Lee Massachusetts Death Records to 1850
Surnames I-Z
Transcribed by Matthew Tooley
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Death records for the Town of Lee, Berkshire County, Massachusetts to the end of the year 1850.
Death records extracted from the "Vital records of Lee, Massachusetts To The Year 1850", Published By The New-England Historic Genealogical Society, At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund, Boston, Mass.
Lee Massachusetts Death Records to 1850 - Surnames I-Z
- INGERSOL (see Ingersoll), Lydia, d. W[illia]m Jr., Aug. 12, 1806. [Ingersoll, d. Maj. W[illia]m, a. 22 y. 9 m., C.R.
- INGERSOL (see Ingersoll), Nabby, w. John, June 11, 1806. [a. 25, C.R.] [Abigail, in 26th y., G.R.]
- INGERSOL (see Ingersoll), Rhoda, d. Jared, Mar. 8, 1816, a. 19. [Ingersoll, C.R.] [d. Jared and Elizabeth, a. 18, G.R.]
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Caroline, b. Schoharie, N.Y., d. Ebenezer K. dec'd, consumption, Feb. 9, 1845, a. 30. David, Dea., old age, Jan. 26, 1839, [a] 79.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Elizabeth, w. Jared, Mar. 25, 1824, a. 59. [a. 60, G.R.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Eunice, w. Moses, Nov. 19, 1785, in 50th y. [This entry marked "Error-Eunice Ingersoll died Nov. 19, 1795 in her 51st year."] [Ingersol, C.R.] [Nov. 19, 1795, in 51st y., G.R.]
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Jared, June 1, 1825, a. 67. [a. 68, G.R.]
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Lucinda, d. W[illia]m Esq., Feb. 22, 1800, in 36th y. C.R. [d. William Esq. and Lydia, G.R.]
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Lydia, w. W[illia]m Esq., June 2, 1804, a. 75. [Ingersol, a. 75 y. 8 m., G.R.]
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Mary, Dec. 15, 1807, a. 43. [w. Elijah, C.R.] [Dec. 16, G.R.]
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Moses, Sept. 9, 1813. [a. 65, C.R. G.R.]
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Prudence, old age, Jan. 16, 1841, [a] 82. [w. Moses, G.R.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Sarah, Aug. 31, 1837, a. 77. [w. Dea. David, Aug, 30, G.R.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), William Esq., Aug. 10, 1815. ["one of the first settlers of this town," a. 91 y. 4 m., C.R.]
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), _______, ch. Elijah, May __, 1805.
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), Seth, Jan. 16, 1814. [a. 1 y. 7 m., C.R.]
- INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), _______, s. David Jr., May 21, 1833, a. 9. C.R. [Charles C., s. David and Martha, a. 8 y. 9 m., G.R.]
- IRVING (see Erving).
- ISBELL, Julia, w. Abner, ulcerated tumor of neck, Dec. 13, 1848. a. 26. [w. Abner L., G.R.]
- ISBELL, _______, inf. Abner, Apr. 18, 1825.
- ISBELL, _______, Mrs., Aug. 23, 1829, [a.] 32. [wid. Abner, C.R.]
- IVES, Cornelius F., s. Isaac C. and Nancy, inflamation of the bowels, Sept 2, 1845, a. 16 y. 9 m. 25 d. [s. Isaac C. and Hannah, G.R.]
- IVES, Sarah, ch. Oliver and Sarah, Feb. 20, 1808.
- JACKSON, Asher Webster, colored, s. Dinah, drowned, July 4, 1820, a. 12. C.R.
- JACKSON, Betsey, Feb. 11, 1842, [a.] 60.
- JACKSON, Lucretia, b. Dalton, w. Joel, "Pericarditis," Aug. 27, 1848, a. 22. [w. Joel C., G.R.]
- JAFFRIES, Esther, Dec. 11, 1815. [Jaffers, a. 10, C.R.]
- JANES, Priscilla, old age, Mar. 14, 1839, [a.] 84.
- JARVIS, Abigail, old age, Dec. 26, 1839, [a.] 74. [w. Dr. Joseph "late of Lanesboro, " a. 76, G.R.
- JARVIS, _______, ch. Alva, Sept. 26, 1815. [a.1, C.R.]
- JEFFORDS, Clark, marasmus, July 21, 1842, a. 40.
- JEFFORDS, Rachel, phthisis, July 27, 1838, a. 61.
- JEFFRIES (see Jaffries).
- JENKINS (see Jinkins), Edwin N., b. Wolcott, N.Y., s. Robert H. and Rhoda H., drowned, July 1, 1848, a. 16.
- JENKINS (see Jinkins), Elisabeth, wid. Ebenezer of Barnstable, Oct. 28, 1788, a, 91. G.R.
- JENKINS (see Jinkins), _______, ch. W., July 21, 1841, [a.) 3 m. [James H., s. William and Abbey, July 20, G.R.]
- JINKINS (see Jenkins), _______, inf. Eben[eze]r Jr., May 31, 1808. [Jenkins, C.R.]
- JOHNS, _______, w. Silas, puerperal fever, Aug. 9, 1847.
- JOHNSON, Ebenezer J., phthisis, May 10, 1837, a. 27. [Ebenezer Joy, G.R.]
- JOHNSON, Hannah, colored, paralysis, May 19, 1837, a. 27.
- JOHNSON, Hannah Eliza, d. Marshal, Sept. 2, 1836, [a.] 8 m. [d. Marshal and Susan, a. 8 m. 10 d., G.R.
- JOHNSON, Julia, Mrs., phthisis, Aug. 8, 1832, [a.] 34. [w. Isaac of Catskill, C.R.] [w. Isaac W., G.R.
- JOHNSON, _______, inf. Maria, Feb.7, 1821.
- JOHNSON, _______, inf. Ezekiel, Mar. 26, 1827.
- JONES, Joseph of Sandwich, "in a fit of drunkenness," May 13, 1796, a. abt. 47. C.R.
- JONES, _______, "Daughter of Mr. Jones Capestreet," scarlet fever, Sept. 3, 1844, a. 2.
- JUDD, Bela Jr., s. Bela and Patty, Aug. 8, 1833, a. 4. G.R.
- JUDD, Eliza, d. Bela and Patty, Oct. 8, 1824, a. 2. G.R.
- JUDD, Nelson, s. Judson and Corintha A., July 23, 1847, a. 13 m. 4 d, G.R.
- JUDD, _______, ch. G. A., Sept. 9, 1841, [a.] 3 w. [George, s. George B. and Maryann, Sept. 8, a. 23 d., G.R.]
- KANE, Peter, Apr. 17, 1835, [a.] 34.
- KEEP, Alvan, consumption, Oct. 24, 1841, [a.] 25, in Fairhaven, Conn.
- KEEP, Caroline C. Phelps, w. Alvan, Feb. 23, 1839, a. 24. G.R.
- KEEP, Charlotte P., consumption, Feb. 26, 1840, [a.] 25.
- KEEP, Elizabeth, w. John, Feb. 20, 1796. [in 40th y., C.R.]
- KEEP, Elvira, b. S. Lee, d. James and w., consumption, Nov. 25, 1845, a. 22. [Alvira, Nov. 24,. G.R.
- KEEP, John, old age, Oct. 25, 1838, a. 85.
- KEEP, Lester, s. James, May 21, 1825, [a.] 5. [drowned, C.R.] [May 20, a. 5 y. 2 m., G.R.
- KEEP, Lois, Apr, 3, 1822, [a.] 4. [Louis, d. James, C.R.
- KEEP, Louisa, d. Sam[ue]l, Mar. 27, 1831, [a.] 8. [d. Samuel and Mary, G.R.
- KEEP, Maria, d. Jabez and Sarah, bowel complaint, Sept. 11, 1849, a. 3 m. 11 d.
- KEEP, Mary, Mrs., Dec. 2, 1830, [a.] 40. [Polly, w. Samuel, Dec. 22, a. 41, C.R.] [Dec. 21, a. 40, G.R.
- KEEP, _______, inf. s. John, Feb. 11, 1796. C.R.
- KEEP, _______, ch. Sam[ue]l, Dec. 24, 1813. [inf. s. Samuel and Polly, Dec. 23, 1814, G.R.]
- KEEP, _______, inf. Samuel, Feb. 5, 1816. [a. 4 m., C.R.] [Alvan, s. Samuel and Polly, a. 4 m., G.R.
- KEEP, _______, ch. James, Feb. 17, 1823, [a.] 1. [James H., a. 2 y. 3 m., G.R.]
- KEEP, _______, ch. James, Feb. 26, 1826, [a.] 1. [Marietta, G.R.]
- KEEP, _______, ch. Jabez and w., Dec. 19, 1847, a. 2.
- KELLOGG, Lois, d. Dea. Oliver, Sept. 17, 1824, [a.] 23, [Louis, C.R.
- KELLOGG, Mary, old age, Feb. 15, 1833, [a.] 70. [Mary, wid., Feb. 14, C.R.] [w. Dea. Oliver, Feb. 14, G.R.
- KELLOGG, Oliver, Dea., suddenly, Feb. 26, 1830, [a.] 69. [a. 68, C.R. G.R.]
- KIRK, Anna, phthisis, Apr. 2, 1837, a. 26. G.R. [w. Henry, Apr. 1, G.R.]
- KIRK, Jane Maria, d. H., May 15, 1834, [a.] 2 y. 6 m. [d. Henry and Anna, May 14, G.R.
- KIRK, Mary Angeline, d. Henry, June 25, 1835, [a.] 6. [d. Henry and Anna, June 24, a. 5 y. 9 m., G.R.] _______, ch. Henry, June 26, 1838.
- KITTREDGE, Polly, Sept 16, 1831 [a.] 62. [Kitteredge C.R.] [Mary Kittrege, a. 61, G.R.]
- KNAPP, Charlotte Augusta, d. H., Feb. 2, 1840, [a.] 10 m. [d. Henry and Jerusha, G.R.]
- KNIGHT, _______, twin [dup. omits twin] inf. Sam[ue]l, Feb. 6, 1828.
- LAFFLIN (see Laflin), _______, ch. Winthrop, Feb. 25, 182 1, [a.] 8 m. [Laflan, C.R.]
- LAFLIN (see Lafflin), Adelaide, ch. C., croup, Mar. 17, 1839, [a.] 3. [d. Cutler and Mary B., G.R.]
- LAFLIN (see Lafflin), George Winthrop, ch. Winthrop and Fanny (Loomis), Feb. 25, 1821, in Southwick.
- LAFLIN (see Lafflin), Harriet Maria, ch. Winthrop and Fanny (Loomis), Oct.__, 1823. [Oct. 13, C.R.] [Oct. 13, a. 7 W., G.R.
- LAFLIN (see Lafflin), Henrietta A., suddenly, Feb. 12, 1834, [a.] 28, in Canton. [Henrietta Armenia Lafflin, w. Matthew, d. Ransom Hinman and Mary, a. 27, in Canton, Conn., G.R.
- LAFLIN (see Lafflin), _______, inf. Winthrop, Oct. 13, 1823.
- LAMPHIER, _______, ch. Arnold and Anne, _______.
- LATHROP (see Lothrop).
- LEFFINGWELL, Eleanor, consumption, Apr. 30, 1842, a. 23 [Eleanor F., d. Joseph and Sarah, G.R.]
- LEFFINGWELL, Eliza, phthisis, Sept. 23, 1832, [a.] 33.
- LEFFINGWELL, Joel, suddenly, May 5, 1841, [a.] 21. [s. Joseph and Sarah, G.R.]
- LENT, Charles M., b. Fishkill, N.Y., s. Isaac and Elizabeth, diarrhoea, Sept. 7, 1849, a. 1 y, 7 m, 17 d. [s. Rev. Isaac H. and Elizabeth P., a. 1 y. 5 m, 16 d., G.R.]
