Granville Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850
Surnames S-Z
Transcribed by Jeffrey Tooley
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Granville Massachusetts Births From "Vital Records of Chester Massachusetts to the end of the Year 1850".
Granville Massachusetts Births to 1850 - Surnames S-Z
- SACKET, Martin, s. Moses, Feb. 7, 1809 [? in Granville] CR2
- SAUNDERS, William Anson, s. Timothy, farmer, and Harriet, Dec. 4, 1845.
- SCOVIL, Ethan, s. Ebenezer and Marysylvia, Dec. 9, 1787.
- SCOVIL, Huldah, dau. Ebenezer and Marysylvia, Aug. 6, 1785.
- SEARLE, Julius Fernando, s. James, farmer, and Susan, Jan. 21, 1845.
- SEARLE, _____, s. Alfred, blacksmith, and Betsy, Nov. 7, 1847.
- SEAWARD (also see Seward)
- SEAWARD, Gad, s. Enos and Sarah, June 10, 1773.
- SEAWARD, Noadiah, s. Noadiah and Sarah, Oct. 11, 1766.
- SEAWARD, Rhode, dau. Aaron and Elisabeth, Nov. 21, 1756.
- SEWARD (also see Seaward)
- SEWARD, Aaron, s. Aaron and Elisebith, Jan. 21, 1768.
- SEWARD, Abigail, dau. John and Caraline, Sept. 9, 1755.
- SEWARD, Amos, s. John and Careline, June 28, 1767.
- SEWARD, Amos, s. Enos and Sarah, Aug. 13, 1770.
- SEWARD, Caleb, s. Joel and Luraney, Dec. 26, 1758.
- SEWARD, Caroline, dau. John and Caroline, Mar. 19, 1760.
- SEWARD, David, s. Enos and Sarah, Mar. 18, 1775.
- SEWARD, Dorothy, dau. Noadiah and Sarah, Oct. 9, 1779.
- SEWARD, Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Mary, Jan. 17, 1752.
- SEWARD, Eli, s. Enos and Sarah, July 12, 1768.
- SEWARD, Eliphelet, s. Noadiah and Sarah, Apr. 7, 1770.
- SEWARD, Elisabeth, dau. Aaron and Elisabeth, Nov. 19, 1765. [Elizabeth, PR6]
- SEWARD, Enos, s. Enos and Sarah, Sept. 4, 1766.
- SEWARD, Eunice, dau. John and Cameline, Jan. 13, 1775.
- SEWARD, Jeddiah, s. Aaron and Elisebeth, May 26, 1758.
- SEWARD, Joel, s. Joel and Lurancy, Mar. 6, 1760.
- SEWARD, Joel, s. Joel and Lurancey, July 12, 1768.
- SEWARD, John, s. John and Caraline, Jan. 29, 1758.
- SEWARD, John, s. Nodiah and Sarah, Apr. 10, 1768.
- SEWARD, Levi, s. Enos and Sarah, Apr. 13, 1778.
- SEWARD, Lydea, dau. Joel and Luraney, Mar. 20, 1762.
- SEWARD, Marah [Seward], July 12, 1785.
- SEWARD, Mary, dau. Ebenezer and Mary, Mar. 14, 1750.
- SEWARD, Orindatus, s. Aaron and Elisebeth, Oct. 24, 1772.
- SEWARD, Rozannah, dau. John and Careline, Dec. 7, 1764. [Rosanna, PR6]
- SEWARD, Ruth, dau. John and Careline, June 1, 1762.
- SEWARD, Sarah, dau. Ebenezer and Mary, Mar. 17, 1754.
- SEWARD, Sarah, dau. Noadiah and Sary, Sept. 9, 1774.
- SEWARD, Sarah [Seward], May 25, 1780.
- SEWARD, Stephen, s. Nodiah and Sarah, June 13, 1772.
- SEWARD, Swain, s. Noadish and Sarah, Mar. 9, 1777.
- SEWARD, Titus [Seward], July 9, 1783.
- SEWARD, William, s. Noadiah and Sarah, Feb. 23, 1782.
- SEWARD, Zadeck, s. John and Caraline, Oct. 7, 1769. [Zadock, PR6].
- SEYMOUR, Abigail, dau. Asa and Abigail, Feb. 5, 1785.
- SEYMOUR, Abigail, dau. Alexander and Electa, Aug. 6, 1826.
- SEYMOUR, Alexander, s. Asa and Abigial, Aug. 15, 1789.
- SEYMOUR, Ardon, s. Asa and Abigail, Dec. 4, 1791.
- SEYMOUR, Ardon Augustus, ch. Ardon, Apr. 1, 1818.
- SEYMOUR, Asa Esq., Sept. 16, 1756, in Hartford. GR1
- SEYMOUR, Asa, s. Asa and Abigail, Dec. 23, 1782.
- SEYMOUR, Asa, _____, 1828. GR2
- SEYMOUR, Caroline Spelman [_____], w. Elijah, July 8, 1806. GR1
- SEYMOUR, Clara M., d. Elijah and Melissa, Nov. 26, 1835. GR1
- SEYMOUR, Edwin, dau. [sic] Alexander and Electa, June 7, 1834. [Edwin H., h. Ellen M., GR2]
- SEYMOUR, Electa [? m.], bp. ____, 1830, a. 36. PR6
- SEYMOUR, Elijah, s. Asa and Abigail, Feb. 15, 1797.
- SEYMOUR, Eliza Jane, dau. Alexander and Electa, May 19, 1828.
- SEYMOUR, Ellen M. [_____], w. Edwin H., ___, 1835. GR2
- SEYMOUR, Emma Calista, dau. Alexander and Electa, Mar. 31, 1824.
- SEYMOUR, Franklin, dau. [sic] Alexander and Electa, Mar. 4, 1831.
- SEYMOUR, Julia [? m.], bp. ___, 1830. PR6
- SEYMOUR, Laura, dau. Asa and Abigail, May 23, 1787.
- SEYMOUR, Lyman, bp. ___, 1830, a. 45. PR6
- SEYMOUR, Mariah [? m.], bp. ___, 1823, a. 24. PR6
- SEYMOUR, Mary Harriot, dau. Alexander and Electa, June 17, 1819.
