1855 Massachusetts State Census Index
Town of Middleton
Essex County, Mass.
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Please Note: This index is designed to be used with these 1855 Middleton Census Records.
Name | Page |
Adams, Sarah | 3 |
Alley, Ezra | 18 |
Alley, Frank | 18 |
Alley, Wife of Ezra | 18 |
Andrews, Anna | 8 |
Andrews, John D. | 15 |
Andrews, Mrs. Wm. O. | 8 |
Andrews, Sally | 15 |
Averill, A. A. | 9 |
Averill, Benjamin | 20 |
Averill, E. P. | 9 |
Averill, Hannah | 20 |
Averill, Widow of B. | 20 |
Averill, Wife of Benjamin | 20 |
Ball, David B. | 19 |
Ball, David B., Jr. | 19 |
Ball, Wife of David B. | 19 |
Batchelder, Amos | 9 |
Batchelder, Amos W. | 9 |
Batchelder, Augusta | 11 |
Batchelder, Barnard | 3 |
Batchelder, Emily | 11 |
Batchelder, Frank | 9 |
Batchelder, James | 3 |
Batchelder, John A. | 9 |
Batchelder, Joseph A. | 9 |
Batchelder, Mary F. | 3 |
Batchelder, Sarah | 9 |
Batchelder, Wife of Barnard | 3 |
Bean, John F. | 11 |
Berry, Albert | 22 |
Berry, Alex S. | 12 |
Berry, Allen | 7 |
Berry, Cathrine | 7 |
Berry, Jon. P. | 14 |
Berry, Jonathan | 14 |
Berry, Lucy D. | 14 |
Berry, Maria | 22 |
Berry, Mary | 7 |
Berry, Rebecca | 7 |
Berry, Sarah K. | 14 |
Berry, Widow Jos. | 22 |
Berry, Wife of Alex S. | 12 |
Berry, Wife of Allen | 7 |
Berry, Wife of Jonathan | 14 |
Berry, Wm. | 7 |
Bixby, Albert F. | 17 |
Bixby, Charles F. | 17 |
Bixby, Charles P. | 17 |
Bixby, Ella M. | 17 |
Bixby, Wife of Charles P. | 17 |
Blodget, Anna J. | 14 |
Blodget, George W. | 14 |
Blodget, Harriet E. | 14 |
Blodget, Sarah E. | 14 |
Blodget, Wife of Wm. | 14 |
Blodget, Wm. | 14 |
Blodget, Wm. H. | 14 |
Bracket, Charles | 22 |
Bradstreet, Louisa | 2 |
Brickly, David | 10 |
Brooks, Asa W. | 16 |
Brooks, Frank O. | 16 |
Brooks, Wife of Asa W. | 16 |
Brown, Charles E. | 4 |
Brown, Charles F. | 4 |
Brown, Charles H. | 4 |
Brown, Charlotte | 5 |
Brown, Florence | 4 |
Brown, J. S. | 4 |
Brown, John F. | 6 |
Brown, Wife of Charles E. | 4 |
Brown, Wife of J. S. | 4 |
Brown, Wife of Wm. | 4 |
Brown, Wm. | 4 |
Bryant, Watson | 1 |
Burnell, Melvill | 2 |
Buxton, Amos | 4 |
Buxton, George V. | 9 |
Buxton, James K. | 9 |
Buxton, Wife of James K. | 9 |
Campbell, Child | 8 |
Campbell, Edgar L. | 8 |
Campbell, Samuel | 8 |
Campbell, Wife of Samuel | 8 |
Carrigam, Julia | 14 |
Carthy, Dennis | 18 |
Chase, Levi | 11 |
Chase, Wife of Levi | 11 |
Clay, Abigal P. | 12 |
Clay, John | 12 |
Clay, Wife of John | 12 |
Condly, James | 10 |
Condly, Sarah R. | 10 |
Condly, Wife of James | 10 |
Cook, Eliza | 16 |
Cook, Henrietta | 16 |
Cook, Henry | 16 |
Cook, Hugh | 16 |
Cook, Wife of Hugh | 16 |
Corning, Charles A. | 21 |
Corning, Ida C. | 21 |
Corning, Joseph H. | 21 |