- LEONARD, Elijah, Aug. 21, 1822, [a.] 69.
- LEONARD, Henry, Dec. 17, 1815. [a. 18, C.R.] [s. Elijah and Hannah, Dec. 16, a. 18, G.R.] Sibyl Hurd, w. Stephen, July 19, 1787, in 24th y. G.R Stephen Jr., May _______, 1787. G.R.
- LESTER, Elizabeth, Mar. 27, 1829, [a.) 29. [Elizabeth D., C.R.)
- LEWIS, Cornelius, Dec. 6, 1826, [a.] 5. [Cornelius Bassett, s. Experience, wid., C.R.] [s. Horace and Experience, "instantly killed in consequence of the falling of a Cart Body," a. 5 y. 1 m., G.R.
- LEWIS, Horace H., "Killed in Powder Mill," Dec. 27, 1824, [a.] 27. [Dec. 27, 1825, in 29th y., G.R.]
- LIBBERTY, Joseph, Indian, May 4, 1809. [Liberty, drowned, a. abt. 55, C.R.]
- LINCOLN, Lucy Ann Maria, d. F.E., Jan. 12, 1836, [a.] 2.
- LINDSEY, Edward, brother of W[illia]m (Linsly), fit, Dec. 28, 1846, a. 26, in Chatham, N.Y.
- LINDSEY, Elizabeth, b. Pittsfield, pauper, w. Edward, consumption, Nov. 9, 1844, a. 21.
- LINDSEY, Elvira, d. W[illia]m and Elivira, lung fever, Apr. 15, 1845, a. 4.
- LINSTED, Armah Mary, d. Alfred P. and Mary, measles, Aug. 30, 1849, a. 1 y. 7 m.
- LITTLE, Dwight Smith, s. Sally, canker rash, Aug. 23, 1842, a. 2 y. 9 m.
- LITTLE, John, Sept. 19, 1840, [a.] 73.
- LOTHROP, _______, ch. Ancel, Nov. 28, 1813. [Lathrop, C.R.]
- LOVELL, Zacheas, Aug. 27, 1827, a. 55. [Zaccheus, C.R.]
- LOWRIE, Sarah M., Oct. 20, 1835, [a.] 28.
- LYON, Dolly Ann, fever, Dec. 21, 1834, [a.] 24.
- MANCHESTER, Jonathan, Dec. 28, 1823, [a.] 66.
- MANCHESTER, _______, inf. Benjamin, May 28, 1825.
- MANLEY, _______, inf. John, Sept. 24, 1824.
- MANSFIELD, Mary, Feb. 17, 1842, [a.] 16.
- MARBLE, John, "a State Pauper," cancer and old age, Oct. 18, 1842, a. 90.
- MARSH, Reuben, "Revolutioner," old age, Mar. 9, 1843, a. 85. [a. 84 y. 6 m., G.R.]
- MARSH, _______, d. Reuben, June 4, 1813 [a. 2, C.R.]
- MARTIN, Abigail, wid., palsy, Aug. 5, 1847, a. 58. [w. Thomas J., a. 59, G.R.]
- MARTIN, Tho[ma]s J., "D. T.," Oct. 2, 1841, [a.] 55. [Oct. 1, a. 55 y. 9 M., G.R.]
- MATTHEWS, Maria, b. Sheffield, w. Elijah, consumption, Sept. 27, 1845, a. 23.
- MAY, Clarissa B., d. Sylvester S. and Marietta, croup, Dec. 14, 1847, a. 6 y. 10 m. 27 d. [Clara B., G.R.
- MAY, Ellen, d. Edward S. and Emeline, dropsy on the brain Sept. 18 [1846], a. 5 James B., Mar. 15, 1846. G.R Jane Spencer, b. Putney, Vt., d. Huntington and Clarissa, disease of the heart, Mar. 15, 1846, a. 38.
- MAY, _______, inf. David S., July 20, 1843.
- McALLISTER, Mary, d. J., Sept. 6, 1839, [a.] 14. [d. John and Cynthia, a. 15, G.R.]
- MCCOY, Harriet Josephine, ch. Samuel and Harriet, Sept. 8, 1845.
- MCCOY, Josiah, palsy, Sept. 17, 1834, [a.] 72. [a. 69 y. 8 m., G.R.]
- MCDOWAL (see McDowell), _______, drowned, Oct.__, 1845, a. 4.
- MCDOWELL (see McDowal), Marshal H., s. Robert L. and Deborah, drowned, July 19, 1845, a. 2 y. 9 m. 13 d. G.R.
- MCDOWELL (see McDowal), ______, ch. R., Nov. 22, 1841, [a.] 2. [Mary Adelaide, d. Robert L. and Deborah, a. 2 y. 2 m. 28 d., G.R.]
- MEAD, Mary, old age, Aug. 16, 1832, [a.] 77. [Mary, wid., a. 78, C.R.] [Meads, w. John, a. 78, G.R.]
- MERRELL (see Merrill), Abijah, Capt., Feb. 20, 1823, [a.] 88. [Merrill, C.R.] [in 88th y., G.R.]
- MERRELL (see Merrill), Hannah, w. Abijah, Dec. 4, 1827, a. 77. G.R.
- MERRELL (see Merrill), Orson, s. William, Mar. 5, 1816, a. 9 m. [Merrill, C.R.] [s. William and Asenath H., G.R.]
- MERRELL (see Merrill), Truman, congestion of the brain, Aug. 13, 1846, a. 33. [a. 32, G.R.]
- MERRELL (see Merrill), _______, inf. Abijah Jr., Feb.16, 1817. [Merrill, C.R.] [Abijah 3d, Abijah and Anna, a. 5 m., G.R.
- MERRELL (see Merrill), _______, d. Abijah Jr., Dec. 17, 1818, a. 1. [Merrill, C.R.] [Harriet A., a. 13 m., G.R.
- MERRELL (see Merrill), _______, inf. Abijah Esq., Feb. 13, 1826. [Merrill, Feb. 19, a. 6 m., C.R.]
- MERRELL (see Merrill), _______, s. Truman and Lucy M., May 25, 1842, a. 7 w. G.R.
- MERRELL (see Merrill), _______, wid. Truman, consumption, Sept. 23 [1846], a. 30. [Lucy M., a. 31 y. 6 m., G.R.]
- MERRILL (see Merrell), Arvid, cholera, Aug. 18, 1834, [a.] 36. [Aug. 20, G.R.
- MERRILL (see Merrell), Caroline, Sept. 11, 1839, [a.] 19. [Caroline A. Merrell, only d. W[illia)m and Asenath H., a. 19 y. 8 m. 5 d., G.R.]
- MERRILL (see Merrell), _______, ch. Arvid, Sept. __, 1832. [Merrils, C.R.] [Samuel, s. Arvid and Lydia, Sept. 20, a. 5 m. 15 d., G.R.]
- MERRIT (see Merritt), Corydon, typhus fever, Oct. 14, 1830, [a.] 32. [Merit, "a stranger," C.R.] [Cornbury, G.R.]
- MERRITT (see Merrit), Mary, Dec. 16, 1831, [a.] 82. [Merit, Dec. 15, C.R.] [Mrs. Mary Merrit, Dec. 15, G.R.]
- MILLER, Eliza, colored, phthisis, Sept__, 1832, [a.] 15. [Sept. 5, a. 16, C.R.]
- MILLER, Ellen Jane, colored, d. John, Apr. 25, 1837, a. 16 m.
- MILLER, Fanny, colored, phthisis, July 3, 1832, [a.] 11.
- MILLER, Francis, female, Mar.__, 1846, a. 23.
- MILLER, Hannah, colored, typhus fever, Aug. 17, 1833, [a.] 4. [d. Betsey, C.R.]
- MILLER, Henry, colored, Apr. 30, 1832, [a] 53. [Harry, C.R.]
- MILLER, Henry, colored, s. Henry, May 9, 1832, [a.] 13. [Henry 2d .C.R.]
- MILLER, Mehitabel, b. Norwich, Conn., wid. Samuel, consumption, Dec. 7, 1848 a.76. [Mehetabel, Dec. 1, G.R.]
- MILLER, Samuel Jr., Mar. 7, 1845, a. 36. G.R.
- MILLER, Susan, d. Harry, Apr. 12, 1824, a. 11. [colored, d. Henry, C.R.] [d. Henry and Betsey, G.R.]
- MILLER, _______, ch. Frederic, Dec. 25, 1832. C.R.
- MILLER, _______, Mr., fall from wagon, Oct. 7, 1844, a. 72. [Samuel, Oct 6, a. 73, G.R.]
- MINER, Betsey, wid., b. Stonington, consumption, Sept. 14, 1844, a. 59. [w. Roswell, a. 58, G.R.]
- MINER, Marth Ann, d. G., Oct. 6, 1839, [a.] 22 m.
- MINER, _______, ch. G., May 16, 1840, [a.] 1.
- MINER, _______, ch. Giles, Feb. 13, 1841, [a.] 6 m.
- MITCHEL, _______, ch. Abel and Elizabeth, June 16, 1849, a. 4 d. [Joseph F. Mitchell, June 17, G.R.]
- MONROE (see Munroe).
- MONSON (see Munson), John, Dea., Mar. 29, 1829, [a.] 89. [a. 88 y. 7 m., C.R.] [in 89th y., G.R.]
- MOORE, Eliza, d. H. T., marasmus, May 2, 1834, [a.] 2. [Eliza A., d. Horace T. and Releif B., a. 2 y. 2 m., G.R.]
- MOORE, Nahum, Apr. 8, 1815. [a. 28, C.R.]
- MOREY, Edy. b. Tyringham, Maar. 10, 1948, a. 80. [Ede. G.R.]
- MOREY, Nancy Martha, d. Jesse, scarlet fever, Jan. 20, 1845, a. 4. _______, inf. Sam[ue]l, July 30, 1819.
- MORLEY, Betsey. b. Sandisfield, w. Geo[rge] W., consumption, Feb. 17, 1847, a. 62. [a. 63, G.R.]
- MORLEY, Edward, Rev., s. George and Betsey. "Haematemesis," Mar. 13, 1848, a. 29.
- MORRISON, Franklin, Nov. 18, 1831, [a.] 23. [Nov. 17, a. 22, C.R.] [s.
- MORRISON, W[illia]m and Stira of Bath, N.H., Nov. 17, a. 22 y. 2 m. 8 d., G.R.]
- MUNROE, William, b. Canada, "Died in consequence of injuries rec'd..." Sept. 6, 1849, a. 24 y. 4 m. 15 d. [William P. Monroe of Young Township, W. Canada, G.R.]
- MUNSON (see Monson), Lydia, old age, Mar. 27, 1835, [a.] 90. [w. Dea. John, a. 91, G.R.]
- MURPHY, _______, inf. _______, Nov. 22, 1832.
- MURRAY, Minerva, w. Henry. C., dropsy., Mar. 4, 1848, a. 40.[Lydia Minerva, G.R.]
- NEEDHAM, Emma Jane, d. J., scarlet f[ever], Mar. 28, 1842, [a.] 6. [ch. James and Jane, a. 4 y.8 m., G.R.]
- NEEDHAM, Helen Augusta, d. J., scarlet f[ever], Mar. 29, 1842, [a.] 3. [Hellen A., ch. James and Jane, a. 2 y. 3 m., G.R.]
- NEEDHAM, Jane F., consumption, Aug. 21, 1841, [a.] 28. [w. James, G.R.]
- NEWBURY, Catharine E., d. Isaac and Mary. A., Aug. 18, 1844, a. 14. G.R.
