Edgartown Massachusetts Death Records to 1850
Surnames A-E
Transcribed by Matthew Tooley
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Edgartown Massachusetts Deaths From "Vital Records of Edgartown Massachusetts To The End Of The Year 1850".
Death records extracted from the "Vital records of Edgartown, Massachusetts to the year 1850". Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society, At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund, Boston, Mass., 1906.
Edgartown Massachusetts Death Records to 1850 - Surnames A-E
- ADAMS, -------, [buried] Aug. 25, 1775, a. 4. P.R.
- ADLINGTON, Mary, Oct. 11, 1838, a. 8.
- ADLINGTON, Timothy G., mariner, s. Francis and Abbie, fever, ----- [rec. Mar. 21 [1845]], a. 23, at sea.
- ADLINGTON, William H., s. Francis and Abby, dropsy on the brain, Oct. 10, 1844, a. 1 y. 8 m.
- ALLEN, Betsey, Jan. 5, 1838, a. 93. [w. David, Jan. 4, a. 93 y. 1 m. 17 d., G.R.2.]
- ALLEN, Cordelia Gardner, d. Bartlett and Cordelia, Oct. 22, 1833, a. 8 m. G.R.2.
- ALLEN, David, June 3, 1812, a. 71. G.R.2. [consump[tion] "fortasse," July 3, a. 73, P.R.]
- ALLEN, John, Sept. 20, 1849, "on board Ship." Josephene, d. Bartlet and Cordelia, July 8, 1844.
- ALLEY, --------, s. Mr. Alley and w. (d. Tho[ma]s Fisher), scald on the stomach, July 8, 1813. P.R.
- AREY (see ARY), Allen B. of Thomastoun, yellow fever, Nov. 2, 1841, a. 23.
- AREY (see ARY), Anna, wid. Elijah, Jan. --, 1808 [sic, 1807], in 52d y. G.R. 2. [[d. Benjamin Pease and and Anne (Butler) (first w.)] "She had been confined to her Bed for about 24 years in which Time she had three Sons, (not at one Birth) all of them large healthy Children & one now living the last," [buried] [Jan.] 25, 1807, a. 52, P.R.]
- AREY (see ARY), Bulah, w. Thomas [d. Jabez Trapp and Hepsibah (Daggett)], [buried] Oct. ---, 1779, a. 61. P.R.
- AREY (see ARY), Caroline, ch. Martin and Margaret, consumption, Apr. 26, 1848, a. 26 y. 10 m. [a. 26, G.R.2.]
- AREY (see ARY), Elijah, July 9, 1806, a. 54 y. 5 m. G.R.2. [consumption, P.R.]
- AREY (see ARY), Emeline, Feb. 6, 1826, a. 17 y. 6 m. [d. George and Polly, Feb. 5, a. 17 y. 5 m. 13 d., G.R.2.] [d. George W., consumption, a. 17, P.R.]
- AREY (see ARY), George M., Dec. 13, 1849, in Fairhaven. C.R.1.
- AREY (see ARY), George W., Jan. 1, 1828.
- AREY (see ARY), Lydia [d. Thomas and Beulah (Trapp)), [buried] [Mar.] 23, 1794, a. 33. P.R.
- AREY (see ARY), Martin, "master of the sloop Apollo" [s. Elijah and Anna (Pease)], Jan. 2, 1823, a. 32, in Valparizo, S.A. P.R.
- AREY (see ARY), Mary, grand d. Tho[ma]s, consump[tion], [buried] Jan. 15, 1781, a. 11. P.R.
- AREY (see ARY), Nancy, Apr. 2, 1839. C.R.1.
- AREY (see ARY), Polly [d. Elijah Arey and Anna (Pease)], child bed, July 6, 1821, a. 39. P.R.
- AREY (see ARY), Thomas Jr., Capt., [buried] July 21, 1774, a. 30 [?] P.R.
- AREY (see ARY), Tho[ma]s, pulmonary consumption, [buried] June 14, 1787, a. 71. P.R.
- AREY (see ARY), Thomas, Dec. 24, 1830, in New Haven.
- AREY (see ARY), -------, inf. Elijah, [buried] [May] 13, 1786. P.R.
- AREY (see ARY), -------, twin s. Polly, June --, 1821. P.R.
- AREY (see ARY), -------, twin d. Polly, June ---, 1821. P.R.
- ARY (see AREY), John, brother of Richard, Oct. 12, 1675. D.R.2.
- ATHEARN, Susan, d. Susan P., Aug. 13, 1835, a. 5 w. [d. Joseph and Susan, a. 1 m. 2 d., G.R.2.]
- ATHEARN, Susan P., July 21, 1835. [w. Joseph, a. 26 y. 4 m. 21 d., G.R.2.]
- ATHEARN, William, s. Joseph and Susan, June 20, 1833, a. 4 m. 1 d. G.R.2.
- ATSAT (see ATSATT), -------, Ch. ----, [buried] ---, 1762. P.R.
- ATSAT (see ATSATT), -------, ch. ----, [buried] ----, 1762. P.R.
- ATSATT (see ATSAT), Thomas, [buried] Nov. ---, 1777, a. 27. P.R.
- BANING (see BANNING), -------, ch. James, [buried] June 10, 1775, a. 5. P.R.
- BANNING (see BANING), Frasier, s. James, "perished at Sea in their Passage from England," Mar. --, 1805, a. 20. P.R.
- BANNING (see BANING), James Jr. [s. James and Mercy (Coffin)], Georgia fever, [buried] [Aug.] ---, 1794, a. 18, at sea. P.R.
- BANNING (see BANING), James, Nov. 9, 1826, a. 80 "lacking twenty one days." [universal decay, "He lacked but 18 Days of 80," P.R.]
- BANNING (see BANING), Jeremiah, s. James, [buried] [June] 16, 1791, a. 4. P.R.
- BANNING (see BANING), Marcy, Nov. 6, 1833, a. 80 y. 7 m. 1 d. [Mercy, a. 81, C.R.1.]
- BANNING (see BANING), -------, ch. James, [buried] ----, 1779. P.R.
- BANNING (see BANING), -------, chn. James H., ----, 1828.
- BANNING (see BANING), -------, ch. Jereraiah, Aug. 8, 1834, a. 10 m.
- BARKER, Carr of Dresden, Kennebeck, [buried] [Nov.] 16, 1805. P.R.
- BARRET, -------, ch. Jos[eph], drowned, [buried] May ---, 1770, a. 4. P.R.
- BASSETT, Lydia, Mrs., Oct. 22, 1813, a. 72. G.R.2.
- BASSETT, Lydia [w. Nathan], d. Peter Norton Esq. [d. Maj. Peter Norton and Sarah (Bassett)], consumpt[ion], Oct. 20, 1815, a. 68. P.R.
- BAYLIES, Charles R., ch. Edgar M. and Sophia, chloria infanturn, Sept. 20, 1848, a. 7 m.
- BAYLIES, Charles Worth, ch. Frederick and Velina, Sept. 2, 1821. [a. 3 m. 11 d., in Nantucket, G.R.2.]
- BAYLIES, Edward, s. Frederick and Velina, July 31, 1820, a. 4 m. 18 d. G.R.2.
- BAYLIES, Edward, ch. Frederick and Velina, July 31, 1826. ["the 3d out of 4 which has died," a. 4 1//2 m., P.R.]
- BAYLIES, Frederick, "Missionary to the Indians," Sept. 30, 1836, a. 62. G.R.2.
- BAYLIES, Frederick [dup. Jr.], ch. Frederick and Velina, June 24, 1840, a. 4 m. 26 d. [Frederic, s. Frederic and Velina, G.R.2.]
- BAYLIES, Hannah S., w. Rev. Henry, d. B. Wilcox of New Bedford, Oct. 15, 1848. G.R.2.
- BAYLIES, John [dup. Bayls], ch. Edgar M. and Sophia P., Aug. 15 [dup. Aug. 16], 1842. [Aug. 15, a. 11 m. 12 d., G.R.2.]
- BAYLIES, Sally P., consumption, Jan. 9, 1841. [Sarah P., w. Gustavus A., C.R.1.] [Sarah P., w. Gustavus, d. George Arey and Mary, a. 35, G.R.2.]
- BAYLIES, Sarah Lee, ch. Frederick and Velina, Sept. 7, 1825. [a. 9 m. 3 d., G.R.2.] [d. Frederick Jr., a. 9 m., P.R.]
- BAYLIES, Thomas L., fever, Sept. 6, 1834, a. 27 y. 2 m. [a. 27, G.R.2.]
- BAYLIES, Velina Worth, ch. Frederick [dup. F. B. Jr.] and Velina, Sept. 4, 1830 [dup. a. 9 m.]. [Balies, d. Frederic and Velina, G.R.2.]
- BAYLIES, -------, ch. Frederick and Velina, Apr. 3, 1835, a. 4 d. [s. Frederic and Velina, Apr. 2, a. 2 d., G.R.2.]
- BAYLIES, -------, inf. s. D. W. and Mary L., Nov. 6, 1836. G.R.2.
- BAYLIES, -------, s. Frederick and Velina, still born, June 13, 1843.
- BEALS, -------, d. Louisa, Feb. 21, 1829.
- BEECHER, Erastus, Capt., Nov. 10, 1821, a. 55. G.R.7. [" a Native of Connect. fortasse He has lived here a number of Years & left a wd & Five Daughters poor," Nov. 5, P.R.]
- BEETLE, Christopher, s. W[illia]m, yellow fever, Sept. 11, 1801, a. 24, in Va. P.R.
- BEETLE, Eliza, d. William, consum[ption], Feb. 21, 1816, a. 22. P.R.
- BEETLE, Hannah, universal decay, [buried] [Dec.] 13, 1790, a. 25. P.R.
- BEETLE, Hannah, wid., Jan. 1, 1820, a. 95. C.R.1. [[wid. Christopher Jr., d. Simeon Butler and Hannah (Cheney)] "she had for several Years been deprived of her Reason," P.R.]
- BEETLE, James [h. Mary], Oct. 26, 1801, a. 47. G.R.7.
- BEETLE, Jane, w. William [d. Richard Coffin and Mary (Cooke)], consump[tion], June 24, 1822, a. 62. P.R.
