Otis Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
Surnames J-Z
Transcribed by Matthew Tooley
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Marriages in the Town of Otis, Berkshire County, Massachusetts to the end of the year 1850".
Otis Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850, Surnames J-Z
- JACKSON, Clarissa A., 26, d. Ezra and Clarissa, and Alonzo W. [int. omits W.] Waterman, single, 25, farmer, of Blandford, s. Eli and Persis, Mar. 29, 1846.
- JACKSON, Ezra, widr., blacksmith, and Eunice Mather, housekeeper, d. Roger and Mary, Apr. 8, 1846.
- JACKSON, Ezra W. and Mary Elizabeth Seymour, of Sandisfield, int. July 29 [pub. cert. Aug. 27], 1849.
- JENNINGS, Betsey [int. Elizabeth, of Loudon] and Elijah Stiles, [int. of Westfield], May 28, 1795.
- JOHNSON, Benjamin F., of Tyringham, and [int. Miss] Roxana R. Dorman, Sept. 3, 1835.
- JOHNSON, John, of Loudon, and Miss Rhoda Clark, of Granville, int. Apr. 14, 1808.
- JOHNSON, Quincy, of Hillsdale, NY, and Miss Abigail Cook, int. Apr. 19, 1812.
- JOHNSON, Rhoda [int. and dup. int. of Granby, dup. int. adds CT], and Roderick Norton [int. and dup. int. of Loudon], Jan. 19, 1797.
- JONES, Anna, Miss, and Capt. Ezekiel A. Mills, of New Marlborough, int. June 24, 1814.
- JONES, Ann, Miss, and Samuel Hitchcock, int. Feb. 25, 1821. [m. Apr. 11. CR2
- JONES, Daniel and Miss Rhoda Hills, of Blandford, int. Aug. 25, 1811.
- JONES, Daniel R. and Nancy A. Snow. Sept. 14, 1837.*
- JONES, Eber, Lt., and Miss Betsy Pelton, int. May 23, 1813.
- JONES, Edward D.G. and Nancy E. Breakenridge, of Lee, int. Oct. 24 [pub. cert. Nov. 12], 1849.
- JONES, Eliza Ann, [int. Miss], and Abram B. Tolles, Sept. 15, 1837.
- JONES, Betsey, Miss, of Sandisfield, and David Spear, int. Apr. 7, 1822.
- JONES, Esther, Miss, and Dr. Edmund Bancroft, int. Aug. 19, 1812.
- JONES, Hannah, of Loudon, and Timothy Fay, of Chester, int. Feb. 16, 1807.
- JONES, Harriett [int. Harriet] A., 23, d. Timothy and Eliza, and Sylvester J. Spear, single, 25, mechanic, s. David and Betsey of Sandisfield, Jan. 9, 1849.
- JONES, Israel A. and Miss Laura Hunter, int. Feb. 26, 1821. [m. ––– ––, 1821. CR2]
- JONES, Jabish D. and Miss Nancy Church, of Tolland, int. Nov. 10, 1816.
- JONES, Lucinda, [int. Miss], and [int. Dea.] John Spear, May 1, 1834.
- JONES, Lucy, Miss, and Rev. Silas Kingsley, of Chester, int. Nov. 5, 1837.
- JONES, Lydia, Miss, and Milo Webb, June 20, 1841.
- JONES, Mary, see Polly.
- JONES, Polly, [int. Miss], and Erastus Fay, of Chester, July 2, 1816. [July 3. CR2]
- JONES, Mehitibal [int. Miss Mehetabel] and Darius Spring, ––– ––, 1812 [int. Nov. 28, 1812].
- JONES, Phinehas, of Loudon, and Miss Deliverance Chapman, of Somers, CT, int. [between Nov. 29, 1808 and Feb. 16, 1810].
- JONES, Susan and Stephen Benton, int. Jan. 12, 1832, "No certificate issued".
- JONES, Susannah and John Breakenridge, int. Feb. 2, 1825. [Breckenridge, m. Mar. 17. CR2]
- JONES, Sylvester, of Sandisfield, and Catharine Hunter, int. Feb. 2, 1825.
- JUDD (Jud), Abigail A., Miss, of Tyringham, and Edmund Beach, int. Nov. 28, 1829.
- JUDD (Jud), Arden and [int. Miss] Sally Hubbard, of Sandisfield, Dec. 14, 1820, in Sandisfield.
- JUDD (Jud), Asa and Miss Adah Sweet, int. Apr. 19, 1812.
- JUDD (Jud), Gilbert A. and Emily C. [int. Miss Emily L.] Gamble, Jan. 17, 1838.
- JUDD (Jud), Harriet C., wid, 23, of Monterey, d. William Branning and Hannah, and Philo Smith Jr. [int. omits Jr.], widr., 27, mechanic, s. Philo and Bedee, Apr. 18, 1848.
- JUDD (Jud), Judson, of Tyringham, and Corrinthia [int. Miss Corinthia] A. Dorman, Jan. 17, 1838.
- JUDD (Jud), Mary, Miss, of Tyringham, and Wait. C. Broga, int. Aug. 31, 1844.
- JUDD (Jud), Oliver N. (Jud) [int. Judd], of Tyringham, and [int. Miss] Calistia J. Dorman, Apr. 9, 1835. [Judd of Tyringham. CR2]
- KELLOGG, Edwin M., [int. of New Hartford, CT] and [int. Miss] Jane C. Rose, Oct. 27, 1840.
- KENYON, Joseph and Eliza A. Twining, of Tolland, int. Nov. 8, 1847.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Abigail and Ebenezer Pease Jr., both of Loudon, Sept. 16, 1792.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Alanson and Louisa Bramon, int. Feb. 5, 1831.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Amos J. [int. I.] (Kibbee), and Miss Malinda Benjamin [int. Brayman], Oct. 20, 1834.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Daniel, of Loudon, and Mercy Barns, of Granville, int. Jan. 19, 1793.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), David and Miss Susannah Snow, of Tolland, int. ––– ––, 1819.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Desiah and David Loyd, both of Loudon, int. Apr. 10, 1796.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Hannah, of Loudon, and Nathaniel Brunson, of Westfield, Sept. 1, 1793.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Huldah, of Loudon, and James Lawhead, of Blanford, Dec. 13, 1786.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Isaac Jr. and Naomi Kibbe, both of Loudon, int. June 16, 1788.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Isaac, of Loudon, and Margery Sears, wid., of Blanford, Dec. 21, 1788, in Blanford.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Joanna and Joseph Hills Jr., both of Loudon, Apr. 16, 1789.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), John and Olive Parrish, both of Loudon, June 10, 1778.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Joshua and Miss Anna Walker, of Becket, Feb. 22, 1815 [? in New Lebanon, NY].*
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Lois [dup. Kibbee], of Loudon, and Abraham Benton [dup. Jr.], of Sandisfield, int. Aug. 20, 1801.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Mary E. (Kibbee), [int. Miss], and Lyman Clark, Sept. 22, 1841.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Marcy, wid., and Levi Gile, of Blandford, int. Jan. 26, 1831.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Miriam (Kibbee), Miss, and David H. Wilner, int. Jan. 19, 1839.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Moses and Mary Parrish, both of Loudon, int. Mar. 14, 1779.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Naomi and Isaac Kibbe Jr., both of Loudon, int. June 16, 1788.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Olive, Miss, and William Kibby [int. Kibbe], both of Loudon, Mar. 22, 1798.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Phineas and Betsey Champlin, of Blandford, int. Nov. 7, 1819.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Phineas and Miss Elizabeth Bishop, of Russell, int. Oct. 31, 1840.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), Samuel (Kibbee) and Polly Bartlet, both of Loudon, int. Dec. 17, 1803.
- KIBBE (Kibbee, Kibby), William (Kibby) [int. Kibbe], and Miss Olive Kibbe, both of Loudon, Mar. 22, 1798.
- KILBOURN, Joel and Miss Mary E. Chappel, of Gt. Barrington, int. Mar. 8, 1834.
- KIMBAL, Edmond [int. Kimball] and Anna Cook, both of Loudon, Aug. 6 [int. Aug. 19], 1801.
- KIMBERLEY (Kimberly), Eliza Ann and Lorenzo Webb, int. Aug. 5, 1830.
- KIMBERLEY (Kimberly), Betsey, Miss, and Elisha C. Watkins, of Brighton, OH, int. Dec. 5, 1829.
- KIMBERLEY (Kimberly), Emeline, Miss, and Loomis Webb, int. Sept. 18, 1827.
- KIMBERLEY (Kimberly), Erastus, single, 25, pedler, s. William and Matilda, and Abigail Cornwell, 23, d. Chester and Penepelopy, Dec. 29, 1847.
- KIMBERLEY (Kimberly), Mary, [int. Miss], and William P. Turner, of Gt. Barrington, Nov. 27, 1846.
- KIMBERLEY (Kimberly), Rebecca (Kimberly) and Chester Baird, int. Mar. 13, 1808.
- KIMBERLEY (Kimberly), Sherman and Phebe Thompson, of Tyringham, int. Sept. ––, 1826.
- KIMBERLEY (Kimberly), Silas, single, 30, laborer, s. Joel and Eunice, and Lucy M. Webb, 34, d. Samuel and Dorcas, Nov. 22, 1849.
