Hinsdale Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
Transcribed by Matthew Tooley
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Marriages in the Town of Hinsdale, Berkshire County, Massachusetts to the end of the year 1850".
Hinsdale Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
- ABBOT (see Abbott), John and Mary M. Chapman, int. Sept. 21, 1842.
- ABBOT (see Abbott), Lucy, 18, d. John and Cyntha, and Orsmus [int. Osman] Adams, Apr. 12, 1846.
- ABBOT (see Abbott), Luther H. Esq. [int. Abbott, omits Esq.] and Nancy Eager, Jan. 5, 1841.
- ABBOT (see Abbott), Roxana [int. Abbott] and Russel Tinker, Feb. 6, 1834.
- ABBOTT (see Abbot), Cynthia C. [int. Cynthia E. Abbot] and Joseph S. Warren, Feb. 18, 1843.
- ADAMS, Hanah [int. Hannah] E. and Thomas Adams [int. Jr.], May 3, 1835.
- ADAMS, Julia A. and [int. Dr.] Lucius Clark, May 22, 1836.
- ADAMS, Minerva and [int. Dr.] Isa[a]c Lovejoy, Oct. 13, 1829.
- ADAMS, Orsmus [int. Osman], 23, b. Windsor, s. John and Elizabeth of Windsor, and Lucy Abbot, Apr. 12, 1846.
- ADAMS, Prudence [int. Prudance] and Addison Merriman, Dec. 27, 1824.
- ADAMS, Thomas [int. Jr.] of Riga, N.Y., and Hanah [int. Hannah] E. Adams, May 3, 1835.
- ADAMS, W[illia]m [int. adds W.] and Clarrissa [int. Clarrisa] Knight, Oct. 26, 1830.
- ALDEN, Amira of Pittsfield, and Philander Wing, int. Nov. 25 [1832].
- ALLEN, Charles and Azubah Morgan, Nov. 14, 1839.
- ALLEN, Thomas and Phebe [Phoebe, C.R.] Howard, July 10, 1808.*
- ANEBLE, Mary of Worthington, and Medad Eames, Aug, 3, 1824.*
- ARTHUR, Charles [int. adds D.], 27, s. Frederick (Arther) and Polly, and Louisa Cole, Dec. 9, 1847.
- ATTWELL, Julia R., 21, d. Paul P. and Nancy of N. Easton, N.Y., and George Kittredge, July 3, 1847.*
- ATWATER, Ichabod and Bethiah Richards, Feb. 2, 1817. C.R.
- ATWOOD, Phinias and Hulda Haskal, Dec. ____, 1815.*
- ATWOOD, Thomas G., 23, b. Dalton, of Pittsfield, s. Levi and Sarah dec'd, and Zilpah Parsons, July 16 [1846].
- AYRES, Septimus and ______ Joisabal, int. Apr. 6 [1812].
- BABCOCK, Ebenezer and Lois Forbs, July 2 1, 1803. C.R.
- BACON, Rebeca o[f] Chester, and Daniel Payn, int. Oct. 12, 1811.
- BAKER, Dorothy of Amhirst, and Daniel N. Warner, int. Apr. 9, 1829.
- BANISTER, Rev. S. W. and Elizabeth E. H. Stevens, int. Sept. 17, 1841.
- BARDEN, Zepheniah [int. Zephenia Bardeen] of Dalton, and Anna [int. Ann] Wing, Dec. 3, 1835. [Zephaniah Bardin, C.R.]
- BARKER, Asahel and Semarimis Frissel, int. Mar. 31, 1833.
- BARKER, George of Pittsfield, and Cordelia Thayer, int. Sept. 2, 1832.
- BARKER, Tho[ma]s F. and Clarrissa Watkins, int. Mar. 9, 1828.
- BARNABBE, Sarah of Peru, and John Brown, May 18, 1836, in Peru. C.R.
- BARRETT, Archa and Elizabath Cady, int. Nov. 26, 1826.
- BARRETT, Laury Walden and John Peirce Jr., int. Nov. 14, 1818. [Laura W., and John Pierce, m. Dec. 23, 1818, C. R.]
- BARRETT, Mary B. and Charles E. Watkins, int. June 8, 1839.
- BARRETT, Noah B. and Elizabeth Clark, int. Nov. 8, 1829.
- BARRETT, Olive and Nathan W. Fay, Oct. 15, 1829.
- BARRETT, Silas B. [int. J.] and Hannah L. Pomeroy, ______ [int. Nov. 4], 1843. [m. "on or about Monday Nov. 27, 1843" C.R.]
- BARRETT, Square [int. Squire] H. and Keziah Payn [int. Payne], Dec. 16, 1828.
- BARRETT, Thomas P. and Lucy Spencer, May 17 [1826].
- BARROWS, Theodore and Clarrissa Leland, int. Mar. 7, 1830.
- BARSTOW (see Bestow, Bisto).
- BARTLET (see Bartlett), Asenath and William Burnham, int. Sept. 18, 1813. [Bartlett; m. Nov. 3, 1813, C.R.]
- BARTLET (see Bartlett), Clementina and Rufus F. Hibbard, int. Jan. 17, 1830.
- BARTLET (see Bartlett), Ruth M. and Henry D. Lyman, Oct. 21, 1830.
- BARTLETT (see Bartlet), Julius and Eliza Humes, int. July 6 [1817].
- BASS, Esther and Harvey Mason, Nov. 25, 1802. C. R.
- BASSETT, Isaac and Mary Knight, June 23, 1803. C. R.
- BASSETT, Polly and Obadiah [int. Obidiah] Brown, May 31, 1821. [Obediah, C.R.]
- BATES, Chloe, Mrs., of Worthington, and Gordon Parish, int. Apr. 2, 1842.
- BEALLS, Diodorus S., Dr. [int. Beals, omits Dr.], 27, Of Plainfield, s. David and Judith of Dalton, and Eliza E. Cady, July 13, 1847.
- BENJAMIN, Nancy P. of Worthington, and Salmon Loomis Esq., int. Jan. 29, 1841.
- BENNETT, Anthony and Julia A. Ramsdell, Dec. 29, 1840.
- BENSON, Noah of Dalton, [and] Tammy Chapins, int. Feb. 14, 1814. [Chapin; m. Mar. 1, 1814, C.R.]
- BENTON, John [int. of Peru] and Climena Porter, Mar. 20, 1822.
- BENTON, Mary C. of Peru, and Asa B. Partridge, Apr. 8, 1824. C.R.
- BENTON, Sally of Peru, and William Lyman, Dec. _____, 1815.*
- BESTOW (see Bisto), Charlottee [dup. Besow, dup. and int. Charlotte] and Horton Werner [int. Warner], Aug, 31, 1817 [Horten; C. R.]
- BESTOW (see Bisto), Frederick and Fanney Smith, Nov. 2, 1808.*
- BESTOW (see Bisto), Hannah [int. adds W.] and Lyman Sanderson, Oct. 1, 1817.
- BICKNAL, Humphrey and Asenath Raymond, int. Mar. 13, 1831.
- BICKNAL, James of Dalton, and Lucy Cady, int. Nov. 29, 1822.
- BILL, Harriet D., 23, b. Washington, of Peru, d. Alson and Electa of Peru, and Alonzo D. Eames, Oct. 26, 1847.*
- BINGHAM, Silas B. (sec Silas B. Bottum).
- BISTO (see Bestow), Lurana and Obidiah Smith, int. Sept. 25, 1809.
- BIXBEE (see Bixby), Axa [int. Achsa] and Stephen Holland, Apr. 17, 1828.
- BIXBY (see Bixbee), Elizabeth R. and John E. Roberts, int. Aug. 29, 1836.
- BLAKESLY, Harriet E., 19, b. W. Stockbridge, of W. Stockbridge, and Selden Spencer, Apr. 4, 1848.*
- BLAKMAN, Harris of Peru, and Reana Brown, int. Nov. 15, 1819.
- BLUSH, Nancy A. of Middlefield, and Styles Renolds [int. Reynolds], June 6, 1833.
- BOARDMAN, Daniel of Dalton, and Eliza Wing, int. Aug. 17, 1834.
- BOARDMAN, Martha of Dalton, and Henry Putman, int. Feb. 19, 1823.
- BODURTHA, Sarah T. of Pittsfield, and Henry Merriman, int. June 26, 1837.
- BOLLS, Augustine and Mary Lyman, int. Mar. 15, 1835.
- BOOTH, Charles K. and Lucy N. Parsons, int. Nov. 12, 1842.
- BOOTH, Elizabeth and Warren Gardner, June 19, 1830. [June 17, C.R.]
- BOOTH, Jacob Jr. of Windsor, and Mrs. Sophia P. Nichols, int. Apr. 25, 1841.
- BOOTH, Lucinda and William Cleveland, int. May ____, 1817.
- BOOTH, Philander F. [int. omits F.] and Almena Davis, June 6, 1838.
- BOOTH, Roxana and Sardis Nichols, Oct. 24, 1833
- BOTTUM, Silas B[ingham] [name changed to Bingham; "Bingham" added in pencil], widr., 32, S. Silas and Esther of Peru, and Mary Nelson, Dec. 25, 1845.*
- BOWLES (see Bolls).
- BRADLEY, James Jr. of Windsor, and Marinda Torry, int. July 6, 1828. Philena of Cumington, and Henry Torrey, int. May 19, 1833.
- BREWER, Lucinda and Zenas Crane, int. Nov. 5, 1809.
- BREWER, Mary [of] Wilbraham, and Oliver P. Colt, int. Aug. 6, 1809.
- BREWSTER, Joseph M., Rev., of Peru, and Mary F. Morgan, May 5, 1825. C.R.
- BRIDGEMAN, Laurinda of W. Hampton, and James Porter, int. Dec. 12, 1818.
- BROWN, Daniel and Fany Watkins, int. Mar. 12, 1820.
- BROWN, Daniel Jr. and Caroline Smith, int. Feb. 21, 1826.
- BROWN, John of Peru, and Sarah Barnabee, May 18, 1836, in Peru. C.R.
- BROWN, Justin and Angeline E. Smith, int. Apr. 28, 1833.
