Lee Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
Surnames D-K
Transcribed by Matthew Tooley
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Lee Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850 - Surnames D-K
- DALEY, Dennis C. and Susan Snow, int. June 1, 1833. [Daly, in. June 16, 1833, C.R.]
- DART, Calvin and Caroline Benton, int. Sept. 4, 1830.
- DAVIES (see Davis), Lucy L. of Becket, and Bradford M. Couch, int. Mar. 26, 1842.
- DAVIS (see Davies), Bathsheba and Jeremiah Wormer, Dec. 26, 1803.
- DAVIS (see Davies), Benj[ami]n of Tyringham, and Thankful Hamblin, June 5, 1800.
- DAVIS (see Davies), Calvin and Hannah Crocker, Feb. 1, 1798.
- DAVIS (see Davies), Hannah and John Winegar, Dec. 4, 1806.
- DAVIS (see Davies), Hope and Lucy Bullard, Sept. 7, 1795 [dup. Sept. 7, 1796]. [Mrs. Lucy, 1795, C.R.]
- DAVIS (see Davies), Isaac C. and Pamelia M. Heath, int. Apr. 15, 1827.
- DAVIS (see Davies), Joseph C. and Harriet Heath, int. Feb. 29, 1824.
- DAVIS (see Davies), Mary and Lewis Hatch, int. Oct. _____ [1780].
- DAVIS (see Davies), Solomon [and] Martha Mansfield, int. _____, 1782.
- DAVIS (see Davies), Tabitha and Peter Willcox, Feb. _____, 1779.*
- DAY, Lois M. and Henry J. Reed, _____, 1835 [int. Apr. 11].
- DAY, Luther of Grenville, and Meribah Smith, May 12, 1799.
- DEARING, Nancy of Becket, and Joseph Kitman, int. Sept. 16, 1831.
- DE FOREST (see De Forrest), Fatima and Carlisle Tilyou, int. Apr. 30, 1842.
- DE FOREST (see De Forrest), Susan and Charles W. Dixon, int. Sept. 20, 1844.
- DE FORREST (see De Forest), Alma and Orrin S. Hatch, Dec. 31, 1843. [Defoerest, C.R.]
- DEMING, Eunice and Philo Ingersoll, Nov. 8, 1815.
- DEMING, Frederick and Elizabeth Ingersoll, Jan. 17, 1816.
- DEMORANVILLE, Abigail and Solomon E. Moulton, Apr. 6, 1828.
- DENNISON, John and Rowena Putnam, int. Mar. 5, 1830
- DEWEY, Samuel M., 22, b. Lenox, of Lenox, s. Erastus and Matilda of Lenox, and Fanny L. Porter, Apr. 26, 1848.
- DEWEY, Samuel M., widr., b. Lenox, of Lenox, s. Erastus and Matilda of Lenox, and Bethiah [Bethia, C.R.] E. Porter, Sept. 30, 1849.
- DEXTER, Stephen and Lydia Backus, Oct. 24, 1794.
- DEXTER, Tabitha and Sylvenus Gifford, Dec. 2, 1790.*
- DIBBLE, Abigail and Benjamin F. Gardner, int. Feb. 27, 1835.
- DICKINSON, Miriam and Stephen Toby, July 7, 1805.
- DILLINGHAM, Sally and Capt. W[illia]m [William E., C.R.] Sherman, Mar. _____, 1805. [Feb. 17, C.R.]
- DIMMICK (see Dimmuck), Lynda and John Norcut, July 4 [1808]. [Melynda Dimick, C.R.]
- DIMMUCK (see Dimmick), Bethiah and Seth Barden, Dec. 19, 1790.*
- DIMMUCK (see Dimmick), Hannah and Ancel Bassett, Apr. 11, 1793.
- DIMMUCK (see Dimmick), Sallome [dup. Salome Dimuck] and William Sturges, Sept. 10, [dup. Sept. 11], 1795.
- DIMMUCK (see Dimmick), Sarah and George Adkins, int. Jan. 20, 1779.
- DINGMAN, William R. of Stuyvesant, and Phebe E. Hinkley, Jan. 1, 1838.
- DIXON, Charles W. of Tolland, and Susan De Forest, int. Sept. 20, 1844 Sarah and Henry P. Cone, June 23, 1841.
- DOANE, James M. and Harriet N. Tobey, Mar. 21, 1843.
- DODGE, Almira and Joseph Bassett, Oct. 2, 1823.
- DODGE, Betsey and Collens [Collins, C.R.] Hall, Dec. 30, 1811.
- DODGE, Elisha and Betsey Crosby, June 21, 1798.
- DODGE, Elisha and Abigail E. Wright, int. May 17, 1828.
- DODGE, Harriet and Noah Rogers Bradley, June 15, 1820.
- DODGE, Miriam and Francis Nye, Sept. 2, 1779.
- DORMAN, Elvira of Otis, and Robert Stedman, int. Dec. 8, 1832.
- DORR, Huldah and James Crosby, Sept. 18, 1822.
- DOTTY, Amasiah of Plimto, and Bathiah Hamlin, int. Dec. 3, 1780.
- DRAKE, Samuel of Grece, N.Y., and Lucy Thatcher, Nov. 17, 1828. [Lucy T. Thacher, C.R.]
- DRESSER, Joel, Dr., of Sangerfield, N.Y., and Sally Whitney, Sept. 5, 18o2.
- DRODY, Eliza T. and Stephen Wrinkle, int. Nov. 8, 1845.
- DROWN, Reuben 0., s. Anah of "Canaan 4 Comers," N.Y., and Martha [int. adds P.] Buckley, Dec. 1, 1845.
- EASLAND, Fanny M. and Beamon B. Moulton, May 11, 1842.
- EASLAND, John B. and Elizabeth H. Eells, Mar. 24, 1842.
- EASLAND, John B., widr., 28, b. W. Stockbridge, s. John and Sophronia, and Amelia L. Bentley, _____ [int. Sept. 11, 1847].
- EASTON, Rachel and Samuel Porter, May 19, 18I7.
- EASTON, Silas of E. Hartford, and Rachel Nye, June 30, 1794.
- EDDEY (see Eddy), Rachel and Rufus Stanton Jr., Oct. 18, 1789.*
- EDDY (see Eddey), George G. of Lenox, and Julia Ann Graves, int. Mar. 16, 1839.
- EELLS (see Eels), Elizabeth H. and John B. Easland, Mar. 24, 1842.
- EELLS (see Eels), Mary C. and Barnabas Hinckley, Oct. 13, 1842.
- EELS (see Eells), John Jr. of Stockbridge, and Adah Thatcher, June 18, 18[0]4.
- EGGLESTON, Truman E. of Tyringham, and Armenia Morey, int. Dec. 19, 1834.
- ELLIS, Manoah of Becket, and Deiadana Perry, Oct. 6, 1802. [Manoah Jr., and Deiadama, C.R.]