- SEYMOUR, Orpah [? m.], bp. ___, 1823, a. 29. PR6
- SEYMOUR, Ruby, dau. Asa and Abigial, June 11, 1799.
- SEYMOUR, Sophia Ensign, ch. Ardon, Jan. 23, 1820.
- SEYMOUR, Tirza Elvira, dau. William, Aug. 15, 1817.
- SEYMOUR, William, s. Asa and Abigail, Dec. 21, 1794.
- SEYMOUR, William Collins, s. William, Apr. 26, 1819.
- SEYMOUR, _____, s. Alfred, farmer, and Axy, Aug. 24, 1846.
- SIBLEY, Elisabeth [? m.], Apr. 1, 1781 [? in Granville]. CR2
- SILARK (also see Silcock)
- SILARK, William, s. Robert and Sarah, bp. Apr. 15, 1787. CR1
- SILCOCK (also see Silark)
- SILCOCK, Sarah, dau. Robert (Silcok) and Sarah, Nov. 19, 1783.
- SIMANS (also see Simons)
- SIMANS, David, s. Timothey and Thankful, July 6, 1752.
- SIMANS, Loas, dau. Thimothey and Thankful, July 20, 1754.
- SIMONS (also see Simans)
- SIMONS, Naomy, dau. Asa and Elisabeth, Dec. 7, 1777.
- SKINNER, Benjamin Buck, s. Dr. Skinner and w., bp. Sept. 4, 1803. CR1
- SKINNER, _____, dau. Horace, stage driver, and Sarah, Feb. 19, 1845.
- SLOCUM, Corneelus, s. David and Phebe, May 24, 1769.
- SLOCUM, Elezer, s. David and Phebe, May 17, 1768.
- SLOCUM, Hull, s. David and Phebe, Jan. 7, 1767.
- SLOCUM, William, s. David and Phebe, Feb. 24, 1771.
- SLOCUM, _____, s. Eleazer and w., Aug. _, 1801. CR1
- SLOCUM, _____, ch. Eliezer and w., ___, 1803. CR1
- SMITH, Abagail, dau. Dr. Asa and Exprence, Feb. 20, 1761.
- SMITH, Ada (see Eada).
- SMITH, Adeline W., w. Irwin Treat, Aug. 6, 1838. GR6
- SMITH, Albert, s. John and Kezia, Apr. 30, 1801.
- SMITH, Anah, July 31, 1806 [? in Granville]. CR2
- SMITH, Anson, ch. John A. and Mary, Dec. 4, 1793.
- SMITH, Asenath, dau. Dr. Asa and Experance, Aug. 13, 1765.
- SMITH, Attenbrough [dup. Attenbur], s. John [dup. adds A.] and Mary, Nov. 28, 1775.
- SMITH, Calvin, s. Rev. Jedidiah and Sarah, Dec. 25, 1766 [sic, see Philomeliah]. [bp. ___, 1768, PR6]
- SMITH, Eada, dau. Elnathan and Hanah, Mar. 3, 1767.
- SMITH, Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Aabegail, May 24, 1768.
- SMITH, Edmund (see _____ Smith).
- SMITH, Eliphalet, s. Elnathan and Hanah, Apr. 27, 1765.
- SMITH, Eunice, dau. Elnathan and Hanah, June 11, 1769.
- SMITH, George, s. John and Kezia, Feb. 28, 1794.
- SMITH, Henry, s. John and Kezia, May 5, 1792.
- SMITH, Iserail, s. Rev. Jedediah and Sarah, May 15, 1763. [Israel, PR6]
- SMITH, Jabez, ch. John A. and Mary, Aug. 15, 1786, in Whiteinghom.
- SMITH, James Mathews, Apr. 28, 1803 [? in Granville]. CR2
- SMITH, Jedidiah, s. Jedidiah and Sarah, Apr. 5, 1752.
- SMITH, Jesse, ch. John A. and Mary, July 13, 1791.
- SMITH, John Forde, s. John and Kezea, June 19, 1787.
- SMITH, Joseph Pease, s. John and Kezia, July 24, 1798.
- SMITH, Josephus, s. Rev. Jeddiah and Sarah, Mar. 21, 1758.
- SMITH, Liceus, ch. John A. and Mary, Jan. 22, 1781.
- SMITH, Margaret, dau. John and Kezia, Mar. 31, 1803.
- SMITH, Mariah Loiza, dau. Capt. John F. and Expercia Caroline, Nov. 10, 1819.
- SMITH, Maritta, dau. Capt. John F. and Expercia Caroline, Mar. 4, 1818.
- SMITH, Mary, ch. John A. and Mary, June 13, 1777.
- SMITH, Obed, ch. John A. and Mary, July 11, 1784, in Wilminton.
- SMITH, Phebe, ch. John A. and Mary, Apr. 11, 1789, in Colrain.
- SMITH, Philander, s. Rev. Jedidiah and Sarah, Jan. 11, 1765.
- SMITH, Philetus, s. Rev. Jedediah and Sarah, Mar. 22, 1760.
- SMITH, Philomeliah, dau. Rev. Jedidiah and Sarah, June 4, 1766 [sic, see Calvin] [Philomelia, PR6]
- SMITH, Rhoda, ch. John A. and Mary, June 16, 1779.
- SMITH, Sarah, dau. Jedidiah and Sarah, Apr. 6, 1756.
- SMITH, Theodotia, dau. Dr. Asa and Experence, May 12, 1763.
- SMITH, Thomas, s. John and Kezia, Apr. 3, 1796.
- SMITH, Timothy A., June 24, 1829. GR3
- SMITH, William, s. Jedidiah and Sarah, Oct. 11, 1754.
- SMITH, William, Dec. 4, 1799 [? in Granville]. CR2
- SMITH, Zebina, s. John and Kezia, Aug. 7, 1789.
- SMITH, Zebulon, s. Ebenezer and Abegail, July 8, 1770.
