Salisbury Massachusetts Death Records to 1850
Surnames CM-E
Transcribed by Lynn Tooley
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- COFFIN, Anna, w. John, old age, Sept. 22, 1849, a. 93 y. John, Jan. 15, 1754.
- COFFIN, Mary, d. Stephen and Sarah, Nov. 23, 1735.
- COFFIN, Rebecca E., w. John, jr., Aug. 4, 1840, a. 40 y. 4 m. G.R.5.
- COFFIN, Sarah, wid. Stephen, July 23, 1739. N.CT.BK.
- COFFIN, Sarah, w. Thristam [canker rash. C.R.2.], Mar. 10, 1798. [a. 23 y. C.R.2.]
- COFFIN, Stephen, May 26, 1822, a. 92 y.
- COGSWELL, Peter, Apr. 6, 1834.
- COIN, David, Oct. 23, 1808.
- COLBY, Abby Ann, d. Moses C. and Nancy [0. G.R.3.], croup, Sept. 30, 1848, a. 11 m.
- COLBY, Abigail, wid. Aaron, Apr. 24, 1839, a. 88 y.
- COLBY, Abigail, wid. John W., consumption, Mar. 2, 1842, a. 72 y.
- COLBY, Anthony, 11: 12 m: 1660.
- COLBY, Charles T[rue, s. True and Sophronia. G.R.8.], Nov. 9, 1835. [Nov. 16, a. 16 m. G.R.8.]
- COLBY, Dolly [(Osgood). P.R.38.], w. Elbridge G[erry. P.R.38.], dropsy, Mar. 26, 1846, a. 29 y. 3 m.
- COLBY, Gee, Capt., Apr. 21, 1822, a. 61 y.
- COLBY, Hannah [(Edwards). P.R.38.], w. Capt. Gee, Nov. 21, 1820. [a. 59 y. G.R.3.]
- COLBY, Hannah, Apr. 13, 1838, a. 77 y.
- COLBY, Hiram, s. True and Sophronia, Jan. 11, 1831, a. 3 m. G.R.8.
- COLBY, John [s. Gee and Hannah (Edwards). P.R.38; instantly killed by the falling of a heavy stick of timber. G.R.3.], Feb. 18, 1839. [a. 49 y. G.R.3.]
- COLBY, John Bagley, s. John [and Dolly. P.R.38.], Feb. 23, 1830.
- COLBY, John Edwin, s. Edwin J[ohn. P.R.39.] and Mary [Follansbee. P.R.39.], drowned [in Merrimack River. P.R.39.], Sept 12, 1844, a. 4 y.
- COLBY, John G., m., cordwainer, b. Amesbury, s. James and Nancy, killed by the falling of a bank of earth on the railroad, bur. Amesbury, d. Sept. 30, 1846, a. 25 y.
- COLBY, John W., Feb. 2, 1832.
- COLBY, Nancy, Oct. 17, 1836.
- COLBY, Philip, Dec. 26, 1796.
- COLBY, Philip, Mar. 13, 1823.
- COLBY, Samuel, Oct. 1, 1810.
- COLBY, William M., Apr. 14, 1839.
- COLLINGS (see also Collins), Samuel, Dec. 17, 1802. [Dec. 18, in his 73d y. G.R.2.]
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Abigail, w. Moses, d. Daniel and Ruth Fitts, Oct. 18, 1826. P.R.3.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Benjamin, Dec. 10, 1683.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Benjamin, s. Samuel, Apr. 20, 1744.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Benjamin, Aug. 25, 1825.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Betsy, w. Enoch, jr., June 25, 1826, a. 34 y.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Enoch, Capt., Oct. 28, 1826. [a. 68 y. G.R.2.]
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Enoch, Aug. 29, 1834.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Enoch, Apr. 24, 4836. [a. 41 y. G.R.8.]
- COLLINS (see also Collings), George, ch. Currier, Mar. 3, 1835.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), George, s. Currier and Polly, consumption, Dec. 17, 1842, a. 6 m.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Hannah, wid. Capt. Enoch, Aug. 11, 1828, a. 63 y. G.R.2.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), [Hannah Emeline. G.R.2.], ch. Jonathan and Sarah [(Ambrose). P.R.32.], dysentery, Sept. 3, 1846, a. 4 y. 2 m.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Hannah G., w. Jacob B. [d. Jonathan and Abigail Cilley. G.R.7.], consumption, Mar. 17, 1848, a. 20 y. [a. 27 y. G.R.7.]
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Hiram Newell, s. Hiram and Nancy, Aug. 27, 1838, a. 1 y. 4 m. G.R.8.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Horace B., s. Ephraim, jr. and Rebecca, scarlet fever and throat distemper, July 27, 1844, a. 1 y. 3 m.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Jane [w. Timothy, d. David Osgood and Jedida Eaton. G.R.6.], Jan. 5, 1832.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), John, s. David, June 30, 1823.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), John Francis, s. Currier and Polly, consumption, bur. at the Mills, d. Mar. 29, 1846, a. 6 m.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Lucy Perkins, d. Enoch, Apr. 4, 1820.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Mehetabel, d. Benjamin and Mehetabel, Jan. 19, 1729-30. N.CT.BK.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Miriam [F. Stevens, b. Deerfield, N.H. P.R.1.], w. Samuel, consumption, Aug. 27, 1841, a. 32 y.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Moses, yeoman, palsy, June 8, 1842, a. 85 y.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Nathan, yeoman, erysipelas, Jan. 27, 1843, a. 59 1/2 y.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Rebecca, wid. Samuel, Sept. 27, 1812, a. 85 y.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Rebecca, w. Timothy, consumption, June 3, 1842, a. 43 y.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Robert, ----. [1718?] N.CT.BK.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Samuel, Apr. 16, 1762.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Sarah, w. Samuell, Oct. 19, 1732. N.CT.BK.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Sarah (Ambrose), w. Jonathan, consumption, Apr. 25, 1849, a. 35 y. P.R.32.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), Susan W., w. Moses, May 12, 1840, a. 37 y. G.R.6.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), ----, d. John and Elizabeth, Nov. 8, 1697. N.CT.BK.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), ----, ch. En., bur. [bet. Aug. 21 and Nov. 10], 1797, a. 3 d. C.R.2.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), ----, ch. Currier, burn, bur. Feb. ----, 1835, a. 3 y. C.R.2.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), ----, ch. Currier, consumption, bur. May ----, 1835, a. 9 m. C.R.2.