- BEETLE, Jedidah, wid. Reuben, Feb. 20, 1841, a. 75. [Feb. 12, a. 75 8 m., G.R.2.
- BEETLE, John, Apr. 20, 1807, a. 26 y. 5 m. G.R.2.[consumption], a. 28, P.R.]
- BEETLE, John Thomas, Sept. 28, 1807, a. 8 m. G.R.2. [s. John "late" dec'd, cons[umptio]n, P.R.]
- BEETLE, Mary, w. Christopher, Jan. 15, 1746, in 46th y. G.R.1.
- BEETLE, Mary, wid. James, Sept. 17, 1836, a. 83. G.R.7.
- BEETLE, Nabby, d. W[illia]m, fever nervous, [buried] July 12, 1801, a. 19. P.R.
- BEETLE, Phebe, w. Capt. Thomas, May 21, 1808, a. 63 y. 11 m. 20 d. G.R.2. [wid. Thomas, consumption, a. 62, P.R.]
- BEETLE, Reuben, Dec. 18, 1818, a. 53 y. 5 m. G.R.2. [Ruben, "Hect. Decay," a. 54, P.R.]
- BEETLE, Richard, s. William, yellow fever, Sept. 20, 1801, a. 22, in Bedford. P.R.
- BEETLE, Simeon C., s. Capt. Reuben and Jedidah, May 26, 1806, a. 7 y. 4 m. G.R.2. [s. Ruben, cons[umption], a. 8, P.R.]
- BEETLE, Thomas, Capt., Mar. 5, 1803, in 63d y. G.R.2. [bilious fever, a. 63, P.R.]
- BEETLE, Thomas Jr., Capt., s. Capt. Thomas and Phebe, Jan. 2, 1807, a. 33 y. 5 m. 22 d. G.R.2. [consumption], a. 34, P.R.]
- BEETLE, William, h. Eliza, "murdered in the Ship Globe," ---. C.R.1. ["heard of" Oct. 20, 1824, a. 28, "in the ship Globe of Nantuckett," P.R.]
- BEETLE, -------, ch. Thomas, [buried] July 29, 1772, a. 2. P.R.
- BEETLE, -------, ch. James, [buried] ---- [rec. between June 19 and Aug. 29], 1781, a. 10 m. P.R.
- BEETLE, -------, ch. James [of] Homes Hole, buried June ---, 1784, a. 2. P.R.
- BEETLE, -------, d. William, hoop[ing] cough, [buried] Oct. 26, 1787, a. 10 m. P.R.
- BEETLE, -------, s. James, [buried]-------[rec. after Dec. 9], 1793, a. 6 m. P.R.
- BEETLE, -------, s. James, [buried] [Dec.] ----, 1795. P.R.
- BEETLE, -------, ch. Thomas, Aug. 26, 1838.
- BELAIN, Elizabeth, coloured, Apr. 23, 1842, a. 18.
- BELAIN, Lucy Ann, coloured, Jan. 15, 1842, a. 3.
- BELAIN, Nelda, Feb. 14, 1843, a. 24.
- BELAIN, Sally, coloured [d. Lisia Johnson], ---. 1840.
- BENSON, Thomas, Aug. 7, 1826, a. 27. [of Tisbury, "He had lived here a few months," a. 28, P.R.]
- BLACK, Jaures W. of Charlestown, S.C., w. Susan (Osborn), "He fell on board a Steam Boat & was killed," "Had News of the Death" Feb. 5, 1827, a. 34 "fortasse." P.R.
- BLACK, -------, s. James W., May 9, 1826, a. 6 hrs. P.R.
- BODER, John of Marblehead, [buried] [Mar.] 28, 1799, a. 26. P.R.
- BOW, Betsey, colored, b. Gay Head, consumption, Dec. 11, 1844.
- BRADLEY, Abigail B., ch. Capt. Edward and Mary, Aug. 3, 1813, a. 18 m. G.R.7. [d. Edmond, Aug. 2, P.R.]
- BRADLEY, Edmund G., s. Edmund, Feb. 10, 1842, a. 18 y. 6 m., at sea. [s. Capt. Edmund and Jane C., G.R.2.]
- BRADLEY, Mary, W. Capt. Edward, Dec. 21, 1821, in 37th y. G.R.7. [first] w. Edmund [d. William Beetle and Jane (Coffin)] a. 37, P.R.]
- BRADLEY, -------, twin ch. Capt. Edward and Mary, Jan. 23, 1820. G.R.7. [twin s. Edmund, a. 1 d., P.R.]
- BRADLEY, -------, twin ch. Capt. Edward and Mary, Jan. 23, 1820. G.R.7. [twin s. Edmund, a. 1 d., P.R.]
- BRICE, James, m., mariner, dysentery, ---- [rec. Dec. 20 [1845]].
- BRICE, -------, ch. James, still born, Mar. ---, 1834.
- BRIDGES, Hackoliah, drowned at the Gay head, Nov. 23, 1671. D.R.2.
- BRIGGS, Andrew R., ch. Samuel A. and Mary, measles, Sept. 18, 1848, a. 11 y. 13 d. [s. Samuel A. and Mary B., Sept. 19, G.R.2.]
- BRIGGS, Mary B., ch. Samuel A. and Mary B., Feb. 22, 1844. G.R.2.
- BRIGGS, Samuel R., ch. Samuel A. and Mary B., July 10, 1843. G.R.2.
- BRIGGS, -------, ch. Sam[ue]l and Mary, Dec. 9, 1843, a. 5 d. [This entry written in penciL]
- BROWN, Adam, ---[?Apr. 27] 1835.
- BROWN, Charlotte, coloured, d. Abraham, Jan. 6, 1842, a. 23 m.
- BROWN, Naomi, [first] w. William [d. George Daggett and Ethannah (Dunham)], [Mar.] 25, 1820, a. 45. P.R.
- BROWN, Parsis, W. W[illia]m, Apr. 23, 1837.
- BROWN, -------, ch. William, Dec. 14, 1841.
- BROWNING, Mary, Mrs., Sept. 7, 1672. D.R.2.
- BUNKER, Isaac, "perished . . . in a ship cast away at Gay Head," Jan. 14, 1782, a. 20. P.R.
- BUNKER, Jonathan, [buried] Jan. 12, 1779, a. 50. P.R.
- BUNKER, Richard, old age, Aug. 28, 1834, a. 75.
- BUNKER, Susanna, w. Capt. Richard, Dec. 1, 1786, in 26th y. [consurnp[tion], a. 23, P.R.]
- BUNKER, [? Bunker] -------, s. of w. of Richard, "fortasse," [Nov.]---, 1814, a. 15. P.R.
- BUNTING, James, Mar. 14, 1836, a. 39. [Capt. James, G.R.2.]
- BUNTING, John, s. James, July 1, 1833, a. 1 y. 1 m. [s. James and Sally, G.R.2.]
- BUNTING, John, Capt., Feb. 16, 1837, a. 34, in Pernambuco. G.R.2.
- BURDICK, El Nathan of Pawtucket, Conn., Sept. 2, 1848, a. 50.
- BURTON, Lyman of Tashua, Conn., May 11 1827, a. 40, "on board a vessel from Bridge Port." P.R.
- BUTLER, [Abigail] w. Abner [d. Abraham Ripley and Elizabeth (Marchant)], [buried] Apr. 26, 1767, a. 35. P.R.
- BUTLER, Abner, "he had been totally Helpless for many Years with the Rheumatism," [buried] June 27, 1804, a. 71. P.R.
- BUTLER, Anna, w. Thomas, Oct. 1, 1732, a. abt. 51. G.R.1.
- BUTLER, Anna, w. John, puerperal fev[er], [buried] [Apr.] 21, 1781, a. 29. P.R.
- BUTLER, Anna, "Hect: Decay," [buried] Sept. 10 1787, a. 20. P.R.
- BUTLER, Anna, wid. John, Nov. 23, 1803, in 72d y. G.R.2. [d. Jethro Dunham and Mehitable (Vincent)) "Suddent," a. 70, P.R.]
- BUTLER, Archelus, s. Capt. Henry and Elizabeth, Dec. ---, 1800, in 22d y. G.R.2.
- BUTLER, Bartlett [s. Zephariah and Hannah (Ripley)], Georgia fever, [buried] Sept. 4, 1794, a. 14. P.R.
- BUTLER, Barzella, s. Capt. Henry and Elizabeth, Nov. ---, 1784., in 17th y. G.R.2. [Barzillni [s. Henry and Elizabeth, (Ripley)), foundered at sea, [buried] ---, 1783 [sic] [d. Nov. ---, 1784], a. 16 [?], P.R.]
- BUTLER, [Bethiah] [second] w. Eb[e]n[ezer] [? d. Capt. John Gould and Sarah Clarke], [buried] Apr. 7, 1773, a. 40. P.R.
- BUTLER, Caroline, d. Charles and Lucy, Mar. 17, 1833, a. 18 d. G.R.2.
- BUTLER, Charles 2d, s. Charles and Lucy, Mar. 2, 1825, a. 16 m. G.R.2. P.R.
- BUTLER, Charles, May 14, 1834, a. 46.
- BUTLER, Charles, s. Charles and Lucy, --, "in infancy." C.R.1.
- BUTLER, Charlotte, d. Charles and Lucy, Aug. 5, 1827, a. 6. G.R.2.
- BUTLER, Cornelius, [buried] ---- [rec. between Apr. 2 and May 26], 1794, a. 60, in West Indies. P.R.
- BUTLER, Daniel, "years & cons", [buried] [Jan.] 24, 1807, a. 70. P.R.
- BUTLER, Ebenezer, old age, [buried] [Feb.] 26, 1808, a. 85. P.R.
- BUTLER, Edmund, Apr. 27, 1840, a. 26, at sea. G.R.2.
- BUTLER, Elijah, Capt., Apr. 5, 1789, in 76th y. G.R.7. [chollick, a. 77, P.R.]
- BUTLER, [Elizabeth (Osborn)] w. Matthew, [buried] July 9, 1772, a. 36. P.R.
- BUTLER, Ephraim Pease, s. Francis, "Dissent Inf," [buried] Sept. 10, 1791. P.R.