- ELLIS, Susanna and Jeptha Turner, Oct. 17, 1805. C.R.
- ELTON, Samuel of Sharon, and Henrietta Gates, Dec. 18, 1823.
- ENTLER, George R., Rev., of Hillsdale, N.Y., and Clarissa L.
- ENTLER, Clark, Oct. 1, 1845.
- EWER, Paul and Susannah Hamblin, Feb. 18, 1796.
- FAIRCHILD, Cynthia S. and George H. Cutting, int. Aug. 22, 1835.
- FAIRCHILD, Emily of Stockbridge, and Lyman Foot, ______ [int. Sept. 20, 1823].
- FAIRCHILD, George and Laura Phillips, int. Mar. 10, 1831.
- FAIRCHILD, Jane and James W. Needham, int. Nov. 21, 1830.
- FAIRCHILD, John and Charlotte H. Alford, int. Apr. 6, 11844.
- FAIRCHILD, Maria S. and Jeremiah Buck Jr., Nov. 10, 1829.
- FENN, John T. of Norfolk, Conn., and Armenia Tuttle, Nov. 27, 1832.
- FERRY, Emmeline of Granby, and Edward S. May, int. May 21, 1840.
- FESSENDEN, Cornel[iu]s and Nancy Ball, Aug. 8, 1800.
- FESSENDEN, Hannah of Sandwich, and Nathan[ie]l Backus, Jan. 4, 1809.
- FESSENDEN, Hannah and Isaac C. Ives, Feb. 14, 1828.
- FESSENDEN, Lucy of Sandwich, and Rev. Alvan Hyde, Apr. 25, 1793.
- FIELD, Matthew D. and Clarissa Laflin, Oct. 6, 1836.
- FINNEY (see Phinney, Pinney), Abraham and Huldah Gifford, Nov. 20, 1794. Beni[ami]n and Nabby Bassett, Apr. 8, 1802.
- FINNEY (see Phinney, Pinney), Calvin and Thankful Bassett, Sept. 6, 1802.
- FINNEY (see Phinney, Pinney), Deborah and Nathaniel Toby [dup. Tobey], Mar. 21, 1782.
- FISH (see Fisher), Jabez M. and Sarah B. Sturges, Jan. 22, 1829. C.R.
- FISH (see Fisher), Ruth of Sandwich, and James Howland, int. Apr. 22, 1816.
- FISH (see Fisher), William T., b. Salisbury, Conn., s. Henry and Rebecca, and Harriet R. Bassett, Dec. 6, 1849.
- FISHER, Benjamin of Sandwich, and Sylvia Thatcher, July 10, 1828. [Fish, and Sylvia Thacher, C.R. G.R.]
- FISKE, Emily of Sturbridge, and Edward A. Royce, Sept. 18, 1836, in Sturbridge.
- FITCH, Lucy P. and Timothy D. Perkins, Mar. 1, 1832. G.R.
- FITZ, James and Mary O'Brien, int. Sept. 30, 1842.
- FLETCHER, Betsey and Carlos West, Apr. 7, 1825.
- FLETCHER, Eben[eze]r and Molly Keith, Mar. 4, 1802.
- FOOT (see Foote), Alvan and Sally Percival, int. June 24, 1798.
- FOOT (see Foote), Anna and Daniel G. Whiton, Mar. 4, 1825.
- FOOT (see Foote), Asael and Anne Abbot, Aug. 21, 1793.
- FOOT (see Foote), Asahel and Mary Smedley, int. July 16, 1828.
- FOOT (see Foote), Betsey and Noah Crocker Jr., Oct. 23, 1806.
- FOOT (see Foote), Calvin and Phebe West, Nov. 27, 1806.
- FOOT (see Foote), Charles and Marcia Hunter, int. May 5, 1831.
- FOOT (see Foote), David and Betsey Hamlin, Jan. 12, 1789.*
- FOOT (see Foote), Elizabeth and Lucius Crocker, Oct, 7, 1823.
- FOOT (see Foote), Erastus and Fanny Amelia Jones, ______ [int. Jan. 15, 1819].
- FOOT (see Foote), Fenner and Sarah Wilcox, Mar. 11, 1779.
- FOOT (see Foote), Fenner Jr. and Cynthia Ann Lester, int. Dec. ____, 1823.
- FOOT (see Foote), Fenner Jr. and Elmira Wright, int. Mar. 7, 1835.
- FOOT (see Foote), Harriet and Zephaniah Ames, Nov. 29, 1832.
- FOOT (see Foote), Jerusha and Josiah Smith, Oct. 29, 1812.
- FOOT (see Foote), Jerusha S. and Jonathan D. Hall, ______, 1835 [int. Mar. 25]. [m. Apr. 9, G.R.]
- FOOT (see Foote), John W. and Mary Chapman, int. Aug. 28, 1825.
- FOOT (see Foote), Lucian and Esther Miner, int. Oct. 20, 1832.
- FOOT (see Foote), Lucius and Lura M. Kilburn, int. Jan. 11, 1840.
- FOOT (see Foote), Lydia and Isaac Bassett, Dec. 29, 1829.
- FOOT (see Foote), Lyman and Emily Fairchild, ______ [int. Sept. 2o, 1823].
- FOOT (see Foote), Marshall and Sarah Cady, int. Mar. 6, 1830.
- FOOT (see Foote), Olive and Bernseley [Bemesley, C.R.] Carpenter, Sept. 15, 1809.
- FOOT (see Foote), Sally and Israel Thompson, int. Oct. ____, 1794.
- FOOT (see Foote), Sarah and Jesse Clark, int. Apr. 6, 1778.
- FOOT (see Foote), Sarah Ann and Harry Chapman, Sept. 17, 1817.
- FOOT (see Foote), Sylvanus and Abigail Bradley, int. June 17, 1804.
- FOOT (see Foote), Thomas and Dama Perry, Mar. 12, 1812.
- FOOT (see Foote), W[illia]m of Stockbridge, and Abia Vallet, Nov. 9, 1797. [Vollet, C.R.]
- FOOTE (see Foot), Edward, 25, s. Lyman and Emily C. Chapin, wid., Oct. 25, 1849.
- FOOTE (see Foot), Eliza H. and William A. Wright, int. Aug. 9, 1834.
- FOOTE (see Foot), Huldah Jane [dup. H. Jane], d. Alvan, and Thomas S. Morey, Aug. 5, 1844.
- FOOTE (see Foot), Mary Ann and Dennis Priest, Nov. 30, 1837.
- FOOTE (see Foot), Sarah and Edwin J. Sherrill, int. Sept. 15, 1838.
- FOSTER, Chauncey W. of Becket, and Mary Z. Breckenridge, Dec. 14, 1843.
- FOSTER, Samuel Whiting of Meriden, Conn., and Abigail Guy Hall, Mar. 1, 1820.
