Alford Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
Transcribed by Matthew Tooley
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Marriages in the Town of Alford, Berkshire County, Massachusetts to the end of the year 1850".
Alford Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850
- ARNOLD, Delia and James Pinfield, int. Aug. 16, 1810.
- ARNOLD, James B. of W. Stockbridge, and Sarah M. Bunce, int. Jan. 22, 1838.
- BAKER, James and Mary Barrett, Oct. 9, 1828.
- BAKER, Maria and Almon Davis, Oct. 15, 1828.
- BALDWIN, Joel of Egremont, and Eliza Church, int. Nov. 15, 1841.
- BARNES (Barns), Betsey [int. Barnas], 23, d. Abraham and Sally, and Samuel Bentley, Aug. 30, 1846.
- BARNES (Barns), Mary, 26, d. Abraham of Gt. Barrington, and Augustus R. Stoddard, Nov. 1, 1843.
- BARNS (Barnes), Florilia and Elizur male [int. Elizer] Miner, Oct. 17, 1821.
- BARNUM, Mary Ann and Miles Millard, int. Sept. 23, 1824.
- BARNUM, Polly, 23, d. La Fayette and Caroline, and Daniel Calkins, Nov. 23, 1843.
- BARRETT, Charlotte M. and Elisha L. Tobey, int. Oct. 22, 1837.
- BARRETT, Eleazer and Melissa P. Chase, int. Sept. 21, 1840.
- BARRETT, Emma and Granville Jones, Nov. 19, 1840.
- BARRETT, Hannah L. [int Barret] and William R. Tobey, Oct. 13, 1841.
- BARRETT, Mary and James Baker, Oct. 9, 1828.
- BECKWITH, Harriet A. of Gt. Barrington, and Mark R. Van Deusen, int. bef. Apr. 6, 1846.
- BEEBE, Lydia M. of W. Stockbridge, and Charles Prindle, int. bef. May 4, 1830.
- BENTLEY, Samuel, 22, of Gt. Barrington, s. William and Pleadia, and Betsey Barnes [int. Barnas], Aug. 30, 1846.
- BOLTON, Margaret H. and Ezra C. Tickner, int. bef. Feb. 4, 1834.
- BOUGHTON, Eliud and Lavina Burdock, May 22, 1803.*
- BROOKS, Alanson E. of Stockbridge, and Clarissa M. Sperry, int. bef. Aug. 4, 1834.
- BROWN, Bradford B. and Charlotte M. Wilcox, int. Jan. 29, 1824.
- BUCKBEE, Rachael and Daniel Miner, Oct. 13, 1840.
- BUNCE, Harry and Sevilla E. Colver, int. Oct. 17, 1836.
- BUNCE, Sarah M. and James B. Arnold, int. Jan. 22, 1838.
- BURDOCK, Lavina and Eliud Boughton, May 22, 1803.*
- BURT, Warham of Southampton, and Mrs. Elbertine Leavenworth, int. May 8, 1836.
- CALKINS, Daniel, 25, s. Sebre, and Polly Barnum, Nov. 23, 1843.
- CALKINS, Hannah E. and Elihu Church, Apr. 16, 1843.
- CALKINS, Ursula, 15, d. Absalom and Phebe, and Rev. Abram A. Russell, Apr. 20, 1845.
- CALKINS, William R., 23, s. Sebre and Phoebe, and Mary C. Fenn, Dec. 6, 1846.
- CARPENTER, Willard of Stockbridge, and Mrs. Orpha L. Johns, int. bef. Aug. 4, 1834.
- CHASE, Melissa P. of Gt. Barrington, and Eleazer Barrett, int. Sept. 21, 1840.
- CHURCH, Albert and Catharine Czarina Hewins, int. bef. May 10, 1826.
- CHURCH, Darius and Sylvinia Winchel, int. Nov. 17, 1844.
- CHURCH, Elihu and Hannah E. Calkins, Apr. 16, 1843.
