Manchester Massachusetts Death Records to 1850
Surnames Q-Z
Transcribed by Lynn Tooley
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- RICHARD (see also Richards), Betsey, wid., consumption, Sept. 1, 1829, a. 60 y. C.R.
- RICHARDS (see also Richard), John, fever, at sea, July ----, 1822, a. 54 y. C.R.
- RICHARDS (see also Richard), John, s. John and Betsey, Dec. 23, 1834. [consumption, Dec. 25, a. 28 y. C.R.]
- RICHARDS (see also Richard), ----, s. John and Hannah, Nov. 23, 1834. [canker, Nov. 24, a. 6 m. C.R.]
- RICHARDSON, Betsy [Elizabeth. G.R.], w. Asa, d. David and Betsey Allen, cholera morbus, Sept. 5, 1848. [Sept. 4, 70 y. 8 m. G.R.]
- RICHARDSON, Mary E., b. Danvers, w. Nathan, d. Daniel and Rhoda Butler, consumption, buried in Gloucester, Sept. 17, 1845, a. 19 y. 5 m. 10 d.
- RICHARDSON, Mary Kimball, d. Asa and Betsy, lung fever, Dec. 11, 1849, a. 3 m. 29 d.
- RICHARDSON, Molly, Mrs., d. Samuel and Elizabeth Samples [old age. C.R.], Feb. 19, 1841, a. 83 y. T.C.
- ROBBERTS (see also Roberts), Andrew, consumption, Jan. 5, 1831, a. 41 y. C.R.
- ROBBERTS (see also Roberts), William, "drowned at sea," Oct. 18, 1824, a. 45 y. C.R.
- ROBERTS (see also Robberts), Jonathan, s. Jonathan, Jan. 29, 1748-9, a. 4 y. C.R.
- ROBERTS (see also Robberts), Jonathan, Feb. 25, 1786, a. 70 "odd" y. C.R.
- ROBERTS (see also Robberts), Marcy, July 28, 1838, a. 88 y.
- ROBERTS (see also Robberts), Mary, d. Janathan, "of ye Throat Distemper," Jan. 15, 1748-9, a. 15 y. C.R.
- ROBERTS (see also Robberts), Oliver, pauper, s. William and Lucy, dysentery, Oct. 15, 1848.
- ROBERTS (see also Robberts), Thomas, 2d, "alias Widger," s. Sally, throat distemper, June 8, 1845.
- ROBERTS (see also Robberts), William, s. Jonathan, Mar. 21, 1749, a. 2 y. C.R.
- ROBERTS (see also Robberts), ----, ch. William, Oct. ----, 1784, a. 8 w. C.R.
- ROBERTS (see also Robberts), ----, ch. William, July ----, 1787, a. 7 or 8 m. C.R.
- ROBERTS (see also Robberts), ----, ch. Andrew, of Beverly, Oct. 7, 1805, a. 6 y. C.R.
- ROBERTS (see also Robberts), ----, ch. Andrew, of Beverly, Oct. 8, 1805, a. 2 y. C.R.
- ROBERTS (see also Robberts), ----, s. wid. Lucy, Apr. 9, 1825, a. 2 y. C.R.
- ROBERTS (see also Robberts), ----, inf. ch. Elizabeth, Sept. 6, 1839.
- ROGERS (see also Roggers), Nathaniel, Mar. 7, 1806, a. 82 y. C.R.
- ROGGERS (see also Rogers), Elizabeth, w. Nathaniel, Feb. 16, 1801, a. 77 y. 6 m.
- ROIES, Mathew, ----, 1788. C.R.
- ROW, ----, s. Abraham and Olive, Oct. 21, 1834. [lung fever, a. 1 y. C.R.]
- RUSSEL (see also Russell), Judith [Judah. C.R.], w. William Dec. 16, 1834. [fever, Dec. 8, a. 68 y. C.R.]
- RUSSEL (see also Russell), William, Mariner, b. Gloucester, s. William and Ruth, consumption, Aug. 8, 1847, a. 81 y. 1 m. 16 d. [a. 80 y. C.R.]
- RUSSEL (see also Russell), ----, wid., June 26, 1814 [a. abt. 80 y. in pencil]. C.R.
- RUSSELL (see also Russel), Abigail [H. G.R.], unm., d. William and Abigail, consumption, Mar. 22, 1845, a. 27 y. 8 m. 19 d. [Mar. 23. G.R.]
- RUSSELL (see also Russel), Mary, quinsy, May 23, 1824, a. 15 y. C.R.
- RUSSELL (see also Russel), William, m., Mariner, s. William and Judith, Feb. 2, 1845, a. 55 y. 11 m. 20 d. [a. 54 y. C.R.; a. 56 y. G.R.]
- RUSSELL (see also Russel), ----, ch. Mr., canker, Jan 13, 1822, a. 6 m. C.R.
