Greenfield Massachusetts Death Records to 1850
Surnames Q-Z
Transcribed by Lynn Tooley
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Greenfield Massachusetts Deaths From "Vital Records of Greenfield Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1850", Published By the New England Historic Genealogical Society At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms, At the Charge of the Eddy Town-Record Fund, Boston, Mass., 1915.
Greenfield Massachusetts Death Records to 1850 - Surnames Q-Z
- REED, Susanah, wid. Joshua of Lexington, Oct. 24, 1814, a. 82, G.R.1.
- REMINGTON, Patty "(also called Martha)," w. William of Patuxet, R.I., ch. Andrew Adams and Molly (Morse), June 11, 1822, a. 37 [? in Greenfield], P.R.28.
- RENIFF, Lovisa E., d. Rufus and Lovisa, Aug. 30, 1841, a. 1 y. 20 d., G.R.1.
- RENIFF, Louisa G., w. Rufus, Nov. 20, 1840, a. 24, G.R.1.
- RICE, ---, w. Benjamin, July ---, 1778, in Grass Hill "(Gill)," P.R.1.
- RICE, ---, s. Enos, May 6, 1791, a. 9 m., P.R.1.
- RICE, ---, d. Benjamin Jr., May 21, 1791, P.R.1.
- RICE, ---, inf. Enos, Apr. 12, 1792, P.R.1.
- RICE, ---, W. Enos, Dec. 7, 1793, P.R.1.
- RICE, ---, ch. George and Elizabeth, Aug. 11, 1841, a. 2 d., C.R.2.
- RIPLEY, David, s. David and Orra, Aug. 19, 1811, a. 3, G.R.1.
- RIPLEY, David, Dec. 27, 1836, a. 68, G.R.1.
- RIPLEY, Ebenezer, May ---, 1832, a. 67, C.R.1. [May 28, G.R.1.]
- RIPLEY, Franklin, s. Franklin and Charlotte B., Mar. 29, 1822, G.R.7.
- RIPLEY, George, ch. Jerom and Sarah, Aug. 20, 1802. [a. 20 m. 13 d., G.R.1. ch. Jerom Esq., dysentery, P.R.1.]
- RIPLEY, George, s. Thomas W. and Susan, Aug. 13, 1824, a. 4, G.R.1.
- RIPLEY, Hannah B., ch. David, Sept. 15, 1803. [Hannah Buckminster Ripley, d. David and Orra, a. 4 m. 10 d., G.R.1. dysentery, a. 14 m. sic, P.R.1.]
- RIPLEY, Harriet Louisa, d. Franklin and Charlotte B., June 15, 1842, G.R.7.
- RIPLEY, Jerome [h. Sarah], Dec. 25, 1838, G.R.1.
- RIPLEY, Lydia H. Miss, Nov. ---, 1839, C.R.1.
- RIPLEY, Sarah, Mrs., Apr. 27, 1839, C.R.1. [[w. Jerome] G.R.1.]
- RIPLEY, Thomas W., May 16, 1823, a. 36, G.R.1.
- RIPLEY, William, ch. Jerom and Sarah, July 22, 1810. [a. 3 y. 10 m., G.R.1. s. Jerom Esq., P.R.1.]
- RIPLEY, William, Apr. 16, 1828, a. 17, in Troy, N.Y., G.R.1.
- RISLEY (see Wrisley).
- ROBBINS, Clarra M., d. Henry S. and Clarra S., Feb. 13, 1847, a. 22 m., G.R.1.
- ROBERTSON, William, Jan. 10, 1849, a. 8 m. [s. Russell and Elvira, Jan. 16, C.R.1.]
- ROBERTSON, ---, two chn. Russell, ---, "time, age &c unknown."
- ROBINSON, John, laborer, Feb. 11, 1849.
- ROCKWOOD, Abigail P., d. Thomas, Nov. 27, 1837, a. 15, [d. Thomas and Abigail R., G.R.1. ch. Thomas and Abigail M. (Robbins), P.R.17.]
- ROCKWOOD, Calvin P., ch. Thomas and Abigail M. (Robbins), May 18, 1837, P.R.17.
- ROCKWOOD, Elizabeth Pomaroy, ch. Thomas Jr., May 24, 1837, a. 11 m., C.R.2.
- ROCKWOOD, Sarah J., w. Thomas Jr., d. Solomon Dewey and Mercy, Oct. 14, 1836, a. 23, G.R.5.
- ROGERS, Rhoda R., Mar. 31, 1848, in Montague, C.R.2.
- ROOT, Dwight Leavenworth, s. Cephas and Mary, Feb. 19, 1830, a. 5 m., G.R.1. [ch. Cephas and Mary (Johnson), G.R.7.]
- ROOT, Ezekiel, Jan. 25, 1787.
- ROOT, George Emerson, ch. Cephas and Mary (Johnson), Apr. 22, 1826, G.R.7.
- ROOT, Hannah, Oct. ---, 1813, a. 73, P.R.1.
- ROOT, Helen Maria, ch. Cephas and Mary (Johnson), Mar. 13, 1824, G.R.7.
- ROOT, Joseph Warren, s. Apollos and Abigail, May 31, 1846, a. 21, G.R.1.
- ROOT, Lucretia A., w. George S. of Hartford, Conn., Feb. 19, 1839, a. 24 [? in Hartford, Conn.], C.R.2.
- ROOT, Mary, Sept. 19, 1826, a. 4, C.R.1. [Mary G., d. Elisha Esq. and Betsy, a. 3 y. 6 m., G.R.5.]
- ROOT, Mary Jane, ch. Cephas and Mary (Johnson), May 26, 1822, G.R.7.
- ROOT, Minerva, ---, 1829, C.R.1. [d. Col. Spencer and Lydia, Nov. 11, 1828, a. 22, G.R.7.]
- ROOT, Richard Kendall, ch. Cephas and Mary (Johnson), Mar. 1, 1819, G.R.7.
- ROWE, Daniel, Apr. 21, 1839, a. 94, in Montague, C.R.2.
- ROWE, Garriet of Montague, July 26, 1826, a. 35 [? in Montague], C.R.2.
- ROWE, Lucretia, w. Daniel of Montague, Mar. 25, 1832, a. 81 [? in Montague], C.R.2.
- ROWLAND, John, "black man," Apr. 21, 1818, "age unknown --- sup. 30," C.R.2.
- RUSSELL, Electa Edwards, w. John, Mar. 1, 1839, a. 64, G.R.7.
- RUSSELL, John, Oct. 20, 1839, C.R.1. [a. 72, G.R.7.]
- RUST, Frederic, s. J. P., May 17, 1848, a. 7 m. [Frederick Judd Rust [ch. John P. and Theresa L.], G.R.7.]
- RYTHER, Daniel, s. Amasa and Nancy, July 31, 1843, a. 3, C.R.2.
- SAGE, George Rodney, June 9, 1841, abt. 50, C.R.2. [a. 49, G.R.2.]
- SAGE, Gideon, s. Gideon, Mar. 18, 1783, P.R.1.
- SAGE, Lois, wid., Jan. 4, 1817, a. 78, C.R.2. [Louis, wid. Solomon of Berlin, Conn., G.R.3.]
- SAGE, Thankful, w. George R., May 13, 1838, a. 41, C.R.2. G.R.2.
- SAGE, Theodore S., [twin] s. Oliver and Polly, May 29, 1839, a. 28, C.R.2. G.R.3.
- SAGE, ---, s. Oliver, drowned, Mar. 19, 1811, a. 3, P.R.1.
- SANFORD, George A., s. Charles E. T. and Arabell O., Apr. 18, 1845, G.R.1.