- BROWN, Justin, widr. [int. omits widr.], s. Daniel, and Eliza Whipple, wid. [int. Mrs.], Mar. 28, 1846.
- BROWN, Lucian and Harrit M. Stebbins, int. Dec. 2, 1848.
- BROWN, Obadiah [int. Obidiah] and Polly Bassett, May 31, 1821. [Obediah, C. R.]
- BROWN, Reana and Harris Blakman, int. Nov. 15, 1819.
- BROWN, Sherman and Lucena L. Warren, int. Dec. 11, 1841.
- BROWNELL (see Bruonill).
- BRUONILL, Zenas and Sene Watkins, July 17, 1806.* [Brownel, and Sena, C.R.]
- BUCK, Relief of Chesterfield, and Ira Torrey, int. Sept. 9, 1841.
- BUCKLEY, Emeline, 19, b. Glennam, N.Y., d. James, and Charles D. Lemley, Feb. 6, 1849.*
- BULLARD, Clarissa and George Nicholson, int. July 13, 1824.
- BULLARD, Lucy and Gideon [int. Gideion] Nicholson, Apr, 7, 1825.
- BURCHARD, Francis M., 19, b. Riga, N.Y., of Riga, N.Y., d. James (Birchard) and Lydia dec'd, and Charles J. Kittredge, June 17, 1845.*
- BURNHAM, William and Asenath Bartlet, int. Sept. 18, 1813 [Bartlett; m. Nov. 3, 1813, C.R.]
- BUTTON, Daniel and Sally Lovland, int. _____ [rec. Before July 27, 1806].
- BUTTS, Mary, 24, d. Nath[anie]l and Polly, and Phillip [int. Philip] H. Sears, Feb. 5, 1849.
- BUTTS, Rufus and Susan T. Yerinans, int. June 13, 1830.
- CADY, Abigal J. [int. Jane A.], 24, d. Abial and Abigal, and Griffin Chamberlain, Oct. 18, 1848. [Abigail Jane, C.R.]
- CADY, Alva and Diana Hatheway, int. Mar. 7 [dup. Mar. 3], 1825.
- CADY, Asa Jr. and Tarrisa [dup. Terrisa] Hatheway, Feb. 17, 1818.* [Terrissa Hathaway, C.R.]
- CADY, Chester Jr. and Betsey Hathaway, int. Aug. 23, 1829.
- CADY, Clarrissa and Ira Day, Oct. 11, 1807.* [Clarissa, C.R.]
- CADY, Daniel and Betsy Raymond, int. July 28, 182[1].
- CADY, Dilight and Ebenezer Pain Jr., int. Apr. 16, 1809.
- CADY, Eliza E., 26, d. Abiel and Abigal, and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] Diodorus S. Bealls [int. Beals], July 13, 1847.
- CADY, Elizabath and Archa Barrett, int. Nov. 26, 1826.
- CADY, Esther and Tho[ma]s Demoranville, Feb. 8, 1835.*
- CADY, Harry and Olive Watkins, int. Oct. 9, 1821.
- CADY, John and Eliza Emmons, Nov. 30, 1826.
- CADY, Lucy and James Bicknal, int. Nov. 29, 1822.
- CADY, Martha E. and Franklin Frissel, int. Sept. 22, 1842. [Martha Emeline, and Franklin Frissell, m. Oct. 19, 1842, C.R.]
- CADY, Olive and William Clark, May 31, 1810.
- CARSON, William H., 24, Of Westfield, s. Daniel B. and Marry of Westfield, and Ruth S. Watkins, Sept. 11, 1848.
- CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlin), Asahel and Sophia Wing, Mar. 20, 1804. C.R.
- CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlin), Dickerman and Jerusha Warner, Dec. 1, 1803. C.R.
- CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlin), Griffin, 22, of Cheshire, s. Martin and Eliza of Pittsfield, and Abigal J. [int. Jane A.] Cady, Oct. 18, 1848. [Abigail Jane, C.R.]
- CHAMBERLIN (see Chamberlain), Electa L. of Dalton, and David M. Hinsdale, int. Aug. 25 [1833].
- CHAPEL (see Chappel), Eliza [int. of Washington] and Nelson L. Stuart [int. Stewart], ______, 1843 [int. Oct. 27, 1843].
- CHAPIN (see Chapins), Electa and John Mills, May 9, 1803. C.R.
- CHAPIN (see Chapins), Persis and Erastus Pease, Jan. 10, 1808.*
- CHAPINS (see Chapin), Tammy [and] Noah Benson, int. Feb. 14, 1814. [Chapin; m. Mar. 1, 1814, C.R.]
- CHAPINS (see Chapin), Tryphen [and] John Merrills, int. Feb. 14, 1814. [Tryphena Chapin, and John Merrells, m. Feb. 27, 1814, C.R.]
- CHAPMAN, Achsah [int. Axa of Windsor] and Thomas Torry, May 12, 1836.
- CHAPMAN, Hannah of Pittsfield, and Bartlet Leonard, int. Apr. 21, 1815.
- CHAPMAN, Mary M. of Windsor, and John Abbot, int. Sept. 21, 1842.
- CHAPPEL (see Chapel), Amanda, wid., d. Cyrel Spring, and Morgan Gamwell, widr., Oct. 10, 1844.*
- CHARLES, Abigail and Miller Wright, May 18, 1824.*
- CHARLES, Niel and Asenath Parkis, int. Feb. 19, 1832.
- CHEESEMAN, Anna and Ichabod Post, int. Oct. 5, 1839. [m. Oct. 21, 1839, C. R.]
- CHESTER, Lydia of Allington, Conn., and Fredirck Foster, Dec. 30, 182[?].*
- CHILDS, Job and Salley Mathews, Nov. 12, 1805.* [Sally Matthews, C.R.]
- CHURCH, James and Nancy Little, Mar. 14, 1815. C. R.
- CHURCHILL, Maria H. of Chester, and Baxter E. Johnson, int. Mar. 1, 1844.
- CHURCHILL, Martha [int. Matha] of Pittsfield, and [int. Capt.] Daniel Merriman [int. Meriman], Dec. 4, 1826. [in Pittsfield, C.R.]
- CLAPP, Hophni and Sarah M. Stevens, int. July 28, 1842.
- CLAPP, Levi of Worthington, and Sarah Huntington, Oct. 8, 1815.* [Nov. 16, 1815, C.R.]
- CLARK, Abigail [int. of Northampton] and William Hinsdale, ______, 1843 [int. Apr. 19, 1844].
- CLARK, Almus C. of Hadley, and Mary Ann Lyman, int. Dec. 24, 1837.
- CLARK, Elizabeth of Pittsfield, and Noah B. Barrett, int. Nov. 8, 1829.
- CLARK, Franklin and Sarah Curtiss, int. Jan. 18, 1829.
- CLARK, Joel D. of Worthington, and Eliza Crosier, Nov. 21, 1822. C.R.
- CLARK, Loren C., s. William, and Mary E. Rice, Jan. 1, 1845.
- CLARK, Lucius [int. adds Dr.] of Williamson, N.Y., and Julia A. Adams, May 22, 1836. Lucius L. of Kalamazoo, Mich., and Sarah Jane Colt, int. June 16, 1842. [Jane Colt; M. June 21, in Albany, C.R.]
- CLARK, William [int. of Windsor] and Olive Cady, May 31, 1810.
- CLARK, William and Amanda Wentworth, Feb. 14, 1833.
- CLEVELAND, Alva [int. Alvah, dup. Alvah Cleavland] and Hannah Kittridg [int. Kittridge, dup. Kittiridge], Sept. 16, 1804 [dup. 1805]. [1804, C.R.]
- CLEVELAND, Warren and Tryphena Torry, int. ______ [rec. before July 27, 1806].
- CLEVELAND, William of Dalton, and Lucinda Booth, int. May ____ , 1817
- COLE, Cephas of Peru, and Polly Parsons, Mar. 25, 1819. C.R.
- COLE, John and Rhoda Leland, int. Mar. 10, 1818.
- COLE, Louisa, 28, d. Luther and Sarah of Peru, and Charles [int. adds D.] Arthur, Dec. 9, 1847.
- COLLINS, Flavia [of] Chester Village, and Charles H. Pitt, int. Oct. 16, 1840.
- COLLINS, Prentis and Louis [female] Parson, int. May 16, 18[13].
- COLT, Charles of Genesee, and Anna Smith, int. Mar. 5, 1815.
- COLT, Mary B., 20, d. Oliver P. and Mary, and John Parsons [int. Parson], Oct. 4, 1847.
- COLT, Oliver P. and Mary Brewer, int. Aug. 6, 1809.
- COLT, Sarah Jane and Lucius L. Clark, int. June 16, 1842. [Jane Colt; m. June 21, in Albany, C.R.]
- COMSTOCK, Elvira, 24, of Lenox, d. Isaac and Clarind, and Elisha H. Parish, Sept. 22, 1845.*
- CONE, Ascenath and Nathan Wright Jr., Feb. 8, 1816. C.R.
- CONE, Samuel of Peru, and Emiline Leland, int. Feb. 15, 1835.
- COOPER, Porter [int. of Windsor] and Sarah Nash, Nov. 29, 1827.
- CRANE, Lucia of Washington, and Hosea Fuller, int. July 1, 1810.
- CRANE, Zenas and Lucinda Brewer, int. Nov. 5, 1809.
- CROSIER, Eliza of Peru, and Joel D. Clark, Nov. 21, 1822. C.R.
- CROSS, Ester of Middlefield, and Alvan Day, int. Mar. 15, 1844.
- CROSS, Nancy Ann of Lee, and Austin W. Kellogg, int. Mar. 25, 1838.
- CROSS, Samuel of Washington, and Nancy Simmons, July 3, 1823.
- CROSSETT, Mary of Conway, and Hervy T. Spring, int. June 17, 1847.
- CURTIS (see Curtiss), Frederic [int. Frederick Curtiss] and Marth Caroline Pierce [int. Martha Peirc], Mar. 12, 1834.