- COLLINS (see also Collings), ----, ch. stillborn, Jacob B., cordwainer, and Hannah, Feb. 22, 1848.
- CONER (see also Conner), Cornelius, July 1, 1724. N.CT.BK.
- CONNER (see also Conor), Dorethie [d. Cornelious. T.C.], Dec. 22, 1683.
- CONNER (see also Conor), John, May 1, 1718. N.CT.BK.
- COOK, Thomas, Feb. 1, 1794.
- COOPER, Lydia R., d. John R. and Ann R., Sept. 25, 1838.
- CORLISS, Hannah Little, d. Jonathan [and Hannah, lung fever. P.R.1.], July 5, 1831. [a. 1 y. 10 m. G.R.8.]
- CORLISS, Jonathan [M. G.R.8.], s. Jonathan and Hannah [L. G.R.8; lung fever. P.R.1.], May 28, 1841, a. 3 y.
- CORLISS, Sarah Emery, d. Jonathan [and Hannah. G.R.8; lung fever. P.R.1.], Feb. 9, 1834. [a. 1 y. 6 m. G.R.8.]
- COTTLE, Edward, s. Edward [and Judeth. CT.R.], 15: 4 m: 1653.
- COTTLE, Enoch, s. Joseph and Ann, Apr. 24, 1737. N.CT.BK.
- CRAM, Abigail, wid. Elijah, Oct. 25, 1824.
- CRAM, Elijah, May 19, 1812, a. 72 y.
- CROCKER, Abigail M., d. James, Jan. 9, 1825.
- CROCKER, Clarisa [w. Lowell. G.R.3.], Oct. 3, 1832. [Oct. 2, a. 30 y. 6 m. G.R.3.]
- CROCKER, Mary, wid. Richard, old age, Dec. 31, 1841, 80 y.
- CROCKER, Richard [soldier of the Revolution. G.R.3.], suddenly July 22, 1836, a. 78 y.
- CROCKER, ----, ch. ----, fever, bur. [bet. Oct. 1 and Nov. 1,] 1798, a. 8 m. C.R.2.
- CROMACK, Matilda, w. James, bur. at the Mills, d. Dec. 29, 1845, a. 29 y.
- CROSBY, Rebecca. Marquand, d. N., Aug. 22, 1830.
- CURIER (see also Currier), Dorithy, w. Samuell, July 14, 1720. N.CT.BK.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Anna, d. Morrill, Mar. 20, 1816.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Anna March, d. David and Mary, Aug. 2, 1792. P.R.62.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Benjamin, June 22, 1817. [a. 52 y. G.R.6.]
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Betsey, w. David, Apr. 17, 1823, a. 38 y. G.R.6.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Charles, s. Jacob R., May 20, 1825.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Charles W[arren. G.R.3.], s. Charles and Lavinia, canker, Nov. 29, 1849, a. 1 y. 5 m. 15 d.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Daniel, Sept. 24, 1727. N.CT.BK.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), David, 3d, s. David, Jan. 30, 1823. [a. 39 y. G.R.6.]
- CURRIER (see also Curier), David, Oct. 16, 1823. [a. 69 y. G.R.6.]
- CURRIER (see also Curier), David, shipwright, chronic inflammation of the brain, Mar. 18, 1842, a. 69 y. [Mar. 20, a. 70 y. G.R.3.]
- CURRIER (see also Curier), David, unm., mariner, s. Jacob and Ruth, consumption, bur. at the Mills, d. June 16, 1847, a. 24 y.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Dorothy, d. Jacob and Ruth, Mar. 12, 1822, a. 38 y. G.R.6.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Elizabeth, wid. Elijah, Dec. 18, 1825, a. 100 y.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Elizabeth, w. James, June 10, 1834.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Elizabeth, w. Merrill E., Mar. 9, 1841, a. 22 y. 4 m. G.R.5.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Ezekiell, s. Samuell and Hannah, Feb. 7, 1735-6. N.CT.BK.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Francis O., s. Jacob [and Ruth. G.R.6.], July 3, 1820. [a. 2 y. G.R.6.]
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Hannah, wid. David, lung fever, Apr. 20, 1842, a. 86 y.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Isaac, s. Jacob and Mary, Nov. 22, 1735. N.CT.BK.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Israel, Aug. 26, 1806.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Jacob, June 12, 1742. N.CT.BK.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Jacob, Oct. 22, 1808. [Oct. 21, a. 55 y. G.R.6.]
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Jacob, Aug. 6, 1846, a. 67 y. G.R.6.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Jacob R. [Dea. G.R.3.], m., shipwright, b. Amesbury, s. David and Polly, consumption, Sept. 20, 1845, a. 47 y. [Sept. 22. G.R.3.]
- CURRIER (see also Curier), James, s. David and Sarah, Apr. 15, 1797, a. 2 m. G.R.6.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), James, 2d s. David and Sarah, Nov. 16, 1801, a. 3 y. 8 m. G.R.6.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), James P., m., cooper, consumption, Feb. 16, 1845, a. 59 y.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), John, July 14, 1770.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Joseph M., s. Merrill E. and Eleanor, Sept. 2, 1847. G.R.5.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Judith, d. William and Elizabeth, Oct. 6, 1824, in her 24th y. G.R.6.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Lavinia, b. Amesbury, w. Charles, canker, July 3, 1849, a. 22 y. [a. 21 y. 8 m. G.R.3.]
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Mary, d. Joseph Page [Bagley. G.R.3.], deceased, Mar. 21, 1813, a. 57 y. [a. 58 y. G.R.3.]