- KINGSBURY (Kingsberry), Alvah and Miss Lydia Barber, int. Sept. 13, 1812.
- KINGSBURY (Kingsberry), Lovica (Kingsberry), Miss, and Ens. Calvin Rise, of Tyringham, int. May 1, 1814.
- KINGSBURY (Kingsberry), Sofira, Miss, and Enos Northrop, of Tyringham, int. Dec. 2, 1810.
- KINGSLEY, Erastus [int. Ens.], of Lenox, and Miss Eliza Marcy, Feb. 18, 1817.
- KINGSLEY, Lucinda, Miss, and Ira Brewer, of Tyringham, int. Nov. 22, 1818. [m. Dec. 31. CR2]
- KINGSLEY, Mehitabel, of Stockbridge, and Samuell Baldwin, of Loudon, int. Dec. 20, 1791.
- KINGSLEY, Orissa, Miss, of Becket, and Joseph Pickett, int. Jan. 3, 1819.
- KINGSLEY, Silas, Rev., of Chester, and Miss Lucy Jones, int. Nov. 5, 1837.
- KNIGHT, –––––, wid., and ––––– Sears, of Sandisfield.* CR2
- KNOWLES, Seth, of Loudon, and Dorcas Chapin, of New Marlborough, int. Dec. 7, 1794.
- KNOX, Elijah 2d, of Blanford, and Hulda Coon, of Loudon, int. Jan. 16, 1796.
- KNOX, Theodotia, [int. Miss], and Thomas H. Utley, of Chesterfield, Jan. 15, 1834.
- LAMBERTON, Cynthia and Lemuel Smith, int. Aug. 7 [pub. cert. Sept. 7], 1808.
- LANGDON, Phebe, [int. Tyringham], and Norton Wright, Oct. 4, 1832.
- LARKCOM (Larckom, Larkcome), Arvillus [int. Arvellus] C. and Miss Sarah Perry, May 25, 1826.
- LARKCOM (Larckom, Larkcome), John and Phebe Ormsby, Oct. 17, 1810, in Canaan.*
- LARKCOM (Larckom, Larkcome), Lury, Miss, and Colby Loveland, int. Nov. 13, 1814.
- LARKCOM (Larckom, Larkcome), Louisa, Miss, and Ashel Williams, of Sandisfield, int. Jan. 24, 1817. [Louisa and Asahel Williams, of Sandisfield, m. Feb. 24, 1818. CR2]
- LARKCOM (Larckom, Larkcome), Lovana (Larkcome) and Elijah W. Ranny, int. Sept. 14, 1824. [Miss Lovana Larcom, m. Sept. 14. CR2]
- LARKCOM (Larckom, Larkcome), Polly, Miss, and Reuben Daniels, both of Loudon, int. Nov. 29, 1808.
- LARKCOM (Larckom, Larkcome), Rebekah (Larckom), of Loudon, and William Mann, of Blandford, int. Nov. 6, 1787.
- LARKCOM (Larckom, Larkcome), Samuel and Miss Lucy Hawley, Jan. 1, 1822.
- LATHAM, Jonathan N. and Almira Slade, of Chester, int. Nov. ––, 1825.
- LATTIMORE, Lucinda, Miss, and Judson Wadsworth, of Becket, int. Oct. 14, 1818. [m. Nov. 26. CR2]
- LAWHEAD, James, of Blanford, and Huldah Kibbe, of Loudon, Dec. 13, 1786.
- LAWTON, Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Miriam and Thomas Marcy, both of Loudon, Dec. 25, 1794.
- LAWTON, Nancy Rowena, of Loudon, and Lawton Wadsworth, of Becket, int. Sept. 14, 1806.
- LAWTON, Sarah H., Miss, and Rev. Luther Humphrey, of Burlington [int. adds CT], Jan. 28, 1815.
- LEE, Betsey, of Becket, and Elijah Palmer, int. Nov. 23, 1824.
- LEE, Jane, of Chatham, and Benjamin Parrish, if Loudon, int. Sept. 1, 1793.
- LEE, Jonathan, Rev. and Miss Harriot D. Danforth, of Pittsfield, int. Oct. 19, 1817.
- LEONARD (Leanard), Dabroh (Leanard) and Jonathen Cook, both of Loudon, int. June 28, 1777.
- LEONARD (Leanard), Lucy, of Barkhamsted, and Samuel Sikes, of Loudon, int. Oct. 2, 1796.
- LEONARD (Leanard), Sally (Leanard) [int. Sarah Leonard, of W. Springfield], and [int. Lt.] Elisha Cook, [int. of Loudon], Feb. 5, 1798.
- LITTLE, Nancy M. and Oliver E. Matthews, of Middlefield, int. Apr. 22, 1830.
- LLOYD (Loyd), Delia, Miss, of Blandford, and Loring Flint, int. Jan. 18, 1823.
- LLOYD (Loyd), David (Loyd) and Desiah Kibbe, both of Loudon, int. Apr. 10, 1796.
- LLOYD (Loyd), Ezekiel and Miss Patty Champlin, Feb. 7, 1815.
- LLOYD (Loyd), Sarah, Miss, and Allen Sibley, of Westfield, int. Jan. 1, 1836.
- LOOMIS, Emily, Miss, and Daniel Spring, int. Mar. 30, 1834.
- LOOMIS, Jennett, [int. Miss], and Chauncy [int. Chauncey] C. Norton, May 11, 1841.
- LOOMIS, Lucy A., 22, d. Noah and Lydia, and Asa G. Farnham, single, 30, mechanic, s. Justin and Lucindy, July 4, 1848.
- LOOMIS, Norman and Dency Wilder, of Barkhampsted, CT, int. Apr. 13, 1831.
- LOOMIS, Prudence, Miss, of Windsor, CT, and Curtis Tuttle, int. Sept. 1, 1833.
- LORING, Eliza, of Spencer, and Ichabod Crittenton Jr., of Sandisfield, July 2, 1801.*
- LOVELAND, Colby and Miss Lury Larkcom, int. Nov. 13, 1814.
- LOVELAND, Dolly, Miss, and John C. Norton, Feb. 18, 1821.
- LOVELAND, Lorry, Miss, and Lyman Hunt, Jan. 18, 1815.
- LOVELAND, Luther and Miss Philona Hills, int. July 7, 1811.
- LOVELAND, Susan, Miss, of Hinsdale, and Thomas Davison Jr., int. Mar. 7, 1813.
- LOVELAND, Tirza, [int. Miss], and Ashir [int. Ashel] Williams, of Sandisfield, Feb. 27, 1812.
- LYON (Lion), Elijah (Lion) and Mary Troop Marcy, both of Loudon, int. Aug. 16, 1802.
- LYON (Lion), Mary and Aaron Fay, int. Jan. 9, 1820. [Miss Sally, m. Feb. ––. CR2]
- LYON (Lion), Sally R. and Samuel Collister, of Blandford, int. Mar. 6, 1831.
- LYON (Lion), Serena and Elijah D. Gibbs, of Blandford, int. May 15, 1824. [m. Apr. 29. CR2]
- MALTBIE, Alonzo J., of Norfolk, CT, and Miss Apphia Fowler, Feb. 28, 1838.
- MANLEY, Daniel and Grace Holcom, Apr. 2, 1799.
- MANLEY, Josiah B. and [int. Miss] Betsey Webster, May 30, 1816.
- MANLEY, Julia, Miss, and Thadeus Granger, of Dearfield, OH, Apr. 5, 1810.
- MANLEY, Lucy, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Abner Waters, both of Bethlehem, May 23, 1804.
- MANN, Sally, Miss, and Robert Waters, of Sandisfield, Nov. 29, 1810.
- MANN, William, of Blandford, and Rebekah Larckom, of Loudon, int. Nov. 6, 1787.
- MANN, William Jr. and Miss Arrelia [int. Arrilla] Hawley, both of Loudon, Nov. 30, 1810.
- MARCY (Mercy), Elijah L. (Mercy) and Miss Amanda Garfield, of Tyringham, int. Sept. 23, 1821.
- MARCY (Mercy), Eliza, Miss, and [int. Ens.] Erastus Kingsley, of Lenox, Feb. 18, 1817.
- MARCY (Mercy), Hadlock and Laura Stickland [int. Miss Lorry Strickland], Feb. 21, 1816. [Miss Laura Stickland. CR2]
- MARCY (Mercy), Howland, of Loudon, and Jemima Phelps, of Windsor, Sept. 8, 1789, in Windsor.
- MARCY (Mercy), Lawton, of Loudon, and Hilpa Rocittee Foot, of Simsbury, Oct. 1, 1795, in Simsbury.
- MARCY (Mercy), Mary Troop and Elijah Lion, both of Loudon, int. Aug. 16, 1802.
- MARCY (Mercy), Nancy E. (Mercy) and Isaac I. Norton, int. May 9, 1825. [Marcy, m. May 11. CR2]
- MARCY (Mercy), Nathaniel and Miss Lura Stickland, int. Aug. 3, 1817. [m. Aug. 31. CR2]
- MARCY (Mercy), Patia L. (Mercy), Miss, of Tyringham, and James Breakenridge Jr., int. Oct. 7, 1821.
