Granville Massachusetts Death Records to 1850
Surnames L-Z
Transcribed by Jeffrey Tooley
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Granville Massachusetts Deaths From "Vital Records of Granville Massachusetts to the end of the year 1850".
Death records extracted from the "Vital records of Granville, Massachusetts to the year 1850. Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society, At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund, Boston, Mass., 1914.
Granville Massachusetts Death Records to 1850 - Surnames L-Z
- LAMSON, A. Lorenzo, influneza, Mar. 6, 1825, a. 2. PR6
- LAMSON, Jesse, "by excruciating operation for stone," Sept. 25, 1818, a. 62. PR6
- LAMSON, Polly, w. Japhet, Mar. 26, 1844. PR6
- LAMSON, Ruth, w. Jesse, ___, 1813, a. 58. PR6
- LATHAM, John, Esq., Sept. 4, 1784. CR1
- LEACH, _____, Mr., "supposed of a cancer," Sept. 16, 1808. CR2
- LEAWARD, Ruth [?Seaward], Jan. 8, 1782. CR1
- LEONARD, Comfort, Mar. 5, 1836, a. 87, in poor house. PR6
- LEONARD, Martin, by a fall, July 31, 1808. a. 57. PR6
- LEONARD, Phebe, broken bone, Oct. 13, 1844, a. 73, in poor house. PR6
- LEONARD, _____, Mrs., ___, 1773, a. 50. PR6
- LLOYD (also see Loyd)
- LLOYD, Jane, w. William, Apr. 19, 1817, a. 45, in Chester. GR6
- LLOYD, William, Maj., consumption, May 19, 1812, a. 44. CR1 [a. 41, GR6].
- LOOMIS, _____, s. Seth, ___, 1764. a. 4. PR6
- LORD, John, scalded, _____. PR6
- LOVELAND, Robert, ___, 1795, a. 63. PR6
- LOVELAND, _____, Mrs., suddenly, Apr. 10, 1828, a. 91. CR1
- LOYD (also see Lloyd)
- LOYD, Abigail, Mrs., Feb. 21, 1776. CR1 [Abigail Parkman Lloyd, w. Thomas, GR1].
- LOYD, _____, inf. s. William and w., Dec. 7, 1791. CR1
- McKINTIRE, Margaret, ___, 1769, a. 90. PR6
- McNEIL, John, Mr., Apr. 30, 1785. CR1
- MARSHALL, Mary, w. Reuben, Dec. 24, 1846, a. 81, in Stockbridge. GR6
- MARSHALL, Ruben, dopsy, Feb. 13, 1814, a. 27. CR1. [Reuben, s. Thomas and Desire, a. 47, GR6]
- MARVIN, Ezra, Capt., Nov. 30, 1811, a. 67. [dropsy, Dec. _, PR6].
- MARVIN, Jasper, Maj., Sept. 27, 1797, in 27th y. GR1. [d. [?in] Genessee, PR6]
- MARVIN, Matthew, ___, 1774, a. 5. PR6
- MARVIN, Nathaniel C., Sept. 22, 1841, a. 23, in Iowa. GR2
- MARVIN, Russell, inf. _____, ___, 1783. PR6
- MARVIN, Susanna, wid. Capt. Ezra, Sept. 27, 1829, a. 83. GR1. [Sept. 29, a. 85, PR6]
- MARVIN, Vashty, w. Capt. William, Apr. 18, 1828, a. 40. GR3. [Vashti, PR6]
- MARVIN, William, farmer, inflammation of brain, Nov. 26, 1845, a. 61. [Capt., a. 60. GR2. Capt., a. 61, PR6].
- MARVIN, William C., s. William and Vashti, Mar. 24, 1808, a. 7 m. 25 d. GR2. [whooping cough, PR6].
- MARVIN, William Perry, s. Capt. William and Vashty, July 13, 1822, a. 19 m. [by a hurt, a. 1. PR6]
- MARVIN, _____, inf. Ezra, ___, 1774. PR6
- MARVIN, _____, ch. Ezra, ___, 1787. PR6
- MARYMAN, _____, ch. Benjamin, ___, 1790. PR6
- MILLAR (also see Miller)
- MILLAR, Joseph, Esq., ___, 1799, a. 77. PR6
- MILLAR, Joseph, ___, 1792, a. 32. PR6
- MILLAR, _____, twin infs. Jesse, ____, 1787. PR6
- MILLER (also see Millar)
- MILLER, Becom, Mr., consumption, July _, 1811. CR1
- MILLER, Isaac P., ___, 1839. CR1. [Isaac R., Mar. 19, a. 39, GR6]
- MILLER, Isibeth, w. Recompence, cancer in the breast, Oct. 29, 1797, a. 53. CR1
- MILLER, Joseph, small pox, Jan. 31, 1785. [Millar, a. 64, PR6]
- MILLER, Smith, s. Joseph and Thankful of Middeltown, Mar. 10, 1759. GR1
- MILLER, _____, ch. Isaac, drowned, ___, 1832, a. 11. CR1
- MILLS, Bethiah, w. Ephraim, Sept. 13, 1834, a. 72. GR6
- MILLS, D. C., "came from N. Carolina," brother of Mrs. Hale, southern fever, Aug. 26, 1827, a. 28. CR1. [Jared C., GR6].
- MILLS, Perlina, dau. Jedediah and Mabel, Aug. 20, 1808.
- MILLS, Ruthy, dau. Jedediah and Mabel, Sept. 11, 1808.
- MINER, Adam, Feb. 25, 1847, a. 72. CR3. [Feb. 24, GR6]
- MINER, Almira, w. Elisha F., Aug. 6, 1834, a. 27. GR6
- MINER, Charles, s. Elisha and Adeline, dropsy of brain, May 23, 1845, a. 1 y. 8 m. [s. Elisha F. and Almira sic, a 2 m. 12 d. GR6].
- MINER, Christopher, Rev., Mar. 10, 1820, a. 87. PR6
- MINER, _____, s. Elisha F. and Adaline J., May 4, 1842, a. 3 m. GR6
- MONSON (also see Munson)
- MONSON, Clarissa, inf. _____, camp distemper, ___, 1777. PR6
- MONSON, Joseph, inf. _____, ___, 1750. PR6
- MOORE, Sheldon G., s. William C. and Sibyl S., Apr. 23, 1828, a 9 m. GR1. [inf. Clark Moore, PR6].
- MOORE, _____, ch. Plinney, fits, Mar. 22, 1808, a. 9 d. PR6
- MOTT, Ebenezer, Feb. 14, 1813, in 22d y. GR1. [Ebenezur, putrid plurisy, Feb. 13, a. 23, PR6]
- MOTT, _____, inf. Charles, July 18, 1829. PR6
- MUNN, Lucy, ___, 1834, a. 51. PR6
- MUNN, Minerva, consumption, Oct. 13, 1833, a. 23. PR6
- MUNN, Seymour, consumption, Aug. 12, 1832, a. 24. PR6
- MUNSON (also see Monson)
- MUNSON, Clarissa, Sept. 29, 1782.
- MUNSON, Ephraim, Sept. 21, 1770. [scalded in potash kettle, Sept. 21, 1780, a. 56, PR6].
- NASH, _____, inf. s. _____ and w., Mar. 23, 1787. CR1
- NEUGEON (also see Nugeon)
- NEUGEON, Phebe M., dau. William T. and Sophronia, Nov. 21, 1846, a. 21. GR6
- NEWBERRY, Sophia E., w. Chauncey, Mar. 23, 1848, a. 28, in Bloomfield, Conn. GR3. [Sophia Seymour Newberry, disease of the heart, a. 30. PR6].
- NORTHWAY, Achsah, consumption, Mar. 6, 1808, a. 25, PR6
- NORTHWAY, Achsah, w. James, June 3, 1823, a. 67. GR1. PR6.
- NORTHWAY, Charles, ___, 1843, a. 40. PR6
- NORTHWAY, Ira, instantly, Dec. 23, 1820, a. 41. PR6
- NORTHWAY, James, Jan. 24, 1824, a. 70. GR1. [a. 71, PR6]
- NORTHWAY, Jeremiah, consumption, Mar. 19, 1847, a. 14. PR6
- NORTHWAY, Mary, ch. Ira, Oct. 4, 1814, a. 6 w. PR6
- NORTHWAY, _____, inf. Charles, ___, 1834. PR6
- NORTHWAY, _____, ___, 1841, a. 5. PR6
- NUGEON (also see Neugeon)
- NUGEON, William T., laborer, Oct. 26, 1848, a. 48. [Neugeon, GR6]
- PARSON (also see Parsons)
- PARSON, David, Dea., ___, 1820. CR1. [Parsons, Revolutionary Soldier, July 17, a. 85, GR6].
- PARSON, _____, dau. Abner, inflammation, Dec. 15, 1817, a. 13. CR1
- PARSON, _____, ch. Otis and w., Jan. 27, 1824, a. 5. CR1
- PARSONS (also see Parson)
- PARSONS, A., Mrs., Mar. ), 1838. CR1. [Aphia Eliza, w. Augustus, Apr. 23, a. 24, GR6]
- PARSONS, Abner, Mar. 22, 1813, in 83d y. CR1
- PARSONS, Alsop, by wound from an ox horn, June 20, 1820, a. 16. PR6
- PARSONS, Apphia Eliza (see A.)
- PARSONS, Augustin P. (see _____ Parsons).
- PARSONS, Augustus, Jan. 15, 1840, a. 27. GR6
- PARSONS, Benjamin F., s. Samuel and Sarah, June 1, 1831, a. 20. GR6
- PARSONS, Betsey, inflammation of the bowels, Dec. 5, 1811, a. 15. CR1. [Betsy, dau. Samuel and Sarah, Dec. 4, GR6].
- PARSONS, Cynthia, dau. Olaver, consumption, Apr. 26, 1849, a. 41. [Cynthia Ann, dau. Oliver and Clarissa, GR3. Cynthia A. Parson, PR6].
- PARSONS, David, s. David (Parson) and Rebekah, Feb. 7, 1765. [This entry crossed out.]
- PARSONS, Elnora, Apr. 5, 1832, a. 25. CR1. [Elinor S., dau. Joel and Phebe, Apr. 4, GR6]
- PARSONS, Ezra Marvin, Mar. 27, 1795.
- PARSONS, Franklin, s. Sam, June 1, 1831, a. 20. CR1
- PARSONS, Hannah (see _____ Parsons).
- PARSONS, Harriet, dau. Luman and Priscilla, May 15, 1833, a. 16 m. GR6
- PARSONS, Harriet Irene, ch. Abner Jr., Apr. 27, 1823, a. 3. PR6
- PARSONS, Israel, s. Joseph and Eliza, Sept. 16, 1816, a. 16 m. GR1 [Sept. 15, PR6]
- PARSONS, Israel Esq., Sept. 21, 1846, a. 84. GR1. [Israel Esq., gravel, Sept. 20, PR6]
- PARSONS, Joel, Aug. 4, 1837, a. 69. [a. 67, GR6]
- PARSONS, Loue, dau. Philep and Mary, May 11, 1760.