- SMITH, _____, ch. _____ and w., ___, 1806. CR1
- SMITH, _____, ch. _____ and w., ___, 1807. CR1
- SMITH, _____, ch. Allenborough and w., ___, 1810. CR1 [Edmund, s. Altenburg, Sept. 30, GR6]
- SMITH, _____, ch. John and w., ___, 1822. CR1
- SMITH, _____, ch. Capt. John and w., Aug. 2, 1828. CR1
- SMITH, _____, ch. Peter, laborer, and _____, Sept. 18, 1843, in W. Granville.
- SMITH, _____, s. Rev. Henry and Sarah, Mar. 22, 1849, in W. Granville.
- SMITH, _____, s. Joseph N., farmer, July 13, 1849, in W. Granville.
- SNOW, Alpheus, s. Ephraim and Patty, Aug. 5, 1800.
- SNOW, Chloe, ch. Aholibamah (Bates), Feb. 16, 1794. PR7
- SNOW, Cynthia, dau. Ephraim and Patty, Dec. 14, 1788.
- SNOW, Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Patty, July 16, 1790.
- SNOW, Harriet, ch. Aholibamah (Bates), Dec. 17, 1807, in Litchfield, N.Y. PR7
- SNOW, Henry, ch. Aholibamah (Bates), Feb. 10, 1805, in Hartland. PR7
- SNOW, Isaac, ch. Aholibamah (Bates), May 13, 1796. PR7
- SNOW, Jessee, s. Ephraim and Patty, Oct. 24, 1786.
- SNOW, Laura, ch. Aholibamah (Bates), Nov. 28, 1791. PR7
- SNOW, Lois, dau. Ephraim and Patty, Dec. 10, 1778.
- SNOW, Lorin, ch. Aholibamah (Bates), Apr. 28, 1800. PR7
- SNOW, Marcy, dau. Ephraim and Patty, Apr. 2, 1782.
- SNOW, Mary Ann, ch. Aholibamah (Bates), Mar. 23, 1811, in Litchfield, N.Y. PR7
- SNOW, Nelson, ch. Aholibamah (Bates), Nov. 16, 1814, in Litchfield, N.Y. PR7
- SNOW, Olive, dau. Ephraim and Patty, Feb. 16, 1797.
- SNOW, Orrin (see _____ Snow).
- SNOW, Polly, dau. Ephraim and Patty, July 6, 1792.
- SNOW, Reliance, dau. Ephraim and Patty, July 10, 1780.
- SNOW, Tamsan, dau. Ephraim and Patty, Aug. 14, 1784.
- SNOW, Tulley, s. Ephraim and Patty, Feb. 15, 1795.
- SNOW, William, ch. Aholibaqmah (Bates), Nov. 14, 1802, in Hartland. PR7
- SNOW, _____, s. Isaac and w., Mar. _, 1798. CR1 [Orrin, ch. Aholibamah (Bates), Mar. 27, PR7]
- SNOW, _____, dau. Israel and w., June _, 1800. CR1
- SPAFFORD, Samuel, s. Amos and Olive, July 13, 1775.
- SPARROWHAWK, Harriot, dau. Cotton and Susanna Oldstead, Dec. 28, 1785.
- SPELMAN, Aaron, s. Thomas and Sary (Hickox), Jan. 22, 1733.
- SPELMAN, Abegail, dau. Aaron and Elisebeth, Dec. 4, 1763. [Abigail, PR6]
- SPELMAN, Adeline, dau. Samuel and Affa, May 11, 1813.
- SPELMAN, Affa [_____], w. Samuel, Jan. 19, 1792.
- SPELMAN, Alice Mason (Spelman), d. Luman and w., bp. Sept. 21, 1817. CR1
- SPELMAN, Almond Roe, s. Jesse and Anna, Jan. 2, 1804.
- SPELMAN, Amah, dau. John and Damaras, Mar. 26, 1771.
- SPELMAN, Amos Root, ch. Jesse, Feb. 1, 1809.
- SPELMAN, Apphia (see Affa).
- SPELMAN, Benjamin, ch. Jesse, Sept. 12, 1811.
- SPELMAN, Charles, s. Samuel and Adah (Gibbons), May 11, 1823.
- SPELMAN, Charls, s. Thomas and Sarah (Hickox), Dec. 23, 1743.
- SPELMAN, Clarilla Tirzah, ch. Jesse, ____. [bp. ___, 1842, PR6]
- SPELMAN, Clarimond, w. Dea. Jacob S. Root, Sept. 17, 1817. GR2. PR4
- SPELMAN, Clarrissa, ch. Jesse, Aug. 3, 1807.
- SPELMAN, Daniel, s. Thomas and Sarah (Hickox), July 12, 1738.
- SPELMAN, Deborah, w. James Barlow, July 15, 1771. GR1
- SPELMAN, Deborah, dau. Samuel and Affa, July 26, 1815.
- SPELMAN, Electa (see Lecty).
- SPELMAN, Eliakim, s. John (Spelman) and Dammras, Aug. 6, 1767.
- SPELMAN, Elijah, s. Aaron and Elisabeth, Apr. 4, 1766.
- SPELMAN, Elisabet, dau. Thomas and Sarah (Hickox), July 14, 1740.
- SPELMAN, Elisebeth, dau. Aaron and Elisebeth, May 8, 1769.
- SPELMAN, Elizabeth, Nov. 14, 1793.
- SPELMAN, Ellen L. Felton [_____], w. William H., May 23, 1840. GR3
- SPELMAN, Hannah, Sept. 12, 1796.
- SPELMAN, Hebor, s. Thomas and Sarah (Hickox), Oct. 27, 1753.
- SPELMAN, Hulday, dau. Ritchard and Huldah, Jan. 12, 1774.
- SPELMAN, James, s. Samuel and Affa, Mar. 9, 1817.
- SPELMAN, Jesse (see Jisse).
- SPELMAN, Jesse Barlow, s. Jesse and Anna, Mar. 26, 1801.
- SPELMAN, Jisse, s. Thomas and Sarah (Hickox), May 12, 1757.
- SPELMAN, John, s. John and Damaris, May 7, 1769.
- SPELMAN, Lecty, May 1, 1799.
- SPELMAN, Levey, s. John (Spelman) and Dammras, June 18, 1765.