- SARGENT, Mary, d. John S. and Mary, Aug. 12, 1842, a. 4, C.R.2.
- SAWTELL, Annar, W. John, Oct. 2, 1837, a. 72, G.R.4.
- SAWTELL, John, old age, Dec. 26, 1846, a. 81, C.R.2. [Dec. 29, G.R.4.]
- SCHIEBEL, Alfred, Aug. 10, 1849, a. 2. [Schiebell, s. Phillip and Eliza, Germans, a. 3 1/2 m., C.R.2.]
- SCOBY, James R., Sept. 25, 1842, a. 60, C.R.2. [Scobey, Sept. 26, G.R.1.]
- SCOBY, James Warren, s. James R. and Sarah, Sept. 26, 1827, a. 8 m., C.R.2. [Scobey, G.R.1.]
- SCOBY, Julia, Feb. 21, 1844, a. 19, C.R.2. [Scobey, d. James R. and Sarah, G.R.1.]
- SCOBY, Sarah, w. James R., Aug. 21, 1840, a. 58, C.R.2. [ScobeY, Aug. 21, 1849, G.R.1.]
- SEAVER, Milo, Sept. 6, 1845, a. 27, G.R.6.
- SEVERANCE, Dorothy, June 4, 1815, a. 57, G.R.1.
- SEVERANCE, Elihu, h. Martha Hitchcock, Nov. 24, 1841, a. 75, G.R.1.
- SEVERANCE, Elizabeth, w. Joseph, Sept. 12, 1838, a. 54, G.R.1.
- SEVERANCE, H. H., mechanic, s. Horace, July 19, 1848, a. 19. [Horace H., G.R.7.]
- SEVERANCE, Jonathan, Ens., Aug. 2, 1822, a. 97, G.R.1.
- SEVERANCE, Joseph, ---, 1828, C.R.1.
- SEVERANCE, Joseph, Nov. 24, 1829, a. 69, G.R.6.
- SEVERANCE, Marcy, w. Joseph, Aug. 3, 1801. [Mercy, in 40th y., G.R.6. Mercy, P.R.1.]
- SEVERANCE, Martha, ch. Matthew and Experance, May 29, 1771.
- SEVERANCE, Martha Hitchcock (see Patty).
- SEVERANCE, Mary, grandmother of Joseph, Matthew, Zenas, Martha, Consider, Ruel, Experiance, Erastus, Aseph, Ezra, Sephas, July 25, 1775, in 68th y. [wid. Joseph, P.R.1.]
- SEVERANCE, Mary, twin ch. Horace and Mary F., Apr. 2, 1820, G.R.7.
- SEVERANCE, Mary, May 8, 1848, a. 50. [Mary F., w. Horace, May 9, G.R.7.]
- SEVERANCE, Mary J., ch. Horace and Mary F., Oct. 1, 1844, G.R.7.
- SEVERANCE, Mercy (see Marcy).
- SEVERANCE, Patty, w. Elihu, Dec. ---, 1836, C.R.1. [Martha Hitchcock Severance, Dec. 13, a. 63, G.R.1.]
- SEVERANCE, Pliny, ch. Joseph and Marcy, Nov. 7, 1783.
- SEVERANCE, Rodney, Jan. 25, 1826, a. 42, G.R.6.
- SEVERANCE, Rufus, Sept. 10, 1819, a. 49, C.R.2. G.R.1.
- SEVERANCE, Sally, w. Lt. Rufus, Aug. 5, 1806, a. 23, G.R.1. [Sarah, Sept. ---, P.R.1.]
- SEVERANCE, Sarah, twin ch. Horace and Mary F., Apr. 2, 1820, G.R.7.
- SEVERANCE, Thankful, w. Ens. Jonathan, Dec. 8, 1806, a. 77, G.R.1. [Dec. 9, a. 76, P.R.1.]
- SEVERANCE, Tirzah, ch. Jonathan and Thankfull, Sept. 25, 1758.
- SEVERANCE, William, s. Rufus dec'd, July 29, 1820, a. 2, C.R.2.
- SHATTUCK, Cloe, w. Samuell, Apr. 10, 1781, in 38th y.
- SHATTUCK, Jesse, ch. Samuel and Chloe, Aug. 24, 1777. ["young," P.R.1.]
- SHATTUCK, Lydia, ch. Samuel [Samuell, P.R.1.] and Chloe, Dec. 8, 1772.
- SHELDON, Nancy Maria, ch. Henry, Aug. 21, 1848, a. 3 y. 9 m., C.R.2.
- SHEPARD, Annn, w. Joel of Montague, Sept 14, 1841, a. 66 [? in Montague], G.R.2.
- SHEPARD, John Willard, Nov. 30, 1824, a. 18, C.R.2. [s. Joel, G.R.1.]
- SHUMWAY, Lucy, w. Joel S. of Montague, Jan. 5, 1842, a. 32 [? in Montague], C.R.2.
- SHUMWAY, ---, inf. Joel S. and Lucy of Montague, Dec. 26, 1838 [? in Montague], C.R.2.
- SIMONS, Lydia, d. Abel, Aug. 19, 1777, P.R.1.
- SMALLEY (see Smally), ---, inf. William, Feb. 25, 1793, P.R.1.
- SMALLY (see Smalley), ---, wid., Oct. ---, 1793, P.R.1.
- SMEAD, Abigail, ch. David and Mary, Mar. 18, 1765.
- SMEAD, Abigail, w. Ebenezer, June 14, 1784. [wid. Ebenezer, June 21, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Abigail, ch. David and Mary, Apr. 26, 1787.
- SMEAD, Abigail, ch. Hon. Solomon and Esther, Jan. 5, 1808, a. 20, G.R.6. [Nabby, d. Solomon Esq., fever, Jan. 4, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Abner, h. Hannah, Feb. 2, 1797. [in 45th y., G.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Amelia, Oct. 16, 1833, a. 20, G.R.5.
- SMEAD, Azor, ch. Hon. Solomon and Esther, June 17, 1804, a. 26, [s. Solomon Esq., Jan. 17, a. 27, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Azor, s. Julia and Elizabeth, Mar. 31, 1812, a. 5, G.R.6. [Mar. 28, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Catharine, d. Seth and Elizabeth, Oct. 15, 1847, a. 33, G.R.5.
- SMEAD, Chester, ch. Solomon and Esther, May 6, 1781. [ch. Hon. Solomon and Esther, a. 1, G.R.6.]
- SMEAD, Cornelia, d. Benjamin, dysentery, Sept. 25, 1803, a. 19 m., P.R.1.
- SMEAD, Cyrus, s. Abner and Hannah, Mar. 11, 1815, a. 29, G.R.1.
- SMEAD, Daniel Jr., Sept. 1, 1809, a. 23, G.R.6. [fever, a. 22, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Daniel, Feb. 21, 1815, a. 70, G.R.6.
- SMEAD, David Jr., ch. David and Mary, Sept. 15, 1758.
- SMEAD, David, Dea., h. Mary, Dec. 1, 1806, a. 75, G.R.6. [David Esq., Dec. 10, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, David, h. Electa, Jan. 5, 1833, a. 74, G.R.6.
- SMEAD, Ebenezer, ch. David and Mary, May 2, 1782. [s. Dea. David, Apr. 29, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Ebenezer, h. Abigail, grandfather of Solomon, Ebenezer, David, Mary, Abigail, Eli, Rachel, Julia, Benjamin, Oct. 31, 1783. [in 78th y., P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Ebenezer, ch. Solomon and Esther, Sept. 2, 1786. [ch. Hon. Solomon and Esther, a. 1 m., G.R.6.]
- SMEAD, Ebenezer, ch. Solomon and Esther, Apr. 14, 1790. [ch. Hon. Solomon and Esther, a. 1, G.R.6.]