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Mary Abigail, d. Merrill E. and Eleanor, consumption, Feb. 14, 1846, a. 1 y. 2 m. 14 d. [1845. G.R.5.]
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Mary Jane, d. Charles and Lydia, b. Oct. 7, d. Oct. 25, 1842. G.R.5.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Miriam, d. Ruben and Phebe, Jan. 8, 1730, a. 2 y. 18 d. G.R.11.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Nathan C., July ----, 1831.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Nathanel, s. David, Oct. 16, 1805. [a. 23 y. G.R.6.]
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Polly, w. Jacob, jr., June 7, 1843, a. 53 y.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Polly Ann, d. David, June 17, 1837. [a. 25 y. G.R.3.]
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Rhoda, b. Amesbury, w. Benjamin, palsy, bur. at the Mills, d. Oct. 24, 1849, a. 82 y.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Ruth, wid. Jacob, Feb. 16, 1826. [Feb. 17, a. 69 y. G.R.6.]
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Ruth, w. Jacob, jr., Oct. 1, 1836. [a. 41 y. G.R.6.]
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Saley, w. David, Nov. 26, 1802. [Nov. 27, a. 38 y. G.R.6.]
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Samuell, July 30, 1735. N.CT.BK.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Sarah, w. Jacob, Mar. 29, 1831, a. 42 y. G.R.6.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Sophia, d. David and Mary, Mar. 4, 1793. P.R.62.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Susan [d. David and Betsey. G.R.6.], May 30, 1830. [a. 17 y. 9 m. G.R.6.]
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Susana, wid. Maj. Nathanel, Oct. 5, 1806. [a. 79 y. G.R.6.]
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Susannah, d. David and Sarah, July 16, 1794, a. 10 m. G.R.6.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Thomas, s. David and Sarah, Feb. 26, 1802, a. 1 y. 6 m. G.R.6.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), Thomas, m., farmer, b. Amesbury, s. Timothy and Anna, consumption, bur. at the Mills, d. Aug. 11, 1849, a. 80 y.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), ----, s. Jacob and Mary, June 25, 1737. N.CT.BK.
- CURRIER (see also Curier), ----, w. Israel, Oct. 1, 1802.
- CURTIS, Hannah, unm., b. Dexter, Me., typhus fever, bur. at the Mills, d. Aug. 14, 1845, a. 16 y.
- CURTIS, John M., unm., shipwright, b. Amesbury, consumption, bur. Amesbury Ferry, d. Oct. 31, 1844, a. 33 y.
- CURTIS, Sarah, Mrs., Sept. 21, 1840, in her 56th y. G.R.3.
- CUSHING, Benjamin, s. Benjamin, Dec. 12, 1777.
- CUSHING, Benjamin, Sept. 18, 1810. [in his 71st y. G.R.1.]
- CUSHING, Caleb, Rev., "Minister of ye first Church in Salisbury" [4th minister of Salisbury, called from Scituate. C.R.1.], Jan. 25, 1752, in his 80th y. and 56th y. of his ministry.
- CUSHING, Caleb, Hon. [old age. C.R.2.], Dec. 28, 1797, in his 95th y.
- CUSHING, Caleb, s. Hon. Caleb, deceased, Feb. 24, 1799.
- CUSHING, Elisabeth, d. Caleb and Mary, Oct. 25, 1736. N.CT.BK.
- CUSHING, Elisabeth, w. Rev. Caleb, Sept. 8, 1743. N.CT.BK.
- CUSHING, Elizebath, d. Caleb, jr. and Mary, July 1, 1748.
- CUSHING, Hannah, wid. Benjamin, June 2, 1836. [June 1, a. 93 y. G.R.1.]
- CUSHING, Mary, d. Lt. Caleb and Mary, Oct. 24, 1736. N.CT.BK.
- CUSHING, Mary, w. Caleb, Dec. 11, 1794.
- CUSHING, Molley, d. Benjamin, Dec. 1, 1777.
- DALTON (see also Dolten, Dolton), John, s. Samuel [and Hannah E. P.R.49.], on board a prison ship at New York, June ----, 1782. [a. 18 y. G.R.2.]
- DALTON (see also Dolten, Dolton), Jonathan [s. Samuel and Hannah E. P.R.49.], at sea, Aug. 6, 1802, a. 35 y. G.R.2.
- DALTON (see also Dolten, Dolton), Samuel, Mar. 12, 1783. [a. 57 y. G.R.2.]
- DANA, Ann, w. William, Apr. 14, 1828.
- DANA, ----, ch. ----, canker, July 2, 1798, a. 2 w. C.R.2.
- DANILLS (see also Dannills), William, jr., Sept. 30, 1742. N.CT.BK.
- DANILLS (see also Dannills), ----, d. William and Else, Dec. 15, 1742. N.CT.BK.
- DANNILLS (see also Danills), Waldo, s. William and Else, Dec. 16 or 17, 1742. N.CT.BK.
- DAVIS, Enoch, s. Rufus and Elizabeth [L. G.R.8.], throat distemper; bur. at the Mills, d. Jan. 2, 1845, a. 3 y. 1 m.
- DAVIS, George, s. Rufus and Eliza L. [croup, at Amesbury. P.R.1.], Nov. 10, 1828, a. 1 y. 1 m. 6 d. G.R.8.
- DAVIS, Margarit, d. John, drowned, Aug. 15, 1738. N.CT.BK.
- DAVIS, Mary Elizabeth [b. Amesbury. P.R.1.], d. Rufus [and Eliza L. G.R.8; inflammatory fever. P.R.1.], Dec. 27, 1840. [a. 4 y. 1 m. 19 d. G.R.8.]
- DAVIS, Stephen, s. Rufus and Eliza L. [typhoid fever. P.R.1.], Apr. 22, 1837, a. 3 y. 3 m. 19 d. G.R.8.
- DAVIS, William G., s. William, Dec. 27, 1826.
- DAVIS, William Henry, s. William E. and Susan, Oct. 15, 1837, a. 2 y. 1 m. G.R.7.
- DAVIS, ----, ch. ----, bur. [after Nov. 1], 1798. C.R.2.