Corning, Nelson | 21 |
Corning, Wife of Joseph H. | 21 |
Corning, Wm. J. | 21 |
Crane, Alice C. | 12 |
Crane, Caroline | 12 |
Crane, Charles | 12 |
Crane, Charles F. | 12 |
Crane, Clarence | 12 |
Crane, Francis | 12 |
Crane, Mary E. | 12 |
Crane, Stephen O. | 12 |
Crane, Wife of Charles | 12 |
Crane, Wife of Stephen O. | 12 |
Cronan, Margerette | 13 |
Currier, Child | 6 |
Currier, George A. | 6 |
Currier, Ida C. | 6 |
Currier, Wife of George A. | 6 |
Curtis, Andrew | 22 |
Curtis, James | 22 |
Curtis, John | 20 |
Curtis, John A. | 20 |
Curtis, Priscilla R. | 20 |
Curtis, Wife of John | 20 |
Danforth, George | 15 |
Danforth, Hannah | 15 |
Danforth, Wife of George | 15 |
Daniels, Frank C. | 4 |
Daniels, George | 10 |
Daniels, Harriett W. | 10 |
Daniels, Jesse | 4 |
Daniels, Lucy | 15 |
Daniels, Martha A. | 10 |
Daniels, Walter F. | 10 |
Daniels, Wife of George | 10 |
Daniels, Wife of Jesse | 4 |
Daniels, Wife of William | 13 |
Daniels, William | 13 |
Dempsey, Harriet | 17 |
Dempsey, Harrison | 17 |
Dempsey, Jane | 1 |
Dempsey, John | 17 |
Dempsey, Samuel | 17 |
Dempsey, Wife of Samuel | 17 |
Dodge, Clara | 7 |
Dodge, Widow of Benjamin | 7 |
Dolan, John | 14 |
Donalson, Timothy | 15 |
Donavon, Julia | 14 |
Donavon, Margaret | 14 |
Donavon, Patrick | 14 |
Donavon, Wife of Patrick | 14 |
Downie, Wm. M. | 1 |
Edney, Wife of William | 19 |
Edney, William | 19 |
Elliott, Mehitable | 14 |
Elliott, Stephen | 6 |
Elliott, wife of Stephen | 6 |
Emerson, Almira D. | 6 |
Emerson, Darius | 6 |
Emerson, Darius S. | 6 |
Emerson, Franklin | 5 |
Emerson, M. Jenkins | 6 |
Emerson, Rebecca J. | 6 |
Emerson, Stephen | 5 |
Emerson, Wife of Darius | 6 |
Emerson, Wife of Stephen | 5 |
Estey, Dolly A. | 8 |
Estey, Epraim F. | 8 |
Estey, Flint | 16 |
Estey, H. Maria | 11 |
Estey, Israel | 16 |
Estey, J. Augustus | 8 |
Estey, Jeremiah | 8 |
Estey, Joseph N. | 11 |
Estey, Julia | 8 |
Estey, Lemuel F. | 11 |
Estey, Martha E. | 11 |
Estey, Mary A. | 11 |
Estey, Mary H. | 8 |
Estey, Mira A. | 11 |
Estey, Pauper | 5 |
Estey, Ruby G. | 8 |
Estey, Sally | 8 |
Estey, Samuel | 5 |
Estey, Samuel F. | 16 |
Estey, Simon A. | 11 |
Estey, Simon F. | 11 |
Estey, Solomon W. | 3 |
Estey, Warren A. | 16 |
Estey, Warren A. | 8 |
Estey, Wife of J. Augustus | 8 |
Estey, Wife of Jeremiah | 8 |
Estey, Wife of Samuel F. | 16 |
Estey, Wife of Simon F. | 11 |
Estey, Willis | 8 |
Esty, George G. | 19 |
Esty, Jesse | 19 |
Esty, Mary E. | 19 |
Esty, Nancy E. | 19 |
Esty, Sarah M. | 19 |
Esty, Wife of Jesse | 19 |
Fairfield, Charles | 16 |
Fairfield, Elizabeth | 16 |
Fairfield, Ellen | 16 |
Fairfield, George | 16 |
Fairfield, Henry | 16 |
Fairfield, Moses | 16 |
Fairfield, Wendall | 16 |
Fairfield, Wife of Moses | 16 |