- CURTIS (see Curtiss), Minarva and Otis Fuller, int. Apr. 2, 1809. [Minerva, m. May 7, 1809, C.R.]
- CURTISS (see Curtis), Anson and Sally Lemly [int. Lemley], Nov. 6, 1817. [Curtis; C.R.]
- CURTISS (see Curtis), Frederick [int. Curtis] and Sally Squires, Apr. 14, 1825.
- CURTISS (see Curtis), Samantha M., 23 [int. of Naples, N.Y.], d. Waldo and Abigal of Naples, N.Y., and John L. Tinker, July 1, 1845.
- CURTISS (see Curtis), Sarah of Northampton, and Franklin Clark, int. Jan. 18, 1829.
- CUSHING, Royal of Windsor, and Lydia Pierce [int. Peirce, Oct. 15, 1835.
- DAVIS, Almena and Philander F. [int. omits F.] Booth, June 6, 1838. Lilly and Solomon Lemly, int. Oct. 7, 1820.
- DAVIS, Louisa Of Westfield, and Daniel Lee, June 3 [1847], in Dalton. C.R.
- DAVIS, ______, Mrs., and Jabez Whitney, int. ______ [rec. before July 27, 1806].
- DAVISSON, Thomas Jr. of Otis, and Susan Loveland, int. Mar. 4, 1813. [Davison; m. Mar, 30, 1813, C.R.]
- DAY, Alvan and Ester Cross, int. Mar. 15, 1844.
- DAY, Ira and Clarrissa Cady, Oct. 11, 1807.* [Clarissa C.R.]
- DAY, John, 23, b. Chester, s. Ira and Clarissa of Chester, and Almira Loveland, Feb. 18 [1849].*
- DELANO, Esther N. and Pelatiah Leonard, int. Apr. 21, 1815.
- DEMING, Lorenzo J. [int. Demming of Washington] and Sarah A. Millikan, ______, 1843 [int. Mar. 16, 1844]. [m. Apr. 2, 1844, C.R.]
- DEMORANVILLE, Tho[ma]s of Dalton, and Esther Cady, int. Feb. 8, 1835.
- DICKSON, Nabby, Mrs., and Joshua Jackson, int. Dec. 8, 1806.
- DOOLITTLE, Carline of Pittsfield, and William McMurray, int. Oct. 31, 1830.
- DRESSER, Minerva, wid., and Capt. Henry Peirce, May 26, 18l4. C.R.
- DROWN, Israel W. of Hudson, N.Y., and Keziah Wright, Oct. 6, 1835.
- DUNIVAN, William [int. Dunevan] and Mylena [int. Mylura] Wing, July 20, 1829.
- DURANT, Betsey of Middlefield, and Walter Tracy, int. Sept. 24, 1832. Nancy M. and Charles K. Tracy, int. Oct. 26, 1834.
- EAGER, Nancy of Sterling, and Luther H. Abbot Esq. [int. Abbott, omits Esq.], Jan. 5, 1841.
- EAGER, Nathaniel and Sybel Huntington, Apr. 11, 1813. C. R.
- EAMES, Alonzo D., 28, s. Daniel and Sally, and Harriet D. Bill, Oct. 26, 1847.*
- EAMES, Daniel and Eunice Smith, int. Oct. 8, 1848.
- EAMES, Havilah and Philothete Warner, int. Jan. 15, 1810. [m. Mar. 22, 1810, C.R.] Medad and Mary Aneble, int. Aug, 3, 1824.
- ELDRIDGE, Heman [int. Eldridg] of Hancock, and Lucinday [int. Lucina] Parson, Oct. 9, 1828. [Parsons; C.R.]
- EMMONS, Eliza and John Cady, Nov. 30, 1826.
- EMMONS, Emily and Lyman Payne, May 28, 1837. [Payn; C.R.]
- EMMONS, Laura and Augustas [int. Augus C.] Frissel, Nov. 28, 1833.
- EMMONS, Mary, d. Ichabod and Mindwell, and James J. Warren, Oct. 24, 1844.
- EMMONS, Monroe and Seraph Hutchins, int. May 9, 1830.
- EMMONS, Monroe and Louisa Wood, May 2, 1838. [Loisa, C.R.]
- EMMONS, Noadiah and Susan Warren, int. May 30, 1840.
- EMMONS, Sylvester Esq. of Chester, and Altamira Hinsdale, int. July 28, 1811.
- FARR, Elbridge of Comington, and Sarah Russ, int. June 15, 1828.
- FAY, Nathan W. and Lovica Smith, int. Sept. 15, 1811.
- FAY, Nathan W. rad Olive Barrett, Oct. 15, 1829.
- FAY, William N., 26, s. Nathan W. and Lovisa of Rochester, 0., and Sarah L. Merrell, Feb. 26 [1849].*
- FERRY, Polly and Mosess Whitney [int. Moses Whitny] Mar. 13, 1811.
- FOOT, G. W. of Pittsfield, and Lucy Mack, int. Oct. 14, 1831.
- FORBS, Emilea and Roswell Ford, int. Aug. 31, 1806. [Emilia, m. Sept. 9, 1806, C.R.]
- FORBS, Lois and Ebenezer Babcock, July 21, 1803. C. R.
- FORD, Rosel and Susanna Winthworth, Sept. 9, 1806.*
- FORD, Roswell and Emilea Forbs, int. Aug, 31, 1806. [Emilia, m. Sept. 9, 1806, C.R.]
- FOSTER, Fredirck of Lenox, and Lydia Chester, Dec. 30, 182[?].*
- FOSTER, Jacob, b. Dalton, s. ______ dec'd, and Julia Anne Watkins, Aug. 14, ______ [rec. Jan. 1, 1845].*
- FRANCIS, Fimelia and Shubail Otis, Apr. 7, 1803. C. R.
- FRANCIS, John and Phenele Peirce, int. Mar. 16, 1828.
- FRANCIS, Lysander M. and Mary B. Stedman, int. Oct. 24, 1840.
- FRANCIS, Mary P. and Marshall Peirce, Nov. 8, 1832. C.R.
- FRANCIS, Philena and John Tinker, int. Mar. 5, 1815.
- FRISSEL (see Frissell), Augustas [int. Augus C.] of Peru, and Laura Emmons, Nov. 28, 1833.
- FRISSEL (see Frissell), Franklin of Peru, and Martha E. Cady, int. Sept. 22, 1842. [Frissell, and Martha Emeline, m. Oct. 19, 1842, C.R.]
- FRISSEL (see Frissell), Semarimis of Peru, and Asahel Barker, int. Mar. 31, 1833.
- FRISSELL (see Frissel), Amanda and Sam[ue]l Wisner, Oct. 14, 1830.
- FRISSELL (see Frissel), Amasa of Peru, and Zerviah Pearse [int. Peirse], Mar. 10, 1825. [Pierce; C.R.]
- FRISSELL (see Frissel), Amasa [int. Frisel] of Peru, and [int. Mrs.] Abigail Haskins, Oct. 9, 1834.
- FRISSELL (see Frissel), Sarah of Peru, and John M. Tuttle, May 23, 1836, in Peru. C.R.
- FULLER, Elizebeth of Munson, and Ichabod Post, int. Apr. 1, 1813 Hosea and Lucia Crane, int. July 1, 1810.
- FULLER, Otis and Minarva Curtis, int. Apr. 2, 1809. [Minerva, m. May 7, 1809, C.R.]
- GALLUP, Millen of Dalton, and Electa Pixley, int. Dec. 15, 1818. [Millin, m. Jan. 13, 1819.]
- GALLUP, Monica of Dalton, and Richard Vandenburgh, int. Apr. 6, 1842.
- GAMWELL, Aaron and Lydia Matthews, Feb. 13, 1820.*
- GAMWELL, Morgan, widr., s. James dec'd, and Amanda Chappel, wid., Oct. 10, 1844.*
- GARDNER, Warren of Plainfield, and Elizabeth Booth, June 19, 1830. [June 17, C.R.]
- GEAR (see Geer), Chole, Mrs., [and] Jonathan Western, int. Oct. 6, 1809.
- GEAR (see Geer), Sherman, widr. [int. omits widr.], 36, b. Worthington, of Worthington, s. Luther and Joanna of Worthington, and Malina Wing, Dec. 12, 1848. [Geer; C.R.]
- GEER (see Gear), Adison A., 23, b. Peru, of Peru, s. Alpheus and w., and Rebecca D. Warren, Mar. 30, 1847,*
- GEER (see Gear), Obidiah G. of Peru, and Aurilia Wing, Dec. 26 [1818].*
- GOLDSMITH, Jonathan and Abigail Jones, June 7, 1808.*
- GOODRICH, Elijah H. and Mary Washboun [int. Washburn], Dec. 29, 1829.
- GOODRICH, Elvisa [int. Elviza] and Henry Putnam, June 6, 1838.
- GOODRICH, Lovina and Roswell Parrish [int. Parish], June 7, 1831.
- GOODRICH, Nancy and John Sherwin, Mar. IS, 1804. C.R.
- GOODSELL, Andrew J., 23, b. Pittsfield, s. John M. and Matilda of Pittsfield, and Louisa E. Loveland, Feb. 18 [1849].*
- HAMBLIN (see Hamlin), Harriet [int. Herriet Hamlin] and Curtiss [int. Curtis] Watkins, Dec. 29, 1825. [Harriet, of Peru, C.R.]
- HAMILTON, James [int. Hamblinton] of Washington, and Mary Simmons, Apr. 21, 1825.
- HAMILTON, Mary, wid., d. Ebenezer Simmons, and Isaac Lyman, ______ [rec. Apr. 6], 1848.*
- HAMLIN (see Hamblin), Ira and Lovina Whitney, int. Mar. 12, 1812. [Levina, m. Apr. 8, 1812, C.R.]
- HARADON, Mary [int. of Belchertown] and Daniel Wentworth [int. Winthworth] Jr., Feb. 3, 1811.
- HASKAL, Huldah of Peru, and Phinias Atwood, Dec. ____ 1815.*
- HASKINS, Abigail [int. adds Mrs.], and Amasa Frissell [int. Frisel], Oct. 9, 1834.