- MARCY (Mercy), Salley, of Loudon, and Thomas Stedmun, of Tyringham, int. Jan. 27, 1805.
- MARCY (Mercy), Thomas and Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Miriam Lawton, both of Loudon, Dec. 25, 1794.
- MARKHAM, Polly, of Tyringham, and Ashley Olds, int. Mar. 28, 1820.
- MARVIN, Livona, Miss, and Fradrick Stilman, of Colebrook, int. Dec. 16, 1815.
- MARVIN, Mary E. [int. omits E.], Miss, and Roswell Stillman, of Colebrook, CT, Apr. 8, 1819.
- MARVIN, Rebeca [int. Rebecca] S., Miss, and Horice Cotton, of Glansfalls [int. adds NY], Aug. 21, 1817.
- MATHER, Eunice, housekeeper, d. Roger and Mary, and Ezra Jackson, widr., blacksmith, Apr. 8, 1846.
- MATHER, Newton and Miss Demis Phelps, of Becket, int. Mar. 7, 1834.
- MATHER, Sally, Miss, of Granville, and Joshua W. Bartlett, int. Mar. 18, 1821.
- MATTHEWS, Benjamin, of Becket, and Betsey Pearl, Mar. ––, 1827.* CR2
- MATTHEWS, Oliver E., of Middlefield, and Nancy M. Little, int. Apr. 22, 1830.
- McCULLOCK, Mary M., of Becket, and Harvey Owen, int. Aug. 4, 1830.
- McKEAN, Jennette, 24, d. Linus and Henrietta, and Edward M. Bradley, single, 31, farmer, of Chester, CT, s. John and Betsey of Chester, Nov. 22, 1849.
- MERIT (Merritt), Caroline [int. Miss Fairline] and Wells E. Webster, of Lee, Nov. 13, 1833. [Farline. CR2]
- MERIT (Merritt), Eunice (Merritt), of Blandford, and John Hunter, int. Feb. 2, 1848.
- MERIT (Merritt), Fairline, see Caroline.
- MERIT (Merritt), Justus and Sarah Mariah Merit, [int. wid.], July 4, 1834. [Mrs. Sarah Maria, June 4. CR2]
- MERIT (Merritt), Marilla and Cyrus Townsend, of Tyringham, int. Apr. 15, 1832.
- MERIT (Merritt), Phila and Mather Owen, May 30, 1832.
- MERIT (Merritt), Sarah Mariah, [int. wid.] and Justus Merit, July 4, 1834. [Mrs. Sarah Maria, June 4. CR2]
- MERIT (Merritt), Stilmon and Miss Sarah M. Wadsworth, of Tolland, int. Nov. 22, 1827.
- MESSENGER, Cornish, of Bethlehem, and Paty Finch, of Loudon, int. June 15, 1794.
- MESSENGER, Levi, of Berkhamstead, and Rachel Smith, of Bethleham, Apr. 27, 1802.*
- MILLARD, Zillah, of Becket, and Francis Breakenridge, int. Jan. 30, 1820.
- MILLER, Marcellus C. and Miss Charity Clark, of Tolland, int. Mar. 30, 1821.
- MILLS, Asahel, of Becket, and Cintha Wright, of Loudon, int. Feb. 19, 1797.
- MILLS, Ellen and Linus Arvillius Daniels, s. Reuben and Polly (Larkom), Mar. 25, 1843 [? in Freedom, Portage Co., OH], "moved to Tennessee".* PR3
- MILLS, Ezekiel A., Capt., of New Marlborough, and Miss Anna Jones, int. June 24, 1814.
- MILLS, Lavinia and Reuben Orrin Daniels, s. Reuben and Polly (Larkom), Apr. 16, 1849 [? in Freedom, Portage Co., OH].* PR3
- MINER, Amos and Miss Alsa Case, int. Aug. 22, 1813.
- MITCHELL, Eliza A., of Granville, and Joseph B. Church, int. June 10, 1840.
- MOORE (More), Edea (More), Miss, of Southwick, Hampshire Co., and Ephraim Snow, of Tolland, Hampshire, Co., Aug. 15, 1811.*
- MOORE (More), Richard and Vina Wells, int. Jan. 4, 1832, "No certificate issued".
- MORANDUS, John [int. Merandus] and Ruca [int. ? Rewea or Rewca] Jerusha Swan, of N. Sandisfield, July 14, 1814.
- MOUNTGOMERY, John, of Blanford and Rhoda Norton, of Loudon, Nov. 24, 1796.
- NICHOLDS, Ira, of Becket, and Miss Amoret Case, int. Sept. 31, 1810.
- NORCOTT, Silvanus, of Washington, and Sarah Dimmuk, of Loudon, int. Aug. 24, 1806.
- NORTHROP, Enos, of Tyringham, and Miss Sofira Kingsbury, int. Dec. 2, 1810.
- NORTHWAY, Orlow, [int. of Sandisfield], and Miss Mary E. Dimock, Nov. 23, 1842.
- NORTON, Chauncy [int. Chauncey] C. and [int. Miss] Jennett Loomis, May 11, 1841.
- NORTON, Chloe, Mrs., and William Champlin, of Blandford, int. Oct. 7, 1821.
- NORTON, Clarrisee, of Loudon, and Heman Dibol, of Granby, int. Nov. 24, 1788.
- NORTON, Elam P. and Miss Catharine Hunter, Feb. 22, 1826. [Catharine, d. Samuel and Hannah (Blair). PR2]
- NORTON, Eunice and Lyman Clark, int. June 12, 1831.
- NORTON, George J., of Sandisfield, and [int. Miss] Asenath E. Pomeroy, July 15, 1841.
- NORTON, Hannah P., Miss, and Chauncy S. Cannon, int. Apr. 11, 1848.
- NORTON, Harriet J., Miss, and Maj. Robert Hunter, int. Apr. 29, 1828. [m. Apr. 30. CR2]
- NORTON, Harriet N., 22, d. Jonathan and Ann, and Philo [int. adds T.] Strickland, single, 28, farmer, s. Daniel and Esther, Oct. 16, 1849.
- NORTON, Isaac I. and Nancy E. Mercy, int. May 9, 1825. [Marcy, m. May 11. CR2]
- NORTON, Jael, of Loudon, and Miss Anna Hunt, of Blandford, int. Feb. 16, 1810.
- NORTON, John C. and Miss Dolly Loveland, Feb. 18, 1821.
- NORTON, Jonathan Jr., [int. of Loudon], and Mary Ranney [int. Ranna of Blanford], Dec. 11, 1783 [int. Sept. 8, 1784].
- NORTON, Jonathan, Col., and Mrs. Mercy Weller, of Westfield, int. Mar. 1, 1817. [Jonathan, s. Nathaniel and Mary, and Mary Weller, second w., m. Mar. 15. PR4]
- NORTON, Jonathan 3d and Miss Anna Clark, of Tolland, int. Dec. 30, 1820.
- NORTON, Jonathan, Capt., and Miss Elizabeth P. Snow, of Becket, int. Feb. 27, 1831.
- NORTON, Lyman C. and Roxey L. Baird, int. Aug. 22, 1847.
- NORTON, Polly, Miss, and Almon Cowdrey, of Hartland [int. adds CT], Nov. 30, 1810.
- NORTON, Rhoda, of Loudon, and John Mountgomery, of Blanford, Nov. 24, 1796.
- NORTON, Rhoda and Ozni Wilber, both of Loudon, int. June 16, 1805.
- NORTON, Roderick, [int. and dup. int. of Loudon], and Rhoda Johnson, [int. and dup. int. of Granby, dup. int. adds CT], Jan. 19, 1797.
- NORTON, Sarah and Benjamin Cook, both of Loudon, Mar. 14, 1782.*
- NUTT, Grace [int. adds Cochran], of Loudon, and Levi Allin [int. Allen], of Hartland, Nov. 10, 1795.
- OHARROW, William and Susanna Chase, int. May 11, 1808.
- OLCOTT, Lydia, of Loudon, and Franklin Snow, of Becket, int. Oct. 14, –––– [? 1804].
- OLES (Olds), Ashley (Olds) and Polly Markham, of Tyringham, int. Mar. 28, 1820.
- OLES (Olds), Eliza, Miss, and Eli Peck, of New Milford, CT, int. July 17, 1847.
- OLES (Olds), John and [int. Miss] Jane Webb, Oct. 23, 1843.
- OLES (Olds), Laura, Miss, and John J. Hubbard, of Sandisfield, int. Nov. 17, 1842.
- OLES (Olds), Polly, Mrs., and Silas C. Spencer, Aug. 4, 1836.
- OLES (Olds), Sarah (Olds) and Agur Hyde, Sept. 4, 1812.*
- ORMSBY, Phebe and John Larkcom, Oct. 17, 1810, in Canaan.*
- OSBORN (Orsborn), Jarvis, of Blandford, and Miss Josephine Smith, int. Feb. 5, 1842.
- OSBORN (Orsborn), Lyman C. and Mary Church, of Beckett, int. Mar. 22, 1833.
- OSBORN (Orsborn), Ruth Ann (Orsborn) and Nathan M. Chaffee, of Becket, int. Jan. 23, 1834.
- OSBORN (Orsborn), Ruth, Miss, and John Crosier, of Peru, int. Dec. 1, 1844.