Farrell, Edward D. | 18 |
Farrell, Robert | 18 |
Farrell, Wife of Robert | 18 |
Fisher, Betsy | 16 |
Fletcher, Amos | 13 |
Fletcher, Charles A. | 13 |
Fletcher, Jos. H. | 21 |
Fletcher, Melintha | 21 |
Fletcher, Samuel | 13 |
Fletcher, Widow of A. | 21 |
Fletcher, Wife of Amos | 13 |
Flint, Abba | 12 |
Flint, Frank | 3 |
Flint, George B. | 3 |
Flint, Harriet | 12 |
Flint, James | 12 |
Flint, James H. | 12 |
Flint, Jeremiah | 12 |
Flint, Jesse | 7 |
Flint, Justin | 12 |
Flint, Nelson P. | 12 |
Flint, Samuel | 12 |
Flint, Sarah | 12 |
Flint, Sylvanus | 12 |
Flint, Warren F. | 12 |
Flint, Widow of John | 12 |
Flint, Wife of George B. | 3 |
Flint, wife of James | 12 |
Flint, Wife of Jeremiah | 12 |
Flint, Wife of Sylvanus | 12 |
Foster, Stillman | 7 |
Frame, Andrew | 22 |
Frame, Wife of Andrew | 22 |
Freeman, James | 4 |
French, George | 12 |
French, Georgiana | 12 |
French, Wife of George | 12 |
Friend, Lizzie | 2 |
Friend, Luke | 2 |
Friend, Wife of Luke | 2 |
Fuller, Abijah | 11 |
Fuller, Benjamin | 16 |
Fuller, Calvin | 16 |
Fuller, Caroline | 8 |
Fuller, Daniel | 16 |
Fuller, Daniel | 8 |
Fuller, Dean | 8 |
Fuller, Dean | 17 |
Fuller, Ehraim F. | 11 |
Fuller, Enos | 16 |
Fuller, Ephraim | 1 |
Fuller, George | 8 |
Fuller, Henry | 11 |
Fuller, Jeremiah | 8 |
Fuller, Jesse F. | 11 |
Fuller, John P. | 8 |
Fuller, Lydia | 8 |
Fuller, Martha | 11 |
Fuller, Mary | 8 |
Fuller, Mary E. | 11 |
Fuller, Rebecca | 11 |
Fuller, Sarah | 8 |
Fuller, Sarah A. | 11 |
Fuller, Sophronia | 8 |
Fuller, ThoMass.s | 16 |
Fuller, Timothy | 16 |
Fuller, Widow of Daniel | 8 |
Fuller, Wife of Abijah | 11 |
Fuller, Wife of Benjamin | 16 |
Fuller, Wife of Dean | 17 |
Fuller, Wife of Ephraim | 1 |
Fuller, Wife of Jeremiah | 8 |
Gage, Frederick J. | 13 |
Gage, John | 13 |
Gage, Widow A. | 13 |
Gage, Wife of John | 13 |
Gammon, Benjamin | 17 |
Gammon, Flora L. | 17 |
Gammon, Martin V. | 11 |
Gammon, Wife of Benjamin | 17 |
Goodwin, James | 2 |
Goodwin, Joseph | 2 |
Goss, Wm. P. | 15 |
Gould, Abigal | 3 |
Gould, Andrew E. | 14 |
Gould, Benjamin | 18 |
Gould, Charles | 13 |
Gould, J. P. | 22 |
Gould, J. Porter, Jr. | 22 |
Gould, Sarah J. | 22 |
Gould, Widow Ruth | 13 |
Gould, Wife of Andrew E. | 14 |
Gould, Wife of J. P. | 22 |
Graham, Asa | 18 |
Graham, Charles D. | 18 |
Graham, Clara E. | 18 |
Graham, George | 18 |
Graham, Rebecca | 18 |
Graham, Sarah | 18 |
Graham, Wife of Asa | 18 |
Graham, Wife of Charles D. | 18 |
Graves, Daniel E. | 9 |
Graves, Emma L. | 9 |
Graves, Olive R. | 9 |
Graves, Wife of Daniel E. | 9 |
Green, Hannah N. | 9 |
Green, James | 9 |
Green, Mary A. | 9 |
Green, Richard | 10 |
Green, Wife of Richard | 10 |
Green, Wm. H. | 6 |
Griffin, Alfred | 17 |