- SAFFORD, ----, s. still born, Samuel and Lucretia, Apr. 13, [rec. in 1846].
- SANBORN, John H., s. Nathaniel P. and Sophy, dropsy, June 11, 1845, a. 1 m.
- SANBORN, Sopha, of Berwick, Me., w. Nathaniel P., throat distemper, buried at Gloucester, May 26, 1845, a. 30 y. 6 m. 7 d.
- SEARL, Sarah, sr., Sept. ----, 1760, M. 42 or 43 y. C.R.
- SENNET (see also Sinnet), Molly, "sudden," Feb. 5, 1826, a. 60 y. C.R.
- SHELTON, Benjamin, at sea, Mar. ----, 1821. C.R. [a. 26 y. in pencil. dup.]
- SHEPPARD, Ann Maria, d. Samuel and Ann M., croup, Nov. 29, 1842, a. 6 y. T.C. [a. 5 y. C.R.]
- SILVER, Frank, "lost Last Spring coming from West Indies" [1772]. C.R.
- SIMONDS (see also Symonds), Andrew, consumption, Apr. 2, 1825, a. 28 y. C.R.
- SIMONDS (see also Symonds), Granville, s. Abram [Abraham. C.R.] and Harriet, inflamation of the bowels, Sept. 17, 1842, a. 8 m. T.C. [a. 7 m. 16 d. G.R.]
- SIMONDS (see also Symonds), Harriet Hooper, d. Abram [Andrew. C.R.] and Harriet, July 26, 1840. T.C. [July 25. C.R.; a. 5 m. 14 d. G.R.]
- SIMONDS (see also Symonds), John, s. Andrew and Abigail, consumption, Sept. 27, 1847, a. 24 y. 2 m. 3 d.
- SIMONS (see also Symonds), Abigail, Mrs., in Ohio, abt. June 21, 1845. C.R.
- SIMONS (see also Symonds), Andrew, "It is supposed lost at sea with 1777. C.R.
- SIMONS (see also Symonds), ----, ch. Andrew, Apr. 15, 1803, a. 2 1/2 m. C.R.
- SINNET (see also Sennet), John, "lost at Sea Last Spring as is supposed" [1758]. C.R.
- SINNET (see also Sennet), William, June 25, 1814. C.R.
- SMITH, Abigail, w. Stephen, d. Elezer and Elizabeth Crafts, erysipelas, Apr. 29, 1845, a. 77 y. 5 m. 17 d. [Abigail Crafts, b. Nov. 12, 1767, m. Joseph Hooper, May ----, 1785; m. Stephen Smith, Oct. ----, 1797. G.R.]
- SMITH, Augustus Williston, s. Burly and Mary, May 13, 1805, a. 9 m. 15 d. [a. 1 y. C.R.]
- SMITH, Benjamin, widr., Mariner, b. Nantucket, old age, May 24, 1847, a. 76 y. 5 m. 30 d.
- SMITH, Mary, w. Maj. Burley, Aug. 16, 1832. [a. 67 y. C.R.; Aug. 14. dup.]
- SMITH, Nabby, w. Benjamin, Jan. 14, 1835. [consumption, Jan. 16, a. 61 y. C.R.]
- SMITH, Sally, w. Capt. Ellingwood, d. William and Elizabeth Lee, Oct. 8, 1830. [Oct. 9, a. 33 y. G.R.]
- SMITH, Samuel, s. Stephen and Abigail [chronic ----. C.R.], May 22, 1834. [May 24, a. 34 y. C.R.; a. 35 y. G.R.]
- SMITH, ----, ch. Mr., Sept. ----, 1784, a. 1 w. C.R.
- SPENCE, Peter, drowned, May 4, 1776, a. 27 y. C.R.
- STACY, Benjamin K., m., baker, b. Salem, s. Samuel and Hannah, typhus fever, buried in Gloucester, Sept. 2, 1848, a. 35 y. 9 m. 5 d.
- STACY, Frederic, dropsy in the head, Apr. 26, 1843, a. 10 m. 12 d. T.C.
- STACY, ----, inf. ch. Benjamin K. and Harriet, July 21, 1836. [whooping cough, a. 6 m. C.R.]
- STANDLY (see also Stanley), Paul, "He Committed Suicide by discharging a gun, the contents of which passed through his heart," Aug. 15, 1822. [Aug. 16, a. 40 y. C.R.]
- STANLEY (see also Standly), Mahala, Aug. 9, 1843, a. 48 y. T.C.
- STANNARD, Job, Jan. 27, 1805, a. 17 y. C.R.
- STANNARD, Lydia, wid., May 10, 1802, a. 80 y. C.R.
- STANNARD, Molly, Dec. 24, 1803, a. 57 y. C.R.
- STARES, Anne, wid., old age, Jan. 10, 1831, a. 78 y. C.R.