- HATHAWAY (see Hatheway), Betsey of Peru, and Chester Cady Jr., int. Aug. 23, 1829.
- HATHEWAY (see Hathaway), Diana of Perue, and Alva Cady, int. Mar. 3 [dup. Mar. 7], 1825.
- HATHEWAY (see Hathaway), Dolly and Noah Payn, Sept. 18, 1822.*
- HATHEWAY (see Hathaway), Esther and Ira Stephens, int. Jan. 13, 1815. [Mary Esther Hathaway, and Ira Stevens, m. Jan. 29, 1815, C.R.]
- HATHEWAY (see Hathaway), Tarrisa [int. Terrisa] and Asa Cady Jr.; Feb. 17, 1818. [Terrissa Hathaway, C.R.]
- HAWKS, Lewcen [? ] of Windsor, and Eunice Terrey, int. Oct. 17, 1823.
- HAWLEY, Flora Minerva [int. M.] and John Putnam, July 6, 1837.
- HERICK, Rufus [int. Herrick] of Worthington, and Rebeca Wright [int. Rebecah Wrigh], Mar. 19, 1822. [Rebecca, C.R.]
- HERRING, Serepta E. and Charles W. Leonard, Jan. 1, 1844 [sic, 1845].
- HIBBARD (see Hubbard), Rufus F. and Clementina Bartlet, int. Jan. 17, 1830.
- HIGGINS, Phoebe [int. Phoeb J.] and Abel Watkins, Apr. 29, 1834.
- HINKLEY, Nathaniel H. of Lee, and Maria [int. Mariah] Wright, Apr. 18, 1830.
- HINSDALE, Altamira and Sylvester Emmons Esq., int. July 28, 1811.
- HINSDALE, David M. and Electa L. Chamberlin, int. Aug. 25 [1833].
- HINSDALE, Henry and Harriet Spencer, Sept. 24, 1835. C.R.
- HINSDALE, Levi and Harrit Mosley, Jan. 31, 1808.* [Harriet Mosely, C.R.]
- HINSDALE, Mira and John W. Spencer, June 6, 1838.
- HINSDALE, William and Abigail Clark, ______, 1843 [int. Apr. 19, 1844].
- HOLLAND, Stephen and Axa [int. Achsa] Bixbee, Apr. 17, 1828.
- HOOZE, Squire and Sophronia Williams, int. Sept. 10, 1842.
- HOWARD, Phebe and Thomas Allen, July 10, 1808.* [Phoebe, C.R.]
- HUBBARD (sec Hibbard), John R. and Miranda Watkins, int. Feb. 1, 1823.
- HUBBARD (sec Hibbard), Lydia and Orange [int. Orrang] Street, Mar. 31, 1822.
- HUMES, Eliza of Windsor, and Julius Bartlett, int. July 6 [18l7].
- HUNTINGTON, Charles T., 30, b. Becket, of Becket, s. Ebenezer and Mehitable dec'd, and Sarah H. White, Mar. 28, 1848.
- HUNTINGTON, Sarah and Levi Clapp, Oct. 8, 1815.* [Nov. 16, 1815. C.R.]
- HUNTINGTON, Sophia and Joseph White, Oct. 31, 1820.
- HUNTINGTON, Sybel and Nathaniel Eager, Apr. 11, 1813. C. R.
- HUTCHINS, Seraph of Chester, and Monroe Emmons, int. May 9, 1830.
- INGHAM, Tryphena of Middlefield, and Zera Wing, Apr. 12, 1817.*
- INGHAM, ______, of Middlefield, and Abner Wing, Sept. ____ [1816].
- ISHAM, Polly and Ephraim Wood, Jan. 8, 1802. C.R.
- JACKSON, Abraham, Rev., and Polly Jackson, wid., int. Dec. 19, 1814.
- JACKSON, Abraham Jr. and Mary A. Smith, int. Apr. 6, 1839.
- JACKSON, Haven and Sarah Amzona Smith, int. May 9, 1836.
- JACKSON, Joshua and Mrs. Nabby Dickson, int. Dec. 8, 1806.
- JACKSON, Mary and Curtiss Pomroy [int. Curtis Pomeroy], Nov. 24, 1842.
- JACKSON, Polly, wid., of Peru, and Rev. Abraham Jackson, int. Dec. 19, 1814.
- JACKSON, Salah and Polly Rockwell, int. Apr. 16, 1808.
- JOHNSON, Baxter E. and Maria H. Churchill, int. Mar. 1, 1844.
- JOISABAL, ______ of Cheshire, and Septimus Ayres, int. Apr. 6 [1812].
- JONES, Abigail and Jonathan Goldsmith, June 7, 1808.*
- JONES, Amela and Theadore Mosley, int. Mar. 20, 1813. [Amelia, and Theodore Mosely, m. Apr. 8, 1813, C.R.]
- JONES, Elisha and Sally Mecham, Jan. 8, 1802. C.R.
- JUDD, Irena of Chester, and John Perry, int. Nov. 29, 1822.
- KELLOGG, Austin W. and Nancy Ann Cross, int. Mar. 25, 1838.
- KELLOGG, Lucy of Pittsfield, and Gordon C. Merrill, int. Sept. 5, 1836.
- KELLOGG, Mary of Windsor, and George A. Watkins, int. May 4, 1839.
- KENDRICK, Horace and Agness Watkins, int. Dec. 7, 1839.
- KENNEY, Michael, 30, b. Ireland, s. Rodger and Bridget of Ireland, and Zerua Lemley, Nov. 4, 1848.*
- KEYS, Justin [int. Keyes] and Fany Lothrop [int. Fanny Lathrop], Dec. 1, 1831.
- KING, Marey and Waller Tracy, int. Jan. 23, 1810.
- KITTREDGE (see Kittridg), Benjamin F., Dr., and Harriet Marsh, int. Apr. 19, 1829.
- KITTREDGE (see Kittridg), Charles J., 27, s. Abel and Eunice, and Francis M. Burchard, June 17, 1845.*
- KITTREDGE (see Kittridg), Eunice C. and Hiram P. Paddock, Jan. 16, 1839.
- KITTREDGE (see Kittridg), George, 24, s. John and Mary of Peru, and Julia R. Attwell, July 3, 1847.*
- KITTREDGE (see Kittridg), John, Dr., of Washington, and Mary Putman, int. Dec. 30, 1814. [Kittridge, and Mary Putnam, m. Jan. 1, 1815, C.R.]
- KITTREDGE (see Kittridg), Judith S. and [int. Dr.] Hezekiah M. Wells, June 3, 1828.
- KITTREDGE (see Kittridg), Mary W. and Charles H. Plunkett, Nov. 28, 1832.
- KITTRIDG (see Kittredge), Hannah [int. Kittridge, dup. Kittiridge] and Alva Cleveland [int. Alvah, dup. Alvah Cleavland], Sept. 16, 1804 [dup. 1805]. [1804, C.R.]
- KNIGHT, Clarrissa, wid., and Artemas Thompson Esq., May 11, 1826.*
- KNIGHT, Clarrissa [int. Clarrisa] and William [int. adds W.] Adams, Oct. 26, 1830.
- KNIGHT, Elvisa [int. Elvira L.], d. Asher, and Geo[rge] W. Taylor, Oct. 2, 1844.
- KNIGHT, Harriet of N[ew] Lebanon, N.Y., and Wiliam [int. William] G. Tracy, Mar. 20, 1838.
- KNIGHT, Mary and Isaac Bassett, June 23, 1803. C.R.
- KNIGHT, Richard and Clarrissa Miller, Dec. ____, 1807,* [Clarissa, Dec. 13, C.R.]
- LADD, Lathrop [int. Lad] of Chester, and Hannah Parson [int. Parsons], Jan. 4, 1827.
- LATHROP (see Lothrop), Alice [int. Allice] and Francis Watkins, Sept. 11, 1823
- LEE, Daniel of Westfield, and Louisa Davis, June 3 [18471, in Dalton. C.R.
- LELAND, Clarrissa of Peru, and Theodore Barrows, int. Mar. 7, 1830.
- LELAND, Electy and Eli Pierce, int. Dec. 28 [1814].
- LELAND, Emiline and Samuel Corte, int. Feb. 15, 1835
- LELAND, John, Rev., and Elthiea Stowell, Jan. 4,1807.* [Aletheia Stoel, C.R.]
- LELAND, Lyman and Graty Taylor, int. [Mar.] 7 [1813].
- LELAND, Rhoda and John Cole, int. Mar. 10, 1818.
- LEMLEY (see Lemly), Charles D., 26, s. Solomon and Lilly, and Emeline Buckley, Feb. 6, 1849.*
- LEMLEY (see Lemly), Zerua, 23, d. Solomon and Lilley, and Michael Kenney, Nov. 4, 1848.*
- LEMLY (see Lemley), Sally [int. Salley Lemley] and Anson Curtiss, Nov. 6, 1817. [Curtis; C.R.]
- LEMLY (see Lemley), Solomon and Lilly Davis, int. Oct. 7, 1820.
- LEONARD, Bartlet and Hannah Chapman, int. Apr. 21, 1815.
- LEONARD, Charles W., b. Middlefield, of Middlefield, s. ______ of Middlefield, and Serepta E. Herring, Jan. 1, 1844 [sic, 1845].
- LEONARD, Edmond D. of Middlefield, and Elizabeth H. Remington, int. Oct. 17, 1829.
- LEONARD, Lucina of Middlefield, and joseph A. Lyman Jr., int. Apr, 4, 1836.
- LEONARD, Milton D. and Emeline Olds, int. Mar. 9, 1839.
- LEONARD, Pelatiah and Esther N. Delano, int. Apr. 21, 1815.
- LEONARD, Simeon, Capt., and Cyntha Moor, int. Mar. 23 [1811].
- LITTLE, Nancy and James Church, Mar. 14, 18l5. C.R.
- LITTLE, Sally of Peru, and Oliver Spencer, Mar. 25, 1824, in Peru. C.R.
- LOOMIS, Salmon Esq. and Nancy P. Benjamin, int. Jan. 29, 1841.