Griffin, Wife of Alfred | 17 |
Hall, Child | 2 |
Hall, Samuel W. | 2 |
Hall, Wife of Samuel W. | 2 |
Hatch, Cyrus | 13 |
Hatch, Gilman | 13 |
Hatch, Sarah | 13 |
Hatch, Wife of Gilman | 13 |
Hays, Asa | 6 |
Higgins, Abisha | 5 |
Higgins, Abisha A. | 5 |
Higgins, Benj. W. | 5 |
Higgins, Child | 5 |
Higgins, John F. | 5 |
Higgins, Laura A. | 5 |
Higgins, Stillman L. | 5 |
Higgins, Sylvester | 3 |
Higgins, Wife of Abisha | 5 |
Hill, George | 19 |
Hill, James | 19 |
Hill, Wife of James | 19 |
Hitchcock, Daniel | 15 |
Hitchcock, Jacyntha | 15 |
Hitchcock, Josephine F. | 15 |
Hitchcock, Wife of Daniel | 15 |
Hogan, James | 10 |
Hogan, Wife of James | 10 |
Holt, Abigal F. | 12 |
Hood, Wife of Wm. | 2 |
Hood, Wm. | 2 |
Hoss, James | 18 |
Howe, Asa | 18 |
Howe, Benjamin | 18 |
Howe, Widow of Benjamin | 18 |
Hoyt, George | 13 |
Hutchinson, Alfred A. | 2 |
Hutchinson, Anna A. | 4 |
Hutchinson, Elisha F. | 4 |
Hutchinson, Elisha M. | 4 |
Hutchinson, Ella P. | 4 |
Hutchinson, Emma J. | 2 |
Hutchinson, Ezra | 4 |
Hutchinson, George H. | 3 |
Hutchinson, George P. | 3 |
Hutchinson, Hiram L. | 3 |
Hutchinson, James A. | 2 |
Hutchinson, Joseph C. | 4 |
Hutchinson, Mary L. | 3 |
Hutchinson, Myron R. | 3 |
Hutchinson, Sarah | 3 |
Hutchinson, Susan W. | 4 |
Hutchinson, Walter D. | 4 |
Hutchinson, Widow L. | 15 |
Hutchinson, Widow L. | 3 |
Hutchinson, Wife of Elisha P. | 4 |
Hutchinson, Wife of George P. | 3 |
Hutchinson, Wife of James A. | 2 |
Hutchinson, Wife of Wm. H. | 2 |
Hutchinson, Wm. H. | 2 |
Jackman, Sewall | 14 |
Jefferson, N. E. | 15 |
Johnson, Alfred | 3 |
Johnson, George E. | 17 |
Johnson, Samuel | 17 |
Johnson, Sarah | 20 |
Johnson, Widow Anna | 3 |
Jones, Joab | 5 |
Jones, Joab A. | 5 |
Jones, Oscar | 5 |
Jones, wife of Joab | 5 |
Jones, Wm. H. | 5 |
Kenney, Ira | 7 |
Kimball, Abigal F. | 3 |
Kimball, Daniel | 1 |
Lahan, Rosannah | 18 |
Leavitt, Jerome | 2 |
Lemons, Edward P. | 9 |
Lemons, J. Frank | 9 |
Lemons, Joseph H. | 9 |
Lemons, Mary E. | 9 |
Lemons, Wife of Joseph H. | 9 |
Leslie, Wm. H. | 3 |
Lever, James | 21 |
Lever, Sarah | 21 |
Lever, Wife of H. | 21 |
Lever, William | 21 |
Linn, Ellen | 9 |
Linn, Henrietta | 9 |
Linn, James | 9 |
Linn, John | 9 |
Linn, Wife of James | 9 |
Mason, Charles | 22 |
Mason, Mary A. | 4 |
McCarty, John C. | 17 |
McCarty, John W. | 17 |
McCarty, Wallace A. | 17 |
McCarty, Wife of John C. | 17 |
McIntire, Alice G. | 6 |
McIntire, Andrew | 5 |
McIntire, Charles | 6 |
McIntire, Eliab | 5 |
McIntire, Lucy W. | 6 |
McIntire, Mary A. | 6 |
McIntire, Ruth | 6 |
McIntire, Wife of Charles | 6 |
McIntire, wife of Eliab | 5 |
McLaughlin, Benj F. | 7 |
McLaughlin, Charles A. | 7 |
McLaughlin, Hiram | 7 |
McLaughlin, Hiram, Jr. | 7 |