- STEPHENS (see also Stevens), Hitty [Mehitable. C.R.], w. Gideon, consumption, June 13, 1831, a. 30 y. C.R. [June 11, a. 28 y. 6 m. G.R.]
- STEPHENS (see also Stevens), ----, "and a boy at the West] Indies," May 1, 1803. C.R.
- STEVENS (see also Stephens), Elizabeth, d. Charles and Elizabeth, Apr. 6, 1712.
- STEVENS (see also Stephens), Gideon, s. Gideon and Mehitable [consumption. C.R.], May 6, 1836. [May 8, a. 11 y. C.R.; May 7, a. 10 y. 4 m. G.R.]
- STEVENS (see also Stephens), Gideon, s. Gideon and Hannah, Dec. 25, 1840. T.C. [a. 18 m. C.R.; Dec. 27, a. 8 m. 17 d. G.R.]
- STEVENS (see also Stephens), ----, d. Gideon and Hannah, Feb. 25, 1836. [throat distemper, Feb. 26, a. 14 m. C.R.]
- STONE, Abial, wid., Dec. 4, 1754, a. 84 y. C.R.
- STONE, Abigail, d. Samuel and Elizabeth, May 11, 1838, a. 39 y.
- STONE, Abraham, Capt., "Father and son in one vessel West Indies, disease of the climate," June ----, 1825, a. 56 y. C.R.
- STONE, Abraham, mate, June ----, 1825, a. 30 y. C.R.
- STONE, Aphia, wid., consumption, May 28, 1830, a. 35 y. C.R.
- STONE, Betsy, wid. Samuel, d. William and Abigail Hooper, bilious colic, June 5, 1848, a. 79 y. 6 m. 16 d.
- STONE, Emme, Nov. ----, 1766, a. 35 y. C.R.
- STONE, Mary, wid. William, Nov. 3, 1836, a. 94 y. [old age, Nov. 5, a, 96 y. C.R.]
- STONE, Mary, d. Mary Ann, throat distemper, June 12, 1842, a. 7 y. T.C. [June 15, a. 5 y. C.R.]
- STONE, Samuel, sr., s. Nathaniel, Oct. 14, 1739.
- STONE, Samuel, Jan. 3, 1779, a. 87 or 88 y. C.R.
- STONE, Samuel, Oct. ----, 1801, a. 35 y.
- STONE, Susan Francis, d. Henry and Hannah, "scald, fell into a kettle of water," Dec. 29, 1847, a. 2 y. 8 m. 16 d.
- STONE, William, s. William, Nov. ----, 1764, a. 2 y. C.R.
- STONE, William, Dec. 8, 1804, a. 67 y. [a. 68 y. C.R.]
- STONE, William, consumption, Feb. 5, 1830, a. 35 y. C.R.
- STONE, ----, s. Billey, Mar. ----, 1773, a. 6 m. C.R.
- STONE, ----, w. William, Apr. ----, 1774, a. 35 y. "perhaps." C.R.
- STONE, ----, ch. Billy, Apr. ----, 1776, a. "few days." C.R.
- STONE, ----, w. Samuel, July 19, 1776, a. 75 y. C.R.
- STONE, ----, s. William, lung fever, Feb. 10, 1825, a. 7 m. C.R.
- STONE, ----, inf. ch. Mary Ann, Feb. 14, 1834. [illegitimate, a. 3 w. C.R.]
- STONE, ----, Mrs., w. Abraham [rec. in 1839].
- STONE, ----, inf. ch. Henry and Hannah, Jan. 16, 1844, a. 5 d. T.C.
- STOREY (see also Story), Charlotte Berkly, d. Stephen and Maria, July 30, 1838, a. 5 y.
- STOREY (see also Story), Eunice, d. Nathan and Eunice, Dec ----, 1774, a. 3 y. C.R.
- STOREY (see also Story), Nathan, Capt., Sept. 19, 1817. C.R. [a. 48 y. C.R.]
- STOREY (see also Story), ----, d. ----, sr., Oct. ----, 1771, a. 5 y. C.R.
- STOREY (see also Story), ----, ch. Stephen, Aug. 16, 1817. C.R.
- STORY (see also Storey), Abby, housewife, b. Marblehead, w. Charles R., d. Jacob and Deliverance Hooper, Apr. 29, 1849, a. 26 y. 6 m. 28 d.
- STORY (see also Storey), Charles, s. Henry and Hannah, July 22, 1787. [a. 8 m. C.R.]
- STORY (see also Storey), Charles, Capt., "from home," Oct. 25, 1810. C.R.
- STORY (see also Storey), Charles, s. Arthur and Ann, Dec. 28, 1834. [inflammation of bowels, at S. Bay, Dec. 31, a. 7 y. C.R.]
- STORY (see also Storey), David, Aug. 8, 1807, a. 22 y. C.R.
