Mansfield Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
Surnames T-Z
Transcribed by Jeffrey Tooley
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Mansfield, Massachusetts Marriages from the "Vital Records of Mansfield, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849", Published By The Essex Institute Salem, Mass. 1933
Mansfield Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850 - Surnames T-Z
- TALBOT, Hannah, 2d, of Dighton, and Dr. Roland Green of M., int. Nov. 22, 1793.
- TEW, Charles F., unm., of Taunton, a. 23 y., nailer, s. James and Abby, and Amelia Chamberlain, unm., of M., a. 22 y., d. Job and Ruth, July 25, 1847.
- THAYER, Elijah, of M., and Mehetable Pratt of Foxborough, int. Dec. 9, 1791.
- THAYER, Elisha, and Mary Grover, both of M., int. Nov. 7, 1807 [Sept. 27, 1812. dup.].
- THAYER, Elizabeth, of Franklin, and Williard Hatten of M., int. Aug. 24, 1823.
- THAYER, Emeline E., of Bellingham, and William Hart of M., int. Nov. 8, 1849.
- THAYER, Emily M., unm., of M., a. 15 y., d. Simon and Polly, and Benjamin F. Johnson, unm., of Easton, a. 23 y., manufacturer, s. Bela and Sally, of Easton, Aug. 12, 1846.
- THAYER, Horres, of Franklin, and Louisa Williams of M., Apr. 27, 1825.
- THAYER, Isaac F., painter, and Laura A. Standish, both unm., of M., Sept. 26, 1847.
- THAYER, Jemima, and Amos White, both of M., int. July 21, 1804.
- THAYER, John, of Taunton, and Mrs. Jemimah White of M., int. May 9, 1824.
- THAYER, John N., unm., of Peterborough [N.H. int.], a. 27 y., stone mason, s. Elijah, and Loretta H. Thayer, unm., of M., a. 20 y., d. Simion, Oct. 22, 1844.
- THAYER, Jonathan, and Nancy Bates, both of M., int. Aug. 19, 1815.
- THAYER, Loretta H., unm., of M., a. 20 y., d. Simian, and John N. Thayer, unm., of Peterborough [N.H. int.], a. 27 y., stone mason, s. Elijah, Oct. 22, 1844.
- THAYER, Mary, of M., and [William Shaw. P.R.14.1 of Norton, Dec. 5, 1770.
- THAYER, Mary F., of M., and John D. Mason of Pembroke, Jan. 1, 1834.
- THAYER, Sally, and Ebenezer Brintnall [jr. int.], both of M., Aug. 1, 1790.
- THAYER, Simeon, and Polly Fuller [both of M. int.], Nov. 7, 1813.
- THAYER, Simeon O., of Randolph, and Mary M. Hodges of M., Aug. 13, 1837.
- THAYER, Sophia, of M., and David Fisher of Royalston, int. May 30, 1790.
- THAYER, Susannah, of M., and Samuel Blanding of Cumberland, R.I., int. Oct. 27, 1801.
- THAYER, Susannah, of M., and Scott Fuller of Attleborough, int. Apr. 10, 1807.
- THAYER, Sylvia, and George Brooks, both of M., May 28, 1821.
- THOMAS, Calvin, and Chloe Deane, both of M., Nov. 28, 1824.
- THOMAS, Calvin, jr., and Mrs. Catherine [E. int.] Thomas, both of M., May 25, 1843.
- THOMAS, Catherine [E. int.], Mrs., and Calvin Thomas, jr., both of M., May 25, 1843.
- THOMAS, George W., of M., and Charlotte Bacon of Walpole, int. May 2, 1840.
- THOMAS, Hemon [Hermon. int.], of Pembroke, and Abigail C. Fuller of M., June 4, 1832.
- THOMAS, Lewis, of Tyngsborough [of M. P.R.1.], and Catherine E[verett. P.R.1.] Allen of M. [d. Oliver and Martha (Guild). P.R.1.], Apr. 24, 1834.
- THOMAS, Lydia C., unm., of Easton, and Shepard Godfrey, widr., of Easton, carpenter, s. James, Feb. 7, 1849.
- THOMAS, Martha B., of M., and Jonathan P. Perry of Easton, June 26, 1831.
- THOMAS, Mehitable, Mrs., of Middleborough, and William Shurtliff of M., Feb. 2, 1777.
- THOMAS, Nancy K., of M., and Philip K. Deane of Raynham, Sept. 3, 1826.
- THOMAS, William D[ean. P.R.1.], of M., and Abby K[ollock. P.R.1.] Allen [d. Oliver and Martha (Guild). P.R.1.] of M., Mar. 15, 1843.
- THOMPSON (Thomson)
- THOMPSON, David (Thomson), of Easton, and Lucy Pratt [of M. int.], June 11, 1811.
- THOMPSON, Prutia, of Norton, and Daniel White of M., int. Nov. 9, 1817.
- THOMPSON, Sarah, of Easton, and Milton Sumner of Foxborough, July 13, 1823.
- TIFFANY (Tifaney, Tiffanay)
- TIFFANY, Albert W. (Tiffanay) [Tiffany. int.], and Alvira Pratt, bothof M., May 21, 1832.
- TIFFANY, Isaac, of M., and Fanny Grover of Foxborough, int. Mar. 10, 1799.
- TIFFANY, John (Tifaney) [Tiffany. int.], jr., of Attleborough, and Rutha Clap of M., Mar. 28, 1782.
- TIFFANY, Joseph, of Stoughtonham, and Sarah Morse of Stoughton, Sept. 12, 1775.
- TIFFANY, Margret, and Moses Knap [jr. int.], Esq., both of M., Nov. 1, 1785. Meriam, and Joshua Clark, both of Foxborough, May 27, 1779.
- TIFFANY, Sally, of Foxborough, and Hossea Grover of M., int. Nov. 26, 1812.
- TILDEN, William, unm., of Easton, and Hannah R. Quiggle, unm., of M., d. Friend, Aug. 11, 1846.
- TISDALE, Dorathy C., of Easton, and Meletiah White of M., int. Jan. 27, 1811.
- TITUS (Tittus)
- TITUS, Elizabeth (Tittus), of M., and Ichabod Randell of Easton, int. Mar. 19, 1773.
- TITUS, Hephzibah [Tittus. int.], of M., and David Sweetland of Attleborough, Feb. 10, 1774.