- SPELMAN, Levi T., June 19, 1805. GR2
- SPELMAN, Loes, dau. Aaron and Elisebeth, Aug. 30, 1762.
- SPELMAN, Lucius Gibbons, s. Samuel and Affa, June 2, 1819.
- SPELMAN, Luman, s. Levi and Salomi, Oct. 24, 1788.
- SPELMAN, Luman Parker, s. L., bp. ___, 1817. CR1
- SPELMAN, Martha, dau. Thomas and Sarah (Hickox), Mar. 21, 1742.
- SPELMAN, Martha, dau. Thomas and Sarah (Hickox), Aug. 8, 1762.
- SPELMAN, Mary, dau. Thomas and Sarah (Hickox), Aug. 18, 1736.
- SPELMAN, Mary Anna, dau. Jesse and Anna, June 14, 1802.
- SPELMAN, Melissa, w. Elijah Seymour, Feb. 6, 1802. GR1
- SPELMAN, Neomi, dau. Stephen and Debrough, Apr. 18, 1771. [Naomi, w. Martin Tinker, PR2]
- SPELMAN, Orpah, dau. Oliver and Jane, Mar. 11, 1765.
- SPELMAN, Ralzamon Lucas, ch. Jesse, _____.
- SPELMAN, Reuben, s. Olever and Jane, July 12, 1763.
- SPELMAN, Rhoda, dau. Timothy and Hannah (Hayes), Jan. 10, 1780.
- SPELMAN, Ruth, dau. John and Dammaras, Mar. 24, 1773.
- SPELMAN, Samuel, h. Affa, Oct. 29, 1788.
- SPELMAN, Samuel Jr., ch. Samuel and Affa, Oct. 10, 1811.
- SPELMAN, Sarah, dau. Thomas and Sarah (Hickox), Jan. 30, 1747.
- SPELMAN, Sarah, Feb. 29, 1784.
- SPELMAN, Seusanah, dau. Olever and Jane, Mar. 14, 1768.
- SPELMAN, Spencer, s. Timothy and Hannah (Hayes), Apr. 28, 1782.
- SPELMAN, Spencer, Feb. 23, 1787.
- SPELMAN, Stephen, s. Thomas and Sarah (Hickox), Dec. 5, 1745.
- SPELMAN, Stephen, s. Stephen and Debrough, July 19, 1773.
- SPELMAN, Stephen, ch. Jesse, Sept. 27, 1805.
- SPELMAN, Susanna (see Seusanah).
- SPELMAN, Thomas, Feb. 19, 1789.
- SPELMAN, Timothy [dup. h. Hannah (Hayes)], s. Thomas and Sarah (Hickox), Jan. 15, 1756. [dup. 1757]
- SPELMAN, Timothy, Aug. 3, 1791.
- SPELMAN, _____, s. Oliver and w., Mar. 17, 1799. CR1
- SPELMAN, _____, ch. Mr. Spelman and w., ___, 1803. CR1
- SPELMAN, _____, ch. Levi and w., ___, 1804. CR1
- SPELMAN, _____, (Spelman), ch. Calvin and w., Jan. _, 1807. CR1
- SPELMAN, _____, ch. Levi and w., ___, 1807. CR1
- SPELMAN, _____, ch. Calvin and w., ___, 1809. CR1
- SPELMAN, _____, ch. Luman and w., ___, 1810. CR1
- SPELMAN, _____, ch. Calvin, ___, 1811. CR1
- SPELMAN, _____, dau. Ethan, farmer, and ____, July 16, 1845.
- SPELMAN, _____, s. James, farmer, and Melissa, Nov. 7, 1848, in W. Granville.
- SPOFFORD (see Spafford).
- SQUIER (also see Squire, Squires)
- SQUIER, Phinehas Lyman, s. Anson and w., bp. Mar. 28, 1830. CR1
- SQUIRE (also see Squier, Squires)
- SQUIRE, Chancy [Squire], s. Anson Esq. and w., bp. Oct. 10, 1824. CR1
- SQUIRE, Charlotte E., dau. Bishop and Charlotte, June 6, 1816.
- SQUIRE, Chauncey (see Chancy).
- SQUIRE, Mary An, dau. Bishop and Charlotte, Sept. 10, 1808. [Squires, CR1]
- SQUIRE, Samuel Weld, s. Bishop and Charlotte, June 22, 1804.
- SQUIRE, Sexton Hall, s. Bishop and Charlotte, Mar. 4, 1812.
- SQUIRE, William Bishop, s. Bishop and Charlotte, May 14, 1806. [Squires, CR1]
- SQUIRES (also see Squier, Squire)
- SQUIRES, Catherine Maria, dau. Anson and Sally, June 13, 1806.
- SQUIRES, Frederick Augustin, ch. Anson and Sally, May 20, 1819. [Fredrick Augustus Squier, CR1].
- SQUIRES, Henry William Camp, ch. Anson and Sally, June 16, 1810.
- SQUIRES, Julia Ann, ch. Anson and Sally, Apr. 14, 1813.
- SQUIRES, Orpha, ch. Anson and Sally, Feb. 6, 1816. [Squier, CR1]
- SQUIRES, Sarah Canfield, ch. Anson and Sally, Oct. 4, 1821. [Squier, CR1]
- SQUIRES, Statira Camp, dau. Anson and Sally, June 5, 1808.
- SQUIRES, _____, dau. Thaddeus and w., Dec. 15, 1800. CR1
- SQUIRES, _____, ch. Thadeus and w., ___, 1803. CR1
- SQUIRES, _____, ch. Thadeus and w., ___, 1809. CR1
- SQUIRES, _____, ch. Thaddeus and w., ___, 1810. CR1
- STANLEY, _____, ch. Mr. Stanely and w., ___, 1805. CR1
- STEBBINS, _____, s. Francis and ____, Apr. _, 1801. CR1
- STEBBINS, _____, ch. Francis and w., ___, 1804. CR1
- STEBBINS, _____, ch. Francis and w., ___, 1806. CR1
- STEEL, _____, dau. Nathaniel W., taylor, Oct. 27, 1846.
- STEPHENS (also see Stevens)
- STEPHENS, _____, s. Rhuel, farmer, and Minerva, July 13, 1849, in W. Granville.
