New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

1800 Berkshire County
Massachusetts Census Index
Town of Lanesborough

Transcribed by Lynn Tooley

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SurenameForenamePage No.Line No.
146A 1 Allen John
146A 2 Allen Peleg
147 7 Babbit David
147 13 Babbit John
146A 9 Babbit Samuel
146A 4 Bacon Samuel
146A 3 Bagg Aaron
146A 16 Bagg Abner
146A 15 Bagg Joseph
146A 17 Bagg Silas
147A 2 Baker Benajah
147 14 Baker Bethuel
147A 1 Baker Francis
147 10 Baker Samuel
146A 13 Barker Silas
146A 10 Barns Joseph
146A 11 Barns Joseph J.
146A 6 Billings Daniel
147 12 Bingham Eliphalet
147 1 Bliss Ebenezer
147 3 Bliss Levi
147 2 Bradley Asahel
146A 12 Bradley Ephraim
146A 8 Bradley Joel
147 8 Bradley Joel 2
146A 7 Bradley Uri
147 6 Brundige Nathan
147 9 Brundige Nathan
146A 14 Buck Ebeneser
147A 3 Bull Nehemiah
147 5 Burgis Benjamin
146A 5 Bushanie Henry
147 11 Bushanie Henry
147 4 Butler Silas
150A 16 Camp Dan
149 4 Card Joseph (Negro)
149A 1 Card William
152A 2 Casey Edward
149 1 Chitron Squire
147A 7 Church Samuel W.
147A 4 Clark Hesekiah
151 11 Clark Jahleel
147A 5 Clark Levi
147A 6 Collins Daniel
152 12 Collins William
153 4 Conover James
151A 13 Corhal Thomas
151A 17 Covell William
147A 9 Curtis Peter
147A 8 Curtis Peter B.
151 2 Dunton Nathaniel
150 15 Durwin Ephraim
152A 4 Durwin Ephraim J.
152A 15 Durwin Hannah
152A 16 Durwin Penjiel
150 11 Durwin Thomas
150 2 Farnham John
149 7 Farnum Benjamin
148A 15 Farnum Joseph
148A 16 Farnum Joseph, Jr.
152 7 Ferry Hiram
152A 13 Fish Charles
148A 11 Foot Amos
149 8 Foot Joseph
150A 15 Fuller Zadock
152 3 Garlick Henry
151A 12 Garlick Seth
151A 14 Garlick Seth, Jr.
150 1 Garner Jonathan
150A 6 Godwin Mojer
150A 18 Goodrich Asahel
151A 1 Goodrich James
151 20 Goodrich Thomas
149A 2 Green Jeremiah H.
151 13 Green Nathan
149 15 Gregory Elnathan
150A 3 Guiteau Francis
149A 13 Hafon Brooks
148A 12 Hall Ambrose
149 13 Hall Ezra
151 18 Hall John
148 11 Hall Lyman
149 14 Har Samuel
149A 18 Hart John
148 10 Hicock Asher
151A 8 Hitchcock Jefse
152A 18 Hodan Lemuel
151A 16 Hollister George
149A 17 Horton Asa
151A 15 Hoyt David H.
152A 7 Hoyt Jonathan L.
148A 14 Hubbel Calvin
150 4 Hubbel Diah
150 5 Hubbel Hicock
148 4 Hubbell Wotual
151 10 Humphrey Chauncy
152 6 Hungerford Thomas
149 17 Jarvis Joseph
150 8 Jeffords Rufus
152 1 Jewek Samuel
150 14 Jewitt David
148 12 Johnson George
148A 9 Lamphier Phinehas
152 5 Larell Joshua
151 16 Lincoln Jonathan
152 18 Littehon Benjamin
151 8 Lockwood Jeremiah
151 15 Loomis Elijah
151A 4 Lyon Seth
151A 11 Lyon Thomas
149 5 Malby Federick
150 16 Mead Zadock
151A 19 Mear Stephen
148A 7 Medeway Martha
152A 12 Merrih Asa
148A 4 More Ishmael
152 13 Newell Ebeneser
152A 8 Newton Gershom
152A 10 Newton Philo
149 3 Nichols David
149A 8 Noble Timothy
149A 12 Noble Winthrop
149A 14 Northrup Joseph
152A 1 Norton Charles
151 19 Osborn John
151A 10 Perkins John
152A 5 Perkins Joseph
149A 6 Pettibone Amos
150A 11 Pettibone Elisha
149A 3 Pettibone Jonathan
149A 4 Pettibone Philo
150A 12 Pettibone Roger
151A 18 Phelps Elijah
151 5 Platt Abiel
152 9 Potter Jefse
152 8 Potter Peleg
149A 16 Powell Davis
150A 2 Powell Ephraim
152A 14 Powell John
149A 15 Powell Mary
150 3 Powell Robert
151 6 Powell Samuel
151 4 Powell Solomon
148A 8 Powell Stiles
150 18 Powell Thomas
151 7 Powell William
151 1 Pratt John
153 3 Prime Phelps
153 1 Purblee William
150A 13 Redeway Joel
151A 2 Reed Thomas
149 16 Rice Asahel
152 10 Rise Jehiel
149A 7 Robinson Peter
148A 1 Rockwell Josiah
148A 6 Seymour Levi
152A 11 Sheets David
152 4 Sherlock Ichabod
151A 5 Sherman Job
151A 7 Sherman Joel
151A 6 Sherman Timothy
151 9 Short Daniel
152A 9 Simonds James
148 2 Smith Asahel
148 13 Smith George
152 14 Smith Isaac
152A 3 Smith Isaac
148 18 Smith Jacob
152 11 Smith John
148 1 Smith Jonathan
149A 5 Southwick Warren
151A 3 Sprague Peter
152 17 Squire Amos
150 9 Squire Andrew
152 16 Squire Andrew
150 10 Squire Bortwick
152 15 Stearns Ebeneser
153 2 Stearns Isaac
150A 5 Stephens Samuel
150A 1 Stoddard Nathan
149A 19 Stone John
148 15 Strong Solomon
148 19 Sunderland James
151 17 Talcott Nehemiah
148 9 Talmage Joseph
148A 13 Thatcher Gamaliel
149 6 Thatcher Gamaliel
150 17 Thompson Thomas
148 14 Tiffany Eleaser
151 3 Turner Peregreen
150A 10 Turrell John
149A 10 Turrell Samuel
150A 4 Turrell Trueman
149 9 Tuttle Sarah
150A 14 Umberfield Samuel
149A 9 Wadw Silvaneus
152A 6 Walker Elias
149 18 Walker Mary
150A 9 Warren Daniel
148A 5 Warren Levi
150A 7 Warren Samuel
150A 8 Warren Seth
150A 17 Webster Clark
148 8 Weed Jonathan
148 7 Wells John
148 6 Wells Nelanton W.
148 16 Wheeler David
149 2 Wheeler Gideon
148A 2 Wheeler Jonathan
148 17 Wheeler Samuel
150 6 Wheeler Simeon
150 7 Wheeler Simeon J.
148A 3 Wheeler William

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