- CHURCH, Eliza and Joel Baldwin, int. Nov. 15, 1841.
- CHURCH, Elizabeth M. and William F. Fuller, int. Oct. 4, 1841.
- CHURCH, Lucinda, 22, d. Stephen M. and Miriam, and Russell Prindle, widr. [int. omits widr.], Jan. 8, 1848.
- CHURCH, Lucretia and Charles Fuller, int. bef. Oct. 16, 1844.
- CHURCH, Nancy and Mark R. Van Deusen, int. Oct. 26, 1840.
- COLVER, Sevilla E. and Harry Bunce, int. Oct. 17, 1836.
- DAVIS, Almon [int. of Austerlitz, NY] and Maria Baker, Oct. 15, 1828.
- DEWEY, Grotius of Gt. Barrington, and Mrs. Eunice Litchfield, int. Sept. 3, 1838.
- DEWEY, Hugo Jr. and Cornelia E. Turner, May 23, 1828.*
- DEWEY, Justin Jr. of Gt. Barrington, and Melinda Kelsey, int. May 8, 1820.
- DEWEY, Mark of Gt. Barrington and Parlina Hamlin, int. Feb. 27, 1808.
- DORMAN, Marietta and Nathaniel R. Wilson, Jan. 1, 1835.
- ERNEIGH, Elizabeth and William Stoddard, Nov. 1, 1827.
- FAIRCHILD, Achsah Eliza [int. E.] (Fairchild) and William B. Fenn, Apr. 7, 1822.
- FAIRCHILD, Laura E. and Dr. Thomas Miner, int. July 4, 1826.
- FENN, Edwin H. and Ann Warner, int. Mar. 6, 1843.
- FENN, Mary C., 22, d. William B. and Achsah and William R. Calkins, Dec. 6, 1846.
- FENN, William B. and Achsah Eliza [int. E.] Fairchild, Apr. 7, 1822.
- FITCH, Louisa A.J. [int. omits J.], 25, d. Ebenezer, and James Shead, Apr. 15, 1845.
- FITCH, Reuben C. and Harriet R. Tuttle, int. ––– ––, –––– [rec. bef. July 14, 1838].
- FOOT, Eliader O. and Eliza M. Wooster, int. bef. May 6, 1830.
- FOOT, Julia R. and Rev. Edward S. Stout, int. Nov. 10, 1834.
- FOSBURGH, Harry and Mrs. Diana Hollenbeck, int. Mar. 31, 1849.
- FULLER, Charles of Egremont, and Lucretia Church, int. bef. Oct. 16, 1844.
- FULLER, William F. of Egremont, and Elizabeth M. Church, int. Oct. 4, 1841.
- GATES, Elijah M. of W. Stockbridge, and Harriet Hatch, int. Jan. 4, 1839.
- HALL, Chauncey, 25, of New Marlborough, s. Noah and Almira, and Lovinia Raynsford, Jan. 27 [int. Feb. 22 sic], 1847.
- HAMLIN, Parlina and Mark Dewey, int. Feb. 27, 1808.
- HANFORD, Abbey E. 19, of Greece, Monroe Co., NY, and Norman L. Litchfield, Apr. 3, 1844.
- HATCH, Charlotte and Mason Joiner, int. Dec. 6, 1835.
- HATCH, Harriet and Elijah M. Gates, int. Jan. 4, 1839.
- HEWINS, Catharine Czarina and Albert Church, int. bef. May 10, 1826.
- HOLLENBECK, Ashley and Nancy C. Hubbard, int. bef. Jan. 12, 1835.
- HOLLENBECK, Chester of Mt. Washington and Fanny S. Kenne, int. Dec. 15, 1840.
- HOLLENBECK, Diana, Mrs., and Harry Fosburgh, int Mar. 31, 1849.
- HOLLENBECK, Mark, widr. [int. omits widr.], 32, of Gt. Barrington, s. Casper and Jane, and Eliza Jane Lester, Oct. 11, 1848.