- TITUS, James, and Rebecca Wood, both of M., int. Aug. 21, 1847.
- TITUS, Joseph, and Lois Brintnell, both of M., Oct. 17, 1780.
- TITUS, Joseph, of Norton, and Content Walker of M., int. Oct. 10, 1801.
- TITUS, Loney, and Archibald Todd, both of M., May 27, 1733.
- TITUS, Reubin, of M., and Mary Atherton, wid., of Foxborough, Oct. 28, 1784.
- TITUS, Rhoda, of M., and Nathan Hill of Brookfield, Nov. 17, 1771.
- TOBIT, John T., of Easton, and Eliza Ann Grover of M., Sept. 29, 1833.
- TODD, Archibald, and Loney Titus, both of M., May 27, 1783.
- TODD, Archibald, jr., of M., and Esther Whiting of Attleborough, int. Nov. 12, 1820.
- TODD, Eliza M., of M., and Joel Shaw of Foxborough, May 8, 1822.
- TODD, Eloney, of M., and Elijah Hodges Shepard of Foxborough, Dec. 17, 1807.
- TOLMAN, Fanny [Gallman. int.], of Sharon, and William Merritt Allen of M., s. Elijah and Abigail, Nov. 27, 1834. P.R.1.
- TOLMAN, William, of Attleborough, and Chloe White, 2d, of M., int. Aug. 23, 1777.
- TORREY (Torry)
- TORREY, Martin [Torry. int.], of Foxborough, and Susanna Hardon of M., Nov. 25, 1817.
- TORREY, Nancy (Torry), of Pembroke, and Jacob P. Bird of M., int. Nov. 3, 1810.
- TOTEMAN, Benjamin O., unm., of Scituate, a. 29 y., blacksmith, s. Benjamin and Eunice, and Betsey C. Vinal, unm., of Scituate, a. 20 y., d. John S. and Mary A., June 20, 1849.
- TRAFFORD, Joseph, unm., of Bristol, R.I., a. 28 y., cabinet maker, s. Joseph and Phebe, and Laura A. Paine, unm., of M., a. 22 y., d. William and Nancy, Sept. 2, 1849.
- TROUT, Isral, jr., and Hannah Makepeace, both of Norton, May 28, 1788.
- TUCKER, Charlotte R. [of M. int.], and Peter Matheson [Matherson. int.] of Pawtuxet, Jan. 1, 1819.
- TUCKER, Eunice, of Milton, and John Sweet of M., int. Jan. 18, 1794.
- TUCKER, John, of M., and Sabra Coffee [Coffey. int.] of Dedham, Oct. 28, 1797.
- TUCKER, Lucy, and John White, 2d, both of M., Apr. 19, 1780.
- TUCKER, Mary E., and John H. Sargent, Dec. 3, 1844.
- TUCKER, Vodon, of Norton, and Olive White of M., July 16, 1788.
- TUCKERMAN, Mary Ann, of Providence, and Davis Lathrop of M., int. Mar. 8, 1835.
- TURNER, Calvin, and Ann Cobb, both of M., Apr. 13, 1825.
- TUTTLE, Elijah G., and Mariett Hardon, both of M., July 3, 1839.
- TYRELL (Terrill, Terrille, Tirrel, Tirril, Tirrl, Turral, Turrel, Tyrel)
- TYRELL, Abigail, and Ebenezer Lane, both of M., Dec. 24, 1793.
- TYRELL, Chloe (Tirrl) [Tirril. int.], and John Cobb, both of M., Jan. 24, 1788.
- TYRELL, Jane (Turral), and Jeremiah White, both of M., June 2, 1774.
- TYRELL, Job (Tyrel) [Tirrel. int.], and Abigail Cobb, both of M., May 27, 1783.
- TYRELL, Mary (Turrel), and Nathaniel Sweeting, both of M., Sept. 19, 1781.
- TYRELL, Mehetabel (Terrille) [Terrill. int.], and Daniel Cobb, jr., both of M., Dec. 29, 1822.
- VINAL, Betsey C., unm., of Scituate, a. 20 y., d. John S. and Mary A., and Benjamin O. Toteman, unm., of Scituate, a. 29 y., blacksmith, s. Benjamin and Eunice, June 20, 1849.
- WADE, Thomas, jr., of Canton, and Sally S. Dickerman of M., Sept. 12, 1819.
- WAKEFIELD, Ruth, of Oxford, and Zina Grover of M., int. Mar. 12, 1808.
- WALES, Catherine P., of Bridgewater, and Tyler Cobb, s. David and Mary, Jan. 2, 1838. P.R.1.
- WALKER, Content, of M., and Joseph Titus of Norton, int. Oct. 10, 1801.
- WALKER, Elizabeth, Mrs., of Hopkinton, and Capt. David Cobb of M., int. Dec. 21, 1834.
- WALKER, Frederic E., and Lidora L. White, both of M., July 10, 1837.
- WALKER, Lewis, machinist, and Lydia Greenfield, both unm., of M., Apr. 26 [Apr. 23. dup.], 1848.
- WALKER, Nancy H., of Dighton, and William Stearns of M., Nov. 17, 1831.
- WARE, Amos, of Wrentham, and Eunice B. Codding [Eunice Brainerd Coding. int.] of M., Jan. 5, 1813.
- WARE, Ebenezer, and Betsey White, both of M., Mar. 9, 1807.
- WARE, Ebenezer, and Lucinda Burr, both of M., int. Oct. 15, 1815.
- WARE, George, of M., and Hannah M. Cole of Wrentham, Oct. 24, 1843.
- WARE, Joseph, of Easton, and Betsey White of M., Dec. 16, 1832.
- WARE, Malatiah, Mrs. [of M. P.R.14.], and John Everet of Wrentham, Apr. 25, 1776.
- WARREN, Elizabeth, wid., of M., a. 27 y., b. New Bedford, d. Silas and Aurelia Hall of North Rehoboth. and Joseph H. Foster, unm., of M., a. 23 y., tin plate worker, b. Waltham, s. Forrist and Hannah, of Attleborough, June 9, 1848.
- WARREN, Joseph, Esq., of Foxborough, and Hannah G. Gilbert of M., Dec. 25, 1834.