- OWEN, Daniel, of Loudon, and Rachel Stow, of Granville, int. Sept. 27, 1795.
- OWEN, Elijah and Lydia –––––, Apr. 8, 1762.* GR4
- OWEN, Elijah 3d, of Loudon, and Miss Sally Hunter, of Bethleham, Sept. 20, 1809.*
- OWEN, Erastus and Eunice Proven, both of Loudon, int. Aug. 24, 1794.
- OWEN, Hannah, of Loudon, and Levi Sutliff, of Hartland, int. Sept. 1, 1793.
- OWEN, Hannah, Miss, and Plinea Shaylor, int. Feb. 9, 1812.
- OWEN, Harvey and Mary M. McCullock, of Becket, int. Aug. 4, 1830.
- OWEN, Joel and Abigail Belamy, both of Loudon, int. June 22, 1806.
- OWEN, Joseph and Axey Drake, both of Loudon, int. Mar. 2, 1805.
- OWEN, Lydia, of Loudon, and Ebenezer Adams, of Suffield, int. Mar. 15, 1795.
- OWEN, Mather and Phila Merit, May 30, 1832.
- OWEN, Shem, of Loudon, and Elizabeth Pelton, of Blanford, Jan. 26, 1802.
- PALMER, Calvin Jr. and Miss Mary M. Snow, Nov. 30, 1842.
- PALMER, Elijah and Betsey Lee, of Becket, int. Nov. 23, 1824.
- PALMER, Rachel, [int. Miss], and Henry Chapman, July 4, 1837.
- PARDY, Eli [int. Pardee], of Hartland [int. adds CT], and Miss [int. Mrs.] Betsey Hitchox [int. Hitchcock], Mar. 16, 1816.
- PARKER, Stephen L., of North Hampton, and Amorit Cotton, int. Aug. 21, 1831.
- PARRISH, Benjamin, of Loudon, and Jane Lee, of Chatham, int. Sept. 1, 1793.
- PARRISH, Mary and Moses Kibbe, both of Loudon, int. Mar. 14, 1779.
- PARRISH, Olive and John Kibbe, both of Loudon, June 10, 1778.
- PEARL, Constant D. [int. Davison] and Amelia Shaley, [int. both of Loudon], Feb. 3, 1805.
- PEARL, Constant D. and Miss Lucy G. Wood, Mar. 13, 1817.
- PEARL, David and Rutha Bushnell, Feb. 22, 1827.
- PEARL, Betsey and Benjamin Matthews, of Becket, Mar. ––, 1827.* CR2
- PEARL, Mary, [int. Miss], and Rufus Fargo, of Tyringham, Jan. 22, 1834.
- PEARL, Nathan and Miss Patty Hitchcock [int. Hitchcox], Dec. 26, 1811.
- PEARL, Richard and Susanna Davison, both of Loudon, int. Mar. 5, 1797.
- PEARL, Richard D. and Elanor Hunter, int. Feb. 7, 1830.
- PEARSONS, Joseph G., of Sandisfield, and Roxana Case, of Loudon, int. May 20, –––– [? 1803].
- PEASE, Ebenezer Jr. and Abigail Kibbe, both of Loudon, int. Sept. 16, 1792.
- PEASE, Rebeckah and Obadiah Hills, both of Loudon, int. Aug. 27, 1792.
- PECK, Eli, of New Milford, CT, and Miss Eliza Oles, int. July 17, 1847.
- PEIRCE, Adam, of Ashford, and Hannah Davison, of Loudon, Dec. 6, 1792.
- PELTON (Peltin), Alice and Whitman DWolf, of Wellington, OH, int. Jan. [Jan. written after Dec.] 3, 1826.
- PELTON (Peltin), Diantha, of Blandford, and Arnold Church, int. Jan. 2, 1820.
- PELTON (Peltin), Elizabeth, of Blanford, and Shem Owen, of Loudon, Jan. 26, 1802.
- PELTON (Peltin), Betsy, Miss, and Lt. Eber Jones, int. May 23, 1813.
- PELTON (Peltin), Fanny, Miss, of Blandford, and Samuel Clark, int. Apr. 15, 1815.
- PELTON (Peltin), Orpha (Peltin), of Loudon, and Chancy Ives, of Bethleham, int. Nov. 17, 1803.
- PELTON (Peltin), Philenda and Seth Root, both of Loudon, int. May 28, 1805.
- PELTON (Peltin), Samuel, of Loudon, and Mary Proven, wid., of Blanford, int. Oct. 6, 1782.
- PERKINS, Abner and Miss Lucy Babb, both of Loudon, int. [between Nov. 29, 1808, and Feb. 16, 1810].
- PERKINS, Lorenzo E. and Miss Permelia Hunt, Sept. 19, 1836.
- PERRY, James, "transient person", and Charity B. DWolf, int. July 15, 1820.
- PERRY, Samuel and Miss Susan Clark, int. Aug. 31, 1835.
- PERRY, Sarah, Miss, and Arvillus [int. Arvellus] C. Larkcom, May 25, 1826.
- PETTIBONE, Naomi, Miss, and Jabez G. Fletcher, both of Loudon, int. Sept. 15, 1808.
- PETTIBONE, Naomi, wid., of Loudon, and Capt. Benajah House, of Sandisfield, int. Oct. 14, 1808.
- PHELPS, Benajah and Hannah Thomas, both of Loudon, int. Sept. 20, 1801.
- PHELPS, Benajah and Miss Sally Saxton, of Southwick, int. June 18, 1820.
- PHELPS, Demis, Miss, of Becket, and Newton Mather, int. Mar. 7, 1834.
- PHELPS, Harriat [int. Sally], Miss, and Barnabas [int. Barney] Twining, of Tolland, Hamden Co., June 25, 1822.
- PHELPS, Hannorah, of Loudon, and Barnes Hubbart, of Colebrook, int. June 28, 1807.
- PHELPS, Israel W., single, 24, farmer, s. Chauncey and Sally, and Emmeline [int. Emeline] Rogers, 20, d. Alva and Charlotte, Aug. 30, 1848.
- PHELPS, Jemima, of Windsor, and Howland Marcy, of Loudon, Sept. 8, 1789, in Windsor.
- PHELPS, Marcus and Susan Smith, int. May 7, 1820. [m. June ––. CR2]
- PHELPS, Polly, Miss, and Aseph Ames, of Rockdale [int. adds PA], ––– ––, 1815 [int. Jan. 1, 1815].
- PHELPS, Mary, see Polly.
- PHELPS, Milo and Miss Esther E. Farnum, of Granville, int. Oct. 24, 1847.
- PHELPS, Rhoda, of Simsbury, and Asher Cook, of Loudon, int. June 22, 1783.
- PHELPS, Rowena, Miss, of Becket, and George Thomas, of Loudon, int. Oct. 19, 1807.
- PHELPS, Sally, 1822, see Harriat.
- PHELPS, Sarah, [int. Miss] and Zarah Phelps, May 15, 1843.
- PHELPS, Sally, 21, d. Chauncey and Sally, and Artemas Hunt, single, 25, farmer, s. Joseph and Hannah, Sept. 29, 1847.
- PHELPS, Sterling and Ruth Smith, of Becket, int. May 29, 1831.
- PHELPS, S[usan] Cecelia, d. Marcus and Susan, and James L. Shepard, single, farmer, of Blandford, s. Linus of Blandford, July 4, 1848.
- PHELPS, Sylvia, Miss, and Calvin Barker, int. Dec. 10, 1837.
- PHELPS, William and Almyra Baker, int. Nov. 14, 1830.
- PHELPS, William T. and Miss. Eliza D. Gilmore, Nov. 28, 1842.
- PHELPS, Zarah and [int. Miss] Sarah Phelps, May 15, 1843.
- PHILLIPS, William S., single, merchant, b. Winchester, CT, and [int. Miss] Frances E. Hamilton, b. Tolland, June 10 [0 written over 1], 1844.
- PHINNEY, Caleb B., of Lee, and Rebecca Hunter, int. Mar. 13, 1831.
- PICKETT (Picket), Joseph and Miss Orissa Kingsley, of Becket, int. Jan. 3, 1819.
- PICKETT (Picket), Julia L. (Picket), Miss, and Hiram Sears, int. Sept. 10, 1838.
- PICKETT (Picket), Samuel, Maj., and Miss Luoisa Twining, of Tolland, int. Oct. 1, 1817.
- PINNEY, Orpha, Miss, and Philemon Andrews, int. Nov. 19, 1820. [m. ––– ––, 1821. CR2]
- PLUMB, William [int. adds A.] and Jane [int. Miss Sarah Jane] Cotton, June 7, 1843.
- POMEROY, Asenath E., [int. Miss], and George J. Norton, of Sandisfield, July 15, 1841.
- PORTER, Henry W. and Miss Lucinda Barker, of Sandisfield, int. Dec. 7, 1833.
- PRATT, Mary, 19, of Lenox, d. Horace of Lenox, and Leverett Tillotson, single, 23, of Lenox, s. Samuel, May 3, 1848.*
- PRATT, Worthey, of Granville, and Miss Florenny Case, int. July 14, 1811.
- PRIEST, Aron, of Loudon, and Thankful Smith, wid., of Sandersfield, int. Jan. 2, 1790.