- STORY (see also Storey), David, S. Arthur and Ann, Oct. 26, 1841. T.C. [a. 15 1/2 y. C.R.]
- STORY (see also Storey), Eveline Susan, d. Arthur, Oct. 11, 1832. [rash and scarlet fever, Oct. 15, a. 4 y. C.R.]
- STORY (see also Storey), George, s. Henry and Hannah, Mar. 29, 1790. [a. 3 m. C.R.]
- STORY (see also Storey), George, s. Henry and Hannah, Jan. 8, 1794.
- STORY (see also Storey), Hannah, wid. Maj. Henry, Jan. 14, 1835. [old age, Jan. 17, a. 76 y. C.R.]
- STORY (see also Storey), Henry, s. Henry and Hannah, "Drownded in the mill Pond," July 14, 1791.
- STORY (see also Storey), Henry, Maj., consumption, Oct. ----, 1821. C.R. [Oct. 6, a. 68 y. G.R.]
- STORY (see also Storey), Henry, unm., s. Arthur and Ann, typhus fever, Aug. 21, 1846, a. 21 y. 7 m.
- STORY (see also Storey), Joannah, wid., consumption, Aug. 12, 1822, a. 54 y. C.R. [Aug. 10, a. 53 y. G.R.]
- STORY (see also Storey), Nehemiah, Capt., at sea, Nov. 19, 1803, a. 25 y. C.R.
- STORY (see also Storey), Seth, s. Seth and Persillah, Oct. 5, 1789.
- STORY (see also Storey), Seth, s. Seth and Persillah, Aug. 9, 1795.
- STORY (see also Storey), ----, s. Dr., June 1, 1832. [throat distemper, a. 9 m. C.R.]
- SUMNER, William, s. Ezra Lufkin and Judith, May 13, 1838.
- SYMONDS (see also Simonds, Simons), Granville, s. Abram and Harriet, fits, June 5, 1848, a. 2 y. 7 m. 14 d.
- TAPAN (see also Tappan), Betsey, d. Ebenezer and Betsey, July 26, 1803, a. 2 y. 9 m. [July 25, a. 3 y. C.R.; July 29, G.R.]
- TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), Amos, s. Rev. Benjamin, ----, 1821. C.R.
- TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), Benjamin, s. Rev. Benjamin, at Northampton, ----, 1831. C.R.
- TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), Betsey, w. Ebenezer, d. Samuel and Bethiah Forster, consumption, Apr. 2, 1845, a. 77 y. 2 m. 18 d.
- TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), Charles, s. [Col. G.R.] Ebenezer and Sally [lung fever. C.R.], Feb. 3, 1825. [Feb. 5, a. 6 m. 17 d. C.R.; a. 7 m. C.R.]
- TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), David, s. Rev. Benjamin, Aug. 27, 1803. C.R.
- TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), David, s. Ebenezer and Sally [H. G.R.], at Boston, Sept. 13, 1838. [a. 21 y. G.R.]
- TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), David, b. Feb. 23, 1843, d. Apr. 10, 1843. G.R.
- TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), Ebenezer, widr., merchant, s. [Rev. G.R.] Benjamin and Elizabeth, old age, May 16, 1849, a. 87 y. 10 m. ["the last of his father's family. He had record in Revolutionary War." G.R.]
- TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), Elizabeth, wid. Rev. Benjamin, Sept. 26, 1807. [Sept. 24, a. 84 y. C.R. and G.R.]
- TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), [Lewis. G.R.], s. Col. Ebenezer and Sally G.R.], measels, Apr. 27, 1826, a. 7 y. C.R. [Apr. 25, a. 6 y. 8 m. 11 d. G.R.]
- TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), Martha, d. Rev. Benjamin, b. Feb. 9, 1766, "the last of her father's family but one, Ebenezer Tappan, Esq.," at Augusta, Me., Feb. 18, 1849. C.R.
- TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), Michael, s. Rev. Benjamin, Aug. 5, 1831. C.R.
- TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), Samuel [s. Rev. Benjamin and Elizabeth. G.R.], Apr. 3, 1750, about four of ye Clock in ye morning," a. 7 1/2 m. C.R.
- TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), Samuel, s. Rev. Benjamin, at Portsmouth, ----, 1806. C.R.
- TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), Wigglesworth, s. Rev. Benjamin, ----, 1704. C.R.
- TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), ----, s. Mrs. Aurela, of Portsmouth, July 29, 1807, a. 1 y. C.R.
- TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), ----, ch. Benjamin, Sept. ----, 1821. C.R. [a. 14 m. in pencil. dup.]
- TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), ----, d. Samuel, July 21, 1829, a. 4 m. C.R.
- TAPPEN (see also Tappan), Benjamin, Rev., May 6, 1790, in his 70th y.
- TAPPEN (see also Tappan), William B., Rev., "the poet," s. Samuel, cholera spasm, at Grantville, June 19, 1849, a. 54 [?] y. C.R.
