New Ashford Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
Transcribed by Matthew Tooley
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Marriages in the Town of New Ashford, Berkshire County, Massachusetts to the end of the year 1850".
*Intentions are not recorded.
New Ashford Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
- ARNOLD, Harris of Adams and Lydia Nash, int. Mar 2, 1813.
- ARNOLD, Henrietta A., 22, seamstress, of W[illia]mstown, d. Henry and Ann G., and W[illia]m B. Dewey, 27, machinist, s. Henry and Mary of Troy, N. Y., Sept. 28 [1847].*
- AUSTIN, Elisebeth and Esriel Dodge, int. Jan. 9, 1795.
- BABBIT (see Bobbit), Mary and Isaac Sherwood, int. Mar. 21, 1 790.
- BABBIT (see Bobbit), Mehitable and Asahel Jackson, int. Mar. 26, 1793.
- BABBIT (see Bobbit), Naomi of Lanesborough and Ephraim Farrington, int. June I I, 1826.
- BABBIT (see Bobbit), Samuel B. and Anne Tyler, int. June 2, 1805.
- BABBIT (see Bobbit), Stephen and Betty Gregory, int. Mar. 15, 1790.
- BAKER, Abigail of Lanesborough and Benjaman Willar [dup. Benj[amin] Weller], int. Nov. 23, 1788.
- BAKER, Abigail and Nathaniel Burnagim of Lanesborough, int. Dec. 19, 1813
- BAKER, Elijah and Eunice Lewis, int. Dec. 20, 1823.
- BAKER, Jeptha and Amy Briggs, int. Jan. 28, 1798.
- BALCOM, Seth [int. Balcomb] of Lanesborough and Sally Warren, Nov. 29, 1812.
- BARNS, John [dup. Barnes] of Clifton Parck and Hannah Mourhouse [dup. Morehouse], int. May 25, 1786.
- BAXTER, John and Eunice Beach, Jan. 14, 1778.*
- BAXTER, Lyman and Sally Clotheir, int. Feb. 15, 18001 [sic, 1801l.
- BAXTER, Norman G. and Eliza Clothier, Mar. I [sic, int. Mar. 4], 1838.
- BAXTER, Thadus and Mariah Lyon, int. Nov. 1, 1795.
- BEACH (see Beech), Amanda and Samuel Gregory of Lanesborough, int. May 29, 1808.
- BEACH (see Beech), Atwater and Milinda Nash of Williamstown, int. Jan. 12, I817.
- BEACH (see Beech), Caleb and Lydia Gelat, int. Sept. 14, 1807.
- BEACH, Celestia R., 18, spinster, d. Atvater and Malinda, and George W. Phelps, 29, carpenter, of W[illia]ms Town, b. W[illia]ms Town, s. Thomas C. and Lucina of W[illia]ms Town, Oct. 11, 1849.*
- BEACH, Eunice and John Baxter, Jan. 14, 1778.*
- BEACH, Henry and Maria Nash, int. Oct. 18, 1812.
- BEACH, Jotham and Mary Harmon, int. ______ [rec. between Jan. 26, 1834 and Apr. 17, 1836].
- BEACH, Lorany, 21, spinster, d. Atwater and Belinda, and Elihu Ingraham Jr., 20, farmer, s. Elihu and Olive, Dec. 20, 1842.
- BEACH, Tyler and Louis Brown, int. Aug. 1, 1790.
- BEACH, William and Polly Post, Sept. 3, 1805.
- BEACH, William 2d and Arville Mason, int. Sept. 15, 1805.
- BEACH, W[illia]m P., 23, farmer, s. Atwater and Melinda [dup. Belinda], and Deborah Ingraham, 23 y. 10 m., spinster, d. Elihu and Olive, Sept. 20, 1849.*
- BEECH (see Beach), Ana and Ishmael Comstock of Williamstown, int. Apr. 1, 1799
- BEECH (see Beach), Archabil [dup. Archibald Beach] and Rodah Moors [dup. Rhoda Moor], int. Aug. 24, 1788.
- BEECH (see Beach), Gehannah and Cyrus Dodge, int. Nov. 27, 1797.