- BUTLER, Francis, [buried] [June] ---, 1796, a. 37, "on his Passage from the West Indies." P.R.
- BUTLER, Gamaliel, [buried] ----, 1765, a. 74. P.R.
- BUTLER, [Hannah, prob.] wid. [Simeon] [d. Thomas Cheney and Hannah (Woodie)], [buried] Feb. 28, 1769, a. 82. P.R.
- BUTLER, Hannah, w. Zephaniah (d. Peter Ripley and Damaris (Chase)), inf[lammatio]n of liver, [buried] Dec. 8, 1803. P.R.
- BUTLER, Hannah, d. Eben[eze]r, "Pauper," consum[ption], Aug. 5, 1817, a. 61. P.R.
- BUTLER, Hannah, wid. Daniel [d. Seth Crossman and Hannah], old age and decay, Oct. 4, 1825, a. 78. P.R.
- BUTLER, Henry, s. Henry and Sarah, Dec. 17, 1737, in 27th y. G.R.1.
- BUTLER, Henry, ---, 1781, on prison ship. G.R.2. [[s. Nicholas and Thankful (Marchant) (second w.) "He served in the war of the Revolution as private in Capt. Benjamin Smith's company, stationed on Martha's Vineyard in defense of the seacoast"] [buried] ---, 1783, a. 36, P.R.]
- BUTLER, Henry, m., housewright, ch. Zepheniah and Hannah, consumption, Mar. 28, 1848, a. 60.
- BUTLER, Isaac, "killed by ye accidental discharge of a gun," [buried] June 15, 1770, a. 22. P.R.
- BUTLER, Jane, Mrs. [d. John Butler and Elizabeth (Daggett), sister of John], [buried] ----, 1763, a. 40. P.R.
- BUTLER, Jane, W. Cornelius, [Marl 7, 1830, a. 89 "last July."
- BUTLER, [Jedidah] [first] w. Timothy [d. Uriah Tilton and Jedidah (Mayhew)], fev[er], [buried]. July ---, 1783, a. 25, in Chilmark "fortasse." P.R.
- BUTLER, John, Dec. 8, 1793, in 63d y. G.R.2. [schirrous liver, a. 60, P.R.]
- BUTLER, John Sprague, s. Walter, fits, [buried] [Dec.] 23, 1806, a. 11 d. P.R.
- BUTLER, Jonathan, [buried] Feb. ----, 1778, a. 23. P.R.
- BUTLER, Marcia, ch. William, consumption, July 5 [1845], a. 45. [July 15, a. 41, G.R.7.]
- BUTLER, Mary, w. Capt. Silas, June 27, 1818, in 74th y. G.R.2. [[d. Thomas Neal and Lois (Stewart)] "She languished under great Pain & Distress totally Helpless for Two Years," a. 74, P.R.]
- BUTLER, Mary, d. Thaddeus, Oct. 6, 1839.
- BUTLER, Matthew [h. Jean], drowned, Jan. ---, 1782. C.R.1. [Jan. 14, a. 45 y.10 m. 14 d., G.R.2.] ["perished the 14th in a ship cast away at Gay Head," a. 46, P.R.]
- BUTLER, Mercy, wid. [Gamaliel] [d. Benajah Dunham and Sarah (Covel)], cons[u]m[ption], [buried] Feb. 21, 1801, a. 85. P.R.
- BUTLER, Nicholas, [buried] Jan. 28, 1772, a. 94. P.R.
- BUTLER, Nicolas, Aug. 13, 1671. D.R.2.
- BUTLER, Oliver, s. Daniel, foundered at sea, [buried] ----, 1800, a. 24. P.R.
- BUTLER, Peggey, d. Silas and Mary, -----.
- BUTLER, Polly, w. D. B., Dec. 26, 1826, a. 35 y. 6 m. 6 d. [Mary, G.R.2.] [[first] w. Dan[ie]l [d. Tristram Norton and Jane (Marchant)], "She was put to bed with Twins the 23," [Dec.] 24, a. 36, P.R.]
- BUTLER, Rebecca, w. Samuel, Jan. 31, 1824, a. 26. G.R.7. [Rebeccah [d. Samuel Smith Esq. and Love Pease], child bed, [Jan.] 30, 1821, P.R.]
- BUTLER, Rebecca, w. William Esq., July 27, 1832, in 65th y. G.R.7.
- BUTLER, Sam[ue]l, [buried] Feb. 24, 1765, a. 82. P.R.
- BUTLER, Silas Jr., [buried] [Aug.] ---, 1794, a. 21, [in] West Indies. P.R.
- BUTLER, Silas, s. Zephaniah, drowned, "received the News of the Death" Dec. ----, 1824, a. 27, in Pacific Ocean "fortasse." P.R.
- BUTLER, Silas, Oct. 19, 1828.
- BUTLER, Thaddeus, "drowned from the Pilot Boat Hiram coming from the Streights of Bell Isle," Sept. 24, 1828.
- BUTLER, [Thankful] [second] w. Nicholas [d. John Marchant and Hepsibah (Huxford)], [buried] ----, 1762, 45. P.R.
- BUTLER, Tho[ma]s, s. Silas, [buried] ---- [rec. after Dec. 23], 1790, a. 24, in Suriam. P.R.
- BUTLER, Thomas, s. Thaddeus, drowned in Cape Poge Pond, June 16, 1838, a. 15.
- BUTLER, Timothy, [Nov.] 17, 1811, a. 58. P.R.
- BUTLER, Tristram P., s. Henry, Nov. 7, 1830, a. 13 m.
- BUTLER, William, Dec. 22, 1844, in 84th y. G.R.7.
- BUTLER, Zephaniah, Sept. 15, 1721. G.R.1.
- BUTLER, Zephaniah, languishment, July 19, 1816, a. 67. P.R.
- BUTLER, -------, ch. John, [buried] Sept ---, 1769, a. P.R.
- BUTLER, -------, ch. Henry, [buried] Dec. 14, 1771, a. P.R.
- BUTLER, -------, ch. Benj[amin], [buried] ------[rec. between Jan. 28 and Apr.--], 1772. P.R.
- BUTLER, -------, ch. Eben[eze]r, [buried] ------[rec. between Jan. 28 and Apr. ---], 1772. P.R.
- BUTLER, -------, ch. Matt[hew], [buried] -------[rec. between Jan. 28 and Apr. ---], 1772, a. 3. P.R.
- BUTLER, -------, ch. Benj[amin], [buried] May 9, 1773. P.R.
- BUTLER, -------, ch. Zephaniah, [buried] ----, 1779. P.R.
- BUTLER, -------, ch. Silas, [buried] ---, 1779. P.R.
- BUTLER, -------, inf. Elijah Jr. [of] Holmes Hole, [buried] Aug. 31, 1784. P.R.
- BUTLER, -------, ch. Silas, burn, [buried] Feb. 23, 1785, a. 2. P.R.
- BUTLER, -------, ch. John Jr., rickets, [buried] [May] 24, 1787, a. 2. P.R.
- BUTLER, -------, ch. Francis, [buried] Aug. 5, 1787, a. 3 d. P.R.
- BUTLER, -------, s. Zepha[nia]h, dysent[ary], [buried] Sept. 9, 1793, a. 2 y. 2 m. P.R.
- BUTLER, -------, s. Francis, dy[sentary], [buried] [Sept.] 7, 1796, a. 15 m. P.R.
- BUTLER, -------, s. Lydia, [buried] [July] 4, 1802, a. 4 m. P.R.
- BUTLER, -------, ch. Arnold, still born, [Dec.] 26, 1822. P.R.
- BUTLER, -------, twin inf. d. Dan[ie]l, Jan. 3, 1827. P.R.
- BUTLER, -------, Aug. 27, 1843.
- CAMP (see CHAMP), Molley, old age, July 11, 1843, a. 91. [Mary Champ, wid., C.R.1.]
- CARTER, Betsy, consumption, Feb. 10, 1842, a. 75.
- CHADWICK, Anthony, "a Portugee a State Pauper," universal decay, [Mar.] 26, 1820, a. 67. P.R.
- CHADWICK, -------, ch. William P., May 2, 1833.
- CRAM, Stephen, "a Stranger said to be an Englishman, a man of University Education," [buried] May 11, 1786. P.R.
- CHAMP (see CAMP), -------, ch. Peter, [buried] ----, 1779. P.R.
- CHASE, James S., s. Nickerson and Fanny, Aug. 14, 1810, a. 16 y. 4 m. G.R.7.
- CHASE, Jos[eph], May 1, 1749, a. 60 y. 2 m. 20 d. G.R.1.
- CHASE, Lydia, mid. Joseph, July 17, 1749, a. 52 y. 2 m. 11 d. G.R.1.
- CLAGHORN, Abiah, w. Tho[ma]s, Feb. 10, 1730, a. 31 y. 7 m. G.R.1.
- CLAGHORN, Barnabas, brother of Benjamin, drowned, June 9, 1759, in 12th y. G.R.7.
- CLAGHORN, Benjamin, pilot, father of Samuel, brother of Barnabas, drowned, June 9, 1759, in 37th y. G.R.7.
- CLAGHORN, Benja[min] [prob. s. Thomas Jr. and Mary (Huxford)], foundered at sea, [buried] ---, 1783, a. 20 [?]. P.R.
- CLAGHORN, Deborah, -------, [rec. between Apr. 22 and Apr. 25] 1835.
- CLAGHORN, James, Jan. 18, 1749. [a. 60 y. 5 m., G.R.1.]
- CLAGHORN, Jane [prob. Jean (Bartlett)), wid. [Matthew], [buried] [Apr.] 2, 1806, a. 70, [in] Homes Hole. P.R.
- CLAGHORN, Jedidah, wid., Jan. 13 [1820], a. 71. C.R.1.
- CLAGHORN, Mary, w. Thomas [d. Samuel Huxford and Temperance (Daggett) (second w.)], gout in stomach, [buried] Nov. 4, 1806, a. 72. P.R.
- CLAGHORN, [Mercy] (Clachorn) wid. [James] [d. Isaac Norton and Ruth (Bayer)], [buried] ---, 1762, a. 75. P.R.