McLaughlin, Jane F. | 7 |
McLaughlin, Margaret A. | 7 |
McLaughlin, Thomas | 7 |
McLaughlin, Wife of Hiram | 7 |
McLaughlin, Wife of Thomas | 7 |
Merriam, Alice W. | 13 |
Merriam, Andrew | 1 |
Merriam, Andrew N. | 13 |
Merriam, Francis P. | 1 |
Merriam, James N. | 13 |
Merriam, Jonas | 1 |
Merriam, Mary F. | 1 |
Merriam, Wife of Andrew | 1 |
Merriam, Wife of Francis. P. | 1 |
Merriam, Wife of James N. | 13 |
Merriam, Wife of Wm. A. | 1 |
Merriam, Wm. A. | 1 |
Merriam, Wm. S. | 1 |
Merrill, Charlotte | 4 |
Miller, Frederick | 12 |
Miller, Wife of Frederick | 12 |
Milliken, Wm. O. | 2 |
Moore, Cathrine | 1 |
Moore, Ellen | 1 |
Moore, Widow Hiram | 1 |
Morse, Caleb | 14 |
Mundy, Eliza H. | 18 |
Mundy, Henry | 18 |
Mundy, Mary E. | 18 |
Mundy, Mrs. Wm. | 18 |
Mundy, Wife of Henry | 18 |
Newman, Amira D. | 7 |
Newman, Catherine | 2 |
Nichols, Andrew | 15 |
Nichols, Andrew | 14 |
Nichols, Benj. | 15 |
Nichols, Eliza | 15 |
Nichols, Elizabeth | 15 |
Nichols, Harrison | 15 |
Nichols, Nancy | 15 |
Nichols, Silas | 15 |
Nichols, Widow J. | 16 |
O'Niel, David | 12 |
O'Niel, Timothy | 12 |
Osborn, Lizzie | 3 |
Osborn, Mrs. R. | 3 |
Parker, Calletta A. | 5 |
Parker, David O. | 5 |
Parker, Jacob | 5 |
Parker, Wife of Jacob | 5 |
Peabody, Albert | 20 |
Peabody, Alice | 7 |
Peabody, Alonzo | 2 |
Peabody, Andrew | 21 |
Peabody, Ann J. | 19 |
Peabody, Augustus | 21 |
Peabody, Benj. 2nd. | 20 |
Peabody, Benjamin | 21 |
Peabody, Benjamin, Jr. | 21 |
Peabody, Betsey W. | 6 |
Peabody, Charles | 7 |
Peabody, Daniel | 19 |
Peabody, Daniel D. | 19 |
Peabody, Edward | 21 |
Peabody, Eliza | 21 |
Peabody, Eliza | 7 |
Peabody, Francis | 21 |
Peabody, George | 20 |
Peabody, Hannah | 22 |
Peabody, Hannah | 21 |
Peabody, Harriet | 21 |
Peabody, Henrietta | 19 |
Peabody, Henry | 21 |
Peabody, Isaiah | 7 |
Peabody, Isaiah, Jr. | 7 |
Peabody, Jane | 21 |
Peabody, Jeremiah | 19 |
Peabody, Jesse | 20 |
Peabody, Jesse W. | 20 |
Peabody, Joel | 21 |
Peabody, John | 2 |
Peabody, John F. | 6 |
Peabody, John W. | 6 |
Peabody, Joseph | 20 |
Peabody, Lois | 7 |
Peabody, Lyman | 6 |
Peabody, Maria | 7 |
Peabody, Maria | 20 |
Peabody, Martha E. | 19 |
Peabody, Mary A. | 19 |
Peabody, Mary J. | 21 |
Peabody, Moses | 21 |
Peabody, Nehemiah | 21 |
Peabody, Olive W. | 6 |
Peabody, Saml. C. | 19 |
Peabody, Samuel | 20 |
Peabody, Sarah W. | 6 |
Peabody, Stephen | 21 |
Peabody, Wallace | 21 |
Peabody, Wife of Andrew | 21 |
Peabody, Wife of Benjamin | 21 |
Peabody, Wife of Daniel | 19 |
Peabody, wife of Francis | 21 |
Peabody, Wife of Isaiah | 7 |
Peabody, Wife of Jeremiah | 19 |
Peabody, Wife of Jesse | 20 |
Peabody, Wife of John W. | 6 |
Peabody, Wife of Joseph | 20 |
Peabody, Wife of William | 20 |