- SMEAD, Ebenezer, ch. Hon. Solomon and Esther, Jan. 28, 1808, a. 13, [s. Sol Esq., fever, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Edwin, farmer, S. Julia, [Oct.] 21, 1848, a. 34.
- SMEAD, Eecta, w. David, Nov. 5, 1828, a. 72, G.R.6.
- SMEAD, Elijah, ch. Abner and Hannah, Sept. 1, 1777. [in 3d y., G.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Elizabeth, w. Julia, Sept. 16, 1843, a. 68, G.R.6.
- SMEAD, Esther, inf. Jonathan, June 22, 1784, P.R.1.
- SMEAD, Esther, w. Hon. Solomon, Jan. 2, 1808, a. 51, G.R.6. [w. Solomon Esq., putrid fever, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Esther, ch. Hon. Solomon and Esther, Jan. 13, 1808, a. 10, G.R.6. [d. Solomon Esq., fever, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Grateful, d. Daniel and Tirzah, Aug. 29, 1777, a. 2, G.R.6.
- SMEAD, Grateful, d. Daniel and Tirzah, Nov. 7, 1812, a. 32, G.R.6.
- SMEAD, Hannah, w. Abner, Sept. 22, 1811, a. 57, G.R.1. [wid. Abner, appoplexy, Sept. 23, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Helen [? Smead], June 9, 1841, a. 4, G.R.6.
- SMEAD, Henry, s. Charles L. and Lucy, May 14, 1838, a. 13 m., G.R.6.
- SMEAD, Ira, s. Thomas and Rebecah, Oct. 20, 1802, a. 8 y. 1 m., G.R.6. [dysentery, Oct. 21, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Joel, s. Jonathan and Rosana, Sept. 10, 1793, in 16th y., [Sept. 10, 1795, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Joel, s. Julia and Elizabeth, Aug. 7, 1803, a. 3, G.R.6. [dysentery, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Jonathan, Apr. 29, 1783, in 77th y., G.R.6. [Apr. 30, a. 76, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Jonathan, Apr. 1, 1814, a. 79, G.R.6.
- SMEAD, Julius, blacksmith, Feb. 17, 1849, a. 36.
- SMEAD, Keturah, ch. Lemuel and Sarah, Sept. 10, 1777. [d. Lt. Lemuel and Sarah, in 5th y., G.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Keturah, ch. Lemuel and Sarah, Apr. 26, 1780. [ch. Lt. Lemuel and Sarah, a. 10 m., G.R.1. Apr. 27, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Lemuel, Lt., Jan. 29, 1812, a. 72, G.R.6.
- SMEAD, Lemuel Jr., Nov. 12, 1815, a. 38, G.R.6.
- SMEAD, Lucy, d. Jonathan, June 8, 1811, in 5th y., G.R.6. [d. Jonathan Jr., rattles, a. 5, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Lucy, w. Jonathan, July 15, 1846, a. 73, G.R.6.
- SMEAD, Lydia, ch. [inf., P.R.1.] Jonathan and Rosanna, Aug. 18, 1783.
- SMEAD, Mahittable, d. Jonathan and Rosanna, Oct. 12, 1802, a. 21, G.R.6. [Mehitabel, dysentery, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Marah, ch. Jonathan and Rosanna, Oct. 25, 1771.
- SMEAD, Martha, w. Jesse, Apr. 16, 1823, a. 39, G.R.5. [Martha (Allen), P.R.5. ch. Silvanus Allen and Martha (Stebbins), P.R.6.]
- SMEAD, Mary, ch. Hon. Solomon and Esther, Dec. 30, 1807, a. 17, G.R.6. [Polly, d. Dea. Solomon, putrid fever, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Mary, w. Dea. David, Feb. 3, 1820, a. 85, G.R.6.
- SMEAD, Mary, w. Col. Asaph, Oct. 10, 1846, a. 59, G.R.5.
- SMEAD, Mehetabel, ch. Lemuel and Sarah, Mar. 2, 1780. [Mahittable, ch. Lt. Lemuel and Sarah, a. 13, G.R.1. Mar. 3, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Mehetabel, w. Jonathan, Nov. 6, 1782, in 69th y., G.R.6. [Nov. 5, a. 70, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Mehitable (see Mahittable).
- SMEAD, Nabby (see Abigail).
- SMEAD, Polly (see Mary).
- SMEAD, Rebecah, w. Capt. Thomas, Apr. 30, 1836, a. 62, G.R.5.
- SMEAD, Rosanna, w. Jonathan, Oct. 31, 1802, a. 58, G.R.6. [pleurisy, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Roxany, ch. Abner and Hannah, July 25, 1788. [a. 6 m., G.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Samuel, palsy, Jan. 29, 1812, a. 73, P.R.1.
- SMEAD, Sarah, w. Lemuel, May 14, 1812, a. 66, G.R.6. [wid. Lemuel, Apr. 14, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Sarah, d. David and Alsamena, Jan. 7, 1825, a. 17 m. 10 d., G.R.6.
- SMEAD, Sarah A., [twin] d. Jesse and Matilda A., Sept. 5, 1838, G.R.5. [[twin] ch. Jesse and Matilda (Allen), P.R.5.]
- SMEAD, Seth, s. Daniel and Tirzah, Sept. 14, 1777, in 6th y., G.R.6.
- SMEAD, Seth, May 24, 1838, a. 60, G.R.5.
- SMEAD, Solomon, ch. Hon. Solomon and Esther, Mar. 8, 1800, a. 7, G.R.6. [s. Solomon Esq., Mar. 1, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Solomon, ch. Hon. Solomon and Esther, Jan. 17, 1809, a. 8, G.R.6. [s. Solomon Esq., spotted fever, Feb. 17, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, Solomon, Hon., Apr. 17, 1825, a. 70, G.R.6.
- SMEAD, Submit, ch. Jonathan and Rosanna, Aug. 10, 1774.
- SMEAD, Thomas Jr., May 4, 1836, a. 33, G.R.5.
- SMEAD, Thomas, Capt., Apr. 14, 1837, a. 68, G.R.5.
- SMEAD, Tirzah, w. Daniel, June 8, 1813, a. 62, G.R.6. [a. 61, P.R.1.]
- SMEAD, ---, s. Abner and Hannah, Dec. 14, 1782. [still born, G.R.1.]
- SMEAD, ---, inf. Hon. Solomon and Esther, Sept. 12, 1787, G.R.6.
- SMEAD, ---, s. Abner and Hannah, July 30, 1794. [still born, G.R.1.]
- SMEAD, ---, s. Ens. Asaph and Mary, Mar. 8, 1807, a. 8 d., G.R.6.
- SMEAD, ---, inf. Thomas, suddenly, Aug. 1, 1808, a. 6 w., P.R.1.
- SMEAD, ---, inf. d. Charles L. and Lucy, Aug. 30, 1824, G.R.6.
- SMEAD, ---, inf. s. Charles L. and Lucy, Feb. 19, 1826, G.R.6.
- SMEAD, ---, inf. s. Charles L. and Lucy, Sept. 8, 1828, C.R.6.
- SMITH, Belinda, d. Elijah and Mary, Oct. 27, 1830, a. 24, G.R.5. [Oct. 29, P.R.22.]
- SMITH, Catharine, d. Col. Orrin and Mercy L., Mar. 2, 1844,. G.R.5. [Catherine G., ch. Orin and Mercy (Lothrop), P.R.23.]
- SMITH, Charles (see --- Smith).
- SMITH, Clement, [Apr. 22] 1813, a. 48, P.R.1.