- CLAGHORN, Samuel, s. Benjamin, drowned, June 9, 1759, a. 12. G.R.7.
- CLAGHORN, Shubael N., m., s. Bartlett and Sarah, consumption, ----[rec. Dec. 25 [1846]], a. 32.
- CLAGHORN, Susanna [Susannah (Gibbs)], wid. [Thomas], "pul: fever," [buried] Nov. 27, 1786, a. 76. P.R.
- CLAGHORN, Susy, "one of the poor of the Town," Sept. 15, 1832.
- CLAGHORN, Tho[ma]s [prob. s. Thomas Jr. and Mary (Huxford)), foundered at sea, [buried] ---, 1783, a. 18 [?]. P.R.
- CLAGHORN, Tho[ma]s [of] Homes Hole, old age, [buried] [Feb.) 10, 1784, a. 93. P.R.
- CLAGHORN, Tho[ma]s, dropsy "fortasse," [May] 13, 1813, a. 83. P.R.
- CLAGHORN, -------,(Clachorn), Ch. Tho[ma]s, [buried] July 31, 1772, a. 2. P.R.
- CLAGHORN, -------, s. Bartlet, [buried] Apr. 6, 1795, a. 8 w. P.R.
- CLAGHORN, -------, ch. Bartlett, [buried] [Apr.] ---, 1805. P.R.
- CLAGHORN, -------, ch. Bartlet [buried] May 20, 1805. P.R.
- CLAGHORN, -------, s. Bartlett, [Nov.] 18, 1817, a. 20. P.R.
- CLARK (see CLARKE), John, drowned, June 5, 1830.
- CLARK (see CLARKE), Lydia, Apr. 13, 1826. [Clarke [wid. John (Clark) Sr., wid. Seth Marchant, d. Benajah Dunham Jr. and Lydia Pease (first w.)], "Town Pauper," Apr. 14, a. 88, P.R.]
- CLARKE (see CLARK), Jedidah, w. John [d. John Fish and Sarah (Fish)], "died suddently in a Fit in the Night probably Epilep," Oct. 6, 1813, a. 49. P.R.
- CLARKE (see CLARK), John, apoplex[y], May 7, 1811, a. 69. P.R.
- CLARKE (see CLARK), Julia Ann, Oct. ---, 1824, a. 19, in a factory in R.I. P.R.
- CLARKE (see CLARK), Lemuel, untimely, [Nov.] 20, 1820, a. 46. P.R.
- CLEAVELAND (see CLEAVLAND, CLEVELAND), Martha, old age, Jan. 23, 1844, a. 72 y. 8 m.
- CLEAVELAND (see CLEAVLAND, CLEVELAND), Tristram, Feb. ---, 1802, "fell overboard and was eaten by an Alligator in the Harbour of Batavia." P.R.
- CLEAVELAND (see CLEAVLAND, CLEVELAND), William E., s. William, Dec. 31, 1839, a. 5 m. [s. William and Sophia. F., Jan. 1, 1840, a. 5, G.R.2.]
- CLEAVELAND (see CLEAVLAND, CLEVELAND), William Edward, s. W[illia]m and Sophia, disease of the brain, Feb. 3 [1847], a. 6 m.
- CLEAVELAND (see CLEAVLAND, CLEVELAND), -------, d. J. C., Oct. 6, 1839, a. 1 m. 20 d.
- CLEAVLAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEVELAND), Abraham, s. Ichabod, lost at sea, Nov. 8, 1800, a. 19. P.R.
- CLEAVLAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEVELAND), Ichabod, [Oct.] 27, 1823, a. 75. P.R.
- CLEAVLAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEVELAND), Jedidah, "a Town Pauper," wid. [Seth] [d. Shubael Claghorn and Martha (Hillman)], mother of Matta, "She languished for a number of Years her sufferings were very great," [Jan.] 13, 1820, a. 71. P.R.
- CLEAVLAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEVELAND), Joseph, gravel, [buried] Dec. 25, 1796, a. 82. P.R.
- CLEAVLAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEVELAND), Joseph, inflammation under right breast, Feb. 6, 1812, a. 38. P.R.
- CLEAVLAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEVELAND), Martha, w. Ichabod, Nov. 8, 1799, in 52d y. G.R.2. [Martha (Dunham)] cancer in breast, P.R.]
- CLEAVLAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEVELAND), [Mary] wid. [Ebenezer (Cleveland)] [d. Thomas Vincent and Sarah (Post)], [buried] ----, 1761, a. 70. P.R.
- CLEAVLAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEVELAND), Mary [first] w. Joseph [d. James Covel and Mary (Dunham)], [buried] Apr. 5, 1779, a. 63. P.R.
- CLEAVLAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEVELAND), Peter [s. Ichabod and Martha (Dunham)], [buried] [May] ----, 1795, a. 16, in Jamaica. P.R.
- CLEAVLAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEVELAND), Seth, "Languish'," May 21, 1809, a. 68. P.R.
- CLEAVLAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEVELAND), Susan, W. Tristram, Feb. 22, 1820, a. 52. G.R.2. [wid. [Tristram (Cleveland)] [d. Maj. Brotherton Daggett and Mary (Tucker)], CLEAVLAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEVELAND), "She had passed thro a Sea of Trouble & distress for many years," [Feb.] 23, 1821, a. 55, P.R.]
- CLEAVLAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEVELAND), Tristram, s. Joseph and Matta, drowned, "Received the News of the Death" Mar. 30, 1822, a. 19, in Pacific Ocean. P.R.
- CLEAVLAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEVELAND), William, bil[ious] fever, Sept. 4, 1810, a. 26. P.R.
- CLEAVLAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEVELAND), -------, ch. Jos[eph], [buried] -----, 1764 P.R.
- CLEAVLAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEVELAND), -------, twin S. of daughter of Sam[ue]l, [Dec.] 27, 1825, a. abt. 6 w. P.R.
- CLEAVLAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEVELAND), -------, twin s. of daughter of Sam[ue]l, [Feb.] 25, 1826, a. 3 m. P.R.
- CLEVELAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEAVLAND), Abiah, wid., Dec. 31, 1833, a. 84 y. 3 m. 17 d. [wid. Ezra, G.R.2.]
- CLEVELAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEAVLAND), Adeline B., d. Henry and Susan, consumption, Aug. 30 [1846], a. 14 y. 8 m.
- CLEVELAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEAVLAND), Benjamin D., s. Abisha S. and Phebe W., Dec. 25, 1843, a. 14 m. G.R.2.
- CLEVELAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEAVLAND), Ezra, Oct. 27, 1822, a. 76 y. 6 m. 11 d. G.R.2. [Cleavland, a. 76, P.R.]
- CLEVELAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEAVLAND), James, laboror, ch. Ichabod and Martha C., consumption, Nov. 3, 1844, a. 72.
- CLEVELAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEAVLAND), John C., Dec. 18, 1837.
- CLEVELAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEAVLAND), Lois, d. Ezra and Abiah, consumption, Apr. 21, 1845, a. 63. [Louisa, Apr. 22, C.R.3.] [Lois N., G.R.2.]
- CLEVELAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEAVLAND), Polly, Nov. 21, 1830. [Mary, d. Ezra and Abiah, in 52d y., G.R.2.]
- CLEVELAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEAVLAND), Sally, Mrs., [Mar.] 31, 1830.
- CLEVELAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEAVLAND), Sally, w. Samuel, Sept. 22, 1832, a. 50.
- CLEVELAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEAVLAND), Samuel, widr., consumption, Jan. 13 [1847] a. 61.
- CLEVELAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEAVLAND), Sarah S., ch. William and Sophia F., measles, Mar. 4 [1846], a. 5 y. 11 d.
- CLEVELAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEAVLAND), Seth [s. Ebenezer and Mary Vincent], Sept. 30, 1734, a. 22 y. 11 m. 19 d. G.R.1.
- CLEVELAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEAVLAND), -------, ch. Sam[ue]l,----[rec. between Feb. 21 and Mar. 25], 1814. P.R.
- CLEVELAND (see CLEAVELAND, CLEAVLAND), -------, s. Joseph, still born, Feb. 18 [1845].
- CLIFFORD, John, "W. I. fever," Jan. 15, 1841, a. 27, [in] Prospect, Me. [Long Island, written above].
- COFFIN, Abagail, Dec. 13, 1831, a. 83 y. 6 m.
- COFFIN, Ann Francis, May 8, 1828, a. 18 y. 5 m. 11 d. [d. Timothy and Zoraida, May 9, a. 18 y. 5 m. 5 d., G.R.2.]
- COFFIN, Belinda Abby, ch. John 2d and Sophia, dysentery, Oct. 12, 1848, a. 4 y. 2 m. 24 d. [d. John and Sophia L., a. 4 y. 3 m. G.R.2.]
- COFFIN, Benjamin Jr., ch. Benjamin and Elisabeth, Nov. 19, 1781.
- COFFIN, Benjamin, s. Enoch Esq., h. Elizabeth Norton, ---- a. 75. C.R.1. [Capt. Benjamin, Oct. 1, 1793, G.R.2. [dysent[ary], a. 76, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Betsy, Mar. 29 [1834], a. 87. [d. Benjamin and Elisabeth, a. 86 y. 10 m. 20 d., G.R.2.]
- COFFIN, Bulah, d. Enoch Esq., Jan. 19, 1812, a. 86. C.R.1. [d. Enoch Jr. and Jane (Claghorn) Whellen], old age, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Caroline B., d. Timothy Jr., stopage in the stomac, Oct. 13, 1842, a. 16 y. 6 m. [d. Timothy and Velina P., G.R.2.]
- COFFIN, Charles, s. Peter and Lois, lost at sea, --- 1823, in 19th y. G.R.2. ["They sailed in the Ship Lady Adams. She had long been dispaired of it is thought they were lost about mid Sumer 1823," a. 19, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Charles Henry, ch. Samuel and Lucy, May 8, 1820, a. 2 y. 1 m. 10 d. G.R.2.
- COFFIN, Daniel, s. Enoch Esq., h. Mary Harlock, h. Sarah Ripley, ---- a. 70. C.R.1.] consumption, [buried] [July] 24, 1789, a. 69, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Daniel, [June] 27, 1830, a. 81 y. 9 m.