- PROVEN, Eunice and Erastus Owen, both of Loudon, int. Aug. 24, 1794.
- PROVEN, Mary, wid., of Blanford, and Samuel Pelton, of Loudon, int. Oct. 6, 1782.
- RANDOLPH, Thomas S. [int. omits S.], single, 27, clergyman, b. Newport, RI, and Minerva Wilcox, single, 21, housekeeper, b. Stockbridge, Dec. 10, 1846.
- RANNEY (Ranna, Ranny), Elijah W. (Ranny) and Lovana Larkcome, int. Sept. 14, 1824. [Miss Lovana Larkcom, m. Sept. 14. CR2]
- RANNEY (Ranna, Ranny), Mary [int. Ranna, of Blanford], and Jonathan Norton Jr., [int. of Loudon], Dec. 11, 1783 [int. Sept. 8, 1784].
- RANNEY (Ranna, Ranny), Sybbel (Ranna), of Blanford, and Jonathan Crain, of Loudon, int. Jan. 26, 1784.
- RANSOM, Austin H. and Miss Harriet A. Twining, of Tolland, int. Dec. 14, 1844.
- RANSOM, Julia Ann, [int. Miss], and John Hunter 2d, Feb. 12, 1835. [John, s. Samuel and Hannah (Blair). PR2]
- REMINGTON, Fanny, Miss, and Oliver B. Ward, of Tyringham, int. July 30, 1827.
- REMINGTON, Polly Almira, of Becket, and Alva Graves Dorman, int. Feb. 9, 1833.
- REMINGTON, Roba R., Miss, of Colebrook, and Eli Shaw, int. Oct. 26, 1817.
- RICHARDS, Eunice and Jonathan Walker, int. Sept. 24 [pub. cert. Oct. 12], 1808.
- RICHARDS, Milo and Susan Allen, both of Tyringham, Feb. 7, 1842, in Tyringham.*
- RISE, Calvin, Ens., of Tyringham, and Miss Lovica Kingsberry, int. May 1, 1814.
- RISING, Aretas, Dr., of New Marlboro, and Miss Lucy M. Seymour, int. Oct. 25, 1829. [m. Nov. 12. CR2]
- ROADES, Catharine, Miss, of Becket, and Rodolphus Snow, int. Dec. 24, 1827.
- ROBB, Ann [int. adds M.], Miss, and Salah G. Dunham, Nov. 29, 1838.
- ROBERTS, Hannah, Miss, and John Spring, of Sandisfield, int. Jan. 8, 1834.
- ROBERTSON, Harriet and Asahel Williams Daniels, s. Reuben and Polly (Larkom), Nov. 6, 1849 [? in Freedom, Portage Co., OH].* PR3
- ROCKWELL, Hannah, of Bethlehem, and David Wadsworth, of Becket, int. Aug. 12 [pub. cert. Aug. 28], 1805.
- ROCKWELL, Zerah and Miss Phebe Carter, of Sandisfield, int. Dec. 22, 1811.
- ROGERS, Amanda, Miss, and James H. Whitney, int. Mar. 20, 1814.
- ROGERS, Emmeline [int. Emeline], 20, d. Alva and Charlotte, and Israel W. Phelps, single, 24, farmer, s. Chauncey and Sally, Aug. 30, 1848.
- ROGERS, Hannah and Franklin Bartlett, of Blandford, int. Oct. 19, 1829. [m. Oct. 27. CR2]
- ROOT, Caroline A., Miss, and Noah Atwater, of Russel [int. adds Hamden Co.], Feb. 10, 1836.
- ROOT, Elisabeth, of Loudon, and Zina Downs, of Sandisfield, int. Aug. 24, 1806.
- ROOT, Jonathan and Prudence Brooks, both of Loudon, int. Feb. 23, 1793.
- ROOT, Joseph A. and Miss Aphia Clark, of Tolland, int. Nov. 10, 1811.
- ROOT, Rhoda and Matthew Ives, Mar. 7, 1802, in Southwick.
- ROOT, Seth and Philenda Pelton, both of Loudon, int. May 28, 1805.
- ROOT, Uri, of Loudon, and Mercy Adams, of Becket, int. Dec. 27, 1801.
- ROOT, Warren, of Loudon, and Rosannah Gozard, of Granby, int. Jan. 27, 1805.
- ROSE, Arthur and [int. Miss] Mary Hunter, Oct. 26, 1840. [Mary, d. Samuel and Hannah (Blair). PR2]
- ROSE, Esther, third w., and Philip Haskell, s. Zacharah and Kasiah (Goss), m. ––– ––, ––––.* PR1
- ROSE, Jane C., [int. Miss], and Edwin M. Kellogg, [int. of New Hartford, CT], Oct. 27, 1840.
- ROSE, Mary, 24, d. Lovel and Paulla, and Simeon Brownell, single, 23, farmer, of Hoosic Falls, NY, s. Isaac, Aug. 27, 1849.
- ROWLEE, Elizabeth, wid., of Loudon, and Dr. John Streetor, of Baket, int. July 6, 1777.
- RUDD, Vining, of Becket, and Miss Clarica Hunter, int. Mar. 13, 1815.
- SAGE, Lucretia, Miss, of Sandisfield, and Harry Hawley, int. Jan. 26, 1824.
- SALTER, Amanda, Miss, and Milo Webb, Mar. 4, 1823.
- SALTER, Eliza, Miss, and John M. Cole, Sept. 1, 1822.
- SAXTON, Sally, Miss, of Southwick, and Benajah Phelps, int. June 18, 1820.
- SCOTT, Abigal, Miss, of Blandford, and Asa Tiffiny, int. Nov. 25, 1813.
- SCOTT, Dolly B., Miss, and Samuel Wilson, of Blandford, int. Dec. 19, 1827. [m. Dec. 27. CR2]
- SCOTT, Hannah W., Miss, and Henry B. Wadams, of Blandford, int. July 9, 1827. [m. July 16. CR2]
- SCOTT, Henry, of Blandford, and Eunice Hunter, int. Jan. 19, 1827. [Henry W., of Blanford, m. Jan. 31. CR2]
- SCOTT, Jane, Miss, and Daniel Bartlett, int. Apr. 11, 1813.
- SEARS, –––––, of Sandisfield, and ––––– Knight, wid., ––– ––, ––––* CR2
- SEARS, Hiram and Miss Julia L. Picket, int. Sept. 10, 1838.
- SEARS, Margery, wid., of Blanford, and Isaac Kibbe, of Loudon, Dec. 21, 1788, in Blanford.
- SEARS, Norman S., of Tyringham, and Miss Olive Spear, int. Apr. 29, 1837.
- SEGAR, Ama, Miss, and Hezekiah Thomas, int. Aug. 1, 1813.
- SEGAR, Julius and Miss Abigail Tompson, of Tyringham, int. Nov. 25, 1820.
- SEYMOUR, Bavil, Esq., and Mrs. Statira Curtiss, of Granville, int. Nov. 11, 1821.
- SEYMOUR, Henry and [int. Miss] Jane S. Barker, Jan. 17, 1836.
- SEYMOUR, Henry and Miss Ann E. Carter, Feb. 21, 1839.
- SEYMOUR, Lucy M., Miss, and Dr. Aretas Rising, of New Marlboro, int. Oct. 25, 1829. [m. Nov. 12. CR2]
- SEYMOUR, Mary Elizabeth, of Sandisfield, and Ezra W. Jackson, int. July 29 [pub. cert. Aug. 27], 1849.
- SHALEY (Shaylor), Amelia and Constant D. [int. Davison] Pearl, [int. both of Loudon], Feb. 3, 1805.
- SHAW, Eli and Miss Roba R. Remington, of Colebrook, int. Oct. 26, 1817.
- SHAYLOR (Shaley), Plinea and Miss Hannah Owen, int. Feb. 9, 1812.
- SHEFFIELD, Abigail, Mrs. [int. Miss], and Levi Philley [int. Filley], of Sandsfield, [rec. Apr. 18, 1818, int. Oct. 16, 1817].
- SHELDON, Norman, of New Marlborough, and Elesan [int. Miss Eliza A.] Curtis, July 7, 1834. [Eliza Ann. CR2
- SHEPARD, James L., single, farmer, of Blandford, s. Linus of Blandford, and S. Cecelia Phelps, d. Marcus and Susan, July 4, 1848.
- SHERMAN, Jesse Jr., of Tolland, and Miss Amanda Cotton, int. Dec. 11, 1821.
- SHERMAN, Stephen and Miss Polly B. Bradley, of Sandisfield, int. Nov. 28, 1812.
- SIBLEY, Allen, of Westfield, and Miss Sarah Lloyd, int. Jan. 1, 1836.
- SIKES, Samuel, of Loudon, and Lucy Leonard, of Barkhamsted, int. Oct. 2, 1796.
- SIMONS, Thomas, of Colebrook [int. adds CT], and [int. Miss] Abigail DWolf, Jan. 9, 1816. [Miss Abigail. CR2]
- SIZER, Reuben, of Blandford, and Sarah M. Webb, int. Sept. 26, 1829, "No Certificate issued".
- SLADE, Almira, of Chester, and Jonathan N. Latham, int. Nov. ––, 1825.
- SLEEPER, Henry L., of Windsor, NY, and Aurelia Bushnell, int. Sept. 4, 1831.
