Brimfield Massachusetts Death Records to 1850
Surnames A-E
Transcribed by Matthew Tooley
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Brimfield Massachusetts Deaths From "Vital Records of Brimfield Massachusetts To The End Of The Year 1850".
Death records extracted from the "Vital records of Brimfield, Massachusetts to the year 1850. Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society, At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund, Boston, Mass., 1931.
Brimfield Massachusetts Death Records to 1850 - Surnames A-E
- ABBOT(Abbott), Henry, s. Nathan and Anne, hydrophobia, July 31, 1797, in B. [h. Tabitha, Aug. ----, G.R.1.]
- ABBOT(Abbott), Joel, Jan. 23, 1823, a. 91. [Jairus, bur. at Brookfield, P.R.19.]
- ABBOT(Abbott), Nathan (Abbott), s. Nathan, Sept. 13, 1758, in B.
- ABBOT(Abbott), Tabitha, wid. Henry, Mar. 9, 1832, a. 82 ["not" written in pencil after 82]. [a. 82, G.R.1. P.R.19.]
- ATKINS, Moses, s. John, Apr. 16, 1798, in B.
- AINSWORTH, Smith, h. Mary. Sept. 17, 1758, in B.
- AINSWORTH, ----, ch. John E., Apr. 25, 1843. a. 24 h.
- ALEXANDER, Susanna, w. Joseph, old age, Feb. 16, 1849, a. 77, in B.
- ALEXANDER, ----, w. Joseph, Jan. 15, 1820, in B.
- ALLEN, Augusta, ch. Sanders and Judith, Dec. 16, 1825, a. 16 m., G.R.1.
- ALLEN, Augustus, ch. Sanders and Judith, Aug. 27, 1822, a. 5, G.R.1.
- ALLEN, Elijah Jr., June 25, 1816, in B. ["2d" s. Elijah and Lettice, a. 13 y. 4 m., G.R.1.]
- ALLEN, Elijah, Apr. 19, 1843, a. 78.
- ALLEN, Elvira, w. Lemuel, Aug. 27, 1831, a. 36. [Aug. 26, P.R.18. Aug. 27, P.R.19.]
- ALLEN, Normand Waldo, s. Lt. Alfred, Feb. 22, 1816. in B. [Norman W., s. Lt. Alfred and Lucebia, a. 3, G.R.1. Norman Waldo, "scalded to death in a pail of hot water,"a. 3. P.R.19.]
- ALLEN, ----, s. Sanders, Dec. 27, 1825, a. 1.
- ALLEN, ----, inf. Parsons, Apr. 8, 1835. [ch. Capt. Parsons, a. 5 d., P.R.19.]
- ALLEN, ----, ch. Parsons, Oct. 24, 1837, a. 43 d.
- ALVORD, Edward A., Mar. 1, 1846, a. 4, G.R.1. [ch. Rev. Alanson, in Charlton, P.R.19.]
- ANDERSON, Amasa, May 6, 1801, in B.
- ANDERSON, Mary, d. John and Mary, ----, in B.
- ANDERSON, Sarah W., Mrs., Feb. 16, 1848, a. 69, in Sturbridge, P.R.19.
- ANDERSON, William, Apr. 25, 1836, a. 63. [a. 60, P.R.19.]
- ANDERSON, ----, wid., May 1, 1806, in B.
- ANDREWS, Frank M., b. B., s. Miner and Sarah, scalt, Aug. 5. 1848, a. 2, in B. [by burning, C.R. s. Miner and Sarah K., a. 2 y. 1 m. 1 d., G.R.1.]
- ANDREWS, Horatio, Nov. 21, 1815, in B. [s. Col. Robert, Nov. 19, a. 4 m., P.R.19.]
- ANDREWS, Martha, twin ch. Capt. Robert. Mar. 20, 1819, a. 3 m., P.R.19.
- ANDREWS, Mary, twin ch. Capt. Robert, Mar. 20, 1819, a. 3 m., P.R.19.
- ANDREWS, Sarah K., b. B., w. Miner C. [C. partly erased, d. Albon Janes and Mary crossed out], Apr. 11, 1847, a. 26, in B. [w. Miner, G.R.1.]
- ANDREWS, Warren, Aug. 7, 1814, in B. [ch. Robert, Aug. 5, a. 5, P.R.19.]
- ANDREWS, ----, inf. Col. Robert, Dec. 13, 1826.
- ANTHONY, James of Providence, Feb. 12, 1836, a. 40.
- ARMS, Josiah, s. Josiah and Mary, Sept. 24, 1797, in B.
- ARMS, Josiah, Apr. 26, 1800, in B.
- ARMS, Polly, Apr. 9, 1806, in B.
- ASPINWALL(Aspenwall), Lucy, w. Prince. Oct. 1, 1807, in B.
- ASPINWALL(Aspenwall), Prince, Dec. 30, 1818, in B. [a. 80, P.R.19.]
- ASPINWALL(Aspenwall), Sybil (Aspenwall), wid. P., June 18, 1832, a. 65. [Aspinwall, wid. Prince, P.R.19.]
- ATCHENSON, Benoni, s. Benoni and Jemima, Sept. 2, 1738, in B.
- ATKINS, Thomas, Jan. 25, 1841, a. 55, at the poorhouse, C.R. [Atkinson, a. 54, P.R.19.]
- BABBIT, ----, Miss, Oct. ----, 1830, a. 64. [Hannah Babbett, Sept. 29, bur. at Brookfield, P.R.19.]
- BABCOCK, Jonathan, h. Mary, Dec. ----, 1760, in B.
- BACON, Eunice Lumbard, w. George, Aug. 2, 1832, a. 36, G.R.1.
- BACON, Fanny, ch. Amasa, Sept. 25, 1820, a 1, P.R.19.
- BACON, James, Feb. 9, 1816, in B. [Feb. 10, a. 81, P.R.19.]
- BACON, Martha, wid., Mar. 10, 1838, a. 95. [old age, Mar. 9, C.R. wid. James, Mar. 9, a. 95 y. 6 m., P.R.19.]
- BAKER, Hannah, b. B., wid. Joseph, heart disease, May 6, 1847, a. 77 y. 2 m., in B. [May 5, P.R.19.]
- BAKER, Joseph, Dec. 30, 1839, a. 66. [fit., a. 67, C.R. Dec. 29, [on stone beside that of Hannah) G.R.1. Dec. 29, a. 66, P.R.19.]
- BAKER, Lovina, d. Jos[eph], Nov. 20, 1801, in B.
- BALLEU (see also Bullen), Peter [? Balleu or Ballen], Aug. 30, 1816, in B.
- BANNISTER, Mercy, wid., July 19, 1825, a. 87.
- BARLOW, Peter, Aug. 30, 1815, a. 80, P.R.19.
- BARROWS, Albert H., s. Eli, July 28, 1842, a. 6. [s. Eli and Lucretia A., July 28, 1843, a. 6 y. 6 m. 17 d., July 23, 1843, P.R.19.]
- BARROWS, Charles, m., tailor, b. Thompson, Conn., bowel complaint, Nov. 15, 1846, a. 72, in B. [Dea. Charles. C.R. P.R.19.]
- BARROWS, Gershom, Capt., Oct. 23, 1814, in B. [Oct. 21, a. 84, P.R.19.]
- BATES, Eunice, w. Samuel, July 26, 1775, a. 31 [dup. 30], in B.
- BATES, George Washington Jr., July 4, 1814, in B. [s. George W., a. 5, P.R.19.]
- BATES, Joel, s. Rufus and Lucy, Dec. 23, 1792, in B.
- BATES, Keziah, w. Lt. Samuel, Jan. 24, 1802, in B.
- BATES, Lyman, s. Rufus and Lucy, Nov. 23, 1799, in B.
- BATES, Mary, w. Asa, Oct 9, 1771, in B.
- BATES, Rebecca, Dec. 8, 1799, in B.
- BATES, Samuel, s. Lemuel and Resina, July 17, 1786, in B.
- BATES, Samuel, June 22, 1825, a. 48.
- BATES, Simeon, Feb. 5, 1803, in B.
- BAXTER, John, Jan. 15, 1827, a. 71. [a. 70, G.R.1. a. 70, P.R.19.]
- BAXTER, Mercy, wid. Rev. Mr. Baxter of Medfield, Oct. 21, 1769, a. 90, in B.
- BEARD (see Breaid).
- BELKNAP, William Burke, Feb. 12, 1811, in B. [ch. Morris, a. 2, P.R.19.]
- BEMENT, Morana, July 15, 1780, a. 16, in B.