- PARSONS, Marietta, w. Augustus, Sept. 23, 1834, a. 22. GR6
- PARSONS, Marilla, dau. S., fever, May 11, 1831, a. 33. CR1. [Marilla A., dau. Samuel and Sarah, GR6]
- PARSONS, Mary, wid. Israel, dropsy, Aug. 31, 1847, a. 80. [w. Israel Esq., GR1. w. I. Esq., PR6].
- PARSONS, Moses, wound received by falling from his house, Apr. 27, 1826, a. 69. CR1
- PARSONS, N. G., ___, 1839. CR1
- PARSONS, Nathan, Mr., June 23, 1785. CR1. [Revolutionary Soldier, a. 41, GR6]
- PARSONS, Nathan, Aug. 21, 1837, a. 66. [Dea., GR6]
- PARSONS, Nathan C., May 16, 1841, a. 37. GR6
- PARSONS, Oliver Esq., Sept. 19, 1827, a. 48. GR3. [Sept. 18, in Northampton, PR6]
- PARSONS, Phebe, dau. David (Parson) and Rebeckah (Robinson), Feb. 7, 1769.
- PARSONS, Phebe (Robinson) (see _____ Parsons).
- PARSONS, Phillip, Oct. 27, 1791, in 82d y. CR1
- PARSONS, Phillip 2d, Revolutionary Soldier, Mar. 30, 1842, a. 81. GR6
- PARSONS, Polly C., w. Phillip, Nov. 1, 1834, a. 71. GR6
- PARSONS, Rebecca (see _____ Parsons).
- PARSONS, Rhoda, dau. Joel, consumption, Feb. 21, 1832, a. 34. CR1. [Rhoda M., dau. Joel and Phebe, Feb. 10, GR6]
- PARSONS, S., Mrs., Sept. _, 1837, a. 65. CR1. [Sarah (Burrit), w. Samuel, Sept. 10, GR6]
- PARSONS, Samuel, Oct. 19, 1841, a. 72. GR6
- PARSONS, Sarah, wid., ___, 1816. CR1. [w. Nathan, Sept. 26, a. 73, GR6]
- PARSONS, Sarah (Burrit) (see S.)
- PARSONS, Susan (see _____ Parsons).
- PARSONS, Susannah (Babcock), w. Seth, July 22, 1842, a. 82. GR6
- PARSONS, Walter, farmer, b. Ohio, lung complaint, Oct. 20, 1848, a. 80. [Oct. 21, GR6]
- PARSONS, _____, inf. Capt. T., ___, 1795. PR6
- PARSONS, _____, inf. Abner, Oct. 28, 1801. CR1
- PARSONS, _____, ch. John and w., Mar. 8, 1806, a. 16 m. CR1
- PARSONS, _____, w. Abner, "lingering sickness - delirium 2 years," Octg. 4, 1807, a. 72. CR1
- PARSONS, _____, ch. Walter and w., still born, May 16, 1808. CR1
- PARSONS, _____, ch. Walter, still born, bur. Aug. 5, 1810. CR1
- PARSONS, _____, inf. Nathan and w., Apr. 14, 1812. CR1. [Augustin P., twin s. Dea. Nathan and Hannah, a. 4 d., GR6].
- PARSONS, _____, w. Nathan, child bed fever, Apr. 18, 1812, in 40th y. CR1. [Hannah, w. Dea. Nathan, a. 40. GR6].
- PARSONS, _____, ch. A., Apr. _, 1814. CR1
- PARSONS, _____, w. Dea. Parsons, Nov. 5, 1815. CR1. [Rebecca, w. Dea. David, a. 89, GR6]
- PARSONS, _____, inf. Oatis and w., ___, 1815. CR1
- PARSONS, _____, ch. Denison and w., May 29, 1816. CR1. [Susan, dau. Col. Denison and w., May 19, 1817, a. 4 m. GR6].
- PARSONS, _____, ch. Chancy and w., May 13, 1820, a. 2 m. CR1
- PARSONS, _____, w. Just. Parsons, chronic disease, June 20, 1824, a. 51. CR1. [Phebe (Robinson), w. Joel, GR6].
- PARSONS, _____, ch. Col. Dennison and w., July 10, 1825, a. 3. CR1
- PARSONS, _____, young ch. Chancy and w., July 13, 1827. CR1
- PARSONS, _____, ch. Horrace, ___, 1838. CR1.
- PEEBLES (also see Pibbles)
- PEEBLES, Elizabeth (see _____ Peebles).
- PEEBLES, George A., s. William and Sarah, June 9, 1845, a. 5. GR6
- PEEBLES, Henrietta, dau. Almon and Hannah, Sept. 25, 1838, a. 3. GR6
- PEEBLES, John, tiphus fever, Nov. 10, 1824. CR1. [a. 55, GR6]
- PEEBLES, John, ___, 1832. CR1. [John H., Mar. 23, a. 88, GR6]
- PEEBLES, John Loren, tiphus fever, Sept. 10, 1824, a. 26. CR1. [John Lorin Peebles, GR6]
- PEEBLES, Margery (Baldwin) (see _____ Peebles).
- PEEBLES, Mary J., dau. Almon and Hannah, Aug. 10, 1842, a. 2 y. 7 m., GR6
- PEEBLES, Nelson L. (see _____ Peebles).
- PEEBLES, Newhall, s. John, tiphus fever, Oct _, 1824. CR1
- PEEBLES, Samantha, dau. Francis, Mar. 9, 1822, a. 13. CR1. [dau. Francis and Marjery, a. 12, GR6].
- PEEBLES, Samantha (see _____ Peebles).
- PEEBLES, Sarah (Carnahan) (see _____ Peebles).
- Sarah J. (see _____ Peebles).
- PEEBLES, Truman (see _____ Peebles).
- PEEBLES, _____, dau. Francis and Marjery, Jan. 28, 1805, a. 2 d. GR6
- PEEBLES, _____, dau. Francis and Marjery, Feb. 20, 1806. GR6
- PEEBLES, _____, dau. Francis and Marjery, Feb. 20, 1806. GR6
- PEEBLES, _____, inf. dau. John and Rebecca, Mar. 23, 1810. GR6
- PEEBLES, _____, w. John N., Feb. _, 1826, in 79th y. CR1. [Elizabeth, w. John H., Feb. 6, a. 80, GR6].
- PEEBLES, _____, ch. Almon, dysentary, July _, 1831, a. 3. CR1. [Nelson L., s. Almon and Hannah, July 14, GR6].
- PEEBLES, _____, [twin] s. William and Sarah, June 23, 1834, a. 11 hrs. GR6
- PEEBLES, _____, [twin] s. William and Sarah, June 23, 1834, a. 11 hrs. GR6
- PEEBLES, _____, ch. Almon and Hannah, July 16, 1834, a. 1. GR6
- PEEBLES, _____, s. Francis and Mary E., Mar. 6, 1835, a. 1 d. GR6
- PEEBLES, _____, w. William, Nov. _, 1837. CR1. [Sarah (Carnahan), Nov. 6, a. 26, GR6]
- PEEBLES, _____, ch. F., Dec. _, 1837, a. 3. CR1. [Truman, s. Francis and Mary E., Dec. 22, a. 2 y. 9 m. 16 d., GR6].
- PEEBLES, _____, ch. William, ___, 1838. CR1. [Samantha, dau. William and Sarah, Sept. 2, a. 2, GR6].
- PEEBLES, _____, ch. F. Jr., ___, 1839. CR1. [Sarah J., dau. Francis and Mary E., July 2, a. 8 m. 11 d. GR6]
- PEEBLES, _____, s. Luman and Electa, Oct. 10, 1839, a. 6 m. GR6
- PEEBLES, _____, s. William, Mar. 29, 1848. a. 1 d.
- PELTON, Daniel (Plton), s. Ephraim and Marah, Oct. 9, 1768. [Petton, drowned in a well, PR6]
- PENFIELD, _____, dau. Isaac and w., still born, Nov. 28, 1786. CR1
- PERKINS (see Purkins)
- PETERS, Clarisa, ___, 1781. PR6
- PETERS, Deborah, w. William, Dec. 21, 1785. [Dec. 22, a. 40, GR1. Dec. 21, a. 40, PR6].
- PETERS, Eleazer, s. William and Deborah, Aug. 31, 1777. [Eleazur, camp distemper, a. 1. PR6]
- PETERS, Harriet, consumption and palpitation in heart, Jan. _, 1807, a. 21. PR6
- PETERS, Rosilla, camp distemper, ___, 1777, a. 7. PR6
- PETERS, William, h. Deborah, Aug. 20, 1825, a. 79. GR1. PR6.
- PHELON, Mary, wid., old age, Sept. _, 1847, a. 85. [protracted delirium, PR6]
- PHELPS, Elizabeth (see _____ Phelps).
- PHELPS, James, fever, Mar. 5, 1819, a. 36. CR1
- PHELPS, John Esq., stricture on the lungs, Jan. 1, 1832, a. 64. CR1
- PHELPS, Mary, dropsy, July 22, 1804, a. 58. PR6
- PHELPS, William Henry, s. John and Betsy, Mar. 7, 1802. [hooping cough in 8th y., CR1]
- PHELPS, William Henry, s. John and Betsy, Oct. 5, 1804. [a. 5 m. GR6]
- PHELPS, _____, ch. James and w., still born, ___, 1818. CR1
- PHELPS, _____, w. John, consumption, Jan. 21, 1832, a. 62. CR1. [Elizabeth, Jan. 22, a. 61, GR6]
- PIBBLES (also see Peebles)
- PIBBLES, Luman, m., farmer, fit, Mar. 3, 1849, a. 44. [Peebles, May 3, GR6]
- PIBBLES, Mary Ann, b. Blandford, w. Francis, fever, Oct. 15, 1849, a. 33. [Mary Ann (Osborn), w. William, Oct. 14, GR6]
- PIERCE, _____, ch. Mr. Pierce, Oct. 21, 1782. CR1
- POLLOLEY, _____ (Polloley?) inf. s. George and w., Jan. 8, 1790. CR1
- POMEROY, _____, inf. Elizer, Apr. 5, 1813. CR1. [Laurana, dau. Eleazer and Loe, a. 6 w., GR6].
- POMEROY, _____, w. Dea. E., consumption, Aug. 25, 1828, a. 71. CR1. [Lydia, w. Dea. Elihu, GR6].
- POTTER, Joseph C., s. Sarah, Oct. 10, 1830, a. 34. GR6
- POTTER, _____, w. Thaddeus, July 10, 1825. CR1. [Sarah, a. 54, GR6]
- POUDINE, _____, s. Stephen, Oct. _, 1838. CR1
- PRATT, Alderton, Sept. 1, 1828, a. 70. PR6
- PRATT, Berinthia, rattles, Oct. 29, 1805, a. 3. PR6
- PRATT, Dorcas, w. Gerard, dau. David Ashley and Mary, Sept. 27, 1813. [a. 77, PR6]
- PRATT, Gerard, Dec. 24, 1826, a. 87. PR6
- PRATT, Hannah, ___, 1774, a. 2. PR6
- PRATT, Henry, Dr., consumption, Jan. 25, 1819, a. 26. CR1
- PRATT, Hiram, Oct. 30, 1777. [only s. Gerard and Dorcas, a. 2 y. 6 m., GR1. camp distemper, a. 2, PR6].