- DEAL, Betsey, w. Moses, consumption, Dec. 25, 1843, a. 56 y.
- DEAL, Betty, unm., consumption, May 28, 1843, a. 72 y. [May 27. G.R.1.]
- DEAL, Judith, w. Moses, Oct. 16, 1824. [1825, a. 39 y. G.R.1.]
- DEAL, Moses, May 11, 1816.
- DEAN, Anna (Webster), w. Ward Clark, Apr. 13, 1795. P.R.37.
- DEAN, Elisabeth, Aug. 13, 1831.
- DEAN, Jane, w. Thomas, [d. Richard and Prudence Scamman, late of Stratham. G.R.2.], Oct. 9, 1726. N.CT.BK. [in her 60th y. G.R.2.]
- DEAN, Jonathan Webster, s. Henry [and Betsy. G.R.3.], Aug. 21, 1813.
- DEARBORN, Caroline N., d. Cyrus, jr. and Ann S. [Brown. G.R.7.], consumption, Apr. 2, 1849, a. 10 y. 4 m.
- DENNETT, Elizabeth B., d. Charles, Mar. 20, 1824.
- DENNETT, Jacob [b. Amesbury. P.R.1], s. William and Betsy [fever. P.R.1.], at sea, Apr. 16, 1832, a. 15 y. G.R.8.
- DENNETT, Jonathan W. [b. Amesbury. P.R.1.], s. William and Betsy, at sea, Sept. 13, 1839, a. 19 y. G.R.8.
- DENNETT, Moses Morrill, s. Moses M. and Sally, Sept. 1, 1841, a. 4 y. 5 m. G.R.8.
- DENNETT, Polly, w. Charles, Dec. 20, 1824.
- DENNETT, Sewall [b. Amesbury. P.R.1.], s. William, deceased [and Betsy. G.R.8; typhoid fever. P.R.1.], Sept. 17, 1826. [Sept. 26, a. 18 y. G.R.8.]
- DENNETT, Thomas G[odfrey, s. William and Mary (Greenough). P.R.61.], wool sorter, palsy, Nov. 14, 1842, a. 49 y.
- DENNETT, William [b. Newburyport. P.R.1; s. William and Betsy. G.R.8; s. William and Mary (Greenough). P.R.61; jaundice. P.R.1.], Nov. 18, 1824. [a. 44 y. G.R.8.]
- DENNETT, William [jr., b. Amesbury. P.R.1; s. William and Betsy. G.R.8; consumption. P.R.1.], May 17, 1833. [a. 30 y. G.R.8.]
- DICKISON, Hannah, w. John, jr., Dec. 15, 1679.
- DICKISON, John [sr. T.C.], Dec. 30, 1683.
- DICKISON, Mary, w. John, 16: 2 m: 1647.
- DICKISON, ----, w. John, sr., ----[1679 or 1680.].
- DODGE, Susanna, w. Henry, consumption, July 9, 1843, a. 19 y.
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), Albert W., s. Albert W. and Hannah P., Aug. 28, 1841, a. 5 w. G.R.5.
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), Belcher [consumption. C.R.2.], Apr. 13, 1799. [a. 57 y. C.R.2; a. 58 y. G.R.2.]
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), Benjamin, s. John and Ann, Oct. 27, 1735. N.CT.BK. [1736, in his 2d y. G.R.1.]
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), Betty, w. Belcher, Aug. 13, 1789.
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), Daniel, Nov. 5, 1790.
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), David, s. Nathaniel and Elizebath, Oct. 19, 1748.
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), Eben P., s. John and Abigail B., drowned at sea, July 23, 1848, a. 27 y. G.R.5.
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), Elisabeth, Mrs., Nov. 14, 1780.
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), Eliza [b. Seabrook, N.H. P.R.1.], w. Belcher, consumption, Sept. 13, 1841. [a. 40 y. G.R.8.]
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), Jemima, wid. Belcher, Nov. 15, 1816.
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), John [Cole. N.CT.BK.], ----, 1682.
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), John, jr., July 24, 1752, a. 42 y. G.R.1.
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), John, Feb. 15, 1836. [a. 59 y. G.R.5.]
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), John, mariner [s. Capt. John and Abigail. G.R.5.], consumption, May 28, 1844, a. 38 y.
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), Mary, unm., consumption, Aug. 19, 1849, a. 63 y.
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), Moses, s. John and Anne, ---- [1740?], a. 10 d. G.R.1.
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), Nathaniel, Aug. 12, 1790, in his 90th y.
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), Nathaniel [Col. G.R.8.], m., farmer, s. Belcher and Jemima, delirium tremens [brain fever. P.R.1.], ----, 1847, a. 50 y. [July 9, a. 49 y. G.R.8.]
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), Samuel, s. Nathaniel and Elizebath, Oct. 19, 1748.
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), Samuel P., school teacher [s. Capt. John and Abigail. G.R.5.], mania, Sept. 10, 1841, a. 33 y.
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), Sarah, d. John, jr. and Anne, Nov. 16, 1750, in her 15th y. G.R.1.
- DOLE (see also Doole, Dooll), Susan Moody [d. Albert W. and Hannah P. G.R.5.], fever, Oct. 14, 1844, a. 1 y.
- DOLLAR, Mehatable, wid., Dec. 5, 1802.
- DOLTEN (see also Dalton), Moses, Nov. ----, 1770.
- DOLTON (see also Dalton), Hannah [E. P.R.49.], wid. [Samuel. P.R.49.], Mar. 2, 1808. [a. 75 y. G.R.2.]
- DOOLE (see also Dole), Mary, d. John and Hannah, Nov. 26, 1720. N.CT.BK. [Nov. 27, in her 4th y. G.R.1.]
- DOOLL (see also Dole), Benjamin, s. John and Hannah, Apr. 23, 1720. N.CT.BK. [in his 8th y. G.R.1.]
- DOOLL (see also Dole), John, Aug. 18, 1720. N.CT.BK. [in his 35th y. G.R.1.]