- LOTHROP (see Lathrop), Fany [int. Fanny Lathrop] and Justin Keys [int. Keyes], Dec. 1, 1831.
- LOVEJOY, Isa[a]c [int. adds Dr.] of Woolcott [int. Wolcott], N.Y., and Minerva Adams, Oct. 13, 1829.
- LOVELAND (see Lovland), Almira, 22, b. Washington, d. Erastus and Olive, and John Day, Feb. 18 [1849].*
- LOVELAND (see Lovland), Aurelia, d. Erastus, and Calvin Smith, Sept. ____, 1844.
- LOVELAND (see Lovland), John W. and Amelia H. Shepard, int. Mar, 3, 1849.
- LOVELAND (see Lovland), Louisa E., 19, b. Washington, d. Erastus and Olive, and Andrew J. Goodsell, Feb. 18 [1849].*
- LOVELAND (see Lovland), Susan and Thomas Davisson Jr., int. Mar. 4, 1813. [Davison; m. Mar, 30, 1813, C.R.]
- LOVLAND (see Loveland), Alfred and Polly Rust, int. ______ [rec. before July 27, 1806].
- LOVLAND (see Loveland), Sally and Daniel Button, int. ______ [rec. before July 27, 1806].
- LYMAN, Clark T. and Lydia [int. adds R.] Mack, Aug. 3, 1842.
- LYMAN, Henry D. and Ruth M. Bartlet, Oct. 21, 1830.
- LYMAN, Isaac, widr., s. Isaac and Sabrina dec'd, and Mary Hamilton, wid., ______ [rec. Apr. 6], 1848.*
- LYMAN, Joseph A. Jr. and Lucina Leonard, int. Apr. 4, 1836.
- LYMAN, Mary and Augustine Bolls, int. Mar. 15, 1835.
- LYMAN, Mary Ann and Almus C. Clark, int. Dec. 24, 1837.
- LYMAN, William and Sally Benton, Dec. ____, 1815.*
- MACK, Lucy of Middlefield, and Selden Spencer, int. [Apr.] 12 [1813].
- MACK, Lucy and G. W. Foot, int. Oct. 14, 1831.
- MACK, Lydia [int. adds R.] and Clark T. Lyman, Aug. 3, 1842.
- MACK, Lyman, 24, s. John P. and Tirzah, and Maria Parsons, June 30 [1847].
- MARSH, Cyntha and ______ Townsend, int. ______ [rec. before July 27, 1806].
- MARSH, Harriet of Dalton, and Dr. Benjamin F. Kittredge, int. Apr. 19, 1829.
- MARSH, Lucretia and Luther Watkins, int. Feb. 25, 1810.
- MASON, Harvey and Esther Bass, Nov. 25, 1802.
- MATHEWS (see Matthews), Almira and Rily Watkins, int. Nov. 11, 1832. [Matthews; m. Nov. 28, 1832, C.R.]
- MATHEWS (see Matthews), Salley and job Childs, Nov. 12, 1805.* [Sally Matthews, C.R.]
- MATTHEWS (see Mathews), Lydia, wid. [dup. Mathews, omits wid.], and Phillip Meacham, Apr. 8, 1819.*
- MATTHEWS (see Mathews), Lydia and Aaron Gamwell, Feb. 13, 1820.*
- MATTHEWS (see Mathews), Thomas and Louis [female] Stowell, int. May 20, 1806.
- MATTOON, Sarah and Phinehas Rose, Mar. 10, 1803. C.R.
- McELWAIN, David and Nancy Payn, int. May 7, 1818.
- McELWAIN, George W. and Martha Putman, int. Feb. 18, 1810. [Putnam; m. Mar. 20, 1810, C.R.]
- McELWAIN, Malinda [int. Molinda] and Addison Merrill [int. Merrells], Apr. 2, 1822.
- McELWAIN, Maria and Ambrose Nicholson, Nov. 10 [1825].
- McMASTER, John and Harriet Thayer, int. July ____, 1823.
- McMURRAY, William and Carline Doolittle, int. Oct. 31, 1830.
- MEACHAM (see Mecham), Maria [int. adds P.] and Samuel Watkins, Feb. 20, 1839. [Mariah, C.R.] Phillip and Lydia Matthews, wid. [dup. Mathews, omits wid.], Apr. 8, 1819.*
- MECHAM (see Meacham), Sally and Elisha Jones, Jan. 8, 1802. C.R.
- MERRELL (see Merrill, Merrills), Sarah L., 31, d. John and Tryphena, and William N. Fay, Feb. 26 [1849].*
- MERRILL (see Merrell, Merrills), Addison [int. Merrells] of Pittsfield [int. Pittsfil], and Malinda [int. Molinda] McElwain, Apr. 2, 1822.
- MERRILL (see Merrell, Merrills), Amanda F. of Lenox, and Jeramiah Post, int. Mar. 22, 1834.
- MERRILL (see Merrell, Merrills), Daniel and Nancy Phelps, May 5, 1814. C.R.
- MERRILL (see Merrell, Merrills), Gordon C. and Lucy Kellogg, int. Sept. 5, 1836.
- MERRILLS (see Merrell, Merrill), John [and] Tryphen Chapins, int. Feb. 14, 1814. [Merrells, and Tryphena Chapin, m. Feb. 27, 1814, C.R.]
- MERRIMAN, Addison and Prudence [int. Prudance] Adams, Dec. 27, 1824.
- MERRIMAN, Betsey and Edmond [int. Edward T.] Nash, Apr. 30, 1829.
- MERRIMAN, Cyntha and Charles Snow, DeC. 28, 1831, [Cynthia, C.R.]
- MERRIMAN, Daniel [int. Meriman, Capt.] and Martha [int. Matha] Churchill, Dec. 4, 1826. [in Pittsfield, C.R.]
- MERRIMAN, Henry and Sarah T. Bodurtha, int. June 26, 1837.
- MERRIMAN, Hiram and Martha A. Sibley, int. Dec. 23, 1838.
- MERRYFIELD, Nilson of Washington, and Sarah Wentworth, int. Feb. 25, 1826.
- MILLER, Clarrissa and Richard Knight, Dec.____, 1807.* [Clarissa, Dec. 13, C.R.]
- MILLIKAN, Sarah A. and Lorenzo J. Deming [int. Demming], 1843 [int. Mar. 16, 1844]. [m. Apr. 2, 1844, C.R.]
- MILLS, John and Electa Chapin, May 9, 1803. C.R.
- MOODY, Daniel and Rebecah Mosley, int. Dec. 10, 1809.
- MOOR, Cyntha of Middlefield, and Capt. Simeon Leonard, int. Mar. 23 [1811].
- MORGAN, Azubah and Charles Allen, Nov. 14, 1839.
- MORGAN, Climena and Warren W. Pierce, May 15, 1837. [Peirce; C.R.]
- MORGAN, Edwin and Lydia Watkins, Apr. 2, 1834.
- MORGAN, Mary F. of Peru, and Rev. Joseph M. Brewster, May 5, 1825. C.R.
- MORGAN, Sophia and Erastus Pierce [int. Peirce], Apr. 3, 1833.
- MOSELEY (see Mosley), James H. of New York City, s. Wid. Moseley, and Eliza Spencer, Nov. 14, 1844.
- MOSLEY (see Moseley), Harrit and Levi Hinsdale, Jan. 31, 1808.* [Harriet Mosely, C.R.]
- MOSLEY (see Moseley), Henry [int. of Briton, N.Y.] and Orra Wing, Dec. 30, 1817.
- MOSLEY (see Moseley), Rebecah and Daniel Moody, int. Dec. 10, 1809.
- MOSLEY (see Moseley), Theadore and Amela Jones. int. Mar. 20, 18l3. [Theodore Mosely, and Amelia, m. Apr. 8, 1813, C.R.]
- NASH, Edmond of Peru [int. Edward T. of Middlefield], and Betsey Merrinian, Apr. 30, 1829.
- NASH, Lucy, Mrs., and Ebenzer P. Stevins [int. Stephens], Jan. 31, 1832, [Stevens; C.R.]
- NASH, Sarah and Porter Cooper, Nov. 29, 1827.
- NELSON, Mary, 25, and Silas B. Bottum [name changed; see Bottum], Dec. 25, 1845.*
- NICHOLS, Daniel [int. Nickols, dup. and int. of Pittsfield] and Sophia Putman, Jan. 27, 1820. [Putnam; C.R.]
- NICHOLS, Sardis of Pittsfield, and Roxana Booth, Oct. 24, 1833.
- NICHOLS, Sophia P., Mrs., and Jacob Booth Jr., int. April 25, 1841.
- NICHOLSON (see Nickerson), Ambrose and Maria McElwain, Nov. 10 [1825].
- NICHOLSON (see Nickerson), Eli and Loruhanah Thayer, int. Oct. 15, 1825.
- NICHOLSON (see Nickerson), George and Clarissa Bullard, int. July 13, 1824.
- NICHOLSON (see Nickerson), Gideon [int. Gideion] and Lucy Bullard, Apr. 7, 1825.
- NICKERSON (see Nicholson), Laura and Abraham Witter, Nov. 9 [1816].* [Nicholson; Nov. 19, C.R.]
- NOBLES, Henrv L. [int. Henry S. Noble] of Pittsfield, and Emeline [int. Emilin] Watkins, Sept. 12, 1833.
- OLDS, Emeline of Middlefield, and Milton D. Leonard, int. Mar. 9, 1839.
- OTIS, Shubail and Fimelia Francis, Apr. 7, 1803. C.R.
- PADDOCK, Hiram P. of Hamilton, N.Y., and Eunice C. Kittredge, Jan. 16, 1839.
- PAIN (see Payn, Payne), Ebenezer Jr. and Dilight Cady, int. Apr. 16, 1809.
- PARISH (see Parrish), Elisha H., 26, b. Worthington, s. Elisha and Elvira of Worthington, and Elvira Comstock, Sept. 22, 1845.*
- PARISH (see Parrish), Gordon and Mrs. Chloe Bates, int. Apr. 2, 1842.
- PARISH (see Parrish), Solyma of Worthington, and Rufus M. Wright, int. Oct. 26, 1828.