- COFFIN, Daniel F., s. Dea. "T," Oct. 2, 1833, a. 2 y. 9 m. [s. Dea. Thomas and Ruann P., G.P.2.]
- COFFIN, Eddy, Mar. 21, 1829, a. 29 y. 7 m. [Capt. Edy, G.R.2.]
- COFFIN, Edy Jr., "died at Sea on his Passage from Florida," yellow fever, [buried] [May] 17, 1799, a. 23. P.R.
- COFFIN, Elizabeth, wid. Capt. Benjamin, Jan. 28, 1810, a. 82. G.R.2. [d. Matthew Norton and Mary (Daggett)], a. 83, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Elizabeth, ch. James and Huldah, Feb. 21, 1816.
- COFFIN, Enoch Esq., ----, 1761, a. 83, "He left a Family of Ten children."
- COFFIN, Enoch Jr., s. Enoch [and Jane (Claghorn)], foundered at sea,--- 1781. G.R.2. [a. 28, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Enoch "3d & Jr.," s. Daniel, yellow fever, "in the fall of" 1801, "on passage from West Indies." G.R.2. [Enoch Jr. [s. Daniel and Mary (Harlock)], [Oct.] ---- a. 44, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Enoch, s. Enoch Esq., h. Jean (Claghorn) Whellen,------, a. 90. C.R.1. [Enoch Esq. [h. Jane], Mar. 23, 1802, in 90th y., G.R.2.] [old age, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Enoch [s. Enoch Jr. and Deborah (Pease)], grand s. Enoch Esq., "perished at Sea in their Passage from England," Mar. ---, 1805, a. 27. P.R.
- COFFIN, Eunice [w. Capt. Timothy], Oct. 27, 1803, in 68th y. G.R.2. [wid. [d. Tristram Gardner and Deborah (Coffin)], cancer, a. 68, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Frederick Norton, s. Timothy and Zoraida, Dec. 1, 1823, a. 29 y. 6 m. 21 d. G.R.2. [consump[tion], a. 29, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Frederick W., school-teacher, s. Jared and Sarah,-------- [rec. Apr. 29], 1845.
- COFFIN, George S., fever, June 24, 1842, a. 41 y. 2 m., at sea.
- COFFIN, Grace Cosens, d. Timothy and Zoraida, Mar. 16, 1810, a. 18 y. 4 m. 16 d. G.R.2. [a. 19, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Henry, s. Enoch, foundered at sea, ---, 1781. G.R.2. [[s. Enoch and Jane (Claghorn)], a. 22 [?], P.R.]
- COFFIN, Henry, ch. James and Huldah, Jan. 1, 1804. ["struck overboard & drowned," in 20th y., G.R.2.] ["struck overboard & drowned in his Passage to Europe, a. 20, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Henry, ch. Samuel and Lucy. Aug. 25, 1816, a. 1 y. 11 m. 11 d. G.R.2. [inflamation] of bowels, [Aug.] 26, 1816, a_ 13 m., P.R.]
- COFFIN, Henry, s. John and Harriet, Nov. 26, 1841, a. 18, at sea. [a. 18 y. 7 m. "on board ship America on the coast of New Holland, G.R.2.]
- COFFIN, Hepsibah, w. John, Dec. 30, 1736, a. 25 y. 10 m. G.R.1.
- COFFIN, Hepsibah, d. John and Hepsibah, Feb. 28, 1736-7, a. 2 m. G.R.1.
- COFFIN, Hepzibah, w. John Esq., Aug. 25, 1783, in 70th y. G.R.2. [Hepsibah [(Lambert)], [second] w. John Esq., numb palsey, [buried] [Aug.] 26, 1782, a. 71, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Holmes, July 14, 1830 [? 1831]. [July 4, 1831, in 51st y., G.R.2.]
- COFFIN, Holmes, ch. Dea. T., Oct. 17, 1834, a. 2 m. [Homes, s. Dea. Thomas and Ruann P., G.R.2.]
- COFFIN, Huldah [w. James], Nov. 13, 1826, a. 73 y. 16 d. [Nov. 8, a. 73, G.R.2.] [wid. James [d. Robert Allen and Desire (Norton)], a. 73, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Huldah, wid. Enoch, old age, July 28 [1845], a. 85.
- COFFIN, James Jr., ch. James and Huldah, Nov. 2, 1797. [in 21st y., in Baltimore, G.R.2.] [cons[umption], a. 22, in Baltimore, P.R.]
- COFFIN, James [h. Huldah (Allen)], Aug. 1, 1818. [James Esq., in 72d y., G.R.2.] [James Esq., consump[tion], a. 72, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Jean, ch. Eddy and Sarah [second w.], June 22, 1776. [ch. Edy, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Jean, ch. Enoch Jr. and Jean, Mar. 7, 1830.
- COFFIN, Jane, w. Enoch Esq., Apr. 10, 1774, in 59th y. G.R.2. [[Jean (Claghorn) Whellen], a. 59, P.R.]
- COFFIN, John, s. Daniel and Abigail, "by a fall from a ship's yard," Oct. 6, 1703, a. 19. G.R.2.
- COFFIN, John, Sept. 5, 1711, a. abt. 64. G.R.1.
- COFFIN, John, s. Enoch Esq., h. Hepsibah Nye, h. Hepsibah Lambert,--------, a. 82. C.R.1. [John Esq., Dec. 28, 1791, in 81st. y., G.R.2.]
- COFFIN, John, s. Daniel, "by a Fall from a Ships Yrd," [buried] Oct. 15, 1793, a. 20. P.R.
- COFFIN, John, July 1, 1819, in 74th y. G.R.2. ["he had been rendered very feeble by a paralitick shock for years he had failed for months was attacked with a Dysentery & languished for Ten Days," P.R.]
- COFFIN, Laroy E., ch. T., Dec. 29, 1834, a. 2 1/2 m. [Leroy Evans, s. Timothy and Velina P., a. 2 m. 15 d. G.R.2.]
- COFFIN, Lois, wid. Peter, old age, Aug. 18, 1848, a. 78.
- COFFIN, Louisa, w. Peter, Aug. 17, 1848, a. 78 y. 6 m. G.R.2.
- COFFIN, Lucy, ch. James and Huldah, July 3, 1802. [in 21st y., G.R.2.] ["Hect.," a. 21, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Lydia, d. William,"a Quaker," [buried] [July] 24, 1804, a. 25. P.R.
- COFFIN, Margaret, abt. 1837, in Cambridge. C.R.1.
- COFFIN, Mary, ch. John and Harriet, consumption, July 27, 1847, a. 21. [a. 21 y. 9 m., G.R.2.]
- COFFIN, Mary, ch. John and Harriet, dropsy on the brain, Dec. 30, 1847, a. 10 m. [Mary L., G.R.2.]
- COFFIN, Mary, wid. George, fever, Oct. 7, 1849, a. 48.
- COFFIN, [Mary (Harlock)] [first] w. Dan[ie]l, [buried] Oct. ---, 1767, a. 40. P.R.
- COFFIN, Molly, Mar. 12, 1836, a. 84. [Mary, w. John, a. 83 y. 5 m., G.R.2.]
- COFFIN, Peter, Oct. 3, 1835, a. 70 or 71. [Capt. Peter, Oct. 4, in 68th y., G.R.2.]
- COFFIN, Polly, d. Enoch, worms, [buried] Jan. 19, 1788, a. 5. P.R.
- COFFIN, Polly, ch. James and Huldah, July 16, 1801.
- COFFIN, Rebecca, Dec. 17, 1838, a. 73.
- COFFIN, Rodolphus W., consumption, Jan. 18, 1841. [Jan. 19, a. 34, G.R.2]
- COFFIN, Sally, wid., May 3, 1833.
- COFFIN, Sally Martin, d. Peter and Loas, Dec. 23, 1792.
- COFFIN, Sarah, w. Eddy, Oct. 4, 1767. [Sarah (Martin), [first] w. Edy, a. 24, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Sarah, wid. [second w.] Daniel [d. Abraham Ripley and Elizabeth (Marchant)], [buried] [Feb.] 26, 1804, a. 77. P.R.
- COFFIN, Sarah [w. Uriah], Apr. 30, 1810. [first] w. Uriah [d. Thomas Beetle and Phebe], consump[tion], May 1, a. 41, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Sarah, ch. Thomas M. and Sophronia, Nov. 14, 1819, a. 4 m. 18 d. G.R.2.
- COFFIN, Sarah, W. Capt. Thomas, May 3, 1833, a. 75. G.R.2.
- COFFIN, Sarah O., fever, Aug. 21, 1834, a. 16.
- COFFIN, Simeon [s. Samuel and Elizabeth (Gardner)], [buried] ----, 1783, a. 30, on prison ship. P.R.
- COFFIN, Simeon, pulrnon[ary] fever, [buried] June 2, 1807, a. 27. P.R.
- COFFIN, Sophia, ch. James and Huldah, July 19, 1778.
- COFFIN, Sophronia, w. Thomas M., dropsicial consumption, Mar. 28 [1846], a. 59. [Mar. 27, a. 59 y. 3 m., G.R.2.]
- COFFIN, Suky, w. Uriah, Aug. 19 [1826]. [Susan, G.R.2.] [Sukey [Susan] [first] w. Uriah [d. John Nye and Tamar (Weeks)], a. 44, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Susan, d. Thomas and Sarah, Aug. 4, 1810, a. 26 y. 6 m. G.R.2.[consumption, [July] 23, a. 26, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Susan, ch. Peter and Lois, July 15, 1835.
- COFFIN, Thomas, Capt. [h. Sarah], Nov. --, 1796, a. 42, in Savannah. G.R.2. [a. 49, in Georgia, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Thomas, s. Peter, diar[r]h[ea], [Aug.] 15, 1808, a. 22 m. P.R.
- COFFIN, Thomas, ch. Peter and Lois, Aug. 29, 1808.
- COFFIN, Thomas M., ch. Thomas M. and Sophronia, June 7, 1824, a. 4 d. G.R.2.
- COFFIN, Timothy, Capt. [h. Eunice], Dec. ---, 1756, at sea. G.R.2.