- FOWLER, Levi of Stockbridge, and Silence Chase, Feb. 22,1798.
- FRANCIS, James and Mary E. Keep, ____, 1832.
- FRAREY, Joseph of Becket, and Sally Gifford, Dec. 28, 1798 [sic, 1797]. [Frary, 1797, C.R.]
- FREEMAN, Abigail and William K. Gates, Jan. 12, 1842.
- FREEMAN, Alonzo of Tyringham, and Marietta Van Derpool, _____ [int. Mar. 23, 1847]
- FREEMAN, Betsey and Rowland Thatcher Jr., Mar. 24, 1803.
- FREEMAN, Betsey and Samuel Barlow, Sept. 18, 1837.
- FREEMAN, Charles and Sarah Church, Nov. 30, 1815.
- FREEMAN, Elisha Jr. and Nancy Bassett, Nov. 28, 1805.
- FREEMAN, Elisha and Rebecca Goodspead, Feb. 19, 1828. [Goodspeed, C.R.]
- FREEMAN, Fanney and Stephen Bradley, Oct. 22, 1805. [Fanny, Oct, 27, C.R.]
- FREEMAN, John B. and Emily L. Alverson, int. Oct. 26, 1839.
- FREEMAN, Lydia and John Lee, June 14, 1819.
- FREESE, John Jr. and Sally Starnes, Aug. 27, 1801. [Steams, C.R.]
- FRISELLE, Marcellus M., Dr., 26, b. Peru, of Rockville, Conn., s. Socrates and Mary of Peru, and Martha M. Smith, Nov. 30, 1848.
- FULLER, Amos of Skeenborough, and Anne Huggins, int. Feb. 2, 1778.
- FULLER, Mary Ann [a. 18, b. Northampton, C.R.], d. Ackley, and William H. Rowe, June 1, 1844.
- GALE, Emmeline of Hadley, and Eliel T. Thacher, int. July 31, 1834. [Emeline, and Eliel Thatcher, m. Aug. 14, G.R.]
- GALLOP, Ben Adam and Moselle La Rue Moore, ______ [int. Feb. 7, 1829].
- GAMMELL, Mary, b. Ireland, d. James and Mary, and Patrick Buckly, ______ [int. Aug. 24, 1847].
- GARDINIER (see Gardner), Edward, 27, b. Kinderhook, N.Y. (?], s. Aaron (Gardineer) and Christina of Newark, N.Y., and GARDINIER (see Gardner), Catharine Lawrence, ______ [int. Apr. 15, 1848].
- GARDNER (see Gardinier), Benjamn and Abigail Dibble, int. Feb. 27, 1835.
- GARDNER (see Gardinier), Betsey of Tyringham and Luther Ingersoll, int. Dec. 15, 1798.
- GARDNER (see Gardinier), Elias and Amy Pritchard, Feb. 13, 1832.
- GARDNER (see Gardinier), Hannah of Tyringham, and Levi Church, int. June 2, 1799.
- GARDNER (see Gardinier), Hannah and Luther Ross, int. Mar. 13, 1830.
- GARDNER (see Gardinier), Isaac and Julia Ann Hart, int. Dec. 5, 1840.
- GARDNER (see Gardinier), John of Tyringham, and Delia Childs, Sept. 22, 1799.
- GARDNER (see Gardinier), Lodowick and Hannah Vallet, int. Dec. 6, 1798.
- GARDNER (see Gardinier), Sabrina and Josiah Smith, July 4, 1815.
- GARDNER (see Gardinier), Sophia C. Of Tyringham, and William G. Hall, ______, 1835 [int. Mar. 31].
- GARFIELD, Amanda and Joseph Whiton, Oct. 17, 1793.
- GARFIELD, Caroline and John M. Northrop, Dec. 12, 1832. C.R.
- GARFIELD, Harrison and Mary M. Norton, int. Oct. 13, 1832.
- GARFIELD, Polly and Samuel H. Salls, Apr. 4, 1826.
- GARFIELD, Silas and Sophia Battle, int. Nov. ______, 1807.
- GARFIELD, Sophia and John N. Peck, Apr. 28, 1834.
- GARFIELD, Thomas of Tyringham, and Hannah Merrils, Jan. 25, 1810. [Merrill, C.R.]
- GATES, Henrietta and Samuel Elton, Dec. 18, 1823.
- GATES, Mary and John M. Couch, Nov. 23, 1820.
- GATES, William K. and Abigail Freeman, Jan. 12, 1842.
- GAYLORD, Ira C. of Pittsfield, s. Tho[ma]s A. of Pittsfield, and Matilda Porter, Nov. 28, 1845.
- GAYNER, James, 28, b. Ireland, and Eunice O'Donnell, [int. Mar. 19, 1847].
- GIBBONS, Lucretia A., 28, b. E. Granville, of E. Granville, d. Carlos and w. of E. Granville, and Lyman Smith, widr., ______ [int. Nov. 13, 1846].
- GIBBS, Acschah and Frederic D. Ingersoll, int. May 18, 1839.
- GIBBS, Nancy M. of Blandford, and William N. Tuttle, int. Oct. 14, 1842.
- GIBBS, Sylvia M. of Otis, d. Dwight of Otis, and Alvan F. Bliss, [int. Oct. 17, 1849].
- GIFFORD, Abbigail and Elijah Walter, July 18, 1811. [Abigail, C.R.] Abigail and Duncan Shaw, Jan. 6, 1791.*
- GIFFORD, Ab[raha]m and Deborah Roberts, Jan. 12, 1806.
- GIFFORD, Bethuel and Ann Eliza Stedman, int. Dec. 14, 1839.
- GIFFORD, Betsey and Eben[eze]r Adams, Oct. 7, 1804.
- GIFFORD, Caty and Harvey Osborn, Dec. 25, 1796.
- GIFFORD, Cornelius and Hannah Nye, Jan. 30, 1806.
- GIFFORD, George A. and Lucy L. Mecum, int. Nov. I10, 1843.
- GIFFORD, Huldah and Abraham Finney, Nov. 20, 1794.
- GIFFORD, Jeneverah and John Hale, May 29, 1806.
- GIFFORD, Jesse R. and Julia Videto, int. [Nov.] 15, 1845.
- GIFFORD, John B. of Otis, and Lydia F. Baker, May 1, 1842.
- GIFFORD, Lewis and Betsey [Betsy, C.R.] Backus, Jan. 22, 1797.
- GIFFORD, Lois and Oliver West, Feb. 16, 1832. [Louis, C.R.]
- GIFFORD, Lucretia and Charles Sturgis, Aug. 10, 1836.
- GIFFORD, Lydia and Eph[rai]m Sheldon, May 25, 1794.
- GIFFORD, Polly and Reuben Penoyer, Mar. 19, 1796. [Mar. 29, C.R.]