- WASHBURN, Betsey, Mrs., of New Bedford, and Levi Snow of M., int. Feb. 7, 1813.
- WATERMAN, Oliver, of M., and Sarah Freelove of Bridgewater, Feb. 1, 1786.
- WATERS, John B., unm., of Attleborough, a. 34 y., farmer, s. Zebulon, and Mary Frost, unm., of Wrentham, a. 39 y., d. Phinas, Feb. 3, 1846.
- WATSON, John, and Nancy Hodges [2d. int.], both of M., May 5, 1811.
- WATSON, Martha Jane, unm. [of M. int.], a. 20 y., d. Samuel and Eliza, and Lowell N. Paine, unm., of M., a. 19 y., basket maker, s. Isaac and Polly, Oct. 2, 1846.
- WEATHERBIE, Ebenezer, of Dedham, and Betsey Hardon of M., May 27, 1798.
- WEBSTER, Benjamin [John. int.], unm., of M., a. 20 y., b. England, s. ----, of England, and Elizabeth Helf [Help. int.], unm., of M., a. 21 y., b. Germany, d. Peter, of Germany, May 14, 1848.
- WEBSTER, John, see Webster, Benjamin.
- WELLMAN, Abigail, and Jacob Wellman, both of M., Dec. 21, 1786.
- WELLMAN, Abigail A., see Whitman, Abigail.
- WELLMAN, Anna, and Joseph Grover, both of M., June 7, 1785.
- WELLMAN, Betty, of M., and Asa Hayward of Easton, int. Sept. 11, 1794.
- WELLMAN, Chloe, of M., and John Wellman of Vermont [of M. int.], Apr. 26, 1784.
- WELLMAN, Ebenezer, of M., and Eunice Hayward of Easton, Dec. 12, 1793.
- WELLMAN, Hannah, wid., of M., and Solomon Grover of Jamaica, Vt., Sept. 15, 1796.
- WELLMAN, Hannah, of M., and Jesse George of Wrentham, Apr. 25, 1805.
- WELLMAN, Jacob, and Abigail Wellman, both of M., Dec. 21, 1786.
- WELLMAN, John, of Vermont [of M. int.], and Chloe Wellman of M., Apr. 26, 1784.
- WELLMAN, John, Dr., of Foxborough, and Mary White, 3d, of M., Aug. 25, 1796.
- WELLMAN, Joseph, and Molley Gilbertt [Gilbret. int.], both of M., Feb. 5, 1778.
- WELLMAN, Judah, and Silas Wellman, jr., both of M., int. Oct. 18, 1783.
- WELLMAN, Loany, of M., and Joseph Blancher of Stoughton, Sept. 23, 1774.
- WELLMAN, Lucy, and David White, jr., both of M., Sept. 16, 1784.
- WELLMAN, Mary, 2d, of M., and Solomon Morse, jr. of Stoughton, Nov. 14, 1774.
- WELLMAN, Mary H., and Samuel D. Gray, both of M., int. Mar. 15, 1818.
- WELLMAN, Oliver, and Rhoda Fisher, both of M., int. June 29, 1782.
- WELLMAN, Peter, and Hannah Capron, both of M., Feb. 5, 1781.
- WELLMAN, Rhoda, and John Pain, both of M., Mar. 30, 1780.
- WELLMAN, Rhoda, of M., and Samuel Packard of Milton, int. Apr. 23, 1803.
- WELLMAN, Silas, jr., and Judah Wellman, both of M., int. Oct. 18, 1783.
- WEST, Obediah, and Mercy White. both of M., Feb. 16, 1792.
- WHEATON, Abigail, of M., and John Hodges of Norton, Nov. 2, 1780. Calvin, of M., and Comfort King of Raynham, int. Jan. 30, 1795.
- WHEELER (Whealer)
- WHEELER, Nathaniel J., unm., of Norton, a. 25 y., painter, and Elizebeth Sterns, unm., of Franklin, a. 21 y., bonnet sewer, d. Isaac, June 6, 1844.
- WHEELER, Wealthy (Whealer), and Otis Sweet, both of M., int. Oct. 4, 1806.
- WHEELOCK, Mary, of Mendon, and Joseph Perrey of M., int. Aug. 27, 1774.
- WHITE, Aaron, and Ruth Silvester Ring, both of M., int. Apr. 19, 1828.
- WHITE, Abagail S., of M., and David W. Makepiece of Norton, int. Sept. 10, 1841.
- WHITE, Abi, and David Skinner, jr., both of M., Jan. 3, 1797 [1796. P.R.12.].
- WHITE, Abigail, and Alden Fullar, both of M., Sept. 17, 1795.
- WHITE, Abigail Pratt, of M. [d. Lemuel and Matilda (Shepardson). P.R.11.], and Ebenezer Williams of M. [s. Elijah and Elizabeth (Bates). P.R.11.], Nov. 8, 1798.
- WHITE, Abigal, of Norton, and Ebenezer Hodges of M., int. Feb. 26, 1826.
- WHITE, Alvin, and Sally S. White, both of M., Apr. 15, 1832.
- WHITE, Alvin, widr., basket maker, and Phebc B. Dyke, wid. [Miss. int.], both of M., Aug. 12, 1849.
- WHITE, Amos, and Margaret White, both of M., Feb. 26, 1789.
- WHITE, Amos, and Jemima Thayer, both of M., int. July 21, 1804.
- WHITE, Amos G., and Abby R Rounds, both of M., Jan. 4, 1844.
- WHITE, Angeline, and Bilded Williams, both of M., int. Apr. 6, 1845.
- WHITE, Anna, of M., and Simon Morse of Foxborough, May 27, 1781 [May 24. P.R.14.].
- WHITE, Arlmira, of M., and Henry G. Smith, int. Sept. 14, 1845.
- WHITE, Avis, and William Skinner, both of M., July 23, 1790.
- WHITE, Azubah, of M., and William Greenwood, jr. of Dublin, N.H., Oct. 16, 1780.
- WHITE, Benjamin, jr., of M., and Anna Silley of Easton, int. Apr. 27, 1783.
- WHITE, Benjamin, jr., and Mary Witherell, both of M., Nov. 29, 1784.
- WHITE, Benjamin, of M., and Anne Brown of Needham, int. May 3, 1797. Forbidden by Rev. Roland Green, May 13.
- WHITE, Benjamin, jr., and Milatize Buck, both of Easton, Nov. 30, 1815.