- TARRIN (see also Tarring), Abigail, Sept. 27, 1708, in her 20th y.
- TARRIN (see also Tarring), Annis, Oct. 22, 1707, in her 21st y.
- TARRIN (see also Tarring), John, Oct. 19, 1711, in his 62d y.
- TARRING (see also Tarrin), Abigail, w. John, Sept. "last," 1759, a. 57 y. C.R.
- TARRING (see also Tarrin), Billey, Oct. 23, 1775, a. 30 y. C.R.
- TARRING (see also Tarrin), John, "lost Last spring, coming from Virginia," [1754]. C.R.
- TARRING (see also Tarrin), John, July ----, 1772, a. 80 y. C.R.
- TARRING (see also Tarrin), Robert, "lost Last spring, coming from Virginia," [1754]. C.R.
- TAYLOR, John M., s. John M. and Ann, disentery, Sept. 17, 1842. T.C. [a. 4 m. C.R.]
- TEUXBURY (see also Tewksbury), Ruth, w. John, Sept. 15, 1793, a. 64 y. C.R.
- TEWKSBURY (see also Teuxbury, Tewxbury), Elizabeth, w. [Dea. G.R.] John, Jan. 16, 1772. [in her 43d y. G.R.]
- TEWKSBURY (see also Teuxbury, Tewxbury), Hannah, wid. [relict of Dea. Jacob. C.R.], old age, Jan. 20, 1825, a. 89 y. C.R. [Jan. 16, a. 90 y. G.R.]
- TEWKSBURY (see also Teuxbury, Tewxbury), Jacob, s. Jacob, jr. [3d. G.R.] and Rebeckah, July 16, 1801, a. 4 y. 11 m. 2 d.
- TEWKSBURY (see also Teuxbury, Tewxbury), Jacob, Dea., Oct. 26, 1812. [Oct. 2, a. 78 y. G.R.]
- TEWKSBURY (see also Teuxbury, Tewxbury), Jacob, consumption, Dec. 18, 1821, a. 60 y. C.R.
- TEWXBURY (see also Tewksbury), John, Dea., Nov. 12, 1775, a. 47 y. C.R.
- TEWXBURY (see also Tewksbury), Rebecca, wid., Oct. ----, 1778, a. 78 or 79 y. C.R.
- TEWXBURY (see also Tewksbury), Sarah, d. John and Elisabeth, Sept. ----, 1765, a. 1 y. C.R.
- TEWXBURY (see also Tewksbury), Sarah, unm., d. John, Jan. 2, 1791, a. 21 y. 11 m. 12 d. G.R.
- TEWXBURY (see also Tewksbury), ----, ch. John, June ----, 1779, a. 1 y. C.R.
- THOMAS, Polly, w. John, d. William Hooper, July 22, 1804, a. 23 y. 14 d.
- THOMPSON (see also Thomson), ----, ch. Mr., Feb. ----, 1788, a. "few days." C.R.
- THOMSON (see also Thompson), James [consumption. dup.], Dec. 31, 1825, a. 43 y. C.R.
- THOMSON (see also Thompson), ----, inf. ch. [Benjamin. dup.], July 26, 1823, a. 3 w. C.R.
- THURSTON, John R., Nov. 23, 1843. G.R.
- THURSTON, Mary, unm., d. Rev. James, Dec. 18, 1817, a. 25 y. G.R.
- THURSTON, Thomas Peabody, s. Rev., Sept. 11, 1816. C.R.
- TINK, Lucy, w. Capt. [Richard. G.R.], consumption, Mar. 17, 1823, a. 35 y. C.R. [Mar. 15, a. 32 y. G.R.]
- TINK, Lucy Moria, d. Richard and Lucy, Aug. 11, 1814. [Aug. 12. C.R.]
- TOPPAN (see also Tappan), ----, s. still born, Benjamin, Feb. ----, 1825. C.R.
- TRASK, Hannah, Feb. ----, 1775, a. 19 or 20 y. C.R.
- TRASK, Mary, wid., Feb. ----, 1775, a. 50 "odd" y. C.R.
- TRASK, Moses, "lost, the Fore part of this year, a coming from Lisbon" [1756], a. 30 y. C.R.
- TRASK, Richard [Capt. C.R.], m., Mariner, b. Salem, s. Rebekah Tink, cholera, Aug. 5, 1846, a. 58 y. 21 d.
- TRASK, ----, w. Israel, Feb. ----, 1760. C.R.
- TREADWELL, Olivia A., w. Samuel, Apr. 3, 1838, a. 19 y. 6 m. G.R.
- TREADWELL, ----, ch. Thomas [and Frances. C.R.], Apr. 9, 1842. T.C. [Apr. 10, a. 5 y. C.R.]
- TROPHATER (see also Trophatter), Mary, w. Samuel, Apr. 9, 1796.