- STEVENS (also see Stephens)
- STEVENS, _____, dau. Rusell, sawyer, Feb. 14, 1847.
- STEWARD (also see Stewart, Stuart)
- STEWARD, _____, ch. Peter and w., Oct. _, 1802. CR1
- STEWARD, _____, ch. Peter and w., ___, 1806. CR1
- STEWARD, _____, ch. Elexand and w., ___, 1808. CR1
- STEWART (also see Steward, Stuart)
- STEWART, Mamre, dau. Alexander and Mamre, Oct. 19, 1796.
- STEWART, Mary, dau. Alexander and Mamre, Nov. 28, 1800.
- STEWART, Nancy, dau. Alexander and Abigail, Sept. 3, 1788.
- STEWART, Penelope, dau. Alexander and Penelope, Feb. 3, 1787.
- STEWART, Roxanna, dau. Alexander and Mamre, Jan. 21, 1795.
- STEWART, Samuel Hall, s. Alexander and Mamre, Aug. 15, 1799.
- STEWART, Sanford, s. Alexander and Mamre, Oct. 19, 1792.
- STILES, Abial, s. Elijah and Dorothy, Mar. 17, 1772.
- STILES, Alemena, dau. Elijah and Dorothy, Nov. 22, 1769.
- STILES, Eunice Jr., d. Jobe and Ledy, Mar. 21, 1761.
- STILES, Job, s. Job and Sarah, Feb. 21, 1764.
- STILES, Job, s. Job and Sarah, Nov. 4, 1769.
- STILES, Lydia, dau. Job Jr. and Sarah, Nov. 4, 1765.
- STORES, Alonson Provin, ch. Stephen, bp. Aug. 19, 1804. CR1
- STORES, Daniel Talcot, ch. Stephen, bp. Aug. 19, 1804. CR1
- STOW, Alsop, s. Ens. Elihu and Mary, Aug. 31, 1790.
- STOW, Alsop Paine, ch. Alva, Apr. 4, 1812.
- STOW, Betsy, ch. Alva, Oct. 4, 1814. [Betsey, w. Benjamin Sexton, GR3]
- STOW, Charety, dau. Benjamin and Levene, Aug. 1, 1772.
- STOW, Charles, ch. Alva, Aug. 7, 1819.
- STOW, Edwin Parsons, ch. Alva, May 7, 1829.
- STOW, Eliakim, s. Benjaman and Levine, Dec. 17, 1768, in Blanford.
- STOW, Elihu Esq., Dec. 4, 1760. GR3
- STOW, Elihu, ch. Alva, Apr. 18, 1817.
- STOW, Emily, ch. Alva, Dec. 26, 1824.
- STOW, Gilbert, ch. Alva, Jan. 17, 1822.
- STOW, Hannah, dau. Benjaman and Levene, Nov. 24, 1770.
- STOW, Levine [dup. Levena], dau. Benjamin and Levine [dup. Levena], Sept. 23, 1767.
- STOW, Marshall Volney, "Co. E. 46th Rev't., M.V.M," s. Volney and Charity Spellman, Dec. 26, 1834. GR3
- STOW, Mary [_____], w. Elihu, Nov. 12, 1763. GR3
- STOW, Mila, dau. Elihu, July 23, 1787.
- STOW, Volna, s. Ens. Elihu and Mary, June 30, 1801. [Volney, GR3]
- STOW, _____, s Stephen and w., June _, 1801. CR1
- STOW, _____, ch. Stephen and w., ___, 1806. CR1
- STRICKLAND (also see Stricklin, Stricland)
- STRICKLAND, Orpah, bp. ___, 1830. a. 30. PR6
- STRICKLAND, Ruth, dau. Joseph and Mary, Jan. 27, 1769.
- STRICKLIN (also see Strickland, Stricland)
- STRICKLIN, _____, dau. Mr. Stricklin and w., ___, 1805. CR1
- STRICLAND (also see Strickland, Stricklin)
- STRICLAND, Alexander (see Elaxander).
- STRICLAND, Asell, s. Josep and Mary, Apr. 27, 1762. [Asahel Strickland, PR6]
- STRICLAND, Elaxander, s. Jonthan and Esther, Mar. 31, 1772.
- STRICLAND, Elijah, s. Joseph and Mary, Mar. 19, 1760.
- STRICLAND, Jeduthan, s. Joseph and Mary, Sept. 20, 1766. [Jeduthin Strickland, PR6]
- STRICLAND, Jonathan, s. Joseph and Mary, July 6, 1749.
- STRICLAND, Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Hester, July 17, 1770.
- STRICLAND, Joseph, s. Joseph and Mary, Mar. 2, 1751.
- STRICLAND, Mary, dau. Joseph and Mary, July 10, 1753.
- STRICLAND, Naomy, dau. Joseph and Mary, Apr. 18, 1757. [Naomi Strickland, PR6]
- STRICLAND, William, s. Joseph and Mary, Sept. 22, 1755.
- STRONG, Almeda, w. Levi Brown, Dec. 14, 1799. GR3. PR5.
- STRONG, O. Caroline Sheldon [_____], w. Ely, Dec. 11, 1813, in Ludlow. GR4
- STRONG, Sarah Jane, dau. Carlton, farmer, and Abigail, July 7, 1844.
- STRONG, _____, s. Carlton, farmer, and Abigail, Dec. 11, 1846.
- STUART (also see Steward, Stewart)
- STUART, _____, dau. Peter and w., ___,. 1798. CR1
- STUART, _____, dau. Samuel and w., ___, 1798. CR1
- STUART, _____, ch. Peter and w., ___, 1804. CR1
- SULL, _____, s. John, laborer, and Angeline, Sept. 8, 1848, in W. Granville.
- SWEATMAN (also see Swetman)
- SWEATMAN, Abigail, dau. Reuben and Abigial, Nov. 23, 1784.
- SWEATMAN, Lewis, s. Reuben and Abigail, Aug. 22, 1782. [This entry marked "omit."]
- SWEATMAN, Linos, s. Reuben and Abigial, June 2, 1793. [This entry marked "omit."]