- BEMIS, Adaline, d. John Jr., putrid sore throat, May 31, 1838, a. 4. [June 1, C.R. Adaline Augusta, ch. John Jr. and Mary Ann, scarlet fever, May 31, a. 3, G.R.1. May 31, a. 3 1/2, P.R.19.]
- BEMIS, Mary Ann (see ---- Bemis, 1838).
- BEMIS, Solon, s. John Jr., putrid sore throat, May 23, 1838, a. 6. [May 24, C.R. Solon Newton Bemis, ch. John Jr. and Mary Ann, scarlet fever, May 23, a. 5, G.R.1.]
- BEMIS, ----, d. John Jr., putrid sore throat, May 11, 1838. a. 8. [May 12, a. 7, C.R. Mary Ann. ch. John Jr. and Mary Ann, May 11, a. 7. G.R.1.]
- BEMIS, ----, s. John Jr., Jan. 3, 1844, a. 7. [Jan. 5, C.R. Jan. 3, P.R.19.]
- BENSON, Lydia, Mar. 24, 1798, in B.
- BENSON, ----, s. Mr. Benson. "supposed to be poisoned." July 27, 1840, a. 2, C.R. [July 26. P.R.19.]
- BENSON, ----, b. B., ch. Herchell, Apr. 26 [1848], a. 12 [Apr. 26, 1848, C.R. P.R.19.]
- BISHOP, Elisha, s. Eben[eze]r and Lydia, Aug. ----, 1754. in B.
- BISHOP, Jacob, m., farmer, b. B., s. Richard and Peggy, palsy, Nov. 12 [1847] , a. 74 y. 6 m., in B. [Dea. Jacob, Nov. 12, 1847, C.R. Dea. Jacob, Nov. 12, 1847, [on stone beside that of Lucy, 1824] G.R.1.]
- BISHOP, Lucy, June 6 [June 6 written after Apr. 9 crossed out], 1824. a. 42. [June 6, [on stone beside that of Dea. Jacob] G.R.1.]
- BISHOP, Lucy, d. Harrison, Apr. 8, 1828. a. 1, P.R.19.
- BISHOP, Peggy, w. Richard, Jan. 7, 1826, a. 77, G.R.1. [Peggy (Goodale). P.R.7.]
- BISHOP, Rachel Lee, w. Richard. Dec. 22, 1769, in 31St y., P.R.7.
- BISHOP, Richard, Apr. 30, 1806. in B. [in 74th y. [on stone beside that of Peggy] G.R.1. h. Sarah (King), h. Rachel Lee, h. Peggy (Goodale), in 74th y., P.R.7.]
- BISHOP, Sally [Sally written in pencil], wid., Jan. 7, 1827, a. 77. [wid. Richard, P.R.19.]
- BISHOP, Sarah (King), w. Richard, Apr. 24, 1763. in 31st y. P.R.7.
- BISHOP, ----, mother of Richard, July 2, 1782, P.R.7.
- BLAIR, Damaris I., w. O. W., consumption, Sept. 14, 1839. a. 29, C.R. [w. Oliver W., G.R.1. Sept. 12, P.R.19.]
- BLAIR, Harriet, d. Oliver, Feb. 5, 1810, a. 17 m., bur. at Western [now Warren], P.R.19.
- BLAIR, Joseph, s. Oliver, Oct. 17, 1836, a. 21, in Wilbraham. [Joseph H., s. Oliver and Emma, a. 20, Joseph H., a. 21, "while at school at Wilbraham," P.R.19.]
- BLAIR, Joseph H. (see ---- Blair, 1839).
- BLAIR, ----, ch. Samuel, July 23, 1822, a. 5, P.R.19.
- BLAIR, ----, s. O. W., Oct. 12, 1839. a. 4 m., C.R. [Joseph H. s. Oliver W. and Damaris, G.R.1.]
- BLASHFIELD, Bathsheba, w. Capt. Osem, Dec. 24, 1838, a. 83, G.R.1. [wid. Capt. Ozem, formerly wid. Abel Burt, P.R.19.]
- BLASHFIELD, Betty, June 29, 1815, in B. [Betsey, a. 71, P.R.19.]
- BLASHFIELD, Eunice, w. Ozem, May 6, 1780, a. 31, in B. [Apr. 6, G.R.1.]
- BLASHFIELD, Experience, Sept. 21, 1820, in B. [w. Luke, a. 84, G.R.1. wid. Luke, a. 84, P.R.19.]
- BLASHFIELD, John, Nov. 8, 1802, in B.
- BLASHFIELD, John, Dec. 18, 1815, in B. [a. 63, bur. "on west side of Betsey," P.R.19.]
- BLASHFIELD, Lewis (see ---- Blashfield, 1833).
- BLASHFIELD, Luke, July 16, 1813, in B. [h. Experience. a. 91, G.R.1. a. 88, P.R.19.]
- BLASHFIELD, Lydia, wid., Apr. 24, 1804, in B.
- BLASHFIELD, Maria, d. Alfred. Mar. ----, 1801, in B.
- BLASHFIELD, Ozem, Apr. 11, 1808, in B. [Capt., a. 51. [on stone beside that of Eunice] G.R.1.]
- BLASHFIELD, Willinm, Feb. 19, 1791, a. 43. in B.
- BLASHFIELD, ----, ch. Alfred Jr., June 3, 1833, a. 13 d. [Lewis, June 2, a. 7 d., P.R.19.]
- BLISS, Aaron, m., farmer, old age, Mar. 11, 1848, a. 82, in B. [h. Rachel, G.R.1.]
- BLISS, Ann Eliza (see ---- Bliss, 1835).
- BLISS, Asenath P., wid., Sept. 19, 1848, in Worcester. C.R. [w. Thomas, Sept. 17, a. 60, G.R.1.]
- BLISS, Charles, s. Thomas, Jan. 16, 1837, a. 18. in Tolland, Conn. [Charles P. s. Thomas and Asenath P., G.R.1.]
- BLISS, Ester, w. John, Oct. 24, 1781, in B. [Esther. a. 36. G.R.1.]
- BLISS, Eunice, d. Ichabod and Mehitabel, Sept. 5, 1757, in B.
- BLISS, Eunice, d. Thomas and Sarah, Nov. 5, 1772, in B.
- BLISS, Eunice, Jan. 12, 1815, in B. [d. Ichabod and Thirza McCall. a. 17, G.R.1. a. 17, P.R.19.]
- BLISS, Ichabod, h. Mehitabel, Aug. 16. 1766. in B. [in 61st y., G.R.1.]
- BLISS, Ichabod, s. Ichabod, Feb. 23, 1811, in B. [s. Ichabod and Rebecca H., a. 5 m., G.R.1.]
- BLISS, Ichabod, Oct. 20, 1835, a. 67. [Oct. 21, [on stone beside that of Thirza McCall Bliss] G.R.1. OCt. 20, P.R.19.]
- BLISS, John, July 18, 1782, a. 35, in B. ["by turning over of a cart," [on stone with Esther] G.R.1.]
- BLISS, John, June 28, 1804, in B. ["by a hurt from a plow," in 29th y., G.R.1.]
- BLISS, John, s. Levi, Jan. 12, 1844, a. 2 m. [Jan. 13, 1840, C.R. ch. Levi and Rebecca H., Jan. 12, 1840, G.R.1. Jan. 12, 1840, a. 4, P.R.19.]
- BLISS, Margaret, Mrs., June 6, 1838, a. 46. [w. Timo[thy], fit, C.R. w. Timothy, G.R.1.]
- BLISS, Mehatable, w. Ichabod, Apr. 4, 1790, in B.
- BLISS, Rachel, wid. Aaron, old age, Oct. 5, 1849, a. 85, in B.
- BLISS, Sarah, w. Thomas, May 3, 1839, a. 91, G.R.1. [wid., a. 91 y. 8 m., P.R.19.]
- BLISS, Sarah, idiot. b. B., d. Thomas and Sarah, Mar. 29, 1846, a. 68, in B. [Mar. 23, C.R. Mar. 29, P.R.19.]
- BLISS, Thirza, w. Ichabod, May 6, 1804, in B. [Thirza McCall Bliss, a. 34, G.R.1.]
- BLISS, Thomas, Aug. 15, 1806, in B. [a. 64, [on stone beside that of Sarah, 1839] G.R.1.]
- BLISS, Thomas, Dec. 23, 1841, a. 64, [on stone beside that of Asenath P.] G.R.1. [a. 65, P.R.19.]
- BLISS, Thomas Hinckley, s. Levi, Apr. 21, 1827. [ch. Levi and Rebecca H., Apr. 20, a. 10 w. 4 d., G.R.1. Apr. 20, a. 11 w., P.R.19.]