- GIFFORD, Rachel and Philip Packard, Sept. 1, 1800.
- GIFFORD, Ruth and Benjamin Bacon, May 19, 1814.
- GIFFORD, Sally and Joseph Frarey, Dec. 28, 1798 [sic, 1797]. [Frary, 1797, C.R.]
- GIFFORD, Sarah and Jedediah Crocker, int. ______, 1782.
- GIFFORD, Sylvanus and Catharine D. Bushnell, int. Mar. 24, 1833.
- GIFFORD, Sylvanus and Julia Ann Goodrich, int. Sept. 9, 1837.
- GIFFORD, Sylvenus and Tabitha Dexter, Dec. 2, 1790.*
- GIFFORD, Sylvia and Joshua Backus, Feb. 17, 1803.
- GILLET, Nathaniel of Newlebenon, [and] Sibbel Calkins, int. Nov. 24, 1780
- GLEASON, Asa and Betsey Barden, Jan. 30, 1823.
- GLEASON, Nath[anie]l of Becket, and Polly Putman, June 27, 1795.*
- GOODRICH, Ann Jane of Sheffield, and William P. Bliss, int. Jan. 25, 1833.
- GOODRICH, Julia Ann of Sheffie[I]d, and Sylvanus Gifford, int. Sept. 9, 1837.
- GOODRICH, Lois and Oziel [int. Ozial] Willcox, Oct. 10, 1782.
- GOODSPEAD (see Goodspeed), Rebecca and Elisha Freeman, Feb. 19, 1828. [Goodspeed, C.R.]
- GOODSPEED (see Goodspead), Cynthia and William M. Merrill, Apr. 5, 1842.
- GOODSPEED (see Goodspead), Emily, 32, d. Anthony and Rebecca, and William Sprague, Dec. 28, 1848.
- GOODSPEED (see Goodspead), James and Mercy [Marcy, C.R.] Stevens, July 28, 1808.
- GOODSPEED (see Goodspead), Philena and Thomas Williams, Feb. 23, 1826.
- GOODSPEED (see Goodspead), Uretta and John Bumphrey, int. Apr. 18, 1834.
- GOODWIN, Asenath and William Merrils, Nov. 25, 1807. [Merrills, C.R.]
- GRAHAM, Samu[e]l I. and Amelia F. Benedict, int. June 24, 1827.
- GRAHAM, Wealthy and Sylvester Barnum, Feb. 17, 1803.
- GRANT, Isaac and Hanah Tracey, May 26, 1784.*
- GRANT, Martha and Oliver Wedge, Dec. 20, 1798.
- GRAVES, Agnes V. and Albert G. Jaquins, ______, 1832 [int. Dec. 7].
- GRAVES, Cynthia M. and Amos B. Maxfield, int. Apr. 2, 1836.
- GRAVES, Eliza and Miles D. Wells, May 20, 1823.
- GRAVES, Julia Ann and George G. Eddy, int. Mar. 16, 1839.
- GRAVES, Milo A. of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Martha P. Clark, int. Oct. 23, 1836.
- GRAVES, Obadiah and Mrs. Lucretia Sterling, int. Feb. 17, 1843.
- GRAVES, Sarah and Dr. Caleb [Caleb H., C.R.] Stickney, Nov. 21, 1816.
- GRAVES, Seth D. and Adah C. Thacher, Dec. 10, 1834.
- GREEN, John and Martha Hamlin, Dec. 1, 1789.*
- GREEN, Joseph and Maria Tyler, int. Sept. 20, 1834.
- GREEN, Seneca and Sarah Spelman, Oct. 3, 1832
- GREENWOOD, John and Sally Webster, Nov. 29, 1804. C.R.
- GRIFFIN, Esther and Peleg Barlow, Jan. 19, 1797. [Jan. 18, C.R.]
- GRIFFIN, Marry E., 28, b. Stephentown, N.Y., d. John (Griffing) and Sarah, and Henry Harder, Mar. 22, 1848.
- GROESBECK, [Gilbert] of Stockbridge, and Lucy [Laura, C.R.] Benton, June 22, 1820.
- GROESBECK, Harriet E. and Charles A. McLaughlin, Apr. 5, 1839
- GROUSE, Daniel, 24, b. Germany, s. Casper and Mary Ann dec'd, and Teresa Heiss, Dec. 29, 1849.
- GUILES (see Guyl), Charles of Adams, and Caroline E. Williams, int. Jan. 8, 1831.
- GUITEAU, Coridon and Sarah Squier, int. Oct. 10, 1835.
- GUYL (see Guiles), Eunice, 21, b. Cooperstown, N.Y., d. Gurdon [and] Sally of Becket, and Horace Couch, Mar. 26, 1848.
- HAAS [? Hoos], John of Kinderhoock, and Ficha Howk, int. Dec. 10, 1780.
- HALE, John of Tyringham, and Jeneverah Gifford, May 29, 1806.
- HALE, William of Tyringham, and Sally Crocker, Dec. 22, 1807.
- HALL, Abigail Guy and Samuel Whiting Foster, Mar. 1, 1820.
- HALL, Alma and Enos Olmsted, Feb. 14, 1821.
- HALL, Barnabas and Hannah Phelps, Dec. 31, 1810.
- HALL, Betsey Guy and Lemuel Barlow, May 11, 1843.
- HALL, Collens and Betsey Dodge, Dec. 30, 1811. [Collins, C.R.]
- HALL, David and Phebe Ross, int. Jan. 20, 1805.
- HALL, Eliza and Calvin Twing, Nov. 30, 1837.
- HALL, Erastus C. and Elizabeth Hubbard, int. Oct. 14, 1833.
- HALL, Isaac of New Marlborough, and Eliza Ann Clark, Oct. 1, 1842. [Clarke, Oct. 16, C.R.]
- HALL, James of Dover, 0., and Elizabeth Ingersoll, Feb. 1, 1816.
- HALL, John R. and Hannah B. Chester, ______, 1832. [int. Sept. 8]
- HALL, Jonathan D. and Jerusha S. Foot, ______, 1835. [int. Mar. 25] [m. Apr. 9, G.R.]
- HALL, Jonathan D. and Catharine E. Videto, int. Jun[e] 1, 1840.
- HALL, Laura and Solomon T. Huntington, May 2, 1832.
- HALL, Laura and William G. Cone, Nov. 29, 1849.
- HALL, Lovilla A. and John P. Loveland, int. Oct. 3, 1840.
- HALL, Luke M. and Margaret C. Twing, int. Feb. 25, 1832.
- HALL, Moses, Capt., and Lydia Hinsdale, Dec. 5, 1805.
- HALL, Patty and Nathan Bassett 2d, June 14, 1810.
- HALL, Salmon and Caroline Bills, Oct. ____, 1842. [Oct. 16, C.R.]
- HALL, Samuel B. and Semanthe Hinkley, Oct. 17, 1831. [Hinckley, Oct. 27, C.R.]