- SWEATMAN, Marcy, dau. Reuben and Abigail, Sept. 24, 1791. [This entry marked "omit."]
- SWEATMAN, Reuben, s. Reuben, Nov. 18, 1787. [This entry marked "omit."]
- SWETMAN (also see Sweatman).
- SWETMAN, Amos (Swettman), s. Ruben and Abigal, May 29, 1778.
- SWETMAN, Cloe, dau. Reubin and Abigal, July 30, 1774.
- SWETMAN, Elisebeth, dau. Ruben and Abigil, May 29, 1780. [This entry marked "omit."]
- SWETMAN, John, s. Ruben (Swettman) and Abigal, July 4, 1776.
- SWETMAN, Lewes, s. Reubin and Mahitebel (Forbs), Sept. 8, 1765.
- SWETMAN, Mable, dau. Reubin and Mable, June 3, 1768.
- SWETMAN, Margret Webb, ch. Amos and Polly, Aug. 9, 1800. CR2
- SWETMAN, Olieve, dau. Rubin and Mahitebel (Forbs), Aug. 3, 1763.
- SWETMAN, Recekah, dau. Rubin and Mahitebel (Forbs), Jan. 14, 1762.
- TAYLOR, George, s. George and Mary, Sept. 17, 1778.
- TAYLOR, Martha, dau. George and Mary, Apr. 8, 1781.
- TAYLOR, Mary, dau. George and Mary, Mar. 10, 1780.
- TAYLOR, Timothy, s. George, landlord, and Mary, Jan. 18, 1785.
- TAYLOR, _____, s. Daniel D., farmer, Nov. 17, 1846.
- THRALL, Aaron, ch. Samuell, Jan. 25, 1763, in Windsor.
- THRALL, Chancy, ch. Samuell, Dec. 6, 1772.
- THRALL, Eliphaz, ch. Samuell, June 23, 1767, in Windsor.
- THRALL, James, s. Samuell, Sept. 19, 1778.
- THRALL, Jessey, ch. Samuell, May 7, 1765, in Windsor.
- THRALL, Lucy, ch. Samuell, July 23, 1757, in Windsor.
- THRALL, Mary, ch. Samuell, Feb. 19, 1775.
- THRALL, Samuel, ch. Samuell, Aug. 31, 1760, in Windsor.
- THRALL, Theadosa, dau. Samuell, Dec. 17, 1755, in Windsor.
- THRALL, Worthy, ch. Samuell, May 27, 1769.
- TIBBALS (also see Tibbales, Tibbels, Tibbles, Tibels, Tibets)
- TIBBALS, Daniel, s. John and Olive, Oct. 17, 1771.
- TIBBALS (also see Tibbales, Tibbels, Tibbets, Tibbles, Tibels, Tibets)
- TIBBALS, Atna, dau. John and Olive, Oct. 22, 1775. [This entry marked "omit."]
- TIBBALS, David, s. John and Olive (Rose), Nov. 24, 1761.
- TIBBALS, John, s. John and Olive (Rose), Apr. 4, 1760.
- TIBBALS, Lincoln, s. John and Olive, Oct. 26, 1777. [This entry marked "omit."]
- TIBBALS, Moses, s. John and Olive, Aug. 26, 1769.
- TIBBALS, Norman, s. John and Olive, Apr. 17, 1780. [This entry marked "omit."]
- TIBBALS, Olive, dau. John and Olive (second w.), May 3, 1767.
- TIBBALS, William John, bp. ___, 1824, a. 26. PR6
- TIBBELS (also see Tibbals, etc.)
- TIBBELS, _____, s. Frank and w., Dec. _, 1800. CR1
- TIBBETS (also see Tibbals, etc.)
- TIBBETS, _____, s. Francis and w., Nov. _ 1798. CR1
- TIBBETS, _____, ch. John and w., ___, 1798. CR1
- TIBBLES (also see Tibbals, etc.)
- TIBBLES, _____, s. Moses and w., Sept. 25, 1799. CR1
- TIBELS (also see Tibbals, etc.)
- TIBELS, _____, dau. John and w., Jan. 20, 1800. CR1
- TIBETS (also see Tibbals, etc.)
- TIBETS, _____, ch. Moses and w., ___, 1798. CR1
- TINKER, Almira, ch. Martin and Naomi (Spelman), Dec. 17, 1794. PR2. [w. Carlos Gibbons, PR3]
- TINKER, Charlotte, ch. Martin and Naomi (Spelman), Mar. 24, 1804. PR2
- TINKER, Martin, s. Phinehas and Charety, Mar. 12, 1767. [h. Naomi (Spelman) PR2]
- TINKER, Martin B., ch. Martin and Naomi (Spelman), Oct. 18, 1806. PR2 [Martin Buell Tinker, PR6]
- TINKER, Nancy, ch. Martin and Naomi (Spelman), Nov. 25, 1796. PR2
- TINKER, Naomi, ch. Martin and Naomi (Spelman), Apr. 3, 1801. PR2
- TINKER, Phineas L., ch. Martin and Naomi (Spelman), Feb. 20, 1809. PR2. [Phinehas L., PR6]
- TINKER, Sylvanus, ch. Martin and Naomi (Spelman), Dec. 28, 1798. PR2
- TRENCH, _____, dau. Lewis, shoemaker, and Lovisa, Jan. 1, 1849, in E. Granville.
- TRYON, Clarissa Maria, dau. Benjamin R., cooper, and Clarissa, Nov. 2, 1844.
- TRYON, Ellen Roxana, dau. William, farmer, and Myrtilla, Aug. 10, 1845.
- TRYON, _____, dau. Lester, cooper, and Almena, Aug. 3, 1844. [Mary Jane, GR3]
- TRYON, _____, dau. Lester, mechanic, and Almedia, ____ [rec. June _, 1848].
- TWADDLE, James, bp. Sept. 16, 1797, a. 21. CR2
- TWINING, Abigail, dau. Eleazer and Mercy, Jan. 12, 1796.
- TWINING, Barnabas, s. Eleazar and Mercy, Mar. 1, 1800.
- TWINING, Betsy, dau. William and Tabitha, Sept. 13, 1787.