- PRATT, Lucy, ___, 1840, a. 72. PR6
- PRATT, Mary, ___,. 1792, a. 8. PR6
- PRATT, Mather, laborer, consumption, Dec. 30, 1849, a. 48. [Mathew, a. 46, PR6]
- PRATT, Phinehas, Capt., b. Hingham, Suffolk Co., "removed to Worcester in Dec. 1739, from thence to Bedford now Granville in May 1741," Sept. 5, 1779. GR1. [a. 70, PR6]
- PRATT, Polly, rattles, Oct. 11, 1805, a. 8. PR6
- PRATT, Sarah, dau. Capt. Phinehas, Oct. 1, 1777, in 60th y. GR1. [camp distemper, a. 65, PR6]
- PRATT, Sarah, teacher, dau. Gerard, Mar. 7, 1830, a. 65, PR6
- PRATT, Siles, s. Barnard and Mary, Apr. 26, 1764.
- PRATT, Worthy, camp distemper, ___, 1777, a. 2. PR6
- PRATT, _____, inf. Aaron, ___, 1788. PR6
- PRATT, _____, ch. Alderton, fits, Apr. 14, 1801, a. 3 w. PR6
- PRATT, _____, ch. Alderton, Feb. _, 1803, a. 1 d. PR6
- PURKINS, Susanna, w. Phinahas, Dec. 14, 1760, a. 38. GR1 [Perkins, PR6]
- PYNCHON, George, s. Gorge and Loes, Dec. 1, 1769.
- QUANCE, _____, ch. Samuel, Dec. 8, 1849, a. 4 d.
- RANNEY, Elizabeth, dau. Reuben and Betsey, May 17, 1831, a. 7. GR3 [canker rash, PR6]
- REED, Ahymaar, Jan. 14, 1823, a. 63. PR6
- REED, Almira, wid. Wilson, Apr. 16, 1836, a. 23. GR2 [Almira Marvin Reed, PR6]
- REED, Benjamin, Aug. 19, 1848. CR3
- REED, Elizabeth, w. Ahimaaz, dau. Lt. Samuel Bancroft Jr., Feb. 4, 1791, a. 26. GR1
- REED, John, farmer, b. Westfield, s. Samuel F., Jan. 16, 1848, a. 16. [s. Samuel and Patience, a. 17, GR4. inflammation in the bowels, Jan. 15, a. 18, PR6].
- REED, Thomas, Dec. 1, 1827, a. 68. PR6
- REED, Wilson, Jan. 9, 1836, a. 30, in Ind. GR2
- REED, _____ inf. Wilson and Almira, Apr. 7, 1836. GR2. PR6.
- REMINGTON, Lyman, merchant, consumption, Nov. 14, 1845, a. 31. [Nov. 12, a. 32 y. 1 m., GR2. Nov. 14, a. 31, PR6].
- REMINGTON, Rhoda, July 17, 1838, a. 58. GR3. [July 18, PR6].
- REMINGTON, Rhoda, dau. Lyman and Elvira, lung fever, Jan. _, 1846, a. 3 m. [Rhoda Elvira, PR6]
- REMINGTON, _____, ch. Mr. Remington, ___, 1787. PR6
- ROBERTS, Jemima, ___, 1815, a. 83. PR6
- ROBERTS, _____, Mrs., May 12, 1790. CR1
- ROBINS, Hannah, wid., Dec. 4, 1815, in 77th y. CR1
- ROBINSON, Abigail, w. Capt. Dan, June 17, 1790, a. 59. CR1. [Abigail, dau. James Curtiss and Hannah, a. 58, GR6].
- ROBINSON, Betsy (see _____ Robinson).
- ROBINSON, Betsy (Cowdery) (see _____ Robinson).
- ROBINSON, Catharine (see _____ Robinson).
- ROBINSON, Charles, Revolutionary Soldier, Aug. 4, 1834, a. 75. GR6
- ROBINSON, Dan, Capt., old age, Aug. 12, 1810, a. 85. CR1. [Revolutionary Soldier, GR6].
- ROBINSON, Dan Jr., June 12, 1833, a. 74. GR6
- ROBINSON, Elizabeth, Miss, June 19, 1784. CR1. [fourth dau. Col. Timothy and Catharine, a. 25, GR6].
- ROBINSON, Elizabeth, dau. David and Catharine, Mar. 20, 1789. [Mar. 19, CR1]
- ROBINSON, Elizur, farmer, brain fever, Oct. 29, 1849, a. 67. [h. Patty, Oct. 28, GR3. Dea., Oct. 28, a. 57, PR6].
- ROBINSON, Hannah (Parnerkee), w. Noah, Dec. 4, 1815, a. 77. GR6
- ROBINSON, Hannah (Wilcox) (see _____ Robinson).
- ROBINSON, Hezikiah, Dea., Oct. 28, 1842, a. 68. GR6
- ROBINSON, Joel, Sept. 25, 1835, a. 83. GR6
- ROBINSON, Noah, killed by the fall of a tree, Aug. 11, 1800, a. 65. CR1. [Aug. 12, GR6]
- ROBINSON, Peace, Mrs., Mar. 24, 1783. CR1. [a. 27, GR6]
- ROBINSON, Phinehas, Mr., July 31, 1784. CR1. [Phineas, in 56th y., GR6]
- ROBINSON, Rebecca (Cooley), w. Dea. Hezekiah, June 20, 1833, a. 55. GR6
- ROBINSON, Rhoda, collic, Feb. 6, 1805, a. 40. CR1
- ROBINSON, Rhoda, w. Charles, Dec. 15, 1834, a. 75. GR6
- ROBINSON, Timothy, Corp., apoleptic fit, Apr. 1, 1805, in 77th y. CR1. [Col., Revolutionary Soldier, GR6]
- ROBINSON, Timothy Bevil, consumption, Dec. 12, 1811, in 22d y. CR1. [Timothy Beville Robinson, s. Col. Timothy and Catharine, a. 22. GR6].
- ROBINSON, _____, w. Col. Robinson, small pox, May 16, 1801, in 65th y. CR1. [Catharine, w. Col. Timothy, GR6]
- ROBINSON, _____, d. Linus, hooping cough, May _, 1802, a. 16 m. CR1
- ROBINSON, _____, s. Linus, dysentary, Oct. 14, 1802, a. 6. CR1
- ROBINSON, _____, w. Dan, fit, Sept. 11, 1807. CR1
- ROBINSON, _____, w. Elizer, June 12, 1812. CR1. [Betsy, w. Elizur, a. 26. GR6]
- ROBINSON, _____, 2 chn. Elezer and w., still born, ___, 1816. CR1
- ROBINSON, _____, wid., July _, 1821. CR1
- ROBINSON, _____. w. Joel, old age, June _, 1831, a. 80. CR1. [Hannah (Wilcox), June 15, a. 81, GR6]
- ROBINSON, _____, Mrs., Jan. _, 1837. CR1. [Betsy (Cowdrey), w. Dan, Jan. 16, a. 78, GR6]
- ROES (also see Rose)
- ROES, Abner, old age, July 17, 1829, a. 78. CR1. Anson, ch. Seth, Sept. _, 1805, a. 12 m. CR1
- ROES, David, dropsey, June 16, 1812, in 77th y. CR1. [Rose Jr., Revolutionary Soldier, a. 77. GR6]
- ROES, _____, ch. Edward, Feb. _, 1817. CR1
- ROES, _____, ch. Christopher and w., Jan. 10, 1830, a. 7 m. CR1.
- ROGERS, Henrietta, consumption, Apr. 29, 1844, a. 19. PR6
- ROGERS, John, consumption, Apr. 18, 1849, a. 68. [a. 88, PR6]
- ROOT, Adalade, b. Southwick, dau. Enoch, dysintery, Aug. 25, 1848, a. 3.
- ROOT, Amos, camp distemper, ___, 1777, a. 4. PR6
- ROOT, Amos, Mar. 24, 1800, a. 21, GR1. [Amos Jr., s. Capt. A., consumption, PR6]
- ROOT, Amos, s. Samuel, consumption, Feb. 15, 1849, a. 31. [s. Samuel and Dorothy, GR2. Feb. 31 (sic) PR6].
- ROOT, Anne, w. Capt. Amos, June 23, 1803, in 52d y. GR1. [Anna, consumption, PR6]
- ROOT, Benjamin, s. Capt. Amos, July 20, 1810, a. 25. GR1. [merchant's clerk, consumption, PR6].
- ROOT, Claramon S., dau. Jacob and Elnora, Nov. 4, 1848, a. 1. [Clarimond S., ch. Jacob S. and Elnora N., Sept. 4, GR2. Clarimond S., ch. Jacob S. and Elnora (Northway), Nov. 4, PR4. ROOT, Claramond Spelman Root, ch. Jacob, Nov. 4, a. 4 m. PR6].
- ROOT, Clarimond (Spelman), w. Dea. Jacob S., Aug. 16, 1840, in Milford, Ill. GR2. PR4.
- ROOT, Daniel, ___, a. 1. PR6
- ROOT, David L., Aug. 26, 1846, a. 24. GR2. [inflammation in bowels, Aug. 24, PR6]
- ROOT, Elijah Spelman, s. Jacob and Clarimond S., Sept. 2, 1840, GR2. PR4.
- ROOT, Elnora (Northway), w. Dea. Jacob S., Aug. 16, 1840 [sic, see marriage] GR2.
- ROOT, Frederic, consumption, June 30, 1808. a. 17. PR6
- ROOT, Harvey R., Oct. 18, 1827, a. 18. GR2.
- ROOT, Joel, Sept. 28, 1839. GR2. [Joel Esq., gravel, a. 68, PR6]
- ROOT, John, old age, Jan. 12, 1804, a. 91. PR6
- ROOT, Louis C., Aug. 31, 1839. GR2. [Lewis Ensign Root, a. 33, PR6]
- ROOT, Lucy, w. Clark, consumption, Oct. _, 1812, a. 31. PR6
- ROOT, Mary, camp distemper, ___, 1777, a. 2. PR6
- ROOT, Mary, w. John, Dec. 10, 1797, a. 69. PR6
- ROOT, Mary, dau. Capt. Amos, Mar. 2, 1806, in 25th y. GR1
- ROOT, Rebecca, ___, 1769. PR6
- ROOT, Sally, w. Joel, Aug. 25, 1806, in 24th y. GR1. [inflammation in her head, a. 24, PR6].
- ROOT, Silas, Rev., Sept. 12, 1846, a. 63. CR3. [Elder Silas, GR2. Rev. Silas, inflammation in bowels, Sept. 19, PR6].
- ROOT, Silas H., Aug. 12, 1846, a. 18. GR2. [Silas Jr., inflammation of bowels, PR6]
- ROOT, Sylvester, ___, 1793, a. 9. PR6
- ROOT, Timothy C., s. Capt. James and Sally W., July 4, 1832, a. 16. GR2. ["by bursting of a waggon box charged with powder," PR6].