- SMITH, Elijah, Dea. [h. Sybil], Apr. 21, 1770, a. 57, P.R.22.
- SMITH, Elijah (see --- Smith).
- SMITH, Elijah, Sept. 7, 1838, a. 80, G.R.5. [h. Mary, P.R.22.]
- SMITH, George L. (see --- Smith).
- SMITH, Isanna, w. Morris, Jan. 28, 1833, a. 20, C.R.2.
- SMITH, Israel, Jan. 30, 1827, a. 71, C.R.2. [a. 72, G.R.3.]
- SMITH, Mary, d. Elijah and Mary, May 28, 1824, a. 35, G.R.5. [Polly, May 28, 1821, P.R.22.]
- SMITH, Mary, w. Elijah, Feb. 1, 1831, a. 68, G.R.5. P.R.22.
- SMITH, Moses, Dea., Aug. 9, 1849, a. 72, G.R.5.
- SMITH, Obed, ch. Elijah and Mary, June 16, 1785.
- SMITH, Obed, ch. Elijah and Mary, May 13, 1788.
- SMITH, Obed, ch. Elijah and Mary, May 21, 1792. ["by a fish bone," May 22, P.R.1. May 13, P.R.22.]
- SMITH, Oreb [Oreb written above Obed], ch. Elijah and Mary, Nov. 6, 1802, P.R.22.
- SMITH, Polly (see Mary).
- SMITH, Robert, June 20, 1835, a. 48, G.R.5.
- SMITH, Sidney (see --- Smith).
- SMITH, Sophronia (see --- Smith).
- SMITH, Sophronia, Oct. 30, 1846, C.R.3.
- SMITH, Sybil [w. Dea. Elijah], mother of Elijah, May 26, 1827, in 102d y., P.R.22.
- SMITH, ---, ch. Elijah, Oct. 18, 1801, a. 6, P.R.1. [Elijah, ch. Elijah and Mary, Oct. 30, P.R.22.]
- SMITH, ---, ch. Elijah, Nov. 6, 1801, a. 2, P.R.1. [Sidney, ch. Elijah and Mary, Oct. 19, P.R.22.]
- SMITH, ---, S. Joel, fall from a cart, Oct. 21, 1802, a. 7, P.R.1.
- SMITH, ---, w. Joel, dysentery, Oct. 21, 1802, P.R.1.
- SMITH, ---, s. Elijah, Nov. 10, 1804, a. 3, P.R.1.
- SMITH, ---, d. Elijah, Sept. 9, 1808, a. 5, P.R.1. [Sophrony, ch. Elijah and Mary, Sept. 12, P.R.22.]
- SMITH, ---, ch. Levi and Fanny, Sept. 13, 1828, a. 9 m., C.R.2. [Charles, a. 8 m. 13 d., G.R.1.]
- SMITH, ---, s. Levi and Fanny, still born, Mar. 10, 1829, G.R.1.
- SMITH, ---, inf. Levi and Fanny, Jan. 16, 1831, C.R.2.
- SMITH, ---, inf. Levi and Fanny, Jan. 3, 1833, G.R.1.
- SMITH, ---, ch. Levi and Fanny, Oct. 29, 1846, a. 3 y. 6 m., C.R.2. [George L., Oct. 23, G.R.1.]
- SMITH, ---, mother of George W., Dec. 31, 1849, a. 57, G.R.4.
- SPALDING, Hannah, w. Varnum, Jan. 1, 1833, a. 42, G.R.4.
- SPALDING, Hephzibah, wid. Robert, Mar. 8, 1837, a. 76, G.R.4.
- SPALDING, Robert, s. Robert and Hepzibah, Mar. 26, 1842, G.R.4.
- SPALDING, Willard Bailey, s. Aaron and Eliza, Jan. 17, 1835, a. 2, G.R.3.
- SPARHAWK, G. T., s. T. O., May 25, 1845, a. 4. [George Thomas Sparhawk, s. T. O. and L. B., G.R.1.]
- SPARHAWK, Marietta, Dec. 15, 1840, a. 39, G.R.1.
- SPARHAWK, Thomas O., Jan. ---, 1847, C.R.1. [Jan. 21, a. 44, G.R.1.]
- SPARHAWK, William, s. T. O. and L. B., Feb. 7, 1841, a. 5 w., G.R.1.
- SPAULDING (see Spalding).
- SPEAR, Anna E., Apr. 1, 1846, 23 d., G.R.4.
- SPEAR, Elisabeth M., June 8, 1841, a. 12 d., G.R.4.
- SPEAR, Sarah, d. Benjamin and Bethiah, Nov. 26, 1832, a. 5 1/2 m., C.R.2. [Sarah S., a. 5 m., G.R.1.]
- SPEAR, Sarah, ch. Benjamin and Bethia, Apr. 25, 1840, a. 14 m., C.R.2. [Sarah B., ch. Benjamin and Bethiah, Apr. 24, 1841, a. 1 y., G.R.1.]
- SPENCER, Samuel, s. Uriah and Polly, Apr. 13, 1815, a. 16 m., C.R.2.
- SPRAGUE, Abigail, W. Jonathan, May 13, 1767. [May 12, P.R.1.]
- SPRAGUE, Sarah Gould, d. Peter T. and Maria T., Mar. 18, 1835, C.R.2.
- SPRAGUE, ---, ch. Jonathan, Aug. 31, 1777, P.R.1.
- SPURR, Abigail, wid. Lemuel, Feb. 25, 1833, a. 76, C.R.2.
- STANHOPE, Asael, drowned, July 19, 1793, P.R.1.
- STANHOPE, ---, ch. Jonas, Apr. 29, 1792, P.R.1.
- STARR, Beverly, s. William and Elizabeth, Aug. 22, 1802, a. 1 y. 11 d., G.R.1. [dysentery, P.R.1.]
- STEARNS, Charles, Sept. 27, 1818, a. 36, G.R.1.
- STEBBINS, Eliza Jane (see --- Stebbins).
- STEBBINS, Lewis F., s. Samue1 and Mary E., Aug. 1, 1842, a. 13 m., in Deerfield, C.R.2. [Lewis E., a. 14 m., G.R.1.]
- STEBBINS, Martha, w. Samuel, June 20, 1803, a. 75, G.R.6. [wid. Samuel, palsy, June 19, P.R.1.]
- STEBBINS, Samuel, Nov. 23, 1733, in 59th y., G.R.1.
- STEBBINS, Samuel, Capt., Dec. 23, 1810, a. 41, G.R.6. [complicated diseases, a. 40, P.R.1.]
- STEBBINS, Theresa, d. Samuel and Asenah, July 1, 1803, a. 7 m. 3 d., G.R.6. [d. Samuel, fall, P.R.1.]
- STEBBINS, ---, ch. Samuel and Mary E., Jan. 25, 1839, a. 7 m., C.R.2. [Eliza Jane, G.R.1.]
- STILES, Increas Sumner, s. Dr. Levi and Diana, Aug. 31, 1801, a. 2, G.R.4. ["by falling into scalding water," P.R.1. ch. Levi and Diana (Martindale), P.R.10.]
- STILES, Levi Smith, s. Dr. Levi and Diana, May 21, 1806, a. 9, G.R.4. [fit, P.R.1. ch. Levi and Diana (Martindale), P.R.10.]
- STILES, Ludolfus, h. Hannah (Packard), ch. Levi and Diana (Martindale), Mar. 18, 1842, P.R.10.
- STILES, Sumner (see Increase Sumner Stiles).
- STONE, Betsy Kidder, w. Levi, May 14, 1838, a. 65, in Wendell, G.R.7.
- STONE, Harriet, w. Alpheus F., May 26, 1817, a. 34, C.R.2. [w. Dr. Alpheus F., G.R.1.]