- BLISS, Timothy Jr., farmer, b. B., s. Timothy, consumption, Aug. 22 [1844.], a. 25, in B. [Aug. 4, 1844, a. 26, C.R. Aug. 2, 1844, a. 26, G.R.1. Aug. 2, 1844, a. 25, P.R.19.
- BLISS, ----, inf. d. Thomas and Asenath, Apr. 17, 1814, G.R.1. [Apr. 14, P.R.19.]
- BLISS, ----, wid., May ----, 1816, in B.
- BLISS, ----, ch. Timothy, Dec. 15, 1822, P.R.19.
- BLISS, ----, inf. d. Levi, Oct. 25, 1835. [Ann Eliza, ch. Levi and Rebecca H., a. 12 w. 3 d., G.R.1.]
- BLISS, ----, of Warren, wid. Isaac, Dec. 23, 1837, C.R.
- BLISS, ----, [? ch.] John W., Feb. 13, 1841, P.R.19.
- BLISS, ----, ch. John W., stillborn, bur. Mar. 16, 1843, P.R.19.
- BLISS, ----, inf. s. Timothy and Margarett, ----, G.R.1.
- BLODGET (Blodgett), Almira (Blodgett), ch. William and Patty Phelps, ----, 1842, G.R.1. [d. William of Warren, Sept. 29, a. 22, P.R.19.]
- BLODGET (Blodgett), Daniel, July 2, 1823, a. 59. [July 4, P.R.19.]
- BLODGET (Blodgett), Elizabeth, w. Abner, Apr. 13, 1757, in B.
- BLODGET (Blodgett), Elizabeth, w. Abner, Feb. 4, 1761, in B.
- BLODGET (Blodgett), Hannah, w. James, Sept. 19, 1814, a. 36 y. 6 m., G.R.1. [w. Capt. James, P.R.19.]
- BLODGET (Blodgett), Hannah (see ---- Blodget, 1845).
- BLODGET (Blodgett), Jonas, Lt., Apr. 18, 1839, a. 95. [old age, a. 94, C.R. Blodgett. h. Rhoda (Dady), G.R.1. Blodgett, a. 95 y. 6 m., P.R.19.]
- BLODGET (Blodgett), Joseph, Sept. 17, 1819, in B. [a. 39, G.R.1. a. 40, P.R.19.]
- BLODGET (Blodgett), Loammi, Sept. 23, 1803, in B.
- BLODGET (Blodgett), Lydia, d. Caleb and Ruth, Mar. 15, 1798, in B.
- BLODGET (Blodgett), Maria (Blodgett), ch. William and Patty Phelps, ----, 1834, G.R.1. [May 5, a. 2 1/2, P.R.19.]
- BLODGET (Blodgett), Phila, d. Caleb and Ruth, Apr. 22, 1798, in B.
- BLODGET (Blodgett), Rhoda, w. Lt. Jonas, Apr. 18, 1825, a. 75. [Rhoda (Dady) Blodgett, G.R.1.]
- BLODGET (Blodgett), Sarah, w. Joseph, May 8, 1735, in B.
- BLODGET (Blodgett), Tammy, Aug. 1, 1829, a. 40. [d. Lt. Jonas, Aug. 3, P.R.19.]
- BLODGET (Blodgett), William (Blodgett), ch. William and Patty Phelps, ----, 1845, G.R.1. [in Palmer, bur. in B. Nov. 14, P.R.19.]
- BLODGET (Blodgett), ----, w. Capt. James, Sept. 19, 1804, in B.
- BLODGET (Blodgett), ---- (Blodgett), ch. Daniel, Mar. 22, 1810, a. 4 m., P.R.19.
- BLODGET (Blodgett), ----, ch. Cyrus, stillborn, Feb. 5, 1824, P.R.19.
- BLODGET (Blodgett), ----, ch. Cyrus, Oct. 9, 1828, a. 10 m., P.R.19.
- BLODGET (Blodgett), ----, wid., old age, Jan. 24, 1845, a. 96, in B. [Hannah Bugbee, w. David, G.R.1. Hannah Blodgett, Jan. 4[sic], bur. "west of her first husband, David Bugbee," P.R.19.]
- BOND, Bailey, Sept. 22, 1840, a. 80, at the poorhouse, C.R. [In lot with Elizabeth and Rachel, G.R.1. Sept. 20. P.R.19.]
- BOND, Calvin F., s. Foster and Eliza, Aug. 4, 1848, a. 3 y. 5 m., G.R.1. [in Sturbridge, P.R.19.]
- BOND, Charles, July 7, 1816, in B. [a. 35, [on stone beside that of Bailey] G.R.1. July 8. a. 35, P.R.19.]
- BOND, Charles W. (see ---- Bond, 1842).
- BOND, Daniel G., b. Warren [Warren written below Brimfield crossed ant], s. Samuel and Mary, June 9 [1845] a. 2, in B. [June 10, 1845, C.R.]
- BOND, Edward, Feb. 12, 1776, in Lecister.
- BOND, Edward Jr., Aug. 20, 1776, a. 39, at Fort George.
- BOND, Edwin P., Sept. 23, 1832, a. 2, [on stone beside that of Marcy [(Nichols)]] G.R.1.
- BOND, Elisabeth, b. B., d. Samuel and Mary, dropsy in head, July 21, 1847, a. 10 m., in B.
- BOND, Eliza, d. David, Mar. 8, 1812, in B. [Mar. 9, a. 2, P.R.19.]
- BOND, Eliza, Miss, May 15, 1837, a. 22. [Elisabeth, d. Ronaldson, P.R.15.]
- BOND, Elizabeth (see ---- Bond, 1806, also Eliza, 1837, and Elisabeth, 1847).
- BOND, Esther, w. George, Sept. 9, 1815, in B. [a. 43, G.R.1. P.R.19.]
- BOND, Jacob, s. Ephraim and Eleanor, Dec. 14, 1775, in B.
- BOND, Jacob, s. Ephraim and Elanor, May 23, 1781, a. 4, in B.
- BOND, John, July 31, 1775, a. 59, in B.
- BOND, John, Apr. 25, 1824, a. 83, in B.
- BOND, John, pauper, b. B., s. Linus and Nancy C., consumption, July 27, 1846, a. 31, in B. [July 28, in the poorhouse, C.R. July 27, P.R.19.]
- BOND, John S. (see Sumner)
- BOND, Judah S., s. David and Susanna, Nov. 11, 1812, a. 9, G.R.1.
- BOND, Julia, d. John, Mar. 29, 1842. [a. 20, C.R. Julia A., Mar. 26, a. 22, G.R.1.]
- BOND, Lucy, d. John dec'd, Jan. 9, 1777, a. 15, in B.
- BOND, Mahitable, wid. Col. William, disease of heart, Jan. 31, 1849, a. 79, in B. [Mehetable, C.R. Mehitable, wid. Col. William of Watertown, G.R.1.]
- BOND, Marcy, wid., Nov. 20, 1815, in B. [w. Mark, Nov. 19, a. 76, P.R.19.]
- BOND, Mark, Apr. 18, 1807, in B.
- BOND, Mehitable (see Mahitable)
- BOND, Polly, d. Ephraim and Elenor, Aug. 15, 1783, a. 2, in B.
- BOND, Rachel, wid. Bailey, old age, Feb. 27 [1845], a. 80, in B. [Feb. 28, 1845. a. 81, C.R. Feb. 27, 1845, a. 80, G.R.1. P.R.19.]
- BOND, Rowlandson, Mar. 7, 1831, a. 62[dup. 64]. [Ronaldson, a. 62, P.R.19.]
- BOND, Samuel, s. John dec'd., Jan. 7, 1777, a. 29, in B.
- BOND, Sumner, s. George, Sept. 24, 1810, in B. [John S., s. George and Esther, a. 2, G.R.1. John S., a. 2 y. 3 m., P.R.19.]
- BOND, Wilson H., ch. Foster and Eliza, Jan. 1, 1843, a. 2, G.R.1. [a. 2 y. 6 m. in Sturbridge, P.R.19.]
- BOND, ----, w. Baily, June 8, 1806, in B. [Elizabeth, w. Bailey, June 18, a. 47, G.R.1.]
- BOND, ----, ch. David, Jan. 22, 1813. a. 3 m., P.R.19.
- BOND, ----, ch. David, Feb. 4, 1813, P.R.19.
- BOND, ----, ch. Ronaldson, June 16, 1820. a. 8 m., P.R.19.
- BOND, ----, w. Mark, consumption, May 13, 1838, a. 24, C.R. [w. Marquis. May 12, P.R.19.]
- BOND, ----, ch. Foster, Sept. 13, 1842. a. 8 m. [Charles W., ch. Foster and Eliza, Sept. 12, 1843, a. 7 m., G.R.1. Charles W., Sept. 13, 1843, a. 8 m., in Sturbridge, P.R.19.]