- NEWBURY, David, s. Isaac and Mary. A., June 21, 1834, a. 1 y. 9 d. G.R.
- NEWBURY, Elanor V., d. W[illia]m and Harriet S., Nov. 23, 1844, a. 4-1/2 m. G.R.
- NEWBURY, Lura, b. Lenox, d. Isaac and W., consumption, Sept. 14, 1849, a. 22. [d. Isaac and Mary. A., a. 22 y. 11 m. 17 d., G.R.]
- NEWBURY, W[illia]m, s. William, scarlet fever, [Nov.] 26, x844, a. 4 m.
- NEWBURY, _______, __ " of James," Sept. 14, 1842.
- NICHOLS, Joseph, Apr. 27, 1805, a. 72. [Apr. 2, in 71st y.,G.R.]
- NORCUT (see Norcutt), John Sr., Apr. 15, 1813, [a.] 58. [Norcutt, C.R.]
- NORCUTT (see Norcut), Belinda, wid., Nov. 27, 1825, [a.] 36. [Melinda, wid.,C.R.] [Nolcot, w. John, G.R.]
- NORCUTT (see Norcut), Caroline, consumption, Feb. 14, 1828, a. 18.
- NORCUTT (see Norcut), Charles, s. Belinda, wid., May. 15, 1825, [a.] 6. [s. Melinda, wid., C.R.] [Norcut, s. John and Melinda, G.R.]
- NORCUTT (see Norcut), John, Oct. 25, 1822, [a.] 34.
- NORCUTT (see Norcut), Simeon, Sept. 18, 1829, [a.] 21. [Simeon D. Norcut, Oct. 18, 1830,G.R.]
- NORCUTT (see Norcut), _______, inf. John, July. 29, 1816.
- NORCUTT (see Norcut), _______, inf. Melinda, wid., July. 21, 1823.
- NORRIS, _______, inf. _______, Apr. 8, 1822.
- NORTHROP (see Northrup), Susanna, wid., Sept. 28, 1815. [a. 79, C.R.] [Anna Northrup, wid. Abraham, Sept. 29, a. 84, G.R.]
- NORTHRUP (see Northrop), Thomas, Aug. 8, 1799. [Northrop, Aug. 9, a. 72,C.R.]
- NORTON, Lucy. Ann, consumption, Sept. 8, 1842, a. 21. [only. sister of Mrs. H. Garfield, G.R.]
- NORTON, Mary., b. Ireland, d. Christopher and Mary., consumption, Feb. 17, 1849, a. 3.
- NORTON, _______, Mar. 25, 1842, [a.] 64. [Sarah, a. 67, G.R.]
- NOYES, Samuel Evens, s. _______ of Waterford, Sept. 4, 1835, a. __ [?] y. 5 m.
- NUGEN (see Nugent),_______, ch. Russell, Feb. 13, 1826, a. 1. [Nugent, C.R.]
- NUGENT (see Nugen), Phebe, May. 20, 1826, a. 20. [w. Russell, C.R.] [Nugen w. Russel, G.R.]
- NYE, Abigail, Sept. 15, 1820, a. 18. [d. John Esq. and Lois, G.R.]
- NYE, Annis, Mrs., June 6, 1811, [a.] 85. [wid. John, CR.] [second w. John G.R.]
- NYE, Benjamin, drowned, July 10, 1830, [a.] 11. [s. Levi, a. 12, C.R.]
- NYE, Charles, ch. John and Lois, Mar. 6, 1796. [s. Capt. John, a. 2 m., C.R.]
- NYE, Esther, ch. John and Lois, Dec. 1, 1781.
- NYE, George Henry., s. Charles B. and Eliza Ann, dropsy on the brain, Jan. 31, 1846, a. 3 y. 5 m. 15 d.
- NYE, Ira, ch. John and Lois, May 22, 1787.
- NYE, Ira, June 30, 1827, a. 39. [Capt Ira, G.R.]
- NYE, John, May. 15, 1810, a. 87.
- NYE, John Esq., Jan. 14, 1826, [a.] 75.
- NYE, Levi, Dea., Aug. 6, 1825, a. 82.
- NYE, Levi, consumption, May. 5, 1842, a. 65.
- NYE, Lois, old age, Feb. 20, 1839, [a.] 81. [w. John Esq., G.R.]
- NYE, Milton Brewster, s. Ira [dup. Ira and Almira], Apr. 21, 1815. [a. 6 m., C.R.] [Mar. 20, a. 6 m. 6 d., G.R.]
- NYE, Polly., w. Levi, Apr. 6, 1828, a. 44.
- NYE, Sally., Oct. 4, 1801.
- NYE, Sarah, Mrs., Mar. 24, 1813, [a.] 73. [w. Dea. Levi, C.R. G.R.]
- NYE, Stephen, ch. John and Lois, Nov. 10, 1780.
- NYE, Thomas, ch. Levi and Sarah ________. [Nov. 2, 1792, C.R.] [S. Levy. and Sarah, Nov. 2. 1792, in 19th y., G.R.]
- NYE, Willie Platner, s. Geo[rge] M. and Catharine E., Aug. 25, 1843, a. 18 m. G.R. _______, ch. Joshua, July. 23, 1793. C.R. [ch. Joshua and Charity. a. 5 d., G.R.]
- NYE, _______, ch. Levi Jr., Mar.__, 1805, a. 1. [Harvey. s. Levi and Polly. Mar. 8, a. 1 y. 12 d., G.R.]
- NYE, _______, ch. James, Aug. 20, 1805.
- OBLIVION, William, s. W[illia]m and w., Jan. 23, 1849, a. 1.
- O'CONNELL, Julia Ann, d. John [and] Mary., fitts, May. 16, 1846, a. 1. [a. 13M., G.R.]
- OLDFIELD, Joseph, s. William and Rachel, summer complaint, Sept. 9, 1849, a. 2 m. 21 d.
- OLDS, Albert Dexter, canker rash, Jan.18, 1847, a. 10 m.
- OLDS, Martha Ann, canker rash, Jan. 26, 1847, a. 2.
- OLIVER, John, s. J. C., Apr. 7, 1831, [a.] 22 m. [s. John, C.R.]
- OLVERSON, _______, ch. Wid. Olverson, Nov.__, 1805, a. 3.
- OSBORN, Benjamin G., Jan. 16, 1825, a. 38.
- OSBORN, Harriet E., d. Benj[amin] G., May. 21, 1816. [May. 20, a. 11 m., C.R.]
- OSBORN, _______, ch. Benjamin, Mar. 30, 1814. _______, w. Benjamin, May 19, 1817, a. 29.
- OSBORN, _______, inf. s. Hannah, wid., Aug. 19, 1825,
- OWEN, Elijah, inflamatory rheumatism, May. 12, 1842, a. 79.
- OWEN, Elmore, s. Mather, canker rash, Feb.18, 1843, a. 4. [Elmor F., s. Mather and Phila, Feb. 16, a. 4 y. 4 m. 16 d., G.R.]
- OWEN, Grace T., Apr. 10, 1841, [a.] 42.
- OWEN, Hannah, Jan. 9, 1842, [a.] 76 [w. Elijah, Feb. 9, 1841, G.R.
- OWEN, Helen Maria, d. C. M., July. 31, 1831, [a.] 17 m. [d.Charles Esq., C.R.]
- OWEN, Henry., s. Cha[rle]s M., Apr. 17,1841, [al 3 John Clinton, s. Cha[rle]s M., typhus, Oct. 10, 1842, a. 15.
- OWEN, Lydia, old age, Nov. 28, 1838, a. 95.
- OWEN, _______,d. Mather, Sept. 27, 1840, [a.] 2 m. [Amelia, d. Mather and Phila, Sept 26, G.R.]
- OWEN, _______, ch. Cha[rle]s M., Apr. 17, 1841, [a.] 5 [?3] w.
- PACKARD, _______, ch. Bradford, Sept. 14, 1824, a. 8 m. [Bradford, s. Bradford and Deborah, a. 8 m. 17 d., G.R.]
- PACKARD, _______, inf. Bradford, June 15, 1825. [July. 15, C.R.]
- PARKER, Remember, June 28, 1803. [d. Jorge, June 26, in 19th y., G.R.]
- PARROT (see Parrott), Mary., Mrs., May. 6, 1815, a. 57. C.R.
- PARROT (see Parrott), _______, wid., Mar. 6, 1815.
- PARROTT (see Parrot), _______, Mrs., French, puerpral fever, Feb. 6, 1843.
- PATRIDGE, Anna, w. Samuel, Oct. 28, 1830, a. 90. G.R.
- PATRIDGE, Samuel, Nov. 12, 1831, a. 79, in Canaan, Conn. G.R.
- PEARCE (see Pierce).
- PEARSON (see Pierson).
- PECK, John Brooks, s. J. N., scarlatina, Dec. 26, 1838, a. 3. Salmon, Dec. 19, 834, [a.] 68. William Henry., s. John N. and Sophia, dropsy. on the brain, Feb. 12, 1847, a. 4.
- PEET, _______, ch. Elijah, June 29, 1799. [Bulah, a. 9, C.R.] [Bullah, d. Elijah and Bettey., a. 8 y. 10 m. 5 d., G.R.]
- PERCIVAL, Abigail, b. Barnstable, w. Elisha, Aug. 14, 1834, a. 87, in Lenox. G,.R.
- PERCIVAL, Elisha, b. Sandwich, Mar. 31, 1836, a. 93, in Lenox. G.R.
- PERCIVAL, Fear, d. Elisha of Lenox, May. 11, 1815. C.R.
- PERCIVAL, Sally., w. Elisha Jr., June 28, 1815, a. 30. C.R.
- PERCY, Joseph, b. Canada, s. Thomas and Mary., bilious fever, May. 6, 1847, a. 2 y. 2 m.
- PERKINS, Ebenezer, brother of Timo[thy.] D., ty.phus fever, Nov. 11, 1846, a. 26, in Canaan, N.Y. [Elezer W., Nov. 12, a. 28, G.R.]
- PERKINS, Lucy. F., Oct. 20, 1840, [a.] 24. [Lucy. P. Fitch, w. Timothy. D., G.R.]
- PERRY, Arthur, May. 7, 1794, a. 73. C.R. [in 73d y., G.R.]
- PERRY, Catharine, Feb. 5, 1818, a. 85. [Catharina, wid., C.R.] [W. Arthur, Feb. 5,1817, G.R.]
- PERRY, Jerusha, Mrs., July. 13, 1832, [a.] 77. [wid. Rev. David of Richmond, a. 77 y. 5 m., C.R.]
- PERRY, John B. Esq., affection of the heart, Dec. 24, 1843, a. 62. [a. 64. G.R.]
- PERRY, Lyman, ch. Ab[raha]m and Temperence, Mar. 9, 1802.
- PERRY, Polly [crossed out], ch. Ab[raha]m and Temperence, Apr. 17, 1789.
- PERRY, Sarah L., phthisis, Nov. 21, 1836, [a.] 53. [Sarah H. Lester, w. John B. Esq., G.R.]
- PERRY, _______, w. David, Dec. 19, 1797. [Desire, in 66th y., C.R.] [Desire, Dec. 18, in 66th y., G.R.]
- PERVIS (see Purvis), John, Mar. 18, 1847, a. 71. [Purves, a. 70, G.R.]
- PETERS, Thomas, colored, May. 31, 1820, a. 5.
- PETERS, Thomas, Mar. 21, 1826, a. 15. [colored, C.R.]
- PHELPS, _______, s. Geo[rge] H., Jan. 6, 1842, [a.] 8 m. [Thomas, s. Geo[rge] H. and Juliann, Jan. 7, a. 7 m., G.R.]
- PHILLIPS,_______, ch. John, Feb. 23, 1810, a. 1 y. 3 m. [a. 1 y. 5 m., C.R.]