- WHITE, Betsey, and Ebenezer Ware, both of M., Mar. 9, 1807.
- WHITE, Betsey, of M., and Joseph Ware of Easton, Dec. 16, 1832.
- WHITE, Betsey L., of Wrentham, and Nelson T. Shepard of M., int. June 29, 1834.
- WHITE, Betsey W., and William F. Whitman, both of M., int. Oct. 1, 1848.
- WHITE, Caroline A. [of M. int.], and Rev. Henry C. Coombs [of Taunton. int.], Sept. 1, 1836.
- WHITE, Catherine, and Hugh McPherson [McParson. int.], both of M., Oct. 6, 1780.
- WHITE, Charles P., and Lurana Cobb, d. David and Mary, both of M., Dec. 2, 1841. P.R.1.
- WHITE, Charlotte L., unm., of M., a. 24 y., d. Sophia and Isaac, and Lewis Keith, unrn., of [North. int.] Bridgewater, a. 25 y., mechanic, s. Beela and Mary, June 3, 1847.
- WHITE, Chloe, 2d, of M., and William Tolman of Attleborough, int. Aug. 23, 1777.
- WHITE, Chloe, and Elijah Shaw, Nov. 26, 1786.
- WHITE, Chloe M., and George Harris, both of M., Nov. 15, 1832.
- WHITE, Clarrissa, of M., and Henry G. Reed of Taunton, Jan. 5, 1842.
- WHITE, Daniel, of M., and Prutia Thompson of Norton, int. Nov. 9, 1817.
- WHITE, Daniel B., and Lois Skinner, both of M., June 16, 1837.
- WHITE, David, jr., and Lucy Wellman, both of M., Sept. 16, 1784.
- WHITE, Deborah, and Hewet [Howet. int.] Skinner, both of M., Oct. 25, 1796.
- WHITE, Earl E., see White, Emery E.
- WHITE, Earle, and Pininia Smith, both of M., Nov. 3, 1816.
- WHITE, Ebenezer, jr., and Betty Bates, both of M., Sept. 2, 1798.
- WHITE, Edward, of M., and Susannah Willis of Easton, int. Aug. 20, 1774.
- WHITE, Eli, of M., and Peggy Salle of Foxborough, int. Aug. 25, 1822.
- WHITE, Eliab, of M., and Salley Smith of Dalton, int. Oct. 4, 1806.
- WHITE, Elizabeth, of Norton, and Daniel Derbey of Taunton, Dec. 30, 1790.
- WHITE, Emery, unm., of Sharon, shoemaker, s. Warren, and Hannah H. Savage, unm., of Sharon, Nov. 12, 1848.
- WHITE, Emery [Earl. int.] E., and Betsey Mathason, both of M., Aug. 28, 1842.
- WHITE, Emily, of M., and Mathew S. Magown of Worcester, int. Sept. 5, 1841.
- WHITE, Emily [A. int.], and Lloyd E. [A. int.] White, both of M., June 8, 1843.
- WHITE, Ephraim, 2d [Jr. P.R.14.], and Dorcas Richardson, both of M., Dec. 13, 1781.
- WHITE, Ephraim, unm., of M., a. 24 y., basket maker, s. Eliad and Sally, and Phebe J. Smith, unm. [of M. int.], a. 19 y., Mar. 10, 1847.
- WHITE, Ephraim. and Mary M. Fillebrown, both of M., int. Nov. 4, 1849.
- WHITE, Ester, and Nathaniel White, both of M., Apr. 12, 1840.
- WHITE, Exparince, and Jacob Williams, both of M., Dec. 27, 1787.
- WHITE, Fanna [Fanny. int.]. and Bates Williams, both of M., Nov. 18, 1798.
- WHITE, Fanny, of M., and Joseph Beurce [jr. int.] of Hanson, Oct. 20, 1837.
- WHITE, Franklin A., of M., and Sarah H. Lothrop of Foxborough, int. Apr. 9, 1835.
- WHITE, Franklin A., widr., of M. a. 30 y., manufacturer, s. Simeon, and Chloe A[nn. int.] Dunham, unm., of M., a. 21 y., school teacher, d. Alfred, Aug. 21, 1844.
- WHITE, Harriet. and Avery O. Dunham, both of M., Apr. 22, 1844.
- WHITE, Henry M., of M., and Betsey I. Bowers of Somerset, int. May 16, 1846.
- WHITE, Hezekiah, and Anne Skinner, both of M., int. Aug. 10, 1793.
- WHITE, Hiram H., of M., and Lydia Bacon of Walpole, int. Sept. 11, 1836.
- WHITE, Isaac, Major, of M., and Mihitebel Lane of Norton, int. Jan. 12, 1783.
- WHITE, Isaac, and Rachel Bates, both of M., Dec. 18, 1800.
- WHITE, Isaac, of M., and Sophi Hodges of Norton, int. Apr. 4, 1810.
- WHITE, James, and Aurelia Howard, both of M., Mar. 14, 1817.
- WHITE, James, and Angeline Hodges, both of M., Jan. 21, 1838.
- WHITE, James M., of M., and Sally Ann Dolby of Smithfield, R.I., int. Oct. 20, 1833.
- WHITE, James M., and Louisa S. Battles of North Bridgewater, int. Oct. 15, 1847.
- WHITE, Jared, of M., and Harriet B. Braman of Norton, int. Sept. 22, 1844.
- WHITE, Jedediah, see White, Jidediah.
- WHITE, Jemimah, Mrs., of M., and John Thayer of Taunton, int. May 9, 1824.
- WHITE, Jeremiah, and Jane Tyrell [Turral. int.], both of M., June 2, 1774.
- WHITE, Jerusha, of M., and Jonah Newland of Norton, int. Sept. 9, 1773. Forbidden by Jonah Newland, Sept. 15, 1773.
- WHITE, Jerusha, of M., and Jedediah Morse of Foxborough, int. Apr. 3, 1795.
- WHITE, Jidediah, and Mary White, 4th, both of M., Mar. 28, 1785.
- WHITE, John, 2d, and Lucy Tucker, both of M., Apr. 19, 1780.
- WHITE, John, 2d, of M., and Bethiah Braymen of Norton, int. Apr. 25, 1784.