- BEECH (see Beach), Nathaniel and Lucy Smith, int. Nov. 31 [sic], 1800.
- BIRCHARD (see Burchard).
- BIRD, Benjamine and Lavvisa Spooner, int. Jan. 15, 1793.
- BLAIR, Absalom of W[illia]ms Town and Patience Mallery, int. Jan. 26, 1834.
- BLANCHER, Lydia and Gad Harmon, int. Dec. 5, 1802.
- BOBBIT (see Babbit), Amariah and Judith Brayler late of Savoy, int. Mar. 8, 1801.
- BRAYLER, Judith late of Savoy and Amariah Bobbit, int. Mar. 8, 1801.
- BRIANT, Susanna of Lanesborough and Jeremiah Martain, int. Mar. 15, 1789.
- BRIGGS (see Brigs), Amy and Jeptha Baker, int. Jan. 28, 1798.
- BRIGGS (see Brigs), Lucy and Samuel Lyon, int. Apr. 3, 1790
- BRIGS (see Briggs), Gorge and Enosent Cole, int. Jan. 27, 1794.
- BROWN, Louis and Tyler Beach, int. Aug. 1, 1790
- BROWN, Lucy and Powel Jordon, int. Mar. 22, 1807.
- BROWN, Rhoda and Benja[min] Mason, Jan. 31, 1804.
- BRYANT (see Briant).
- BULLS, Benjamin Franklin of W[illia]ms Town and Jane Sophia Butler, int. Oct. 20, 1838.
- BURBANK, Emily and Sumner Southworth, int. Mar. 13, 1825
- BURBANK, John E. and E. M. Mallery, int. Apr. 17, 1836.
- BURBANK, Mary and Silas Weed of Lanesboro[ugh], int. Feb. 13, 1825.
- BURCHARD, Lucinda [dup. Berchard] of W[illia]m[s] Town and Rice Thompson, int. Oct. 27, 1811 [dup. 1812].
- BURGESS, Jacob of Hancock and Polly Tyler, int. Feb. 19, 1809.
- BURNAGIM, Nathaniel of Lanesborough and Abigail Baker, int. Dec. 19, 1813.
- BUTLER, Jane Sophia and Benjamin Franklin Mills of W[illia]ms Town, int. Oct. 20, 1838.
- CAMBEL (see Cambell, Cambill, Campbell, Campell), Rachel and James Hillard late of England, int. Oct. 25, 1795.
- CAMBELL (see Cambel, Cambill, Campbell, Campell), Alexander and Hepsy Ingram, int. June 13, 1819.
- CAMBILL (see Cambel, Cambell, Campbell, Campell), Abial [Abigal Cambell written in margin ] and Gideon Lewis Jr., int. May 20, 1804.
- CAMBILL (see Cambel, W[illia]m and Thenkful Kent, int. Mar. 7, 1790.
- CAMPBELL (see Cambel, Cambell, Cambill, Campell), Fanny M. and Andrew B. Nash, int. Jan. 1, 1834.
- CAMPELL (see Cambel, Cambell, Cambill, Campbell), Sylvenus and Mary Pettet, int. Apr. 7, 1795.
- CANTRY, Jesa [Cantry, ? Carley] and Martha Row, int. Sept. 4, 1796.
- CARD, Margery and Ebeenezer Young, int. Sept. 16, 1798.
- CARD, Rebeckah and W[illialm Smith of Pittsfield, int. Nov. 26, 1821.
- CARLEY (see Cantry).
- CLOTHIER, Ana and James Lewis, int. Dec. 28, 1798.
- CLOTHIER, Artemus and Lucy Tyler, int. May 17, 1807.
- CLOTHIER, Eliza and Norman G. Baxter, Mar. 1 [sic, int. Mar. 4], 1838.
- CLOTHIER, Jonathan and Amey Pratt of Lanesborough, int. Jan. 27, 1805.
- CLOTHIER, Louis and Uriah Mallery Jr., int. May 1, i808.
- CLOTHIER, Sally (Clotheir) and Lyman Baxter, int. Feb. 15, 18001 [sic, 1801j.
