New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

1855 Massachusetts State Census Index
Town of Middleton
Essex County, Mass.

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Please Note: This index is designed to be used with these 1855 Middleton Census Records.

Adams, Sarah3
Alley, Ezra18
Alley, Frank18
Alley, Wife of Ezra18
Andrews, Anna8
Andrews, John D.15
Andrews, Mrs. Wm. O.8
Andrews, Sally15
Averill, A. A.9
Averill, Benjamin20
Averill, E. P.9
Averill, Hannah20
Averill, Widow of B.20
Averill, Wife of Benjamin20
Ball, David B.19
Ball, David B., Jr.19
Ball, Wife of David B.19
Batchelder, Amos9
Batchelder, Amos W.9
Batchelder, Augusta11
Batchelder, Barnard3
Batchelder, Emily11
Batchelder, Frank9
Batchelder, James3
Batchelder, John A.9
Batchelder, Joseph A.9
Batchelder, Mary F.3
Batchelder, Sarah9
Batchelder, Wife of Barnard3
Bean, John F.11
Berry, Albert22
Berry, Alex S.12
Berry, Allen7
Berry, Cathrine7
Berry, Jon. P.14
Berry, Jonathan14
Berry, Lucy D.14
Berry, Maria22
Berry, Mary7
Berry, Rebecca7
Berry, Sarah K.14
Berry, Widow Jos.22
Berry, Wife of Alex S.12
Berry, Wife of Allen7
Berry, Wife of Jonathan14
Berry, Wm.7
Bixby, Albert F.17
Bixby, Charles F.17
Bixby, Charles P.17
Bixby, Ella M.17
Bixby, Wife of Charles P.17
Blodget, Anna J.14
Blodget, George W.14
Blodget, Harriet E.14
Blodget, Sarah E.14
Blodget, Wife of Wm.14
Blodget, Wm.14
Blodget, Wm. H.14
Bracket, Charles22
Bradstreet, Louisa2
Brickly, David10
Brooks, Asa W.16
Brooks, Frank O.16
Brooks, Wife of Asa W.16
Brown, Charles E.4
Brown, Charles F.4
Brown, Charles H.4
Brown, Charlotte5
Brown, Florence4
Brown, J. S.4
Brown, John F.6
Brown, Wife of Charles E.4
Brown, Wife of J. S.4
Brown, Wife of Wm.4
Brown, Wm.4
Bryant, Watson1
Burnell, Melvill2
Buxton, Amos4
Buxton, George V.9
Buxton, James K.9
Buxton, Wife of James K.9
Campbell, Child8
Campbell, Edgar L.8
Campbell, Samuel8
Campbell, Wife of Samuel8
Carrigam, Julia14
Carthy, Dennis18
Chase, Levi11
Chase, Wife of Levi11
Clay, Abigal P.12
Clay, John12
Clay, Wife of John12
Condly, James10
Condly, Sarah R.10
Condly, Wife of James10
Cook, Eliza16
Cook, Henrietta16
Cook, Henry16
Cook, Hugh16
Cook, Wife of Hugh16
Corning, Charles A.21
Corning, Ida C.21
Corning, Joseph H.21
Corning, Nelson21
Corning, Wife of Joseph H.21
Corning, Wm. J.21
Crane, Alice C.12
Crane, Caroline12
Crane, Charles12
Crane, Charles F.12
Crane, Clarence12
Crane, Francis12
Crane, Mary E.12
Crane, Stephen O.12
Crane, Wife of Charles12
Crane, Wife of Stephen O.12
Cronan, Margerette13
Currier, Child6
Currier, George A.6
Currier, Ida C.6
Currier, Wife of George A.6
Curtis, Andrew22
Curtis, James22
Curtis, John20
Curtis, John A.20
Curtis, Priscilla R.20
Curtis, Wife of John20
Danforth, George15
Danforth, Hannah15
Danforth, Wife of George15
Daniels, Frank C.4
Daniels, George10
Daniels, Harriett W.10
Daniels, Jesse4
Daniels, Lucy15
Daniels, Martha A.10
