Adair County Kentucky Obituaries Extracted From The Adair County News, Columbia, Kentucky, 1906
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1906 Obituaries from the Adair County News, in Columbia, Adair County Kentucky.
ANTLE, Minnie Obituary
Mrs. Minnie Antle, wife of Robt. Antle, died March 16th, 1906. She was born October 6th, 1877. She was married to Robert Antle May 11th 1899. She was a faithful and loving companion, kind to those around her and a devout Christian. She was taken sick four days before her death, and talked of dying before her family apprehended danger, as her sickness developed she continually expressed her willingness to pass over to the other side. Among the many things she said to comfort her stricken friends assembled around her bedside, was "Jesus will raise me up." "I am ready to leave my outgrown shell beside lifes unresting sea." "Tell father to come to heaven for I will be there." "Tomorrow I will sing in heaven with the angels. " She died with a bright smile on her face. She leaves a husband, three children and many friends to mourn her loss. [Adair County News, (Columbia, Ky.) April 4, 1906]
DICKERSON, Elizabeth Obituary
Mrs. Elizabeth Dickerson, who lived in Adair County, near Dunnville, died last Friday. She was 76 years old and a very estimable lady. [Adair County News, (Columbia, Ky.), March 7, 1906]
DICKSON, James B. Obituary
Gradyville, Died on the 6th at his home near here this place, Bro. James B. Dickson, aged 84 years. Bro. Dickenson was a christian in the truest sense. He was a member of the C.P. Church and lived up to what he professed. The funeral services were preached by Rev. John Roach, at Price's Creek Church before a large audience of sorrowing relatives and friends and his remains interred in the family burying grounds by the Masonic Fraternity. He leaves a wife and son with the entire community to mourn their loss. [The Adair County News, (Columbia, Ky.), March 14, 1906]
FRAZER, Reuben Obituary
Uncle Reuben Frazer
The death of the above named old colored man occured last Friday nightat 12 o'clock. He was about eighty-six years old and had been an honestman all his life. More than fifty years ago he made a profession of his faith inGod, and united with the Presbyterian Church of this place, and was a faithfuland devout member until the end came. The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon,the building being well filled with white and colored friends, who met to heartributes of praise of the life and character of an honest man from his youth.Rev. A. R. Kasey, Pastor of the Methodist church, officiated, Rev w.c. Clemensbeing absent. After Scripture reading and song service, Judge H. C. Baker spoketenderly of the worth of the old man. He had been his neighbor from boyhood,and during all these years, he had never known Uncle Reuben to speak an unkind word,nor use one that could not be said in the church of God. Judge Baker spoke at length,and his manner evidenced that he was deeply moved. At the conclusion of Judge Baker's remarks,Governor Hindman paid tribute in a few appropiate words.When the services in the church closed, the remains were conveted to the family buryingground and there deposited by the grave of the deceased's mother. IN the passing of "Uncle" Reuben Frazer, this town has sustained a loss and severalwhite families have given up afaithful friend, and with his family and race haveparted with a wise counsler. Peace to his memory. [Adair County News, (Columbia, Ky.), March 7, 1906]
TARTER, Ethridge Obituary
Jamestown. Ethridge Tarter our blacksmith who sold out about two or three weeks ago and moved to Somerset, has moved back and is putting up a blacksmith's shop here and says he has come to stay. [The Adair County News, (Columbia, Ky.), March 14, 1906]