- CLOTHIER, Sarah, spinster, d. Jonathan (Clother) and Amy, and Mason Wood, farmer, of Cheshire, b. Cheshire, s. Nathan of Cheshire, Nov. ___ [dup. Nov. 3], 1837.
- COLE, Cyrel and Contentment Mosher, int. May 3, 1818.
- COLE, Enosent and Gorge Brigs, int. Jan. 27, 1794
- COLE, Lemuel, widr., 59, farmer, b. Rehoboth, Bristol Co., s. Jacob C. and Huldah, and Sarah Eldridge, wid., 48, spinster, of W[illia]ms Town, Mar. 25, 1845.*
- COLE, Maria, 18, spinster, d. Otis and Abigail, and Asahel A. Powell Jr., 21, farmer, of Lanesboro, b. Lanesboro, s. A. A. of Lanesboro, Jan. 28, 1847.*
- COLE, Mary C. and Seymour [int. adds A.] Goodell, Sept. 23, 1838.
- COLE, Otis and Abergail Dewey, int. Apr. 11, 1819.
- COLE, Otis Jr., 23, cabinet maker, b. Rehoboth, Bristol Co., s. Otis and Abigail, and Mary C. Farington, 17, seamstress, d. Ephraim and Lovisa, Sept. 9, 1849.*
- COMSTOCK, Charles of Williamstown and Debory Mallery, int. Jan. 29, 1807.
- COMSTOCK, Ishmael of Williamstown and Ana Beech, int. Apr. 1, 1799.
- DARWIN (see Dorwin).
- DEAN (see Deen), Simeon M. and Matilda Harmon, int. Sept. 11, 1825.
- DEEN (see Dean), Isaac and Ruby [Roby written in margin] Martin of Hancock, int. Mar. 25, 1804.
- DEMING, Francis and Hester Whitmon, int. Oct. 16, 1823.
- DEWEY, Abergail and Otis Cole, int. Apr. 11, 1819.
- DEWEY, Henrey late from Newlebanon and Abigal Kent, int. Sept. 24, 1797.
- DEWEY, Henry and Polley Harmon, int. Oct. 13, 1799.
- DEWEY, James and Chloe Kent, int. Dec. 24, 1826.
- DEWEY, Susanna and William Lewis, int. Oct. 16, 1825.
- DEWEY, W[illia]m B., 27, machinist, s. Henry and Mary of Troy, N. Y., and Henrietta A. Arnold, 22, seamstress, of W[illia]mstown, d. Henry and Ann G., Sept. 28 [1847].*
- DODGE, Cyrus and Gehannah Beech, int. Nov. 27, 1797
- DODGE, Daniel (Dodg) [dup. Dodge] and Marther [dup. Martha] Lyon of Lanesborough, int. Sept. 2, 1787.
- DODGE, Esriel and Elisebeth Austin, int. Jan. 9, 1795.
- DODGE, Hannah and Nathaniel Harmon, int. Oct. 15, 1801.
- DORWIN, Any [dup. Anna] and Peter Malery [dup. Mallery], int. Aug. 5, 1787
- DORWIN, Hannah, wid., of Lanesborough, and Nathaniel Kent, int. Mar. 1, 1801.
- EATON (see Eton).
- ELDRIDGE, Reubin of Williamstown and Semantha Tyler, int. Dec. __, 1818.
- ELDRIDGE, Sarah, wid., 48, spinster, of W[illia]ms Town, and Lemuel Cole, widr., 59, farmer, b. Rehoboth, Bristol Co., s. Jacob C. and Huldah, Mar. 25, 1845.*
- ELDRIDGE, Tyrissa G. of Hancock and Ephraim Farington, int. Oct. 2, 1836.
- ELLIOT, John and Salley Engram, int. Aug. 25, 1816.
- ENGRAM (see Ingraham, Ingram, Ingreham), Hipsabath and Gaus Harmon, int. Dec. 24, 1815
- ENGRAM (see Ingraham, Ingram, Ingreham), Salley and John Elliot, int. Aug. 25, 1816.
- ETON, Diadamy [dup. Deidamia Eaton] of Williamstown and Nathaniel Holdridge, int. Sept. 14, 1788.