- TROPHATTER (see also Trophater), Hannah, w. Samuel, June 28, 1794.
- TROPHATTER (see also Trophater), Polly, d. Samuel and Mary, Sept. 21, 1796.
- TUCK, Benjamin, "lost in 1763 in ye Fall of ye year." C.R.
- TUCK, Betsey, w. Capt. John, Dec. 17, 1802, a. 26 y. C.R.
- TUCK, Ebenezer, s. John, Apr. 17 or 18, 1717, a. 36 y. C.R.
- TUCK, Elezebeth, w. William, Esq. [d. Capt. Richard Lee, late of Salem. G.R.], Apr. 1, 1793. [a. 42 y. 2 m. G.R.]
- TUCK, Eliza A., d. Samuel and Harriet, May 29, 1843, a. 17 y. T.C.
- TUCK, Elizabeth, d. [William. G.R.], Esq., May 1, 1812. C.R. [a. 25 y. G.R.]
- TUCK, Elizabeth, w. William, d. Joseph and Elizabeth Hassam, consumption, Aug. 4, 1844, a. 72 y. 2 m. 26 d.
- TUCK, Hannah, wid., Aug. 2, 1788, a. 60 y. C.R.
- TUCK, Henry, Capt., at sea, Sept. 11, 1810. C.R.
- TUCK, Jacob, s. [Capt. C.R.] William and Mary, June 6, 1773. [a. 5 or 6 m. C.R.]
- TUCK, John, Capt., at sea, Jan. 25, 1821. C.R. [a. 45 y. in pencil. dup.]
- TUCK, John, s. John and Rebecca, Apr. 5, 1836. [throat distemper, Apr. 6, a. 6 m. C.R.]
- TUCK, John Addison, s. John and Rebecca, Sept. 24, 1840. T.C. [consumption, Sept. 15, a. 5 m. C.R.]
- TUCK, Levi, at sea, Nov. ----, 1821. C.R. [a. 30 y. in pencil. dup.]
- TUCK, Lydia, w. William, Esq., Feb. 17, 1804, a. 30 y. C.R.
- TUCK, Mary, d. Esq., Dec. 29, 1812. C.R.
- TUCK, Mary, wid. William, d. Israel and Mary, fever, Mar. 4, 1847, a. 77 y. 4 m. 21 d.
- TUCK, Nabby, w. Capt. John, Aug. 10, 1808, a. 30 y. C.R.
- TUCK, Polly [Mary. G.R.], w. Capt. [William, Esq., d. Capt. Samuel Lee. G.R.], Aug. 8, 1778, a. 34 y. C.R. [a. 34 y. 59 d. G.R.]
- TUCK, Rachel, wid., consumption, July ----, 1821. C.R.
- TUCK, Richard, s. Joseph and Sarah, (b. in Beverly), Feb. 6, 1727-8.
- TUCK, Sally, Mrs., w. Capt. William, Dec. 4, 1814 [a. 45 y. in pencil.] C.R.
- TUCK, Sewall, d. William and Mary, Jan. 7, 1772. [a. 3 m. C.R.]
- TUCK, Susannah, Apr. 12, 1802, a. 68 y. C.R.
- TUCK, William, s. William and Mary, Sept. ----, 1765, a. 18 m. C.R.
- TUCK, William, Esq., influenza, Mar. 5, 1826, a. 88 y. C.R.
- TUCK, William, widr., s. William and Mary, old age, July 9, 1846, a. 81 y. 4 m. 1 d.
- TUCK, ----, ch. Capt. William, July 23, 1776, a. 6 m. C.R.
- TUCK, ----, ch. Capt. William and Polley, July ----, 1778, a. 1 d. C.R.
- TUCK, ----, inf. ch. John and Rebecca, Sept. 25, 1836. [a. 14 w. C.R.]
- TUCKER, ----, "It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson," ----, 1777. C.R.
- UPTON, Anna, wid., June 17, 1753, a. 77 or 78 y. C.R.
- WALTON, Polly, Sept. 19, 1805, a. 19 y. C.R.
- WARREN, Elisabeth, wid., June 6, 1775, a. 87 or 88 y. C.R.
- WARREN, Robert, Nov. ----, 1766, a. 97 or 98 y. C.R.
- WARREN, ----, ch. still born, Mr., Dec. ----, 1788. C.R.
- WATKINS, Elizabeth [wid. C.R.], w. And., d. Simeon and Ann Miller, consumption, Apr. 10, 1848, a. 67 y. 10 m. 30 d.
- WATSON, see Whatson.
- WEBBER, ----, "It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson," 1777. C.R.
- WELLS, Eliza [Elizabeth. C.R.] A., w. John C., d. Samuel and Rachel Kinsman, consumption, Dec. 21, 1848, a. 23 y. 8 m.
- WELLS, ----, inf. ch. Samuel, July 22, 1833. [sudden, a. 2 w. C.R.]