- ROOT, _____, ch. Mr. Root, Sept. 20, 1781. CR1
- ROOT, _____, ch. Mr. Root, hooping cough, Aug. 13, 1810. CR1
- ROSE (also see Roes)
- ROSE, Aaron, Apr. 12, 1821, a. 37. GR1. [putrid plurisy, a. 38, PR6].
- ROSE, Abigail, dau. Elisha and Abigail, Jan. 30, 1766.
- ROSE, Abigail, ___, 1775, a. 45. PR6
- ROSE, Abigail, ___, 1792, a. 103. PR6
- ROSE, Achsah, dau. Daniel and Achsah (Ball), Sept. 25, 1759.
- ROSE, Adah, w. Justus, childbed, May 2, 1810, a. 47. PR6
- ROSE, Addison W., s. Almon and Rebecca, Apr. 10, 1844, a. 5 y. 5 m. GR4. [ch. Almond, St. Vitas Dance, PR6].
- ROSE, Amos, inf. _____, scalded, ___, 1753. PR6
- ROSE, Asa, ____, 1759, a. 7. PR6
- ROSE, Berinthia, dissentery, Sept. _, 1803. a. 2. PR6
- ROSE, Betsey, w. Calvin, June 18, 1834, a. 50. GR3. [June 17, PR6]
- ROSE, Cynthia, ___, 1778, a. 3, PR6
- ROSE, Danieel, "Jane" 20, 1790, in 74th y. [Daniel, June 20, a. 75, CR1]
- ROSE, David, July 21, 1795, a. 83. GR6
- ROSE, Deborah B., June 6, 1830, a. 34. GR3. [dau. Justus, June 16, PR6]
- ROSE, Demetrius, s. Almon and _____, lung fever, Dec. 9, 1845, a. 5 m. [Demerius A., s. Almon and Rebecca, a. 5 m. 9 d., GR4. Demetrius, PR6].
- ROSE, Edward, Oct. 26, 1841, a. 57. PR6
- ROSE, Elihu, s. Justis and Daborah, June 9, 1749. [Elihu Jr., a. 3 m., PR6]
- ROSE, Elisabeth, dau. Jonathan Jr. and Lidea, Aug. 23, 1754. [Elizabeth, ___, 1757, sic, a. 10 m. Pr6]
- ROSE, Elisebeth, w. David, Sept. 24, 1775. [Elizabeth, Sept. 25, CR1. Elizabeth, Sept. 22, in 70th y. GR1]
- ROSE, Elisha, Dec. 10, 1814, a. 86. GR1. [fit, PR6]
- ROSE, Elizabeth (see Elisabeth, Elisebeth)
- ROSE, Elizabeth, second dau. David and Constant, Nov. 25, 1784, a. 3 y. 3 m. 13 d. [Elisabeth, ch. Dea. David, CR1].
- ROSE, Elizabeth, ___, 1784, a. 34. PR6
- ROSE, Elizabeth, ___, 1794, a. 1. PR6
- ROSE, Enoch, falling from a frame, ___, 1788, a. 33, PR6
- ROSE, Enos, s. Daniel and Achsah (Ball), Nov. 9, 1759.
- ROSE, Hannah, w. Giles, Sept. 8, 1842, a. 65. GR4. [a. 67, PR6]
- ROSE, Honor, ___, 1782, a. 2. PR6
- ROSE, Horatio, ___, 1848, in Hartford. PR6
- ROSE, Isaac, ___, 1788, a. 24. PR6
- ROSE, J., Mr., Dec. 11, 1780. CR1
- ROSE, Jemima, w. Peter, Nov. 14, 1799, a. 33. GR1. [Gemima, child bed, a. 34, PR6].
- ROSE, John, ___, 1788. PR6.
- ROSE, Jonathan, burned, ___, 1768. a. 87. PR6
- ROSE, Judah, Feb. 1, 1813, a. 14. PR6
- ROSE, Justice, farmer, b. Farmington, Conn., old age, June 4, 1849, a. 80. [Justus, PR6]
- ROSE, Justus, Dea., Sept. 25, 1781, in 58th y. GR1. [Dea. Justice [dup. Justus] PR6].
- ROSE, Levi, Dec. 26, 1830, a. 81. GR3. [a. 80, PR6].
- ROSE, Lovisa A. (Clark), w. Isaac, Mar. 14, 1834. GR4. [Lovicy, a. 41, PR6]
- ROSE, Lucretia, w. Lyman, Oct. 21, 1833, a. 42. GR4. [Oct. 19, a. 41, PR6]
- ROSE, Lucy, dau. Elizabeth, Sept. _, 1742, in 3d y. GR1. [ch. David, a. 5, PR6]
- ROSE, Lucy, ___, 1749. PR6
- ROSE, Lucy, ch. _____, Dec. 11, 1780. CR1
- ROSE, Lydia, dau. Gamaliel, typhus fever, ___, 1812, a. 21. PR6
- ROSE, Lyman, Jan. 7, 1837, a. 39. GR4. [a. 37, PR6]
- ROSE, Malenda, ___, 1775, a. 3. PR6
- ROSE, Marcy, "first" dau. Daniel and Achey, Aug. 14, 1765.
- ROSE, Marilla, dau. Giles, Sept. 7, 1825, a. 19. GR1. [Marrilla, colera, a. 18. PR6]
- ROSE, Mary, w. David, June 24, 1802, a. 30. GR6
- ROSE, Mary, w. Levi, Aug. 14, 1827, a. 72. GR3. [Aug. 15, 1828, a. 73, PR6]
- ROSE, Melinda (see Malenda).
- ROSE, Mercy (see Marcy).
- ROSE, Mercy, w. Sharon, Apr. 5, 1821, a. 84. GR1. [fever and age, PR6]
- ROSE, Naomi, wid. Noadiah, Feb. 1, 1844, a. 78. PR6
- ROSE, Nathaniel, ___, 1768, a. 15. PR6
- ROSE, Noadiah, Dec. 10, 1837, a. 72. GR4. [Nodiah, PR6]
- ROSE, Nodiah, consumption, May 4, 1817, a. 40. PR6
- ROSE, Olive, ___, 1775, a. 1. PR6
- ROSE, Parlis, dau. Seth and Sarah, Aug. 19, 1813, a. 22. GR6
- ROSE, Peter, h. Jemima, Jan. 27, 1823, a. 61. [erecipalus, PR6]
- ROSE, Polly Gillett, w. Jeptha, June 12, 1843, a. 35. GR2. [w. David, sic, June 11, PR6]
- ROSE, Reuben (see Ruben).
- ROSE, Rhoda M., dau. Isaac and Lovisa A. (Clark), May 7, 1834. GR4
- ROSE, Ruben, Mar. 12, 1783, in 25th y. GR1. [Reuben, PR6]
- ROSE, Ruth, w. John, Apr. 2, 1759, in 36th y. GR1. [a. 30, PR6]
- ROSE, Salmon F., s. Silas and Esther, July 27, 1826, a. 5. GR3. [Salmon Frost Rose, a. 6, PR6].
- ROSE, Sarah, inf. _____, ___, 1760. PR6
- ROSE, Sharon, h. Mercy, Apr. 4, 1821, a. 90. GR1. [fever and age, PR6]
- ROSE, Sibyl, wid. Elisha, Aug. 14, 1829, in 88th y. GR1. [Sybil, PR6]
- ROSE, Silas H., s. Silas and Esther, June 8, 1830, a. 15 m. GR3. [June 7, a. 1. PR6].
- ROSE, Sylvenus, malignant dissentery, Apr. 28, 1810, a. 3. PR6
- ROSE, Thankful, w. Christopher, Jan. 2, 1837, a. 35. PR6
- ROSE, Timothy, Dea., Nov. 27, 1813, a. 51. PR6
- ROSE, Wealthy, w. Oliver, Sept. 29, 1833, a. 48. GR1. PR6.
- ROSE, _____, 3 chn. Nathan, camp distemper, ___, 1777. PR6
- ROSE, _____, ch. Russel, Mar. 6, 1781. CR1
- ROSE, _____, ch. Russel, still born, Dec. 20, 1785. CR1
- ROSE, _____, ch. Justice, fits, Aug. 22, 1799, a. 1 d. PR6
- ROSE, _____, inf. Calwin, sore mouth, ___, 1806. PR6
- ROSE, _____, inf. Justus, ___, 1809. PR6
- ROSE, _____, inf. Cephas, ___, 1816. PR6
- ROSE, _____, Mrs., ___, 1829, a. 24. PR6
- ROSE, _____, w. Justus, Aug. 14, 1834, a. 68. PR6
- ROSE, _____, Mrs., Jan. _, 1838, a. 80. CR1
- ROWLEY, Cloe, camp distemper, ___, 1777. a. 16. PR6
- ROWLEY, Elizabeth, dropsy, May 21, 1804, a. 70. PR6
- SANDERS (also see Saunders)
- SANDERS, Anna, dissentery, Oct .17, 1803, a. 55. PR6
- SANDERS, Cynthia, ___, 1791, a. 11. PR6
- SANDERS, Ephraim, consumption, June 22, 1802, a. 22. PR6
- SANDERS, George, dissentery, Oct. 10, 1803, a. 4. PR6
- SANDERS, Job, consumption, ___, 1791, a. 23. PR6
- SANDERS, Rhoda, w. Nathaniel, Mar. 25, 1814, a. 34. PR6
- SANDERS, _____, inf. Nathaniel, May 13, 1811. PR6
- SANFORD, Betsey, ch. Joseph, inflammation in bowels, Feb. 3, 1815, a. 5. PR6
- SANFORD, C. M., ___, 1824. PR6
- SAUNDERS (also see Sanders)
- SAUNDERS, Timothy, July 14, 1848, a. 40. GR2. [Sanders, a. 30. PR6]
- SAUNDERS, William A., s. Timothy and Harriett, June 28, 1848, a. 2 y. 6 m. GR2. [Sanders, a. 5, in Cabot, PR6].
- SAWYER, Adah Elnora, ch. Samuel, influenza, Mar. 2, 1808, a. 1. PR6
- SAWYER, David, spotted fever, ___, 1812, a. 28. PR6
- SAWYER, Samuel, maniac, June 20, 1837, a. 57. PR6
- SAWYER, Sarah M., inf. Samuell, putrid fever, Jan. 7, 1810. PR6
- SCOVIL, _____, ch. Ebenezer, ___, 1783. CR1
- SEARLE, Benjamin, s. Alfred and Betsy, dysintery, Aug. 22, 1848, a. 6. [Aug. 23, a. 6 y. 5 m. GR6].
- SEARLE, Hubard, s. Alfred and Betsy, dysintery, Aug. 30, 1848, a. 10 m. [Hubert, GR6].
- SEAWARD (also see Seward)
- SEAWARD, Dorothy, ___, 1746. PR6
- SEAWARD, Ebenezer, ___, 1746, a. 2. PR6
- SEAWARD, Mary, ___, 1776, a. 6(?). PR6
- SEAWARD, Rhode, dau. Aaron (Seward), Apr. 1, 1757.
- SEAWARD, Ruth, inf. _____, scalded, ___, 1773. PR6
- SEAWARD, Ruth (see Ruth Leaward).