- BOWEN, William, b. England, Mar. 12, 1767, in B.
- BRAINARD, Vashti, w. Timo[thy], Dec. 25, 1812, in B.
- BREAID, ----, ch. Leander, stillborn, July 14 [1844], in B. [Beard, P.R.19.]
- BREWER, Cordelia K. (see ---- Brewer, 1826).
- BREWER, Horrace, s. John A., Feb. 22, 1836, a. 7. [Horace M., s. John A. and Margaret B., a. 5 y. 10 m. 1 d., G.R.1.]
- BREWER, Philena, d. John A., May 17, 1833, a. 7. [Philena S., ch. John A. and Margaret B., G.R.1.]
- BREWER, ----, ch. John A., June 2, 1826, a. 1. [Cordelia K., a. John A. and Margaret B., a. 17 m., G.R.1. Cordelia, June 3, a. 17 m., P.R.19.]
- BRIDGES, David, June 22, 1817, in B. [a. 14, P.R.19.]
- BRIDGHAM, James, Rev., Sept. 16, 1776, a. 69, in B. [Sept. 17, C.R.]
- BRIDGHAM, Martha, d. Rev. James and Martha, Aug. 5, 1753, in B.
- BRIDGHAM, Martha, w. James, June 3, 1760, a. 41, in Brookline.
- BRIDGHAM, Mary, w. Rev. Ja[me]s, Apr. 22, 1774, a. 50, in B.
- BRIDGHAM, Pouning, s. Rev. James (Bridham), Dec. 29, 1762, in B.
- BRIDGHAM, Powning, s. James and Martha, Jan. 3, 1756, in B.
- BRIDGHAM, Samuell, s. James and Martha, Oct. 8, 1759, a. 18, in Cambridge.
- BROOKS (Brook), Abel (Brook), s. Deliverance (Brooks) and Mary, Dec. 19, 1752, in B.
- BROOKS (Brook), Mary, w. Deliverance, Oct. ----, 1759, in B.
- BROOKS (Brook), Mary, w. Sylvanus, Nov. 18, 1815, in B. [a. 56, bur. "beside her mother, Widow Shaw," P.R.19.]
- BROOKS (Brook), Moses, Oct. 2, 1798, in B.
- BROOKS (Brook), Sylvanus, Apr. 17, 1822, in B. [Apr. 18, a. 71, bur. "beside his wife," P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Abigail, Apr. 23, 1803, in B.
- BROWN, Abigail, 1809 (see Nabby).
- BROWN, Abigail, 1817 (see Nabby).
- BROWN, Adolphus, twin ch. Samuel, June ----, 1809, in B. [June 12, P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Albert Blair, s. C. [dup. Cyrel] R. and M., Mar. 6 [Dup. Mar. 21, 1835. [Mar. 31, G.R.1. S. Dea. Cyril R., Mar. 21, a. 15 d., P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Archelaus, Jan. 25, 1816, in B. [a. 66, P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Bartholomew Jr., Jan. 21, 1816, in B. [a. 33, [in lot with Bartholomew, 1829] G.R.1. a. 33, P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Bartholomew, Nov. 21, 1829, a. 77. [Lt., [in lot with Lucy] G.R.1.]
- BROWN, Bathsheba, Mar. 18, 1797, in B.
- BROWN, Charity, d. Justus, Dec. 9, 1810, in B. [a. 3 m., P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Charles, s. Col. A. and Jedidah, Aug. 1, 1824, in B. [Charles S., G.R.1. Charles Sumner Brown, s. Col. Abner, Aug. 17, a. 4, P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Charles, s. James, Oct. 5, 1827. [Charles Frederic, s. James and Emily, a. 6 m., G.R.1.]
- BROWN, Charles Theodore, s. James and Emily, Nov. 6, 1828, G.R.1. [a. 12 d., P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Cyrel, s. David and Molly (Watson), Dec. 31, 1794. P.R.6.
- BROWN, David Jr., July 25, 1808, in B. [s. Dea. David and Mary (Watson), G.R.1. P.R.6.]
- BROWN, David, Dea., Nov. 5, 1829, a. 77. [h. Mary (Watson). G.R.1. h. Mary (Watson), Nov. 3, P.R.6. Nov. 3, a. 78, P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Eliza Ann, d. [dup. Capt.] C. R. and M., Feb. 16, 1831 [dup. a. 5]. [d. Dea. Cyril R., a. 5, P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Henry Read, s. C. R. and Mary, Feb. 22 [dup. Feb. 20], 1831 [dup. a. 2], [s. Dea. C. R., a. 2 y. 8 m., P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Isichar, Dea., June 21, 1836. a. 91. [Dea. Issachar. a. 90. [in lot with Rhoda] G.R.1. Dea. Issachar, a. 91, P.R.19.]
- BROWN, John, s. Col. Isichar, Mar. ----, 1828, a. 21. [s. Col. Issachar and Gratis, Mar. 20. G.R.1. Mar. 20. P.R.1. Feb. 20, P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Jona[than] Sr. Sept. 26, 1799, in B.
- BROWN, Jona[than], Lt., Mar. 4, 1813. in B. [a. 68, [on stone beside that of Abigail] G.R.1. a. 69, P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Lavinia G. b. B., d. William and Hannah, consumption, June 3, 1845, a. 17. in B. [June 2, C.R. June 3, G.R.1. P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Lucretia, d. Jonathan, Aug. 29, 1826, a. 3. [ch. Jonathan and Lucretia (Bugbee), Aug. 28, G.R.1. d. Jonathan Jr. and Lucretia (Bugbee), Aug. 29, P.R.4. Sept. 2 [sic]. P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Lucretia, b. B., w. Jona, dysentery, Sept. 11, 1849, a. 62. in B. [w. Jonathan, C.R. Lucretia (Bugbee), w. Jonathan, G.R.1. Lucretia (Bugbee), w. Jonathan Jr., P.R.4.]
- BROWN, Lucy, w. Lt. B. Jan. 29, 1816, in B. [w. Bartholomew, a. 58. G.R.1. P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Lydia, d. David and Molly (Watson). Feb. 11, 1795. P.R.6.
- BROWN, Lydia, d. Calvin, Nov. 11, 1814, a. 8 [dup. a. 4], P.R.19.
- BROWN, Mary, w. Robert, Mar. 5, 1753, in B.
- BROWN, Mary, wid. David, Aug. 14, 1834. [Mary (Watson), w. Dea. David, Aug. 15, G.R.1. Aug. 15, P.R.6. wid. Dea. David, Aug. 14, a. 80, P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Mary A. Vaughn, w. J. Richard, ----, 1826, G.R.1.
- BROWN, Mary M. (see ---- Brown, 1842).
- BROWN, Nabby, w. Lt. Jona[than], Mar. 4, 1809, in B. [Abigail, a. 63, G.R.1. Abigail, a. 65, P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Nabby, w. William, May 17, 1817, in B. [Abigail, May 18, a. 33, G.R.1. May 18, a. 33, P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Oril, Mrs., Dec. 11, 1814, a. 35, G.R.1. [w. Calvin, P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Peter, Capt., Indian, Apr. 15, 1810, in B.
- BROWN, Rhoda, wid. Dea. I., Dec. 24, 1836, a. 89. [wid. Dea. Issachar, a. 86, G.R.1. w. Dea. Issachar, a. 87, P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Sally, w. Arch[elau]s, Jan. 27, 1816, in B. [Jan. 26, a. 57, P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Samuel W., s. David and Molly (Watson), Nov. 10, 1813, P.R.6.
- BROWN, Sarah (see ----Brown, 1839).
- BROWN, Sarah G., w. Bartholomew, Dec. 8, 1849, G.R.1. [in New York City, P.R.19.]
- BROWN, Sarah Wyles, d. Bartholomew and Sarah G., June 10, 1848, a. 5 m., G.R.1. [in New York City, P.R.19.]
- BROWN, William J., Sept. 20, 1844. a. 19, in Kentucky, [on stone beside that of Lavinia C.] G.R.1.
- BROWN, ----, d. Archelaus, Oct. 7, 1801, in B.
- BROWN, ----, ch. William, stillborn, Mar. 15, 1815, P.R.19.
- BROWN, ----, ch. Capt. Abner, Dec. 18, 1816, a. 9 d., P.R.13.
- BROWN, ----, ch. William, Nov. 21, 1820, a. 14 d., P.R.19.
- BROWN, ----, ch. Col. Abner, July 13, 1821, a. 3 w., P.R.19.
- BROWN, ----, ch. Col. Abner, Mar. 23, 1823, a. 3 w. P.R.19.