- WEST, Charles E., s. Edward S. and Mary, accident, July 29, 1845, a 8 m. 7 d.
- WEST, Hannah, w. John, Oct. 21, 1837. [Oct. 23, a. 67 y. C.R.]
- WEST, Hellen N., d. Isaac S. and Nancy N., dropsy in the head, May 16, 1847, a. 3 y. 11 m. 1 d.
- WEST, John, Jan. 8, 1842, a. 93 y. T.C. [old age, a. 94 y. C.R.]
- WEST, Lucy, w. John, consumption, July 4, 1828, a. 55 y. C.R.
- WHATSON, Mary B., d. Horace and Emily, lung fever, Dec. 15, 1849, a. 9 m. 25 d.
- WHEATON, John, at sea. T.C. [yellow fever, Nov. ----, 1841, 21 y. C.R.]
- WHEATON, ----, at sea, July 22, 1830. C.R.
- WHIPPEL (see also Whipple), Eunice, wid., Dec. 16 or 17, 1782, a. 44 y. C.R.
- WHIPPLE (see also Whippel), Joseph, Dr., "It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson," ----, 1777. C.R.
- WHIPPLE (see also Whippel), Sarah [Sally. C.R.], d. Dr. Joseph and Eunice, Mar. 13, 1781. [a. 19 y. C.R.]
- WHIPPLE (see also Whippel), ----, ch. Dr., Oct. ----, 1758, a. "a few days." C.R.
- WHITNEY, Ann Mariah, d. Hezakiah and Sarah, dropsy, Mar. 30, 1845, a. 8 d.
- WHITNEY, George Henry, s. Hezeldah and Sarah, consumption, Sept. 25, 1848, a. 19 d.
- WIAT, Mary, w. ----, of Beverly, June 26, 1807. C.R.
- WIDGER (see also Widgor), Joseph, at sea, Aug. 23, 1811. C.R.
- WIDGER (see also Widgor), Mary Elizabeth, d. Samuel, Nov. 4, 1832. [throat distemper, Nov. 5, a. 6 y. C.R.]
- WIDGER (see also Widgor), Rebecca, wid., b. Marblehead, old age, Sept. 30, 1844, a. 82 y. 11 m. 25 d.
- WIDGER (see also Widgor), Thomas, see Roberts, Thomas.
- WIDGER (see also Widgor), ----, s. Capt., measles, May 12, 1826, a. 18 m. C.R.
- WIDGER (see also Widgor), ----, d. Samuel, Nov. 2, 1832. [throat distemper, a. 2 y. C.R.]
- WIDGER (see also Widgor), ----, inf. ch. Samuel and Lucy, Apr. 14, 1834. [lung fever, Apr. 15, a. 1 1/2 y. C.R.]
- WIDGOR (see also Widger), ----, inf. ch. ----, Oct. 7, 1823, a. 1 hour. C.R.
- WIGGIN, Charles H., of Chelsea, Dec. 16, 1838.
- WILKINS, Susanna, Nov. ----, 1766, a. 36 y. C.R.
- WILLIAMS, Betsy, w. Capt. Thomas, childbed, Sept. 18, 1824, a. 28 y. C.R.
- WILLIAMS, Joseph, ----, 1788. C.R.
- WILLIAMS, Miriam, Mrs. [w. Capt. S. C.R.; d. Nathan and Joanna Story. G.R.], consumption, Nov. 24, 1821. C.R. [Nov. 29, a. 27 y. G.R.]
- WILLIAMS, Sarah, w. William, Aug. ----, 1779, a. 45 y. C.R.
- WILLIAMS, ----, inf. ch. [Capt. Thomas and] Betsy, Sept. 18, 1824, a. 1 hour. C.R.
- WILLMINGTON (see also Willmonton, Wilmonton), ----, s. Charles, canker, Sept. 12, 1833, a. 13 m. C.R.
- WILLMONTON (see also Willmington), Samuel, s. Samuel and Sarah, dropsy, Apr. 4, 1846, a. 8 m. 20 d.
- WILLMONTON (see also Willmington), ----, ch. Thomas and Louisa [Betsey. C.R.], ----. T.C. [July ----, 1841, a. 1 y. C.R.]
- WILMONTON (see also Willmington), Sarah Elizabeth, d. Samuel and Sally, Nov. 30, 1837, a. 4 1/2 y. [croup, Dec. 2, a. 2 1/2 y. C.R.]
- WILMONTON (see also Willmington), ----, inf. ch. Samuel and Sally, Sept. 10, 1833.
- WILMONTON (see also Willmington), ----, inf. ch. Jacob, Feb. 8, 1836. [scarlet fever, a. 2 y. C.R.]
- WOODBERRY (see also Woodbury), Asa, "Lost at sea; they Sailed from Salem for the Southern States but a violent Storm the next day after they sailed, overwhelmed and sunk them in a watry grave," Dec. ----, 1834. [1835, a. 35 y. C.R.]