- HALL, William G. and Sophia C. Gardner, ____, 1835 [int. Mar. 31].
- HAMBLIN (see Hamlin), Chauncey of Lenox, and Electa Yale, [Sept. 29] 1823.
- HAMBLIN (see Hamlin), Lucy and John Baker, Mar. 12, 1828.
- HAMBLIN (see Hamlin), Mercy and Levi W. Herrick, May 2, 1833.
- HAMBLIN (see Hamlin), Nabby of Lenox, and job Childs, int. Aug. 17, 1800.
- HAMBLIN (see Hamlin), Richard of Lenox, and Ruth Yale, Dec. 1, 1803.
- HAMBLIN (see Hamlin), Ruth and Thomas Chadwick, Dec, 31, 1829.
- HAMBLIN (see Hamlin), Susannah and Paul Ewer, Feb. 18, 1796.
- HAMBLIN (see Hamlin), Tabitha and W[illia]m Bradley, Jan. 3, 1798.
- HAMBLIN (see Hamlin), Thankful and Benj[ami]n Davis, June 5, 1800.
- HAMBLIN (see Hamlin), William P. and Alma Chaffee, int Oct. 23, 1830.
- HAMILTON, Hannah and Enoch Crowel, Sept. 14, 1801.
- HAMLIN (see Hamblin), Anna and John M. Remele Sr., int. Feb. 27, 1830.
- HAMLIN (see Hamblin), Bathiah and Amasiah Dotty, int. Dec. 3, 1780.
- HAMLIN (see Hamblin), Benjamin and Thankful Barlow, Feb. 19, 1795. [Hamblin, C.R.]
- HAMLIN (see Hamblin), Betsey and David Foot, Jan. 12, 1789.*
- HAMLIN (see Hamblin), David and Sally Backus, Oct. 8, 1794.
- HAMLIN (see Hamblin), Deliverance and Ichobud Backus, int. Dec. 22, 1777.
- HAMLIN (see Hamblin), James and Anne Roberts, June 4, 1807.
- HAMLIN (see Hamblin), Martha and John Green, Dec. 1, 1789.*
- HAMLIN (see Hamblin), Mary and Frederic M. Couch, int. Feb. 13, 1830.
- HAMLIN (see Hamblin), Theodore B. and Mary Phinney, Nov. 28, 1832.
- HAMLIN (see Hamblin), William P. and Tryphena Parks, int. Aug. 21, 1841.
- HAMMOND, Charles, widr., b. Albany, s. Gideon, and Symantha Bailey, wid., ______ [int. June 13, 1847].
- HANCOCK (see Hencock).
- HANDY, Anne and Dan[ie]l Parker, Nov. 23, 1797.
- HANDY, Seth and Hannah Parker, Oct. 24, 1803. [Oct. 20, C.R.]
- HANDY, Seth and Susanna Russell, Aug. 17, 1826.
- HARDER, Henry, 26, b. Chatham, N.Y., of Chatham, N.Y., s. Peter J. and Mary of Chatham, N.Y., and Marry E. Griffin, Mar. 22, 1848.
- HARRISON, Henry W[illia]m, b. England, and Sarah Rouse, wid., May 26, 1846.*
- HART, Julia Ann of Sheffield, and Isaac Gardner, int. Dec. 5, 1840.
- HARTEAU, Catharine R., d. Francis and Harriet, and John B. Whitman, Apr. 16, 1847.
- HARTEAU, John and Nancy Amanda Jones, int. June 12, 1818.
- HARTEAU, Mary Ann and Parker Rose, int. July 6, 1821.
- HARVEY, Solomon and Polly Stearns, May 7, 1809.
- HATCH, Edward and Lucy Taylor, int. Oct. 12, 1800.
- HATCH, Lewis and Mary Davis, int. Oct. ______ [1780].
- HATCH, Orrin S. [of Hopbrook, C.R.] and Alma De Forrest, Dec. 31, 1843. [Defoerest, C.R.]
- HATCH, Patty and Joseph Chadwick, Oct. 7, 1804.
- HATCH, Rhodah and job Childs, Oct. 30, 1800. [Rhoda, C.R.]
- HAWES, Ebenezer and Electa Northrop, Oct. 30, 1794. C.R.
- HAWVOR, Samuel and Lois Buttles, June 17, 1838.
- HAYDEN, Philena of Blanford, and Arthur Perry, int. July 10, 1813.
- HEARICK (see Herrick), Charlotte B. and William W. Howk, int. July 3, 1830.
- HEATH, Charles, widr., of New York City, and Maria C. Bradley, Oct. 5, 1846.
- HEATH, George Jr. of Gt. Barrington, and Huldah Hulet, int. June ____ [1819].
- HEATH, Harriet of Tyringham, and Joseph C. Davis, int. Feb. 29, 1824.
- HEATH, Orton and Mary Ann Sturgis, int. Oct. 19, 1833, [m. Nov. 7, C.R.]
- HEATH, Pamelia M. of Tyringham, and Isaac C. Davis, int. Apr. 15, 1827.
- HEISS, Teresa, 27, b. Germany, d. William and Teresa of Germany, and Daniel Grouse, Dec. 29, 1849.
- HEISS, William, 20, b. Germany, s. Anthony and Cecilia of Germany, and Julia Parmejeau, Sept. 30, 1848.
- HENCOCK, Jemininiah of Springfield, and Samuel Wright, int. Dec. 20, 1778.
- HENDERSON, Edward M. and Lydia Bowen, Oct. 15, 1839.
- HENDERSON, Henry and Sarah M. Hulbert, ______, 1835 [int. Apr. 9].
- HERMON (see Hinman), Henrietta A. and Matthew Laflin Jr., Feb. 8, 1827. [Hinman, C.R.]
- HERRICK (see Hearick), Amanda M. and Frederic M. Couch, May 2, 1833.
- HERRICK (see Hearick), Levi W. and Mercy Hamblin, May 2, 1833
- HEWLETT (see Hulet, Hulett).
- HILL (see Hills), William H. and Jane A. Worthington, int. Sept. 16, 1837.
- HILLS (see Hill), Leonard M. of Amherst, and Betsey Hunter, Dec. 20, 1843.
- HILLYER, Miranda J., 20, of Sheffield, and Horace G. Pease, Nov. 28, 1848.
- HINCKLEY (see Hinkley), Abigail and Warren Hinckley, Apr. 21, 1817. [Apr. 23, C.R.]
- HINCKLEY (see Hinkley), Barnabas and Mary C. Eells, Oct. 13, 1842.
- HINCKLEY (see Hinkley), Bathsheba and James Barnes, Nov. 15, 1843.
- HINCKLEY (see Hinkley), Caroline and Horace Treat, Dec. 14, 1815.
- HINCKLEY (see Hinkley), Charles and Harriet Bassett, Nov. 4, 1824.