- BROWN, ----, inf. Col. Abner, Mar. 23, 1827. [Mar. 22, a. 12 d., P.R.19.]
- BROWN, ----, w. Bliss, May 3, 1839, a. 91. [Sarah, wid., old age, C.R.]
- BROWN, ----, ch. Dauphin, Oct. 5, 1842, a. 6 m. [sic] [Oct. 4, C.R. Mary M., Oct. 5, G.R.1. Mary Matilda, d. Dauphin and Abbie Banister (Nutting), P.R.17. Oct. 5, P.R.19.]
- BROWN, ----, d. Oril, ----, G.R.1.
- BROWNELL, Bainbrige, s. David, Aug. 1, 1827. [Bainbridge, s. David and Susan, a. 3, G.R.1.]
- BROWNELL, Darling McIntire, s. Jesse Lee and Melinda, Sept. 2 [dup. Sept. 3], 1823 [dup. a. 2]. in B. [Darlin M., Sept. 2, a. 2, G.R.2. Darling M., Sept. 2, a. 2, P.R.19.]
- BROWNELL, Elizabeth, W. Nathan, Dec. 29, 1827, a. 74, G.R.2.
- BROWNELL, Joseph, Mar. 6, 1817, a. 69, P.R.19.
- BROWNELL, Nathan, Mar. 6, 1817, in B. [Nathaniel, a. 69, [on stone beside that of Elizabeth] C.R.2.]
- BROWNING, Bathsheba, Mrs., July 17, 1837, a. 67. [Bashua, w. Joseph D. [this entry written in pencil], C.R. Bathsheba, w. Joseph D., July 7, a. 68, G.R.1. Bathsheba, w. Joseph D., July 7, a. 67, P.R.19.]
- BROWNING, Betty, d. Jos[ep]h and Lois, Mar. 17, 1772, in B.
- BROWNING, James, July 2, 1821, a. 51, P.R.19.
- BROWNING, Joseph Esq. Dec. 26, 1813, in B. [a. 82, G.R.1. a. 80, P.R.19.]
- BROWNING, Louis, W. Capt. Joseph, June 15, 1781, a. 46, in B.
- BROWNING, Lucinda, Apr. 31, 1826, a. 20. [d. James. Apr. 29, P.R.19.]
- BROWNING, M[worn]garet, w. Joseph D., Dec. 31, 1793, a. 23, G.R.1.
- BROWNING, Marianne, d. Davis, July 7, 1801, in B. [Mary Ann, d. Joseph D. and Bathshua, July 6, 1802. a. 3, G.R.1.]
- BROWNING, Mary, wid., May 24, 1814, in B. [wid. Joseph Esq., a. 76, P.R.19.]
- BROWNING, Mary Ann (see Marianne).
- BRUCE, ----, d. Lyman, Aug. 13, 1833, a. 3. [Lydia, d. Lyman and Lydia, a. 2 y. 11 m., G.R.1.]
- BUGBEE, Abigail W., d. Haviland, Aug. 10, 1826, a. 5 w., P.R.19.
- BUGBEE, Anna, wid., Mar. 30, 1830, a. 92, P.R.19.
- BUGBEE, David, July 29, 1822, a. 72, [on stone beside that of Hannah] G.R.1.
- BUGBEE, George H., ch. Haviland, Feb. 3, 1828, a. 4 d. P.R.19.
- BUGBEE, Hannah, w. Stephen, May 30, 1842, a. 25. [May 22, 1843, C.R. Hannah B., May 20, 1843, bur. at Wales, P.R.19.]
- BUGBEE, Hannah (see ----Blodget. 1845).
- BUGBEE, Haryland, Jan. 15, 1834, a. 59. [Harvaland, G.R.1. Haviand, P.R.19.]
- BUGBEE, ----, inf. Harrison. Aug. 1, 1826.
- BUGBEE, ----, Mrs., Feb. ----, 1830, a. 90.
- BUGBEE, ----, Mrs., Jan. 29, 1843 [see also ---- Blodget, 1845]. C.R.
- BULLEN (see also Balleu), Abigail, d. John and Abigail, Apr. 8, 1748. in B.
- BULLEN (see also Balleu), Abigail, w. John, Sept. 18, 1757, in B.
- BULLEN (see also Balleu), John, s. John and Abigail, June 6, 1741, in B.
- BULLEN (see also Balleu), John, h. Sarah, Jan. 28, 1757, in B.
- BULLEN (see also Balleu), Mary, d. John and Sarah, July 15, 1735, in B.
- BULLEN (see also Balleu), Sarah, d. John and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1735, in B.
- BULLEN (see also Balleu), Sarah, d. John and Abigail, June 7, 1741, in B.
- BULLEN (see also Balleu), Solomon, s. John and Abigail, July 31, 1744, in B.
- BULLEN (see also Balleu), ----, two chn. John, abt. Sept. 18, 1757, in B.
- BURK, Sarah, w. Jonathan Jr., Nov. 12, 1761 [sic, see birth of Elizabeth], in B.
- BURT, Abel, July 8, 1788, in B. [in 35th y., [on stone with Matilda and Artemas D.] G.R.1.]
- BURT, Artemas Devonpoart, s. Abel and Bathsheba, Dec. 9, 1786, in B. [a. 1 y. 14 d., G.R.1.]
- BURT, Benjamin, ----, 1776, in the army.
- BURT, Bethiah, w. Dea. Henry, Mar. 21, 1776, a. 82, in B.
- BURT, Daniel Esq., Feb. 27, 1771, a. 68, in B. ["in our late expedition he served as a Captain and Major," selectman, justice of the peace, representative, in 68th y., G.R.1.]
- BURT, Daniel Sr., Sept. 22, 1812, in B. [a. 83, [on stone beside that of Mary, 1818] G.R.1.]
- BURT, Daniel, Dec. 25, 1823, a. 42, in B. [Daniel Jr., a. 41, [on stone beside that of Eliza] G.R.1.]
- BURT, Daniel Sherman, s. Dan[ie]l Jr., Mar. 7, 1811, in B. [s. Daniel Jr. and Eliza, a. 3, G.R.1.]
- BURT, Eliza, d. [sic] Daniel Jr., May 16, 1812, in B. [w. Daniel Jr., a. 27, G.R.1.]
- BURT, Experience, w. Daniel, Sept. 28, 1775, a. 44, in B. [in 44th y., G.R.1.]
- BURT, Fisher Ames, s. Julius and Prudence, July 6, 1828, a. 2. G.R.1. [July 7, P.R.19.]
- BURT, Hannah, d. John and Mary, Feb. 19, 1754, in B.
- BURT, Huldah, w. Henry Jr., Apr. 4, 1758. in B.
- BURT, John, s. John and Mary, Sept. ----, 1755, in B.
- BURT, John, h. Mary, Apr. 22, 1756, in B. [in 57th y. G.R.1.]
- BURT, Jonathan, s. Henry and Huldah, Feb. 1, 1749-50. in B.
- BURT, Jonathan, s. Henry Jr. and Hannah, Apr. 16, 1761 [sic, ? 1767], in B.
- BURT, Luce, d. Daniell and Margret, Feb. 3, 1756, in B. [Lucy, d. Daniel and Margret, a. 19, G.R.1.]
- BURT, Lucy, d. Daniel and Expe[rience], Nov. 10, 1775. a. 16, in B. [in 16th y., G.R.1.]
- BURT, Mary (see ----Burt, 1818).
- BURT, Mary, Miss, Dec. 20, 1822, a. 33, [in lot with Daniel and Mary] G.R.1.
- BURT, Matilda, d. Abel and Bathsheba, Dec. 4, 1786, in B. [in 3d y., G.R.1.]
- BURT, Reuben, s. Reuben and Beulah, Aug. 14, 1761, in B.
- BURT, Sarah, d. Henry Jr., Oct. 14, 1775, a. 14, in B.
- BURT, ----, second w. Daniel, Jan. 13, 1818, in B. [Mary, w. Daniel. a. 70, G.R.1. P.R.19.]
- BURT, ----, s. Jeremy, stillborn, Jan. 13, 1844.
- BURT, ----, b. B., s. Jeremiah, malformation, Nov. 18, 1845, a. 1 d. in B. [s. Jeremy, P.R.19.]
- BUTLER, John, Dr., Feb. 21, 1811, in B. [Feb. 22, a. 30, bur. at Oakham, P.R.19. P.R.20.]
- BUTTERFIELD, Vienna, tailoress, b. Gardiner, Me., w. William H. [d. James Hutchinson crossed out], fit appoplexy, Jan. 8, 1848, a. 26, in B. [Vienna E., G.R.1. Vienna H., P.R.19.]