- HUBBARD, Nancy C. of Egremont, and Ashley Hollenbeck, int. bef. Jan. 12, 1835.
- HUSTED, Almira and Roswell Peckit [int. Picket], Mar. 22, 1820.
- HUSTED, Ann M. and Platt T. Sperry, int. Sept. 26, 1836.
- HUSTED, Sophia (Husted) and Michael H. Tuttle, Dec. 8, 1825.
- JOHNS, Orpha L., Mrs., and Willard Carpenter, int. bef. Aug. 4, 1834.
- JOINER, Mason of Egremont, and Charlotte Hatch, int. Dec. 6, 1835.
- JONES, Granville and Emma Barrett, Nov. 19, 1828.
- KELCEY (Kelsey), Lewis, 25, s. Calvin and Margaret, and Prudence D. Willoughby, Mar. 4, 1849.
- KELCEY (Kelsey), Margaret A. and John D. Tremper, int. June 30, 1838.
- KELCEY (Kelsey), Melinda and Justin Dewey Jr., int. May 8, 1820.
- KENNE, Fanny S. and Chester Hollenbeck, int. Dec. 15, 1840.
- KLINE, Mark [int. of Egremont] and Catherine E. [int. Elisabeth] Lawrence, Nov. 1, 1837.
- LAMAN, Sally and Joseph Lang, Dec. 11, 1827.
- LANG, Joseph and Sally Laman, Dec. 11, 1827.
- LANGDON, Albert of Tyringham, and Louisa Kelcey, int. bef. Sept. 16, 1833.
- LAWRENCE, Catherine E. [int. Elisabeth] and Mark Kline, Nov. 1, 1837.
- LEAVENWORTH, Elbertine, Mrs., and Warham Burt, int. May 8, 1836.
- LESTER, Delia and Jesse Squire Jr. int. ––– ––, –––– [rec. bef. July 14, 1838].
- LESTER, Eliza Jane, 20, d. John and Elizabeth, and Mark Hollenbeck, Oct. 11, 1848.
- LITCHFIELD, Eunice, Mrs., and Grotius Dewey, int. Sept. 3, 1838.
- LITCHFIELD, Norman L., 22, s. Eunice, and Abbey E. Hanford, Apr. 3, 1844.
- MILLARD, Almira E. of Egremont, and Edward Nye, int. Jan. 9, 1847.
- MILLARD, Miles of Egremont, and Mary Ann Barnum, int. Sept. 23, 1824.
- MILLIGAN, Louisa L. and James H. Spencer, int. Nov. 26, 1845.
- MINER, Daniel and Rachael Buckbee, Oct. 13, 1840.
- MINER, Elizur male [int. Elizer] and Florilia Barns, Oct. 17, 1821.
- MINER, Thomas, Dr., and Laura E. Fairchild, int. July 4, 1826.
- NEAR, Sylvester of Pavillion, Genesee Co., NY, and Polly Ann Sperry, Jan. 7, 1845.
- NOONEY, Nancy M., 30, d. John and Bethia, and Dr. [int omits Dr.] Robert P. Stevens, Apr. 22, 1845.
- NYE, Edward and Almira E. Millard, int. Jan. 9, 1847.
- PECKIT, Roswell [int. Picket] of W. Stockbridge, and Almira Husted, Mar. 22, 1820.
- PINFIELD, James of Chatham, CT and Delia Arnold, int. Aug. 16, 1810.
- PRINDLE, Charles and Lydia M. Beebe, int. bef. May 4, 1830.
- PRINDLE, Russell, widr. [int. omits widr.], 39, s. Jabez and Susanna, and Lucinda Church, Jan. 8, 1848.
- RAYNSFORD, Lovinia, 25, d. Chauncey and Clarissa, and Chauncey Hall, Jan. 27 [int. Feb. 22, sic], 1847.
- RUSSELL, Abram A., Rev., 21, s. Samuel and Catharine, and Ursula Calkins, Apr. 20, 1845.