Peabody, Wife of Wm. M. | 2 |
Peabody, William | 20 |
Peabody, Wm. | 7 |
Peabody, Wm. F. | 19 |
Peabody, Wm. G. | 20 |
Peabody, Wm. M. | 2 |
Peabody, Wm. W. | 21 |
Perkins, Adaline | 9 |
Perkins, Ann C. | 1 |
Perkins, Caroline | 1 |
Perkins, Enock | 1 |
Perkins, Franklin | 9 |
Perkins, Hazen K. | 1 |
Perkins, Joseph B. | 1 |
Perkins, Lucy | 1 |
Perkins, Warren | 1 |
Perkins, Wife of Joseph B. | 1 |
Perkins, Wife of William | 9 |
Perkins, William | 9 |
Perry, Albert | 15 |
Perry, Benj. | 15 |
Perry, Eliza M. | 15 |
Perry, Jonathan | 15 |
Perry, Wife of Jonathan | 15 |
Petingell, Nathaniel | 20 |
Phelps, Charles | 2 |
Phelps, E. S. | 3 |
Phelps, Horace D. | 2 |
Phelps, Laura | 2 |
Phelps, Lizzie | 3 |
Phelps, Sarah A. | 2 |
Phelps, Wife of E. S. | 3 |
Phelps, Wife of Horace D. | 2 |
Phelps, Wife of Wm. A. | 2 |
Phelps, Wm. A. | 2 |
Pierce, Chas. F. | 15 |
Pierce, Widow | 15 |
Proctor, Lorena | 20 |
Putney, George | 10 |
Putney, Wife of George | 10 |
Quiner, Wm. N. | 18 |
Ramsdell, Daniel | 9 |
Ramsdell, William | 9 |
Reed, Frederick | 19 |
Reed, Jonathan | 19 |
Reed, wife of Jonathan | 19 |
Rennerd, Alice E. | 13 |
Rennerd, George | 13 |
Rennerd, George A. | 13 |
Rennerd, Wife of George | 13 |
Revel, George | 9 |
Rhodes, Isaac | 21 |
Richardson, Abby A. | 11 |
Richardson, Abijah B. | 5 |
Richardson, Almira | 17 |
Richardson, Amos | 16 |
Richardson, Amos J. | 6 |
Richardson, Ann J. | 10 |
Richardson, Benj. P. | 4 |
Richardson, Celia | 4 |
Richardson, D. W. | 10 |
Richardson, Daniel | 10 |
Richardson, Elijah | 4 |
Richardson, Eliza | 16 |
Richardson, Eunice | 4 |
Richardson, Ezra | 5 |
Richardson, H. J. | 10 |
Richardson, Harlan P. | 5 |
Richardson, Hosea | 8 |
Richardson, J. Austin | 4 |
Richardson, Jason | 4 |
Richardson, Jason, 2nd. | 5 |
Richardson, Jeremiah | 4 |
Richardson, John | 5 |
Richardson, Joseph M. | 5 |
Richardson, Josephine | 4 |
Richardson, Julius H. | 17 |
Richardson, Kendall | 8 |
Richardson, Lorene | 4 |
Richardson, Luella | 16 |
Richardson, Mass.ry E. | 5 |
Richardson, Melvill | 11 |
Richardson, Milton A. | 10 |
Richardson, Olive M. | 10 |
Richardson, Perley | 11 |
Richardson, Samuel P. | 16 |
Richardson, Solomon | 3 |
Richardson, Solomon | 8 |
Richardson, Widow D. | 4 |
Richardson, Widow Eli | 8 |
Richardson, Wife of Amos | 16 |
Richardson, Wife of Daniel | 10 |
Richardson, Wife of Jason | 4 |
Richardson, Wife of Jason, 2nd | 5 |
Richardson, Wife of Perley | 11 |
Richardson, Wife of Samuel. P. | 16 |
Richardson, Willis G. | 5 |
Roberts, Adrain E. | 18 |
Roberts, Clarrisa | 18 |
Roberts, George A. | 18 |
Roberts, Joseph W. | 18 |
Russell, Elias | 2 |
Russell, Frank | 14 |
Russell, Harriett | 14 |
Russell, Joseph | 14 |
Russell, Lucy M. | 14 |