- BUTTERWORTH, Sarah, wid., May 29, 1846, a 76, [on stone beside that of William, 1819] G.R.1. [in Monson, P.R.19.]
- BUTTERWORTH, William Jr., Oct. 28, 1813, in B. [----, ch. William, Oct. 29, a. 6 w., P.R.19.]
- BUTTERWORTH, William, Feb. 11, 1819, in B. [a. 48, "Erected by S. P. Butterworth," G.R.1.]
- BUXTON, Joshua, h. Mehitable, Aug. 24, 1825, G.R.1.
- CAESAR, Betsey, black, July 25, 1843, a. 87. [bur. at Monson, P.R.19.]
- CAPRON, Mary, Sept 26, 1804, in B.
- CARPENTER, Zebulon, s. William and Hannah, June 20, 1761, in B.
- CARTER, Edwin Ballard [dup. omits Ballard], s. Elias and Eudotia, Sept. 28, 1812 [dup. in B.]. [a. 1 y. 9 m., P.R.19.]
- CARTER, Sally, Dec. 8, 1826, a. 27. [Dec. 2, a. 28, P.R.19.]
- CARTER, ----, w. ----, Apr. ----, 1832, P.R.19.
- CARTER, ----, ch. Thomas, Oct. 18, 1836.
- CHANDLER, Charles, s. Lem[ue]l, Oct. 12, 1836, a. 23. [s. Lemuel and Erepia, G.R.1. Oct. 11, a. 21, P.R.19.]
- CHAPIN, Matilda, w. Jonathan, d. Uriah Fay, Mar. 3, 1796, a. 21, G.R.1.
- CHAPIN, ----, ch. Warren, Aug. ----, 1829, a. 15 m., P.R.19.
- CHAPIN, ----, wid., June 22, 1837, a. 96. [sister of Judah Ferry, a. 97, bur. at Warren, P.R.19.]
- CHAPIN, ----, inf. Jonathan and Matilda, ----, G.R.1.
- CHARLES(Charls), Aaron (Charls), s. Aaron and Elizabeth, Sept. 30, 1754, in B.
- CHARLES(Charls), Aaron, Capt., Nov. 18, 1802, in B. [in 79th y., [on stone beside that of Elizabeth, 1819] G.R.1.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Aaron, Sept. 15, 1826, a. 71. [On stone beside that of Elizabeth, 1833, G.R.1.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Abigail (Charls), d. John and Abigail, Nov. 28, 174[?], in B.
- CHARLES(Charls), Abraham, May 26, 1804, in B. [May 25, a. 88 y. 5 m. 27 d., [on stone beside that of Sarah, 1795] G.R.1.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Almira, d. Nathaniel, Oct. 5, 1803, in B. [Elmira, d. Nathaniel and Mary, a. 18 m., G.R.1.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Araunah, Lt., May 11, 1821, in B. [a. 54, [on stone beside that of Polly, 1806] G.R.1. Lt. Arunah, May 12, a. 54, P.R.19.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Danforth, s. Solomon, Sept. 29, 1778, a. 1, in B.
- CHARLES(Charls), Daniel, s. Daniel, Aug. 25, 1813, in B. [Daniel Faulkner Charles, s. Darius and Prudence, a. 3, G.R.1. ch. Capt. Darius, a. 3, P.R.19.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Dwight, s. Capt. Darius, Mar. 8, 1824. in B. [s. Darius and Prudence, a. 7, G.R.1. a. 8, P.R.19.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Elizabeth (Charls), d. Aaron and Elizabeth. Oct. 7, 1754. in B.
- CHARLES(Charls), Elizabeth, wid. Apr. 9, 1819. in B. [wid. Capt. Aaron, a. 92. G.R.1. wid. Capt. Aaron, a. 91, P.R.19.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Elizabeth, w. Aaron, Nov. 26, 1835, a. 82, G.R.1. [wid. Aaron, P.R.19.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Elmira (see Almira).
- CHARLES(Charls), John, s. Nathaniel, Aug. 20, 1807, in B. [s. Nathaniel and Mary, a. 13, G.R.1.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Jona[than], Apr. 17, 1805, in B. [a. 50, [in lot with Elizabeth Bond. 1806] G.R.1.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Juda, Mar. 4, 1819, in B. [Judith, a. 62. bur. "beside Mrs. Bond, her sister," P.R.19.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Judith (Charls), d. Jonathan and Judith, Oct. ----. 1754. in B.
- CHARLES(Charls), Levi, s. Jonathan and Judith, July 30, 1764. in B.
- CHARLES(Charls), Levi, Apr. 28, 1841, a. 66, C.R. [h. Sarah. G.R.1. Apr. 27. a. 67, P.R.19.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Mary, w. Solomon. Aug. 22, 1791. in B.
- CHARLES(Charls), Nathaniel, Mar. 12, 1819. in B. [a. 56. [in lot with Elmira, Sophia and John] G.R.1.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Olive (Charls), d. John Jr. and Elizabeth, Jan. 29, 1756. in B.
- CHARLES(Charls), Pease, d. Solomon and Mary, Apr. 17, 1791, in B. Peletiah, Dec. 2, 1795, a. 28 y. 10 m. 3 d., G.R.1.
- CHARLES(Charls), Phebe, w. Thomas, Aug. 21, 1833, a. 73. [d. Mark Bond and Sarah, a. 74, G.R.1. a. 73, P.R.19.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Polly, July 24, 1806, in B. [w. Lt. Araunah, in 40th y., G.R.1.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Prudence, w. Capt. Darius, Feb. 4, 1824, in B. [Prudence Faulkner Charles, a. 45, G.R.1. a. 46, P.R.19.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Sarah, w. Abraham, Mar. 27, 1795, a. 68 y. 9 m. 20 d., G.R.1.
- CHARLES(Charls), Sarah, w. Abraham, Feb. 6, 1840, a. 27. [consumpson, a. 26, C.R. Sarah T., a. 26, G.R.1. Sarah Jane (Thompson), in B., d. Joel Thompson, "sister of CHARLES(Charls), Joel Thompson, and children of Mrs. Darius Charles and all the children she had," P.R.19.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Simeon, Aug. 30, 1828. a. 64.
- CHARLES(Charls), Sophia, d. Nathaniel, Apr. 24., 1811, in B. [d. Nathaniel and Mary, a. 9 m., G.R.1. Apr. 24, 1811, P.R.19.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Thomas (Charls), s. Aaron and Elizabeth, Oct. 5, 1754, in B.
- CHARLES(Charls), Thomas, Apr. 3, 1843, a. 84. [Apr. 4, at poorhouse. C.R. Apr. 3. P.R.19.]
- CHARLES(Charls), Tirza, w. Capt. Darius, Mar. 22, 1826, a. 36. [Tirzah Holbrook Charles, G.R.1.]
- CHARLES(Charls), ----, ch. James, Feb. 1, 1829, a. 6 m.
- CHURCH, Bradford, b. B., s. James S. and Josephine [Josephine written above Sophia crossed out], cholera infanturn, Nov. 11, 1846. a. 11 m., in B. [s. James Sherman and Josephine, bur. at Wales, P.R.19.]
- CLAP, ----, ch. Lowel, drowned, Apr. 23, 1812, in B. [Horace Clapp, s. Lowell, Apr. 25, a. 6 y. 2 m., P.R.19.]
- CLARK(Clerk), Ann Judson, d. Lorin and Mary, June 5, 1834, a. 15 m., G.R.1.
- CLARK(Clerk), Daniel, Aug. 20, 1810, in B. [a. 64, P.R.19.]
- CLARK(Clerk), George, Dec. 13, 1830. [Dec. 11, a. 15, P.R.19.]
- CLARK(Clerk), Mehitable (see ----Clark, 1837).
- CLARK(Clerk), Nathaniel, July 6, 1775, a. 75, in B.
- CLARK(Clerk), Prudense, idiot, pauper, d. Nathaniel, mortification, Mar. 17 [1846]. a. 30. in B. [Prudence, Mar. 17, 1846. P.R.19.]
- CLARK(Clerk), ----, (Clerk). d. Nathaniell and Marcy, July ----, 1756, in B.
- CLARK(Clerk), ----, wid., Jan. 17, 1827, a. 82. [a. 79. P.R.19.]
- CLARK(Clerk), ----, inf. Loren, Feb. 15, 1827. [d. Lorin and Mary, Feb. 16, a. 2 d., G.R.1. Feb. 16, a. 2 d. P.R.19.]
- CLARK(Clerk), ----, Mrs., Sept. 20, 1837, a. 42. [Mehitable, wid. Dexter, Sept. 18. bur. at Southbridge, P.R.19.]
