washburn, Mar. 5, 1783, in Washington.*
- WILLIAMS, John G. and Sally Carter, Jan. 18, 1816.*
- WILLIAMS, Jonah of Goshen, and Anna Graves, int. Jan. 6, 1791.
- WILLIAMS, Mercey [int. Mercy] and Easop Weeks of E. Windsor, CT, Oct. 21, 1807. [Marcy and Esop Weeks. CR1]
- WILLIAMS, Rufus and Susanna Starkwather of Becket, Mar. 23, 1805.*
- WILLIAMS, Vesta and John Dickson, Nov. 2, 1778, in E. Haddam, CT.*
- WING, Abner of Hinsdale, and Mahitabel Ingham, Oct. 16, 1816. [Mehitable. CR1]
- WING, Zeri of Hinsdale, and Tryphena [int. Triphene] Ingham, May 15, 1817. [Zera. CR1]
- WITTY, Catharine of Springfield, and Matthias Wolf "a German," int. Dec. 6, 1845.
- WOLCOTT, Esther and Gaston Dickson, May 26, 1811.
- WOLCOTT, Fanny [mt. Walcott] and Daniel Leach, Mar. 18, 1830. [Wolcott. CR1]
- WOLF, Matthias "a German," and Catharine Witty of Springfield, int. Dec. 6, 1845.
- WOOD, Artemas and Betsey Wood, Dec. 10, 1794.* [Woods. CR1]
- WOOD, Charles E. and Mercy Goodrich of Worthington, int. Sept. 6, 1840.
- WOOD, Betsey and Artemas Wood, Dec. 10, 1794.* [Woods. CR1]
- WOOD, Lucina and David Phelps, Feb. 23, 1796.
- WOOD, Lucina and Edmund Phelps of Waterbury, VT, Jan. 15, 1837.
- WOOD, Simeon and Mrs. Rebeca Flint of Becket, int. Jan. 1, 1798.
- WOOD, Stephen and Lydia Mack, June 21, 1795.
- WOODARD, Jonathan and [int. adds Mrs.] Rachell Skinner, June 27, 1799. [Rachel. CR1]
- WRIGHT, Charles of Chester, and Martha P. McElwain, Oct. 20, 1835. [McElwaine. CR1]
- WRIGHT, Chloe of Chester, and Ezra Pelton, May 10, 1796, in Chester.*
- WRIGHT, Esther W. and Miton [int. Milton] Johnson, May 18, 1820. [Milton. CR1]
- WRIGHT, Jese [int. Jesse] and Elizabeth Strater [int. Mrs. Elizabeth Streeter] of Becket, Feb. 8, 1798, in Chester.
- WRIGHT, Jesse and Dorotha [int. Doratha] Skinner, May 29, 1817. [Ens. Jesse. CR1]
- WRIGHT, Jesse F. and Mrs. Polly F. Spencer of Pittsfield, int. Aug. 30, 1845.
- WRIGHT, Julia, housekeeper, d. Jesse, and Amos W. Cross, widr. [int. omits widr.], farmer, s. James Coss dec'd, May 19, 1847.
- WRIGHT, Polly and Job Robins [int. Jr.], Oct. 7, 1802. [Job Robbins Jr. CR1]
- WRIGHT, Mary C., d. Nathan and Asseneth, and John M. Crane, widr. [int. omits widr.], farmer, of Washington, b. Washington, s. Amos and Martha of Washington, May 30, 1846.
- WRIGHT, Nathan and Asenath Cone of Peru, int. Jan. 14, 1816.
- WRIGHT, Ruth and Hesekiah Russ, Dec. 19, 1803. [Hezekiah. CR1]
- WRIGHT, Salla and Dan Peas [int. Poas], Jan. 27, 1802. [Sally and Dan. Pease. CR1]
- WRIGHT, Sybil [int. Sibil] and Thomas Durant Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Mar. 9, 1815. [Sibil and Thomas Durant Jr. CR1]
- –––––, Cyntha and Job Robins, Apr. 2, 1767, in Attleborough.*
- –––––, Jane and Timothy McKelwain, Jan. 9, 1772, in Somers, CT.*
- –––––, Lydia and Elnathan Taylor, Nov. 26, 1777, in Simsbury, CT.*
- –––––, Margaret and Timothy Allen, Sept. 21, 1780, in E. Windsor, CT.*
- –––––, Rebeccah [int. Rebecca Crane of Becket] and Samuel Jones, Sept. 6, 1788, in Becket.