- FARINGTON (see Farrington), Ephraim and Tyrissa G. Eldridge of Hancock, int. Oct. 2, 1836.
- FARINGTON (see Farrington), Mary C., 17, seamstress, d. Ephraim and Lovisa, and Otis Cole Jr., 23, cabinet maker, b. Rehoboth, Bristol Co., s. Otis and Abigail, Sept. 9, 1849.*
- FARRINGTON (see Farington), Ephraim and Naomi Babbit of Lanesborough, int. June 11, 1826.
- FISH, Hannah of Lanesborougb and Laurane Fosdick [dup. Lawrence Fausdick], int. July 2, 1786.
- FISH, Stephen of Cheshire and Ruby [int. Ruba] Roberts, Jan. 20, 1804
- FOOTE, Sarah and W[illia]m Skovill, int. Mar. 7, 1790
- FORDICE, Elezebath [dup. Elizabeth Fordyse] and James Whaling of Brandon, int. June 9, 1785.
- FOSDICK, Laurane [dup. Lawrence Fausdick] and Hannah Fish of Lanesborough, int. July 2, 1786.
- FOX, Sary of Williamstown and John Lane, int. Dec. 5, 1795
- GARLECK, Seth of Lanesborough and Amey White, int. May 5, 1818.
- GELAT, Lydia and Caleb Beach, int. Sept. 14, 1807
- GODFREY, Amey late of Hoosack and Samuel Thomson, int. Mar. 28, 1802.
- GOODELL, Seymour [int. adds A.] and Mary C. Cole, Sept. 23, 1838.
- GREGORY, Betty and Stephen Babbit, int. Mar. 15, 1790.
- GREGORY, Izband and Mary Sherwood of Williamstown, int. Mar. 2, 1789.
- GREGORY, Sally and Hall Spink, int. Mar. 31, 1808.
- GREGORY, Samuel of Lanesborough and Amanda Beach, int. May 29, 1808.
- HALE, Fredrick of Lanesborough and Roxey Pratt, int. Apr. 25, 1813.
- HALL, Horace and Zilpha Mason of Cheshier, int. July 24, 1808.
- HALL, Jabes of Mersellus, N. Y., and Deliverance Spink, int. Jan. 28, 1810.
- HARMON, Ana and Wayman Sherwood, int. Dec. 20, 1801.
- HARMON, Anna M., 25, seamstress, d. Nath[anie]l and Hannah, and Milton A. Kent, 23, farmer, s. Milton and Eliza, Oct. 22, 1844.*
- HARMON, Gad and Lydia Blancher, int. Dec. 5, 1802.
- HARMON, Gaus and Hipsabath Engram, int. Dec. 24, 1815.
- HARMON, Lucy A. and Allen Haskel [int. Haskell] of Peru, Feb. 18, 1834 ["Probably 1832" written in pencil, int. Jan. 22, 1832].
- HARMON, Mary and Jotham Beach, int. ______ [rec. between Jan. 26, 1834 and Apr. 17, 1836].
- HARMON, Matilda and Simeon M. Dean, int. Sept. 11, 1825.
- HARMON, Nathaniel and Hannah Dodge, int. Oct. 15, 1801.
- HARMON, Oliver and Amanda Parker of Lanesborough, int. Nov. 6,1825.
- HARMON, Polley and Henry Dewey, int. Oct. 13, 1799.
- HASKEL, Allen [int. Haskell] of Peru and Lucy A. Harmon, Feb. 18, 1834 ["Probably 1832" written in pencil, int. Jan. 22, 1832].
- HATHAWAY, Liddia and George Mason of Cheshire, int. Mar. 11, 1810.
- HATHAWAY, Malatiah and Betsy McFarlin of Adams, int. Jan. 22, 1815.
- HENDERSON, Hannah and Benja[min] Slaid, int. Oct. 30, 1803.
- HENNERY (see Henry), Lucy and Ziba Newton, int. Jan. 20, 1794.
- HENRY (see Hennery), Hannah and Isaac Jones, int. Dec. 9, 1792.