- DORR, Abigail, w. Edward, June 19, 1820, a. 94 y. G.R.3.
- DORR, Benjamin, s. Edward [and Ruth. G.R.3.], Sept. 7, 1793. [a. 8 m. G.R.3.]
- DORR, Benjamin, s. Samuel [and Nancy. G.R.3.], Aug. 5, 1825. [a. 1 y. 11 m. G.R.3.]
- DORR, Edward, bur. at Roxbury, Jan. 2, 1768, in his 57th y. G.R.3.
- DORR, Edward, s. Edward and Ruth (Dalton), Dec. 12, 1825. P.R.7.
- DORR, Edward, shipwright, old age, Mar. 27, 1844, a. 86 y.
- DORR, John, s. Edward [and Ruth. G.R.3.], Feb. 3, 1802. [a. 14 y. G.R.3.]
- DORR, Mary [d. Edward and Ruth. G.R.3.], Jan. 20, 1832. [a. 34 y. G.R.3.]
- DORR, Ruth, w. Dea. Edward, Dec. 31, 1807. [a. 49 y. G.R.3.]
- DORR, Ruth Ann, d. Samuel [and Nancy. G.R.3.], July 27, 1812. [a. 2 y. G.R.3.]
- DORR, Ruth Ann, d. Samuel and Nancy, Jan. 12, 1833, a. 18 y. 4 m. G.R.3.
- DORR, Samuel, m., cooper, s. Edward and Ruth, consumption, Nov. 15, 1848. [Nov. 11, a. 63 y. 7 m. G.R.3.]
- DORR, Walter Odin, s. Rev. Benjamin, D. D. and Esther Kittell Odin, b. Sept. 5, 1833, d. Nov. 12, 1834. G.R.3.
- DOW, Benjamin, Feb. 28, 1835.
- DOW, Charitee, Mar. 26, 1768.
- DOW, Charles Edward, s. Levi and Nancy, scarlet fever, May 2, 1842, a. 8 y.
- DOW, Edward, s. John, May 25, 1824.
- DOW, Elijah, drowned, Aug. 15, 1781.
- DOW, George, s. Jacob, May 25, 1837.
- DOW, Hannah, Mrs., d. Benjamin and Abigail Morrill, June 20, 1833, a. 32 y. P.R.54.
- DOW, Hannah, w. William, Aug. 20, 1834, a. 36 y. G.R.6.
- DOW, Henry, s. Solomon and Mehetable "(but now wife of Onesiphorus Page)," Dec. 30, 1727. N.CT.BK.
- DOW, Henry, s. Henry and Mary, Dec. 11, 1729. N.CT.BK.
- DOW, Henry, Jan. 22, 1738-9. N.CT.BK.
- DOW, Horace F. P., s. Francis L. and Martha K., Apr. 4, 1847, a. 5 m. 19 d. G.R.6.
- DOW, Jacob, Jan. 15, 1847, a. 46 y. 6 m. G.R.4.
- DOW, Jemima, d. John and Dinah, Oct. 6, 1725. N.CT.BK.
- DOW, Jemima, d. John and Dinah, July 13, 1730. N.CT.BK.
- DOW, Jeremiah, s. Jeremiah, Dec. 11, 1725. N.CT.BK.
- DOW, Joseph, Feb. 5, 1734-5. N.CT.BK.
- DOW, Joseph, Dec. 8, 1780.
- DOW, Joshua, Jan. 3, 1835. [Jan. 4, a. 57 y. G.R.4.]
- DOW, Levi, May ----, 1840. [a. 42 y. G.R.7.]
- DOW, Lydia, d. John and Dinah, May 8, 1731. N.CT.BK.
- DOW, Mary, w. Joseph, jr., May 14, 1697. N.CT.BK.
- DOW, Mary, d. John and Dinah, throat distemper, Aug. 3, 1736. N.CT.BK.
- DOW, Mary A., d. William and Margaret, Mar. 7, 1838, a. 3 y. 6 m. G.R.8.
- DOW, Mary Abbie, d. [William. G.R.6.] and Hannah (Morrill), Dec. 20, 1835, a. 8 y. P.R.54.
- DOW, Mercy, d. John and Dinah, July 20, 1730. N.CT.BK.
- DOW, Nanna, w. Samuel, Feb. 1, 1801.
- DOW, Samuel [jr. G.R.4.], by a fall from a frame, Apr. 16, 1809. [a. 25 y. G.R.4.]
- DOW, Samuel, May 15, 1812, a. 82 y.
- DOW, ----, ch. William, Dec. 21, 1834.
- DOWNER, John, Apr. 13, 1736. N.CT.BK.
- DOWNER, Mary, d. Robard and Martha, July 1, 1695. N.CT.BK.
- DOWNER, Mary, w. Ens. Andrew, Apr. 9, 1763, in her 65th y. G.R.1.
- DOWNER, Robert, Feb. 12, 1720-21. N.CT.BK.
- DOWNER, Ruth, Jan. 5, 1744.
- DOWNER, Sarah, wid. Robert, Sept. 13, 1726. N.CT.BK.
- DUCKWORTH, James, s. Henry, Sept. 8, 1833.
- DUCKWORTH, Jonathan, s. Henry and Susan, June 19, 1843, a. 12 y. 8 m. G.R.6.
- DUCKWORTH, Lawrence, s. Henry and Susan, lost at sea, Oct. 1, 1840, a. 22 y. G.R.6.
- DUDLEY (see also Dudly), Mary, w. Samuell, 12: 2 m: 1643.
- DUDLEY (see also Dudly), Mary, d. Samuell, 28: 10 m: 1646.
- DUDLY (see also Dudley), Samuell, s. Samuell, 17: 2 m: 1643.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Benjamin, sr., Jan. 23, 1727-8. N.CT.BK. [in his 75th y. G.R.11.]