- COFFIN, Timothy, July 13, 1827, a. 74. G.R.2.
- COFFIN, Timothy, May 17, 1838, a. 42. [Timothy Esq., a. 41 y. 3 d., G.R.2.]
- COFFIN, Tristram [h. Abigail], lost at sea, Sept. ---, 1785, a. 30 y. 5 m. [Dec. ---, 1786, C.R.1.] [Capt. Tristram, G.R.2.] [[s. Samuel and Elizabeth (Gardner)], a. 32, P.R.]
- COFFIN, Wilmot, Sept 22, 1830, a. 42. [s. John and Mary, G.R.2.]
- COFFIN, Zorada, wid., consumption, June 5, 1842, a. 77. [Zoraida, C.R.3.] [Zoraida, w. Timothy, G.R.2.]
- COFFIN, Zoraida Norton, d. Timothy and Zoraida, Aug. 8, 1823, a. 23 y. 3 m. 18 d. G.R.2. [consump[tion], a. 23, P.R.]
- COFFIN, --------, ch. Edy, [buried] ---, 1764. P.R.
- COFFIN, --------, ch. James, [buried] July ---, 1778. P.R.
- COFFIN, --------, d. Peter, [buried] Dec. 25, 1792, a. 4 d. P.R.
- COFFIN, --------, ch. Uriah, Sept. 1, 1808, a. 1 d. P.R.
- COFFIN, --------, d. Tho[ma]s, Nov. 14, 1819, a. 4 m. P.R.
- COFFIN, --------, s. Sam[ue]l, May 8, 1820, a. 2. P.R.
- COFFIN, --------, s. Uriah, Jan. 3, 1823, a. 4 W. P.R.
- COFFIN, --------, s. David, [Dec.] 17, 1823, a. 3 d. P.R.
- COFFIN, --------, ch. John 2d, still born, Jan. 17, 1842.
- COLE, W[illia]m, [buried] ---, 1765, a. 76. P.R.
- COLE, --------, wid. [William] [prob. Mary (Trapp), d. Thomas], [buried] ----, 1765, a. 80. P.R.
- COLEMAN, Lucretia H., ch. Robert S. and Araminta, dysentery, Feb. 9, 1849, a. 3 m. [Lucretia Hazell, d. Robert S. and Araminta D., Feb. 11, G.R.2.]
- COLT, Daniel H., ch. Henry and Nancy, disease of the brain, Nov. 11, 1848, a. 6 y. 9 m. [Daniel Henry, G.R.2.]
- COLT, Nancy, w. Henry, consumption, Sept 17, 1842, a. 38. [d. Rev. Frederick Baylies, in 38th y., G.R.2.]
- COLT, Nancy B. (see ----- Colt).
- COLT, --------, s. Sukey, [buried] Apr. 1, 1806, a. 18 d. P.R.
- COLT, --------, ch. Henry, Nov. 27, 1830, a. 2 d. [Nancy B., d. Henry and Nancy, Nov. 25, G.R.2.]
- COMSTOCK, -------- of Nantuckett, killed by mutineers, "heard of" Oct. 20, 1824, "in the ship Globe of Nantuckett." P.R.
- CONELLY, James, m., cooper, b. Baltimore, Md., dropsy, Oct. 23 [1846], a. 44.
- CONELLY, Mary L., ch. James and Louisa, consumption, Oct. 28 [1846], a. 9 m.
- COOK (see COOKE), --------, ch. William, ----, 1828.
- COOKE (see COOK), Abigail, Dec. 30, 1837, a. 93. [Cook, C.R.3.] [w. Thomas Esq., a. 93 y. 4 m. 23 d., G.R.2.]
- COOKE (see COOK), Hannah, Sept. 28, 1831, a. 55.
- COOKE (see COOK), Henry, seventh s. Thomas Esq. and Abigail, "caused by bathing being taken in a fit & immediatly expired," July 21, 1789, a. 15 y. 3 m. 1 d. G.R.2. [a. 16, P.R.]
- COOKE (see COOK), Henry, s. Littleton, "received the News of the Death" [Sept] 9, 1822, in Batavia. P.R.
- COOKE (see COOK), Jane, d. Thomas Esq. and Abigail, Oct. 5, 1811, in 27th y. G.R.2. [nervous fever, a. 27, P.R.]
- COOKE (see COOK), John, s. Tho[ma]s and Abigail, Dec. 26, 1766, a. 20 d. G.R.1.
- COOKE (see COOK), John, Oct. 23, 1817, a. 45. G.R.2. [convulsion fits "fortasse," P.R.]
- COOKE (see COOK), Joseph Thaxter, ch. Thomas, [buried] Apr. 14, 1781, a. 3 m. P.R.
- COOKE (see COOK), Littleton, [buried] [Nov.] ---, 1796, a. 26, in West Indies. P.R.
- COOKE (see COOK), Littleton, s. Capt. Thomas and Elizabeth, June 16, 1801, a. 2 y. 1 d. G.R.2. [s. Thomas Jr., fits, a. 3, P.R.]
- COOKE (see COOK), Molly, negro, [Apr.] 25, 1835.
- COOKE (see COOK), Olive, Feb. 8, 1838, a. 50.
- COOKE (see COOK), Polly, w. Capt. Littleton, d. Capt. Joseph Swasey, Feb. 20, 1794, in 23d y. G.R.2. [Mary [d. Joseph Swasey and Susannah (Pease)], "Hect:" [buried] [Feb.] 5, a. 21, P.R.]
- COOKE (see COOK), Temple P., s. Tho[ma]s Esq., ----, 1811, in Va. P.R.
- COOKE (see COOK), Temple Philip, s. Tho[ma]s and Abigail, Feb. 7, 1764, a. 13 d. G.R.1. P.R.
- COOKE (see COOK), Thomas Esq., Dec. 2, 1820, a. 81 y. 14 d. G.R.2. [languishment, a. 82, P.R.]
- COOKE (see COOK), William, s. Tho[ma]s Esq., June ---, 1817, a. 41, in Boston. P.R.
- COOKE (see COOK), --------, s. Tho[ma]s Esq., "The Eleventh Son & never had a Daughter," still born, [buried] Apr. 1, 1782. P.R.
- CORNEL (see CORNELL), --------, s. Mary, spasms, May 10, 1825, a. 3. P.R.
- CORNELL (see CORNEL), John Jay, ch. Gardner Thurston and Mary, Sept. 7, 1820.
- CORNELL (see CORNEL), Whyeth Morison, ch. G. T., Oct. 16, 1832, a. 1. [Cornwell, Oct. 17, C.R.1.]
- CORNELL (see CORNEL), W[illia]m Henry, ch. Gardner Thurston and Mary, Mar. 14, 1817, in Beaufort, S.C.
- COSENS (see CUSONS), [Jemimah] wid. [John], [buried] Mar. 7, 1769, a. 66. P.R. [Cusens, G.R.7.]
- COTTLE, Abner, sudden, Oct. 9, 1808, a. 60. P.R.
- COTTLE, Betsey Noise, d. Wid. Cottle, cons[umption], [buried] July 11, 1785, a. 19. P.R.
- COTTLE, Jonathan, [buried] Jan. 3, 1779. P.R.
- COTTLE, Katy [Catherine], w. Lot [d. Philip Smith and Eunice (Manter)], miscarriage, Dec. 18, 1810, a. 27. P.R.
- COTTLE, [Sarah] [second] w. Sam[ue]l [? d. Nathan Pease and Sarah (Vincent)], [buried] ----, 1764, a. 50. P.R.
- COTTLE, Sarah, sister of Tho[ma]s [of] H[olmes] H[ole], "dissent," [buried] Nov. 27, 1781, a. 9. P.R.
- COTTLE, Sarah Noise, d. Wid. Cottle, nervous fever, [buried] Aug. 12, 1785, a. 25. P.R.
- COTTLE, --------, ch. Jona[tha]n, [buried] Oct. 5, 1772, a. 2. P.R.
- COTTLE, --------, ch. Jonathan, [buried] ---- [rec. between May 6 and MaY 9] 1773. P.R.
- COURTNEY, Ann, June 2, 1838, a. 2 y. 3 m. [Ann H., d. Leonard and Jane, G.R.2.]
- COURTNEY, George W., lost at sea, Feb. 25, 1832, a. 24. G.R.2.
- COURTNEY, Jane, w. Capt. Leonard, Apr. 7, 1847, a. 34 y. 4 m. 10 d., in Mt. Vernon, O. G.R.2.
- COURTNEY, Love [w. Barcus], consump[tion], d. Benj[amin] Vincent, laborer [and Sarah (Luce)], "She married an Irishman . . . she supported her Children. Four Sons & a Daug. . . . Three in this Town one in Connecticut. Leonard I brought him to Years of Age My Daug. Thayer brought Eliza. Eliza & Leonard now live with us," June 7, 1827. P.R.
- COURTNEY, Lovia, W. Barcus, June 6, 1826, a. 59. G.R.2.
- COURTNEY, --------, s. Eliza, [Mar.] 15, 1826, a. 5 m. P.R.
- COVAL (see COVEL, COVIL), James, [buried] ----, 1762, a. 75. P.R.
- COVAL (see COVEL, COVIL), Jethro, [buried] -----, 1763. P.R.
- COVAL (see COVEL, COVIL), --------, w. Jethro, [buried] Oct. ---, 1768, a. 40. P.R.
- COVEL (see COVAL, COVIL), Anna [(Butler)], [first] w. William, child bed, [buried] Aug. 27, 1786, a. 31. P.R.
- COVEL (see COVAL, COVIL), Jethro, [buried] [Jan.] 22, 1803, 79. P.R.
- COVEL (see COVAL, COVIL), Lydia [w. Jethro, Reuben Vincent and Mehitable (Pease)], old age, Dec. 29, 1812, a. 87. P.R.
- COVEL (see COVAL, COVIL), Sarah, d. Joseph, hectick decay, [buried] [Jan.] 16, 1789, a. 30. P.R.
- COVEL (see COVAL, COVIL), --------, ch. Joseph, [buried] July ---, 1773. P.R.
- COVIL (see COVAL, COVEL), Bulah, hect[ic] decay, [buried] [Mar.] 13, 1793. P.R.
