Barton County Kansas Obituaries Extracted From The Barton County Democrat, Great Bend, Kansas, 1890
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1890 Obituaries from the Barton County Democrat, in Great Bend, Barton County Kansas.
ARCHER, Mary Daniel, Obituary
Died - Of rheumatism on Wednesday, Sept, 24th. At 9:30 a.m., Mary Daniel Archer, beloved wife of G. R. Archer. Was buried at 3 o'clock p.m., Sept. 25th. Thus the book of another life is closed, and three sons are left without a wife and mother. After seven long years of suffering the tender cord is broken and death comes to claim its victim. The deceased was born in Crittendon, Grant County, Kentucky, March 10th, 1833 and was therefore 57 years, 6 months and 14 days old. The family has resided in and near Ellinwood for several years moving here in hopes that the terrible disease would relinquish its hold, but Providence decreed otherwise and today the relatives are left to mourn her loss. The bereaved have the sympathy of their many friends. [The Barton County Democrat, (Great Bend, Kan.),Thursday, October 2, 1890, page 5]
AYERS, Daughter, Obituary
People of Great Bend will regret to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Sam'l Ayers, of Kansas City, last week lost their little girl who died of diphtheria. [The Barton County Democrat, (Great Bend, Kan.),Thursday, October 2, 1890, page 5]BILLINGS, E. W. REV. Obituary
DIED, On Sunday, January 26, 1890, at 3 p.m., Rev. E. W. Billings, of lung fever. Aged 54 years. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. B. F. Boyle, of Larned, at the Riverside school house on Monday, January 27th, 1890, at 2 p.m., and remains were interred in the Pawnee Rock cemetery. A large number of friends followed the remains to their last resting place. (Barton County Democrat, (Great Bend, Kan.), Thursday, February 6, 1890]
INGERSOLL, Child, Obituary
Last Wednesday afternoon a young child of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ingersoll, of Claflin, died at the age of about two months. The parents have the deep sympathy of their friends and neighbors. [The Barton County Democrat, (Great Bend, Kan.), Thursday, October 2, 1890, p.8.]
McGREEVY, Daisy Alice, Obituary
DIED, Saturday, Jan. 18, 1890, Daisy Alice, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McGreevy, of Dundee, aged about two months. Funera from the residence of Mr. McGreevy's Sunday afternoon, remains interred in the Pawnee Rock cemetery. [Barton County Democrat, (Great Bend, Kan.), Thursday, January 30, 1890]