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Eadmon, Mar. 18, 1718-19. N.CT.BK.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Elisabeth, wid. Nathaniell, June 10, 1734. N.CT.BK.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Ephrim, s. Jacob and Elizebeth, Mar. 14, 1745.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Hannah, d. John and Mary, 18: 12 m: 1673.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Hannah, d. Jeremiah and Lydia, June 29, 1730. N.CT.BK.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Jacob, s. Jacob and Elizebath, May 13, 1753.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Jacob, June 23, 1754.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), John, sr., Mar. 25, 1720. N.CT.BK.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Kesiah, d. Benjamin and Judeth, July 18, 1718. N.CT.BK.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Martha, w. Zacariah, Apr. 6, 1718. N.CT.BK. [Apr. 10, a. 32 y. G.R.2.]
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Mary, wid. John, July 28, 1727. N.CT.BK.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Mehetabel, d. John and Huldah, Oct. 16, 1728. N.CT.BK.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Naomy, w. Benjamine, July 24, 1718. N.CT.BK.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Nathaniell, Nov. 30, 1709. N.CT.BK.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Phebe, w. Zechariah, Mar. 3, 1723-4. N.CT.BK.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Ruth, d. Zacriah, May 23, 1714. N.CT.BK.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Samuell, s. John and Hulda, Sept. 28, 1706. N.CT.BK.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Sarah, d. Nathaniell and Sarah, Sept. 6, 1719. N.CT.BK.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Tabitha, d. John and Huldah, Mar. 29, 1723. N.CT.BK.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Thomas, s. John, Aug. 27, 1691.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Timothy, s. Zechariah and Deborah, Aug. ----, 1725. N.CT.BK.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), Zachiriah, Feb. 2, 1753.
- EASMAN (see also Eastman), ----, s. Joseph and Abegall, Mar. 23, 1718-19. N.CT.BK.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Ann, w. Benjamin, Dec. 13, 1698. N.CT.BK.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Anna, wid., Feb. 4, 1803.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Daniel, s. Roger and Jerusha, Sept. 17, 1763.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Daniel, Oct. 27, 1828.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), [Ednah. G.R.3.], wid. Jeremiah, Nov. 18, 1832. [a. 82 y. G.R.3.]
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Ephraim, Dec. ----, 1803.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Ezekiel, June 5, 1770, in his 40th y.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), George Leonard, s. Joseph and Clara A. (Clarke), July 31, 1848, a. 2 y. 18 d. P.R.50.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Hannah, wid. Moses, palsy, bur. at the Mills, d. Nov. 11, 1844, a. 73 y.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Isaac, Dec. 26, 1772.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Jacob, s. John, Jan. [13. G.R.2.], 1776. [in his 34th y. G.R.2.]
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Jeremiah, May 30, 1828, a. 78 y. G.R.3.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Jonathan, Nov. 13, 1757.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Joseph, s. Jonathan and Elizabeth, Oct. 27, 1828, a. 6 y. 9 m. G.R.3.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Mehetable, Aug. 10, 1785.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Moses, May 23, 1807.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Moses, Dec. 1, 1830.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Reuben [fever. C.R.2.], May 5, 1799.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Rodger, sr., Dec. 16, 1694. N.CT.BK.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Sally, Nov. 24, 1830. [a. 31 y. G.R.6.]
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Sarah, wid., Mar. 11, 1697-8. N.CT.BK.
- EASTMAN (see also Easman, Estman), Sarah, wid. [consumption. C.R.2.], Apr. 27, 1798. [a. 65 y. C.R.2.]
- EATON, Abigail, d. Daniell and Nanne, May 22, 1736. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Abigail, d. Henry and Mary, May 31, 1746.
- EATON, Abigail, wid. [Peter. C.R.3.], Mar. 9, 1801. [a. 51 y. C.R.3.]
- EATON, Abigill, w. Ephraim, July 23, 1769.
- EATON, Abraham, s. Benjamin and Sarah, Mar. 25, 1720. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Abraham, Mar. 4, 1763.
- EATON, Almira, d. John and Lucy, Mar. 22, 1847, a. 17 y. G.R.7.
- EATON, Almond Stuart, s. Simeon and Martha, erysipelas, July 16, 1844, a. 2 y. 6 m.
- EATON, Amelia, d. William and Rhoda, Dec. 25, 1846, a. 3 y. 11 m. G.R.7.
- EATON, Ann, d. John [and Martha. CT.R.], 12: 4 m: 1658.
- EATON, Anna, w. William, Dec. 21, 1804.
- EATON, Benjamin, Mar. 14, 1736-7. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Sarah, Oct. 22, 1737. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Betsey, w. Archelaus, Apr. 25, 1834.
- EATON, Betsy, d. Benjamin, Sept. 1, 1822.
- EATON, Charles E., s. John and Lucy, consumption, Aug. 30, 1849, a. 1 y. 10 m.
- EATON, Charles Henry, s. Andrew and Lois, scarlet fever, Feb. ----, 1846, a. 1 y. 1 m.
- EATON, Daniel, Sept. 20, 1798.
- EATON, Easter, d. John and Easter, June 5, 1736. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Edwin, s. Emery and Hannah, Sept. 10, 1848, a. 2 y. 8 m. G.R.7.
- EATON, Elisabeth, d. John and Easter, June 6, 1736. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Elisha, Dec. 18, 1833.
- EATON, Elizabeth, d. Archelaus, Dec. 19, 1815.
- EATON, Elizabeth, ----, 1835. C.R.3.
- EATON, Epharim, June 8, 1723. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Eunice M., d. Jeremiah and Sarah [consumption. P.R.1.], July 19, 1841, a. 18 y. G.R.8.
- EATON, Eunice M., d. True and Jane, dysentery, Sept. 13, 1847, a. 2 y. 3 m.
- EATON, Hannah, d. Thomas, July 8, 1683.
- EATON, Hannah, d. William, Feb. 5, 1777, a. 8 y.
- EATON, Hannah, d. Abel [and Martha. C.R.3.], Oct. 19, 1800. [in her 19th y. C.R.3.]
- EATON, Hannah, very suddenly, Oct. 26, 1805, in her 34th y. C.R.3.
- EATON, Henry, s. Henry and Mary, Oct. 22, 1758.