- PHINNEY (see Finney. Pinney), Anselm, fever, Aug. 1883, [a.] 59. [Ansel, a. 60, C.R.]
- PHINNEY (see Finney. Pinney), Ellen E.,"Meazles," Apr. 27, 1842, a. 10 m. [d. Caleb and Rebecca, a. 9 m., G.R.].
- PHINNEY (see Finney. Pinney), Nathan B., consumption, Dec. 18, 1833, [a.] 30. [Finney., C.R.]
- PHIPPEN (see Phippin), Ann Lownes, b. Richmond, Va., d. George and Hannah, putrid sore throat, Dec. 6, 1847, a. 4 y. 11 m.
- PHIPPIN (see Phippen), Eliza, b. Lynn, w. Elder George, consumption, Aug.18, 1844, a. 48. [Eliza Rhodes Phippen, a. 47 y. 8 m., G.R.]
- PHIPPIN (see Phippen), Eliza, scarlet fever, Sept 23, 1846, a. 5. [Eliza Rhodes Phippen, d. George, Jr. and Hannah P., Sept. 25, G.R.]
- PIERCE, James, July. 27, 1826, a. 40. [Pearce, C.R.]
- PIERSON, _______, d. _______, scarlet fever, Dec. 28, 1844, a. 1. [Elizabeth, d. Ja[me]s M. and Eliza M., Dec. 17, a. 1 y. 9 m. 10 d., G.R.]
- PINNEY (see Finney, Phinney), Lucy Augusta, d. C., scarlet f[ever], Mar. 11, 1842, [a.] 3 y. 6 m. [d. Carlos and Elizabeth, a. 3 y. 8 m. 6 d., G.R.]
- PLAISTED, John, b. N.H., pauper, chronic rheumatism, July. 31, 1846, a. 44.
- PLATNER, George W. Jr., s. Geo[rge] W. and Adeline, internal hemorrhage, Oct. 12, 1847, a. 11.
- PLATNER, Oliver P., s. Geo[rge] W., "Drowned in the Housa[tonic] River," Aug. 29, 1842, a. 7.
- POLLEY (see Polly), Jerusha, Sept. 6, 1799, a. 1 y. 9 m. [Polly., twin ch., C.R.] [d. Eleazer and Rhoda, Sept. 5, G.R.]
- POLLEY (see Polly), Nabby, July. 20, 1799. [Polly, a. 1 y. 7 m, C.R.] [Abigail, d. Eleazer and Rhoda, in 2d y., G.R.]
- POLLY (see Polley), Lucretia, d. Charles, June 29, 1834, [a.] 2.
- POMROY, Mamre E. Chanter, w. Alanson S., Sept. 24, 1837, a. 26. G. R.]
- PORTER, Charlotte W., d. W[illia]m Esq., Nov. 25, x838, a. 16. [Charlotte Williams, eldest d. William and Maryann, G.R.]
- PORTER, David, "The oldest person in town a soldier in the French War and a Capt. of Conn. Troops during the Revolution," Apr. 12, 1828, a. 88. (a. 88 y. 6 m., C.R.]
- PORTER, Dorothy, Mrs., Apr. 9, 1813, [a.] 66. [w. Capt. David, C.R.] [Dorothy Booth, G.R.]
- PORTER, Huldah, ch. Levi G. and w., Mar. 13, 1794. [d. Levi and Catharine, a. 8 y. 13 d., G.R.]
- PORTER, Kimball, ch. Samuel and Prudence, Mar. 7, 1796. [a. 1 y. 3 m., C.R. G.R.]
- PORTER, Mary Ann, Dec. 3, 1835, [a.] 47. [Mary Ann Quincey, w. William Jr. Esq., G.R.]
- PORTER, Prudence, Mrs., May 16, 1813. [w. Samuel, a. 62, C.R.] [in 62d y.G.R.]
- PORTER, Rhoda, ch. Levi G. and w., June 5, 1795. [a. 3, C.R.] [d. Levi and Catharine, G.R.]
- PORTER, Samuel, ch. Samuel and Prudence, Feb. 20, 1784. [a. 4 y. 7 m., G.R.]
- PORTER, _______, ch. Eben[eze]r, Mar. 11, 1808, a. 4 m. [John Y., s. Ebenezer and Eunice, a. 4 m. 2d., G.R.]
- POWERS, John, July 29, 1821, [a.] 82.
- POWERS, Sarah, wid., Aug. 28, 1825, [a.] 88.
- PRESTON, Chauncey, s. John and Sally, diarrhoea, Sept. 16, 1849, a. 4 m, d.
- PRICHARD (see Pritchard), Anna, w. Benjamin, Oct. 2, 1809, 41st y. G.R.
- PRIME, James, colored, pleurisy, Jan. 22, 1849, a. 21.
- PRITCHARD (see Prichard), Sarah, phthisis, July 8, 1836, [a.] 36. [Sally Prichard, w. Edward, G.R.]
- PROUT (see Prowt), James, s. Timothy and Elizabeth, smallpox, Jan. 21,1848, a. 6.
- PROUT (see Prowt), William, July 5, 1812, [a.] 77.
- PROWT (see Prout), Deborah, wid., Dec. 17, 1826, [a.] 90. [Prout, in 90th y. C.R.] [Prout, w. William, Dec. 18, in, 90th. G.R.]
- PURVIS (see Pervis) George consumpntion, Dec. 21. 1840, [a.] 28. [George R. Purves, s. John and Rachel, Dec. 21, 1841, a. 27 y. 10 m., G.R.]
- PUTMAN (see Putnam), Rebecca, Mrs., Mar. 13, 1813, [a.] 53. [Rebecca Putnam, wid., C.R.]
- PUTNAM (see Putman), _______, ch. Joel, June 18, 1822, a. 2.,
- QUIGLEY, Norah, Aug. 10, 1839, [a.] 37.
- QUIGLEY, Walker, "Killed in the powder Mill," Nov. 28, 1823, a. 25.
- RAMSDALE, Moses, s. Jehu, Dec. 21, 1799, a. 7. C.R.
- RAMSEY Harriet of Hartford, Dec. 18, 1806. [Harriot, d., Wid. Ramsey a.10, C.R.]
- RANDAL, _______, twin inf. Mrs. Randal, June 16, 1812. [twin inf. Joseph,C.R.]
- RANDAL, _______, twin inf. Mrs. Randal, June 16, 1812. [twin inf. Joseph, C.R.]
- RANDAL, _______, ch. Joseph, Nov. 8, 1813.
- RAY, Loisa, b. Stockbridge, w. Augustus I., palsey July 27, 1845, a. 26.
- RAY, Mercy, dropsy, July 9, 1841, [a.] 53
- REED, Ellen, w. Ja[me]s, consumption, June 9, 1943. a. 2
- REFORD, James, s. James, May 27, 1833, [a.] 7 m. [May 26, C.R.] [s. James and Ann of Ireland, May 26, a. 8 m., G.R.]
- REFORD, Joseph, s. Ja[me]s and Ann of Ireland, Nov. 21, 1832, a. 9, in Albany G.R.
- REMELE, Hannah, Aug. 26, 1829, a. 60. [w. John, C.R.] [Hanah Barlow, w. J. M., G.R.]
- REMELE, John, paralysis, Jan. 8,1 848, a. 70. [John M., G.R.]
- RENZ, George, s. Adam and Caroline, July 12,1833, a. 4. G.R.
- REYNOLDS, David, s. Simeon, Feb. 19, 1826, a. 19.
- REYNOLDS, Laura, d. Simeon R., Apr. 9, 1816, a. 12. [Lura, C.R.]
- REYNOLDS, Simeon, b. New Milford, Conn., lung fever, Mar. 20, 1848, a. 87.
- RICHMOND, Antoniette, d. Howland, Aug.14, 1836, [a.] 2 m. [d. Howland S. and Hannah, Aug.13, a. 1 m. 20 d., G.R.]
- RICHMOND, Charles, m., pleurisy, May 14, 1849, a. 33, in Curtisville.
- RICHMOND, Ebenezer, Dec.12, 1844, a. 25 y. 3 m. G.R.
- RICHMOND, Ebenezer, s. Peleg S., quick consumption, Dec. 24, 1844, a. 22.
- RICHMOND, Howland S., Aug. 20, 1840, [a.] 34.
- RICHMOND, Jane L., pauper, d. Miss Cynthia, "drowned in the Hous River at S. Lee," _______, 1844 [rec. between July 15 and Aug. 18], a. 3.
- RICHMOND, Margaret, Dec. 12, 1839, [a.] 54. [w. Peleg S., in 54th y. G.R.]
- RICHMOND, Rebecca, d. Peleg S., typhus fever, Nov. 23, 1846, a. 16.
- RIPLEY, Thaddecas, Apr. 21, 1826, a. 70. [Thaddeus, "a stranger," C.R.]
- RISLEY, Nehemiah, Jan. 31, 1813, [a.] 51. [of Bolton, Conn., C.R.]
- ROBBERTS (see Roberts), Susannah, Mrs., June 20, 1813. [Roberts, w. Amos, a. 56, C.R. G.R.]
- ROBERTS (see Robberts), Amos, Mar. 3, 1823, a. 66. [Rogerts, C.R.]
- ROBERTS (see Robberts), Dorse, ch. Amos and Susanna, Oct. 17, 1783.
- ROBINSON (see Robison), Elizabeth, d. Levi, Aug. 1, 1825, [a] 39. [d. Levi and Elizabeth, G.R.]
- ROBINSON (see Robison), Fanny, insane, Dec. 12, 1839, [a.] 45. [d. Levi and Elizabeth, G.R.]
- ROBINSON (see Robison), John, m., b. Berlin, Conn., palsy, Mar. 3, 1849, a. 74, in Pittsfield.
- ROBINSON (see Robison), Levi, "Revolutioner," old age and blind, Apr. 16, 1843, a. 82
- ROBISON (see Robinson), Elizabeth, w. Levi, Oct. 19, 1820, a.59. [Robinson, C.R. G.R.]
- ROGERS, Elizabeth, wid., Feb. 27, 1827, [a.] 84.
- ROGERS, Harriet Elizabeth, b. Richmond, d. William and Sarah, scarlet fever, Sept. 25, 1847, a. 11 m. Mary, Sept. 21, 1812 [a.] 3 y. 6 m. [d. Amos, a. 3 y. 7 m., C.R.]
- ROGERS, _______. ch. Amos, Sept 24, 1812, [a.] 19 m. [d. Amos, C.R.]
- ROGERS, _______, d. Jonathan, July 15, 1821, [a.] 3 y. 6 m.
- ROGERS, _______, ch. Benjamin, Apr. 21, 1841, [a.] 4 w.
- ROGERS, _______, ch. Benjamin J. and Lois I., scarlet fever, June 26, 1844, a. 9 m.
- ROGERS, _______, twin ch. Benj[amin] F. and Lois, Sept, 3, 1847, a. 10 d.
- ROGERS, _______, twin ch. Benj[amin] F. and Lois, Sept. 3, 1847, a. 10 d.
- ROSS, Benjamin, Aug. 25, 1827, a. 32. G.R. Rosmond, w. William, Mar. 28, 1824, a. 58. Sarah, old age, Mar. 16, 1840, [a.] 88.
- ROSS, Urana Scudder, w. Stephen, Nov. 25, 1849, a. 14. [sic]. G.R.
- ROSS, William, Mar. 17, 1837, a. 77.
- ROSS, _______, ch. Wid. Ross, Feb. 29, 1828, a. 4. [Mary R., d. Benjamin and Lucretia, a. 5, G.R.]
- ROSS, _______, inf. Thomas, June 7, 1846.