- SEWARD (also see Seaward)
- SEWARD, Amos, fit, Dec. 16, 1827, a. 60. CR1
- SEWARD, David, s. Enos and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1777. [Seaward, camp distemper, a. 2, PR6].
- SEWARD, Ebenezer, Mr., Dec. 22, 1783. CR1
- SEWARD, Eunice, Mrs., drowned, Aug. 2, 1790, in Stockbridge. CR1
- SEWARD, Joel, s. Joel, May 4, 1760.
- SEWARD, John, Mr., Dec. 28, 1783. CR1
- SEWARD, Mary, w. Ebenezer, Nov. 10, 1775.
- SEWARD, Sarah, dau. Ebenezer and Mary, Jan. 22, 1774.
- SEWARD, Sarah, dau. Noadiah and Sarah, Sept. 24, 1777. [Seaward, ch. Nodiah, PR6].
- SEWARD, Zadeck, s. John and Caraline, Nov. 24, 1774.
- SEWARD, _____, inf. Sargent, ___, 1746. PR6
- SEYMOUR, Abigail, w. Asa, June 24, 1805, in 47th y. GR1. [Abigial, jaundiced dropsy, PR6].
- SEYMOUR, Albina, dau. Alfred and Axey, fever, Oct. 7, 1848, a. 7. [Allimena, Oct. 1, PR6]
- SEYMOUR, Asa Jr., June 4, 1826, a. 43. GR3. [Jan. [sic] 2, a. 42, in Guildford, PR6].
- SEYMOUR, Asa Esq., Feb. 12, 1837, a. 79. GR1. PR6.
- SEYMOUR, Cordelia (see Orpha C.)
- SEYMOUR, Gideon Deming, Dea. ("removed to Rootstown, Ohio"), July 11, 1845, a. 44. PR6.
- SEYMOUR, Harvey E., ch. William and Maria, Dec. 28, 1822, a. 13 m. GR3.
- SEYMOUR, Julian, ch. Lyman, Jan. 7, 1828. PR6
- SEYMOUR, Mariah, ch. Alexander, ___, 1817, a. 3 w. PR6
- SEYMOUR, Orpha C., dau. Ardon and Orpha, Mar. 8, 1837, in 13th y. GR3. [Cordelia, ch. Dea. Ardon, a. 14, PR6].
- SEYMOUR, Orpha C., ch. William and Maria, Sept. 25, 1842, a. 3. GR3. [Cordelia, Sept. 24, PR6].
- SEYMOUR, Roxey L., w. Asa Jr., Apr. 1, 1838, a. 49. GR3. [Roxy L., wid. Dea. Asa, a. 59, PR6]
- SEYMOUR, Sophia, Miss [? Sophia E. Newberry, q.v.], Mar. 22, 1848, CR3.
- SEYMOUR, William H., Dec. 26, 1822, a. 1. PR6
- SEYMOUR, _____, inf. Ardon, Sept. 23, 1816. PR6
- SEYMOUR, _____, inf. William, ___, 1817. PR6
- SHEPARD (also see Shepherd)
- SHEPARD, Eldad, died in his chair, Aug. 13, 1807, a. 66. PR6
- SHEPARD, Louisa, w. Lyman, consumption, Nov. 4, 1847, a. 42. [Louisa (Parsons), w. Dea. Lyman, GR6].
- SHEPARD, _____, inf. Mr. Shepard, ___, 1816. PR6
- SHEPARD, _____, dissentery, Sept. _, 1823, a. 40. PR6
- SHEPHERD (also see Shepard)
- SHEPHERD, Charlotte (see _____ Shepherd).
- SHEPHERD, _____, w. Lyman, Mar. 17, 1832. CR1. [Portia Shepard, w. Dea. Lyman, Mar. 15, GR6].
- SHEPHERD, _____, inf. Lyman, ___, 1832. CR1. [Charlotte Shepard, dau. Dea. Lyman and Portia, June 2, a. 7 m. GR6].
- SHORES, James (see John).
- SHORES, John, Dec. 23, 1834, a. 9. GR6
- SHORES, John, Jan. 8, 1836, a. 4. CR1. [James, Jan. 7, a. 3, GR6].
- SHORES, Salome (Spelman) (see ____ Shores).
- SHORES, _____ (Shores ?), inf. _____, and w., Apr. 8, 1818. CR1.
- SHORES, _____, w. _____, child bed fever, ___, 1818, a. 20. CR1. [Saloam (Spelman), w. William, May 1, GR6].
- SIBLEY, Moses, Feb. _, 1847, a. 85. PR6
- SIMONS, Asa, small pox, ___, 1776, a. 25. PR6
- SIMONS, _____, Mrs., Sept. 15, 1783. CR1. [Elizabeth Simmons, ___, 1784, PR6].
- SLOCUM, Joshua, Mr., ___, 1784. CR1
- SMITH, Abigail (see Joanna).
- SMITH, Betsey, w. Jabez, consumption, Mar. 26, 1808, a. 25. PR6
- SMITH, Edwin Clinton, ch. Lyman and Caroline A., dropsy in head, May 8, 1846, a. 3 m. 24 d. PR6
- SMITH, Jedidiah, A. M., Rev., ___, 1776. PR6
- SMITH, Joanna or Abigial, w. David, Aug. or Dec. 15, or 25, 1766, or 1769, in 31st y. GR1. [this stone was used twice and the names and dates were cut together.)
- SMITH, John A., h. Mary, by the fall of tree, Mar. 7, 1807, a. 61. GR1
- SMITH, Kezia (see _____Smith).
- SMITH, Marietta (see Marytta).
- SMITH, Mary, w. John A., June 27, 1812, a. 59. GR1. PR6.
- SMITH, Marytta, ch. John, typhys fever, ___, 1812. PR6
- SMITH, Morton, billious fever, Nov. 20, 1812, in 17th y. CR1.
- SMITH, Obed, epidemic fever, Aug. 25, 1815, a. 31. PR6
- SMITH, Orsamus, s. John and Kezia, Nov. 8, 1791. [a. 7, PR6]
- SMITH, Phebe, maniac, Apr. 4, 1838, a. 50, in poor house. PR6
- SMITH, _____, ch. A., bur. Mar. 4, 1814. CR1
- SMITH, _____, ch. Capt. John and w., still born, Aug. 2, 1828. CR1
- SMITH, _____, w. John, consumption, Feb. 12, 1830, a. 72. CR1 [Kezia, Feb. 11, GR6].
- SPELMAN, Aaron, long diseased, Oct. 18, 1821, a. 87. PR6
- SPELMAN, Aaron, Mar. 21, 1828, a. 36 . GR1. [fall of tree, Mar. 22, PR6]
- SPELMAN, Affa, w. Samuel, June 2, 1821 [a. 29, GR3. Affey, PR6]
- SPELMAN, Almon Rose, Oct. 7, 1828, a. 24, in Utica. GR1. PR6.
- SPELMAN, Alsa from Wales, ___, 1767, a. 93. PR6
- SPELMAN, Amos Root, ch. Jesse, ____ [s. Jesse and Anna, May 12, 1815, a. 6. GR1. ___, 1815, a. 6, PR6].
- SPELMAN, Apphia (see Affa).
- SPELMAN, Asehel, Mr., Mar. 7, 1776. CR1
- SPELMAN, Charles, July 13, 1827, a. 83. GR3. PR6
- SPELMAN, Charles H. (see _____ Spelman).
- SPELMAN, Clarissa, ch. Jesse, Feb. 17, 1808. [Clarissa, dau. Jesse and Anna, a. 6 m. 14 d., GR1. Clarissa, whooping cough, a. 6 m. PR6].
- SPELMAN, Damaris (Rose) (see _____ Spelman).
- SPELMAN, Daniel, Apr. 17, 1829, a. 91. GR3. [instantly, a. 90, PR6]
- SPELMAN, Deborah, w. Aaron, dropsy, June 2, 1810, a. 80. PR6
- SPELMAN, Deborah, w. Stephen, Dec. 5, 1822, a. 70. GR1. [Dec. 4, PR6]
- SPELMAN, Delia, ch. Elijah, typhus fever, Oct. 28, 1822, a. 23. PR6
- SPELMAN, Eligah, Dea., Sept. 12, 1846, a. 80. CR3. [Dea. Elijah, GR3. Dea. Elijah, paralisis, Sept. 13, PR6].
- SPELMAN, Eliza, w. Aaron, consumption, Apr. 4, 1810, a. 19. PR6
- SPELMAN, Elizabeth, w. Aaron, Oct. 22, 1786, in 61st y. GR1. [ ___, 1785, a. 61, PR6].
- SPELMAN, Elizabeth, w. Aaron, Oct. 26, 1848, a. 55. GR1.
- SPELMAN, Fannie M., Oct. 13, 1834, a. 5 m. GR6.
- SPELMAN, Festus, Dea., Oct. 18, 1818, a. 39. PR6
- SPELMAN, Harriet, dau. Stephen and Charity, Sept. 8, 1844, a. 30. GR3. PR6
- SPELMAN, Jacob, s. Stephen and Deborah, Nov. 4, 1811, a. 18. GR1. [inflammation of bowels, "On the day he was 18," PR6].
- SPELMAN, Jane (Ball), w. Oliver, May 11, 1794, a. 66. GR6
- SPELMAN, Jesse, h. Anna, Apr. 26, 1842, a. 66 y. 11 m. 10 d. GR1. [fits, a. 67, PR6].
- SPELMAN, Jesse B., s. J. B. and E. C. of Brooklyn, N.Y., Sept. 9, 1838, a. 17 m. 12 d., in Collinsville, Conn. GR1.
- SPELMAN, Jesse, wound from a scythe, ___, 1774, a. 16. PR6
- SPELMAN, John, Sept. 22, 1826, a. 85. CR1. [Sept. 23, GR6]
- SPELMAN, Levi, Revolutionary Soldier, Dec. 28, 1842, a. 77. GR6
- SPELMAN, Lucina, w. Charles, Jan. 22, 1816, in 55th y. GR3. [a. 55, PR6]
- SPELMAN, Lucius G., "A member of Amherst College," s. Samuel and Affa, Mar. 28, 1842, a. 22. GR3
- SPELMAN, Lucy, w. D. S., Mar. 21, 1782. CR1
- SPELMAN, Martha, dau. Thomas and Sarah (Hickox), June 16, 1761.
- SPELMAN, Mary Chapman, w. Dea. Elijah, Aug. 18, 1814, a. 43. GR1. [first w. Dea. Elijah, PR6].
- SPELMAN, Matilda T., w. Levi T., July 9, 1833, a. 29. GR2.
- SPELMAN, Oliver, Nov. 30, 1808. CR1. [Revolutionary Soldier, a. 70, GR6]
- SPELMAN, Orphy, dau. Rufus and Sarah, Aug. 15, 1808, a. 2. GR1. [Orpah, whooping cough, a. 2 m. PR6]
- SPELMAN, Prudence, Mar. 1, 1783. CR1.
- SPELMAN, Rheubin, July _, 1823. CR1. [Reuben, Revolutionary Soldier, July 4, a. 60. GR6]
- SPELMAN, Ritchard, Jan. 10, 1774.