- COVIL (see COVAL, COVEL), Judith, d. Joseph, hectick, [buried] [July] 21, 1791, a. 25. P.R.
- CROCKER, Eliza, w. Capt. Silvanus, d. Capt. James Coffin and Huldah [(Allen)], Feb. 21, 1816, in 30th y. G.R.2. [a. 30, P.R.]
- CROCKER, Lucy, d. Capt. Silvanus and Eliza, May 8, 1807, a. 7 w. G.R.2. [Lucy Coffin, P.R.]
- CROCKER, Lucy, d. Capt. Silvanus and Eliza, Nov. 12, 1811, a. 3 d. G.R.2. [[Nov.] 18, a. 6 d., P.R.]
- CROCKER, Susan, May 10, 1838, a. 56. [w. Capt. Silvanus, a. 57, G.R.2.]
- CROSBY, Dolly [(Norton)], w. Harlow, cons[umptio]n, [Feb.] 25, 1816, a. 45. P.R.
- CROSBY, Mary, ch. Harlow and Dolly, dropsy, Apr. 1, 1848, a. 41.
- CROSBY, Olive, Oct. 8, 1838, a. 58.
- CROSBY, Oliver, Oct. 8, 1839, a. 58. G.R.2.
- CROSBY, Rebecca, w. John, Nov. 11, 1811, a. 38. G.R.2. [Rebecca (Merry), w. John Jr., wid. Nathan Smith, wid. John Pease Jr.], brilliant fever, Nov. 14, a. 36, P.R.]
- CROSBY, --------, d. Harlow, decay, [buried] May 6, 1802, a. 11. P.R.
- CROSMAN (see CROSSMAN), Hannah, wid. [Seth], decay, [buried] Nov. 26, 1798, a. 77. P.R.
- CROSMAN (see CROSSMAN), John, s. Peleg, drowned, May 30, 1818, a. 23. P.R.
- CROSMAN (see CROSSMAN), Peggy, Mar. 17, 1843, a. 85.
- CROSMAN (see CROSSMAN), Peleg, Feb. 22, 1825, a. 72. [Crossman, laborer, a. 73, P.R.]
- CROSMAN (see CROSSMAN), --------, s. William, Nov. 2, 1813, a. 2. P.R.
- CROSSMAN (see CROSMAN), Seth, [buried] ----- [rec. after Dec. 16, 1776, a. 23. P.R.
- CUNINGHAM (see CUNNINGHAM), John, [buried] ----, 1763, a. 60. P.R.
- CUNNINGHAM (see CUNINGHAM), Love [wid. Thomas, d. Prince Daggett], "Hect; Decay," [buried] Jan. 11, 1794, a. 38. P.R.
- CURTIS, Martha, inf. d. James W. and Frances E., Mar. 28, 1848. C.R.1.
- CUSONS (see COSENS), John, Nov. 1, 1765, in 65th y. G.R.7. [Cozens, a. 70, P.R.]
- DAGGET (see DAGGETT), Joseph, [buried] ---- [rec. between Apr. --- and July 5], 1772, a. 68. P.R.
- DAGGET (see DAGGETT), --------, wid., [buried] Apr. 9, 1767, a. 80. P.R.
- DAGGET (see DAGGETT), --------, ch. Prince, scald, [buried] Oct. 29, 1772, a. 5. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Ansel, s. Prince, "drowned at the Straits," [buried] ----[rec. between Sept. 19 and Oct. 4], 1789, a. 20. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Beni[amin], Dea., Dec. ---, 1791, a. 93, at Fox Island. C.R.1.["removed from this Place to Fox Island where he died of Cancer," a. 90, P.R.]
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Brotherton, Mar. 5, 1740, a. 53. G.R.1.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Brotherton Esq., "Het; & scorbut," [buried] [May] 13, 1783, a. 59. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Charles, May 27, 1840, a. 36, in Matanzis. [Capt. Charles, in Matanzas, G.R.2.]
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Elijah, "suddent He fell dead out at the Door he had been lingering some Time fortasse," Sept. 26, 1823, a. 38. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Elijah, mariner, s. Samuel, dropsical consumption, Aug. 17, 1844, a. 49.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Ethannnah (see Naomi).
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), George, Mar. 8, 1826. ["Town-Pauper," a. 91, P.R.]
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Isaac [s. Brotherton and Mary (Tucker)], [buried] Oct. ----, 1794, a. 25, in Va. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Jerusha [(Pease)], wid. [second w. Maj. Brotherton], consump[tion], [buried] Oct. 23, 1783, a. 46. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Jonathan, yellow fever, [buried] July 13, 1800, a. 24, in Ga. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Love, w. Thomas, d. Enoch Coffin Esq., -----, a. 88. C.R.1. [wid. [Thomas], "Infam Fever," [buried] Oct. 4, 1789, P.R.]
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Margery, w. Dea. Benjamin [d. Rev. William Homes and Katherine (Craighead)], fit, [buried] [May] 31, 1783, a. 73. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Mary, w. Capt. Timothy, Oct. 2, 1781, in 87th y. G.R.1. [Mary (Smith), wid., old age, a. 88, P.R.]
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Mary [(Tucker)], [first] w. [Maj.] Brot[hert]on Esq., [buried] [Dec.] 29, 1778, a. 48. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Naomi [sic, Ethannah], w. George [d. Seth Dunham and Naomi (Marchant)], cons[umptio]n, [May] 15, 1813, a. 66. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Nathan, "fortasse" small pox, [buried] Oct. ---, 1793, a. 30, in West Indies. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Prince, [buried] [Jan.] 13, 1795, a. 71. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Richmond, inf. s. Benja[min] Jr. [buried] [Apr.] 15, 1782. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Sally, Jan. 25, 1827. [w. Timothy, d. W[illia]m Jernegan and Mary, in 51st y., G.R.2].
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Samuel, Nov. 11, 1843, a. 75. G.R.8.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Samuel, m., farmer, old age, Nov. 3, 1848, a. 75.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Sarah [prob. wid. John, mother of Prince], old age, [buried] Aug. ---, 1794, a. 85. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Sarah, [first] w. Capt Timothy [d. Hon. William Jernegan and Mary Osborn (first w.)], dropsy, [Jan.] 25, 1827, a. 51. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Susanna [Susannah], [first] w. John [d. Daniel Stewart and Jean (Vincent)], pul[monary] cons[umption], [buried] June 3, 1800, a. 38. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Tho[ma]s, old age, [buried] [May] 7, 1783, a. 83, "He left a Widdow a. 81, they had lived together 60 years." P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Timothy, Capt., Sept. 17, 1775, in 85th y. G.R.1. [Dagget, a. 85, P.R.]
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), Timothy, m., ch. Brotherton and Mary T., old age, Apr. 26 [1847], a. 79. [a. 79 y. 1 m. 3 d., G.R.2.]
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), --------, s. Prince, "killed with a gun," [buried] Jan. 10, 1772, a. 18. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), --------, wid., [of] Homes Hole, old age, [buried] Sept. 6, 1783, a. 89. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), --------,d. John Jr., "Inf. Bow," [buried] Sept. 26, 1787, a. 1. P.R.
- DAGGETT (see DAGGET), --------, s. John, sore mouth, [buried] Jan. 5, 1789, a. 17 d. P.R.
- DANHAM (see DONHAM, DUNHAM), Nathan, drowned in harb[or], [buried] Oct. 12, 1797, a. 62. P.R.
- DANIELS, Emeline, d. Sam[ue]l and Jane, inflamation on the brain, June 11, 1847, a. 4 y. 6 m.
- DARLEY, Edward, [Jan.] 7, 1835, "on board the Schooner Hudson from New York bound to Boston went on shore in a N. E. Gale vessel bilged the Gale was very severe."
- DARROW, Allen [ch. Ira and Martha W.], Aug. 13, 1825. [a. 3 m. 5 d., G.R.2.] [s. Ira of Waterford, Conn., [Aug.] 15, a. 3 m., "on a visit to her [sic] Father Capt Matt Norton," P.R.]
- DARROW, Ira Allen, s. Ira [dup. ch. Ira and Martha W.], meazles, Mar. 23 [dup. Mar. 25], 1842, a. 1. [Mar. 24, 11 m. 22 d., G.R.2.]
- DAVIS, Abigail, Dec. 8, 1841, a. 69. [w. Rufus, a. 64, G.R.7.]
- DAVIS, Benjamin, ---, 1837. c.R.3.
- DAVIS, Benjamin, Dea., July 23, 1838, a. 85. [a. 86, G.R.7]
- DAVIS, Cornelius S., s. Wendel and Mary, Sept. 29, 1783, a. 2. G.R.7.
- DAVIS, David, Capt. [h. Sarah], Nov. 18, 1768, in 44th y. G.R.7.
- DAVIS, David Coffin, ch. David and Hannah, Nov. 10, 1828, a. 4 m. 1 d. G.R.2.
- DAVIS, Dennis, Nov. 26, 1818, 41. G.R.7. [s. Melatiah, "distracted in chains & Hand Cufs," Nov. 27, a. 42, P.R.]
- DAVIS, Eunice P., d. Rufus and Rebecah, Mar. 30, 1805. G.R.7.
- DAVIS, Hannah, w. David, consumption, June 18, 1844, a. 42. [w. David Esq., G.R.2.]
- DAVIS, Jane, wid. Shubael, Nov. 18, 1806, a. 52. G.R.7.
- DAVIS, Jemimah, w. Melatiah Esq., Dec. 14, 1799, in 73d. y. G.R.7.
- DAVIS, Lorenzo, s. Oliver and Nancy, Feb. 5, 1834, a. 16 y. 6 m., at sea. G.R.7.
- DAVIS, Margaret Ann, ch. David and Hannah, June 9, 1830, a. 8 m. 5 d. G.R.2.
- DAVIS, Meletiah Esq. [h. Jemimah], Jan. 9, 1795, in 78th y. G.R.7.
- DAVIS, Meletiah, Oct. 15, 1821, a. 71 y. 5 m. 2 d. G.R.7. [Melatiah, a. 72, P.R.]