- RYAN, Dennis, b. Ireland, "Explosion of Powder while blasting Rocks on Rail Road," Oct. 13, 1849, a. 30.
- SABIN, Fanny Blossom, d. Henry, dysentery, Sept. 28, 1836, [a.] 7 m.
- SAILSBURY (see Salisbury), Charlotte, w. George (Solisbury), Nov. 29, 1826, a. 28. [Salisbury, C.R.]
- SALISBURY (see Sailsbury), _______, inf. Geo[rge], Aug. 30, 1822.
- SANFORD,_______, ch. Elihu, Aug. 31, 1815. [a. 2, C.R.] [George G., s. Elihu and Penelope, in 2d y. G.R.]
- SANTA (see Santee), Daniel, colored, Feb. 23, 1817, a. 90. [Sante,C.R.]
- SANTEE (see Santa), Betty, colored, Mar. 3, 1818, a. abt. 88.
- SARGENT (see Sergeant).
- SCOLFIELD, Ellen P., b. Pittsfield, d. John and Sarah, dropsy, Feb. 13, 1848, a. 3.
- SEDGWICK, Theodore, " Found hung in the rope of Turnpike Gate supposed to have been thro' a fainting fit in the absence of his wife, & discovered by a Stranger, in passing the Gate," July 20, 1843, a. 76.
- SEGAR, _______, W. Charles, Mar. 24, 1841, [a.] 66. [Polly Seger, G.R.]
- SELLICK, Elizabeth, b. Amenia, N.Y d. Rev. John A., scarlet fever, Mar. 28, 1845, a. 7. [Elizabeth Ann Sillick, second d. Rev. John A. and Estherann, Mar. 29, a. 7 y. 3 m, 24 d., G.R.]
- SERGEANT, Erastus, Dr., mental derangement, May 30, 1832, [a.] 60.
- SERGEANT, Frederick Augustus, ch. Dr. Erastus Jr. and Margaret, Aug. 17, 1814. [This entry marked "Error of clerk -- Oliver P. died, not Frederick."]
- SERGEANT, Nancy, ch. Dr. Erastus Jr. and Margaret, Feb. 17, 1805. [a. 1 y. 8 m. 22 d., G.R.]
- SERGEANT, Oliver Patridge, ch. Dr. Erastus Jr. [dup. omits Jr.] and Margaret, Aug. 17, 1814 [see Frederick Augustus]. [a. "nearly" 16 m., C.R.] [Sergent, a. 15 m.25 d., G.R _______, ch. Dr. E., Feb. 17, 1805. _______, s. Dr. Erastus and Margaret, still-born, Mar. 11, 1806. G.R.
- SERGEANT, _______, ch. Dr. Erastus, Apr. 6, 1821, [a.] 4 m. [Martha C. Sergent, a. 3 m. 20 d., G.R.]
- SEYMOUR, Allen, s. Enos, Aug. 1, 1841, [a.] 3.
- SEYMOUR, Anne, Mrs., small pox, Mar. 31, 1843. [Anna, w. Chester, a. 63, G.R.]
- SEYMOUR, Chester, May 8, 1828, a. 44.
- SEYMOUR, Clark P., typhus, Jan. 12, 1833, [a.] 25. [a. 24, C.R. G.R.]
- SEYMOUR, Clark T., s. Orson C. and Maranda, May 16, 1849, a. 1 y. 4 m. 10 d. G.R.
- SEYMOUR, Elsey, phthisis, Feb. 8, 1836, [a.] 24. [Elsa, w. Chester G .R.]
- SEYMOUR, George H., s. Harvey and Mary L., Aug. 2 7, 1833, a. 11m. 8d. G.R.
- SEYMOUR, Roger, Aug. 23, 1826. [a. 73, C.R. G.R.]
- SEYMOUR, Rose, Apr. 18, 1829, [a.] 67. [Rose, wid., C.R] [Seymor, w. Roger, G.R.]
- SEYMOUR, _______, s. Alfred, drowned, July 16, 1822, [a.] 5.
- SEYMOUR, _______, ch. E., Mar. 4, 1837, a. 4 d.
- SEYMOUR, _______, ch. Enos, Jan. 30, 1839.
- SHAFFER, Ann Eliza, d. W[illia]m, scarlet fever, Sept. 18, 1844, a. 2.
- SHARP, Isaac, burn, Sept. __, 1832. ["a stranger," Sept 11, a. 54, C.R.]
- SHAW, Nathan E., s. Cyrus and Caroline, Apr. 18, 1842, a. 7 y. 8 m. G.R.
- SHAW, _______, inf. _______, Apr. 9, 1795. C.R.
- SHEFFIELD, _______, twin ch. A., _______, 1841 [rec. between Oct. 24 and Nov. 18], [a.] " 3 ts [? 3 minutes]. [twin ch. Alfred and Phebe, G.R.]
- SHEFFIELD, _______, twin ch. A., _______, 1841 [rec. between Oct. 24 and Nov. 18], [a.] 24 hrs. [twin ch. Alfred and Phebe, G.R.]
- SHELDEN (see Sheldon), Lydia, wid. Ephr[ai]m, old age, Aug. 28, 1844, a. 95 [Sheldon, b. Middleborough, Aug. 28, 1841, a.92, G.R.]
- SHELDON (see Shelden), Ephraim, Apr. 22, 1840, [a.] 8.
- SHEPARD, Lucy: Sept. 5, 1839, [a.] 47.
- SHEPARD, Theodosia, phthisis, Nov. 27, 1836, [a.] 15. [Theodocia, d. Harvey and Eunice, G.R.]
- SHEPARDSON, _______, ch. Aaron, Sept. 15, 1822, [a.] 2. [Aaron, s. Aaron and Lucinda, Sept. 16, G.R.]
- SHORTMAN, William, fever, Mar. 24, 1838, a. 64.
- SHRYAC (see Shryock), Sarah, w. Edgar L., dropsy on the heart, Oct. 23, 1842, a. 28. [Sarah A. Shryock, G.R.]
- SHRYOCK (see Shryac), _______, inf. E. L., Nov. 28, 1835.
- SIGAUX, Nancy M., w. Anthony D., d. Isaac Newbury and Mary A., Apr. 11, 1844, a. 25. G.R.
- SLATER, Rhoda, phthisis, July 2, 1832, [a.] 39. [w. Luther, C.R.]
- SLATER, Susan, typhus fever, Sept. 11, 1830, [a.] 12. [Susanna, a.14, C.R.]
- SMALLMAN, Richard, St[ate] pauper, Apr. 9, 1828, a. 48.
- SMEDES, _______, wid., consumption, Apr. 5, 1846, a. 32.
- SMITH, Benjamin, Apr. 4, 1813, [a.] 63. [a. 62 y. 9 m. 18 d., G.R Benjamin, June 22, 1822, [a.] 40. [Benjamin 2d, a. 40 y. 7 m., G.R.]
- SMITH, Cornelia, w. Eben[eze]r, typhus fever, Oct. 4, 1843, a. 23.
- SMITH, Debocah [Deborah], Mar. 1, 1811, [a.] 40. [w. James, a. 40 y. 9 m., C.R.]
- SMITH, Deborah, Sept. 24, 1838, a. 71. [w. John of Sandwich, G.R.]
- SMITH, Diana, colored, w. Sam[ue]l, hemorhage of the lungs, Mar. 25, 1844, a. 31.
- SMITH, Henrietta, w. George, small pox, Apr.12, 1843, a. 31. [Apr. 13, a. 28, G.R.]
- SMITH, Homer, s. Edward, Apr. 17, 1841, [a.] 6 m.
- SMITH, James Jr., July 12, 1806. [s. James, drowned, a. 14, C.R.]
- SMITH, Jane, July 30, 1811, [a.] 44. [a. 43y. 9 m., C.R.] [July 31, G.R.]
- SMITH, Lydia, Apr. 10, 1818, [a.] 40.
- SMITH, Matthias, fever, Oct 30, 1828, [a.] 42.
- SMITH, Samuel, Mar, 30, 1819, a. 95. ["Formerly from Connetticut," Mar. 29, G.R.]
- SMITH, Sarah, wid. Benjamin, Mar. 20, 1815. [a. 66, C.R.] [Mar. 19, 1814, a. 66 y. 5 m., G.R.]
- SMITH, Sarah, pneumonia, typhoider, Dec. 12, 1836, [a.] 53. [Sarah Howdle, w. John, G.R.]
- SMITH, _______, ch. Jesse, Dec. 16, 1794. C.R.
- SMITH, _______, ch. James, [Mar.] 24, 1805.
- SMITH, _______, ch. James, drowned, Aug. 31, 1816, a. 3.
- SMITH, _______, s. James, Apr. 23, 1817, a. 4.
- SNOW, Jerusha, Mar. 20, 1835, [a.] 73. [w. Shubel, G.R.]
- SNOW, Sophia, small pox, Jan. 31, 1835, [a.] 18.
- SNOW, Zolva, fever, Oct. 23, 1834, [a.] 48. [Azolvey, Oct. 16, G.R.]
- SOMERS, John, Dec. 17, 1831, [a.] 75. ["a foreigner," Dec. 16, a. 78, C.R.]
- SOWLE, _______, ch. N., Sept. 9, 1833, [a.] 6 w. [Sole, ch. Nathan, a. 3 m., C.R.]
- SOWLE, _______, ch. N., July 23, 1834, [a.] 3.
- SOWLE, _______, ch. Nathan, Aug. 18, 1836, [a.] 10 w.
- SOWLE, _______, ch. Nathan, Sept. 23, 1839, [a.] 6 d.
- SPARKS, Almira, Oct. 17, 1827, a. 19. [Elmira, C.R.] [d.Lemuel and Mary. Oct. 18, G.R.]
- SPARKS, Charles, May 27, 1827, a. 14. [s. Lemuel and Mary, May 19, a. 15, G.R.]
- SPARKS, Charles, s. John and Betsey, dysentery, Aug. 26, 1847, a. 2. [Charles W., Aug. 25, G.R.]
- SPARKS, Jared Bradley, s. W[illiajm, Mar. 21, 1839, [a.] 6.
- SPARKS, Jesse, "Killed in Powder Mill," Sept. 18, 1824, [a.] 19.
- SPARKS, Lemuel, July 18, 1822, a. 52. C.R.
- SPARKS, Mary, w. Lemuel, Mar. 6, 18188, a. 45.
- SPARKS, _______, ch. William, Aug. 8, 1838, a. 4 m.
- SPEED, _______, ch. George and Louisa, measles, Mar. 6, 1849, a. 21 d.
- SPENCER, Harriot, d. Jonathan and Sally, July __, 1817, a. 1. G.R.
- SPENCER, _______, ch. Jonathan, Aug. 9, 1816, a. 1.
- SQUIER (see Squiers, Squire, Squires), Charles D., s. Daniel P. and Lodemia B., Jan. 15, 1836, a. 7 m. G.R.
- SQUIER (see Squiers, Squire, Squires), Langdon Dan[ie]l, s. Abijah M. (Squire) and Wealthy, whooping cough, Feb.15, 1845, a. 9 m. [s. Abijah M. and Wealthy A ., Feb. 5, a. 8 m. 19 d., G.R.]
- SQUIERS (see Squier, Squire, Squires), Lydia, wid. Daniel, d. Capt. Abijah Merrill dec'd, consumption, Jan. 31, 1846, a. 63.
- SQUIRE (see Squier, Squiers, Squires), Daniel, Capt., Feb.13 y.1817, a. 32.[Squier, C.R.]
- SQUIRE (see Squier, Squiers, Squires), Ebenezer, Dec. 31, 1823, [a.] 72.
- SQUIRES (see Squier, Squiers, Squire), Adria, old age, Jan. 1, 1840, [a.] 85.