- STONE, John, Dr., Sept. 12, 1838, a. 75, in Springfield, C.R.2. G.R.1.
- STONE, Rachel, w. Dr. Alpheus F., Oct. 30, 1808, a. 23, G.R.1. [appoplectic fit, P.R.1.]
- STONE, Rachel Catherine, d. Dr. Alpheus F., June 8, 1846, a. 34, C.R.2. [R. Catharine, d. A. F. and H., G.R.1.]
- STONE, Sally, w. Dr. John, Aug. 7, 1800, a. 26, G.R.1. P.R.1.
- STONE, Samuel Barnard, s. Dr. John and Sally, Jan. 3, 1804, a. 3, G.R.1. [canker rash, a. 5, P.R.1.]
- STOTEN, Mary, w. Samuell, Dec. 2, 1769, in 20th y.
- STRATTON, Eliphalet, s. Eliphalet and Elizabeth, Apr. 28, 1795, in 8th y., G.R.6.
- STRATTON, Eliphalet, s. Eliphalet and Elizabeth, Sept. 16, 1803, a. 2 y. 9 m., G.R.6.
- STRATTON, Eliphalet, Feb. 14, 1823, a. 63, G.R.6.
- STRATTON, Elizabeth, Mrs., Jan. 22, 1837, a. 74, G.R.6.
- STRATTON, Lucia Ann, d. Eliphalet and Elizabeth, June 22, 1827, a. 23, G.R.6.
- STRATTON, Sarah A., Sept. 11, 1822, a. 7 y. 6 m., G.R.7.
- STREETER, Elvira (see --- Streeter).
- STREETER, Uriah, s. Orin and Alvira, Apr. 15, 1845, a. 6, G.R.5.
- STREETER, Uriah A., s. Oren and Elvira, Apr. 12, 1847, a. 15 m., G.R.5.
- STREETER, ---, inf. S. Orin and Alvira, June ---, 1841, G.R.5.
- STREETER, ---, m., Nov. 14, 1847, C.R.3. [Elvira, w. Oren, a. 28, G.R.5.]
- STRICKLAND (see Stricklen), David Jr., Capt., June 18, 1815, in 31st y., G.R.3.
- STRICKLAND (see Stricklen), David, h. Sarah, Apr. 18, 1838, a. 81, G.R.3.
- STRICKLAND (see Stricklen), John 2d, July 1, 1802, a. 53, G.R.3. [John Jr., "a pain in his right arm which soon removed to the left & from thence to his head," P.R.1.]
- STRICKLAND (see Stricklen), John, Dec. 13, 1814, in 91st y., G.R.3.
- STRICKLAND (see Stricklen), Margaret, w. John, Dec. 3, 1804, in 84th y., G.R.3. [Dec. 30, a. 84, P.R.1.]
- STRICKLAND (see Stricklen), Sarah, w. David, June 28, 1828, a. 73, G.R.3.
- STRICKLAND (see Stricklen), Sarah, Oct. 25, 1835, a. 37, G.R.3.
- STRICKLEN (see Strickland), ---, ch. David, Dec. ---, 1795, P.R.1.
- STRONG, Asa, Feb. 7, 1798. [a.. 63, G.R.4. a. 69, P.R.1.]
- STRONG, Edward, ch. Rev. Titus and Hannah, Aug. 1, 1827. [a. 5 y. 2 m., C.R.2.]
- STRONG, Frances Elvira, ch. Rev. T. and H., July 12, 1812, a. 3, in Dedham, G.R.1.
- STRONG, George, ch. Rev. Titus and Hannah, Aug. 9, 1827. [a. 3 y. 4 m., C.R.2.]
- STRONG, Hannah Tapping, Feb. 13, 1785. [d. Asa and Sarah, a. 20, G.R.4. d. Asa, Nov. 13, 1784 sic, P.R.1.]
- STRONG, Mary, ch. Rev. Titus and Hannah, Sept. 10, 1824. [a. 7, C.R.2. G.R.1.]
- STRONG, Sarah, d. [d. written above w. crossed out] Asa, May 25, 1788. [w. Asa, a. 42, G.R.4.]
- STYLES (see Stiles).
- SWAN, Benjamin, Oct. 31, 1813, in 51st y., G.R.1. [Benjamen, P.R.1.]
- TAFT, Byron, s. Omar and Experience, Mar. 8, 1840, a. 14, [in] Montague, C.R.2.
- TAFT, Dandridge Lyman, s. Merrill and Pamela of Montague, July 24, 1839, a. 2 [? in Montague], C.R.2.
- TAFT, Dwight Merrill, s. Merrill and Pamela of Montague, Dec. 18, 1830, a. 12 m. [? in Montague], C.R.2.
- TAFT, John A. [of] Montague, June 15, 1832, in E. Hartford, Conn., C.R.2.
- TAFT, Mary Electa, d. Omar and Experience of Montague, Aug. 14, 1833, a. 16 [? in Montague], C.R.2.
- TAFT, Samuel W., s. Omar and Experience, Sept. 24, 1830, a. 19 [? in Montague], C.R.2.
- TANNER, ---, ch. Clark, June 1, 1838, a. 6 w., C.R.2.
- TAYLOR, Leucy, May 27, 1776, P.R.1.
- TAYLOR, Sarah, Feb. 11, 1849.
- TAYLOR, Silvanus of Montague, dysentery, Aug. 12, 1802, a. 14, in Montague, P.R.1.
- TEMPLE, Eliza Ann, June 25, 1845, a. 25, C.R.2.
- TEMPLE, Eliza Ann, d. William, July 18, 1848, a. 2. [Elisa Ann, d. Stoddard W. and Catharine M., a. 2 y. 5 m., G.R.1.]
- TEMPLE, Williams, s. Stoddard W. and Catharine M., Aug. 10, 1843, a. 2 y. 17 d., G.R.1.
- THAYER, Ebenezer, farmer, June 4, 1848, a. 68.
- THAYER, Merrick, s. Ebenezer and Phebe, Jan. 18, 1845, a. 25, G.R.6.
- THAYER, ---, Mrs., Sept. 4, 1811, a. 72, P.R.1.
- THOMPSON, Edward A., eldest s. John and Elvira A., Sept. 10, 1847, a. 30, G.R.5.
- TRAIN, Mary, wid., Aug. ---, 1808, a. 81. P.R.1.
- TRYON, Catharine, wid. Capt. William, Sept. 10, 1828, a. 90, G.R.3.
- TRYON, William, Capt., June 10, 1812, a. 75, G.R.3. [Tyron, cancer, June 12, P.R.1.]
- TUCKERMAN, ---, d. F. G. and H. L., June 29, 1848, G.R.1.
- TYLER, Levi, h. Sarah C. (afterward w. Levi W. Rice), May ---, 1847, G.R.1.
- VANTINE, William E., ch. Augustus, Sept. 3, 1849, a. 10 m.
- WAIT, Emilia, d. William and Hepsibah, Aug. 12, 1802, a. 18 m. 14 d., [dysentery, a. 20 m., P.R.1.]
- WAIT, Hepzibah, w. William, Aug. 4, 1828, a. 59, G.R.1.
- WAIT, William, Jan. 28, 1842, a. 79, G.R.1.
- WAIT, ---, ch. William and Caroline, Mar. 18, 1840, a. 1 w., in Deerfield, C.R.2.
- WALKER, John Adrian, s. John and Charlotte, Aug. 10, 1847, a. 2 y. 6 m. G.R.1.
- WALKER, ---, ch. William, Jan. 7, 1793, P.R.1.
- WARNER, Mary Ann Kilburn, w. Anson, Feb. 17, 1841, G.R.4.