- EATON, Henry, Capt., Dec. 20, 1790. [in his 87th y. G.R.1.]
- EATON, Henry, m., mariner, s. Henry, yellow fever, July 17, 1845, a. 38 y. 2 m.
- EATON, Hester, d. John [sr. CT.R.], ----, 1649.
- EATON, Hester, w. John, of Hampton, Jan. 22, 1727-8. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Hulday, wid., Nov. 27, 1805.
- EATON, James, s. Jonathan and Judith, July 21, 1748.
- EATON, Jane, d. Benjamin and Betsy, Jan. 15, 1819.
- EATON, Jemima, d. Ephraim and Mary, Oct. 13, 1709. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Jemima, d. Henry and Mary, May 4, 1736. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Jemima, d. Jabez and Sarah, Oct. 3, 1736. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Jemima B., b. Seabrook, w. Tristram, palsy, Feb. 8, 1849, a. 67 y.
- EATON, Jeremiah, s. Tristram and Jemima, Jan. 16, 1819.
- EATON, Jeremiah B., s. Tristram, Aug. 27, 1821.
- EATON, Joana, Oct. 26, 1805.
- EATON, Joanna, d. Henry, Aug. ----, 1768.
- EATON, John, sr., Nov. 1, 1682.
- EATON, John, sr., Jan. 17, 1717-18. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, John, s. John and Easter, June 9, 1736. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, John, s. Capt., Mar. 1, 1746.
- EATON, John [French. N.CT.BK.], s. Joseph, Dec. 12, 1684.
- EATON, Jonathan, July 7, 1745.
- EATON, Jonathan D., lost at sea, ----, 1831, in his 29th y. G.R.1.
- EATON, Joseph, s. Jonathan and Judith, May 5, 1736. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Joseph, Capt., Jan. 13, 1742-3. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Joseph, Feb. 18, 1815, a. 86 y.
- EATON, Judith, d. Jonathan and Judith, May 6, 1740. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Judith [G. G.R.6.], wid. [Wheeler. G.R.6.], Jan. ----, 1832. [Jan. 15, a. 62 y. G.R.6.]
- EATON, Lucy, w. Caleb, Jan. 7, 1827, a. 48 y.
- EATON, Lucy, w. Jonathan D., Apr. 23, 1827, in her 23d y. G.R.1.
- EATON, Martha, wid., July ----, 1712. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Martha, wid. John, Nov. 13, 1741. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Martha, w. Abraham, Apr. 19, 1754.
- EATON, Martha, ----, 1825. C.R.3.
- EATON, Martha, wid. Abel, Oct. 1, 1839, a. 86 y.
- EATON, Mary, d. John [and Martha. CT.K.], 1: 11 m: 1656.
- EATON, Mary, w. Capt. Joseph, July 12, 1726. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Mary, d. Damiell and Nanne, Dec. 13, 1736. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Mary, d. Jonathan and Judith, Nov. 1, 1737. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Mary, wid. Capt. Joseph, Sept. 2, 1759.
- EATON, Mary, w. Capt. Henry, Oct. 28, 1790. [in her 81st y. G.R.1.]
- EATON, Mary, July 15, 1834.
- EATON, Mary, w. Jacob, inflammation on bowels, Nov. 18, 1842, a. 23 y.
- EATON, Mary Jane, d. James, Feb. 22, 1836.
- EATON, Moses, s. John and Easter, June 8, 1736. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Nabby, Dec. 30, 1816.
- EATON, Paul, s. Jabez and Sarah, Oct. 7, 1736. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Peter, Lt., July 30, 1784.
- EATON, Rachel, d. Benjamin and Sarah, Oct. 20, 1737. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Rachel, w. Samuel, Apr. ----, 1813, a. 67 y.
- EATON, Rachel, unm. d. Samuel and Rachel, consumption, Dec. 28, 1849, a. 77 y.
- EATON, Rebaccah, d. Nicholus and Marcey, Jan. 3, 1758.
- EATON, Rhoda, w. Richard, Sept. 2, 1804.
- EATON, Ruth, w. Samuel, May 14, 1838. [a. 53 y. G.R.1.]
- EATON, Sally, Dec. 21, 1816.
- EATON, Samuel, May 7, 1765.
- EATON, Sarah, wid. Benjamin, Apr. 9, 1743. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, Sarah, d. Joseph and Jane, June 12, 1746.
- EATON, Sarah, w. Lt. Jabez, Feb. 5, 1798, a. 85 y. G.R.4.
- EATON, Sarah, wid. James, Mar. 8, 1834.
- EATON, Sarah, b. Hampton, N.H., w. Jeremiah, consumption, bur. at the Mills, d. Nov. 19, 1844, a. 58 y.
- EATON, Simeon, m., farmer, b. Seabrook, N.H., s. Wyman, consumption, May 8, 1845, a. 35 y. [May 9, a, 36 y. dup.]
- EATON, Thomas, of Seabrook, bur. [after June, 1797.] C.R.2.
- EATON, Thomas, m., farmer, hernia, bur. Seabrook, N.H., d. Feb. 12, 1847, a. 74 y.
- EATON, Tristram, m., farmer, s. James and Sarah, palsy, Aug. 3, 1845, a. 65 y. 8 m.
- EATON, True, s. Henry and Mary, Apr. 30, 1752.
- EATON, Wheeler, Nov. 17, 1820. [a. 57 y. G.R.6.]
- EATON, William, Oct. 28, 1808, in his 12th y.
- EATON, William, s. Josiah, Nov. 27, 1808.
- EATON, William, ----, 1814.
- EATON, ----, s. John and Hannah, Mar. ----, 1736-7. N.CT.BK.
- EATON, ----, ch. Samuel, of Seabrook, bur. [after June, 1797.]. C.R.2.
- EATON, ----, w. Thomas, of Seabrook, bur. [after June, 1797.]. C.R.2.
- EATON, ----, d. Jacob, consumption, Mar. ----, 1842, a. 8 m.
- EATON, ----, d. stillborn, Henry, mariner, and Jemima, Jan. 7, 1844.