- SQUIRES (see Squier, Squiers, Squire), Stephen W., consumption, Oct. 23, 1847, a. 48.
- SQUIRES (see Squier, Squiers, Squire), William Kellogg, s. Abijah M. and Wealthy Ann, erysipelas, Feb. 24, 1848 a. 4 m.
- SQUIRES (see Squier, Squiers, Squire), _______, inf. Daniel, Feb. 16, 1835.
- STANDLY Samuel, Dec.13, 1790, in 72d y. G.R.
- STANTON, Cordelia, consumption, Feb. 20, 1834, [a.] 19.
- STANTON, Sylvia, May 31, 1839, [a.] 68.
- STARNES (see Starns, Sternes), Abijah, ch. John and Lucy, ____ 1786.
- STARNES (see Starns, Sternes), Betsey, ch. John and Lucy Oct. 5, 1799. [Stearns, ch. Capt. John, a. 1 y. 6 m., C.R.]
- STARNES (see Starns, Sternes), Thomas, ch. John and Lucy, July 14, 1799.
- STARNS (see Starnes, Sternes), Abijah, s. John, June 27, 1789, in 5th y. G.R.
- STEARNS (see Starnes, Starns, Sternes).
- STEBBINS, _______, inf. Asa, _______, 1835 [? Sept.]. [Wilber, s. Asa and Marilla, Sept.17, a. 1 y.3 m. 10 d., G.R.]
- STERNES (see Starnes, Starns), Cyrenus Barns, s. Simon, July 16, 1818, a. 2 y. 4 m. [Sterns, C.R.]
- STEVENS, Benjamin, Capt., decay, June 11, 18 32, [a] 72.
- STEVENS, David, Capt., May 7, 1810, a. 70.
- STEVENS, Halsey of Norfolk, C[onn.], paralysis, May 15, 1837, a. 34.
- STEVENS, James, Oct. 21, 1809. [a. 42, C.R.] [Oct. 22, in 43d y. G.R.]
- STEVENS, Lucinda, w. Moza, Jan. 15, 1824, [a.] 39. [a. 39 y. 6 m., C.R.]
- STEVENS, Minerva, Aug. 19, 1810, [a.] 6 y. 8 m. [d. Lucretia, C.R.]
- STEVENS, Moses, m., s. Moza and w., consumption, June 10, 1849, a. 33.
- STEVENS, Nancy, b. Worthington, w. Charles R., quick consumption, July 18, 1849, a. 24.
- STEVENS, Rachel, wid. David, Aug. 26, 1824, a. 84.
- STEVENS, _______, inf. James and Lucretia, Dec, 3, 1792.
- STEVENS, _______, inf. Moza, Dec. 5, 1824. [inf. Mosa, C.R.]
- STOCKING, Betsey, wid., ulcerated uterus, June 5, 1848, a. 42.
- STOCKING, William, drowned, July 3, 1838, a.11. [William H., s. James and Betsey, G.R.]
- STOWEL (see Stowell), Lucius 0. D., s. James C. and Almira, Aug. 8, 1828, a.16 m. G.R.
- STOWELL (see Stowel), Almira, phthisis, Mar. 27, 1835, [a.] 29. [w. James C., Mar. 26, a. 33, G.R.]
- STOWELL (see Stowel), Jerusha, consumption, July 10, 1841, [a.] 24. [w. James C., July 9, a. 25, G.R.]
- STOWELL (see Stowel), Stephen, fever, Jan. 10, 1828, a. 15. [Stowel, C.R.]
- STOWELL (see Stowel), _______, inf. Daniel, Oct. 7, 1825. [Stowel, a. 3 m., C.R.]
- STRICKLAND, _______, Mr., consumption, Oct. 26, 1844, a. 23.
- STRONG, Harriott, d. Moses, Oct. 22, 1824, a. 7. [Harriet, C.R.]
- STRONG, Henry Flavel, s. Moses, Dec. 14, 1822, [a.] 15 m. [s. Moses and Sarah, G.R.]
- STRONG, _______, inf. Moses, Oct. 25, 1824. [Sarah, a. 4 m., C.R.]
- STRONG, _______, twin inf. Moses, Sept. 20, 1828.
- STRONG, _______, twin inf. Moses, Sept. 25, 1828.
- STURGES (see Sturgis), Celia, tumor [and] dropsy, June 11, 1828, a. 38. [Sturgis, C.R.]
- STURGES (see Sturgis), Charles Henry. s. Cha[rle]s, inflamation of the bowels, Oct. 1, 1842, a. 1. [s. Charles and Lucretia, Oct. 5, a.13 m., G.R.]
- STURGES (see Sturgis), Clarke E., s. E. and C. H., Apr. 8, 1829, a. 3 m., in Riverton, Conn. G.R.
- STURGES (see Sturgis), Ebenezer D., Aug. 11, 1834, [a.] 22, in Lancasterville, S.C. [a. 23, G.R.]
- STURGES (see Sturgis), Elizabeth, d. W[illia]m Esq., Apr. 28, 1816, a. 1 y. 9 m. [Sturgis, d. William and Salome, C.R.] [Eliza, d. W[illia]m and Sally, G.R.]
- STURGES (see Sturgis), Nehemiah, Mar. 9, 1821, a. 34. [Sturgis, consumption, C.R.]
- STURGES (see Sturgis), Robert, typhus, Mar. 6, 1828, a. 32.
- STURGES (see Sturgis), Sarah Jane, d. C., Mar. 8, 1842, [a.] 4 y. 6 m. [d. Charles and Lucretia, G.R.]
- STURGES (see Sturgis), _______, ch. Nehemiah, Apr. 21, 1820, a. 7 m. [Sturgis, C.R.] [Harriet, d. Nehemiah and Hannah, a. 8 m., G.R.]
- STURGIS (see Sturges), Elizabath, Mrs., Mar. 17, 1813, [a.] 58. [Elizabeth, w. Jonathan, C.R.] [Elizabeth Sturges, G.R.]
- STURGIS (see Sturges), Jonathan, Oct. 3, 1824, a. 73.
- STURGIS (see Sturges), Lydia, w. Nehemiah, Mar. 29, 1816, a. 29. [Sturges, C.R. G.R.]
- STURGIS (see Sturges), Lydia B., b. Stonington, Conn., w. George R., consumption, July 15, 1844, a. 21. [Sturges, July 13, G.R.]
- STURGIS (see Sturges), Salome, b. Sandwich, w. William Esq., mother of Franklin, palse. Sept. 8, 1845, a. 73 y. 8 m. 21 d.
- STURGIS (see Sturges), William Jr., Sept. 14, 1825, [a.] 25. [Sturges, CR. G.R.]
- STURGIS (see Sturges), W[illia]m, Sept. 8, 1846, a. 73. G.R.
- STURTEVANT, Polly of Adams, typhoid fever, Aug. 26, 1837, a. 2 4.
- SWAN, Demis, Sept. 1, 1839, [a.] 17.
- SWAN, Lucy, Apr. 25, 1830, [a.] 23. [colorered, C.R.]
- SWIFT, Abigail, w. Ebenezer, July 27, 1796, a. 56. C.R.
- SWIFT, _______, ch. Ower [Owen], Nov. 26, 1810, [a.] 16 m.
- TAGGART, William 0., May 19, 1846, a. 22. [William Ogden, May 14, in S. Tyringham, G.R.]
- TAINTOR, _______, ch. Eli Jr., Oct. 22, 1840, [a.] 3 w.
- TANNER, George W., b. Claverick, N.Y., s. Geo[rge] W. and Catharine, typhus fever, Aug. 21, 1848, a. 21. [a. 21 y. 6 m., G.R.]
- TANNER, William, "occasioned by wound," June 30, 1828, a. 41.
- TANNER, W[illia]m, s. William M. and Elida, Jan. 22, 1846, a. 12 d. [s. William M. and Alida, a.13 d., G.R.]
- TAURGEE, Charles, "Killed in Powder Mill," Sept. 18, 1824, [a.] 25, [Targee, C.R.]
- TAYLOR, Achsah, w. William, Sept. 30, 1800, in 24th y. C.R.
- TAYLOR, Alvan, Aug. 5, 1834, [a.] 65.
- TAYLOR, Elijah, Oct. 30, 1810, [a.] 3. [s. Abner, C.R.] [Elijah J., ch. Abner and Mary, G.R.]
- TAYLOR, Polly, dropsy, Dec. 10, 1837, a. 64. [Mary, w. Alvan, Dec. 9, G.R.]
- TAYLOR, _______, inf. Abner, Oct. 6, 1809. [Chauncey F., ch. Abner and Mary, G.R.]
- THACHER (see Thatcher), Emmeline, Sept. 10, 1840, [a.] 31. [Emeline Gale Thatcher, w. Eliel, G.R.]
- THACHER (see Thatcher), Gershom Bassett, s. Timo[thy] D. (Thatcher) and Esther B., dropsy on the brain, Feb. 19, 1847, a. 2 y. 9 m. 22 d. [Thatcher, G.R.]
- THACHER (see Thatcher), Hannah, palsy, old age, July 15, 1833, [a.] 78. [Hannah, wid., July 14, C.R.] [Thatcher, w. Jethro, G.R.]
- THACHER (see Thatcher), Hannah, w. Stephen Esq., Sept. 13, 1848, a. 64. [Thatcher, Sept. 14, G.R.]
- THACHER (see Thatcher), Julia, d. Charles S. and Ataresta, consumption, Jan. 28, 1846, a. 20 y. 2 m. [Julia Frances Thatcher, d. Charles S. and Atteresta, G.R.]
- THACHER (see Thatcher), Julien David, s. Cha[rle]s S., "Hooping cough," Oct. 24, 1842, a. 4. (Thatcher, s. Charles S. and Atteresta, Oct. 22, a. 3 y. 11., G.R.]
- THACHER (see Thatcher), Lucy, d. Eliel T., Nov. 13, 1840, [a.] 5. [Thatcher, d. Eliel and Emeline, G.R.]
- THACHER (see Thatcher), Nancy, d. Cha[rle]s S. and Ataresta, consumption, Nov. 28, 1846, a. 15. [Nancy Atteresta, Thatcher, d. Charles S. and Atteresta, Nov. 27, a. 16 y. 10 m., G.R.]
- THACHER (see Thatcher), Timothy, fever, Oct. 30, 1833, [a.] 60. [in 60th y. C.R.]
- THACHER (see Thatcher), _______, inf. s. Cha[rle]s S., Mar. 15, 1844. [Thatcher, inf. s. Charles S. and A., Mar. 11, G.R.]
- THATCHER (see Thacher), Betsey, w. Rowland Jr., Jan. 16, 1804, a. 24 y. 9 m. 20 d. G.R.
- THATCHER (see Thacher), Betsey Freeman, d. Timothy (Thacher), Mar. 28, 1820, a.16. [d. Timothy and Dorothy, G.R.]
- THATCHER (see Thacher), Content, Mar. 1, 1825, a. 84. [Thacher, C.R.] [in 84th y. G.R.]
- THATCHER (see Thacher), Elizabeth, July 25, 1807, a. 63. [w. Dea. Rowland, C.R.] [a. 64, G.R.]
- THATCHER (see Thacher), Emily, d. Dea. John, typhus, July 31, 1828, a. 22. [Emely Thacher, C.R.]
- THATCHER (see Thacher), Esther, w. Timo[thy] Dwight, consumption, May 11, 1845, a. 20. [Esther B., a 21, G.R.]
- THATCHER (see Thacher), Hannah, d. Dea. John, typhus, July 23, 1828, a. 35. [Thacher, C.R.]
- THATCHER (see Thacher), Jethro, June 29, 1826, a. 80. [Thacher, in 80th y. C.R.] [Thacher, June 28, G.R.]