- HINCKLEY (see Hinkley), Content L. and Thomas Bassett, Jan. 12, 1826.
- HINCKLEY (see Hinkley), Electa and Archelus [Archelaus, C.R.] Chadwick, Nov. 18, 1808. [Dec. 1, C.R.]
- HINCKLEY (see Hinkley), Frances E., 26, d. Warren, and Alexander P. Bassett, Feb. 25, 1846.
- HINCKLEY (see Hinkley), Louisa and Josiah N. West, May 8, 1828.
- HINCKLEY (see Hinkley), Lydia and Nehemiah Sturgis, Nov. 30, 1809.
- HINCKLEY (see Hinkley), Thomas G. and Eunice L. Clark, int. Nov. 6, 1813.
- HINCKLEY (see Hinkley), Warren and Abigail Hinckley, Apr. 21, 1817. [Apr. 23, C.R.]
- HINKLEY (see Hinckley), Bradford and Rovilla Loomis, int. Sept. 12, 1840.
- HINKLEY (see Hinckley), Fanny T. and Alanson Crittendon, int. Dec. 8, 1838.
- HINKLEY (see Hinckley), Joseph and Polly Stewart, Nov. 19, 1794. [Hinckley, C.R.]
- HINKLEY (see Hinckley), Lucretia and Rowland Thatcher Jr., Nov. 28, 1805. [Hinckley, C.R.]
- HINKLEY (see Hinckley), Luther T. of Stockbridge, and Mary Ann Seeley, int. Sept. 26, 1833.
- HINKLEY (see Hinckley), Mara and Tho[ma]s Sturges, Mar. 20, 1806. [Mary Hinckley, C.R.]
- HINKLEY (see Hinckley), Nabby and Nath[anie]l Hudson, June 28, 1796. [June 29, C.R.]
- HINKLEY (see Hinckley), Nath[anie]l H. and Maria Wright, int. Mar. 13, 1830.
- HINKLEY (see Hinckley), Phebe E. and William R. Dingman, Jan. 1, 1838.
- HINKLEY (see Hinckley), Semanthe and Samuel B. Hall, Oct. 17, 1831. [Hinckley, Oct. 27, C.R.]
- HINKLEY (see Hinckley), Silas and Anne Bradley, Aug. 28, 1806. [Hinckley, C.R.]
- HINKLEY (see Hinckley), Zina and Betsey Ball, June 29, 1797.
- HINMAN (see Herman), Dolly and John Brown, Mar. 21, 1811.
- HINMAN (see Herman), Ransom and Polly Battle, int. May 27, 1804.
- HINSDALE, Lydia and Capt. Moses Hall, Dec. 5, 1805.
- HITCHCOCK, Olive of Springfield, and Chester Wakefield, int. Aug. 8, 1829.
- HODGES, Samuel and Lydia Bradley, Oct. 312, 1794. C.R.
- HOLLIS, David and Laura Williams, Nov. 26, 1829.
- HOLMES, Betsey and John Sparks, Oct. 5, 1836.
- HOLMES, Cynthia R. of S. Lee, and Levi L. Hopkins, Dec. 6, 1843.
- HOLMES, Harriet W. and Lyman Sparks, Aug. 22, 1840.*
- HOLMES, Henry U. and Rumina M. Cross, Nov. 24, 1842.
- HOLMES, Huldah A. and William Trumbull Jr., Apr. 11, 1844.
- HOLMES, Susan A., 23, b. Washington, d. Isaac and Loama of Washington, and Eli Martin Jr., widr., ________ [int. Apr. 18, 1848].
- HOOS (see Haas).
- HOPKINS, Levi L. of S. Lee, and Cynthia R. Holmes, Dec. 6, 1843.
- HORTON, Sarah D. and Stephen A. Pelton, int. Sept. 12, 1834.
- HOUCK (see Howk).
- HOUGHTALING, Euphemia J. and Samuel Sizer, int. Mar. 23, 1840.
- HOVEY, Nathan of Newark, N.Y., and Euretta Townsend, Oct. 21, 1839.
- HOWARD, Mehettabel and Isral Smith, int. ________ [rec. between Apr. 13, 1783, and May 26, 784].
- HOWE, Joshua and Urania Stevens, Jan. 14, 1797. C.R.
- HOWK, Amna of Tyringham, and William Blake, int. Oct. 21, 1827.
- HOWK, Andrew and Betsey Mansfield Mar. 21, 1799.
- HOWK, Catharine and William Ingersoll 3d int. Nov. 25, 1813.
- HOWK, Clarisa and Ira McKnail, int. Jan. 18, 1812.
- HOWK, David and Polly Bradley, Feb. 1, 1810.
- HOWK, Eliza B. and Henry Robert Couch, int. Jan. 31, 1819.
- HOWK, Ficha and John Haas [? Hoos], int. Dec. 10, 1780.
- HOWK, Fiche and Josiah Bradley, Dec. 6, 1815.
- HOWK, Hannah and John Merrills, Nov. 13, 1813. [Nov. 3, C.R.]
- HOWK, Richard and Electa Ingersoll, Feb. 4, 1812.
- HOWK, William W. and Charlotte B. Hearick, int. July 3, 1830.
- HOWLAND, Amy and James L. Hyde, Mar. 12, 1807. [Ama, C.R.]
- HOWLAND, Crocker T., 28, s. James and Ruth, and Lucy L. Barlow, Apr. 9, 1848.
- HOWLAND, Experience of New Lebanon, and Samuel Ball, int. Oct. 15, 1826.
- HOWLAND, James and Ruth Fish, int. Apr. 22, 1816.
- HOWLAND, Nabby and Garshom [Gershom, C.R.] Bassett, Mar. 31, 1802.
- HOWLAND, Susan and Marshall Johnson, int. Nov. 6, 1833.
- HOWLAND, Temperance of Stockbridge, and David Barden, int. Mar. 8, 1816.
- HOYT, Charles and Temperance Perry, Nov. 9, 1819. [Hoit, and Tempe, C.R.]
- HOYT, Moses and Susan Couch, Feb. 6, 1823.
- HUBBARD (see Hubbart), Daniel Jr. of Oswego, N.Y., and Harriet C. Bradley, ______ [int. Mar. 17, 18491.
- HUBBARD (see Hubbart), Elizabeth of Hadley, and Erastus C. Hall, int. Oct. 14, 1833.
- HUBBARD (see Hubbart), John Jr. of Sandisfield, and Polly Whiton, int. June 22, 1806.
- HUBBARD (see Hubbart), Joseph B. of Brunswick, N.Y., and Abigail C. Bradley, Sept. 23, 1845.
- HUBBARD (see Hubbart), Margaret G. of Hadley, and Seth Barlow, int. June 18, 1836.
- HUBBART (see Hubbard), Dan[ie]l of Lile, and Fanny Stearns, Jan. 7, 1812.