- EDMONDS, Mary, d. Thomas and Elisabeth, Feb. 3, 1742-3. N.CT.BK.
- EDWARD (see also Edwards), Hannah, d. Theophilous [and Molly. P.R.40.], Aug. 29, 1795.
- EDWARDS (see also Edward), Abagill, Dec. 27, 1809.
- EDWARDS (see also Edward), Annah, w. Rise, Aug. 6, 1807.
- EDWARDS (see also Edward), Lois, w. Reuben, Apr. 8, 1803. [a. 43 y. G.R.3.]
- EDWARDS (see also Edward), Mary, d. Rice and Ruth, Apr. 4, 1727. N.CT.BK.
- EDWARDS (see also Edward), Reuben, Aug. 25, 1809. [Aug. 18, a. 49 y. G.R.3.]
- EDWARDS (see also Edward), Rhoda [Polley. P.R.40.], d. Theophilous [and Molly. P.R.40.], Jan. 18, 1799.
- EDWARDS (see also Edward), Rice, Dec. 1, 1808. [in his 79th y. P.R.40.]
- EDWARDS (see also Edward), Rice, lost at sea, in the Brig Mars, Dec. ----, 1814, a. 33 y. G.R.3.
- EDWARDS (see also Edward), Ruth, w. Rice, Dec. 13, 1759. [Dec. 12, 1760, in her 73d y. G.R.2.]
- EDWARDS (see also Edward), Theophilious [s. Rice and Annar. P.R.40; consumption. C.R.2.], June 29, 1799. [a. 34 y. 23 d. P.R.40.]
- EDWARDS (see also Edward), ----, ch. Thomas, dropsy, bur. Jan. ----, 1799, a. 3 y. 6 m. C.R.2.
- ELLIOTT, George P., Oct. 3, 1842, a. 1 y. 8 m. 5 d. G.R.8.
- ELLIOTT, George P., Feb. 17, 1844, a. 6 m. G.R.8.
- ESTMAN (see also Eastman), Nathaniel, Mar. 25, 1760.
- ESTMAN (see also Eastman), Olle, d. John, jr. and Lydia, July 5, 1759.
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Benjamin, May 21, 1808, a. 70 y.
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Benjamin, Col., Oct. 26, 1826.
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Bettey, w. Capt. Jonathan, Sept. 21, 1784. [in her 43d y. G.R.2.]
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), David, s. Jonathan and Elisabeth, June 24, 1771, a. 1 y. G.R.2.
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), David, Apr. 13, 1823.
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Elizabeth, w. Jonathan, at Readfield, Aug. 17, 1818.
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Ellen Knight, d. John and Lucy, dysentery, Sept. 21, 1846, a. 2 y. 7 m.
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Ezekiel, s. Ezekiel, July 14, 1811.
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Ezekiel, July 5, 1820, a. 84 y.
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Hannah, wid. John, consumption, July 4, 1843, a. 75 y. [a. 74 y. G.R.3.]
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Jane, wid. Benjamin, July 9, 1814, a. 74 y.
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), John, Dec. 19, 1823. [a. 55 y. G.R.3.]
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Jonathan, Col. [an officer of merit in the Rev. war. G.R.2.], Aug. 5, 1806. [a. 67 y. G.R.2.]
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Jonathan, Dec. 10, 1824. [a. 58 y. G.R.3.]
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Joseph, s. Lt. Reuben, Feb. 18, 1786.
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Joseph, s. David, Apr. 25, 1810.
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Judith, wid. [Ezekiel. G.R.2.], Apr. 28, 1777. [a. 65 y. G.R.2.]
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Mary, d. John, deceased, Apr. 27, 1829. [a. 18 y. G.R.3.]
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Polly, w. Col. Benjamin, Apr. 9, 1822.
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Rebecca, w. Col. Benjamin, Mar. 6, 1821.
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Reuben, Lt., July 16, 1785.
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Sally, d. John, Jan. 11, 1802.
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), Sarah, wid. Ezekiel, Apr. 8, 1829.
- EVANS (see also Eveins, Evens, Evins), William, s. Capt. Jonathan and Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1775, a. 13 y. G.R.2.
- EVENS (see also Evans), Thomas, Jan. 24, 1717-18. N.CT.BK. [in his 54th y. G.R.2.]
- EVENS (see also Evans), Judeth, d. Ezekiel and Judeth, Apr. 21, 1753.
- EVENS (see also Evans), Mary, d. Ezekiel and Judeth, Jan. 9, 1754.
- EVINS (see also Evans), David, Ens., Apr. 7, 1768. [in his 39th y. G.R.2.]
- EVINS (see also Evans), Deborah, d. John and Dorothy, Apr. 27, 1736. N.CT.BK.
- EVINS (see also Evans), Eleanor, w. David, May 3, 1766. [in her 26th y. G.R.2.]
- EVINS (see also Evans), Ezekiel, Jan. 6, 1753. [a. 42 y. G.R.2.]
- EVINS (see also Evans), Hannah, wid. Thomas, June 2, 1738. N.CT.BK.
- EVINS (see also Evans), Jacob, July 31, 1773.
- EVINS (see also Evans), Joan, Dec. 28, 1728. N.CT.BK.
- EVINS (see also Evans), John, s. John and Dorothy, May 8, 1736. N.CT.BK.
- EVINS (see also Evans), Samuel, drowned, Sept. 29, 1766. [in his 20th y. G.R.2.]
- EVINS (see also Evans), Sarah, d. Thomas and Lydiah, ----, 1767.
- EVINS (see also Evans), Sarah, w. Jacob, July 7, 1770.
- EVINS (see also Evans), Thomas, s. Thomas and Dorothy, Sept. 27, 1724. N.CT.BK.
- EVINS (see also Evans), Thomas, at Surinam, May 15, 1743. N.CT.BK.
Death Records of Salisbury, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1850, Published By The Topsfield Historical Society, Topsfield, Mass. 1915.
Salisbury Massachusetts Death Records to 1850 - Surnames CM-E
[ Surnames F-G ]