- THATCHER (see Thacher), John, Dea., fever, Oct. 5, 1828, [a.] 61, in St. Catharines, U. Canada. [Thacher, C.R.]
- THATCHER (see Thacher), Jonathan, Dec. 14, 1807, a. 27, [Thacher, kick of a horse, C.R.] [Thacher, s. Jethro and Hannah, in Alford, G.R.]
- THATCHER (see Thacher), Prudence, w. Luther R., Jan. 18, 1825, a. 33. [Pruda Thacher, C.R.]
- THATCHER (see Thacher), Rowland Jr., May 5, 1809. [Thacher, C.R.] [in 31st y. G.R.]
- THATCHER (see Thacher), Rowland, Dea., Mar. 30, 1813, [a] 68. [Thacher, C.R.] [" Dea. Thatcher was son to the late Rev. B. Thacher of Wareham Mass. and Decended from one of those who first settled at Plymouth in 1620," G.R.]
- THATCHER (see Thacher), Rowland 3d, Oct 4, 1813. [Thacher, a. 25, C.R.] [s. Jethro and Hannah, a. 25, G.R.]
- THOMAS, Ansel, 5. Elijah and Lucinda, marasmus, Oct. __, 1848, a. 2. [Oct. 11, 1847, a. 22 m., G.R.]
- THORN, Fidelia, w. Stephen, phrenitis, Feb. 23, 1843, a. 19.
- THORP, Betsey, w. Eurota, consumption, Dec. 12, 1843, a. 55. [Elizabeth, Dec.11, G.R.]
- THORP, Nathan B., s. Erota, "Hooping Cough," Feb. 6, 1834, [a.] 4 m. [s. Eurota and Elizabeth, a. 3 m. 21 d., G.R.]
- TIFFANY, Mrs., Mar. 22, 1807, a. 84. [Sarah, wid., C.R.]
- TIFTS, Joseph of Becket, Feb. 27, 1827, [a.] 21. [Tift, C.R.] [Tifft, G.R.]
- TILLEY, Marcy, ch. Samuel and Hannah, July 5, 1789.
- TILLOTSON, Orlaldo B., s. Saluel F. and Julia A., Dec. 9, 1847, a. 17 m. G.R.
- TILLOTSON, Samuel, b. Granville, Conn., consumption, Apr. 2, 1849, a. 57.
- TOBEY, Barnabas, ch. Nathlanie]l and Deborah, Apr. 17, 1795. [Toby, Apr. 16, C.R.]
- TOBEY, Eliel, Dec. 29, 1809. [a. 16, C.R.] ["Last member of the Family " of Nathan and Lucy" of a wound Rec'd by a rakestail," a. 16, G.R.]
- TOBEY, Lydia, w. Stephen, Apr. 3, 1799. [Toby, in 43d y, C.R.]
- TOBEY, Nathaniel, ch. Steph and Lydia, Sept. 18, 1775.
- TOBEY, Remember, Feb. 7, 1799. [Tobym d. Stephen, in 22d y. C.R.] [d. Stephen and Lydia, Feb. 6, G.R.]
- TOBEY, _______, inf. Steph and Lydia, Mar. 12, 1799. [inf. Stephen, Mar. 13, C.R.]
- TOLES, Anna, ch. Nathan and Hellena, Sept. 9, 1833, a. 3 m. 9 d. G.R.
- TOLES, _______, inf. Nathan and Hellena, July 23, 1834. G.R.
- TOWNSEND, Horatio, phthisis, Feb. 17, 1839, [a.] 32.
- TRASK, Betsey, Sept. 16, 1835, [a.] 32.
- TRASK, Betsey Eveline, d. Josiah, Sept. 9, 1834, [a.] 1 y. 6 m.
- TREAT, Horace, phthisis, May 28, 1833, [a.] 43.
- TREMAIN, Charlotte, bilious fev[er] Jan. 19, 1834, [a.] 8 y. 8 m. [Charlotte A., d. Nathlanie]l and Lydia, G.R.]
- TREMAIN, Olive L., d. Nathaniel Jr. and Lydia, Oct. 13, 1842, a. 25. G.R.
- TUCKER, Peter, Apr. 7, 1848, a. 3 y. 9 m.
- TURNBULL, Margaret, Aug. 1, 1834, [a.] 3.
- TURNER, Eleazer, July 29, 1797. [July 30, in 30th y. C.R.]
- TURNER, Elizabeth (T[u]rner), wid., Feb. 20, 1799. [wid. Eleazer, Feb. 21, a. 39, C.R.]
- TURNER, _______, ch. Eleazer, Sept. 22, 1797, a. 6 m. [ch. Wid. Turner, Sept. 23, a. 5 m., C.R.]
- TUTHILL (see Tuttle), Francis, s. W[illia]m, Feb. 6, 1834, [a.] 7 m.
- TUTTLE (see Tuthill), Amy, fever, Aug. 23, 1832, [a.] 63. [Amy, wid., C.R.]
- TUTTLE (see Tuthill), Anna, decay Mar. 9, 1841, [a.] 61. [w. Jonathan, Mar. 8, G.R.]
- TUTTLE (see Tuthill), Henry A., s. I.B., drowned, July 4, 1834, [a.] 10. [s. Ithiel B. and Rhoda S., a. 9 y. 9 m., G.R.]
- TUTTLE (see Tuthill), James, Mar. 11, 1825, a. 76.
- TUTTLE (see Tuthill), Jonathan, June 19, 1814, a. 41, in Redfield, Jefferson Co., N.Y. G.R.
- TUTTLE (see Tuthill), Sarah, May 17, 1807, a. 57. [w. James, C.R.]
- TUTTLE (see Tuthill), Stephen Taylor, ch. I.B., canker rash, Apr. 29, 1833, [a.] 2 y. 8 m. [s. Ithiel B., C.R.] [s. Ithiel B. and Rhoda S., a. 2 y. 9 m., G.R.]
- TYLER, Edward, inflammation of the brain, Mar. 7, 1848, a. 64. [Capt. Edward, Mar. 6, G.R.]
- UNDERWOOD, William 0., fever, ______, 1831 [rec. between Aug. 12 and Sept. 16], [a.] 26. [Aug. 26, C.R. G.R.]
- VALLET, Anne, w. Jeremiah, July 8, 1806. [a. 72, C.R.]
- VANDERPOOL, John Henry, colored, s. Paul and Nancy, Nov. 20, 1849, a. 1 y. 5 m. 22 d.
- VANDERPOOL, Nelson, colored, s. Paul and Nancy, marasmus, Dec. 2, 1847, a. 1 y. 4 m.
- VANDERPOOL, Olive, colored, Apr. 9, 1842, a. 3.
- VANDERPOOL, _______, d. Paul, scarlet fever, Oct. 28, 1845, a. 2.
- VAN DEUSEN (see Vandeusen, Vandusen, Vendeusen), Charles A., s. Geo[rge] I. and Elvira, Aug. 25, 1840, a. 13 m. 10 d. G.R.
- VANDEUSEN (see Van Deusen, Vandusen, Vendeusen), Matthew, Mar. 7, 1807, a.67. [Vandusen, C.R. G.R.]
- VANDUSEN (see Van Deusen, Vandeusen, Vendeusen), Isaac, ch. Laurence and Christeen, Dec. 4, 1793.
- VANDUSEN (see Van Deusen, Vandeusen, Vendeusen), Laurance, July 19, 1799. [Laurence, in 32d y. C.R.] [Lowrance, July 17, in 33d y. G.R]
- VANDUSEN (see Van Deusen, Vandeusen, Vendeusen), Marshal, May 21, 1820, a. 14. [Marshall Vandeusen, s. Matthew, C.R.] [Van Dusen, s. Mathew and Betsey, a.14 y. 6 m., G.R.]
- VANDUSEN (see Van Deusen, Vandeusen, Vendeusen), William, s. Matthew Jr., Nov. 19, 1802, a. 3 m. 7 d. G.R.
- VANDUSEN (see Van Deusen, Vandeusen, Vendeusen), _______, ch. Matthew Jr., [Jan.] 30, 1805. [Lorence, a. 4 m. 27 d., G.R.]
- VAN TASSELL, Dorothy, Oct. 21, 1834, [a.] 78. [Vantassel, w. Frederick, Oct. 20, a. 77, G.R.]
- VARNEY, Lodoskey, Nov. 23, 1841, [a.] 21.
- VENDEUSEN (see Van Deusen, Vandeusen, Vandusen), Marget, Apr. 25, 1807, a. 23. [Margaret Vandusen, C.R.] [Margaret Vandeusen, d. John and Katharine of Gt. Barrington, G.R.]
- WAKFIELD, Harriet, adopted d. James and Hannah, congestive fever, Oct. 12, 1847, a. 13 y. 9 m. [Harriet, J. B., adopted d. James and Hannah T., G.R.]
- WALKER, Caleb [h. Huldah], "in the Summer of 1790," in Genesee.
- WALKER, Huldah, w. Caleb, Mar. 16, 1788.
- WALKER, Sarah, fever, Sept. __, 1832. [Sept. 26, a. 67, C.R.]
- WALTER, _______, ch. Elijah, Jan. 16, 1814. [a. 1 y. 10 m., C.R.]
- WALTER, _______, inf. Elijah, May 28, 1814.
- WARD, Harriet, d. Norman, Feb. 11, 1816, a. 5.
- WARREN, _______, ch. John, June 30, 1821, [a.] 1. [George, s. John and Phila, G.R.]
- WATSON, George Henry, s. William and Maria, croup, June 3, 1849, a. 7 m. [Wattson, a. 10 m. 15 d., G.R.]
- WATSON, William Thomas, s. W[illia]m and Maria, fits, Dec. 14, 1847, a. 1. [Wattson, Dec. 12, a. 14 m. 12 d., G.R.]
- WATSON, _______, ch. Elias, Mar. 9, 1836, [a.] 2.
- WEBBER, _______, ch. W[illia]m, "Hooping Cough," Oct. 26, 1838, a. 2.
- WEBSTER, Ashur, colored, drowned, July 4, 1820, a. 12.
- WEBSTER, Caroline, w. Wells E., scrofula, Dec. 26, 1844, a. 30. [Farline, a. 30 y. 8 m., G.R.]
- WEBSTER, Mary, July 26, 1827, a. 19. [July 22, C.R.] [Mary A., July 22, G.R.]
- WEBSTER, Silvia, w. Isaac, Aug. 21, 1845, a. 68 y. 6 m. 5 d. [Sylvia Barlow, a. 67, G.R.]
- WEST, Amasa, Sept.3, 1813. [s. Joshua, a. 4, C.R.] [s. Joshua and Mary, a. 4, G.R. ]
- WEST, Bathsheba [w. Levi], Apr. 20, 1805.
- WEST, Caleb, s. Joshua, Aug. 4, 1817, [a.] 6. [s. Joshua and Mary, Aug. 3 G.R.]
- WEST, Chester, ch. Eben[eze]r and Mehitabel, Nov. 30, 1787.
- WEST, David, ch. Jonathan and Elizabeth, Oct. 17, 1777.
- WEST, Ebenezer Jr., Mar. 18, 1834, [a. 38.
- WEST, Elizabeth, ch. Daniel and Elizabeth, Jan. 23, 1785.
- WEST, Elizabeth, wid., Mar. 17, 1800. [Mar. 21, a. 88, C.R.]
- WEST, Jonathan, Sept. __, 1795. [Sept. 17, a. 58, C.R.]
- WEST, Laura Ann, w. George, organic disease of the heart, May 26, 1847, a. 21. [Laura Ann Smith, May 24, a. 22, G.R.]