- HILLARD, James late of England and Rachel Cambel, int. Oct. 25, 1795.
- HOLDRIDGE, Nathaniel and Diadamy Eton [dup. Deidamia Eaton] of Williamstown, int. Sept. 14, 1788.
- HORTEN, Diadamy [dup. Deidamia Horton] of Lanesborough and Abel Kent Jr., int. May 11, 1788.
- HOXY, Hannah of Adams and Harbert Mallery, int. Jan. 8, 1804.
- INGRAHAM (see Engram, Ingram, Ingreham), Deborah, 23 y. 10 m., spinster, d. Elihu and Olive, and W[illia]m P. Beach, 23, farmer, s. Atwater and Melinda [dup. Belinda], Sept. 20, 1849.*
- INGRAHAM (see Engram, Ingram, Ingreham), Elihu Jr., 20, farmer, s. Elibu and Olive, and Lorany Beach, 21, spinster, d. Atwater and Belinda, Dec. 20, 1842.
- INGRAM (see Engram, Ingraham, Ingreham), Hepsy and Alexander Cambell, int. June 13, 1819.
- INGRAM (see Engram, Ingraham, Ingreham), John and Sally Pratt of Williamstown, int. Jan. 10, 1821.
- INGREHAM (see Engram, Ingraham, Ingram), Elihu and Olive Mallery, int. Nov. 14, 1813.
- INMAN, Charles and Lovina Roys, int. Nov. 28, 1807.
- JACKSON, Asabel and Mebitable Babbit, int. Mar. 26, 1793.
- JONES, Isaac and Hannah Henry, int. Dec. 9, 1792.
- JORDAN (see Jordon), Aby and Mash Stills, June 9, 1805.
- JORDAN (see Jordon), Angeline, 28, d. Francis and Phebe, and Gabriel Matthews, 39, shoemaker, b. France, s. Thomas (Matthiu) of France, Dec. 13, 1849.*
- JORDAN (see Jordon), Asabel and Hannah Marthews, int. Sept. 1, 1808.
- JORDAN (see Jordon), Emeline, spinster, d. Alfred, and James Ladd, carpenter and joiner, b. Pownal, s. Sherman of Pownal, Vt., Dec. __ [int. Dec. 1], 1839.
- JORDAN (see Jordon), Jennette, 27, seamstress, d. Alfred and Mercy, and Van Ness Mallery, 23, farmer, s. Uriah and Lois, Sept. io, 1849.*
- JORDON (see Jordan), Powel and Lucy Brown, int. Mar. 22, 1807.
- KENT, Abel Jr. and Diadamy Horten [dup. Deidamia Horton] of Lanesborougb, int. May 11, 1788.
- KENT, Abigal and Henrey Dewey late from Newlebanon, int. Sept. 24, 1797.
- KENT, Catharine E., 30, d. Milton and Eliza, and Noble Festus Roys, 32, farmer, s. John and Polly, Feb. 17, 1847.*
- KENT, Chloe and James Dewey, int. Dec. 24, 1826.
- KENT, Lucinda and Nathaniel Sherwood, Feb. 23, 1804.
- KENT, Milton and Eliza Turner, int. Oct. 13, 1816.
- KENT, Milton A., 23, farmer, s. Milton and Eliza, and Anna M. Harmon, 25, seamstress, d. Natb[anie]l and Hannah, Oct. 22, 1844.*
- KENT, Nathaniel and Hannah Dorwin, wid., of Lanesborough, int. Mar. I, 1801.
- KENT, Thenkful and W[illia]m Cambill, int. Mar. 7, 1790.
- LADD, James, carpenter and joiner, b. Pownal, s. Sherman of Pownal, Vt., and Emeline Jordan, spinster, d. Alfred, Dec. ___ [int. Dec. 1], 1839
- LAMPHIRE, Benjamin of Hancock and Abigail White, int. Nov. 20, 1825.
- LANE, John and Sary Fox of Williamstown, int. Dec. 5, 1795.
- LELAND, Lemuel and Olive Powell, int. Mar. 9, 1817.
- LEWIS, David and Susannah Whate [White written in margin], int. Dec. 14, 1806.