- PARKIS, Asenath of Peru, and Niel Charles, int. Feb. 19, 183 2.
- PARRISH see Parish), Roswell [int. Parish] of Riga, N.Y., and Lovina Goodrich, June 7, 1831.
- PARSON (see Parsons), Hannah [int. Parsons] and Lathrop Ladd [int. Lad], Jan. 4, 1827.
- PARSON (see Parsons), Louis [female] of Worthington, and Prentis Collins, int. May 16, 18[13].
- PARSON (see Parsons), Lucinday [int. Lucina] and Heman Eldridge [int. Eldridg], Oct. 9, 1828. [Parsons; C.R.]
- PARSONS (see Parson), John [int. Parson] of Kalamazoo, Mich., and Mary B. Colt, Oct. 4, 1847.
- PARSONS (see Parson), Lemuel Jr. and Achsa [int. Asenath Achsah] Richards, Nov. 6, 1810.
- PARSONS (see Parson), Lucy N. and Charles K. Booth, int. Nov. 12, 1842.
- PARSONS (see Parson), Maria, 26, d. Lemuel, and Lyman Mack, June 30 [1847].
- PARSONS (see Parson), Polly (or Mary) [dup. Mary] and John Wintworth, int. Dec. ____, 1804.
- PARSONS (see Parson), Polly and Cephas Cole, Mar. 25, 1819. C.R.
- PARSONS (see Parson), Rebecca W. and Benjamin E. Warner, Sept. 26, 1837.
- PARSONS (see Parson), Zilpah, 25, d. Lemuel and Achsa, and Thomas G. Atwood, July 16 [1846].
- PARTRIDGE, Asa B. of Peru, and Mary C. Benton, Apr. 8, 1824. C.R.
- PAYN (see Pain, Payne), Daniel and Rebeca Bacon, int. Oct. 12, 1811.
- PAYN (see Pain, Payne), Keziah [int. Payne] and Square [int. Squire] H. Barrett, Dec. 16, 1828.
- PAYN (see Pain, Payne), Nancy of Cornwall, Conn., and David McElwain, May 7, 1818.*
- PAYN (see Pain, Payne), Noah and Dolly Hatheway, Sept. 18, 1822.*
- PAYN (see Pain, Payne), Stephen and Ruth Smith, Oct. ____ [1816].*
- PAYNE (see Pain, Payn), Lyman and Emily Emmons, May 28, 1837, [Payn; C.R.]
- PEARCE (see Pearse, Pease, Peese, Peirce, Pierce), Asa and Caroline Worthington, int. Dec. 28, 1806.
- PEARSE (see Pearce, Pease, Peese, Peirce, Pierce), Sherdrick [Shadrach Peirce added in pencil, int. Shadriach Peirc] of Peru, and Lydia Post [K added in pencil, also in int.] Apr. 14, 1822.
- PEARSE (see Pearce, Pease, Peese, Peirce, Pierce), Zerviah [int. Peirse] and Amasa Frissell, Mar. 10, 1825. [Pierce; C.R.]
- PEASE (see Pearce, Pearse, Peese, Peirce, Pierce), Erastus and Persis Chapin, Jan. 10, 1808.*
- PEESE (see Pearce, Pearse, Pease, Peirce, Pierce), James Jr. and Olive Thompson, int. ______ [rec. before July 27, 1806].
- PEIRCE (see Pearce, Pearse, Pease, Peese, Pierce), Henry, Capt., and Minerva Dresser, wid., May 26, 1814. C.R.
- PEIRCE (see Pearce, Pearse, Pease, Peese, Pierce), Jerusha and Col. John Reed, int. Nov. 20 [1814].
- PEIRCE (see Pearce, Pearse, Pease, Peese, Pierce), John Jr. and Laury Walden Barrett, int. Nov. 14, 1818. [Pierce, and Laura W., m. Dec. 23, 1818, C.R.]
- PEIRCE (see Pearce, Pearse, Pease, Peese, Pierce), Marshall and Mary P. Francis, Nov. 8, 1832.
- PEIRCE (see Pearce, Pearse, Pease, Peese, Pierce), Phenele of Windsor, and John Francis, int. Mar. 16, 1828.
- PERRY, John and Irena Judd, int. Nov. 29, 1822.
- PERRY, Tabitha and James Watkins, int. Oc[t]. 27, 1806.
- PHELPS, Benjamin of Becket, and Bulah S. Pitt, int. Mar. 27, 1837.
- PHELPS, Nancy and Daniel Merrill, May 5, 1814. C.R.
- PIERCE (see Pearce, Pearse, Pease, Peese, Peirce), Eli of Peru, and Electy Leland, Dec. 28 [1814].*
- PIERCE (see Pearce, Pearse, Pease, Peese, Peirce), Erastus [int. Peircel and Sophia Morgan, Apr. 3, 1833.
- PIERCE (see Pearce, Pearse, Pease, Peese, Peirce), Eunice and William Stevens, Aug. 29, 1808.* [Peirce, and Wiliam Stephens, C.R.]
- PIERCE (see Pearce, Pearse, Pease, Peese, Peirce), Lydia [int. Peirce] and Royal Cushing, Oct. 15, 1835.
- PIERCE (see Pearce, Pearse, Pease, Peese, Peirce), Marth Caroline [int. Martha Peirc] and Frederic Curtis [int. Frederick Curtiss], Mar. 12, 1834.
- PIERCE (see Pearce, Pearse, Pease, Peese, Peirce), Ruth and Col. John Reed, int. Mar. 12, 1812. [m. Mar. 12, 1812, C.R.]
- PIERCE (see Pearce, Pearse, Pease, Peese, Peirce), Warren W. and Climena Morgan, May 15, 1837, [Peirce; C.R.]
- PIERCE (see Pearce, Pearse, Pease, Peese, Peirce), Warren W. and Abigail Wright, June 20, 1838.
- PITT, Bulah S. and Benjamin Phelps, int. Mar. 27, 1837.
- PITT, Charles H. and Flavia A. Collins, int. Oct. 16, 1840.
- PITT, William B., 29, b. Washington, s. Henry and Sophia, and Cordealia D.
- PITT, Watkins, Oct. 11, 1848. [Cordelia C.R.]
- PIXLEY, Electa and Millen [Millin, C.R.] Gallup, int. Dec. 15, 1818. [m. Jan. 13, 1819, C.R.]
- PLUNKETT, Charles H. and Mary W. Kittredge, Nov. 28, 1832.
- PLUNKETT, Charles H. and Nancy Taylor, ______, 1843 [int. Mar. 20, 1844].
- POMEROY (see Pomroy), Hannah L. and Silas B. [int. J.] Barrett, ______, 1843 [int. Nov. 4, 1843]. [m. "on or about Monday Nov. 27, 1843," C.R.]
- POMEROY (see Pomroy), Ruth M. [int. Pomroy] and Russell Tinker Jr., ______, 1843 [int. Nov. 26, 1843], [m. Dec. 13, 1843, C.R.]
- POMROY (see Pomeroy), Curtiss [int. Curtis Pomeroy] of Westfield, and Mary Jackson, Nov. 24, 1842.
- PORTER, Climena and John Benton, Mar. 20, 1822.
- PORTER, James and Laurinda Bridgeman, int. Dec. 12, 1818.
- POST, Anna, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 43, and Cyrel [int. Cyril] Spring, widr. [int. omits widr.], Apr. 26, 1847.
- POST, Ichabod and Elizebeth Fuller, int. Apr. 1, 1813.
- POST, Ichabod and Anna Cheeseman, int. Oct. 5, 1839. [m. Oct. 21, 1839, C.R.]
- POST, Jeremiah and Amanda F. Merrill, int. Mar. 22, 1834.
- POST, Lydia [K. added in pencil, also in int.] and Sherdrick Pearse [Shadrach Peirce added in pencil, int. Shadriach Peirc] Apr. 14, 1822.
- PUTMAN (see Putnam), Henry and Martha Boardman, int. Feb. 19, 1823. Martha and George W McElwain, int Feb. 18, 1810. [Putnam; m. Mar. 20, 1810, C.R.]
- PUTMAN (see Putnam), Mary and Dr. John Kittredge, int. Dec, 30, 1814. [Putnam, and John Kittridge, m. Jan. 1, 1815, C.R.]
- PUTMAN (see Putnam), Sophia and Daniel Nichols [int. Nickols], Jan. 27, 1820. [Putnam; C.R.] Susan of Becket, and Horace Spring, Sept. 9, 1832.*
- PUTNAM (see Putman), Henry and Elvisa [int. Elviza] Goodrich, June 6, 1838.
- PUTNAM (see Putman), John and Flora Minerva [int. M.] Hawley, July 6, 1837.
- RAMSDELL, Julia A. and Anthony Bennett, Dec. 29, 1840.
- RAYMOND, Asenath and Humphrey Bicknal, int. Mar. 13, 1831.
- RAYMOND, Betsy and Daniel Cady, int. July 28, 182[1].
- RAYMOND, Sophronia and James M. Whipple, int. Jan. 31, 1830.
- REED, John, Col., of Cummington, and Ruth Pierce, int. Mar. 12, 1812. [m. Mar. 12, 1812, C.R.]
- REED, John, Col., of Cummington, and jerusha Peirce, int. Nov. 20 [1814].
- REMINGTON, Elizabeth H. and Edmond D. Leonard, int. Oct. 17, 1829.
- RENOLDS, Styles [int. Reynolds] and Nancy A. Blush, June 6, 1833.
- RICE, Mary E., b. Clarendon, Vt., of Windsor, and Loren C. Clark, Jan. 1, 1845.
- RICHARDS, Achsa [int. Asenath Achsah] and Lemuel Parsons Jr., Nov. 6, 1810.
- RICHARDS, Bethiah and Ichabod Atwater, Feb. 2, 1817. C.R.
- RICHARDS, Harriet and Daniel Watkins, June 15, 1821.* [June 15, 1820, C.R.]
- RICHARDS, Ira and Rebeca Watson, int. Apr. 7 [1811]. [Rebecka, m. May 16, 1811, C.R.]