- HUDSON, David of Gt. Barrington, and Susan L. Tyler, Aug. 24, 1831.
- HUDSON, Nath[anie]l of Grenville, and Nabby Hinkley, June 28, 1796. [June 29, C.R.]
- HUGGINS, Anne and Amos Fuller, int. Feb. 2, 1778.
- HULBERT (see Hurlbert, Hurlburt, Hurlbut), Amos G. and Cynthia Bassett, Jan. 27, 1824.
- HULBERT (see Hurlbert, Hurlburt, Hurlbut), Maria, 20, d. Samuel and Eunice, and Samuel Q. Porter, May 31, 1848.
- HULBERT (see Hurlbert, Hurlburt, Hurlbut), Samuel A. and Mary R. Plunkett, int. May 4, 1839.
- HULBERT (see Hurlbert, Hurlburt, Hurlbut), Sarah M. and Henry Henderson, ______, 1835 [int. Apr. 9].
- HULET (see Hulett), Adeline Louisa and Albert Nash, Mar. 10, 1839.
- HULET (see Hulett), Charles and Anna Taylor, int. ______, 1814 [rec. after May 28].
- HULET (see Hulett), Electa 2d and Joseph H. Childs, int. Sept. 4, 1830.
- HULET (see Hulett), Huldah and George Heath Jr., int. June ______ [1819].
- HULET (see Hulett), Sally and Elisha Whiton, Sept. 18, 1806. [Whiting, C.R.] Wesley and Sally Turner, int. Nov. 16, 1821.
- HULETT, (see Hulet), Electa, 56, d. Sam[ue]l and Susanna, and David Kilburn, Oct. 15, 1849.
- HULETT, (see Hulet), John and Hannah Walker, int. Oct. 22, 1797.
- HULETT, (see Hulet), Lucena and Ozias Judd, Dec. 15, 1796. [Hewlet, C.R.]
- HULL, Cornelia of Sandisfi[el]d, and Alexander Hyde, Oct. 1, 1839, in Sandisfield.
- HULL, Delia of Stockbridge, and Zach Winegar, int. Jan. 2, 1836.
- HULL, Mary of New Marlborough, and Levi Crittenton, int. Sept. 7, 1816.
- HUNGERFORD, James of W. Stockbridge, and Electa Strong, Oct, 30, 1805.
- HUNT, George and Christeen Vandusen, int. Aug. 15, 1803.
- HUNT, Harriet J. of W. Stockbrig, and Charles Bassett, int. Mar. 28, 1840.
- HUNT, Henry J. and Mary Smith, int. Jan. 18, 1840.
- HUNTER, Betsey and Leonard M. Hills, Dec. 20, 1843.
- HUNTER, Isaac and Julia A. Jordan, int. Sept. 3, 1836.
- HUNTER, Marcia of Otis, and Charles Foot, int. May 5, 1831.
- HUNTER, Rebecca of Otis, and Caleb B. Phinney, int. Mar. 12, 1831.
- HUNTINGTON, Azel and Hannah Robinson, int. Oct. 15, 1707.
- HUNTINGTON, Erastus and Sarah W. Couch, int. Oct. 30, 1835.
- HUNTINGTON, Solomon T. and Laura Hall, May 2, 1832.
- HURD, Betsey and Elisha Adams, Oct. 2, 1805.
- HURD, Eli, Dr., of Scipio, N.Y., and Lucy Crocker, Mar. 10, 1823.
- HURD, Rocksena of Patridgefield, and Ezra Loomis, int. Jan. ____, 1803.
- HURLBERT (see Hulbert, Hurlburt, Hurlbut), Lovina and Moses Trim, Nov. 6, 1809. C.R.
- HURLBURT (see Hulbert, Hurlbert, Hurlbut), Edwaid and Sally Ingersoll, Jan. 5, 1814.
- HURLBUT (see Hulbert, Hurlbert, Hurlburt), Joseph E. and Lovina E. Baird, int. Aug. 15, 1835.
- HURLBUT (see Hulbert, Hurlbert, Hurlburt), Lewis of Winsor, N.Y., and Amanda M. Phinney, int. Aug. 30, 1834.
- HYDE, Alexander and Cornelia Hull, Oct. 1, 1839, in Sandisfield.
- HYDE, Alvan, Rev., and Lucy Fessenden, Apr. 25, 1793.
- HYDE, Harriet and Charles Church, Sept. 24, 1821. [Harriot, Sept. 25, C. R.]
- HYDE, James L. and Amy [Ama, C.R.] Howland, Mar. 12, 1807.
- HYDE, Joseph and Catharine McEwen, July 20, 1831. C.R.
- HYDE, Lavius, Rev., and Abigail Bradley, Sept. 28, 1818. C.R.
- IMGRUND, John and Caroline E. Peck, May 18, 1842.
- INGERSOL (see Ingersoll), David P. of Stockbridge, and Lucretia H. Williams, Nov. 20, 1823. [Ingersoll, C.R.]
- INGERSOL (see Ingersoll), Eunice and Ephraim D. Bassett, Nov. 9, 1820. [Ingersoll, C.R.]
- INGERSOL (see Ingersoll), Lucy and Josiah Yale, Sept. 17, 1818. [Ingersoll, C.R.] [Ingersoll, Sept. 18, G.R.]
- INGERSOL (see Ingersoll), Reuben and Christeen Van Deusen, Dec. 4, 1817. [Ingersoll, C.R.]
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Asher and Eliza Williams, int. June 10, 1827.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Bathsheba and Justus Battle Jr., Nov. 21, 1811.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Calvin and Lydia Barlow, Oct. 8, 1789.*
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Electa and Richard Howk, Feb. 4, 1812.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Elijah and Betsey Thomas, Nov. 10 [1808].
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Elizabeth, d. Jared, and Frederick Deming, Jan. 17, 1816.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Elizabeth, d. David, and James Hall, Feb. 1, 1816.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Frederic D. of Chester, and Acschah Gibbs, int. May 18, 1839.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Jared [and] Elizarbeth Nibelow, int. Nov. 16, 1782.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Jared and Maria L. Thacher, Nov. 15, 1832. [Nov. 14, C.R.]
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), John and Sally Squires, July 27, 1809 [sic, 1808]. [John C., and Sally Squier, 1808, C.R.]
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Joseph and Jerusha Nye, July 4, 1825.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Lois and Ephr[ai]m West, Mar. ig, 1806. [Louis, C.R.]