- SPELMAN, Rufus, Feb. 3, 1813, in 35th y. GR1. [putrid plurisy, Feb. 2, a. 20, sic, PR6]
- SPELMAN, Ruth S. Bancroft, w. E. C., Apr. 17, 1840, a. 38. GR1. [Sarepta, long delirium, PR6].
- SPELMAN, Salome (Crossman), w. Levi, Dec. 26, 1842, a. 75. GR6
- SPELMAN, Samuel B., s. Samuel and Affa, May 14, 1838, a. 26. GR3. [consumption, PR6]
- SPELMAN, Sarah, wid., May 1, 1801, in 86th y. [w. Thomas, GR1. wid. Thomas, PR6].
- SPELMAN, Sarah (Robinson) (see _____ Spelman).
- SPELMAN, Sarepta (see Ruth S. Bancroft Spelman).
- SPELMAN, Spencer, s. Timothy and Hannah (Hayes), July 25, 1785.
- SPELMAN, Statira, dau. Eber and Lucy, Oct. 17, 1771, in 2d y. GR1
- SPELMAN, Statira, inf. _____, ___, 1781. PR6
- SPELMAN, Stephen, Dec. 8, 1800, a. 55. GR1. [Lt., "Baptist Preacher," dropsy, PR6]
- SPELMAN, Susanna (Parker), w. Luman, Jan. 15, 1843, a. 57. GR6
- SPELMAN, Temperance, June 10, 1824, a. 17. PR6
- SPELMAN, Temperance B., w. Elijah, June 9, 1824, a. 48. GR1
- SPELMAN, Thomas, Sept. 8, 1790, in 79th y. GR1. [a. 79, PR6]
- SPELMAN, _____, ch. Charles, ___, 1783. PR6
- SPELMAN, _____, ch. Charles, ___, 1783. PR6
- SPELMAN, _____, inf. s. Robert and w., Sept. 22, 1787. CR1
- SPELMAN, _____, inf. Charles, Mar. 17, 1799. CR1
- SPELMAN, _____, ch. Levi, sudden and unknown, Feb. 28, 1808, a. 8 or 10 m. CR1
- SPELMAN, _____, inf. Calvin, Oct. 25, 1809. CR1
- SPELMAN, _____, inf. Aaron, rattles, Jan. 14, 1810. PR6
- SPELMAN, _____, ch. Luman, disentary, Sept. 20, 1812, a. 2. CR1
- SPELMAN, _____, ch. Elijah, Feb. 8, 1813, a. 1. PR6
- SPELMAN, _____, w. John, black jaundice, Sept. 11, 1814, a. 67. CR1. [Damoris (Rose), GR6].
- SPELMAN, _____, inf. B., Nov. 8, 1814. CR1
- SPELMAN, _____, inf. Elijah, ___, 1816. PR6
- SPELMAN, _____, w. Calvin, child bed, ___, 1819. CR1
- SPELMAN, _____, Mrs., ___, 1837. CR1. [Sarah (Robinson), Mar. 22, a. 79, GR6]
- SPELMAN, _____, ch. Ethan, ___, 1839. CR1. [Charles H., Mar. 3, a. 1. GR6]
- SQUIERS (also see Squir, Squire, Squires)
- SQUIERS, Abigail B., Dec. 31, 1836, a. 5 m. CR1. [Squire, dau. William H. and C. B., Dec. 30, 1830, sic, GR6].
- SQUIR (also see Squiers, Squire, Squires)
- SQUIR, Thaddeus, inflammatory tipus fever, Nov. 9, 1820. CR1. [Squire, a. 56, GR6].
- SQUIRE (also see Squiers, Squir, Squires)
- SQUIRE, Anna (see _____ Squire).
- SQUIRE, Charlotte (see _____ Squire).
- SQUIRE, Saxton H. (see _____ Squire).
- SQUIRE, _____, w. Tha., child bed, Feb. 21, 1806, a. 36. CR1. [Anna, w. Thaddeus, Feb. _, 1816, GR6].
- SQUIRE, _____, ch. Bishop, dropsey in the head, ___, 1819. CR1. [Saxton H., s. Bishop and Charlotte, Mar. 20, a. 7, GR6].
- SQUIRE, _____, wid., "of burns by falling into the fire," Nov. 16, 1823, a. 39. CR1
- SQUIRE, _____, w. Bishop, disentary, Sept. 26, 1828, a. 47. CR1. [Charlotte, GR6].
- SQUIRES (also see Squiers, Squir, Squire)
- SQUIRES, _____, ch. Thomas, May 17, 1812, a. 20 m. CR1. [Horace S. Squire, s. Thaddeus and Amelia, May 21, a. 2, GR6].
- STEBINS, Frances, fits, Feb. 14, 1800, a. 6 m. CR1
- STEWARD (also see Stewart)
- STEWARD, Archibald, Jan. 27, 1815, a. 75. CR1
- STEWARD, Betsey, consumption, Jan. 29, 1817, a. 41. CR1
- STEWARD, _____, w. Archibald, "cancer within," ___, 1803. CR1
- STEWARD, _____, ch. Seth, Jan. _, 1805. CR1
- STEWART (also see Steward)
- STEWART, Abigail (Porter), w. Alexander, May 20, 1790, a. 32. GR6
- STEWART, Agnes, w. John, Mar. 20, 1787, a. 70. GR6
- STEWART, Alexander, Revolutionary Soldier, Mar. 16, 1841, a. 83. GR6
- STEWART, Catherine, consumption, Dec. 11, 1813. CR1
- STEWART, John, Aug. 30, 1787, a. 84. GR6
- STEWART, Mamra, w. Alexander, Oct. 23, 1811, a. 47. GR6
- STEWART, Penelope, w. Alexander, Feb. 7, 1787, a. 22. GR6
- STEWART, Peter, Aug. 19, 1840, a. 90, in poor house. PR6
- STEWART, _____, w. Peter, Sept. 23, 1821, a. 63. CR1
- STILES, Almena, ___, 1776, a. 4. PR6
- STILES, Almira, ch. John, influenza, Apr. 14, 1805. PR6
- STILES, Alseme, dau. Job Jr. and Lydia, Feb. 28, 1791, in 14th y. GR1. [Alsimene, a. 14, PR6].
- STILES, Anna, ___, 1782, a. 66. PR6
- STILES, Anna, Mar. 13, 1813, a. 7. PR6
- STILES, Dorcas, wid. "Israel & Job," Apr. 3, 1830, a. 87. GR2
- STILES, Harriet, ch. Roger, canker rash, July 12, 1831, a. 2. PR6
- STILES, Job, ___, 1765, a. 2. PR6
- STILES, Job, Mar. _, 1797, a. 82. PR6
- STILES, Jobe, s. Job Jr. and Sarah, Jan. 27, 1766. [Job, s. Job and Lydia, in 2d y., GR1. Job, a. 1. PR6].
- STILES, John, Oct. 20, 1835, a. 87. GR3. [a. 85, PR6]
- STILES, John Loring, ch. John, croup, Jan. 14, 1798, a. 2. PR6
- STILES, Lydia, w. Job Jr., June 18, 1770, in 41st y. GR1.
- STILES, Lydia, ___, 1779, a. 40. PR6
- STILES, Mariah, ch. Roger, canker rash, July 19, 1831, a. 5. PR6
- STILES, Roger, dropsy on heart, Aug. 8, 1849, a. 66. [a. 65, PR6]
- STILES, Ruth, ___, 1793. PR6
- STIMPSON, _____, ch. Dr. Elam(?) and w., Sept. 3, 1820, a. 12 hrs. CR1
- STOW (also see Stowe)
- STOW, Almond, ch. Jenjamin [sic], canker putrid fever, Feb. 11, 1804, a. 2. PR6.
- STOW, Alsop, s. Elihu and Mary, Sept. 2, 1804. GR1. [s. Eliha Esq., dissentery, a. 14, PR6].
- STOW, Alsop P., s. Alva and Lucy, Feb. 2, 1816, a. 3 y. 10 m. GR3.
- STOW, Benjamin Jr., ___,. 1793, a. 9. PR6
- STOW, Betsy M., dau. Stephen and Sally, Jan. 17, 1804, a. 4 y. 5 m. GR6
- STOW, Catherine, wid. Eliakim, Apr. 20, ___, in 81st y. GR1. [old age, Apr. 28, 1802, PR6].
- STOW, Eliakim, Aug. 19, 1789, in 82d y. GR1. PR6.
- STOW, Elihu Esq., Apr. 19, 1839. GR3. [a. 73, PR6]
- STOW, Gilbert, Jan. 28, 1842, a. 21 y. 11 d. GR3. [a. 20, PR6]
- STOW, Hannah, malignant fever, ___, 1761, a. 18. PR6
- STOW, Lydia, w. Eliacum, May 27, 1761, in 50th y. GR1. [malignant fever, a. 50, PR6].
- STOW, Sarah, malignant fever, ___, 1761, a. 16. PR6
- STOWE (also see Stow)
- STOWE, _____, 2 chn. Elihu, ___, 1784. PR6.
- STOWE, _____, inf. Alva, ___, 1815. PR6
- STRICKLAND (also see Stricland)
- STRICKLAND, Abigail, Feb. 29, 1836, a. 77. PR6
- STRICKLAND, Alexander, ___, 1774, a. 10 (?). PR6
- STRICKLAND, Alexander, camp distemper, ___, 1777, a. 3. PR6
- STRICKLAND, Asahel, ___, 1765, a. 3 m. PR6
- STRICKLAND, Asahel, ___, 1767. PR6
- STRICKLAND, Elijah, Oct. 11, 1813, a. 40. PR6
- STRICKLAND, Esther, wid. Jonathan, Feb. 16, 1828, a. 76. PR6
- STRICKLAND, Eunice, w. Joseph, cancer, Apr. 7, 1801, a. 40. PR6
- STRICKLAND, Hannah, w. Joseph, July 19, 1843, a. 76. GR4. [wid. Joseph, July 20, PR6]
- STRICKLAND, Jonathan, camp distemper, ___, 1777, a. 7. PR6
- STRICKLAND, Jonathan, appolexy, ___, 1809, a. 58. PR6
- STRICKLAND, Joseph, h. Mary, Nov. 29, 1802, in 80th y. GR1. [old age, Oct. _, a. 84 , PR6]
- STRICKLAND, Joseph, h. Hannah, Feb. 13, 1831, a. 30 [sic, ? 80]. GR4. [a. 80, PR6]
- STRICKLAND, Mary, ___, 1794, a. 66. PR6
- STRICKLAND, Mary, w. Joseph, Apr. 10, 1795, a. 64. GR1
- STRICKLAND, Orpah, ___, 1780, a. 3. PR6
- STRICKLAND, Ruth, w. John Jr., "suddenly while on a visit from Vermont to this town, the place of her birth," Mar. 2, 1813, in 57th y. GR1.
- STRICKLAND, Sybil, ___, 1782, a. 24. PR6
- STRICKLAND, Winthrop, ___, 1785, a. 3. PR6
- STRICKLAND, _____, ch. Elijah, Mar. 20, 1798, a. 9 d. PR6
- STRICKLAND, _____, ch. Elijah, May _, 1800. PR6
- STRICLAND (also see Strickland)
- STRICLAND, Asell, s. Joseph and Mary, July 29, 1762.