- WARNER, Samuel F. (see --- Warner).
- WARNER, Sarah A. (Stebbins), w. Samuel F., Sept. 10, 1842, G.R.7.
- WARNER, ---, ch. Samuel F., July 4, 1843, a. 1, C.R.2. [Samuel F., s. S. F. and S. A., G.R.7.]
- WASHBURN, Abigail, d. Dr. Seth and Asenath C., Nov. 1, 1824, a. 13 m., G.R.1.
- WASHBURN, Seth, h. Asenath, Jan. 17, 1825, P.C.R. [Seth, M.D., a. 34, G.R.1.]
- WASHBURN, ---, inf. Jonathan, Apr. 11, 1793, P.R.1.
- WATKINS, ---, ch. Mrs. Watkins, Oct. 19, 1804, P.R.1.
- WEBSTER, ---, ch. Mr. Webster, Feb. 11, 1793, "young," P.R.1.
- WELL (see Wells), Electa, w. Dea. Samuel, June 29, 1836, C.R.1. [Wells, a. 64, G.R.1.]
- WELLMAN, Esther, w. Adam, Apr. 23, 1782, in 34th y.,
- WELLS (see Well), Aaron F., s. Aaron and Abigail, Oct. 11, 1802, a. 8 y. 8 m., G.R.6. [s. Field; a. 9, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Aaron F. Feb. 12, 1826, a. 58, G.R.6.
- WELLS (see Well), Abigail, ch. Elisha and Abigail, Aug. 28 [dup. Aug. 26], 1758, in 4th y.
- WELLS (see Well), Abigail, w. Elisha, Dec. 20, 1772.
- WELLS (see Well), Abigail, ch. Joel and Abigail, Oct. 7, 1794, a. 1 y. 2 m. 14 d., G.R.6. [Oct. 9, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Abigail, wid. Aaron F., Dec. 29, 1844, a. 79, G.R.6.
- WELLS (see Well), Abner, ch. Elisha and Abigail, Dec. 7, 1772.
- WELLS (see Well), Abner, h. Elizabeth, bur. [dup. d.] Oct. 27, 1825 [dup. 1835 sic], a. 53, C.R.1. [d. Oct. 31, 1825, G.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Abner, Feb. 14, 1840, a. 60, C.R.2. [Abner Jr., a. 61, G.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Adolphus, ch. Joel and Abigail, Sept. 29, 1801, a. 1 y. 7 d., G.R.6. [dysentery, Oct. 1, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Agrippa, S. Capt. Agrippa, Aug. 30, 1777, P.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Agrippa, s. Levi and Mahitable, Oct. 24, 1804, a. 2 y. 6 m. 17 d., G.R.6.
- WELLS (see Well), Agrippa, Capt., Mar. 24, 1809, a. 70, P.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Amanda, Mrs., Feb. 18, 1831, a. 44, G.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Asa, Dec. 7, 1761, in 32d y. [Nov. 7, G.R.1. Dec. ---, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Beniamin Swan, s. Ezekiel B. and Clarissa, Aug. 28, 1831, G.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Carolina, d. Aaron and Abigail, Oct. 30, 1802, a. 6 y. 8 m., G.R.6.
- WELLS (see Well), Catharine Amelia, ch. Edward H. and Sarah, Mar. 21, 1812. [a. 1, G.R.6. ch. Hawks, a. 2, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Cephas, ch. Joseph and Eunice, Sept. 14, 1777. [in 2d y., G.R.4.]
- WELLS (see Well), Consider, ch. Ebenezer and Elisabah, Jan. 16, 1765.
- WELLS (see Well), Cornelia A., d. Luther and Rebeckah, Mar. 30, 1826, a. 6, G.R.6.
- WELLS (see Well), Damires, [twin] d. Elisha and Abigail, Aug. 27, 1758.
- WELLS (see Well), Daniel, Col., h. Rhoda, July 26, 1815, a. 55, G.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), David, Feb. 7, 1800, a. 74, P.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Diantha, ch. Ebenezer Jr. and Mercy, Apr. 23, 1771. [Dianthe, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), E. H., farmer, June 24, 1848, a. 78. [Edward H., a. 76, G.R.6.]
- WELLS (see Well), Ebenezer, Jan. 11, 178[broken, ? 1785], in 64th y., G.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Ebenezer, S. Ebenezer Jr., Aug. 7, 1777, P.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Ebenezer, s. Levi and Mehitable, Feb. 20, 1815, a. 29, in Boston, G.R.6.
- WELLS (see Well), Edward, s. Col. Samuel and Electa, Apr. 18, 1815, a. 1 y., G.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Edward, s. E. B. and C., Nov. 30, 1833, G.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Edward H. (see E. H.).
- WELLS (see Well), Edward Hubbard, May 19, 1849, a. 35 y. 8 m., C.R.2.
- WELLS (see Well), Edwy, Nov. 2, 1837, a. 25, G.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Eleazer, June 15, 1805, a. 78, P.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Elisabeth, w. Joshua, May 1, 1774, in 77th y. [Elizabeth, May 2, 1773, in 76th y. G.R.1. Elizabeth, wid., P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Elisabeth, ch. Ebenezer and Elisabah, Sept. 15, 1758. [Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer and Elizabeth, a. 9 y. 11 m. 1 d., G.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Elisabeth, w. Ebenezer, May 18, 1784, a. 61 y. 4 m. 4 d. [Elizabeth, w. Capt. Ebenezer, May 17, 1785, in 63d y., G.R.1. Elizabeth, w. Capt. Ebenezer, May 17, 1784, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Elizabeth, d. Obed and Carolina, Aug. 21, 1802, a. 3, G.R.3. [dysentery, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Elizabeth, w. Abner, Nov. 7, 1825, a. 76, C.R.1. [a. 78, G.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Ephraim, ch. Joel and Hannah, July 28, 1769. [a. 11 m. 15 d., G.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Ephraim, drowned, Oct. 16, 1818, a. 47, C.R.2. G.R.6.
- WELLS (see Well), Erastus, S. Eleazer, Sept. 3, 1777, P.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Esther Ann, d. William R. and Esther, Sept. 8, 1843, a. 3 y. 2 m., G.R.6.
- WELLS (see Well), Eunice, ch. Joseph and Eunice, Dec. 28, 1783.
- WELLS (see Well), Eunice, w. Joseph, Dec. 10, 1785. [in 43d y., G.R.4.]
- WELLS (see Well), Eunice, d. Joseph and Eunice, Sept. 3, 1759, in 3d y., G.R.4.
- WELLS (see Well), Fanny, wid. Thomas of Deerfield, bur. Oct. 30, 1847, a. 79, in Deerfield, C.R.2.
- WELLS (see Well), Hannah, w. Eleazer, Jan. 7, 1805, a. 73, P.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Hart, s. Obed and Carolina, Sept. 2, 1802, a. 10, G.R.3. [dysentery, Sept. 3, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Henry, s. Isaac and Philanda, Sept. 9, 1824, a. 16 m., G.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Herbert, s. William and Esther, Jan. 21, 1840, a. 3 y. 4 m., G.R.6.
- WELLS (see Well), Herbert, s. William R. and Esther, Aug. 27, 1843, a. 1 y. 3 m., G.R.6.
- WELLS (see Well), Herod, Sept. 23, 1830, a. 26, G.R.4.
- WELLS (see Well), Ibri, s. Aron Field and Abigail, Sept. 1, 1789, in 2d y., G.R.4.
- WELLS (see Well), Israel, "A soldier of the Revolution," Jan. 24, 1849, a. 88, in Shelburne, Franklin Co., P.R.3.