- WEST, Levi, Dec. 23, 1808, a. 48.
- WEST, Lois, w. Ephraim, May 3, 1806. [a. 19, G.R.]
- WEST, Lydia, ch. Jonathan and Elizabeth, Oct. 8, 1777.
- WEST, Lydia, ch. Jonathan and Elizabeth, Dec. 14, 1790.
- WEST, Matthew, Mar. 9, 1836, [a.] 23.
- WEST, Mehitable, Mar. 17, 1810, a. 11 y. 9 m. [Mehitabel, d. Eben[eze]r, C.R.] [Mehetabel, d. Ebenezer and Mehetabel, G.R.]
- WEST, Oliver, Dea., "36 years a Deacon in the church In Lee," Apr. 23, 1816, a. 82.
- WEST, Pamelia, ch. Elijah and Marah, Mar. 12, 1789.
- WEST, Patty, ch. Levi and Bathsheba, Apr. __, 1791.
- WEST, Pelatiah [father of Elijah], July 11, 1787.
- WEST, Stephen, June 26, 1834, [a.] 51.
- WEST, Thankful, w. Dea. Oliver, Mar. 12, 1806. [a. 69 y. 7 m., C.R.] [in 70th y. G.R.]
- WEST, _______, inf. Jonathan and Elizabeth, Jan. 19, 1779.
- WEST, _______, inf. Jonathan and Elizabeth, July__, 1781.
- WEST, _______, inf. Eben[eze]r and Mehitabel, Feb. 7, 1793.
- WEST, _______, inf. Eben[eze]r and Mehitabel, Mar. 9, 1795. [Mar. 3, C.R.]
- WEST, _______, inf. Elijah, May 27, 1800. C.R.
- WEST, _______, ch. Levi, May 8, 1804.
- WEST, _______, w. Levi, Apr. 20, 1805.
- WEST, _______, ch. Joshua, Dec. 16, 1813. [inf. s. Joshua, G.R.]
- WEST, _______, d. Ashley and Marietta, dropsy of the brain, Jan. 27, 1847, a. 10 m.
- WESTCOAT, James, June 12, 1809. [Waistcoat, s. Ambrose, a. 7, C.R.] [s.Ambrose and Polly, in 8th y. G.R.]
- WESTOVER, Rosanna, Aug. 11, 1835, [a.] 19.
- WHEELER, Darius D., Mar, 30, 1829, [a.] 30.
- WHEELER, Maria R., d. Asahel and NancY fits, Feb.__, 1849. [Mariah Rosinah, d. Asahel and Nancy M., Feb. 19, a. 11 y. 7 m., G.R.]
- WHEELER, Mary L., marasmus, Apr. 29, 1837, a. 22. [Polly L., w. Thomas P., Apr. 30, G.R.]
- WHEELER, Orrin, inflamation on the bowels, June 15, 1843, [a.] 17. [Joshua Orrin, s. Phineas and Eunice, G.R.]
- WHEELER, Orrin, b. S. Lee, s. Tho[ma]s P. and Margaret, scarlet fever, Nov. 26, 1845, a. 2. [Orrin R., a. 1 y. 2 m., G.R.]
- WHEELER, Phineas, m., b. Stonington, Conn., s. Shepherd and Lucy fits, Oct. 3, 1849, a. 65.
- WHITE, John Esq. of Georgia, Vt., Apr. 15, 1807, a. 32.
- WHITE, Mariah, b. Tyringham, w. Dan[ie]l, pu[er]peral fever, Oct. 24, 1844, a. 21.
- WHITE, _______, d. Daniel and Mariah, Sept. 15, 1844. Oct. 30, 1846 , a. 3.
- WHITE, _______, Oct, 30, 1846, a. 3.
- WHITFORD, Caroline Matilda, colored, Sept. 3, 1838, a. 13, colored, Nov. 20 1841, [a.] 38.
- WHITING, Ephraim, typhoid fever, Sept. 21 [1846], a. 41.
- WHITNEY, Mary, ch. William and Sarah, July 27, 1790. [a. 1 m., G.R.]
- WHITNEY, Richard, ch. William and Sarah, Apr. 23, 1796. [a. 1 y. 2 m., C.R.]
- WHITON, Amanda, b. Tyringham, wid. Gen. Joseph, apoplexy and palsy, Jan.15, 1847, a. 72.
- WHITON, Frances E., d. Ebenezer, Dec. 19, 1816, a. 14 m.
- WHITON, Henry, ch. Capt. James and Debborah, Oct.14, 1818. [dup. a. 1 y. 4 m]. [s. James Esq. and Deborah, G.R.]
- WHITON, James, Mar. 18, 1823, [a.] 75.
- WHITON, Joseph, Aug. 16, 1828, a. 69. [Joseph Esq., suddenly C.R.] [Gen. Joseph, G.R.]
- WHITON, SallYy, w. Manly, May 5, 1814. [a. 29, C.R.] [w. Mandley, a. 29, G.R.]
- WHITON, _______, inf. Manley, Mar. 22, 1819. [Sherman, s. Manly and Sally, a. 17 d., G.R.]
- WHITON, _______, inf. James Esq., May 6, 1823.
- WILCOX, (see Willcox), Electa, inflamation in the bowels, spasm in the stomach and cramp cholic, May 17, 1800. [May 16, in 20th y., C. R.] [May16, a.19 y. 2 m.14 d., G.R.]
- WILCOX, _______, ch. Edward, Oct. 3, 1805.
- WILLCOX (see Wilcox), Hudson, ch. Daniel and Lydia, May 28, 1802. [Wilcox, s. Capt. Daniel and Lydia, a. 6 y. 7 m, 16 d., G.R.]
- WILLCOX (see Wilcox), Jerusha, w. Peter, May 30, 1778.
- WILLCOX (see Wilcox), Oziel, ch. Peter and Jerusha,"killed at Sheffield," Mar. 27, 1787. [?Killed Feb. 27, 1787.]
- WILLCOX (see Wilcox), Peter Jr., "48 hours illness of the billious Cholic," July 16, 1794, in 30th y. in Grenville.
- WILLEY, Harlow, Oct. 7, 1818, a. 19.
- WILLIAMS, Gilbert, consumption, Oct. 25, 1841, [a.] 32. [Gilbert M., G.R.]
- WILLIAMS, James, "a transient person," June 1[0], 1806. [a. abt. 43, C.R.]
- WILLIAMS, James, Dec. 8, 1831, [a.] 63.
- WILLIAMS, James, typhus fever, Jan. 22, 1844, a. 2 7. [Jan. 21, a. 28, G.R.]
- WILLIAMS, Jemima, w. Ephraim, Mar. 18, 1824, a. 48. [Mime, G.R.]
- WILLIAMS, Lucy. w. John, Aug. 28, 1786, a. 24. G.R.
- WILLIAMS, _______, s. Asa, Apr. 4, 1819, [a.] 2.
- WILLIAMS, _______, inf. Laura, May 26, 1824.
- WILLIS (see Wyllys).
- WILSON, Clary Adel, d. Rockwell and Melissa, Nov. 14, 1848, a. 5 m.
- WILSON, David, May 13, 1820, a. 21.
- WILSON, Delia, Jan. 3, 1832, [a.] 47. [w. John, C.R.]
- WILSON, Lydia M., d. Rockwell and Melissa, Nov.13, 1848, a. 3 m. 6 d. G.R.
- WILSON, William, typhus, Apr. 2, 1828, a. 63.
- WILSON, _______, s. William, Dec. 4, 1818, a. 2. [a. 3, C.R.]
- WINEGAR, Anna, w. Jacob, July 5, 1802, a. 28 y. 9 m. G.R.
- WINEGAR, Elizabeth, consumption, May 22, 1840, [a.] 28.
- WINEGAR, John, Mar. 14, 1798. [a. 55, C.R.] [a. 55 y. 2 m., G.R.]
- WINEGAR, Katharine, June 13, 1798. (Catharina, consumption, a. 33, C.R.] [Caty, a.33 y.13 d.,G.R.]
- WINEGAR, Mary, w. Jacob, chronic rheumatism, Mar. 27, 1847, a. 76. [Mary A., G.R.]
- WINEGAR, Sarah, w. Jacob, June 3, 1818, [a.] 45, [second w. Jac, G.R.]
- WINEGAR, Sarah, d. Jacob, consumption, Oct. 20, 1846, a. 30 y. 11 m. 9 d.
- WINEGAR, Thankful, d. Jacob, Apr. 19, 1818, [a.] 11 y. 6. m. [d. Jac and Sarah, G.R.]
- WINEGAR, Zach, Capt., m., "chill fever or western fever," Oct. 28, 1846, a. 48 y. 5 m. 18 d., in Williamsfield, 0.
- WINEGAR, Zacheus, ch. John and BetseY Mar. 4, 179 [torn] [1791], [Zach, in 23d y. G.R.]
- WINEGAR, _______, inf. Jacob and Anna, Mar. 3, 1797, G.R.
- WINEGAR, _______, inf. Jacob, Apr. 1, 1797. C.R.
- WINEGAR, _______, inf. Jacob and Anna, June 16, 1802. G.R.
- WINEGAR, _______, ch. Jacob, [Nov.] 20, 1804.
- WOODWARD, William C., "a Stranger," fever, Oct. 3, 1836, [a.] 20.
- WORMER, Gilbert Livingston, s. Rich[ar]d, Mar. 22, 1818, [a.] 2. [s. Richard and Dimerus, a. 2 y. 2 m. 18 d., G.R.]
- WORMER, Hannah, July 5, 1809. [d. Jeremiah, a. 30, C.R.] [in 30th y. G.R.]
- WORMER, Mary Ann, d. Aaron, Sept. 21, 1799, in 8th y. C.R.
- WORMER, _______, w. Jer[emia]h, July 17, 1803. [Grace, in 50th y. G.R.]
- WRIGHT, Ichabod, Mar. 12, 1830, [a.] 57.
- WRIGHT, John, accident, Apr. 15, 1842, a. 9.
- WRIGHT, Loisa Williams, d. Sam[ue]l C., Oct. 25, 1841, [a.] 7 m.
- WRIGHT, _______, inf. William, Sept. 24, 1827. [inf. s. William, C.R.]
- WRINKLE, Mary. b. Ireland, d. Lawrence and Rose, consumption, Oct. 7, 1849, a. 28.
- WYLLYS, Elizabeth, ch. Joseph and Elizabeth, May 8, 1792.
- WYLLYS, Joseph, "A Revolutionary Pensioner, he was one of the Regt. of Col. Shelden's Light Horse at the Battle of Wht. Plains," old age, Mar. 29, 1846, a. 85. [Willis, a. 87, G.R.]
- WYLLYS, Rhoda, ch. Joseph and Elizabeth, Apr. 10, 1790.
- YALE, John, Jan. 16, 1807, a. 18. [s. Josiah Esq., C.R.] [S. Josiah Esq. and Ruth, G.R.]
- YALE, Josiah Esq., May 13, 1822, [a.] 70.
- YALE, Lucy, Nov. 4, 1836, [a.] 37. [Lucy Ingersoll, w. Josiah, G.R.]
- YOUNG (see youngs), James W., fever, Aug. 24, 1832, [a.] 31.
- YOUNGS (see young), _______, s. James, Nov. 11, 1793. C.R.
- Abraham, colored, Apr. 24, 1838, a. 1 y. 6 m.
- Naomi, colored, Dec. 10, 1832, a. 17, C.R.
- _______, "A Black Child at J. Yale's Esqr., "Mar. 31, 1810. [ch. Sabarah, Mar.30, C.R.]
- _______, Elizabeth, Nov. 19, 1841, [a.] 2.
- _______,b. Ireland, "Blown up in Kellog's Powder Mill," June 4, 1845.