- LEWIS, Eunice and Elijah Baker, int. Dec. 20, 1823.
- LEWIS, Gideon Jr. and Abial Cambill [Abigal Cambell written in margin], int. May 20, 1804.
- LEWIS, James and Ana Clothier, int. Dec. 28, 1798.
- LEWIS, John and Salley Osbon, int. Jan. 27, 1799.
- LEWIS, Leah and Sam[ue]l Symmons [Simmons written in margin] of Cheshire, int. Nov. 3, 1805.
- LEWIS, Patient and Robert Morrel, int. Jan. 31, 1796.
- LEWIS, William and Susanna Dewey, int. Oct. 16, 1825.
- LYON, Mariah and Thadus Baxter, int. Nov. 1, 1795.
- LYON, Marther [dup. Martha] of Lanesborough and Daniel Dodg [dup. Dodge], int. Sept. 2, 1787.
- LYON, Samuel and Lucy Briggs, int. Apr. 3, 1790.
- LYON, Sarah and Seth Lyon, int. Jan. 15, 1792.
- LYON, Seth and Sarah Lyon, int. Jan. 15, 1792.
- McFARLIN, Betsy of Adams and Malatiah Hathaway, int. Jan. 22, 1815.
- MALERY (see Mallery), Pat[ie]nce and George Young, int. Sept. 25, 1792.
- MALERY (see Mallery), Peter [dup. Mallery] and Any [dup. Anna] Dorwin, int. Aug. 5, 1787
- MALLERY (see Malery), Debory and Charles Comstock of Williamstown, int. Jan. 29, 1807.
- MALLERY (see Malery), E. M. and John E. Burbank, int. Apr. 17, 1836.
- MALLERY (see Malery), Ely Jr. and Lydia White, Dec. 31, 1812.*
- MALLERY (see Malery), Harbert and Hannah Hoxy of Adams, int. Jan. 8, 1804.
- MALLERY (see Malery), Olive and Elihu Ingreham, int. Nov. 14, 1813.
- MALLERY (see Malery), Patience and Absalom Blair of W[illia]ms Town, int. Jan. 26, 1834.
- MALLERY (see Malery), Sally and Ishmiel Spink, int. Oct. 8, 1801.
- MALLERY (see Malery), Uriah Jr. and Louis Clothier, int. May 1, 1808.
- MALLERY (see Malery), Van Ness, 23, farmer, s. Uriah and Lois, and Jennette Jordan, 27, seamstress, d. Alfred and Mercy, Sept. 10, 1849.*
- MARTAIN (see Martin), Jeremiah and Susanna Briant of Lanesborough, int. Mar. 15, 1789.
- MARTHEWS (see Matthews), Hannah and Asahel Jordan, int. Sept. 1, 1808.
- MARTIN (see Martain), Ruby [Roby written in margin] of Hancock and Isaac Deen, int. Mar. 25, 1804.
- MASON, Arville and William Beach 2d, int. Sept. 15, 1805.
- MASON, Benjaman [dup. Benjamin] and Oleve Robison [dup. Olive Robbinson], int. May 3, 1785.
- MASON, Benja[min] and Rhoda Brown, Jan. 31, 1804.
- MASON, George of Cheshire and Liddia Hathaway, int. Mar. 11, 1810.
- MASON, Hannah and Jabez Round, int. Aug. 12, 1790.
- MASON, Zilpha of Cheshier and Horace Hall, int. July 24, 1808.
- MATTHEWS (see Marthews), Gabriel, 39, shoemaker, b. France, s. Thomas (Matthiu) of France, and Angeline Jordan, 28, d. Francis and Phebe, Dec. 13, 1849.*
- MILLER, Martin of Williamstown and Mary Thomson, int. Mar. 2, 1794.
- MOORS, Rodah [dup. Rhoda Moor] and Archabil Beech [dup. Archibald Beach], int. Aug. 24, 1788.
- MOREHOUSE (see Mourhouse).
- MORREL (see Murril), Robert and Patient Lewis, int. Jan. 31, 1796.
- MOSHER, Contentment and Cyrel Cole, int. May 3, 1818.