- WHITE, John, 3d, of M., and Charety Randell of Easton, int. Mar. 19, 1791.
- WHITE, John, and Sarah Richardson, both of M., int. Dec. 26, 1807.
- WHITE, Jonathan. jr., of M., and Abigail Commins of Attleborough, int. Jan. 14, 1775.
- WHITE, Jonathan, 3d, and Abigail Pratt [2d. int.], both of M., Jan. 1, 1778.
- WHITE, Jonathan, 2d [3d. P.R.14.], and Hannah Quigley, both of M., Sept. 14, 1779.
- WHITE, Jonathan, 3d, and Susanna Williams, both of M., Nov. 22, 1795.
- WHITE, Judah, of M., and Thomas Story of Norton, int. Nov. 5, 1772.
- WHITE, Judeth, d. Nicholas and Experience (King), and Nathan Williams, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Dean), May 9, 1734. P.R.11.
- WHITE, Kezia, of Norton, and David Lovil of M., Nov. 15, 1772.
- WHITE, Lemual, and Matilda Shepardson, both of M., May 21, 1778.
- WHITE, Leonard, of M., and Lydia Hodges of Foxborough, int. July 10, 1794.
- WHITE, Lidora L., and Frederic E. Walker, both of M., July 10, 1837.
- WHITE, Lloyd E. [A. int.], and Emily [A. int.] White, both of M., June 8, 1843.
- WHITE, Louisa, and Leonard Ames, both of M., int. May 23, 1847.
- WHITE, Louisa L., unm., of M., a. 19 y., d. George and Whitmon Arnold, unm., of M., 25 y., "spinnin g," Apr. 27, 1845.
- WHITE, Lucinda, and Levi Grover, 2d, both of M., May 18, 1837.
- WHITE, Margaret, and Amos White, both of M., Feb. 26, 1789.
- WHITE, Margret, and Job Hodges, Jr., both of M., Apr. 15, 1771.
- WHITE, Martha, of M., and William Copeland of Norton, int. Nov. 24, 1774.
- WHITE, Mary, 2d, and Noah Day, both of M., Nov. 25, 1773.
- WHITE, Mary, 4th, and Thomas Grover, both of M., May 9, 1780.
- WHITE, Mary, 4th, of M., and Elias Guild of Foxborough, int. Mar. 30, 1782.
- WHITE, Mary, 4th, and Jidediah White, both of M., Mar. 28, 1785.
- WHITE, Mary, 3d, of M., and Dr. John Wellman of Foxborough, Aug. 25, 1796.
- WHITE, Mary A., and Oliver Fales, both of M., Dec. 24, 1837.
- WHITE, Matthew, and Margaret Fillebrown, both of M., int. Aug. 24, 1805.
- WHITE, Meletiah, of M., and Dorathy C. Tisdale of Easton, int. Jan. 27, 1811.
- WHITE, Mercy, and Obediah West. both of M., Feb. 16, 1792.
- WHITE, Nancy, of M., and Edward Kingman, jr. of Easton, Apr. 26, 1813.
- WHITE, Nancy, of M., and James Chandler of Waltham, Apr. 9, 1821.
- WHITE, Nancy, of M., and Joseph Howard [2d. int.] of Foxborough, June 21, 1837.
- WHITE, Nathan, and Polly Fisher, both of M., July 12, 1791.
- WHITE, Nathaniel, and Ester White, both of M., Apr. 12, 1840.
- WHITE, Olive, of M., and Vodon Tucker of Norton, July 16, 1788.
- WHITE, Olive M., and Charles Capen, June 22, 1837.
- WHITE, Oliver. of M., and Hannah Eaton of Middleborough. int. Jan. 29, 1800.
- WHITE, Paninah, wid., and Andrew Brock, both of M., May 1, 1838.
- WHITE, Pardon, and Lydia Smith, both of M., Apr. 15, 1813.
- WHITE, Phillip, and Sarah Eaton [both of M. int.], Oct. 12, 1786.
- WHITE, Polly, and Daniel Cobb, both of M., Dec. 15, 1796.
- WHITE, Polly, and Rufus Hardon, both of M., Nov. 22, 1812.
- WHITE, Rachel, of M., and Charles Dupee [Duppee. int.], jr. of Wrentham, Oct. 24, 1780.
- WHITE, Reubin L., and Jane Ann Paine, both of M., abt. Apr. 1, 1843.
- WHITE, Reuel, of M., and Olive Williams of Easton, int. Dec. 3, 1808.
- WHITE, Roland, unm., of M., a. 22 y., cotton manufacturer, b. Norton, s. George, and Rosilla B. Cobb, unm., of M., a. 18 y., spinner, d. Daniel, Dec. 30, 1844.
- WHITE, Roxa [Rosa. int.], unm., of Foxborough, a. 17 y., d. Eli and Peggy, and George W. Salley, unm., of M., a. 24 y., basket maker, s. Daniel and Rachel, Dec. 12, 1847.
- WHITE, Royal, and Hannah Smith, 2d, of M., Nov. 17, 1778.
- WHITE, Sally S., and Alvin White, both of M., Apr. 15, 1832.
- WHITE, Samuel, jr., and Mary Williams [d. Nathan and Judeth (White). P.R.11.], both of M., Nov. 30, 1773.
- WHITE, Sanford, of Easton, and Mary B. King of M., int. Apr. 1, 1840.
- WHITE, Sarah, 6th, and James Grover, both of M., Apr. 18, 1780.
- WHITE, Sarah, 2d, wid., of M., and Phillip Cooye [Cooper. P.R.32.] of Norton, Nov. 22, 1787.
- WHITE, Sarah, 2d, of M., and Joseph Gannet of Sharon, int. Sept. 23, 1804.
- WHITE, Sarah P., and Harvey E. Drake, both of M., Feb. 14, 1841.
- WHITE, Simeon [jr. int.], and Polley Copeland, both of M., Apr. 6, 1807.
- WHITE, Simeon, of M., and Mrs. Martha B. Lovell of Warren, R.I., int. May 13, 1843.
- WHITE, Sylvia, and Joseph Blanchard, both of M., Nov. 19, 1809.
- WHITE, Sylvia, and Jonathan Hopkins, both of M., int. Apr. 11, 1812.
- WHITE, Thomas S., of M., and Sarah A. Heaton of Franklin, int. Mar. 5, 1846.