- WOODBERRY (see also Woodbury), Caroline, d. Larkin, "burned by her clothes taking fire," Apr. 6, 1831. [Apr. 8, a. 7 y. C.R.]
- WOODBURY (see also Woodbury), Elizabeth, w. Joseph, Oct. 27, 1714, a. 51 y. G.R.
- WOODBURY (see also Woodbury), Joseph, Oct. 14, 1714, a. 52 y. G.R.
- WOODBRY (see also Woodbury), ----, ch. Larkin, Sept. 6, 1826, a. 1 y. C.R.
- WOODBURY (see also Woodberry, Woodbery, Woodbry), Benjamin, fever, at West Indies, Oct. 1, 1829, a. 23 y. C.R.
- WOODBURY (see also Woodberry, Woodbery, Woodbry), Betsy, wid., w. Jacob, July 24, 1837. [consumption, July 25, a. 63 y. C.R.]
- WOODBURY (see also Woodberry, Woodbery, Woodbry), Elisabeth, w. Andrew, Aug. 23 [22. G.R.], 1788, a. 69 or 70 y. C.R. [a. 71 y. G.R.]
- WOODBURY (see also Woodberry, Woodbery, Woodbry), Joseph, Oct. ----, 1758, a. 35 y. C.R.
- WOODBURY (see also Woodberry, Woodbery, Woodbry), Joseph, May 28, 1761. C.R.
- WOODBURY (see also Woodberry, Woodbery, Woodbry), Louisa, d. Larkin and Louisa, Jan. 30, 1835. [fever, Feb. 1, a. 18 m. C.R.]
- WOODBURY (see also Woodberry, Woodbery, Woodbry), Louisa S., w. Larkin, d. Henry and Hannah Lee, consumption, Aug. 14, 1847, a. 48 y. 6 m. 24 d.
- WOODBURY (see also Woodberry, Woodbery, Woodbry), Merior, d. David and Betsey, May 25, 1802. [May 24, a. 9 m. C.R.]
- WOODBURY (see also Woodberry, Woodbery, Woodbry), Molly, wid. Samuel, Mar. 10, 1835, a. 87 y. [Mar. 13. C.R.]
- WOODBURY (see also Woodberry, Woodbery, Woodbry), Polly, Aug. 10, 1838.
- WOODBURY (see also Woodberry, Woodbery, Woodbry), Ruth, Apr. 9, 1788, a. 42 or 43 y. C.R.
- WOODBURY (see also Woodberry, Woodbery, Woodbry), Sally, "a Pauper," fever, Feb. 19, 1822, a. 73 y. C.R.
- WOODBURY (see also Woodberry, Woodbery, Woodbry), Samuel, "abroad" [1778], a. abt. 30 y. C.R.
- WOODBURY (see also Woodberry, Woodbery, Woodbry), ----, ch. illegitimate, Hannah, d. Joseph, Apr. ----, 1751, a. 2 or 3 m. C.R.
- WOODBURY (see also Woodberry, Woodbery, Woodbry), ----, w. Joseph, May 26, 1761. C.R.
- YOUNG, Abigail, wid., consumption, Dec. 9, 1830, a. 51 y. C.R.
- YOUNG, Charles, "abroad," Jan. ----, 1813. C.R.
- Aromena, servant of wid. Elisabeth Lee, Mar. ----, 1758, a. 18 or 19 y. C.R.
- Chester, servant of John Lee, Esq., Apr. 21, 1771.
- Closs, "a coloured man, State pauper," consumption, Nov. 22, 1822, a. 70 y. C.R.
- Fi[torn], "Mr. Robert Herrick's Negro Girl," Apr. 5, 1748. C.R.
- Jack, servant of Capt. Samuell Lee, Dec. 21, 1749. C.R.
- Lee, Greece, Sept. 13, 1834. [Sept. 15, a. 72 y. C.R.]
- Porter, Sara, apoplexy, May 18, 1830, a. 57 y. C.R.
- Susanna, "Mr. Kimbell's Servant, Dec. ----, 1773, 40 y. C.R.
- Taft, "slave of Mrs. Lydia Lee," Nov. 1, 1803, a. 76 y. C.R.
- Violet, "Mrs. Cheever's," Feb. 2, 1772, a. 44 or 46 y. C.R.
- Zipp, "old Mr. Forster s servant," Oct. ----, 1758, a. 30 y. C.R.
- ----, "A Colured Child," Dec. 20, 1821, a,. 3 y. C.R.
Death Records of Manchester, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1850, Published By The Essex Institute Salem, Mass. 1903, Newcomb & Gauss, Printers, Salem, Massachusetts.
Manchester Massachusetts Death Records to 1850 - Surnames Q-Z
[ Surnames A-C ]