- SMITH, Ashel and Miss Fanny H. [int. M.] Higher, Oct. 26, 1814.
- SMITH, Cloa (Smith), Miss, and Zenas Smith, of New Marlboro, int. Oct. 24, 1813.
- SMITH, David H., of Blandford, and Miss Eliza Ann Cornwell, int. Nov. 21, 1842.
- SMITH, Elijah, of Litchfield, CT, and Miss Rachel Webster, Oct. 1, 1811.
- SMITH, Ira and Lavina Hubbard, both of Sandisfield, Mar. 15, 1824.*
- SMITH, Ira 2d, of Sandisfield, and [int. Miss] Lucy Ann C. Dimmock [int. Dimock], Jan. 2, 1842.
- SMITH, Jedadiah and Miss Submit Smith, of Weston, int. Feb. 13, 1814.
- SMITH, John, of Sandisfield, and Miss Persey Philinda Adsell, of Loudon, int. May 10, 1808.
- SMITH, Josephine, Miss, and Jarvis Osborn, of Blandford, int. Feb. 5, 1842.
- SMITH, Lemuel and Cynthia Lamberton, int. Aug. 7 [pub. cert. Sept. 7], 1808.
- SMITH, Lucius and Sally Canfield, wid., of Tyringham, int. Feb. 20, 1813.
- SMITH, Luther R., of Blandford, and Miss Susan Cornwall, int. Apr. 18, 1844.
- SMITH, Mary A., of Blandford, and Ira P. Hunt, int. May 4, 1830.
- SMITH, Nathan, of Sandisfield, and Miss Mahitable H. Whitney, Oct. 6, 1831.
- SMITH, Philo Jr. [int. omits Jr.], widr., 27, mechanic, s. Philo and Bedee, and Harriet C. Judd, wid., 23, of Monterey, d. William Branning and Hannah, Apr. 18, 1848.
- SMITH, Rachel, of Bethleham, and Levi Messenger, of Berkhamstead, Apr. 27, 1802.*
- SMITH, Ruth, of Becket, and Sterling Phelps, int. May 29, 1831.
- SMITH, Submit, Miss, of Weston, and Jedadiah Smith, int. Feb. 13, 1814.
- SMITH, Susan and Marcus Phelps, int. May 7, 1820. [m. June. CR2]
- SMITH, Susanna, Miss, of Becket, and Capt. James DWolf, int. Apr. 4, 1813.
- SMITH, Thankful, wid., of Sandersfield, and Aron Priest, of Loudon, int. Jan. 2, 1790.
- SMITH, Timothy and Miss Amanda DWolf, int. Apr. 27, 1817. [m. May 5. CR2]
- SMITH, Zenas, of New Marlboro, and Miss Cloa Smith, int. Oct. 24, 1813.
- SNOW, Caroline S., Miss, and Ira P. Hunt, Oct. 30, 1842.
- SNOW, Electa, of Tyringham, and Moses S. Baird, of Bethlehem, int. Oct. 16 [pub. cert. Oct. 31], 1808.
- SNOW, Elizabeth P., Miss, of Becket, and Capt. Jonathan Norton, int. Feb. 27, 1831.
- SNOW, Ephraim, of Tolland, Hampshire Co., and Miss Edea More, of Southwick, Hampshire Co., Aug. 15, 1811.*
- SNOW, Franklin, of Becket, and Lydia Olcott, of Loudon, int. Oct. 14, –––– [? 1804].
- SNOW, Isaac W. and Miss Hannah C. Whitney, int. Feb. 7, 1835.
- SNOW, James Jr., of Becket, and Lydia Case, of Loudon, Dec. 9, 1802.
- SNOW, Lydia, of Becket, and Rodolphus Snow, int. Nov. 7, 1819.
- SNOW, Lydia A., [int. Miss], and Franklin D. Gilmore, Sept. 9, 1846.
- SNOW, Martha, of Sandisfield, and Milton B. Fay, int. Sept. 5, 1847.
- SNOW, Mary and Bella [? Bela] Adams, Aug. 19, 1800 [in Sandisfield].*
- SNOW, Mary M., Miss, and Calvin Palmer Jr., Nov. 30, 1842.
- SNOW, Nancy A. and Daniel R. Jones, Sept. 14, 1837.*
- SNOW, Rodolphus and Lydia Snow, of Becket, int. Nov. 7, 1819.
- SNOW, Rodolphus and Miss Catharine Roades, of Becket, int. Dec. 24, 1827.
- SNOW, Susannah, Miss, of Tolland, and David Kibbe, int. ––– ––, 1819.
- SPEAR, David and Miss Betsey Jones, of Sandisfield, int. Apr. 7, 1822.
- SPEAR, Harriet [int. adds A.], Miss, and Ornan M. Gleason, [int. of Sandisfield], May 24, 1841.
- SPEAR, John, [int. Dea.], and [int. Miss] Lucinda Jones, May 1, 1834.
- SPEAR, Lyman and Miss Almira Hunter, int. May 21, 1820. [m. Oct. 4. CR2; Almira, d. Samuel and Hannah (Blair), m. Oct. 4. PR2]
- SPEAR, Olive, Miss, and Norman S. Sears, of Tyringham, int. Apr. 29, 1837.
- SPEAR, Sylvester J., single, 25, mechanic, s. David and Betsey of Sandisfield, and Harriett [int. Harriet] A. Jones, 23, d. Timothy and Eliza, Jan. 9, 1849.
- SPENCER, Artemetia, of Sandisfield, and William Sumner, of Bethlehem, int. Aug. 29 [pub. cert. Sept. 18], 1805.
- SPENCER, Silas C. and Mrs. Polly Oles, Aug. 4, 1836.
- SPERRY, Elisha and Miss Lyda Watos [? Watos or Wates], both of Sandisfield, Dec. 29, 1814.*
- SPOONER, Sarah and Gamaliel Dunham, both of Sandisfield, Feb. ––, 1828.* CR2
- SPRING, Daniel and Miss Emily Loomis, int. Mar. 30, 1834.
- SPRING, Darius and Mehitibal [int. Miss Mehetabel] Jones, [int. Nov. 28], 1812.
- SPRING, John, of Sandisfield, and Miss Hannah Roberts, int. Jan. 8, 1834.
- SPRING, Pamela, Miss, and Roswell Dewey, of Gt. Barrington, int. Jan. 9, 1812.
- SQUIRES, David C. [int. S.], of Colebrook, and [int. Miss] Caroline Frazier, Aug. 31, 1815. [David C. Squire. CR2]
- STEBBINS, Warren and Mary Ann A. Haskell, d. Jearus and Electa (Stratton), Aug. 29, 1843.* PR1
- STEDMAN (Stedmun), Robert, of Lee [int. Lenox], and Elvira Dorman, Jan. 29, 1833.
- STEDMAN (Stedmun), Thomas (Stedmun), of Tyringham, and Salley Marcy, of Loudon, int. Jan. 27, 1805.
- STICKLAND (Strickland), Amelia M., [int. Miss], and Charles J. Carter, Nov. 29, 1837.
- STICKLAND (Strickland), Clarissa, Miss, and Levi Clark, of Tolland, May ––, 1822.
- STICKLAND (Strickland), Daniel [int. Strickland] and Miss Esther Case, June 28, 1814.
- STICKLAND (Strickland), Fidelia and John Hawley Jr., int. Aug. 15, 1830.
- STICKLAND (Strickland), Hiram C. and Miss Mary Curtis, of Gt. Barrington, int. Oct. 8, 1842.
- STICKLAND (Strickland), Laura [int. Miss Lorry Strickland] and Hadlock Marcy, Feb. 21, 1816. [Miss Laura Stickland. CR2]
- STICKLAND (Strickland), Lucinda, Miss, and Wait S. Avery, of W. Stockbridge, int. June 17, 1827. [Waitstell of W. Stockbridge, m. July 5. CR2]
- STICKLAND (Strickland), Lura, Miss, and Nathaniel Marcy, int. Aug. 3, 1817. [m. Aug. 31. CR2]
- STICKLAND (Strickland), Lyman J. (Strickland), single, 42, innkeeper, s. Jonathan and Elizabeth, and Hannah P. [int. omits P.] Hunt, 24, d. Curtis, Sept. 6, 1848.
- STICKLAND (Strickland), Philo [int. adds T.] (Strickland), single, 28, farmer, s. Daniel and Esther, and Harriet N. Norton, 22, d. Jonathan and Ann, Oct. 16, 1849.
- STICKLAND (Strickland), Willis and Lucy Hawley, of Sandisfield, int. Feb. 6, 1827.
- STILES, Elijah, [int. of Westfield], and Betsey [int. Elizabeth] Jenings, [int. of Loudon], May 28, 1795.
- STILLMAN (Stilman), Fradrick (Stilman), of Colebrook, and Miss Livona Marvin, int. Dec. 16, 1815.
- STILLMAN (Stilman), Roswell, of Colebrook, CT, and Miss Mary E. [int. omits E.] Marvin, Apr. 8, 1819.
- STOW, Rachel, of Granville, and Daniel Owen, of Loudon, int. Sept. 27, 1795.