- ROBERTS, John E. of Vergennes, Vt., and Elizabeth R. Bixby, int. Aug. 29, 1836.
- ROCKWELL, Polly and Salah Jackson, int. Apr. 16, 1809.
- ROSE, Phinehas and Sarah Mattoon, Mar. 10, 1803. C.R.
- RUSS, Sarah and Elbridge Farr, int. June 15, 1828.
- RUST, Polly and Alfred Lovland, int. ______ [rec. before July 27, 1806].
- SANDERS, James of Herkimer, N.Y., and Susan Thompson, Jan. 27, 1824. C.R.
- SANDERSON, Lyman [int. of Dalton] and Hannah [int. Adds W.] Bestow, Oct. 1, 1817.
- SANFORD, Bazeaell of N.Y., and Orra Worthington, int. Sept. 19, 1818. [Bazabel Sandford, m. Oct. 8, 1818, C.R.]
- SEAGUS, Martin of Washington, and Mary Wintworth, Jan. 20, 1816.*
- SEARS, Philip H., 25, s. Chauncy and Polly of Lenox, and Mary Butts, Feb. 5, 1849.
- SHEPARD, Amelia H. and John W. Loveland, int. Mar. 3, 1849.
- SHERWIN, John and Nancy Goodrich, Mar. 15, 1804. C.R.
- SIBLEY, Martha A. of Washington, and Hiram Merriman, int. Dec. 23, 1838.
- SIMMONS, Joseph W. and Betsey P. Wait, int. Sept. 4, 1841.
- SIMMONS, Mary and James Hamilton [int. Hamblinton], Apr. 21, 1825.
- SIMMONS, Nancy and Samuel Cross, July 3, 1823.
- SMITH, Angeline E. and Justin Brown, int. Apr. 28, 1833.
- SMITH, Anna and Charles Colt, int. Mar. 5, 1815.
- SMITH, Calvin, b. Middlefield, of Middlefield, s ______ of Middlefield, and Aurelia Loveland, Sept. ____, 1844.
- SMITH, Caroline and Daniel Brown Jr., int. Feb. 21, 1826.
- SMITH, Eunice of Chester, and Daniel Eames, int. Oct. 8, 1848.
- SMITH, Fanney and Frederick Bestow, Nov. 2, 1808.*
- SMITH, Joseph B. and Eunice Tracy, May 12, 1803. C.R.
- SMITH, Lovica and Nathan W. Fay, int. Sept. 15, 1811.
- SMITH, Mary A. and Abraham Jackson Jr., int. Apr. 6, 1839.
- SMITH, Obidiah and Lurana Bisto, int. Sept. 25, 1809.
- SMITH, Ruth and Stephen Payn, Oct. ____ [1816].*
- SMITH, Sarah Amzona and Haven Jackson, int. May 9, 1836.
- SNOW, Charles and Cyntha Merriman, Dec. 28, 1831. [Cynthia, C.R.]
- SOAL, Charity and Otis White, Feb. 21, 1803. C.R.
- SPENCER, Eliza, d. ______ dec'd, and James H. Moseley, Nov. 14, 1844.
- SPENCER, Harriet and Henry Hinsdale, Sept. 24, 1835.
- SPENCER, John W. and Mira Hinsdale, June 6, 1838.
- SPENCER, Julia, 24, d. Selden dec'd, and Dr. Ashmun [int. Ashman] H. Taylor, Apr. 28, 1845.
- SPENCER, Lucy of Washington, and Thomas P. Barrett, May 17 [1826].
- SPENCER, Oliver of Middlefield, and Sally Little, Mar. 25, 1824, in Peru. C.R.
- SPENCER, Selden and Lucy Mack, int. [Apr.] 12, [1813].
- SPENCER, Selden, 24, s. Selden and Lucy dec'd, and Harriet E. Blakesly, Apr. 4, 1848.*
- SPRING, Cyrel, widr. [int. Cyril, omits widr.], 70, Of Washington, and Anna Post, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid], Apr. 26, 1847.
- SPRING, Hervy T. and Mary Crossett, int. June 17, 1847.
- SPRING, Horace and Susan Putman, int. Sept. 9, 1832.
- SQUARIES (see Squires), W[illia]m and Mary Ann Thayer, int. Mar. 1, 1835.
- SQUIRES (see Squaries), Sally and Frederick Curtiss [int. Curtis], Apr. 14, 1825.
- SQUIRES (see Squaries), Salmon [and] Betsy Whitny, int. Apr. 3, 1814.
- STEBBINS, Harrit M. [of] Ludlow, and Lucian Brown, int. Dec. 2, 1848.
- STEDMAN, Mary B. [of] Tyringham, and Lysander M. Francis, int. Oct. 24, 1840.
- STEPHENS (see Stevens, Stevins), Ira of Dalton, and Esther Hatheway, int. Jan. 13, 1815. [Stevens, and Mary Esther Hathaway, m. Jan. 29, 1815, C.R.]
- STEVENS (see Stephens, Stevins), Elizabeth E. H. of Pembroke, N.H., and Rev. S. W. Banister, int. Sept. 17, 1841.
- STEVENS (see Stephens, Stevins), Sarah M. of Chester, and Hophni Clapp, int. July 28, 1842.
- STEVENS (see Stephens, Stevins), William and Eunice Pierce, Aug. 29, 1808.* [Stephens, and Eunice Peirce, C.R.]
- STEVINS (see Stephens, Stevens), Ebenzer P. [int. Stephens] of Becket, and Mrs. Lucy Nash, Jan. 31, 1832. [Stevens, of Beckett, C.R.]
- STONE, Orren of Windsor, and Joanna Turner, int. Sept. 8, 1820.
- STOWEL (see Stowell), Cynthia of Perue, and Elijah A. Wentworth, int. Jan. 13, 1839.
- STOWELL (see Stowel), Caroline and Elijah Wintworth, int. Sept. 1, 1824. [Stowell of Peru, and Elijah A. Wentworth, m. Oct. 7, 1824, in Peru, C.R.]
- STOWELL (see Stowel), Elthiea and Rev. John Leland, Jan. 4, 1807.* [Aletheia Stoel, C.R.]
- STOWELL (see Stowel), Louis [female] of Peru, and Thomas Matthews, int. May 20, 1806.
- STREET, Orange [int. Orrang] and Lydia Hubbard, Mar, 31, 1822.
- STUART, Nelson L. [int. Stewart] and Eliza Chapel, ______ [int. Oct. 27], 1843.
- TAYLOR, Ashmun [int. Ashman] H., Dr., 29, b. Charlemont, of Charlemont, s. Elias and Deborah of Charlemont, and Julia Spencer, Apr. 28, 1845.
- TAYLOR, Edward, Rev., 26, b. Lee, s. Abner and Mary of Lee, and Jane G. Wood, Oct. 6, 1847.*
- TAYLOR, Geo[rge] W. of Granby, and Elvisa [int. Elvira L.] Knight, Oct. 2, 1844.
- TAYLOR, Graty of Middlefield, and Lyman Leland, int. [Mar.] 7 [1813].
- TAYLOR, Nancy [int. of Chester] and Charles H. Plunkett, ______, 1843 [int. Mar. 20, 1844].
- TERREY, Eunice and Lewcen[?] Hawks, int. Oct. 17, 1823.
- THAYER, Cordelia and George Barker, int. Sept. 2, 1832.
- THAYER, Harriet and John McMaster, int. July ____, 1823.
- THAYER, Loruhanah and Eli Nicholson, int. Oct. 15, 1825.
- THAYER, Mary Ann and W[illia]m Squaries, int. Mar. 1, 1835.
- THOMPSON, Artemas Esq. and Clarrissa Knight, wid., May 11, 1826.*
- THOMPSON, Olive and James Peese Jr., int. ______ [rec. before July 27, 1806].
- THOMPSON, Susan of Peru, and James Sanders, Jan. 27, 1824.
- TINKER, John of Worthington, and Philena Francis, int. Mar. 5, 1815.
- TINKER, John L., 23, S. Russell and Polly dec'd, and Samantha M. Curtiss, July 1, 1845.
- TINKER, Russel and Roxana Abbot [int. Abbott], Feb. 6, 1834.
- TINKER, Russell Jr. and Ruth M. Pomeroy [int. Pomroy] ______ [int. Nov. 26], 1843. [m. Dec. 13, 1843, C.R.]
- TORREY (see Torry), Henry and Philena Bradley, int. May 19, 1833 Ira and Relief Buck, int. Sept. 9, 1841.
- TORRY (see Torrey), Marinda and James Bradley Jr., int. July 6, 1828.
- TORRY (see Torrey), Thomas and Achsah [dup. int. Axa] Chapman, May 12, 1836.
- TORRY (see Torrey), Tryphena and Warren Cleveland, int. ______ [rec. before July 27, 1806].
- TOWNSEND, ______ and Cyntha Marsh, int. _______ [rec. before July 27, 1806].
- TRACY, Charles K. and Nancy M. Durant, int. Oct. 26, 1834.
- TRACY, Eunice and Joseph B. Smith, May 12, 1803. C.R.
- TRACY, Waller and Marey King, int. Jan. 23, 1810.
- TRACY, Walter and Betsey Durant, int. Sept. 24, 1832.
- TRACY, Wiliam G. [int. William] and Harriet Knight, Mar. 20, 1838.
- TURNER, Joanna and Orren Stone, int. Sept. 8, 1820.
- TUTTLE, John M. of Peru, and Sarah Frissell, May 23, 1836, in Peru. C.R.
- TYLER, W[illia]m A. of New York City, and Lucy A. [int. Ann] Wing, Nov. 12, 1832.
- VANDENBURGH, Richard and Monica Gallup, int. Apr. 6, 1842.
- WAIT, Betsey P. and Joseph W. Simmons, int. Sept. 4, 1841.
- WARNER (see Werner), Benjamin E. and Rebecca W. Parsons, Sept. 26, 1837.
- WARNER (see Werner), Daniel N. and Dorothy Baker, int. Apr. 9, 1829.
- WARNER (see Werner), Jerusha and Dickerman Chamberlain, Dec. 1, 1803. C.R.
