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1795 Illinois County Formation Map

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As a County of the North West Territory

1795 Illinois county formation map


Whereas, the division of the county of St. Clair into districts has not been found to give that ease and facility to the administration of justice which was experted, and the great extent of the county would render it almost impracticable were the courts to be held at one place only, it has, therefore, become necessary that it should be divided and a new county erected. Now, know ye, that by virtue of the power vested in me by the United States, I have ordered and ordained, and by these presents, do order and ordain, that all and singular, the lands lying and being within the following boundaries, viz.: Beginning at the Cave spring, a little south of the New Design, and running thence due east to the line of the county of Knox, and thence south with that line to the Ohio River thence with the Ohio to the Mississippi, thence with the Mississippi to the parallel of the said Cave spring, and thence to the place of beginning, shall be a county named and hereafter to be known and called by the name of RANDOLPH, which said county of Randolph shall have and enjoy, all and singular, jurisdiction and rights, liberties and immunities whatsoever to a county appertaining, and which any county that now is or hereafter may be erected and laid out, shall or ought to enjoy comformably to the ordinance of Congress for the government of the Territory northwest of the river Ohio, bearing date the 15th day of July, 1787.

In testimony, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Territory to be affixed, at Cahokia, in the county of St. Clair, the 5th day of October, in the year of our Lord 1795, and of the Independence of the United States the twentieth.


[Territorial records of the Northwest Territory, St. Clair papers, Vol. 2, p. 345.]

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