- TWINING, Caroline, dau. William Jr. and Rebecca, Jan. 13, 1800.
- TWINING, Corintha, dau. William Jr. and Rebecca, Oct. 9, 1793.
- TWINING, Elijah, s. William and Tabitha, Aug. 25, 1792.
- TWINING, Hiram, s. William and Tabitha, Mar. 31, 1794.
- TWINING, Joseph, s. William and Tabitha, Mar. 27, 1796.
- TWINING, Lois, dau. Elijah and Lois, Oct. 8, 1790.
- TWINING, Lovisa, dau. William Jr. and Rebecca, June 17, 1797.
- TWINING, Ruth, dau. Eleazar and Mercy, July 16, 1797.
- TWINING, Susanna, dau. Elijah and Lois, Apr. 28, 1787.
- TWINING, Thomas, s. William Jr., and Rebecca, Aug. 30, 1795.
- TWINING, William, s. William and Tabitha, June 14, 1789.
- VAN DOREN, Sarah E., w. Dea. Jacob S. Root, Feb. 16, 1835. GR2. PR4.
- VINING, John Wesley, ch. Thomas and Wealthy, bp. Nov. 20, 1821 [? in Granville]. CR2
- WALKLEY, Phebe, dau. Jonathan and w., bp. July 8, 1787. CR1
- WALKLEY, Rebecca, dau. Jonathan and w., bp. June 1, 1788. CR1
- WARD, Hester, ch. Samuell, bp. Sept. 4, 1803. CR1
- WARD, Mirium, ch. Samuel, bp. Sept. 4, 1803. CR1
- WARD, Polly, ch. Samuel, bp. Sept. 4, 1803. CR1
- WARD, Thomas, Sept. 1, 1805 [? in Granville]. CR2
- WARD, _____, s. Samuel and w., July 28, 1797. CR1
- WARFIELD, _____, s. William, laborer, and _____, Sept. 30, 1843, in W. Granville.
- WARNER (also see Warnor)
- WARNER, Abner, bp. ___, 1830, a. 74. PR6
- WARNER, Joel, s. Samuel and Mary (Hubbard), July 1, 1765.
- WARNER, Joel David, s. Reuben, farmer, and Sally, Oct. 15, 1845.
- WARNER, Samuel, s. Samuel and Mary (Hubbard), Nov. 14, 1762.
- WARNER, Seth, s. Samuel and Mary (Hubbard), Feb. 20, 1753.
- WARNOR (also see Warner)
- WARNOR, Margrit, dau. Samuel and Mary (Hubbard), Feb. 9, 1760.
- WARNOR, Mary, dau. Samuel and Mary (Hubbard), Sept. 18, 1758.
- WARNOR, Sarah, dau. Samuel and Mary (Hubbard), Mar. 3, 1754.
- WATERS, Lucinda, dau. Benjamin and _____, Jan. 5, 1792.
- WATERS, Lydia, dau. Benjamin and _____, Oct. 10, 1795.
- WATERS, Oliver, s. Benjamin and _____, Sept. 25, 1793.
- WATERS, Timothy, s. Benjamin and _____, Mar. 5, 1800.
- WEBSTER, Mercy, dau. Cyrus and w., ___ [dup. bp. May 15] 1808. CR1
- WEBSTER, Rhoda, ch. Cyrus and w., bp. June 24, 1804. CR1
- WEBSTER, Sarah, ch. Cyrus, bp. June 24, 1804. CR1
- WEBSTER, William Holland, ch. Cyrus, bp. June 24, 1804. CR1
- WEBSTER, _____, dau. Cyrus and w., ___, 1804. CR1
- WEBSTER, _____, ch. Capt. Webster and w., ___, 1806. CR1
- WEBSTER, _____, ch. Cyrus and w., ___, 1810. CR1
- WELLS, Benjamin H., Apr. 3, 1826. GR4
- WELLS, Elizabeth, dau. Rheubin and w., bp. Aug. 2, 1818. CR1
- WELLS, Isabella Young [_____], w. William, Nov. 5, 1822. GR2
- WELLS, Julia C., w. Timothy Clark, ___, 1814. GR4
- WELLS, Mary Almira, ch. Rheubin and w., bp. Oct. 13, 1816. CR1
- WELLS, Rheubin Marshall, ch. Rheubin and w., bp. Oct. 13, 1810. CR1
- WELLS, William, h. Isabella Young, Apr. 14, 1812. GR2
- WELLS, _____, s. William, farmer, and Isabel, ___ [rec. June _, 1848].
- WEST, Joseph, June 3, 1766. GR1
- WEST, Olive [_____], w. Joseph, Apr. 9, 1778. GR1
- WHEALER (also see Wheeler)
- WHEALER, Samuel, s. Samuel and Bethiah (Weeb), Aug. 31, 1756.
- WHEELER (also see Whealer)
- WHEELER, Bethiah, dau. Samuel and Bethiah (Weeb), Dec. 23, 1752.
- WHEELER, Daniel, s. Samuel and Bethiah, May 9, 1760.
- WHEELER, Elisabeth, dau. Samuel (Whealer) and Bethiah (Weeb), Oct. 24, 1754.
- WHEELER, Hannah, dau. Samuel and Bethiah (Weeb), Jan. 23, 1751.
- WHEELER, Sarah, dau. Samueel and Bethiah, July 15, 1758.
- WHIPLE, _____, ch. Mr. Whiple and w., ___, 1804. CR1
- WHITCOMB, Solomon, s. Jobe and Anne, Sept. 3, 1760.
- WHITE, James N., bp. ___, 1824, a. 20. PR6
- WHITING (also see Whiton)
- WHITING, _____, ch. David, farmer, and Betsy, Apr. 16, 1844, in W. Granville.
- WHITING, _____, s. David W., farmer, Aug. 2, 1846.
- WHITING, _____, s. David, farmer, and Betsey, Nov. 13, 1848, in W. Granville.