- DAVIS, Miriam, wid. Benjamin, lung fever, Apr. 4, 1842, a. 72. [wid. Dea. Benjamin, G.R.7.]
- DAVIS, Molly, w. Benjamin, June 14, 1793, a. 65 y. 10 m. 6 d. G.R.7. [[d. Maj. Brotherton Daggett and Mary (Tucker)], dys[en]t[ary], a. 36, P.R.]
- DAVIS, Oliver, Sept. 29, 1822. G.R.7. [typhus fever, in Homes Hole, P.R.]
- DAVIS, Pamilia K., ch. Benjamin Jr., Aug. 4, 1833, a. 6 y. 5 d. [Pamelia T., d. Benjamin and Almira, a. 6 y. 6 d., G.R.7.]
- DAVIS, Polly, w. Meltiah, "Gen," Dec. 10, 1813, a. 68. G.R.7.
- DAVIS, Rebecah M., Rufus and Rebecah, Sept. 14, 1807. G.R.7.
- DAVIS, Rebecca, w. Rufus, Dec. 15, 1815, a. 52. G.R.7. [d. Zaccheus Mayhew and Rebecca (Pope)], cons[umptio]n, Nov. ---, a. 53, P.R.]
- DAVIS, Sally C., d. Meletiah and Polly, May 27, 1827, a. 40 y. 19 d. G.R.7.
- DAVIS, Sarah, wid. Capt. David, June 14, 1816, in 84th y. G.R.7. [of Homes Hole [d. John Cosens and Jemimah (Norton)], "fortasse," P.R.]
- DAVIS, Susan, ch. Benjamin Jr., July 6, 1833, a. 3. [Susan B., d. Benjamin and Almira, a. 2 y. 10 m. 23 d., G.R.7.]
- DAVIS, Thomas M., s. Rufus and Rebecca, Dec. 17, 1795, a. 8 d. G.R.7.
- DAVIS, William, lost at sea, Jan. 30, 1788, a. 22 y. 3 m. 9 d. G.R.7.
- DAVIS, --------, ch. Shobal, ----, 1772, a. 1. P.R.
- DAVIS, --------, ch. John, June 25, 1778, a. 2. P.R.
- DAVIS, --------, ch. John, Oct. -----, 1778. P.R.
- DAVIS, --------, s. Shubael, drowned, [buried] June 20, 1786, a. 7. P.R.
- DAVIS, --------, s. Benj[a]m[in], sore mouth, [buried] Mar. 10, 1790, a. 21 d. P.R.
- DAVIS, --------, d. Benj[ami]n, "Malt," [buried] June 13, 1793, a. 5 w. P.R.
- DAVIS, --------, s. Sanford, [buried] Dec.10, 1795, a. 6 d. P.R.
- DAVIS, --------, ch. Rufus, [buried] [Apr] ---, 1805. P.R.
- DAVIS, --------, s. David, still born, June 18 [1844].
- DE SUSAN, Grace, w. Manuel, consumption, Dec. 19 [1845], a. 41.
- DEXTER, --------, s. --------, mortif[ication], [buried] Nov. ---, 1792, a. 10 m. P.R.
- DILL, --------, s. Rev. Dill, July 13, 1830 [? 1831], a. 18 m.
- DONHAM (see DANHAM, DUNHAM), Abigail, Apr. ----, 1776, a. 21. P.R.
- DONHAM (see DANHAM, DUNHAM), Benaj[a]h, Feb. 8, 1766, a. 80. P.R.
- DONHAM (see DANHAM, DUNHAM), Benajah, old age, [buried] Jan. 27, 1802, a. 93. "This man has been the oldest in this Town for 10 Years in which Time 170 have died younger than he was." P.R.
- DONHAM (see DANHAM, DUNHAM), [Jean] w. Hez[ekiah] [d. Daniel Stuart], Mar. 13, 1773, a. 33. P.R.
- DONHAM (see DANHAM, DUNHAM), Jonathan, Rev., Dec. 18, 1717, a. abt. 85. G.R.1.
- DONHAM (see DANHAM, DUNHAM), [Lydia (Pease)] [first] w. Benajah Jr., Oct. 3, 1769, a. 55. P.R.
- DONHAM (see DANHAM, DUNHAM), --------, Ch. Seth, ----, 1762. P.R.
- DONHAM (see DANHAM, DUNHAM), --------, ch. Eben[eze]r, ----, 1764. P.R.
- DONHAM (see DANHAM, DUNHAM), --------, ch. Joseph, ---- [rec. between May 13 and June 3], 1768. P.R.
- DONHAM (see DANHAM, DUNHAM), --------, ch. Seth, drowned, June 15, 1770, a. 8. P.R.
- DONHAM (see DANHAM, DUNHAM), --------, ch. David, Sept. 18, 1771, a. 3. P.R.
- DONHAM (see DANHAM, DUNHAM), --------, ch. Hez[ekiah] [and Jean], Mar. 13, 1773. P.R.
- DONHAM (see DANHAM, DUNHAM), --------, wid., Aug. 16, 1778, a. 85. P.R.
- DOWNEY, --------, ch. John, ----, 1828.
- DOWNS, --------, d. John Benj[ami]n, cholera morb[us], [buried] Aug. 20, 1793, a. 4 w. P.R.
- DRAKE, James, ------ [rec. after Sept 20, 1849], a. 44, at sea.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Anna, wid., ------[rec. Dec. 20, 1819], a. 92. C.R.1. [[second w. and wid. Benajah Jr., wid. Cornelius Marchant, d. John Harper and Hannah (Sprowel)], Dec. 20, 1819, P.R.]
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Asa, s. Benajah and Lydia, fell from a vessel's mast head, Apr. 3, 1766, a. 22 y. 11 m. 8 d. [Donham, a. 23, P.R.]
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Benjamin, m., hatter, b. Tisbury, s. Benjamin and Mary, casualty, Nov. 20 [1845] a. 55.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Betsey, d. Benajah and Mary, "He went & died abroad about 30 Years ago. She had been helpless & a publick charge for many Years," [Sept.]10 1822, a. 35. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Daniel, ch. Joseph and Suky, Sept 25, 1815. [a. 3 m., P.R.]
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), David, dropsy, [buried] [Aug.] 19, 1807, a. 83. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Dinah, wid. Elisha, consumption, May 25, 1844, a. 74 y. 9 m. 10 d.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Eben[eze]r, [buried] Mar. 5, 1799, a. 74. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Elijah, old age, Jan. 13, 1821, a. 87. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Elisha, Aug. 29, 1822, a. 75 y. 3 m. 27 d. ["Mortification occationed by a Cut on his Leg with a Scyth," a. 73, P.R.]
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Elisha, Dec. 31, 1830, a. 50.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Elizabeth, d. Eben[eze]r, mortif[ication], [buried] Feb. 23, 1789, a. 18. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Isaiah, [buried] May ----, 1798, a. 32, [in] Jamaica. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Joseph [h. Patience], Mar. 11, 1796. [a. 55, G.R.2.] [gout in stom[ach], a. 56, P.R.]
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Joseph, widr., boat-builder, ch. Joseph and Patience, consumption, Oct. 14, 1849, a. 60 y. 6 m. [in 70th y., G.R.2.]
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Maria, Mar. 26, 1834, a. 6.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Matilda, wid. [Nathan] [d. Joseph Vincent and Matilda (Dunham)], "Suddent," Feb. 9, 1811, a. 85. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Mehitable [(Vincent)], wid. [Jethro], cold, [buried] [Oct.] 4, 1789, a. 88. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Molly, [Apr.] 27, 1835.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Naomi, w. Seth [d. John Marchant and Hepzibah (Huxford)], "with a Pain in her breast: died sudden," [buried] Dec. 14, 1785, a. 70. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Patience, wid. [dup. w. Joseph], Aug. 30, 1825, a. 84. [a. 84 y. 3 m. 14 d., G.R.2.] [d. Benjamin Hathaway and Elizabeth (Richmond)], P.R.]
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Priscilla, wid. David [d. Nicholas Butler and Thankful (Marchant) (second w.)], Oct. 10, 1810, a. 80. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Rebecca, w. Elisha, d. Joseph Ripley and Lydia, Dec. 2, 1820, in 37th y. G.R.2. [Rebecca, [first] w. Elisha Jr. [d. Joseph Ripley and Lydia (Ripley)], cons[umption], P.R.]
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Rebeccah [Rebecca], [first] w. Elisha [d. Joseph Vincent and Matilda (Dunham)], consump[tion], Sept. 16, 1817, a. 75. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Sally, b. Falmouth, wid. Paul, lung fever, Jan. 3 [1846], a. 78 y. 4 m. [Sarah, w. Capt. Paul, a. 79, G.R.2.]
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Sarah, wid., Scurvy, [buried] May 22, 1790, a. 69. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Sarah, w. Elijah [d. Joseph Vincent and Matilda (Dunham)], Nov. 14, 1820, a. 90 y. 6 m. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Seth, old age, [buried] Aug. 23, 1799, a. 85. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Sprowel, drowned, June ----, 1807, a. 22, at the Straits. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Suky, w. Joseph, Aug. 13, 1816. [Sukey, a. 35, G.R.2.] [Susanna [d. Elijah Stewart and Jedidah (Butler) (first w.) cons[umption], a. 34, P.R.]
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Thomas, drowned in Pacific Ocean, Dec. 4, 1843, a. 24. [s. Benjamin, "drowned in the harbor of Lahaina, Sandwich Islands," Nov. 4, G.R.2.)
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), Uriah, Mar. 11, 1835, a. 82.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), William, lost at sea, Apr. ----, 1801. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), -------, ch. Jethro, --- 1779. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), -------, d. William, cons[umption], [buried] Sept. 20, 1795, a. 4 m. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), -------, twin s. William dec'd, [buried] [Oct.]10 1801, a. 3 m. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), -------, twin s. W[illia]m dec'd., [buried] [Oct.] 21, 1801, a. 3 m. P.R.
- DUNHAM (see DANHAM, DONHAM), -------, s. Benjamin, Nov. ---, 1814, a. 1, P.R.
- EATON, Mary Elizabeth, d. Charles and Mary Ann, inflamation of bowels, Aug. 12 [1845], a. 1.