- WELLS (see Well), James, s. Patrick and Amanda, Apr. 14, 1816, a. 10 m., C.R.2. G.R.3.
- WELLS (see Well), Jesse E., Feb. 13, 1828, a. 8, G.R.4.
- WELLS (see Well), Joel, Apr. 29, 1784, in 46th y., G.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), John, Jan. 15, 1840, a. 38, in Port Gibson, Miss., G.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Joseph, h. Eunice, Dec. 22, 1804, a. 73. [a. 74, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Joseph, Oct. 23, 1831, a. 70, C.R.2. [Oct. 21, G.R.6.]
- WELLS (see Well), Joshua, Apr. 21, 1768, in 73d y. [Apr. 1, G.R.1. Apr. 21, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Lavinia (see Lovincy).
- WELLS (see Well), Ledy, [twin] ch. Elisha and Abigail, Aug. 27, 1758, in 3d y.
- WELLS (see Well), Levi, Jan. 2, 1828, a. 69, C.R.2.
- WELLS (see Well), Lovincy, Aug. 29, 1837, a. 53, G.R.4.
- WELLS (see Well), Lucinda, d. Abner and Elizabeth, Aug. 26, 1796, a. 6, G.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Lucinda, W. Ephraim, Aug. 27, 1814, a. 33, C.R.2. [Aug. 28, a. 34, G.R.6.]
- WELLS (see Well), Luey, d. Levi and Mehitable, Sept. 8, 1802, a. 5 y. 8 d., G.R.6. [dysentery, Sept. 9, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Luther, s. Luther and Rebeckah, Feb. 9, 1840, a. 2 y. 7 m., G.R.6.
- WELLS (see Well), Luther, Oct. 29, 1841, C.R.3. [a. 53, G.R.6.]
- WELLS (see Well), Lydia, d. Obed and Carolina, Aug. 26, 1802, a. 12, G.R.3. [dysentery, Aug. 25, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Margaret, w. Samuel, Aug. 29, 1802. [a. 72, G.R.1. wid. Lt. Samuel, dysentery, a. 72, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Mary, ch. Elisha and Abigail, Sept. 1, 1758, in 1st y.
- WELLS (see Well), Mary, d. Levi and Mehitable, July 26, 1815, a. 20, G.R.6.
- WELLS (see Well), Mary, w. Capt. John, ch. John Wells and Mary, abt. 1820, in Whately.
- WELLS (see Well), Mary Millicent, w. George Esq., d. Thaddeus Coleman and Millicent N., July 20, 1849, a. 29, in Troy, N.Y., G.R.5. [Mary Mellicent, w. George (youngest s. William of Shelburn), second d. Capt. Thaddeus Coleman, a. 30, P.R.3.]
- WELLS (see Well), Mehetabel, w. Capt. Agrippa, Dec. 1, 1801, a. 60, P.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Mehitable, w. Elisha, June 29, 1776. [d. Isaac Mattoon and Mary, June 30, in 39th y., G.R.4. June 30, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Mira, d. Capt. Agrippa, "suddenly by the effects of a Boil or swelling," Dec. 30, 1802, P.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Obed, ch. Ebenezer and Elisabah, Sept. 19, 1758. [s. Ebenezer and Elizabeth, a. 11 y. 7 m., G.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Obed, s. Obed and Carolina, Sept. 8, 1802, in 17th y., G.R.3. [dysentery, Sept. 9, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Obed, drowned, Nov. 10, 1809, a. 49, in Long Island Sound, G.R.3.
- WELLS (see Well), Orne, s. John, Nov. 26, 1804, a. 14, P.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Ozias, s. George H. and Eunice D., June 9, 1839, a. 13, G.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Pollie, d. Agrippa, Jan. 3, 1778, P.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Polly, ch. Levi and Mehitabel, Oct. 6, 1794. [d. Levi and Mehitable, a. 8 m. 14 d., G.R.6. d. Levi, Oct. 7, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Quartus, Oct. 12, 1819, a. 37, G.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Rhoda, w. Col. Daniel, July 22, 1833, a. 73, in Byron, N.Y., G.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Robbert, s. Lezer and Anna, Sept. 3, 1789, in 3d y., G.R.4.
- WELLS (see Well), Robert Field, s. Lina, wid., bleeding at the nose, Jan. 6, 1810, a. 8, P.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), Samuel Sr., h. Margaret, May 25, 1801, in 72d y. [May 24, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Samuel, Dea., May 16, 1838, C.R.1. [Col. Samuel, a. 65, G.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Sarah, w. Alfred, ---, 1830, C.R.1. [Oct. 5, a. 26, G.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Simeon, s. Joshua and Elisabath, Sept. 8, 1755, in 28th y.
- WELLS (see Well), Simeon, ch. Ebenezer and Elisabah, Sept. 16, 1758.
- WELLS (see Well), Solomon, ch. Abner and Elizabeth, June 7, 1787. [in 2d y., G.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Theodore B., s. Aaron F. and Abigail, Feb. 21, 1826, a. 18, G.R.6.
- WELLS (see Well), Thomas, ch. Eleazer and Hannah, Sept. 10, 1758.
- WELLS (see Well), Tirzah, ch. Elisha and Tirzah, Sept. 30, 1795. [a. abt. 10 m., P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Warren F., s. Obed and Carolina, Feb. 1, 1810, a. 8, G.R.3.
- WELLS (see Well), Wesson Wise, s. Obed and Carolina, Sept. 5, 1802, a. 6 m., G.R.3. [twin ch. Obed, dysentery, Sept. 6, a. 3 m., P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), William, ch. Joseph and Eunice, June 2, 1803, a. 22. ["lingering consumptive Disorder," P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), William, s. John, canker, Nov. 15, 1806, a. 16 m., P.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), William Jr. Esq., Aug. 3, 1828, a. 32, in Wolcott, Wayne Co., N.Y., P.R.3.
- WELLS (see Well), William, July 11, 1848, a. 82, in Shelburne, Franklin Co., P.R.3.
- WELLS (see Well), William E., May 18, 1841, a. 35, in Port Gibson, Miss., G.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), William R., s. Aaron and Abigail, Oct. 1, 1802, a. 4 y. 8 m., G.R.6. [ch. Field, dysentery, a. 4, P.R.1.]
- WELLS (see Well), Zimri, S. Capt. Agrippa, Aug. 11, 1777, P.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), ---, d. Ebenezer and Elisabah, Mar. 5, 1752.
- WELLS (see Well), ---, ch. Elisha and Mehitable, still born, June 26, 1776.
- WELLS (see Well), ---, s. Ebenezer Jr., Aug. 11, 1777, P.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), ---, ch. Eleazer Jr., Mar. 24, 1795, P.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), ---, d. Obed, Oct. 31, 1802, a. 7, P.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), ---, twin chn. Jonathan, Oct. 18, 1805, P.R.1.
- WELLS (see Well), ---, ch. Jonathan, July 3, 1808, a. 5 m., P.R.1.
- WHEELER, Sophia, Mrs., Apr. ---, 1843, [w. Robert, d. Solomon Smead Esq., Apr. 1, a. 59, G.R.6.]
- WHEELER, Sophia T., d. Robert and Sophia S., "Perished from on board the Steamboat Lexington which was burned on Long Island Sound," Jan. 13, 1840, a. 18, G.R.6.
- WHEELOCK, Abel, May 17, 1831, a. 63, C.R.2. G.R.2.
- WHEELOCK, M. A., ch. Asa C. and Rachel A., Mar. 30, 1841, a. 3 y. 3 m. 15 d., G.R.1.
- WHEELOCK, M. E., ch. Asa C. and Rachel A., Aug. 23, 1842, a. 2 y. 8 d., G.R.1.