- MOURHOUSE, Hannah [dup. Morehouse] and John Barns Idup. Barnes] of Clifton Parck, int. May 25, 1786.
- MUDGE, Polly and James Roice, int. Dec. 25, 1808.
- MURRIL (see Morrel), Betty and Medad Pomeroy, int. Mar. 28, 1790.
- NASH, Andrew B. and Fanny M. Campbell, int. Jan. 1, 1834.
- NASH, Lydia and Harris Arnold of Adams, int. Mar. 2, 1813.
- NASH, Maria and Henry Beach, int. Oct. 18, 1812.
- NASH, Milinda of Williamstown and Atwater Beach, int. Jan. 12, 1817.
- NEWTON, Ziba and Lucy Hennery, int. Jan. 20, 1794.
- OSBON, Salley and John Lewis, int. Jan. 27, 1799.
- PALMER, Aaron and Phebe Thomson, int. Oct. 23, 1794.
- PARKER, Amanda of Lanesborough and Oliver Harmon, int. Nov. 6, 1825.
- PETTET, Mary and Sylvenus Campell, int. Apr. 7, 1795.
- PHELPS, George W., 29, carpenter, of W[illia]ms Town, b. W[illia]ms Town, s. Thomas C. and Lucina of W[illia]ms Town, and Celestia R. Beach, 18, spinster, d. Atvater and Malinda, Oct. 11, 1849.*
- POMEROY, Eunis and Dexter White, int. Dec. 31, 1809.
- POMEROY, Medad and Betty Murril, int. Mar. 28, 1790.
- POST, Polly and William Beach, Sept. 3, 1805.
- POWELL, Asahel A. Jr., 21, farmer, of Lanesboro, b. Lanesboro, s. A. A. of Lanesboro, and Maria Cole, 18, spinster, d. Otis and Abigail, Jan. 28, 1847.*
- POWELL, Olive and Lemuel Leland, int. Mar. 9, 1817.
- PRATT, Amey of Lanesborough and Jonathan Clothier, int. Jan. 27, 1805.
- PRATT, Roxey and Fredrick Hale of Lanesborough, int. Apr. 25, 1813.
- PRATT, Sally of Williamstown and John Ingram, int. Jan. 10, 1821.
- PUTNEY, Nathaniel and Joanah Welch, int. June 28, 1801.
- ROBBINSON (see Robison).
- ROBERTS, Ruby [int. Ruba] and Stephen Fish of Cheshire, Jan. 29, 1804.
- ROBISON, Oleve [dup. Olive Robbinson] and Benjaman [dup. Benjamin] Mason, int. May 3, 1785.
- ROICE (see Roys), James and Polly Mudge, int. Dec. 25, 1808.
- ROUND, Jabez; and Hannah Mason, int. Aug. 12, 1790.
- ROW, Martha and Jesa Cantry [? Carley], int. Sept. 4, 1796.
- ROYS (see Roice), Lovina and Charles Inman, int. Nov. 28, 1807.
- ROYS (see Roice), Noble Festus, 32, farmer, s. John and Polly, and Catharine E. Kent, 30, d. Milton and Eliza, Feb. 17, 1847.*
- SCOVILLE (see Skovill).
- SHADIDACK, David and Orra Sherwin of Lenox, int. Oct. 12, 1800.
- SHERWIN, Orra of Lenox and David Shadidack, int. Oct. 12, 1800.
- SHERWOOD, Isaac and Mary Babbit, int. Mar. 21, 1790.
- SHERWOOD, Mary of Williamstown and Izband Gregory, int. Mar. 2, 1789.
- SHERWOOD, Nathaniel and Lucinda Kent, Feb. 23, 1804.
- SHERWOOD, Wayman and Ana Harmon, int. Dec. 20, 1801.
- SIMMONS (see Symmons).
- SKOVILL, W[illia]m and Sarah Foote, int. Mar. 7, 1790.
- SLAID, Benja[min] and Hannah Henderson, int. Oct. 30, 1803.
- SMITH, Lucy and Nathaniel Beech, int. Nov. 31 [sic], 1800.