- WARNER (see Werner), Philothete and Havilah Eames, int. Jan. 15, 1810. [m. Mar. 22, 1810, C.R.]
- WARREN, James J., b. Brimfield, of Brimfield, s. John M. And Rachel of Brimfield, and Mary Emmons, Oct. 24, 1844.
- WARREN, Joseph S. and Cynthia C. Abbott [int. Cynthia E. Abbot], Feb. 18, 1843.
- WARREN, Lucena L. [of] Peru, and Sherman Brown, int. Dec. 11, 1841.
- WARREN, Rebecca D., 25, Of Peru, d. Ezra and Polly of Peru, and Adison A. Geer, Mar. 30, 1847.*
- WARREN, Susan of Brimfield, and Noadiah Emmons, int. May 30, 1840.
- WASHBOUN (see Washburn), Mary [int. Washburn] and Elijah H. Goodrich, Dec. 29, 1829.
- WASHBURN (see Washboun), Abraham and Mrs. Olive Wright, int. ______ [rec. before July 27, 1806].
- WATKINS, Abel and Polly [dup. Polley] Whitney, Sept. 20, ____ [Sept. 20, 1804, C.R.]
- WATKINS, Abel and Phoebe [int. Phoeb J.] Higgins, Apr. 29, 1834.
- WATKINS, Agness and Horace Kendrick, int. Dec. 7, 1839
- WATKINS, Betsy and Capt. Samuel Wright, int. June 24, 1811. [m. July 4, 1811, C.R.] Charles E. of Peru, and Mary B. Barrett, int. June 8, 1839.
- WATKINS, Clarrissa of Peru, and Tho[ma]s F. Barker, int. Mar. 9, 1828.
- WATKINS, Cordealia D., 24, d. Daniel and Harriet, and William B. Pitt, Oct. 11, 1848. [Cordelia, C.R.] Curtiss [int. Curtis] and Harriet Hamblin
- WATKINS, [int. Herriet Hamlin], Dec. 29, 1825. [Curtiss, of Peru, C.R.]
- WATKINS, Daniel and Harriet Richards, June 15, 1821.* [June 15, 1820, C.R.]
- WATKINS, Emeline [int. Emelin] and Henry L. Nobles [int. Henry S. Noble], Sept. 12, 1833.
- WATKINS, Fany and Daniel Brown, int. Mar. 12, 1820.
- WATKINS, Francis and Alice [int. Allice] Lathrop, Sept. 11, 1823.
- WATKINS, George A. and Mary Kellogg, int. May 4, 1839.
- WATKINS, James and Tabitha Perry, int. Oc[t]. 27, 1806.
- WATKINS, Julia Anne, d. Luther, and Jacob Foster, Aug. 14, ____ [rec. Jan. 1, 1845.]*
- WATKINS, Luther and Lucretia Marsh, int. Feb. 25, 1810.
- WATKINS, Lydia of Peru, and Edwin Morgan, Apr. 2, 1834.
- WATKINS, Miranda of Perue, and John R. Hubbard, int. Feb. 1, 1823.
- WATKINS, Olive and Harry Cady, int. Oct. 9, 1821.
- WATKINS, Rily and Almira Matthews, int. Nov. 11, 1832. [Matthews; m. Nov. 28, 1832, C.R.]
- WATKINS, Ruth S., 22, d. Francis and Alice, and William H. Carson, Sept. 11, 1848.
- WATKINS, Samuel and Maria [int. adds P.] [Mariah, C.R.] Meacham, Feb. 20, 1839.
- WATKINS, Sene and Zenas Bruonill, July 17, 1806.* [Sena, and Zenas Brownel, C.R.]
- WATSON, Rebeca and Ira Richards, int. Apr. 7 [1811]. [Rebecka, m. May 16, 1811, C.R.]
- WEBSTER, Asahel and Susannah Wintworth, int. July 27, 1806. [Susanna, m. Oct. 30, 1806, C.R.]
- WEBSTER, Justus and Hannah Wentworth [int. Wintworth], Feb. 28, 1811.
- WELLS, Hezekiah M. [int. adds Dr.] of Windsor, and Judith S. Kittredge, June 3, 1828.
- WENTWORTH (see Wintworth), Amanda and William Clark, Feb. 14, 1833.
- WENTWORTH (see Wintworth), Daniel Jr. [int. Wintworthl and Mary Haradon, Feb. 3, 1811.
- WENTWORTH (see Wintworth), Elijah A. and Cynthia Stowel, int. Jan. 13, 1839.
- WENTWORTH (see Wintworth), Hannah [int. Wintworthl and Justus Webster, Feb. 28, 1811.
- WENTWORTH (see Wintworth), Sarah and Nilson Merryfield, int. Feb. 25, 1826.
- WERNER (see Warner), Horton [int. Warner] and Charlottee Bestow [dup. Besow, dup. and int. Charlotte], Aug. 31, 1817 [Horton, C.R.]
- WESTERN, Jonathan [and] Mrs. Chole Gear, int. Oct. 6, 1809.
- WHIPPLE, Eliza, wid. [int. Mrs.], and Justin Brown, widr. [int. omits widr.], Mar. 28, 1846.
- WHIPPLE, James M. of Cheshire, and Sophronia Raymond, int. Jan. 31, 1830.
- WHITE, Joseph [int. of Goshen] and Sophia Huntington, Oct. 31, 1820. Otis and Charity Soal, Feb. 21, 1803.
- WHITE, Sarah H., 26, b. Goshen, d. Joseph and Sophia, and Charles T. Huntington, Mar. 28, 1848.
- WHITNEY (see Whitny), Jabez and Mrs. ______ Davis, int. _______ [rec. before July 27, 1806.]
- WHITNEY (see Whitny), Lovina and Ira Hamlin, int. Mar. 12, 1812. [Levina, m. Apr. 8, 1812, C.R.]
- WHITNEY (see Whitny), Mosess [int. Moses Whitny] and Polly Ferry, Mar. 13, 1811.
- WHITNEY (see Whitny), Polly [dup. Polley] and Abel Watkins, Sept. 20, ____. [Sept. 20, 1804. C.R.]
- WHITNY (see Whitney), Betsy [and] Salmon Squires, int. Apr., 3, 1814.
- WILLIAMS, George and Orrilla Pease, int. May 20, 1803.
- WILLIAMS, Sophronia of Pittsfield, and Squire Hooze, int. Sept. 10, 1842.
- WING, Abner and ______ Ingham, Sept. ____ [1816].*
- WING, Anna [int. Ann] and Zepheni.ah Barden [int. Zephenia Bardeen], Dec. 3, 1835. [Zephaniah Bardin, C.R.]
- WING, Aurilia and Obidiah G. Geer, int. Dec. 26 [1818].
- WING, Eliza and Daniel Boardman, int. Aug. 17, 1834.
- WING, Lucy A. [int. Ann] and W[illialm A. Tyler, Nov. 12, 1832.
- WING, Malina, 25, d. Zeri and Tryphena, and Sherman Gear, widr. [int. omits widr.], Dec. 12, 1848. [Geer; C.R.]
- WING, Mylena [int. Mylura] and William Dunivan [int. Dunevan], July 20, 1829.
- WING, Orra and Henry Mosley, Dec. 30, 1817.
- WING, Philander and Almira Alden, int. Nov. 25 [1832].
- WING, Sophia and Asahel Chamberlain, Mar. 20, 1804. C.R.
- WING, Zera and Tryphena Ingham, Apr. 12, 1817.*
- WINTWORTH (see Wentworth), Elijah and Caroline Stowell, int. Sept. 1, 1824. [Elijah A. Wentworth, m. Oct. 7, 1824, in Peru, C.R.]
- WINTWORTH (see Wentworth), John and Polly (or Mary) [dup. Mary] Parsons, int. Dec. ____, 1804.
- WINTWORTH (see Wentworth), Mary and Martin Seagus, Jan. 20, 1816.*
- WINTWORTH (see Wentworth), Susanna and Rosel Ford, Sept. 9, 1806.*
- WINTWORTH (see Wentworth), Susannah and Asahel Webster, int. July 27, 1806. [Susanna, m. Oct. 30, 1806, C.R.]
- WISNER, Sam[ue]l of Arcansaw Teritory [int. late of Arkansaw Territory], and Amanda Frissell, Oct. 14, 1830.
- WITTER, Abraham and Laura Nickerson, Nov. 9 [1816].* [Nicholson; Nov. 19, C.R.]
- WOOD, Ephraim and Polly Isham, Jan. 8, 1802. C.R.
- WOOD, Jane G., 22, b. Hector Falls, N.Y., of Aurora, N.Y., d. Leddre and Caroline of Aurora, N.Y., and Rev. Edward Taylor, Oct. 6, 1847.*
- WOOD, Louisa and Monroe Emmons, May 2, 1838. [Loisa, C.R.]
- WORTHINGTON, Caroline and Asa Pearce, int. Dec. 28, 1806.
- WORTHINGTON, Orra and Bazeaell Sanford, int. Sept. 19, 1818. [Bazabel Sandford, m. Oct. 8, 1818, C.R.]
- WRIGHT, Abigail and Warren W. Pierce, June 20, 1838.
- WRIGHT, Keziah and Israel W. Drown, Oct. 6, 1835.
- WRIGHT, Maria [int. Mariah] and Nathaniel H. Hinkley, Apr. 18, 1830.
- WRIGHT, Miller and Abigail Charles, May 18, 1824.*
- WRIGHT, Nathan Jr. and Ascenath Cone, Feb. 8, 1816. C.R.
- WRIGHT, Olive, Mrs., and Abraham Washburn, int. ______ [rec. before July 27, 1806.
- WRIGHT, Rebeca [int. Rebecah Wrigh] and Rufus Herick [int. Herrick], Mar. 19, 1822. [Rebecca, C.R.]
- WRIGHT, Rufus M. and Solyma Parish, int. Oct. 26, 1828.
- WRIGHT, Samuel, Capt., and Betsy Watkins, int. June 24, 1811. [m. July 4, 1811, C.R.]
- YEOMANS, Susan T. of N. Adams, and Rufus Butts, int. June 13, 1830.