- STRATTON, Electa, d. Samuel and Mary Holister of S. Glastonbury, CT, and Jearus Haskell, b. Louden, s. Philip and Joanna (Brooks), Feb. 24, 1818.* PR1
- STREET, John H., of W. Hartford, CT, and Miss Everline A. Chidsey, int. Nov. 10, 1833.
- STREETOR, John, Dr., of Baket, and Elizabath Rowlee, wid., of Loudon, int. July 6, 1777.
- SUMNER, Daniel and [int. Miss] Clarissa Bettis, of Sandisfield, May 26, 1835, in Sandisfield.
- SUMNER, Sephronia and Harlow H. Bushnell, int. Sept. 29, 1830.
- SUMNER, Thankfull, of Bethlehem, and Elias Humphry, of Loudon, int. Oct. 30, 1796.
- SUMNER, William, of Bethlehem, and Artemetia Spencer, of Sandisfield, int. Aug. 29 [pub. cert. Sept. 18], 1805.
- SUTLIFF, Levi, of Hartland, and Hannah Owen, of Loudon, int. Sept. 1, 1793.
- SWAN, Ruca [int. ? Rewea or Rewca] Jerusha, of N. Sandisfield, and John Morandus [int. Merandus], July 14, 1814.
- SWEET, Adah, Miss, and Asa Judd, int. Apr. 19, 1812.
- TAYLOR, John F. and Calista Sarah Daniels, d. Reuben and Polly (Larkom), Sept. 6, 1834, [int Freedom, Portage Co., OH].* PR3
- TAYLOR, Rufus B. and Miss Alida Gorse, int. Nov. 13, 1838.
- THOMAS, George, of Loudon, and Miss Rowena Phelps, of Becket, int. Oct. 19, 1807.
- THOMAS, Hannah and Benajah Phelps, both of Loudon, int. Sept. 20, 1801.
- THOMAS, Hezekiah and Miss Ama Segar, int. Aug. 1, 1813.
- THOMPSON (Tompson), Abigail (Tompson), of Tyringham, and Julius Segar, int. Nov. 25, 1820.
- THOMPSON (Tompson), Angeline L., of Sandisfield, b. Sandisfield, d. Lester of Sandisfield, and Thomas S. [int. omits S.] Webb, single, mechanic, s. Milo, Jan. 1, 1845.
- THOMPSON (Tompson), Lucinda A., Miss, of Sandisfield, and William D. Henry, Mar. 5, 1837, in Sandisfield.
- THOMPSON (Tompson), Phebe, of Tyringham, and Sherman Kimberley, int. Sept. ––, 1826.
- THOMPSON (Tompson), Sardis, of Tyringham, and Miss Emily B. Bosworth, int. Feb. 23, 1835.
- TIFFANY (Tiffiny), Asa (Tiffiny) and Miss Abigal Scott, of Blandford, int. Nov. 25, 1813.
- TIFFANY (Tiffiny), Mary, Miss, and Matthew DWolf, int. July 4, 1813.
- TILLOTSON, Leverett, single, 23, of Lenox, s. Samuel, and Mary Pratt, 19, of Lenox, d. Horace of Lenox, May 3, 1848.*
- TOBY, Philo, [int. of Norfolk], and Mary [int. Polly] Davison, [int. of Loudon], Mar. 15, –––– [? 1804], in Loudon.
- TOLLES, Abram B. and [int. Miss] Eliza Ann Jones, Sept. 15, 1837.
- TOWNSEND, Cyrus, of Tyringham, and Marilla Merit, int. Apr. 15, 1832.
- TOWNSEND, Lemuel, of Gt. Barrington, and Miss Betsey L. Baird, int. Nov. 16, 1837.
- TUBBS, Reuben and Miss Lois Hills, of Blandford, int. Oct. 1, 1842.
- TURNER, William P., of Gt. Barrington, and [int. Miss] Mary Kimberley, Nov. 27, 1846.
- TUTTLE, Curtis and Miss Prudence Loomis, of Windsor, CT, int. Sept. 1, 1833.
- TWINING, Barnabas [int. Barney], of Tolland, Hamden Co., and Miss Harriat [int. Sally] Phelps, June 25, 1822.
- TWINING, Corentha, Miss, of Tolland, and Lester Filley, Esq., int. Dec. 4, 1813. [Corinthia, m. Jan. 26, 1814. GR1]
- TWINING, Eliza A., of Tolland, and Joseph Kenyon, int. Nov. 8, 1847.
- TWINING, Harriet A., Miss, of Tolland, and Austin H. Ransom, int. Dec. 14, 1844.
- TWINING, Luoisa, Miss, of Tolland, and Maj. Samuel Pickett, int. Oct. 1, 1817.
- TYLER, Malissa and Roswell Webb, int. Dec. 28, 1829.
- TYRRELL, Weltha, wid. [int. omits wid.], 46, d. James Walker and Sarah, and Chester Webb, widr., 62, farmer, s. Daniel and Lorain, Dec. 29, 1847.
- UPTON, Nathan, Rev., and Miss Mary Hayden, of Pittsfield, int. Oct. 21, 1829.
- UTLEY, Thomas H., of Chesterfield, and [int. Miss] Theodotia Knox, Jan. 15, 1834.
- VIETS, Abial, of Becket, and Samuel Williams, int. Apr. 5, 1830.
- WADAMS, Henry B., of Blandford, and Miss Hannah W. Scott, int. July 9, 1827. [m. July 16. CR2]
- WADSWORTH, David, of Becket, and Hannah Rockwell, of Bethlehem, int. Aug. 12 [pub. cert. Aug. 28], 1805.
- WADSWORTH, Judson, of Becket, and Miss Lucinda Lattimore, int. Oct. 4, 1818. [m. Nov. 26. CR2]
- WADSWORTH, Lawton, of Becket, and Nancy Rowena Lawton, of Loudon, int. Sept. 14, 1806.
- WADSWORTH, Sarah M., Miss, of Tolland, and Stilmon Merit, int. Nov. 22, 1827.
- WAIT, Sarah, Miss, of Winsted, CT, and Lyman Bosworth, int. Feb. 16, 1828.
- WALKER, Anna, Miss, of Becket, and Joshua Kibbe, Feb. 22, 1815, [? in Lebanon, NY].*
- WALKER, Diadama, of Becket, and Allen Benton, int. Dec. 25, 1820.
- WALKER, Jonathan and Eunice Richards, int. Sept. 24 [pub. cert. Oct. 12], 1808.
- WALLING, Joseph and Lucinda Waters, Oct. 30, 1811.*
- WARD, Cyntha, of Tyringham, and William R. Buttles, int. Sept. 2, 1832.
- WARD, Eleanor, of Bethlehem, and William Baker Foster, of Becket, int. May 1 [pub. cert. May 22], 1804.
- WARD, James H. and [int. Miss] Mary A. Guile, Oct. 11, 1841.
- WARD, Oliver B., of Tyringham, and Miss Fanny Remington, int. July 30, 1827.
- WARNER, Asher and Freelove Henman, both of Loudon, July 5, 1792.*
- WARREN, Sarah L. and William C. Davison, of Pittsford, NY, int. Oct. 14, 1824. [m. Oct. ––. CR2]
- WATERMAN, Alonzo W. [int. omits W.], single, 25, farmer, of Blandford, s. Eli and Persis, and Clarissa A. Jackson, 26, d. Ezra and Clarissa, Mar. 29, 1846.
- WATERS (Watos), Abner and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Lucy Manley, both of Bethlehem, May 23, 1804.
- WATERS (Watos), Lucinda and Joseph Walling, Oct. 30, 1811.*
- WATERS (Watos), Lydia, Miss, of Sandisfield, and Nathan C. Dimik, int. Nov. 12, 1811.
- WATERS (Watos), Maria, of Sandisfield, and Nathaniel Alford, int. Nov. 11, 1832.
- WATERS (Watos), Robert, of Sandisfield, and Miss Sally Mann, Nov. 29, 1810.
- WATERS (Watos), Thomas, of Sandisfield, and Miss Eliza Davison, int. Apr. 20, 1827.
- WATERS (Watos), William S. and Elizabeth W. Haley, of Blandford, int. Sept. 17 [pub. cert. Oct. 11], 1848.
- WATKINS, Elisha C., of Brighton, OH, and Miss Betsey Kimberley, int. Dec. 5, 1829.
- WATOS, Lyda [? Watos or Wates], Miss, and Elisha Sperry, both of Sandisfield, Dec. 29, 1814.*
- WATSON, Julia B., Miss, of Blandford, and Eli W. Hamilton, int. Nov. 10, 1843.
- WEBB, Aurilla M. and Horatio H. Hubbard, of Sandisfield, int. May 25, 1825.
- WEBB, Chester and Mahetebel Baird, both of Bethlehem, int. Oct. 10 [pub. cert. Nov. 12], 1804.
- WEBB, Chester, widr., 62, farmer, s. Daniel and Lorain, and Weltha Tyrrell, wid. [int. omits wid.], 46, d. James Walker and Sarah, Dec. 29, 1847.
- WEBB, Clarissa, 20, d. Loomis, and William Cornwell, single 25, farmer, s. Chester and Penelope, May 31, 1849.
- WEBB, Daniel and [int. Miss] Lura Bishop, Apr. 20, 1840.
- WEBB, Jane, [int. Miss], and John Oles, Oct. 23, 1843.