Daniels, Walter F.10
Daniels, Wife of George10
Daniels, Wife of Jesse4
Daniels, Wife of William13
Daniels, William13
Dempsey, Harriet17
Dempsey, Harrison17
Dempsey, Jane1
Dempsey, John17
Dempsey, Samuel17
Dempsey, Wife of Samuel17
Dodge, Clara7
Dodge, Widow of Benjamin7
Dolan, John14
Donalson, Timothy15
Donavon, Julia14
Donavon, Margaret14
Donavon, Patrick14
Donavon, Wife of Patrick14
Downie, Wm. M.1
Edney, Wife of William19
Edney, William19
Elliott, Mehitable14
Elliott, Stephen6
Elliott, wife of Stephen6
Emerson, Almira D.6
Emerson, Darius6
Emerson, Darius S.6
Emerson, Franklin5
Emerson, M. Jenkins6
Emerson, Rebecca J.6
Emerson, Stephen5
Emerson, Wife of Darius6
Emerson, Wife of Stephen5
Estey, Dolly A.8
Estey, Epraim F.8
Estey, Flint16
Estey, H. Maria11
Estey, Israel16
Estey, J. Augustus8
Estey, Jeremiah8
Estey, Joseph N.11
Estey, Julia8
Estey, Lemuel F.11
Estey, Martha E.11
Estey, Mary A.11
Estey, Mary H.8
Estey, Mira A.11
Estey, Pauper5
Estey, Ruby G.8
Estey, Sally8
Estey, Samuel5
Estey, Samuel F.16
Estey, Simon A.11
Estey, Simon F.11
Estey, Solomon W.3
Estey, Warren A.16
Estey, Warren A.8
Estey, Wife of J. Augustus8
Estey, Wife of Jeremiah8
Estey, Wife of Samuel F.16
Estey, Wife of Simon F.11
Estey, Willis8
Esty, George G.19
Esty, Jesse19
Esty, Mary E.19
Esty, Nancy E.19
Esty, Sarah M.19
Esty, Wife of Jesse19
Fairfield, Charles16
Fairfield, Elizabeth16
Fairfield, Ellen16
Fairfield, George16
Fairfield, Henry16
Fairfield, Moses16
Fairfield, Wendall16
Fairfield, Wife of Moses16
Farrell, Edward D.18
Farrell, Robert18
Farrell, Wife of Robert18
Fisher, Betsy16
Fletcher, Amos13
Fletcher, Charles A.13
Fletcher, Jos. H.21
Fletcher, Melintha21
Fletcher, Samuel13
Fletcher, Widow of A.21
Fletcher, Wife of Amos13
Flint, Abba12
Flint, Frank3
Flint, George B.3
Flint, Harriet12
Flint, James12
Flint, James H.12
Flint, Jeremiah12
Flint, Jesse7
Flint, Justin12
Flint, Nelson P.12
Flint, Samuel12
Flint, Sarah12
Flint, Sylvanus12
Flint, Warren F.12
Flint, Widow of John12
Flint, Wife of George B.3
Flint, wife of James12
Flint, Wife of Jeremiah12
Flint, Wife of Sylvanus12
Foster, Stillman7
Frame, Andrew22
Frame, Wife of Andrew22
Freeman, James4
French, George12
French, Georgiana12
French, Wife of George12
Friend, Lizzie2
Friend, Luke2
Friend, Wife of Luke2
Fuller, Abijah11
Fuller, Benjamin16
Fuller, Calvin16
Fuller, Caroline8
Fuller, Daniel16
Fuller, Daniel8
Fuller, Dean8
Fuller, Dean17
Fuller, Ehraim F.11
Fuller, Enos16
Fuller, Ephraim1
Fuller, George8
Fuller, Henry11
Fuller, Jeremiah8
Fuller, Jesse F.11
Fuller, John P.8
Fuller, Lydia8
Fuller, Martha11
Fuller, Mary8
Fuller, Mary E.11
Fuller, Rebecca11
Fuller, Sarah8
Fuller, Sarah A.11
Fuller, Sophronia8
Fuller, ThoMass.s16
Fuller, Timothy16
Fuller, Widow of Daniel8
Fuller, Wife of Abijah11
Fuller, Wife of Benjamin16
Fuller, Wife of Dean17
Fuller, Wife of Ephraim1
Fuller, Wife of Jeremiah8