- WHITE, Warren, and Cynthia Hardon, both of M., Oct. 28, 1804.
- WHITE, William W., of M., and Sarah Jane Austin of Foxborough, Oct. 20, 1836.
- WHITE, Zachariah, of M., and Hepzibah Woodcock of Attleborough, int. Apr. 1, 1778.
- WHITEHEAD, John, of Malden, and Mary Lovell [Lovel. int.] of M., Mar. 25, 1805.
- WHITING, Esther, of Attleborough, and Archibald Todd, jr. of M., int. Nov. 12, 1820.
- WHITING, John Taylor, of Medway, and Eliza Hatten of M., May 6, 1821.
- WHITING, Mary, of Wrentham, and Welcome Hatten of M., int. Oct. 22, 1820.
- WHITMAN (Witman)
- WHITMAN, Abigail (Witman) [Wellman, Abigail A. int.], of Wrentham, and Allen G. Andres of M., June 27, 1814.
- WHITMAN, Asa, and Julia Cobb, both of M., Dec. 22, 1815.
- WHITMAN, Hosea, and Mary Pratt Hodges, both of M., June 27, 1813.
- WHITMAN, William F., and Betsey W. White, both of M., int. Oct. 1, 1848.
- WHITMORE, Nathaniel, of Millbury, and Emily D[eane. int.] Gilbert of M., Sept. 27, 1827.
- WILBORE (Wilber, Wilbor, Wilbour, Willbor, Willbore)
- WILBORE, Bathsheba, of M., and Frances Drake of Easton, int. Apr. 14, 1816.
- WILBORE, Benjamin (Willbore), of M., and Julia Drake of Sharon, int. Apr. 28, 1788.
- WILBORE, Betsey (Wilbour), and Jarvas Cobb, both of M., Feb. 17, 1820.
- WILBORE, Betty [Willbor. int.], and Joshua Williams, both of M., Aug. 28, 1788.
- WILBORE, Daniel, jr., of Foxborough, and Sally Rogers of M., June 30, 1805.
- WILBORE, Deborah W. (Wilbour), of Middleborough, and Daniel Atherton of M.„ int. June 10, 1837.
- WILBORE, Eunice E. (Wilber), unm., of Foxborough [of M. int.], a. 31 y., d. Abi and Eunice, and Samuel E. [D. int.] Leonard, unm., of M., a. 23 y., mechanic, s. Simeon and Olive, Oct. 11, 1846.
- WILBORE, Fanny, of Foxborough, and Frances Dane of M., May 17, 1815.
- WILBORE, Hannah (Wilber), and David Holmes, Jan. 1, 1832. P.R.18.
- WILBORE, Isaiah, of Easton, and Anna Burd of M., int. July 7, 1801.
- WILBORE, James N. (Wilber), and Jane H. Godfrey, both of M., July 5, 1841.
- WILBORE, Orrin, jr. (Wilbor) [Wilber. int.], unm., of Norton, b. Norton, s. Orrin, of Norton, and Lownza [Lownyza. int.] L. Leavitt, unm., of M., b. Foxborough, d. Libirty and Cloe, Apr. 22, 1848.
- WILBORE, Priscilla, and John Philips, both of M., Nov. 7, 1797.
- WILBORE, Salley (Wilber), of M., and Ozias Drake of Easton, certif. May 3, 1847.
- WILBORE, Sally, of Foxborough, and Asahel Williams of M., int. Nov. 12, 1803.
- WILDE (Wiles)
- WILDE, John, of M., and Phebe Bassitt of Taunton, int. June 1, 1837.
- WILDE, Polly K., and Benjamin C. Balcomb, both of M., int. Aug. 23, 1846.
- WILDE, Sally N. (Wiles), of M., and Samuel Holmes of Norton, at Taunton, July 10, 1836.
- WILLARD, Sarah, of Norton, and William Hodges of M., int. Aug. 1, 1784.
- WILLIAMS, Abbigill, and John Phillips, both of M., June 31 (sic), 1770 [June 21. P.R.14.].
- WILLIAMS, Abigail W., and Hollis Pond of Wrentham, June 26, 1827.
- WILLIAMS, Albert J., of Attleborough, and Mary C. Dunham of M., May 25, 1834.
- WILLIAMS, Alpheus, and Eunice Hunt, both of M., Nov. 22, 1818.
- WILLIAMS, Amasa, of M., and Phebe Witherell of Foxborough, int. June 17, 1791.
- WILLIAMS, Ann, wid., a. 30 y., and Samuel Dunn, unm., a. 29 y., farmer, both of M., Nov. 13, 1845.
- WILLIAMS, Anna F., see Williams, Hannah F.
- WILLIAMS, Asahel, of M., and Sally Wilbore of Foxborough, int. Nov. 12, 1803.
- WILLIAMS, Azubah [Zubah. int.], of M., and Joel Pain of Foxborough, Aug. 15, 1782.
- WILLIAMS, Bates, and Fanna [Fanny. int.] White, both of M., Nov. 18, 1798.
- WILLIAMS, Benjamin, jr., of M., and Betsey Dauby of M. [d. Alexander and Anne (Sweeting). P.R.11.], Mar. 30, 1798.
- WILLIAMS, Benjamin, of M., and [Mrs. int.] Hannah Willis of Norton, June 22, 1807.
- WILLIAMS, Benjamin D., of M. [s. Benjamin and Betsey (Dauby). P.R.11.], and Mary Lecane of Marlborough [d. Francis and Abigail. P.R.11.], int. Apr. 29, 1827.
- WILLIAMS, Betsey, and John Phillips, jr., both of M., July 1, 1792.
- WILLIAMS, Bilded, and Angeline White, both of M., int. Apr. 6, 1845.
- WILLIAMS, Charles H., of M., and Harriet N. Dane of Derby, Vt., int. Apr. 12, 1849.
- WILLIAMS, Charles P., and Lucy K. Rogers [Rodgers. int.], both of M., May 12, 1832.
- WILLIAMS, Charlott, of M., and Maj. Lewis Hartshorn [Hartson. int.] of Franklin, Mar. 29, 1827.
- WILLIAMS, Cynthia, and David Williams, both of M., June 2, 1803.
- WILLIAMS, Daniel, of M. [s. Elijah and Elizabeth (Bates). P.R.11.], and Nancy Grover of Foxborough [d. Gideon and Rachel (Pain). P.R.11.], int. July 27, 1792.