- WHIPPLE, Elizabeth, w. Truman, Sept. 27, 1825, a. 33, G.R.6.
- WHITE, Emily, Miss, ---, 1845, C.R.1.
- WHITE, Eusebia, d. Luke of Heath, Apr. 10, 1825, a. 22 [? in Heath], C.R.2.
- WHITE, Sabra, d. Aaron and Christiana, Sept. 24, 1817, a. 14, G.R.1.
- WHITE, ---, inf. Mr. White, July ---, 1801, P.R.1.
- WHITNEY, ---, ch. Jonas and Mary of Montague, July 18, 1843, a. 6 w. [? in Montague], C.R.2.
- WILKINSON, Byron, s. Oliver and Betsy, Sept. 30, 1806, in 2d y., G.R.1. [Oct. 1, P.R.1.]
- WILKINSON, Oliver, s. Oliver and Betsey, Sept. 7, 1826, a. 5 w. 3 d., G.R.1.
- WILKINSON, Richard, b. England, Oct. ---, 1848, a. 73.
- WILKINSON, William Lobing, s. Oliver and Betsey, Apr. 22, 1822, a. 9 w. 5 d., G.R.1.
- WILLARD, Beriah, ch. Beriah and Catharine, ---, 1802 [1802 written in pencil]. [Aug. 30, 1801, a. 13, G.R.1. "wound from a Rakes tail," Aug. 31, 1801, P.R.1.
- WILLARD, Beriah, Oct. 9, 1819, a. 64, C.R.2. [a. 63, G.R.1.]
- WILLARD, Catharine, d. Beriah and Catharine, Sept. 10, 1802, a. 6 y. 2 m. 11 d., G.R.1. [Sept. 11, a. 5, P.R.1.]
- WILLARD, Catharine, w. Beriah, Nov. 19, 1815, a. 49, G.R.1.
- WILLARD, David Dickman, ch. David and Sarah, Oct. ---, 1822. [Oct. 25, a. 6, C.R.2. G.R.1.]
- WILLARD, John, ch. David and Sarah, Oct. 29, 1838. [inf., Oct. 27, C.R.2.]
- WILLARD, Margaret, wid. Reuel, Jan. 21, 1827, a. 60, G.R.1.
- WILLARD, Mary, eldest d. Samuel W. and Mary D., Apr. 13, 1839, a. 15, G.R.1.
- WILLARD, Nancy, Apr. 17, 1831, a. 19, G.R.1.
- WILLARD, Nancy, ---, 1834, C.R.1.
- WILLARD, Nancy D., w. Samue1 W., May 25, 1828, a. 29 [? in Bernardston], C.R.2.
- WILLARD, Reuel, May 24, 1806, a. 54, G.R.1.
- WILLARD, Sarah, w. David, Aug. 4, 1844, a. 49, C.R.2. [d. Th. Dickman, C.R.1.]
- WILLIAMS, Avery, Rev., Feb. 4, 1816, a. 34, in Spartanburg, S.C., G.R.1.
- WILLIAMS, Eunice, w. Rev. John of Deerfield ("The Redeemed Captive"), "The cruel and bloodthirsty savage who took her slew her with his hatchet at one stroke," Mar. 1, 1704, P.R.30.
- WILLIAMS, John of Montague, Mar. 14, 1828, a. 62 [? in Montague], C.R.2.
- WILLIAMS, Lydia Maria, d. Rev. Avery and Clarissa of Lexington, Dec. 21, 1814, a. 2 y. 9 m., G.R.1.
- WILLIAMS, Sarah, wid. John of Montague, Apr. 9, 1840, a. 67 [? in Montague], C.R.2.
- WILLIS, Judith, w. Amos of Deerfield, Apr. 16, 1835, a. 55 [? in Deerfield], C.R.2.
- WILMARTH, Eunice, Sept. 10, 1842, a. 84, in Deerfield, C.R.2.
- WILSON, Caroline, ch. William and Polly, Aug. 11, 1824. [a. 1 y. 10 m., C.R.2. G.R.1.]
- WILSON, Elizabeth, w. William, Dec. ---, 1801, a. 85, G.R.1.
- WILSON, Maria A., d. William, Apr. 4, 1839, a. 20, C.R.2. G.R.1.
- WILSON, Mary, ch. William and Polly, June 24, 1810 [in Colerain].
- WILSON, Walter, s. Samuel and Olive, ---, 1701 [sic], a. 3, G.R.1.
- WILSON, William, h. Elizabeth, ---, 1785, a. 80, G.R.1.
- WILSON, William W., s. William, Mar. 21, 1834, a. 19 y. 7 m., C.R.2. [William Wellington Wilson, s. William and Polly, G.R.1.]
- WILSON, ---, inf. s. Samuel and Olive, ---, 1790, G.R.1.
- WILSON, ---, Mr., "a foreigner," Apr. 21, 1806, a. 35, P.R.1.
- WILSON, ---, ch. Simeon and Lucy, July 19, 1831, a. 4 w., C.R.2.
- WOOD, A. B., s. ---, Sept. 21, 1848, a. 40.
- WOODWARD, Eleanor, d. H. G., July 6, 1848, a. 1. [E. J. Woodard, d. H. G. and S. J., G.R.7.]
- WRIGHT, Caleb, May 28, 1777, P.R.1.
- WRIGHT, Hellen M. (see --- Wright).
- WRIGHT, Lewis, s. John and Maria C., Sept. 6, 1847, a. 15 m., C.R.2. [Lewis F., a. 1 y. 3 m. 7 d., G.R.1.]
- WRIGHT, Wendell H., s. William and Maria F., Mar. 7, 1845, a. 1 y. 9 d., G.R.1.
- WRIGHT, ---, ch. John and Maria C., Nov. 24, 1848, a. 4 1/2 m., C.R.2. [Hellen M., a. 4 m., G.R.1.]
- WRISTLEY, Experience, wid. Samuel, Apr. 11, 1836, a. 78, C.R.2.
- WRISTLEY, Samuel, May 3, 1831, a. 74, in Montague, C.R.2.
- ---, Eunice [w. ---], ch. Moses Chandler and Persis (Harris), Sept. 2, 1814 [or 1804], P.R.27.
- ---, Judith [? Booth, q.v.], w. Asa, bur. Dec. 25, 1825, a. 2 [SiC] 2 C.R.1.
- ---, Naomi [w.---], ch. Moses Chandler and Persis (Harris), July 4, 1796, P.R.27.
- ---, Persis [w. ---], ch. Moses Chandler and Persis (Harris), Feb. 4, 1838, P.R.27.
- ----, ---, "a female Child living with Marsh Bissel," dysentery and hooping cough, Nov. 4, 1803, a. 3, P.R.1.
- ---, ---, Sept. 13, 1833 a. 16 m., G.R.7.
Negroes, Etc.
- Amelia, d. Rose, negro of Deerfield, dysentery, July 18, 1803, a. 12, P.R.1.
- Dinah, "a Negro woman," Jan. 27, 1801, P.R.1.
- John, "black man," Nov. 6, 1818, C.R.2.
- Phillis, "a negro Child," Aug. 23, 1781, P.R.1.
- Romus, "a Negro man," July 23, 1799, a. 63, P.R.1.
- Umphry, "Negro Servt. to Ensign Childs," Oct. 16, 1767, P.R.1.
- Violet, "a negro child," Apr. 29, 1783, P.R.1.
- ---, "a negro Child, belonging to Caesar," dysentery, Aug. 19, 1802, a. 2, P.R.1.
- ---, "a Negro woman," Sept. 9, 1808, a. 30, P.R.1.
[ Greenfield Massachusetts Death Records to 1850 - Surnames A-G ]