Gage, Frederick J.13
Gage, John13
Gage, Widow A.13
Gage, Wife of John13
Gammon, Benjamin17
Gammon, Flora L.17
Gammon, Martin V.11
Gammon, Wife of Benjamin17
Goodwin, James2
Goodwin, Joseph2
Goss, Wm. P.15
Gould, Abigal3
Gould, Andrew E.14
Gould, Benjamin18
Gould, Charles13
Gould, J. P.22
Gould, J. Porter, Jr.22
Gould, Sarah J.22
Gould, Widow Ruth13
Gould, Wife of Andrew E.14
Gould, Wife of J. P.22
Graham, Asa18
Graham, Charles D.18
Graham, Clara E.18
Graham, George18
Graham, Rebecca18
Graham, Sarah18
Graham, Wife of Asa18
Graham, Wife of Charles D.18
Graves, Daniel E.9
Graves, Emma L.9
Graves, Olive R.9
Graves, Wife of Daniel E.9
Green, Hannah N.9
Green, James9
Green, Mary A.9
Green, Richard10
Green, Wife of Richard10
Green, Wm. H.6
Griffin, Alfred17
Griffin, Wife of Alfred17
Hall, Child2
Hall, Samuel W.2
Hall, Wife of Samuel W.2
Hatch, Cyrus13
Hatch, Gilman13
Hatch, Sarah13
Hatch, Wife of Gilman13
Hays, Asa6
Higgins, Abisha5
Higgins, Abisha A.5
Higgins, Benj. W.5
Higgins, Child5
Higgins, John F.5
Higgins, Laura A.5
Higgins, Stillman L.5
Higgins, Sylvester3
Higgins, Wife of Abisha5
Hill, George19
Hill, James19
Hill, Wife of James19
Hitchcock, Daniel15
Hitchcock, Jacyntha15
Hitchcock, Josephine F.15
Hitchcock, Wife of Daniel15
Hogan, James10
Hogan, Wife of James10
Holt, Abigal F.12
Hood, Wife of Wm.2
Hood, Wm.2
Hoss, James18
Howe, Asa18
Howe, Benjamin18
Howe, Widow of Benjamin18
Hoyt, George13
Hutchinson, Alfred A.2
Hutchinson, Anna A.4
Hutchinson, Elisha F.4
Hutchinson, Elisha M.4
Hutchinson, Ella P.4
Hutchinson, Emma J.2
Hutchinson, Ezra4
Hutchinson, George H.3
Hutchinson, George P.3
Hutchinson, Hiram L.3
Hutchinson, James A.2
Hutchinson, Joseph C.4
Hutchinson, Mary L.3
Hutchinson, Myron R.3
Hutchinson, Sarah3
Hutchinson, Susan W.4
Hutchinson, Walter D.4
Hutchinson, Widow L.15
Hutchinson, Widow L.3
Hutchinson, Wife of Elisha P.4
Hutchinson, Wife of George P.3
Hutchinson, Wife of James A.2
Hutchinson, Wife of Wm. H.2
Hutchinson, Wm. H.2
Jackman, Sewall14
Jefferson, N. E.15
Johnson, Alfred3
Johnson, George E.17
Johnson, Samuel17
Johnson, Sarah20
Johnson, Widow Anna3
Jones, Joab5
Jones, Joab A.5
Jones, Oscar5
Jones, wife of Joab5
Jones, Wm. H.5
Kenney, Ira7
Kimball, Abigal F.3
Kimball, Daniel1
Lahan, Rosannah18
Leavitt, Jerome2
Lemons, Edward P.9
Lemons, J. Frank9
Lemons, Joseph H.9
Lemons, Mary E.9
Lemons, Wife of Joseph H.9
Leslie, Wm. H.3
Lever, James21
Lever, Sarah21
Lever, Wife of H.21
Lever, William21
Linn, Ellen9
Linn, Henrietta9
Linn, James9
Linn, John9
Linn, Wife of James9
Mason, Charles22
Mason, Mary A.4
McCarty, John C.17
McCarty, John W.17
McCarty, Wallace A.17
McCarty, Wife of John C.17
McIntire, Alice G.6
McIntire, Andrew5
McIntire, Charles6
McIntire, Eliab5
McIntire, Lucy W.6
McIntire, Mary A.6
McIntire, Ruth6
McIntire, Wife of Charles6
McIntire, wife of Eliab5
McLaughlin, Benj F.7
McLaughlin, Charles A.7
McLaughlin, Hiram7