- WILLIAMS, Daniel, jr., and Lavina Clark, both of M., June 6, 1820.
- WILLIAMS, David, and Cynthia Williams, both of M., June 2, 1803.
- WILLIAMS, David, and Sally Grover, both of M., Dec. 4, 1818.
- WILLIAMS, David, and Ann Skinner, both of M., int. Apr. 9, 1837.
- WILLIAMS, Deborah [Mrs. int.], of M., and Abel Hearsey of Hingham, Oct. 24, 1779.
- WILLIAMS, Dency, Mrs., of M., and Rufus M. Hewes of Foxborough, int. Jan. 13, 1810.
- WILLIAMS, Dordany, of M., and John Hoten [Hoton. int.] of Attleborough, Dec. 3, 1811.
- WILLIAMS, Ebenezer, of M. [s. Elijah and Elizabeth (Bates). P.R.11.], and Abigail Pratt White of M. [d. Lemuel and Matilda (Shepardson). P.R.11.], Nov. 8, 1798.
- WILLIAMS, Elisabeth, 4th, and Job Dunham, both of M., Dec. 13, 1792.
- WILLIAMS, Eliza Ann, and John Rogers, both of M., Oct. 15, 1833.
- WILLIAMS, Elizabeth B., of M., and Charles Nason of Walpole, Dec. 17, 1832.
- WILLIAMS, Eunice, and Amasa Pratt, both of M., July 7, 1799.
- WILLIAMS, Fanny, of M., and Preston Boyden of Medfield, Aug. 14, 1823.
- WILLIAMS, Fanny, and Horace Skinner, both of M., Sept. 15, 1824.
- WILLIAMS, Fanny, and Albert G. Morton, at Freetown, Oct. 18, 1830. P.R.17.
- WILLIAMS, George W., of M., and Sophia Eldridge of Providence, R.I., int. June 2, 1848.
- WILLIAMS, Hannah, of M., and Orrin S. Kingsbury of Walpole, int. Apr. 11, 1830.
- WILLIAMS, Hannah [Anna. int.] F., unm., of M., a. 22 y., d. George and Hannah, and Julius Skinner, unm., of M., a. 27 y., farmer, s. Elias and Susan, Dec. 16, 1847.
- WILLIAMS, Harriot, and Perez Foster, both of M., July 28, 1822.
- WILLIAMS, Jacob, and Exparince White, both of M., Dec. 27, 1787.
- WILLIAMS, Jacob, of M., and Adah Perry of Easton, int. Oct. 29, 1815.
- WILLIAMS, Jane, of M., and John Preston Pond of Franklin, Apr. 21, 1823.
- WILLIAMS, John, of M. [s. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Pain). P.R.11.], and Mercy Briggs of M. [d. Richard and Mercy. P.R.11.], Feb. 14, 1779.
- WILLIAMS, John, jr., of M. [s. John and Marcy (Briggs). P.R.11.] and Fanny Richardson of M. [d. Ebenezer. P.R.11.], Mar. 15, 1824 [Jan. 1. P.R.11.].
- WILLIAMS, Joseph, and Jane Paine, both of M., int. June 5, 1801.
- WILLIAMS, Joshua, and Betty Wilbore [Willbor. int.], both of M., Aug. 28, 1788.
- WILLIAMS, Julia, of M., and Warren Billings of Foxborough, Oct. 10, 1835.
- WILLIAMS, Julia A., and James E. Cobb, both of M., Nov. 10, 1841.
- WILLIAMS, Louisa, of M., and Horres Thayer of Franklin, Apr. 27, 1825.
- WILLIAMS, Lydia, of Easton, and Ebenezer Fisher of M., int. Feb. 2, 1786.
- WILLIAMS, Lydia C., and Samuel Richardson, both of M., Apr. 6, 1830.
- WILLIAMS, Marcus [of M. int.], s. John and Marcy (Briggs), and Nancy Hall [of Attleborough. int.], d. John and Chloe (Tiffany), Nov. ----, 1823. P.R.11.
- WILLIAMS, Mary [d. Nathan and Judeth (White). P.R.11.], and Samuel White, jr., both of M., Nov. 30, 1773.
- WILLIAMS, Mattilda, of Easton, and James Filebrown, Jr. of M., int. Feb. 9, 1782.
- WILLIAMS, Nahum, and Mary Robinson [Roberson. int.], Jan. 1, 1829.
- WILLIAMS, Nahum, and Clarissa W. Freeman, both of M., May 4, 1836.
- WILLIAMS, Nancy C., of M., and Thomas Daniels of Bridgewater, int. Nov. 4, 1838.
- WILLIAMS, Nathan, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Dean), and Judeth White, d. Nicholas and Experience (King), May 9, 1734. P.R.11.
- WILLIAMS, Olive, of Easton, and Reuel White of M., int. Dec. 3, 1808.
- WILLIAMS, Richard, and Susannah Shaw, both of M., int. Feb. 9, 1782.
- WILLIAMS, Rufus of M. [s. John and Marcy (Briggs). P.R.11.], and Sally Copeland of M. [d. William and Martha (White). P.R.11.], May 26, 1811 [May 20. P.R.11.].
- WILLIAMS, Sally, and Asa Pond, both of M., Dec. 2, 1819.
- WILLIAMS, Susanna, and Jonathan White, 3d, both of M., Nov. 22, 1795.
- WILLIAMS, Tyler, of M., and Lavina Francis, d. Peleg and Nancy, ----, 1830. P.R.1.
- WILLIAMS, Zubah, see Williams, Azuba.
- WILLIS (Willas)
- WILLIS, Alcander, unm., of Taunton, a. 26 y., machinist, s. Bariah and Rosetta, and Eliza A. Paul, unm., of Taunton, a. 17 y., d. Dyer, May 4, 1847.
- WILLIS, Hannah [Mrs. int.], of Norton, and Benjamin Williams of M., June 22, 1807.
- WILLIS, Jonathan S., of North Bridgewater, and Joann Hodgs of M., int. Aug. 3, 1844.
- WILLIS, Josiah [Willas. int.], of Taunton, and Polley Crossman of M., Nov. 5, 1779.
- WILLIS, Loring, of M., and Eliza Woodard of Taunton, int. June 4, 1839.