- SEELEY, Bethuel, Capt., of Gt. Barrington, and Mrs. Lydia Sperry, int. Feb. 14, 1841.
- SHEAD, James, 25, s. Orman and Asenath, and Louisa A.J. [int omits J.] Fitch, Apr. 15, 1845.
- SMITH, George W. and Adaline Sperry, Sept. 28, 1842.
- SMITH, Norman J. and Caroline F. Wharfield, int. Dec. 10, 1848.
- SPENCER, James H. of W. Stockbridge, and Louisa L. Milligan, int. Nov. 26, 1845.
- SPERRY, Adaline and George W. Smith, Sept. 28, 1842.
- SPERRY, Clarissa M. and Alanson E. Brooks, int. bef. Aug. 4, 1834.
- SPERRY, Lydia, Mrs. and Capt. Bethuel Seeley, int. Feb. 14, 1841.
- SPERRY, Polly Ann, d. Philo, and Sylvester Near, Jan. 7, 1845.
- SPERRY, Platt T. and Ann M. Husted, int. Sept. 26, 1836.
- SPERRY, William H. and Celina Stoddard, int. Nov. 14, 1836.
- SQUIRE, Jesse Jr. of Hillsdale, NY and Delia Lester, int. ––– ––, –––– [rec. bef. July 14, 1838.]
- STEVENS, Robert P., Dr. [int. omits Dr.], 30, of Elbridge [int. adds Onondaga Co.], NY, and Nancy M. Nooney, Apr. 22, 1845.
- STODDARD, Augustus R., 33, widr. [int. omits widr.], and Mary Barnes, Nov. 1, 1843.
- STODDARD, Celina and William H. Sperry, int. Nov. 14, 1836.
- STODDARD, William (Stoddard) and Elizabeth Erneigh, Nov. 1, 1827.
- STOUT, Edward S., Rev., of Lenox, and Julia R. Foot, int. Nov. 10, 1834.
- TICKNER, Ezra C. and Margaret H. Bolton, int. bef. Feb. 4, 1834.
- TOBEY, Elisha L. and Charlotte M. Barrett, int. Oct. 22, 1837.
- TOBEY, William R. and Hannah L. Barrett, Oct. 13, 1841.
- TREMPER, John D. of Hillsdale, Columbia Co., NY, and Margaret A. Kelsey, int. June 30, 1838.
- TURNER, Cornelia E. of Gt. Barrington, and Hugo Dewey Jr., May 23, 1828.*
- TUTTLE, Harriet R. and Reuben C. Fitch, int. ––– ––, –––– [rec. bef. July 14, 1838].
- TUTTLE, Michael H. and Sophia Husted, Dec. 8, 1825.
- Van DEUSEN, Mark R. and Nancy Church, int. Oct. 26, 1840.
- Van DEUSEN, Mark R. and Harriet A. Beckwith, int. bef. Apr. 6, 1846.
- WARNER, Ann of Gt. Barrington, and Edwin H. Fenn, int. Mar. 6, 1843.
- WHARFIELD, Caroline F. of Gt. Barrington, and Norman J. Smith, int. Dec. 10, 1848.
- WHEELER, Orret A. of Egremont, and Elijah K. Williams, int. Nov. 16, 1833.
- WILCOX, Charlotte M. and Bradford B. Brown, int. Jan. 29, 1824.
- WILLIAMS, Elijah K. and Orret A. Wheeler, int. Nov. 16, 1833.
- WILLOUGHBY, Prudence D., 19, d. Olive, and Lewis Kelsey, Mar. 4, 1849.
- WILSON, Nathaniel R. of W. Stockbridge, and Marietta Dorman, Jan. 1, 1835.
- WINCHEL, Sylvinia of Egremont, and Darius Church, int. Nov. 17, 1844.
- WOOSTER, Eliza M. and Eliander O. Foot, int. bef. May 6, 1830.