Russell, Martha J. | 14 |
Russell, Philemon | 22 |
Russell, Warren | 14 |
Russell, Wife of Joseph | 14 |
Sanborn, Joseph A. | 11 |
Sheldon, Abraham | 1 |
Sheldon, Albert | 11 |
Sheldon, Alonzo | 11 |
Sheldon, Amy | 2 |
Sheldon, Augusta | 11 |
Sheldon, B. S. | 2 |
Sheldon, Benjamin H. | 2 |
Sheldon, David | 11 |
Sheldon, Hannah | 11 |
Sheldon, Hermon | 11 |
Sheldon, Julia A. | 11 |
Sheldon, Martha | 11 |
Sheldon, R. E. | 2 |
Sheldon, Rebecca | 2 |
Sheldon, Robert R. | 2 |
Sheldon, Wife of Benjamin H. | 2 |
Sheldon, Wife of Hermon | 11 |
Shepherd, Albert | 7 |
Shepherd, Augustus | 7 |
Shepherd, Jonathan | 7 |
Shepherd, Wife of Jonathan | 7 |
Sherwood, Charles | 8 |
Sherwood, Daniel D. | 8 |
Sherwood, Thomas | 8 |
Sherwood, Wife of Charles | 8 |
Smith, Edward F. | 14 |
Smith, George | 14 |
Smith, George E. | 14 |
Smith, Henry A. | 14 |
Smith, Mary A. | 14 |
Smith, Wife of George | 14 |
Soper, Eli | 6 |
Soper, Ruth E. | 6 |
Soper, Wife of Eli | 6 |
Stearns, Augustus | 10 |
Stearns, Ellen L. | 10 |
Stearns, Wife of Augustus | 10 |
Stewart, Franklin W. | 14 |
Stewart, John | 14 |
Stewart, John, Jr. | 14 |
Stewart, Wife of John | 14 |
Stiles, A. Delia | 10 |
Stiles, Alden | 16 |
Stiles, Caroline | 10 |
Stiles, Clinton P. | 10 |
Stiles, David | 17 |
Stiles, David, Jr. | 10 |
Stiles, Elbridge | 16 |
Stiles, Ellen M. | 17 |
Stiles, Emily R. | 10 |
Stiles, Farnham | 1 |
Stiles, George | 16 |
Stiles, Hiram A. | 17 |
Stiles, John | 16 |
Stiles, Mary | 11 |
Stiles, Mary E. | 10 |
Stiles, Mary L. | 1 |
Stiles, Nelson R. | 17 |
Stiles, Simeon | 8 |
Stiles, Sumner B. | 17 |
Stiles, Wife of David | 17 |
Stiles, Wife of David, Jr. | 10 |
Stiles, Wife of Elbridge | 16 |
Stiles, Wife of Farnham | 1 |
Stiles, Wife of Hiram A. | 17 |
Stiles, William | 16 |
Stone, Jacob | 11 |
Stone, Wife of Jacob | 11 |
Symonds, Camelia | 7 |
Symonds, Eliza | 7 |
Symonds, Henry | 7 |
Symonds, Oliver M. | 7 |
Symonds, Wife of Willard | 7 |
Symonds, Willard | 7 |
Taylor, Smith | 15 |
Thomas, Daniel | 5 |
Thomas, Daniel, Jr. | 5 |
Thomas, David | 4 |
Thomas, Edward | 4 |
Thomas, Eliza F. | 1 |
Thomas, Elvina F. | 4 |
Thomas, George | 3 |
Thomas, Lucy G. | 5 |
Thomas, Warren | 3 |
Thomas, wife of Daniel | 5 |
Thomas, Wife of David | 4 |
Thomas, Wife of Edward | 4 |
Thomas, Wife of Franklin | 1 |
Thomas, Wife of George | 3 |
ThoMass.s, Franklin | 1 |
ThoMass.s, Rebecca | 6 |
Thompson, Wm. A. | 19 |
Tieran, Richard | 1 |
Tieran, Widow | 1 |
Towne, Eliza C. | 15 |
Towne, Joseph | 15 |
Towne, Mary E. | 15 |
Towne, Saml. W. | 15 |
Towne, Serena P. | 15 |
Towne, Wife of Joseph | 15 |
Towne, Willard | 18 |
Trow, Louisa | 17 |
Trow, Widow D. | 17 |
Tufts, Anna W. | 10 |
Tufts, Evalin A. | 10 |