McLaughlin, Hiram, Jr.7
McLaughlin, Jane F.7
McLaughlin, Margaret A.7
McLaughlin, Thomas7
McLaughlin, Wife of Hiram7
McLaughlin, Wife of Thomas7
Merriam, Alice W.13
Merriam, Andrew1
Merriam, Andrew N.13
Merriam, Francis P.1
Merriam, James N.13
Merriam, Jonas1
Merriam, Mary F.1
Merriam, Wife of Andrew1
Merriam, Wife of Francis. P.1
Merriam, Wife of James N.13
Merriam, Wife of Wm. A.1
Merriam, Wm. A.1
Merriam, Wm. S.1
Merrill, Charlotte4
Miller, Frederick12
Miller, Wife of Frederick12
Milliken, Wm. O.2
Moore, Cathrine1
Moore, Ellen1
Moore, Widow Hiram1
Morse, Caleb14
Mundy, Eliza H.18
Mundy, Henry18
Mundy, Mary E.18
Mundy, Mrs. Wm.18
Mundy, Wife of Henry18
Newman, Amira D.7
Newman, Catherine2
Nichols, Andrew15
Nichols, Andrew14
Nichols, Benj.15
Nichols, Eliza15
Nichols, Elizabeth15
Nichols, Harrison15
Nichols, Nancy15
Nichols, Silas15
Nichols, Widow J.16
O'Niel, David12
O'Niel, Timothy12
Osborn, Lizzie3
Osborn, Mrs. R.3
Parker, Calletta A.5
Parker, David O.5
Parker, Jacob5
Parker, Wife of Jacob5
Peabody, Albert20
Peabody, Alice7
Peabody, Alonzo2
Peabody, Andrew21
Peabody, Ann J.19
Peabody, Augustus21
Peabody, Benj. 2nd.20
Peabody, Benjamin21
Peabody, Benjamin, Jr.21
Peabody, Betsey W.6
Peabody, Charles7
Peabody, Daniel19
Peabody, Daniel D.19
Peabody, Edward21
Peabody, Eliza21
Peabody, Eliza7
Peabody, Francis21
Peabody, George20
Peabody, Hannah22
Peabody, Hannah21
Peabody, Harriet21
Peabody, Henrietta19
Peabody, Henry21
Peabody, Isaiah7
Peabody, Isaiah, Jr.7
Peabody, Jane21
Peabody, Jeremiah19
Peabody, Jesse20
Peabody, Jesse W.20
Peabody, Joel21
Peabody, John2
Peabody, John F.6
Peabody, John W.6
Peabody, Joseph20
Peabody, Lois7
Peabody, Lyman6
Peabody, Maria7
Peabody, Maria20
Peabody, Martha E.19
Peabody, Mary A.19
Peabody, Mary J.21
Peabody, Moses21
Peabody, Nehemiah21
Peabody, Olive W.6
Peabody, Saml. C.19
Peabody, Samuel20
Peabody, Sarah W.6
Peabody, Stephen21
Peabody, Wallace21
Peabody, Wife of Andrew21
Peabody, Wife of Benjamin21
Peabody, Wife of Daniel19
Peabody, wife of Francis21
Peabody, Wife of Isaiah7
Peabody, Wife of Jeremiah19
Peabody, Wife of Jesse20
Peabody, Wife of John W.6
Peabody, Wife of Joseph20
Peabody, Wife of William20
Peabody, Wife of Wm. M.2
Peabody, William20
Peabody, Wm.7
Peabody, Wm. F.19
Peabody, Wm. G.20
Peabody, Wm. M.2
Peabody, Wm. W.21
Perkins, Adaline9
Perkins, Ann C.1
Perkins, Caroline1
Perkins, Enock1
Perkins, Franklin9
Perkins, Hazen K.1
Perkins, Joseph B.1
Perkins, Lucy1
Perkins, Warren1
Perkins, Wife of Joseph B.1
Perkins, Wife of William9
Perkins, William9
Perry, Albert15
Perry, Benj.15
Perry, Eliza M.15
Perry, Jonathan15
Perry, Wife of Jonathan15
Petingell, Nathaniel20
Phelps, Charles2
Phelps, E. S.3
Phelps, Horace D.2
Phelps, Laura2
Phelps, Lizzie3
Phelps, Sarah A.2
Phelps, Wife of E. S.3
Phelps, Wife of Horace D.2
Phelps, Wife of Wm. A.2
Phelps, Wm. A.2
Pierce, Chas. F.15
Pierce, Widow15