- WILLIS, Martha, and Melzer Burt, both of M., Nov. 13, 1836.
- WILLIS, Susannah, of Easton, and Edward White of M., int. Aug. 20, 1774.
- WILLIS, Thomas, and Sarah Dean, both of Easton, Aug. 3, 1785.
- WILMARTH (Wilmorth)
- WILMARTH, Elias R. [Wilmorth. int.], of M., and Mrs. Betsey Daily [Dailey. int.] of Taunton, at Norton, Mar. 12, 1843.
- WILMARTH, Eliphalet, 3d, of Attleborough, and Abigail Hardon, 2d, of M., int. Aug. 14, 1802.
- WINSLOW, Shadrack, Dr., of Rehoboth, and Elisebeth Robbins of Stoughton, Mar. 12, 1783.
- WISWELL, Noah, of Norton, and Mary Pond of M., int. Jan. 29, 1780.
- WITHERELL (Wetherel, Wetherell, Wetheriel, Witherall, Witherell)
- WITHERELL, Albert ( Wetherell) , and Rosemura. B. [Rosanna H. int.] Davis, both of M., Mar. 19, 1840.
- WITHERELL, Ann J. (Wetherell), and Seth C. Shepard, both of M., Apr. 13, 1837.
- WITHERELL, Athenia, of M., and Jesse Daggett of Rehoboth, int. Aug. 26, 1806.
- WITHERELL, Benjamin, jr., of M., and Ruth Selee of Easton, int. Jan. 23, 1814.
- WITHERELL, Benjamin, of M., and Lucy Kingman, wid., of Easton, Mar. 4, 1840.
- WITHERELL, Benjamin [Witherall. int.], of M., and Elisabeth Kendall [Kimball. int.], wid., of Foxborough, June 28, 1842.
- WITHERELL, Caleb Strong (Wetherell), of Norton, and Cordelia Everett Lane, d. George and Chloe, Nov. ----, 1842. P.R.1.
- WITHERELL, Charles, and Roxey Grover [both of M. int.], Nov. 24, 1811.
- WITHERELL, Jabez, widr., of Bridgewater, a. 40 y., forgeman, and Olive H. Leonard, unm., of M., a. 31 y., Nov. 14, 1847.
- WITHERELL, Lona (Wetherel) [Wetherell. int.], of M., and Benjamin Cooper of Attleborough, Mar. 13, 1800.
- WITHERELL, Lucy (Wetherel), and Samuel Pratt, both of M., Oct. 1, 1789.
- WITHERELL, Mary, and Benjamin White, jr., both of M., Nov. 29, 1784.
- WITHERELL, Mary F., of M., and Susano J. Pares [Peares. int.] of Seekonk, Apr. 6, 1841.
- WITHERELL, Nancy, of M., and Luis Hardon of Holliston [Bellingham. int.], June 20, 1814.
- WITHERELL, Phebe (Wetheriel), and Benjamin Cobb, June 27, 1751.
- WITHERELL, Phebe, of Foxborough, and Amasa Williams of M., int. June 17, 1791.
- WITHERELL, Rachel (Witherel), of M., and Daniel Benjamin, jr. of Ashburnham, Dec. 21, 1806.
- WITHERELL, Silence (1Vitherel), and Joseph Lane, both of M., Apr. 11, 1775.
- WITHERELL, Solomon, and Suse Haskel, both of M., int. Nov. 17, 1804.
- WITHERELL, Stephen, of M., and Abigail Brown of Ware, int. Apr. 14, 1816.
- WITHERELL, Susan [Wetherell. int.], and David Lovell, both of M., Mar. 21, 1830.
- WITHERELL, William (Witherill), 2d, of Norton, and Electa Crosman of M., int. Mar. 11, 1821.
- WITHERELL, William. jr., and Emmily E. Allen, July 12, 1846.
- WITHERELL, Zelotes, of North Providence, R.I., and Pamelia A. Crossman of Norton, Mar. 2, 1841.
- WOOD (Woods)
- WOOD, Artemas, of Leominster, and Catharine Drake of M., Sept. 30, 1810.
- WOOD, Augusta Marion, of Leominster, and Loyd Everett Allen of M., Oct. 3, 1843. P.R.1.
- WOOD, Clarissa [Woods. int.], of M., and Charles Fobes Pratt of North Bridgewater, Aug. 1, 1839.
- WOOD, Ephraim, of Taunton, and Phebe Finny [Phyney. int.] of M., Dec. 19, 1771.
- WOOD, Patience, of Taunton, and Silas Wood of M., int. Nov. 30, 1815.
- WOOD, Rebecca, and James Titus, both of M., int. Aug. 21, 1847.
- WOOD, Sally, and Amasa Pratt, jr., Feb. 12, 1829.
- WOOD, Silas, of M., and Patience Wood of Taunton, int. Nov. 30, 1815.
- WOOD, Thomas, and Nancy Hodges, both of M., July 21, 1811.
- WOODARD (Woodward)
- WOODARD, Eliza, of Taunton, and Loring Willis of M., int. June 4, 1839.
- WOODARD, Sybil I. (Woodward), of Taunton, and Marcus Cobb of M., int. Apr. 25, 1829.
- WOODBURY, Josiah, widr., of Easton, a. 34 y., farmer, b. Easton, s. John and Betsey, of Easton, and Angilene Carpenter, wid., of Easton, a. 34 y., b. Easton. d. Macy and Mary Records, of Easton, Apr. 17, 1849.
- WOODCOCK, Hepzibah, of Attleborough, and Zachariah White of M., int. Apr. 1, 1778.
- WRIGHT, Caleb, and Polly Dunham, both of M., Sept. 15, 1822.
- WRIGHT, William W., of Tallmadge, O., and Susan Dean Allen, d. Otis and Susanna, Sept. 29, 1843. P.R.1.
- YOUNG, John J., of Wrentham, and Sarah Ann Deane of M., Dec. 1, 1831.
- YOUNG, William H., of M., and Adelaide Pond of Wrentham, int. Aug. 21, 1845.
Surnames Missing
- ----, ----, and Phebe Cobb, 2d, both of Norton, Jan. 31, 1771.
- ----, Charity, and Church Holmes, Jan. 29, 1789. P.R.18.
[ Mansfield Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850 - Surnames A-D ]