- WEBB, Julia [int. Miss Julia S.] and Nathaniel Doud, Jan. 15, 1837 [1838, int. May 29, 1837].
- WEBB, Lorenzo and Eliza Ann Kimberley, int. Aug. 5, 1830.
- WEBB, Lucetta D., [int. Miss], and Calvin W. [int. omits W.] Henry, of Blandford, Hampden Co., Oct. 17, 1843.
- WEBB, Lucy, of Bethlehem, and Jesse Holcom, of Granby, CT, int. Mar. 24 [pub. cert. Apr. 10], 1805.
- WEBB, Lucy M., 34, d. Samuel and Dorcas, and Silas Kimberley, single, 30, laborer, s. Joel and Eunice, Nov. 22, 1849.
- WEBB, Loomis and Miss Emeline Kimberley, int. Sept. 18, 1827.
- WEBB, Loomis and Mercy A. Doud, of Sandisfield, Jan. 5, 1840.
- WEBB, Lyman and Emely M. Cole, int. May 13, 1826.
- WEBB, Melinda and Jonathan N. Wright, int. May 1, 1830.
- WEBB, Milo and Miss Amanda Salter, Mar. 4, 1823.
- WEBB, Milo and Miss Lydia Jones, June 20, 1841.
- WEBB, Philenia and George W. Doud, of Tyringham, int. Mar. 5, 1833.
- WEBB, Roswell and Malissa Tyler, int. Dec. 28, 1829.
- WEBB, Sarah M. and Reuben Sizer, of Blandford, int. Sept. 26, 1928, "No Certificate issued".
- WEBB, Thomas S. [int. omits S.], single, mechanic, s. Milo, and Angeline L. Thompson, of Sandisfield, b. Sandisfield, d. Lester of Sandisfield, Jan. 1, 1845.
- WEBB, Washburn and Miss Thankful Wright, Dec. 1, 1831.
- WEBSTER, Betsey, [int. Miss], and Josiah B. Manley, May 30, 1816.
- WEBSTER, Nira [? Nina] and Chester Burrows of Canaan, NY, int. Dec. 2, 1819.
- WEBSTER, Rachel, Miss, and Elijah Smith, of Litchfield, CT, Oct. 1, 1811.
- WEBSTER, Russel B., of Wellington, OH, and Orpha Hunter, int. Dec. 25, 1824. [m. Dec. 16. CR2; Orpha, d. Samuel and Hannah (Blair), m. Dec. 16. PR2]
- WEBSTER, Wells E., of Lee, and Caroline [int. Miss Fairline] Merit, Nov. 13, 1833. [Farline. CR2]
- WELLER, Mercy, Mrs., of Westfield, and Col. Jonathan Norton, int. Mar. 1, 1817. [Mary, second w., and Jonathan Norton, s. Nathaniel and Mary, m. Mar. 15. PR4]
- WELLS, George M. [int. W.], single, 21, dealer in iron, b. Salisbury, CT, and Mary Ann Wilcox, single, 24, housekeeper, b. Stockbridge, Sept. 9, 1846.
- WELLS, Jane E., 21, d. Miles D. and Eliza, and George Barrows, single, 33, physician, of Taunton, s. Ezra and Rebec, Aug. 2, 1848.
- WELLS, Vina and Richard Moore, int. Jan. 4, 1832, "No certificate issued".
- WHITE, Hellen [int. Helen] M., Miss, and Dr. Hallam C. Champlin, of Blandford, Apr. 21, 1844.
- WHITE, Lansford, of Monson, and Miss Betsey Childs, of Becket, Oct. 2, 1822.*
- WHITNEY, Alice and Truman Fay, int. Mar. ––, 1826.
- WHITNEY, Barnabas and Martha [int. Miss Margret] Williams, Jan. 2, 1816. [Miss Martha. CR2]
- WHITNEY, Eliza Ann, d. Silas, and Charles H. Babb, single, farmer, Oct. 3 [pub. cert. Oct. 22], 1849.
- WHITNEY, Hannah C., Miss, and Isaac W. Snow, int. Feb. 7, 1835.
- WHITNEY, Hezekiah, of Loudon, and Mahitabel Havens [int. Mehitabel Haven], of Sandisfield, Sept. 15, 1790 [dup. 1799, int. 1790] in Sandisfield].
- WHITNEY, James H. and Miss Amanda Rogers, int. Mar. 20, 1814.
- WHITNEY, James Harvey and [int. Miss] Lydia Gates, Nov. 30, 1815.
- WHITNEY, Lucy and David I. Chatfield, of Windham, NY, int. Dec. 2, 1821. [Miss Lucy and David J. Chatfield, of Windham, NY, m. ––– ––, 1821. CR2]
- WHITNEY, Mary, Miss, and Eli Gibbs, of Chester, int. Dec. 11, 1822. [Levi, of Chester, m. Feb. 6, 1823. CR2]
- WHITNEY, Mahitable H., Miss, and Nathan Smith, of Sandisfield, Oct. 6, 1831.
- WHITNEY, Milton and Charlot C. Crain, of Sandisfield, int. Sept. 4, 1831.
- WHITNEY, Paul and Miss Rebecca D. Freeman, of Tolland, int. Mar. 14, 1813.
- WHITNEY, Sally, [int. Miss], and John Bowen, of Becket, Dec. 4, 1816.
- WHITNEY, Silas and Ann Fay, int. Jan. 22, 1827.
- WILBER, Ozni and Rhoda Norton, both of Loudon, int. June 16, 1805.
- WILCOX, Maria, of Lanesborough, and Lester Filley, int. July 26, 1839.
- WILCOX, Mary Ann, single, 24, housekeeper, b. Stockbridge, and George M. [int. W.] Wells, single, 21, dealer in iron, b. Salisbury, CT, Sept. 9, 1846.
- WILCOX, Minerva, single, 21, housekeeper, b. Stockbridge, and Thomas S. [int. omits S.] Randolph, single, 27, clergyman, b. Newport, RI, Dec. 10, 1846.
- WILDER, Dency, of Barkhampsted, CT, and Norman Loomis, int. Apr. 13, 1831.
- WILDER, Grandison N., single, 27, mechanic, of Painsville [int. Plainsville, OH], b. Painsville, OH, s. Thomas, and Esther Ann Alford, 24, d. Roman and Charlotte, Aug. 27, 1849.
- WILDER, Harriet, of Barkhamsted, CT, and William W. Carter, int. Nov. 11, 1839.
- WILLIAMS, Ashel, of Sandisfield, and Miss Louisa Larkcom, int. Jan. 24, 1817. [Asahel, of Sandisfield, and Louisa Larkcom, m. Feb. 24, 1818. CR2]
- WILLIAMS, Ashir [int. Ashel], of Sandisfield, and [int. Miss] Tirza Loveland, Feb. 27, 1812.
- WILLIAMS, Julia and James Culver Jr., of Sandisfield, int. Nov. 4, 1830.
- WILLIAMS, Martha [int. Miss Margret] and Barnabas Whitney, Jan. 2, 1816. [Miss Martha. CR2]
- WILLIAMS, Samuel and Abial Viets, of Becket, int. Apr. 5, 1830.
- WILNER, David H. and Miss Miriam Kibbee, int. Jan. 19, 1839.
- WILNER, Maria, 23, d. David H. and Amanda, and Sedgwick N. Fay, single, 24, laborer, s. Aaron and Polly, Nov. 22, 1848.
- WILSON, Samuel, of Blandford, and Miss Dolly B. Scott, int. Dec. 19, 1827. [m. Dec. 27. CR2]
- WINSER, Alpheus, of Loudon, and Aseenah Clark, of Russel, int. Feb. 25, 1798.
- WINTER, Polly [int. Winters], of Loudon, and John Herbert, of Southfield, Mar. 11, 1802.
- WOOD, Elias V., of Sidney, NY, and Penelope Dimmuck, int. Aug. 22, 1830.
- WOOD, Lucy G., Miss, and Constant D. Pearl, Mar. 13, 1817.
- WOOD, Lydia and John Davison, both of Loudon, June 26, 1789.*
- WOOD, Nathaniel and Freelove Brooks, both of Loudon, int. Dec. 4, 1788.
- WOODWORTH, Randal and Elizabeth Cook, both of Loudon, July 22, 1793.
- WRIGHT (Right), Abigail (Right), of Colbrook, and Joseph Cook, of Loudon, int. Aug. 11, 1783.
- WRIGHT (Right), Artemas, of Winchester, CT, and Miss Corinthia E. Clark, int. Mar. 21, 1845.
- WRIGHT (Right), Cintha, of Loudon, and Asahel Mills, of Becket, int. Feb. 19, 1797.
- WRIGHT (Right), Jonathan N. and Melinda Webb, int. May 1, 1830.
- WRIGHT (Right), Mary A. and John Norton Daniels, s. Reuben and Polly (Larkom), Oct. 6, 1846, [? in Freedom, Portage Co., OH].* PR3
- WRIGHT (Right), Norton and Phebe Langdon, of [int. Tyringham], Oct. 4, 1832.
- WRIGHT (Right), Thankful, Miss, and Washburn Webb, Dec. 1, 1831.
- –––, Lydia and Elijah Owen, Apr. 8, 1762.* GR4