New Horizons Genealogy

"Specializing in New England and New York Colonial American Ancestry"

Records of Military Personnel
Who Died as a Result of Hostilities
During the Korean War
For Pike County, Kentucky

Transcribed by: Lynn Tooley

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Records of Military Personnel Who Died as a Result of Hostilities During the Korean War, documenting the period January 1, 1950 - February 7, 1957.

This series contains selected descriptive data about U.S. military personnel who died by hostile means (i.e. battle deaths) as a result of combat duty in the Korean War. The data were usually extracted from Department of Defense Form 1300 (Report of Casualty) as well as from each of the four military services of the Department of Defense. The variables available from each casualty record include: Military Service Branch, Country of Casualty (always Korea), Casualty Group, File Reference Number, Name of Casualty, Processing Date, Service Number, Military Grade or Rank, Pay Grade, Date of Casualty, Service Component, Home of Record, Birth Date, Cause of Casualty, Aircraft Involvement(air/non-air casualty), Race, Sex, and Citizenship. The majority of the records have no meaningful data in the "cause of casualty" or "air/non- air casualty" variable. The series lists as the home of record the county for those casualties in the Army and lists as the home of record the city, town, or municipality and county for those casualties in the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps.

Military Service
Name of CasualtyService
Date Died
Declared Dead
Home of Record
CountyStateBirth Date
U S ARMYALLEY RAY C522321276/16/1953-PIKEKentucky32Caucasian
U S ARMYBRANHAM CLYDE154208923/28/1953-PIKEKentucky31Caucasian
U S ARMYBRANHAM HAROLD D154299845/19/1951-PIKEKentucky32Caucasian
U S ARMYBRANHAM OLIVER153784347/27/1950-PIKEKentucky30Caucasian
U S ARMYBURNS JAMES L352016973/8/1951-PIKEKentucky19Negro
U S ARMYCHARLES JAMES O521665853/23/1953-PIKEKentucky31Caucasian
U S ARMYDOTSON LAWRENCE666290412/2/1950-PIKEKentucky16Caucasian
U S ARMYFRANCE EARNEST357783209/19/1952-PIKEKentucky25Caucasian
U S ARMYFRASURE ADAM D154230628/8/1951-PIKEKentucky30Caucasian
U S ARMYHICKS ARVIL522744957/10/1953-PIKEKentucky32Caucasian
U S ARMYHOLBROOK WILLIAM520064388/30/1951-PIKEKentucky28Caucasian
U S ARMYISBELL RICHARD152842294/25/1951-PIKEKentucky31Caucasian
U S ARMYJUSTICE ALVIS359992907/27/1950-PIKEKentucky27Caucasian
U S ARMYJUSTICE KELLY1544023410/20/1951-PIKEKentucky31Caucasian
U S ARMYJUSTICE WALLACE1504196811/20/1950-PIKEKentucky19Caucasian
U S ARMYKELLY VIRLEN E1542749410/14/1951-PIKEKentucky30Caucasian
U S ARMYMAYNARD NORMAN K152509859/20/1950-PIKEKentucky26Caucasian
U S ARMYMILAM LIN152944979/20/1950-PIKEKentucky31Caucasian
U S ARMYMOORE CHARLES E1542186812/2/1950-PIKEKentucky29Caucasian
U S ARMYMULLINS BURL3596949611/30/1950-PIKEKentucky26Caucasian
U S ARMYROBINSON SAMUEL F10583659/18/1952-PIKEKentucky21Caucasian
U S ARMYSMALLWOOD HOWARD I154217908/2/1950-PIKEKentucky30Caucasian
U S ARMYVARNEY BASIL JR354426907/7/1950-PIKEKentucky23Caucasian
U S ARMYWARD CHARLES H1529925911/30/1950-PIKEKentucky32Caucasian
U S ARMYWILLIAMSON BENNIE1542184111/30/1950-PIKEKentucky26Caucasian
U S ARMYWOLFORD RANSOME JR133202667/5/1950-PIKEKentucky30Caucasian