- WHITNEY, Irdana, dau. Joshia and w., bp. June 23, 1791. CR1
- WHITNEY, Joshia, s. Joshia and w., bp. June 23, 1791. CR1
- WHITNEY, Marilla Lovisa [_____], w. Samuel H., Mar. 11, 1806. GR2
- WHITNEY, Mary, dau. Joshia and w., bp. June 23, 1791. CR1
- WHITNEY, Samuel H., Sept. 14, 1800. GR2
- WHITON (also see Whiting)
- WHITON, Carroline, dau. Ebenezer and Rozannah, Dec. 6, 1786.
- WHITON, Ebinezer Jr., so Ebenezer and Rosannah, Mar. 13, 1788.
- WHITON, Flavil, s. James and Abigail, July 24, 1783.
- WHITON, Manly, s. James and Sarah, Mar. 11, 1781.
- WHITON, Samuel, s. James and Abigail, Aug. 1, 1785.
- WIGHT, Abba, ch. Reuben and Damaris, bp. July 28, 1813 [? in Granville]. CR2
- WIGHT, Emmons, ch. Reuben and Damaris, bp. July 28, 1813 [? in Granville]. CR2
- WIGHT, Fanny, ch. Reuben and Damaris, bp. July 28, 1813 [? in Granville]. CR2
- WIGHT, Laury, ch. Reuben and Damaris, bp. July 28, 1813 [? in Granville]. CR2
- WIGHT, Nancy, ch. Reuben and Damaris, bp. July 28, 1813 [? in Granville]. CR2
- WIGHT, Patty, ch. Reuben and Damaris, bp. July 28, 1813 [? in Granville]. CR2
- WILCOX (also see Willcocks, Willcox)
- WILCOX, Lodon, s. Plinn and Sally, bp. Nov. 5, 1812 [? in Granville]. CR2
- WILLCOCKS (also see Wilcox, Willcox)
- WILLCOCKS, _____, s. Samuel and w., Sept. _, 1797. CR1
- WILLCOCKS, _____, dau. Stillman and w., Oct. 4, 1797. CR1
- WILLCOX (also see Wilcox, Willcocks)
- WILLCOX, Benjamin Harvey, s. Samuel and w., bp. May 25, 1829. CR1
- WILLCOX, Harriet, dau. Levi and Polly, bp. Oct. 8, 1812 [? in Granville]. CR2
- WILLCOX, _____, dau. Stilman and w., July 21, 1799. CR1
- WILLIAMS, Alexander (see Elexander)
- WILLIAMS, Anna Thomas, ch. Phineas, Sept. 10, 1782.
- WILLIAMS, Catharine, ch. Phineas, May 5, 1789.
- WILLIAMS, Clarissa, ch. Phineas, Nov. 2, 1784.
- WILLIAMS, Elexander (Willims), s. Thomas Jr. and Mary, Aug. 27, 1767. [Alexander, PR6]
- WILLIAMS, Eley, s. Thomas Jr. and Mary, July 5, 1771. [Eli, PR6]
- WILLIAMS, Marcy Olds, ch. Phineas, Sept. 28, 1791.
- WILLIAMS, Phineas Alfred Collins Kilbourne, s. Catharine, Apr. 29, 1809.
- WILLIAMS, Rhodah, dau. Thomas Jr. and Mary, Sept. 28, 177[3 or 5, hard to read]. [Rhoda, PR6]
- WILLIAMS, Sarah, dau. Phineas and Anna, Feb. 7, 1780.
- WILLIAMS, William, s. Thomas Jr. and Mary, July 9, 1769.
- WINCHEL (also see Winchell)
- WINCHEL, _____, dau. Alexander, farmer, and Lois, June 13, 1846.
- WINCHELL (also see Winchel)
- WINCHELL, Morton J., Feb. 17, 1832. GR1
- WOODROUGHT (also see Woodruff)
- WOODROUGHT, Lucy, ch. Mrs. Woodrought, bp. Sept. 1, 1825. CR1
- WOODRUFF (also see Woodrought)
- WOODRUFF, Margaret, ch. Joseph, bp. Apr. 18, 1823. CR1 Ursula Sophia, ch. Joseph, bp. Apr. 18, 1823. CR1
- WOODRUFF, William Wright, ch. Joseph, bp. Apr. 18, 1823. CR1
- WOODRUFF, Worthy Ann, ch. Joseph, bp. Apr. 18, 1823. CR1
- WOOLWORTH, Alexander, s. Phinehas and Mercy, May 5, 1795.
- WOOLWORTH, Ansis, dau. Timothy and Roxana, Jan. 14, 1786.
- WOOLWORTH, Chauncey, s. Phinehas and Mercy, Nov. 28, 1783.
- WOOLWORTH, Content, daau. Phinehas and Mercy, Jan. 1, 1798.
- WOOLWORTH, Eunice, dau. Phinehas and Mercy, Apr. 13, 1791.
- WOOLWORTH, Jesper, s. Phinehas and Mercy, Feb. 8, 1789.
- WOOLWORTH, Mile, dau. Phinehas and Mercy, Mar. 9, 1800.
- WOOLWORTH, Simeon Sheldon, s. Phinehas and Mercy, May 12, 1793.
- WOOLWORTH, Thaddeus, s. Phinehas and Mercy, Feb. 5, 1782.
- WOOLWORTH, Timothy, s. Phinehas and Mercy, Jan. 28, 1786.
- WRIGHT, Aurelia, s. [sic] John and Ruth, Mar. 4, 1769.
- WRIGHT, Baranin, s. Stephen and Adah, Nov. 2, 1778.
- WRIGHT, Calvin, s. John (Write) and Ruth, Nov. 7, 1770.
- WRIGHT, Harry Jackson, s. Mr. Wright of Tolland, bp. Apr. 21, 1811. CR1
- WRIGHT, Seth, s. Stephen and Adah, Aug. 3, 1781.
- WRIGHT, Statyra, dau. Stephen and Adah, Jan. 6, 1777.
- WRIGHT, William Cullen, s. Jabez and Polly, Aug. 19, 1700.
- WRIGHT, _____, ch. Jonathan and w., ___, 1810. CR1
- WRIGHT, _____, ch. _____ (dau. Mr. Wright}, Apr. 11, 1815. CR1
- _____, _____, ch. William and w., ___, 1810. CR1
Negroes, Etc.
- Venus, "Colored Child," bp. ___ 1767. PR6