- SMITH, W[illia]m of Pittsfield and Rebeckah Card, int. Nov. 26, 1821.
- SOUTHWORTH, Sumner and Emily Burbank, int. Mar. 13, 1825.
- SPINK, Deliverance and Jabes Hall of Mersellus, N. Y., int. Jan. 28, 1810.
- SPINK, Hall and Sally Gregory, int. Mar. 31, 1808.
- SPINK, Ishmiel and Sally Mallery, int. Oct. 8, 1801.
- SPOONER, Lavvisa and Benjamine Bird, int. Jan. 15, 1793.
- STARCKWEATHER, Sarah [dup. Sally Starkwather] and Austen [dup. Austin] Stiles of Hudson, int. Aug. 13, 1786.
- STILES (see Stills), Austen [dup. Austin] of Hudson and Sarah Starckweather [dup. Sally Starkwatherl, int. Aug. 13, 1786.
- STILLS (see Stiles), Mash and Aby Jordan, June 9, 1805.
- SYMMONS, Sam[ue]l [Simmons written in margin] of Cheshire and Leah Lewis, int. Nov. 3, 1805.
- THOMPSON (see Thomson), Rice and Lucinda Burchard Idup. Berchard] of W[illia]m[s] Town, int. Oct. 27, 1811 [dup. 1812].
- THOMSON (see Thompson), Mary and Martin Miller of Wiliamstown, int. Mar. 2, 1794
- THOMSON (see Thompson), Phebe and Aaron Palmer, int. Oct. 23, 1794.
- THOMSON (see Thompson), Samuel and Amey Godfrey late of Hoosack, int. Mar. 28, 1802.
- TURNER, Eliza and Milton Kent, int. Oct. 13, 1816.
- TYLER, Anne and Samuel B. Babbit, int. June 2, 1805.
- TYLER, Lucy and Artemus Clothier, int. May 17, 1807.
- TYLER, Polly and Jacob Burgess of Hancock, int. Feb. 19, 1809.
- TYLER, Semantha and Reubin Eldridge of Williamstown, int. Dec. ___, 1818.
- WARREN (see Worron), Sally and Seth Balcom [int. Balcomb] of Lanesborough, Nov. 29, 1812.
- WEED, Silas of Lanesboro[ugh] and Mary Burbank, int. Feb. 13, 1825.
- WELCH, Joanah and Nathaniel Putney, int. June 28, 1801.
- WELLER (see Willar).
- WHALING, James of Brandon and Elezebath Fordice [dup. Elizabeth Fordyse], int. June 9, 1785.
- WHATE (see White), Susannah [White written in margin] and David Lewis, int. Dec. 14, 1806.
- WHETEN (see Whiton), Lucus and Lucy Worron, int. Jan. 24, 1796.
- WHITE (see Whate), Abigail and Benjamin Lamphire of Hancock, int. Nov. 20, 1825.
- WHITE (see Whate), Amey and Seth Garleck of Lanesborough, int. May 5, 1818.
- WHITE (see Whate), Dexter and Eunis Pomeroy, int. Dec. 31, 1809.
- WHITE (see Whate), Lydia and Ely Mallery Jr., Dec. 31, 1812.*
- WHITMON, Hester and Francis Deming, int. Oct. 16, 1823.
- WHITON (see Wheten), Jacob and______ _______ [faded], _______ [faded, ? 1799].
- WILLAR, Benjaman [dup. Benj[amin] Weller] and Abigail Baker of Lanesborough, int. Nov. 23, 1788.
- WOOD, Mason, farmer, of Cheshire, b. Cheshire, s. Nathan of Cheshire, and Sarah Clothier, spinster, d. Jonathan (Clother) and Amy, Nov. ____ [dup. Nov. 3], 1837.
- WORRON (see Warren), Lucy and Lucus Wheten, int. Jan. 24, 1796.
- YOUNG, Ebeenezer and Margery Card, int. Sept. 16, 1798.
- YOUNG, George and Pat[ie]nce Malery, int. Sept. 25, 1792.
- UNIDENTIFIED, _____, _____ [faded] and Jacob Whiton, _____ [faded, ? 1799].