- CLARK(Clerk), ----, Chester, stillborn, bur. Jan. 20, 1838, P.R.19.
- CLOUGH, Melina, b. Monson, w. Ralph, consumption, Nov. 12, 1846, a. 27, in B. [Nov. 15, C.R. Nov. 12, bur. at Belchertown, P.R.19.]
- COLLINS, Anna, d. Nathaniell and Deborah, Mar. ----, in B.
- COLLINS, Christopher, s. Nathaniell Jr. and Phebe, Nov. ----, 1757, in B.
- COLLINS, Nathan, h. Phebe, s. Nathan Sr., Oct. 12, 1765, in B.
- COLLINS, Nathan, Aug. 8, 1767, a. 85, in B.
- COLLINS, William, s. Nathaniell and Deborah, Nov. 23, 1757, in B.
- COLTON, Abigail, d. Timothy and Mary, Oct. 31, 1734, in B.
- COLTON, Chauncy, m., farmer, b. Longmeadow, s. Charles, Oct. 1, 1847, a. 73, in B. [bur. at Wilbraham, P.R.19.]
- COLTON, Deborah, d. Timothy and Mary, Mar. 15, 1748, in B.
- COLTON, Johannah, d. Joseph and Ruth, Aug. 19, 1754, in B.
- COLTON, Joseph, s. Joseph and Ruth, Aug. 18, 1754, in B.
- COLTON, Joseph, s. Joseph and Ruth, Mar. 10, 1760, in B.
- COLTON, Mary, d. George and Experiance, Oct. 26, 1749, in B.
- COLTON, Mary, w. Timothy, Aug. 6, 1756, in B.
- COLTON, Timothy, s. Timoth[y], Aug. 29, 1756, in B.
- CONVERSE, Charles, s. Marquis, Apr. 10, 1812, in B. [s. Marquis and Sophia, G.R.1. a. 16 m., P.R.19.]
- CONVERSE, Eunice, wid., of Thompson, Conn., Jan. 23, 1842, a. 82, bur. at Thompson, P.R.19.
- CONVERSE, Joseph Jr., s. Joseph and Polly, Mar. 20, 1805, a. 2 y. 10 m., G.R.1.
- CONVERSE, Marquis Esq., Oct. 12, 1842, a. 56. [a. 57, C.R. h. Sophia (Lyon), G.R.1. a. 57, P.R.19.]
- CONVERSE, Polly, w. Joseph, Mar. ----, 1809, in B. [Feb. 28, in 27th y., G.R.1.]
- CONVERSE, ----, ch. Henry, Mar. 27, 1837, a. 7 m., P.R.19.
- CONVERSE, ----, b. B., ch. Henry and Sarah, Jan. 30, 1849, a. 6 m., in B.
- COOLEY, Abner, s. David and Margret, May 29, 1750. in B.
- COOLEY, Azariah, Feb. 28, 1777, a. 46, in B.
- COOLEY, Elizabeth, w. Benjamin Jr., Oct. 26, 1743, in B.
- COOLEY, Mary, w. Noah, Jan. 4, 1733, in B.
- CORBIN, Solomon, farmer, disorder of the liver, Feb. 15 [1845], a. 44, in B. [Feb. 16, 1845, a. 49, at poorhouse, C.R. Feb. 15, 1845, a. 44, P.R.19.]
- CORBIN, Thomas, pauper, old age, Sept. 13, 1848, a. 90, in B.
- COYE(Coy), Laura Josephine, b. B., d. Samuel and Laura, dropsy on the brain, Nov. 23 [1845], a. 2 y., in B. [Nov. 23, 1845, C.R. d. Samuel N. and Laura, Nov. 23, 1845, a. 2 y. 3 m., G.R.1. Nov. 23, 1845, P.R.19.]
- COYE(Coy), Rhoda, b. B., w. Simeon, cancer, Oct. 27, 1846, a. 71, in B. [Rhoda B. [dup. Oct. 29, a. 70], C.R. Oct. 27, a. 71, G.R.1. Rhoda B., Oct. 27, a. 71, P.R.19.]
- COYE(Coy), William (Coy), farmer, b. B., s. Simeon and Rhoda, consumption, Nov. 12, 1847, a. 31, in B. [William P., C.R. G.R.1.]
- CROUCH, Abigail, d. Ephraim, Oct. 18, 1833, a. 9 m., Betsey Maria, factory spinner, b. B., d. Ephraim and Nabby, typhus fever, Oct. 8 [1844], a. 26, in B. [Oct. 8, 1844, P.R.19.]
- CROUCH, Reuel (see Ruel).
- CROUCH, Rhoda, Nov. 28, 1815, in B. [w. Ephriam. Nov. 27, a. 43, G.R.1. w. Ephraim, Nov. 27, a. 43, P.R.19.]
- CROUCH, Ruel, Aug. 28, 1820, in B. [Buel[sic], a. 23, G.R.1. Ruel, s. Ephraim, a. 23. P.R.19.]
- CROUCH, ----, ch. Loring, June 5, 1834.
- CUSHMAN, Abia, b. B., d. Samuel P. and Dorinda, fever, Oct. 16, 1845, a. 1, in B. [a. 2. in Springfield, P.R.19.]
- CUSHMAN, Jane E. d. Samuel and Dorenda, July 4, 1835, in 3d y., G.R.1. [July 24, P.R.19.]
- CUSHMAN, Jane E., d. Samuel P. and Dorenda, Dec. 4, 1841, a. 1, G.R.1. [Jane Elisabeth, a. 1 y. 2 d., P.R.19.]
- CUSHMAN, John P., s. Samuel P., Dec. 13, 1842, a. 7. [Dec. 15, C.R. s. Samuel P. and Dorenda, Dec. 15, G.R.1. Dec. 15, P.R.19.]
- CUSHMAN, ----, ch. Mr. Cushman, Sept. 18, 1845, a. 2, C.R.
- CUTLER, Elvira, Miss, Dec. 21, 1827, a. 20, P.R.19.
- DADY, William, h. Rachel, ----, 1755. in Lake George.
- DANIELSON, Daniel, s. Maj. Nathaniel, Oct. 10, 1798. in B.
- DANIELSON, Eli, s. Nathaniel and Mary, Oct. 25, 1776. in B.
- DANIELSON, Eli E., s. Gen. Danielson dec'd. Aug. 5, 1808, in New York. [Lt. Eli E. s. Hon. Timothy, a. 19, G.R.1.]
- DANIELSON, Fradrek, s. John and Ruth, Aug. 18, 1776, in B.
- DANIELSON, Lothario, s. John and Ruth, Jan. 14, 1763, in B.
- DANIELSON, Mary, w. Nathaniel, Dec. 25, 1776, in B.
- DANIELSON, Nathaniel, Feb. 5, 1809, in B. [Maj. Nathaniel, a. 79, P.R.19.]
- DANIELSON, Polley, d. Nathaniel and Mary, Jan. 20, 1772, in B.
- DANIELSON, Ruth, Feb. 4, 1807, in B.
- DANIELSON, Sarah, d. Nathaniel and Mary, Aug. 7, 1766, in B.
- DANIELSON, Timothy, Hon. [dup. Gen.], Sept. 19, 1791, a. 58 [dup. "To . their grandfather . . . by the children of Dr. Lincoln"], G.R.1.
- DANIELSON, Timothy E., Lt., S. Hon. Timothy, Dec. 21, 1812, a. 25, G.R.1.
- DANIELSON, ----, d. Benjamin M., Nov. 12, 1800, in B.
- DAVIS, Joel, June 24, 1843, a. 44. [in Warren, P.R.19.]
- DAVIS, Joseph, "a man from ye old Cuntry," June 23, 1778, in B. [Ens. Joseph, in 77th y., G.R.1.]
- DAVIS, Margaret, wid., d. William McNall, Mar. 24, 1798, in B.
- DAVIS, Samuel, Apr. 20, 1742, in B.
- DAVIS, Sarah, d. Joel, Nov. 8, 1839, a. 14, P.R.19.
- DAVIS, ----, inf. Mr. Davis, Jan. 12, 1836. [ch. Joel, a. 7 w., P.R.19.]
- DAVIS, ----, ch. Joel of S. Warren, Aug. 13, 1838. P.R.19.
- DAVIS, ----, ch. Mrs. Davis, Sept. 3, 1842, a. 2 1/2 m. [Sept. 4, at [at written over of] Ward Davis, C.R. ch. John, Sept. 3, bur. at Ware, P.R.19.]
- DAVIS, ----, ch. Joel, Dec. 13, 1843, a. 6. [in Warren, P.R. 19.]