Tufts, Gustavus H. | 10 |
Tufts, Myra L. | 10 |
Tufts, Wife of Gustavus H. | 10 |
Tyler, Addison | 13 |
Tyler, Alfred | 9 |
Tyler, Alma | 9 |
Tyler, Ancil | 13 |
Tyler, Eri B. | 21 |
Tyler, Francis | 9 |
Tyler, Hannah | 21 |
Tyler, Henrietta | 9 |
Tyler, Lewis | 9 |
Tyler, Maurice | 13 |
Tyler, Samuel | 9 |
Tyler, Wife of Addison | 13 |
Tyler, Wife of Eri B. | 21 |
Tyler, Wife of Lewis | 9 |
Tyler, Wm. | 13 |
Upton, Betsey | 17 |
Valpy, Samuel | 14 |
Very, Andrew | 19 |
Very, Wife of Andrew | 19 |
WellMass.n, Charles | 8 |
WellMass.n, John R. | 8 |
WellMass.n, Wife of John R. | 8 |
Wells, Chas. D. | 13 |
Wells, Dennis | 13 |
Wells, Job | 1 |
Wells, John | 13 |
Wells, Parker | 1 |
Wells, Wife of Dennis | 13 |
Wells, wife of Parker | 1 |
Wells, Wm. | 1 |
Weston, Daniel | 3 |
Weston, Martha | 3 |
Weston, Solomon | 3 |
Weston, Wife of Samuel W. | 3 |
Weston, Wm. | 3 |
Weton, Samuel W. | 3 |
White, Elizabeth | 10 |
White, Frederick | 1 |
White, Harry F. | 10 |
White, Oliver | 10 |
White, Oliver H. | 10 |
White, Wife of Oliver | 10 |
Whiting, Mary E. | 15 |
Whiting, Sarah F. | 15 |
Whitney, Clarence S. | 12 |
Whitney, Fayette | 17 |
Whitney, Jane | 17 |
Whitney, Joshua | 17 |
Whitney, Joshua D. | 17 |
Whitney, Samuel | 12 |
Whitney, Wife of Joshua D. | 17 |
Whitney, Wife of Samuel | 12 |
Wilkins, Adrian | 20 |
Wilkins, Albin | 18 |
Wilkins, Amy F. | 6 |
Wilkins, Anna L. | 15 |
Wilkins, Aroline A. | 2 |
Wilkins, Charles | 13 |
Wilkins, Cyrus K. | 15 |
Wilkins, David | 18 |
Wilkins, David, Jr. | 19 |
Wilkins, Edward | 20 |
Wilkins, Eliza A. | 6 |
Wilkins, Elizabeth | 6 |
Wilkins, Franklin | 18 |
Wilkins, Franklin L. | 6 |
Wilkins, George P. | 22 |
Wilkins, George P., Jr. | 22 |
Wilkins, Hannah | 5 |
Wilkins, Harriet | 22 |
Wilkins, Harriet | 19 |
Wilkins, Harriet | 20 |
Wilkins, Henry H. | 18 |
Wilkins, Horace M. | 19 |
Wilkins, James | 20 |
Wilkins, Julia A. | 13 |
Wilkins, Leveret | 13 |
Wilkins, Leveret H. | 19 |
Wilkins, Lucy J. | 19 |
Wilkins, Luther | 6 |
Wilkins, LyMass.n S. | 22 |
Wilkins, Margarett | 13 |
Wilkins, Mary E. | 19 |
Wilkins, Otis L. | 6 |
Wilkins, Saml. C. | 19 |
Wilkins, Samuel | 18 |
Wilkins, Samuel H. | 19 |
Wilkins, Samuel. 2nd | 18 |
Wilkins, Sarah A. | 19 |
Wilkins, Scott | 13 |
Wilkins, Timothy F. | 13 |
Wilkins, Walter W. | 18 |
Wilkins, Widow Elias | 2 |
Wilkins, Widow John | 5 |
Wilkins, Widow of D. | 22 |
Wilkins, Widow Solomon | 3 |
Wilkins, Wife of Cyrus K. | 15 |
Wilkins, Wife of David | 18 |
Wilkins, Wife of David, Jr. | 19 |
Wilkins, Wife of George P. | 22 |
Wilkins, Wife of James | 20 |
Wilkins, Wife of Luther | 6 |
Wilkins, Wife of Samuel 2nd. | 18 |
Wilkins, Wife of Samuel H. | 19 |
Wilkins, Wife of Timothy F. | 13 |