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Lucinda and Thomas Chadwick, Sept. 16, 1799.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Luther and Betsey Gardner, int. Dec. 15, 1798.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Milton and Harriet Church, Oct. 25, 1830.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Moses and Prudence Taylor, int. July 8, 1796.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Nathan and Pally Perry, Jan. 17, 1812.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Philo and Eunice Deming, Nov. 8, 1815.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Polly and Ephraim West, Feb. 26, 1807.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Sally and Sam[ue]l Chadwick, June 17, 1813.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Sally and Edward Hurlburt, Jan. 5, 1814.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Sophia and Lieuman Church, June 17, 1813.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), W[illia]m Jr. and Marcy Crocker, int. Apr. 13, 1783.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), William 3d and Catharine Howk, int. Nov. 25, 1813.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), William and Semanthe Bassett, Jan. 1, 1823.
- INGRAHAM, Louisa and Russell Nugen, int. Apr. 4, 1828.
- INGRAHAM, Submit and Elijah Bailey, May 10, 1836.
- ISBELL, Abner L., 23, s. Abner of Ohio, and Julia W. Bradley, Oct. 10, 1844.
- ISBELL, Nathan Jr. of Lenox, and Sophia Jarvis, June 3, 1823.
- IVES, Isaac C. and Hannah Fessenden, Feb. 14, 1828.
- JACKSON, Joel C. and Lucretia W. Barnes, June 29, 1843. [June 26, C.R.]
- JAQUINS, Albert G. of Afford, and Agnes V. Graves, ______, 1832 [int. Dec. 7].
- JARVIS, Abigail C. and Asa Barden, int. Apr. 9, 1831.
- JARVIS, Alvah of Lanesborough, and Rachel Bradley, int. Aug. 29, 1813.
- JARVIS, Harriet and Joel Bradley, Oct. 9, 1817. [Jervis, C.R.]
- JARVIS, Sophia and Nathan Isbell Jr., June 3, 1823.
- JEFFORDS, Mary S. and William Linzey, int. May 5, 1832.
- JENKINS, Eben[eze]r Jr. and Lydia Smith, Aug. 23, 1792.
- JOHNSON (see Johnston), Ebenezer J. and Nancy M. Backus, Jan. 29, 1834.
- JOHNSON (see Johnston), Elizabeth of W. Springfield, and Ansel Bassett, Nov. ____, 1849.
- JOHNSON (see Johnston), Marshall of Becket, and Susan Howland, int. Nov. 6, 1833.
- JOHNSON (see Johnston), Mary A. of Tyringham, and Abel C. Northrup, int. Oct. 2, 1835.
- JOHNSON (see Johnston), Sarah Ann of Tyringham, and John S. Merrell, int. Dec. 20, 1844.
- JOHNSON (see Johnston), Waterman and Almira Curtis, int. Nov. 30, 1828.
- JOHNSON (see Johnston), William and Lucy Smith, int. Nov. 7, 1829.
- JOHNSTON (see Johnson), Stephen of Tyringham, and Rebecca Clark, int. Aug. 31, 1795.
- JONES, Azuba and Nath[a]n Bassett Jan. 12, 1797 [Azubah C.R.]
- JONES, Edward D. G., 25, b. Otis, of Otis, s. Eber and Betsey of Ohio, and Nancy E. M. Breckenridge, Nov. 14, 1849.
- JONES, Fanny Amelia of Tyringham, and Erastus Foot, ________ [int. Jan. 15, 1819].
- JONES, Helen M., 13, colored, d. Horace and Maria, and W[illia]m H. Ten Eyck, Nov. 16, 1847.
- JONES, Horace of W. Stockbridge, and Betsey Alverson, Mar. 3, 1815.
- JONES, Huldah E. of Tyringham, and William Ross Jr., int. May 10, 1816.
- JONES, Nancy Amanda of Tyringham, and John Harteau, int. June 12, 1818.
- JONES, Sarah Ann of Southampton, and Curtis H. Boies, int. Mar. 9, 1839.
- JORDAN, Julia A. of Lanesboro, and Isaac Hunter, int. Sept. 3, 1836.
- JOY, Cloe and Trial Way, int. Aug. 10, 1806.
- JOYNER, Dimerus of Egremont, and Richard Wormer, int Sept. 16, 1809.
- JUDD, George and Mary Ann Bissell, int. Jan. 4, 1840.
- JUDD, Ozias and Lucena Hulett, Dec. 15, 1796. [Hewlet, C.R.1
- JUDSON, Azariah, Dr., 25, b. Copake, N.Y., s. Hiram and Sarah of Cayuga Co., N.Y., and Ellen C. Lowrey, [int. Apr. 19, 1848].
- KANE, Azubah and Henry Brace, int. Sept. 16, 1815.
- KEEP, Betsey and Rufus Taylor, Dec. 1, 1808.
- KEEP, Harriet and David A. Babcock, int. Feb. 6, 1838.
- KEEP, James and Betsey Turner, Feb. 8, 1814 [sic, 1815].* [1815, C.R.]
- KEEP, John and Abigail Lenester, _______ [rec. between Feb. 20, 1796, and Sept. 6, 1797].* Mary E. and James Francis, _______, 1832 [int. Nov. 12].
- KEEP, Sam[ue]l and Polly Turner, Mar. 1, 1809.
- KEITH, Abigail C. of Springfield, and Lewis Beach, int. Apr. 11, 1829.
- KEITH, Hannah E. and James H. Royce, Apr. 17, 1831.
- KEITH, Molly and Eben[eze]r Fletcher, Mar. 4, 1802.
- KELLOGG, Austin D. of Hinsdale, and Nancy Ann Cross, int. Mar. 9, 1838.
- KELLOGG, Jeptha and Amelia McKnight, Nov. 15, 1826. [Jephtha, C.R.]
- KELLOGG, Thalia and Ezra Osborn, Feb. 22, 1821.
- KELLOGG, Wealthy A. and Abijah M. Squier, Feb. ____, 1842.
- KEYES, Veranus and Mary G. Lewis, int. Oct. 20, 1832.
- KILBORN (see Kilburn), Elijah and Lydia Tooley, Jan. 3, 1799. [Elisha Kilburn, C.R.]
- KILBURN (see Kilborn), David, widr., 69, of Elba, N.Y., s. Richard and Mercy, and Electa Hulett, Oct. 15, 1849.
- KILBURN (see Kilborn), Lura M. and Lucius Foot, int. Jan. 11, 1840.
- KILBURN (see Kilborn), Lydia E. of Tyringham, and Edward Smith, int. Aug. 17, 1839.
- KINGSLEY, Oliver B. of Mexico, N.Y., and Laura Barden, June 14, 1836.
- KINGSLEY, Polly and Levi Nye Jr., Jan. 4, 1803, [Jan. 6, C.R.]
- KIRK, Henry and Anne Ward, int. May 11, 1828.
- KIRK, Henry and Mary Vetito, int. Oct. 7, 1837
- KITMAN, Joseph and Nancy Dearing, int. Sept. 16, 1831.
- KNAPP, Henry and Jerusha, Snow, int. Apr. 23, 1831.
- KYLE, Hannah A. Of Chester, d. ________ of Chester, and George R. Sturges, widr., June 29, 1847.