Proctor, Lorena20
Putney, George10
Putney, Wife of George10
Quiner, Wm. N.18
Ramsdell, Daniel9
Ramsdell, William9
Reed, Frederick19
Reed, Jonathan19
Reed, wife of Jonathan19
Rennerd, Alice E.13
Rennerd, George13
Rennerd, George A.13
Rennerd, Wife of George13
Revel, George9
Rhodes, Isaac21
Richardson, Abby A.11
Richardson, Abijah B.5
Richardson, Almira17
Richardson, Amos16
Richardson, Amos J.6
Richardson, Ann J.10
Richardson, Benj. P.4
Richardson, Celia4
Richardson, D. W.10
Richardson, Daniel10
Richardson, Elijah4
Richardson, Eliza16
Richardson, Eunice4
Richardson, Ezra5
Richardson, H. J.10
Richardson, Harlan P.5
Richardson, Hosea8
Richardson, J. Austin4
Richardson, Jason4
Richardson, Jason, 2nd.5
Richardson, Jeremiah4
Richardson, John5
Richardson, Joseph M.5
Richardson, Josephine4
Richardson, Julius H.17
Richardson, Kendall8
Richardson, Lorene4
Richardson, Luella16
Richardson, Mass.ry E.5
Richardson, Melvill11
Richardson, Milton A.10
Richardson, Olive M.10
Richardson, Perley11
Richardson, Samuel P.16
Richardson, Solomon3
Richardson, Solomon8
Richardson, Widow D.4
Richardson, Widow Eli8
Richardson, Wife of Amos16
Richardson, Wife of Daniel10
Richardson, Wife of Jason4
Richardson, Wife of Jason, 2nd5
Richardson, Wife of Perley11
Richardson, Wife of Samuel. P.16
Richardson, Willis G.5
Roberts, Adrain E.18
Roberts, Clarrisa18
Roberts, George A.18
Roberts, Joseph W.18
Russell, Elias2
Russell, Frank14
Russell, Harriett14
Russell, Joseph14
Russell, Lucy M.14
Russell, Martha J.14
Russell, Philemon22
Russell, Warren14
Russell, Wife of Joseph14
Sanborn, Joseph A.11
Sheldon, Abraham1
Sheldon, Albert11
Sheldon, Alonzo11
Sheldon, Amy2
Sheldon, Augusta11
Sheldon, B. S.2
Sheldon, Benjamin H.2
Sheldon, David11
Sheldon, Hannah11
Sheldon, Hermon11
Sheldon, Julia A.11
Sheldon, Martha11
Sheldon, R. E.2
Sheldon, Rebecca2
Sheldon, Robert R.2
Sheldon, Wife of Benjamin H.2
Sheldon, Wife of Hermon11
Shepherd, Albert7
Shepherd, Augustus7
Shepherd, Jonathan7
Shepherd, Wife of Jonathan7
Sherwood, Charles8
Sherwood, Daniel D.8
Sherwood, Thomas8
Sherwood, Wife of Charles8
Smith, Edward F.14
Smith, George14
Smith, George E.14
Smith, Henry A.14
Smith, Mary A.14
Smith, Wife of George14
Soper, Eli6
Soper, Ruth E.6
Soper, Wife of Eli6
Stearns, Augustus10
Stearns, Ellen L.10
Stearns, Wife of Augustus10
Stewart, Franklin W.14
Stewart, John14
Stewart, John, Jr.14
Stewart, Wife of John14
Stiles, A. Delia10
Stiles, Alden16
Stiles, Caroline10
Stiles, Clinton P.10
Stiles, David17
Stiles, David, Jr.10
Stiles, Elbridge16
Stiles, Ellen M.17
Stiles, Emily R.10
Stiles, Farnham1
Stiles, George16
Stiles, Hiram A.17
Stiles, John16
Stiles, Mary11
Stiles, Mary E.10
Stiles, Mary L.1
Stiles, Nelson R.17
Stiles, Simeon8
Stiles, Sumner B.17
Stiles, Wife of David17
Stiles, Wife of David, Jr.10
Stiles, Wife of Elbridge16
Stiles, Wife of Farnham1
Stiles, Wife of Hiram A.17
Stiles, William16