- STRONG, Betsey Baldwin, w. Ely, Sept. 23, 1833, a. 35. GR4. [Sept. 28, a. 34, PR6].
- STRONG, Diadamia, w. Carlton, Oct. 5, 1836, a. 28. GR4. [Diademia, PR6]
- STRONG, Hiel, s. E. and M., Nov. 4, 1796, a. 7. GR1
- STRONG, Hiel, ch. Eleazur, kick of a horse, Nov. _, 1803, a. 6. PR6
- STRONG, Hiel P., s. E. and M., June 9, 1790, a. 2. ["Kick, Horse," ___, 1792, a. 2, PR6].
- STRONG, Joel, Nov. 25, 1808, a. 75. GR1. [a. 74, in Northampton, PR6]
- STRONG, Joel, "Hurt by putting out fire - Bed-ridden 29 yrs.", July 9, 1813, a. 56. PR6.
- STRONG, Mary, w. Eleazer, Feb. 12, 1817, a. 48. GR1. [w. Eleazur, PR6]
- STRONG, Mary, w. Eleazer, fever, June 4, 1845, a. 77. [June 5, GR4. w. Eleazur, June 4, PR6].
- STRONG, Sally Frary, w. Ely, Feb. 1, 1849, a. 53. GR4. [disease of heart, a. 52, in Cabot, PR6].
- STRONG, Sarah, w. Joel, Apr. 13, 1815, a. 84. GR1.
- SULLIVAN, Kate, ___, 1760, a. 20 (?). PR6
- SWEATMAN (also see Swetman)
- SWEATMAN, Elizabeth, small pox, Sept. 3, 1796, a. 16. PR6
- SWEATMAN, Ezekiel, s. Thomas and Mary, Feb. 16, 1777. [camp distemper, PR6]
- SWEATMAN, John, Dec. 11, 1797, a. 21. PR6
- SWEATMAN, Mary, ___, 1776, a. 88. PR6
- SWEATMAN, Mary, w. Thomas, Mar. 16, 1777. [camp distemper, PR6]
- SWEATMAN, _____, ch. Reuben, ___, 1790. PR6
- SWEATMAN, _____, ch. R., ___, PR6
- SWETMAN (also see Sweatman)
- SWETMAN, Mable, w. Reubin, Feb. 22, 1770. [Sweatman, PR6]
- SWETMAN, Thomas, Sept. 14, 1775. [Sweatman, a. 29, PR6]
- SWETMAN, _____, Mr., dropsey, Dec. 2, 1803, a. 72. CR1
- TABER, Jeremiah, Feb. 1, 1826, a. 76. PR6
- TAYLOR, Elizabeth, inf. _____, canker, Sept. 27, 1810. PR6
- TAYLOR, George, Nov. 5, 1814, a. 36, in the army. PR6
- TAYLOR, George, "foreigner," instantly, Mar. 17, 1729, a. 78. PR6
- TAYLOR, James, b. Sandisfield, s. Elijah, dropsy of brain, Aug. 10, 1847 , a. 15.
- TAYLOR, Martha, dau. George and Mary, Dec. 28, 1782. [Apr. 8, a. 2, PR6]
- TAYLOR, Mary, w. George, consumption, Apr. 11, 1810, a. 68. PR6.
- TAYLOR, Timothy, ___, 1786, a. 1. PR6
- TAYLOR, _____, inf. G. Jr., consumption, ___, 1809. PR6
- TERRETT (also see Territt)
- TERRETT, James R. [dup. omits R.], s. William and Nancy, Apr. 28, 1827 [dup. May 16, 1828], a. 36. GR6.
- TERRETT, Nancy, w. Capt. William, Dec. 5, 1834, a. 82. GR6
- TERRETT, Nancy, dau. William and Nancy, Dec. 5, 1834, a. 83 [sic], GR6.
- TERRETT, William, Capt., Jan. 14, 1847, a. 75. GR6
- TERRETT, _____, ch. G., Sept. _, 1837, a. 2. CR1. [William D., s. George W. and Prudence, Sept. 5, a. 1 y. 6 m., GR6].
- TERRITT (also see Terrett)
- TERRITT, John, tailor, dropsy, Nov. 20, 1849, a. 65. [Territ, a. 66, in poor house, PR6].
- THRALL, James, s. Samuell, May 17, 1782. [a. 8, PR6].
- TIBALS (also see Tibbals, Tibbels, Tibbets, Tibbils)
- TIBALS, _____, inf. Francis and w., June 1, 1815. CR1
- TIBBALS (also see Tibals, Tibbels, Tibbets, Tibbils)
- TIBBALS, Elizabeth, dau. William J. and Lillis B., Oct. 14, 1828, a. 6 y. 6 m. GR3. [Oct. 15, a. 7, PR6].
- TIBBALS, John, Lt., Dec. 29, 1784. CR1. [Revolutionary Soldier, a. 58, GR6]
- TIBBALS, Olive (Rose), w. John, Oct. 19, 1762. [Tibbits, in 21st y., GR1].
- TIBBALS, Olive, second w. Lt. John, June 29, 1794, a. 54. GR6
- TIBBALS, Olive, dau. William J. and Lillis B., Aug. 27, 1841, a. 8. GR3. [Aug. 2, PR6]
- TIBBALS, _____, ch. Lt. Tibbals, Dec. 23, 1782. CR1
- TIBBALS, _____, ch. Francis and w., ___, 1816. CR1
- TIBBELS (also see Tibals, Tibbals, Tibbets, Tibbils)
- TIBBELS, _____, ch. Francis, "Last of" Apr. 1815, a. 2 m. CR1
- TIBBETS (also see Tibals, Tibbals, Tibbels, Tibbils)
- TIBBETS, John, "gravel or that which led to consumption," Sept. 7, 1800. CR1. [Tibbals, s. Lt. John and Olive (Rose), Sept. 6, a. 40, GR6].
- TIBBILS (also see Tibals, Tibbals, Tibbels, Tibbets)
- TIBBILS, _____, twin chn. Frances [sic] and w., Feb. _, 1806. CR1
- TILLOTSON (also see Tillottson)
- TILLOTSON, Abel, h. Sarah, ___, 1800, GR1
- TILLOTSON, Hannah, ___ ,1792, a. 70. PR6
- TILLOTSON, Hannah, w. Gudron, Jan. 2, 1828, a. 41. GR2. [a. 42, PR6]
- TILLOTSON, Harriet Eliza, ch. Gurdon, May 2, 1827, a. 13. PR6
- TILLOTSON, Harriet M., dau. Gurdon and Matilda, Nov. 7, 1834, a. 5. GR2. PR6
- TILLOTSON, Jonathan, May 5, 1797, a. 85. PR6
- TILLOTSON, Jonothan, ___, 1813, a. 57. PR6
- TILLOTSON, Oliver, Nov. 12, 1806, a. 26. GR1. [consumption, PR6]
- TILLOTSON, Oliver W., July 23, 1825. a. 10. PR6
- TILLOTSON, Sarah, w. Abel, May 29, 1825, a. 63. GR1. PR6
- TILLOTSON, Susan, ___, 1839, a. 1. PR6
- TILLOTSON, _____, ch. Jonathan, ___, 1780. PR6
- TILLOTSON, _____, inf. Gurdon, ___, 1821. PR6
- TILLOTTSON (also see Tillotson)
- TILLOTTSON, Harvey, shoemaker, suicide, Mar. 20, 1846, a. 22. [Harvey E. Tillotson, Mar. 10, a. 25, GR2. Harvey E. Tilltson, s. Gurdon, Mar. 20, a. 25, PR6].
- TINKER, Charity (see _____ Tinker).
- TINKER, Francis A., s. Lee and Margaret, Oct. 16, 1821, a. 5. GR1. [Frances, sic, throat distemper, Oct. 15, PR6].
- TINKER, Lee, Feb. 5, 1831, a. 61. GR2. [Feb. 4, PR6]
- TINKER, Lorin, Nov. _, 1803, a. 4. PR6
- TINKER, Marietta, dau. Lee, Jan. 30, 1829, a. 22. GR1. [Mary Ette, Jan. 20, PR6].
- TINKER, Martin, Jan. 6, 1813, in 45th y. GR1. [a. 45, PR2. a. 44, PR6].
- TINKER, Nancy, May 18, 1810, in 13th y. GR1. [ch. Martin and Naomi (Spelman), a. 13, PR2. hectic fever, May 17, a. 12, PR6].
- TINKER, Nancy, ch. Lee and Polly, _____, a. 4 m. GR1
- TINKER, Phinehas, July 14, 1782, in 47th y. GR1. [Phineas, a. 45, PR6]
- TINKER, Polly, w. Lee, Dec. 27, 1814, in 38th y. GR1. [consumption, PR6]
- TINKER, Sylvester, ch. Lee and Polly, _____, a. 6 m. GR1.
- TINKER, William, s. Lee and Polly, Sept. 7, 1803, a. 3 y. 2 m. GR1.
- TINKER, _____, wid. Phinehas, Apr. 21, 1802, in 63d y. GR1. [Charity, pleuracy in the head, a. 63, PR6].
- TINKER, _____, inf. Lee, Feb. 18, 1813. PR6
- TRUMAN, Abigail, ___, 1786, a. 23. PR6
- TRUMAN, Levi, ___, 1794, a. 14. PR6
- TRUMBULL (also see Trunbull)
- TRUMBULL, Ephraim, Mar. 6, 1825, a. 66. PR6
- TRUMBULL, M., ___, 1839. CR1
- TRUMBULL, Nancy, w. Ephraim, Mar. 15, 1825, a. 41. PR6
- TRUMBULL, _____, inf. Ephraim, fits, July 30, 1810. PR6
- TRUMBULL, _____, ch. Ephraim, ___, 1814, a. 2. PR6
- TRUNBULL (also see Trumbull)
- TRUNBULL, _____, ch. Ephraim, Dec. 19, 1808, a. 2 d. PR6
- TRUNBULL, _____, ch. Ephraim, Dec. 29, 1808, a. 10 d. PR6
- TRYON, Clarissa M., dau. Benjamin R. and ____, lung fever, Jan. 1, 1846, a. 1. [Clarissa Maria, ch. Ransalaer, PR6].
- TRYON, Ellen R. (see _____ Tryon).
- TRYON, Mary Jane, dau. Lester and Almena, Oct. 11, 1846. GR3. [inf. Lester, inflammation in bowels, PR6].
- TRYON, _____, ch. Mr. Tryon, Sept. 27, 1838, a. 3. PR6
- TRYON, _____, ch. William, lung fever, Apr. 1, 1846, a. 1. [Ellen R., dau. W. and M., Apr. 3, a. 8 m., GR4].
- TULAND, _____ (Tuland?), ch. Mr. Tuland(?), Apr. _, 1823. CR1.
- TULAND, _____ (Tuland?), ch. Roland, ___, 1823. CR1.