- DEANE, Laura Anne. "adopted" d. Bernard, croup, Dec. 20, 1837. a. 5. C.R. [Laura Ann Dean, "adopted" d. Barnard and Prudence, Dec. 21, a. 4 y. 7 m., G.R.1. Dec. 21, a. 4 y. 8 m., P.R.19.]
- DEARTH, Mabel, w. Thomas, Aug. 30, 1820. in B. Mehitable, w. Thomas, Aug. 30, 1820, in B. [a. 39, G.R.1. Aug. 29, a. 39, P.R.19.]
- DENNISON, George, Feb. 18, 1818, in B. [a. 88, P.R.19.]
- DEXTER, Charles, Jan. 14, 1817, in B. [a. 43, P.R.19.]
- DEXTER, Charlotte. Mar. 3, 1821, in B. [ch. Widow Dexter, a. 7, P.R.19.]
- DEXTER, Richard, Feb. 22, 1819, in B. [s. Charles, a. 19, P.R.19.]
- DIMMICK(Dimick, Dimmock), Anna (Dimmock), July 19, 1817. in B. [Dimmick, w. James, a. 36, G.R.1. P.R.19.]
- DIMMICK(Dimick, Dimmock), Caroline E. (see ---- Dimmick, 1836).
- DIMMICK(Dimick, Dimmock), Eunice A. (Dimick), b. B., d. William K., disease of brain, May 7, 1848, a. 8 m. 5 d., in B. [Dimmock, C.R. Dimmick, ch. William K. and Sarah DIMMICK(Dimick, Dimmock), W., a. 8 m. 7 d. G.R.1. Dimmick. a. 8 m. 5 d. P.R.19.]
- DIMMICK(Dimick, Dimmock), ----, ch. Gideon, Dec. 20, 1820, a. 4 m., P.R.19.
- DIMMICK(Dimick, Dimmock), ----, (Dimick), d. William, July 6, 1836, a. 2. [Caroline E. ch. William K. and Sarah W., July 5, 1837. a. 2 y. 1 m. 16 d., G.R.1. d. William H., July 6, 1836, P.R.19.]
- DODGE, Charles H., s. Timothy H. and Adalaid, Jan. 2, 1843. a. 1 m. 18 d., G.R.1.
- DODGE, ----, ch. William, Sept. 1, 1833, a. 2 m.
- DOIT, ----, (see Ledoyt)
- DRAPER, Abby G., b. Saco, Me. w. John C. [d. Moses Pike and Sarah crossed out], consumption, Mar. 18, 1847, a. 39, in B.
- DRAPER, Abigail, d. John and Mary, Dec. 12, 1752, in B.
- DRAPER, Almira, b. B., d. John C. and Abby G., dropsy on brain, May 15, 1847, a. 4 m., in B. [a. 3 m., G.R.1. May 13, a. 3 m., P.R.19.]
- DRAPER, Ephraim, s. Jacob and Diana, Mar. 8, 1795, in B.
- DRAPER, Jerusha, Sept. 26, 1810, in B. [Sept. 25, a. 59, P.R.19.]
- DRAPER, Mary Ann, d. John C. and Abigail, Oct. 6, 1842, a. 12, G.R.1.
- DRAPER, Samuel, s. John and Mary, July 24, 1758, in B.
- DRESSER, Patience, Apr. 12, 1811, in B.
- DRURY, George A., m., merchant, b. Auburn, s. Thomas and Betsey, consumption, June 19, 1845, a. 23, in E. [bur. at Wilbraham, P.R.19.]
- DRURY, Thomas, m., farmer, b. Ward (now Auburn), s. Thomas and Experiance, epilepsy, Apr. 26, 1846, in B. [a. 69, bur. at Auburn, P.R.19.]
- DUDLEY, Joseph, Dec. 18, 1801, in B.
- DUNHAM, Benjamin, Apr. 13, 1801, in B.
- DUNHAM, James H. (see ---- Dunham).
- DUNHAM, Joseph, Apr. 20, 1823, a. 84. [Apr. 21, P.R.19.]
- DUNHAM, Joseph, Aug. 2, 1831, a. 70.
- DUNHAM, Mary, Dec. 18, 1798, in B.
- DUNHAM, Micajah, Nov. ----, 1756, in B.
- DUNHAM, Rebecca H., b. B., wid. Joseph (farmer), old age, Sept. 25, 1845, a. 81, in B. [Sept. 26, a. 80, C.R. Sept. 27, a. 81, P.R.19.]
- DUNHAM, Sabra, w. Joseph Jr., June 12, 1792, in B.
- DUNHAM, Seth, June 4, 1837, a. 43. [h. Lucy Sherman, G.R.1.]
- DUNHAM, Solomon Jr., Aug. 22, 1810, in B. [Solomon D., s. Solomon and Mary, a. 5 y. 6 m., G.R.1.]
- DUNHAM, ----, ch. Seth, Aug. 21, 1829, a 2. [James H., and Lucy Sherman, G.R.1. James Hitchcock Dunham, Aug. 22, P.R.19.]
- DUNKLEE, Sarah, w. Robert, Apr. 9, 1750, in B.
- DURFEE, Frances (see ---- Durfee, 1825).
- DURFEE, Gideon, Oct. 2, 1828, a. 73. [Oct. 1, [on stone beside that of Susannah, 1829] G.R.1. Oct. 2, P.R.19.]
- DURFEE, Susannah (see ---- Durfee, 1828 and 1829).
- DURFEE, Thomas, Sept. 29, 1832, a. 50.
- DURFEE, ----, ch. Thomas, Aug. 4, 1818, a. 5 d., P.R.19.
- DURFEE, ----, w. Stephen, Oct. 20, 1825. [Frances, a. 33, G.R.2.]
- DURFEE, ----, w. Thomas, Dec. 9, 1828, a. 48. [Susannah, Dec. 10, G.R.1. Susannah, Dec. 9, P.R.19.]
- DURFEE, ----, Mrs., Apr. 9, 1829, a. 70. [Susannah, w. Gideon, Apr. 8, a. 74, G.R.1. Susannah, wid. Gideon, Apr. 8, a. 74, P.R.19.]
- DURFEE, ----, ch. Stephen, Jan. 15, 1830, P.R.19.]
- DURKEE, John, s. Phinehas and Phebe, Mar. 30, 1761, in B.
- DURKEE, Matilda, w. Martin, Aug. 23, 1825. [a. 23, P.R.19.]
- DUTTON, Mary, wid., b. B., consumption, Oct. 2, 1848, a. 35, in B. [[Lincoln] [in lot with Asa Lincoln's family] Sept. 2, G.R.1. Sept. 2, P.R.19.]
- EAGER, ----, ch. Otis, Aug. 22, 1838, a. 4. [ch. Otis K., bur. at Wales, P.R.19.]
- EATON, Ebenezer R., Apr. 25, 1825, a. 25, P.R.8.
- EATON, Mary, May 15, 1824, a. 27, P.R.8.
- EATON, Mary Rebecca, d. Ebenezer R. and Mary of Monson, Feb. 3, 1842, a. 18, G.R.1. [Feb. 9, a. 18 y. 3 m., P.R.8. d. Russ and Mary, Feb. 13, a. 18 y. 3 m., P.R.19.]
- EATON, William, Gen., June 1, 1811, in B. [a. 47, G.R.1.]
- ELLINWOOD(Ellingwood), Abigail, d. Thomas and Abigail, Oct. 5, 1754, in B.
- ELLINWOOD(Ellingwood), Abigail, w. Thomas Jr., Aug. 11, 1761, in B.
- ELLINWOOD(Ellingwood), Lucy, d. Jona[than], Oct. 13, 1811, in B. [a. 3 y. 3 m., P.R.19.]
- ELLINWOOD(Ellingwood), Mary, w. Thomas, July 15, 1783, in B.
- ELLINWOOD(Ellingwood), Rebeca (Ellingwood), w. Thomas, July 29, 1779. in B.
- ELLINWOOD(Ellingwood), Samuel, s. Thomas Jr. and Abigail, Dec. 5, 1758, in B.
- ELLINWOOD(Ellingwood), Thomas, June 1, 1772, in B.
- ELLINWOOD(Ellingwood), Thomas, May 31, 1804, in B. [in 76th y., G.R.1.]
- ELLINWOOD(Ellingwood), ----, d. Lydia, Sept. ----, 1754, in B.
- ELLINWOOD(Ellingwood), ----, d. Sarah, Oct. ----, 1754, in B.
- ELWELL, ----, ch. Benjamin, Oct. 7, 1812, a. 1 w. P.R.19.
- EMERSON, Fitz Roy, b. B. s. Jonathan and Eunice C., disease in the head, Apr. 6 [1845]. a. 9, in B. [Apr. 6, 1845, P.R.19.]