Stone, Jacob11
Stone, Wife of Jacob11
Symonds, Camelia7
Symonds, Eliza7
Symonds, Henry7
Symonds, Oliver M.7
Symonds, Wife of Willard7
Symonds, Willard7
Taylor, Smith15
Thomas, Daniel5
Thomas, Daniel, Jr.5
Thomas, David4
Thomas, Edward4
Thomas, Eliza F.1
Thomas, Elvina F.4
Thomas, George3
Thomas, Lucy G.5
Thomas, Warren3
Thomas, wife of Daniel5
Thomas, Wife of David4
Thomas, Wife of Edward4
Thomas, Wife of Franklin1
Thomas, Wife of George3
ThoMass.s, Franklin1
ThoMass.s, Rebecca6
Thompson, Wm. A.19
Tieran, Richard1
Tieran, Widow1
Towne, Eliza C.15
Towne, Joseph15
Towne, Mary E.15
Towne, Saml. W.15
Towne, Serena P.15
Towne, Wife of Joseph15
Towne, Willard18
Trow, Louisa17
Trow, Widow D.17
Tufts, Anna W.10
Tufts, Evalin A.10
Tufts, Gustavus H.10
Tufts, Myra L.10
Tufts, Wife of Gustavus H.10
Tyler, Addison13
Tyler, Alfred9
Tyler, Alma9
Tyler, Ancil13
Tyler, Eri B.21
Tyler, Francis9
Tyler, Hannah21
Tyler, Henrietta9
Tyler, Lewis9
Tyler, Maurice13
Tyler, Samuel9
Tyler, Wife of Addison13
Tyler, Wife of Eri B.21
Tyler, Wife of Lewis9
Tyler, Wm.13
Upton, Betsey17
Valpy, Samuel14
Very, Andrew19
Very, Wife of Andrew19
WellMass.n, Charles8
WellMass.n, John R.8
WellMass.n, Wife of John R.8
Wells, Chas. D.13
Wells, Dennis13
Wells, Job1
Wells, John13
Wells, Parker1
Wells, Wife of Dennis13
Wells, wife of Parker1
Wells, Wm.1
Weston, Daniel3
Weston, Martha3
Weston, Solomon3
Weston, Wife of Samuel W.3
Weston, Wm.3
Weton, Samuel W.3
White, Elizabeth10
White, Frederick1
White, Harry F.10
White, Oliver10
White, Oliver H.10
White, Wife of Oliver10
Whiting, Mary E.15
Whiting, Sarah F.15
Whitney, Clarence S.12
Whitney, Fayette17
Whitney, Jane17
Whitney, Joshua17
Whitney, Joshua D.17
Whitney, Samuel12
Whitney, Wife of Joshua D.17
Whitney, Wife of Samuel12
Wilkins, Adrian20
Wilkins, Albin18
Wilkins, Amy F.6
Wilkins, Anna L.15
Wilkins, Aroline A.2
Wilkins, Charles13
Wilkins, Cyrus K.15
Wilkins, David18
Wilkins, David, Jr.19
Wilkins, Edward20
Wilkins, Eliza A.6
Wilkins, Elizabeth6
Wilkins, Franklin18
Wilkins, Franklin L.6
Wilkins, George P.22
Wilkins, George P., Jr.22
Wilkins, Hannah5
Wilkins, Harriet22
Wilkins, Harriet19
Wilkins, Harriet20
Wilkins, Henry H.18
Wilkins, Horace M.19
Wilkins, James20
Wilkins, Julia A.13
Wilkins, Leveret13
Wilkins, Leveret H.19
Wilkins, Lucy J.19
Wilkins, Luther6
Wilkins, LyMass.n S.22
Wilkins, Margarett13
Wilkins, Mary E.19
Wilkins, Otis L.6
Wilkins, Saml. C.19
Wilkins, Samuel18
Wilkins, Samuel H.19
Wilkins, Samuel. 2nd18
Wilkins, Sarah A.19
Wilkins, Scott13
Wilkins, Timothy F.13
Wilkins, Walter W.18
Wilkins, Widow Elias2
Wilkins, Widow John5
Wilkins, Widow of D.22
Wilkins, Widow Solomon3
Wilkins, Wife of Cyrus K.15
Wilkins, Wife of David18
Wilkins, Wife of David, Jr.19
Wilkins, Wife of George P.22
Wilkins, Wife of James20
Wilkins, Wife of Luther6
Wilkins, Wife of Samuel 2nd.18
Wilkins, Wife of Samuel H.19
Wilkins, Wife of Timothy F.13