- TUTTLE, Moses A. M., Rev., ___, 1785. PR6
- UTLEY, Peleg, Jan. 21, 1818, a. 32. GR1. [a. 35, PR6]
- WARD, Plumea, w. Comfort, July 28, 1836, a. 51. PR6
- WARD, Samuel, inf. _____, fits, ___, 1817. PR6
- WARD, Samuel, old age, Aug. 19, 1828, a. 88. CR1
- WARD, _____, inf. Comfort, ___, 1816. PR6
- WARD, _____, Mrs., Mar. _, 1838. CR1
- WARFIELD, _____, ch. William and Philantha, drowned, ___, 1749, in Russell. PR6
- WARNER, Abner, Apr. 24, 1836, a. 80. GR4. [protracted sickness, PR6].
- WARNER, Bithiah, wid. Abner, Apr. 3, 1839, GR4. [Bethiah, a. 73, PR6].
- WARNER, Daniel, dissentery, Sept. 1, 1814, a. 85. PR6
- WARNER, Edgar, July 5, 1846, a. 20. GR2. [Edward, consumption, PR6].
- WARNER, Franklin, July 14, 1843, a. 22. GR2. PR6
- WARNER, Joel, s. Samuel and Mary (Hubbard), Jan. 7, 1769.
- WARNER, Lois, consumption, Jan. 25, 1798, a. 22. PR6
- WARNER, Seth, s. Samuell and Mary (Hubbard), Mar. 13, 1753. [a. 1 m., PR6].
- WARNER, Silas, farmer, inflammation of brain, Oct. 11, 1845, a. 85.
- WARNER, Webster, Aug. _, 1843, a. 1 y. 6 m. GR2. [ch. S., dropsy in the brain, Sept. _. PR6].
- WARNER, _____, wid., Jan. 17, 1801, in 93d y. CR1.
- WARNER, _____, ch. Abner, Nov. 30, 1805, a. 2 m. PR6
- WATERS, Lydia, Apr. 10, 1818, a. 94. PR6
- WATERS, Oliver, s. Benjamin and _____, Aug. 26, 1798. [ch. Benjamin and Lydia, in 5th y., GR1. canker, PR6].
- WATERS, Oliver, ch. Benjamin and Lydia, Aug. 22, 1803, in 4th y. GR1. [dissentery, PR6]
- WATERS, _____, 2 infs. Abner, ___, 1784. PR6
- WELLS, Calvin S., Dr., Mar. 25, 1837, a. 28. GR4. [Galvin S., M.D., in Chicopee, PR6].
- WELLS, Israel Jr., s. Capt. Israel and Chloe, Apr. 15, 1804, a. 15. GR1.
- WEST, Honor, dau. Joseph, Apr. 16, 1820, a. 19. PR6
- WEST, Mary, May 19, 1829, a. 12. PR6
- WEST, Minerva, ch. Joseph, influenza, June 10, 1805, a. 1. PR6
- WEST, Minerva, fever, Mar. 1, 1808, a. 1. PR6
- WHEELER, Elisaberth, dau. Samuel (Wheele) and Bthier, Sept. 30, 1758. [Elizabeth Whelor, dau. Samuel and Bethiah, a. 4, GR1].
- WHEELER, Sabrina (see _____ Wheeler).
- WHEELER, Samuel, s. Samuel and Bethah, Sept. 28, 1758. [Whelor, s. Samuel and Bethiah, a. 2. GR1]
- WHEELER, _____, wid., internal swelling, Dec. 5, 1827, a. 57. CR1. [Sabrina, w. Dennison, Dec. 3, 1828, a. 51, GR6].
- WHIPPLE (see Whople)
- WHITE, Abi, w. Roswell, May 18, 1810, in 29th y. GR1. [Aby, consumption, May 17, PR6].
- WHITE, Asher, ch. Roswell, Apr. 12, 1817, a. 1. PR6
- WHITE, Betsey, w. Chauncey, June 12, 1822, a. 41. GR1. [w. Chauncey, intemperance, June 11, 1823, PR6].
- WHITE, Fanny C., June 7, 1825. a. 4. PR6
- WHITE, Horace, inf. _____, Apr. 20, 1810. PR6
- WHITE, Thomas J., ch. Chauncey, dropsy in head, Mar. 15, 1809, a. 10 m. PR6
- WHITE, _____, ch. Roswill, dropsy in the head, ___, 1809. a. 3. PR6
- WHITING (also see Whiton)
- WHITING, Anna, consumption, July 28, 1819, a. 30. PR6
- WHITING, Ruth, Feb. 28, 1826, a. 72. PR6
- WHITNEY, Lucy, ch. Lemuel, Dec. 14, 1827, a. 8. PR6
- WHITNEY, Lucy S., dau. Samuel R. and Lois, Dec. 13, 1828, a. 9. GR2
- WHITNEY, Martha, wid. Uriah, Mar. 5, 1819, a. 79. PR6
- WHITNEY, Nelson, Oct. 11, 1836, a. 22. GR2
- WHITNEY, Uriah, ___, 1816, a. 79. PR6
- WHITNEY, _____, Mr., June 26, 1783. CR1
- WHITNEY, _____, inf. twins, s. James and w., May 13, 1787. CR1
- WHITON (also see Whiting)
- WHITON, Sarah, w. James, May 29, 1781. [Mrs. Whiting, May 23, CR1].
- WHITON, _____, ch. Thomas, ___, 1783. CR1.
- WHOPLE, _____, ch. Mr. Whople, bad humer, Sept. 7, 1804. CR1.
- WHOPLE, _____, ch. Mr. Whople, consumption, Jan. 5, 1805, a. 8 m. CR1
- WHOPLE, _____, ch. Samuel, cancer in the iye, Nov. _, 1806, a. 3. CR1
- WILCOX, Billy, Mar. 2, 1822, a. 72. CR1
- WILCOX, George H., June _, 1838, a. 3. CR1. [s. Samuel and Jerusha, June 4, GR6].
- WILCOX, Harry, Jan. _, 1837, a. 49. CR1 [Henry, Feb. 3, GR6]
- WILCOX, Samuel D., Aug. 9, 1840, a. 84. GR6
- WILCOX, Samuel W., Jan. 12, 1847, a. 49. GR6
- WILCOX, Sarah (see _____ Wilcox).
- WILCOX, Stilman, m., b. Guilford, Conn., old age, July 17, 1849, a. 78.
- WILCOX, William (see Billy).
- WILCOX, Zina, Aug. 23, 1846, a. 61. GR6
- WILCOX, _____, w. Samuel, Jan. 20, 1825. CR1. [Sarah, w. Samuel D., a. 73, GR6].
- WILCOX, _____, ch. Samuel W., "Singular disease, his eyes run out," May 4, 1831, a. 4. CR1.
- WILLIAMS, Almeda, measles, Jan. 26, 1822, a. 1. PR6
- WILLIAMS, Anna, wid., d. Dea. Isaac Bartlet, Aug. 25, 1806, in 51st y. GR1. [found dead in her bed, Aug. 24, PR6].
- WILLIAMS, Comfort, w. Daniel, June 17, 1842, a. 67. GR3. PR6
- WILLIAMS, Daniel, h. Comfort, Apr. 12, 1849, a. 77. GR3
- WILLIAMS, Delight, influenza and fever, Oct. 21, 1807, a. 76. PR6
- WILLIAMS, Hopkins, inf. _____, ___, 1783. PR6
- WILLIAMS, Mary, dropsy, Mar. 25, 1806, a. 82. PR6
- WILLIAMS, Samuel, July _, 1820, a. 86. PR6
- WILLIAMS, Theophilous, inf. _____, ___, 1764. PR6
- WILLIAMS, _____, ch. Thomas, camp distemper, ___, 1777. PR6
- WILLIAMS, _____, ch. David, ___, 1778. PR6
- WILLIAMS, _____, ch. Miss L., Sept. 10, 1782. CR1
- WILLIAMS, _____, inf. Phinehas, ___, 1787. PR6
- WILLIAMS, _____, inf. David, ___, 1789. PR6
- WILLIAMS, _____, ___, 1815, a. 40. PR6
- WILLIAMS, _____, ch. Thomas, ____. PR6
- WINCHEL (also see Winchell)
- WINCHEL, Alexander, s. Eli and Abigail, June 9, 1805, a. 10. GR1. [Winchell, fever sore, PR6].
- WINCHEL, Persis, w. Capt. Luke, Oct. 20, 1832, a. 26. GR4. [Winchell, PR6]
- WINCHELL (also see Winchel)
- WINCHELL, Abbey, w. Talcot, child bed, Dec. 8, 1839, a. 42. PR6
- WINCHELL, Abigail, w. Eli, ulcer, June 9, 1845, a. 76. [June 20, GR4. June 19, PR6].
- WINCHELL, George G., s. Luke and Caroline, Jan. 3, 1839, a. 4 y. 7 m. GR4.
- WINCHELL, Marianna L., dau. Luke and Caroline, Nov. 11, 1840, a. 2 m. GR4
- WINCHELL, Mary, Oct. 2, 1824, a. 94. PR6
- WINCHELL, Norris, suddenly, worms, ___, 1814, a. 4. PR6
- WINCHELL, Peggay, ___, 1793, a. 3 m. PR6
- WINCHELL, _____, Mrs., ___, 1790. PR6
- WINCHELL, _____, inf. Talcot, opium, Mar. 27, 1818. PR6
- WINCHELL, _____, ch. Talcot, Apr. 31 [sic], 1819, a. 4. PR6
- WOODROUGH (also see Woodruff)
- WOODROUGH, _____, w. Joseph, absess, Apr. 27, 1832. PR6
- WOODROUGH, _____, Mrs., bur. July _, 1807. CR1
- WOOLWORTH (also see Woodworth)
- WOOLWORTH, Salvanus, Nov. 30, 1791, in 27th y. GR1. [Sylvenus, a. 21, PR6].
- WOOLWORTH, Timothy, Sept. 11, 1786. [Apr. 11, a. 23, PR6]
- WRIGHT, Jonathan, Apr. 2, 1837, a. 73. PR6
- WRIGHT, Lucinda, July 12, 1834, a. 19. PR6
- WRIGHT, Stephen, June 22, 1824, a. 71. PR6
- WRIGHT, _____, ch. Capt. Wright, Dec. 26, 1782. CR1
- WRIGHT, _____, Mr., consumption, Dec. 6, 1809, a. 27. CR1
- WRIGHT, _____, ch. _____ (dau. Mr. Wright), still born, Apr. 11, 1815. CR1
- _____, _____, ch. _____ ("Transient Person"), ___, 1786. PR6.
- _____, _____, inf. _____, Jan. 2, 1816. CR1.
- David, colored, found frozen, Dec. 20, 1823. PR6.
- Freeman, colored, ___, 1831, a. 35. PR6
- Primus, colored, frozen on the moutain, ___, 1786. PR6
- _____, "colored man," stranger, consumption, May 30, 1819. CR1.
- _____, colored, inf. _____, Mar. _, 1827. PR6
- _____, colored, inf. _____, ___, 1835. PR6
- _____, colored, inf. _____, ___, 1838. PR6
- _____, "Colored woman," ___, 1838, a. 30. PR6
- _____, colored, inf. _____, Dec. 27, 1842. PR6
- _____, "Colored woman," ___, 1843, a. 30. PR6
- _____, 4 chn. John, "Mohawk-Indian," ___. PR6.